#Like. This is what sent me to therapy! This is what caused the various Bad Brain Times last year!
tam--lin · 2 years
feeling sad about camp today
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bugbyte · 8 months
Bug gets an hEDS diagnosis
So it's been a minute since I've talked about ongoing health stuff, but I learned some new things this week and I'm posting because it's possible this will help somebody else on the path of "I think I have EDS, what do I do about it?" Throwing this under a read more because it's probably going to be pretty long.
For clarity, I'm located in the US, so depending on where you are, your version of this process may be different. Also, obviously, none of this is meant as medical advice because I am not a doctor, this is just a rough retelling of what I've experienced because it is a long, frustrating process, and when I started I had no idea what I was getting into. It would have helped me a lot to read a personal account of what it's like to go through this, and I hope this can help someone else in the same position maybe.
Also, if this is you, don't give up. It is long and frustrating and hard, and not always easily accessible, but if you can, I have found it worth pursuing the diagnosis. I have so many more options to help me now than I did when I started.
So: after a year and a half of constant doctors appointments and tests and various kinds of therapy and other nightmares, I've finally got an actual official diagnosis. Like I (and several doctors) thought from the beginning, I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, type 3 aka hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos aka hEDS. There are 13 subtypes of EDS that affect different types of connective tissue; type 3 is the most common, but is also the one type we do not know the gene for yet. (Although there is promising research happening currently and we might find the gene!)
The first step was explaining to my primary doctor the kind of issues that I have and just flat out stating that I've read about EDS, and it sounds absolutely strikingly like my lived experience. I emphasized that my joint pain and dislocations were impacting my quality of life and ability to work. She agreed, and referred me out to two other specialists: a physical medicine doctor, and a geneticist.
It then took about six months to get in to see the physical medicine doc, because every specialist under the sun is booked out until forever. You may have better or worse luck with this, but from what I've heard, wait times are awful everywhere. I was also sent for an echocardiogram, which is where they smear goop on your chest like an ultrasound and look at the size and shape of your heart. EDS can cause your heart tissue to stretch and potentially tear, which is bad for obvious reasons.
This doc (lucky for me) had a bunch of previous patients with EDS, and has slowly grown to pick up more over the years, which was really good news because it was easy to show and explain my problems. They set me up with physical therapy, some meds to try for the pain, referrals to a cardiologist, and sent a note to genetics to try and help expedite that process. (Spoiler: it did not help.)
At this point I should drop in this link, because there are a heap of good resources here that helped me a lot:
This person made several documents you can fill in the blanks on with your own information, which helps a) you understand what EDS is, b) explain EDS to doctors who don't know anything about it (more common than you'd think) and c) organize all the relevant information you need for appointments, bringing it up with your primary, and so forth. I discovered this a bit into my journey and it was so helpful.
Additionally, the EDS Society has a lot of information and printable stuff for taking to your doctor or other people who might need education.
Okay, link tangent over.
I spent the time from December 2021 through maybe May or June of 2022 in PT, which didn't go well because my health has deteriorated pretty badly. My joint pain was severe and out of control, and I dislocated my shoulder 3 times in PT. I also learned from a cardiologist during this time that I also have POTS syndrome, which tends to be comorbid with EDS. Basically: I stand up, all my blood goes to my feet, I get dizzy and have no stamina for walking any kind of distance. This, also, made PT very difficult because I had a really hard time doing any of the exercises without feeling like I was going to collapse. But PT is the standard treatment for EDS to strengthen the muscles around your joints so the work is distributed between them better and the pain is less over time. I'm hoping to get back to this.
So: if you're going through the diagnosis process, you might have to do PT for a while, and probably see a cardiologist.
Finally, after originally seeing my primary and getting a referral to genetics in spring of 2021, I got to see a geneticist in fall of 2023. It turns out that this is because there is only one geneticist in my state who deals with EDS, so the wait times are accordingly long. But: it was worth the wait. We tested for a whole spectrum of connective tissue disorders, to rule everything out, and I got so much information.
If you are waiting on a genetics appointment, it's worthwhile to use that time to try and gather as much family history as you can. Anything unusual neurologically, heart-wise, etc., among your siblings, parents, grandparents, if you can get that information. Even if you can't, they will still be able to help you. But it's very useful to have. It's also helpful to have a timeline for yourself: when did you start noticing your symptoms? Did you have any weird injuries? Were you weirdly flexible as a kid? Stuff like that.
Understandably, some people have different feelings on genetic testing, and it's all valid. For me, I just wanted an answer, because basically every doctor throughout my childhood and younger adulthood dismissed me when I brought up stuff that ended up being signs of EDS. I felt really vindicated by getting an answer, even if that answer means I have a lifelong illness. It just means I now have a toolkit to help it and work around it.
So, between meeting with genetics for the first time, and getting the test several weeks later, waiting for results, and finally making an appointment for a final diagnosis, took about 6 months. A lot of this was due to scheduling (again) and insurance causing a fuss because they do not like to pay for genetic testing.
Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, hEDS can't be tested for genetically (yet) but is also the most common type. So how do they diagnose it? You need a qualified geneticist to rule out other illnesses, and then they visually do some tests and ask a lot of questions. (The technical term is "clinical diagnosis.") You'll have to do something called a Beighton scale, which is a series of tests of flexibility on your thumbs, fingers, elbows, knees, and other joints. It's not difficult, and you can stop if your joints are in pain. (I also found that basically every doctor and physical therapist I saw through the year wanted me to do parts of this test for them, and they all said "yep, you're probably getting that diagnosis." So I guess I should have been more prepared to perform on command, or something.) Between my Beighton score, family history, and personal history, my geneticist determined that I fit the diagnosis to a T.
Really, this last genetics appointment was like sitting and listening to someone narrate the details of my entire life to me. So many little things I hadn't even mentioned in previous appointments came up, and I have so much more understanding of why my body is how it is. They confirmed that one of the best pain relief methods for EDS patients is cannabis, which I've been using for a month and change, and has truly made a difference in how functional I can be. I now have more ideas on what I can do to help reduce the pain I'm feeling through physical activity and other means, and diet, and so on. It will never be 100% better, and I can accept that. I can work with this.
So, essentially, it's an endurance game. I was frustrated, in pain, tired, and overwhelmed for the better part of a year. I cried a lot. I felt like no one would help me, but what I really needed was answers and information. I'm lucky to have family support cheering me on through the process, because more than once I just wanted to give up and never see another doctor again. But, knowing what I do now, I have the information I need to improve my life, and that is a lot.
It can be hard and scary and really, really frustrating, but don't give up. Your life can get better. You just have to be persistent, and if you've made it this far with pain and joints like these, you already have the persistence to do it. 💖
If this has helped you at all, and you want to help me out in return, I have a ko-fi page for tips and shop, but please take care of yourself first!
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i havent sent an ask here before so i hope this is okay and falls within the boundaries you’ve set! i mostly just need to vent so i hope that’s not too much.
i’ve been in a really rough place mentally for the past few weeks and it’s frustrating because i don’t know what’s causing it, nor what i can do it improve it. i keep lashing out at my loved ones and it’s scaring me. i keep doing and saying things that i know will hurt someone and then afterwards i feel so bad and i apologise for “not thinking” but i don’t know if i can even claim that i wasn’t thinking, because i knew when i was doing it that it would cause harm and i did it anyway? i don’t WANT to behave like this and i don’t know why it keeps happening and i’m so distraught every time it happens but the only one to blame is myself so i do my best to hold myself accountable because these are my actions and they’re my fault
i’ve always been such a meek and quiet person who copes with things internally without involving others but over recent months i’ve been feeling angry and spiteful and moody more and more often and it’s scaring me. that’s not the kind of person i’m supposed to be, i’ve always tried to be kind and thoughtful and empathetic but i feel like i’m losing all of that and i don’t. know. why!!! im so sad and angry and frustrated and deeply deeply sad. i truly would love some therapy but i don’t have access to those kinds of resources for various reasons that i won’t get into so here i am, internalising it as usual
thank you for listening to me, i hope you’re doing well and that i havent crossed any lines with this. i feel better already just for having typed it out.
It sounds like you may burned out, stressed, overwhelmed or something else along those lines, and maybe you'd benefit from allowing yourself a break from socializing until you feel better?
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chaoticevilbean · 3 years
An (Un)Official List Of Things Only Anakin Skywalker Can Do
Originally written by Ayala Secura
Blow people up with his mind on accident
Anakin expressed concern over his lack of emotional control. He gave many examples of normal problems that can arise from this. He then casually added one that is not common, usual, or even plausible for known Jedi. From his recollection, he would often cause beings who enraged him to spontaneously and violently combust.
I did my best to reassure him that such things were considered unusual, but weren't reason for him to be fearful. At the time, I simply didn't wish to increase his worries. I did maintain that the exploding of beings is very bad, and that he should work on finding ways to productively release such strong emotions.
I apologize here for the "renovation" of the hangar. (Secura)
Hear as far as the length of the Temple (without meditation)
Amendment: Hear as far as the diameter of Coruscant (without meditation)
Anakin once again was expressing concerns over his lack of control. He also complained that it was causing him headaches. Upon my questioning, he explained that he could hear the younglings playing on the other side of the Temple. I tested this by having us stand on either end of the longest part of the Temple we could reach. I asked if he could hear me (without a comm) and he responded that he could (using a comm).
Later, when he was still within the Temple, I found myself on a mission with my Master. It was not a very rushed assignment, and I began humming. Upon my return to the Temple, Anakin asked me if I knew what song it was, humming the exact tune I had. Apparently, he had been walking with his own Master and had heard me, though he hadn't been focusing enough to identify what he was doing. (Secura)
Smell differences within water despite being a non-variant Human
Smell differences within air despite being a non-variant Human
He accompanied me to the Room of a Thousand Fountains. It was a normal walk through the gardens, until we came across one of the smaller ponds. He commented that someone had cleaned it recently. When I asked how he knew, he explained that it smelled different.
He and I were sitting within his quarters. We were simply chatting when he complained that someone had messed with the ventilation without alerting him or Knight Kenobi. He could smell the air was slightly different than before. As he put it, the smell wasn't the problem, but the lack of communication was.
Both instances, he couldn't elaborate on what exactly the smells were, nor how he knew what each one meant. He simply knows these things. When tested with some other Padawans, the only ones that came close to knowing such things were Nautolans, out of a base group of 15 species. The experiment is listed in the Archives as Liquid and Gaseous Change Detection. (Secura)
Eat death sticks without consequence
Both of our Masters brought us to the lower levels in order to fulfill a mission. Anakin and I were left in a corner booth, with instructions to remain there and cause a commotion if someone attempted to harm or harrass us.
I looked away for TEN SECONDS. Ten seconds, and he was being offered a death stick by a clearly intoxicated individual who had no sense of what should and shouldn't be given to a barely ten-cycle-old. Anakin had no experience with such things. He had no idea what he was being given, and managed to get instructions to pour the liquid into his fizzyglug within the fleeting moment I was not paying attention.
He consumed it, chugging the liquid when I attempted to order him to stop, and then take it from him when he didn't listen. The individual who gave him the death stick had the sense to begin to panic, finally realizing Anakin's youth. However, Anakin finished off every drop with nothing but a smile. I got our Masters attention, but even after taking him to the nearest medcenter and runnign multiple scans, there were no signs of any harm. I have received significant therapy for that event, and Anakin has since been informed to not take anything from strangers. (Secura)
Generate electricity on levels that a (non-variant) Human cannot perform (without a health declination)
He was making his hair do that weird static thing that Human hair does every time he got excited. He also kept causing screens and pads to glitch or turn off whenever he picked them up while in a similar state. A solution of temporary insulating gloves and frequent reminders helped him gain control. (Secura)
Communicate words through the Force with minimal bonding
Amendment: No bonding is necessary for this form of communication, and is possible within the expanse of the Temple
Amendment: Communication is possible over most distances
He asked me if Aayla was available to study (with the Force) because his mouth was full and he'd already been told off that day. (Vos)
Skywalker told me that my Padawan was experiencing a panic attack from across the Temple. No bond existed between us before or after the interaction. (Fisto)
Skywalker informed me of a mission delay over several systems. He explained later that he was attempting to prevent his Master's worry about informing the Council and knew I would inform the other members for Kenobi. (Windu)
Consume raw meat (without a health declination) despite being a non-variant Human
Nervous to eat lunch alone, he was. Asked to eat together, I did. Showed him the kitchens, I did. Ate five live frogs, he did. Proud, I am. (Yoda)
I handed him a rodent I had found within my quarters, asking him to hold it so I could call someone. I was going to call a being who could help me prevent further instances and get rid of this rodent. I needn't have worried about relocating or disposing of the creature, though. I remember hearing a loud squeal, then turning to find Skywalker trying to tear away the fur of the rodent. He had no notion that it was an unusual habit for a Human. (Ti)
Jump into the Temple vents without using the walls
Amendment: Without using any aid
Amendment: Jump in/out of the Temple vents and on/off obstacles of similar height without any aid whatsoever
He's proved this multiple times over various training excercises, and occasionally his attempts to avoid said excercises. There's footage of it from the Temple's cameras. He has no regard for safety when it comes to jumping off of ledges, cliffs, or roofs/out windows. Caution advisory does nothing. (Kenobi)
Send emotions through the Force without a bond
Amendment: Send emotions without a bond, over great distances, with extreme precision and without any meditation or prior preparation - such emotions will likely be magnified upon reception, and can cause fainting, among other symptoms
Upon the death of notable Jedi Master Pak'll Tiffn, I had decided to participate in their culture's traditional week-long mourning practices. Near the end of this, young Skywalker asked me why I seemed so "down". I explained my grief at the death of Master Tiffn, and he continued to question me on the cause of my "distress". When he discovered I had technically finished the practices an hour before, he sent such a strong wave of excitement to me that I found it hard to not smile for the following three days.
I also found myself wishing to work on starfighter engines, which I attribute to the excitement being of Skywalker's creation. (Tiin)
I had a migraine while on a mission. Skywalker sent me a wave of comfort that caused me to pass out. He has since been informed that he should not interact with Jedi in the field unless he is certain they are in a safe enough position to do so. (Windu)
Accidentally cause plants to grow at a visibly accelerated rate
Anakin fell asleep in the Room of a Thousand Fountains while attempting to meditate. Upon my arrival, I found the grass already past my knees in height, and several nearby shrubs beginning to flower. I write my apologies here to the caretakers of the Room, and express my gratitude that none of you commented on it. (Kenobi)
Accidental levitation whilst walking
Amendment: Accidental levitation whilst walking, running, and other movement in which one is not standing/sitting/lying in a singular place
Witnessed during sparring practice with Master Kit Fisto and Master Ki-Adi Mundi
Bypass shielding enough to receive a clear perception of a being's emotions
I was working through some guilt over a recent mission and the requirements to fulfill it. Anakin walked over and did his best to comfort me without any understanding of why I was feeling that way, but knowing exactly what I was feeling. Throughout our entire interaction, my shields remained firmly in place, and strong enough that he really shouldn't have been able to even know where I was.
Oh yeah. He came from across the Temple to find me. He bypassed my shielding from across the Temple, without realizing his actions, and did so with better precision than a fully trained Master. (Vos)
Carry items of any weight without strain from channeling
According to Skywalker, the only trouble he has with lifting all the furniture in his quarters is he has to focus on the act while also looking for his missing holopad. (Koon)
(regarding previous entry) Reminds me of the time he lifted all the ships in Hangar 6 in order to find a single wrench, which was in somehow within the vents. (Billaba)
Cause a building-wide power outage from a nightmare/vision
Incident recorded as Padawan-induced. (Nu)
Bite through beskar when curious
Taste the strength of metals
Skywalker is no longer allowed in the forges without someone actively supervising him and him alone. He saw a piece of beskar I had managed to aquire. He was curious about the ore, due to it being unknown to him. I caught him with it in his mouth like some youngling sneaking a cookie. Apparently it tasted really strong. I thought he meant the taste was pungent, until he said that even durasteel didn't taste as strong. (Ria)
Heal minor personal wounds immediately, within a few seconds and without discernible energy usage
Heal major personal wounds immediately, up to halving recovery time and with lessened energy usage
Incidents recorded in mission reports including Skywalker (Nu)
Accidentally mind trick crowds of 20 or more
Amendment: Untested limit of how many can be affected, although the effectiveness of the tricks varies between individuals, and can reach up to 50 beings (recorded)
Note to all those who may serve a diplomatic mission with Skywalker: he can safely diffuse mobs, protests, and other upset crowds. He will need time to calm his own emotions afterwards, as it is (theoretically) his increasing anxiety that causes such effects. (Fisto)
Learn a language after hearing it only once
Amendment: Anakin will not know this is happening. He will simply begin to speak the language back at whoever spoke it to him.
Incidents recorded in mission reports including Skywalker (Nu)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
All Jedi are now welcome to add to the (Un)Official List of Things Only Anakin Skywalker Can Do. All editors are asked to put some form of a source, even if such source is simply a page-long rant about Padawan Skywalker's habit of not checking if a substance should be poisonous to him (condolences to Knight Vos).
Please also include some sort of identifier to connect each edit to the being(s) who created them.
