#Listen. I get hating Joe Biden
gotta love having a mother who thinks that the moon landing was faked, that flat earthers have good points, and that trump was america’s best president
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beingsuneone · 2 years
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lithominium · 1 month
Ouhghhh im getting frustratedddd
Listen, im just a pilot. I know nothing about politics, i know nothing about anything but how to identify a critical engine using P.A.S.T. and how to read a fucking airspeed indicator.
But lets talk a little bit hypothetical for a second. Okay. Cool. Biden sucks as bad as trump. Lets say that. Lets say they equal the exact same amount of badness as each other
What in the FUCK is your plan? Whats your plan???? Vote Kennedy? The guy who hates vaccines? Vote some third party candidates that nobody’s heard of? Blow up the senate? I know damn well youre not doing that, because people would have already, and violence isn’t a god damn solution and you fuckers know it.
So what now? Whats your wonderful beautiful plan to keep everyone safe? I Really want to know so i can help, because last i checked, voting fucking matters no matter what, and despite joe being literally genocidal, if democrats win one more time the gop will lose their shit and Hopefully!! Explode, allowing maybe actually decent fucking candidates into office in a later date
Maybe joe biden will die! Maybe we wont have Supreme Court members resign, leaving a republican supreme court for a really long time! Maybe things will get slightly fucking better and not significantly worse!!!!
Jesus FUCKING christ
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prettygirlstothefloor · 2 months
Cowboy Carter Review
sorry if i write a lot. i like to yap lol
Ameriican Requiem- i'm a huge sucker for a sitar so i was gripped in from the beginning. i grew up on country music (mainly 90s/early 2000s) and so when she showed up at the CMAs and performed with the chicks it was a childhood dream. but as a person who liked country music around the time 9/11 happened, it's only become even more racist since. the way they treated her that night even though she was one of, if not THE, best performer of the night was so upsetting to watch. even as the best artist on the planet, at the top of her game, she's always going to work a million times harder than any of her peers. i'm so proud of her being able to make a song like to this to put her thoughts out on the whole night that night.
Blackbiird- obviously everyone has heard this song before. i was unaware of the actual backstory to the song since i don't follow the beatles too much (i like george harrison but that's about it lol). i was not aware that the song the song was written for black women during the civil rights movement. i assumed the song was mainly written by john lennon who to my knowledge was kind of a grifter when it came to his activism. having this song come right after ameriican requiem is so poetic.
16 Carriages- shockingly i was able to avoid hearing this song in full until tonight. i tend to only do one single per release and so texas hold em was the one. this song is so heartbreaking because i think about all the kids in the entertainment industry who can probably relate to this song all too well
Protector- these songs she makes for her kids... i'm gonna need her to stop. not because they're bad but i straight up can't listen to blue and probably this song because i want a mom like this 😭
My Rose- i hate that this is an interlude. it's so beautiful and not to be dramatic should've been 10 hours long
Smoke Hour • Willie Nelson- idk what to say about this one lol
Texas Hold 'Em- i love this song. the only problem i have with it is it sounds too clean. like the production sounds too clean. maybe it sounds better on the radio where the quality is lower than streaming but its definitely a song that needs to be played not so isolated.
Bodyguard- there's something in this song. she channeled carole king for this on or something. it's so good instantly a top 20 if not top 10 song of hers through her whole discography.
Dolly P- once again idk what to say about this one its too short to say anything
Jolene- i mean i think the same way about her version as i do about dolly's version. why are we getting mad at these women when we should be getting mad at the men?? take away that beyonce is beyonce for a second. if she was a normal lady and this girl was unaware her man was taken, isn't that more on him than anyone? he's letting it happen.
Daughter- her voice in this song is insanity. the control she has is unmatched truly.
Spaghettii- the beat omgggg. i know this would hit so hard in a mashup with "my house" i'm obsessed.
Alliigator Tears- just from hearing snippets of the country music that's on the radio nowadays, i think this might be one of the few songs from this album that they will eat up. i'm not saying that as a diss at all. i love this song alot especially after a second listen.
Smoke Hour II- i guess i can add on here a random tid bit. i made a country playlist in preperation for the album to come out. i made it on valentine's day. tell me why i named it KNTRY. i didn't even know the "radio station" she has on the album was called that lol.
Just for Fun- i don't listen to lana del rey anymore. i had a small time during last year where i did but then she got real messy again and signed that letter thanking joe biden. that being said this song sounds identical to "norman fucking rockwell". which is a compliment because both are good songs. keep jack antonoff away from beyonce though. that's the good thing about beyonce is she doesn't sound like everyone else which he makes everyone do (yes i am a fan of him but i'm critical of his production lol)
II Most Wanted- i'm sorry i've never been a fan of miley cyrus (except for the song she did for black mirror and that one EP she put out). i want to like this song because i like aspects of the song but it being a miley cyrus song with a beyonce feature is not want i want.
