#Loki: alright guess I’ll clean mine off too
worstloki · 11 months
Thor and Loki sharing a plate and everyone thinks it’s so weird but they are ignorant of the truth. The brothers are avoiding the need to do dishes after every meal as they can now alternate the washing
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Pairings: Loki x reader, Stucky
Warnings: fluff, little angst but nothing too bad, enemies to lovers
Summary: You, Loki and Stucky stuck on an island after a mission gone wrong. In the beginning you and Loki hate each other…but…well, you’ll see
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“Can’t you just magic us back to the tower?” Steve asked hopefully to Loki. “If I could I would, trust me, I don’t want to be here either. My powers are completely drained and I won’t have enough power till 3 days time.”
You, Steve, Bucky, and of course Loki, we’re stuck on an island. You were there for a mission, but it had gone wrong. The jet had crash landed, and the tracker, broke with the jet. Of course, it was also the worst time of the month for you. “Look, if we can get the tracker working or something to send a signal out, the team can see it and come save us.” You pointed out. Bucky and Steve agreed with you, but Loki, who was always arguing with you, rebutted, “and how do you plan to do that? Did you suddenly become a genius or something?”
You scowled at him, “I took a camp in high school that taught us this stuff, it was a space camp, but the same should apply.” Loki scoffed, “oh yes, let’s put all our hope in your ‘space camp.’ I think we should just wait and I’ll teleport us back in 3 days.” He turned to Steve and Bucky for backup. They just shrugged, “well it couldn’t hurt to try? And if in 3 days the transmitter isn’t done or hasn’t worked, Loki can use his powers.” You both agreed it was for the best. You’d aid you’d start tomorrow and build it, but you’d need to set up a shelter and things first.
“Alright, I saw a cave back this way, that should work, and keep us dry,” Bucky led you guys to your temporary base. After clearing the floor Steve brought up, “how about we empty our packs we have and see what we’ve got so we can ration it.” You all poured everything out, you having more than the others.
“Why do you have so much stuff?” Loki questioned. “I like to be prepared, for times like this.” You retorted. “Alright, enough you two, let’s try to not kill each other,” Steve started. “Ok, we’ve got, 8 energy bars, 8 MRIs, 8 apples, 4 bars of chocolate and 20 of these, tube things for food.” “Uh, Steve, those ‘tube things’ are not food,” you corrected. The three guys looked at you confused. “What are they?” Bucky asked. You just told them to open one. “A nose bleed stopper?” Steve guessed. Loki just looked embarrassed, “my apologies, lady Y/N,” he stuffed the rest back into your bag. “They’re stuff for my time of the month, hence the chocolate as well.” You informed the guys, they had a look of realization and apologized quickly.
“Ok, we also have, a blanket each, a change of clothes each, along with our suits, a first aid kit, some water filtration stuff, some fire starting things, a few towels from the jet, and of course, all our weapons.” Steve tracked, looking through everything. “And, Y/N, why was hair stuff considered essential to bring on missions?” You looked at Steve, slightly offended, more so because it was your time of the month. “Those aren’t mine Steven.” Loki took ownership and claimed it was necessary. “Well, we can each take turns going and bathing in the ocean, and getting out of our suits, since they’re bloody.” Bucky proposed. You all agreed, and you said you’d go last.
Everyone went and got cleaned, you were coming back, embarrassed, and wrapped in a towel. “Uh, Y/N, are you alright?” Steve asked. “No, a stupid seagull ran off with my pants and shirt, so no, I’m not alright.” Loki wordlessly took his shirt off and handed it to you. “Loki, you don’t have to-“ he cut you off, “it should be long enough since I’m much bigger than you, I don’t need it, take it.” You thanked him and went out of their sight to change. That night it was freezing cold. Even with the blanket you we’re shivering. No one else was cold of course, Bucky and Steve had each other to cuddle and keep warm, and the cold didn’t bother Loki, he was always warm, no matter the temperature. It was always warmer than what he was naturally made to handle, so he was always warmer than usual.
“Darling, I can hear you shivering, come here,” Loki called out, not bothering to open his eyes. “I’m fine Loki, pppperfectly fine.” Loki groaned and moved over to you, placing both your blankets on top of each other and snuggling close to you. “Thanks.”
The next day you spent it building the transmitter, you only stopped to eat and drink water when Loki brought it to you and made you. “Loki, you better stop that, I’m beginning to think you don’t hate me, and that you actually care about me.” Loki deadpanned, “darling, I could never hate you, and I have always cared about you. I only argued with you so you’d pay attention to me, I’m sorry.” You gave him a smile, “I care about you too Lokes, I don’t hate you either, no matter how many of my buttons you push.” Loki wrapped his arms around you from behind and hugged you.
That night you and Loki snuggled together for warmth again, this time not just for warmth but because you wanted to. The next morning you woke up early and got straight to work, you were almost finished. Around lunchtime you walked back to the cave where the guys were sitting, doing whatever they were doing. “I finished! It should work, so pack your things, Stark will hopefully be here in a little while.” Everyone was super excited and packed everything quickly. You guys didn’t eat too much, just in case it didn’t work and you still needed food till tomorrow afternoon when Loki said he’d have enough power to teleport you guys home.
“Why the hell is Y/N wearing Reindeer Game’s shirt, and why is he shirtless?!?!?” You were like a daughter to Tony so when he finally got to the island and saw you there in nothing but Loki’s shirt over your undergarments, he was just a little furious. “Seagulls are motherfuckers,” was the only explanation you gave.
Everyone on the team was happy to have you all home, though they were a little skeptical you weren’t replaced by robots after hearing that you and Loki were dating. Once they realized it was real, they were all happy, no one more than Thor though. He absolutely loved the idea of his brother and you dating.
Who knew, a terrible, mission gone wrong, didn’t turn out so, wrong and terrible, maybe it was actually a good thing.
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A gentlecat.
Summary: A black cat comforts you when you need it the most. Your new friend is quite peculiar for an animal. It's almost like they could understand you.
Pairing: Loki x gender neutral reader (it's not actually a "pairing", you can see it as a friendship, or something platonic).
Word count: 2K.
Warnings: anxiety, sadness.
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Disclaimer: picture not mine.
You used to frequent the roof of the compound everytime you were melancholic.
Or everytime you had too many feelings to process and needed time alone. Or anytime you felt too empty and needed to refill on sentiments and life by staring at the moon and remembering how much it means to exist in this world. Or too overwhelmed, and needed to be reminded of how little it all matters, how few are the things that are actually important.
No matter the motive, the roof and the moon were always there with you.
The wind blew on your face, almost like a whisper, almost like a caress. The same wind that blew on a crying child, or a couple of teenagers kissing for the first time, or an old man remembering with gratitude the love of his life. Or a lost young who, just like you, was looking at the moon searching for a meaning. An answer. Why all of this? Why to you? Why to everyone and why everything at the same time?
You inhaled a deep breath as you laid your back against the floor of the terrace, and the only thing you got to see were the few starts pollution would let you, and the gigantic moon smiling at you.
A noise startled you, and you were sitting back up again in no time. Being an avenger made you a little more paranoid than you expected. But you didn't say anything. You looked around nervously and waited for the sound to reappear. And it did.
"Who's there?".
No answer. You heart was pounding, but you didn't let your voice break. A hand flew right to the knife in your thigh, waiting for the danger to appear.
The noise came out of the shadows. A black cat approached you precatiously, almost as if they knew you were a threat. You put your guard down and finally sighed.
"God, little thing, you scared me", you whispered as you put a hand near them to let them smell you and be familiar with you. The cat didn't do so, instead, they sat by your side and rested their head on your hand. "Well, you certainly trust easier than me".
The cat meowed answering you, and you felt a connection to them. You loved animals, but this one was different. It was almost like they could understand your words. You moved your thumb slowly, petting their head. The cat let you, staring at you with intensity. Blueish green eyes that you felt like you knew from somewhere else.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" You asked, and you felt stupid. What life choices had lead you to the point of talking to a black cat on a roof, while everyone else was partying? The cat meowed back again. You chuckled. "So you understand what I say? I'll keep talking, then. Just don't think I'm too crazy". The cat purrowed in your hand, and you took it as a yes.
"I just... I don't like these parties, you know? I don't feel well when there's too many people around me, and all the noise... you'd understand, I think cats are sort of like that, right?". The cat meowed again. You smiled. "I appreciate being here, I really do. But the whole Avengers show we should put up... I don't buy it. We know damn well we're not what we pretend to be". You ranted, and realized immediately after you should've been looking around first. If anyone actually heard you, you'd be in big trouble. You went back to a whisper "but that's our little secret".
The cat slowly walked nearer you and looked at you before sitting in your lap, as to look for approval. You nodded and caressed the fur as they did so.
"Do you have a name?" You asked, looking for a collar. "Weird. A cat so well taken care of like you should have an owner". The cat hissed and you laughed "alright, not an owner. You don't like the expression, I get it. A human partner, maybe?". The cat stared at you again. You wished they could talk, but it was probably better off like that. Maybe you liked animals because they couldn't talk.
"So you're from the streets?".
The cat looked inside the compound and then looked back at you again. You interpreted as if they was asking you why wouldn't you go back. "I can't go in there, I got too anxious and said I was sick". You swear you saw the cat roll their eyes.
"Why are you here?". And you immediately laughed "oh, God. I'm asking questions to a cat. What am I waiting for? An answer? You probably just want food. Wait here, I'm gonna get you some. I'll steal some of Bucky's. He has a cat, too".
You sneaked through the party and nobody noticed you passed by. Once you were back, the cat wasn't there anymore. You left the food in a cup of tea on the floor, just in case they came back, and went back to the compound.
The next time you were on the roof, you weren't running away from any party. It was that same week that you felt increasingly anxious out of nowhere, in the middle of a dinner. After a while you went back to bed and you overheard the asgardian brothers discuss something in a low voice outside your room. Thor wanted to walk in and make sure you were fine; his brother told him he knew you needed space, so you were better off left alone. You wondered how he knew that, and then realized he was like that too.
You basically never spoke to him, but you always shared your silences. Everyone in the Stark Tower was so... enthusiastic. Outgoing. You and Loki enjoyed the silence of the nights over a good book and a warm drink. You barely spoke to each other. You were various meters away, in different parts of the common room (that one with the big couches and old books Mr. Stark set up for the introverts of the group, ahem, you two and ocassionally little Peter Parker). But you were there, always sharing that loneliness you craved in such crazy times.
After a while, you crawled out of bed and rested your arms in the window. You realized there was someone waiting for you in there.
"Hello, friend".
The cat purrowed in your hand. They had a protein bar in their mouth, as to give it to you. You frowned in confusion.
"You know, whatever you are, you don't pretend to be a cat very well". The cat opened their eyes widely, and you laughed. "But thank you. I don't know how you knew I didn't have dinner, but I appreciate this very much".
You opened your window so that they could come in, but they didn't. They looked inside, but stayed in there, as to care for your privacy. "It's fine, you can come in". The cat stayed out, anyways. "I think I'm gonna do some reading. If you care to join me, you're invited".
You and the black cat stayed up all night on the balcony of your room. You read in silence and the cat rested on your lap, purring and staring at you with those big, intense eyes. The night wasn't cold, but refreshing. Windy, before the big rainstorm that would have place next day. You loved that weather.
It wasn't the only occasion you stayed all night with the company of the black cat. Once they already felt comfortable enough to get in your room, you'd both lay in bed, and the cat would curl around your neck, using your shoulders as a mattress.
One dark and rainy afternoon you were on the roof, and the cat was with you, laying on the floor, watching the stars and the moon, just like you. You overheard some of the Avengers talking about you. Clint's voice commenting on how you basically adopted a stray, and Tony laughing. Thor corrected them you befriended a cat, and you chuckled at the offense he took from the word "adopted".
"Don't worry, I befriended you. You seem to be good by yourself", you clarified. The cat meowed.
It got dark and you stayed in the floor until the last light on the compound was turned off. The cat seemed to be curious as why you stayed for so long.
"I want to go to the common room, I haven't been there in a few weeks", you commented. "Best time of the day is when almost everyone's asleep".
At some point of the night you got up and walked through the compound to get to the kitchen. The cat followed your steps, and you swore they knew the way.
You poured some warm milk in a cup for the cat and they waited for you to have your coffee in hand to start sipping. You both sat on the couch of the common room.
"Such a polite gentle...cat", you whispered. "You know, it's so weird this is empty right now. At this time there's someone else reading here". The cat looked at you and you didn't understand what they meant. "I think he would like you. You have sort of the same energy, maybe that's why I even befriended you. Someday, if you let me, I'll introduce you two". The cat nodded weirdly.
You spilled some coffee on your shirt and cursed to yourself. The cat went to the counter and grabbed a napkin for you. At that point, they didn't even pretend to act like a cat at all.
"Ah, thank you". As you cleaned yourself, the cat looked at the book you were reading. It was in old norse. The cat looked at you with interrogative eyes. "Ah, that's... stupid, actually. I'm a little embarrassed I'm even doing that". The cat sat infront of you, and you felt like it was a way to ask you for more. You felt free to elaborate.
"This man... well, not a man. There's someone in this compound I never speak to, yet I still feel very connected to, you know? And everytime we're reading together, he reads these very dusty and heavy books in old norse. I didn't know that language, of course. But I was always curious to see what he read. You know, he can spend all night up reading those pages; he's so concentrated he doesn't notice his expressions. But they're great. He smiles, and frowns, and sighs. And I don't think he's aware of that, but I find it so beautiful", you explained. The cat kept looking at you with their eyes wide open. You sighed and continued. "Anyways. I just... I wanted to see a bit more of him. I'm too... shy, I guess? To actually talk to him. In fact, I feel a little intimidated, he's tall, and has some darkness in his eyes, and... well, he's a God. But I'd... I don't know. I learnt old norse and I started reading these books. And I feel like I understand him a little more. Even a little".
The cat looked down a bit and made themself a ball of fur in your lap. You kept reading. They rested their head in your arm and stared at the book as you read, as if they were reading it too.
When you woke up, you were in that same couch. The cat was nowhere to be found. You had a blanket over you, the book was closed over the coffee table, and your shoes were off. You felt weirdly safe. Anonymously taken care of.
You heard noises in the room next door -the kitchen-, and you peeped in. The God of Mischief was in there, making two cups of coffee. He turned around as he heard you walk in, and handed you one cup.
"Góðan morgin", he said. It meant good morning. You swear you saw a little smile forming in the corners of his mouth.
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
How the God Stole Christmas
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: Loki despises Christmas, and after watching the Grinch, he decides there’s only one thing to do about it. But you just might melt his cold heart. Warnings: zip, zilch, zero A/N:  So this is my little spoof of the original and best Grinch, starring Loki. Hope you all enjoy :)
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant​​ @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​ @lokistan​ @thelokiimaginechroniclesficrecs​ @gaitwae​ @whatafuckingdumbass​
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine 
Red and green everywhere, the same songs playing in every single store, silly little decorations in every nook and cranny. Yup, it was official. Loki hated Christmas. He couldn’t even place his finger on why, exactly; he just did. So, naturally, this was his least favorite time of year. Sadly, none of his teammates seemed to share that sentiment.
Loki walked into the common room only to hear the same carol that was playing in the last shop he’d visited. He gritted his teeth against the sound of his brother signing along. The Tower was just as heavily decorated as the rest of the city. If there was a Christmas-field version of something, you could bet one of the Avengers had bought it. And if they hadn’t, it was just a matter of time.
At least the sweets constantly being baked weren’t entirely despicable. Though, admittedly, even his notorious sweet tooth was getting a little sick of them. Right now, he could smell the aroma of gingerbread wafting from the oven. It made him consider skipping the cup of tea he was currently on his way to get, but he knew he needed it if he had any chance of calming down. He was glad he’d decided to go to the kitchen after all when he saw you were the one baking, flour smeared on your apron and face in an adorable mess.
The poor God of Mischief was still rather isolated from everyone else. He was trying, but by the time any of the Avengers had gotten over his past wrongdoings, he was sour towards all of them. It was hard to want to be friends with people who spent the first six months of his living in the Tower scorning him. It was also hard to call a place like that home. There had been one shining beacon of beautiful light during those early days: you.
“Hello, darling,” he greeted, heating up the water for his cup. “Those cookies smell divine.”
“Oh! Hi Loki,” you exclaimed, turning around, not having heard him enter. “And thanks. Do you want to help us decorate?”
“That depends on who exactly ‘us’ is.”
“The whole team.” He made a small hum of acknowledgement and blew on his scalding drink. You frowned a little, knowing full well that he distanced himself because of how they used to treat him. But you also knew they wanted to change things, they just weren’t entirely sure how. “It could be a great bonding opportunity. Plus, I’ll be there, obviously, but so will Peter and Bucky. Doesn’t it sound fun?”
Besides you, the trickster god found some companionship in the two aforementioned Avengers. They’d come after Loki had, and Peter’s endless optimism had won him over. As for Bucky, he had gone through much the same that Loki had, their common pasts bonding them quickly. Unfortunately, all his friends loved this despicable holiday.
“Perhaps another time,” he finally replied. “Next year.”
“Ok,” you sighed. “You’ll at least watch movies with us tonight, right?”
“I do not know. Perhaps it would be better if I did not.”
“Please,” you pouted. “Come on, it’s Christmas Eve. I’ll even save a special cookie for you.”
“Your persistence is as relentless as it is adorable,” he laughed. “I will come, but just for a movie or two. Deal?”
“Deal!” you squealed. “You won’t regret it. Oh! And, Loki, come here.”
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him in a tight embrace. It surprised him, to say the least. He still wasn’t entirely used to such signs of affection, but they were welcome, especially from you. However, he never was quite sure how to respond. After a second, he somewhat awkwardly wrapped his arms around you to return the hug.
“What was that for?” he questioned as you pulled back.
“You just seemed like you needed one,” you shrugged.
The joy that that gave him lasted all the way into the evening when it was time for him to join you for a movie, as promised. He’d put it off as long as he could, even considering just skipping and saying he’d fallen asleep. That would upset you, though, and you were the one person he hated to lie to. So, he made his way to the common room where a new movie was just starting. You scooted over a little on the couch so he could squeeze in between you and Peter. Bucky was sitting on the floor close by, and Loki had no doubt you’d specifically requested they be in those positions so he felt more comfortable. He was greeted with a few polite—dare he say, borderline friendly—nods and waves from a few of his other teammates. And, of course, an overly enthusiastic pat on the back from his brother as he passed.
“Loki! Glad you could make it,” you whispered as he plopped down next to you.
“Well, a deal is a deal, darling.”
“That reminds me, here’s your cookie.”
The little gingerbread man you handed him was decorated to look like him in his Asgardian battle armor. It was a wonderful likeness, all things considered. He smiled as he took a bite of the baked good. He tried to let go of all hate for the season as he relished this moment with you, but it was still lingering there.
“It is delicious, thank you.”
“No problem. I’m glad you liked it.”
You quieted down as the movie began and the opening credits played. Loki was already losing interest, and then the title appeared. How the Grinch Stole Christmas. A most intriguing title, he mused. Now that his interest was peaked, he watched with rapt attention as the animated film began. That grumpy, green fellow was possibly the best protagonist in any movie he’d been made to watch yet. He certainly had the right idea about Christmas. And those tiny little voices would have annoyed Loki to no end. It really was no different than what he was going through now, he realized. He thought it rather rude to call the Grinch “mean” though. It seemed to Loki he was just misunderstood.  
As he watched the Grinch load up all the wreathes and toys into his sleigh, Loki was struck with an idea. Why should he not be able to do the same thing? Ok, maybe he couldn’t get away with stealing from the whole city, but what about the Tower? It was his home, too, and no one had asked him how he felt about all this stuff.
Now that he had a master plan blossoming in his head, he didn’t much care to see the end of the movie. He’d gotten everything he needed out of it. So, he went up to get a refill on his drink. By the time he go back, it was over.
“You missed the ending,” Peter said. “Do you want us to go back?”
“No, it is fine. I thought it was perfect just the way it was.”
“But all you saw was him stealing Christmas?”
“Should I be worried?”
“No. In fact, I could use your help.”
Before Peter could ask with what, everyone was getting up and leaving the room, ready to call it a night. You fretted over the fact that he’d only gotten to see one movie, but he assured you it was alright. The matter wasn’t dropped until he promised to watch at least one more tomorrow, too. It didn’t make much difference to him though, considering that after he was through with the Tower, he was sure no one would be much in the mood for Christmas movies, anyway.
“You’re planning something,” Bucky said before exiting.
“Maybe. Are you looking to assist?”
“Probably not. But good luck.”
“Fair enough. Goodnight.”
“Yeah, goodnight, Loki,” Peter said as he tried to hurry off after Bucky.
“Spiderling, may I enlist your help?” Loki asked.
“I, uh, yeah, I guess. What are friends for?”
“Excellent!” Loki exclaimed as the rest of the Avengers finished filing out.
The more he explained the plan, the more nervous Peter became. It did give Loki a bit of a pause, but oh, it sounded like great fun! For weeks on end now, he’d been suffering through this horrid season. It was just a little payback to the universe. That was fair, right? Maybe, but it was not fair to force his friend to help him.
“Listen, spiderling, if you do not wish to help, you do not have to,” Loki said.
“This is going to make you happy, right? Like, is this going to make your Christmas?”
“Quite honestly, I think it will.”
Peter considered for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of this situation. “Ok, I’ll help. On one condition. We leave everyone’s rooms as they are. We’ll just clean out the common areas.”
“That is quite reasonable. Thank you, spiderling.”
The duo got to work, stuffing all the little decorations in their sacks. Peter insisted that if they were going to do this, they had to do it right, and fetched a reindeer antler headband for himself and a Santa hat for Loki. While it was on the one hand entirely ridiculous, it did give Loki a bit of a laugh at the implication of it. Him as the Grinch and Peter as Max, his reluctant but loyal ally. The thought made him smile a little.
Everything was going great until they got to the first of the many large trees in the Tower. Loki stood there with a cocked head, tapping his chin. Sure, he could try to do it like the Grinch had, but life wasn’t a cartoon. So, no, that would pose more of a problem than a solution. Besides, Loki had something the Grinch didn’t. Magic. Carefully working his seiðr, the god shrunk down the first pine, ornaments and all, and put it in one of the bags.
A little while later, he was getting ready to do the same thing to one of the last remaining trees. Then you came stumbling out into the room. Peter did a little panicked dance before slinging a web and sticking himself to the ceiling. Loki walked up to you and laid his hands on your shoulder, trying to determine how conscious you actually were.
“Loki?” you asked, rubbing your eyes, your voice a little slurred from sleep. “What’re you doing? Where’re all the decorations?”
“You tell me. It is your dream,” he quickly lied.
“My dream,” you parroted spotting the filled sack on the ground near his feet “So is this because we watched the Grinch? Does that make me Cindy Lou Who?”
“I suppose it does, darling,” he laughed. “Why don’t you go back to bed?”
“Are you going to put everything thing back, Loki Claus?”
This time the chuckle came from Peter, who was watching the whole thing play out from his vantage point. You were too out of it to notice, though. Instead, you kept looking at Loki with those adorable doe eyes.
“I... Perhaps. Let us just get you back to your room right now, ok?”
You nodded, and he picked up your tired body, using his godly strength to carry you bridal style and lay you down amongst your many blankets and pillows. You gently tugged him down onto the mattress with you, and he remained there for a moment, not exactly sure of what was happening.
“Do you need to talk?” you questioned, cupping his cheeks and seeming a bit more awake than you a had a second ago. “I know things are hard, but we all do really care for you. I really care for you. And I’m here for you. You know that, right?”
“I know. I will be alright, darling. Just get a good night’s sleep for me, hmm?”
“Ok,” you sighed as he got up. “Night, Loki.”
“Goodnight, darling,” he whispered as he leaned over to give your head a small kiss.
He walked back out to his partner in crime, who was anxiously awaiting him. Loki let out a huff. He knew what the right thing to do now was.
“So?” Peter asked.
“Let’s put it all back,” Loki conceded.
And so they did. It took most of the night, but they got every last knickknack and ornament into place. Then Loki did something he never imagined he would; he added even more. His magic made the garlands a little bit fuller, the lights a little bit brighter, and the trees a little bit taller. More little statues and winter scenes appeared on nearly every surface possible. Finally, he nearly doubled the number of gifts under the tree, adding his own to the mix. He gave a satisfied little nod when he was done, then looked at Peter who was beaming at him.
“What is it?” Loki inquired, though he knew the answer deep down.
“Oh, nothing. This was fun, though. We should do this every year,” Peter yawned as they worked their way to their rooms to catch a couple hours of sleep.
“Maybe we will, spiderling. Maybe we will.”
Loki woke up the next morning slightly more cheerful than he had in months. Ironic, considering today was actually Christmas, the culmination of the season he hated so much. Swinging his legs over the side of his bed and stretching out, Loki realized maybe he really was like the Grinch, and the only reason he disliked it so much was because he was so alone. And, like the Grinch, maybe he wasn’t appreciating those he did have enough. Maybe it was time to come out of his mountain cave and live amongst the people in town.
He eyed his Santa hat from last night, hanging from a bedpost. He picked it up and put it on his head, laughing a little in the mirror. He tugged on a deep green cable-knit sweater before he remembered the rest of the team’s plan to wear ugly sweaters today. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into him exactly, but he conjured one up for himself. It was a little ridiculous, but he supposed that was the whole point.
Heading out into the hall, he realized everything was dead silent. Loki wondered for a second if maybe you all had decided to go out for breakfast this morning. He sighed, but he couldn’t really hold it against any of you if you hadn’t invited him. He never said yes on a normal day, and he’d made it a point just how much he disliked Christmas. Regardless, he made his way to the kitchen.
“Merry Christmas!”
He nearly pulled out a dagger as everyone suddenly jumped out in front of him and shouted those words. Once his heart rate slowed back down to normal, he smiled despite himself. That’s when he noticed plates piled high with his favorite foods and realized you’d all must have gotten up early to do this for him.
“Merry Christmas, everyone. What is all this?”
“We just wanted to do something for you, Loki,” you explained. “Oh! And we got you a gift. Here.”
You handed him a small package wrapped in green and gold. It must have been convenient that his colors were also colors for the holiday. He laughed a little to himself, wondering how he hadn’t noticed before. He tore into the wrapping paper to find a small planner. You nodded at him, urging him on as he gave you a quizzical look. It had a bunch of events written in it, as well as which members of the team were attending.
“See, we know you don’t always come to our team events,” Bucky told him, “but we know you might want to start.”
“We have not always been the most... accepting,” Thor added. “Now, though, we want you to be able to come to any and everything you want to.”