Sincerest gratitude and condolences to all Jedi who find themselves editing this file. (Secura)
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Hi!! Welcome back! I saw you'retaking prompts, so I hope it's okay for me to send a lil one 🥺 I have this idea where Bucky has nightmares constantly, and they get so bad he can't wake up. So after a couple of weeks, he's barely holding on, Steve tries something though. And now wherever he has a nightmare, he grabs his hand, to soothe him while telling him various memories of them, their wedding, their childhood. It works, Bucky calms down eventually and then wakes up. Telling Steve his dream shifted at a certain point and stopped being scary. I had this idea but I truly cannot write at all, if you choose to do it (it's totally fine if you don't though) I know you'll do a great job! Tysm
Hii Nonnie! Thank you soo so much for your prompt, I’m sorry it took so long! Here it is though, it turned out pretty long but I hope you like it!!🙏🌼💗
Trigger warnings for some angst and trauma related stuff and a close-to panic attack - I promise it gets fluffy before long☺️
The first thing Steve registered as he slowly became aware of his surroundings was the darkness of their room, suggesting that it was nowhere close to being morning yet.
He slowly blinked his eyes open and as he reached his hand out he came in contact with heated and sweat-clammy skin at the same time as he heard the tell-tale whimpering sounds from beside him, which instantly alerted to the cause of him having woken up in the first place.
As he sat up and turned the lamp at his bedside on, Steve looked at the distressed face of his boyfriend, at the way that his hands are opening and closing around the sheet in tight fists as if battling through a pain that was only a memory, but probably felt just as fresh and real as the approaching dawn.
Running a hand tiredly over his face, Steve suspected the bone deep exhaustion which is the product of almost two weeks of sleepless nights, for the fact that he didn’t realise what was happening the moment he stirred into wakefulness.
Steve took a deep breath in a lost effort to gather himself for what appeared to be another sleepless night with Bucky reliving the worst moments of his life while Steve sat helplessly beside him, unable to wake him up from the horror he was reliving and bring him back to reality.
When this specific brand of night terrors had first started, Steve had gone through any and all means that he and Bucky could come up with to wake him up, finding that not one of them was enough to tear Bucky from the deep sleep he was caught up in and the painful memories that came with it.
It wasn’t like nightmares were any kind of new experience for either of them, which of course couldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. They had both experienced stuff that would bring anyone nightmares, and Bucky’s mind especially only had to dig through what seemed like a bottomless pile of more than 70 years incomparable trauma and replay it, whenever it wanted to procure night terrors of the kind that would have most people opt for never sleeping again, if it meant they didn’t have to relive it - which is what Bucky would have preferred too, if it wasn’t for his therapist having put him on a strict sleeping schedule and medication to ensure that he would actually sleep within those set times, in a sympathetic voice ensuring him that the only road to recovery was through.
Usually the other would be there to wake up whomever of them were unlucky enough to run into a nightmare bad enough to wake the other up, and they would be able to hold each other until they could talk it out and eventually go back to sleep, until they were ready to go back to sleep.
They even had a ritual set up for the really bad ones. They would put on a pot of coffee and have a cup each, indulging in plenty of cream and sugar and drink them while watching an episode or two of Steven Universe on the TV.
As none of that was something they’d gotten to enjoy before waking up in the 21’st century, due to rationing and what not, that usually brought them had suffered right back to reality, reminding them that they had both escaped the pain of the past, and were now back together in the somewhat peaceful life they had managed to create for themselves in this new time and place.
But since these particular nightmares had started, none of that had been of use anymore. No matter what Steve tried, Bucky simply wouldn’t wake up and all Steve could do was sit helplessly by his side while the whimpers and cries for help rose in volume,
That didn’t stop Steve from trying though. Reaching out to try and shake Bucky out of it, Steve tried to keep the desperation out of his voice as he spoke.
“Bucky, baby, come on wake up. You’re dreaming sweetheart, you aren’t there anymore, you’re right here with me, all you gotta do is wake up.”
As he’d come to expect though, it was no use. If anything, the nightmare only seemed to be intensifying, if the full body shiver and increasingly loud whimpers of pain was anything to go by. Steve could feel his voice wavering as he shook him a little harder while he tried to speak over the devastating sounds coming from his love.
“Bucky, please. C’mon, baby, wake up. Sweetheart.”
It was when Bucky, still not showing any signs of waking up, let out a loud, high pitched cry of ‘please, no, no more, no more please, it hurts!’ that Steve suddenly couldn’t take it anymore. His breath hitched as the sob he’d been trying to hold back suddenly tore from his throat and without thinking, he was throwing the covers off and leaping out of their shared bed and into the living room where he braced himself on the back of the couch and took in gasping breaths as he tried to control the sobs that kept coming.
As his breathing only picked up the pace, Steve felt himself steer into what would no doubt become a full blown panic attack if he didn’t get a hold of himself. He slid down to sit the floor and placed his between his knees while back and forth to eight in his in a last ditch effort to slow his breathing; ‘breathe in for eight, and then out for eight’ he recited in his head.
Finally feeling his breathing start to even out, he remembered something that Mary-Ann, Bucky’s therapist, had stressed in one of their shared sessions;
‘You can’t cure another person’s pain or trauma, and the minute you catch yourself trying or beating yourself up over not being successful in doing so, you’re only making the situation worse by creating more pain for yourself along side with the pain your loved one is already in. Working through this stuff is only something you can do for yourself. The best you can do is be by their side to support them through it and try to diminish the strain of negative thoughts and other practical stuff that takes energy away from the effort that it takes to get better.’
Bucky and Steve both had trauma to work through, and figuring out to best help each other without putting too much strain on themselves and taking on the other’s struggles as well, had been a difficult balance to achieve when they had first been brought back to each other. But through therapy and conversations they had managed to get into a pretty good rhythm when it came to balancing their relationship and everyday life which all the baggage they each brought into it, by being there for each other in the best way possible.
That didn’t mean it wasn’t still hard sometimes, and these nightmares had taken a serious toll on both of them, so it wasn’t any wonder that Steve was at his limit. Had it only taken out on the nights, that would have been a different thing. But Bucky had been restless and tired in the day too, often staring off into the distance seemingly caught up in his own head. Steve, having been kept up by Bucky’s nightmares, had slowly felt the weight of Bucky’s struggles and the overall gloomy mood in their shared home, become to much to bear with his sparring energy resources.
Reminding himself once again of Mary-Ann’s words, Steve tried to shake off the feeling of inadequacy as he slowly got up from the floor. ‘The only way to get past this is through,’ he thought decisively, ‘and we will get through it.’
Even though Steve suddenly couldn’t bear to not be by Bucky’s side for one more moment, he opted to take a quick detour into the kitchen to get himself a glass of water, before he braces himself and returned to the bedroom.
By now whatever Bucky was reliving had sent him into a state of thrashing around on the sheets, throwing the covers halfway off to reveal his sweat soaked shirt, accompanied the sound of pleading, painful sounding whimpers that bordered on sobs.
Sitting himself back on the bed, Steve used one hand to grab a firm hold of Bucky’s that was now clutching the sheet hard enough that it was a wonder he hadn’t torn a hole in it yet, and started rubbing soothing circles over the back while he smoothed Bucky’s hair away from his sweaty face. Steve took a deep breath to collect himself before he started talking in a soothing voice.
“It’s okay, Buck, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere sweetheart” He didn’t know if he was still talking to Bucky or mostly trying to convince himself, when he continued, “I can’t take the pain away, but I can at least be here by your side through it, huh? Just like your Mary-Ann told us: that’s all I can do, and I’ll do it sweetheart, I’ll stay right here. I’m sorry I had to leave for a little while, but I promise I’m here now, okay? Just like you were always right there for me.”
Thinking back to the first of those awful winters when Steve had been so sick that not one doctor dared reassure his ma that he would be sure to pull through, Steve continued in that same, low voice, mostly just thinking out loud by now. He almost didn’t notice that Bucky’s whimpers had toned down a little bit and the thrashing was starting to calm down again into those god awful full body shivers.
“I guess I know how you felt now, going though those winters back then, huh? Oh god, how awful that must have been for you, baby, I get that now, don’t I? Sitting there, unable to do a damn thing but always reassuring me that I would get through even when everyone else doubted it. You always stayed, and I swear baby, that must’ve been what got me through at least the half of it.” Steve had to breath in deep again to keep the emotion out of his voice.
“Remember that first winter? We can’t have been that old, maybe nine or ten I think..” Steve mused, caught up in the memories. “Yeah, that must’ve been it. I remember ‘cause we had been playing all day out in the rain and we didn’t even notice how cold it was. Your ma gave us such an earful when we came home, soaked through and teeth chattering. I remember her going at us while we stood in the bathroom, naked as the day we were born and shivering, while she got the bath ready. She had that voice on, the one she used when we’d been exceptionally stupid”, Steve scoffed quietly. “‘You boys, I swear,’ she would always say, ‘it’s barely forty degrees outside and you run around in the rain like that; you’ll get sick, that’s for sure. You boys don’t think we have better things to spent all our hot water on?’ and I remember her voice soften when she told us, ‘you gotta take better care of yourselves, especially you Steve, with how skinny you are.’ I think she was probably more worried than mad though. God, I miss your ma sometimes. She was such a wonderful woman. Always had a thing or two to say about the shenanigans we got up to, but you could always tell she wasn’t really all that mad. She was right too, of course. I spent the entire winter in bed, doing my best to cough up half a lung while you sat by my side with that determined look on your face, like you were prepared to fight off death himself if he ever even thought of bothering to show up.”
By now Bucky was visibly calming down, the only signs of distress being the furrow of his brow and the occasional clenching and unclenching of the fist that Steve wasn’t holding onto, so Steve kept talking in the hope that that was what was finally doing the trick.
“And you never let me go out after that, without being practically bunched up in a hundred layers, even if it meant you had to freeze your balls off.” Steve chuckled to himself, suddenly recalling a very fond memory. “Oh, and then when it finally got hot outside again and we were out playing - we were with that girl, what was her name again..” Steve thought back, trying to remember. “- Laurel? Loraine? You know, the one with the pretty curls you were always pulling at when her family sat in front of us in church and no one was looking. Anyway, you found that penny on the ground and decided you were gonna buy us ice cream cones, but of course one penny turned out to only be enough for one. And I remember the look on her face when you said I should have it, god, she was so disappointed. But I had lost weight from being sick all winter and I was even skinnier than usual, and you were all like ‘look at him, he needs fattening up, it’s only fair, here you go Stevie, you have it’ and you wouldn’t hear any complaints about it.”
Steve was brought back from his reminiscing by Bucky rolling over onto his back and letting out a small sigh, any signs of the nightmare having disappeared from his features. Steve was flooded with relief as he smiled down at him and continued softly. “It was all there, right in front of my face, even back then, wasn’t it? I can’t believe I spent all those years being jealous of all the ladies who were always keen on dancing with you when we went out. You only ever had eyes for me, huh?”
Steve startled at the sound of Bucky’s sleep rough mumble. “‘Course, you punk”
Squeezing his hand, Steve checked to make sure he had heard right. “Bucky? Hey, you awake honey?”
Bucky squeezed back, letting out a grumbled “Mmh.. wha’s going on, why’re you up?” but he seemed to quickly rise from his sleepy state at Steve’s choked “oh thank god”
“Hey, Steve what’s wrong, huh? Look at me, what happened? You have a nightmare or somethin’”? Bucky asked, wiping away a single tear of pure relief that had apparently escaped and was trailing down Steve’s left cheek. His look of worry turned into one of realisation though, when it dawned on him. “Oh shit, it was me having a nightmare again huh? It happened again, didn’t it? Aww I’m sorry Stevie.”
“No no, please don’t apologise,” Steve hurried to reassure him. “It’s not your fault Buck. I’m just so relieved you’re back with me. It’s just hard, you know? Seeing you in that much pain and not being able to do a thing about it,” Steve sniffled.
“Yeah, I know Stevie, I know.” Bucky expression briefly shifted to one of confusion. “How’d you wake me up? I thought we’d practically tried everything by now.”
“I didn’t, at first,” Steve said, “I just starting talking to you and then when it seemed to calm you down a bit I kinda just kept going with like, talking about memories that came up, you know from back when we were kids.”
“Oh yeah.” Bucky furrowed his brows in thought. “I don’t really remember what the nightmare was about, only that it was awful and then the dream sort of.. shifted. Something about my ma giving us an earful and then something about ice cream cones and brown curls?” Bucky’s face shifted, as if he’d remembered something funny. “God, you remember that time I found that penny? And that girl, Loraine I think, she got so mad when I bought you ice cream instead of her,” Bucky chuckled.
“Yeah, that’s the story I was telling,” Steve smiled. “To be fair, that was kind of dick move, Barnes. Ain’t no way to treat a lady.”
“Hey! You were so skinny! You clearly needed it more than her!” Bucky defended himself. “And by the way, it wasn’t exactly her I was trying to impress.” Bucky said, waggling his eyebrows.
Steve snorted. “Yeah, alright, you’re a real charmer.”
“Don’t you know it,” Bucky said. Smiling more softly, he leaned in so his forehead was resting against Steve’s. “I’m really sorry for waking you up honey. It sucks that you have to be here through all that Stevie, I know it ain’t easy on you.”
“Nah,” Steve answered. “I’m right where I want to be. Till the end of the line and all that, remember? Not planning to go anywhere”
“Yeah,” Bucky sighed softly, and then in an almost whisper, sounding suddenly vulnerable, “I love you so much, Stevie.”
Sensing that Bucky was finally feeling some of the raw emotion that was left over from the nightmare he’d just endured, now that he knew that Steve was okay, Steve lifted up to plant a lingering kiss on his forehead. Rubbing a hand soothingly up and down Bucky’s back, he noted that his t-shirt was still soaked from sweat. “Me too, Buck. Me too. Hey, why don’t I go make a pot of coffee and turn the TV on and you come join me once you’ve cleaned up a little?”
“Yeah,” Bucky sighed, burying himself a bit closer into Steve’s embrace before pulling away and offering a grateful smile. “That sounds good.”
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hanoella · 3 years
Affettuoso- With Feeling (Part 4)
Pairing: Bucky x Pianist!Reader
Set after the events of TFATWS: In an effort to start over and make a home in Louisiana, Bucky meets a friend of Sam’s who ends up being his landlord. With only a driveway to separate them, he finds that he’s not the only one looking for a fresh start.
Series tags/warnings: Slow Burn, Eventual Bucky x Reader, Mentions of Domestic Abuse, Canon Level Violence
Part 4 Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: Thanks again for all your support! Every heart and comment motivates me and is just so wonderful
Taglist!: @vicmc624
Read Part 1; Masterlist
The icon that marked where you were currently typing in your text blinked as you bit your lip. Looking back from where you were sitting at the kitchen table, you took stock of the open pantry once again. You were low on just about everything. With physical therapy exhausting your shoulder, it was hard to find the energy to lift any heavy bags. You had texted Sam for help, but unfortunately he was out of state.
“Bucky’s home, just ask him to go with you. He won’t mind” He had texted back.
You slouched back into the chair and groaned. You had only seen him in passing since he had helped you with the furniture. What was he, your live-in-caretaker? Was he just there to help you up and down the stairs and help you across the street? Sliding onto the floor, you made a small grunt as you felt your back straighten out and adjust to the floor. Resting a moment, you held your phone up and stared at the blinking bar. You hadn’t texted him before. Should you just call him? Or knock on his door? Ugh, why was this so hard. Whatever.
“Hey Bucky, I’m having trouble carrying stuff right now. Would you mind helping me out with grocery shopping sometime today or tomorrow? If not, no worries.”
Without a second thought, you sent it and set your phone down next to you. It was around 1PM, the only thing you having done up until then was getting dressed while sipping on coffee. Opting for a lazy look, you had worn soft leggings with an oversized sweater and fuzzy socks. Two simple braids and a headband kept your hair out of the way for when you eventually practiced. Only a few more weeks until you practiced with the actual orchestra. You should probably figure out something to wear besides lounge clothes.
The buzz on the floor caught your attention and you took a peak at your home screen
1 New Message:
Bucky Barnes: Sure, is now good?
Shoot. You quickly got up and walked to the bathroom. Your hair wasn’t too messy. Why do you look so tired? Opting for some mascara, you texted Bucky back before digging around in your makeup bag.
Yeah, meet at my car in a minute?
Bucky pocketed his phone and took a quick look in the mirror. Should he shave? Scratching his beard, he made a face before deciding against. It would take him more than a minute. Why didn’t he just say thirty minutes from now? Running a hand through his hair, he grabbed a jacket and walked out of the apartment.
As he walked over the freshly fallen leaves in the driveway, he opted for leaning against your car. He shoved his hands in his pockets and turned his head to look out over the water. It had been quiet lately, just chilly enough to silence the summer chorus of buzzing and croaks. Now all that was left was the occasional honking of geese flying overhead.
He had only been there for a couple of minutes when you came out onto the porch. You had hastily thrown on some brown leather boots, the left one still untied. The little bit of mascara and lip gloss you put on made you feel better about not looking like death. It was nice to do a little something, even if it was just the grocery store.
“Hey!” you said, slightly breathless as you bounded down the stairs, keys jingling in your hand.
Bucky echoed your greeting back to you with a small smile and wave.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” You said, clicking the key fob to unlock the car.
“Oh it’s no problem. I didn’t really have much to do anyway.” He said, ducking his head to sit in the passenger side seat. He noticed how as soon as you closed the door, you clicked the locks shut. Then you brought your left heel up on the edge of the seat so that you could tie your shoe.
“Thanks so much. I really appreciate it. Usually, I don’t need too much help, but I need cases of waters and stuff like that. I was gonna get someone to help me at the grocery store but I realized I’d still be left in a lurch once I got home. I figured if you needed, we could just get groceries together this time,” you explained while double knotting the laces.
Starting the car and putting on your seatbelt, you looked behind you out of habit to make sure you weren’t going to hit anything as you backed out of the driveway.