Levii's Jeans- this is also a collab i'm not a fan of. i actually enjoy post malone but i would've liked to see them in a more upbeat song.
Flamenco- idk how to take this song. it's stunning as usual. my thoughts on the lyrics though is she's kinda talking to fans maybe like the OG like destiny's child fans who have started to leave because she's starting to experiment more with her sound and they miss her old sound. i would love to know her take on this song in particular. because i know so many artists who decide to change their sound throughout each release are terrified of losing fans because they're so stuck on a certain sound.
The Linda Martell Show- another one i can't say much on since it's an interlude
Ya Ya- now.... remember what i said about bodyguard??? easily top 10. idk where on my ranking but it's there. the interpolation of "these boots were made for walking" and "good vibrations". there's something about that old soul rock sound that gets me every single time. i know that it doesn't sound anything alike but "freedom" has that same vibe, where it takes alot from old 60s blues soul rock. this is gonna hit so good on tour!
Oh Louisiana- i will say i really like this interlude. second favorite out of the ones with actual music
Desert Eagle- another song she chose to make extremely short when it should've been hours long... come on B
Riiverdance- its a fun and cute song. i think the beat is good but i think i like it more on my first listen.
II Hands II Heaven- i'm hoping this will finally click for me. im seeing everyone really love this song but idk whats not clicking for me. i'll definitely keep listening to it though maybe someday.
Tyrant- someone said this is the thique of cowboy carter and yeah i can definitely hear it. it's a sexy song and it's a fun song. definitely like it alot more after a second listen
Sweet • Honey • Buckiin'- her sampling "i fall to pieces" in this song is so special to me. i do want someone to take this "honey" and add it to the end of pure/honey though i wonder if it would sound any good. i think sweet and buckiin are the best songs out of the three of these.
Amen- i love how this really rounds out the album, calling back to the first song. it feels and is a very emotional song. don't know if i'll go back to it only because i think it could make me cry lol
overall, i think it's a solid album. if we're comparing the acts, which idk how you can because they're two distinctly different sounds, i would probably still go with renaissance but there's still so many solid songs on this album that are now some of my top faves. usually i rate out of 10 but it feels too low tbh, so i'm rating it out of 100. it will definitely grow on me just like renaissance did. 89/100.
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simply-ivanka · 3 months
Mainstream Media's "Bloodbath"!
Speaking to an Ohio crowd about predatory Chinese trade practices, Trump said:
Let me tell you something: To China, if you're listening, President Xi — and you and I are friends — but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you're building in Mexico right now ... you're going to not hire Americans, and you're going to sell the cars to us, no. We're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you're not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected. Now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that's gonna be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they're not going to sell those cars.
His point is dead simple: Unless Trump is elected to stop it, American carmakers are going to suffer as a result of Chinese practices and Biden's failures.
Yet, as predictably as the sun rising in the east, Democrats and their Leftmedia propagandists seized on the word "bloodbath" to pretend that, if Trump loses the November election, he'll incite violence. It's part of a concerted strategy to keep January 6 at the forefront, even though the only real bloodshed that day was that of Ashley Babbitt at the hands of a Capitol Police officer.
"It's clear this guy wants another January 6," tweeted Joe Biden's social media people with a strategically truncated video of Trump's comments.
"He's even predicting a 'bloodbath,'" asserted Nancy Pelosi. "What does that mean? He's going to exact a bloodbath?"
"He was talking about a bloodbath," huffed MSBNC's Joe Scarborough. "Sometimes a bloodbath means a bloodbath."
"Trump Says Some Migrants Are 'Not People' and Predicts a 'Blood Bath' if He Loses," headlined The New York Times.
An NBC News headline blared, "Trump says there will be a 'bloodbath' if he loses the election."
Leftmedia talkingheads fretted over the return of 1930s German fascism and genocide. NBC News presidential historian Michael Beschloss said, "That's how fascism and totalitarianism and — in Germany's case — the Holocaust came to Germany, which had been a country where there were big institutions of democracy until, as you well know, the early 1930s." (Germany was primarily a monarchy until 1918, but whatever.)
Likewise, Politico's Michael Kruse wrote a lengthy article about how Trump's humor is essentially the same as Adolf Hitler: "Trump is not Hitler or Stalin or Mussolini. But they share a rhetorical style, experts say."
You get the idea.
"The word 'bloodbath' is used in common parlance all the time," noted veteran journalist Brit Hume, "and it doesn't necessarily refer to an actual shedding of blood. It refers to some major upheaval, damage being done, and the rest of it."