“So we wrote it all down for you,” Peter finished. “This way, you know when things are and can just join whenever you feel like it.”
“Do you like it?” you nervously asked, biting your lip.
“Darling, it’s perfect,” he sincerely told you, tears of gratitude welling in his eyes. “Thank you. All of you.”
He was met with a chorus of “you’re welcomes” and “anytimes” as the room was filled with even more smiles. Soon, everyone dug into the feast that had been prepared, and the rest of the day was filled with merriment and laughter. Loki was surprised to see there were even more gifts for him resting under the tree. By the time it was dark out, the team was settling in to watch a few final Christmas movies for the season. Loki didn’t think he’d be taking any ideas from them tonight.
“Darling,” he said as the two of you were alone, grabbing movie snacks in the kitchen. “May I ask you why you all did what you did for me?”
“It’s like we said, Loki. We all do care about you, and we want you to be able to do stuff with us. They know you’re not a bad guy, you’ve more than proven that. For a long time they just weren’t exactly sure how to bridge the gap. But you’re a part of the team, and we want you to feel like it.”
“Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me.”
“It’s no problem, Loki. Plus, you really did go all out with these extra decorations.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he blushed.
“Oh?” you said, walking up to him so that you bodies were nearly pressed together. “You don’t now, huh Loki Claus?”
Of course you hadn’t bought his lie last night. He laughed a little to himself now for thinking you had. But Loki realized something else, too. What you’d done last night, what you’d said, you’d fully known what you were doing. The way you’d pulled him onto the bed and held his face, told him how you cared. You knew it was real.
“Darling,” he said. “I think I do need to talk, after all.”
“I’m listening. What is it?”
“I love you.”
You pulled him in for a kiss, and he reciprocated immediately, smiling against your lips. Now he was wondering if he was dreaming. But no, just like last night, this was real.
“In case it wasn’t obvious,” you said, catching your breath, “I love you too.”
Hand in hand, you went to join the rest of the team. So maybe Loki’s heart didn’t literally grow three sizes that day, but there was one more comparison to be drawn. Because, you see, in finding his place, Loki realized that Christmas wasn’t so bad after all.
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Hindsight: My thoughts on Loki (2021)
As always, thanks for being here my friends. There’s definitely more nuanced discussion of this show, but I’m here for the vibes. Anyways, here’s my thoughts on Episode 3 of Loki. Bear in mind I hadn’t watched episode 4 before I wrote the review for 3. No hate on anyone/thing, it’s all my opinion.
Episode 3: LAMENTIS
Pre-title scene
I rioted when I heard Hayley’s voice. It’s a win for all of us.
C-20! Sylvie!
C-20’s lil dance was adorable. I love her.
I want Sylvie’s tie dye.
Is that Ralph Bohner?
The same place, but at night. Coincidence? I think not.
Sylvie’s powers have limits. She can’t search someone’s mind and take information, she needs them to willingly tell her though she can use her powers to do that.
Sylvie’s experienced. Always tie your hair into a bun before a fight.
Her music is nothing like what we’ve heard previously. It’s the Sylvie show folks.
The mural on the left side of the hall is the one from the credits scene.
The plaque above the elevators says ‘FOR ALL TIME ALWAYS’.
Even in the mural on the right side, the Time Keepers aren’t equal, the middle one takes up the most space.
I love how their movements are similar. The head-snap-hair-flip combo is nearly identical, reflecting how they are the same person to some extent.
2077 Lamentis - 1
“Get off my leg!” SiblingTM energy.
“Goodbye, variant.” She sure has the Loki drama.
I finally remembered it’s called a TemPad. Rip.
“Don’t ever call me that.”
“Tech savvy?”
That’s so Ragnarok.
I love the music as we pan up to the planet. It’s the familiar, anxiety-inducing ticking for me lads.
“You idiot! This is Lamentis - 1.”
“I don’t know what that means!”
My siblings when I can’t restart the router (every country has an AT&T).
I like that it’s a moon that’s inhabited. It’s nearly always the planet, still not great for the people on it.
That slide to get under the dump truck was so smooth.
“So we’re a team now?” Jesus Loki needs friends. Probably a good therapist too.
“Didn’t need your help!”
“You’re so weird!”
I like the way Tom runs. Don’t know why. Just do.
Sidenote, my favourite running form is Chris Evans’.
Sylvie’s magic flickered so I genuinely think the enchantment didn’t work.
“Well then I’ll cut it out.” I like the way she says that. I am questioning so many things rn.
“Just because I have to work with you doesn’t mean I wanna hear your voice.” It’s ironic since they spend so much time talking about themselves.
“Alright, well, slow down… Variant.” They really play off each other’s egos to find weaknesses.
“You don’t know what you want.” Sylvie’s more straightforward in everything she does. She efficiently points out Loki’s flaws but when it comes to a goal, she’s meticulous.
“...just walk away.” Loki stops walking, but Sylvie does walk away. There is distance between them (for now).
I’ve had experience with mining towns like this one and whilst they weren’t so out-of-this-world (ya know) there is a tendency for rural and isolated communities to struggle with old/not maintained infrastructure. This is not everywhere, but it’s not uncommon from what I know. Even though these towns are a source of wealth, there isn’t distribution of the money and it’s a grim reality that’s being shown. I appreciate it.
The shot of them walking past a slab of that planet towards the hut is incredible. Wow.
The person in there is just waiting for their death. I’m going to be addressing a lot of the harsh realities in this episode folks so it won’t be so cheerful.
I understand that people weren’t so happy with this being a filler episode, but I think they got it right. It’s strange that a literal planet-moon collision doesn’t bring the tension that the hurricane did in the last ep, but by having an atmosphere that wasn't so omnius, they conveyed (to me at least) that hope was already lost. In the Roxxcart Disaster, the people believed that it wasn’t going to be the end. There’s desperation on Lamentis - 1 but as Sylvie said, the collapse of society occurs. That’s a large group of people realising that class divides will cause slaughter. It’s greed portrayed in two different ways, one being the integration of excessive capitalism into society, the other being social structure based on oppression. Not everyone’s reading into Loki like this but it’s a change from how Marvel usually approaches conflict.
We learnt about the characters and whilst I’m not a fan of when a plot line is moot (my bet is that Loki and Sylvie will be rescued next ep, making all the attempts to get off Lamentis - 1 pointless), it’s necessary for the characters to develop. The way Loki and Sylvie end up on Lamentis - 1 makes sense and the plot doesn’t feel forced.
“It’s remarkable that you made it as far as you did.”
Devils is recurring in this episode. Maybe this has implications on future episodes?
“Which one was that, diplomacy?” Why are their interactions so funny?
I don’t think I need to comment on the significance of the train station scene.
I would like to acknowledge that though this is good writing that’s relevant in the time it was released, we shouldn’t forget it’s coming from large corporations who aren’t perfect.
How do they just walk past the line?
The people who snitched were right in front of them.
Did the cat get Loki’s silvertongue? That was the most graceless lying I’ve ever seen.
Sylvie not sitting with her back to a door makes sense, but why won’t Loki go backwards on a train? They both have little quirks.
“That’s not a plan. That’s just doing a thing.” Loki went to the Thor school of planning, it’s Get Help all over again.
Loki’s exaggerated nods at the other guards lol.
Sylvie growls whenever she’s mad, it’s hilarious.
The close ups of their faces when the conversation gets personal and isn’t just trading jabs is great for conveying the authenticity of their answers.
Loki not pressing Sylvie when she clearly didn’t want to talk about what happened to her mother is something I appreciated.
Here’s to Tom for having to do magic for more than 10 years now. He’s so serious, I can only imagine how funny it is without the effects.
“Well she did.” Yeesh, has Loki gotten time to grieve?
Sylvie is genuinely impressive.
“Pity the old woman chose to die.”
“She was in love.”
I don’t quite understand what they were talking about then, I guess we’ll find out later?
Loki, why are you so unnecessarily dramatic?
I laughed. Who am I kidding, they’re dorks and I love them.
Loki is trying to find out anything, anyone who could be used against Sylvie.
Here’s to the postman, they’re probably dead but we appreciate Sylvie’s happiness anyways.
“A bit of both. I suspect the same as you.” AND THAT’S HOW YOU WRITE IN REPRESENTATION FOLKS!
Let’s just take our scraps and be happy, eh? It made my week.
They both need real relationships of any kind, guys.
“Love is… uh, something I might have to have another drink to think about.” Me whenever anyone asks me about my love life.
“You do realise… ...a civilisation’s only hope?” I think this was Sylvie’s way of making sure Loki’s (albeit grey) morals and drinking habits don’t interrupt her plan.
The train sure gives me Snowpiercer vibes.
Do I have to talk about Drunk Loki?
Tom’s singing voice is lovely.
Sylvie’s eyes shift nervously to the door and then back to Loki. She’s initially tense but she relaxes slightly though she knows she’s gonna have to clean up the mess.
“Nobody cares. It’s the end of the world.” Again, Loki’s headspace is one where existence is futile.
The green walls contrast the purple lighting nicely.
You can see plants (?) from the outside if you look out the windows. Talk about attention to detail.
Bruh what is the dagger about? Drunk Loki’s a comedic genius.
The descending notes in the background of Loki’s fireworks.
Sylvie’s smile when she goes to attack is animalistic. I’d like to see her character explored more in terms of how she views violence.
“You’re right. I’m a god.” Loki’s defense mechanism is to state that his motives are above the understanding of others.
“You’re a clown.” Sylvie tells it as it is.
Loki and Sylvie’s reactions to the TVA contrast the most here. Sylvie is potentially motivated by vengeance or a need for revenge whilst Loki has resigned to numbing the pain (for now at least) as he comes to terms with his reality. The question of what drives you is so important for these characters, I’m excited to see whether they’ll find a common ground and wreak havoc on the sacred timeline.
Loki and Sylvie both struggle with communicating in a healthy way. Sylvie calls him out on his directionlessness and Loki tells her what may be the harsh reality of her plan. Neither of them are willing to accept it, but there’s potential for a strong bond if they do.
Sylvie’s scream lmao.
I love the colour of Loki’s pants.
Problem? Solution! Do thing! Is Sylvie’s method of thinking when all is lost.
Gosh I love the shots in this episode.
“That’s a pretty good life.” Sylvie’s definitely not lived as a royal, or not from what she remembers.
“I just need to know if I can trust you.” Sylvie giving up how she enchants people is an olive branch because as useful as the things that Loki told her may have been for manipulation, they both know the importance of her upper hand. But she only relents once Loki doesn’t have the TemPad. Later, when she asks whether she can trust Loki, it’s more of a reassurance because he’s already been vulnerable around her.
The actor’s body language and facial expressions are incredible. Loki’s eyebrow’s furrow slightly when Sylvie mentions C-20’s mind but Tom takes a second for the information to be processed rather than instantly reacting to Sophia’s next line. She does the same when Loki talks about the TVA workers being created. What skilled people they are.
The city is a wonderful piece of set design.
“We do, and you can.” They step into the light, neither of them have tunnel vision and are able to see a bigger picture.
“They’re gonna let these people die.” This show explores a side of Loki we haven’t seen before, his morality and compassion. He has grey areas that could be explored in the next season. It also points back to how Sylvie and Loki differ in their view of others. I think this is partially because of their childhoods. Loki was raised as a prince and cared about his people, but Sylvie doesn’t share that perspective (“...they usually survive”), maybe because of her past. Hopefully in the upcoming episodes we’ll get a bit more of her backstory.
That sequence is beyond words. The constantly rotating and revolving camera really hammers home that it’s a disorienting fight for their lives at the end of the world. I’m speechless, just watch it.
The music in that blue-purple-pink club was banging tho.
Loki and Sylvie’s posture, facial expression and general body movement is similar. The variant point is hammered home here.
It’s interesting how Loki is in shock/denial of the Ark being destroyed whereas Sylvie immediately leaves.
The end music of this episode is beautiful. I love how it all builds to leave us on the soft tones of Dark Moon.
No one’s interested, but my mum and I bonded over the Jim Reeves version of this song and the Bonnie Guitar one.
Ep 3 review
Short episode with not much going on other than character development. However, if the first two were anything to go by, this episode will have greater implications on the plot. The pacing of this show is a bit strange, but we may see this change in the next season.
I mentioned previously that it would be a shame if the entire plot of this episode was made irrelevant by how they get off Lamentis - 1 next ep. This show has been really good at keeping us on our toes with the writing so they probably won’t take turns that have been speculated.
Happy mid-season guys! The following two episodes were apparently Tom’s favourites so we can expect some mayhem up ahead. See you next time!
Here's the link to my Ep 2 review
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thorne93 · 4 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 49)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:3399
Warnings: disagreement, Banner changes his demeanor towards OFC!Shannon, an old flame reappears for reader, song for this part: Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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It was a long ride back, but Shannon slept through most of it. Pietro got the medical care he needed, as did everyone else. The rest of the team went to clean up, rest up, and in a few days, the new recruits would start their training with Steve and Natasha. 
You told Loki you’d join Shannon at the mansion to see what answers they had and that you’d meet him at the apartment when you were done. Tony packed Shannon an overnight bag just in case, and Bruce packed his medical gear as well. Pretty soon everyone set off for the mansion. 
Shannon was silent. She hadn’t said one word to anyone. She just stared out of the window on the way to the mansion. When Tony informed her of where all of you were going, all she did was barely nod. 
Finally, you pulled into the driveway and everyone piled out. Shannon was this quiet mess as she made her way up the stairs. You didn’t have the heart to tell her what all she’d said and done. She seemed to know that she’d done something, but you didn’t think she knew the extent of the fight, so you left it alone. 
“Ah, Tony,” Xavier greeted with a smile. “I would say it's good to see you again, but under these circumstances, I’m not sure,” he noted. 
“Can you fix her?” Tony asked.
“I’ll certainly try,” he assured.
With that, the trials began. They ran every type of test and scan they could get their hands on. It was about eight hours of tests, and still no answers, except one. 
“Shannon’s power, she’s like Rogue,” Hank began explaining to everyone, “she absorbs powers. But Rogue, it’s short lived. She takes them for only a little bit of time. Shannon absorbs everything and doesn’t let it go. Now, you said the powers started to wear her down when she and Y/N fought back in New York, right?” 
Tony, you, and Bruce nodded. 
“I think Y/N’s power may be attacking Shannon’s cells. Y/N’s power is unique, and it charges the cells it goes to, energizes them. I’d be curious to see what Y/N’s powers do when she casts them on Shannon, rather than Shannon absorbing them.” 
“You want her to attack Shannon?” Tony asked, already getting defensive. 
“No,” Hank assured. “We’d start small. A drop of blood from each, and see how they react.” 
Your eyes narrowed as you thought. “You think that because my power is like a cancer in her, that my power can heal her,” you noted.
“Like radiation,” Bruce suddenly realized. 
“Okay, time out,” Tony said. “What’s happening?” 
“Radiation, it can cause cancer, right? Too many x-rays and you could be a walking tumor,” Bruce explained. “But then you can use radiation to counteract the tumor, trying to get it to heal.”
“My power acts the same way,” you explained. ”If this works… My powers charge cells to their potential. Well Shannon’s cells have the potential to heal themselves. If I can use my energy on her, to charge her cells, it could fix what’s wrong with her,” you realized. 
“Right,” Hank agreed. “I just want to see how your blood interacts first.” 
“Whoa, wait a minute I don’t like the idea of having her go through this experimenting. There’s no way I'm going to let that happen,” Tony started off saying. “What if something goes wrong and she gets worse?”
“Tony, stop. If they think that this can help, then let them do their thing. I’d rather go through this than let myself get killed off by powers that aren’t mine.” She looked a little annoyed. “Don’t think about the negatives, think of the possibilities.”
“But, Shannon, don’t you see there’s a risk in this!”
“You don’t think I know that!” she yelled and the lights flickered. “I don’t want to keep getting weak each time I use my powers.” She got pale as she let her powers take over. 
“I don’t think that we should be pushing her this hard.” Bruce was the one to reply, seeing just how bad she was getting. “Hank, let’s get her to one of the beds in the Med Bay.” He held her close making sure she didn't fall.
“Tony, I know this is hard,” Charles tried, “but if you don’t let us try, then she will slowly die from these powers. At least this way we have a shot.” 
“Alright, alright, but I’ll have bruce keep a close eye on everything so that nothing goes wrong,” Tony grumbled, hating that they were right. He loved Shannon too much to let her suffer through this and die. He didn’t know what he would do if that did happen. “How long will this take till she’s completely cured?”
“That’s hard to say,” Hank responded. “If their blood reacts how I hope it does, and how I think it does, then hopefully less than a month.” 
“So essentially her medicine would be taking like ‘shots’ of my powers?” you clarified. 
“Okay,” you said with a deep breath. 
“Let’s just get some samples and go from there.” 
And so he did. He took blood from both you and Shannon. Bruce and Hank were in the lab for only ten minutes before they came back to the rest of you. 
“It’s conclusive. Y/N’s blood merged with Shannon’s, and it killed out the bad cells,” he confirmed. “So if you two are ready, we’ll start the procedure,” Hank said, eyeing both of you. “Now, this will take a toll on the two of you. Shannon, your body will be undergoing rigorous fixing of itself, and Y/N, you’ll have to have the endurance to keep your powers going into her for long periods of time. Do you think you two can do this?” 
You stared at Shannon. “I’m game if you are. I’ll do anything I can to help you,” you assured. 
“Let's get this started then,” Shannon replied from the bed in the Bay. She had gotten weaker by the time they had come to the conclusion. “I think now is a good time as any to start, seeing as how weak I am I won't be leaving tonight.” She pointed to herself.
“I’ll just call Loki,” you stated. You gave your beloved a call and told him you might be at the mansion all night. He understood, wished you and Shannon well, and he asked for you to text when you were on your way home. 
Hank and Bruce escorted you and Shannon to the medical facility within the mansion, which was in the basement. 
“Alright, let’s get you two comfortable. Shannon, I think you should lay down here,” Hank suggested, pointing to a bed. “Y/N, you can sit here, on this bed.”
You got comfortable, as did Shannon while they continued to instruct you. They put electrodes on Shannon’s scalp, a heart rate monitor on, and something to gauge her temperature. Before you knew it, she had wires all over her. The next moment, they were directing you.
“Alright, Bruce is going to keep an eye on her vitals, meanwhile, I’m going to monitor your power going into her,” Hank stated. 
“What do I...do?” you asked, concerned. “I mean, how do I--”
“Set your power to the lowest setting you can, and just let your power flow into her. We’ll monitor for ten minutes and see how it does.” 
You nodded and looked to Shannon. “You ready for this?” 
“I’m ready to not feel like this,” she responded. 
All you could do was nod, and you started the gentle flow of energy for ten minutes. Shannon seemed alright, only sweating slightly, and feeling a bit of discomfort, but no pain. They checked in for pain, discomfort, how you were holding up. They did a check of all of her vitals, and other than her heart rate increasing, they were looking great. Everything was checking in better than when you started, slightly. 
Bruce and Hank asked that you continue to let your powers flow for another hour. By the end of the session you were tired and told Loki you’d have to stay the night. He said that was alright. 
Bruce and Hank both thought it would be better for you two to stay indefinitely at the mansion, until the treatment was complete. It would be easier this way, as the sessions were too much of a toll on both of you. Tony came and went. Loki hadn’t been by to visit you yet.
They let you bunk together in the same room. The next day, you were in med bay, but a few students were in there. They watched what you two were doing, asking questions, inquiring. Pretty soon, the med by was full of students coming in and out, curious as to what Mrs. Stark was doing with Loki’s girlfriend. 
At first, it was kind of cute, you knew they were only inquisitive, but it began to feel intrusive. That night, just when you were about to finish the session, a familiar voice came into the room. 
“Well look what the wind blew in,” he said and your face whipped toward the handsome cajun in the doorway. 
“Remy!” you breathed. You wanted to get up and greet him, but you were rather weak. 
“Alright, everybody out. Let’s give the ladies some room to breathe,” he instructed to the kids. They all collectively groaned. He rolled his eyes and laughed. “I know, I know, I’m the worst.” He ruffled some kids’ hair as they walked by. “Go on, scram.” He sauntered up to your table and gave you an award winning smile. “Word around the house is you two madamoiselles are here playing doctor,” he teased, leaning over on his arms on your bed. 
“Actually, she is,” Shannon replied, gesturing to you. “She’s fixing me with her power.” 
“Is that right?” Remy asked with a grin. 
“Guess so,” you said, smiling at him. 
“Where you been, stranger?” he asked, poking you. 
“Trying to get my life back on track,” you informed. “I’ve been released, so has Loki, so we’re starting to get our lives together.” 
“Well I’ll be. That’s great to hear,” he commented with a twinkle in his eye. “Well I hear you’re staying here. I’ll be by to bug you, alright?” 
You laughed at him. “Alright,” you agreed. He gave Shannon a pat on the shoulder as he passed before Shannon gave you a peculiar look. 
“So you going to tell me about you and Gambit right there?” She pointed at the doorway.
You frowned at her. “What about him? We haven’t seen each other since the last time I was here,” you reminded, as if it was obvious. “He just came to say hi. I’m so glad he did,” you gushed.
“Look at you, all gushing like a schoolgirl,” she teased. “Like you didn't notice the twinkle in his eye when he said he found out about you being here,” she remarked just as Bruce walked in to see how both women were doing.
“Hey, Shannon, how are you feeling today?” He walked over to check her vitals. “And you, Y/N? You feeling okay? How’s your energy today?” He turned to her to see her smiling.
“I’m doing okay so far, I just wish we could do this faster,” Shannon replied looking up at him. “Isn’t there a way for me to get more doses?”
“Doing great, doc,” you said with a thumbs up. “I’m a little weak, but I’m hanging in there.” 
“Shannon, you know that’s not possible. You could get worse and I don’t think Y/N would be able to endure for longer periods of time.” He went up closer to her smoothing her hair as he checked her temperature. “Y/N, do you want me to give you a dose of electrolytes to help you re-energize a bit?” He was looking at you while he held Shannon’s wrist feeling her pulse.
Bruce knew he could just check Shannon’s vitals with the tech but he wanted to actually feel her. He had no right as she was married to Tony but he couldn’t help feeling what he felt for her ever since she could get hulk to let him come back when he needed to.
You waved him off. “I appreciate it but I want to hold onto those for when we really need them.”
 “You’re right. I can’t do that to her. She’s already doing so much now to help me get rid of this stuff.”
“Are you sure, Y/N? I have plenty if you need it let me know,” Bruce replied, moving away from Shannon. “Is there anything I can do for you, Shannon?” He hoped he could do more for her than just check her health.
“I’m okay for now, Bruce but thanks for offering.”
While the two spoke, you watched on with bemused eyes, trying to keep a grin off your face. Shannon could say all she wanted about your friendship with Remy, but doc here didn’t have to be here. Hank could check all the vitals, not to mention Jean or any other nurse technician. He wanted to be up close and personal - he always did. You weren’t oblivious to the way he watched her, to the way his lips perked up when she walked into the lab. Bruce was a nice enough guy, but a blind man could see his feelings went beyond nice and friendly for Shannon. 
“Alright, ladies, if you need anything let me know I'll be in the other room working on making this less of a stress on you.” He waved to you and squeezed Shannon’s hand as he left the room.
“God I’m going to get myself into trouble if Tony sees me acting like this with Shannon,” Bruce thought to himself. He shook his head as he walked down the hall. In all the time that he’s known her he’s though she’s been this amazing, kind and caring person. But he knew that he had no chance he saw how she felt about Tony right away. Hopefully with these sessions he might get to be closer to her than before.
You let out a chuckle, making Shannon narrow her eyes at you. 
“What?” she demanded with a smile. 
“Oh, just you… and Dr. Banner,” you sing-songed. 
“What about us?” she asked, as if she didn’t know. 
“You think there’s something between me and Remy? What about you and Dr. Love, huh? He’s in here doing work any nurse or nurse tech could do,” you insisted, thrusting your chin towards the direction Bruce walked off in. 
“Y/N, are you crazy? He doesn’t like me like that. Plus I’m married to Tony.” She rolled her eyes. “He’s just being a good friend, making sure I’m okay… that we are okay,” she changed her wording.
“Right,” you said with a nod. “I forgot people are forbidden to love someone who’s married.” You shot her a challenging look. “Shannon, he barely looked my way,” you continued, whispering. “Haven’t you ever thought that maybe he felt more than friendship? Ever? It’s never made you wonder, or crossed your mind?”
“I have no idea what you're talking about.” She got quiet for a moment thinking back to everything he’s done and such. “Do you really think he likes me like that?” she whispered back. She looked down at her hands feeling wrong for not even noticing. She’d been so focused on everyone else and for christ sake! She’s married to the man of her dreams. What could possibly come of her being aware of his feelings besides feeling like she needs to tiptoe around him?
All you could do was nod. “I think he does. Hey, I’m not here to judge. You love who you love, Shannon, that’s all there is to it. And if you don’t feel the same, well I don’t blame Banner for falling for you. You’re quite the catch,” you assured with a wink. “But no need to stress over it, right? You’re married to Tony, who you love, and Bruce will probably never tell you how he feels so, everything is golden.” 
“Thanks for that, Y/N, but I don't know how it’s going to be when he’s always around. I’m going to be aware of how he treats me. I love Tony so much.” She shook her head. “I just don’t want to get Bruce’s hopes up thinking he might have a chance. He’s always been someone special to me.” She thought of how close they had gotten in the past few years. 
You shrugged. “So don’t let anything change. Think of him like he’s me,” you offered. “Treat him like a friend and there is no worry of getting his hopes up or hurting him. Besides, he knows you love Tony and you’re loyal to him. He’d never come between that. Hell, even if he was madly in love with you, I don’t think he’d do that.”
“Yeah you're right. I don’t know why I'm letting it get to me like this.” She laughed a bit and turned to her side to look at you better. “So Remy, huh?” She did the little eyebrow twitch of hers. “How long have you two been dancing around each other like that?” She smiled.
You laughed as you threw an arm over your eyes. “Shannon,” you chastised. You’d never consciously acknowledged it, but yes, in another life, in another world, in another timeline, Remy would be the type of man you’d go for. Hell, he was kind of your type apparently. An orphaned boy, long forgotten by his parents only to be raised to get into trouble. Trouble making flirts, that’s what you were attracted to. You guessed Shannon was right, you two had been doing this song and dance for a while, but when he wasn’t with someone, you were, and vice versa. The time just never seemed right. It wasn’t like you and Strange. That was a passing, fleeting flirtation in college, but you and Remy’s path seemed to cross many times.