“Huh. It looks like it’s going to rain.” You said, observing the darker clouds and the wind picking up. Putting the car in drive, you started down the driveway.
“Music?” You offered, gesturing towards the radio.
“I don’t really know what’s been playing these days… or for the last sixty years if I’m being honest.” At least it’s nice not to have to lie about it, Bucky thought.
“Well, we have a lot to catch you up on then.” You said, stopping at the end of the driveway and grabbing your phone. Scrolling through your music, you hit the bluetooth button on the console.
“This playlist has all my favorite classics on it. Feel free to skip anything you don’t like.” You said, handing him the phone and turning onto the road. The music started, prompting Bucky looked down at the phone. September- Earth, Wind & Fire.
Four songs later you were at the supermarket, grabbing a cart and discussing favorites.
“That last one was good too. Which one was that?” Bucky asked.
“That’s Stolen Away on 55th & 3rd. Dave Matthews Band. Now mind you, some of those are way older than others. The only thing they all have in common is that they’re all at least ten years old.”
“Huh.” He’s really missed out on a lot.
The two of you continued chatting as you went through the various sections. A couple cases of water. A bag of salad. Deli meats and cheeses. Bread. Ground beef. Pasta and pasta sauce. The topic turned to older music from Bucky’s time.
“I’m surprised you have heard of her.” He said, raising his eyebrows in surprise.
“Well, I’m going to be honest, the only reason I have any knowledge of it at all is because I had to take a lot of Music History classes in college. For whatever reason, they thought that to play music, you needed to know every which way that it’s evolved throughout the years. Though, I have to say,” you paused, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Now, I’m kind of glad I did.” You looked up at him slightly, face just a tad warm as he met your eyes. You both looked away and he coughed awkwardly. Feeling embarrassed, you scan the shelves of snacks before hearing him quietly say behind you-
“… I’m glad you did too. It’s different. And kind of nice to talk to someone about it. Who actually knows what I’m talking about.”
Trying to keep your smile small, you continued to look at the array of cookies on the shelf. A hand passed over your shoulder to take a pack of shortbread cookies.
“Hmm. Shortbreads.” You say, holding your arms behind your back. “Verrry interesting.”
“What?” He replied defensively.
“You can tell a lottttt about a man by his snack preferences.”
“Well, what do shortbreads say?” Bucky asked, leaning his forearms on the handle of the cart so that he was now eye level with you. It was too late this time to hide your smile. You turned back around to grab a pack of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.
“If I tell you what they mean, you’ll just pick the kind that you think has the best traits. You’re not fooling me anytime soon.” You said with a laugh before you whisked yourself around the corner.
“Hey, that’s not fair, come back!” He pushed the cart around the corner where he ran into you hugging Sarah. The boys were with her and they went absolutely ballistic.
“Uncle Buck! Uncle Buck!” They shouted as they bombarded him.
“AJ! Cass! Stop acting crazy in the grocery store!” Sarah said, reprimanding them. You chuckled at the sight of Bucky being slowly overwhelmed by the two boys. He pried them off his legs and crouched so that he was eye level with them.
“Hey, I missed you guys. I haven’t seen you guys since the last time Uncle Sam and I came back-”
“-from fighting bad guys, right!” AJ said, getting a little too excited and causing Sarah to give him the look. Bucky tried not to laugh and held a finger up to his mouth to signal that they needed to be quiet.
“Yes, from fighting bad guys.”
You turned towards Sarah with a grin and put your hand on her arm.
“We’ll have to have all of you over, come see the new house. Will you text me a day next week when you, Sam, and the kids are free?”
“That sounds great. I’m so glad you got to move down here. I’ll let you know about next week!” Sarah said. She also walked around the cart and gave Bucky a hug. He returned it but glanced towards you nervously; You were already looking away. When they pulled away from each other, Sarah glanced in your direction and then at Bucky, a knowing smile on her face and eyebrows wiggling. Bucky made a face with wide eyes, letting her know to cut it out. Sarah laughed slightly while saying goodbye:
“It was good to see you, Buck.” Sarah said, laughing as she rolled the cart away, AJ and Cass in tow, who were both shouting goodbyes at Uncle Buck.
“Good to see you too…” He trailed off in her direction.
“Man, those boys really love Uncle Buck.” You said teasingly, making him jump slightly and turn around. You laughed and walked towards the next aisle, leaving Bucky red in the ears.
It was just starting to rain when you parked the car in the driveway. You grabbed some of the lighter bags and ran up the steps, hurrying to unlock the door. Bucky was piling on the grocery bags as the rain got heavier. He hauled everything inside as you held the door open for him. He lifted the groceries up onto the kitchen counter and made his way down the stairs again.
“Still have to get the cases of water.” He explained in response to your confused face. The rain was still getting heavier. Hauling the two jumbo cases onto his shoulder and carrying the last one by the plastic in his hand, he made his way up the porch, slower this time. You held the door open, looking incredulously again at how easy it was for him as he passed.
By the time he had set the waters down, you had grabbed a towel for him, extending it to him while looking away at from his drenched shirt.
“Thanks,” he said, toeing off his shoes and drying his hair with the towel before draping it over his shoulders.
“Please, let me make you some tea. You must be freezing.” You said, already digging through the pantry for some.
“Well, if you’re offering, I won’t say no.” He said, taking a seat at the kitchen island.
“Yeah, hold on, it’s kind of dark. Let me turn on the lights…” You trailed off as the light switch did nothing. Flicking it a few times back and forth, you sighed.
“I’m so sorry, the real estate agent told me it’s pretty easy to lose power in this area since there’s so many trees. They usually have it back on pretty quick though I’m told.” You said, now digging through another cabinet.
“It’s completely fine, you can’t control that. I’ll just take a raincheck-”
“Found it!” You said, cutting him off and proudly presenting the gas-powered single burner. You set it down in front of Bucky who watched as you also grabbed a tea light and a lighter from in the drawer.
“Would you like to stay for dinner?” You asked while lighting it.
Three more tea lights and a kettle of hot water later, Bucky was sitting with the towel draped over his shoulders, sipping on the warm cup of green tea. The flames created flickering shadows as you added the pasta to the pot of boiling water.
“I knew this was going to come in handy. I’m glad I saved it.” You said, setting a timer on your phone as you leaned on the counter across from Bucky.
“Why do you have it in the first place?” He asked curiously.
“I kind of had to hop around for a little bit before I got down here. I would stay in hotels but I didn’t want to eat out every night so this came in handy. Ole reliable.” You said, looking down at one of the tea lights.
There was a moment of silence before you pursed your lips.
“What’s wrong?” Bucky asked, setting the cup down.
“Has Sam told you… how I ended up here?” You asked, now looking straight at him. The look on his face told you the answer before he could respond.
“I see…”
“Hey, I’m sorry, I-”
You held up a hand to cut him off, soft smile on your face.
“No, it’s okay. I told him that if it ever came up, he could talk about it. I’m pretty open about it. How much did he tell you?” you asked, wrapping your hands around the cup to absorb some of the warmth.
“Just the basics. You two were together, then he got… violent. And you trying to leave.” He said, looking down into his cup.
“Yeah, that just about covers it… He kept following me after I got out of the hospital so I had to get a rental car and hotel hop for a while… When I got the house down here, I finally got my actual car and just booked it here. He’s never been to Louisiana before and he doesn’t know that Sam lives here now, instead of DC. I’m hoping he’s frolicking in city traffic, getting run over as he looks for me. Bucky snorted and tried not to laugh, which made you laugh.
“Sorry, it’s not funny.” He said, covering his mouth.
“Oh, it totally is.” You said, talking in a way where he could tell that you were smiling.
You both laughed as you grabbed a strainer out of the pantry. Draining the pasta, you both settled into a comfortable silence.
“Well, I’m glad you can joke about it.” Bucky said, watching as you poured pasta sauce into the pot to warm it up before chucking the rest of the pasta in.
“Some days are better than others. I’m just happy that I can stop running. Still, I do get a bit paranoid sometimes. I feel like I’m going to turn a corner and he’ll be right there.” You said, rubbing your arms as if you were comforting yourself. At that moment, Bucky looked at you and noticed for the first time how truly tired you looked. Dark circles underneath a sleep deprived gaze. Eyes clouded by worry and paranoia. Bucky’s seen that look on himself before. Before Steve found him in Bucharest, before he could trust his own mind. When he had to avoid being recognized, avoid being found, avoid falling back into Hydra’s grasp.
You exhaled as you uncrossed your arms, mixing the pot before sprinkling cheese on top. “Dinner’s all done.” Bucky sat peacefully, enjoying the aroma of the tomato and basil. Taking a deep breath, he slowly exhaled before speaking up again.
“Well. I’m here now.”
“Hmm?” You called back, not quite hearing him over the clanking of the bowls you took out.
“I’m here now,” he repeated, this time with more confidence. “So… you don’t have to worry about it. If you ever get worried about it, just call me. Or text me… Or knock on the door… and I’ll talk to you or I’ll check it out, keep an eye on the house from the apartment, or just be in the house with you. It’s not a bother, if it’ll give you peace of mind. I’ve been through something… similar. With, uh, the whole Hydra… thing…” Bucky trailed off as you stared at him with a neutral face. He was getting ready to backpedal, hand reaching for the back of his neck out of nervous habit, until you spoke.
“You’d do that?” You said, face unchanged, eyes searching his.
“Yeah… Yeah, I would.”
You blinked a few times before looking aside and trying to clear the frog from your throat.
“I don’t even know what to say but thank you. That is such a big relief.” You said, voice wavering slightly, one hand coming up to touch your forehead out of relief. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Nobody should have to go through that alone.” Bucky said softly.
You touched his hand softly, giving it a gentle squeeze before stealing your own back. You turned around to grab a drink when you paused, looking out the window.
“It stopped raining.” You stated, watching as the little bit of sunlight brightened the colors of the changing leaves. Bucky, on the other hand, was watching how the little bit of sunlight brightened you. He rubbed his thumb against where your hand had just been, trying to recreate the feeling of your hand on his.
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lovemeleo · 3 years
Hey! Love you!
Just had a panic attack in a restaurant bathroom and yes I am using that to request a very fluffy nuny fic with cats? Maybe? Whatever you would like and don’t feel pressured I don’t even know if you do fic requests
Also thank you for water reminders you are a blessing
My lovely Noel, I know this is a bit late but I hope you’re doing better! I can never resist a fluffy Nuny fic, you know that. I’m glad you enjoy my water reminders and I hope you enjoy this fluff! These characters, of course, belong to the always amazing @lumosinlove!
This is a continuation of my Nuny series so if you haven’t read my Nuny fics, I’ll link a few of my most recent ones below! 
- Ignite Your Bones
- Love You Through It
- Cat Dads
- Make Me Smile
cw: food talk
Jackson could’ve jumped for joy if he wasn’t nervous he’d hurt his leg again. He had just finished his physical therapy appointment and they had approved him to get back on the ice next week. Next week! As soon as he saw Zhenya in the waiting room, he had practically launched himself into the taller man’s arms.
“Good news, da?” Zhenya said with a laugh, catching his boyfriend easily.
Jackson nodded, his smile pressed into Zhenya’s neck, “I’m cleared for practice next week.” His boyfriend spun him in a happy circle, letting out a happy whoop. 
Pressing a kiss to Jackson’s cheek, Zhenya began carrying him out the car, “We must celebrate.” Jackson smacked at his back, unable to stop the laughter falling from his lips as they made their way out to the car.
“Put me down, you giant,” Jackson said with a laugh before Zhenya gently set him down next to the car. “Can we celebrate at home? Like ice cream and stuff?”
Zhenya was already nodding as he got in the car, “Of course, your celebration. We celebrate how you want.” Jackson couldn’t help the smile that spread on his face. It felt like he might never stop, his cheeks aching but god, was it a good feeling. He was going to be back with his team by this time next week. The physical therapist had sent his paperwork over to their PT at the rink, including his routine that he had to keep up as well as his clearance to get back on the ice. Nerves were settling in his stomach at the thought, but the excitement was overpowering.
They stopped at the grocery store on the way home, picking up different treats for their celebration. The cashier probably thought we were going through some type of bad breakup because when they celebrated, it meant sweets. Ice cream, cookies, brownies, cake. If it was available at the store, they were buying it. After they had bought most of the sweet section, the two headed back to their house.
“I’m gonna jump in the shower real quick, choose a movie babe,” Nado said, tugging at his shirt as he headed to the bathroom. Zhenya started setting out their various sweets across the living room table, humming to himself as he got everything set up before he heard a shout from the bathroom. 
His eyebrows furrowed as he glanced up the stairs, “Jackson?”
There was a heavy sigh before the water turned off, “I forgot to close the bathroom door.” Jackson said, walking out with a towel wrapped around his waist and a wet kitten cradled in his arms.
Zhenya couldn’t help the laugh at the sight, “Aw my котенок.” Of course, the height of maturity, Jackson stuck his tongue out at him as he walked to their room. 
“Put your home clothes on, Zhenya. It’s comfy time.” He yelled as he took off his towel, throwing it onto the bed and Milo on top of it. 
The cat gave him an indignant look, licking the water from his fur. “Don’t look at me like that. You followed me into the shower!” Jackson said, pointing at the small ball of fluff as Zhenya walked in.
“You yell at our baby?” Zhenya said as he scooped Milo up in the towel, holding him close to his chest.
Jackson rolled his eyes, deciding to go against wearing a shirt as he pulled on some fuzzy socks with his sweats, “He was giving me a dirty look!” Zhenya had the kitten pressed to his face, murmuring to him softly in Russian. “You spoil him, Zhenya. He only comes in the shower ‘cause you let him.”
After pressing a kiss to the top of Milo’s head, Zhenya gently set him back on the bed before wrapping his arms around Jackson, “And I spoil you too then, da? Let you in my showers?” He asked, nuzzling into the shorter man’s neck.
A flush spread up Jackson’s chest to his neck, covering his cheeks as well, “Well that’s different.” He mumbled, turning to press a kiss to his boyfriend’s cheek before he pushed him away. “Home clothes. Now. Before our ice cream melts.” 
Zhenya laughed as he wandered over to his own drawers, tossing his dirty clothes into the hamper before pulling on a pair of joggers, “I put ice cream in freezer. You’re welcome.” 
Picking up Milo as he walked out, Jackson made his way down to the kitchen, “‘m gonna choose a movie without you. And it’s gonna be one of those horror ones you hate with lots of gore.” Loki and Pumpkin followed him into the kitchen like ducklings, meowing as they watched their dad grab the ice creams out of the freezer. He quickly scooped the three of them so food before making his way to the couch.
“Котенок, don’t be that way. We watch good movie. Star Wars? Or Marvel?” Zhenya said, flopping onto the couch and automatically pulling Jackson into his lap. 
Jackson smiled as he leaned into his boyfriend’s chest, opening up his ice cream, “We could marathon Marvel. We’ve been wanting to watch them all in order.” He mumbled around his first spoonful of Chip Happens. It was his favorite. Zhenya on the other hand was addicted to Phish Food. They both could go through two or three pints in one sitting so needless to say, ice cream never lasted long in their household. 
“Let’s do that. First Avenger goes first, right?” Zhenya asked, flipping through Disney+ to the Marvel section as his free arm wrapped around Jackson’s waist. 
Jackson nodded, leaning his head back onto the taller man’s shoulder. They were quiet as the opening credits started, curling into each other as they watched the film. A couple of minutes in, the cats began to make their way out of the kitchen. As soon as they saw their dads were cuddling without them, the three made their way to the couch. Loki sprawled across Jackson’s legs, and Pumpkin found a way to nuzzle into the free space of Zhenya’s side. Milo was still a bit too small to just jump onto the couch, so Jackson quickly scooped him up before the little one caused a raucous.
“You know.. I’m glad you come back next week. Miss you when you’re not there. Not the same.” Zhenya murmured, brushing a stray hair from Jackson’s face. 
Gently grabbing Zhenya’s hand before he pulled it away, Jackson pressed a kiss to his palm, “What, you don’t like playing with Smitty?”
Zhenya shrugged, his hand caressing the soft skin of the other man’s cheek, “Smitty’s great. Great friend, great teammate.. But he’s not you.”
Quickly setting their ice creams down, Jackson pulled Zhenya in for a deep kiss, unable to hold back. He rested his forehead against the other man’s, letting out a soft breath, “I love you so much.”
“Love you, always, котенок. My котенок.” Zhenya whispered, pulling Jackson to him as if they could never be close enough even though they were pressed skin to skin. For Jackson, there was never a safer place than in Zhenya’s arms. He could be millions of miles from Gryffindor, floating through space but as long as he had Zhenya, he was home.
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Oh Lady Luck (How I miss you so!)
Okay; first off. I hated this. I had a massive case of writer’s block while doing it and lost inspiration near the end.
Oh Lady Luck (How I miss you so!)
           Bustier’s class was the luckiest in school, everyone knew it. They got to go on the most amazing trips, win contest after contest, competition after competition, met all sorts of celebrities, frequently got to meet Ladybug, through the best dances and school plays, and always seemed to have a pep in their step. Anything any of the students went after they always managed to get. Everyone knew Bustier’s class was the luckiest in school. Then one day that changed dramatically.
“You’ve changed,” Alya accused Marinette after the class voted her out as Class president. “You become a bully.”
           Alix snorted, “More like a jealous bitch.”
           There were nods from the other students in class. Lila smiled at Marinette; happy that her promise to ruin the girl was coming true.
“You’re always so mean to Lila,” Rose added. “It’s not nice.”
“You’re worse than Chloe now,” Kim glared.
           Juleka frowned, “We miss the old Marinette.”