And you know something? Before Trump used the word, journalists understood that. They also used the word. A lot.
It's almost like their indignation now is phony.
Leftists and even some on the Right who hate Donald Trump with every fiber of their being really don't like the way Trump says things. Frankly, he is often unnecessarily uncouth, angry, visceral, and so forth. He behaves like, well, a Democrat.
Yet the things he says rightly and intentionally resonate with average Americans who are justifiably outraged at the rigged game Washington has foisted on us. Trump knows exactly what he's saying and why, and it works. He connects.
Trump posted his rebuttal on Truth Social: "The Fake News Media, and their Democrat Partners in the destruction of our Nation, pretended to be shocked at my use of the word BLOODBATH, even though they fully understood that I was simply referring to imports allowed by Crooked Joe Biden, which are killing the automobile industry."
"Missing context" is usually the "fact-checker" catch-all, but they're more than happy to let this one go. In fact, The Washington Post even offered "analysis" yesterday that the "broader context" is that "Trump has already warned of 'riots,' 'violence in the streets' and 'death & destruction' if he's wronged."
You want context? Those are things Democrat constituents actually do in America's cities.
"Many MAGA Republicans are saying Trump's 'bloodbath' comment should be put in context," the Biden-Harris HQ X account posted. "So we put it in context."
That context included not only January 6 but the BIG lie about Trump's "very fine people" comment about Charlottesville — the lie that supposedly motivated Biden to run in the first place.
As usual, political analyst David Harsanyi cuts to the chase: "You don't need to be a fan of Donald Trump to concede that this weekend's meltdown over the word 'bloodbath' was cynical and dishonest." Indeed, these contrived frenzies serve a dual purpose — to drive media ratings and to motivate suburban women to vote against the meanie with the red hat.
Yes, Trump was using hyperbole. "Politicians always catastrophize events," Harsanyi observed. Democrats are doing it now to rile up their own base.
On a final note, in case you think we were just throwing shade at Trump for behaving like a Democrat, here's a two-minute compilation of Democrats using violent language to express their contempt for a guy who forces them to look in the mirror.
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eretzyisrael · 2 months
By Hillel Fuld on X/Twitter
This is really really huge news.
The morally bankrupt organization called the United Nations just approved a decision calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. They want Israel to take Ramadan into account and stop the war. Ya know, the same way Hamas took our holiday into consideration.
Ok, that’s not news. The UN has always been a moral disgrace. The UN are a bunch of Jew hating low lives.
What IS new is that the U.S., our so-called ally, did not use its veto power to cancel the resolution.
This is an unprecedented diplomatic disaster that is so significant, it might very realistically be the beginning of the end of the friendship between Israel and the United States.
Now, to some people, this might be a surprise, but it isn’t a surprise to those people who have been paying attention.
Whoever thinks/thought that Biden cares about Israel or the Jewish people, you are clearly not paying attention.
Biden could not care less about us.
Now let me tell you how this plays out.
In the short term, this is genuinely scary for Israel. Without our U.S. ally, we are basically totally diplomatically isolated. Yes, there are still one or two countries that kinda have our back, but without the U.S., we are alone.
But let’s take a few steps back and look at today’s news from a historical perspective.
We just celebrated Purim.
The comparison between Haman and Hamas writes itself. I’ve already spoken about that.
But the comparison between the evil king in the story of Purim, Achashverosh, and the most powerful leader today; the leader of the free world, Mr. Joe Biden wasn’t 100% clear.
Are they really comparable?
Well, today we have our answer and it’s an unequivocal yes!!
The king in the story of Purim didn’t care about the Jews. He agreed to annihilate them. But then, when his wife pleaded for her people, it says that Achashverosh went into the garden to contemplate.
Till now, Biden has been in the garden contemplating whether to choose the unpopular but moral choice of standing with the Jews or join the mob and scapegoat the Jews.
Today, Biden has made a clear decision to abandon his ally.
So what happens next?
Netanyahu has said he won’t send the delegation that was supposed to leave to Washington. He’s canceling that. As he should!
The rift between Israel and the U.S. will only increase and eventually, the relationship will disappear completely.
The United States of America was good to the Jews for many years, but it’s now the end of an era.
You might look at this decision not to veto the UN resolution as something small and insignificant. You would be dead wrong! This is a massive change in policy.
So what happens when an empire turns on the Jews?
The Jews try even harder to assimilate and prove that they are no different, but to no avail.
If you thought antisemitism was bad till now, you ain’t seen nothin yet. Now, those Jew hating lunatics have the backing of their government, a government that’s calling to reward the Hamas rapists and pedophiles.