“What, you're not gonna tell me that you don’t see how much he likes you?” she pointed out. “I know, you know. Why haven’t you told me more?” she asked completely curious. Although it wasn't her right to be nosy. “He seems like the type of guy you’d be with aside from the fact that you’re with Loki. Would you have been with Remy this entire time if it hadn’t been for meeting Loki?” 
You turned, facing your best friend, sighing. “You remember when you came to get Thor’s hammer? In New Mexico? You and I agreed I would come back to New York with the data I’d gathered…” You took a deep breath. “I had plans to look up Remy when I got back.” Just saying it made you feel guilty, but it was true. “I love Loki. I think we were meant to find each other, you know? I met him in that crater site… it led me back to my birth parents on Asgard. I found out we were almost raised together…” You let out a small laugh, mainly laughing at yourself. “I don’t think I’d have it any other way, but still… you can’t crush old feelings, right?”
“Yeah I remember you had the crazy idea to go with him.” She giggled, thinking back. “Really! And I’m just finding out.” She looked over to you a little surprised. “Aww, Y/N, I didn’t know you felt like that. I know how much you love Loki and all but how certain are you he feels confident enough to say the same?” She reached her hand out to you. “Guess we’ve both been there. How do you feel now, knowing he’ll be around more often and how Loki hasn’t come by?” She shouldn’t be pushing you but she wanted to know where you stood on all of this.
“I think it’ll be fine. Loki and I are pretty solid. We’ve nearly endured death for each other. He knows my weaknesses and I know his. Can’t say it won’t stir up some old feelings though,” you admitted with a weak smile. 
She nodded in understanding and the two of you made your way to your shared bedroom.
Tag List: @essie1876 @magpiegirl80 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @iamwarrenspeace @marvel-imagines-yes-please @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification @thejemersoninferno @rda1989 @munlis @thefridgeismybestie @bubblyanarocks3 @igiveupicantthinkofausername @kaliforniacoastalteens @feelmyroarrrr @kaelingoat-blog @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo @damalseer @heyitscam99 @yknott81 @sorryimacrapwriter @glitterquadricorn @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm @alyssaj23 @sea040561 @princess76179 @thisismysecrethappyplace @sarahp879 @malfoysqueen14 @ellallheart @breezy1415 @marvelmayo @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles @marvelloushamilton @paintballkid711
Loki: @lostinspace33 @ultrarebelheart @lenawiinchester @esoltis280 @tngrayson @wangdeasang @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice
UC: @lokis-high-priestess
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theatrelove3000 · 4 years
Battle Wounds
Helllloooooo! I have returned! I really need to make a set schedule to post these... I’ll figure it out. So! This is a favorite of mine and one of the first fics I wrote for Loki. I wrote Jelsa for one of my good friends when we were in high school as a sort of bribe to help her stop causing herself harm so that was a very productive way to practice my craft XD. 
Just a disclaimer, I mention a “connection” between Loki and Noelle in this one and through many of the next ones. The “connection” is called a binding. It  means that the two of them were cursed: their souls split in half and trade places. Basically they have half of each others’ souls in their own bodies. This gives them the ability to hear each others thoughts and feel each others feelings. They can block it off but it is tiring to do so. Unless they are in battle and working off an adrenaline rush or trying to keep a secret, they typically let the connection flow. 
Summary: Loki and Noelle are called to Nilfheim to assist in a battle, during which our Dear Loki is injured. Noelle fixes him up since the healers are busy with the other warriors.
Battle Wounds
Noelle POV:
"Hold still!"
Loki grunts in pain, "I am not sure how you expect me to stay still when it hurts so much."
"If you held still it wouldn't hurt as bad," I tell him calmly. I am cleaning the wound on his forearm, the worst of all of them. "I still don't understand how this round of negotiations escalated so quickly."
"Well, the leader was being unreasonable in his terms of agreement."
I nod, knowing that if I said anything else, it will turn into a fight and I do not want to fight two battles in one day.
'You were not supposed to come. I specifically told you to stay home,' he says using our connection. I can feel his anger bubbling in my head.
'You couldn't expect me to stay home when you and my friends ran off to battle. You should know that.'
"That is not the point, Noelle!" He exclaims, out loud this time. I have to put my hand on his leg to keep him from standing, "What if you had been wounded yourself. What if you had been killed? I could not have gotten to you in time..." he trails off, shaking his head as though dispelling the thought from his mind.
As I stand, I put down the cloth in my hand and move my hands to either side of his face, forcing him to look me in the eye. "Nothing happened. I am fine. I can take care of myself," he takes a deep breath before leaning his head against my stomach, continuing to pant a bit. I run my fingers through his hair, feeling his love and relief that I'm alright course through the connection, "Besides, if I weren't here, that could have been way worse. That giant would have taken you out completely." I joke, making him look up and scowl at me before pressing his forehead back to my torso, the hand of his good arm resting on my hip.
I laugh a bit as I pull away so that I can continue mending his arms. I sit back down and  continue cleansing the gash in his arm from elbow to the inside of his wrist. He watches me work silently, no long complaining of the pain I know I must be causing.
After completing my task as Loki's personal healer, I helped him into his shirt again and watched him button his vest. He finishes dressing and offers me his good arm, leading me out of the tent reserved specifically for healing purposes. In a way, it reminds me of a hospital running a code black: too many patients, not enough medical staff. There are five or six healers summoned from Asgard after the situation was considered safe and secure for their arrival. The tent itself is not that big, 20x20 feet at most, and packed with beds like in a World War II movie with three or four private beds shielded with curtains for special cases. The wounded Prince of Asgard happens to be such a case, and received his own private bed. However, he did not have much patience after the battle to wait for a healer so he asked me to do it. I did not have much trouble with it,  considering it was not the first time I've had to clean him up after a brawl.
'It certainly will not be the last, I'm afraid, darling. I do not take kindly to people with no brains speaking ill of you.' He whispers in my head.
'I know. But you do not always have to protect me, they say it after you fight them anyway.' I inform him, doing my best not to think of any names. I cannot have him making his arm worse.
"Do you really think so low of me to assume that I would duel someone in my condition?" He looks down at me out of the corner of his eye.
"If someone was talking bad about me, I would not put it past you."
He shrugs, agreeing silently and then makes a sudden turn around a corner to a part of camp he knows that nobody would have been in and was not likely to come to.
As soon as we are out of sight, he drops his arm and wraps it around my waist, pressing his lips against mine forcefully. My arms fly around his neck and pull him closer to me. He easily lifts me off my feet and my legs wrap around his waist. From this new position he had to look up slightly to reach me and he must have tired of that quickly because it isn't long before his lips trail down my jaw to my throat to my collarbone. I run my fingers through his hair and tighten my hold on him. We must have been like this, lost in our own world for a while because by the time I open my eyes again, the sun is setting and we are sitting on the ground.
Loki maneuvers our position from me sitting in his lap facing him with my arms around his neck, head on his shoulder, to his legs apart and bent at the knees, back against a beam of a nearby tent with me sitting between his legs with my back pressed against him. I lean my head back against his shoulder, my forehead pressed into his neck. He rests his head on mine. His arms wrap around me again and we stay this way, watching the sun disappear over the horizon.
I must have fallen asleep because when I wake up, I am in another place entirely. I am surrounded by green fabric and realize that I am in a tent. I look around and recognize Loki's green and black leather jacket on the chair in the corner. I peer into the darkness of the tent, trying to find him. I spot him from my place in what I realize is his bed, on a small couch that he must have conjured to sleep on. It isn't far from the bed, close enough for me to reach out and brush his silky hair out of his face. He moves slightly, grabbing my hand to keep my hand where it was on his cheek.
"Loki," I whisper, fully aware of his consciousness, "I'm cold."
He smirks, knowing that it is just an excuse to get him to come lay down with me. He makes a noise that sounds like he's snoring and I giggle, trying not to make too much noise. I am not sure if he put a sound barrier charm on the tent.
'You think I would bring you in here if I didn't? I knew you would wake up eventually. You did not have anything to eat after the fight.' He says into my mind, finally opening his emerald green eyes.
I did not notice my hunger until he said something and he seems to know it. He stood up and walked across the tent to retrieve. He turned back to me with a tray of food. I get up off the bed and make my way to him. I kiss his jaw when I reach him and take some food off the tray as I sit on the floor next to the small table that was not there a moment ago. He sits next to me, occasionally picking something off the platter. We talk a bit about the battle and the failed talks before it occurred. I'm not sure how we got there but we eventually talked about his parents and mine.
We have already met each other's parents. My father being of Asgard was helpful in part to this. He met my mother before we began courting; he followed me to Midgard when I went for Christmas a few months after I first travelled to Asgard.
I knew his because they were the Allfather and Queen of Asgard but I never got to a personal level with the Allfather that I did with Frigga. She was a truly wonderful woman and she raised such wonderful sons. Loki is the love of my life and Thor is like a brother that is partly a big brother and partly a younger brother, meaning that he is willing to fight back to back with Loki to protect me but Loki and I are constantly having to reign him in to keep him out of trouble.
"She likes you, you know." Loki interrupts my thoughts, "She thinks you are good for me. She is happy for us." I smile at this. I'm glad to know one of his parents approve of me. "My brother is, as well. He had a crush on you when he first met you but you were taken before he knew what happened." He chuckles at the end and it makes me laugh.
"He does not anymore. He has eyes for another lovely woman we know." I say.
Loki cocks an eyebrow at me questioningly. I laugh at the look on his face and say, "You cannot tell me that you haven't noticed his behavior! He is so obvious." He still looks confused and I laugh harder. "I'm not telling. You have to guess. But I will tell you that he spends more time with her than on the training grounds."
"Lady Sif!" He exclaims, figuring it out.
"Ding ding ding!" I can barely breathe from laughing so hard. I fall sideways into him and use his body as support to stay upright. "I cannot believe I did not notice before. He is so clearly infatuated by her now that I look back." He looks shaken and joins in with my laughing.
We talk and laugh for a bit longer before finally tiring out again. I'm still leaning on him, his arm around my shoulders.
"Are you really going to make me sleep all by myself in your bed while I can see you on that couch?" I ask him, mostly teasing but also a little serious. I do not want to sleep alone when I can see he is close enough for me to reach out and touch him.
"You proved today that I cannot truly make you do anything," he mumbles, glancing down at me, his thoughts flashing to our earlier argument about my being in the battle.
I smile a bit and nod my head, "So is that a no?"
He smirks. "No, love. I will not make you sleep alone in my bed if you believe that you will get cold without me there," he jokes.
I grin widely and pull him to his feet with me then proceed to drag him to the bed. I lay down and he follows suit. As soon as he is comfortable, I move closer and tuck myself under his arm, resting my head on the place where his arm and shoulder connect to the rest of his body. I close my eyes and he covers us both with the sheets before drawing his arms around me. I'm not sure how long he laid awake but I assume not long after I passed out.
I hate sleeping without him.
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nemobookaholic · 4 years
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What if... Loki where a 21st century Lady?
Scene 10
There is a possibility, Kevin might have lost Loki inside the crowd, which had gathered to watch ‘Change the guard’. He’s desperately looking for her and that is where we will leave him. For us it’s easy to spot her in the crowd. We get closer to the palace, following her. Amazing how calm Loki is. She is standing close to one of the gates, it must be painful with all the people pushing and shoving, behind her. She doesn’t care much, all she does is starring at the guards.
Suddenly Loki steps out of the crowd, not being noticed at first. She follows the line of guards, we assume she’ll change into one of them every second.
Nothing happens.
People start to point at her and we hear Kevin calling from the distance.
Now that the attention turns towards her, Loki takes a look down. She stops in surprise and because of the security guards blocking her way.
One of them yells at her, ‘Madame, please get back behind the barrier!’ while his fellows are staring.
‘By hel?!’ says Loki, ignoring the man.
We recognise Kevin, who is getting closer, fighting his way through the people. He has troubles with guards himself, as they won’t let him cross the street. We watch them discussing, while Kevin is gesticulating.
Loki however, let a knife appear in her hand, it must be hidden by a spell, cause only we are able to see it. At least some kind of magic is working. A evil grin flashes over her face as the guard gets closer.
Her body tense, ready to fight them. For the Last second, Kevin reaches her to deescalate the situation.
‘There you are! I told you to stay close to me,’ Kevin smiles at the guards, while patting on Lokis shoulder, ‘what did you think, to join the guards?’ he asks.
‘Oh, I don’t know. Maybe that I would become one of them and nobody would see me! But for some reason this world is blocking my illusions!’ Loki shouts, the knife flicker in her hand for everyone to see. Luckily just Kevin seems to notice.
‘Calm down, let’s go back home,’ he says, stepping between Loki and the guards. Under his breath he whispers, ‘stop it! They’ll arrest you.’
‘No mortal dungeon can hold me! I am the god of mischief!’ Loki is in the mood for fighting.
‘I’m sorry for her behaviour! I’m her therapist and I really thought we had made enough progress to allow her to watch the show. I’ll guide her back home, I promise.’ Kevin has turned around to the guards.
‘We’ll have to collect your personal data,’ the man in the front says, ‘where is your patient gone?’
Kevin turns around, while the guide is staring onto the spot, where Loki vanished.
‘What sort of psychosis does your patient suffer from?’ The man turns back to Kevin, just to realise, that he is missing too. It took him a second to realise, that the clumsy ginger had started running.
Now you may ask, how none of the other guards have reacted? Didn’t you watch them? One is trying to find Loki, he ran into the wrong direction. The other one got distracted by a stone that hit his head out of nowhere. He lies on the ground, disorientated and bleeding. The alpha-guard has to check on him first, what gives Kevin the needed time to escape.
He’s already through the gate and halfway to Green Park as he notice Loki nearby.
‘You’ll have to run faster, if you want to be on the winning team,’ she is laughing.
‘…,’ Kevin has no breath left, his head is red as a tomato. We can tell from the look in his eyes, how much he desires to yell at her.
The both of them run across the street, where the way is blocked by other guards. They show no reaction, like they have no clue what was going on, until the alpha-guard comes after them, shouting: ‘Stop them!’.
They change directions and run into a group of pedestrians. That’s the moment Loki chooses, to come up with a trick. She drops a glass ball, immediately the air gets consumed by thick smoke. Loki grabs Kevin by the arm, slows down and hauls him back where they came from. She pulls up Kevins hood and open her tied hair. They are walking like a couple in love.
‘What are you doing?!’ Kevin whispers.
‘Ssscht! Just act normal. Look down, your head is glowing like a bonfire.’ Loki snarls back. The couple makes it’s way through the crowd, a bit faster than necessary, but undetected at least.
The silence of St. James’s Park promises safeness. They stop at a bench for Kevin to rest.
‘Are you focking insane?!’ in his anger he can’t keep back his Irish accent, ‘ya balloobas! What where you thinking by running into the Palace?!”
‘Thank you Loki for saving me — my pleasure by the way.’ with a theatric gesture she leans forward, to give him a dead stare.
‘I’m not in the mood for ya games! Answer my question!’
‘Okay, okay! Calm down, you don’t have to push your saviour. I was trying to infiltrate the enemy, I wanted to spy on them. Unfortunately your world hates me,’ the frustration takes over, we hear it in her voice.
The answer brings a minor change to Kevins face, his anger is fading.
‘Why do you think the crown is your enemy?’ he asks.
‘I don’t want to tell you.’
‘We had a deal, don’t you remember?’
‘I remember our bargain different than you it seems. Wasn’t it one of the terms to have a so-called-session, where I have to answer your questions?’ Loki puts on a evil grin.
‘Great, ya can have ya therapy right here!’
‘Not a good idea, do you think they’ve stopped looking for us?’ the both of them look at each other. Kevin jumps back on his feet, they walk home in silence.
‘As soon as we enter the flat the Irish rushes into his room. Relief is flooding me. Yet he doesn’t slam the door behind him, as I’d expected. No, he is waiting for me to get in. Fine!
I take the old chair as I did last time. Kevin closes the door, walks to his desk searching in the mess of papers on it, looking for his notepad. Once he’s found it and set off a flood of papers, which he completely ignores, he sits down in front of me, waiting.
Let’s see who can play this game of silence better.
‘Hehem…,’ he is cleaning his throat. A sign that he is going to loose, ‘ah come on, ya know what I am waiting for! I’ve had enough of your games,’ he’s dead serious.
What a poor sport. If this place is my dungeon, he’s the warder. And if he wants a story he shall have one.
‘The truth is, I wanted to meet the prince. He’s such a cute guy — I have a crush on him since I can remember. I promise my intentions are noble and my plan was thought about well. Wouldn’t be there this ghastly problem with lack of magic,’ let’s see what he makes out of it.
‘Two things. First, ya still haven’t answered my question! What was that about the enemy? And second, ya really believe in that magic thing aye?’ he’s smarter than he looks like.
‘You need to understand, the crown would never accept me. Not even if I can make Prince Edmund mine. I just — I just wanted to see if there would be any chance. And for the magic… of course I believe in it. Told you several times.’ I’m rolling my eyes. How can he still doubt that?!
He is writing something, I start to wonder what his diagnosis will be. Might I be able to manipulate the result?
‘Where does this fixation for Prince Edmund come from? Last time you’ve known nothing about our political system. That’s clearly a lie!”
Whoops he caught me!
‘Look, I’ve been honest with you -‘ in a way, ‘- I may have not known about the system, but I’ve seen that face before.’
The whole story is build on his disbelieve in magic and other realms. I’m sure his tiny mind can’t cope with that. But, and that’s the important part, he’ll try to figure it out. Not if there is magic or not, but why I believe in it. That’s everything I need, to distract him.
‘Alright, guess that’s something we can work with. Tell me something about your magic.’ Hah! You idiot.
‘I am what you might call an illusionist. I can show you your greatest desires. With the right kind of - artefact, I’m able to canalise my powers to do even greater things,’ feed him slowly.
‘How do your tricks work?’
‘Oh come on! A sorcerer doesn’t need to explain his spells, right?!’ got you exactly where I want you buddy.
‘Than show me one. I’ll guess how you do it and you can tell me if I’m right.’
‘If you insist. Those are my magic pockets, I put all my belongings in there. To store it for later usage,’ let’s show him the drinking horn, ‘this horn for example. I had stolen it from my brother. It was his favourite, ehehehe. It can fill itself with every liquid one wishes for. Did me some good service.’ his face turns from astonishment to exerted.
This promises some amusement! ‘Your mindless staring starts to bore me. I thought you wanted to tell me how I did it?’ it’s hard to hold back the laughter, his face is priceless!
‘It is usually flat and unfolds once you press it!’ I see how those dull creatures use to fool themselves.
‘Want to have a closer look?’
He turns the horn in his hands and look at it carefully from every angle. He has it upside down, now is the time to ask, ‘what would you like to drink?’
‘If you could have a drink right now; what would it be?’
‘Uhm don’t know, maybe some tea,’ the horn reacts to the wish and fills itself.
‘You arse!’ Kevins eyes are wide in surprise, ‘how did you do that?!’ he’s not even angry.
‘Ahahahahaha! Look at your grimace!’ I can’t help myself, he looks so stupid. How he’s holding the horn, carefully now. With his trousers all wet and a puddle by his feet.
‘Is everything alright?’ the warrior queen appears in the door.
‘Yes, no worries,’ Kevin say’s, handing the horn back to me. I can’t stop laughing, this can’t get any better.
‘Have you peed yourself?’ The warrior asks.
My mistake, it got better. Tears are running down my face. I can’t remember the last time I was laughing this hard.
‘Yes, in a horny way. It’s still warm. Wanna come over to check?!’ Kevin keeps a straight face. Surprisingly Bea starts laughing too. For the sake of it Kevin joins in.
It’s weird, usually people are mad with me after I’ve played a trick on them. No clue why they are laughing.
Like it still wasn’t enough, the guy pulls down his trousers, standing there bare naked, showing us his butt.
‘Jesus, Kev!’ the warrior is covering her eyes with her hands.
‘Whoops… I forgot I was wearing no pants,’ his face and his butt turning read simultaneously.
‘Ehehehehe!’ I’m completely done! I do not even realise the toppling of the chair, until it’s too late. Lying on the floor, with a delicate point of view onto the gingers private part… lord knows he’s a ginger.
Not even covering my sight can make me forget this picture!
‘Is everything alright?’ the girl asks behind me.
‘Yes, expect for my eyes - have your feet ever seen the sun, or do they glow in the dark?’ I can’t hold back this comment. It’s awkwardly silent for a second, until the warrior agrees with me, ‘she’s right you know - what kind of sun blocker do you use?! I wish I could be that pale.’
Getting back onto my feet isn’t that easy, I need to turn away from that!
‘Lady’s would you stop discussing that topic and turn around please? I need to get fresh clothes.’ Kevin says.
I’m no longer looking into his direction, he was talking to you girl, hurry up!
‘Nothing I haven’t seen already, but if you insist.’ we hear him stumbling across his own feet. He must be ashamed - makes me feel guilty somehow. That is new.
‘Would any of you like some tea,’ I hear myself saying.
‘I’ll help you,’ the girl says hastily. We are leaving the room without waiting for an answer from Kevin.’
The more I write the trickster, the easier it gets. It’s a lot of fun. Nonetheless, if you have some comments or criticism, please let me know. I’m always willing to do it better.
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deceits-left-glove · 5 years
Deceitber Day 2
I had fun with this one
I went very off-prompt, but I had fun
Also what is it with me and Remus screaming songs?
Prompt: reacting to snow
TW: sympathetic Deceit, kind of unsympathetic Deceit (yelling at Roman, but being really overdramatic and not really serious) sympathetic Remus, Death mention (no-one actually dies), swearing, sex mention (again, nothing actually happened)
"DEEDEEDEEDEEDEEDEE!!" Deceit was rather rudely awoken by Remus jumping on his bed.
"why isss it ssso cold" he was tired, it came with the low temperature. He wasn't trying to stop the hissing on his 'S's
"Oh thank fuck, you woke up. I didn't know if you would still be alive 'cos of the cold blooded thing, you never know-"
"why would I have died?"
"well I thought you'd be ok, but I wasn't 100% sure. It isn't in here yet, obviously." He paused to wave his arms around.
"what isss it? And where did all the heat go." Some of the other affects of being a Cold Deceit™ are not thinking about what he is saying as much as he normally does and doing anything for warmth. Aka, he is stupid when cold.
"oh, it's snowing!" He got off of him, Deceit absolutely did not whine and make grabby hands at him. "Chill, I'm trying to light a few of your bajillion candles! don't know how well it will work, but I can try..."
"I'm already rather chill and I'm alssso rather sssick of it." Remus snorted. Cold Dee was funny, but he was also mardy and harsh.
"I didn't even mean to do that!"
"of courssse you did. wAIT! What did you mean by itsss not in here yet?"
"ah. Um. It's snowing... Inside?"
"what did you do?!"
"alright, what did Roman and Patton do?!"
"I don't know"
"well then, were going to go and asssssk them."
Deceit and Remus appeared on the light side's 'living room' wrapped in a blanket, Remus was hugging Deceit from behind. Warm Dee would never go into the light sides territory without all his fancy get-up, let alone in a blanket and never in a million years let Remus hug him in front of them. But this was Cold Dee. Heat over all, and no filter. This was going to be fun. He looked around, Virgil was freaking out about the snow, Logan looked like he had just been slapped, his mouth kept opening and closing, but no sound was coming out, he also didn't look very far away from joining Virgil, Patton was very confused, and Roman? He was babbling to non stop
"it worked? This is literally the best thing ever! But how do I get it to stop, oh god, Roman why weren't you more like Dr Doofenshmirtz? This is amazing but I still don't know how I did it, let alone how to reverse it, I guess I could try doing the same thing again? What if that doubles the snow though-"
"ROMAN!" They all glanced over and did a double take. What is he wearing? Is that a snake plush? His hair is so fluffy and poofy, since when was that a thing? How much of that snake plush is patches and how much was part of the original thing? Remus is hugging him, since when was that a thing? When was the last time that snake plush was washed it looks grey? "WHAT did you do?"
"I don't know, it-"
"I'll tell you what you did, you made it SSSNOW! INDOORSSS! And nearly KILLED ME in my sssleep! If it wasssn't for Remusss, I could be DYING! RIGHT NO- isss that coffee, yesss pleassse" he summoned a mug and poured himself the thankfully still warm drink. "Where wasss i- oh I COULD BE DEAD! YOUR FAULT! Ssso, uh fuck you, pleassse fix it, I'm actually dying."
"here's the thing, I don't... Know... How?"
"UNBELIEVABLE! You're going to let me freeze to death! That's just rude."
"I don't even know what I did!"
"I jussst told you, attempted manssslaughter!"
"I'm sorry! I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it would fix it or make it worse."
"also why are you hugging my brother?!"
"he'sss keeping me from dying! And you're just ssstood there when you could be fixing this messsss! Look at the floor!" There was a good two inches of snow covering the carpet, quickly becoming three. "That'sss going to be a bitch to clean!"
"Deceit! Language!"
"Patton! French!" He downed the rest of his coffee, sent his mug to the dark sides sink, and glared at Roman "I'm going back to bed, I'd prefer it if you fixed thisss, I definitely don't value being alive or anything!"
Deceit woke up to a knock at the door, it's not Remus, well, there was also the fact that he was asleep next to him. Who else comes into the dark sides area? "Snake-cicle? I fixed the snow."
"snow? 'Snake-cicle'?" He opened the door "did something happen?"
"you don't remember? Oh gosh, ok." He pushed past him and went to sit on the bed, only to jump when he nearly sat on his brother. "Eww, you let him on the bed?"
"not normally, well it is Christmas. Anyway, you're the one that's related to him!"
"don't remind me." They both smiled. Roman walked around the the other side of the bed and sat on it, Deceit followed suit. "So, um. I made it snow indoors, and apparently you didn't like that very much cos you came to the living room with a bunch of blankets and a snake plush and you were wearing Remus like a backpack. Then you got mad at me and started yelling a lot, but then you got distracted by coffee so I didn't think you were too mad, then you kept swearing and Patton kept saying 'language' and you kept saying 'french' which" he broke of in giggles "which was really funny, then you said that you don't value your life and sank- OH YEAH you where yelling about me almost killing you!" Deceit had his head in his hands and his hands on his knees. His face was very red
"oh my god.. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking... Straight- cos I'm straight." Roman made a noise that was somewhere between confusion and offended "I'm like a different person when I'm cold, it's not even a choice! Did I actually bring Si-the snake down?"
"did you name your snake?" Roman was smiling at him
"do I look like the type of person that would name their snake?" Deceit was not smiling at him.
"Yes. Everyone does! Especially when you were a kid! I name all of mine!"
"you sleep with more that one? That's rude"
"you sleep with Remus? That's gross"
"we've shared a bed a couple times, I know for a fact you did the same when you were younger!"