“You should’ve chilled out like I told you to, dudette,” Nino said with a shake of his head, clearly disappointed.
“We can’t be your friends anymore,” Alya crossed her arms.
           Marinette had listen to them quietly as they relayed reason after reason why they were ending their friendships with her; all to do with Lila. She didn’t bother to look at Adrien. He had warned her what was going to happen; Nino had told him. There had also been a group text apparently. Adrien made it clear he stood with Marinette. Even more so, when he chose to sit with her in the back of the class, a fierce glare on his face at the other students.
The bluenette placed down her pencil, closed her sketchbook and said, “Fine. Then we’re not friends anymore.”
“That’s counts double for me,” Adrien hissed. “Lose my number. In fact, don’t bother; I’ll just change it. That goes for every last one of you. I’ll be informing my Father and Nathalie that only Chloe and Marinette are on my visitors list.”
           The class blinked in shock. Not expecting that reaction from the blond boy who was usually so amicable and nice.
           Chloe watched with amused eyes. She had been sentenced to the back of the room not long after Marinette. “We’ve never been friends but consider all extra little perks you’ve gotten used to: dead and over with.”
           That was it. None of the other students knew what to say or do. They hadn’t gotten the reaction they expected. Marinette didn’t seem to care. Adrien seemed ready to set them on fire. Chloe looked rather pleased at the idea of seeing them burn. Most shrugged it off; figuring at least two of the three (Marinette and Adrien) would come crawling back in no time.
           They didn’t.
           Things started to change for the students in Bustier’s class the next day.
           Lila woke up in the morning to an email confirming that she would no longer being a model or any type of employee for the Gabriel Agreste brand. Or as Nathalie put it when the sausage hair girl called her, “We will no longer be needing your services, Miss Rossi. Do not contact us again.” Click.
           That was when Lila realized her plan of using Gabriel to get Adrien under her thumb had went up in flames. She hoped that Adrien wasn’t informed so that maybe she could still use his father as a threat against the boy.
           When she go to class, the blond model sent her a vicious smirk. Lila paled. She knew without a doubt that Adrien didn’t just know Lila was fired, he was the one got her fired.
           Nino woke up to the news that the gig he was due to play, his big break, had replaced him. It would’ve been huge for his career.
Oh well, he thought, back to DJ-ing for birthday parties.
           Alya accidently dropped her phone in the toilet; ruining hundreds of videos and pictures for the Ladyblog.
           Alix took a dive while skating; broke her ankle and the watch her dad gave her.
           Max broke his glasses.
           Kim got food poisoning.
           Ivan’s dad ran over his drum set while parking in the garage.
           Rose tried to call Prince Ali and found out he changed his number.
           Nathaniel spilled coffee all over his Ladybug comic strips. Marc had been pissed.
           Juleka’s mom accidently put bleach in with a load of her laundry; it ruined everything.
           By the time they had all got to class, all the students were in a terrible mood. However, when Marinette walked in with a box full of delicious smelling breakfast pastries; they perked up. The bluenette always seemed to know when they needed a pick me up. And there was nothing like a treat from the Dupain-Cheng Bakery.
           Marinette didn’t acknowledge any of their presences. She walked straight to the back of the classroom, sat in her seat between Chloe and Adrien. “Morning!” She beamed at her friends. “I brought treats for the three of us.”
“Awesome!” Adrien smiled, quickly opening the box and snagging a chocolate croissant. “Delicous, Thank you” He said. Or least they thought he said that. His mouth was full and it was mostly garbled.
           Chloe rolled her eyes. She grabbed a mixed berries and cream cheese pastry, “Perfect way to start the day. Thank you, Marinette.”
           Marinette took out her favorite: a berry and jasmine scone. Then she promptly through the box away; making clear that she hadn’t brought any for anyone else. “Anything for my friends.”
“We’ll do lunch at Le Grand Paris,” Chloe said. “On me of course. The chef there is to die for.”
           The other students visibly wilted. Alya in particular who loved going to Le Grand Paris as her mother was the head chef.
           It all went downhill from there.
           Over the next week things went from bad to worse for the students.
           Bustier told the class their trip the Presidential office was cancelled due to an unexpected flooding incident. The plan had been for the class to tour the office and have amazing picnic on the beach afterwards
           Lila’s mother, who had been busy nearly 24/7, officially went on vacation, meaning she plenty of time to spend with her daughter. Her daughter was panicked when her mother inquired about visiting her school.
           Alya discovered that the hits to her site had started to declined dramatically. She didn’t have time to worry about that as her internship with a local new studio had been cancelled; something about realizing Alya didn’t have enough experience. So her summer plans were cancelled.
           Nino’s Dj equipment sparked or shorted out or something but nothing would work anymore. He had cancel the rest of his gigs until he could buy new ones.
           Kim lost a swim match against Ondine.
           Markov got a virus and broke down causing Max to break down in tears.
           Nathaniel lost the expensive sketch pencil he won in a contest.
           Alix’s grandmother brought her a new dresses; frilly monstrosities that Alix’s forced her to wear to school for the entire week.
           Rose, Ivan, and Juleka were heartbroken when Luka announced he was going Solo.
           It didn’t help anyone’s mood that every day Marinette, Chloe, and Adrien walked into class with big smiles on their faces and pleasantly discussed their amazing plans.
           On Wednesday, Adrien invited Marinette and Chloe to come with him to meet the Prime Minister.
           Apparently, Adrien’s dad had called in favors so the three would tour Palais Bourbon, where the French Parliament meets.
“He said I could invite all my friends!” Adrien smiled.
           Marinette had been shocked at this. Until Adrien explained that his aunt had threatened to reveal to the world Gabriel Agreste’s neglectful behavior, his tendency break child labor laws, and his need to isolate Adrien. Thanks to his aunt, Adrien had a much free-er schedule and Gabriel had been in therapy for weeks. “I’ll bring food from the bakery. We can have a picnic!”
“Beach day!” Chloe cheered.
           No one else so much as smiled at the news. Even more so when pictures surfaced on Friday of Marinette, Chloe, Adrien, Ondine, Marc, Mireille, and Aurore with various members of Parliament; including the prime minister.
           Thursday, Chloe loudly invited Marinette and Adrien to an event for her mother, “It’s a fashion show! It’s tonight. Adrien can relax behind the scenes, while Mari and me model on the run way. Mama’s lost a few models so I told her I could recommend a few friends.”
“I’m modeling!” Marinette paled so much, her friends were sure she’d pass out.
“I get to do nothing!” Adrien grinned.
           Pictures of Chloe and Marinette modeling exploded across the internet; multiple fashion websites and online magazines deeming the girls’ Style Queen’s secret weapon and modeling next big thing.
           Most of the guys in class shrugged it off. But a few of the girls turned greened with envy; Lila in particular.
           On Friday, Marinette invited Adrien and Chloe to meet her uncle and her cousin, “He’s back in town on Saturday and he wants to meet all my friends.”
           No one else in class paid too much to that. Who cared about Marinette’s uncle? Or her cousin? They were probably just as stuck-up and nasty as she was.
           Then on Saturday, picture of the same group who went to Parliament, plus Luka, with Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale started trending on the internet. Jagged Stone posted a tweet about how awesome his honorary niece was, with a picture of him and Marinette. Clara posted a pic with her favorite little cousin, Marinette.
           Alya couldn’t believe her eyes and immediately started texting Marinette for the deets. She received a text back saying; new number; who dis?
           Nino flat-out called Adrien only hear that the number had been disconnected.
           The rest of the class faced the same issue.
           And then one by one, they each remembered that they weren’t friends with any of the tree Ostracized students anymore.
           Monday, Alya found out that BugOut, a competing Ladybug blog, had been officially endorsed by Ladybug and Chat Noir. Something that hadn’t happened with the Ladyblog.
           Max lost the science fair. For the first time. He had to go see the school guidance counselor.
           Kim got kicked off the team for his poor grade.
           Lila’s finally called the school to schedule an appointment. Lila was Akumatized within the five minutes.
           Alix’s grandma brought her more clothes; some which were tacky sweaters with cats all over them
           Nathaniel misplaced his new sketch book, with his redone Ladybug comic strips. He never found it. Marc wasn’t happy.
           Nino got a call to dj a huge event only to have to decline as he hadn’t bought new equipment yet.
           It was Adrien that brought in breakfast for the other two; Mcdonalds. Much to the Chloe and Marinette’s dismay, but they didn’t say anything as the boy was clearly happy about being allowed to eat it for the first time.
           Marinette unwrapped her sausage Mcgriddle, wondering who she hurt in a past life, “Jagged is doing a private concert. You two want to come?”
           Adrien nodded, his mouth full of fried hash brown and bacon. “Count me in,” They think he said.
           Chloe held the egg mcmuffin in her hand like it was physically hurting her to do so, “I’m in,” she said. “And I’m bringing breakfast tomorrow.”
           The class was dismayed at missing at meeting Jagged Stone again.
“Are you going to invite us?” Alya asked with a huff.
           Marinette didn’t even look in her direction, “Sorry Uncle Jagged said I can only invite my friends.”
           Over the course of the next few months, things continued to fall apart for the class. They tried planning one of their usual amazing dances, only for everything to crash and burn. Then they remembered that Marinette planned everything, and before her, Chloe.
           The class never made enough money fundraising so nearly all planned class trips were canceled.
           They had to deal with seeing pictures of Marinette, Adrien, and Chloe and all their friends meeting all sorts of celebrities.
           Ladybug disowned the Ladyblog; causing Alya to burst into tears.
           No matter what any of the students tried, did, competed in, they never won. They practically failed at everything.
           Rose tried to bake cookies for the class; her kitchen caught on fire.
           Max applied for science camp; all spots were full.
           Nathaniel who had lost his comic drawing for the twelfth time in a row was finally told by Marc to take a hike.
           Nino lost his hat, broke his glasses, a dog at his homework, and he tripped landed face down in the mud; all on the way to school one morning.
           The students were constantly late, frustrated, and always seemed to have something accidently spilled or thrown on their clothes.
           Lila’s  mother, who finally decided to just randomly drop by the school after being told repeatedly by her daughter that it was closed so she couldn’t do the appointment for months, was shocked to say the least when it was clearly opened and active. She had a long talk with the Principle and all of Lila’s lies were revealed to class.
           Class was very apologetic to the three ostracized students after that but it didn’t matter. The three made it clear they weren’t interested in renewing their friendships.
           By the end of the year Bustier’s class went from the luckiest in school to the unluckiest kids on the planet.
           The students of Bustier’s class couldn’t help but wonder aloud why they lucked changed do much.
           Tikki, Plagg, and Pollen, hidden away in their chosens’ school bags just smirked.
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jadethest0ne · 3 years
In need of Refueling, Chapter 12 - “He was supposed to be”
Summary:  “You?! Why would I trust you? You have brought me nothing but failure. Time and time again; nothing but disappointment!”
His father’s words might have been a result of his possession by the  White Bone Spirit, but whether or not they were his true thoughts, Red  Son vows to prove them wrong. To do so he seeks to attain a power strong enough to destroy his father’s immortal enemy. After all, he’d much rather throw fire at his problems.
Word Count: 3241
Ratings/Warnings:  Teen and up; injury, burns, angst and hurt/comfort, toxic thoughts caused by toxic parents, panic attacks, abuse
Notes: Red Son is brooding, Mei finds out that Red Son is Sandy’s house guest, and Sandy is trying his best to deal with two rowdy teens.
Credits: Big thanks to @painted-arachnid and @simplyfornardo  for helping me bounce ideas off of them. And also thanks to @lemonsqueazie for providing me with “Journey to the West” lore. I don’t know much about the original novel or other iterations, but I still tried to keep  some things compliant with the lore. You should check all of them out, since they’re really great content creators with neat ideas!  
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All in all, Red Son had received a lot of injuries from his conflict with his father.  Broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, a broken arm, burns, hypothermia (including a lingering cold sensation all over his body that refused to go away), a sprained ankle...
And no powers.
That last one gave him pause. Injuries could be healed with time, and as a demon, he was a fast healer. But he did not know what happened to his powers. Were they really all absorbed by his father’s armor? Were they then extinguished by whatever that Noodle Boy did? He didn’t even know that it could be extinguished. It had to have been though, because based on what little he could get out of Sandy, the Monkey King had survived the conflict. Red Son isn’t sure how he feels about that. Sure, he had attacked him and intended to have him defeated by his father. But that’s not how things turned out. That’s not what his father wanted. And despite him giving the Samadhi Fire to his father, which is what he thought he wanted, that turned out to be disastrous as well. Were his parents even alive? And if they were, what would they want with someone who had nearly gotten them killed? What would they want with a son who didn’t even have any powers? In this state he was useless. Relying on the enemy, no less. How shameful.
Red Son had tried a few times to activate his powers. Each time he was met with not even a puff of smoke. If his parents thought he was a disappointment before, what would they think of him now?
At the very least he was making progress physically, and could hobble around the houseboat a little bit on his own. The Blue One said he could leave when he was better. But where could he go? He didn’t want to think about it. He wanted to just be able to do something about it. But he could no longer simply throw fire at his problems. And no matter what anger and vitriol he sent Sandy’s way, the blue giant simply refused to be upset at him. Why didn’t he just kick him out? He certainly deserved it! His own parents likely wouldn’t want him around, why would an enemy?
So when he wasn’t yelling at Sandy, or his numerous cats, he just withdrew into himself. Fuming with no fire. Brooding over his current situation. What was the point anyway? A small part of him wanted to know if his parents were okay. As much as he was sure they would hate him, they were his parents, after all. But the thought of trying to find them terrified him in a way. On one hand, if they were alive, he was useless to them like this. If they weren’t… well, he didn’t want to think about how that would mean that it was his fault if they were dea--
Red Son angrily throws the closest thing near him across the room, which happened to be a mug of tea that he was holding. It flies across the room just missing a few cats who leap out of the way with an indignant hiss. The cup breaks apart and spills its contents all over the floor. He takes some seething breaths, before a voice speaks up next to him.
“Well that’s a much stronger throw than before. At least you’re healing!” Red Son had forgotten that the Blue One was there. He had given him the tea in the first place after all. Red Son had just gotten lost in his musings and forgot about the ever-present, overly pleasant companion. The big man goes over and gets a broom. “However, maybe we could find other, more constructive, ways for you to release your anger?”
“Ugh! Don’t try to give me life lessons! What are you, some sort of life advice guru?”
The Blue One laughs heartily, while picking out some of the larger shards. “No, I’ve just learned how to control my anger via anger management therapy. And I’m always open to listening if you want a friendly ear,” he says brightly.
Red Son can’t imagine this guy ever being angry, and the idea of talking about his feelings makes his stomach bubble in disgust. “What? So I can give away all my family’s secrets? Why would you care anyway?”
The Blue One shrugs. “I just do!” He pauses and thinks. “And also, maybe I could ask you to maybe not throw my cups and scare my cats…?” He ends the last part in a hopeful lilt.
“No promises,” Red Son grumbles.
“What do you normally do to de-stress?”
“Destroy my enemies.” Red Son looks pointedly at Sandy.
“Ah… um… would throwing fire around (preferably in a contained area) help?” Sandy asks hesitantly.
Red Son scowls. “No.”
“Would you like to try contacting your parents…?”
An uncomfortable flutter pangs in his heart. “No.”
“What about, er, a hobby or…?
Red Son is getting fed up. “WOULD YOU JUST STOP!” he shouts. “We are not friends! We are enemies! You are the good guys! I’m the bad guy! The villain. Stop trying to be all buddy-buddy with me! If you’re trying to change me or get me to open up, it’s not going to work!”
“I’m sorry, I’m just trying to figure out what would make you feel better… Maybe healing up at your place would make you feel safer…?” Sandy looks truly apologetic, but Red Son is already too worked up to care. Furthermore, bringing up the possibility of going to see his parents causes that fluttering feeling to worsen.
“No! I can’t go back! I--”
Sandy raises his eyebrows. And Red Son shuts his mouth suddenly realizing what he almost revealed. The Blue One nearly had done it! How dare he. He hates him for that. For his stupid honest niceness. He hates that he is here. That he let down his father, again. That he has to rely on a big-hearted idiot of an enemy. He needs to leave. He doesn’t have anywhere to go. But he needs to leave.
He clumsily slips out of bed and does an awkward combination of stomping and limping past the Blue One and towards the door, ignoring the giant’s protests.
He swings open the door and he sucks in a surprised yelp as standing on the other side of it is a girl with green highlights in her hair, and pigtails sticking up from behind, with her fist to the door poised to knock on it. It’s the Dragon Girl. The two stare at each other. They exchange blinks of confusion.
The Dragon Girl is the first to react. Her surprised features shift into a look of pure rage. “YOU!” she shouts.
She flings herself at Red Son, elbowing him in the middle and throwing him across the room. Pain explodes from his various injuries, especially from his ribs and chest area. He crumples to the ground and barely has time to react as she is pulling a sword on him. He rolls out of the way, under a table and pulls himself up using an adjacent book case. He slips a little bit, and is forced to put weight on his injured ankle, which burns horribly, but he needs to get away from this crazy and enraged attacker.
He leans on the far end of the bookcase and holds up a hand. “W-wait!” he wheezes out before he devolves into coughs and choking gasps. He stumbles as he backpedals away from another swing and falls again to the floor. He grabs desperately at anything in his surroundings that can help pull him up, but the pain drags him back down again.
The tip of the sword is pointed at his center and he flinches back. He can’t do much but cough some more. When no attack comes, he chances a look up at his attacker. She’s looking at him with a paranoid gaze, which flickers up and down in confusion, but she does not lower her weapon.