Now, as far as the war goes, Israel will obviously not listen to the UN but that’s not the point. The point is, the kid who was being bullied in school but had protection from one of the big guys in the class, is now alone and the bullying is about to get a lot worse.
So then what?
Here’s the script that’s repeated in every generation.
The Jews are comfortable. They reach the top of the society. They assimilate. Antisemitism begins to show its face. They assimilate more (I think we’re up to about 72% assimilation now.). The Jews think that if they assimilate, the hatred will stop, when in reality, the opposite is true.
The more we assimilate and tell the nations how much we are just like them, the more they respond “No, you’re not. You’re not just like us and we have a tool to illustrate that. It’s called antisemitism.”
Then things get really bad, really fast.
We have some hard years ahead of us.
The good news? Every single empire, with zero exceptions, that came after the Jews, is now extinct.
Turns out that siding with the enemies of the Jews is a really bad strategy.
This won’t happen tomorrow or next week, but the United States of America will now join the long list of empires that came after the Jews and disappeared.
Here’s a partial list of those empires:
Today, America took its first meaningful step toward joining that list.
Again, I doubt this decision in the UN will be taken seriously by Israel, let alone implemented, but that’s really not the point.
Today, the love affair between Israel and the U.S. is showing very real signs of an imminent break up.
Now, something else will happen once that breakup is complete, in addition to the U.S. losing its world dominance.
Israel will be independent and will manufacture its own military equipment. Now, that’s a scary thought. If you knew how much each iron dome missile costs, you’d understand why that’s scary.
The F35 jets, the M16 rifles, and almost all other equipment, down to actual ammunition, originates in the U.S. Without that partnership, Israel is going to have to figure out how to bank roll all of this.
But we’ll figure it out.
We are a nation that stood alone throughout history. Any time we depended on anyone else besides ourselves and our God, things didn’t end well.
So we’ll break up, we will ramp up our military manufacturing, and we will finally understand that we can’t depend on the U.S. or any other country to defend us. We can only depend on ourselves, our army, and our God.
With this fragile friendship that we had with the United States, we were kidding ourselves into thinking we can bank on it. We can’t and that became clear today.
The Torah describes the Jewish people as:
הן עם לבדד ישכון ובגויים לא יתחשב
A people who dweels alone and does not take other nations into consideration.
Finally, this is true. We are going to dwell alone and we will no longer look to our fake friend for protection. That’s it. Those days are over. The end of an era.
The good news is that we know how this ends and it’s a happy ending, at least for us, not so much for America.
Today's ceasefire vote was supported by the UK too. How shameful.
The bottom line is that Israel will stand by its promise of never again with or without the US. The U.S. turned Jews away in The Holocaust, and they are now turning their back on the Jews yet again.
This news is highly disturbing, on the one hand, but it’s also a call for celebration. We knew this was going to happen. We expected it. Or at least those who know history expected it.
If this came true, the rest of the script will come true and the prophecies are now one step closer to reality.
Dear President Biden,
You should be ashamed of yourself and you have now secured your place in the history books as the first President to fully turn his back on the Jews. Yea, Obama was pretty bad, but this move today, is the final nail in the coffin of the U.S. Israel relationship. Congratulations, you are a coward and a weak leader who will regret today’s decision for as long as you live.
Dear the United Nations,
You never miss the opportunity to remind the world how immoral you are but you’re not just immoral, you’re also unimportant and irrelevant. Go take your Jew hatred elsewhere. You fulfilled your role in this world by giving us our state. Now you can disappear into the history books. No one will miss you.
And to all the countries that voted in favor of this repugnant resolution, you are weak and pathetic. You know what Jews around the world did yesterday? We celebrated the fall of an evil enemy who tried to annihilate us. That enemy was eliminated along with his ten sons and all those who supported him. We will celebrate your downfall too and it’s around the corner.
Folks, this is one huge step closer to the plot unfolding and the Jews coming out victorious.
Don’t worry, today’s news changes nothing other than the realization that we can’t depend on America or anyone else. Hopefully this will make us look inward, strengthen ourselves from within, and turn to God asking Him to give the IDF the strength to achieve complete victory.
Thank you, President Biden for finally taking off your mask. Now we have the clarity we need to do what we need to do.
As for you and your empire, enjoy it while it lasts because your end is near.
Very very near.
This monumental (not in a good way) decision makes me sick. Biden makes me sick. He is no friend of Israel’s and we need to stop pretending he is. That show is now over!
