#Loki's got like no game how is he getting any
mysecretlittlelibrary · 3 months
Maybe I Just Wanna Be Yours
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: oral (f receiving), handjob, sub Loki, edging & overstimulation, forced submission kinda, hair pulling, a lil choking, I hope that's everything lol
Genre: smut and I guess fluff
Summary: You make Loki realize something about himself that he was not expecting to learn.
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You plop down on the couch with your bowl of chips, getting comfortable to watch TV.
"Are you out here by yourself?" Loki's voice surprises you. You hadn't heard him come down the hall.
"Yeah." You glance at him over your shoulder with a shrug.
"Why?" His eyes narrow.
"I'm watching TV. You are familiar with that particular activity aren't you?"
"Yes I am, but why out here alone?" Loki rolls his eyes before sticking his head into the fridge.
"I wanted to leave my room. You're welcome to join me." You shrug.
"Why would I do that?" He scoffs.
"Believe it or not, some people enjoy doing things with other people in different spaces, you awkward little hermit." You roll your eyes. You walk over to the kitchen for a drink, realizing you forgot one.
"I am not a hermit." Loki crosses his arms. You grab a soda and walk over to Loki, leaning in close enough that he leans back suspiciously.
"This is the first time you've been out your room in like a week." You tell him.
"That is not true!" He steps away from you indignantly.
"It is, and that's fine. If that's how you like to live, I'm not judging you for it. But for me anyway, a change of scenery is good for the mind." You shrug walking back over to the couch.
"That doesn't make an ounce of sense."
"To each their own." You hum.
"You are a strange woman."
"Because I'm watching TV?" You tilt your head curiously.
"You spend your time so differently from everyone else here." He says.
"Yeah believe it or not I am an individual."
"That's not what I meant."
"I just meant that most of the tower is left unoccupied from day to day, except you, you seem to- be everywhere." He frowns.
"If you're content never leaving your room that's fine, like I said I prefer a change of scenery. Helps mark the passage of time when we're not off saving the world." You shrug.
"There is next to nothing worth doing on this miserable planet."
"You are ridiculously negative." You chuckle, pressing play on your movie of choice for tonight. Clearly, this conversation with Loki is over, you have no interest in going back and forth about his cynicism. You hear him take a sharp breath, if you had to guess it's like one of those breaths you take before speaking but he doesn't say anything and eventually you hear his shoes along the floor and you smirk as you check that he is indeed gone.
It's not necessarily that you enjoy getting under Loki's skin the way you so obviously do, but it is rather easy and no one else speaks to him, which is kind of sad. To be clear you don't pity him, in fact this back and forth he reluctantly engages in is you refusing to treat him any different than you would anyone else on the team. It just so happens that he's easy to rile up and you find it funny but really this is just you being inclusive.
"You know y/n I don't get how you do it." Tony drunkenly says. It's supposed to be game night but after an hour Tony's of course too drunk to play so now you're all just talking.
"How I do what, Stark?" You ask.
"Deal with reindeer games the way you do."
"Reindeer ga- do you mean Loki?" You blink at him. You're not even sure how the group ended up on the subject, he's not here. How long were you checked out of the conversation?
"Yes obviously." He scoffs.
"It would be obvious if you used his name. Why are we talking about him, anyway?"
"Tony decided the next topic of conversation would be the team and somehow we got to how Loki is pretty much a recluse." Natasha explains to you.
"Exceeeept he talks to you. How does that work?" Tony asks.
"I dunno man I just poke fun at him like I do the rest of you and wait til he gets red in the face." You shrug.
"You mess with him on purpose?" Thor frowns.
"No, no! Not- really? He just, okay I don't try to get under his skin exactly, it's just when he engages with me, it seems like he expects hostility. I just give him back what I get from him and I don't think he knows how to handle that. But he keeps talking to me so I guess something about it gets through to him."
"That's very weird." Tony says.
"You're really in no place to judge Tony, we all know your list of idiosyncrasies is practically never ending." You roll your eyes.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Is idiosyncrasies too big a word for our resident mad scientist?" You ask.
"I know what the word idiotsinkities means." He scoffs.
"Right." You hum. The others burst into laughter at Tony's slurred attempt at defending himself. It seems to be enough to change the subject and the rest of the night proceeds without another weird interrogation- especially once Tony passes out.
You lean against the wall as you listen to this guy, Jack, talk. He's close enough for you to smell his cologne, mostly to be heard over the music and the crowd of partygoers. You laugh at some silly joke of his, because he's cute and you'll probably end up making out with him in a quiet corner of the tower later if he doesn't say something stupid before you make that decision. The sound of someone clearing their throat pulls your attention from your conversation. Loki is standing there with his arms crossed and faced squeezed.
"Oh? Look who's come out to play." You muse.
"Do you know this guy?" Jack frowns.
"Jack, this is Loki, he's on the team. Loki this is my new friend Jack. Don't be rude, say hello." You nod your head towards Jack. Loki narrows his eyes as if sizing Jack up.
"Hey man. Nice to meet you." Jack puts his hand out to Loki.
"I don't shake hands." Loki says.
"Right- did you need something? We were, kind of talking."  Jack says.
"I don't care what you were doing." Loki rolls his eyes.
"Play nice Loki." You say, practically singing the warning.
"I'm not a dog." Loki glares at you.
"Well don't go around snarling like one." You snap.
"Is something- going on between you two?" Jack frowns.
"No." You say firmly.
"Alright well I'm going to get another drink, do you want anything?" He asks.
"Just you back here soon." You wink at him.
"I'll be as quick as I can." Jack kisses your cheek and walks off while Loki breathes incredibly noticeably agitated as he rolls his eyes ago.
"Alright Loki, what is your problem?" You scoff.
"He looks like a jungle cat."
"Really? I don't see jungle cat honestly, he kind of looks like a deer to me." You hum.
"Not in his appearance I mean the way he was closing in on you, like a lion waiting to attack a gazelle." He frowns.
"What? You don't think I can handle the big scary man Loki? Don't insult me, I've killed things that would eat him for an afternoon snack." You scoff.
"It's not that I think you can't handle him. Something about him was just- off. Didn't like his energy."
"Something was off? You didn't like his energy? Really that's what we're going with?" With a hand on his chest you press Loki against the wall.
"What else could I possibly be going with?" Loki tries to keep his voice steady, but with your hand now trailing down his abdomen you can feel muscles tensing under your touch.
"Truthfully I think somebody didn't quite enjoy seeing me pay so much attention to Jack. Don't worry Loki, he couldn't possibly replace you." You hum.
"Don't be ridiculous." He scoffs. You smirk as your hand dances lower and you watch him go stock still when your fingers trace along the waistband of his pants.
"You won't get anywhere by lying to me you know." You say. His mouth drops open slightly as you curl your fingers for your nails to gently caress his skin. "Do you want me to stop Loki?" You whisper in his ear teasingly. As if a bucket of ice water was dumped on him you watch Loki jump back out of your reach and clear his throat before walking off with a glare. You frown as you watch him go, perhaps you pushed too far this time. You think you need to apologize. You start to make your way through the crowd and somehow get caught by Jack.
"Hey, where are you off to?" He asks.
"Looking for you actually, I need a bathroom but I didn't want you to think I was leaving you hanging. If you go back to our little corner I will find you again shortly, alright?" You tap his chest and bat your eyelashes before spinning away from him to continue your task of tracking Loki down. You pop into the nearest empty room.
"Friday, where the hell did Loki go?" You ask her. The tower is huge and since you lost sight of him while talking to Jack it could take you forever to find him on your own.
"He's on the Balcony lounge at the end of the hall upstairs." Friday tells you.
"Thank you!" You tell her, heading for the stairs. Sure enough, there's Loki brooding on the balcony by himself. You slide open the door and Loki's head whips around. When his eyes settle on you, they narrow.
"I've had it with your games tonight." He says.
"No games. I actually wanted to apologize." You say.
"For what?" He regards you suspiciously.
"If I went too far just now. I'm never trying to make you uncomfortable with the teasing. If I crossed a line I want you to know I wasn't trying to and I respect your boundaries." You say gently.
"You think that made me uncomfortable?" He scoffs.
"Well you did quite literally run away."
"You do realize I'm a god, don't you?"
"So what?" You shrug.
"People worship me y/n."
"People worship me too Loki. Shall I start calling myself a goddess?" You cross your arms.
"Of course not." Loki looks at you incredulously.
"Well I'm just saying darling if you're quantifying your power here by being worshiped there are people who would tell you I am the path to heaven. Or, I suppose for you it would be Valhalla, right?" You tilt your head.
"That's rather presumptuous."
"Don't misunderstand here. I never asked them to deify me but who am I to deny those who believe I know the entrance heaven's gate?"
"And where is that?"
"Heaven's gate?" You chuckle, quirking an eyebrow up at him. "I don't think you can handle the answer to that question Loki, truthfully."
"You have no idea what I can handle." He frowns.
"I'm sure you're very capable honey but you've made it clear that you and I have... very different types." You say.
"What's that supposed to mean?" The frown deepens.
"Why did you run off? If you weren't uncomfortable, what made you run and hide?" You ask.
"How does this pertain to my question?" Loki shakes his head.
"My question is the answer to yours."
"I don't follow."
"Answer the question, and I'll offer an explanation." You say. Loki lets out a harsh breath through his nose.
"Your behavior, is disarming."
"And you don't like being disarmed?" You tilt your head.
"It's not something I'm used to."
"Right." You hum.
"You said if I answered you'd explain the connection." Loki says.
"I like disarming people. It's something I do quite well, and often. You don't seem too fond of that. Which- obviously wouldn't work."
"It's something you do well with mortals. I'll remind you I'm a god."
"So you've said but I did it pretty well to you like five minutes ago." You shrug.
"You caught me off guard." He frowns.
"It's not like I couldn't do it again."
"That's a rather bold assumption. One that I'm inclined to disagree with." His brow furrows.
"That's cute." You chuckle.
"I'm not so easily frazzled as your pathetic midgardian males." Loki insists.
"What just happened does not support that claim, but your insistence is exactly what I'm talking about when I say you're not my type. Putting you in your place would be so much trouble." You shrug.
"Putting me in my place?! On the contrary darling I would have you begging me. You'd call me king."
"What do I care for a king when there people who call me their god?" You scoff tugging at Loki's shirt to bring his face closer to yours. "Do you get it yet Loki? You want control and I'm unwilling to give it. You think too small to ever command me."
"You don't know that." His eyes narrow.
"Your breathing stuttered when I grabbed your shirt. Plus there's not a creature in all the nine realms thinking big enough to command me darling. Don't worry it's not just you." You wink at him pulling back and turning away from him to leave.
"Your attitude is insufferable." Loki growls grabbing your wrist and pinning you against the building with a hand around your throat.
"Is it?" You smile trailing your fingers from his wrist up his arm. You watch his jaw tense as his eyes snap between your face and your hand a couple of times before his gaze settles on you. His grip on your neck tightens as your fingers reach his shoulder. There, you shoot your hand quickly into his hair, fisting a handful of it and yanking, hard. Loki's head snaps back and his knees almost buckle as a strangled moan escapes from him. Your other hand grabs his wrist attached to the hand on your neck, his grip has loosened to practically nothing from your sudden hair pull but this is about power and control and if he's determined to convince you he's got some here you're determined to ensure he knows that's not true. "Let go Loki." You say in that sultry commanding tone you usually reserve for submissives. Slowly, his fingers unfurl until they no longer hold you and you finally release his hair, only to knock his ankle in such a way that he drops to his knees. He snaps his head up towards you with a glare in his eyes but all you do is smirk at him. "Shame you're such a brat, you look so good on your knees for me." You hum tilting his chin slightly. You lean forward, close enough to feel his heavy breaths against your face. "Goodnight Loki." You whisper. You drag your finger from his chin up his cheek and then turn away, leaving him on his knees on the balcony with more questions than he can answer as you return to the party.
The loud knock on your bedroom door pulls your attention from the show you're watching. You almost don't want to get up but whoever is looking for you seems rather incesent so you roll out of bed and swing open the door to find Loki in the hall.
"Loki? What are you doing here?" You cross your arms and lean against your doorframe.
"I need to talk to you about something."
"Look whatever Tony said to upset you, you can always get him back by calling out that he's a spoiled brat with daddy issues and a lack of self control so embarrassingly pathetic it's a miracle Pepper wants to be within 10 feet of him let alone spend the rest of her life with him." You sigh.
"That was- scathing and rather immediate, do you just spend your free time thinking of nasty things to say?" Loki blinks at you.
"No but I do have an arsenal of harsh comments if ever I need to hurt someone's feelings." You shrug.
"I'll- keep that in mind but this isn't about Anthony Stark." He shakes his head.
"Well, what is it then?"
"Could I- do you mind if come in?" He asks. You poke your head into your room checking for anything you don't want him to see.
"Fine." You say after confirming your room is clean. You open the door fully and let him through the doorway. "What's this about Loki?"
"The party the other night. Do you, remember what we talked about?" Loki asks.
"Well yes but you'll need to be more specific on where this is going."
"I just, I've been thinking about it and I think you're wrong and I'd like to prove it to you."
"Oh this should be good. Wrong about what exactly? Because I think I made myself quite clear. You'll never get the control from me that you seem to think you want." You shrug.
"No that much is obvious. But you said I wasn't your type and I think that's- not true." Loki's brow furrows as he speaks.
"What a shocking turn of events." You hum.
"Do not mock me." He sighs.
"I'm not. You were so insistent you couldn't possibly fit the bill I'm surprised by the turn around."
"Believe me so am I but, I haven't been able to stop thinking about that night. Something about you forcing me to my knees I just- something happened."
"Something happened?" You quirk an eyebrow at him.
"You disarmed me again but- I liked it. I think. And I'd like to try and understand that."
"Say it Loki."
"You said your partners worship you, show me how to do the same." Loki says.
"And you're sure you want this? If you misbehave I can be very mean."
"I'm sure." He nods.
"Then we'll have to discuss some things first. I won't touch you until I've asked some questions." You shake your head.
"Ask me anything."
"How do you feel about restraints?"
"No handcuffs. Ropes are fine."
"How are you with pain?"
"I don't know my limits but I'm not- opposed." He says.
"I'm not going to paddle you or anything darling it's much too soon for any of that but we'll use a stoplight system anyway. I'll check in frequently but at any point you can say yellow if you realize you're reaching a limit or red if you need something to stop. You'll also need a safeword."
"I don't need a safewor-"
"I don't know your limits, you don't even know your limits. It's a nonnegotiable Loki, you need a safeword. Pick one." You say.
"If I must, I'll use another color. Gold."
"It's easy to say, I wear it a lot, do you think it'll get confusing?"
"Nope. As long as it's something you can remember." You shrug.
"I can remember gold." He says.
"Then gold it is. And Loki?"
"You must promise me you will use it if you need to." You say.
"I won't need to."
"Don't start with that nonsense." You roll your eyes. "I need to know you'll use it if it comes to that."
"Fine. If it comes to that, I'll use it." He nods.
"Good. Couple more components. Overstimulation and or edging. Where do you fall?"
"I think you underestimate my resilience." He frowns.
"These are things I ask all of my submissives Loki you are not exempt. Not everyone likes the same things. You're lucky I'm not making you fill out my entire questionaire right now. You'll have to do that later." You scoff.
"I have homework already?"
"If you want this to continue after today you will. For now, overstimulation and edging."
"That's fine with me."
"Can we- hold off on those until we have a longer conversation about it?"
"Absolutely. How do you feel about names? Do you like being called mean things? Are there certain pet names you don't like?"
"When you say mean things-" Loki trails.
"Mean names like slut or whore, I might scold you for 'making a mess', or tease you for being responsive."
"If- you say something that strikes a nerve I'll say so. Otherwise proceed whatever way feels natural." He says.
"Do you have any questions?" You ask.
"No." He shakes his head.
"Well that's the end of the preliminaries."
"So we can start now?"
"You think you're ready?"
Loki drops to his knees hesitently, looking at you with wide eyes.
"From here on you'll address me as mistress, is that understood?"
"Yes... mistress." Loki says. You can see the wheels turning in his head, trying to decide how he feels about it.
"I know I said this the other night but you really do look so perfect on your knees for me." You hum grabbing his chin. You wrap your fingers around his throat and bend over to kiss him. Loki reacts eagerly to your kiss, leaning up into you as much as you'll allow given your hand still holding his neck. When you pull away his mouth tries to follow yours but you hold him in place. Part of you just wants to look at Loki on his knees for a couple of hours, one day you'll tie him up real pretty and take pictures of him kneeling for you. "You want to learn how to worship me do you?"
"Please mistress." Loki breathes out. God that was hot. You're already thinking of ways to make him beg. You pull your shorts off and Loki's gaze falls to the apex of your thighs, still covered by your underwear, but his tongue darts out to lick his lips.
"Take my underwear off, with your teeth. Just your teeth." You tell him. Loki leans forward and latches onto a corner of your panties with his teeth. It takes him a moment to get the hang of it but you watch as Loki works them over your hips slowly. Once they're off, you thread your fingers through his hair, using the leverage to angle his gaze back up to yours. "Let's see if that silver tongue of yours is good for anything other than those silly retorts of yours hm?" You hum shoving Loki's face towards your pussy. He reacts quickly, tongue lapping at your center with fervor. You tug at his hair, arching towards his mouth, as he works you.
"That's it Loki, keep going." You moan. Loki looks up at you while he seemingly tries out a few patterns, trying to work out what you like best. You pull his hair when he does something you like, enjoying the way he groans when you do. "Wrap your lips around my clit and suck." You tell him. Loki is quick to follow your instructions and it doesn't take long for you to coat his mouth in evidence of your orgasm. You pull his head away from you, petting his head affectionately. "That was a good start. Up. Lay on the bed and take off your shirt." You instruct stepping back. Unsteadily, Loki stands up and walks over to your bed, stripping his shirt before he lays down. His body is stiff, probably since your instruction was vauge.
"Relax Loki. You look so- rigid." You chuckle sitting next to him on the bed. You allow yourself to simply admire his exposed chest, using your fingers to trace the plains and valleys of lean muscle that tense up at your touch. Eventually, you drag your hand down, dancing along the edge of his pants allowing the anticipation to build before you slip your hand beneath his jeans. Over his boxers, you stroke his dick, tracing veins and feeling it's size through his underwear.
"Uh... M-mistress?" He says breathily.
"What is it Loki?" You hum, with your free hand you work his jeans down his legs enough to see what you're doing to him. His grey boxers are already a bit darkened from pre-cum.
"If, if you keep doing that I'm- I'm afraid I'll make a mess of myself rather early." Loki frowns.
"So what?"