“What are you doing here, Red Son?!” she yells.
Red Son does his best to regain his breath. When he does he shouts back, though not as loud or as strong as he wants it to be. “I was brought here, Dragon Girl! By your blue friend, no less! So- so back off or I’ll burn you to a crisp!”
The threat is empty. He knows it is. And even if she doesn’t, she knows she has the upper hand. He can’t hide his injuries or look powerful, half curled up on the floor and locked down by her sword. But he won’t appear weak. Not to her.
“Mei!” calls the Blue One, as he stands up from the floor, stepping carefully over the glass on the floor and rushing into the adjacent area to move between the girl and the demon.
“Sandy! Are you okay? What is Red Son doing here? Is he hurting you? Is he--”
“He’s injured!” Sandy says with some amount of exasperation quickly shuffling over and kneeling down by Red Son’s side. He puts a hand on the demon’s back and offers another for him to take to support him. Red Son stays silent and looks down, as Sandy helps him up.
“What?!” Pure incredulity drips from the Dragon Girl’s voice. “Are- are you helping him?!”
When he’s able to set Red Son upright, and leans him against a nearby cabinet, he looks to the girl and rubs the back of his head absently. “Er, yes, I am.”
She continues to give him a questioning look.
“He was hurt!” Sandy says simply. “I had to, Mei.”
The girl looks between the two of them, before sighing and lowering her sword. “I was wondering why we hadn’t heard from you much.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys. I was hoping to tell you first instead of you finding out this way. Are you… mad?” The big man looks small, like a child revealing that they had snuck a cookie out of a cookie jar.
“It’s not you I’m upset at, it’s him. I don’t trust him. You could get into trouble. What if the Demon Bull family comes and attacks you? What if he burns down the houseboat?!” Red Son gets dizzy at the range of emotions that cross the girl’s features and body language as she talks, from a distrusting glance to panicky waving arms to exaggerated sweeps of her entire body. He remembers why he finds this group so annoying. And even moreso, he is annoyed at being left out of the conversation.
“Excuse me, I am standing right here!” he says with as much afront as he can muster.
“That’s the problem, Red Boy!”
“It’s Red Son to you, Dragon Girl!”
“Oh and now who is getting the names wrong?”
“I don’t stoop to uttering the names of peasants!”
“Shut up! You shouldn’t even be here! Do you know how much pain you caused! Sandy is here helping you, and you don’t deserve any of it!”
“Now now--” Sandy tries interjecting, but is caught in the middle of a now shouting match.
“That’s because you’re all so styoooopidly sappy! I’m GLAD I attacked you! You weaklings are too noble for your own good!” A smile spreads on his face seeing he’s getting under the girl's skin. It made him feel stronger. Shouting let out his pent up frustration from earlier. And banter with the Noodle Boy’s friends made things feel normal for once.
Mei shouts back at Red Son, contempt and hatred dripping from her words. "You hurt my friend! You nearly destroyed the Monkey King!!! You and your dumb dad! I bet DBK is proud of you!"
Red Son’s smile drops immediately and something in him snaps at the mention of his father, and before he can stop himself, the words come out. "HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE!"
There is a beat of silence and Red Son had a moment to realize what he said. He hadn't meant to bring up his father in such a way. How weak is he that he keeps revealing his inner thoughts to his enemies? His heart hammers against his ribs in shame and embarrassment, and he’s about to babble out some excuse, when the Dragon Girl speaks instead.
"He was supposed to be what? Destroyed?"
"Well, you know what? You failed to destroy the Monkey King. And it was the Monkey Kid who beat both of you!"
A spark of relief lights in Red Son's chest. The girl thinks he was talking about the Monkey King. Not his father. She had misunderstood his shout. He pushes down his shock and embarrassment, and forces a well-practiced sneer onto his lips. "Y-yes! The Monkey King was supposed to be destroyed! You just got lucky, that's all!"
The girl gives him a hate-filled look. Just the way it should be.
But when he looks over at Sandy, he sees confusion. And… sadness? Perhaps a bit of worry. Well, they should be worried and sad and angry at him!  They should both be afraid. And weakened or not, Red Son isn't going to let them forget that he is still a force to be reckoned with!
He fixes the Dragon Girl with what he hopes looks like a dangerous scowl. "Next time I'll be more thorough in my destruction!"
The girl doesn't look quite as frightened as Red Son would've hoped, but at the very least she clamps her loud mouth shut. She then sighs and turns to Sandy. "I don't know why you helped him. I don't think this is the kind of guy who can be saved."
Red Son's chest burns uncomfortably. It must be because of that shove she gave him earlier, exacerbating his wounds, and not the hopelessness of her statement.
Sandy shrugs and replies simply, “I've got to try, don't I?"
The girl's lips spread in a small smile of understanding and pats the large man's arm. "Yeah, and that's what's cool about you, my friend."
Sandy beams widely. But his expression switches to nervousness. "You won't tell the others, will you, Mei?"
She quirks an eyebrow up and gives him a look. "Sandy, MK is my best friend. I tell him practically everything," she deadpans.
Sandy wilts a bit, but the girl gives him another reassuring pat and says, "But I'll ask them to leave him alone…,” she shoots Red Son a dark look as she finishes her statement, “...for now.” Switching back to something more friendly, she returns her attention to Sandy. "So you better come clean yourself, soon, and give us a better explanation."
"Of course!" Sandy brightens.
With that the girl exits the houseboat, leaving Red Son and Sandy alone.
There is silence between them. Sandy looks at Red Son, and the demon does his best to not notice.
“Did she hurt you much?” Sandy sounds both worried and a bit embarrassed.
“I’m fine.” Red Son says too quickly.
Sandy comes closer and reaches a hand towards him. Red Son flinches back and the motion causes his whole body to wobble. Before he can fall back down, Sandy catches him. Red Son goes stiff and Sandy makes sure to give him some room once he regains his footing.
“Sorry.” Sandy shifts where he stands. “I noticed that one of your bandages is loose.” He gestures to a bandage on his wrist. “I may have to check you over again and re-do your bandages… If that’s okay…?”
Red Son’s chest burns again. He hates this. But he nods anyway. “Okay.”
Slowly, Sandy goes about washing and re-bandaging Red Son’s wounds. Luckily nothing was hurt too badly, but some bandages did come loose during the scuffle, and a few deeper burns had to be cared for.
They stayed mostly silent throughout much of it. Until Sandy finally spoke up. “Did you mean what you said earlier? About how ‘he was supposed to be.’” He was sitting behind Red Son working on some of the bandages on his back, and Red Son was glad for this so he didn’t see his eyes widen in alarm.
“Of- of course! I definitely meant to destroy the Monkey King and bring him to my father as a prize.” Red Son tries to keep his voice steady.
Sandy is silent for a moment as if trying to find his words. “Were you really talking about the Monkey King then? Not… someone else?”
“I-- don’t know what you mean…” The words come out stiff and stilted.
“I thought…” he began, before giving a sigh. “I guess I misinterpreted what you were saying.”
“Yes, I suppose you did.” Red Son answers curtly.
After a bit more silence Sandy continues. “Have you made any progress with your powers…?”
Red Son twists around suddenly giving Sandy a wide-eyed stare. “How did you know about my powers!?” The movement hurts, but the ache of sudden vulnerability is worse.
“I noticed you trying to throw some fireballs and stuff over the past few days… And also you didn’t attack Mei. Or me, for that matter. So I just… guessed”
Red Son feels small. Like the world is pressing in around him. The Blue One’s large form, not helping. And the pain radiating from his wounds makes the sensation worse. He pushes himself away from the blue giant as he starts shivering again, the cold suddenly feeling more apparent. Everything is suddenly fuzzy, like when he first noticed that his powers were gone. But now Sandy knew, and his friends might find out. And if they found out, then maybe his parents would know. They’d know just how weak he was. His chest is pulsing with pain and he isn’t sure why. It feels like the Dragon Girl hitting him over and over again.
Warmth is suddenly draped around him. The downy sensation of a comforter holds his form. He notices that his breaths are rapid and that’s what was hurting his chest. “Breathe,” a voice calls. So he obeys. Slowly, his breaths return to normal. The blankets surrounding him give the feeling of being cradled, but not trapped, and the warmth brings his trembling to a minimum.
“Red Son,” the voice he now recognizes as Sandy calls. “Do you hear what I am saying?”
The demon looks up, meeting the Blue One’s eyes, and gives a short nod.
“I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to. I don’t think you are weak. You are just injured and healing, and that’s okay. I won’t tell anyone,” Sandy’s calm voice is reassuring. But Red Son worries about how much he might’ve just babbled.
Sandy gives him a few more moments to calm down before talking to him again. “I finished working on your bandages. I can get you some tea if you want.” Then he gives a small knowing smile at him. “If you promise not to throw the mug…”
Red Son looks the gentle giant up and down. He slowly shifts into a more comfortable and relaxed position on the bed, and huddles down into the blankets more. He doesn’t smile, but he sounds and feels more like himself in his response. “No promises.”
Sandy’s smile reaches his eyes and he goes off to make more tea.
Red Son manages to not throw the mug this time.
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Shiverwood Facilities
(This is a WIP, will probably be updated fairly frequently!)
This blog is a headcanon blog- it is not run as canon, and everything said is my own personal headcanons. The goal of this blog is just to explore the Pokemon world and the lore in ways that canon does not, I don’t claim anything I say to be canon or superior to anybody else’s headcanons.
This blog ignores game mechanics, as they don’t apply to the more realistic approach I’m taking here. I’m operating more under a blend of manga and anime mechanics. Storylines in the games may be acknowledged, but game mechanics (level up system, IVs and EVs, etc) are not canon to this blog.
A note from the person who runs this blog: I am by no means a medical expert, or an expert in real life animals. This is all for fun, and is just my fun way of having a blog for a self-indulgent Pokemon OC. Do not take anything I see here as real-life medical or animal handling advice- I am not a professional in any way.
(I also want to note- I was inspired by the Professor Peach blog to start my own, so shoutout to them for giving me the idea!!)
What do we do?
Shiverwood Facilities itself is dedicated both to Pokemon research and Pokemon care. Our work is primarily based on Pokemon behaviour rather than on any specific Pokemon type, with our primary work being researching into a broad spectrum of Pokemon behaviours, and the care of Pokemon sent to us for care or rehabilitation. We also act as an in-between for Pokemon that need more intensive rehabilitation we can’t offer and we can often take in Pokemon that need to be removed from situations, but who don’t have someone to take them in quite yet. 
On the research side of things, I (Professor Laurel) am in charge of most aspects of it. My research is centralized on Pokemon variants, the environmental causes, and the behavioural aspects. I’m also a behaviouralist myself, with a background in that sort of research, so I’m a bit of an encyclopedia on Pokemon behaviour and the habits of various species. I’m most familiar with Dragon, Grass, and Bug type Pokemon, but I can help with pretty much any typing. 
Our site is equipped to deal with Pokemon that need care or minimal rehabilitation- anything more intensive we offer to just hold onto the Pokemon in question until someone more qualified can come and pick them up. Pokemon care here covers mental wellbeing and physical health- we have several behaviouralists onsite, including myself, who can get to the root of the problem and help a Pokemon emotionally, as well as trained medical staff who can deal with anything physical, be it injuries or something chronic. Our medical facilities are equivalent to a Pokemon Centre, and we often take in injured wild Pokemon for short stays before releasing them, but we’ll also help out trainers who pass by, or anyone who needs to bring in their Pokemon for a longer stay, free of charge. Any Pokemon left with us, whether found after being abandoned or being surrendered from bad situations, will most likely be rehomed, if not taken in by someone on staff. 
We offer tours of the facility, as well as tours of the local habitat. These are both guided either by myself or another staff member with a capable team, just in case. Public areas are clearly marked with signs, same with warning signs for any areas that might be dangerous, and areas closed to the public. We also host a couple of events every season that serve to raise awareness of our work, Pokemon care, Pokemon wellbeing, etc for the public. 
Who are you sending your questions to?
Professor Arthur Laurel! That’s me- you can call me Arthur if you want, I’m not big on formalities. I’ve talked about myself already, but I’m the person who will be receiving and answering all of your questions.
I have a smaller team of Pokemon from my trainer days, and all three of them are my trusted partners and some of my very best friends.
Cloudhopper - My Dragonite. She’s been with me the longest and is my partner, gifted to me as a starter as a Dratini when I was going to set out on my Gym Challenge. She’s also a certified service Pokemon, as well as a flying Ride Pokemon. Known for being very protective, usually the one to get me out of trouble, but also very sweet and loving. She does have a wicked sense of humour, though, watch out for if she feels mischievous.
Honeybite - My Appletun. He’s larger than the average Appletun, standing at over 3 feet tall, and known for being the sweetest cuddles there ever was. He’s been with me nearly as long as Cloudhopper. Honeybite’s famous for his cuddles, but don’t underestimate him for his sweet face, he’s quite the little powerhouse when he wants to be, but luckily for us he chooses peace.
Sweetbug - My Vespiquen. She was the last addition to my team, but it’s still been a good decade of having her by my side. She’s a mother hen type between myself and her Combee hive, with a fierce protective streak that has us keeping her hive closed to the public. She often offers honey as a gift to those she cares about, so you can always tell someone’s having a good day when they’ve got a little jar of honey that they didn’t get from me.
Where are we and how can you find us?
Shiverwood is a bit of an exaggeration for a name- we’re located just north of Ballonlea, near the mountains surrounding Wyndon. We’re just north of being hot and humid, and just south of being freezing, so we have some cooler weather for most of the year, although summers can get quite hot. There are designated paths through the thick forest outside of Ballonlea that lead to us, so finding your way isn’t too difficult, but for those who don’t want to travel on foot we can also be reached through Corviknight Taxi and easily spotted from the sky on a flying service Pokemon. We don’t have any water access, the only body of water being a nearby lake, as well as no train access. Walking/riding or flight are the only ways to reach us. 
We’re in this area on the standard Galar map.
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What kind of facilities do we have?
MAIN LAB - This is the largest building, it’s the main research facility and where you’ll find me if I’m not cooped up in my lab or out in the field. It also contains a smaller medical facility equipped for minor injuries for both people and Pokemon. Mostly open to the public.
LAUREL’S LAB - Within the Main Lab building. I keep it open to the public for the most part, just know that it’s a mess most of the time, because I believe in organized chaos. My team can be interacted with here if they’re in the mood for it, so if you’ve ever wanted to hug a Dragonite, now’s your chance. 
POKEMON CENTER - It’s not an official Pokemon Center, but we call it one because it’s easier. It’s equipped to handle anything from massive medical emergencies to permanent and semi-permanent residents who require more care. Also equipped for human care. We often offer supervised positions to learning medical students so that they can gain experience under the watchful eyes of our doctors. Some of it is open to the public, but the rooms are restricted to trainer and friends and family only, and surgery rooms are completely off limits.
ZEN AREA - This is a combination of a building and a bigger outdoor area. This is where the behaviouralists care for Pokemon’s mental wellbeing- think of it like therapy for Pokemon. The outdoor area is open to the public, but inside the building only the entrance is accessible. This is because inside is where Pokemon who may be volatile or aggressive are cared for, to prevent them from escaping, or harming other patients. We call it the Zen Area because it can be very soothing, patient or not.
CONTAINMENT - Where we hold the Pokemon we’re temporarily holding for someone to come collect. This area is completely closed off to the public due to the usually very aggressive or unpredictable nature of the Pokemon who stay there. This area is meant for temporary stays- it’s a sizeable enough area of the woods right at the base of the mountain, and there’s a pond in there that’s surprisingly deep. This area can handle a wide variety of Pokemon, temporarily, but it can’t handle every single species. In those cases, we relocate them to another facility as quickly as possible.
GREENHOUSES - These are the warmest places in the facility, mostly inhabited by Grass Types, but also home to quite a few Bug Types. Open to the public and plants are available for purchase, with a wide range from leafy greens to berry saplings. The Pokemon here are tamed, and can be adopted. There is one that’s closed off to the public due to the Combee hive in there, but the honey can be bought!
TRAINING FIELD - Most of us are trainers, so we have a standard battlefield set up for battling! It isn’t equipped for Dynamaxing or Gigantamaxing, but that isn’t a worry since we don’t have the means to do so in this area. Trainers are welcome to use the field for practice, and to see if any staff would like to battle with them. I’m usually up for a good battle unless I’m busy (or recovering from something), and it’s great fun to spectate during your breaks!
MIRROR LAKE - Named after the Giant’s Mirror, Mirror Lake hosts numerous Water Types that prefer the colder waters. We have a Lapras who lives there and she’s very friendly, though she’s never been captured and we don’t allow the public to ride on her. She picks and chooses on the staff who she’ll allow to ride on her back and if you try to force it, she throws you into the water. We have other trained ride Pokemon for water rides, and the shallows can be nice to dip your feet in during the hotter summer, though the water never gets above chilly temperatures.
SHIVERWOOD FOREST - Likely named during the colder winter, Shiverwood is the forest we’re built on the edge of. It’s technically still the Glimwood Tangle, but we have stronger wild Pokemon around, as well as some other species you won’t find south of Ballonlea. There are trail tours, but we generally advise not wandering into the dense forest, as it’s very easy to get lost. You’ll often be able to see the wild Sylveon and Umbreon packs, as well as some Deerling and Sawsbuck herds, lots of Impidimps and a few Morgrems and Grimmsnarls, and plenty of Zubats. If you’re lucky, you might spot a Trevenant! 