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harmonious · 2 years
A short list of a few of the things I find most disturbing about the Texas Republican Party’s official 2022 platform:
1. Supporting to overturn of the Obergefell V. Hodges Supreme Court case, effectively getting rid of same sex marriage
2. Disallowing transgender people to medically transition until they are 21
3. Supporting the overturn of Roe V. Wade, abolishing abortions
4. Abolishing the Environmental Protection Agency and Endangered Species Act (specifically for profit 🤢)
5. Abolishing the Child Protective Services
6. Abolishing the minimum wage
7. Teaching Abstinence-only sex ed until the they abolish sex ed in schools
8. Repeal all hate crime laws
9. Requiring Texas librarys/schools to disallow pornographic content (like Drag Queen Story Hour) to be shown to minors
10. Of course, rejecting Joe Biden as the valid president of the uS
Link to the official document on their website: https://texasgop.org/platform/
Listen folks, if this disgusts you as much as it does me, please vote in your local, state, and federal elections and contact your elected officials asking them to denounce these positions.
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marmolita · 4 months
I don't care if you hate Joe Biden. I'm not going to try to change your mind. I just want to say:
if you don't show up and vote for Biden in November, Republicans will win.
Period. That's all there is to it. It happened in 2000, it happened in 2016, and it will happen again.
Your protest vote of third party or staying home will not create the change you think it will. It'll lead to more conservative supreme court justices, more rights getting taken away, and more people suffering.
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thepaintpirate · 5 months
This is for my lovely friend @ohmybard
You seem to really enjoy going on people's posts and being an outright hypocrite. You say you don't like being harassed but you come out on every post that is talking about Taz's post and say the same things. Repeatedly. And you don't listen or read well to understand: I don't hate Taz, I do not support those who are being awful to him.
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Actors and those who are in positions of social sway have a responsibility to truth and to know that they affect people. Taz made a mistake, as I've stated, and people have taken it very badly. I literally told you I don't believe he should be harassed but he should take some time before coming back and addressing what's happened.
People DO confront political leaders as they have done with Rishi Sunak here in the UK, his stances make him incredibly unpopular and so hopefully this should effect his next election campaign. Joe Biden should also be affected because of his stance, his popularity is rapidly declining. The Prime minister of Israel, Israeli politicians and celebrities that all share a Zionist belief are all being addressed constantly because IT WILL CAUSE AN EFFECT. we do address them, if you even bothered to look you'd know. Hundreds and thousands of people every day even go out to protest, myself included as I'm near the capital of my country, just to say f u to the politicians that make terrible decisions for us.
I do not demand an apology from Hamas because quite frankly, they're preoccupied trying not to get fucking killed. Why should I go after them, the ones who are starving and have no internet most of the time because of Israel, and expect a response? Whose people suffered long before their formation? They began because Israel are aggressive and seek to own a land they have no right to. They'd kill anyone to do it. Instead, Israel can be spoken to and shamed because they HAVE internet and their lack of response is telling. I try to keep this channel rather calm but people like you who refuse to actually read test me.
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I literally said he's human too, we all make mistakes. I am as informed as I can be with the knowledge I have access to in a country that loves to censor things, and that Taz has deleted his post. He is a poor dude, but he's made mistakes and EVENTUALLY he will need to speak about them. I'm repeating myself now how funny because I sort of have to because you won't read every time I say the same thing.
Also calling me trash too on my post? I believe you've blocked me as I can't see it now (how strange considering I should've done that as you're the one seeking a fight with me?) Stop being so childish and actively trying to start problems with people on here who are discussing an actual issue. My responses are neither entirely negative or positive and I try to see everyone in a light where they're not guilty until I know everything. If Taz decides he will never respond or posts support for Israel then shit, but it will effect this community and his image as someone who represents One Piece on a globally recognised stage. He made a mistake, hopefully he'll see that and with this silence then I believe he already has. It will take time, I'll wait.
So long and short, why don't you just stop spamming people with your nonsense and see that we're not saying this because we are spiteful evil people. People on here do it because it is relevant.
Goodnight, I hope you have a nice weekend.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 3 months
Still getting coverage - although AP tried to dilute the message by saying the reasons for the protest "may differ," they are still centring Palestine!
And, of course, the denial and resistance is strong, and rooted in confidence that we hate Trump enough to OK a genocide.
Biden’s allies believe disaffected Democrats will return to the president’s fold when faced with a choice between him and Trump, who the president’s campaign has argued is a threat to democracy and is planning a sweeping set of policy changes that would attack liberal priorities.
I'm not making it up. If you listen, they will tell you they don't have to do anything because Trump has their back. These "uncommitted" and "leave it blank" campaigns are one of the last non-violent and non-Trump-electing forms of effective protest, and the higher-ups are broadcasting their intent to ignore and the reason why.
