#Long post!
halfsizehellboy · 1 year
i love when autistics date each other and have nearly opposite sensory/support needs because it's hilarious. House does not recognize emotions well and struggles with connection, but obviously feels deeply and easily despite adamantly denying it. Wilson is, get this, hypoempathetic like house but sensory-seeks the empathetic feelings; which is why he's good at breaking news. he enjoys playing emotion!! he likes acting!! and i think acts of service and gift-giving is just love language, and he just doesn't differentiate platonic and romantic attraction easily (multiple ex-wives yet devoted to house, and love languages are extended to patients and especially ones he's friends with).
wilson likes old movies, and many of the things house does, but unlike house he's not shown to listen to loud music constantly; he doesn't like or need the auditory stimulation. he doesn't stim as much as house, but that could be also that he doesn't stim the way house does. he doesn't need that much external processing, while house plays with toys and rubber bands and his cane. i think wilson just moves a lot, wiggling his fingers or the like. personally i think he'd bite things a lot but he's spent a long time coasting through as normal and he has a reputation to uphold. House is never safe, though. something something sensory needs and distraction pain are the perfect excuse.
wilson needs just his long self-care routine to not change, and a couple other constants like house and his office. i think he likes to be efficient. house thrives on the consistency of a created chaos, mainly i think he's au-dhd and thats why, he cant have things the exact same too long without going bonkers. his office and his apartment are controlled spaces that stay the same, and other things can be wild for stimulation. They have enrichment time in their enclosure(s) with their bets and manipulation games. wilsons office is a better darkroom for quiet time. i cant stop thinking about this
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pianokantzart · 4 months
I know people have probably talked about it a lot but I absolutely love the protective big brother Mario displays throughout the whole movie. Like there is absolutely no question that Mario adores Luigi.
Literally there is no room for any doubt cuz Mario literally did everything he could to rescue his brother. Yeah helping Peach was a bonus but his number one goal was Luigi. And if there are people that ever do doubt it, all they need to is watch the reunion scene again. The desperation, the relief, the pain in his voice, how he clings to Luigi, the was the perfect way to show the audience that Mario loves his little brother.
No no, you're right to talk about it, because gosh darn it for how great the reunion scene is, Mario really earned it with how much he worried for Luigi all throughout the film
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And even before they got separated, when they were just doing their normal day jobs, Luigi's wellbeing is always on Mario's radar. However much he wanted to prove himself, he was most burdened by a desire to do right by his brother, with the accusation that he was bringing him down having the biggest effect on him emotionally.
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Even after he succeeds in rescuing Luigi from Bowser, when Mario's injured and at his lowest point, the thing that encourages him to get back up and fight was seeing their old TV commercial and remembering Luigi.
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Heck, even Luigi's mini arc revolved around how good of a brother Mario is, and how much Luigi wanted to be able to return the favor for all the times he protected him.
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So whatever direction the story might go in the future, I'm glad that they started things off with the strongest possible declaration that The Mario Brothers care about each other so much, have a healthy and loving bond, and are at their best when they're a team.
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pumpkinmagekupo · 1 month
Day 18: Decay
Ending up in a strange seemingly abandoned theme park was not on Mizuki's to do list.
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She wasn't sure how she even wound up here. The sky glowed an unsettling amber. There was no sign of the sun and it didn't look like dusk..
The smell of rusty metal filled the air. Her shoes echoed around her.
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Noticing an elevated carousel, she climbed the stairs hoping to get a good vantage point to survey the area. She didn't ascend all the way as a wave of unease washed over her. Peering over the railing she thought she saw thing..or someone in between the rotten and decaying horses.
"I guess I'll look somewhere else.."
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She ventured towards the ferris wheel but she felt something watching her. Looking up at the carts that swung eerily slowly but there was no breeze to rock them. The cart's rusty bearings screeched so loudly it was painful. She thought she saw something in the carts looking down at her.
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Not waiting to find out, she crept away quickly.
The next place she found herself at was the large castle that seemed to be the centre point of the area. Though as she approached the castle loud drumming filled the air. It reverberated all the way through her.
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It felt like giant footsteps in the distance but looking behind her there was nothing.
And then a suffocating unease froze her to the spot. Something told her to run.
But the only place to run was into the depths of the castle. Staring down into the darkness didn't fill her with any comfort.
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"What choice do I have?"
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So she descended deftly down the stairs and prayed she found some light at the end.
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As the darkness engulfed her, the thundering drums fell silent. As though it had done its job of leading it's victim into an inescapable trap.