MOUNTAIN TRAILS - We have several mountain trails to hike on if you don’t mind the chillier weather up there. Most of the caves have danger signs posted in front of them and we often have staff posted near them, but several caves are open and free to explore! We have a Gigalith who lives deep in the caves who comes out every once in a while and is a real sight to behold, and higher up the mountain for more experienced climbers, you may get to see a very friendly Froslass. Other than that you can expect to find Geodudes, Gravellers and Golems, more Zubats, Roggenrolas and Boldores, and most common Rock Types. If you’re very lucky in the winter, and if you’re patient and brave enough to climb up to see the Froslass, you might just see an Aurorus if you wait around long enough. She’s very elusive, but breathtaking to see. Just don’t get on the wrong side of any Abomasnow or Beartics you see up there- keep to the trails and don’t go without staff. 
You said events?
I did! We host a couple of events every season, raising awareness for our work and for Pokemon in need to the public. The events we host are all free and are open for everyone, and we always put out plenty of notice and signs so everyone knows!
Shiverwood Trek - Every year, early in the spring, we put on the annual hike where everyone who shows up early in the morning joins us for a hike through the forest! We do Pokemonspotting throughout, and this is usually the time where you get to interact with a lot of wild Pokemon and see the sights that Shiverwood has to offer. This is also the only event where we go off the trails- since the foliage won’t have fully come in, it’s much easier to get through, so we always explore “new” (we explore before taking random people in for safety reasons) areas. Afterwards, there’s a lunch and then we offer the usual guided tours. I usually lead this one!
Wake-Up Call - A lot of Pokemon come out of hibernation in the spring, and after sleeping for so long, they’re quite hungry! Come on down and make up baskets of food grown here in the Greenhouses, and join us in going through the forest and setting baskets around for anyone who might need it. You’ll often get to see sleepy Pokemon stumbling around, and let me tell you, you haven’t lived till you’ve seen a sleepy Greedent fall asleep eating the basket it found.
Summer Barbecue Bash!! - Just what it says it is! It’s a massive barbecue party we hold from early afternoon to late into the night every summer. We team up with Kabu and other Fire Type experts to bring in Fire Types to help with the cooking, as well as putting on shows of them displaying their talents and powers. It’s a lot of fun, just remember to bring sunscreen! 
Scavenger Hunt - This one’s more meant for the younger ones, but we host a big scavenger hunt in the easy forest trails and the easy mountain trails for people to complete! Everybody gets a prize for finishing, but first free to finish get a bigger prize just as a bit of incentive. This usually brings out the families, a lot like the barbecue bash, and is a lot of fun to set up and help out with. Staff get to be wonderfully cryptic and unhelpful (unless it’s with the little ones- we’re a bit more helpful there) and it’s good to get out into the sun for a bit. We hold this one a couple times throughout the summer.
Fall Forage - As fall comes in, a lot of local plant life starts to wither for the colder weather. Right at the beginning, we lead people around for foraging, and anything they find they can choose to donate to us or take home for free. There’s a lot of Pokemonspotting to be had, a lot of exploring, and at the end of the day we take some of what we’ve found and we make a big community pot of soup! That’s become a tradition for the forage over the years, and it’s probably my favourite part after spending the whole day gathering plants in the chilly weather. 
Sawsbuck Sendoff - Every year in the fall, the Sawsbuck and Deerling herds that live in the area migrate towards the mountains for the winter. They come through the area in big herds, and this lasts usually 2 - 3 days. This started off as something unofficial, but the popularity of it led to us advertising it as a sendoff, where we all gather and watch the Sawsbuck and Deerling herds migrate. You can also help clearing their way with us if you want, it’s a volunteer operation and we repay you with food, but you basically just help us clear the way and set up food and water stations, plus you might see some early groups come through! Can’t go up to the herds for safety reasons, but watching them is quite beautiful, and very rewarding to see your hard work pay off when they eat the food you set out for them. 
Into the Unknown - Named a bit dramatically, because we definitely know where we’re going, but winter’s event is cave exploring! This is the only time of year we open up some of the more restricted caves, and we take people deep into the caves to explore. We check them all out in advance, of course, to ensure safety, but this is the one and only opportunity a year to get into some of these caves and explore deeper into the mountain. This is another one I tend to lead, and it’s great fun, but it’s also got a lot of hands on deck and on standby just in case. A lot of prep goes into this one and honestly, it’s probably my favourite event to host! There’s hidden waterfalls, glittering caves, and this is the only way you’ll see some Pokemon like Noibats, Noiverns, and some elusive Ghost and Dark Types.
Winter Harvest - We do this one a few times throughout the winter. Winter Harvest is when we take what we’ve been growing in the Greenhouses and the public can come help us make food packages that we donate to Pokemon shelters, and to families in need. This one usually has a big turnout and it’s a great environment all around; just people helping each other and drinking hot chocolate. I participate every year, and help with the deliveries along with staff and volunteers. 
Besides those, we also host regular adoption events. People can come through anytime to see if they’d like to adopt any of the Pokemon we hold here, though we do have fairs on a regular basis to promote the facility’s adoption services. 
You can also find some courses here- we offer them to anybody looking to learn, no age limit (just a minimum; 16), but they can be very helpful when applying for certain lines of work. I also offer referrals and letters of recommendation as a professor, and the staff are also qualified to do the same as medical experts and behaviouralists.
Q: What kind of questions can I ask?
A: Anything and everything! I’ll always answer to the best of my ability, be it behaviour, medical, or just you wanting my thoughts on a certain species or concept. I’ll always be sure to be clear when my answers are uncertain, theoretical, or if I just don’t know. But anything you want to ask, ask away!
Q: Can I come to you for medical advice?
A: Within the Pokemon world? Absolutely! If you’re looking for real-life medical advice from the author of this blog, who is an arts student who works part-time retail, you are not going to find anything helpful!
Q: Why is my question taking a while to get answered?
A: I (both myself and Arthur) get very busy! I check this blog whenever I can, but I don’t always answer right away because my answers require time for me to sit down and think it out. I answer every ask I receive (unless it’s really weirdly personal or if there’s clearly something really bad about it- then it’ll be deleted) and I do so as quickly as I can, but I pride myself on quality answers, so it might take me a bit!
Q: Do you hand out starter Pokemon?
A: Not in the way you think! We do adopt Pokemon out, but we’re not like, say Professor Oak. Adopting a Pokemon out here, even to a child, involves a screening process of the adopter (anyone over 18 and if younger than 18, their legal guardian(s)), and a lot of paperwork. We have to make sure everything is going to work out, after all! But we don’t just hand a new trainer a Pokemon, no.
Q: Can I leave my Pokemon there for a short while?
A: Absolutely! We don’t have a designated daycare area, but we will ensure your Pokemon gets the best care and stays in the area best suited to them. Feel free to leave them with us, but we do ask that it not be long, so try to come get them within 10 days unless you give us notice it will be a longer period. While you’re away, your Pokemon will be allowed to roam (with supervision) in any area that best suits it, and I’ll personally assure you that staff are more than happy to keep our Pokemon guests company, haha :)
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currentfandomkick · 5 years
Miraculous Team and Batboys, end of Damian Grasyon day 1
Here’s what i have for the update
Marinette wasn’t surprised to see Lilia trying to talk to Damian in her seat. Or that he looked ready to kill her.
“And then Damiboo—“
“Hey Lila, I need to do more official welcoming committee things with Damian before class starts. We wouldn’t want him to get caught unprepared for any attacks at Dupont, would we?”
Before Lila could speak up Alya grabbed the girl’s arm and pulled her back to her lair in the back.
“C’mon, we don’t want him to get pancaked then miracle back—you know how much people that are used to it hate that.”
“Oh sweet, no lecture today then,” Nino grinned.
Marinette almost rolled her eyes. “I know your haunts, I will get you on a semi-healthy sleep schedule.”
“I am an artist, we say screw sleep.”
“You can be nocturnal and have a sleep schedule Nino.” Marinette paused for a moment. “Or I will revoke morning delivery privileges.”
Nino stiffened.”Got it.”
She turned back to Damian, who held up his phone. “Did all of these really happen?”
Marinette looked at the attacks he had pulled up. “Yeah, just, don’t bring up that one,” Marinette pointed to the Siren video. “The survivors are in therapy and the victims don’t remember for a good reason.” She paused for a moment before saying, “And try not to bring up someone’s akumatazations, it’s a leading cause to re-akumatazation like with this one.” Marinette tapped the first entry on the page, Stone Heart.
Damian nodded, looking over at her once again before continuing his scroll.
“If you have any questions about this or school or classes, I can give you my number. No guarantees I’ll get back that moment, but usually that day. Commissions can eat up time… I’ll check with Sabrina if she’s willing to answer questions too.”
“The class deputy, correct?” Damian asked without looking up.
“Yeah, I’d ask Chloe but she’s in the middle of fighting the school on a few trip schedules for the class and well…”
“I cannot believe they want to cut our time in the gardens Adrikins, can you believe it! It’s ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!”
Damian looked up at her as she sighed. “I’m pretty sure oil and water get along better than you two would.”
Damian nodded and—no she was imagining it. No way that expression happened.
“She’s more tolerable than the other one.”
Marinette hummed at that. “Chloe is the lesser of two evils at any point in time.”
“Oh shut up Dupain-Cheng.”
“Marinette, that isn’t very nice,” Adrien gently reprimanded.
Marinette rolled her eyes openly this time. “Its this or war.”
“Personally, I’d prefer war,” Chloe huffed. “But we have someone to dispose of first.”
“I mean, maybe she’s just got a condition? No need to jump down her throat dudette,” Nino added.
Marinette raised an eyebrow. “So what did she screw up on her timeline this time?”
Chloe huffed this time. “The same summer she was with Ali doing “delegation things” she was apparently being wooed by Gotham’s elusive ice prince.”
Marinette snorted at that.
She missed Damian’s reaction, but she doubted it was anything important.
“Okay, so are you all now in agreement that she’s lying?”
Chloe rolled her eyes. “Told you all Dupain-Cheng was right at the beginning, but did you listen? Nooo.”
Adrien sighed. “I really messed up at first, didn’t I?”
Marinette shrugged. She got why---rock, hard place, and really bad coping mechanisms but… “Kind of.”
“Dudette, thanks again for making sure we all still went into those competitions and stuff.”
Marinette nodded, watching others in the class check the document, minus those in Lila’s sight.
Alix looked ready to clock Lila from her place while Rose was a bit devastated on her end. She winced a bit at those responses. Lila still did deal some damage to the class over the years, even if she did mitigate most of the long term ones.
“Someone has to keep the class afloat.”
“Rude.” Chloe wasn’t glaring. Oh—Chloe was doing her brand of friendship with Marinette now. She’d need to be vigilant for possible Chloe-cling.
“We both know you’d sell most of us for a corn chip,” Marinette added, hoping it might put just the right amount of distance but…
“Obviously, only Sabrina and Adrikins are spared…” she was glad she wasn’t included. “though you’re a bag of corn chips.” Damnit.
“Settle down class, now…” with that class began and Marinette almost groaned because she had an impending civilian Chloe friendship, who is exactly the type to drag you around without listening to any objections.
Once classes were over Marinette checked her messages with Sabrina.
“Okay, so here’s my number and Sabrina’s, any questions you can message either of us. Sabrina is better for procedural things and responds a lot faster than me.”
Sabrina materialized out of thin air and puffed out her chest. “I am the superior organizer.”
Marinette mock-glared at the red-head for that. “You still mess up the joint class schedules.”
Sabrina huffed at her. “You’re the one that they tell everything to.”
“I listen, and follow up. You’re just lucky I forward you guys that monster schedule since you can’t be trusted without supervision.”
Sabrina pouted at that. “Its not my fault Adrien and Kim don’t update theirs.”
Marinette nodded along, wondering if she could escape soon. “Just talk to Kim—I know you hate his sport speak but just ask if he can show up and he’ll check his calendar—I made sure to train him on that before stepping down.”
Sabrina looked at her before going off to do just that, since he yelled something about a new competition and that meant an updated class schedule.
Marinette packed her things then, figuring that Damian was already gone.
“Have a good day Dupain-Cheng.”
If it wasn’t for Chloe being across the room, she would have rolled her eyes. However…
“You too Damian. Again, any questions and me or Sabrina can answer.”
He frowned at her as she stood to leave. Oh, the textbooks!
“The mint page in the orange folder should show you the easiest places to get the textbooks this late into term. I’m guessing you’re not the type to like having to hit the library for required materials, and you don’t look like the type to like sharing textbooks long term. If those don’t work, Sabrina has a pdf for transfers you can download once you get approval to use a laptop or phone in class from Bustier. The form is the second mint page I think, and don’t worry, she approves things like that in a few days.”
Damian nodded. Marinette wondered if she overwhelmed him as she left. Oh well, her classmates were busy and she still had to finish Ali’s commission before patrol or an akuma attack—it was too quiet.
She hoped Damian read over the safety procedures, and sent him a quick text to review those as an after thought as she sent him in English (She hoped she guessed right): It’s been too peaceful for Hawkmoth, and our attacks are usually once every two days.
He read it but didn’t respond. She rolled her eyes as she entered the bakery, noting that Zombie was gone.
“I’ll be upstairs!”
“Before you do, can you make more of your monstrosities? The daycare should be letting out soon…”
Marinette almost sighed. Almost. How much did Zombie have? Apparently all of it.
She rolled her eyes as she made her usual ‘sleep deprived’ set for the regulars and ran upstairs to finish up Ali’s commission. With any luck, she wouldn’t have to stay up all night.
She was almost done, just a few more details when the AkumaWatch went off.
Tikki gave her a look.
“I know, I know.” Marinette grabbed her things for school. “Maman, Papa, I’m going to the Library!”
“Don’t stay till closing this time!”
“No promises!”
She ran off a decent distance before ducking into an alleyway.
“Tikki, Spots on!”
Elsewhere Damian had escaped Bustier's "checking in" by taking refuge in the school's library and sent over the information he'd gathered from Dupont and the Ladyblog to Drake first. Who Todd located and then relocated at Dick's request to go over what they'd found and discuss possible investigation avenues into the miraculous and its users.
He didn't like the idea of the 'boogey-man' stories (according to Grayson) of the trinkets holding the power gods being a reality. Especially if the old stories from the League were anything to go by... According to legend, a pair of earrings were responsible for the Lazarus Pitts existence in the first place--and he was weary of the tales of the ring that wiped cities from existence, and the necklace that drove men to madness.
Hope you enjoyed, and thanks to everyone that’s been commenting and voting on this and the ao3 of the story. Sorry, but Damian getting intrigued beat out Lila exposure by Damian. Instead, we have Class Knows She Lies, but no action plan on that yet... May do various confrontations when we get back to school updates.
Here’s the question for the next update, since its battletime and I get stuck on those for a bit.
Two things: batboys invade the battle or show up at the end when the Miraculous Team are wrapping it up?
and any akuma ideas? I'm debating just having it be gigtitan or pigeonman if its light, or if we're going dark, then a little kid that's being starved for 'bad behavior' regularly possibly turning adults into food, and the Miraculous Team seen at the end both comforting the kid in turns while talking to the police.
light is just simple intro, dark is more a slap in the face for the batboys that this is not Gotham or the Justice League, and gets them to see the whole of the problem more.
@worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @littleredrobinhoodlum @northernbluetongue @kceedraws @pirats-pizzacanninibles @theatreandcomicfreak @daminett4life @catthhay @weird-pale-blonde-person @amayakans @chocolatecatstheron
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CDC Comments
The CDC has published the many comments they solicited regarding their opioid guidelines. You can read the thousands of comments here.
I’m not sure if my comment made it in, but here’s a copy of what I sent to the CDC regarding their cruel guidelines:
March of 2016, while I was already at work for the day, I experienced a back spasm so severe I couldn't stand up straight. An ambulance was called and at the ER I was told I had back spasm. When I saw my primary care doctor, she prescribed Vicodin, which did not eliminate the pain but it helped immensely. Not long after MA Gov. Baker signed state law based on the CDC's opioid guidelines and my own doctor had to go on maternity leave. The interim doctor refused to refill my Vicodin. Ever since the spasm my back pain never went away, it had not been intractable before then. I had an X-ray done and was told it showed nothing so nothing could be wrong. I was told to go on more walks. However I persisted, I tried physical therapy and got an MRI when insurance would approve. It showed I had Degenerative Disk Disease. My PCP came back, once again allowing me back on opioids but let me know she could not continue prescribing them, that I had to seek out a pain clinic doctor
For the next year I struggled to get access to sufficient pain relief that I had no choice but to retire and go on disability. I also used everything I could to treat my back such as lidocaine cream, tens devices, physical therapy, core exercises, Epsom salt baths, epidurals and more. At the end of the day, the only sufficient pain killer was Vicodin. Eventually I was put on Tramadol as a replacement, it helped, but not enough. Certainly not in the doses they permitted. After a few really bad experiences with doctors and pain doctors trying to get sufficient pain relief, I tried a new place and found a doctor that told me he believed my pain was real and he was going to do what he could to help me. He kept his word and worked out a regiment of Tramadol as my main pain reliever, and Norco as a sort of assistance for flares or when I want to go out and be active ( It's always more painful to be active.) This, along with my other methods and continued epidurals has helped me manage my pain...to a point. I still experience high levels of pain, and increasing pain. I have other pain causing illnesses including but not limited to Fibromyalgia and Forefoot Valgus.
