#Logan trying his best but Roman’s imagination is just too out there sometimes lol
loganslowdown4 · 1 year
Roman: Today I feel *starts to create abstract shapes and thoughts above his head*
Logan: I don’t know how to translate that into rational thought.
Roman: FINE! It’s like *abstract shape* with a little *abstract idea*
Roman: Just make it into words!
Logan: Help
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The other day I was talking with my best friend, and we accepted that sometimes we like to do "self insert" in the series we like, it's a way to have fun and generate ideas for fanfics that we will never do -LOL-.
We started watching Succession recently and we imagined what role we would play in the series. We accept that we could never be on the same level as the rest of the cast- My God, they are excellent actors, impossible for us to be a worthy secondary character- but maybe our " characters" could be "comic relief" in the plot.
We began to make a full description of the role we would play:
In my case I would be one of the many maids who work for the Roy family. I dont know; I think it would be interesting if there was a character who related things from the point of view of the service, what he thinks about each of Logan's children and about Logan himself. And personally I think that if I were one of the unfortunate employees to support that family, it would be like this:
-I would be terrified of Mr. Logan; so I would try very hard not to ruin things around him- not even look at him hahaha- -I would consider Roman quite attractive, but an awkward person and whom I would prefer to only treat what is necessary. -Connor… it's hard to imagine since he rarely goes out, but I don't think he would be a bad boss, maybe he is the most formal of all Logan's sons even with the service people. -Shiv would be a case similar to Logan, as her employee would prefer to be polite with her but deep down I would be afraid of her. -I would ship Greg and Tom the same way -LOL-. I think she would be one of the employees who quickly suspects that there is something special between the two, and would like them to escape from that family.
And finally: I think my character would be secretly in love with Kendall.
Hahaha I know, too cheesy of me; but the truth is that since I started the series I just want to see Kendall happy. I find Jeremy Strong attractive – I don't know in what way, there's nothing specific but I think he's handsome – and as for his character as Kendall, I think he needs a lot of love and emotional support.
I would love to be that character who wants to root for Kendall though she knows that she will never be able to reveal her feelings for him thanks to her social status. It would also be interesting to end / make fun of the cliché: "rich man falls in love with his employee".
I think my character would perhaps confuse Kendall's formality with "romance" and combined with all the abuse she sees him receive from Logan, she would want to protect him or give him the slight help of listening to him when no one else does.
Really; It would be very funny to see a character who creates a whole "love story" in her mind and considers Logan's most "pathetic" son a Prince Charming, just for being one of the lucky few not to receive ill-treatment from his part.
Succession Serie:© Jesse Armstrong Fanart:© Hoshi Sakurai
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Prompt: Hi... I uh... I’m back, again anonymously.... to see if maybe... you could... write a thing? No pressure but if so... maybe a hurt/comfort?
Remus is used to dealing with feeling like he is loosing his mind on his own. Like he puts up an insane front so that the others don’t notice when he is loosing his grip on his sanity. Then he ends up laughing as he is falling apart and thinking that he has indeed found the real meaning of going insane. And he just laughs until it hurts and the laughing fades but the tears don’t stop. He’s thinking of doing something drastic like just running away to the subconscious so he doesn’t have to exist as a side anymore, but on his was he runs into Janus and Virgil or other people if ya want. Then they talk him down out of his insanity and realize remus needs a lot more help than they ever imagined.
I know this is a really long prompt and if you don’t wanna write it no pressure whatsoever. I just like your writing better than mine lol. Uh, thanks if you do and thanks for having boundaries if you don’t! <3
Thanks for the prompt! 
Read on Ao3 Part 2 (ish)
Warnings: as you can guess, this revolves not just around Remus, but on intrusive thoughts. Self-harm, suicidal ideation, psychosis, insanity. There is a happy ending where our boi gets comforted and grounded, but the way to getting there ain’t pretty. Take care of yourselves please
Pairings: LAMP, DLAMP, DLAMPR, can be platonic or romantic, you decide
Word Count: 3864
Sometimes the world just fucking sucks.
Sometimes the world just really fucking hates him.
Sometimes the world just fucking sucks.
 Remus doesn’t know why his brain decides that right fucking now is the perfect time to swan dive off a balcony into a wrought-iron fence, he just knows that the wind on his face cuts his cheek like ice because of how cold it is.
 He doesn’t understand the compulsion to stride to the middle of a volcano and dive into the magma just to see how the lava flows on the inside, he just knows that the burn in his hands from being even this close to a volcano is only matched by the burn in his head to just fucking go.
 He really doesn’t know how he ends up wanting to rip his brother apart, piece by piece, so he can see how every inch of his muscles work, he only knows that hat he’s got his arms tightly around Roman, it’s the most grounded he’s felt in fucking ages.
 Sometimes the world just really fucking hates him.
 The light switch would look perfect controlling the precise contractions of his organs. The bird that flies by outside the window tears his trachea out with its razor-sharp beak. The water bottle Patton uses would screw into his eye sockets until his corneas shattered.
 Remus knows to laugh them off. They can’t hurt him, they’re his! His ideas! They’re supposed to be disgusting, revolting, it’s a good sign if it’s him they revolt too. After all, he’s sure as hell got higher standards.
 On the other hand…is this what it fucking feels like?
 The idea of using a knife sometimes makes it feels like ants are crawling through his bone marrow. The steel glints way too harshly in the light as he picks it up and suddenly all he can see is blood, blood, and more blood, cuts in his arms, throbbing muscle, it hurts, why doesn’t it hurt that bad, make it stop, make it go away —
 Remus takes a deep breath and puts the knife down.
 He’ll walk past a window on a bad day and all he can feel is glass, sharp glass, in his skin, in his eyes, in his tongue, broken glass, inside him, cutting little nicks and tears and it hurts, it won’t stop hurting, why can’t he taste the blood, what’s happening to him—
 He draws the curtains and walks away without another word.
 The Sides are all there in the living room and his hands itch for his morning star, for a sledgehammer, something, anything to break them apart, put them back together, stitch them up in horribly beautiful ways, listen to their screams as their vocal chords break, why can’t he hear them screaming, why are their screams so loud—
 He smiles feebly and sinks out.
 Remus curls up in his bed and howls, the room collapsing in on itself, pressing against his lungs. He keeps screaming and screaming and screaming until he’s laughing. He laughs. He keeps laughing until his voice dies in his throat. He keeps laughing.
 Something has its wriggly little talons in his stomach and he can’t stop laughing. It hurts. He can’t breathe. He wants it to stop. He never wants to know what it’s like to laugh again. He never wants to stop laughing.
 He wants it to stop.
 He knows exactly what this fucking feels like.
 He can’t open his eyes sometimes because he can’t look at what he knows will appear in front of him. He can’t close his eyes sometimes because he’s too terrified of what will be carved into the underside of his lids. He can’t speak because he knows what horrifying thing will tumble out of his mouth. He can’t stay quiet because he knows what happens when all the voices stay trapped in his head.
 He can’t be because it hurts too much.
 He can’t not be because then it will stop hurting.
 The others don’t know about this. Of course they fucking don’t. They don’t listen to him when he fucking wants to talk to them about shit, why the fuck would they pay attention to the stuff he doesn’t want to tell them?
 Patton doesn’t give a single flying fuck about him. He made that perfectly fucking clear.
 Logan thinks he’s boring. That’s the most fucking offensive thing Remus has ever heard, and that’s fucking saying something.
 Virgil’s a scaredy-cat. And he’s gotten boring to terrify. Virgil’s afraid of fucking everything.
 Janus is so nuanced, it’s fucking annoying.
 Roman’s his brother.
 Remus growls and rocks himself faster, clutching the sides of his shirt until the fabric tears. He squeezes his eyes shut and ignores the pain in his ribs. The voices howl and cackle as the winds swirl around him. He ignores them as best he can.
 It’s fucking cold in here and it’s too fucking hot.
 They don’t see this part of the fucking mess that is Remus’s existence. They don’t see the un-fun parts of the crazy. They don’t see the reality of what Remus has to deal with.
 They see the sex jokes, the crude puns, the horrible images he plants in their funny little heads. What must it be like in there, it must be so boring.
 They don’t see the way he has to hold himself back from jumping onto every sharp object, throwing himself from every high height, digging his teeth into his own flesh and stripping it away from the bone.
 Remus growls as he shoves the pillow between his teeth. The cotton tastes awful but it keeps his teeth away from his own tongue. He’d tried that once, tried biting it off, maybe the horrible taste of battery acid would leave his mouth if he had no tastebuds. He just wound up on the floor of the bathroom, vomiting up chunk after chunk until his tongue grew back, twitching against the roof of his mouth. He started biting the pillows after that.
 It’s so fucking stupid, that they can’t fucking see this shit. He knows he can’t let them, he’s got fucking wires crawling around beneath his skin. He’s convinced of it. He can’t listen to Patton being condescending, he can’t listen to Logan flatly telling him he’s off his fucking rocker, he can’t listen to Virgil flip out at him, he can’t listen to Janus’s snide disapproval.
 He can’t fuck up his brother.
 So he just laughs.
 Long and loud and hard and obnoxious because if they’re listening to the laughter they’re not listening to him.
 There’s always going to be something they fucking want to pick on with him; they’re so fucking boring they can’t tolerate a little bit of difference. But if they start poking at his scars with their razor-long nails he’s going to rip open his skin and let the swarm of wasps inside him devour them whole. So he just laughs and laughs and lets them stare at him in disgust.
 Disgust is better.
 Sometimes his laughter is fucking hysterical, rising and rising and rising until they’re all screaming at him at the top of their lungs just to be heard. They say that he’s scaring them. Good. They should fucking be scared.
 Sometimes his laughter is just in his head. They say they can’t hear him but he’s laughing. He’s laughing and they can’t hear him. Could they ever?
 Sometimes he doesn’t realize it’s him. Someone will be laughing and they’ll all be glaring at him and oh, yeah, that’s him.
 Sometimes he just can’t shut the fuck up.
 Maybe it would be easier if he fucking could.
 If he could shut his brain the fuck up for two goddamn seconds maybe he could actually make this work. Maybe he could be palatable enough to be tolerated. What does being tolerated feel like? What does it look like? Is it red, like blood, does it run in rivulets down his arms?
 Is it dry, like the pillows? Does it just sit there in the corner, begging to be torn apart by razor-sharp teeth, or does it actively try to suffocate him as he wraps his mouth around words that won’t ever fit?