The response so far has been flogging another hypothetical six-week pause as a "cease fire," dropping expired MREs on people, and building a port that won't be ready for deliveries until way more people die. All the while, we are sending more weapons to continue the slaughter. This isn't "working tirelessly" for peace, it's "working tirelessly" to continue the genocide while avoiding political consequences.
If your primary works in a way that will register a protest vote (mine doesn't) PLEASE PROTEST VOTE. And if it doesn't, the only thing you can do is keep threatening to withhold your vote in the general. SCARE THEM OUT OF THEIR COMPLACENCY. You don't have to register an actual vote until November, and there are so many more human lives we're going to lose if we let this continue until then.
I can't walk up and bully US politicians in person anymore. We took our money out of the system at the cost of being less visible when we object. We were in a reliably blue district in a reliably red state, so we weren't getting much visibility anyway, and Democratic strategy is clearly ignoring AZ this cycle, in spite of the swing to blue last time. If you can be seen, especially if you're in the South or a historic swing state, please do whatever you can to be seen. Don't sleep on this! We've still got time to make a difference!
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ffcrazy15 · 7 months
Alright, Catholic Tumblr, we need to talk.
I know a lot of you try to stay away from the news (and honestly good for you), so you might not have heard about Trump's speech back on Veteran's Day. But you need to be aware that he is saying some scary things.
The example below the cut is a direct quote from the speech he gave, and I want you to listen to me here: this is explicitly fascist rhetoric.
Yes yes, I know Tumblr has a history of calling everyone vaguely right of Stalin a fascist, including us. No, this is not one of those situations. This is me, a fellow faithful Catholic, obedient to the Church and all her teachings, telling you that this is fascist rhetoric.
Please understand, I'm not trying to tell you how to vote. I'm not here advocating for Joe Biden, because goodness knows between his stances on Palestine and abortion and a million other things, that's a hard sell.
But please, for goodness sake, at least be aware of what Trump is saying. Do not let yourself get pulled into his cult and do not let yourself be conned by his rhetoric. Because I am telling you, this is exactly how Hitler and the Nazis talked about Jews and other "enemies against the state" back in the 1930s.
And he is talking about building massive deportation camps. He is describing his enemies as "vermin." He has plans in the works for using the federal government and the military to punish anyone who criticizes him, "crushing their entire existence" to quote his campaign spokesman.
Please take this seriously. Fascists are never our allies; they will always turn on Catholics in the end. Remember, if we don't speak out now, when they come for us, there will be nobody left to speak for us.
Example of fascist rhetoric:
“We will drive out the globalists; we will cast out the communists, marxists, fascists. We will throw off the sick political class that hates our country. In honor of our great veterans on Veterans Day, we pledge to you that we will rule out the communists, marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. That lie and steal and cheat on elections, and will do anything possible—they will do anything!—whether legally or illegally to destroy America. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within. Our threat is from within.” –Donald Trump, Veterans Day Speech, 2023
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twiststreet · 7 months
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I think there was a point in time where i’d have said “oh the months leading up to the iraq war and that era all felt way worse than this”. And i think that was true up until a point, when we were only a week or so in. Some things are just a re-run— people being demonized for not being on board, people losing their jobs, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden being hateful skeletor death cult freaks, dumb fuck brain dead arguments about how “the terrorists will reload” if we don’t pursue some violent and reckless foreign policy, the media being a fully erect propaganda machinery that you could not trust and had to tune out, pontificating liberal pro-war nerds who would babble in circles to just avoid looking at what was happening...
But I think we’re way past that point, somehow. One, because i was young/stupid and i think i really did fool myself back then, and had the thought in my head that if Al Gore had fought the election and/or the election results in 2000, none of it would be happening. You could at least imagine there could be a better world. And obviously that was untrue.
Two, obviously Iraq was more violent, more casualties, worse, but i think we’re actually able to watch the harm more. I saw that video of the Israeli tank blowing up a car trying to turn around yesterday; i don’t know how many videos of body parts; etc. Iraq, i remember shock and awe— i’ll remember that my whole life— but it wasn’t this constant— it was very much kept from us.
Three, there are specific differences in the propaganda— even if i didn’t agree, I could get my head around wanting to “get Saddam.” Meanwhile Israel is tweeting photos of Voldemort…?? You going to get Voldemort, big dawg? Theres a difference between the Project for a New American Century dumb ravings and the total bluntness of what we’re hearing are the goals here.
Four, i don’t know if America has a big Iraqi population but we know it has a big Palestinian population. They’re right there. We have to hear Blossom from Jeopardy tell our neighbors she matters more?? That doesn’t feel the same as 2003, not to my very imperfect memory at least, though i don’t know the numbers.
