#Live Donor
obviously i hate mason verger with the fire of a thousand suns but i alsoooooo love anything that can provoke an honest reaction out of hannibal. and his face here is fucken PRICELESS!
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bro was big mad!! not even trying to hide it!
honorable mention to mason immediately following up with "what game of chicken are you and the sperm donor playing, dr lecter? 👀" because WOW what a landmine of a question. that is really the overarching theme, isn't it?? prepare yourself for my thesis, mason!
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melljam · 2 months
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
every time im reminded of the "50/50 human/kryptonian" retcon im filled with righteous fury. thats not what the word "clone" fucking MEANS geoffrey im going to GET you
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pondslime · 1 year
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Favorite Living Dead Dolls
Maggot / Elisa / Frozen Charlotte / Alison Crux / Toxic Molly / Cuddles / Dawn / Revenant / Isabel
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cahootings · 5 months
Running a huge donor event tonight and I’m not feeling like I want to throw up about it at all !!!!
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i signed up to vote!!! fucking finally!! i can't wait to aggressively be a part of the democratic process, fuck all those people who discourage you from voting because it "doesn't do anything" i'm gonna vote!!!
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thenixkat · 2 months
Like, once you start doing breeding projects with sentient beings in yer story? That's fucking eugenics. If yer not portraying that as a fucked up thing in yer story you need to do some fucking soulsearching as to why you think eugenics stories are cool.
Like weredogs are already a thing in folklore. They arent any less terrifying or murdery than werewolves, b/c werewolves arent fucking murdery b/c they turn into wolf monsters. Werewolves are murdery b/c they're human, they have human minds, and they're fucking assholes. That's why they kill people, b/c they're dicks. Having fangs and claws just makes killing people easier and the fur gives them anonymity so they feel like they can get away with murder.
If you want to make a story about nice werewolves you could literally just make the werewolves in yer story not be dicks. Making a story about 'breeding niceness/dog traits into werewolves to make them nicer' is creepy as shit eugenics bullshit.
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terresdebrume · 27 days
Watching a video from a YouTuber I follow discussing how they picked the sperm donor for their child and I have to admit I have more questions about some of the comments
Like 'you talk about selecting donor traits like you're picking something at the supermarket' okay well first of all I genuinely don't know how you can discuss picking traits in a donor any other way? In a system that gets you a ton of info detached from, you know, actually knowing the person, at some point I feel like a level of detachedness is a bit inevitable
Also, let's be honest, picking donor traits is a thing that happens for kids born of consensual sex, it's just that at the time you do it you're thinking of them as things you like in a sexual partner? I mean like, there are people out there who refuse to date blondes or absolutely will not romantically engage with a Taurus, and personally I think they're the same vein of choices just less explicitly so?
I'm also kind of amazed that people seem to assume meeting the donor's other children is either a big yes from the get go or a permanent no like. The YouTuber in question's child is 3, are we really saying it's unethical not to send them to meet other potentially significantly older random kids yet? There are nuances there idk
I did find the discussions on the child's perspective interesting, and definitely it's worth looking at in more depth definitely
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a-silly-worm1 · 9 months
So a while ago when the “if it was written by vivziepop” Twitter trend was going around still, I wrote a parody for tsp. So here’s my thingy!! Yay!!
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oediex · 3 months
I meant to make a post on this yesterday, because 14 June is World Blood Donor Day!
As per Wikipedia, World Blood Donor Day "is celebrated on the birthday anniversary of Karl Landsteiner on June 14, 1868. Landsteiner was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the ABO blood group system."
This year was the 20th time World Blood Donor Day was celebrated!
I've been donating since I was 18, starting with blood, then plasma, and I now donate blood platelets and plasma on the regular (like every 2-4 weeks). I've often wondered why I love it so much and I think it's because it's one of the most purely ethical things you can do. To give a piece of your own body and not expect anything in return.
"Transfusion of blood and blood products helps and save millions of lives every year. It can help patients who suffering from life-threatening conditions live longer and with higher quality of life, and supports complex medical and surgical procedures. It also has an essential, life-saving role in maternal and perinatal care. Access to safe and sufficient blood and blood products can help reduce rates of death and disability due to severe bleeding during delivery and after childbirth." (Wikipedia again, my emphasis)
The only way to assure an adequate and safe supply is by regular donations by voluntary unpaid blood donors. Unfortunately, in many countries, adequate life-saving blood supplies are still dependent on family and paid donors.
If you are someone who donates blood on the regular, thank you!
If you haven't in a while, check in with your local blood drive event or local blood donation centre to see if you can book a session. Make sure to check whether you are allowed to donate blood, because certain restriction apply to ensure the safety of the blood supply.