 Or is it empty, hollow, like the blood vessels in his heart? Does it make him ache when a strong breeze blows by? Does it taste like steel, ozone, does it burn his tongue as he tries to breathe?
 What does tolerance feel like, Remus wonders, because he’s all too familiar with isolation.
 He’s never really alone. The voices won’t leave him be. They scream and cackle and whisper and taunt him with their awful, awful words and ideas and images and sensations. But he’s alone in every way that matters.
 Except for the monsters.
 He and Roman haven’t told the others about the Subconscious. It’s the one thing they’ve both consistently agreed on. The others don’t get to know about the Subconscious.
 It’s not a nice place. It’s not even really a place. It’s a void, deep and vast, populated by things darker than darkness. The things in there are terrifying enough to make Remus’s skin crawl. They drag things down into the depths and rip them from the inside out, shredding tissues as they’re flipped inside out.
 Monsters live in there.
 Beasts. Creatures. Things.
 They whisper to Remus sometimes. Their tongues are soaked in fear. Not Virgil’s type of fear, a thicker type of fear. It oozes out of their gaping maws and coats Remus’s limbs until he’s stuck, drowning in a tar pit. Insanity.
 Sometimes he can struggle out of it.
 Not this time.
 The monster purrs in satisfaction as its shadows whip about the walls, crawling up to the ceiling, tapping their long, bony fingers against the very edges of the eye. His ribcage creaks, rent asunder by the sudden invisible weight. Dark passages yawn at the foot of his bed, around the fuzzy edges of the candle’s glow. Is there a candle in here? He’s not allowed a candle. Why is there a candle in here?
 The shadows creep closer, up the long winding staircase—staircase? Where is he? Is he moving? Are they moving him?—through the banister, dancing up the curtain strings. There is insanity here, delectable, soaking through the walls, coloring the soft breaths that sigh in the still interior. The shadows creep closer, luxuriating in the darkness, the unseen. Remus stands at the brink of madness, teetering, awake, dripping head to toe in insanity.
 A single candle burns atop the nightstand. He’s not allowed a candle. Its light flickers. His head pokes out above the sheets, fingers curled around its edge. He didn’t tuck himself in. He isn’t in bed. Yes, he is. The bed is standing up behind him. Now it’s lying down. He doesn’t know what’s real anymore.
 He dares not move, lest the shadows hear him and find him, and yet he dares not close his eyes. A chill reaches a long finger through the window pane and lightly strokes the space between his shoulder blades. He keens.
 The fingers lift his hairs to stand aloft, tugging them as if they are puppeteering his arms. They aren’t his arms. They never were. The chill cackles, diving to squeeze his legs, massaging its frigidity into his thighs. A knuckle comes up to trail along the soft skin under his arms, laughing as he curls up tight, trying to block the probing touches from snatching the rest of his warmth. He’s too warm. He’s too cold. The air atop him merely flutters, letting the chill dig and prod and one at him with its relentless talons. The insanity merely rumbles, soaking him to the bone. Is that what it wants? To steal his bones?
 As the insanity drips through the air, it fills his ears, sending the shadows along the walls, up the ceiling, down beneath the skin. The light flickers. The insanity pours into his eyes. The chill rubs it in, still reaching wiggling fingers toward the soft meat of his tummy, blowing the insanity into ripples across his pupils. It reaches two fingers into his mouth, sliding across his tongue. As he gasps, it wriggles back under his arms and cackles anew. The insanity simply hums, sliding across his skin, down to pool in the hollow of his arms, nestled against his chest. Crueler hands dig into the meat at the back of his knees, the undersides of his rear, delighting in how he shivers. He whimpers. A knuckle runs over the very edge of him and lingers, coaxing the insanity to its wiggling lure.
 The pit yawns beneath him, the monster voice luring him in, closer, deeper, come, down…
 He does the only thing he can do.
 He laughs.
 Loudly. Heartily. He laughs so hard it bends him in half, cracking his spine. The sound scrapes along his throat. It rips spittle out of him, flying off into the darkness. He laughs. He laughs. He can’t stop laughing.
 Spittle is joined by tears.
 He can’t stop.
 It won’t stop.
 They won’t stop.
 Nothing ever stops.
 “Remus? Remus!”
 “Jesus Christ, Remus, what’s going on?”
 “Come away from there, sweetie, you’re going to fall.”
 “Remus, come on, come here, listen to us, come on, you’re—you’re gonna fall.”
 Hands wrap around his arms and yank, sending him hurtling back from the edge. He falls into something soft.
 “Hey, hey,” comes the quiet growl, “hey, dude, it’s okay. Shh, shh, breathe, Remus, you’re gonna hurt yourself.”
  Too late.
 “You gotta breathe, man. It’s gonna be worse if you don’t.”
 I can’t, Remus thinks frantically, I can’t breathe.
 He’s still laughing. There are still tears running down his face.
 “In and out, Remus, you can do it…”
 Virgil? Is that Virgil? Isn’t Virgil scared of him? Why is Virgil here?
 “There you go, Remus, it’s okay…” Virgil’s rubbing his arms. Arm? How many does he have? “It’s okay.”
 Something hits his chest like a thunderclap and he gasps.
 “That’s it, that’s it…it’s okay, Remus, it’s gonna be okay.” Something’s strangling him. No—no, trapping him. Also no. What’s happening? “You’re alright now, Remus.”
 “Yeah, Remus, it’s me. J’s here too, it’s gonna be okay. We got you.”
 Remus cranes his head backward to look up at what’s holding him. Janus smiles down at him, concern written plainly all over his face.
 “Hey, sweetie,” he says softly, stroking Remus’s damp cheek, “you gave us quite the scare there.”
 “You looked like you were hurting,” he says, not unkindly, “and that you were scared.”
 Something twists in his gut.
 “What would you know about being scared?”
 To their credit, neither of them fucking blinks.
 “I know that I care about you,” Janus murmurs, still cupping Remus’s face, “and that the thought of you falling into that pit scared me.”
 “I care about you too,” Virgil says, “and you were hurting.”
 “Everything hurts,” Remus hisses, yanking at Janus to get him to let go, “there are ants crawling around inside of me and monsters force-feeding me insanity.”
 Virgil shoots Janus a worried look. Janus reaches behind them to fetch a tissue box, silently cleaning Remus’s face.
 “It won’t stop,” he mutters, “it never stops.”
 “What never stops, sweetie?”
 Janus glances up. Then back down.
 “The others are worried,” he says softly, “they want to come see you. Should we let them?”
 He can’t hold back the scoff. “Why would they care?”
 “Because they care about you, sweetie, you’re important.”
 “No, I’m not.”
 “Of fucking course you are,” Virgil says immediately, “don’t say that.”
 “You’ve got a fucking funny way of showing it,” Remus hisses, “you don’t want me around.”
 “That’s not true!”
 “No, Logan! He doesn’t believe we care about him, let me go—“
 “Patton?” Remus turns his head.
 Patton…Patton is also crying?
 The other Side drops to his knees in front of Remus, reaching out to catch another set of Remus’s tears in his palms. His lip wobbles, curling around Remus protectively.
 “Of course we care about you, kiddo,” he manages, “you’re so wonderful.”
 “You can’t fucking stand me.”
 “I don’t understand you,” Patton corrects, “but I could never hate you. You’re so passionate. I love the way you love things.”
 Fucking pause.
 “You—you what?”
 “I care about you, kiddo.” Patton presses his forehead against Remus’s. “Please don’t leave.”
 What the fuck is going on? The monsters pull back, uncertain, but the ants have no such qualms. They burrow deeper into his bones, crawling through his muscles in searing agony.
 “Remus,” Logan calls softly, “Remus, can you hear me?”
 “Yeah,” he gasps, “yeah, I can hear you.”
 “Good.” There’s a gentle hand under his chin. “What’s the matter?”
 “There are ants in my bones and monsters trying to drown me in insanity.”
 Logan just nods. He fucking nods. “Why do you think there are ants in your bones?"
 “I can fucking feel them,” Remus growls, “they chewed through my veins. They’re in me.”
 “Where do you think they started,” Logan says softly, “can you show me?”
 Remus just lifts his wrists limply. Logan takes one in his hands, frowning in concentration as he runs his fingers gently over the skin.
 “There aren’t any marks here,” he pronounces after a moment, “no holes, no bite marks.”
 “There…there aren’t?”
 “Not here.” Logan holds his hand out, palm up in offering. “Where else?”
 He lays his other wrist shakily in Logan’s grip. He looks it over with the same attentive care, pronouncing no bite marks. No ants.
 “Are you sure?”
 “I’m sure,” he promises, rubbing his thumb over the back of Remus’s hand, “is there anywhere else you’d like me to check?”
 “Behind my ears,” he blurts before he can stop himself, “I—I can hear them.”
 Logan nods and stretches his arm forward. “Come here, then.”
 Has Logan always been this…soft? The gentle fingers pressing and stroking behind his ear, carding through his hair, have they always been so…kind?
 “Would you like me to take a picture,” Logan whispers after a moment, “to show you there’s nothing?”
 Remus nods. There’s a quiet click of the camera shutter.
 “…yeah. Yeah.”
 “Anywhere else?”
 “My back. My spine. It—it hurts.”
 “May I have a look, then?”
 Logan checks him over. Every single spot. He doesn’t once roll his eyes or huff that Remus is being ridiculous. He doesn’t scold him for it. He doesn’t pretend that the ants are real and he knows how to get them out. He doesn’t tell Remus that he’s going to be eaten alive from the inside.
 He just…checks. Patiently and thoroughly. His hands are warm. His voice is quiet.
 “I can have an x-ray ordered,” he says after he checks the last spot, “if you’re still unsure.”
 “N-no,” Remus manages, shaking a little, “I—I believe you.”
 Logan nods. He reaches out to cup Remus’s chin again. “Are you alright?”
 Is he?
 Has he ever been?
 “That’s okay.” Logan smiles—fucking smiles—at him and glances up at the others. “Can I show them how to check for you, in case it happens again?”
 The question shocks him to his core. He barely has the wherewithal to nod.
 Logan’s hands are back on his skin, turning and pointing carefully. He can feel their eyes on him as he works. Janus gently undoes the top of Remus’s collar so they can make sure his neck is clear as well.
 Remus’s heart sinks.
 “Roman, do you want to see how to—Roman, what are you doing?”
 Remus peers nervously over his shoulder to see Roman standing in front of the pit. From the line of his shoulders, he can see how tense Roman is. His hands are shaking.