I'm in severe pain every day, I get through it because I have some measure of pain relief, and it even allows me to be active sometimes. However, the more active I am, the more pain relief I need. The more active I am, the more recovery time I need. There's no world I live in where I can be as active as I was 5 years ago. I probably will never work full time every again. I have lost so much of life and so much of it still exists in daily pain. Meanwhile my doctor is worried I might be targeted by the DEA for withdrawal. He recently gave me 15 more Norco pills to deal with bad flares and increased activity, and he asked me after if I had any issues. He knows he's putting his license on the line, and he isn't even prescribing me the big one Oxycodone. I know his efforts are sincere and that he would be more free to help me explore more effective pain measures through opioids if it wasn't for the CDC Guidelines.
I'm also not just a woman with pain, I have had mental health issues my entire life. I have attempted suicide twice and am at a high statistical risk of attempting and succeeding at a third attempt. I already know if I lose my opioids, what little pain relief I have now, I will lose my life. I have no hope of being significantly pain free from any other way than opioids. I also have no history of opioid abuse, I have taken them safely off and on since my twenties for various issues. However, I also come from a family of addicts, and I believe firmly that the CDC Guidelines around opioids will create more addicts for illegal substances by forcing pain patients to use illicit drugs for pain relief. Those same illicit drugs that are mostly responsible for this opioid crisis. I also think it's shameful that the CDC can't do better than a guideline that hurts pain patients and does absolutely nothing to address the disease of addiction. Restriction has and never will make addiction stop. Addicts also deserve pain relief too. I believe in science based medicine, and that these guidelines are not based on such. They are biased and hurt both addicts and pain patients. We should be seeking comprehensive science based medicine to help both groups and not limit access to opioids for pain patients just because of people's ill-informed biases against addicts who deserve humane treatment too.
I'm tired of feeling like I don't matter in this country because I'm disabled. I'm tired of people distrusting me or lecturing me because I need opioids. I'm tired of being in pain every damn day and my doctor is prevented from fully exploring all pain relieving options for fear of violating this guideline and bringing the DEA down on us. I'm tired of people like me dying because their opioids were taken away. I'm tired of living with this fear I may lose my meds.
Please, end this pain and suffering now!
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.63
Lance nearly turned back to Platt twice, and he was pretty sure he would have had Allura not come with him for the day trip home. He was taking Blue home ahead of returning on the weekend. His precious princess curled up in Allura’s lap, after working her way out of her carrier. Filling up at Balmeria, he was relieved to see Rax working rather than Shay. He didn’t want to put Shay in any kind of awkward position with Hunk, nor did he know how to explain his absence to her. Allura was trying her best to keep his spirits up, pointing out various things as they drove, or singing the words wrong to the songs on the radio. Lance nearly felt as nervous as he did the first time he drove out to see the house he’d call home.
Parking in the drive, Matt and Rieva couldn’t help messing with him. He’d barely cut the ignition and climbed out the car before the pair of werewolves were bounding out the house, knocking him down and dragging” him by the hem of his jeans towards the front steps
“Really? Out of every single way you could have greeted me, this was your best idea? You two are lame”
There was more laughter in his tone than he’d intended. Matt and Rieva both letting go of his jeans in favour of body flopping on top of him. The offensive smell of wolf not nearly as offensive when he felt they’d actually missed him
“Oh, no. Lance, I’m afraid I’m going to have to tell Keith your cheating on him. Look at you”
Allura giggled, raising her hand to cover her mouth. Blue taking he opportunity to jump and run away towards the open door. His princess didn’t have time for such “goings on”
“I love how you rush to help”
“Who you end up under is completely up to you”
“You wouldn’t think so. Now, will you two get off? The gravel’s itchy”
Matt and Rieva turned back, Lance covering his eyes
“Guys! Clothes!”
Matt didn’t care
“You know you love it. What’s not to love?”
“Your ugly arse junk forever imprinted in my head?”
“Here how he talks to us?! Blah. Keith can have you if you’re going to be like that”
“He did and he has and he will. Now go get dressed!”
Waiting until Matt and Rieva moved away, Lance uncovered his eyes to find Allura staring down at him
“Need a hand?”
“I wouldn’t say no. Remind me again why I decided coming back was a good idea?”
“I’m still not quite sure myself. They seemed to have missed you”
Allura helped him up, Lance then brushing the loose gravel off his body
“They’re a menace! Matt needs to be neutered! I hope you hear that!”
“Oh dear. I don’t think he’ll take that well”
From inside came a yelled “Fuck you!”
“He didn’t. He’s just lucky I haven’t taken his mangy arse to the vet yet. Then again, he’d probably like a thermometer stuck up his arse”
Looping her arm through his, Allura was still giggly
“I’ve never neutered a werewolf before. Coran may have. Perhaps we should enquire when we return?”
“Yep. And I want tracking collars for the pair of them. I’m surprised they didn’t graffiti the town sign and edit the population to say “plus one vampire”. He’s as bad as Pidge. No. He’s worse. He should know better by now”
“You know, I’m sure we could change that sign if you really wanted?”
“I think I’ve caused the town enough dramas. Let’s head in. I bet my poor house needs therapy. Is that a thing? A house needing therapy?”
“I don’t see why not? Though that would mean discussing what you and Keith have been up to here”
Lance pulled a face
“Why do you do this to me? You know I miss him as it is”
“I do. He really is very fond of you. I’m sure you moving back here will leave him missing you even more”
“You know we talked about it. I’m not hunter material”
“I don’t know. I think you’d make an excellent hunter. You’re very perceptive and very kind”
“If you ask Keith, I’m kind of an idiot”
“Yes, well... You do have your moments”
Lance gaped at Allura, Allura giggling again. Sighing dramatically, he started leading her towards the house. Why did everyone he knew have to be so weird? And why was if after all the years that he finally not keeping his walls so high was giving him everything he ever needed? Maybe because now he had a group of friends that were all weird like him, he was starting to see that maybe... just maybe... he liked himself more than he thought... and maybe he liked company more than he thought too.
Inside the house wasn’t the mess he’d expected. It smelt heavily of horny wolf, but everything seemed in order as he flopped down on his sofa. It smelt suspiciously clean... Like Rieva and Matt had cleaned it knowing he’d smell more than he was suppose to. Walking into the room, Matt ignored the perfectly open seats in favour of sitting right next to him. Normally he would have headed straight to the kitchen to make tea for Allura, but he had a finite amount of courage to work with. Shoving Matt away from him, Matt laughed
“I know you missed us. Curtis told me all about the talk you had with him”
“Curtis is cursed. It’s rude to use that against him”
Matt shrugged
“A man’s gotta do, what a man’s gotta do”
“And how’s that working out for you?”
“Pretty good”
“Oh, so you have a brilliant plan to make Pidge loves us again?”
Matt groaned, flopping sideways on the sofa
“No. She’s totally holed up. Hunk isn’t even talking to me. I think she’s making boards about us”
Lance flopped against Matt, sighing as he did
“That sounds like her. I miss our gremlin”
“I know. I have no one to play video games with anymore. What’s the point of having all these wolf powers if I can’t cheat in video games”
“What’s the point of being immortal if my second family hates me?”
“I don’t hate you, bro”
“I don’t hate you either”
Very awkwardly they fist bumped before both of them sighed.
Allura stood, hands on her hips, staring down the pair of them
“I’m ashamed of the pair of you right now. Have you tried talking to Pidge?”
“She’s ignoring us”
Matt replied, Lance nodded
“Then make it so she can’t”
Geez. Why hadn’t they thought of that?
“This isn’t a movie. We can’t just show up outside her house with a boom box and win her back”
Matt snorted
“Dude, you’re so fucking old”
“Shut up. You’re nearly as old”
“Oh, says Mister ‘70s over here”
He didn’t ask to be this old. He didn’t even know how he got to be this old. One moment he was 20, stumbling through life. Next moment he was 44, stumbling through life and now figuring out dating
“You got the reference! Dude, you’re her biological brother”
“She told mum to tell me we weren’t talking. Mum said she was worried about our influence on her”
Pidge was fierce . Colleen was ruthless
“Your mother scares me”
“Try being her son“
Allura clapped her hands, drawing attention back to her
“Will you two please get over yourselves. Pidge is a human in possession of information she is ill equipped to deal with. Now, Lance, if Keith were to stop talking to you, how would you reconnect?”
“He’s probably turn into a bat then go bury himself”
He didn’t know, but if Keith stopped talking to him, Matt was most likely right about what would come next
“Pretty much”
Allura sighed at the pair of them
“You’re not helping by joking”
“Matt’s right. I get emotional and then I’m a bat. Keith keeps me grounded. I’ve gotten better at not being a bat”
“Dude. You were so much cooler as a bat”
Lance huffed
“Says you. Keith says too, actually”
“Maybe you could turn into a bat and I could post you to Pidge?”
Now Matt was being ridiculous. They were being ridiculous. Keith suggested going to talk to her instead of relying on Matt, Lance was reaping what he sowed
“And have her experiment on me. No thanks. Allura, I know you want to help, buuuuut maybe we can talk about something else?”
“I’m trying to help”
“I know you are, but Pidge needs space. I’ve told her I’m coming back next week. Why don’t we just hang out today? We can practice hairstyles and do face masks?”
Matt made a a high “ooohing” noise, Lance sitting up, before shoving at him
“Shut up. It’s not like that”
“I didn’t say anything”
“You did. I’ll have you know, I’m going on a mission with Allura”
Matt sat up, expression skeptical
“And what mission is that? To find your balls. Wait, nope, Keith’s got you by them”
He’d rather Keith have them... and that didn’t quite make sense. Matt talking about his balls felt awkward. He wasn’t a smell mutt to be neutered
“I’ll chop yours off. I may or may not have been thinking about this, and having Allura here probably means she’s thinking the same thing and I’m only just putting this together, so thanks for that Allura. Rieva, we have a question for you. Have you ever heard of a vampire named Lotor? Or his family?”
Lance was barely home an hour before driving the four of them back to Platt. Rieva had indeed heard of Lotor, but she’d heard more about Zarkon and Honerva, telling them enough that Lance now knew coming home had been a bad idea, as wherever Lotor went, his mother was sure to have sent someone to watch his every move. Hastily they’d packed, Rieva insisting they weren’t safe in Garrison for the one being. Lance throwing together all his precious belongings, before rounding up Blue who wasn’t impressed at all. Rieva was shaken that Lotor was here, Lance certain there was a more personal reason that she wasn’t telling them. The only thing he could think of was that it somehow related to the death of her biological parents... And if Zarkon and Honerva were involved, he couldn’t fault her for being overly cautious. Matt had messaged Pidge to tell her to stay indoor and stay away from crowds, Lance’s undead heart frozen in fear for her and Hunk, and their families. He’d never wanted them roped into this, and now the whole issue was getting out of control.
Parking where Allura instructed. They entered the bookshop through a side entrance Lance has barely used. Practically sneaking their way through to the elevator to avoid drawing attention to themselves. Rieva didn’t know much about Lotor, not personally, she’d heard the rumours having grown up in Europe. Lotor was the son of a fae gone mad and a vampire who’d been twisted by his ego. Not a great combination for a child during the years of formations of self. Lotor had to know his mother sent someone. Maybe he’d thought he’d slipped them? Or maybe he’d paid them off? Or maybe Honerva wasn’t actually keeping tabs on him. From what Rieva said, she’d been a gifted and amazing scientist, using both magic and science to test human limits... and amazingly okay about sacrificing human pets for her research.
Reaching the reception area beneath ground, a strong weird scent of something unknown hung in the air. Familiar and not. And not completely unwelcoming. The scent making his teeth and nails ache, as suddenly he was falling onto his hands and knees, body screaming at him something he couldn’t decipher. Opening his mouth, nothing came out. Heat flushing through his body as his arms gave out and the world became so much bigger than it had been. Whatever the fuck was happening now, he didn’t like it...
Matt grabbed him by the collar, Lance finding himself pulled to his feet too fast. Covering his mouth to prevent himself from throwing up, he swallowed hard. That’d never happened. 44 years and he’d never felt like he had right then
“Fucking shitty vampire scents. What the hell, dude?”
That was vampire. Sniffing again, his stomach rolled. Submit. God. That’s what that feeling was. His body wanted to submit to something. Heat beginning to boil in his belly... no... not here... not here and not now...
“Matt, let him go. Lance... you’re okay. Allura, I’ll take him to his room. Lance, is there anything I can get you?”
Curtis’s name came out pained and strangled. Curtis could handle his bouts of heat... Rieva might have offered to take him to his room, but he wasn’t safe with her. He wasn’t safe because his body wasn’t listening. He didn’t... Grunting as a heat wave slammed into him with enough forced to make his knees buckle, tears came to his eyes. Keith was the one who made him feel like this. Not some random vampire... and Keith didn’t make him feel like he had to get on his hands knees and stick his fucking arse out to be bred like this... well... he did, but not so viciously like his head was behind held down and a heat shoved in every opening
“Okay. Allura call Curtis, then call Keith. We all need to talk, but right now Lance needs his boyfriend”
“Keith and Shiro are out...”
People really needed to stop saying Keith. Horny Lance had little control over all things Lance and what he wanted done to him
“I’m... okay... just... please get Curtis...”
This was mortifying. He was mortified. A single whiff and this happened. Maybe he was off guard? He had to be after what Rieva had and hadn’t said? Honerva was evil. The Blades knew about her and were yet to stop her. If she came here people would start dying at an alarming rate... Oh... god... shoot him now... he could smell horny Matt and dear god... he wanted something in him...
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Paul Dini’s Jingle Belle: The Mighty Elves (Comissoned by WeirdKev27)
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Well well boys, we’re back to Jingle Belle with another kevmission, though per his request i’ll be getting back to Life and Times Of Scrooge McDuck at long last. I also have some other stuff planned and all that, but for now, let’s focus on everyones faviorite elfen hellion as we dive back into Paul Dini’s Jingle Belle. 
I covered most of the behind the scene’s stuff last time so in short in case your just joining us, since this one’s got a bit more stuff to tag: Jingle Belle is an indie comic book character created by animation god Paul Dini, the daughter of Santa Claus and the Queen of Elves who acts like a standard rebellious teenager sterotype and causes trouble for her dad.  Last time I touched on the character a good two days ago, we looked at her first appearance, where she sent her family to Family Therapy. At the time I’d ONLY read that story, and hadn’t gotten that far into Jing’s world just yet. As you probably guessed despite plugging a decent amount of time into re-reading the rest of Scott Pilgrim (shout out to my good friend Mike for the early christmas present), on digital and in color and into the Switch port of the first Fire Emblem, I still got 2/3 of the way through the omnibus Kev gifted me of almost all her stories up to 2018′s The Handmade’s Tale.  Honestly not a lot has changed from the pilot.. while Jing’s designs changed a bit, she’s still more of a rebellious hellion, and while Santa’s no longer a slut shaming jackass, he’s still hard on her while her mom tries to keep the peace, The humor’s still edgy, if toned down enough to support returning whenever Dini felt like it but it’s largely the same for better or worse.  Overall the stories haven’t been bad but have been a bit reptitive to read in one giant omnibus. This really is down to the format they were made in: These were one off stories spread months apart meant to be picked up off the shelf with no real ongoing stories or character development and only some slight worldbuilding here and there. In short not bad stuff, just clearly not built to be collected in a huge omnibus like it was and not the first comic collection i’ve encountered with this problem and definitely not the last. 
That being said the stories are creative and still well put together. It is Paul Dini and he has wrote pretty much every story collected here with few exceptions, so it’s still good stuff, just as I said clearly not meant to be read all in one block like i’ve been doing. And today’s story happens to be one of my faviorites so far, breaking the formula up a bit by having Jing do something a bit diffrent and also involving hockey, a sport this story made me realized might actually intrest me on some level.. if in part due to letterkenny. 
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God bless those two handsome idiots. So let’s ice up or skates, get those letterkenny refrences at the ready and see what the Mighty Elves have to offer. 
We start at Hockey Practice for Santa’s Hockey Team, The Elves, the kind of sentence that makes me really happy to type for money. Santa’s team is naturally for this kind of story and what the title references, are the last place in the bi-polar hockey league their in.. presumably ran by commissioner bi-polar bear. 
Again, I really love this job and that i’m actually getting paid for this this go round. Anyway, Santa’s team isn’t all that agressive because.. well i’ts a team coached by Santa, why would they be? But Santa’s still proud of his boys... as for his girl on the otherhand he gets a call and we soon find out via mugshots Jing dragged her two friends, up from just one in previous stories, to an air force base, somehow got arrested for hitting on enlisted men, not a crime, and stealing and crashing a helicopter, very much a crime.  Naturally Santa isn’t pleased, so we cut to a few days later where he’s letting her friends off making robo kitties, damn I want one of those now, while leaving Jing to do the packaging, though like most stern but fair dad’s he admits he dosen’t like punishing her and is right in saying there’s more to do with her summer vacation than you know, piss off the military. Santa needs his flight clerance dammit. Jing complains there isn’t much to do but feed the reindeer and make toys to which I say.. really santa? You haven’t set up anything else for your eleves to do? Making toys is their job. Build a fucking movie theater. And at the very least if not for them than for your bored and rebellious daughter to distract her from doing crimes. She’s still likely got a few hundred years of teenagering left, give her something else to do other than piss you off.  Santa does have a least a little something: Hockey! Which Jing’s cousin Rusty has taken up. Rusty showed up in the first story but I kind of glossed over him, he’s basically Jing’s Dorky cousin she frequently abuses. Not really much more or less to him. Jing isn’t on board mostly because their team always looses, to the other teams: The Penguins, the Polar Bears, The Snow Leopards and the Eskimos because they don’t really have killer instinct, which yeah is kind of necessary for hockey. To her..