Prompt list
The minute I was there and well.. I knew I had to get some silent hill style shots...need to get better creepier ones but-
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musemelodies · 3 days
hey folks, sorry it's been pretty slow on here. work has been really hectic and it's only gonna increase with the holiday months. still searching for a new job and trying to stay positive in the meantime. i did the morning shift yesterday and i'm closing tonight and then i gotta be back in tomorrow morning and it's...a lot.
a few years ago, i was thinking about going back to school for library science but the only one around here that offers it is ridiculously expensive and i got rejected anyway and then the pandemic happened and welp, here we are. i don't wanna cue the violin music or anything but i've just been feeling so stuck and in low battery mode a lot of the time. so much of my life consists of working and being exhausted and dreading going back to work.
i know it could always be worse, i could be homeless again or living with my terrible mom but it just feels like there's no balance. i would love to just walk out tomorrow (this place is embarrassingly anti-union and the current ceo is a third generation nepobaby and i have to deal with that micromanaging coworker way too often) but i don't really have a backup plan. also anxiety and the whole needing money to live thing.
anyway, i know i'm preaching to the choir and again, it could be a lot worse but it's really been wearing me down lately. as a wise philosopher once said: when the working day is done, oh girls, they wanna have fun...
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majorproblems77 · 10 months
It's LU Update time!!!!!
Dawn 6 was fun, I enjoyed this update.
Wild has fear, four is a gremlin and SKY MY BELOVED RETURNS
Now this post is LONG so grab some popcorn and some water!
So let's get into it! - Spoilers abound, obviously
From the top!
First off im gonna talk about a parallel, I've pulled up the conversation between Wild and Four from Sunset 7 - 9 Cause I've noticed something.
I'll be bringing up Sunset 7 - 9 more so keep an eye out!
Here is the scene from sunset 7, where we see four near the stable
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He could be using the house as a metaphor. Wild going to Twilight was out of the question at the time. He was not in his right mind. It was not up for debate.
He was closed off.
And here is the one from the new update
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He's more open to discussion. But he is still not entirely open. His body acts as the barrier rather than the house. I like this top down view, it really opens up the area.
And opens up the floor for discussion. But he's still on guard.
Especially facing the stable.
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He's going through his bag here, but he looks guarded. Which I assume is him still thinking about how they last spoke. He knows Wild is coming, assuming he asked Hyrule to tell him.
Now wild
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I like that he thinks of Zelda as he's approaching Four. It's really quite sweet, and shows that he probably doesn't see himself as a diplomat after everything. Makes me think what's happening back in Wild's world?
Is Zelda bringing the people together back home? Is she trying to put together some form of government? Who knows?
Another parallel which got me excited
We see Four and wild standing in the same frame facing each other twice in Sunset 7
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Here And
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In both frames Wild is slouched, getting down to Four's level, or close enough to it.
But in dawn 6 there's only one. And it's this.
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Wild is stood to his full height and just Takes responsibility. He even appears to be standing to attention here. It shows just how much he's had to change in such a short period. Wild is a knight after all. He's got that ingrained in him.
I wonder how Warriors would react if he saw this conversation, Wild is acting like he's talking to a superior. Maybe he sees the Chain as superior to him?
Im so proud of the Wild child. He's a good man.
Moving on...
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We know Four asked Wild here to give him the new Sword. (Which I'll talk about later cause I love it)
So his confusion here is understandable.
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Now we get the shock and the crossed arms. Four is still understandably angry at Wild for the last time they spoke. As they don't interact again after Sunset 9. Not really. We get the passing comments from Wild. But Four says nothing.
Sunset 12
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And Sunset 13 for reference
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So this conversation is important
Jojo is spoiling us with these full body shots as well
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Wild child
Now we get to Wild's apology
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These two panels especially. Wild was scared. Really scared. We know from prior comic chapters that Wild and Twilight have a history and that they are a set. The way Wilds face screws up here.
He was worried. As they all were. But with his connection to Twilight being that much deeper he would have been feeling the pressure.
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Four is also super expressive. I love how he looks here. As the fight they had. Now that clearer heads have prevailed. Was caused by both parties. They were stressed. And stressed people especially heroes are more prone to anger.
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I love these panels.
Wilds face is just, so sweet. Fours is just adorable.
And the hand shake! I love them
Now this must be said
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Gremlin four! Gremlin four!
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I love Wilds expression here as he twists. He was clearly very side lined by the whole. There's four of you thing.
Quadruplets - Oh i love that
Now we get to the sword!
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Wild's panel has me screaming I love him
He's all proud oh himself for apologising then four pulls out the sword. and he's like.
Oh damn
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You can see on wilds face just how much this means to him
Just look at him
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He looks so happy
Which is a big change from the last few days for him. It's nice to see him happy for once. :D
Now this has absolutely been said by someone somewhere.
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It's dangerous to go alone Wild! Take this! :D
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He looks at the sword like an old friend. Which, to be honest. Is fair. In fact, a lot of the links look at their swords like this.
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You know i cant go one update without mentioning the background faces. Look at this little gremlin stance.
Love him
The moment you have clearly been waiting for if you've followed me for any length of time.
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Oh, I got sooooo many happy hands, Blorbo beloved it been agesssssss! (Last time we saw Sky was Dawn 4)
Oh lordy, he's sweating, he's probably been running all over town trying to find everyone after getting the letters.