 He turns. His face is deathly pale. His gaze finds Remus and he swallows heavily.
 “Roman?” Remus swallows. Is that what his voice sounds like? “Ro?”
 “Were you…” Roman glances over his shoulder. “Did you…?”
 Shame bubbles up so fast it springs hot, guilty tears behind Remus’s eyes. He ignores the worried noises from the others as he slumps.
 A truly wounded noise comes from in front of him as Roman barrels forward, knocking his brother flat on his ass and wrapping his arms so tightly around him that Remus gasps awake.
 Warm. Real. Roman. Roman is here, Roman is safe, Roman cares about him, Roman is fucking here. He lets out a cry of his own and clings to his brother.
 “Not one of them is gonna touch you,” Roman swears, his voice shaking, “you hear me? I’ll gut them myself. They’ll have to get through me before they can even touch you.”
 “I know, Ro—I know—“
 “Swear to me,” Roman whispers frantically, “tell me you know I would never have let them take you. Tell me you know I’d’ve torn that place apart just to get you back.”
 “I know, Roman, I—I—“
 “Don’t ever scare me like that again, Re, I can’t take it.”
 “I’m sorry.”
 “It’s okay, it’s okay, I’ve got you, you’re staying right here—“ Roman holds him tighter and it’s the good kind of sore—“right fucking here.”
 Distantly, he hears Janus chuckle and there’s another warm swirl across his back. He looks up from the crook of Roman’s neck to see Logan settling in, reaching out to give them a hug. Janus sits behind him. Virgil and Patton grab blankets and join the pile.
 It’s…it’s good.
 “Listen to us,” Roman keeps whispering, “not them. They’re not gonna lay a hand on you. We got you, Remus, we’ll keep you.”
 “Gonna keep me?”
 “Always, Re.”
 “Let it out, Remus, come on. We’re not going anywhere.”
 Remus cries.
 Sometimes the world just fucking sucks.
 But sometimes, as Patton ruffles his hair, as Virgil leans his head on his shoulder, as Janus rubs a hand across his tummy, as Logan starts talking very softly, as Roman holds him tight, sometimes it doesn’t.
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anyarally · 4 years
Sanders Sides Secret Santa Gift!
For: @authorgirl0131  Wish 1: Intruloceit Christmas fluff Wish 2: Sympathetic Deceit whump Wish 3: Logan and Deceit Christmas fluff Ao3 (it’s formatted better on there lol)
Janus, Logan, and Remus Have the Best Christmas Ever
Janus is upset after SvS Redux, so Remus and Logan try to help. Plus Christmas fluff!
We are ethically compromised if we give him a seat at the table
The Light Sides’ words haunt Janus every night, only getting worse once Virgil leaves. The worst part is… he knows they’re not lying. Every insult, every implication, every rude remark, every single one was true. At least, to those who spoke them it was. 
He sits alone in his room every night, Remus usually coming to check on him. Tonight, though, is special. Janus just fought with all the Lights, and told them his name! It was one thing when Remus did it, he’s crazy and unpredictable! When Janus does it… it’s serious. 
Remus knocks aggressively on the ornate gold door, “Hey, ‘Anus?! You wanna hang out some? We could decapitate some of Roman’s dumb unicorns in the imagination, I sensed some trespassing earlier!”
Deceit startles on his bed, throwing back the covers (which he really shouldn’t be under this early in the evening) and mumbles just loud enough to hear, “Not tonight, Ree, I’m too tired.”
“Is it because of something they said again? I told them not to get to you, just because we’re different doesn’t mean we’re bad.”
“It doesn’t matter, Remus, just go take care of those unicorns. Maybe tomorrow we can hang out, ok?”
“Oh, um, ok. See you at dinner?”
“I don’t know if I’ll be up to it. Sorry.”
“Alright, let me know if you need anything?”
There was no response. Remus sighed, slumping away to his room. 
This went on for weeks. Every day, Janus would come out for breakfast, unhinge his jaw and eat enough for the day, even though he used to eat the same as Remus(in moderation, he refuses to eat eyeballs and pubic hair). Eventually, after about two and a half weeks, Remus had had enough.
When Janus slouched into the kitchen for his daily meal, Remus slammed his hand on the table, “You are coming with me to the imagination!”
“No, Remus. I’m too tired.”
“Nope, nuh-uh, none of that ‘tired’ bullshit, you’ve said that every day for the last month!”
“Nope nope nope! Come with me!” Remus yelled, grabbing Janus’s arm with an unsurprisingly terrifying grin on his face. 
Remus dragged Janus to the sickly stone mirror with green ooze globbing out that leads to the imagination, the snake complaining and protesting the whole way. 
Once they got there though, none of the things that usually made him happy worked. When Remus had him attack Roman’s unicorns, he only said he didn’t want to make their relationship with the Light Sides even worse. They visited Janus’s giant golden two-headed snake, Eilonwy and Ethelinda, and Janus couldn’t even look her in the eyes(either set of them!). Remus even tried having him watch live musicals by sneaking into Roman’s side of the imagination, but it only reminded him of the movie nights everyone but the Dark Si- now, just Janus were invited too. Remus had stopped going, but still.
After the day spent trying to cheer Janus up in the imagination had no success, Remus decided to bring in the big guns. 
The next day, Janus surprisingly didn’t get any visits from Remus. Just one text of a .gif that was weird as hell. 
The day after that, however, Janus heard three precise knocks at his door, at precisely 9:00 am. He yelled out, “Remus! Just stop already! I’m fine!” The only response was another precise three knocks at his door at 9:01 am. He only grunted and curled into his heated blanket more, assuming it’s just another one of Remus’s dumb pranks. 
After three knocks every minute on the minute for half an hour, Janus caved and opened the door, immediately protesting, “Remus, I swear to Thomas, I-” he stopped dead in his tracks when he looked up and saw who he was objecting to, “Logan?”
“Hello, De- Janus. Remus informed me he was concerned about you, so I have come to see,” Logan pulled out his notecards, “What is up?” 
Janus chuckled, pulling the door open wider, “Okay Logan, you can come in.” 
Janus puts his hat on as they walk inside, Logan looking around and noticing so much clutter. From what Remus had told him, Janus was a very organized person, almost obsessively so. Plus, the room wasn’t very warm at all, which cannot be good for someone cold-blooded. 
When Logan comments on this, Janus simply brushes him off, saying he hasn’t had the time to clean up and his usual heaters would be a fire hazard with the mess. 
They sit on some large extravagant armchairs in front of a fireplace, Logan favoring the black one with gold beading while Janus takes the deep yellow one with shiny black beading. 
As they sit down, Janus lights the fire with a wave of his hand, trying (and failing) to subtly change his outfit into a clean one from his closet. Logan notices, but decides not to comment. 
“So, what did Remus send you for again?”
“Well he didn’t exactly send me, per se, I reached out to him because I hadn’t seen you in a while, he said he would handle it, then he got me when that didn’t work.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yes, of course. I tried to bring it up to the other Light Sides, but they would not listen. Therefore, going to Remus, and consequently, you, was the best option.”
“Wow, uh, thanks, Logan, I really appreciate that. I assumed none of the Light Sides thought about how things would make us feel.”
“Granted, that is a fair assumption,” Logan quieted down, facing Janus’s bookshelves and silently reading the titles he has, mentally comparing it to books he’s read. 
Janus wanted to question Logan about that, but decided to try and get to the point gradually instead, saying, “Logan,” said Side looked up at Janus, “I just want you to know that I’m sorry.”
This made Logan pause and think. After about fifteen painfully silent seconds for Janus, Logan started speaking again, “I apologize, but I do not understand. What are you sorry for exactly?” 
“For, ya know, the last video.”
Logan stares at Janus.
Janus groans, “You’re really going to make me say it, huh? Okay, I’m sorry for taking your place earlier in the video.”
“Oh. Yes. That.” Logan stops, trying to formulate a response, “It is quite alright, Janus. While I was a bit hurt in the moment, I appreciate you figuratively beating some sense into the others.”
“Are you sure that you’re actually alright, though?”
“I… well, I do wish you had simply told me.” After Janus sends Logan a questioning look, Logan adds, “I know I would’ve been happy to step down and even let you disguise yourself as me, you didn’t need to knock me out. With those two, it’s very… difficult to get them to actually consider things, I know that first hand, so I entirely understand why disguising yourself as me was the most efficient way to get through to them.”
“Oh, I… I’m so sorry Logan, I hadn’t even considered that. I’m just used to expecting a no, I…”
“As stated before, it’s quite alright. Besides, I’m the one who should be apologizing.”
“What do you mean?”
Logan sighs, looking down at his shoes, “I should’ve spoken up sooner. About the Lights’ treatment of you, I mean. They were unnecessarily cruel to you, and I just stood by. I was… scared. I almost spoke up when Virgil hissed at you when you came to get your hat back from Roman, but I don’t know the whole story between you and Virgil, and I didn’t want to impose. Additionally, I…” Logan took a deep breath, doing a round of the 4, 7, 8 exercise Virgil taught them, “I was scared of being left out. I know I’ve said I don’t have feelings, but I was,” Logan chuckles, “deceitful, in that aspect.”
“Logan,” Janus seemed to be on the brink of tears of relief, “thank you so much. That means so much to me, I… hey, uh, would you want to come over for a movie night this Friday? I know movie nights with the Lights are on Saturdays, so…?”
“That sounds delightful,” Logan started to get up, “I will see you then. I apologize, but I must go. Thomas needs me at my best, I sense he’s about to start editing a new video.”
“No worries, Logan, I’ll see ya Friday.” 
And so, Logan came over that Friday, and the Friday after that. After weeks of being holed up in his room, Janus started to come out more often, and Remus was very happy to see more of him. Logan started coming over every Friday, and as time went on, he even started coming over more often just to enjoy Remus and Janus’s company. Sometimes, he would visit Remus’s side of the imagination with them, other times, he would exchange books with Janus and discuss them, and eventually, he would even start inviting Janus and Remus over to view the constellations with him as he explained them and showed them the stars with his telescope. 
This went on for months, and eventually, the Light Sides noticed. Whenever asked, though, Logan only stated he needed more time to himself. They laid off for a while, but eventually, it got a little suspicious, especially when they started hearing other voices coming from his room. 
Finally, Patton decided to investigate. He heard the voices in Logan’s room while getting him for famILY dinner, and leaned up against the door before knocking. 