"W-well it's it's embarrassing mistress." He says, though little grunts interrupt his words.
"Embarrassing? So you don't want me to touch you?" You ask slowing your movements.
"N-no mistress that's not what, I do, want you to touch me. If that's what you want to do." He scrambles.
"See that's what I thought." You say speeding up again. Loki jerks against your hand low moans filling the room as you watch him react to your touch. You continue to stroke him over his boxers, watching the darkened spot of pre-cum grow ever so slightly bigger. You notice immediately when Loki's hands grip your sheets tightly. He must be getting close. It prompts you to increase your ministrations.
"M-mistress wa-wait stop I, I'm too close- I'll ruin my-" Loki doesn't finish his sentence. A shuddering moan accompanies the visual of his orgasm darkening most of the front of his boxers, wet streaks ruining much of the light grey fabric. There's something you quite enjoy about the sight even as Loki's cheeks tinge pink with shame. "I'm sorry." He mutters.
"Don't apologize. I wanted that to happen. As for the rest of your orgasms you'll have to earn them. You must ask for my permission to cum for the rest of the session. If you cum without my permission there will be consequences. Am I understood?" You grab his chin to make him look at you.
"Yes mistress." Loki says, eyes wide, searching your face, for what you're not sure.
"Good." You say pulling his dick out of his soiled boxers. You lick along the length once, reveling in the hiss Loki lets out no doubt from sensitivity. His previous orgasm makes for plenty of lubricant as you begin stroking him again, slowly. Loki's breaths come out in shudders and you lean over to place kisses and hickeys along his throat. Each bloom of red along his neck and chest pulls sweet moans from him until the sensitivity wears off. Soon, surprisingly soon, you see him grab the sheets again.
"Mistress I, I'm close-"
"So soon? Wow." You taunt.
"Can I cum mistress?"
"But before you didn't want to. Remember? You even asked me to stop." You slow down, almost stopping.
"No nonono that was- that was different I didn't mean it that way-" he seems to give up on his defense in favor of a groan at the sudden decrease in stimulation.
"Well, I was so kind in giving you the first one and you didn't even thank me. So you'll have to really convince me you want another." You shrug when his harsh breathing slows a bit you pick up the pace of your strokes again. When Loki grips the sheets you slow down again and when the tension dissipates you pick up. You do this three or four more times before Loki's moans start to transform in to pathetic sounding whines, his chest is red, his knuckles are white, and his dick is throbbing in your hand.
"Please- mistress." Loki pants.
"Please what baby boy?"
"I can't- I can't do it. I need to cum, I need to, please. Please mistress."
"You need to?"
"Please! Please mistress. Please let me cum. Oh god I need you to. Please." Loki's begging is boarderline hysteric, he's trembling and half of his words come out as moans.
"I do love to hear you beg."
"Please!" He whines out.
"Oo that was a good one. Very well, go ahead and let go for me sweetheart." You say sweetly, stroking faster to help him along. A few pumps later and he's spilling onto himself and your hand with a cry that makes your walls clench around nothing. You continue stroking him through it and even after he's coming down. You wonder if you can't pull one more from him. Loki jolts against your touch, scrambling as if to escape it but unable to go anywhere really.
"G-g-gold! Gold. I can't. Please." Loki pants out.
"Hands up." You say as you do exactly that. "Sorry Lo I- guess I got carried away. I'll get a towel for you." You get off the bed and grab a towel, wetting one side to clean him off and using the other to dry him after. You hand him an extra blanket after. "Give yourself some time to recoup okay?"
"You're cruel."
"I wasn't trying to be. You just- fell into your role so well. I told you I'm not easy. But I'll remember you're still new to this and be sure to treat you gently in the future. Mr. you underestimate my resillience."
"I can handle it."
"With time I'm sure. No rush now." You shrug.
"Wait- don't go anywhere please." Loki grabs your wrist.
"You need water honey."
"Later." Loki tugs hard enough to pull you into the bed next to him. You sigh and wrap your arms around him, playing with his hair gently. Loki will make for one interesting submissive if he decides this is something he wants long term. You'll have your work cut out for you, but maybe he's better suited for this than you think. Only time will tell I suppose.
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mischiefmaker615 · 1 year
Interior Motive
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Summary: a simple game of truth or dare brings out one of your greatest fantasies
Rating: R
Requested By: @LiahAerians (Wattpad)
Your cheeks turned absolutely red when Natasha leaned away from you with a smirk. Upon entering this truth or dare game, you’ve stepped into it with confidence.. until she had to get Loki involved.
Another one of Tony’s famous parties, and as usual- to much booze, leads to other kinds of festivities. Usually involving teenager games just to give Tony a shot with any women that breathed under the roof, hilariously no one has asked him truth or dare yet.
Even Loki- who sat away from the group, pretended not to be paying attention but even he got dragged into this the moment you told Nat dare. Of course.. he didn’t know he was playing yet.
So far Thor has bailed to the next room when he got dared to see how many pop tarts he could eat, Steve gave us a to-long monologue of the first time he “did it”, and Bruce had to go order everyone pizza. Of course Natasha’s dare had to be sexual.. probably because she was the only one on earth that knew you had a major crush with the god with his nose in a book.
To many nights you’ve fantasized about him, countless times you’ve lost hours of sleep and felt your eyes drifting to his form whenever he entered the same room. You both had a respectful understanding of friendship where it consisted of small talk, most of the time him throwing around teasing comments that always made you red faced and loss of words. You’ve felt he’s watched you to, even making an effort to talk to you yet ignore everyone else around him. you even subtly tried bending down to pick up stupid things to show the shape of your ass, shy but confidence driven but no one has ever made a verbal move. Or a physical one to your disappointment.. until now.
‘’I hate you and may love you for this..’’ you hiss at Nat as you got rid of your blush and took a deep breath to call in all the confidence your body could muster. You knew you should have second thought about wearing this short of a dress but you’d just have to work with it as you stood up from the couch.
Smoothing out the mid-thigh dress, having gone with a silky black, you smoothed it down and Tony got small hints as he smirked and put on some not-so-kid-friendly grinding music. Giving him a look, you ignored the awkward awareness that everyone was looking at you while you made your way to your target that raised his eyes with a questionable look and the book lowering ever so slightly.
Once your eyes met his as you made your way towards him, walking slowly with your hips swaying with each step and a sultry look in your eyes, you said a metal prayer of thanks that the booze was kicking in where your buzz tucked away your shy feeling.
‘’what are you-‘’ Loki questioned as you carefully removed the book from his hands while he leaned back as you moved forward, straddling your hips as his eyes searched your face and body as he tried to figure out the scene.
‘’and hear I thought you liked a bit of mischief?’’ you smirked as you ran your hands up his arms so they could rest on his shoulders, his hands hovering as he raised a brow at you with parted lips.
‘’your playing a dangerous game darling, I’m trying to decide what your motive is..’’ he replied in a quiet voice only you could hear until his tone of voice changed when you began to grind on his bulge, hiding your impressed expression to find out just how big he was. Your fantasies apparently have been correct..
‘’an end goal could be a motive..’’ you whisper in his ear as you sway and rotate your hips to the beat of the music, feeling his hands slowly rest against your thighs where your dress apparently decided to rise up from. At least your backside was covered so the others wouldn’t get a free show other than..
‘’and what exactly is this end goal?’’ he smirked, his finger tips on your thighs pressing into your skin ever so slightly while his thumbs stroked your skin, making it a bit hard to concentrate as you kept at it.
Even your hands slowly glided up his shoulders to rest on either side of his neck, your own finger tips playing with his hair while your noses threatened to touch as you leaned forward. Your eyes peaked at his lips teasingly before going back to his beautiful blue eyes, a danger in them in which you knew you started.
‘’to see if it is even possible to bring a god to his knees.’’ You whisper, feeling his bulge harden as you felt yourself get aroused by the second same as he. Your answer almost made him chuckle as lust seemed to make his eyes dilate and his hands moved to your hips where he held you firm to subtly grind his hips up to your own, so subtly where the others behind you couldn’t even see it.
"Making plans to spend so much one-on-one time with me like this will make me think that you are perhaps falling for me. It's not wise to get my hopes up like that, Liah. I prefer to be the teaser, not the one being teased."
The way your name flowed off his lips every time was enough to make you gush from between your legs, and you knew he knew it as he rose his hips up and moved your hips forward and back, your instincts making you try to hump him but the setting of the whole thing forced yourself to refrain, not wanting a whole scene from the Avengers behind you still and you were thankful the music was to loud to here anything that might be said from them.
Screw them honestly, you were living your fantasy right here in the living room and you might not even get another chance like this again.. if this was all real. Maybe he was merely going along with it because he thought it was just a dare and you had no real feelings for him.. your lips parted, wanting to ask, put your thoughts into words somehow, and his features became serious ever so slightly as he looked at you but before you could utter another word-
‘’I hope you guys compensate me for gas at least for this stupid dare.’’ Bruce mumbled as he walked in with five orders of pizza before he was cut short, as was the music when he caught sight of you both.
You looked over your shoulder with a guilt expression and cheeks red, moving to get up but realized Loki’s firm grip on your hips prevented you from getting up off of him. your eyes moved back to his in which his expression remained the same: hungry and lustful and not giving two shits about the others in the room.
‘’I think you win Liah’’ Natasha laughed and raised her glass to you slightly before finishing her drink. ‘’lets eat.’’
While the others got up and followed her over to the tables, each giving you smiled and small laughs before twitching their attentions, your own moved back to Loki as you suddenly felt yourself being picked up so he stood before set down, his hand grabbing yours the next second after.
‘’where are we-‘’
‘’you still wish to complete your motive?’’ Loki smirked and began leading you to the elevator with you, red cheeks and eager to follow, gave Nat a smile behind you where she winked.
Once in the elevator, you didn’t know if you should laugh or question as Loki ran his hand over the buttons before you felt the elevator halt after the doors close. ‘’they don’t plan on needing this any time soon and you’ve taken my patience away already darling..’’ Loki breathed before his lips were on yours in a second.
Your eyes widen at the sudden action but of course you didn’t hesitate to kiss him back, your arms wrapping around his neck where he backed the two of you up so your back leaned against the wall with his hands grabbing your ass. You moaned against his mouth, eagerly letting him in after he ran his tongue against your bottom lip before it explored your mouth.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, tugging on it as he moved his knee between your legs, grinding it against your cunt where he growled against your lips. ‘’if you wanted to be on my lap darling, don’t wait for a dare next time..’’ he teased and you bit your lip.
‘’so.. you weren’t just going along with it?’’ you asked as he moved his lips to your neck and he paused to look at you strangely before he began sucking at your skin.
‘’gods no darling.. do you know how long I’ve longed to have you? You’ve merely just beaten me to it..’’ he murmured and your eyes widened as you gripped his shoulders, a small smile playing at your lips.
‘’then perhaps Tony did a good thing at suggesting this game.’’
Loki pulled away to rest his forehead against yours, a deadly serious expressing in his eyes that made you run a shiver down your spine. ‘’if you would have done that dance to Stark instead, he would have been a dead man and I probably would have taken you right then and there in front of everyone.’’ He growled as his hands moved to your hips. ‘’and I am a man of my intent.’’ He smirked before he slowly sank to his knees, holding eye contact as your own flirted with his.
His hands slowly ran up your thighs, his fingers dragging the bottom of your dress up to your waist to reveal that you had no panties on, making his eyes flick up to yours. ‘’oh.. you naughty girl..’’ he smirked, hunger consuming him as he raised one of your legs to drape over his shoulder, hands gripping your ass as he brought your cunt to his mouth.
A gasp left your lips as your head was thrown back to feel his tongue run against your pussy, hands gripping at his shoulders desperately. His lips sucked at your clit, running his tongue up and down against it every few seconds before he went to sucking again. The very actions made your legs begin to shake, arousal consuming you as your fingers dug into him.
One of his hands slide down before he slowly slide a long digit before your cunt, pumping and curling it at a teasingly slow rhythm that would do nothing but drive you mad. His tongue seemed to even match his finger pace while he alternated flicking his tongue against your clit before switching to slow strokes against it before he sucked at it against and repeated.
Gods he was amazing with his mouth, and all the dreams you’ve had didn’t do it justice as you felt yourself coming close to your climax. Your lips parted with your eye lids fluttering, even feeling your eye sight dance as the feeling in your pelvis grew. ‘’gods I’m.. I’m..
‘’mm cum for me darling.. fulfill my own fantasy as I push you off that delicious edge to pure pleasure.. cum for me Liah..’’ he murmured against you, the vibrations of his voice and his moans as his tongue caressing you did just that.
You fell off that beautiful edge and moaned his name, practically screaming even as your head fell back and your muscles tensed, shaking as he kept pumping his finger into you with his tongue massaged. ‘’fuck..’’ you breath as he slowed his movements until you rid your pleasure all the way before he carefully undraped your leg so you could get your proper balance again.
‘’is that your next motive darling?’’ he smirked as he slowly rose to his feet while he sucked his finger clean, making your cheeks redden as you leaned against the wall to catch your breath, his hands caging you in while your hands rested against his chest. With a shared smirk, your eyes rose to look at his hungry ones and the doors to the elevator opened to his floor.
‘’I have a couple more actually..’’
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verysium · 7 months
I’ve been seeing some discourse around twitter about the blue lock boys and whether they’d be a loyal bf or not 😭 Curious to know who do you think would be more inclined to cheat or who just wouldn’t at all!!!
I saw someone say sae would 100% cheat like whattt I feel like he wouldn’t even bother looking at anyone else if he already has someone (Cuz I mean dating him would likely mean you actually mean something to him) but I digress
ok anon you had me pulling up a whole argumentative essay here cus WHO TF SAID SAE WOULD 100% CHEAT??? 😔 that mischaracterization is so painfully inaccurate. twitter really took the whole emotionally unavailable itoshi archetype and ran with it. let me just clear the air here because my man deserves some explanation.
sae itoshi would not cheat. as in capital N and capital O. he took nearly an entire decade off his life just to work on his own issues and finally form a functional and healthy relationship with another human being. and you're telling me he's just going to let all that wash down the drain for someone else? 😒 twitter logic really be showing its illogical side here. apparently a man can be loyal to a professional sports career for eighteen years, but he can't be loyal to his significant other.
i think this misunderstanding probably happened cus of shidou. people read the manga and saw that sae dropped rin for a bug-eyed freak and automatically assumed he was disloyal. 😑 let me just say two things here:
(1) sae and shidou's relationship is strictly professional. imagine being stuck in an god awful corporate office with coworkers who bore you with their weaponized incompetence and a boss who annoys the living shit out of you. and then one day, the company hires a new recruit who is probably the most unhinged and debauched creature known to man. you're probably left wondering how he even got hired in the first place. but then you find out...he's useful. he takes risks and gets a high return on what he invests. it's impulsive and stupid, really. but at least it's unconventional and outside-the-box. he has your interest piqued. that's basically sae and shidou in a nutshell.
(2) just because sae gave shidou his number after the u-20 game does NOT mean he would do the same to any other person who would try to encroach on your relationship. and let's be real here. sae would get one text from shidou and block his contact.
anyways, here is my analysis on the bllk boys in general. introducing the anti-cheating to pro-cheating spectrum:
(A) cannot cheat under any circumstance (as in they already hate the fact that they live on a planet with 8.1 billion other people who are not you):
itoshi brothers (atp they don't even have the physical or mental capacity to entertain a third party), ness, reo
(B) cannot cheat due to physical incapability (literally cannot pull anyone within a five-meter radius to cheat with):
ego, igarashi, raichi, bachira (not that he's in any way unattractive...it's just...i feel like he would purposefully act weird to drive off people who aren't you)
(C) could not cheat (basically option A and B but less problematic version)
yukimiya, barou, kunigami, noa, loki, gagamaru, chigiri, niko, hiori, karasu (baby boy literally felt inferior cus his crush was the cutest in his class), kurona (head empty, just you)
(D) would not cheat (on you but everyone else is not included)
isagi (unintentionally a homewrecker to others but would never let anyone homewreck his relationship with you), leonardo (idk why but i just don't trust him entirely)
(E) could cheat (depends on what they get out of it):
kaiser, shidou (honestly what did you expect when you willingly dated a blonde man...)
(F) would cheat (either proven by canon or they accidentally fucked up somehow):
otoya, oliver, nagi
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superficialdomina · 9 months
Fray (Into Submission, Part 4)
Part 3: Lost
Series masterlist
AN: An Avengers training session gives you a chance to show Loki how fun it would be to let you win.
As always, an enormous thank you to @acidcasualties for making this whole series happen. Special thanks to @lokisgoodgirl for checking the accuracy of my swordplay!
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: 18+; minors DNI. Thirsty with some reminiscing, but nothing explicit in this one. Inaccurate descriptions of combat training. Mostly just lurid descriptions of Loki's smoking hot bod in workout wear, with a touch of plot development.
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Days. You hadn’t seen him in days.
There were hints of him; you knew he was still in the Tower. You’d heard his voice a couple of times, and yesterday when you’d stepped into the elevator you could smell that he’d been there minutes before. But he’d upped his avoidance game. It made you sad, and a little afraid.
The look of anguish he’d worn as he’d cast you out of his apartment remained etched in your memory, leaving the subtle ache of guilt in your chest. Had you gone too far?
You mulled it over as you pulled on your gym gear. Loki might still refuse to talk to you this morning, but you were confident that you would at least see him. After several of your coworkers had missed Saturday afternoon’s impromptu training session, Rogers had rescheduled for first thing Monday morning, with strongly worded insistence that everyone be in attendance. His WhatsApp message didn’t quite single Loki out by name, but none of you was in any doubt about its intended target.
The spacious training hall gleamed with the sunlight that streamed through the large 26th story windows, casting a warm glow on the polished mats. The luxury of the Tower was as prominent here as on every other floor. The gym was loaded with state-of-the-art equipment and comprehensive accessories, all meticulously maintained - as though getting your arse kicked by a handful of superheroes would hurt less because there wasn’t a speck of dust on the yoga mats, you thought wryly. You peered hopefully around the room as you entered. I just need to know that he’s OK, you told yourself.
Loki and Thor were sparring hand-to-hand in the open rink, the soft thudding of their bare feet resonating as they moved around one another. Occasional grunts carried as one of the pair landed a strike. Despite Thor’s size advantage, they were evenly matched; Loki was always a fraction faster, seeming to know exactly where Thor would move next, as though each step were choreographed and practiced to perfection. Observing them was like watching an ancient dance. Which is exactly what it is, you thought, momentarily awed. A fierce, millennium-old dance.