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He running
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God this panel is my fave of the entire thing, Sky is a mood and i love everything about him.
The face
His face gives me so much life and I love him so much
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The return of the king
Or in this case
Gremlin Sky.
There's no denying that he read all those letters. They were all addressed to Link after all. And in technicality, He is Link. The first Link. And the mailman did give them all to him after all.
Do you think there was a love letter from Malon in that pile he got? Do you think he flushed it?
Jojo that cliffhanger is gonna kill me, Im so looking forward to finding out what was in those letters!
And that's a wrap!!!
Oh boy, that was long. Thanks for sticking with it! Now, I fade until I am needed again!
Remember to drink some water, eat a snack and stretch! Remember you've got this!
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Ducktales but Donald was the one who "disappeared", the Agency "kidnapped" Double Duck on an night to a mission to cowork with Kay K to find out some case of corruption in the USA navy. When the work was finally done (two weeks later), Donald was getting his life too menaced to get out of there, so he just enlisted and spent ten (hard) years on there until his enemies were away enough to return home.
While this, Scrooge and his almost mother niece Della were totally freaking out because they couldn't find Donald anywhere, he just vanished without any pist left behind. The triplets had born to give them some distraction of the situation, and Della got beautifully kind to give her boys the names Donald choose, Huebert J. Duck, Dewford T. Duck (she's not putting Dingus because it's just terrible) and Llewellyn R. Duck. After ten months and thinking her twin really could be dead, Della thought this happened because being Scrooge McDuck's relative is too dangerous, so she talked to Scrooge and he agreed to her taking away the boys to have a normal life in a common house without knowing anything of their family (not before Scrooge giving her some money to survive as a solo and overworking mother of three), and that's how they lived for ten years before Della presumed her boys are old enough to handle family.
Season 1 is just the same but instead of a houseboat there's the simple Della's house where she usually lives because can't return to the mansion she and her twin lived in childhood because of trauma.
Season 2 is where Donald finally return while Della is on a vacation to cure her stress of being a single and overprotective mother. Scrooge's nephew is a little physically hurt because of the job but psycologically he's so worst (he has PTSD where his mind is a little erased beacuse of trauma). He met his nephews and couldn't believe how much he lost in these ten years, as his uncle couldn't believe he lost a leg during his work on navy (that caused some of the trauma).
Season 3 they find out that Bradford caused the situation that took Donald away from them, kept him there under death menacing and really could killed him a lot of times. Instead of going away in the houseboat, Donald bought a beautiful house (using the salary from the Agency) far away from the mansion (and the ocean) and went to live there with his girlfriend and adopted daughters.
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mooniety · 1 year
i know a lot of people prefer the idea that meta's dimensional cape is also his wings & magical in nature, but i'm more in favor of the idea that meta hides his wings in his cape via his own use of dimensional magic, as concealment & masquerade has always been a big theme for me when regarding meta
this kind of leaks into some of my own gijinka stuff where his wings are oddly not there/have no volume in the outfit - i like to imagine that he's mastered dimensional magic so well that he knows how to separate his wings from the cloth & not his entire back (or else he'd sink into his outfit or even funnier, something comes out of his outfit)
this means that there's a possibility that someone traveling in the same dimension meta is hiding his wings in may randomly see a pair of wings connected to nothing flexing itself as if they are still alive
he probably just hides them in a random closet in his room though, that'd make more sense
this leads to my very own headcanon that he has a large affinity towards dimensional magic in general - that it was maybe the first form of magic he learned before everything else he knows currently, so it's the only magic he doesn't mind using as much outside of swordplay, kind of like a guilty pleasure
in contrast to this, i have a headcanon in which susie has an immense fear of dimensional magic as after all, it's what caused her life to suddenly go upside down with the whole space-time transport program via star dream
this doesn't help that the sphere doomers - which have the ability of dimensional magic - may have tried to attack her as well, making it most likely difficult for her to escape or protect herself while stuck in the another dimension as a child
after returning back to her father, she's managed to seemingly suppress this fear pretty well, but i imagine it still does greatly affect her mentally when she sees dimensional magic in action (but more than just hiding parts of your body in your clothing, i don't think she or anyone would be even aware that meta did that unless he actually told them)
so i'd like to imagine that when she learns about meta's affinity for dimensional magic, she'd be a little bit fearful of him but also deeply admire him for dabbling in it like it's nothing, especially since she sees it as something that can completely ruin your life
& to add a bit of metasusie into the mix, what if there's a scenario in which meta helps susie get over her inherent fear of dimensional magic? i feel like it'd be really interesting to see not only susie being very vulnerable, but meta being vulnerable as well as he tries to empathize with her on a subject he adores
sorry for the long post, meta being secretly a wizard seems so interesting to me, especially when tying it with susie
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chrislaplante · 1 month
6:A song that makes you want to dance
9:A song that makes you happy
11:A song that you never get tired of
14:A song that you would love played at your wedding
20:A song that has many meanings to you
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
28:A song by an artist with a voice that you love
29:A song that you remember from your childhood
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
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admittedly, he doesn't consider himself someone who can dance. but he knows, even himself, everybody wants to dance - and there were just so many songs yet... he could hear the plucking of the bass in his head, the synthesizer, the sound going from in circles in his head. a low baritone voice which reminds him of the late ian curtis. "kiss me until my lips fall off by lebanon hanover."