“And here you’ll see MACS 2129-1, often referred to as the ‘Zombie Galaxy,” Logan happily explains.
“Oh fuck yes!” Remus yells, in turn causing a chuckle to emanate from Janus. 
Logan chuckles as well, “Fuck yes indeed, Remus,” Patton gasps almost involuntarily but stays quiet enough so no one notices, “This massive, disk-shaped galaxy spins twice as fast as the Milky Way does, but it's still not nearly as active. Hubble observations of the distant galaxy reveal that it hasn't made stars for approximately 10 billion years. MACS 2129-1 is what's known as a ‘dead galaxy,’ since stars no longer form there. Scientists believed that galaxies of this sort had formed by merging with smaller galaxies over time, but MACS 2129-1's stars didn't form from these sorts of explosive mergers; they formed early on, in the disk of the original galaxy. The findings suggest that dead galaxies somehow internally rearrange their structure as they age rather than changing shape because they combine with other galaxies. I, er, I’m sorry I’m babbling, aren’t I?”
Janus shushes Logan, “No, Logan, we’ve been over this,” Janus gently places his hand on Logan’s slowly reddening cheek, “We love to hear you talk, especially about things that make you happy. Isn’t that right, Remus?”
“Hell yeah, Lo! I love hearing you get so excited about stuff, and I love learning about the stars with you, you’re a great teacher!” 
By now, Patton had decided he didn’t want to intrude, he was proud of his kiddos. Logan, for reaching out and making more friends, and Janus and Remus for making Logan feel loved in a way that Patton just couldn’t seem to. He leaned back from the door and walked by, deciding to text Logan to let him know about dinner so he could come if he wanted but he didn’t have to cut his time with the Dark Sides short. 
Meanwhile, Logan looked down at his phone and sighed.
“What is it, Lo-Lo?” Remus tilted his head so far to the left his head broke off.
As Remus smacked his head back in place, Logan sighed, “Patton says dinner’s about to start. I really should go.”
“You don’t have to, Logan, you know that right?”
“Yes, I’m aware but I haven’t gone all week and I’m concerned the Lights will think I’m not eating at all. I wouldn’t want Patton to get… upset.”
“Okay, okay, we all remember when Patton went all Hop Pop.”
Logan looked at both of them again with a small, but genuine, smile, dropping it as he sank down to the Light Side’s dining room. 
Dinner was… awkward, to say the least. 
Patton tried to break the ice, “So, Logan, you’ve been spending a lot of time in your room?”
There was a long, long pause.
“Apologies, I now realize that was a question. I assumed it was a statement. Yes, I have been spending a lot of time in my room.”
“May we ask why?” Roman sarcastically asked.
“I find that I’m more productive when I stay in my room.”
“Well, I’ve heard some other voices coming from your room…” Patton hesitantly added. 
“What are you insinuating, Patton.” Logan harshly said, not asked, eyes harsh and cold.
“Well, I, uh-”
Virgil gently cut off Patton’s scrambling, “You know that we won’t be mad if you want to hang out with Remus and Janus, right?”
“Right!” Patton started, “We were actually talking about it some earlier, and we’d love to start having them over for famILY meals too!”
Logan raised an eyebrow, “Is Roman on board with this?”
Roman sighed, “I may have some issues with my brother, but a true prince wouldn’t stop other relationships from forming just because he didn’t like the other party. I know Remus, and he won’t hurt you,” he thought back to the shuriken, “well, not permanently at least.”
Logan smiled, the first genuine smile he had shown the Light Sides in months. “I can tell them.”
“Wait, Logan,” Logan looks back at Patton, “Christmas is this Friday, and well I can’t think of a better day to expand our famILY!”
Logan chuckled, “I’ll let them know,” he started to head back to his room but paused and turned to look back at the Lights, “Oh, and I’m staying with them on Christmas Eve. Apologies.”
“No problem, Logan! Thanks for letting us know!”
Once Logan got back to his room, he gave the Dark Sides the news. “Remus, Janus, I have some news.”
Remus popped up from where he was looking at his newest dagger under Logan’s covers, “Oooh? What is it, Wolverine?”
“Patton, and subsequently the other Light Sides, have invited you two and I to a famILY meal on Christmas,” Logan noticed how Janus and Remus’s eyes lit up but ignored it in favor of finishing his announcement, “I have informed them that I will be with you on Christmas Eve.”
Janus smiled, “That’s great! So, you told them about us?” Logan sat at his chess table with Janus, “Well, technically they guessed, but yes. They asked about me spending time in my room, then stated they did not disapprove of our… relationship, I suppose.”
Janus smiled, “That’s great, Lo.”
That Christmas Eve, the trio sat around the fireplace in the Dark Side’s living room. They cuddled together under a Big Hero 6 blanket while watching Die Hard, which they all of course agreed was the best Christmas movie. They had stayed up pretty late, and once the movie was over, Remus started excitedly jumping up and down, “It’s after midnight! It’s officially Christmas!”
Logan sleepily checked his watch, “You are correct, but I do not see how this is currently relevant?”
“Now I can give you guys my presents!”
Remus kept bouncing on the balls of his feet until Janus happily sighed, “Alright, what did you get us?”
Remus squealed, “I’ll show you!” while running to his room.
Janus and Logan chuckled together until Logan spoke up, “I, ahem, got you gifts as well. Would it be adequate for me to go get them?”
“Sure, I actually got some for you guys too. We’ll all go get them and meet back here.”
Logan smiled, nodded, and sank out.
When they all returned, they all had light blushes on their faces. “Who would like to go first? In handing out their presents, that is.” Logan awkwardly asked. 
“I do!” Remus excitedly shouted. Logan and Janus were very much not surprised, and they all sat down on the carpet in front of the couch. 
Once they were seated, Remus yeeted the presents at their recipients, both of which catching their present with ‘oof’s. 
Janus ripped his open to reveal a long black cape with golden lining. He was about to start thanking Remus for the warm fabric when the clasp on it caught his eye. He looked closer, seeing a beautiful silver clasp depicting a snake and eight tentacles wrapping around a unicorn. Not trapping it, it felt more like… hugging. Protecting. He flipped it over to see an engraving, ‘J.L.R.’ “Thank you, Remus! I especially like the clasp, and the warmth and style are both surprisingly practical!”
Logan respectfully undid the poorly done tape and placed the wrapping paper to the side, opening the box to see some soft black and white fabric. When he took it out of the box and unfolded it, he saw it was a new unicorn onesie, this one black with stars instead of white, with a rainbow horn, lining, and wrists. Logan started to tear up, holding it back when he addressed Remus, “Thank you, Remus, this is… perfect.” 
Despite how calmly it was stated, Janus and Remus both knew how much something had to mean to Logan for him to call it perfect.
Logan went next, getting Janus a new heated blanket with his yellow two-headed snake logo on it, which he loved. Next, he looked at Remus, “So, I did some research, and I got you something. But before I give it to you, I require confirmation that you will not use this on another side.”
“Ooo! Is it a torture device!?”
“Yes. But you cannot have it until you at least promise me that you will not use this on another side. You can use it on as many of yours or Roman’s unsuspecting imaginary townspeople as you wish, but not. A. Side.”
“Jeez, Wolverine, I promise, okay?! Now gimme.” Remus made grabby hands at Logan.
Logan reached behind his back and emerged with a metal dark grey and green pear-shaped object. He holds it out to Remus and he grabs it, “Remus, this is a Pear of Anguish. The first known account of one is in the 17th century, and it is operated as so,” Logan gently pulls the device back from Remus’s hands and twists the circle at the top, making it pop out into expanding segments, “This simple pear would be placed inside the orifice of a person and then gradually expanded. The kindest use was in a person’s mouth where it would ultimately shatter the skull, causing death. More gruesome is when it was used on parts in the lower half of the body which was rarely fatal, but excruciating.” 
Remus giggled at ‘lower half of the body’ “Thank you so much, Logan! I can’t wait to try this out, you’re the best!”
Janus went last, giving Remus a silver tentacle-themed ear cuff, which he enjoyed very much, putting it on right away. Next, he gave Logan a gigantic telescope with stars and math equations all over it, with Logan’s logo big on the side. Logan teared up at the thoughtfulness and hugged Janus tight.
The three ended up spending the whole night and day following snuggling together watching cheesy Christmas romcoms, and drinking hot chocolate. 
That evening, on the Light Side of the mindscape, the Lights once again did a Secret Santa. Sadly, Janus and Remus weren’t included since their attendance was decided so late, but Patton made sure to get them each something.
Logan got Roman this year, so he got him a journal full of prompts in which he could write, draw, or brainstorm. Patton got Logan, and he made him a bunch of cupcakes with the Logan’s Berry Crofters Jam, which Logan was eternally thankful for. Roman got Virgil, and he got him a grey weighted blanket which he altered by sewing on purple plaid patches with white thread to match the emo’s hoodie. Virgil was thankful he got Patton, getting him a better gift than before by hand sewing small toys of all of them, sheepishly adding he’d make Remus and Janus too “I guess.” Patton got Remus a stuffed animal of a green octopus with a mustache and he got Janus a stuffed animal of a yellow snake with a bowler hat that had a small heater inside.
Everyone loved their gifts and had a great time, but Logan couldn’t decide what his favorite part of that Christmas was; unwrapping presents with the Dark Sides at midnight or eating Crofters-filled cupcakes with them late Christmas night when all the Light Sides had gone to bed.
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galactic-magick · 4 years
Kiss Me: Logan x Reader
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Request: Hmmm. So from the prompt list, maybe number 7 (“If you don’t kiss me right this second I swear I’ll strangle you”) with childhood best friends to lovers logan x reader? Thank you!
Summary: You have a summer party with the sides and come to terms with your feelings for Logan.
Words: 2100+                                        
Warnings: swears, some kissy kissy
Author’s Notes: I got a little carried away with this one XD This is probably the longest one shot I’ve ever written lol, hope y’all like it!
Taglist: @luluwinchester​ @nerve-ous-love​ @zarieslayer​ @amayaisokay​
“Food’s ready everyone!” Patton calls, sliding the last burger onto the serving plate. He’s always been fantastic on the grill, and today he made pretty much everything he knows how. He made burgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs, kabobs, and everything in between.
It’s been a while since you’ve had a fun gathering with the sides, so when he suggested having a summer party in the backyard you all were ecstatic. You’ve all been friends for years, but sadly life gets in the way sometimes and you don’t get to hang out as much anymore.