Thor’s bare chest, though impressive, was still somehow less appealing than Loki’s lithe form, clad in workout wear that clung tightly to his broad back. You let your eyes blatantly traverse him. His elegant ankles smoothed into perfectly sculpted calf muscles; his Godly hamstrings flexed under the hem of his training shorts, which in turn restrained his flawlessly rounded glutes. His body was utterly splendid. A delight of form and function, forged by centuries of practice and power. A work of art.
If he would just put that phenomenal dedication and discipline to good use in service to you…
“Time!” Rogers called loudly, and the brothers stepped back, arms lowered, chests heaving. Thor clapped Loki on the back amicably, and for the briefest moment, you saw Loki wince. The small movement made your blood run hot.
“Three minutes, everyone!” Rogers continued, before consulting the pairs listed in the complicated run sheet on his ridiculous clipboard. “Two and eight,” he began. “Three and twelve. Four and… Sixteen.”
You groaned inwardly, pushing thoughts of your recalcitrant conquest from your mind. The Black Widow. Not exactly a leisurely start to the morning, then.
“Come on, sixteen,” Natasha laughed. “Show me what you’ve got.”
The room filled with the sounds of Avengers in practice: thudding boots, wordless shouts, the familiar hum of mutual respect and collective, focused power. As you sparred, you began to relax into the collaborative energy, muscle memory activating as your training partner led with her familiar fighting style. Nat feinted here, and you responded there; the two of you were strong, and graceful, and -
Thump. You landed flat on your back on the hard mat. Again. At least this time you’d seen it coming. Your body just… didn’t move that way. Or that fast.
“You’re getting better,” Nat insisted as she hauled you to your feet. “You almost avoided that one.”
“I saw what you were doing,” you agreed, somewhat reluctantly. “I just couldn’t do anything to stop you.”
“They rarely can,” she winked, as Steve’s obnoxious whistle sounded again.
“Drinks!” he shouted, “then re-pair for weapons.” He returned to his spreadsheet, muttering numbers to himself, as you reached for your water bottle and your thoughts – and eyes – returned to Loki.
He was sauntering towards the group with Bucky, shoulders thrown back in haughty masculinity, animatedly wiping sweat from his brow with his sinewy forearm. Whore, you thought lustily. They looked almost amicable. You gazed at him, curious; confused. He seemed… fine? Loki caught you watching him and gave you a wink. A wink. Almost like…
Like old times, you thought. What is going on?
You turned away, chugging water, then wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. He seems fine. Was it real? If he was truly so nonchalant, why the vanishing act over the past few days?
You were still standing there, bemused, when the team began to pair off again. In your distracted state, you’d missed the next call. Who…?
Only one person remained by your side, and his imperious gaze left you in no doubt as to your next partner.
You moved together to one end of the training mats. This close, you could see the fine trails of fresh sweat across his bare shoulders; smell the sweet scent of it heavy around you when he raised his arms to pull his curls back into a messy plait. You imagined the saltiness of it gathered in the valleys of his muscular, sinewy body, with which you had so recently become better acquainted; the way it would pool and concentrate in the deep hollow of his jugular notch.
I could make you sweat like that.
He continued to smirk at you mischievously as he moved into position, as grandiose and egomaniacal as ever. “Short swords, Agent?” he drawled, a short, thick blade appearing in each hand with a flicker of green.
“Just one, Laufeyson!” Rogers shouted, before you could respond. Loki raised an eyebrow at you, flirting with the idea of arguing; but he wordlessly vanished the weapon on his left.
“You didn’t want to lend that to me?”
“Darling, they are hundreds of years old,” he drawled coolly. “I don’t lend them to anyone.” Turning to fetch a training sword, you hid a smile at his words. Had he forgiven you?
Or he’s just feeling cocky.
The gym’s practice swords were hung neatly at the far wall. You tried to pick one that was long enough to be effective, but not so long as to be cumbersome. It was highly irrelevant; he was faster, stronger, and infinitely more skilful than you. You selected a narrow doge sword that at least felt comfortable in your grip.
The gym echoed with the ring of steel on steel as your peers sparred. How many rounds had it been? Each time you lasted barely a minute before he outdid you, the sharp edges of his blade finding their mark at your shoulder, your thigh, and once, your collar bone. Despite your budding fatigue, you found yourself mesmerised by him. He wielded the ancient sword with harmony and fluidity, so fluent was he in its unwritten language, so familiar with its little quirks. Like an old lover, you thought madly, as you struggled to steady the vibrations of the blade with each parry and clash.
His weapon whistled again; this time the flat of his blade struck your hand, and you dropped your own sword. He stepped back to patiently wait for you to ready yourself again.
His fitness was phenomenal - you were breathing hard, your arms burning, and he barely seemed to have slowed. The smirk he’d given you earlier was once again pasted across his beautiful, pretentious face. Patient, but smug.
“Where have you been, Loki?” you asked as you retrieved your weapon, buying time to catch your breath. Dammit, your knuckles stung; you hoped it wasn’t obvious.
“Here and there,” he replied easily. No denial this time. “Are you ready?”
“I was worried about you.”
“If you mean that you feared for my safety, I am most able to defend myself.”
“That’s not what I meant.” For a second you thought you saw a flicker of vulnerability return to his features. If you did, it was quickly swallowed by his traditional haughty confidence. “I just… Well, as long as you’re OK.” Ready, you lifted your blade - and a thought occurred to you.
The timing had to be perfect; if he hadn’t been looking directly at your mouth, he might have missed it. Provocatively raking your eyes down over his long body, you bit your lower lip, and gave a tiny, breathy moan.
It was horribly overdone, but it worked. Loki hesitated for a fraction of a second, his eyes widening, and you took advantage of his momentary distraction to slip below his guard; the steel of your sword captured his, and you pushed - hard. There was the harsh sing of metal-on-metal as you slid down the blade, checking his weapon against his chest. His move was forfeit. He stepped backwards off the edge of the mat, losing his balance - and you pinned him against the wall.
You pressed your body into his, your mediocre blade below his chin, and carefully assessed his face. Was he irritated by your trick? If anything, he seemed… amused.
“That,” he said lightly, looking down at you over his long, regal nose, “was an interesting tactic.”
“You know what they say,” you muttered, still breathing hard. “If you can’t beat them…”
“I dare say it would not be widely effective,” he added.
“More than you think, perhaps.”
And then you noticed it: the slight flush to his cheeks, which could be excused by the workout. The twitch of a muscle at the corner of his jaw. The feel of his perfect cock swelling slowly under his training shorts.
Not amused… Aroused.
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Loki knew the moment you’d realised his state of mind. Or rather, state of body.
You’d opened your mouth in mock astonishment, your eyes bright with barely contained glee.
“Are you enjoying this?” you had asked, quietly delighted. The crossed swords had still been pressed unrelentingly against his chest, his blade locked tight under yours. It made his pulse quicken pleasantly.
Loki had given a small, wordless huff, but he didn’t trust himself to speak. In truth, he’d found it highly enjoyable; your control, your audacity, your erotically mischievous little decoy. His own powerlessness. But how could he admit that to you?
The sounds of water splashing off bathroom tile brought him back to the present. Gingerly, he stepped under the heavy jets; steam enveloped him. Lathered soap formed clouds of bubbles that washed away the training-hall grime, the sticky salt that clung to his skin like a fragrance. The precious soreness that assured him that he had worked for this. That he had earned it.
How could he admit that to you? The question turned over in his mind like the soap in his hands, slippery and fraught. It should be simple, really; the evidence was laid bare before him, stripped of illusion and ego in the privacy of his mind. The chamber. The Genuflexa. The young man, beautifully bound. The way your body had risen in his mind's eye to bring him undone, not just then but so many times since…
He let the water run through his long hair, raking his fingernails to help it penetrate all the way to his scalp. He liked the way their sharpness felt on the sensitive skin.
… And in counterpoint, the betrayals of his youth. The early memories of hurt and rejection that had sown the seeds of distrust. The expectations of masculinity and dominance, and the familiarity of the long-worn mask.
Loki lifted his chin to shake the heavy, saturated mass of slick curls out behind him, squeezing the last of the water from it. He thought of you; of how much he would like to tend to your sore muscles, to soothe the bruises you would surely have sustained in combat today. To gently run his fingertips over your scalp, and hear you sigh with contentment.
There was only one sensible question, he decided as he stepped from the lustrous shower recess. Steam was clearing to reveal his glistening face in the bathroom mirror. Did he trust you?
He dried his hands, and picked up his cell phone.
Alright, Agent. Prove me wrong.
Almost immediately, he received your reply. The tone of it sent a little shiver down Loki’s spine.
9pm, my apartment. Be punctual.
Before he could interrogate his feelings about it, his phone gave another gentle ping.
Wear your cape.
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Tags: @lokisgoodgirl @acidcasualties @infinitystoner @lady-rose-moon @coldnique @thomase1 @kats72 @holymultiplefandomsbatman @tomlugirl @lokisninerealms @missmushroomsstuff @ladyloki3 @fandxmslxt69 @sinsandguilt @sarahscribbles @lunarnights95 @meowmeow-motherfucker @simplyholl @divine-knight-hand @gigglingtiggerv2 @eleniblue @loz-3 @redfoxwritesstuff @wolfsmom1 @beksib @nyx2021 @lokischambermaid
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Dirty Work 21
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: have a wonderful day!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The gate bell buzzes and you rush from the kitchen to answer, the porcelain clinking as you leave it in the sink. You flit into the hall and to the entryway. As you pull the door open, you sense a shadow and turn to see Laufeyson at the top of the stairs. He watches but does not speak. You waver before you find the strength to continue on.
You shut the door gently and try to breathe through your rattling nerves. You don't understand what's going on. The words Laufeyson said still don't make sense to you. He can't mean what you think. You have to be overthinking. Yet the tickle of his touch remains on your skin and fuels your doubts.
How can you say no to him? If you do, he might say the same...
You repress a shudder as you reach the gate and hold the button to roll it back. Ronan steers through in his truck, pulling in just behind Laufeyson's flashy ivory car. You let the gate close and approach the truck bed as the carpenter climbs out.
"Miss," he opens the rear door to grab his bag, "you look nice, special occasion?"
You look down at yourself and wipe your sweaty palms on your skirt. It's sunny but it isn't the weather that has you fired up. You force a smile that makes your cheeks twitch.
"Uh, no, they're just...new," you sway as you push your hands behind you, "erm, so I guess... you should get started."
"I should," he checks his watch, a thick leather band with a tarnish face, "I hate to get in the way of your work. Or ruin your fancy clothes."
"Oh, uh, it's not... I'll bring you some water," you offer.
"Hmm," he hums as he shuts the door, "you're too kind for your own good. Nice to see you doing something for yourself for a change."
"I..." you swallow the truth. "Thanks."
"Not that you didn't look good before," he insists.
"Well, I..." you murmur, looking away bashfully.
"I'm talking a lot," he chuckles, "you know where I'll be."
He turns and stalks off towards the house. You blow out a breath as your eyes are drawn to the front door. Mr. Laufeyson stands in the frame, again observing you, his gaze narrowed to slits. He reminds you of a snake in coil about to strike.
The door shuts before you can reach it. You enter and he's gone. It's like some game. You return to the kitchen to finish tidying up the porcelain from tea. You set it away in the glass cabinet and fill a fresh jug of water. As you place it on the patio, Frigga pops her head up from the roses, a healthy bouquet in hand as she snips the stems with a pair of cutters.
"These will be nice in the dining room," she suggests as she shows the white petals, "Maybe a few for the study?"
"Uh, yeah," you plunk down the pitcher and glass. "Did you need any water? This is for the carpenter."
"Oh, he's here?" She says, "I didn't see him. Perhaps I can ask him about the flower boxes."
"Yeah, uh, maybe," you agree, "I'll be, er, upstairs working. Got a lot to catch up on from yesterday."
"No worries at all, darling," she assures you.
You retreat and stumble to get your shoes off once more, mindful of the rules. That's the problem. Everyone is forgetting the rules. Ronan does the gazebo not the flower boxes, you don't wear your shoes in the house, and Loki-- Mr. Laufeyson is just your boss.
You rush up the stairs, nearly too at a time, and reach the top out of breath. You hurry into the library and close yourself up inside. It's just you. It strikes you how much you missed being alone. These last few weeks have felt so crowded. Constricted even.
You finally make yourself sit still. You find it hard not to wriggle in the seat as you watch the laptop screen load. It feels so long ago that you did this. It's all backwards and you don't like it. You like clear lines. You are separate from Mr. Laufeyson. You are below. You have your tasks and he has more important concerns.
You focus on balancing his bills. There are a lot of outstanding invoices. You're still learning how to keep it all organized. You feel a bit out of your depth with all the numbers but you excelled at math all those years before.
A subtle click barely registers but nestles in your ear. You squint at the screen as you watch a tutorial on Excel functions. You're still figuring that out too.
"The carpenter has been dealt with?" Mr. Laufeyson states as much as he asks.
"Yes, Mr. Laufeyson," you confirm and pause the video. You glance behind him at the open door to his study.
"Very good," he says, "he will work faster without distraction."
You nod. You take his point. He is right. It might be better that the project is finished sooner than later. There's a big enough mess, the type you don't know how to clean up.
He strides around the library, perusing the shelves as if they are new to him. He feels along the spines of books and drags his fingers along the wood. You watch him, waiting. For what, you don't know.
"Don't let me distract you," he says without looking at you as he slides out a volume. "As you were."
Your eyes flick down obediently. You try to refocus but forget where you were. You open the ledger to make notes as you restart the video. You can sense him lurking around the room, closer and closer as his silhouette blurs the edge of your vision.
The narrator continues their instruction as you open the transcript to follow along. Mr. Laufeyson inches closer and closer, walking just behind your laptop, then around one side of your desk before doubling back. Again, he looms behind the screen and strolls along the other side. And at once, he's behind you.
You tense as you feel him watching over your head. You keep your hand moving as you take notes, writing down words you don't process. Your pulse thrums in your temples as you feel him leaning over you. His hands rest on your shoulders and he kneads them as you sit frozen.
He bends further and further until you feel his breath on your crown. He nuzzles your hair as his hands trail slowly across your shoulders. They close loosely around your neck as he exhales with a groan. Just like the one you heard earlier.
You gulp against his grip as your pen stills and you stare blankly at the screen, the narrator hazing to a drone and the colours fogging together. You drop the pen and drag your hand up to touch his. He tuts as he lowers his head next to yours, his lips brushing your ear as he speaks.
"I didn't say stop," he slithers as heat scalds over you.
You shiver and remove your hand from his, reaching for the pen instead. You pick it up, trembling as you try to read your own writing, your chin pressing to his knuckle as he tightens his hold on you. It's just scribbles, broken lines and squiggled waves.
"Notice too, you did not either," he whispers against the shell of your ear and draws away, all once releasing you. 
You gasp as he swiftly side steps and strides across the room. He retrieves the volume from the shelf and reclines across the chaise, lazily opening the pages with a sigh. You stare at him as he lingers, engrossing himself in the book as you forget all about the spreadsheets and negative balances.
Mr. Laufeyson leaves without a word. A taunt in its own right. He’s toying with you impeccably. His every move, his every glance, even something as careless as breathing is a statement. He’s watching. He’s waiting. For something…
Your frustration boils over and you snap shut the lid of the laptop. You haven’t been able to focus since his intrusion. The weight of his hands on your throat remains even with him gone. At moments, it feels as if you are truly being strangled.
You get up and resign yourself to something less complicated. You near the door and stop to peek at the one attached to the study. It’s open still but you wouldn’t think to peer through it. Is he there still? Listening? Expecting something?
You go into the hall and descend, each step expecting Laufeyson to call you back, to reproach you for straying. You reach the bottom without obstacle and exhale. You hear noise in the kitchen and follow it.
Frigga is there, placing a rectangle tray on the counter. She is comfortable as she moves around lightly. She knows where everything is as she arranges her ingredients and tools. You admire her. You wish you had that confidence, especially now as you drown in uncertainty.
“Oh, darling, wonderful timing,” she praises as she looks up, “I thought to do some cooking before I go. I’m sure you know Loki is rather avoidant of doing so himself. Why don’t you join, hm?”
You blink and hesitate, glancing over your shoulder. It isn’t exactly work. 
“Don’t you fret for him, if he has issue, I will take it up with him,” she dismisses your unspoken doubts. “Come, come, I want to share with you my best recipes.”
“Okay,” you cross to her. She is undeniable, besides, you don’t think Laufeyson would be pleased to hear if you were to reject his mother. 
“Beer-marinated pork,” she announces, “roasted turnip and some hand-made bread, of course.”
You nod and twiddle your fingers. You’ve never had beer-marinated anything. Well, your culinary experience is lacking.
“Family recipes,” she explains, “adapted over the years. There was a time the bread was baked on rocks and the turnip would be roasted over embers. Imagine.”
She trills and spins around, gathering more supplies for her growing array. As she faces the counter again, she sighs.
“I much rather prefer the modern methods, of course. Not so tedious and Loki has ensured the best,” she goes to the stacked ovens embedded in the wall and sets the temperature, leaving the upper one to preheat. “A pity, such a nice kitchen and it’s barely used. That cook of his… she doesn’t know our recipes.”
You listen, too anxious to summon any sort of comment. She doesn’t seem to notice as she carries the conversation smoothly. 
“Do you cook? You must,” she answers her own question, “we will make enough for you to take home for your father. If he can’t stomach beer, I can make a sauce.”
“Oh, that’s… that’s okay–”
“I insist,” she overrides you, “it’s a labour of love for me. I love cooking. That is the one thing Sif– his ex-wife wasn’t fond of. She was always at the stable.”
You nod, trying to unravel the story from the stray threads. Little by little, you learn more of the woman who used to live here. In your head, she is sophisticated and splendid. And the way the speak of her, they seem to mourn her as much as you do your own mother.
“We will need onion and some spices, we’ll mix it in with the beer for our marinade,” she instructs, “a bowl…” she turns to take a silver bowl from the nested stack.
She puts it before you and directs you. She stands back as she lets you do it yourself. It’s nice to have the simple tasks set out one by one, even if it feels as if she’s judging your every move. You submerge the pork chops to marinate and she turns your attention to the turnip.
“Be careful chopping, turnips can be difficult,” she girds.
You shy away from the large knife and the hard rutabaga. It’s not easy to saw through as you rock the knife this way and that. You only get halfway through before the blade sticks immovably.
“Allow me,” she takes over and with a jerk, finishes the chop. The turnip splits in two as the knife meets the thick cutting board. “A bit of elbow grease…”
“Mother, what are you up to?” Laufeyson enters with a hand in one pocket.
“Oh, you know, dear, I can’t leave you without dinner.”
“I have a cook,” he counters.