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But during her rant she does show Santa she’s got genuine talent for the sport, so he makes her a deal: Do a little favor for him, and she’ll swap that for making toys.. it’s a deal.. one she soon regrets but hey. 
Jing naturally makes an ass of herself pretty quickly beating the shit out of Rusty with her dad repremanding her and threatning to throw her off the team if she has another outburst like. That is until she runs into the Huskies Coach, Stan. 
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I mean i’ts a hairy old man who makes a side bet with Santa Claus despite it technically being against commission rules, might as well be. So Santa tells Jing screw it, as long as it’s the opposing team violence is a-okay.  And naturally our first target is the world famous hockey player, aka snoopy aka a snoopy stand in. And being a big fan of peanuts i’m a sucker for a good peantus parody. Doubly so since Dini did his homework, and as I’d remembered and a quick google confirmed “The World Famous Hockey Player” was indeed one of snoopy’s many personas.
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 Not that it was much of a stretch: just about any time snoopy played a sport he was “the world famous X player”, but still it’s a nice little nod. Not so nice is Jing within seconds slamming him into the air and under a Zamboni and getting sent to the box for it naturally. So clearly she’s the shorsey of this team, all chirps and ultra violence. 
Snoopy is thankfully still alive, if barely, though he’s off course been through much worse.
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But while in the Box jing helps advise the team and a presumed combination of her beating the shit out of the other team’s best players and her team now not only having something to inspire them but a strategy means the Elves win for once! Santa and Jing share a hug, though Santa advises her not to go for his wallet, it’s still a sweet moment as she’s genuinely invested now.  So we cut to..
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Okay Hank Ribbon seal is genuinely one of the best things humanity has made but as for Quiki I just... wow that joke is mildly racist at worst, confusing and unfunny at best. I mean... it really just makes no sense on any level and that’s with me not knowing a lot about hockey, but knowing just enough to know Kathy Lee Gifford existed. Just.. what even was that? I know Paul can do better than this.. because as my first review outlined he wrote a LOTTTT of Tiny Tune Adventures including my favorite episode. He also wrote most of the best Joker episodes for BTAS, so it’s not like the guy CAN’T be funny.. so I have no idea how he could fail so hard with this. Just.. what is this. Who thought this was funny? what was the joke? 
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That.. utter bafflement aside, this newscast is used to push things ahead as the elves are on a winning streak, having also beaten the Polar Bears and the Penguins.. though weirdly we DON’T get a cameo by this guy despite having already had Snoopy show up. 
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That’s my boy. But yeah there’s only two teams left with this, the Eskimos and tonight’s matchup the Snow Leopards, aka snow catgirls lead by Tashi Ounce, who Jing met at the winter games last year and lost too and thus has a whole rivlary thing going. In a really nice moment Santa stops to make sure Jing is okay going into the game. 
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It’s part of why I REALLY like this story: Santa instead of just being disapointed in his daughter genuinely bonds over her over something and Jing shows she has a softer side to her. It’s some good character stuff, helps shake up the normal formula nicely. Back to the usual though she and Tashi naturally go at it, phrasing, and fight the whole damn time, with Belle eventually scoring the winning goal. Though noticably while Tashi is just as competiive as belle and lost this time.. she’s fine with it, knowing she’ll win next time and congradulating the opponent.  But before she can leave the rink, Tashi is approached by a mysterious figure with an offer and we cut to said figure’s lair... it’s THE BLIZZARD WIZARD! dun dun dun!.... yeah I haven’t introduced him the Blizzard Wizard is.. well exactly what he sounds like, as well as the former ruler of the North Pole. He enslaved everyone there to do his bidding and was essentially, a butt till Santa showed up, united all the various animals and kicked his ass. Since then he’s been reduced to basically a rankin bass villian, lurking near bye and scheming to get petty revenge on Santa for it. So essentially....
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Minus the tragic backstory. He offers them a deal: The championship cup for him defeating the elves. As he puts it the cup symbolizes hard work, respect and team work.. i.e the things their throwing out to get payback. Tashi wants none of it, but the blizzard wizard has his slush minons capture her and with the rest willing to sell out, he gets to work. 
Bliz snows out the eskimos, and brings up accusations of Santa gambling, which he gets away from by.. having his wife donate the money real quick don’t ask just go. But he has a waiver signed by the other coaches so their playing his goons. But Jing isn’t phased and Santa asks her to give the lockeroom some inspiring words. 
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10/10 no notes. But naturally Bliz has a sneaky trick up his sleeves.. to win.. specifically a hot french canadian player which.. makes jing fall to pieces flirting with him and makes her entirely ineffective. Okay time out.... huh so this is the timeless void known only to zack morris, that girl from the reboot I haven’t watched, and Regis Filbin. But yeah while I wouldn’t expect Jing to slaughter the guy it feels out of character for all she’d do is to giggle like an idiot instead of making a move. She’s been established as forward and knowing what she wants. I’m not against her being distracted by this it’s just the how that feels off especially since the opening reinforces this. She hit on air force guys. She’s not going to just be giggly and awkward. Jing may not be the most complex charcter but she’s better than this. Aside from the baffling Kathy Lee Gifford gag, this is the only thing I really don’t like abotu the story, and it lasts two pages before it’s resolved and in a 22 or so page story, that’s a good chunk of it spent on something that isn’t funny and that’s out of character even within story. That being said it dosen’t drag the story down entirely, still a good story. Just a bit uneven is all. 
But unsurprisingly Tashi escapes her earlier imprisonment offscreen to let Jing know not only the full extent of Bliz Whiz’s machenations, i.e. that the other coaches are in on it, but that the hockey player is really just one of Bliz’s minons uner a glamour. WIth that knowledge Jing asks why she’d help and Tashi shows her inner honor beneath the whole rival deal, pointing out she wants to win from a GOOD team next year. With the jig up Jing pulvirzes her former crush, claims to have been under a spell (no one byes it) and the elves clean house and win. Super fuckin shooter. As for Bliz Whiz he tries to steal the trophy but instead gets booted into the snow leopards box, phrasing... it doesn’t end well for him. 
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And yeah while he comes back eventually, some how, apparently, for most of the stories after this he’s just.. dead. He was killed and then his remains eaten. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
But Jing admits she had fun, she and her dad bond and we get one last gag as he assumes she learned not to showboat only for her to block everyone else in the team photo. Falalallal we’re out. 
Final Thoughts: As I said, one of my faviorites. It’s really well paced, has a good premise and only one part drags at all and only that part and one gag really don’t land. The rest of it is really funny, nice and touching, and overall a nice shakeup from these stories usual pattern of “Jing getting into hyjinks”. While she DOES here, her and her dad are literally and figuartvely on the same team, and she does show a sweeter side genuinely bonding with her dad and it’s nice to see them actually enjoy each other’s company for once. It’s a nice change of pace and one I wish more of the stories had. I’m not saying they all have to be holly jolly but i’d be nice if more of them had a bit of heart to them is all. Tis the season and all that. Still for what it is, it’s a fun ride and I highly recommend it. We’ll probably see her again sometime this season but that’s a bit off.  For now coming up I have some ducktales to tell, a chapter in a man’s life story that’s long overdue, a holiday mess I wish I didn’t have to clean up, and in the distant future.. an old friend to reconnect with. Until then if you liked this review reblog it, comment etc all that good stuff, and you can send me asks with suggestions fo ra review or direct message me, or ask for my discord, to comission a review yourself. Until then, happy holidays. 
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mavy1 · 4 years
my aunt trains horses and does dressage competitively so I know a little about it? but I actually would like to hear your thoughts about riding culture and your experiences. I've done archery since I was 3 (w a lil training bow, but still I've shot for 14 years) but I hurt my shoulder seriously about a year ago and haven't shot since. injuries always complicate your relationship with a sport, especially when you invest so much into it and then have it taken away
I’m sorry about your shoulder :( God yeah, it sure does. But the thing is, physically I’d be capable of getting back on a horse, despite my general pain levels, but mentally I can’t make myself do it.
The thing about riding is, even at the best of times, it’s dangerous. Some of my grievances are more general, some more discipline-specific, and some very specific to my old coach. 
In general, I’d say that riders have to work so hard to make people who are unfamiliar with the sport even believe it is one, that we’ve actually developed an extremely unhealthy relationship with the amount of danger involved. It’s hard to argue it’s not a real sport when you point out the potential for injury and death is so high, which is a weird source of pride at times. Like, I understand that always trying to get back on after falling off has it’s uses - if you don’t reintroduce yourself to it almost immediately after a fall happens, the anxiety just grows afterwards to almost crippling levels, so it’s best to just do it as fast as possible, but at the same time, falling off can result in serious injury, which should be treated seriously, But it isn’t. If you can stand, you’re getting back on, even if it’s actually somewhat inadvisable. Personally, with retrospect I can say that after may major accident I probably shouldn’t have gotten back on (luckily for me, my regular coach was away, and the lady that filled in for her was really nice, and just had me get on and walk around and not do anything major - I don’t know what would have happened if I had tried), and no matter how many times I insisted I was fine, someone should have taken me to the hospital. I mean, I couldn’t even bend down afterwards to take off my boots. I could barely stand. But no one really tried to convince me. That’s just how it is. And I wanted to prove that I was tough, and an real rider, and that I deserved to be there. I guess the jokes on me, because I’ll pay for that probably for the rest of my life. And it’s like that every time. Even when I had a bad fall AT a competition during a warm up, no one even bothered to check that I was okay - they just cleaned me up and sent me into the ring. I placed fourth, and so that was the end of the discussion. 
Eventing is especially bad for this. Of the English disciplines, I’d say it’s one of the most dangerous. I used to hear a lot of people say things like “of course it’s a real sport, don’t you know how many people have died doing it?” I doubt they would have said those things, if they new then that in a few years one of our barn mates and her horse would be killed during a competition. And the thing is, it doesn't have to be like that. You won’t ever be able to eliminate all the risk, but there are ways to build and design courses that are less dangerous. But they won’t. Because that element of danger is part of the culture, and in everyone’s mind if you’re not ready for it, you just shouldn’t be competing at that level. Which is true, but how would you know if you’re ready if you don’t try? You shouldn’t have to face death for overestimating your abilities.
Which brings me to my former coach. I read a lot of articles, afterwards, about why the death that had happened did happen. Some of them pointed to the course design being inherently dangerous, which I agree with. Some of them suggested she probably shouldn’t have been competing at that level at all. I have to say, it had been a few years since I’d seen her ride, so I can’t say for sure, but when we rode together, I would say she was a bit of a reckless rider. But that was the kind of person my coach liked. Someone she could push and push to higher and higher levels, so she could look good and make more money. She did it to everyone - my sister had a fall in competition basically entirely as a result of competing at a higher level than she was ready for, and I know it’s happened to others too. But it’s easier to do to someone with no fear. And bad things can and do happen. The ego on that woman caused, or at least contributed, to a lot of trauma for a lot of people. And you either get indoctrinated into this weird way of having no fear and ignoring all pain to your own detriment, or you drop out. Some, like my sister, try to make a go of it on their own, which is hard because she’s the most qualified coach around - she’s the only (former) Olympic-qualified rider still in the province. Some, like me, quit all together. Which is a shame, because I spent a huge amount of my life devoted to it, and when I first stopped I really had no idea who I was without it. But ultimately, I think it was for the best. Maybe I could solve my own problems with therapy of various kinds, but I can’t solve the inherent issues of the sport, and I don’t want to have to deal with things like that either. I can remake myself as something else, thank you very much.
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Banana leaves and olive branches
Bananas, bananas, and more bananas! The streets of Sapling City have been bustling with activity all weekend as the annual Gone Bananas Market takes over town square by storm. Fellow campers like Nana and Cashmere have their own stands full of banana treats for all to enjoy!
Along with trying all the goodies and helping campers set up, Daisy Jane and I also met up with some old friends. Lotte's back at the market with her fried bananas and that's not all. I was surprised to see her brothers tag along - other than Mitch, I didn't expect to see Adam and an even bigger surprise, Gene.
It's interesting seeing the dynamics of the Clementine siblings. Adam's the authoritative one, a natural leader who knows how to command. He's a lot like his dad, a hard worker who people turn to when they need help. Despite the large age differences - six and a half between him and Mitch, twelve and a half between him and Lotte and Gene - they're all super close. He left Sapling City to travel the world so that's what he's been doing. Since Gene patched things up with their dad in a long overdue reconciliation months ago, Adam's been visiting home more often.
Mitch is what you'd call a gentle giant. He towers over pretty much everyone and he's got a big heart. He's also the mediator of the family, the one who tries to keep the peace but ends up getting strung along his younger siblings's antics. Mitch is also great with plants and animals - I swear he must have some sort of secret power that allows him to communicate with other creatures as he always seems to know exactly what they need.
Then there's Lotte, the only woman in the house. She pretty much has her family wrapped around her finger, whether they want to admit it or not. Lotte is the go-getter of the family, always trying out something new and stringing her brothers along. For almost a decade now Lotte's been running a fried banana stand on and off at the Gone Bananas Market, an old recipe from her mom's family. After Adam moved out, Lotte took on the reins as the leader with Mitch as her partner in crime.
Gene's the one I know the least about. He's the youngest by fifteen minutes, described as a firecracker and a tornado by Mitch and Lotte respectively. The oldest and youngest tend to butt heads often while the middles end up getting caught up in his schemes. He was also known for his high spirits, at least before it was broken by unfortunate circumstances.
Basically, a long time ago an old ex acquaintance of their dad's came to visit. Acquaintance was known to be highly critical and had a bad influence on old Clem, who convinced him that Gene, and to an extent Lotte, were bad seeds because of their mom. Gene, being the troublemaker and baby of the family, was being unfairly punished and criticized for everything. It didn't help that the acquaintance's son manipulated things to make Gene look worse, causing Clem to go in harder on his son despite his misgivings.
Eventually it got to the point where Gene was broken by his dad's harsh treatment and became a shell of what he was. Things were so bad that a couple of Clem's friends threatened to bring a social worker in because they were concerned about Gene, which was enough of a wake up call for him because, yikes. However by then, the damage was already done. Gene wouldn't acknowledge his father and Clem gave up, afraid that by pushing too hard he might worsen things. Adam, Mitch, and Lotte tried to help but that didn't work. As soon as he finished high school Gene took off and no one heard from him for over a year.
Lotte was the first who regained contact with him. He'd been working odd jobs to earn money for college and needed help on adulting stuff. So they went back and forth for a while with Lotte trying to figure out what's going on and Gene going on about random happenings. Eventually he agreed to bring in Mitch and Adam into the loop, with Adam helping him with college applications while Mitch sent him care packages.
As time went on, Gene began keeping in contact on a semi-regular basis. He still wasn't ready to go back home and forgive Clem but he admitted to missing his siblings. To everyone's surprise he graduated summa cum laude and later went on to get a master's. He also went to therapy, which helped him unpack a lot of issues. At this point he still hasn't forgiven his dad completely but he's willing to work things out and move on.
So about six months ago Gene made a visit to Sapling City to finally put the past to rest. Since then he's been visiting home on a regular basis, catching up with his siblings and old friends. He and Clem still have a lot to work out so they're making progress on that. Lotte always spoke fondly of her brother and I can see how much she has brightened up since his return. It's great to finally meet him and see all the Clementine siblings together at last.
Lotte's fried bananas are a special treat. Sweet bananas or plantains fried to perfection with a crispy batter - these bring me back to my childhood! I remember watching relatives making them during cookouts, the time when deep fryers are put to good use for those and egg rolls, another cookout favorite. Though as I got older fried bananas got phased out for something healthier. Sometimes when I go shopping with my mom at one of those small Asian stores she'd buy some fried bananas, but most of the time they aren't fresh so they end up being disappointing.
When was the last time I had a fried banana? It's been a long while! Too bad Lotte doesn't sell these all year round - she probably can but she doesn't have the time and energy for that. And besides, the bananas are best when they're fresh out of the fryer so unless it's a busy day like today, the food's gonna get cold and stale.
As expected, Lotte's banana stand was busy. Lotte and Gene do the cooking, Adam's the cashier, and Mitch brings in supplies while providing an extra hand when needed. This is the first time in three years since Lotte ran the stand so she's a bit rusty and needs all the help she can get. Grad school's been keeping her busy so that's why she wasn't able to attend the market for a couple years. With how popular the stand has gotten over the years, it was getting to the point where Lotte and Mitch can't keep up with the demand themselves. Now they have two volunteers to keep things moving smoothly and it worked out really well - though we're not sure if Adam and Gene are willing to help out next year and as much fun as they were having, I can't blame them because it's a lot of work and they're busy with other stuff.
Around late afternoon Clem and his friends dropped by to see how things are going. They were all chatting and joking around as usual. It was interesting seeing how Gene interacted with everyone - with his siblings he was open and playful, with family friends he was cordial, and with his father he was polite but kept his distance. From what Lotte said, Gene wants to forgive but he can't let himself get hurt again. At least with time, distance, and therapy, he's ready to hand out an olive branch.
I hope things work out between them. Clem's always been a nice guy but he definitely fucked up with how he treated Gene. The guilt weighed heavily on him so much, which was why the others held off on telling him about Gene's whereabouts for a long time. As much as Lotte and Mitch look up to their dad, they can't really forgive him for driving Gene away and I don't blame them.
From Cashmere's peanut butter and jelly banana bread to Nana's chocolate covered banana pops, there seems to be an endless amount of possibilities of what we can do with bananas! I also ended up buying a bunch of bananas and plantains because it's fresh and local, so I want to support them. Thanks to the various food stands, I have a lot of ideas for what we can make with bananas. Maybe I'll try to make fried bananas one day!
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