As much as you’re happy to see everyone there, you can’t help but be extra excited to see Logan. He’s your best friend, and has been through thick and thin. He’s always the first to check in on you and help you out whenever you need it and you truly feel like you can be yourself around him. He lifts you up yet isn’t afraid to be honest with you. He balances you out perfectly.
“Hey guys!” you wave.
“Y/N! So glad you could make it!” Patton runs over and gives you a hug.
Virgil and Janus wave back and Roman and Remus greet you as well.
“Hello,” Logan nods with a smile.
You skip to him as your grin brightens, “Hello,”
“It’s very nice to see you,”
“Of course it is,” you laugh. “It’s nice to see you too. How’ve you been?”
“Very well. Everything appears to be working smoothly. You?”
“I’ve been alright,”
If you’re not mistaken, he’s gotten even more handsome since the last time you saw him. Is that possible?
Wait, what are you thinking?
No, no, it’s fine. It’s totally normal to find your friends attractive, right? You’re sure he’d say the same about you, and it wouldn’t be weird at all.
But damn does his smile make your heart flutter, and the way his slightly grown out bangs fall around his forehead gives you an irresistible urge to touch it. As you grab your food together his hand brushes against yours just for a moment, but it sends shivers down your spine for several more. He makes you laugh whether or not he’s trying to and fascinates you with his extensive knowledge on various topics. He makes you happier than anyone on the planet.
But of course none of that really means anything, right? Never mind the fact that since seeing him today you haven’t been able to get the thought of kissing him out of your head, how badly you want to just whisk him away to the side of the house, grab his shirt and make out with him ‘til you can’t breathe.
Alright, maybe that’s not normal.
It’s not like it would ever happen anyway, you’re sure he sees you as just a friend and you’re honestly fine with that. You’d never want to lose your best friend simply because you caught feelings.
As everyone finishes up their meal, you notice Remus running to the porch and shuffling around in a trash bag.
You turn to Logan, “What’s he doing?”
“I’ve found it’s best not to wonder,” he rolls his eyes. “It’s probably nothing of importance…NO WAIT WATCH OUT!”
Before you know it, you’re completely soaked head to toe and swivel around to see Remus pointing a huge water gun directly at you.
“WATER FIGHT!!” he screeches, pulling out more guns from the bag and tossing them to everyone.
Logan got a bit wet too, but not nearly as much as you, “Oh, Y/N, I’m so sorry, allow me to grab you some towels-“
“No, no, it’s fine, it’s just water,” you glare at Remus. “Hopefully,”
“Neither the color or smell indicate that it’s not,”
You chuckle, grabbing a squirter from the ground, “Come on, help me get back at him,”
“I really shouldn’t, I would prefer to stay as dry as possible,”
“Come on,” you grab his hand and pull him up. “Please?”
He stares at you helplessly, searching for an excuse but unable to resist, “Alright,”
You smile, grabbing him another gun and racing across the yard.
Patton starts filling up some water balloons while Roman flings them around, no one can tell whose side he’s on because he’s barely hitting anything. Janus is taking advantage of his extra arms by having a super soaker in each and aiming at literally everyone. Virgil has teamed up with you and Logan and focuses everything he’s got on Remus.
“Roman I must say, your aim is absolutely preposterous,” Logan comments.
“Oh, would you like to try it? I highly doubt you could do any better,”
“Actually, yes,” he grins, taking a water balloon and throwing it directly at Remus’s face.
Everyone’s mouth falls open.
“Where’d you learn how to do that?” Roman gasps, completely baffled.
“It’s not too difficult, just a few physics calculations and some practice,”
“Can you show me?” you ask, taking another balloon and squinting your eye towards Remus.
“Of course,” he places his hands on your shoulders and straightens out your stance. You desperately hope he doesn’t notice you stiffening and holding your breath from his touch. “The key is to have your arm in line with your eyesight. Even when you pull it back, if you’re not focused the follow through won’t work,”
You nod, gulping a bit and trying not to shake.
“Okay, now try it. It’s alright if you don’t hit him immediately,” his palm stays on your back as you throw it, hitting Remus’s leg.
“I hit him!” you squeal.
“Wonderful! Now we just have to work on aiming a bit higher-“ he steps in front of you as Remus darts a balloon back in your direction. His shirt gets drenched and Remus cackles.
“Oh no, Logan-“
His expression isn’t angry surprisingly. Instead, there’s a fire in his eyes that you’ve never seen before, the face of someone genuinely having fun.
He smirks at you, the way he always does when the gears are turning in his brain.
“Patton, can I see that?” he points towards the hose he’s been using to fill the balloons. Patton nods and Logan gets to work, using all your water guns to build a big canon and positioning it towards Remus. He turns it up to the highest pressure possible and blasts him.
It doesn’t hurt him of course, and even if it did he probably wouldn’t care. He merely falls back laughing, rolling around on the ground and covering himself with dirt and grass.
“Wow,” you sigh, eyes wide.
“You did ask me to help you get back at him, did you not?”
“I most certainly did,”
“Well,” he sets everything down. “I hope I delivered,”
“You did…” your gaze is locked on him. Who knew such a silly water war could make you so much more in love with him, especially with the way his wet shirt clings to him and the droplets on his glasses-
“Are you quite alright?” Logan inquires, concerned.
“Who wants to make some s’mores?” Patton calls, snatching some firewood. Everyone agrees so he gets it started, wanting to give it time to turn into hot coals. He grabs some crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows from inside and some sticks.
Logan gets towels for everyone and tenderly wraps one around your shoulders. The dampness is still cold, but the sweet gesture warms you up a bit.
Would it be crazy if you told him how you’ve been feeling tonight? Would it be completely irresponsible to flirt with him a bit? It feels wrong, but it feels more right than wrong. You just know he’s the one you’re meant to be with. You can’t imagine yourself with anyone else. He’s your best friend after all, and you’re sure any future partner you could ever have would be threatened by how close you are anyway. If you simply dated each other that wouldn’t be a problem.
But you’re terrified. You can feel your heart pulsing through your fingertips as you hold the marshmallow over the coals. The hot flames make your face burn and you can’t tell the difference between your sweat and the water covering you from earlier. You grow quiet, and Logan notices.
“Is there something wrong?”
Thankfully the other sides are engaged in their own conversation, so they don’t put any attention on you.
“I’m fine, just a bit tired,” you say, pulling your marshmallow away and squishing it between your graham crackers and chocolate.
“Did I mention that you look exquisite today?”
You almost choke on your sandwich, “What?”
“And I assure you our little water detour didn’t change that,”
“Oh, um,” you wipe your mouth with a napkin. “Thank you. You look really good too,”
“I hope that’s alright for me to say, please forgive me if I’ve crossed a line,”
“No!” you shake your head a bit too hard. “I mean, it’s fine. You can say that as much as you want, if that is what you want. Of course you don’t have to,”
A smile tugs at his lips, as if he’s actually charmed by your bumbling, “Would you care to go inside? I believe Patton has quite a few card and board games if you’re interested,”
You nod. It’s getting a bit chilly outside anyway, and maybe being alone with him will settle your nerves a bit. Your newly discovered feelings for him aside, he’s always the one person who makes you most comfortable.
He grabs the checkers and sets it up on the table next to the couch, “You can go first,”
You move your first piece and the game begins. He doesn’t hold back of course, he’s not the type to let anyone win on purpose, but he doesn’t rub it in your face either. He makes you smile the entire time and you almost forget how anxious you were before.
That is, until the game finishes and it all comes rushing back. He won, and he looks absolutely adorable. Your stomach is in knots and you just want to look at him this satisfied forever.
“Hey, Logan?”
“Do you ever wonder if we’d work well in a relationship? Like a romantic one?”
“I…” he considers it, his cheeks flushing a deep pink. “I can’t say I’ve never contemplated the idea. Why do you ask?”
“I was just wondering,” you shrug it off, assuming he’ll want to move on from the topic.
“I think we would,” he says confidently, yet still not able to meet your eyes. “If I’m being completely honest, which I assure you I am, I’ve thought about it many times,”
Your heart pounds in your chest.
“You’re wonderful, Y/N. I admire everything about you. You’re everything I want and value in both a friend and a partner, and I daresay even more. If you ever wanted to escalate our relationship to a deeper level, I would oblige immediately. I truly would,”
You don’t really know what to say. He just confessed his affections for you better than you ever could’ve, and quite frankly you don’t think you could top it. It feels like your heart is beating faster and slower at the same time, the relief of knowing and the panic of what happens next. Obviously he wants you to say yes, right?
But all you can think about is how much you want his lips on yours.
You meet his gaze, “If you don’t kiss me right this second I swear I’ll strangle you,”
“I’m sorry?”
“I love you. It took me a long time to realize, but I know it now. I love you,” you release all the nervous energy. “Now please just kiss me,”
“I…I love you too,” his eyes dart around your face and his grin lights up. It’s as if he can’t take you all in not matter how hard he tries. Nothing in the universe could ever compare to you or what he feels for you.
He kisses you gently at first, resting his hand on your neck. His lips taste like chocolate from the s’mores and they’re perfectly warm.
He pulls away, “Is this okay? Is this what you want?”
“Oh my gosh yes please don’t stop,” you pull him back to you, wrapping your arms around him and kissing him harder. He becomes more self-assured as you go, running his fingers through your hair and holding your waist to bring you closer.
He apologizes when his glasses hit you, but you don’t care. All you can focus on is the fact that his body is on yours and you’re finally kissing the love of your life.
After a while you fall back on the cushions breathless. Logan props himself up on his elbows and grasps your hands, holding them to his cheeks. You smile up at him, giggling a bit.
“I can’t believe we waited so long to do this,” he says, kissing your palm.
You smirk, “Well let’s not wait to do it again,”
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repeterwiggin · 4 years
i decided to make notes as I watched POF (SVSR) for the second time and damn. it’s just as much of a rollercoaster even when you know what’s coming (warning this is long there’s a lot going on)
- wild to me how we jump straight in!
- lee & mary lee are adorable & also thomas at the wedding is a Mood literally me at all my friends weddings
- the flashback breaks my heart,
- Patton is still a really good trier... he’s so good and he tries so hard and I love him
- the way thomas rips off his suit jacket...
- the song that isn’t sung!
- Patton says “we four helped you” but there were five sides in svs hmm I feel like that’s probably significant in some way
- the ace attorney ref makes me very happy! there was a secret path of me hoping for for a professor layton reference but this is ehhhh kinda close?