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the song is dark, lyrically. he knows. but it's the playful way the bass bounces around what the guitars are doing throughout the duration of the song that makes him want to do snoopy dances. it is not a happy song, but it wasn't meant to be - and maybe that's the beautiful irony, why it makes him happy. bleak lyrics and sentiment, but instrumentally inciting some kind of misplaced... well, joy. "digital."
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this was a tricky one. everyone gets sick of a song after a while. some just take longer than others. some you stop listening to then revisit them later to fall in love with them again. but there were a few selected ones which chris could listen to on repeat until the end of days. but the one? it was obvious. "lovesong."
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he can't help it. his face flushes and his lips seal together tightly. in thought. nervous by what he was picturing in his head. he wasn't a religious man, and the one person with whom he could see himself spending the rest of his days had a bone or two to pick with religion. a wedding, in his head, never included a church or a priest... but it always included her.
there was a song that could describe what it felt like to be around her. to look into her eyes. to hold her hand. to be with her. "spellbound."
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feeling exposed by what came to mind, he had to hide behind the subjective of interpretation. the song had meant different things to him as time went by. sometimes it was about his addictions. other times it was about feeling stepped on and used by others. then, what he thought of now, was the way he could become callous with his words when he was cornered. he thought of her, of Helena. how on earth was she still giving him a chance. recently, he'd put his word where his heart is and decided it was time for change. "breaking the habit."
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he ponders for a moment. a song which every single living human should listen to at least once in their lifetime - fuck, he thinks. he hesitates. as an alleged musician, this is going to be incredibly cliche. maybe he should think of another song, maybe something more obscure, less known. or, at least, not something by a band known worldwide for about half a century by now. he sighs. he can't think of another that makes him want to recommend as much as this one.
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he surrenders and speaks, "stairway to heaven-" a pause, "but the cover-" he says, "by mary j. blige."
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it was no secret freddie's voice was a gift to anyone who's ever listened to queen, but this song was different. ever since he was little, he'd tear up every time it came on the radio or on tv. nowadays, it felt a lot closer to home. context aside, there was a new meaning to it. an existence, a strenuous life which seemed to have no end, no way out, nor a hope for improvement.
he speaks in that quiet, gentle way of his, "the show must go on."
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other than tiffany's i think we're alone now, and his younger sister pulling him to dance along with her while she was still in diapers, his mother had a distinct taste. dark, heavy. he can't help the smile forming across his lips, it held a secret. the voice of the man whom he'd been named after, wailing into a microphone 'jesus... is my friend... jesus... is my friend' on a live version of the song he often misheard as 'cheese-itz... is my friend... cheese-itz... is my friend' and sang along, dedicating the song to his childhood pet cat.
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he tries his best not to laugh. "beyond the wheel."
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there was an instinctive thought that said mad world by tears for fears. it sounded depressing. then came alone i break by korn - he wasn't sure that was much better, considering the context of its lyrics. (linkin park's) numb? he thought of words and decided it belonged somewhere in his sense of self, however. there was a song that of which currently described his life well enough. the irony was, it was equally upsetting, though for different reasons. "bleed the freak."
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music asks meme!
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stanestreet · 11 days
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autumn '24
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kirstielol · 1 year
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huge photo dump from my three day trip up north 🌲☀️
wednesday we basically just chilled the whole day. my dad drove us on his boat to a little island in the middle of the lake to hang out for the afternoon, where we swam and drank lol. went back and bbq'd steak for dinner, then hung out around a fire 🔥
thursday we were out and about all day! first my parents took us to this beautiful park called brook's falls, where we went on a nice long hike along a river with a huge waterfall! took so many mushroom pics lol.
then at 1pm we drove to a big farm where we got to pick out a goat and take it on a hike 😭 it was so much fun. the goats were so cute. i gave mine lots of head rubs and she ate so many leaves while i walked her lol. also goats are so strong holy hell!! mine kept pulling me as we were walking.
after the goat hike we went into town and went out for dinner. i got a mojito and a really good salad. we walked around downtown a bit afterwards. it was so friggin hot and sunny. i am suuuper burnt right now on my arms and chest, kinda sucks lol.. but it was a fun day.
after we got back to my parents place, we went down the the beach and went swimming for a few hours. then we sat on the dock and watched the sunset. ⛅ such an amazing trip. i wish we could've stayed longer, but with the cats back home, 2 nights is the most we could do.