“Mmm, yes, but nothing like a homemade meal,” she tisks.
He looks at you as he nears. You wipe your hands on a dish cloth and wring it tight. Frigga continues on unbothered, turning one half of the turnip on its flat side and chopping it into chunks.
“She’s helping,” she says, “please don’t take her from me.”
“I didn’t say anything,” he shrugs, his lips slightly curving.
“You were thinking it,” she huffs, “she can take some time to cook. Perhaps, she should do so regularly. It would save you money.” 
“But not time. She has other tasks.”
“You being the most onerous,” Frigga chirps as she transfers the chunks into the pan.
“Perhaps,” he does not look away from you as you twist the dish cloth to its limit. He slips his hand from his pocket and lets it brush up his shirt, “I am what you raised me to be.”
“I was saying to the darling earlier,” she ignores his snipe, “the next time you visit, you might bring her along.”
“Eh, next time…” Laufeyson swallows as his lips fall straight, “maybe…”
“You are going to visit, aren’t you?” Frigga whines, “you and your father, I don’t know why you just can’t get along.”
“I tried, mother, I did. You saw–” he stops himself, “it doesn’t matter.”
“It does. Very much. You’re family.”
“Are we? He’s disowned me more than he’s ever claimed me.”
“You’re too much alike, that’s your problem,” she chides, “and you’re both too stubborn to see it.”
“We will discuss this another time,” he says as he peeks at you again, “in private.”
“Should I…” you begin.
“Stay,” Frigga and her son command at the same time.
“I’m not sending her home empty-handed,” Frigga says, “so you will drive her home, yes? It will be too much to take on the bus.”
“Why, of course,” he accepts, “it would be my pleasure.”
“Mm, and the carpenter, he fixed the flower boxes already. A few loose nails,” she grins, “nice man, that one. I might recommend him to your father.”
Laufeyson pokes his tongue out as he squints. He turns his gaze back on you. You miss when he barely looked at you, when he hardly even acknowledged your existence. And yet, you're just the same. You can't say a word.
“I haven’t dealt with him much,” he says pointedly, “that is the house manager’s concern.”
“Probably better off,” Frigga snickers, “she won’t drive him away.”
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stevesbestgirl · 2 years
Their Girl - Game Day
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Soft!Daddy!Stucky X Little!F!Reader
Warnings: age regression, brief descriptions of food, passive alcohol consumption (nothing major), reader gets overstimulated, younger than usual regression, crybaby queen reader, reader’s hand gets swatted, but no real violence
4275 words
A/N: This is part of Season 2 of Their Girl! Season 2 is still in progress and won’t be posted until it’s finished, but there is a new character in this part that hasn’t technically been introduced yet. Rest assured, the remaining pieces will come in time, but it’s Super Bowl Sunday here in the U.S., so enjoy! 
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"Papa, I don't wanna watch football," you pouted as Steve pulled a Giants jersey over your head.
He cupped your chin, "Can I tell you a secret?" You gave a solemn nod and he cracked a half smile, brushing his thumb over the line of your jaw, "I don't really care about football either. But it makes Daddy happy and helps him get along with Uncle Tony. Do you think you can help me?"
"Can I take my game with me?"
Steve pressed his mouth into a thin line; he should have expected that. "Yes." Your face split into a grin, but Steve held up a finger, "But we're staying until the end of the game. And if I hear any complaining-"
You shook your head, "I won't."
He tapped your nose, "Good girl. Now let's get going." He hoisted you up on his hip, grabbing your backpack with his other hand.
You leaned out to watch him scoop it up, a curious look on your face. Steve chuckled, "What is it, sweetheart?"
Your cheeks warmed, "Daddy is strong." You never got tired of how easily he carried you around.
He squeezed your leg, "You like it when I carry you around?" You buried your face in his shoulder in lieu of answering. He pressed a kiss into the top of your head, "Good thing I like carrying my baby around too."
You smiled, still feeling shy as Bucky came into view, leaning against the couch. "Look at my girl," he grinned, pushing off and striding toward you. 
As Bucky reached for you, Steve spun you away, clearing his throat and puffing out his chest. Bucky grinned, changing course to cup the back of Steve's neck, "And my guy, of course."
Steve rolled his eyes, "Sure thing, Buck."
Bucky pulled him in for a kiss anyway. "Now c'mere, you," Bucky held his arms out and Steve handed you over. "Are you ready, doll?"
"Did you get my game, Papa?"
"Got it," Steve held it up before he zipped it up inside the backpack.
The three of you headed to the rec room, which Steve had promised would have fun things to do.
You could smell the rec room before Bucky even opened the door; the scent of pizza and chicken wings wafted out. The sound of chatter followed, growing exponentially louder as Bucky opened the door.
Inside, Peter and Wanda were making a racket at the foosball table. Tony, Thor, Loki, Nat and Bruce were seated at the ring of sofas that centered around the enormous television. To your surprise, there was another adult present, seated on the opposite end of Tony's sofa. It was your new friend from the office, Stephen Strange. You offered a shy wave, your comfort around him having dwindled since your last meeting.
"Thought you guys were gonna miss kickoff," Tony noted.
"It took a little bit of convincing to get everybody here," Bucky grimaced, setting you down.
Bruce held out an arm for a hug and you climbed onto the sofa next to him, tucking underneath and into his side, "Hi Bruce."
"Hey kiddo, how's it going?" You shrugged. "That bad, huh?"
"I don't like football."
"Why not?"
"Too much yelling."
He grimaced, "People get excited, huh?" You nodded. "What if you got excited too? Would it be okay then?"
You shrugged again, "Maybe."
"Why not give it a try? You might like it."
You stayed quiet; you didn't know if you wanted to like it.
Loki caught your eye from the sofa across from you, drawing a chuckle from Bruce, "Go on."
You hopped across the aisle to climb up next to Loki, "Do you like football?"
He shrugged, "Would be better with weapons."
You glanced at the TV again; you didn't think weapons were the problem, but you weren't going to argue with Loki. As one team kicked the ball all the way down the field to start the game and the crowd went crazy, you couldn't help but think that your daddies could have done a better job. But they were both watching the screen, even Steve, who had said he wasn't interested. 
"Did you bring your game?" Loki's gaze flicked from the screen to the group of adults, back to you.
You nodded, "In my backpack."
The corner of his mouth lifted, "Do you want to play?"
Glancing at Steve, you nibbled at your lower lip; it might be a bit early to ask. But you slipped off the couch and trotted over to Steve, hands clasped behind your back, "Papa, can I play my game with Loki please?"
He gave a soft chuckle, his gaze flicking to Loki on the other sofa, "It hasn't even been ten minutes, sweetheart."
You glanced over your shoulder at the TV, "But it's screen time, right?" You let your lip jut out a tiny bit, shuffling between Steve's legs. 
A little crease appeared between Steve's brows as Tony snorted a laugh, "She's not bad."
"You two can play, but not the whole time, alright angel?" Steve offered, ignoring Tony. He tipped his chin at the backpack by the sofa, "Go ahead."
You beamed, "Thank you!" Scuttling over, you rifled through the bag, pulling out your game and clamoring back onto the sofa beside Loki.
"Wait, I wanna play!" Wanda's voice piped up from the foosball table, a note of resentment at not being invited in her voice.
"Me too!" Peter echoed, scrambling to follow as Wanda grabbed her own game and climbed up next to you. 
Shuffling over to make room for her, you bumped shoulders with Loki, making him glance sharply away.
"Sorry," you murmured, pulling in to try giving him more space as Peter squeezed in between you and Wanda, crowding the sofa further.
"It's fine."
"Babydoll, do you want to sit with me?" Bucky patted his lap.
Nodding, you disentangled yourself from the others and scurried over to Bucky, who pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arm around you and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You looked to Loki, "Are you ready?"
He nodded, though he looked a bit displeased, his mouth pressed into a thin line as Peter and Wanda chattered beside him.
You played, but Loki no longer seemed in the mood for it. He kept glancing at Thor as though he wanted to go home, but Thor, whose face was painted and had a plate piled with food, didn't seem to be going anywhere soon.
When the Giants made a big play, the room exploded with noise, even Bucky, who was usually so soft-spoken. He threw his free hand in the air in a fist,  "YES, WHAT A THROW!"
You tensed, squeezing your eyes closed as though it would muffle the sound. For once, Bucky didn't notice- he was focused on the game. Stifling the threat of a pout, you set your game down and wriggled out of Bucky's grasp, expecting him to protest. But he let you go, his fingers grazing your arm absently. 
Since you'd already gotten up, you had to find something to do. You slunk over to the food table, appraising the snacks, but you weren't really hungry. Glancing over at your daddies, you wanted them to notice you. Usually, they were so attentive that you couldn't hide anything from them, but today you couldn't seem to compete.
"Too loud?"
You'd been so busy watching Steve and Bucky that you hadn't noticed Peter trotting up to you; it looked like game time had been abandoned. Wanda was snuggling in with Natasha and Loki was speaking urgently in Thor's ear.
You hesitated before nodding; Steve had said no complaining. But Peter gave a knowing nod, "Me too." He held out a hand, "C'mon."
You followed him over to the closet. Inside, board games, blankets, and spare snacks filled the shelves. Eyeing a thick comforter at the very top, Peter climbed the shelves with ease, never wavering as he pulled the blanket out with one hand and tossed it down, following with two others before leaping from the top to land on the newly cushioned floor. 
You watched him wide-eyed, breathing a soft, "Wow," as Peter grinned up at you from his dismount.
He began spreading the blankets out in a dense pile on the floor, carefully closing the closet door to muffle the noise as another cheer went up from the sofa area.
Once he was satisfied with his nest, he fixed a serious gaze on you, "I'm gonna go get our stuff. I'll be right back."
He grabbed the door knob, but you touched his hand, "Wait, um," your cheeks flushed with warmth, "Could you get my paci from my backpack?"
Peter smiled and nodded before disappearing, closing the door behind him. You decided it was kind of nice in here; the door muffled the sound nicely and the blankets didn't even smell like a closet. You took another from the shelf, wrapping yourself up as Peter returned, slyly slipping back in and closing the door without a peep.
"Here, pretty girl," he said with earnest enthusiasm as he gave you your things: your game, your paci, and your sippy cup, also from your backpack. He also gave you a cookie from the snack table and a pair of blue headphones.
"I don't like loud noises sometimes either," he said nonchalantly, as though that explained everything.
"Thank you," you murmured, suddenly feeling shy at his attention. Peter was always nice to you, but this was different. He was looking at you the way small children often looked at babies, or children smaller than them; like he was honor-bound to make sure you were cared for.
Part of you wanted to reject his help; you didn't want to be the baby of the group, but you supposed Peter knew what that was like too. So you slid the headphones over your ears, muffling the sounds of the game even further, before you put your paci in and played your game. 
Never being allowed to play your game for this long at home, you lost yourself in it. It wasn't until the closet door opened, Tony on the other side, that you remembered where you were.
"Found them. What are we doing, playing Seven Minutes in Heaven?" He smirked, "I get next round."
Feeling extra small, you just stared up at him, eyelashes fanning your cheeks as you blinked in the bright light.
"It was too loud, Daddy," Peter explained, placing himself resolutely between you and Tony. 
"Pete, you can't-"
"Tony found them, Steve, in the closet," Bucky was calling back over his shoulder. Peering over Tony's shoulder, his expression melted into a smile, "What are you doing in there, babydoll?" Registering the doe-eyed look on your face, he gave you an easier question, "You comfy?"
Nodding, a contented smile peeked out from behind the pacifier. 
Peter didn't budge from his place, "See? She's comfy. We're having fun!" His fists were balled up, even though no grown ups had demanded the closet be vacated.
Steve appeared over Bucky's shoulder, "What is she doing in-" Much like Bucky, Steve instantly softened his tone at the sight of you swaddled up and dewy eyed, "What are you doing in there, angel?" Bucky murmured something in Steve's ear before turning his attention back to you, "It's halftime, princess, do you want to come out for some pizza?" He paused to placate Peter, "You two can come back when the game starts again, if you want."
Peter nodded adamantly, but it was your nod Bucky was waiting for. You were feeling slow, like Bucky's string of words needed to be untangled before you understood what he'd asked you.
With a soft whisper in Peter's ear, Tony guided him back to the party, leaving Steve and Bucky with you. Steve knelt in the doorway, offering a hand, "You hungry, sweetness?"
You blinked at him once before messily untangling the nest of blankets you'd buried yourself in and clamoring over to his hand. But instead of accepting his help standing, you raised both arms, "Up?"
Steve grinned, hoisting you up under the arms and taking you out of the closet to sit on his hip. He removed the headphones Peter had loaned you, setting them back in the closet with your other things.
You babbled softly to yourself, suddenly entranced with the way Steve's blonde hair caught the light, your fingers drawn to the glistening gold. Steve and Bucky talked, though you didn't have enough capacity to truly listen. 
"You don't think something is wrong, do you?"
"She seems happy."
"She doesn't usually get so small, Buck-"
"I know, Stevie," Bucky said soothingly. "We'll talk to her when she lets us." He kissed Steve on the cheek and you on the forehead before he veered toward the snack table, "I'll get her something to eat."
Steve fixed you with a puzzled look, "Is everything okay, sweetheart?" 
He brushed hair away from your face and you leaned into his touch, "Papa." The word was slurred and barely audible, but Steve heard. 
Fingers still buried in the hair behind his ear, you smushed your face into his neck, granting him a sloppy kiss, accented by a muffled, "Mwah." You giggled to yourself as Steve took his seat back on the couch, cradling you carefully in his lap.
You returned your attention to Steve's hair, fingers quickly undoing any attempt he'd made at styling it. He allowed it without complaint; it wasn't a secret that Steve liked having your attention, especially with an audience. 
"Papa pretty," you declared, both hands shrouded in Steve's golden crown, now tousled and messy. Natasha laughed, drawing a derisive look from Wanda. Loki, who had been unsuccessful in convincing Thor to leave, looked miserly and disinterested, tucked into the corner of the sofa with his game, though he wasn't playing. 
"Oh no, I don't think so," Steve suddenly tutted, capturing both of your hands in his, "My baby is the pretty one." And he buried his face in your neck, kissing and nibbling and tickling, your giggles devolving into gasping breaths by the time Bucky returned with food. 
Steve relented, gathering you back into his arms to make room for Bucky, but before he could settle, you were straining against his grasp, trying to get to Bucky, "Dadadadada."
"Hold on," Steve chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you in place. "Wait just a minute, sweet pea-"
"Dadada," you insisted, undeterred by Steve's interference. Reaching insistently for Bucky, you were no match for Steve's strength, eyes welling with frustrated tears.
Once Bucky was settled, he moved the plate safely out of the way, pulling you into his lap from Steve's grasp. 
He cupped your chin, wiping a stray tear away, "No need for that, Daddy's right here, princess." You sniffled, urgency forgotten now that you had Bucky. He leaned in closer, cooing, "We know you're extra little, but try to tell us what you need with your big girl words, okay doll?"
To his surprise, you shook your head, "Uh-uh."
"You don't want to use big girl words?"
But you only babbled back at him, the sounds not quite forming all the way.
Steve caught Bucky's eye, but Bucky didn't push further, keeping a close eye on you as you grabbed a fistful of goldfish crackers from the plate he'd brought, sloppily spreading a trail of them from the end table to your seat on the sofa. 
Steve captured your fist in his hand, trying to work the crackers loose before crumbs ended up scattered all over the rec room, "Here sweetness, we'll feed you instead, hm?"
But you let out a squeal of protest, fist instinctively jerking away and scattering crackers across the floor. 
Before you could process, there was a sting to the top of your fist; Steve had given you a sharp tap, "Hey!"
As the realization set in, you stared at Steve with a wobbly lip, sucking in a breath, but before you could cry, Peter exclaimed, "That's not nice!"
"Pete-" Tony began, trying to shush Peter from the snack table, but Peter ducked his arm and charged over to the sofa, crossing his arms expectantly at Steve.
"Hitting is mean."
Now that the attention was on someone else, you buried your face in Bucky's shoulder with a soft whimper, watching Peter and Steve. 
"Peter, honey," Steve tried to explain, "I didn't hit-"
"Yes you did, I saw," Peter insisted, though he glanced at your face, verifying your watery eyes and sniffles before he challenged Steve for the second time. 
"I would-"
"I saw too," Loki chimed in. Wanda was quiet under Natasha's guidance, but she nodded her agreement.
Steve looked pained, "That wasn't to hurt-"
"Steve just needed to get her attention," Bucky tried to help.
But Peter wasn't having it, "Pretty girl is little, she doesn't know." Catching the note of ferocity in his own tone, Peter dialed it back, stealing a glance back at Tony to make sure he wasn't in trouble yet, "You're strong Uncle Steve, what if you did hurt her hand on accident?"
Steve took a deep, calming breath, "I would never hurt her on purpose. I'll be more careful, okay Pete?"
Peter didn't appear convinced, but he nodded. Steve urged him over closer, speaking low, "You're doing a good job looking out for her, okay buddy? I appreciate it."
Peter nodded again, stealing another glance at you to make sure you were really okay. But before he could return to Tony, who was still at the snack table chatting with Stephen, you held out your hand, offering the last goldfish cracker clutched there.
Politely accepting a cracker, Peter scuttled back to Tony, his courage depleted after standing up to a grown up. 
Steve turned his guilty gaze back to you. You stared at him, tucked into the safety of Bucky's chest. He captured your now empty hand, pressing kisses into the back of it, "I'm sorry if I surprised you, sweetheart. Will you let me feed you, please?"
You nodded slowly, making no move to lift your head from Bucky; he was rubbing your back and it was making you sleepy. 
"Buck, she won't sleep tonight if she naps now," Steve warned, taking the plate from Bucky's free hand and offering you a bite of pizza.
Bucky chuckled at your groan of protest as he removed his hand, propping you up in his lap so you could eat, "C'mon doll, eat something for us?"
You nibbled the pizza half-heartedly, but it was enough for them, both men raining praises on you for being so good. You only ate a little, but Steve and Bucky were more focused on keeping you calm and happy. 
Suddenly remembering the party, you peeked at the others. Wanda was laying with her head in Nat's lap, playing her game solo. Peter was with Tony and Stephen at the snack table still, looking a bit shy. Thor was engrossed in the halftime report on the TV, bringing a large flagon to his lips for a deep drink, oblivious to the thunderstorm of atmosphere surrounding Loki beside him. 
Loki looked miserable. His game was turned off, resting on the arm of the sofa. He had his knees pulled up, arms wrapped around them so his chin rested in the gap in between.
Tugging Bucky's sleeve, you pointed, "Dada?"
Bucky spoke gently in your ear, "What is it, princess?"