- the fact that the first thing they say is “why didn’t we talk to lee and mary lee” like. yeah!!
- WE SHOULD START LOOKING I TO WAYS TO PREDICT THE FUTURE! he’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit
- patton and roman bffs!!
- feral cats,,, what a tangent i stan roman
- I like that we get some more context to the invite as well, like being asked face to face does add another element to the dilemma
- Dame Judy Dench = Queen Groovy Bench I see you using those Good Place swears, Roman
- “maybe they ... feel guilty” is like. I get where you’re coming from Patton but talking to them should’ve been step one imo like. I have been to lots of friends weddings and talking to them is important
- “I’m not sure there was a good ending to get” ... “for he’s a jolly good fellow!”
- them calling Patton out for how critical he’s been!!! very important!!! and I appreciate that Patton is trying “I’m just trying to help you be a good as you can be!” he still has more to learn but still im love him
- the bagel callback lol
- GameStore instead of GameStop lol Patton
- “he eats fly for breakfast”
- We’re ten minutes in and there’s already so much going on
- Also I just want to appreciate that thomas is such a good actor I can tell which side is speaking just from their voice like the cadence is different and they way they say words ahhh it’s something I’ve thought about before but it’s really hitting me with these voice over segments
- Leslie Odom Jr lol if only we’d known
- The Pokemon battle format is so good and I love that it’s being used for a “do you give money to a homeless actor”
- The hotdog puns....
- Logan’s Lowdown!!!
- Roman mouthing “behoove” to Patton is very cute but I feel bad for Logan :(
- Pixel Logan is adorable
- The fact that roman immediately goes “ignorant” breaks my heart listen to logan!!! please!!!!
- Patton trying to soften his thoughts is kind of painful to watch
- “As long as that’s not the main reason you’re doing it!” Patton no,,,,,,,,
- Roman needs to be listened to more he looks so defeated when Patton doesn’t agree with him and only continues after serious prompting I feel like he’s been ignored too many times lately I’m very excited for a roman arc :((
- “Leslie Odom Jr’s....literal cake that he baked!!!”
- Logan’s fun fact popping up in the mario scene!! that’s my boy!!!
- Also the fact that roman is immediately painting deceit as the bad guy after they spent all of svs getting along......like, I feel like after the other sides decided that deceit wasn’t at all genuine or looking out for thomas’ best interests roman did a full 180* on him which makes sense for romans character but is also kinda depressing bc in is lying okay? and svs he was like “oh he’s not that bad!!” And now he’s like “scute bellied tyrant!!” damn
- Patton let’s him talk and then immediately is like “uuuuh no” yikes
- Roman targets all his insults at deceit and very carefully avoids being even playfully rude to anyone else hmm I really do think he’s trying to “make up” for siding with deceit last time and in the end it doesn’t even matter :((( bc he still feels like he’s disappointing people
- Roman seems like he’s genuinely trying to understand and Patton is really struggling to articulate his thoughts and that creates such a good conflict between the two bc it’s not like theyre really against each other it’s just solid interpersonal difference. or intrapersonal I guess
- The trolley problem!!!! A classic I love it
- The way it’s animated too is so good... the “Thomas is full of dread” the way the music cuts when the train appears how it cuts right before the train hits “is it over” ahhhhhh
- Also Leslie Odom Jr again lol
- “Maybe don’t depict scenarios where my friends die” and then later Patton is specifically like “it’s lee and mary lee!!!” lol wild
- “You know we don’t like to use the T word!!!” GREAT little aside
- “So it’s the how that matters” “yeah... and the why!!!” patton baby you’re trying so hard and I love you but it’s okay. you don’t need to have all the answers. you can just not know! I promise it’s alright!
- Thomas face after Patton brings up the “figment of your imagination” things KILLS ME
- I actually disagree with Thomas on the “putting more good into the world” as not being a compelling answer BUT I think that Patton is overlooking how feeling good/having positive emotions attached with those actions IS directly putting more good into the world. like, if doing good makes you feel good, that’s a good thing!! idk
- Logan disagreeing with Patton was good and we all know logan is my favourite but I think he could’ve handled that a little better
- PATTON HITTING SKIP ALL..... sweetie no :((
- everyone has already said this but that cane is the snake boy
- Roman even pulls back the insults on a philosopher who is not there
- Also Roman being like “your desires are getting in the way” again bc he feels like he’s not being listened to or appreciated bc there’s something about him that’s “wrong” and trying to shoulder the blame bc he feels bad that his desires (success, fame, love, appreciation) are inherently selfish :(((
- “that is the stupidest thing you’ve ever said” right sentiment, terrible delivery
- the way roman says “you’re just blowing smoke” is a Lot and very much like his fishing for validation but I don’t blame him for it, after what he’s just admitted it’s truly understandable that he needs that validation
- Thomas’ point about feelings motivating him is REALLY good bc we are all motivated by our emotions
- “Doing nothing is even worse!” i mean you’re not wrong but not in the way you think,,
- Logan/Deceit (I do think it’s deceit at this point) using the oxygen mask metaphor is really great to me!!! I love that metaphor & I was going to be a flight attendant so it’s something I thought about a lot. I’ll talk about it more when Deceit brings it up again lol
- “Uuuh I do need help” mood thomas mood
- “Temporarily put himself first” oof
- “It’s easy to say what we would hypothetically do...” hard agree
- Watching logan/deceit huff and roll his eyes solidifies for me that it is deceit like something about it feels unlike Logan lol I can’t explain why
- Roman nodding along with the explanation of why leisure is important makes me very happy
- “Oh is it not? Please correct me if I’m wrong” and the way the sprite pressing further and further and being more expressive with his hands and eyebrows like damn. that’s deceit!!
- Patton’s breakdown is Iconic I love the glitching and the way it zooms out to show the layout of the living room and the way he explodes ahhhhhhh so good
- why does the frog have abs that’s my one question
- lilypadton ahdhajfka I love it
- DECEIT EX MACINA THE REVEAL IS SO GOOD as soon as he started punning (cut through this bull...frog) I was like 👀 AND THEN THE LINES AND THE CAPE AND THE LORD OF THE LIES IM HAPOY TO OBLIGE
- the deceit sprite is so cute :))))
- Deceit pulling Thomas behind him we have to stan
- “Richer than Jeff Bozos” I LOVE that roman I love you
- Deceit calling him out and the way the words themselves turn into attacks is such a fun detail
- Frog Patton still punning even in serious moments is so on brand
- Deceit dodging while thomas gets hit is a solid metaphor
- “The plane is going down, you need to give thomas some room to breathe” oof like it needed to be said but oof
- The health bars changing to “Thomas’ mental health” OOF LADS WE’RE REALLY IN IT NOW
- the way thomas looks when he steps back into frame cracks me up
- “We can still beat him! We’ve beaten him before!” oh roman, but it’s not a fight against deceit :((
- the snakes on the plane ref lmao “I’m sick of this morality fighting snake on this metaphorical plane” whoever wrote that line... I want to give them a high five truly iconic
- Deceit is so much more playful and showing more diverse personality in this ep and I’m living for it
- final fantasy!! the og version turn by turn which is what I like to play lol also the villain they’re fighting kinda looks like Virgil and idk how to feel about that
- Deceit looking away as soon as logan pops up lmaoooooo
- “Not that any of you care...” logan baby no!!!!! I care!!!!
- Effective Altruism explanation and Logan making a point to go “it employs the heart and the mind” like ... reminding Patton that they need to work together and they’re on the same side I’m soft
- Deceit and Logan agreeing warms my heart they’re both so good and ahhhh
- “Emphasis on the ‘sometimes’ though, right?” “Yeah sure whatever — I mean yes! Of course!”
- I also love how deceit addresses thomas directly they don’t do that a lot but it makes sense cause deceit is really trying to persevere thomas’ self
- Him calling roman noble and roman not believing it :((( deceit trying to be honest and ahhhhh I’m so sad
- “Selflessness isn’t always the answer” which was exactly what svs was supposed to be about
- “What do you almost all things?” “Oh you’re right we wouldn’t want to plant too many trees, imagine how much CO2 might absorbed”
- lmao why am I so impressed by Roman’s deceit impression when they’re literally the same person
- roman flipping out and attacking deceit is a Big Yikes but it’s totally in character bc roman has always been black and white even more so than Patton and it’s been building to an arc for a loooong time so I’m very excited
- Deceit taking off his glove.... saying his name......... I can’t process this
- JANUS!!!!!!!!!! It’s so good it’s perfect I love it I love him
- roman immediately laughing yikesssss
- “Oh roman thank god you don’t have a moustache otherwise between you and remus I wouldn’t know who the evil twin is” YIKESSS but also valid deceit is at a breaking point
- “I thought I was your hero” “you are!”
- I’m going to be thinking about deceit’s—JANUS’S—nod for a long time....was he agreeing with Thomas or was he saying that Thomas was lying ahhhhhhh
- “Everything’s going to be okay. We love you.” “...right” AH MY HEART
- I want to give roman a hug
- Patton asking Janus for advice like right away and Janus not being great at first but coming around quickly with the ever true “it depends” like I love the two of them together the DYNAMIC POTENTIAL
- Janus does seem fond of Patton which is cute I can’t wait for everyone to be friends again lol
- how did they make that happen,,,, how wild
- the clapping
- “This sanders sides not odom sides,, I’m not threatened at all” that is, somehow, a mood
- “don’t kill, don’t steal, easy conclusions to come to” “even those can get iffy” “I don’t want to think about that... but maybe that proves my point!” you what we call that? growth
- “Giving too simple answers to complicated questions can do more harm than good” “mmhmm”
- “So I’m sorry! Again!” Poor boy is trying to hard and I love him :((( so much <3333
- “Oh yeah that’s cool, talk about me like I’m not here” I love you Janus!!!”
- “I’ll take care of him” and then immediately joking around and trying to make thomas laugh is very cute thomas needed something lighthearted after all of that ahhh
- “You’re not stuck with an EVIL snake boy...you’re just stuck with a snake boy!!” I LOVE YOU JANUS what an adorable nerd I would die for him
- and how excited he gets about being called right he deserves it
- “I love how much you like these constant dilemmas so please keep overthinking things” you know what I needed to hear that man
- “You can’t get doing good down to a science” WORD
- the message of treating yourself well & finding the right balance between that and doing good for others being a personal thing is very good and much needed
- Lee and Mary Lee are onscreen for like 3 minutes and I love them so much
- “So this is what you do for a living? Comedy?” “Yeah I’m a hack”
- Patton and Janus chilling on the same screen... I adore them
- “Seems like things worked out after all... I was wrong about everything!” “You and I both know that’s not true” and Patton’s soft little smile I love them!!!!