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himebushou · 1 year
Buddy Daddies AU – Delinquents in High School!
(Inspired by Crows Zero ❤) 
Kurusu Kazuki, a senior, is considered the king of Blue Sky High.  He might not be the toughest but he’s definitely the smartest and he uses that to his advantage.  Everyone fears Akasagi, his band of loyal followers
One day, an upstart freshman named Suwa Rei turns up at Blue Sky and starts taking everyone out.  For his own reasons, Rei wants to be the king of the school!
However, he’s unable to pick fights with Kazuki effectively because Kazuki always knows what Rei’s planning.  This is because Rei has literally no ability to strategise (“Attacking from the front again, rookie?  Try something else!”)
Rei’s Backstory
In this AU, Rei’s relationship with Suwa Shigeki is pretty different.  Rei still shows a lot of deference to his father/boss (he’s only allowed to call Shigeki ‘Father’ outside of work environments), but uh… he’s not descended from a line of hitmen, lol
Shigeki probably runs some fancy company?  I’m tempted to go with a very old, very grandiose publishing house because of the sheer number of books we saw in his study
In this AU, Shigeki takes a fair amount of advice from his right-hand man, Kaji Satoru, who is Rei’s mentor.  When Rei’s in his early teens, Satoru points out that Rei’s a shut-in and doesn’t have much experience of the world, which is going to make it tough for him to thrive in business environments where he’ll have to read people constantly
Shigeki asks what Satoru suggests and Satoru says that they should throw Rei in at the deep end and enrol him in a crummy all-boys’ high school called Blue Sky High.  Shigeki basically retorts that Rei will attend a dump over his dead body, but Satoru shoots back that, well, if Rei can survive even a year in an environment like that, he can survive anywhere
Shigeki agrees at last… and then lets Rei know that he’s being chucked out for a while
So Rei starts living with Kaji Satoru, because, of course, he needs back up.  He’s a bit suspicious because Satoru seems to disappear in the evenings… but on the whole, Satoru is a good adult in Rei’s life, mentoring him and training him to be physically strong
(Rei was trained to be physically strong because Shigeki’s of the mentality that a man can only thrive in business if he’s strong in every way – physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.)
Satoru’s the one who encourages Rei to become the king of Blue Sky High as this will prove to Shigeki that Rei will be able to take over the Suwa publishing house when the time comes
Poor Rei, however, has a deep, dark secret… he doesn’t know how to tell his dad that he’d rather read a manga than a novel…
 The Present Day
The troubles at school are escalating and one of the fights between Rei and Kazuki ends with a lot of blood being spilt (Rei was finally able to come up with a plan!).  The issue, however, is that Akasagi and Rei’s faction (which he didn’t even put together, by the way; it’s just a bunch of guys who thought that Rei was cool and started following him around – they call themselves Aoko) are now taking their fights beyond the school gates and causing mischief across the city.  This is a very bad look
As such, Kugi Kyuutarou, who attended and ruled over Blue Sky just prior to Kazuki’s enrolment, calls the pair out for a meeting.  Rei looks at the megane man and thinks, “Whomst??” but Kazuki is pretty terrified because he knows of Kyuu-chan’s reputation (also, Kyuu-chan encourages people to call him that so that he’s underestimated by outsiders)
Kyuu-chan tells the pair to KNOCK IT OFF, OR ELSE. Kazuki raises his hands, acquiescing – Rei, however, is about to give Kyuu-chan a bit of his mind when Kazuki drags him away, warning, “He’s the last person you want to irritate.  NINE are pretty legendary, you know.”
“You out-of-towners don’t know anything! Listen.  You and I have pretty big groups, right?  But, back in the day, Kyuu-chan ruled Blue Sky with only nine people.  And they’re still loyal to him.”
Rei is confused as to why Kazuki’s suddenly doling out advice; Kazuki chirps, “Just looking out for my underclassman!” and swans away
A few weeks pass.  Akasagi and Aoko are finding the ceasefire tense, but they’re getting on with it.  Rei thinks idly of how empty the school day can feel without fighting and Kazuki contemplates ways to make a quick buck – he’s got rent to pay and his cleaning jobs aren’t quite meeting the mark
One day, Kazuki hauls Rei aside (Rei is pretty indignant about this) and comments how it’s obvious that Rei is pining to get his hands dirty.  Rei asks whether the truce is dead and Kazuki laughs.  “Not a chance, but I might have something even better.”
He leads Rei to an underground fighting ring. Kazuki comments that he knows Rei’s goal is to get stronger, but he can’t do that without fighting… so here’s a solution.  Rei thinks about the fact that he lost a spar against his mentor just the previous night, so he agrees to be one of Blue Sky’s fighters
This arrangement goes on for a little while. Each time Rei gets badly injured, Kazuki patches him up and encourages him to get back in the ring.  Rei queries why Kazuki’s being so helpful and Kazuki insists that Rei should stop asking questions and just respect his elders
“Sure… Kazuki-sempai.”