You struggled for the words, "He sad."
"He does look a little sad, huh?" he murmured, stealing a glance at Steve to see if he was listening, but he was chatting with Nat and Bruce. "You wanna help?"
You nodded and Bucky dutifully carried you over, patiently waiting for you to speak, "Loki?" It didn't sound like it usually did- the syllables were disjointed, but Loki was already paying attention.
"Yes," he replied plainly.
"I sit?"
Bucky settled you in between Loki and Thor, "Shout if you need me, okay baby?" He kissed your forehead before he returned to Steve, who urgently spoke in his ear, his gaze on you.
Loki didn't strike up a conversation. Words weren't your strong suit at the moment, so you just leaned against him, resting your head on his shoulder, "Okay?" Loki gave a short hum that sounded like approval, so you closed your eyes. 
After a minute or two, Loki shifted, lowering his legs. You sat up as he readjusted, and he glanced at you, "You can stay- if you want."
Smiling, you leaned on him again as he grabbed his game. Lighting up further, you pointed, "I watch?"
He gave a tight nod, "Sure."
So you watched him play for a few minutes, disturbed only slightly when Thor finally stood to refill his mug and get more food. When Thor came back, plopping into his seat and shifting the sofa, you were pushed further into Loki, sliding down into his cushion with him.
You let out a soft, surprised squeal, fingers curling around Loki's arm for support. You saw the way Bucky's head snapped to you, instantly seeking you out to make sure you were okay. Steve, who had never stopped watching, narrowed his eyes.
"My apologies, little one, are you alright?" Thor patted your head.
Giggling, you nodded, allowing Bucky to relax as the game started again. As the ball was kicked again, everyone settled back into their seats to watch, although the noise quickly picked back up.
Before long, there was a collective inhale across the room and then all of the adults started shouting.
"Come on!"
"That was pass interference! Are the refs blind?"
Thor thumped his fist on the arm of the sofa, "Foul play!"
Peter caught your eye from his place next to Tony before he stood. Moments later, he was in front of you, the pair of blue headphones and your pacifier brought from the closet. 
Rather than hand them to you, Peter carefully put the headphones on your head, though they weren't plugged in, and held the paci up to your lips.
"Fank you," you slurred around it, grateful to Peter but suddenly shy at the attention.
Peter grinned proudly before climbing back up next to Tony, who ruffled his hair. 
Loki grabbed the end of the headphone cable, plugging it into his game so the sound would cover the noise.
Resting your head back on Loki's shoulder, you could hear the faint murmur of chatter and the occasional exclamation following a big play, but the sound wasn't so overwhelming. 
And despite the dull uptick in the volume after each play, your eyelids grew heavy, your cheek smushed against Loki's shoulder. 
You woke as your seat suddenly shifted again, the collective shout loud enough to pierce the protection of the headphones. 
Jolting up to see Thor jump off the sofa, his fists raised in the air, "YES! YES!" The other adults cheered with him, but the sudden change in atmosphere was a shock. With a single sniffle, you burst into tears, the sound muffled underneath the din. 
Before you could inhale for a wail, a pair of arms hoisted you up, Steve's scent soothing you before you'd even caught a glimpse of blonde hair. 
"I've got you, sweetness," he cooed in your ear, whisking you back to his place next to Bucky. 
You sniffled weakly, lip trembling, but no one other than Loki seemed to have noticed anything was wrong. By the time Bucky finished cheering and Thor sat back down, Steve had you cradled in his lap, Peter's headphones playing soft music in your ears. 
Bucky smiled at you, brushing his thumb idly over your ankle. You blinked at him and Bucky instantly noticed the glitter of tears on your lashes, giving your ankle a soft squeeze and lifting a headphone to talk to you, "You okay, babydoll? You need to go home?"
Sloppily rubbing an eye, you shook your head, "Daddy havin' fun." 
But Bucky shook his head, leaning in closer, "You tell me if you need to go, okay?" He cupped your chin, "My baby is more important, alright?"
Cheeks warming under the intensity of his gaze, you nodded. Looking satisfied, Bucky sat back, though he rested his palm on your ankle, his thumb resuming its path. 
You curled your fingers into Steve's jersey, watching the people run around on the screen for lack of anything else to focus on. With Bucky's thumb tracing over your ankle and Steve's warm palm tracing your back, watching the game wasn't so bad. 
As a man in blue ran down the field, another cheer went up, growing louder as his long strides carried him down into the very end of the field. Thor launched from his seat shouting again, oblivious to the sharp look he got from Steve. But you were ready for it this time, clapping along with everyone else.
The room quickly got quiet as all the players lined up by the goalposts, the tension obvious.
Bucky's fingers slowed on your ankle, squeezing softly as the play started. You struggled to keep track of the ball, but the room exploded in cheers again and Bucky hoisted you off Steve's lap as he jumped up to match Thor's enthusiasm.
Giggling, you clapped again, "Did we win, Daddy?"
Bucky grinned, looking as excited as you'd ever seen him, "We sure did, babydoll."
Bucky looked so happy to see you excited about something he liked, blue eyes lit up with little crinkles around the corners of his eyes. Maybe you could like football too.
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delicatebarness · 5 months
i think he knows | chapter nine
Summary: As the sneaking continues, some secrets are revealed.
Warnings: Two perspectives are used. A few uses of Y/N. A lot of dialogue between multiple characters. Mentions/Implied Underage Sex. Our girlie is sad again.
Word Count: 1498
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A/N: I wrote this chapter while sitting in a van watching big sweaty men run around with guns (all I pictured all day was winter soldier) 🤤 I edited once I got home and had calmed myself down. 🙈
Tags: @bigtreefest | @caplanbuckybarnes | @angelbabyyy99 | @mega-kittyglitter-1 | @cjand10 | @armystay89 | @itvy5601 |
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Bucky's words hung in the air, it prompted a sense of anticipation. You nodded as meeting his gaze, both curiosity and concern rushed through you.
"What is it?" you asked softly, as the gravity of his tone set in.
Taking a deep breath, he reached out to take your hand in his. "I know this isn't ideal," he started, looking down at your hand rather than into your eyes he began to rub circles against your skin.
"Us, um, sneaking around, keeping this hidden." You listened intently, trying to ignore the knot forming in your stomach.
"But," he continued, his gaze found its way back to yours. "I also know that being with you is worth it." His vulnerability took you by surprise, warming your heart. "I want to make this work."
With a small smile, you squeezed his hand, silently giving him the reassurance he needed to tell you what was on his mind. 
"What are we doing here?" Peter asked while looking up at the 'Stark's Motor's' sign above the rundown car and bike garage. "You know this is Tony Stark's family's business right? Tony Stark as in Bucky Barnes' friend?" Wanda had been curious about the tension between the two groups of friends, she sensed that it was deeper than simply, different personalities.
"Can I help you with something?" Tony asked as he looked Peter and Wanda up and down. They seemed familiar to him but he couldn't quite place them. Wanda looked around Tony, noticing the rest of the group gathered on sofas behind him.
Just as she expected, Bucky Barnes, for being the so-called 'leader' of the group, wasn't to be seen.
"We know about the bets," Wanda stated, gaining the attention of the whole group. The smirks that found their way to their faces proved to Wanda and Peter that the rumors were true. Concern for their friend became evident between them.
"What bets?" Natasha Romanoff questioned them, her tone guarded.
"When you bet each other on how far you can get with someone," Peter interjected before Wanda could, his voice rushed.
"What about them? You want in or something?" Loki, Peter recognized as the younger brother of Thor, questioned with a mischievous smile. He noticed that he was the only one of the gang who would ever show their face to the game.
"No," Wanda began to make her way around the service counter, moving closer to the group of friends. "We want you to tell us what our friend did to deserve being a part of your games," she demanded, standing her ground.
Natasha rolled her eyes before standing up, closing the distance between herself and Wanda in an attempt to intimidate her. "Who's your friend?" she asked curiously while crossing her arms over her chest.
"Y/N Rogers," Peter answered for Wanda, she was intensely looking up at Natasha with furrowed brows. "Steve Rogers' little sister." A silence surrounded the garage at the mention of Rogers.
"She's been on the off-limits list for, what, two years now?" Peter Quill spoke up while looking around the group of his friends. The worst 'bad boy' in the group had, barely got into any trouble, and wasn't mischievous; he just liked to tell jokes and wear a red leather jacket.
"What's the off-limits list?" They asked Quill simultaneously, snapping their heads in his direction. Catching the moment Stark punched him in the arm, he had said too much. 
Sighing, Natasha seemingly began to relax more around the other students, going back to where she had previously been sitting. “The list of people we, under no circumstances, are allowed to bet on,” she explained, her voice still hinting at the annoyance the pair was causing. “She’s been on that list since her first day of freshman year?” she continued, looking around at her friends to confirm the amount of time. They all nodded in agreement. 
“Too bad the same couldn’t have been said for her brother,” a sense of amusement in Stark’s voice as he spoke under his breath. 
“Oh yeah, Natasha lost Buck some real cash on that one.” Quill laughed before taking a drink from the bottle he’d been nursing since Wanda and Peter arrived. 
Wanda and Peter shot each other a glance, a silent conversation of understanding happening between them. As they exchanged the silent vow to uncover more, they turned about to the group, knowing they were diving into dangerous waters. Bucky and his friends were the most feared pack in the school, only Steve and his friends weren’t worried about getting on their bad side. Even then, a few of them still watched their backs.
“We need to know everything,” Wanda exclaimed, causing the group to bring their attention back to the younger peers. 
Natasha’s eyes narrowed, but there was a slight hint of respect for the girl. “You two don’t know when to quit, do you?” she muttered under her breath. Ignoring Natasha’s remark, the two friends stood their ground. Not moving until someone talked. 
Bucky hesitated for a moment, struggling to find the right words. Taking a deep breath, his heart pounded. “Back in freshman year, I… I made a bet with Natasha,” he admitted. 
Your brow furrowed with confusion, “What kind of bet?” You asked, voice trembling slightly, you felt like you already knew the answer. Hearing it aloud, you feared it would make it real. 
His gaze dropped from yours as he swallowed hard, “I bet that she couldn’t sleep with Steve,” he confessed, your hand dropped from him as your body went into a state of shock. Your mind went back to the night before, how he reassured you that you weren’t a part of it. You remember now that he never denied the fact that they do make bets. “I didn’t think she would do it, Y/N,” he looked up, his eyes filled with remorse as he called you by your name rather than his nickname for you. 
“Why?” you whispered, your voice barely audible over your heart pounding. “If you didn’t think she would, why did you?”
“We were freshmen, we were just having fun,” he sighed, trying to defend himself and the friends he saw as family. “He was an easy target back, a try-hard, it was supposed to be a joke,” he ran a hand through his hair, as he rushed his words. 
The weight of his confession sank into your bones. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Disbelief surged through you, you couldn’t process everything at once. His reasoning only added to the turmoil swirling inside. 
There was a silence settling between you, your breathing and the background noise for the diner was the only sound. The image of Steve, oblivious to the wager placed on him, added another layer of hurt. 
You finally found your voice, it trembled as you held back tears. Not only were you hurting for your brother but, you couldn’t help shake the feeling that Bucky was lying about you. “How could you?” you questioned.
“I know I messed up,” Bucky’s voice softened, his hand reaching out as if to bridge the growing distance. “I mean, it’s most likely the main reason he wants me nowhere near you,” his words trailed off, and you turned away. 
You looked everywhere but in Bucky’s direction, afraid of the tears threatening to spill. “I’m guessing she then discarded him like he never mattered?” you asked, recounting the warning Steve had given you about Bucky and his friends. 
Another sigh from Bucky. “After everything, Steve caught feelings for her but it was just a game to her so she ignored him and has since,” he explained as he played with the straw in his milkshake glass. “It wasn’t until a couple of months later that he found out it was a bet, a bet that I started,” he began mumbling to himself about wishing he had a smoke or a drink before continuing. “We’ve never been okay since, which I understand on some level, but, he came out stronger I guess,” the confused look behind your teary eyes made his heart clench. “That was when he suddenly gained muscle and became the star athlete he is today.” 
“I don’t know what to say,” you admitted, you struggled to hear it yourself as you tried to find the words. 
Bucky nodded, he understood that telling you would have been painful. He saw the amount of compassion and empathy you carried in your heart, he knew it was risky for him to tell you the truth. He wished he could tell you, we fought once over nothing but stupid boy stuff, but, he couldn’t.
“I understand,” he replied softly, his head dropped landing his gaze on the table between you. “I’m sorry I hurt you, and Steve. I just, I don’t want there to be secrets between us as well.” Even though your heart ached for your brother and Bucky’s confession, you offered him a small nod.
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starrose17 · 2 months
Lokius 'Passengers' AU
So I really want a Lokius AU to the movie Passengers.
Like, Loki has somehow snuck aboard the ship (named The TVA, of course) in a spare life pod without anyone noticing, but as it wasn’t properly configured to him it opens half way through the 200 year journey. He’s alone on this giant spaceship, no knowledge on how to get the pod working again (though he’s smart and he tries but nope), and with only minimal level pass to entertainment and food that he stole from another passenger before he went into suspended animation. 
At first it’s great, he was running away after all, and out here alone there was no one to hurt him. So he enjoys his time, plays the virtual computer games, breaks into the penthouse suite on the top deck and makes home there, gets into the space suit that’s tethered to the ship and goes for a float out in space where only he exists. Sure the same cereal every day for breakfast gets annoying, but at least he’s got the bar man to talk to, the robot behind the bar named Ob, even if he is a bit mental.
But after 2 years, it’s not fun anymore. He’s got the endless high scores on all the games, he’d rather eat his own hair then that same cereal again, he’s tired of his own voice echoing against the never ending metal hallways, and the space outside is just...cold. Empty.
He’s lets himself go, he doesn’t care anymore, doesn’t shower, doesn’t shave, soon his beard is as tangled as his unwashed curly hair, and every day he screams at the life pod that brought him to his own silent hell. He’d tried every possible way to get into the restricted life pod section where all the crew were, but nothing would open those heavily enforced doors.
Ob’s a robot, he doesn’t understand, he doesn’t feel, and after drinking what must be half the contents of that bar Loki finds himself standing in the air lock, without the tethered suit, hand hovering over the button that would open those doors and suck him out into oblivion.
But he scares himself, and he drops the bottle held in his other hand and runs, back through the decks, through the life pod section, and in his haste trips over one of the many bottles surrounding his own pod. He tumbles and ends up splattered on top of another pod. Blinking through his drunken suicidal haze, he looks down at the grey-haired head beneath him.
All it took was that look for all those dark thoughts to disappear.
More under the cut...
He becomes rather obsessed with this passenger, this, ‘Mobius M Mobius’ written on the pod. He looks him up on the ships computer, the man was a divorced ex-jet ski salesman, ready to leave his life behind to start a new adventure out there in the unknown, wanting to write a book about it. 
Loki talks about him endlessly with Ob, who just stares at him smiling animatedly reminding him he told him this yesterday. And the day before that. And the week before that. In the end, it seemed even robots could get exasperated, as Ob finally suggests, 
“Why don’t you wake him up?”
Loki immediately refuses, he couldn’t do that, he couldn’t put someone in his position, alone out here for the rest of his life. But the idea was there now, and it ate away at him. He’d spend hours staring at Mobius in that pod, hands itching towards the controls, towards the “Emergency Revival” selection on the touch screen. He’d walk away, he’d walk back, he’d tell himself no, he’d dream about yes.
Eventually the loneliness starts to get at him again, and without even thinking of any consequences he can’t stand living like this anymore. He needs someone, anyone, please. He shaves off his beard, he showers for the first time in...when did he last shower? He makes himself look presentable and handsome then suddenly he’s pressing the button.
Bleary, but gorgeous blue eyes open, and suddenly Loki is faced with the inevitably of what he’d just done. Lies pour from his mouth, that there was a malfunction with the pods, that it seemed it was just the two of them, that he has no idea what had happened.
But this Mobius was a determined man, and before barely saying hello he was up out of the pod and down yanking out wires from the console. He wasn’t a mechanic but he knew a bit and was going to try and get it working again. Loki had tucked the few wires he’d cut out as he waited for Mobius to fully revive into the back pocket of his trousers. 
After some time, and with the help of Loki being nice and chatty and knowing more about the ship having been awake for longer, Mobius starts to relax, the initial fear and anger of knowing he was going to spend the rest of his life with just this curly haired man for company finally having to be accepted and put to one side.
Loki was so excited he couldn’t put it into words, he dragged Mobius everywhere, showed him the ship, got him playing as Player Two on all the games he’d grown so bored of, games that were now fun with him there. They drank at the bar together, making fun of Ob who didn’t understand he was being mocked and continued to smile autonomously, and talked about each others lives before, Mobius’ jet skis that he missed and Loki...well, Loki chose a set of lies and stuck to them.
Mobius was flabbergasted to find Loki had been eating the same breakfast and the same choice of 3 evening meals for 2 years, and got out his platinum access card that he'd saved up for years before embarking on this trip, and piled their table high with so much food Loki’s eyes practically bulged at the sight of it.
They floated around in space together, laughing, Loki having forgotten what his own laugh sounded like, and very much loving the sound of Mobius’. They’d sit together in the observation deck, side by side, watching through heavy filters as the ship passed by a nearby sun, and Loki would sit closer, one knee touching Mobius’, and Mobius wouldn’t move away.
Loki knew he’d fallen hard for Mobius, probably the moment he saw him really, the man had saved his life in a way Mobius would never know, so when Mobius knocked on the broken door of Loki’s penthouse suite, dressed in a smart dark suit and holding a bottle of champagne, asking Loki to join him for dinner, Loki could do nothing but grin.
It wasn’t long before they both ended up back at the penthouse, and both of their suits were discarded on the floor.
For a long time, everything was perfect. The food was perfect, the entertainment was perfect, the sex was perfect. Loki could not remember any point in his life where he’d been happier than stuck on this space ship now 97 years before landing, with a man so embedded into his heart he wasn’t sure if he could go just one day without being by his side.
Ob would serve them drinks with his ever-present grin, they’d swim naked in the pool with nothing but starlight coming in from the large windows to their space outside, and every night Loki would end up warm and sated and perfectly comfortable, wrapped up in those loving arms without a care in the world.
Loki could have spent the rest of his life without telling the man he truly loved how he really came to be awake on this ship. He’d pushed that knowledge far away deep inside him with all the other unpleasant secrets in his life. But then a meteor storm hits, and one little shitty meteor gets through the shields and knocks into something that starts making everything electrical, which is everything, go haywire. It doesn’t last long, the computer system was smart and had a way of fixing itself, but the disruptions went on for long enough that it caused Ob to start spurting out random conversations he’d had with Loki years ago, including suggesting that Loki wake up Mobius.