"oh come on! We're siblings! It's what they DO! You on the other hand- why are we even talking about him? I want to know your snakes name!"
"I was a child!"
"somehow worse??"
"where's Roman? It's almost time for Christmas dinner!"
"maybe Deceit finished him off when he went to apologize."
"hey, don't say that! I'm sure everything went ok..."
"so why isn't he back yet?"
"It could be a number of things. He could have gone back to his room to sleep, work of scripts, make sure he doesn't make it snow indoors again. Or he could have just gotten distracted. We are talking about Roman."
"True" Logan and Virgil were sitting at the table. Patton was bringing dishes of chicken and vegetables from the kitchen.
"go AWAY, LOKI!"
"NEVER!" Roman and Deceit ran into the room with very red faces, closely followed be Remus "DECEIT AND ROMAN SITTING IN A TREE F-U-C-K-I-N-G!"
"oh, it got worse-"
"surely that is impractical, wouldn't they fall out of the tree?"
"LOGAN!" Patton, Roman and Remus all yelled at the same time
"You are absolutely correct, they should do it in a bush!"
"we are about to eat food!"
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Unforseen Chasm (Part 49)
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Part 49 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 3399 Warnings: disagreement, Banner changes his demeanor towards OFC!Shannon, an old flame reappears for reader,  song for this part: Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93​​ what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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It was a long ride back, but Shannon slept through most of it. Pietro got the medical care he needed, as did everyone else. The rest of the team went to clean up, rest up, and in a few days, the new recruits would start their training with Steve and Natasha. 
You told Loki you’d join Shannon at the mansion to see what answers they had and that you’d meet him at the apartment when you were done. Tony packed Shannon an overnight bag just in case, and Bruce packed his medical gear as well. Pretty soon everyone set off for the mansion. 
Shannon was silent. She hadn’t said one word to anyone. She just stared out of the window on the way to the mansion. When Tony informed her of where all of you were going, all she did was barely nod. 
Finally, you pulled into the driveway and everyone piled out. Shannon was this quiet mess as she made her way up the stairs. You didn’t have the heart to tell her what all she’d said and done. She seemed to know that she’d done something, but you didn’t think she knew the extent of the fight, so you left it alone. 
“Ah, Tony,” Xavier greeted with a smile. “I would say it's good to see you again, but under these circumstances, I’m not sure,” he noted. 
“Can you fix her?” Tony asked.
“I’ll certainly try,” he assured. 
With that, the trials began. They ran every type of test and scan they could get their hands on. It was about eight hours of tests, and still no answers, except one. 
“Shannon’s power, she’s like Rogue,” Hank began explaining to everyone, “she absorbs powers. But Rogue, it’s short lived. She takes them for only a little bit of time. Shannon absorbs everything and doesn’t let it go. Now, you said the powers started to wear her down when she and Y/N fought back in New York, right?” 
Tony, you, and Bruce nodded. 
“I think Y/N’s power may be attacking Shannon’s cells. Y/N’s power is unique, and it charges the cells it goes to, energizes them. I’d be curious to see what Y/N’s powers do when she casts them on Shannon, rather than Shannon absorbing them.” 
“You want her to attack Shannon?” Tony asked, already getting defensive. 
“No,” Hank assured. “We’d start small. A drop of blood from each, and see how they react.” 
Your eyes narrowed as you thought. “You think that because my power is like a cancer in her, that my power can heal her,” you noted.
“Like radiation,” Bruce suddenly realized. 
“Okay, time out,” Tony said. “What’s happening?” 
“Radiation, it can cause cancer, right? Too many x-rays and you could be a walking tumor,” Bruce explained. “But then you can use radiation to counteract the tumor, trying to get it to heal.”
“My power acts the same way,” you explained. ”If this works… My powers charge cells to their potential. Well Shannon’s cells have the potential to heal themselves. If I can use my energy on her, to charge her cells, it could fix what’s wrong with her,” you realized. 
“Right,” Hank agreed. “I just want to see how your blood interacts first.” 
“Whoa, wait a minute I don’t like the idea of having her go through this experimenting. There’s no way I'm going to let that happen,” Tony started off saying. “What if something goes wrong and she gets worse?”
“Tony, stop. If they think that this can help, then let them do their thing. I’d rather go through this than let myself get killed off by powers that aren’t mine.” She looked a little annoyed. “Don’t think about the negatives, think of the possibilities.”
“But, Shannon, don’t you see there’s a risk in this!”
“You don’t think I know that!” she yelled and the lights flickered. “I don’t want to keep getting weak each time I use my powers.” She got pale as she let her powers take over. 
“I don’t think that we should be pushing her this hard.” Bruce was the one to reply, seeing just how bad she was getting. “Hank, let’s get her to one of the beds in the Med Bay.” He held her close making sure she didn't fall.
“Tony, I know this is hard,” Charles tried, “but if you don’t let us try, then she will slowly die from these powers. At least this way we have a shot.” 
“Alright, alright, but I’ll have bruce keep a close eye on everything so that nothing goes wrong,” Tony grumbled, hating that they were right. He loved Shannon too much to let her suffer through this and die. He didn’t know what he would do if that did happen. “How long will this take till she’s completely cured?”
“That’s hard to say,” Hank responded. “If their blood reacts how I hope it does, and how I think it does, then hopefully less than a month.” 
“So essentially her medicine would be taking like ‘shots’ of my powers?” you clarified. 
“Okay,” you said with a deep breath. 
“Let’s just get some samples and go from there.” 
And so he did. He took blood from both you and Shannon. Bruce and Hank were in the lab for only ten minutes before they came back to the rest of you. 
“It’s conclusive. Y/N’s blood merged with Shannon’s, and it killed out the bad cells,” he confirmed. “So if you two are ready, we’ll start the procedure,” Hank said, eyeing both of you. “Now, this will take a toll on the two of you. Shannon, your body will be undergoing rigorous fixing of itself, and Y/N, you’ll have to have the endurance to keep your powers going into her for long periods of time. Do you think you two can do this?” 
You stared at Shannon. “I’m game if you are. I’ll do anything I can to help you,” you assured. 
“Let's get this started then,” Shannon replied from the bed in the Bay. She had gotten weaker by the time they had come to the conclusion. “I think now is a good time as any to start, seeing as how weak I am I won't be leaving tonight.” She pointed to herself.
“I’ll just call Loki,” you stated. You gave your beloved a call and told him you might be at the mansion all night. He understood, wished you and Shannon well, and he asked for you to text when you were on your way home. 
Hank and Bruce escorted you and Shannon to the medical facility within the mansion, which was in the basement. 
“Alright, let’s get you two comfortable. Shannon, I think you should lay down here,” Hank suggested, pointing to a bed. “Y/N, you can sit here, on this bed.”
You got comfortable, as did Shannon while they continued to instruct you. They put electrodes on Shannon’s scalp, a heart rate monitor on, and something to gauge her temperature. Before you knew it, she had wires all over her. The next moment, they were directing you.
“Alright, Bruce is going to keep an eye on her vitals, meanwhile, I’m going to monitor your power going into her,” Hank stated. 
“What do I...do?” you asked, concerned. “I mean, how do I--”
“Set your power to the lowest setting you can, and just let your power flow into her. We’ll monitor for ten minutes and see how it does.” 
You nodded and looked to Shannon. “You ready for this?” 
“I’m ready to not feel like this,” she responded. 
All you could do was nod, and you started the gentle flow of energy for ten minutes. Shannon seemed alright, only sweating slightly, and feeling a bit of discomfort, but no pain. They checked in for pain, discomfort, how you were holding up. They did a check of all of her vitals, and other than her heart rate increasing, they were looking great. Everything was checking in better than when you started, slightly. 
Bruce and Hank asked that you continue to let your powers flow for another hour. By the end of the session you were tired and told Loki you’d have to stay the night. He said that was alright. 
Bruce and Hank both thought it would be better for you two to stay indefinitely at the mansion, until the treatment was complete. It would be easier this way, as the sessions were too much of a toll on both of you. Tony came and went. Loki hadn’t been by to visit you yet.
They let you bunk together in the same room. The next day, you were in med bay, but a few students were in there. They watched what you two were doing, asking questions, inquiring. Pretty soon, the med by was full of students coming in and out, curious as to what Mrs. Stark was doing with Loki’s girlfriend. 
At first, it was kind of cute, you knew they were only inquisitive, but it began to feel intrusive. That night, just when you were about to finish the session, a familiar voice came into the room. 
“Well look what the wind blew in,” he said and your face whipped toward the handsome cajun in the doorway. 
“Remy!” you breathed. You wanted to get up and greet him, but you were rather weak. 
“Alright, everybody out. Let’s give the ladies some room to breathe,” he instructed to the kids. They all collectively groaned. He rolled his eyes and laughed. “I know, I know, I’m the worst.” He ruffled some kids’ hair as they walked by. “Go on, scram.” He sauntered up to your table and gave you an award winning smile. “Word around the house is you two madamoiselles are here playing doctor,” he teased, leaning over on his arms on your bed. 
“Actually, she is,” Shannon replied, gesturing to you. “She’s fixing me with her power.” 
“Is that right?” Remy asked with a grin. 
“Guess so,” you said, smiling at him. 
“Where you been, stranger?” he asked, poking you. 
“Trying to get my life back on track,” you informed. “I’ve been released, so has Loki, so we’re starting to get our lives together.” 
“Well I’ll be. That’s great to hear,” he commented with a twinkle in his eye. “Well I hear you’re staying here. I’ll be by to bug you, alright?” 
You laughed at him. “Alright,” you agreed. He gave Shannon a pat on the shoulder as he passed before Shannon gave you a peculiar look. 
“So you going to tell me about you and Gambit right there?” She pointed at the doorway.
You frowned at her. “What about him? We haven’t seen each other since the last time I was here,” you reminded, as if it was obvious. “He just came to say hi. I’m so glad he did,” you gushed.
“Look at you, all gushing like a schoolgirl,” she teased. “Like you didn't notice the twinkle in his eye when he said he found out about you being here,” she remarked just as Bruce walked in to see how both women were doing.
“Hey, Shannon, how are you feeling today?” He walked over to check her vitals. “And you, Y/N? You feeling okay? How’s your energy today?” He turned to her to see her smiling.
“I’m doing okay so far, I just wish we could do this faster,” Shannon replied looking up at him. “Isn’t there a way for me to get more doses?”
“Doing great, doc,” you said with a thumbs up. “I’m a little weak, but I’m hanging in there.” 
“Shannon, you know that’s not possible. You could get worse and I don’t think Y/N would be able to endure for longer periods of time.” He went up closer to her smoothing her hair as he checked her temperature. “Y/N, do you want me to give you a dose of electrolytes to help you re-energize a bit?” He was looking at you while he held Shannon’s wrist feeling her pulse.
Bruce knew he could just check Shannon’s vitals with the tech but he wanted to actually feel her. He had no right as she was married to Tony but he couldn’t help feeling what he felt for her ever since she could get hulk to let him come back when he needed to.
You waved him off. “I appreciate it but I want to hold onto those for when we really need them.”
 “You’re right. I can’t do that to her. She’s already doing so much now to help me get rid of this stuff.”
“Are you sure, Y/N? I have plenty if you need it let me know,” Bruce replied, moving away from Shannon. “Is there anything I can do for you, Shannon?” He hoped he could do more for her than just check her health.
“I’m okay for now, Bruce but thanks for offering.”
While the two spoke, you watched on with bemused eyes, trying to keep a grin off your face. Shannon could say all she wanted about your friendship with Remy, but doc here didn’t have to be here. Hank could check all the vitals, not to mention Jean or any other nurse technician. He wanted to be up close and personal - he always did. You weren’t oblivious to the way he watched her, to the way his lips perked up when she walked into the lab. Bruce was a nice enough guy, but a blind man could see his feelings went beyond nice and friendly for Shannon. 
“Alright, ladies, if you need anything let me know I'll be in the other room working on making this less of a stress on you.” He waved to you and squeezed Shannon’s hand as he left the room.
“God I’m going to get myself into trouble if Tony sees me acting like this with Shannon,” Bruce thought to himself. He shook his head as he walked down the hall. In all the time that he’s known her he’s though she’s been this amazing, kind and caring person. But he knew that he had no chance he saw how she felt about Tony right away. Hopefully with these sessions he might get to be closer to her than before.
You let out a chuckle, making Shannon narrow her eyes at you. 
“What?” she demanded with a smile. 
“Oh, just you… and Dr. Banner,” you sing-songed. 
“What about us?” she asked, as if she didn’t know. 
“You think there’s something between me and Remy? What about you and Dr. Love, huh? He’s in here doing work any nurse or nurse tech could do,” you insisted, thrusting your chin towards the direction Bruce walked off in. 
“Y/N, are you crazy? He doesn’t like me like that. Plus I’m married to Tony.” She rolled her eyes. “He’s just being a good friend, making sure I’m okay… that we are okay,” she changed her wording.
“Right,” you said with a nod. “I forgot people are forbidden to love someone who’s married.” You shot her a challenging look. “Shannon, he barely looked my way,” you continued, whispering. “Haven’t you ever thought that maybe he felt more than friendship? Ever? It’s never made you wonder, or crossed your mind?”
“I have no idea what you're talking about.” She got quiet for a moment thinking back to everything he’s done and such. “Do you really think he likes me like that?” she whispered back. She looked down at her hands feeling wrong for not even noticing. She’d been so focused on everyone else and for christ sake! She’s married to the man of her dreams. What could possibly come of her being aware of his feelings besides feeling like she needs to tiptoe around him?
All you could do was nod. “I think he does. Hey, I’m not here to judge. You love who you love, Shannon, that’s all there is to it. And if you don’t feel the same, well I don’t blame Banner for falling for you. You’re quite the catch,” you assured with a wink. “But no need to stress over it, right? You’re married to Tony, who you love, and Bruce will probably never tell you how he feels so, everything is golden.” 
“Thanks for that, Y/N, but I don't know how it’s going to be when he’s always around. I’m going to be aware of how he treats me. I love Tony so much.” She shook her head. “I just don’t want to get Bruce’s hopes up thinking he might have a chance. He’s always been someone special to me.” She thought of how close they had gotten in the past few years. 
You shrugged. “So don’t let anything change. Think of him like he’s me,” you offered. “Treat him like a friend and there is no worry of getting his hopes up or hurting him. Besides, he knows you love Tony and you’re loyal to him. He’d never come between that. Hell, even if he was madly in love with you, I don’t think he’d do that.”
“Yeah you're right. I don’t know why I'm letting it get to me like this.” She laughed a bit and turned to her side to look at you better. “So Remy, huh?” She did the little eyebrow twitch of hers. “How long have you two been dancing around each other like that?” She smiled.
You laughed as you threw an arm over your eyes. “Shannon,” you chastised. You’d never consciously acknowledged it, but yes, in another life, in another world, in another timeline, Remy would be the type of man you’d go for. Hell, he was kind of your type apparently. An orphaned boy, long forgotten by his parents only to be raised to get into trouble. Trouble making flirts, that’s what you were attracted to. You guessed Shannon was right, you two had been doing this song and dance for a while, but when he wasn’t with someone, you were, and vice versa. The time just never seemed right. It wasn’t like you and Strange. That was a passing, fleeting flirtation in college, but you and Remy’s path seemed to cross many times.
“What, you're not gonna tell me that you don’t see how much he likes you?” she pointed out. “I know, you know. Why haven’t you told me more?” she asked completely curious. Although it wasn't her right to be nosy. “He seems like the type of guy you’d be with aside from the fact that you’re with Loki. Would you have been with Remy this entire time if it hadn’t been for meeting Loki?” 
You turned, facing your best friend, sighing. “You remember when you came to get Thor’s hammer? In New Mexico? You and I agreed I would come back to New York with the data I’d gathered…” You took a deep breath. “I had plans to look up Remy when I got back.” Just saying it made you feel guilty, but it was true. “I love Loki. I think we were meant to find each other, you know? I met him in that crater site… it led me back to my birth parents on Asgard. I found out we were almost raised together…” You let out a small laugh, mainly laughing at yourself. “I don’t think I’d have it any other way, but still… you can’t crush old feelings, right?”
“Yeah I remember you had the crazy idea to go with him.” She giggled, thinking back. “Really! And I’m just finding out.” She looked over to you a little surprised. “Aww, Y/N, I didn’t know you felt like that. I know how much you love Loki and all but how certain are you he feels confident enough to say the same?” She reached her hand out to you. “Guess we’ve both been there. How do you feel now, knowing he’ll be around more often and how Loki hasn’t come by?” She shouldn’t be pushing you but she wanted to know where you stood on all of this.
“I think it’ll be fine. Loki and I are pretty solid. We’ve nearly endured death for each other. He knows my weaknesses and I know his. Can’t say it won’t stir up some old feelings though,” you admitted with a weak smile. 
She nodded in understanding and the two of you made your way to your shared bedroom.
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​ ​ @adefectivedetective​ @dontbetooobvious​
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you​ @winchester-writes​ @winchesterenthusiast​ @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​   @sammysbuttcheek​ @misz-adrii​ @sandlee44​ @womanxofletters​ @natsuccs​ @childishhoebinoo​ @expecteddifferent​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @fanaticfanfiction​ @dakotapaigelove​ @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell​ @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​
Marvel: @reigningqueenofwords​ @flowerbunbunny​ @zelda2248​ @misz-adrii​
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Loving Loki - Six
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I stirred into consciousness, I could feel a chill on my bare shoulders from where the comforter had fallen off, but the warmth around my waist and behind me was comforting. David was awake, his hand drawing patterns delicately along my side and across my ribs. I didn’t move for a moment, I wanted to just lie there are appreciate the fact that David was there with me. 
I turned slowly, finally contempt with the amount of time I’d left myself to enjoy the moment and faced David. His hair fell on the pillow and some in different directions. I stifled a giggle, he looked so messy, the only other time I had seen David without his hair neatly slicked back was when he got worked up over the case and ran his hands through it in irritation. 
His hands still traced along my body and I looked down for a moment, my eyes skimming over the small tattoos that were dotted across his fingers. 
A sudden ring made me jump slightly as David sighed and turned quickly to answer his phone.
“Yeah?” His voice was harsh and croaky with sleep. I stayed still as David sighed again, running his hand through his hands and then down over his eyes before siting up suddenly. The comforter pooled around his waist and pulled further off of me with his movements. “Yeah I’ll be right there”
David hung up and turned to me, a tired look falling over his features as he ran a hand up my arm before giving me an apologising look. “I need to head in, they found a girl this morning”
“I’m so sorry” I sat up, pulling the comforter with me to cover myself. “Are you gonna be okay?”
“Yeah, are you? I’m sorry I know we were meant to have a day off today” 
“It’s okay, my friend Kates due tomorrow so I should probably get set up for when she turns up”
“Oh did you tell me about a friend coming over?”
“Yeah” David looked at me confused for a moment, his eyebrows coming closer as he tried to remember. “it’s okay if you forgot, you should go if they need you”
“Yeah, yeah right” David got up, I stayed in the bed as he pulled on his clothes quickly, grabbing his top and pulling it over his head before sitting down on the end of the bed to put on his shoes. I moved behind him wrapping my arms around his shoulders and placing a kiss on his cheek. 
“I’ll miss you” I whispered in his ear. “Will you be back later?”
“If you’ll have me” David turned to his head to me when he’d finished with his shoes and pushed his lips against mine. “I don’t know how late I’ll be”
“Thats okay, I’ll wait as long as I can” I smiled reassuringly.
“Like that?” I watched Davids eyes travel down over my body, the thin comforter barely covering me.
“Are you suggesting you want me to wait like this all day for you Detective?”
“Well the ideas very appealing” A small smirk played across his lips before his phone buzzing quickly ripped it away again. “I need to go”
“Okay” One last kiss and David was out the door, I listened as he grabbed his jacket, keys and the close the door behind him, his car soon pulling away from the house and then nothing. It felt so quiet without him here now. Stop it, you’ve been fine all this time. I sighed and got up, I just needed a shower, thats all.
I pulled up to the edge of the woods, near the outskirts of town. Police cars littering the edge of the road, blue lights flashing despite the early morning, tape being pulled across any possible entry ways to the site. 
I saw Chris stood by the car talking to two of the forensic team. Fuck I couldn’t remember their names. The sky was grey, too grey for my liking. The last thing I fucking need is rain right now. I made me way over to Chris, pulling my jacket collar higher to protect my neck from the cold.
“Loki” Chris nodded to me, I didn’t stop, he knew the drill and followed me to where the forensics were knelt down between two trees, the ground was wet, moved underneath my shoes. “She’s young, 20-24, we’ll know more when we get the ID on her, we couldn’t see too many signs of struggle, mainly some bruising on the arms and neck but she wasn’t strangled. Theres a weird tinge to her lips, we’re having that tested, could be poison”
“Any ideas on how she got here?”
“Nope, grounds wet, it rained last night but not enough to get rid of tired tracks if there had been any, theres no footprints either, she might have bene brought here early yesterday before the rain, they’re taking her down as soon as you get a look”
We stopped by the second round of tape, and there she was. Dark hair falling around a lifeless face, her eyes were closed thank god, I couldn’t stand to see them open. There was bruising everywhere Chris said. She was dressed in a black cami, dirtied by the mud and a pair of skimpy underwear, her legs and arms were covered in mud, the rain had left water tracks running down through the dirt. 
I leant down to get a closer look. There was a darkness under her eyes but I couldn’t tell if it was because of lack of sleep or something else. There was blood around her ribs from a gash along the side, not deep enough for a stab, more like a slash across the skin. 
“You think she tried to run? Killer caught her with the knife?” Chris knelt down beside me using his pen to move a piece of the girls hair to get a better look at her neck.
“No, why would he just cut her? If she went to run he would have stabbed her clean up, unless he was buying more time, threatening her by cutting her, but there’s only the one cut so that goes against the norm too, if he wanted to give her a rough time there would be more…”
“Maybe she behaved after that”
“Maybe, you get an ID yet?”
“No still waiting”
“She a hooker?” I leant forward getting a better look at the wrist that was hidden partially by her hip, a small lotus tattoo covered the space below her hand. 
“Umm…I’m not sure, we’ll know when we get the ID, you got an idea?”
“Her clothes, the lack of struggle. Unless she was drugged she probably took off her clothes willingly, the bruising on her arms was probably done during moving her, assuming she didn’t just walk here herself, though without shoes it seems unlikely”
I stood up and turned to Chris. “Get them to move her, I want the ID Chris, I want tests done including drug and checked if she slept with anyone before hand”
“Sure thing”
I turned and looked around the forest, the trees were creating a darkness that was unsettling for the time of the day. “They find anything else?”
“Nope. She’s the only thing out of place here”  
“Alright” I walked back to the car as they lifted her to transport her for testing. I fucking hated this, this small town caused so much shit. I pulled the door closed and sat there for a moment. I felt my eyes squint a few times. Fuck  I thought that stopped. It happened a lot during the last case, the blow to the head didn’t help much either but over the last couple of weeks it hadn’t happened. 
I sighed and put the car in gear before pulling out and heading to the station. 
That shower was just what I needed. I let my hair air dry as I walked around cleaning up the house, with Kate due tomorrow I wanted the place to be clean now that it had been decorated. I picked up my Patterson books off the floor by the couch, putting them on the bookshelf. I cleaned the mugs me and David had left on the coffee table, wiped down all the kitchen.
I wondered how David was doing. I sighed as I placed the mugs in the cupboard, I knew his work would crop up again I just didn’t think it would be so soon again. I finally felt perfect with David and the buzz of his phone had officially become my pet peeve.
I rolled my eyes as I heard my phone vibrate against the kitchen counter, typical. I huffed out a laugh and walked over to my phone. It was Kate.
Change of plans girly! I’m heading up today!xxx
Oh great, I sighed again and wrote a quick reply back letting her know that was okay. Not that I had much choice and quickly made my way to the bedroom, pulling out some nice blankets and a few pillows. I hated that Kate had to sleep on the couch, she said she didn’t mind but I still felt awful. Knowing us we’d end up crashed out on my bed anyway after a few drinks.
Oh wait. David. Would he be there tonight? I stood still for a moment debating on wether I should call him to not to let him know. I booked a few days off of work for Kate’s visit but David didn’t have time off. I didn’t want to keep him up with out antics but I felt awful at the thought of not seeing him. I pulled out my phone again.
Hey, Kate’s turning up early, she’ll be here later today. You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to, I know you’ll have work tomorrow x
 I sighed and put my phone away in my jeans pocket and placed the blankets and pillows on the couch. Well, I guess I better get myself ready to party. 
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Cuddles Fit For A God
Summary: Kelsey is a fashion designer and after a particularly exhausting show, she wants nothing more than to relax with her boyfriend. What happens when a cranky Kelsey can’t find him? She spends time with her next favorite Avenger.
Pairings: Loki x Kelsey (RP); Stucky x Katy (RP) x Sam Wilson
Warnings: Probably some cursing, I’m a sailor-- it’s habitual at this point, fluff, death threats
A/N: This is for @kelseydactyl because I love her. She’s also kinda my beta for stories, though we still sometimes miss things. So any mistakes are mine. Enjoy Kelse, love you baby! <3
Word Count: 3726 (before end); 4709 (end)
“Loooooooki! I’m home! Finally!” Kelsey whined as soon as she stepped into the compound housing area. Looking around she saw no movement, something that would have off-put anyone else. She huffed, assuring herself that everything was alright and everyone was either out in town or on a mission.
“Kelsey, I’m going to go find Pepper. Call me if you need anything,” Tony called after her. She nodded back to him before she moved farther into the compound, seeking out the one of the three people she could stand after her version of a mission.
She paused when she passed the kitchen, having spotted a piece of paper on the table with her name on it. There was a Stargazer Lily lying on top of it and she immediately knew it was from Katy.
Tony sent us all info for a few missions. Hopefully we’ll be home when you get back, but I’m not sure. I’m with Stevie, Buck, and Sam. Clint and Nat are on their own mission too. Wanda and Vision were supposed to be working on controlling their powers, so watch out. Bruce is holed up in the lab working on something I’m assuming Tony sent him. Thor and Loki should be home later this week so if I’m not there you’ll have one of them.
                                                 Smol Bean
Kelsey laughed a little at the letter. Katy was usually the one who kept her in the loop of who was where and doing what and what missions were coming up.
Let’s see, she dated it too. Huh. She’s been gone as long as I have. Guess that means she’s still on the mission, wish she’d have said where. Kelsey sighed and picked up the flower from the paper. It had a blue frost on it, though it didn’t feel cold to her. Loki’s magic, she hummed as she noted the familiar tingle she felt when she held it.