- “Odom sides would cool!” like actual Leslie Odom Jr said that.... I’m shook
- okay that’s the end it’s just as much a rollercoaster the second time around no I am not okay, thank you for your time
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sweet-royalty · 5 years
"If I die, I’m haunting you first." Logince, maybe?
I’m not sure if it will be anything like you imagined/wanted because I’m kinda new on this thing but let’s go xD
Content: Human!Sides, High-School!AU, slight reference to an Arch Enemy song? (I mean, if that’s important somehow. I’d make a MCR reference but hey… I don’t know that many MCR songs so let’s go for what I know lol)
TW: Cursing, B-word, S-word.
Lenght: 614 words (yeah pretty short)
Pairings: Logince, Platonic Prinxiety, “Implied” Moxiety
Read it on AO3
Read it on Wattpad
- Urgh, I can’t keep up with your stupid pinning, just go talk to him already!
- Are you CRAZY?? – Roman asked lowering his voice and getting closer to his best friend – Logan is simply impossible to get through! No one ever talks to him and he closes himself to everyone! There is just NO WAY I can talk to him, he’ll think I’m just another stupid jock trying to make fun of him! He won’t take me seriously.
Virgil angrily raised his left eyebrow to him.
- Roman Prince, are you kidding? You made me go through all that dramatic shit with Patton and now you’re all worried out because you can’t talk to Logan Yerkes? Look! – Virgil pointed to where the over-distracted nerd was – He’s right there, hair licked back, fixing his glasses like it’s going to fall any minute even though he just fixed that, taking another bite of toast with that jelly he always brings from home-
- Do you really need to narrate everything he’s doing? – Roman covered his blushing face wishing for the bell to ring earlier with no success.
- Yes, because you do that all the time on loop and because it makes you look more stupid than usual. Anyway OHHHHH would you look at thaaaaat, he’s reading that dramatic theater thing book that you like
- You mean, Hamlet?
- Yeah, this shit
- You know Hamlet! Why did you called it like that??
- I know exactly what I said. Anyway, this is the PERFECT time for you to go there and talk to him. Say that you enjoy it or whatever. Look, I’m the most anxious mess that you probably know, if I could do this I’m pretty sure that you also can.
- Easier said than done – Roman said burying his face on the table – And you had my help so I have half of the credit for you being able to talk with Patton.
Virgil then stared at Roman, looked back at Logan and gave his friend the meaniest smile he could give.
- Aaaalright, then! Gimme a sec – Virgil got up from the table and went to Logan’s direction, making the jock panic
- Wait! Virgil, what are you doing?? – he tried to grab the emo’s arm but it was too late.
- This is sweet revenge, Princey – the emo whispered making his way to Logan’s table and at this point Roman simply picked up his cellphone and tried to pretend there was anything happening.
Sometimes he lifted his eyes to peek on what was happening. He could see Virgil pointing at Logan’s book and his head nodding in response. After a few seconds he looked again and saw Virgil pointing at him instead so he lowered his head as fast as he could and never looked up again.
After what seemed to be an eternity, Virgil came back with is hands on the pocket of his hoodie, keeping up with his mean smile.
- And karma is a bitch – he whispered at the blushing mess.
- Virge, if I die you can bet all your My Chemical Romance CDs you’ll be the first one I’m haunting – he said, making Virgil chuckle
- He said you seem to be… Ahem… “Quite intriguing and nice to be with… And ahn… a little bit attractive too” – he said trying his best to impersonate Logan’s voice, even the way he cleared his throat at the end – He’d love to talk with you about Shakespeare, so go on.
Roman took a deep breath and looked at Logan, who was probably looking at him because he moved his head quickly to the books direction. Roman smiled at his friend, whispered a small “thank you” and made his way to his table.
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55 and 20 for ultimate angst combo, feat Virgil and your pick
I decided to go with Logan cuz we all know I love my left brain bois
I wrote half of this when I was very tired and the other half with this newly developed fever, so I’m sorry if it doesn’t make sense lol. I think there may accidentally be some tense switches in there that I may not have caught but oh well too late now I’m very tired
Warnings: miscommunication, arguemnts, panic attacks, general anxiety, let me know if I missed something/you’d like me to add something
Word Count: 2067 (remember when these prompts were supposed to be drabbles lol)
[ao3 link]
Logan couldn’t quite pinpoint when he’d started. At first, it had just been offhand observations that he’d dismissed, Anxiety was, after all, their enemy.
But then he wasn’t. And Logan stopped dismissing his observations. In fact, he began writing them down, practically studying Virgil.
Virgil was not only the personification of Thomas’s anxiety, but he also seemed to experience it himself. He slept and ate poorly, and it was difficult to convince him to join in on group activities. His hands were frequently shaking, and he grew irritable if he didn’t get enough time to himself to recharge.
So Logan observed. He took note of specific stressors to Virgil, and tried to come up with possible solutions on how to minimize them. Things like lessening his caffeine intake, improving his diet, and perhaps having a calming tea before bed.
And the more Logan observed, the more trivial his observations were.
Like how husky his voice was after just waking up. Or the beautifully musical sound of the small chuckles he hid behind his hand whenever Patton made a pun. Or the (objectively adorable) teasing smirk on his face when he playfully provoked Roman.
Eventually, he Logan starts to realize he has a problem when each of these observations sparks a strange feeling in his chest and stomach. A feeling that he unfortunately knows the diagnosis to, despite how clueless the others believe him to be when it comes to emotions.
He never meant to start falling for Virgil.
And he never meant for it all to fall apart.
Logan had been writing plans in his notebook as usual, trying to come up with ways for Virgil to better manage his anxiety, when Patton frantically called him into the kitchen. Logan had left his notebook open on the coffee table while he went to assist (Patton had, once again, gotten multiple spoons stuck in the drain).
After fixing the issue, Patton rushed upstairs, saying something about being late for a date in the Imagination with Roman. Logan returned to the living room only to find Virgil flipping through the notebook, expression growing increasingly angrier.
“Virgil–” Logan started.
“The fuck is this,” Virgil asked, cutting him off and barely looking up from the book to glare at Logan.
“Virgil, please, let me explain, I–” Logan started again, but was cut off once more.
“Are you observing me?” Virgil’s voice rose in volume. “Am I just another experiment to you?”
“Virgil, no, you don’t understand–” Logan tried to explain
“I don’t understand?” Virgil scoffed, looking back down at the notebook.
Logan resisted the urge to growl in frustration. That would get them nowhere. If only Virgil would stop cutting him off–
“I think I understand perfectly,” Virgil said and began reading from the notebook, “‘The subject’s diet and sleeping patterns must be monitored further before an accurate routine can be created.’ What the hell, Logan?”
“I was only trying to help!”
Virgil’s scowl deepened. “Maybe I don’t need your help, ever think of that?” He shoved the notebook into Logan’s chest. “Don’t try to fix me. I’m not broken. And I’m not some experiment you can just toy with as you please.”
Logan let the notebook fall to the ground as Virgil stormed off to his room.
He’d really messed up this time.
Virgil stays in his room for days. No one even caught him coming out for food or water, which especially concerned them.
Patton had taken to sitting in front of his door for some amount of time during the day. Sometimes it was thirty minutes. Sometimes it was three hours. He rambled aimlessly at the door, tried to convince Virgil to come out, or at least eat. No one even knew if Virgil was actually listening.
Logan couldn’t sleep. He would barely eat, which only served to fuel Patton’s worry further.
It was his fault Virgil was locked in there, ignoring them all. He had betrayed Virgil’s trust (even if he still wasn’t 100% sure what had happened), and he had to fix it.
So Logan used his newly terrible sleeping schedule to his advantage. He burrowed under a blanket on the couch – making sure to adjust it’s positioning so that it’s placement looked natural and haphazardly thrown on the cushions – and waited.
After all those days, there was no way Virgil wasn’t hungry. Even if he had been sneaking food somehow, he’d need more. And Logan would keep doing this until he caught him.
As things were, it did take a few days before Logan caught Virgil.
He had almost fallen asleep, when a presence going by woke him up and put him on edge. Logan carefully listened to the footsteps of the presence and the resulting sounds in the kitchen.
Everything sounded too quiet, too sneaky. There was no way that wasn’t Virgil (he should know, he’d caught both Patton and Roman rustling around in the kitchen late at night enough times to know what they sounded like).
Logan listened while Virgil quietly ate some of the leftovers Patton had left in the fridge. Listened while he stuffed what was probably his coat pockets with what was probably granola bars (if the crinkling wrappers were anything to go by). Listened as he quietly made his way back through the common room to the stairs.
Then, Logan moved. Virgil wasn’t the only one who could be sneaky.
He climbed up the stairs quickly (as quickly as he could, being as exhausted as he was, which wasn’t very quickly), remembering exactly which steps not to step on because they would squeak.
Virgil was almost at the end of the hall by the time Logan made it up the stairs, so he dashed down the hallway, slipping into Virgil’s room just before Virgil finished shutting the door.
Virgil startled so badly that he stumbled backwards and the food fell from his pockets (Logan was right, granola bars).
“We need to talk,” Logan said, hands already shaking. Apparently the affects of Virgil’s room came on faster when you were tired and vulnerable.
“I don’t think I have much to say to you right now,” Virgil said, steadying himself and eyeing Logan’s hands carefully. “I think it would be better if you left.”
“No,” Logan said. “Not until you listen to me.”
“Logan, seriously–”
“No, last time you did all the talking, now it’s my turn.” Logan could feel the panic building, but he did his best to swallow it down. He had to do this. “I never meant to hurt you, Virgil.”
“Yeah, well, you did,” Virgil said, crossing his arms and looking away.
Logan ran his trembling fingers through his hair and tried to take a deep breath. It stuttered and he lost it, but he kept speaking.
“I simply wanted to help you, Virgil. I’ve noticed for a long time that you show many symptoms of anxiety yourself, and deduced that you are not just the presence of anxiety, but also the experience of it–”
“So I get nervous,” Virgil butt in, still refusing to look at Logan. “So what?”