The held back fury in Mobius’ eyes as Loki approached him in the bar for their evening drink stops Loki in his tracks, wiping the grin from his face as he held onto the homemade ring in his pocket that he’d made from bits of scrap. He was going to ask tonight.
He'd never get a chance now.
He couldn’t lie now, and when Mobius asked him through suppressed rage if Loki had deliberately awoken him, deliberately stranded him here for the rest of his life, with no chance of getting home or to the colony or having any of his aspirations for his future come to light...Loki was silent for a moment, before the word “Yes” quietly passed his lips.
Mobius doesn’t hit him, he’s not that sort of man, but his rage comes out in full force and he yells, screams, throws a bar stool barely missing Loki’s head. He swears if he sees Loki again he’ll throw him out the airlock, to murder him just like Loki had done to him, before he smashes a glass at Loki’s feet and storms away, leaving Loki alone.
Loki is terrified, not just for the revelation of the truth, but what this would mean for him, for them, to be trapped on a ship not knowing if he’d wake up in the morning dead. One night that very thought almost came true, and Loki was awoken by Mobius straddling him where he lay and his fist punching into the pillow by his head as he yelled at him once more. Mobius wasn’t violent, he couldn’t hit him no matter how much he wanted to, so this was the only way to let out his frustration and pure anger.
Loki let him, awaiting for that fist to make contact, to hit his head and to be beaten to a pulp. When Mobius reached for the knife he had on him, part of him knowing he’d never use it but just so angry, holding it to Loki’s throat...only then did he stop.
Loki still hadn’t said a word.
“Why are you just lying there? Why aren’t you telling me stop?!” he demanded through panting breaths, but Loki just continued to stare up at him, eyes so terribly, terribly sad, and didn’t say a word.
He deserved it. After what he’d done, he deserved to be killed by the love of his life.
Mobius stared at him, and for a moment his own eyes flashed a mirror of Loki’s loneliness, before he let out a frustrated yell and throws the knife to the floor, getting up and disappearing as quickly as he came.
Loki doesn’t see him for a long time afterwards, except for meals, where they’re forced into the same room. Mobius no longer gives him any of his constantly changing and delicious food, and is stuck with the same sloppy cereal, looking utterly dejected. Mobius always takes his food somewhere else, away from him, and Loki could see how much Mobius still hated him, so never said a word.
Eventually Loki figures out how to get on the speaker system for the ship, and knowing Mobius is out there somewhere he starts to tell the truth. The real truth. About how he was the son of the famous war criminal Odin, the reason for half the wars on the ravished earth, but Loki wanted nothing to do with him anymore, so had run, run as far as he could, trying to escape his connection with him and so sneaking on board this ship that would take him billions of miles away to start a new life. That he woke up not through a mechanical fault, but because he wasn’t supposed to be there.   He told him how he’d tried to kill himself, how seeing Mobius saved his life, about how long he’d spent wondering if he could wake him up. He admitted he knew what he did was wrong, but he was so desperate, so desperately desperate, that he wasn’t thinking right. All he could think of was that a choice between eternal loneliness, or Mobius, he picked Mobius.
He knew it was wrong, knew it was selfish, and he was so so sorry, but as he was being honest, he’d do it again. He said he knew Mobius hated him now, and he had every right to, but Loki still loved him, forever would love him, and if there was any chance at all of reconciling this, to please, say something the next time they ran into each other. Please. Please. 
“Eternal loneliness is not a good prospect, believe me...I know.” he sobs.
But the only words Mobius says to him the next time they see each other, are said softly, and dangerously:
“You’re a murderer.”
And all hope is lost for Loki.
Months go by, and strange things keep happening on the ship, flickering lights, the little cleaning robots going haywire, the gravity going in the swimming pool area, nearly drowning Loki as he floated upwards in ball of water he couldn’t get out of.
He wished he had drowned.
Mobius still hadn’t said anything else, but when they did run into each other, Mobius would at least look back at him as they past, not that Loki had noticed as he kept his head bowed away in shame. More and more times Mobius’ eyes would linger on him, and more and more times it was less anger, more...something else, something calm.
Mobius had tried to imagine, after Loki’s speech over the speaker system, what it would have been like to be alone for so long. He couldn’t image it really. He’d spoken to the repaired Ob about it, about exactly the kind of hardship Loki had gone through, and Ob would tell him how tragically terrible Loki had looked for a long time, and how morally conflicted he’d been over waking Mobius up. When he asked Ob if he knew Loki had tried to kill himself, Ob had just shrugged and smiled as always,
“I’m glad he didn’t. Who was I going to make drinks for? I would be very lonely too.”
Something had been tugging inside Mobius for almost a year now, every time he saw Loki, and saw just how dejected he looked.  It was difficult to remain angry with the only other human being on the ship, and despite knowing what Loki had done, despite knowing that Mobius’ life was now permanently confined to these metal walls, he found himself...missing him. He missed their conversations, he missed the flirting, hell he missed that insufferable little sneer he did when he’d regain his high score from Mobius on one of the VR games. He missed the company. He missed his warmth in bed. Oh for goodness sake he missed that talkative obnoxious gorgeous little shit, and despite everything he still felt something for him. He’d loved him once, and it was still there, buried under alot of anger, but it was there.
He walked past Loki the next morning, holding a tray of bacon, eggs, sausages and toast with jam, placing the tray next to Loki’s pointless little cereal bowl and walking away without saying a word.
If he had turned around and seen that glimmer of hope in Loki’s eyes, he probably would have run back to him.
The electronic failures were getting worse, something truly wasn’t right, and it came to it that they were going to have to work together to find out what was wrong. For the first time they held a tentative conversation, and after a long search of the ship found the meteor from over a year ago and gone straight through the fusion engine, and not being repaired the damn thing was close to exploding. The release valve to vent the engine was smashed to bits, and knowing a bit about ships Loki knew there had to be a manual release from the outside.  Without even discussing it Loki puts on a space suit, Mobius asking what the hell he was doing.
“Well I can’t let you risk your life...I’ve done enough to you already.”
He pauses in putting on the helmet, quickly deciding to lean over to steal a kiss from Mobius before putting it on and picking up part of the heat shield off the engine that had broken. Mobius is rooted to the spot staring at him, before Loki heads outside the ship and down into the vent, releases the valve and uses the shield that barely covers his body as protection from the radiation that goes shooting past him. Mobius is yelling into his comm, telling Loki to get out of there, that he won’t survive this, that Loki was the one who woke him up he can’t leave him alone now, “Don’t leave me alone!”
The vent is too strong, too much, and eventually it blasts Loki away from the ship, heading off into space with a cracked visor, oxygen escaping fast. Mobius runs faster than ever before to the airlock, space suit on, Loki still slowly talking in his ear, saying he’s sorry for everything, that he wishes Mobius to be happy, to maybe try writing that book now, so when everyone else awakes they can read about the best passenger this ship will ever have. To know about the best man there ever was.
“SHUT UP LOKI!! I’m coming to get you! You think I’m gonna forgive you if you die I love you stay the fuck alive!!”
It was possibly the first time Loki had ever heard Mobius swear.
But the remaining space suit that Mobius uses is the one with the tether, and as he pushes himself off from the ship, floating quickly towards Loki who’s now quite far away, the tether pulls him short just inches from Loki’s outstretched hand. He can do nothing but watch that small, sad smile, obscured by the oxygen leaking from Loki’s helmet as he floats awa. 
“I love you...” Loki whispers, “and I’m sorry...for everything.”
With fiercely determined eyes Mobius unhooks himself from the tether and cuts his own oxygen line, the releasing air pushing himself towards Loki, Mobius grabbing him and turning the line behind them to push them back towards the ship. By the time they get back inside and remove their helmets both are gasping for air, collapsing to the ground in a heaving heap. Loki then pushes the rest of the suit off him while Mobius is still on the ground, pounces on him, and kisses him hard. He pulls back quickly though, eyes asking if this is ok, and Mobius just cups the back of his head and brings him down for another kiss.
“We’re alive. And we’re staying that way. I love you.” Mobius grins.
They do the remaining repairs to the shield as best that can, and find themselves standing, hand in hand, in the main communal area that leads off to restaurants and clubs, Ob’s bar, and what would have been the night life of the ship.
“This place needs a little green, don’t you think?” Mobius asks.
In 95 years, the rest of the passengers and the crew would awake to a communal area filled with trees and flowers and small forest animals and birds, once all in suspended animation in the hold in a lot less complicated life pods, now all wild and free. And there, in a makeshift hut amongst the greenery, would lie a pile of books, now covered in dust, the series entitled;
‘For All Time – Always’ - by Mobius and Loki
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dragonmurray · 1 year
Childish Games
Pairing - Loki x F Reader
In which a bet made amongst avengers junior agents leads you to finally confronting your feelings for Loki.
Warnings - smut
“What is it you want Price?” You asked the young agent as you stood in the training room of the Avengers compound. You had just completed a round of training with a group of first years, looking to work their way up in to the field and join the ranks of full agents.
You were already there. Having excelled in all fields, you were now working with the Avengers and actively joining missions. You had quarters in the Tower and there was never any doubt that you belonged there.
“Actually it’s what I can do for you Agent. It hasn’t gone unnoticed you know” said the cocky agent. He stood next to you, arms folded across his chest, smirking down at you as you gathered the last of the equipment from the floor, ready to head home for the evening.
“Please get to your point faster Price, we all have places to be” you couldn’t wait to get back to the Tower. To sneak in to the library and catch a certain god reading. How you loved when he would read to you and tell stories of his youth. You had struck up quite a friendship. Though your heart ached for more.
“You are alone agent y/n, there’s no Mr Agent waiting for you at the tower. You never date. I bet it’s been years since you’ve been kissed. Let me change that” he gripped your arm pulling you upwards in an attempt to bring his mouth to yours. Before he could get close to your face his arm was twisted enough to bend, his legs buckling and an undignified scream escaping his lips.
“Touch me again Price and I will break you, limb by limb, molecule by molecule, until there is nothing left of you but ash and unkissable dust. Now tell me, what the hell are you doing?” You pressed him further into the cold stone floor of the training room, your knee in his spine.
Suddenly the doors to the training room flew open. Loki entered, dragging an equally terrified female trainee behind him.
“Ah, I see I am too late to rescue you Agent. Have you heard what the children are up to?” His voice dripping with malice, sending a shiver down your spine. Did nothing sound bad from his mouth?
You looked at him with confusion as you buried your feelings, once again.
“It seems they have a game being played, they each have avengers assigned to them to try and seduce into bed. This poor thing here, picked me. A clear mistake on her part. I would never lower myself to such a level”. He glared at the trainee behind him, pushing her over to her friend on the floor as you stood up. Price letting out a relived cry.
Loki’s words stung. You knew he was a God. A God couldn’t be with a mortal, why would he try.
“Spill it Price, tell me everything” you sighed. Moving to stand next to Loki, looking down at the two agents like disappointed teachers.
“It’s just a bit of fun, seeing how far we could get before the end of the year. We’ve only got 2 weeks left and you’re the only two left not to crack. You’ve never been seen with anyone so we figured we had to try” he whined rubbing his bruised arm, and ego.
“So this is all because we’re the only avengers not throwing ourselves around? Although I am surprised at Steve” you shrugged.
“He caved pretty quickly, Janine dressed up in a 40s uniform and he kissed her then cried, it was pretty sad actually” said the female agent, she looked down as she mumbled.
Loki stepped forward “I see. Well, we disappoint you then. And it’s off to bed for you two. Goodnight agents, we will leave this little failed operation between ourselves, for now” he glowered down at the two.
As he was talking, an idea was forming in your head. Slowly working it’s way to the surface.
“You know, we could end this now Loki. Take ourselves off the game cards” you said.
He slowly turned to you, his eyes shimmering with confusion.
“I mean, I don’t know about you but I don’t like being cornered by idiots. I also don’t like the reputation of never being kissed. Which isn’t true by the way” you glared at Price.
The two agents on the floor stood up, thinking they were about to win big and compete their score cards. But, before they could straighten, Loki took two strides across the room taking your face in his hands and bringing your mouths together.
You stumbled but his hand reached behind your back pressing you against him, hard. He tilted his head, his tongue asking permission to enter your mouth which you granted, still too shocked as your arms hung in the air unsure how to react.
As his tongue slid against yours, you melted. Your hands went to his chest, gripping his shirt. He moaned in to your mouth pulling you even closer to him. As if nothing was good enough, as if he needed to be one with you.
The two agents stood dumbfounded. As moans started to fill the room they made their hasty escape. Either way they had lost this round.
As the training room door slammed shut you pulled backwards gasping for breath and sanity.
“I… we… I mean..” you stuttered, with no idea what you were even trying to say.
Loki gave you a devilish smile. “Oh agent, I couldn’t agree more” he pulled you back to him slamming your lips together as you both gasped. Gripping each other and pulling at each other’s clothes.
He pushed you backwards until you hit the locker wall, instantly gripping your thighs to wrap them around his waist. You opened up for him, grinding on to him. Incoherent mumbles leaving your mouth.
“I had always pictured our first time being slow, meticulous on my part Agent, but I fear I am past the point of no return. I need to be inside you, now, I have already waited too long to show you how I feel” Loki growled into your ear as he placed kisses down your neck. Your head falling back in ecstasy.
“I didn’t hear a lot of that, my head is swimming. But if I’m correct, then take me Loki, now, please” you sighed.
A green glow worked it’s way across your bodies as your clothes melted away. His cock pressing against your dripping core as the barriers between you disappeared. You took his face in your hands forcing him to look into your eyes.
“Loki, I need you to know. To me you are always worthy. I will always chose you” overwhelmed with emotions you poured your heart out as a million fantasies finally came true.
Loki’s eyes blazed in to yours with so much emotion you couldn’t comprehend.
“Y/n. I have waited eternity for you, and I will spend eternity worshipping you”
With his declaration he pushed inside you. Both of your crying out in pleasure as he set a steady pace. You had never felt anything like this and could do nothing more than grip his shoulders as the pleasure built inside you.
He picked up the pace, burying his head in your shoulder. Kissing and biting as he speared in to you. You couldn’t hold it any longer, your orgasm slammed into you like a freight train and you screamed his name.
Loki gripped your hair to slam your mouths together as he emptied himself inside you. Both of your breaths mingling as you tried to steady your heart rates.
His forehead rested on yours as he slowly withdrew from you, setting your shaking legs on the ground but not letting you go incase you fell. The green glow clothes you both again and you held on to each other. Emotions whirling around you.
Doubt started to creep in. Was this all a heat of the moment scenario? Would he move on to the next conquest? Loki saw your eyes change and tilted your chin up to meet his eyes.
“Take my hand Agent. We are going to my chambers and we will not leave until I have worshipped every inch of your body and proved to you that you are mine” he kissed your hand and started walked towards the door pulling you with him.
A cracking sound filled the room as Tony’s voice came over the intercom “Does no one in this compound care about the cameras? My eyes are burned. Also I erased it, you’re welcome kids”
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stalkedbytrains · 2 months
“Cheryl? Where is the file for the next appointment? I can’t find it anywhere.”
“It’s the folder with the green tab,” Cheryl called from her desk at the front of the tiny office.
There was the sound of many papers shuffling around and finally an “aha!”
“The Rainbow Snake?” Came the voice from the office. Cheryl’s boss often read out loud when they were studying a client. Just a weird quirk of theirs. “Australian Aboriginal Deity. Oh I do remember them. We were at a party together… 2,000 years ago give or take. I don’t think they’ll remember me, ah well thems the breaks. Let’s see… hmm… I can see that this is going to be a problem Cheryl. Damn colonialists. I wish we could make the British gods fade away. Fucking King Arthur deserves to be relegated to the dust bin. I can tell that we’re going to need some deep cuts on this one. Start making a list of Australians we can contact, I have a feeling.”
Cheryl did as she was told. Her boss was almost always right about these things. She knew what the gods wanted before they even got here.
Several minutes later there was a knock at the office door. Cheryl got up to open it and invited in the dark skinned person and the beautiful snake they wore like jewelry but that might have only been because the snake itself was a living work of art. Like living breathing stained glass.
As Cheryl escorted the Rainbow Snake in, her boss came out and bowed deeply to their guest.
The chipper woman had tied back her full brown hair and smiled widely at the Snake and their human escort.
“A pleasure to meet you again,” the boss said, “it’s been many centuries but I am glad to see you once more. Please come in to my office. Would you care for any refreshments?”
After settling and getting water for the Rainbow Snake, Cheryl sat back down outside the office and listened to the pitch. She never got tired of listening to it.
“How can I help you?” Her boss asked.
“We heard that you can help us gods. Stop us from fading. We need faith. We need followers. The people are dying, the language is dying,” said a dual voice. The voice from the snake, and the voice from the human.
“We can do that. Sort of. I am sorry to say that it’s not a direct thing. I don’t just snap my fingers and make you some new believers. Human beings a wonderful little creatures. They crave us. They need us even if they don’t believe in us anymore. They want our stories and our myths. And that is what I provide. Stories.”
“How does that help us?”
“Do you know how down bad the Norse were? The Christian’s basically destroyed their religion, all we know of it is this bastard version of what was left after the Jesus freaks invaded. But then the comics happened. The Mighty Thor! And don’t get me started on Neil Gaiman and his Sandman and American Gods stories. I send that man a fruit basket every year. I love him. Have you seen how well the Norse pantheon is doing? Loki has seventeen penthouses, and more belief than he knows what to do with.”
“Bah. Western religion. White religion.”
“You are right. I am sorry that was a poor example. Perhaps I should have started with Māui and how well he’s doing with that Disney film Moana. I set that up.”
“You did all of that?”
“Well. Not directly. You know how us gods work. I gave some inspiration here and there. Got a writer to have an idea. Got a director and a bunch of executives to see the bigger picture and how it could be a hit. They did the rest themselves. Like I said, whether or not they know it, humans want us.”
“You can make me a hit movie?”
“Or a TV show or a video game. Those are hard though. Movies are kind of easy now a days, TV is having a resurgence now but you run the risk of cancelation and things like that, video games can be hit or miss honestly. Only the Greeks and Norse really pulled that one off and hoo let me tell you they paid for that one. Great games but still. I don’t want to look at those God of War games ever again. Books are easy. Worked really well for the Greeks and some of the Egyptians. Rick Riordan does great stuff. It all depends on what you want.”
“I can have anything?”
“Sure. Internet stories are easy. Quick and cheap but you are really gambling with the payoff. Could be either a total wash or go viral. Not something I can really recommend but if you need something now it can be done. Movies or tv can be great but there are also risks. It might be two or three years before you see anything.”