If you have never donated blood, but would like to try, check with your local blood drive event or local blood donation centre. Tell them it's your first time, and they will guide you through it. They will check with you to see whether you're allowed to donate. Be honest about your personal and medical history, to ensure the safety of the blood supply. If you don't like needles but you think you might want to try it, the needle part of donating blood should only take about 10, maximum 15 minutes. Just look away, I used to when I first started donating. Close your eyes, play a game on your phone, read a book, call a friend, or go with a friend and chat away. If at any point you start feeling unwell or are experiencing pain, do not hesitate to make this known! (I usually just raise my hand in the air.) (My other hand obviously, the one attached to the arm I'm not donating with, haha.) The medical professionals know what they're doing and they will help you.
If you are not able or not allowed to donate blood (unfortunately, in most countries there are still restrictions, such as those for homosexual men, that bar people from donating who really want to and would be safe to), thank you for wanting to. Spread awareness about the importance of donating blood. Perhaps you have a friend or family member who would really like to donate, but is apprehensive. Check with the donation centre if it's okay if you accompany them and sit with them while they donate.
Keep in mind that donating blood might have an effect on your iron levels, so it's usually a good idea to supplement right before and after. They will often be able to give you some supplements for free at the event or centre where you're donating. It's a small price to pay for saving people's lives. If you have concerns about this, speak with the doctor present at the event/centre, and/or with your GP.
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thena0315 · 4 months
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Daddy's Little Girls 👨‍👧
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agentfascinateur · 4 months
Reblogging as requested. Please contact the originator (not me) for any questions or follow the link to donate. Thank you.
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conspiring-limabean · 6 months
I would never deny science (though there are also valid reasons these studies might be dubious) but the thought of this theory is so fucking funny to me
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bring back bloodletting 😍
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airsignaura · 5 months
yk what… i need 2 rant for a min:
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I got notified today that I'm a potential stem cell donor for someone with leukemia.
After a long phone call where we went over my medical history and all that jazz, I now have to wait for a doctor to call me back and to tell me if I'm still a potential donor. So now I just have to wait (which totally isn't anxiety inducing haha..)
So I would like to take this opportunity to say:
Please register to be a stem cell donor! You could save lives, and it's free!!!
Register here if you're in the US (DKMS USA)
Register here if youre in the UK (DKMS UK)
Register here if you're in Germany (DKMS DE)
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mom-friendtm · 7 months
To anyone this post can reach:
Please Donate Blood
Blood donation is at an all time low, even counting the COVID-19 lockdowns.
All sorts of people need blood transfusions to stay alive, please consider donating!
Here is the Red Cross Donation Page!
If you don’t feel comfortable donating blood with the Red Cross, here’s a page to find a blood drive near you!
Common concerns:
The Red Cross sells the donated blood!
Most organizations sell the donated blood to hospitals for $150-$250 (USD). They charge so they can recoup some of the cost of the blood donation process. Every donation incurs a lot of cost: supplies to take the blood, testing the blood for diseases, transporting it in specialized vehicles, and paying all the people along the way (phlebotomist, lab tech, truck driver, etc). Monetary donations alone to a nonprofit organization do not cover the costs of blood donation.
Donation centers have outdated conceptions about who can donate! (ex: gay men)
The Red Cross has gotten with the times and updated their screening questions. Screening questions no longer ask about your sexuality, but more ask about your exposure to certain diseases. Ex: Have you ever been treated for HIV or take medication in the past (x time) to prevent an HIV infection? Have you been out of the US/Canada in the past 3 years? Have you ever had a brain covering graft?
I don’t know if I am physically eligible!
The Red Cross’ donation criteria is 110 lbs and 17 years old, 16 in certain US states with parental consent. They check your blood pressure, temperature, and iron levels before you donate, and you must be in generally good health (ex: don’t have the flu).
Why don’t they pay me?
They don’t pay donors is because they are more likely to lie about disqualifying factors about their blood to guarantee they get the payment from their donation. That really eats into the cost of operating and is dangerous for the person receiving the blood if it is not something that can be easily found via the standard panel of testing.
Why can’t I donate directly to a hospital instead of a business?
Having dedicated staff, lab space, and square footage for in house blood donations is expensive and U.S. hospitals are cheap. Staff is expensive, hospital labs often don’t have enough equipment to handle the volume of tests required and it would slow down results for patients, and hospitals would prefer to have a wing dedicated to orthopedics rather than blood donation. There’s no definitive answer online but this is what I could figure out.
Links in not in hyperlink under the cut
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