“Don’t take it too far!”
(Before this point, Rei just called him, “Kurusu!” with a lot of animosity)
Then… the next time Rei’s in the ring, he notices something in his peripheral vision.  Kazuki’s placing bets!  And he hasn’t shared the profits!  Rei is so mad that he deliberately loses the fight, making Kazuki lose a bundle
Afterwards, Kazuki is steaming.  He demands to know why Rei would do such a thing and Rei gets a bit lofty, saying that Kazuki shouldn’t be benefitting from Rei’s work without splitting the profits.  Kazuki snaps that the truce is off, regardless of what may or may not happen with NINE.  Rei grabs Kazuki and demands to know where his money is – sempai retaliates by headbutting Rei hard
Fighting breaks out across Blue Sky High again (some of the students are a bit relieved; all this truce stuff was dull!).  Now that Akasagi and Aoko are fighting again, the other factions also get antsy.  Kazuki’s irritated because spending all this time coming up with elaborate plans to deal with Rei is cutting into time where he could be making money. However, Kazuki is far too proud to consider giving up his crown
Then, things suddenly get hard for Rei – Satoru announces that he has to leave for a couple of weeks and suggests that Rei go back to the main house.  Rei says that he can’t possibly do that: he’s anticipating a final showdown between himself and Kazuki in the next few days and, besides, he wants to see what it’s like to live alone.  Satoru asks ARE YOU SURE? and Rei’s all YES I’M SURE and Satoru leaves Rei with some emergency numbers before scooting off
Within three days, Rei’s house is a tip.  He’s hungry!  He’s sad!  He desperately calls one of the numbers Satoru left for a cleaner…
And who should show up but Kurusu Kazuki?
Rei: (⊙_⊙)
Kazuki: (⊙_⊙)
Rei tries to close the door in Kazuki’s face; Kazuki sticks his foot in the way and barges in regardless, saying A JOB’S A JOB and that Rei’d better pay him fairly.  Rei demands to know what Kazuki’s doing there but Kazuki is just looking around the apartment, assessing the damage.  Then, he gets Rei to stand in one spot while he starts cleaning
“How have you survived while living like this, Suwa?  I thought you came from money!”
“It’s not always like this.  Usually, Satoru-san’s here and he takes care of this kind of thing…”
“So how long has this guy been away?”
“Three days.”
Then, just when Kazuki’s nearly finished cleaning, he sees Rei boiling some water for instant noodles.  He flips out and ends up cooking for Rei instead (Rei’s fridge is full of some nice ingredients; Rei watches Kazuki cook very carefully to make sure there’s no poison involved – Kazuki takes it as an opportunity to give Rei a cooking lesson since Blue Sky is too rundown to have any facilities for Home Economics).  Of course, Kazuki ends up eating, too
Rei points out that it’s super weird that they’re hanging out like this when they’re supposed to be thinking of ways to kill each other.  Kazuki rubs the back of his head and says yeah, maybe, but work is work and, when Rei grows up a bit, he’ll be able to tell the difference.  Rei gets annoyed at being patronised – Kazuki realises that he actually feels a bit bad about looking down on Rei and comes to the conclusion that Rei might be a bit cool.  This is a bizarre epiphany for Kazuki so he changes the subject and asks what’s the deal with Rei and who’s this guy who normally cleans the house?
For reasons that Rei can’t quite pinpoint later, he ends up telling Kazuki about his dad and how he needs to rule over Blue Sky. Kazuki sparkles and says, “Wow, I’m a real thorn in your side, huh?”  Rei scowls. Then Kazuki says, well, let’s find out where your mentor is.  It’s pretty weird that he left without a word
Kazuki gets a laptop and starts tapping away; Rei is pretty fascinated and just like, “Huh… so you can do stuff like this too?” Kazuki gloats, “Yeah, your sempai’s an amazing guy~!” and Rei quips, “And a modest one.”
Soon, Kazuki’s able to pinpoint Satoru’s location and he laughs, telling Rei where Satoru is.  Rei’s like??  Where’s that??  Kazuki says that Satoru’s at some famously romantic location, which means he’s there with a significant other.  Then Kazuki sighs, saying that Rei’s mentor is lucky to have someone in his life
“What’s your story?  Why are you good at all of this stuff?”
Kazuki says wryly that he had to learn to fend for himself from a pretty young age.  He mentions blithely that his parents abandoned him when he was a child. Outwardly, Rei doesn’t express much – but he thinks that what Kazuki has just revealed is pretty shocking.  He wonders if Kazuki says important things casually as a defence mechanism – and then Rei realises with a start that he’s changing as he can now recognise things like when someone’s using a defence mechanism
Kazuki finally gets up to leave; Rei sticks his hands in his pockets and asks Kazuki if they’re back to normal tomorrow.  “Of course,” says Kazuki.  “In fact, let’s decide things once and for all.”  Kazuki names a time and Rei agrees, thinking that it’d be better to deal with Akasagi sooner rather than later.  The more time he spends with Kazuki, the more Rei finds his will to fight the third year diminishing
There’s an eerie stillness over the school… then, a few days later, the entirety of Akasagi and Aoko, who’ve made alliances with other factions in the school, show up in the schoolyard.  The fight is RIDICULOUS.  It is BRUTAL.  But then –
Who should appear but rivals from other schools?!?