“Do I get to choose who does the work?”
“A little. I can influence certain people but sometimes the best person for the job is some down on his luck writer in a hovel in LA. Sometimes it’s Neil. But Neil is expensive.”
“I want a movie, I want it to be written by one of my people.”
“I can do that. But the problem is that reach might be very tiny. There are plenty of Aboriginal writers, I’m sure some can even be extremely talented, but something big and grand and bringing in all the faith and worship and stories you may way may be limited. If you want the Disney treatment you have to give up a whole lot of control.”
“No. I want it to be of the people.”
“Very well. Now, I can influence and give inspiration all over. I can even get this in the right people’s hands. But it is always a crap shoot. All I need to do is channel some of your power into the right person when I find it. Then creativity takes over, they do their work, I nudge some agents and companies their way and if we’re lucky you see some return on investment in a couple of years.”
“What do you get out of this process?”
“My dear, I’m the Muse. I feed off the creativity. These artists come to me most of the time. I just set them up with gods who need a little faith. And six points on the back end. I have a lot of alimony to pay.”
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animelovelover123 · 3 months
Marvel Master List
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A list and links to all of my Marvel fanfiction works, from 2014 to present. This includes stuff I posted on other sites, not just on Tumblr. I apparently had too many stories to fit on one post so I had to separate them. Here is the list to all lists -> Master of Master Lists
If any of the links are broken or you have suggestions to make the list easier to navigate, let me know.
Pink heart divider by @superawesomelurkaccount
The shity Marvel divider was made by me in MS Paint. (Feel free to use it if you want, just give me credit for the mess I made please, thank you.)
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Spideypool (Wade Wilson x Peter Parker)
Won't Wake Up Compared to Them What You Think About What Would They Say? (Part 1 of Picking Peter Up From School trilogy.) One or the Other Let Me Be Happy Left Hanging Forever What They Say (Part 2 of Picking Peter Up From School trilogy.) What Do I Care (Part 3 of Picking Peter Up From School trilogy.) A Moment To Mope An Average Morning With Steve Stark-Rogers He's Cold No One Would Care (Can be platonic.) How Peter Got Sick A Hot/Cold Date He Get's It An Omega/Alpha Story Why Did You Leave? Coming Out of the Closet It's Gotta Be Your Name  Won't Look (Part 1 of Crossdressing trilogy.) Gonna Burst (Part 2 of Crossdressing trilogy.) Wing Fic Can't Wait Forever Spideypool Go To See The Deadpool Movie High School AU (Side Stony and Brutasha) Not How It Was Supposed to Go (Part 3 of Crossdressing trilogy.) Worth The Risk (Sequel to Hot/Cold Date) All That Work, Gone One Small Step at a Time Aunt May to the Rescue Welcome Home Neko AU (Catboy) Oral Knotting Just Us
Stony (Tony Stark x Steve Rogers)
Different, But Nice A New Kind of Team Work Not Like Other Nights I Know How You Feel (With some Stucky) Waiting For the Perfect Moment An Average Morning With Steve Stark-Rogers We Need To Talk What You Tell Them Steve's Birthday Present Coming Out of the Closet Never There But Won't Go Away Someone to Listen Papa Bird This Isn't Working Our Secret Little Game
Superfamily (Steve and Tony are Peter's parents.)
Compared to Them One or the Other An Average Morning With Steve Stark-Rogers He's Cold Unlike Father Unlike Son Unlike Father Unlike Son (Extra) A, Tiny, Early Superfamily Christmas Story  Coming Out of the Closet It's Gotta Be Your Name 
Stucky (James "Bucky" Barnes x Steve Rogers)
I Know How You Feel (With some Stony) Are You Worried About Me?
Cherik (Charles Xavier x Erik Lehnsherr)
God Help Me
Clueless (Thor x Reader) Woman in My Bed (Loki, Tony Stark, Charles Xavier, Steve Rogers, Wade Wilson, Matt Murdock, Erik Lehnsherr, Peter Parker, Logan, and Bruce Banner x Reader)
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actuallysaiyan · 11 months
Kinktober Day 18: Roleplay(I've thought about us for long long time...)
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warnings/kinks: vaginal fingering, roleplay, roughhousing/manhandling, mentions of terrorism, reader is a Turk word count: 0.9k pairings: Reno Sinclair x Fem!Reader teaser: “I know you like me…” He mumbles against your skin. taglist: @beneathstarryskies. @loki-love. @witchofcustom. @dreadsuitsamus. @pyrofanatic. @butterflieskeepcominback
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Reno and you instantly clicked when you first met. Something about this rambunctious and mischievous redhead really turned you on. And as he continued to train you into a Turk, the more you found yourself falling in love with him. You’d never ever confess it to him, but you and him had a lot of fun toeing the line. Reno does what he can to keep you interested and you do the same for him.
One boring day at the office, you and Reno are practically ripping out your hair due to the frustrations of being so bored. You’re both trying so hard to figure out something to do instead of just waiting around for a new mission. 
Suddenly, he pipes up and he’s got this smug smirk on his face and a mischievous glint in his eyes. You know nothing good could ever come from this. But you also know you’d rather get up to the no good that he’s planning than to stay bored here alone.
“I’ve got such a good idea,” Reno declares, tenting his fingers. You let out a nervous chuckle.
“Is that right?” You ask, looking up from the magazine you were flipping through.
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Reno then flops himself onto the couch next to you, wrapping one of his arms around your shoulder. He pulls you in close and takes a moment to look at the magazine you’re reading. It’s got an article about the terrorist group AVALANCHE. He smirks when he notices how much you seem to be paying attention to them.
“Yeah, let’s play a little game of pretend.”
You roll your eyes at his suggestion. This has to be the dumbest idea he’s ever gotten. He looks at your reaction and he pouts a little when he realizes you’re not game to play pretend with him. He crosses his arms over his chest and pouts even more.
“Come on, it’ll be fun! You can pretend to be a terrorist and I’ll be the loyal Turk who’s trying to get you to confess! It’ll be the best learning exercise!”
You had to admit that now that he explained it a bit more, it made a lot more sense. You smirk at him, toying around with the idea of playing the role of your enemy. Reno seems to perk up when he notices the way you’re considering it.
“Alright, let’s do it.”
He cheers happily, pumping his fist in the air. Then he’s quick to get into his role, grabbing you by the wrists and holding them behind your back. You grunt at the force, but you can’t deny it turns you on whenever he manhandles you in this way. It’s not very often he does things like this to you, but whenever it happens you know you’re going to find yourself excited.
“You have every right to remain silent,” he mutters against your ear. “But if you were to maybe praise me…maybe I’d be a little more gentle with you.
You laugh, “Fuck you, you’re not a cop.”
He tugs you even closer to him, holding your wrists even harder. You let out a moan, and this makes his cock throb in his pants.
“Tch, you should know that I’m better than any cop that will come to arrest you.”
You laugh again and this causes him to push you up against the wall. Your cheek is pressed up against the cool wallpaper, and Reno grabs your hair harshly. He pulls your head back and you feel his warm breath on your neck.
“Listen to me, little girl, you’re going to confess your crimes.”
You shake your head, “No!”
He smirks and presses you even harder against the wall. But that’s when you feel something hard poking you from the back, and you look over your shoulder at him.
“I know you like me…” He mumbles against your skin.
You gasp when you feel him kissing your neck. It feels so good for him to finally show you a little affection. You press back against him, noticing his erection even more now.
“What if I do like you?” You ask him, a little breathless now.
This is when he turns you around and pins your wrists over your hair on the wall. He’s so close, using his height to tower over you. Then you feel his lips on yours, and your heart skips a beat.
“Then I think I’ll have to make sure you know your place…”
Without warning, he helps you wrap your legs around his slender form. You moan as he presses his hardened cock against your crotch. Your kisses are even more heated now. His tongue feels so velvety and smooth against yours. 
Reno is so quick to begin undressing you from the waist down, making you so aroused. Your cheeks burn when he takes your panties up to his nose and sniffs them.
“Damn, I’ve always thought you’d smell this good.” Reno praises you.
You have no words to reply with. Your brain is almost blank. When his long fingers begin penetrating you, it gets even worse. He leans in to kiss you, his tongue once again slipping into your mouth. You begin bucking your hips, moving against his fingers.
“Hmm, I knew I could make you confess,” Reno says with a smirk on his face.
“I never said I liked you!” You try to defend yourself, but it’s much too late.
“You didn’t even need to say a thing…”
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mischiefmaker615 · 3 months
The Gift (Pt. 1 of ?)
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Note: Part 1 of ?
~One Shot inspired by the PIC & Prince of Egypt
Rating: R
Summary: Loki is given a particular slave as a gift for another one of Asgard's victories. 
Cheers, glasses smashing, clinking, laughing, music, the smell of alcohol, food and breasts threatening to poor out of tops, all held the ingredients to a stereotypical Asgardian celebration as it felt like the whole kingdom gathered to celebrate.
A battle was just won a few hours before, but to be honest, Asgard hosted these parties practically every night; mainly hosted and encouraged by King Thor who just couldn’t get enough of the party life. One could do that every day with that much power..
He sat at the head of the feast table, a large fire being the main source of light as people danced around it and sang in their native language. Slaves hustled around the pieces of broken mugs to continue serving his heart’s desires, one even being instructed to sit on his half for most of the night currently as a drunk hand inched its way up her skirts.
King yes, but he wasn’t even the one to have primarily claimed victory today. It was Loki.
Loki stayed silent, contently listening to the music in the background as he moved through the wave of guests, his slim fingers gripping the handle of his own drink which he sipped leisurely. Of course, Thor would take all the credit, having spent hours each night conducting the perfect battle plan just for his brother to rip all the recognition away. Typical.
His expression was.. expressionless, showing how years of the same situations has finally numbed him to the fact where he didn’t display his agitation anymore. He merely got the leftover. Even the whores who stumbled around, their centers sore and the alcohol still taking affect as they tried clinging themselves to him, in which he would politely wave them off and continue on.
His credit may be stolen, but his reputation with women was at least much higher than Thor’s.. whether it be true or not. Loki had absolutely no trouble bringing any woman to bed, or men. He was just subtle, even making it a game before acting as if nothing happened the day after. He didn’t wish to think of how many countless souls went through Thor’s chambers, particularly he just didn’t care.
Making his way over to his seat, regrettably it being right next to his brother, Loki raised his glass with a painted-on grin as another cheers rose through the crowds that happened seemingly every ten minutes.
‘’brother!! It is so good to see you! Where have you been lurking?” Thor slurred with a lopsided grin as Loki sat down in his seat, his green came spreading behind him as he relaxed for once with much less annoyance.
‘’settling the score brother’’ Loki smirked, an innuendo that he had just gotten back fucking someone as his gaze ran over the woman hanging onto Thor’s neck with her lips latched on to his skin. ‘’are you still trying to get this one to bed?”
Thor laughed as his grip on her thigh tightened a little, causing her to squirm a little as he looked at his brother casually. ‘’sometimes you just need to enjoy the build up deal brother, and how could I leave now when I have something for you?”
Loki raised a brow, his body tensing out of instinct as these things usually come without enjoyment for himself. ‘’oh a gift brother? You shouldn’t have.’’ He says dryly and finishes his cup, holding it up as a maid seemed to span out of nowhere to refill it.
‘’why of course! It might seem like it, but I can’t take all the credit for todays victory’’ Thor grinned as Loki’s brows raised at his willingness to share. ‘’I know you were the intelligence for the plan that was executed, let me give you something out of gratitude’’ he said and stood, the poor woman yelping in surprise as she caught herself on her feet and Thor moved her away as if she was no more than a piece of broken cup that scattered amongst the floor.
By two claps, the music died down immediately as everyone’s attention moved to king Thor, grins and conversations coming to a hush as Thor stood up with his mug.
‘’my dear friends! Today has been yet another victory for Asgard!”’ he yelled, raising a mug as everyone cheered and did the same. ‘’but we cannot forget that it wouldn’t have been possible without my little brother’s skillset for ‘element of surprises’’’ Thor grinned and waved a hand towards Loki who calmly sipped at his drink, his expression seeming like he wasn’t paying attention at all as cheers erupted again.
‘’and so to celebrate his actions, I have a gift to bestow upon him!’’ Thor boomed and waved a hand across the room at awaiting guards whom understood the signal and opened the doors.
At least three guards came in, one of them holding onto a rope that stretched behind them where they didn’t seem bothered to look back as they moved forward, pulling on it.
Loki’s brow raised, forgetting to hide his wonder as his cup slowly lowered from his mouth and he subconsciously leaned forward in his chair.
The guards pulled in a woman, about a foot shorter than him with features that resembled nothing like those in this realm. Her wrists were bound, having been tied with the other end of the rope as the guards pulled and she stumbled along, barefoot and with a servants dress that stopped mid-thigh with very thin and plain material. Her skin was milk white, her hair platinum silver that hung down to her mid waist and didn’t hide her long, pointy ears while her eyes held an almost crystal blue hue. They were wide, fearful, and full of wonder of what might happen in the next few moments that seemed to match Loki’s expression as well.
‘’we’ve pulled her from the dungeons, found from the forbidden sands of Alfheim years ago. She held the title of ambassador, representing her royals before she stumbled upon forbidden grounds of Asgard.’’ Thor announced, the booze affecting the dramatic build up he hoped to have advertised for her as his eyes flashed a little to hers. ‘’trespassing it never taken lightly.’’
Loki’s expression was hidden well but his eyes gazed upon her with pity and curiosity. She carried Elf blood, and her features- although tired and broken- still held its representation of how powerful and beautiful her people were. She sank to her knees, out of fear or exhaustion, he didn’t know. But she looked about her in all angels as if she were a dog being tormented by a pack. Raising his glass to his lips, Loki’s eyes never left her as he sat back in his chair calmly.
‘’a dungeon whore, how thoughtful brother.’’
‘’only the very best for my little brother,’’ Thor grinned, a hand slapping down on his shoulder with excitement as he looked upon the slave as if it actually for him.
Quite frankly, Loki wouldn’t be surprised if Thor had used her up first, but with the way her eyes looked about with curiosity, wonder and fear, he knew she was unharmed in where she had stayed all these years below Asgard. Of course that was the catch.. Thor couldn’t even provide him with a victory whore and found it better suitable to pull one from the dungeons of Asgard. He probably could just throw her back in later and Thor wouldn’t ask him about it the next day. With the way he swayed and slurred, he might not even remember this feast when the night was through.
‘’thank you brother, to another victory.’’ Loki said simply and raised his cup for dismissal of this whole thing and Thor raised his cup with a grin towards the crowd.
‘’to Asgard!’’
‘’TO ASGARD!’’ everyone cheered and the music began again with dancing, drinking and feasting.
Thor looked over to the guards and waved a hand with an excited smile. ‘’see to it she is taken to Loki’s chambers, have her prepared.’’
Loki’s eyes closed in almost annoyance, hating having to go through such unnecessary and unwanted happenings but at least it was a good excuse to leave this party. Standing up, he hit Thor on the back with much less equal force and fainted a smile. ‘’thank you brother, I shall take my leave for the night.’’
‘’enjoy brother’’ Thor grinned and turned back to the festivities as if nothing had happened.
Back to being invisible. When it came to such things like this, it was preferred. Now that the whole room thought Loki would be ‘taken care of’ tonight, no whore would try to hang off him but did eye him with flirtatious wants. He flashed them his famous smirk, his cape flowing behind him as he passed and his grin didn’t drop until he was finally alone in the halls, making his way to his chambers.
Perhaps this woman will be a good way to take his mind off of today’s unnecessary happenings. 
Part 2
Tag List: @foxherder  @asgards-princess-of-mischief @fire-in-her-veinz
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Footloose - Flufftober 4
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Summary: Loki is part of the Avengers now.
Rating: Teen
Square I5 filled for @lokibingo: Feelings denial  
Square 7 filled for @puretombingo: “Dance with me.”
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Warnings: fluff, banter, idiots in love
Trope: Enemies to lovers
Words: 980+
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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“I got it, Tony. This party will be the most spectacular and awesome party mankind had ever the pleasure to witness,” you roll your eyes at Tony’s antics. He wants you to help him check the guest list and won't stop talking about the event. “How about you invite some male stripper for the ladies too. I bet they’ll give us a good show.”
“We want this evening to be spectacular, not vulgar,” Tony scrunches up his nose. “We will have music, the best food, the finest wine and alcohol.”
“Fine, have it your way. Now, how can I help you, Tony?” You look around the room. There is not much left to do. The party planner did a great job. “Tony?”
“You’ve got a special task this time,” he wraps one arm around your shoulders, walking around the room. “Loki is now part of our team.”
You purse your lips. Loki is still the guy attacking New York City. “The answer is no.”
“You don’t even know what I want from you.”
“If it includes being around Loki Laufeyson, the guy influencing me with his tricks to get me to strip in front of my friends, I’m out,” you grunt. Loki managed to use his mind games to make you do unspeakable things. Like eating pineapple on pizza.
“He offered redemption and promised to never use his powers to influence you again,” Tony tries to persuade you to help him with his problem, but you’re not convinced. “A lot of important people, and the press will be around. We need to show them that Loki changed.”
“How? Shall he sing a chanson?” You snort. “I don’t think he will ever not be an asshole and a Trickster. We don’t need him to cause trouble with one of his dramatic entrances again. Do you remember the last time he made an appearance in public?”
“Y/N, please do this for me. Loki refuses to attend the party. We need him to smile, and act like a gentleman.”
“You want me to convince Loki to attend the party? That’s the important task?” You huff. “You can’t be serious.”
“Please, Y/N. For me. You’re the only person besides his brother Loki talks to.”
“Yeah, to harass me. He’s always sassy and gets on my nerves,” you snap at Tony. “If you want me to do this dirty job, you will buy me the most expensive dress, shoes, and accessories for the party.”
“Deal,” Tony drops his arm from your shoulders to shake your hand.
“If there’s a catch, I’ll cut your balls off in your sleep,” you point a finger at Tony. “No tricks, Stark, or you’ll regret doing business with me.”
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“Move your ass out of your room and follow me. We are going to buy a suit for you, and you’ll behave like a good boy today,” you yell outside Loki’s apartment. “Get out, or I swear I’ll not be nice any longer.”
“Darling, you look dashing,” Loki pokes his head out of the door, smirking. “I’m afraid I got no time for you. Check in later. How about you come back in a few weeks?”
“I said, get out of the room, raven-haired rat,” you purse your lips, close to breaking the door down to get Loki out of his room. “I don’t have all day. It’s only three more days until the party. We need you to make an appearance. Just say yes and let me buy the suit for you. You can come to the party, and dance. Maybe have a drink or two.”