“Loki! Where, oh where, has my god of mischief gone?” She sang and began her search of the area for him. She stopped at their shared room first, hoping he’d be there. With a pout on her face she dropped off her bags and shrugged off her hoodie, letting it drop on the bed.
“Oh where, oh where can he be?” She continued her search. Bathroom, nope. Tv area, no. Gym, no. Roof, no. Outside, no.
Kelsey let out a frustrated growl. She wiped a hand down her face as a yawn escaped her. She hadn’t gotten much sleep on the plane rides and Tony had just gotten them checked in when she got a call asking where she was. As soon as she arrived at the place, she had been ushered immediately to her dressing room for them to start on her hair and makeup. They hadn’t told her on the phone but she wasn’t just attending the fashion show, she was supposed to be hosting it. To say she was tired was an understatement. She was exhausted.
She rubbed at her eyes before she came to an abrupt halt, eyes wide. “Friday! Where is Loki?” She asked eagerly, feeling a little foolish at having forgotten about the Artificial Intelligence. It wasn’t long before the feminine voice responded.
“I can’t find him in my search. Video surveillance does not show him leaving the compound. I’ll continue searching and let you know if I find him.”
“Thank you, Friday! Oh, is anyone else here?” She rushed the question and smiled a bit as she walked back down the hall to the kitchen. Planes were not good for sleeping or dining. Let alone both. Her stomach growled in agreement so she picked up her pace.
“Thor is here as well. Would you like me to locate him for you, Kelsey?”
Just as the AI had asked, Kelsey made it to the TV lounge that was connected to the kitchen. She recognized the familiar hammer resting on the table and shook her head no. Realizing Friday was not an actual person, she spoke her thanks and refused, letting the A.I. know she had found him.
The God of Thunder was lounging out on the couch in dark blue sweat pants and a black t-shirt, a cup of something -presumably coffee- and a box of pop tarts sat on the coffee table in front of him. He looked up and his blue eyes brightened at the sight of her. He stood immediately and opened his arms.
“Lady Kelsey! Welcome home! How was your trip?” Kelsey wrapped her arms tightly around him and pressed her face into his chest, a tired ‘Hey, Thor, I’m exhausted’ came out, muffled by her face in his shirt.
He frowned at the woman’s lack of usual playfulness and happy energy. He wrapped his arms tight around her lower back, cheek resting on the top of her head. He gently started to sway with her, humming an Asgardian lullaby as he did.
“That bad? Why not tell me about it until my brother comes out of hiding. He disappeared when I got back,” Thor explained and slowly let his arms fall from around her. Kelsey gently pushed back from him, head tipped back to look into his eyes, and nodded in agreement.
“Only if we can watch a movie and cuddle,” she offered and plopped down on the couch where he had previously resided. A grin broke out across his face and he nodded.
“Of course! Here, I’ll go make a fresh pot of coffee! Find a movie to watch and I’ll get snacks too,” he ordered, grabbed his empty coffee mug, and disappeared into the kitchen. Kelsey smiled as he left and began setting up the living room for a movie night with Thor.
If Loki doesn’t want to be here to comfort me after a long day, then I’ll unwind with his brother. Not as much intimacy as I’d wanted but it’ll suffice for now, she thought to herself as she tossed a comforter on the couch for them to use. She added a pillow from her room and curled up on the couch, legs tucked and comforter draped around her as she waited for the God.
He didn’t keep her waiting long and joined her shortly after she got comfortable and set her favorite owl mug down in front of her. Her eyes lit up and she looked up at him.
“You remembered my favorite cup!” She gaped and shrugged off the covers. Thor gave her a lopsided grin and nodded in acknowledgment. He set the pot holder down with the full coffee pot on top and lifted his own mug in a mock toast.
“To relaxing with family!” He cheered softly and nodded towards the coffee. Kelsey helped herself and poured the cup full. Her grin got wider, if possible, as she blew on the hot liquid.
“Yes, to relaxing with family,” she echoed. “You knew caramel is my favorite de-stress flavor! Thank you, Thor!”
They shared a small fit of laughter as they waited on the coffee to cool down so she didn’t burn her taste buds off. She smiled up at him and set her mug on the table. He ruffled her hair and went to grab the snacks, piling them on the table when he got back.
“What should we start off with for our movie night, Lady Kelsey?”
He watched her with bright eyes. She saw excitement and genuine happiness reflected in them. Her face grew warm as she felt butterflies in her stomach. She smiled and unfolded her legs from underneath her and got to her feet.
“Umm I was thinking Studio Ghibli. The movies they make are just so relaxing, and empowering too,” she admitted, headed over to the DVD shelf, and rummaged through the many titles before she found Howl's Moving Castle. “Here, this one’s about a young girl who befriends and falls for a Wizard but a Witch gets ealous so she curses the girl and Howl, the Wizard, has to beat the Witch and un-curse the girl he fell for too!. It’s easily one of my favorites, but all Studio Ghibli movies are my favorite so I guess that isn’t saying much.” She rambled with a huff of laughter. Thor listened with a smile on his face. They settled in on the couch, comforter draped over their laps, and watched the movie with occasional sips of coffee and forehead kisses for Kelsey, her hunger forgotten with the aide of coffee.
One movie turned into two. Then that two into three. Somewhere in the mix of things, after the seventh -or was it eighth?- Thor couldn’t recall, Kelsey had started to get sleepy so he had sent her off to shower before bed and started to clean up the living room of all their trash and empty coffee mugs. He finished just as she returned, her hair slightly damp, and she stopped him from cleaning up the blankets and pillows from the couch.
“Lady Kelsey? What’s wrong?” He asked, concern laced in his tone. She smiled at him and gave him a quick side hug. Without a word she pushed the coffee table to the wall, moved the couch back a little bit, pulled the blankets and pillows from the couch, and dumped them in a pile on the floor.
“Nothing. I just want to lounge on a pallet on the floor in front of the TV like I’m a kid again. You’ll stay and watch more movies with me, right?” She asked. Her tired eyes gave her the soft look as that of a child. Thor admitted to himself that he could not deny her and nodded as he helped her lay out the blankets and pillows in a semi-organized fashion.
Once the pallet had been made, Kelsey sprawled out on it and looked at the television. She frowned and let out a small whine. Thor watched in amusement before he grabbed the remote and pressed the play button. The TV flashed from the blue screen to the menu and he hit play again. Kelsey thanked him and adjusted the pillows behind her head.
“Ooh, this is a good one. Why’d you pick Princess Mononoke?” She ventured and watched as the muscled male tried to get comfortable on the makeshift bed on the floor. He grumbled and rolled onto his back, pillows propped behind his head. He opened his arms invitingly and she instantly crawled to his side to snuggle.
“The wolves reminded me of the time my brother turned into a wolf and had Fenrir. It made me think of all the good times we’ve had and how much of a good father he is, even if he is an annoying brother” he murmured into her hair as he pressed a loving kiss to the top of her head. Hearing Thor talk sweet about his own brother had Kelsey’s lips curling into a grin. She loved both Asgardians, maybe Loki a little more since he was her boyfriend, and she couldn’t stand it when they didn’t get along. It made her heart swell with more love for the blonde dork as she curled halfway on him for cuddles, chin propped on his sternum.
“This is easily one of my favorites, and now it has more meaning too,” she whispered and pecked Thor’s cheek before letting her head rest on his chest so she could watch the movie.
It wasn’t often that Loki brought up his children, but Kelsey had read lore and researched different religions before she met Thor and Loki; Norse mythology just seemed to be one of her favorites, more so when she befriended the Gods. It had been a rocky start to their relationship when she first asked. Thor had stepped in after their argument and explained that his brother didn’t like talking about his kids, that it was painful for him sometimes since he never gets to see them.
That didn’t stop the blonde from telling her stories though. He had confirmed some of the mythology and some of it he told her he’d explain at a later time; he never did but she knew it must be hard to talk about or something that should not be talked about and eventually stopped pressing the matter. However, with Loki being her boyfriend, she thought it fair to know as much about his past as what she’s told him of hers. Granted she didn’t have kids, but it was something she thought important to him, so of course she wanted to be involved. His kids were a part of him and she didn’t mind; they were just another piece of the mysterious puzzle that was Loki, her Loki.
Thor peeked down as the movie credits began rolling. Kelsey was fast asleep on him, left hand resting beside her head on his chest and left leg thrown over his waist as she snuggled close. He smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of her head and folded his free arm behind his head. He debated on putting on another movie; after ten minutes of listening to the girl’s gentle breathing had him nodding to himself. He put on the last Studio Ghibli movie they had -Ponyo- and turned the volume down so it wouldn’t potentially wake the peacefully sleeping fashion designer.
Movement in the doorway to the left caught his gaze. Blue eyes rolled over the darkened area and Thor gave a snort of annoyance. He brought his arm from behind his head and waved the figure over with a slight scowl.
“Brother, you do know she’s been looking for you since she got back? That was ages ago,” the blonde God hissed and stroked Kelsey’s back soothingly. Loki’s green eyes darted down at his girlfriend before locking with his adopted brother’s gaze.
“I know,” he licked his lips and frowned. Loki never was one to be nervous or scared; however, when it came to upsetting her, he was downright terrified. She was the first person he’d let in his walls in a long time. He didn’t want to mess anything up. “I was trying to find something for her though, a gift. I know how hard she worked on that last fashion line and everything. She always puts in her all,” he murmured, more to himself than his brother.
“So why didn’t you come back earlier?”
Anger bled into the God of Thunder’s tone. He immediately lowered his voice when said female shifted closer in her slumber. He narrowed his eyes at his brother and motioned with his head for him to join them on the floor. Loki obliged and sat on the opposite side of Kelsey, leaning back to stare at the ceiling, propped up on his elbows.
“I only just now got back. I think I found the perfect thing for her,” he sat up again at this. Thor leaned up slightly on his elbow, carefully cradling Kelsey. He watched Loki pull something from his pocket and squinted when it glint off the moonlight streaming in from the window.
The dark haired man held it out to the blonde, who took it with a gentle hand. It was a silver chain with a matching silver Norse symbol for ‘love’ pendant. Thor tore his gaze from the precious jewelry and back to his antsy brother. A grin split his face as he handed it back.
“Love, eh, Brother?” He teased and lowered himself back on the pillows. Loki pursed his lips and tucked the necklace away. He was thankful for the lights being out in the room as blood rushed to his cheeks. It never happened before he met her. Nothing could make him blush or feel warm inside like she did.
She came crashing into his life, quite literally, and turned it upside down. Everything he did now -joining the Avengers- and helping people (okay there might still be tricks being played) was for her. It scared him at first, not understanding the mid-guardian feeling. He eventually accepted it, and Kelsey, even going so far as to tell her he loved her in small ways.
He hadn’t voiced it aloud yet, but he tried to show it in his actions with her. She said it all the time though; to him, to Katy, to a few of the other Avengers like his brother, but it never held the same level of raw emotion like when she said it to him. Well, okay, maybe to Katy but that was slightly varied too. Those two had a very close and weird relationship he didn’t quite understand.
He loved that about Kelsey though. Her silly antics, the way her nose scrunched when she was agitated, the screech she sometimes did -which earned her the nickname Kelseydactyl around the compound- for no reason other than “I’m bored”, to the way she’d try to fight her body against sleep just to whisper those three words to him; he loved it all.
He couldn’t get enough of her loving touches, discreet as they were in front of everyone, or the way she’d always find some way to be by his side. She made him feel like a part of the team even when the others hesitated.
Dinner? She’d save a seat by her for him. Movie night? She’d threaten anyone who sat in the spot she designated for him (he was always late). Tony’s extravagant parties he held for no real reason? She’d ask him to be her date, even if he had openly declined the invitation, putting him in a position where he couldn’t say no to her. Missions? Very few did he go on, but those when all hands were needed, she offered to pair up with him since he didn’t really -as Tony said- “play well with others”. It was a warm, wholesome feeling that he didn’t want to lose, just being around her made his whole body flush slightly warmer.
Thor watched Loki, each deep in their own thoughts. It was few and far between the times his adopted younger brother ever let down his walls like this. Thor knew how much Loki hated being seen as weak, after all being Asgardian must mean that they were invincible, right? He scoffed at the mere thought and shook his head idly.
“Do you want to take her to her bedroom, Brother?” Thor whispered, drawing the paler Asgardian’s attention away from Kelsey. Loki looked thoughtful before he shook his head.
“No. She looks peaceful and content. Let’s just leave her here,” he answered. The blonde smiled and settled back against the cushions and pillows before quickly falling asleep to the even sound of Kelsey and Loki breathing.
The frost giant watched over them for awhile before he moved until he was behind his girlfriend. She shifted in her sleep and turned so she was facing him, now fully back on the floor instead of cuddling Thor. Loki couldn’t help the way his lips twitched up as he watched her, his arm automatically wrapping itself behind her back as she scooted closer to his cooler body. He figured she was hot, but enjoyed the touch regardless of reasoning. He gently wedged his leg between hers and pulled her closer to him, earning a soft mewl of agitation. He worried for a second that he woke her, but when she settled right back down he knew she was aware of who she was cuddling, albeit subconsciously. He stroked her hair while he hummed and sang softly in Asgardian. It wasn’t long before his eyes were closing and the trio were all asleep on the blanket pallet on the floor.
The lights were dimmed in the kitchen and off everywhere else when the door opened. Two brunette heads tilted in curiosity at the darkness and shared a look before they crept further inside. Steve and Sam sighed at their paranoia but followed silently regardless. Katy froze and Bucky bumped into her, growling softly and steadying her with a hand on her hip. She tilted her head back to look up at him, grinning deviously and wiggling since he was still pressed against her back, and crossed her arms as she looked back at the trio of adults on the floor.
“They’re all cuddling, it’s cute!” she whispered and nodded to Thor, Loki, and a semi-squished Kelsey between them. Steve smiled and ruffled her hair as he bypassed them for their hall. Bucky squeezed her hip and ground his against her as Sam gave a snort of laughter at the sleeping figures.
“That seems more like a you thing, Katy. Stop corrupting Kelsey,” he teased, brown eyes dancing with mirth. She stuck her tongue out at him, which he returned.
“Leave them be and come get a shower, you guys stink,” Steve called quietly before he got too far. The remaining trio sniffed themselves and each made faces.
“Yeah, you right,” Katy shrugged and turned quickly in Bucky’s arms. Blue eyes met brown and he smiled. Sam fake gagged and made his way to their apartment wing as well, hellbent on getting a hot shower.
“Come on, y’all heard Cap. Let’s shower and order pizza then knock out as we watch TV shows,” the Air Force veteran motioned for them to follow. Bucky dropped his head and gave Katy a quick kiss before he too left her standing behind the couch. She huffed and watched as they all disappeared before grabbing her phone from her back pocket; making sure it was on silent, she snapped a few pictures, moving around the room for different angles. She locked it and slipped it into her back pocket as she turned toward the hall her boyfriend’s went down. She paused at the corner and glanced back.
“It’s just me now, you can stop pretending to be asleep. I’ll send you the pictures sometime tomorrow. Promise. Just make sure you guys get to a bed sometime tonight, alright? Goodnight, Loki,” she chuckled as she ducked down the hall and into the only door at the end. She smiled and drummed her fingers along the walls she passed, full intention slipping in the shower before the boys, or sneaking in with one of them.
Loki opened his eyes when he heard the phone lock and looked at Katy. He closed them again when she started speaking. Her words brought a small smile to his lips and he kissed Kelsey’s temple when his protege left. Yeah, I’ll take her to her bedroom soon. I just want to spend a little more time like this with her and my brother. He projected the thought to her and settled back down with Kelsey in his arms and Thor spooning her, arm resting on Loki’s shoulder.
Ping. Ping. Ping.
Kelsey’s brow furrowed at the back to back notifications. No one was usually up this early except Steve, Bucky, and Sam for their morning run. So why was she getting a barrage of messages at this hour? She held the owl mug, full of Cinnabon flavored coffee, to her chest, blowing on it as she made her way to the living room. She raised a brow at the notifications lighting up her lock screen.
Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping.
Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping.
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She sighed and set her cooling mug down, trading it in favor of her phone. Her eyes widened as she unlocked her phone and it immediately took her to Instagram where the photo was posted and all the notifications were coming from. She covered her mouth and let out a squeak of slight embarrassment. There, on the internet for all to see, was a picture of her cuddled between Thor and Loki--on a blanket pallet she distinctly remembered falling asleep on. She felt her cheeks heat up as she watched the number of likes and comments rose the longer she stared, all supportive and full of love.
@ ILiveMotherfcker commented on a post you were tagged in “Does @ MischiefNotManaged know you’re exposing her relationship like this @ CaptainWinterFalcon?”
@ CaptainWinterFalcon commented on a post you were tagged in “I mean...now she does-- she won’t do anything though, she loves me too much. She might be mad but she’ll forgive me in time. Sooner if I bring her Stargazer Lillies.”
Kelsey glanced around the room and sucked her bottom lip between her teeth, chewing on it in thought. She silenced her phone and put it in her pocket as she picked up her coffee again.
“Hey, Friday, where’s Katy?”
“In Sam’s bedroom, do you want me to get her for you, Miss?”
“No, that’s alright, thanks. Is she awake?”
“Yes, she is. She is talking with Mr. Rogers,” the AI responded after a brief pause. Kelsey laughed at how she labeled Steve.
“Friday, you’re the best. Thank you,” Kelsey praised and silently made her way to see the culprit of her invasion of privacy. The door to the common room was open, so she let herself in and followed the hushed voices further down the hall. Sam’s door was ajar as well and she peeked in. Steve and Katy were lying on the bed, Katy turned with her back to the door and Steve’s hand running over her hair. Sam was looking for a shirt and Bucky was trying to pop him with the towel, each half dressed in sweatpants. She met Steve’s gaze for a second, immediately bringing a finger to her lips. Steve nodded, seemingly answering something that Katy has asked him. She took a sip from her owl mug and softly set it down on dresser before tackling Katy, pushing her into the bed.
“Think you can just post a cute ass picture of me on Insta and I won’t be mad?! How bout I sneak pictures of you and your boy toys and post them without your consent! Huh? How would ya like that?! Take this! And that!” she was straddling the exposer, bringing down the pillow she grabbed on Katy’s face with each sentence then word. Simultaneously a shriek accompanied her attack, followed by laughter from the female Kelsey was beating with a pillow. Steve had rolled off the bed and was standing by a super confused but smiling duo near the closet. Sam crossed his arms over his still-bare chest and Bucky had draped the towel over his right shoulder, matching Sam’s pose and leaning against the bathroom doorway.
“I-- Wait, Kelse-- Ohmyfuckin-- Can’t breathe--” she laughed and pushed at whatever part of Kelsey she could get her hands on, finally holding her off just inches from her face, pillow wedged between them. “I thought it was cute and sent it to Loki and he said I could post it!” she spoke between deep breaths, eyes shining with tears from laughing so hard. Kelsey pursed her lips and sat back on Katy’s waist taking in what she said. She whalloped Katy with the pillow again before climbing off her and tossing the pillow on the bed, it landing perfectly on Katy’s face.
“Whatever. I’m going to finish my coffee in the living room and if you don’t meet me in our gym in thirty minutes, I’m coming back to beat you with that pillow again. Might even suffocate you,” she threatened. Katy waved a hand at her and sat up, leaning against the metal bed frame.
“Kinky, I like,” Katy waggled her brows as Kelsey froze in the doorway, owl mug in hand.
“Did you….did you just quote Meg from Supernatural at me?”
“Mmm yeah. Yeah I did. Keep talkin’ dirty. It makes my meat suit all goey,” she quoted again and watched as Kelsey’s grip on the mug tightened.
“If this weren’t my favorite coffee cup, I’d chuck it at your head.”
“Love you too, Kelse. Gym. Thirty minutes. See ya there,” she ushered Kelsey from the room with a groan of annoyance. Katy giggled and looked at the trio of males laughing at her. “What? I’ll sit y’all down and force y’all to watch all fifteen seasons if I have too,” she promised as she rolled off the bed and started to get dressed into workout clothes.
Kelsey glanced down at her phone as she changed into her own gym clothes.
@ CaptainWinterFalcon tagged you in a post “@ MischiefNotManaged nearly suffocated me with pillows....thanks @ ILiveMotherfcker for the grace of bad luck!”
@  ILiveMotherfcker commented on a post you’re tagged in “Serves you right @ CaptainWinterFalcon.”
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Warrior Daughter
Chapter Twenty-One
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Previous Chapter
Pairing: Steve Roger's x Reader, Bucky Barnes x OFC  |  Word Count: 5453 Warnings: Language
Song: Glitter and Gold by Barns Courtney
Bucky was finishing the buckle on his sword belt when the door to his room opened. He palmed a dagger, but it was only Eira returning. Her leather was snowy white, pants tight, skirt faulds swinging around hips he'd worshipped with his lips but hours ago. The heavy silver breastplate was back, and Bucky had the ridiculous desire to run his hands over her breasts.
Sure she wouldn't feel it, but that didn't mean he didn't want to do it and when she stalked toward him, bristling with blades, Bucky swallowed thickly and sat down hard on the end of the bed.
“So that's what that looks like.” He'd heard all about Murder Strut; he'd just never seen anyone else pull it off before.
“What what looks like?” She stopped between his spread thighs and began adjusting his armour.
“My walk.” He batted at her hands. “Watcha doing, kitten?”
“Fixing this.”
“It's fine.”
“It's not fine. After last night, I know, now, how this,” she stroked her fingers down his left arm, “works. You need you cuirass to be tighter around the ribs, but looser at the shoulder. Right now, it's fitted as any standard armour would be. Honestly, it gives you away as a novice. A few tweaks, and you'll appear as one comfortable in his armour.”
Bucky stroked his hands up her thighs beneath the faulds of her skirt. “I'm no novice, sweetheart.”
“Mm? You often wear heavy armour in your day to day life, do you?”
The smug, teasing lit in her voice had Bucky grabbing her ass. “Keep it up, kitten, and I'll turn you over my knee.”
A fire simmered to life in her eyes as she shifted to slide one leg over his and lowered to sit. “I'd rather just straddle it.”
Bucky gave a wanton groan and rocked her body on him. “Baby doll, you're gonna be so much trouble.”
Her arms went around his neck. There was an even bigger smirk on her lips when she leaned forward and purred against his ear. “Sjelevenn, you have no idea.” Her mouth attached to his mark and Bucky went ridged with sensation, the pleasure pounding through his body.
“Eira.” He sounded like a broken record with the way his voice cracked.
“Come,” she breathed and made him shake. “It's time for breakfast.”
“That was cruel.”
“It was, wasn't it.” Her grin was all devious Valkyrie as she tried to shift off his thigh.
Bucky wasn't having it. “Nuh huh. You started it; you can finish it.”
“We will be late for breakfast. Are we not supposed to arrive looking concerned and flustered?”
“I can definitely get behind flustered.” A roll of his thigh made her gasp. “C'mon, kitten. You can't tell me you don't want it.”
“I do want it, but I also don't want to smell of sex all day.”
Bucky pouted as she rose from his thigh. “Spoilsport.”
“I'll make it up to you later.”
Her eyes held a promise that weakened his knees. His sweet Eira was a demon in bed, and he loved it.
“But first. Breakfast.”
She took his hand, and they left together, shutting the door tight behind them.
“I still can't believe that asshole stuck me with a knife.”
You chuckled softly as you led Steve through the halls. Loki hadn't even allowed him time to exit the bathroom entirely before a short blade slashed over Steve's exposed forearm. Laced with poison, you’d all held your breath, waiting to see what, if any, side effects would occur.
Thankfully, Steve remained unharmed, reporting only a mild burning at the sight of the wound that was swiftly knitting itself back together. It wasn’t until after he was assured Steve was fine and immune to the poison that Loki informed you it had been the same poison which had killed Helgi in your first life. Loki had been swift to return you to the Valkyrjur when you’d damn near taken his head off with your sword. Still, he’d nicked you with the same blade first, making sure you, too, were immune to the poison, one of the strongest known to Asgard.
You’d arrived in your suite, now clean and free of blood, and Loki assured you anyone coming through the door with ill intent would be met with painful consequences. It was a relief, and an even bigger one when he explained he’d warded Bucky’s suite with the same magic. Inside those two rooms, nothing could get to them without bringing the full might of the God of Mischief down on their heads.
It made you feel better, knowing at least while you slept there was security there.
“It was rude, but at least we know we’re good now though I want to pour the same concoction down Bucky and Eira’s throat. Right after breakfast, they need to go to the temple and seal Eira’s scroll.”
“Yeah. Least then we know she’ll be able to find him again, right?”
“Exactly.” You smiled when you saw Bucky and Eira waiting at the end of the hall, out of view of the dining hall where the low murmur of voices sounded a bit like a beehive droning in the background. “Sister.” You held your arms out for Eira who rushed into them. “Congratulations.”
The shifting shadows of your minimal vision couldn’t hide the smile on her face. “Thank you, my queen.”
Steve poked Bucky in the side of the neck. “So you took the plunge, huh?”
“Figured why wait? If it’s meant to be, there’s no point in fighting it.” Bucky shrugged, but his emotions were clear as a bell, his happiness appearing to almost glow around him.
“After we eat, you must take him to the temple,” you said to Eira who was already nodding her agreement.
“I will, but I don’t like leaving you for even that short amount of time.”
“I’ll have Ama and the others with me, along with Steve until Odin arrives, and Loki is skulking around here somewhere,” you assured her. “I’ll be fine until you two can return. We’ll take no chances with your bond.”
“Yes, my queen.”
You gave her a final hug and turned toward Bucky. “Welcome to the fold, Barnes.”
His grin likely matched yours for smugness when you reached up to hug him. “Guess this makes me family for real.”
“You’ve always been family for real.” You drew back to look at him. “Even before all this happened you were Steve’s brother. I’ve never not considered you mine.”
“Y/N,” he murmured before dragging you in for a hug that squeezed your ribs.
“Okay, okay. Love on your own Valkyrie.” Steve punched Bucky in the shoulder while grinning at Eira. He stepped closer to the blushing Valkyrie, gave her a little hug and kissed her cheek. “Welcome to the family, dollface.”
“Thank you, your grace.”
“Steve’s fine especially if we’re on Earth. I’ll never live it down if you call me your grace in front of the others,” he chuckled.
“Should we get this show on the road?” Bucky asked.
“Yes, we should.” You took a deep breath and turned toward the hall. “I’d say watch for disappointment, but I’m not sure it will matter. Gunborg may not have been behind this, but she likely knows who was. The Valkyrjur attended Valhalla last night. Eira.”
“Yes, my queen?”
“Once you’re back from the Temple, get me a list of everyone on duty at the keep.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Let’s do this.”