“Stop interrupting!” All of Logan’s breath whooshed out of his lungs, and he gasped a few times trying to fill them again. “I wanted to help you, you idiot! I wanted to help you be less nervous so that you could be happy! I wanted to help you because I care and I fucked up, but please, Virgil, please stop hurting yourself because I was an idiot. You’re not broken and I don’t want to fix you, I just wanted to help.”
“Logan,” Virgil breathed out, finally looking at him. His eyes were glassy, his face vulnerable.
But Logan could hardly pay attention to that now. He was practically hyperventilating at this point, buzzing with anxiety and worry. He was worried about Virgil, worried for Virgil’s health, worried for Patton if he couldn’t get Virgil to come out again, worried for the relationship he shared with Virgil and if he’d doomed it from the start–
Logan’s eyes snapped open (when had he closed them??) when a cool hand pressed against his face, wiping away tears that Logan hadn’t even realized were there.
“Logan, it’s okay,” Virgil said gently. “We gotta get you out of here.”
Logan didn’t respond, he simply allowed Virgil to pull him closer and sink them both out, popping back up in the common room.
“I’m sorry,” Logan stuttered out over and over, still in the midst of his panic. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry–”
Virgil guided Logan to sit on the couch, wrapping the blanket that Logan had been hiding under earlier in the night around his shoulders.
“It’s okay, Logan,” Virgil said, trying to gently pry Logan’s hands away from his hair. “I’m not mad anymore. I’m not mad at you.”
“I messed up, I’m sorry–”
“It’s all okay now,” Virgil spoke soothingly. “I need you to breathe with me, can you do that?”
Logan nodded shakily, squeezing Virgil’s hands tightly as opposed to clutching at his hair.
“Four, seven, eight, remember that?”
Logan nodded again.
“Okay, do it with me now.”
The two breathed in unison for a few minutes. They breathed until Logan’s breaths no longer stuttered and neither of their hands shook. They breathed until Logan’s tears dried and Virgil’s heart slowed. They breathed until Logan finally allowed their hands to drop away from each other, embarrassed by the contact.
“I’m sorry,” Logan started to say again, looking down in shame, but Virgil held up a hand to stop the apology from going further.
“It’s okay. I’m not mad, Logan.”
Logan looked up at him again. “I find that hard to believe.”
Virgil shook his head. “I was mad for a little bit. And scared. I thought I was just another experiment to you–”
“You’re not,” Logan blurted, grabbing Virgil’s hand again.
“I know that now,” Virgil gave a small, almost imperceptible smile, “so stop apologizing.” He frowned again. “Just smile,” Virgil said, clutching Logan’s hand back. “I really need to see you smile right now.”
Logan scoffed. “You say that as if I smile normally in my day to day life.”
Virgil smirked. “Maybe you should.”
“I am a very serious man.”
“A very serious man with a very nice smile.”
Virgil’s smirk grew into a rare grin. “Careful, Logan. You know what Patton likes to do to liars.” He took one of his hands back to squeeze Logan’s side, smiling wider when Logan tried to wiggle away.
“Stop it,” Logan said, but there was no heat behind the words and he was smiling wide.
Virgil clasped their hands together again. “See? It’s like the sun, I can’t even look at it straight on it’s so bright. Good thing we’re both gay as fuck, huh?”
Logan broke down in giggles slouching forward to lean his forehead again Virgil’s shoulder. “I think the sleep deprivation is catching up with me,” he said in-between bouts of quiet laughter.
Virgil ran a hand through Logan’s hair. “More fun for me, then,” he joked, but started to recline them against the couch anyway, adjusting Logan to lay on top of him. “Means I get to see that smile. I won.”
“Stop talking about my smile, already,” Logan whined, then mumbled into Virgil’s chest, “Just wait until I’m coherent, then I won’t be the one who’s blushing.”
Virgil sighed, fixing the blanket around Logan’s shoulder’s to cover them both entirely. “If only the room wasn’t so dim, I would’ve liked to see that.”
Logan only hummed in response, beginning to drift off.
“Hey, Lo?” Virgil murmured after a few minutes, almost asleep.
“We’re not gonna just… go back to normal in the morning and pretend this never happened, right?”
Logan, barely awake, snuggled deeper into Virgil’s chest. “Fuck that. I gotta prove that I’m the better flirt.”
Virgil giggled sleepily. “I don’t think either of us were very good flirts tonight.”
“I’ll show you,” Logan muttered, words starting to slur.
Virgil smiled down at the unruly mass of brown hair resting on his chest. “You do that,” he whispered, finally letting sleep drag him under.
And if Patton woke up to make breakfast and found those two curled together on the couch and snapped dozens of pictures? No one needed to know.
And if one of those pictures ended up as Logan’s lockscreen? No one needed to know that, either.
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fearful-quartet · 6 years
Baby It's Cold Outside
Eyyyy Day 2 of my Sanders Sides Holiday stories~! Thanks for all the support on the last one, it made me really happy to see that so many people enjoyed it! I'm really tired so this one might not be as good, but I was earlier wanting to write Logince stuff for some reason (wow I'm givin that nerd a lotta spotlight huh?) so why not~ This one is if they were real people.
Pairing: Logince (romantic)
Warnings: Uhhh none I can think of, I guess puppy dog eyes lol, tell me if there are any actual ones I should tag
How did this happen? This shouldn't happen. We barely even talk what is happening.
Logan sat stiffly on his roomate Roman's bed, comprehending what he was just saying as well as he could while his mind was spinning slightly.
"So...let me get this straight," He began. "You want me, someone you have never even known to vocalize more than slight humming, to sing a duet with you for a Christmas talent show?"
Roman nodded enthusiastically. "What do you say? It would be a fun way for us to bond a little more! After all, we've been sharing this place for almost a year now and I barely ever hang out with you."
"Well that is because we have vastly different personalities. I enjoy quiet evenings while you go out with friends often. I prefer one on one interactions while you perform in front of thousands. I don't sing while you do constantly." Logan gave his fanciful roomate a pointed look, to which he pushed out his lip.
"Ooohhhhh come onnn, Logan! I have seen you listen when I practice my songs for upcoming performances, you even hum along sometimes."
Logan gave a surprised look. "I, uh, how did you know that, I always thought you were too consumed in practicing-"
"Aaaand I hear you singing in the shower all the time, so I know you have a wonderful voice~"
This made Logan's slightly bewildered look turn more flustered and his face became a light pink. "Th-that is my personal time and I w-would prefer if you did not listen in on me..."
Roman stumbled onto his knees in front of his roomate, getting closer to his face and causing his blush to grow darker as he tried to lean away from him.
"Logan, please? I know that you aren't the most outgoing of sorts but I think it would be so fun and Patton has an okay voice but is so goofy and I asked your friend Virgil but he is in no way confident enough to sing and I even asked that sketchy guy from work but he said he had plans, although I knew he was lying and-"
Each moment he was in front of Logan he seemed to lean closer to him, making the logical man become very flustered and have thoughts he had never had before.
You know he does have a beautiful voice, and he seems a lot more attractive from this close...wait no, Logan, snap out of it, he is your roomate and you have to stop this before you do something crazy like-
"...I-if I say I'll sing a duet with you will you stop and get up?!"
Like that...
Roman stopped his rambling and immediately jumped up. "You'll do it? Oh thank you, Logan, thank you!! You won't regret it, I'll go get my phone, I left it in the other room, wait here." He ran out of the room and Logan heard him almost fall just outside.
"I-uh, wait, we're practicing now?!" Logan practically screeched, still processing the fact he agreed in the first place. "I, we don't even have a song yet??"
"Sure we do, compadre!" Roman reentered the room with his phone already set up to play songs. "The best Christmas duet there is." He pushed play and instrumental of the song Baby It's Cold Outside began to play. He pulled Logan up from the bed, and Logan prayed he couldn't tell how nervous he was to do this.
"R-Roman I'm not sure if I can do this."
"Sure you can, just try. Close your eyes and pretend it's just you and a recording of someone singing, okay, it's starting..."
Logan took a deep breath and, although he felt a bit silly doing so, closed his eyes, focusing on the music and imagining he wasn't in front of anyone else.
I really can't stay...
Baby it's cold outside.
I've got to go away
Baby, it's cold outstide.
Logan heard Roman behind him, his voice close to his ears and making him blush. He squeezed his eyes and focused on the song to keep his heart steady.
This evening has been...
Was hoping that you'd drop in.
So very nice.
I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice.
Roman's hands gently grasped Logan's, their fingers intertwining. He wrapped his arms around his waist, hands still held, and began swaying back and forth.
My mother will start to worry,
Beautiful, what's your hurry?
My father will be there pacing the floor,
Listen to that fireplace roar.
So really, I'd better scurry.
Beautiful please don't hurry.
Well, maybe just a half a drink more...
I'll put some records on while I pour.
Logan turned to face Roman, his eyes slowly opening. He could have stopped singing, could have pushed away and said he changed his mind, but he suddenly wanted to keep going. He enjoyed hearing Roman's voice with his own, and feeling them gently dance together.
There's bound to be talk tomorrow.
Think about my lifelong sorrow,
Roman pulled away and put his hand on his forehead dramatically. Logan chuckled and almost missed the next line.
At least, there will be plenty implied.
if you got pneumonia and died.
Logan grabbed the actor's hand and pulled him close again, feeling suddenly more adventurous.
I really can't stay,
Get over that hold out,
The pair leaned closer and Roman suddenly dipped Logan low in his arms, causing him to instinctively reach up and wrap his arms around the other's neck, causing a smirk to appear on his face. Their noses were almost touching as they sang the last line.
Baby, it's cold, outside~
As the last few chords rang out, Logan finally realized just how close the two were, and felt all adventurousness seep away, left with what felt like a brain malfunction.
"Uh, I-I uh, I'm sorry, I must have gotten carried awa-"
Before he could finish he felt a pair of lips on his in a soft but fierce kiss. After only a moment or two the pair pulled apart slightly, and Logan was positive that if he wasn't shocked and dazed and completely over the moon with emotions he could not process, he would have scowled at the look on Roman's face at that moment, smug and sparkling and adorable and-
"There is no talent show, is there?"
"Aha, perhaps."
Logan began to lecture his roomate, but instantly his arguments melted away as he kissed him once again.
Well there we go, day 2 complete! I did a lot of drafts that I didnt like for this one, but it came out cute in the end! Hope ya like it, this is becoming a fun little challenge for me, next I probably will do some Patton based stuff, maybe with our fav BFFs? Well either way, enjoy this one guys~!
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