“Loki, this is not a request, it’s an order. Move your ass out of the room,” you grasp for his hair, harshly tugging at it. “Come on. Don’t make such a fuss.”
“I don’t want to dance,” Loki wrinkles his nose.
“Because you can’t dance?” You grin. “Did Loki Laufeyson finally admit his defeat? Is there something he cannot accomplish?”
He opens the door to step outside, a dagger in his hand. “I’m warning you. Never underestimate Loki Laufeyson, God of mischief. I’m the Master of Dance, I just don’t like dancing.”
“Well then, let’s buy a suit and you can stand in a corner and watch other people having fun…”
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“I hope you know I had to cancel my date for you,” you grunt as Loki walks next to you. He insisted on not going alone. Which means you are his plus one for the time being.
While you try to find a way to get rid of Loki and keep your promise to Tony at the same time, the Avengers watch you and the raven-haired trickster with interest.
“She made it,” Tony can’t believe Loki is following you inside the ballroom. “It was worth the money.”
Thor frowns when his brother grabs your hand to guide you away from the Avengers and toward the dance floor.
“What are you doing?” You wonder as Loki guides you to the middle of the dance floor. “Loki? What are you up to?”
“I remember vividly that you suggested a dance,” he says. “So…dance with me?” He bows and offers his hand to you. “Please give me this dance.”
“I-“ you take his offered hand, hoping he doesn’t want to trick you once again. “If this is a joke, I’ll kill you.” You growl, but your cheeks heat up as he smiles at you.
He grins. “I’m counting on it, my love.” You end up in his arms, swaying to the song he requested before coming here with you. “I hope you know; I’m courting you…”
Loki twirls you around, grinning as you squeak and hold tight onto him as he gets even faster. Your feet move on their own, and you cling to him when the room starts spinning.
“What are you doing?”
“I don’t want the others to watch us.” You rest your head against his shoulder and close your eyes. “I manipulated reality a little bit for this dance. You only belong to me tonight…and forever.”
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Tags in reblog.
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anonymityisfunwriter · 7 months
Hi!! Just wanna say I love your writing sm! And could you please tell how the friendship between loki and sunshine blossomed? I just love how sunshine is with people btw
- 🌻
Okay, okay, that's such a good question, like we already know how Sunshine and Loki met and we've seen a few glimpses into their friendship, but we don't know how they actually became friends. And that is an injustice. So allow me to recount how exactly Sunshine and Loki became friends.
F is For Friends Who Do Stuff Together
Part of The Grumpy X Sunshine Series
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Loki smirks to himself. He wasn't going to do anything too awful, perhaps a little mischievous but why would anyone expect anything else from him?
It was their fault really. Leaving their newest addition all alone while he was lurking around the Compound. You're low hanging fruit ripe for the picking.
He didn't even have any real plans for you.
Perhaps he'd take you to Asgard for long enough for Thor to come looking. Long enough to frighten you, certainly. In truth, he was just bored and looking to stir up a little bit of chaos - and they made it far too easy for him.
After all, you're completely oblivious to him looming behind you. It was almost too easy.
He creeps up slowly, watching as you tend to a bouquet of flowers in the common room.
You're not even in within arm's reach when, without ever looking over your shoulder, you chirp, "Hi, Loki!"
He freezes, completely caught off guard, his plans entirely derailed, "How did you-"
You turn around with a bright smile, "How did I what?"
"How did you know I was there?"
You shrug, "I heard you."
"Impossible." It disturbs him more than it should. He was a god. Not just a god, but the god of deception and trickery. You were just the strange newcomer.
"Maybe you're not as sneaky as you think you are."
Despite how deeply unsettling this turn of events is, he smirks to himself. He knows you're completely unaware of the challenge you just issued.
So he tries. Again. And again. And again.
And each time, "Hi, Loki!" or "You almost got me that time!" or, worst of all "You're getting better everyday!"
It was maddening. Infuriating, even. He even scared Thor a few times just to make sure he hadn't somehow lost his touch. But no, his brother fell for the old snake in the common room trick every time without fail.
For three months, you held his attention. It was a new record for Loki. Every chance he got to catch you off guard, he took. And none of them ever worked.
One day, he swears he's finally done it. You're talking so enthusiastically to the SHIELD agent before you that there's no way you know he's lurking around the corner.
"Hold on," you tell the SHIELD agent you're speaking to whose name Loki hasn't bothered to learn. You turn around to find Loki a foot away from you, "Hi, Loki."
"What the hell was that?" the SHIELD agent demands.
"Oh, it's just this game me and Loki play." You dismissively wave your hand. "He tries to sneak up on me and I find him before he does. It's sort of like a very intense game of hide and seek."
"I think he's trying to kidnap you."
"It's alright. He's my friend."
Loki falters just as he's about to storm away, "I beg your pardon?"
"What did you just say?"
"I said that it's alright because you're my friend," you casually repeat.
"That! Right there!" Loki explains, gesturing between you and him. "When did we become friends?"
"Umm... I don't know. We've been playing this game for like three months, so like three months ago, I guess."
Loki's eyebrows furrow together. He's not quite sure if it's the most endearing or the most disturbing thing he's ever heard. Worst of all, you don't seem to be afraid of him. "I've been trying to abduct you for three months and you call me your friend?"
"Well, I know you'd bring me back eventually. Plus, I've always wanted to visit another realm, it's on my bucket list!"
"What gave you the impression that I'd return you?"
You shrug, "I'm not worried about it, I trust you."
Your words strike a chord deep within Loki. He can't remember the last time someone trusted him, but you did. You did because you considered him a friend. "You trust me because I am your friend?"
You nod repeatedly, "Pretty much."
The corner of Loki's mouth twists upward, "Huh..."
"I think I might need to find someone new to wreak havoc on."
"Oooh, we should play a prank on Sam!"
Loki smile mischievously at you, "I think we'll get along just fine."
AnonymityIsFun Masterlist Grumpy Sunshine Series
As always, let me know what you think! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez@ludicbouquetfromearth@matchat3a@famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff@valoraxx@blue786sworld@buckyandgeraltsupremacy@geminigengar@ansaturn@ecolle@lexhalstead3@ybflkmj@mediocre-daydreams@shanye1112@thegirlnextdoorssister@toomanyfanficsbruh@moonlightreader649@breathtaking-cynthia@mirikusashes@beans-and-toast@niyahcoca@katiechikin@elxvrr@antiheroxsblog@infamouslyclumsy@krissydclayton93@buckysbarne@deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic@whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy
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perseephoneee · 7 days
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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓥𝓘𝓘
In which, you, a lady of the ton, are forced to participate in courting season. Except that courting season comes with one particularly silver tongued Prince who is making it his mission to drive you absolutely insane.
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a/n: the penultimate chapter, everyone. I can't believe we've made it so far. i hope this story kinda works...it was my first time doing longform and one day i will rewrite all of this to make more sense, but for now its as it is. I love you all.
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Loki knew it was improper of him to have met you without a chaperone-like that, but he couldn't find it in himself to care. He wanted, no need, to see you. Damn the consequences. Still, guilt gnawed at him. You were innocent in these games, merely appeasing a figure bigger than yourself. He could relate to that.
On Sundays, he had breakfast with his mother. Thor was usually in meetings with the Allfather, but Loki was never truly wanted there and preferred to spend time with the lady of the house anyway. Their usual tea and assortment of pastries didn’t improve wasn't his mood, though, and he still felt contemplative. Frigga noticed.
"My son, what is wrong?" She questioned, putting her teacup down. She always drank jasmine, a delicacy they got from Odin's dealings with China. She preferred the lighter floral flavor to the Queen's English breakfast tea.
"Nothing is wrong, Mother," Loki lied, the words rolling off his tongue with ease. He was always good with lies. Unfortunately, his mother was even better at seeing through them.
"It wouldn't have anything to do with the Chilton girl, would it? The one your brother didn't marry?" Frigga delicately grabbed a scone as if she were discussing the weather. She was trained to gather information without making it seem like she was. Another thing Loki learned from her. 
"The mamas of the ton gathered for tea the other day, and her Grandmother was discussing it," Frigga continued on. "Dreadful woman, truly, I don't envy those two girls."
Loki hid a laugh behind his hand, coughing instead and taking another sip of tea. 
"She was very loudly complaining about her youngest granddaughter's willful spirit and how it would give her a heart attack one of these days," Frigga chuckled. Loki got the sense she remembered the many times he and Thor had given her a scare.
"Some of the other mamas made comments about how you and she seemed to spend more time together than she and Thor," Frigga spooned some sugar into her tea. "So, my son, I will ask you again if anything is wrong."
Loki took a pause at that, holding his tongue. He drummed his fingers on the table. 
"I won't answer things you already know."
"Did something happen?" His mother raised a brow, a challenge in her gaze. His stubbornness was less from his father and more from his mother. She could will any man into submission.
"Nothing happened, mama," Loki sighed. Not a lie. Nothing happened. Although he wanted it to happen. He wanted to press his lips to yours, breathe in your scent, hold you so you could never fall away from him. Instead, he let go. He wouldn't be the stain on your life that he is on his fathers. 
Frigga pursed her lips, observing him. She set down her tea cup and rested her hands on the table, something she only did when she was about to say something of importance. Loki braced himself for a lecture. 
"Your brother is not a jealous man, and your father is a hard one to please," Frigga stated. "The only thing in the way of your happiness is yourself. I did not raise a fool." With that, Frigga excused herself from tea, leaving her son alone at the table. The only sound left in the room was the clicking of the grandfather clock, the minute hand matching the pace of his thoughts. 
Loki liked you. He might even love you. That was the only logical explanation for his delusions. He rubbed his eyes, hating the tension building up behind them as he thought of the chaos he had caused by even getting involved in the life of you. 
"Mother said I might find you here," Thor said from the doorway, walking over to the now vacant seat. Loki glanced up as Thor poured himself some tea. Or attempted to. He spilled some creamer and burned his fingers, picking up the cup from the body, not the handle. 
"You need to wait for it to cool," Loki sighed, wiping up the spilled creamer. It's appalling to Loki that his oaf of a brother is the one expected to take over the Odinson household. 
"I don't often drink tea."
"But that's not why I'm here, brother," Thor ignores his jab, gingerly sipping his tea and visibly relaxing when it doesn't burn his tongue. 
"Oh joy," Loki leaves the table, strolling towards one of the setees. He, of course, does this quite dramatically. 
"I always thought you be clever, but I am shocked to find you acting so idiotic," Thor puts his tea down, standing up and heading Loki's way. 
"How dare you–"
"Lady Y/N is obviously enamored with you, and you with her. I don't understand why you aren't doing anything about it," Thor sighs. "Is it your own stubbornness? A sense of pride? Please explain it to me."
"I am not enamored with her, and it is not stubbornness," Loki hisses. "She can do better than me, a second son, anyway."
"Is that what you truly believe? That you are really just a second son?"
Loki doesn't respond to that. He just stares out of the window overlooking the room. His mother was inspired by Greek architecture and, therefore, put arched pillars as separators for the open windows. They overlooked the veranda, which was starting to transition into autumn. Oh, how time has passed. 
"I will be leaving for France in the coming months."
Loki turned to his brother, hiding a shock that otherwise would have covered his face. 
"Leaving? For what?"
"For war," Thor said. "Napolean is out of exile, and his troops are approaching Waterloo. I intend to be there alongside my brothers."
"You must be mad."
"Perhaps," Thor laughed. "But I have always wanted to fight, not to sit behind a desk and manage the affairs of a household. You have always been a better diplomat. I much prefer being a soldier." His brother took a seat on the settee, running a hand through his hair and waiting for Loki to sit down. "Allfather will be declaring you the heir as soon as you are wed. So, no, Loki, you are not the second son. You are the better one."
"I don't deserve you," Loki frowned, finally sitting down next to Thor. "You are a better brother than I could ever be."
"Life has not always been kind to you; that is alright; you are learning," Thor said, placing a hand on Loki's shoulder, demanding his attention. "You deserve peace, and you are allowed to have it."
It is not often that Loki becomes emotional. He is used to putting aside his own wants for the needs of the crown. He is used to enduring verbal backlash from his father over every little thing. He is used to being ignored when his brother enters a room. So often, he felt like a tablepiece in his own home. But truly, he was an idiot. His brother saw him the whole time. 
Without another word, Loki embraced his brother, shocking them both. He was done being a tablepiece. He wanted to be seen. 
"Letter!" Ivy screamed from the bottom of the stairs, immediately being shushed by one of the housekeepers. Immediately after your rendezvous with Loki, you had told Ivy everything. All of your fears, wants, and concerns. You had actively been courted by Thor; you couldn't pursue Loki. But he put you in a compromising position that could have gotten you in trouble in society. Did you like Loki? Or did you convince yourself you did? These were the questions swirling around your brain all week. Ivy was in favor of you running off and eloping if only to annoy Grandmother. You hit her with a pillow for that statement. 
"Why would I be receiving a letter?" You ask, descending the stairs as you glared at the offending item. 
"No clue, but I think you should look at it," Ivy said coyly. You got the distinct impression she knew exactly what this letter was about. You took it out of her grasp, peeling off the wax seal and reading the inked words. 
Meet me at the ball by midnight tonight when we first conversed. 
"So?" Ivy peered over your shoulder. "What did he say?"
"Poetic things," you drawled. "He has such a way with words."
"You're lucky the man likes your sharp tongue; otherwise, you'd scare off all the suitors," Ivy sighed. You suppressed a small smile. "So? Are you going?"
"Did you write this?" You ask her, turning around and crossing your arms. 
"Of course I didn't!"
"I am not one to lie, sister," Ivy grabbed your hands, pulling you closer. "I am only the messenger. A messenger that is urging you to listen for once in your life." You only glared at your sister. 
"I have nothing to wear."
"I already bought you a dress."
"You've been planning this, haven't you?"
"Perhaps," Ivy shrugged. "Now, c'mon! I want enough time to transform you."
You indeed didn't have a choice. Ivy was persistent when she set her mind to something. She yanked your hair left and right to transform it into a perfectly curled and pinned high bun. The dress she chose was unlike anything you had ever seen before, and you had no clue where she could've possibly afforded something like it. It was a deep green with a traditional empire waist, but the bodice was covered in a lacy emerald green fabric and decorated with a glimmery trim. The skirt faded to a lighter emerald green at the bottom, giving the appearance of a forest being lit up by the sunrise. You wore your mother's necklace to match, something that grounded the outfit into something wholesome yet romantic. 
"You look ethereal," Ivy looked at you in the vanity mirror. "You look like Mom."
You smiled, turning around to envelop your sister in a hug. "I love you, Ivy." She just squeezed you tighter. "I never want to go to another ball again; this is ridiculously tiresome." Ivy laughed at that and let you go, smoothing down the parts of your dress that got scrunched up. 
This event took place outside, a last-ditch effort to enjoy the weather before winter set in. The ball was set on the lake, with a variety of lanterns floating through the waters and hanging around the pavilion where guests danced. It looked like a twinkling city, and it was one of the few times when your breath was taken away. 
You were already getting more stares than usual from other people, perhaps because it was the first time you dressed up. Or perhaps because everyone knew that Thor didn't propose to you. You ignored their stares and found the first drink you could. It was a long way till midnight, and your nerves were already getting the better of you. You hiked up your skirts and found your way to the water's edge, where workers were helping guests set out lanterns of their own. You asked one of them if the lights were just for decoration or if there was a specific meaning. 
"To drive out the darkness of winter and hope for a longer spring, m'lady," he bowed, offering you a lantern of your own. You accepted graciously, finding a quiet place farther down the shore to push your lantern out. 
"Making a wish?" a familiar voice said. You turned to see Loki, arms crossed and looking every bit the prince he was meant to be. 
"Driving away the darkness, at least that's what they told me," you gestured towards where most of the partygoers were. 
"I believe in some traditions; it is also to honor the dead."
"What a somber occasion for a party."
"I surmise they didn't truly know the reason; they thought it would be pretty." Loki shrugged, earning a chuckle from you. You closed up again, remembering that awkward encounter all those nights ago. Turning to your lantern, you looked at the water before returning to the prince. 
"We need more lanterns," you declared, marching back to the initial servant who gave you yours. Loki followed behind, not saying anything, but you could tell he wanted to ask. You got three more lanterns and passed two to Loki, returning to the spot you scoped out before. 
"Do I dare ask what you're doing?"
"Honoring the deceased," you crouched down, taking one of the lanterns from Loki so you had three. He joined you on the ground, letting you have a moment with your three lanterns. Taking a breath, you pushed them all out on the water. He waited for a second to let his drift away as well. 
"To your sister," you said, bowing your head slightly. 
"To your family, may they find brighter shores," Loki breathed, eyes softening as he looked at you. 
You both continued sitting on the shores, not making a move to get up. If anyone caught you in this position, it would be trouble, but you couldn't find it in yourself to care. 
"We can't go back, can we?" you whispered, looking out at the lanterns getting farther and farther from shore.
"No, we can't."
"Then, why haven't you asked me?" your voice cracked slightly, your eyes finding Loki's. 
"Because I'm worried I don't deserve you."
"That isn't up to you to decide, is it?" you inquired, raising a brow. Loki's mouth tilted up in a smile as if trying his best to suppress it but failing miserably. 
"I should probably ask then."
"Most likely, before the fireworks start and I am unable to hear you stumble through your speech," you jested, sliding back into your old routine so easily. Loki sat up, offering you a hand, which you took gratefully as you smoothed out, your dress. 
"Such a sharp tongue on you; will that ever change?" Loki questioned. 
"Most likely not."
"Good," Loki grinned. "I wouldn't want anything else."
"You're stalling."
"I might be a wordsmith, but being vulnerable is not something I particularly enjoy," Loki responded. "But with you, I am forced to be vulnerable, and it rather terrifies me. Except, I keep coming back despite that fear because a day without you is a day without the sun." Loki let out a breath, brows furrowed. He looked so serious, and you thought you had never seen him so handsome. "Y/N…marry me."
"Yes," you responded, grinning. "Now, I think I am owed something."
"Yes, yes you are."
Loki wasted no time in pressing his lips to yours, gentle yet strong in a way that had you yearning for more. The fireworks erupted in the background, the party cheering for the colorful display of lights and excitement. You yourself felt like a firework, quickly bursting into a million specks coating the sky. And you wouldn't have it any other way.
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taglist: @eleniblue @iwrite-things @youneedanap @huntress-artemiss @linaax @pisces-celeste @marygoddessofmischief @gruftiela @saay-karani @foxherder @lover-of-books-and-tea @lilaclaufeyson @gardasngan @evasmlp @swampespresso
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