It turns out that quite a few folk developed beef towards Blue Sky High students through the underground fighting ring – and a lot of them want to destroy Rei!  It turns into Blue Sky vs. The World!
Kazuki saves Rei and yells, “You owe me!”
Rei saves Kazuki about thirty seconds later and shouts, “My debt’s repaid!”
The two team up and try to go for the head honcho – but this kid plays dirty and is hard to get to.  It looks like it’s all over when –
Kyuu-chan tells Kazuki and Rei that this has got messy; NINE wouldn’t get involved in some schoolyard brawl but people’s brothers, dads and uncles are showing up.  NINE will clear a path and suppress the damage; Rei and Kazuki just have to go for the big guy!
There’s a massive showdown with the head honcho. Rei and Kazuki are a beautiful team.  There is blood.  There is fire.  The word “Partner!” is said in earnest.  Ultimately, Rei and Kazuki win
Post-battle, everyone is on the ground, dead (or thereabouts).  They hear police sirens.  Kyuu-chan rocks up and says that Rei and Kazuki, as two ringleaders, have to get out of there. Rei and Kazuki look at each other, share a cool-guy-nod, and vamoose
The police make many, many arrests
Post the big battle, there are some huge changes at Blue Sky High.  Students clean up the school and there’s an attempt at actually bringing in a syllabus. Students are disciplined appropriately. This is all spearheaded by the new headteacher, Principal Hanyu, who is extremely kind but who has ‘accidentally’ let the students know that she’s super strong
Kazuki and Rei actually get an education, lol.  They also bond with the people of Akasagi and Aoko who were loyal to them
All of a sudden, it’s graduation day.  Rei goes to find Kazuki and Kazuki’s like, “Hey, look what the cat dragged in!  You must be sad that your favourite sempai is graduating, huh?” and Rei says yeah, it stinks that Kazuki’s leaving as things won’t be as interesting anymore.  Kazuki’s a bit ! but returns Rei’s sentiments; he’s definitely never met anyone as wild or interesting as Rei
Then, Kazuki asks whether Rei’s done at Blue Sky and will be going back home.  Rei says yes – and lets Kazuki know that his mentor’s getting married.  “Some men have all the luck,” Kazuki grumbles
Kazuki says that he has a feeling that he and Rei will run into each other again, someday.  Rei looks sceptical and Kazuki’s like, “What?  Are you worried that you won’t recognise me?  Okay, let’s get a memento.”  He grabs Rei’s phone, yanks Rei into the frame and takes a selfie of the two of them together.  Checking the screen, Kazuki grimaces and says, “Well, I guess that’ll do.”  Rei asks doesn’t Kazuki need a memento, too? Kazuki answers that Rei shouldn’t worry; Kazuki’s texting the photo to himself
“So I have your number?”
“Pfft!  Only for emergencies.  Got it?”
Kazuki starts to swan away, calling, “Till next time, Suwa Rei!”
Rei calls, “Thanks for your hard work, Kazuki.”
Kazuki stops dead and turns around.  “WHERE’S MY RESPECT?”
Rei shrugs.  “You’ve graduated now.  As far as I’m concerned, I don’t need to call you ‘sempai’ anymore.”  Kazuki rolls his eyes, but, as he walks off, he feels pretty excited about the next time he’ll cross paths with Suwa Rei.
Several years pass…
Kugi Kyuutarou finally achieves his dream of opening his own café – Mistletoe Café.  He invites a particular pair of idiots along to the opening and so, Kauzki and Rei finally meet again (neither changed their number in all that time, but they didn’t find occasion to call each other, either)
Kazuki and Rei end up bumbling around together for a couple of years, for whatever reason.  I think Rei might have found the wherewithal to tell Shigeki that he wants to start his own publishing house and focus on working with mangaka instead. Rei’s contemplating opening a bookshop – but wait, wouldn’t it be more successful if it had a coffee shop attached? Kazuki is pretty good as a front-of-house guy.  Business partners?
Suddenly, the delinquents!AU turns into a book/coffeeshop!AU
And then, Miri falls from the sky…
Throughout this story, there are side scenes of Rei feeding and talking to stray cats.  Older Rei definitely has a cat or two
So, Ogino!  He is an extremely creepy English teacher at Blue Sky High.  He’s a big fan of the Suwa publishing house and is hard on Rei since he wants Rei’s words to be more satisfactory.  Also, no one has the temerity to start fighting in any of Ogino’s classes.  He’s a bit of a side character and is just there to add even more conflict to Rei’s life
I guess Kazuki would need a bit more character growth?  But the main change for him is probably how he grows to admire Rei and see him as an equal. Maybe, after Principal Hanyu revolutionises Blue Sky, Kazuki hangs out at Rei’s house from time to time?  That could be pretty fun!