And then five, there were certainly vocal pro-war voices and people screamed at for not being pro war and called terrorist-lovers and all of that, but it just feels worse this time. Sure, Jimmy Fallon and SNL were having a great time with a war, but it wasn’t universities abandoning their own students, it wasn’t the cast of Stranger Things calling you an anti-semite constantly if you weren’t on board, it didn’t feel this unsafe to not be on board. People lost their jobs and lives and careers were impacted— i remember the tractor going over the dixie chicks cds and “freedom fries” and everything. I knew people who died because of that fucking war, and I remember the hopelessness of the night Bush got re-elected… But I don’t think it was this bad. When there were anti war protests they were massive and spectacular and hopeless and they failed, no one was listening and the media didn’t report them— but no one called the protestors fucking nazis, like biden’s press secretary did. They didn’t equate it to nazi rallies with as much gusto. I don’t remember being as afraid of Americans.
So maybe it’s recency bias but i really think it’s worse this time. I’m happy i’m not young for it. I’m happy it’s not my first time. If i were a young person, I think i’d feel really crazy.
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jenovacomplete · 1 year
i'm so fucking sick of ai covers getting shoved into my youtube recommendations all the time. i'm guessing youtube thinks i wanna see them because i'm a vocasynth fan and there's an ongoing ai fad? but that's precisely why i hate this shit -- i don't want to listen to haha funnie meme covers of world is mine by spongebob or joe biden or some poor voice actor everyone forgets is a real person!! it's fucking weird and creepy and exploitative and ignores the heart at the genre that i love!! and it's not even funny!!
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congregamus · 7 months
Someone asked Joe Biden, "What's the chance of a #ceasefire?", and he answered, "None" — and on the one hand… I aim to hold him as responsible as I can for his refusal to listen to the majority of his democratic base, who favor the same. But let's be honest. He's not the government of Israel. He doesn't get to say what they're going to do or not do. So, on the other hand: he's just telling the truth.
Netanyahu et al — NOT the same thing as Jews- and Israeli citizens-in-general, it must be reiterated — have no intention of stopping this operation until enough Palestinians have been eliminated or relocated that the annex of Gaza can be re-narrated as a successful "liberation."
But GP!, how can you say that‽!
Because 1) I have sense organs and a memory. And 2) As much as these are my thoughts, they do also happen to align with human rights organizations the world over.
What is clear to me, as an American who has read the history of their own country, is that as much as this is a genocide-spun-as-self-defense, this is also a land grab.
Joe Biden is happy — along with a shocking number of the people I call friends and neighbors — to assist and fund a military operation that is contrary to human rights, common decency, and respect for life itself. I don't like to talk about sin, but this collective sin we may not avoid discussing.
To be an American not drunk on propaganda right now is to bear a heavy burden.
If you follow here, you are surely old enough to roll your eyes with me at the oft-invoked "If-Then" of the early aughts: "But if … [fill in], then the terrorists have already won."
If you're an organization willing to target hospitals, ambulances, UN workers, and journalists — I DON'T CARE your justification! — I hate to tell you, but not only have the terrorists won: you are indistinguishable from them.
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mallowmaenad · 8 months
my new political ideaology is that I get a device called the dipshit detector that removes self-important white people’s ability to use cellphones for 1 month and I don’t fucking care if this is a fascist dictatorshit i actually would turn joe biden into joe woke and donald trump into pronoun trump if i see one more loud mouthed straighty act like their opinion fucking matters im introducing their shy 9 year old son to my little pony i cant fucking take this shit yes fuck it throw republicans in concentration camps they’re practically begging for it they wont shut the fuck up about how theyre gonna be hunted down and killed wish granted bitch blam blam its wabbit season bitch im sick of liberals im sick of voting im sick of norway if youre even slightly uncomfortable around gay people you should be set on fire black power asian power jewish power latino power and i fucking mean it im not just buying the stupid 30$ tshirt on fckhate.com the worst thing to ever happen in american history is abraham lincoln not publicly executing every confederate general and outlawing slavery full stop we literally live in starship troopers we are trapped in a shitty gmod half life dark rp server yeah I do think you’re basically a terrorist if you go to disney land and i also think that if the first words out of your mouth when the rustbelt gets set on fire is “those dirty rednecks deserve it” ill show you a fucking redneck you fucking yank prick you fucking racist i wish hilary clinton would explode on live tv charitys are fucking fake theyre as fake as those cardboard towns in north korea oppenheimer was a limpdick pussy and fallout is becoming a game franchise that fetishizes the mass genocide of asians and i want todd howard pinned under a large rock for it spec ops the line wasn’t ugly enough there is a conspiracy started by the cosmetics, nutrition and fashion industry in collaboration with the upper class descendants of fucking typhoid “moneybags” marys to fool the masses that fat people aren’t hot as fuck. My body and mind and soul degrade with the week because of yhe shit ass menial labor yhey made me do and the fucking lead in gasoline and world war 1 started a chain reaction of fathers beating their kids and wives because it’s cheaper