With a glance up at Steve, you took his arm and headed for the dining hall. The doors stood open, revealing the long space flanked in windows. The same kind of tables that had lined the hall of Valhalla filled this one as well, but the Valkyrie gathered only took up a third of the space at most. Still, they were a sea of white and blue, earmarking those Valkyrie who were on duty today, along with the young novates. The rest wore the garb of training, comfortable clothing easily cleaned.
Your attention appeared focused forward as the women came to attention and rose to their feet, but really, you were watching Gunborg and the women around her. They were slow to their feet, all wearing scowls. Gunborg’s anger was like a raging beacon, and you noted Brynjar was not at her side.
You slowed to a stop beside her. “Gunborg, how’s Brynjar?”
“What do you care?”
“He’s your sjelevenn, Gunborg. Of course, I care.” And you did. No matter how much she hated you, or the things she might have done, she’d been worthy of a bond with Brynjar, the longest lasting one in the history of the Valkyrjur. “Please. Is he alright?”
A flicker of something softened in her hard gaze. “He’ll live.”
“Good.” You smiled and moved on, tightening your grip on Steve’s arm when he inhaled to speak. Only once you sat at the head table did you lean closer and speak. “Don’t ever apologize for kicking his ass.”
Eira snickered as she sat beside Bucky. “Steve kicked Brynjar’s ass?”
Steve smiled at the novate with the jug of water. “Embarrassed it first.”
“What you do?” Bucky asked.
You rolled your eyes. “Drunken Monkey.”
Bucky spat water across the table. “You didn’t?”
“I did,” Steve said smugly.
“And I missed it,” Bucky groaned. “How was it?”
“I’ll admit it was amusing,” you snickered, “but incredibly impractical. And now Thor wants to try.”
Bucky snorted a second mouthful of water. “I gotta see that!”
You chuckled as you pushed back your chair and raised your hands for silence. “Sisters of the Valkyrjur, it is with great pleasure I announce a new sjelevenn bond has formed after a thousand years! Lift your voices in celebration for our sister, Eira, whose sjelevenn is my dear brother, James, son of Barnes!”
Loud cheers and whistles erupted as they all came to their feet. You could practically feel the renewed hope fill them at the news, and when Eira leaned over and kissed Bucky hard on the mouth, the noise doubled. To see a new bond form right before their eyes gave each of them hope that the possibility of their sjelevenn was out there, just waiting to be found.
The dark malady of shadow which hung over the valley and felt like pressure against your skin lifted slightly, appearing as new light pouring through the windows.
It was good, and a step in the right direction, but even as the darkness lightened around the majority of the gathered women, the half of the hall where Gunborg sat remained as dark as ever.
Again you raised your hands, calling for silence. “Brynhildr, Jesslyn, and Magret are posting lists against the far wall. On them, you will find where I want you training. Teachers, some of you have been reassigned into better positions. Novates, you will attend your classes as usual, and I will assess you there.
It was no more than a disgruntled murmur from the back of the room, but you could still hear it.
“She watches for one day and thinks she knows us?”
“Nera! Rise and come forward.” The speaker rose with uncertainty and wide eyes. “Find your name and speak aloud where I think you should be improving yourself.”
She stalked to the back wall where Brynhildr smugly pointed out Nera’s name. “Footwork and shield art.”
“Am I wrong in my assessment?” you asked.
Another Valkyrie snorted, “No,” and a chuckle ran through the hall.
You smiled but didn’t join in their laughter, only waited till it settled. “The next bit of business has to do with them.” You motioned toward the doors where Terra and those former slaves who wished to remain walked through wearing long dresses of black. They looked smart and formal and nowhere near the slaves they’d once been. Each stood a little taller, though they all looked nervous. “Fifteen slaves. Fifteen! How dare the lot of you call yourselves Valkyrie when you allowed this to happen. Slavery has been outlawed on Asgard for millennium, and we as the Valkyrjur have many times fought for the rights of people enslaved!”
Faces filled with shame as the Valkyrjur looked down at their hands.
“I am aware some of you fought this decision, and I know two of our sisters were killed for their stance. Later this week, we will honour them and their pegasi as they should have been. We will lift their names to Freyja in glory of their sacrifice, but today we begin moving forward to erase the blight upon our history. They are slaves no more, each now a free person. Five will be returning home, the others have decided to stay on as household staff and will be tasked with overseeing our accolades. Let me make this clear. Terra is Head of Staff. I will soon set her duties and those of her team, but you will treat each of them with the same respect you would give any of your sisters. And because of this shameful, deplorable act, the wages they are owed will be taken from yours.”
“Valkyrie get paid?” Bucky whispered to Eira.
She winced but nodded. “Yes, quite well, but paying for ten years worth of wages to fifteen staff will hurt, even split over all of us.”
“You can’t do that!” The cry came from the darkest section of the hall.
“I can, and I will. Be thankful those responsible for the death of two Valkyrie and their pegasi are not being punished. Selky has paid the price for her mistakes, and I shall include this transgression among them.” You looked directly at Nera and Gunborg. Only one had the good sense to appear contrite, and you shifted your focus to Terra at the door. With a nod, you dismissed them from the room. “Moving on, Benatta, come here.”
The redhead stood and hurried forward to bow to the table. “My queen?”
“Benatta, we spoke once of the Jegere. Remember?” She nodded. “The Jegere were a separate, much-revered wing of the Valkyrjur. They were tasked with finding those worthy of becoming Valkyrie.”
“How?” she asked, her eyes wide in wonder.
“It is a gift, a rare one that has not been nurtured as it should have.”
“Are you sure it’s me?”
You motioned her to her feet. “Have you never looked at a girl and thought, “She would make a perfect Valkyrie?’”
Benatta nodded. “Yes, as I said, twice before.”
“That is the job of a Jegere, to find and return with girls for the Valkyrjur. The ones you know belong with us. Has anyone else experienced such a feeling?” you asked the rest of those gathered. Three more women raised their hands, and you motioned them to join Benatta. “After I return from the Einherjar, we will discuss your new roles and change of wing. From now on, the four of you will ride together.”
“A wing of only four?” Benatta asked. “But I thought wings were always of nine?”
“Yes, usually, but Jegere are special. Without you, our numbers do what they have in the last centuries. They dwindle until but a third of our tables are full. You four will have new duties and responsibilities. This doesn’t mean you will never be called to battle, but we need you to refill our ranks and train new Jegere when they are discovered. We cannot let our numbers fall so low again.”
All four pressed a fist to their hearts and bowed. “Yes, my queen.”
“Eira will call for you when we return from the Einherjar. I will teach you what I remember. Until then, see if you can find reference to Jegere in the archives.” They nodded, each looking a little shocked but mostly excited as they headed back to their tables.
“Finally,” you stood tall and turned stern, “It will take more than a blood curse to kill me, and when I find out who was behind the one left waiting for my sjelevenn and me in our chambers last night, I will show you no mercy.”
Half the women came to their feet and reached for weapons, most speaking in outraged tones.
Brynhildr, Jesslyn, Magret and Ama stalked through the group to come forward and bow before dropping to each to a knee. All wore the white of full battle dress, no different than you or Eira. Each looked ready for war, every honour gained through their years in the Valkyrjur on full display in the braids and cuffs present in their hair.
“My queen. If an attack could come even from within the halls of the Valkyrjur, it is time for you to choose your Honour Guard,” Ama said.
“We humbly submit ourselves for consideration,” the other three said together.
Oda pushed through the others. “I request the same consideration, my queen.”
May and Frey followed. “And us as well.”
“Brynhildr, Jesslyn, Magret, and Ama, your council yesterday was invaluable. You are accepted. Join my table.” You motioned them to rise and sit next to Bucky. “Oda.” She looked up hopefully. “You are a trainer of the little ones, but I think you are better suited to training others in speed and agility. You have the talent for it. If you choose this path instead, you would be giving that up. To hold that position is a great honour.”
She shook her head. “There is no honour greater than being in your guard.”
“Then I guess I will need to find a new trainer.” You smiled and motioned for her to join the others. “May and Frey, the skills you showed on the field yesterday were beyond compare. I welcome you to my guard.” They grinned wide and rose to take seats beside Oda.
“You need one more, my queen.”
You smirked at Ama and set your hand on Bucky’s shoulder. “Why? My group of nine is complete.”
He arched a brow. “Did I just become an honorary Valkyrie?”
You snorted a laugh and sat down. “You wish, Barnes.”
Steve stood on the steps of the keep and watched the group of riders and half as many shaggy wolf style hounds race up the valley. “That horse has eight legs.”
“Of course he does. That’s Sleipner.”
He glanced at Y/N. “You say that like it should mean something.”
It made her chuckle and shake her head. “Remind me to make you read up on Germanic history when we go back to Midgard.”
“Only if you help me differentiate between the fabrications and the truth. It’s hard to tell anymore.”
“Of course.” She beamed up at him, her smile wide. “Have fun and remember what I said. Don’t fall off your horse.”
“I won’t.” Hopefully.
The group of roughly fifteen riders plus Odin came to a halt at the foot of the stairs where Sif was the only one to dismount.
“Your grace. My horse for you.” She bowed her head and held out the reins.
Steve placed a swift kiss on Y/N’s cheek and jogged down the stairs. “Your horse?” he asked Sif.
“I won't need him while here, and won't be returning to Asgard before you are finished. He is fast, sure-footed, and knows better than to dump his rider.” She gave the gelding a stern look. “He's also strong enough to carry your weight over rough terrain. May you have a successful hunt, your grace.”
She stepped out of the way, and Steve patted the bay gelding's shoulder. “He gotta name?”
“Baldor. He'll go well for you.”
“Thank you, Sif. I appreciate the loan.” Throwing the reins back over Baldur's head, Steve mounted with some semblance of grace. Enough not to embarrass himself, at any rate. With his shield strapped to his back and sword on his hip, he looked at the group of eight women and Bucky standing with his girl. “Buck.”
The man nodded. “We've got this.”
“I'll be fine, sjelevenn,” Y/N assured him. “All-father. Happy hunting.”
“Queen Sváfa. I'll return him to you in one piece.” Odin spurred Sleipner into a rear that had the big stallion pawing all four legs at the sky. “Loose the hounds!”
The six dogs bayed as their leads vanished and took off for the forest at the side of the road.
The others followed Odin, but Steve took a final look at his girl. “Be safe.”
Her smile softened. “Right back at you.”
He let Baldur have his head as the gelding tore off after the others. They hadn't gone far, the forest brush too dense to gallop through. Catching up, he urged the gelding up beside Odin. “What are we hunting?”
“Whatever catches the hound's noses.”
The lead dog howled and raced off, followed by the others. The riders followed suit, pushing through the underbrush into an expanse of an open ridge that sloped down into a meadow.
Never had he ridden a horse as fast as a car before, and while he was a little concerned they were flying over open, rough terrain, it was also thrilling. Baldur was a smooth ride, and as Sif had said, he was sure-footed and fast.
Steve shot a glance at Sleipner, fascinated by his eight legs. How did he keep from clipping his ankles?
The group thundered down into the valley where the dogs had slowed to race back and forth, apparently having lost the scent.
Odin frowned at the dogs before gesturing to two men with copper red hair. “Steven, son of Rogers, meet Balus and Gar, sons of Tarin. Two of your Vassals.”
“Your grace.” They both executed half bows from the backs of their horses. “We are honoured to ride out with both you and the All-father.”
“Vassals?” Steve grumbled. What was Odin playing at?
“They still serve the kingdom of Sváfaland though Asgard has been holding the seat for you. With your return, you will be reclaiming your duty.”
There was a gleam in the old man's eye. “That is a decision between Thor and I. I have duties and obligations on Earth.”
“Yet you are here.”
Steve would not be bullied by the man, God of Asgard or not. “At my queen's behest. Where she goes, I go.”
Odin appeared about to speak when the hounds bayed and the riders were off like a shot. Only eight were hunting, all as well dressed as Odin and the two brothers. The rest appeared support staff, packing spears, food and drinking skins of water or wine, Steve couldn't tell. And a larger draft type horse supposedly for packing home their kill.
The horses followed the hounds down the valley, and Steve noticed tracks. Deer, he thought, but larger than any he'd ever hunted. When the hounds again slowed to circle, Steve leaned over and had a closer look. “Deer?”
Balus and Gar rode closer.
“Yes, very good, your grace. We did not expect you to ride so well or know how to track.”
Steve shrugged, an action made difficult by his armour. “Not my first hunt. But I used to track on foot and in snow storms. You learn fast, or your men don't eat.”
Gar took a pull from the skin he held and handed it to his brother. Balus drank and passed it to Steve. As he could smell the water, Steve accepted. Asgard might be coming into winter, but the morning's exertion was sending sweat down his spine.
“The All-father said you were once an army man. A Captain, I believe?” Gar asked.
Steve capped the skin and handed it back. “I still am, though my men are different. Now I lead a group of enhanced individuals. People of special skills or powers. We protect the Earth.”
“Ah, I see why you are busy.” Balus nodded, but his face gave away his disappointment.
“I don't get it.”
They both looked up. “Get what, your grace?”
“Sváfaland has been without a ruler for how long? Hundreds of years?” They nodded. “Then why is it so important that I suddenly take on the role? I'm a soldier, not a king.”
“Thor is more a soldier than a king, but he does a fair job of being both.”
Steve glared at Odin when the former king spoke. “And has had a lifetime to prepare.”
“And you have a wife who has thrice been the queen of the Valkyrie. Learn from her.”
An angry retort was on the tip of Steve's tongue, but the hounds bayed and they were off again. This time they streaked into the woods where the undergrowth was sparse, allowing the horses to keep pace.
Vigilance was needed to avoid taking a branch to the face, and Steve was thankful for his quick reflexes. Sweat had begun to gather on Baldur’s neck and flanks by the time the hounds slowed a third time. The horses were all blowing hard, and they’d ridden a long way from the keep, crossing streams and meadows, chasing something they hadn’t even caught a glimpse of when all the hounds began to growl. The hackles on the beasts were high, their stance threatening when the first whiff of scent hit him.
“Blood. Lots of it,” Steve murmured to Odin.
“Spears,” Odin called just as quietly.
Steve caught the one tossed toward him, but when the others made to push forward on their horses, he swung his leg over and dismounted.
“Your grace, you should not-”
Steve shot Gar a look that had the man shutting up. “I can’t fight on horseback.”
As the others pressed cautiously closer to the break in the trees where the strong scent of blood was coming from, Steve skirted the clearing without a sound, avoiding downed branches and sticks. It may have been dozens of years since he’d hunted on foot, but it came back with a flash.
When he finally drew close enough to see what was making the smell, he grimaced. The stag whose trail the hounds had been following was gutted in the center of the clearing, its belly torn out and gathering flies.
“Norns! That’s disgusting!” One of the riders who Steve had yet to meet said.
Balus rode toward the carcass and poked it with the butt of his spear. “No animal did this. The cuts are too clean, and there is an arrow strike here.” He indicated the stag’s jugular.
The hair on the back of Steve’s neck lifted a second before the hounds began to growl. Something was moving through the trees. Something big. It came out of the forest with a crash and roar, leaping on the man beside the carcass in a flash of stripes and claws.
Steve gasped, remembering Thor and Y/N talking about a Smedlheim, a tiger as big as an elephant with antlers like an elk. A hide of green and brown and white, it had blended so perfectly with the foliage he’d never seen it coming. Even the antlers had the look of branches when the cat swung its head and knocked the dogs charging for it to the side.
Balus screamed as claws like daggers went through his thigh and pinned him to his horse, already dying beneath the fangs of the tiger.
He didn’t even think to hesitate. Steve raced from the trees, sliding the shield from his back as he threw the spear. A different weapon than his shield, he misjudged the weight and missed the creatures neck, hitting it square in the shoulder. Still, it knocked the cat clear off Balus.
The blood-curdling scream of the animal set Steve stumbling and swearing as he shook his head to clear the ringing. “Get Balus out of here!” he bellowed to the men who were trying to control the terrified horses. The only one not panicking was Odin’s mount, though he was digging at the ground with three of his front legs.
Steve leapt the carcass, Balus, and his horse, heading for the thrashing cat, screaming and growling as it snapped at the spear, trying to pull it from its flesh. He jerked his sword from its sheath as the cat wrenched the spear from its flesh. It rolled to its feet and hissed at him as Steve slid to a stop.
“Big kitty,” he muttered to no one in particular. The thing was huge and angry. “Nice kitty. I don’t want to kill you, but I will. Let us get our guy out of here, and you can gorge on the deer.” Claws clanged off his shield with the cat’s first swipe. “Or not.”
It charged, and Steve rolled out of the way. Randulfr hummed in his hand, the energy beginning to sing up his arm. He turned and dragged all that power down the cat’s ribs. Another scream followed the spray of blood. Steve thought it would run, injured twice and bleeding, but it only turned on a dime and came at him again. The paw that slammed into him was nearly as big as the shield and sent Steve flying through the clearing. He landed hard, but rolled to his feet, the armour taking the worst of the blow. The cat was charging again, but a glint of steel on the ground caught Steve’s eye. It was the spear he’d hit the creature with initially.
It was a quick calculation, and he wasn’t sure it would work, but Steve was willing to take the risk. Running for the spear, Steve threw the shield, sending it ricocheting off the Smedlheim’s antlers. It hit the cat in the forehead three times before flying free and embedding in a tree, but it slowed it down long enough for Steve to reach the spear, kick it up, and change course to intercept the cat.
He could already hear Bucky gripping at him about this being the stupidest thing he’d ever done as Steve raced straight for the lowered head of the cat. There would be no end of scolding if he got hurt, and the idea of getting injured and Y/N feeling the blow had him doubly determined to finish this quickly.
From the corner of his eye, Steve could see the men working to get Balus out from under his horse while others were fighting to keep the rest of the horses from bolting.
A half dozen yards from the cat, Steve threw the spear. This time it flew true, slamming into the cat’s eye. As it threw its head up and roar, Steve leaped to the lowest tine of its antlers and let the creature toss him into the air. It felt like time slowed as he twisted mid-leap, rising high above that cat, and fell slowly down to drive his sword through the top of the cat’s skull. It went down beneath him like a stone, falling to the ground in a heap, finally dead.
Steve dropped to a knee in the dense fur, panting at the exertion before checking on the others.
They had Balus up, and his leg wrapped, but all motioned had stopped as they stared at Steve. Mouths open and eyes wide. They appeared shocked.
Steve gripped the hilt of his sword and gave it a pull, drawing it from from the cat’s skull before leaping to the ground and using a handful of grass to clean the worst of the blood from the blade. Then he looked toward Odin.
The former king of Asgard leaned forward and crossed his arms on the horn of Sleipnir's saddle, a small smile curving his lips. “Yes. I see it now. Indeed you are Hurgid’s true heir.”
Steve cocked his head to the side. “Was this a test?”
“Not an intentional one.” Odin gestured toward the aid leading Steve’s horse. “Come. I have much to show you.”
“Your grace!” Gar called out, drawing Steve’s attention. “Thank you for saving my brother.”
Steve nodded as Baldur trotted closer. Once he was mounted, the aids turned toward the cat and began the process of skinning it. “What are you going to do with it?”
“It will be yours to gift your queen.” With the golden spear in his hand, Odin pointed it at the group of men with the injured Balus. They disappeared in a flash of golden light. “I have returned the others to Asgard where they can seek medical attention. Come with me, Steven, son of Rogers.”
Odin turned away, heading into the trees.
Steve took one last look at the men and the cat and followed Odin.
Next Chapter 
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
Be Good When I’m Gone
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: When Loki starts to go on missions across the galaxy, you and the trickster god do your best to keep your relationship alive. Warnings: fluff with just a touch of angst peppered in A/N: inspired by the song Be Good When I’m Gone by Four Year Strong
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine
Dating Loki was difficult. The two of you had finally broken down all the barriers and walls he had put up, and for a little while, everything was perfect. Then Thor decided to start taking Loki for off-world missions. You were happy that the brothers had gotten back the trust they used to have. It’s just that sometimes you felt so lonely without Loki. Of course, you had plenty of friends in the Tower, but none of them understood you the way Loki did. You’d first caught the trickster god’s attention when he found you trying to pull a prank on him. Since then, you’d been partners in crime. Or, in this case, mischief.
You were currently perched on the edge of Loki’s bed while he packed the necessities for his next trip with Thor. Every time you had to say goodbye to him was harder than the last. You tried to remember that saying your mother had always told you. The one that goes if you love something, let it go, and if it’s meant to be, it’ll come back to you. Well, Loki did always come back, but you couldn’t shake the fear that one day he just...wouldn’t. Fears aside, the time away from him was agonizing. It was like having half your heart violently ripped from your body and kept away from you, often for weeks at a time. That’s why you were doing your best to distract him from the task at hand in the hopes he wouldn’t leave. Was it selfish? Probably, but you couldn’t help it.
“What’s wrong, my dear?” Loki asked, gently cupping your face in his hands.
“Do you really have to go?”
Loki sighed in response and placed a kiss to your forehead. He wanted to give you the world and had great difficulty denying you anything, but these missions were important. Not only did they often save lives, but they also helped him repair his relationship with Thor. Still, the thought of staying on Midgard with you was tempting.
“Not if you need me here,” he finally replied.
Now it was your turn to sigh. You would have begged him not to leave if your pride allowed it, yet all you had to do was ask, and he’d stay for you. Your heart desperately wanted to tell him that, yes, you did need him. And you honestly did, just not so desperately that you should be allowed to keep him from living his life. Besides, you wouldn’t want to be the reason he got into a fight with his brother. Seeing him in distress would cause you more pain than having to live without him for a little while.
“No, I’ll be fine,” you reluctantly said. “I’m going to miss you, though. I just wish it didn’t have to be so long before I can see you again.”
Loki captured your frowning lips in a kiss. “I feel the same way,” he said, sincerity burning in his emerald eyes. “Just try to be good when I’m gone, my little prankster.”
You giggled at the nickname and helped him finish packing. Sure, he’d be leaving soon, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t enjoy this time with him. Besides, he’d be back before you knew it.
Jolting up out of bed, you looked around in the pitch black room for the source of the incessant ringing that had abruptly awoken you. It was your phone that you apparently forgot to put on vibrate. You quickly grabbed it and headed into the bathroom of the small hotel room you were sharing with Wanda, your partner for the mission you were currently on. You said a silent prayer it hadn’t woken her up and checked the caller-ID. Seeing that it was your boyfriend calling made your heart beat faster. It had been two weeks since you’d talked to Loki last, and you’d been fraught with worry, unable to banish the thought that he was hurt. Or worse, dead.
“Hello, my darling,” his voice crackled through the phone. “Guess who will be arriving back at the Tower tonight.”
“Oh. That’s great, Loki,” you said, trying not to sound too disappointed. The timing couldn’t have been any worse if you tried. “It’s just that I’m on a mission right now.”
His end was silent for a moment, and you worried he might have hung up or lost whatever weak signal he found. Then, with as much enthusiasm as he could muster, he said, “Oh, that is alright. I will see you again when you get back. Certainly this mission can’t last for much longer, right darling?”
You winced, knowing that, at best, you’d be in the field for another two weeks. You didn’t want to disappoint him, though, so you told him you’d be back soon. The yawn that punctuated your sentence let Loki know just how tired you were, and he felt a stab of guilt that he was keeping you up. After all, you needed your rest to perform well on missions, and the last thing he wanted was for you to get hurt. You bid each other goodnight and hung up.
Walking back out into the bedroom, you saw Wanda sitting up, rubbing her eyes. Even in a half-asleep stupor, she was able to tell something was bothering you and tried to get you to talk about it. You, however, were emotionally drained and only wanted to sleep. She did give good advice, though, so you resolved to tell her in the morning.
Meanwhile, back at the Tower, Loki and Thor’s ship landed in the hangar. Loki was feeling just as miserable as you were. Unfortunately, there wasn’t anyone he felt comfortable enough to confide in. Thor tried to get him to talk, but whatever trust there was between the two still felt too fragile to Loki for him to talk about something as precious to him as you were. Besides, Thor’s approach to dating was a lot less graceful than Loki’s, so he was sure whatever advice his brother would offer him would be more annoying than helpful.
It soon became clear to Loki that you wouldn’t be home as soon as you had said you would. When the loneliness became unbearable, he found himself in your room, taking it all in. Sometimes he laid down on your bed, enjoying the way it smelled like you. Your room often looked like it was hit by a hurricane, and while he usually liked for things to be neat and organized, Loki found he didn’t mind all that much. It reminded him of your chaotic energy that he so loved. When you knew he’d be in your room, you always made sure to clean it up, but a part of him wished you’d leave it as it was. He didn’t want you to feel like you had to hide any part of yourself from him.
It was during one of these such musings that you arrived back from your mission and stumbled into your room, only to find your boyfriend sprawled on your bed. Exhausted, you flopped down next to him and curled into his side. He put his arms around you and placed a kiss to your forehead.
“Hello, my little prankster. I’ve missed you.”
Needless to say, you missed him too, but for as much as you loved him, this arrangement was taking its toll. The way you saw it, you had two options: Ask him to stay with you or break up with him, neither of which you could bring yourself to do. You supposed you could have travelled with Loki, but you didn’t think SHIELD would let you off the hook from your missions that easily. So, you’d just have to enjoy whatever fleeting moments with him that you could.
“Me too,” you said after peppering kisses along his jawline. “But we’re together now. I’ll stay right by your side until you have to leave again.”
“Well, about that. I have been doing quite a bit of thinking, and I came to a conclusion that I should have reached a long time ago.”
You pulled away from him and sat up on the bed, your mind immediately jumping to the worst-case scenario. “Oh,” you said. “I understand. We can still be friends though, right?”
Glancing over your shoulder, you gave him a sad smile. You should have known that even if you weren’t willing to break up with him, he wouldn’t want things to continue as they were now. He probably met plenty of other people during his travels, and here you were holding him back. It would get easier with time, you were sure, but still, you didn’t want to drag this breakup out for longer than necessary.
“Darling, listen to me,” Loki said, sitting up beside you and lifting your chin when you tried to avoid his gaze. “There is nowhere I’d rather be, nothing I’d rather do than be by your side. I’m staying here. With you.”
“But the missions. And Thor-”
“Thor,” he interrupted, “will understand. My place is with you.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. Overjoyed, you pulled him in for a passionate kiss. It struck you in that moment how silly you’d been to think he wanted to break up. Your love was no fragile thing, and he’d never been anything less than completely devoted to you. And now he was giving up intergalactic travel just to stay with you. It reminded you of what he’d said on the night of your first kiss. He’d told you he didn’t need a kingdom or a title or anything else, so long as he was king of your heart. You hadn’t realized at the time just how serious he’d been.
“Loki,” you breathlessly whispered, “I love you.”
“I love you too, my little prankster.” He paused for a moment, lost in your eyes. “Now then, if I’m staying, I think we’ve been a bit too good recently. I do believe the Tower is due for a little mischief. What do you say, darling?”
You laughed, happier than you’d been in a long time. “Absolutely,” you said, snuggling next to him again.
“You truly are the best thing that has ever happened to me,” he whispered into the night, after a short, peaceful silence. “I hope you know how much I mean it when I say I love you.”
“I do,” you said before falling asleep in his arms for the first night of many to come.
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jess-the-vampire · 5 years
Sky And The Forces Of The Multiverse, Chapter 23
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"I could portal?", the demon girl looked down at her hands, as if memorized by them, " But, i'm not supposed to be able to do that without years of practice dipping down right? I mean, I've just never heard of our mewberty forms letting us.....portal before...it's never been recorded in our history at least...". Sunny of course, was still upset about her recent.....freakout, but what put her more on edge then anything was her abilities, being more overpowered then normal. She sighed, "I got my wand so young......because I was too powerful....I...needed to be able to control my power sooner then other princesses, so....it's just...a little scary to find out...what I can do...when i'm not in control of my own body.". She looked to the people in the room with her, that being for now, galexia, and judas. Judas coming here right after seeing his father, and waiting on the return of sky, and and keeping a close eye on galexia as she drew in the corner, this was lexi's room after all, anyone was welcome. "I know the feeling....it's kinda a personal fear of mine as well..".
"It's always been like this for me...you know? I kinda always felt like me being stuck at home so much, it wasn't just to keep me safe...it was to keep others safe...from me.", sunny's wings fluttered behind her, they were still new, so still soft and weak, it was going to take some getting used to for her. She was used to flying without wings that having wings felt like a bizarre experience, what were her parents going to say if and when she got back home? "I'm sure it's nothing you need to worry about, at least, not right now.....you're back in control of your body, and you seem to have gotten a good hold on yourself...", the smaller demon nodded, "I have.....but, sometimes it's a scare when you have that kinda power....especially when you want to control it.". Sunny always seemed so in control of her powers, almost better then luna was, so her talking about this, especially as dismal as she spoke on the topic, well, it was strange. Sunny was usually so sweet and cheery, and right now, she was far from it. "You gonna be ok?", it wasn't entirely like judas himself was in the best of moods after speaking to his father, but he sure didn't want sunny to feel awful considering all the stuff she must me going through, the stuff that usually seemed to hide behind her smiles. "I'll be ok...I think, i'm used to having strange things happen to me....I just need more time to process it...". He understood, he honestly would ask her further about her magic back home but it didn't seem remotely appropriate right now considering how sunny felt. "It's alright sunny....for the record though.....your butterfly form was incredible...". It seemed to make her feel a little better, smiling and twiddling her fingers together, "Thanks...I just hope i didn't scare you all TOO bad, i know mewberty can be a little....insane....not to mention how long it'll take to clean up my room of evidence...that stuff doesn't come out easily you know? How are you planning to even get rid of it? If one of the underworld servants walks in to clean it they are going to have to report it to well...your parents...". She took a seat next to her older half-brother, who tried to reassure her. "Eclipsa said she'd take care of it...i'm....still not entirely comfortable with her knowing about....you know, but, i do want to trust her. I just hope she doesn't go into any of our minds again, I don't particularly like people invading my privacy like that...", he looked over to lexi, who was still drawing to her heart's content, "Yesterday was such a crazy day my mind feels like it's turned into jelly, i can't entirely concentrate and today hasn't been much better with my dad.... I just hope sky's doing better then me...". "she's talking to angel?" "Yeah, kinda, well....inviting him to hang out....globgor is going to look into his family but we think well.....we might be better talking to angel ourselves to a degree, right now, we're better off as friends then enemies..", she crossed her arms, "Just, i hope you're not doing it just to get information out of him....he's still a person you know? I know i'd hate it if someone became my friend just to use me like that...I know he's kinda weird but, he's still a person...". She pouted, "Awhile back you got mad with me for trying to mess with Loki, for trying to trick him? I was only trying to help but I wasn't going about it the right way, I have friends back home who'd....well I guess they would've seen the situation more harmless then you did, but i get the feeling being tricked or lied to bothers you a lot...". He nodded, "I guess you could say that yeah....", and Sunny nodded, "I made you upset, and....I don't want you to make him upset....i've met monsters like him back home and....", She stopped speaking, but judas seemed to understand what she was getting at. Sunny had a real sympathy for monsters and people that need help didn't she? "I promise, this isn't just because we're suspicious...we do want to be on good terms with him, trust me.", he patted her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her, "With everything going on we need answers, and something is definitely up with angel and we need to look into it, but....I don't want to hurt the guy either....If nothing is really going on and he truly wanted to hang out with us...then.....this can't do any real harm in the end. And hopefully....things work out between us..". She seemed to understand, "Just be careful, he seems like he's going through enough.....I don't think he'd like feeling as though you didn't actually care about him.". Judas knew well enough, and after him being almost friendless aside from sky for most of his life, he wouldn't want to turn into the guy that made someone else feel uncared about either. He just hoped in the back of his mind angel wasn't withholding any dangerous secrets from him, that things could be peaceful between the three of them. There was definitely something strange with him, between him just magically appearing in the castle during the sleepover, to stealing jude's phone, to producing silk again when he shouldn't be able to? Maybe he was indeed overthinking it, it had crossed his mind that he was getting way too paranoid about everyone and everything these days, but he was getting desperate for answers. The biggest issues was mostly going to be getting them from Angel once they confronted him. He was always stern with the boy, but also friendly, despite how tall he was the last thing he ever wanted to do was come off like he was planning to hurt anyone. But if he wasn't careful he might get nothing from him, and only make their relationships with angel worse then they kinda were. He at the very least, could hope the respect they shared between being monster princes from mewni would at least allow the boy to be more comfortable if sky failed. For as long as he remembered the three had never been on the best of terms, even if he wished that were different if he had known he'd sometimes feel as disrespected or as isolated as angel did at times. If there is something on the loose out there, targeting kingdoms, they needed as many allies as they could, and if anyone in this large and insane magical world needed allies and friends at this time of need. It was the boy with extra legs and whose stubbornness matched the one of his best friend most times. No more fights, no more bitter rivalries, no more of angel causing issues. That was the dream, a nice dream at least. "I hope you three become good friends....you know, and nora, nora too.....", sunny sounded sad, her voice growing weak, "If and when we go back home, we're not going to see you anymore most likely....things will go...back to normal, and well....when i'm gone...", she looked over to him with sad eyes, "I hope you all well....are happy...at least, I want to think about you all being happy together, you, sky, angel, nora, mason...landon....all of you.". "I'm gonna miss you too sunny....it's well....it's nice to have a little sister...", sunny smirked, eyes glistening, "Well, it's kinda cool to have an older brother, i've always been so used to being the oldest I've never known what it was like to have a protective older brother looking out for me....I-I hope maybe...we can just...find a way...to talk again, when all of us go home....you know? Think about it, you could meet my friends and they could meet yours and.....it's a nice thought..". "Yeah, yeah it is....the future is always a little funky and even when your reassure yourself things will be easy it can still come back to you but....the though helps, that maybe...everything will work out.". "GUYS!", the door swung open, sky walking in, frantic and.....happy? Catching the attention of both part-demons who were momentarily scared but relaxed and eased as the princess looked the happiest she'd been in awhile. "I think......it actually worked...?". "You asked angel out?", Sunny asked, jokingly, eyebrow raised. "Uh, No......but I think, we're kinda....sorta.....friends? Maybe...well, I actually think he wants to hang out..", Judas stood up, half surprised and half in utter joy, "You actually got him to want to hang out with us? Wow I thought it would take longer but.....sky that's wonderful! What happened?". Sky shrugged, knowing full well the entire situation was kinda awkward to explain , "Well, we kinda fought together and he kinda freaked out and I actually...comforted him? And well we.....he actually.....admitted to well...not liking his actions, that they weren't helping and we.....hugged.". "You hugged?" "Don't make it weird! But yeah....he sorta...cried into my shoulder..". "He cried?! " "Yeah, he kinda went haywire for a sec and i guess it scared the heck outta him and he kinda needed to vent and talk to someone and I was just kinda there and ...look, it's not that important how it happened! I think we just....had a "Bonding moment" and well, he actually smiled, at me.....it's kinda strange when i actually talk about it." Sunny looked rather giddy, "He SMILED?! Awwwww!! That's really sweet! Did you get his number? You could-". "Sunny, angel doesn't have a compact, remember?", judas reminded the small girl, thinking back, "for several different reasons but considering he has to steal mine off me, yeah it's clear he never had one he could easily access, and to order food for some reason too....so that's kinda odd, but yeah, we'd have to go to him to hang out...though, his parents most likely would think we were there because he did something....and our parents still are on high protection of us...". "So how do you even plan on spending time with him? " "Simple", Sky said, not very happy with the solution but knowing full well where it was going, "I'm going to have to talk with my mother..". It didn't sound that bad without context but her mother wasn't very fond of Angel's antics and the only way they could avoid most issues was for angel to come to them And angel can't come to them, without Star herself intervening. Fantastic. - 'Hey celeste...", landon caught up with the girl, a little spring in his step and a compact being placed into his pocket and celeste could only assume what...or who was now putting him in better spirits. "Um....how did things uh...go....with sunny? I'm not talking to judas so....I kinda thought you'd tell me but you've kinda ignored me....", She simply grumbled, her mind feeling as if it were fighting with each other, should she say something or not? By the sounds of it Judas hadn't made it public to the whole group yet , was he even going to? Was everyone just planning on not telling luna anything? Including her? If the Nora stuff was any indication, they were definitely not telling them everything that was going on, sneaking out to see a girl? Seriously? Where were their priorities at if they were sneaking out to see someone else unless it has to do with their current task of finding their way home? It was like being stuck between a rock and a hard place, she was pissed at luna but she was also pretty pissed at judas and sky for keeping more secrets from her. Even if they may of been warranted from someone like luna. She was so lost in thought she only just now noticed landon snapping his fingers in front of her, keeping an eye on the guard following celeste nearby, "Look, we have to talk because if we don't so something and luna finds out, I kinda get the sense she'd wipe our memory or something and I'd....rather she didn't...you have to do some some questioning to figure out what's so...weird about sunny and I have to look at sky's wand and well, we kinda need to talk if we want to do our own investigating I guess..". "You still want to work with uh...luna? You seemed pretty mad with her...". "I don't like her, trust me, but....I've been doing some thinking and well.....I still want you to go home....So, i'll put up with it, but only if it means we figure out what's going on around here.....because If i catch that stupid guy who did this well, imagine that.", she could see a glint of joy in his eyes and suddenly she understood where this was headed, "No more hiding in that private box huh? You just plan on going out there and capturing the guy yourself?". "Oh you bet, i'm freaking sick of this, sick of no one knowing who i am, sick of my brother being more important, sick of people like that girl stomping all over me. I was about to back up, thinking i made a mistake in getting involved in this against my brother, but you know what? Maybe this is just what i need to show him and everyone else, you and me, we work together to figure this out, we'll get what luna needs but we capture the guy together...we both show the others we're not useless..". "You're serious? We team up and work on this together?". "I'll show them....I'll show them all...", he was definitely serious, his violin strapped to his back and his three eyes looking dead forward, "We both will, if luna and everyone else wants to tear us down...we'll shown them what we're made of...". His attitude was so....unlike landon, not to say landon never did anything, but that the boy rarely ever seemed happy or eager to get involved in anything when she'd seen him, she had a feeling luna's words got to him more then he let on. Was he really that mad? She'd seen him mad before but mad enough to push himself into situations he didn't normally like doing? She almost felt like she should talking him out of it, but social interaction wasn't her strong suit, maybe if she was lucky he'd back out of it himself, though right now she just decided to shake it off. She might be overthinking it, if the dude wanted to take charge and prove himself she couldn't really be the kinda person to ruin that for him. "Do you even have a plan?". "Sorta....". "Sorta??!!". "Look, Sunny kinda sorta lives with you, you can talk to her....she's an open book right? Just...ask about her and what's up with her.....why does luna even want to know about that anyway?", his partner shrugged, looking behind her at the guard who wasn't paying too close of an ear to their words, "I assume she just finds it kinda weird this 14 year old girl is more stupidly powerful then she is.....honestly are you surprised? It is freaking weird how good she is at magic...and she's younger then me.". Well, actually, landon had barely ever seen the girl do magic, so he technically had no reason to really know now that she thought about it, but whatever. She shook her head and moved on, "Anyways, I think luna's on edge, the longer she's been here the more and more on edge she's been getting, maybe she thinks....sunny did it?", his eyebrows were raised and his hands were placed in his pockets. "Sunny? But Sunny doesn't really seem to have much interest in like....I dunno, doing anything to hurt anyone? I mean, you've seen her, she eats dinner with our family and she's kinda....well....not really sinister...". "Well, she's also a pretty good actor I believe.....", Celeste mumbled, "I dunno, I think at one point she mentioned being in plays back home and you've seen how she talks to your dad and can get what she wants out of people, I mean....what if she's a better actor then we thought? She seems to have a way with people...". "Yeah, but she's also not tall enough to be under that outfit.....well, i guess unless she flew...but still, like....remember the portal thing? She can't be in two places at once, we were ALL there!", he had a good point, "I mean, unless.....but no, sunny doesn't know anyone else around here enough to have a accomplice, she's in a whole new dimension....and that doesn't explain sky's wand and all this other junk or why she'd do these things... and UUGGHHHH!". "Look, let's just work on talking to her and looking at the stupid wand...though, I dunno what she expects you to do with the wand...stare at it? I mean, if she holds it it would just turn into her wand so....", he grumbled and scratched his head, "I dunno, i've known sky for a long time, seen her use magic all the time, and I don't know enough about it to even know what i'm looking for! I mean, nothing seems wrong about it from the outside....I think...". "Take some pics or something, I dunno....I apparently have to learn to "Socialize" and talk to sunny....", she was clearly not too keen on having the task where she had to smile and make friends and she threw her arms up in the air, "Like, i HATE talking to most people, because most people are annoying and treat me like garbage and I have to try and get information nicely out of them? Like, Ugh.....luna sounds like my mom back home, trying to get me to make friends..". "Really?". "Don't your parents ever just....y'know....make you do these things? Try to help you make friends? Try and make you into what they want to make you into?", he shook his head almost immediatly, "Our parents never really pressured us into anything....being....anyone, judas was gonna be king but....our parents preferred we had y'know....freedom to make our friends and persue our hobbies...you know, i was shut inside my room a lot....my parents didn't try and force me into anything...". "Huh.....", she pondered over that for a moment, before turning her head away, "Well, I guess you're lucky then...". She went silent as she felt landon touch her shoulder gently, trying to comfort her," Look, I-I'm sure you can do it, don't give up...just.....be yourself or something, you can probably get what you need.". She didn't seem all that optimistic about his words but took them anyway, Well, I uh.....hey.....let's head to my room, I think there are some things from yesterday you outta know. He understood, following her. "Hey uh....is it weird to ask if....you know, why do you fall back on things you say you want to do? Like....You said awhile ago you wanted to use magic, use it to help...but don't use it..., and you hate talking about your home...but want everyone to spill their guts....it's kinda weird...". "Why do you care?". "I dunno, it's just...sometimes...It feels like you say things...looking for a fight....but don't actually mean them...". She went silent, before brushing him off, "C'mon, move it....and keep your voice down...". She really didn't want to talk about her problems right now, and just focus on getting this dumd mission done so luna didn't explode. Sunny was an interesting choice of a suspect, but her being in two places at once was an odd thing to explain for now. However, she was not the only monster/mewman that could be under suspect of being responsible behind this. Now, she knew there was another as gears turned in her mind. Meteora. - "You finally ready to go talk to her?", judas sighed, watching sky as she held out the pendent Katrina gave her, sky sighing to herself, knowing he was going to see nora alone today to tell her his progress, in which, there was none of course. Nothing to present to her besides the fact his father would be considering the whole thing, judas would be more then fine on his own of course, though he did seem sad his friend would be sneaking off somewhere else. "Guess I've been stalling long enough...huh?", she was partially laughing, but it was true, she had kinda been stalling for a long time from when katrina first told her she could contact her at any time using this...thing she supposed. Maybe something about going out there to find her made her anxious, maybe she was worried this was a set up for some bizarre elaborate trap, or maybe she was just scared she'd find her and talk to her and come back with nothing. She clutched her wand in her hands, anxious about it and using it before examining the pendent, "I'm not even sure how to use the thing honestly, it's not like this came with any instructions, or katrina told me much, just that this pendent is supposed to help me find her...somehow...". Upon close inspection the pendent was quite decorative, with a few green gems on it, but it wasn't particularly very helpful to point her the right way, because of course it wasn't. Ugh, Spies. Judas carefully took it out of her hands, looking it over closely, "Katrina.....you could at the very least write a note if you wanted to allow us to find where you go", he turned the pendent in his hands and bit at his lips, "I'm not sure sky, maybe you should try using your magic or something?". He was met with silence as he put his hands in his pockets, "You don't have to go, I mean, not tonight at least, you can come with me and nora and we'll talk and you can figure this out later...". "No it's cool, the arm thing is mostly your business anyway,  I just....there's gotta be something here...katrina knows us....there has to be something about it to help....the chick is a freaking spy, if anyone knows wat's happening outside of these walls, she would", he smiled, giving her a small hug before standing back up, "Well, if that's the case, i know you'll figure it out, call me if you figure out anything...ok? We'll talk soon enough, I believe in you....ok?". She smiled and watched him teleport away, staring at the pendent and getting a little more frustrated over time. It was nice for them to be on good terms again, reliving actually, sky could be stubborn as all heck sometimes but judas was probably the one person who could get her to soften so easily. She missed having his support and things sorta seemed to be looking up a little more recently between them being back to normal and angel and her actually seemingly working things out at a decent pace. She wished he could stay and help but, honestly after their stupid fight the last thing she wanted to do was ask too much of him. Plus, this thing with Nora mattered a lot to him personally and no doubt she would be the worst friend ever if she tried to take that away from him. She probably should take advantage of this situation to handle more matters without judas, though she kinda was always under the impression in their duo he was better suited to figuring out puzzles and stuff like this. Even if people were encouraging her that she was pretty competent on her own with magic, she doubted they could argue for her knowledge considering how much studying annoyed her and that she was far from the most knowledgeable about mewni. But she stalled this enough and she had to figure this out, at least, if only because judas was counting on her and believed she would figure it out herself. "Ok.....what am i supposed to do here...how do I find you....ugh...think sky, think like a spy....". She rolled the pendent around and looked closer at the gems, one was a little bit bigger then the other when she took a better look at it, but that was probably for decorative purposes. The she turned the pendent around, looking at it's bare back and scratching at it, "Think think......like...ok.....well, Katrina knows I like to make hats....so maybe....it has something to do with that? But this is like...jewelry! That's.....that's not the same thing! Ugh....maybe I just....". She placed the pendent on her hat, the chain around one of the ears as she frustratingly sat it there, all out of ideas, grumbling, "Ugh....this is freaking stupid....". The pendent, as if it could hear here, hit her in the eye as she moved. "OWWW! Ugghhhhh, c'mon.....". Then she froze, the gem right in front of her eye as she held it closer to her eye. Everything was green. It was a freaking spyglass to hook onto her hats, my god. And then she held it out towards the window. "Are you kidding me..." - "You came! Bluebell!", Katrina wrapped her arms around sky, holding her tightly, "It was about time, I would've thought you'd be more eager to see my other outside work....". Sky huffed and puffed as she pulled up her pendent, the one katrina gave her, "Well, this thing didn't exactly come with instructions, I had to use this weird spyglass thing at my window, till i found some weird blinking thing in the distance, to find your location, and then i had to SNEAK outside of my room to find you...". She looked over the the green gemstone on top of the wall, the stones were clearly linked somehow to find katrina magically but sky still seemed mad about going through so much effort to make it where she should've been countless times before now if she hadn't been so lazy. "And it took you THAT long? it's been weeks!" "What? No! Things just kinda....got in the way", she felt embarrassed, she should've come sooner, and she promised everyone she would, and still didn't do it. Her procrastinating seemed to never fade did it? Katrina still seemed delighted to see her though, smiling from her hideout, atop the ruins of a giant wall, clearly broken from a past war no doubt. Did she really spend her days watching things from atop a ruined wall?  What would she normally even find up here? "Ah, what kinda things?", she was smiling a toothy smile and the mewman groaned. "Trust me, nothing THAT special, but....I'm sure you've heard about the whole....."Masked thief" thing going around? The entire kingdom is kinda in a huff because of it, not to mention security is way tighter to avoid them sneaking back in...". Katrina seemed to get it almost immediately, her eyes diverting to the scene in front of her, "Oh, I know exactly what you mean Sky, I've been on watch for her ever since I heard...I think the monsters have been paranoid about her being a mewman out to get vengeance or something..". "A mewman out for vengeance?". "Yeah, against the royal families for allowing monsters rights and such? You know what some mewmans are like about monsters or half monsters these days.....you're not even a monster and you deal with some flack, i think there have always been rumors for awhile about....secret cults or assassins out to put things back to normal, most of it comes from paranoia of course, but spies like me have caught some crazies out there on the job sadly...you don't think Princess Spiderbite is kept at home or the Lucitor princes are restricted on where they go and what they do for no reason do you? There are dangerous people out there...". "And...you think this is one of them?". "Yes but....you should be careful....because i'm also hearing...you're under suspect from the commission..". "You...hear a lot of things through the grapevine huh?", she had almost forgotten the commission thought she was responsible for the destruction of the archives and tried to take her wand away, it had been awhile since being under suspect had even been brought up and judas made no mention of it when he went to meetings with his parents. Though then again, talking about his best friend like that in front of him would've been a stupid move for them anyway. "Word gets around bluebell......especially when the kingdoms become more heavily guarded and the royals don't leave without bodyguards....besides, you know me, spying is a part time job for me...things slip through the cracks eventually...for example, I assume Judas is out to meet that slime girl?". Sky's eyes widened, then she groaned, "Ugh, does EVERYONE know about that besides our parents? Cause we haven't even done it for very long!". "Oh no, just me....I can see a lot from this point, plus I'm probably keeping better eye on your then the guards anyways..."., she was partially laughing but did seem a little concerned, "Don't worry, I won't snitch, just be careful out there....there's been some weird stuff going on and I'd rather neither of you got hurt on my watch. I know you both can take care of yourselves but if I know you're sneaking out and something happens....that's on me.". "What...weird stuff have you been seeing exactly?". "It's hard to explain, though you know that ponyhead kid? He's been wandering around a lot during the night, I can spot him in the woods sometimes, other times....I spot other people out there, the high commission for one but I can't tell if it's part of their job or not, and some people out there are meant to be out there anyways...". Loki had been wandering around in the woods huh? Yeah, that didn't seem to suit the kid, though it peaked her interests drastically. "Loki's under heavy guard to keep him from running off, he hasn't been like....tagging me or judas for weeks since they locked him up...". "Really? Cause I'm sure it's him...". "Well, judas has said he's been acting strange, tired, more paranoid....dazed....". She hummed and went back to looking over the wall, pulling out binoculars, "That's not a good sign, do you know if he sleepwalks...er....floats? Perhaps he's lacking in rest as a result? Being out in the woods these days, not a good idea....I've tried to catch him, but he's too fast, even for me....and those woods....easy to get lost in. I've been sending reports to his parents you know, but either they aren't listening or whatever they're doing....isn't working..". "You know anything....else going on...that's odd?". "Well, a spy can't tell you everything blue girl...however....i'll tell you this, the high commission are still onto you, be careful, they're looking for more evidence to convict you and the only thing standing in their way of coming to you sooner is your mother..", guess regardless of her mixed feelings towards her mom, she was at least the one thing keeping her from being trialed by the high commission for possible crimes. "You have them on edge, take it from me though, i personally think someone's trying to frame you. That or...the commission is all too eager to remove you from the throne.....". "You think they would do that?". "I put nothing past them after what they pulled with Eclipsa years ago, they're no longer the credible all mighty magic users mewni once saw them. Pretty sure the reason they aren't fired is they don't have anyone to take their place.....but they are still have you under suspicion sky, just....don't trust them, I think they want to believe you're the one under that mask, that your friends are just covering up for you, the stunt that happened with the chandelier? It was only the beginning of trying to make you out worse then you are...". "I got mad during that.....my mom...". "Isn't understanding all the time, or perfect, I know....it's not entirely your fault she leaves you so....emotionally upset. Though, as someone who knew her, she struggled a lot as well, I mean "Fixing" magic? Dying and coming back to life? She went through a lot, and she was just around your age if not younger when she did....and then, she grew up, she kinda had to grow up fast going through all that....she never intended to be so....."Y'know"?". "I guess....". "That's life sometimes, things happen and there's not much you can do about it, your mom wants the best for you she's probably just not...."Good" at expressing that, it's ok though. You'll get through it, you're getting better at magic right?", she held out her wand, "Yeah, I am....i mean...my mom started training me and It did some good....but...I also failed a lot....but then eclipsa started helping and...of all people out here, ANGEL sorta made me realize a lot of the reason I screw up....is cause i lack like...confidence....or well...i'm emotionally messed up..". "Angel? Awww, that's sweet...". "Don't make it creepy.". "Oh don't worry, I just think sometimes you can learn just as much from your enemies, as your friends. And besides, angel is nice boy, sometimes a little stupid and inconsiderate, but a nice boy. I suppose your mother teaching you specifically would make things more complicated wouldn't it? Well, don't worry about it.....your friends will-". Then she went silent, touching sky's shoulder, "Shh, quiet....there the boy is....wandering around again?". Sky looked up and over the wall, squinting. "Uhh....I don't see loki anywhere, I mean...he's bright green....". "That's because he wears a black costume blue girl...., but if you look close enough you can make him out despite that....here", she handed sky her binoculars and sure enough, the outline of a pony could barely been seen as the prince rapidly moved through the woods, "Well, if he's putting on a costume, he's out for a reason....you think he's looking for something?". "Not sure, just know he's scared a lot of villagers passing by because he's so fast and hard to make out...."