to buy a gun than go to therapy because we’re fucking warhammer orks without any of the endearing mental stupidity we live in mordor. we live in fucking mordor. it literally does not matter who is president our two political parties are Nazis and Neo-Nazis bernie sanders was the closest thing to a centrist this country has ever seen. capitalism grinds up joy into a paste to divvy out on 500$ gucci toothpicks public urination should be legal rent is theft corporations are agents of satan who is jesus christ who is not jesus of nazareth jesus christ is the poster boy of white supremacy i fucking hate Hamilton white people should listen to MORE rap i want to get my dick sucked at a death grips concert. Laundromats and burger joints where you can get a meal for 5$ are far more important than police stations and walmart. pop anarchists want to personally confiscate your wheelchair uou fuckers treat yhis like a game fuckin e girls with hammers and sickles in their icons arguing about what form of communism or socialism or whateverism is right when bitch that is a pipe dream you are going to die in captivity arguing about which dragon ball z character is the strongest (girl broly) at least go punch a hole in your wall and fuck it to prove you’re human you facebook fetishist jesus christ every other day i want a biblical death just so my fucked up thouhhts mean something i need a fuckingjason vorhees bitch wheres the yandere tea party this is all so fucked up its not fucking real the christian god hates you whoever says otherwise is trying to make you a fucking slave. Mormonism and scientology should be wiped off the map any religion formed after the invention of the gun is a fucking pyramid scheme i wish i was a 9 foot toll shark lady with hugebrealssta so i could fucking knock over thechrystler building
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sakebytheriver · 8 months
I hate American leftists so much 🤦‍♀️
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How can I get the giant government to listen to my itty bitty teeny tiny voice?
Oh i know! I'll refuse to do the only thing our government actually offers us to have our voice explicitly heard by the people in charge, this will surely create the change I am looking for and lead to a revolution and not just completely silence myself and take my entire existence as an American citizen out of the equation! I am so smart 😁
Look, I'm not here to tell you that all you should be doing in your activism is voting, that would be goddamn stupid, and I am NOT goaddamn stupid, but you know what else is goddamn stupid? Taking an arrow out of your quiver when you're in the middle of a battle and just snapping it over your knee and saying 'you know what I don't need this arrow I have so many others'
There were generations of people who fought to give you this right, there are people who DIED to give you this right, and there are people in the government making sure that you CAN'T vote every single day, because they know better than anyone how powerful a fully voting populace can be
You think the Republicans are just doing voter supression for fun? Is that what you think? You think they purge the voting databases of ethnic and black sounding names only because they're racist? You think they make these horrible gerrymandered districts and restrict the number of voting booths or limit the ways a person in their county can vote because they're just bored? No! They do voter suppression because they know for a fact that enough people voting for a certain thing can change the landscape of our entire country
Stacy Abbrams literally focused all of her political power on Georgia and phone banking and registering people to vote and because of that the state went blue for the first time in a longass time. They've even found that the amount of voter suppression done in Texas basically prevented the state from also going blue. Can you even imagine if the Republicans lost TEXAS??????
Electoral politics fucking suck, I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that they're the rainbow which will lead us to the pot of gold at the end of it, most of the democratic politicians we have to vote for are basically conservatives in any other country and half the time they betray the people who voted for them in the hopes of monetary gain (Krysten Sinema, Joe Manchin) but when the other side of the aisle is fascism that knows for a fact if every citizen in the country was registered to vote and got a ballot in their mail automatically every election season they would never win a seat ever again, it is on YOU to exercise your right to vote because if you fucking don't it's the difference between a Trump presidency and Biden one and considering how much destruction Trump was able to cause in only just four years of neofascism and the amount of actual change and progression (especially in workers rights) that the absolute neoliberal poster boy Biden has achieved I'm very happy in my choice to vote every single election, local too, because you all always forget about local politics and think the only time and the only way to vote is for the president or the senate/congress 🙄 but you know what? Local politics and the people you elect to those positions will have more effect on your day to day life than any president ever will and you should also 100% be voting in those elections
People DIED to get you the right to vote and you cast it aside as if they did NOTHING
You should feel shame for spitting on the graves of activists who never got the chance to make their voice so heard as you do in this day and age, you say you want revolution, but all you're doing is calling the old ladies who picked themselves up and marched their ways to the polls and made sure you don't have to live under neofascism for another four years stupid for exercising a right that human beings once again literally DIED to give you
Sorry, but you're the stupid one
And also I doubt you're actually out there doing any community activism other than complaining about people who vote
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