., the frog woman eyed sky, "I'm not supposed to leave my post tonight since my usual partner ain't here but.....you think we should catch him? I've tried tailing him but he's too fast, but maybe....", she looked to sky's wand and back to her, "You're not perfect I know, But....if you're improving as much as you say you are....see if you can catch that rouge prince before he gets back home, i'll cover for you if you get caught...". "Catch him? You mean go over there and rope him?". "Yep....ever lassoed a stray warnicorn? It's like that....except....it's flying...though, might wanna be careful considering he's royalty. If you can catch him we might be able to find out what he's doing, his parents never listen to me otherwise i'd go to their kingdom and ask myself but....yeah, you know them...". She grabbed the binoculars back as she examined the surroundings, "If you can catch that guy, we might get to properly confront him on this right here, right now...". "You sure we couldn't wait...?". "It'd make good practice....just be careful of the horn, and maybe magic possibly, but it might help you more to use magic in action.", she noted, and she was indeed right. Sky was thinking for a bit, well, if she did catch him she might be able to find out some info, but then again, loki usually lacked anything of interest, even angel at the very least, was fascinatingly annoying, loki was straight up a burden most of the time, and if he weren't being kept in his room he probably would've caught onto sky's little secret uncomfortably fast and blabbed it to the world. "Here.....you are now spy, spies wear this...", she handed sky a dark mask to hide her face, "Here....put this on, might help him have a harder time noticing you...I don't know what he's doing down there, but I think we'll both be better off knowing.". She needed only to look at the mask for a second before grabbing it and pulling it over her head, "Alright, I'll give it a shot, I don't promise i'll catch him though, I have no idea what he's even doing out there...". "Well whatever it is, we outta find out...". Sky creeped away from the way, sneaking over towards the edge of the woods, wand in hand and eyes looking out for sudden movements, she and judas had gotten into a few scrapes, never really to go after anyone of course, but she had recalled times where sneaking around and having your hair stick up on edge was incredibly common for their adventures, that was the thing about mewni at least, you never know what to expect and so much out there was deadly enough to kill you in an instant. Especially out there in the woods. Loki was lucky he hadn't been hurt yet out there, was he using magic against anything that could've killed him? He was pretty cowardly, too cowardly to really fight back that much, too cowardly to sneak into the dark woods at night where he could easily be kidnapped or hurt or worse out there. Maybe he really was sleepwalking or something? Though that probably just meant he should be slamming into every tree he came across, breaking his horn easily. She gripped her wand tighter as she peeked further into the woods, feeling a breeze as something flew past her fast. And then stopped in it's tracks, much to her surprise. "L-Loki?". He turned. He didn't seem normal at all, his eyes were glowing and she couldn't even see the prince's pupils, she barely had time to think when he darted for her and her wand, sky ducking and the prince missing her by a few inches. What? was he trying to impale her or something? He wasn't sleepwalking, that was for sure, he was under some kind of spell. And something about sky and her wand seemed to call to him, he darted again for her and sky put her wand out at him, aiming to hit him. Without hurting him of course, or judas would be PISSED. But then he stopped in his tracks, right in front of the wand, transfixed by it in fact. Sky was panting, shocked by the sight in front of her, was he responding to her being a magic user or something? Did it even really matter? She roped him no trouble with her licorice spell though, right around his mouth, pulling him along and back to katrina, who looked just as stunned as sky was as she got a close look at the spell cast prince. "You caught him...rather....easily....", Katrina reached out to touch the prince's face, he didn't react, whatever spell he was under made him kinda stiff other then the floating his species normally was capable of. "Does he...recognize me? Why would he stop?", Katrina didn't seem to know herself, "Right now, let's just get him home, "Or correction, I'll get him home, you probably shouldn't say anything....I need to report this one sky, he's clearly been tampered with magically. We won't be able to question him till he snaps out of it...and who knows how long that might...last..". Sky circled him, in fascination, "Does this mean...someone's been using him for something?". "It would explain his vanishing for awhile, seems he was an easy target to take control of..", she snapped her fingers in front of his glowing eyes and hummed to herself, taking rein of the "Rope" sky was using. "You better leave blue girl, not safe if masked person is taking control of others for their own benefit. Your safety is incredibly important and I can't risk you ending up like him....". Sky really couldn't argue with that if she tried, though he felt shivers go up and down her spine as she removed the mask she was wearing. "S-should I tell judas? About this?". "The sooner the better, if he's here it's highly likely the masked one isn't too far away...". "Alright, I'll-". Then before her eyes, Loki's eyes returned to normal, the prince fainting and falling only to be caught by katrina quickly, he came to shorty after, dazed and very much confused. He looked between the monster and half-mewman and blinked at them, "Uh....what? Sky, you're kidnapping me? Where you taking me? Tell me you're taking me away from my parents....". Sky gave him a look, and the pony went back to floating, his hair waving and gills working as normal. "Uh....w-why are you staring at me....is...what am i wearing?!...ugh...", he seemed drowsy, even if he wasn't in control of his body, his body still seemed to have all the same affects it normally would've if he had had them, he still seemed a little out of it and katrina looked back to sky as loki finally noticed he had been roped. "Don't worry your highness, I'll explain later, c'mon....we're heading out....", she looked over to sky and motioned to her spyglass, "I'll lead you back home, follow, but once we get back, don't come looking for me anytime soon....I'll come to you next time we need to talk...". "Wait, what's going on...I-I..", she shushed loki, "C'mon, we move.....". And she was out of sight quickly after, tugging the prince behind her as sky grabbed her things, summoning her bat-winged cloudy to catch up. - "Landon...sweetie?", Marco knocked on the boy's bedroom door, hearing a small "Yeah?" from the other side. Marco opened the door to find the boy.....reading a book on magic? And Celeste was with him in the corner, writing something. Marco didn't pay her much mind though, wanting to see their son specifically. Landon looked up at the sight of them and seemed a little embarrassed, he wasn't entirely over the fact he dissapointed Marco as badly as he did. "Hi mom......", he was flipping through the book, specifically on the pages about the butterfly wand, the recorded gemstones it had had in it's history and such, finding any info he could on his mission, his knowledge of sky's wand was limited, but maybe....if he knew more about it......he might have an easier time getting a hold of it and finding out what about it had suddenly gotten luna's attention. Maybe he could figure it out himself? Before she or anyone else could? Though his mom entering the room was a bit of a distraction as he put the book down, he just hoped it wasn't anything.....bad, he was getting a little too used to getting bad news for his liking and he especially hated hearing it come from his mother of all people. But his mother seemed rather happy, their first instinct being to ruffle their son's hair, being mindful of his sharp horns, "I'm glad you made another friend landon, you called bernard recently? I'd like to have him over at some point....so we can all get to know him...". "Mommmmmm~", he was giving her a childish grumble but his mom only seemed to laugh and find it adorable. "C'mon, I think it's a good idea, sky's been over for meals so many times in the past but you've never invited a friend over for dinner to meet the rest of us, I think it'd be nice for all of us to get to know him a bit better, well, as long as his parents were cool with it. I know the whole "being rulers of the underworld" thing, doesn't work with everyone...". "Well, I'll ask, I....I do want him to come over.....soon...", he couldn't see if but he had a feeling celeste was smirking and rolling her eyes from her seat, "You think he'll be cool with......all this? I mean, he saw a little of it and he says it'll be fine but....". The human covered his mouth, "Don't worry about what he thinks, if he can't accept your home and culture, then you can find better friends out there who do care about you and your culture...ok?". The queen removed their hand and landon sighed, "I-I guess....". "Anyways, I came here because I have a package for you....from your brother..", as if by magic, which it probably was, marco pulled out a box from behind them, a rather long box in fact. It didn't take long for Landon to get an idea about what it was, he just was mixed about taking it. His mother though, seemed entirely aware of this, their attitudes to each other at more recent dinners and such most likely gave it away rather quickly since landon was maybe a little too easy to read for his mom. "Open it.....please? I know you two are still mad at each other but.....at least see what he got you...". He sighed but complied, ripping open the package and the paper being used to cushion the object as he found....a new violin bow. Oh yeah, judas did promise him a new one awhile back didn't he? It was beautiful though, back and red with a small wooden skull carved on the top. He stared at it, at a loss for words when he noticed a note in the box as well, pulling it out and looking over it. Yep, it was clearly from his older brother, and he almost considered scrapping it for a moment. But his mom was there and....well....he'd kinda be the worst if he did that, wouldn't he? Sigh --------- Landon, I don't want us to keep fighting like this, but i know you don't want to speak with me so for me this was the best way I could talk to you. Listen, I don't mean to make you feel however you feel, whether it makes you feel inferior or unliked or....that our family prefers me. I never asked for this, to be cursed and have to deal with people either despising me, fearing me, or so sympathetic towards me that....it makes you and others feel insignificant. I feel like a burden sometimes, personally, especially to our family who have to spend so much time arguing about taking care of me or trying to help me that even asking for help feels like crossing a line to some degree. I don't like being the guy everyone is worried about or is pressured to be so many things or i'll blow up like a bomb. You're lucky landon, you're free to do what you want, no pressure, to go out there and make a name for yourself. Mewni has already decided both those things for me, and it's something I have to deal with whether i want it or not. I never meant to come off like i didn't care, you know how much i hate hurting my friends or family members, you're still my brother and I don't want us to keep fighting. We need to talk about this stuff more, in person, I'm not mad with you, and you don't me owe me anything but, just understand I never intended for things to go this kinda way in our relationships. Maybe i could've better, about everything...and maybe I sound kinda bad by trying to make any kind of excuses in this, I guess it just doesn't feel...fair to be blamed for something that's just....out of my control. But If you need a real apology, because i REALLY don't want to come off like i'm trying to guilt trip you...can we talk? In person? We should talk and sort this out, together. I hope you like the bow, It finally came in after awhile and I figured this was the best place i could leave a note since i promised you a bow. just....tell me when, ok? Judas. -------- Landon put the note back in the box quickly, a fast reaction and most likely a resort of his lingering anger. But his face softened a little and marco sighed, "Listen, you can't stay mad at your brother forever, you know how badly he hates hurting you or sky or anyone, he's not perfect but he does love you and mason. This.....this feels more like something you have with me and your father, not with him. And.....we're sorry if you ever felt like we treated you any different". Oh boy, this was NOT the conversation he expected to get today. No sire. He could hear celeste coughing awkwardly from her spot as his mom continued to speak, "Listen, things are rough lately, especially since all the kingdoms are paranoid and the high commission themselves are failing to help solve the problems despite our efforts, but right now, we need to work things out between us, not create a bigger divide. We love all of you and maybe we're not the world's greatest parents but you should speak up about this....if you feel.....like this.". "It just wasn't...". "Landon, we're your parents, you should be able....to talk to us...about these things, if you're afraid to speak to us then....we feel like we failed you three as parents. And you three are our whole world....", landon frowned, his ear twitching as he could hear celeste was no longer writing, in fact, she most likely was listening to the words of the human very closely in fact. Celeste of course, took no interest in in talking about her family back home, but he got the feeling whatever his mom was talking about....meant something to her. "Mom....it's...It's complicated...". "Well, when it came to my parents? For awhile we were kinda distant from each other....they barely talked to me and I barely talked to them and we were growing apart.....and when we realized it, we realized we needed to fix it and mend our bond again. Landon, talk to us....please...if you need to, and we'll do our best to fix whatever's been bothering you...at it's roots. We want to be better for you and your brothers if possible....", they sighed and took a seat on the bed, "You and your brother need to talk, work things between you, we need to sort this all out...". Landon grumbled and Marco gave him a look, making him quiet down and sigh, "Ok, sure....I guess...". This seemed to ease the human, putting their arm around landon in a sort of side hug, "He's your brother landon, you can't stay mad at him forever, look out for each other...alright?". Landon looked up at the human sadly, "And mason?", rewarded with another laugh and head rub from his mother. "Of course, he's your little brother after all, he needs you too as he grows up...". "Is he....ok?". "Well, lately he's been hanging around the stables more recently, since he's in trouble for his plants his garden time and what he takes care of has been more...restricted, we should've kept a closer eye on him and that was on us....however, the skeleton horses are fine as long as he's careful, but you know how much he loves animals. I think he just needed some time away from the garden for a little bit to get some fresh air somewhere else, he's still being kept an eye on though," they winked, "The stables are luckily indoors thankfully...considering the horses don't need to graze...". "I'm sorry mom..". "No, you're still a teenager, i remember being your age, being a moody teen who thought i knew better and had my life figured out....before i realized i was being a complete idiot. We both, me and Tom, we knew this kinda stuff was coming when we wanted to be parents...we just don't want to make the same mistakes our parents might've made and just be the best we can be. We just want you all to have a good future, and if we're letting you down.....that's rough for us...", but they smiled, laughing to themselves. "It'll be fine landon, you're a smart boy, let's all just try and do better in the future, ok?". Landon felt his head lean on his mother's shoulder, on instinct, and was he...crying? "It's alright.....just relax....let it all out...", They were looking over to celeste, hoping they weren't embarrassing their son by having this conversation, but it didn't seem to be a big concern of landon's. He wiped at his eyes, trying to calm down, "Ugh...mom can't you just let me be a bitter and mad teen?". Which seemed to make them both laugh as landon felt some of his usual makeup run down his face, great, now he'd have to wash up before it stained his clothes. Though his mom kissing at his face seemed to draw his attention elsewear as he swatted at them playfully, "Sorry, as your mom I refuse to let you stay bitter and mad at your brother for the rest of your life, it's a important rule for me as a parent.". Landon snorted at them, dear god he was still mad at judas but he knew well that his mom had this kinda affect on him, if anyone in this family could talk him into doing something, it would have to be marco. "M-MOM, Celeste is here!", he said, half amused, half annoyed. "That didn't bother you before, c'mon.....you're never too old to get kisses from your mom!", marco tugged them close to affectionate peck them more and landon was reduced to nothing but laughs before his mom finally, FINALLY let up, Landon red-faced and actually smiling. "I-I'll talk to judas...I guess....but...I'm still kinda mad at him....I can't really help it". Marco seemed to understand though, nodding along, "If you've felt that way for years, it's hard to blame you....but...please talk with each other...ok?". "Yeah mom....". Celeste went back to scrawling, trying to ignore the scene going on nearby, even though she was very much lost in thought at this point in time. Thoughts swarming of back home and she found the pen dropping from her hands once again despite her protests. Swatting away little tears before they could streak down her face. - "I'm sorry Nora...I know you were hoping for more from me today but it's gonna take longer to get what we need.". He sounded guilty as he paced around the princess's room, biting at his lips and crossing his arms, his ears twitching and listening for any signs of trouble during this meeting. He could spot nora taking small notes for her journal as she listened to him speak, but even though at times she seemed to be shyly avoiding eye contact with him, he could tell she looked worried about him, well, more worried then what he had been used to with her in the past. "Jude, i-it's fine, i didn't expect you to get it immediately anyway...your dad is nice, i'm sure he'll come around, he just needs....time...like he said. Let him have time and we can look more into this stuff in the meantime...", he nodded, she was kinda right, he was thinking about this way too much, worrying way too much. There were other matters to worry about as is and he should take advantage of the time he had here while it was still going. He felt he couldn't help it in a way though, even if he knew it was stupid. "Y-you're right, i guess i'm just stressed out...and confused and...a lot is on my mind these days..."., it was true, in the last few days he got hit with WAY too many things at once, way too many things he wanted to still talk about, mostly with sky. It was as if one problems was being topped off with another and he wasn't given enough time to recover from the last even though he wanted to desperately, he'd been trying to focus on everyone else today to distract him but it was a lot harder now, when Nora's prime focus was him. Being calm and trying to stay cool seemed to have escaped from him these days, he was trying so hard to be the most responsible and the biggest adult in the room and now all he felt like doing was letting everything out of his system, he supposed maybe he had been letting all these matters grow inside him for too long, he almost made himself the ringleader of this entire situation and having that topped off with so many other problems seemed to have formed some cracks he usually tried to seal. God, what would it be like when he was king and was dealing with even more on his plate at this rate? He almost wondered if some of those people out there were right, about him not being able to handle it, about being set off but he still scoffed at it, he was being insecure again and he almost wished he could crawl up in a ball or vent.  He felt he was almost growing a headache and he tried to quickly calm down before nora panicked about him maybe coming down with something. He was a prince, he needed to pull himself together and handle this, he needed to clear his mind and calm down. "Oh.....would you like to...uh..?", she didn't seem to know how to say it, that or, she couldn't spit it out to the boy. But Judas seemed to know what she was trying to say regardless, "I want to talk about it....but...I don't think I can.....it's....well, a lot of it is private..". "Oh..", her voice must've sounded a little saddened judging by judas's quick reaction, turning towards her, a little stressed as he tried to ease the situation and explain himself. "It's nothing against you it's just.....I think I've put enough weight on your shoulders, I feel lately like....maybe i'm making you too uncomfortable by pushing you to do these things for me, even if you want to, and for now, I don't want to push any more on your back. I sorta just, wanted to help you get out of your shell, but it feels more like i'm doing this more for me because i feel guilty about mistakes i made in the past and, I don't want to do that anymore....I just want us to hang out...like friends....no huge issues, no pressure, we hang out and work together and...yeah...". "Judas...are you...sure you're ok?", she sounded nervous, moving hair from her face and looking at his rather closely, all judas's mumbling making her rather worried. "No one...was mean to you today....were they? Is it really just....what you were saying?". Judas waved it off though, "I'll be fine, there's just so much on my mind and I wish i could talk about it more but....I can't, you don't have to worry I'll hopefully cool off and get back on track...". He went quiet, he was rambling, probably making a fool out of himself out of stress when he was supposed to be relaxed and focused, he must look incredibly stupid right now in front of nora, who had no idea about all the messy details and problems he was going through. He was lost in thought about Meteora, wondering if maybe it was too much to ask Eclipsa if he and Sky could meet her in person, though at this point it was most likely she was off having a great life, maybe married, maybe wanted to be left alone. and what would he say anyway? There was nothing to say to a person he didn't really know, who he thought was dead and knew nothing of what happened. And his dad, geez everything about that was judas walking on dangerous territory, especially with how his dad was about the whole thing. He wasn't even sure about seeing him again, dinner would just be plain awkward, and it was already awkward enough with landon. And don't get him started on stuff with angel, it honestly wasn't his top priority but if eclipsa and globgor found it strange, him finding it strange couldn't be that weird, though he was happy sky seemed to have gotten along with the boy. There was just a lot to think about, and worry about. He hoped Sky was doing better and she was not sitting in her room, still fiddling with the charm Katrina gave her. He found himself leaning against a wall, keeping his mouth closed shut, nora taking some notes in her little journal, she didn't seem to want to push him any further right now, letting him take some time to clear his own find. He wondered if this was how luna felt most of the time, constantly worried and stressed, feeling like her world was collapsing and being incredibly anxious as she worked alongside her own mother who had taken a VERY big liking to her and he obvious skills. Maybe he gave her too much flack for being such a stick in the mud, considering how much stress she was under over her situation, even if she wasn't the best about it. She was most likely already planning her own solutions, probably behind their back if she had to to get some results. He wouldn't hold it past her in all fairness, considering the results they had been getting where less then ideal, though in all fairness so much more was at risk if they were caught as opposed to her. "Judas....?" "Yes?" "Y-you don't have to be so....nervous around me, y-you seem so....scared i'll get mad...or...something like that?", she was looking at him with her soft green eyes and judas suddenly felt embarrassed, "Well no, it's just...I feel like...I keep screwing up, trying to talk to you and I just...I don't wanna come off like....like a jerk, not to you. I'm just not....I'm not perfect.....at talking to people sometimes, and I just...with everything happening...I just don't want to hurt anyone again". She blinked at him softly, it was as if she wasn't used to him acting like this, so nervous and worried and as if he were falling apart. "You're not a jerk judas..I don't think you are at least...", she hid her face in her book a little more," You're nice and you just like helping people, y-you..... ". Then she stopped. "Nora?" "My parents....I can hear them coming...your spells are sending an alert....you have to remove the magic off the door and hide....or they'll suspect something!", and sure enough, the eyes off his skull chain lock were glowing, a perfect silent alert system for them in case their soundproofing didn't work. That had to mean the arrival of King and Queen spiderbite were only seconds away and boy judas was the last person they would want to find in nora's bedroom of all places. Judas was fast, darting under the bed and snapping his fingers, the enchantments leaving the door quickly after. Hearing two figures make their way in, he kept his mouth shut and hoped he hadn't made it apparent someone else was in the room, though much to his surprise, the conversation going on had little to nothing to do with him, or the fact they may of heard something. Instead, they both sounded worried, even a little panicked. That couldn't be a good sign. "Nora, you need to come with us....", the queen was walking towards the bed, and judas could imply she was most likely grabbing onto her daughter's arm, "What? Mom, is something bad happening?". The woman only frantically pulled her off the bed, "We saw her, out the window, we need to get you somewhere safe, we're on high alert! The guards are on alert and the commission will be here any second....c'mon". Nora wasn't even given much of a time to react when she was pulled out of her room, the door shutting behind her, leaving the boy in complete darkness under the girl's bed. Her? Wait... He was only given a few more minutes of panic before he heard footsteps. LOUD footsteps. And he held his breath as a cloak, or most likely, a black dress, dragged across the floor in front of him. Oh No.
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imagine-loki · 6 years
TITLE: A Way Out
AUTHOR: @cre8iveovadose
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki comforting you when your depression takes over, him trying his best to take care of you.
NOTES/WARNINGS: Depiction of depression and depiction of self harm.
I watched Crimson Peak and got angsty. Tried to keep it gender neutral. Enjoy xx 
There comes a time in every depressive episode when you just have to give in to it. You fight the sensation that gravity has increased, weighing your limbs down, until it’s easier to just sink down. You try to eat three times a day until it becomes too complicated deciding what to have so you just don’t eat anything. You ignore the voice in the back of your head telling you you’re worthless or stupid or whatever until you just get so tired of listening to it that you invite it to sit down so you don’t have to keep closing the door on it anymore.
I reached that point two days ago.
I didn’t even roll out of bed before I heard the whispers of my uselessness anymore. All I could do was shuffle around and wonder when Loki would be back. I admired his obligation to Asgard but the time we spent apart always took a toll that I paid more than he ever seemed to.
I wasn’t mad at him for going. I just needed him here.
The only things I had the energy to do were sleep and watch TV. I could barely even flick through the channels, the myriad options too overwhelming to choose between. I’d watch reality TV, kids’ programming, cooking shows. All the voices just droned on in the background as I oscillated between slumber and wakefulness. 
Until the horror movie came on. 
I’d stopped watching horror movies years ago when I realised the violent sound effects triggered my self-harm urges. Between the bloody imagery and the general sense of unease, I always came away from a slasher film with a distinct urge to carve myself up until I couldn’t feel anything anymore. There was something irresistible about this gothic romance that I couldn’t take my eyes off of, though, and I knew I would pay the price once the characters started slashing each other to ribbons.
Every gash on the screen sparked something in the grimmest part of my brain. All I wanted was something cutting into me, to see the blood against my skin. When the film was finished and I was sufficiently shaken, I slipped into the bathroom and let my blood flow. Pain washed through me like a cleansing breath; the cuts deeper than I should have let them be. Relapsing was the easiest damn thing in the world.
I crawled into bed, a fresh bandage wrapped around the cuts. I lay on my side with my arm stretched out before me, pressing and prodding the fabric to keep the pain flowing. I fell asleep to the burn of my torn up skin and the film-induced worry that I was not alone.
I woke the next morning to the sound of the front door slamming shut. I heard the familiar thunk of boots on the wooden floor before that familiar voice pierced the air.
“Oh, come on, I just finished cleaning up Thor’s mess.” 
I smiled to myself, knowing Loki would fuss about the state of the kitchen and the living room. At least I’d managed to do the dishes before my energy had completely wasted away. 
I turned onto my back and felt my arm sticking to something. I looked down and saw small splotches of blood on the bandage. When I pressed down, my fingers came away stained with red. My stomach churned a little as I wondered if I’d gone too far this time. I don’t have time to figure it out before Loki appears in the bedroom doorway.
“What happened?” He asked, peering down at me. “Why are you still in bed? It’s almost noon.”
I shifted my arm limply. “I got sick again.” I can’t say the D word out loud. Loki knows that. We talk around it in metaphors and allusions most of the time thanks to my inability to admit what’s wrong with me.
He came forward, his emerald green cape fanning out behind him. He looked silly in his Asgardian garb here but I couldn’t deny I enjoyed the vision of the concerned prince when he crouched down beside the bed and gingerly held my arm.
“You hurt yourself?” He asked. 
I want to say it was an accident but that’s a lie too big for both of us. We both know it’s never an accident, regardless of what I tell other people if they see scars or the bright edge of a bandage under a sleeve. I just nod.
He stood up only to sit on the edge of the bed, watching me with sadness in his bright blue eyes. “How long have you been in bed?”
I glanced to the clock and calculated. “Nine hours, this round.”
“And how long have you been like this?” His eyes flicked to my bandaged arm for a moment before he settled his gaze on my face.
“A couple of days.”
“You didn’t try to contact me? I gave you that enchanted paper for a reason. For this reason.”
I opened my mouth but realised I didn’t have an answer. I don’t know why I didn’t send him a message. Probably because it was easier to give in than to ask for help.
He sighed, brushing my oily hair back from my face. “Oh darling, when are you going to realise I’m here to help you? That’s what you do when you love someone. Don’t you know that?”
“I do not.”
Loki leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. “Let me get changed and get you something to eat, alright?”
I nodded and watched as he disappeared back out to the kitchen. I heard the rattle of packets and the clink of cups before he returned with pretzels and cold water. He set them down on the bedside table before he changed out of his clothes and into pyjamas. I shuffled over, barely stifling a gasp when I put too much weight on my arm, and he crawled into bed beside me.
“Eat,” he said, passing me the pretzels, “while I look at your arm. It shouldn’t be bleeding like this.”
I did as I was told, holding my arm out to him and watching as he deftly unwrapped the bandage. I whimpered when it tugged at the raw cuts but Loki gently reassured me. 
“They’re angry and they’re too deep but you’ll be alright,” he murmured. “Any idea what triggered you to this?”
“Horror movie on TV. Didn’t have the energy to turn it off.”
“What about the overall episode?”
I shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine. I thought I’d gotten better at figuring out when I was getting bad again but,” I gestured to my wrist, “obviously not.”
Loki held my hand, smoothing his thumb over my palm. “Would this have happened if I’d been here?”
I felt tears prickle at my eyes. “This isn’t your fault. This is never your fault.”
“Then what can we do to stop it from happening? You can’t keep doing this to yourself, my love.”
I bit my lip. “I don’t know how to stop.”
Loki tightened his grip on my hand. “We’ll find a way. If I can find a secret way out of Asgard, we can find a way out of this.”
I looked down at the criss cross of faded scars across both my arms. “What if there isn’t a way out? What if I’m stuck like this?”
“Then I’ll be stuck with you.” 
We lay together, Loki’s arms wrapped around me, and I knew that no matter what my depression tried to tell me and whatever it tried to do to me, I would always have him to look after me. To find the way out.
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