In canon, Kazuki and Rei are juuust too far apart, age-wise, to have been able to attend the same high school.  However, this is an AU, so we can fudge the ages!
Akasagi comes from a dodgy portmanteau of ‘red’ and ‘rabbit’.  Lily draws Kazuki in a lot of bunny-themed stuff, so I guess that’s the animal I’d most likely associate with our beloved man.  Besides, LU BU’S horse was literally called Red Hare, so why not!
Aoko is a dodgy portmanteau of ‘blue’ and ‘cat’ (for obvious reasons).  Kazuki was VERY ANNOYED when Rei’s followers called themselves this because hello? The school is called Blue Sky? And then the rookies have the GALL to add ‘blue’ to their name?  It makes them sound too official!
In this AU, Kazuki and Rei both run around in ponytails while they’re teenagers (PLEASE SEE LILY’S ART FOR REFERENCE)
Rei spends a fair chunk of this AU like this :<
Kazuki spends some of the AU like this ¬¬
The fic would be called either Blue Sky Blues / Aozora Blues
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seiwas · 11 months
THE SHADOWBAN IS GONE MY QUEEN IS FREE!!!!!! Anyways I forgor this happened but reading all the sleepover asks made this memory resurface again (also iris wtf was ur story that was so cute y'all were crushing hard 😭 and niku oh my god your story *head in hands* )
Ok so in short: my previous childhood friend turned relationship turned ex cheated on me 1 month after he went abroad (damn what a headline)
So here's the tea, we've known eachother since we were preeschoolers, he's a year older than me, we became friends soon after that and he is the textbook definition of a gentleman. Like literally the grenenst green flag out there. Neon green. Fast forward to 7th grade, he confessed during a christmas party at his place. He took me out to his little garden and sat on one of the benches and yeah. Now lil old me was also crushing hard but was too pussy to fess up so when this happened ofc I said yes. A small voice in my mind I thought he was joking cause let's face it 7th grade me wasn't exactly the prettiest rose in the bush ok It's kinda lopsided and a bit uneven but at least I was funny. I was fully expecting it to last like 2 weeks. A month at most. But I said yes anyways cause I wanted to give it a chance. It lasted almost 5 years.
He was my first everything, and overtime we grew closer and if we weren't joined at the hip before we sure are now. Fast forward to highschool, he's in his last year and will be graduating soon. He decides to go abroad and ofc I support him. We'll make this whole ldr work. No it didn't work LMAOOOO after he went abroad we started texting and vidcallibg but that lasted 2 weeks. I kept trying to get trough to him but he didn't answer, not even a read.
Now one day I decide to call him cause it's been 2 weeks since I heard anything from him. And to my surprised he picked up, but it wasn't him that spoke. It was another girl. I told her that I'm his girlfriend and asked her if he was there and she just hung up. My heart dropped. And that's how I found out he was cheating 😃👍 and to make it worse he cheated on me 3 months before our 5th aniv <3 3 months before CHRISTMAS <33333333
Not long after that happened the girl found me on instagram (I think via my ex) and dmed me telling me the whole story. About how they met at a house party, got shit faced, made out, and hooked up. When she asked if he was single he said yes so she was basically lied to. She left him after our convo so good for her I hope she finds someone better.
Cue a montage of desperate texts and many phonecalls I declined from my ex who tried to make excuses on how he was drunk and it was an accident. I ignored all of em and blocked him when he didn't stop. I went by to his parents place to drop off his things and his parents didn't know yet so I told them, legit broke down in front of his mom and she called him and yelled at him on the phone shdjhffh 💀 I'm still close with his family (esp his sisters) cause well we've known eachother since we were kids, I'm basically their daughter at this point. And thankfully they're also mad at him and idk what happened after that but one of his sisters told me he's "all on his own now" so I guess they cut all contact from him? Or cut his funds? I'm not sure.
But yeah end of story, I think this is my juciest life story yet. And what's the moral of the story? No matter how neon the green flag it only takes one switch to make it blood red *eats snacks* anyways how are you sel :D
midi!! hello again!! 🥹 & yes omg i’m so happy the shadowban is gone pls 😭
oh my god midi you sent such a long story and i feel bad for not responding in equal length but i’m literally just 😦 at everything 😭😭 idk what to say oh my god??? i can’t believe he did that… literally what the fuck. and i’m so so so so sorry that you had to go through that, that young also 😭 what he did to you is so shitty i hope he got what he deserved for it 😭 i’m also glad that the girl reached out to you to talk about it.
i can’t even imagine how hard it must have been, especially since you’ve known his family since forever too 😭 it’s good that you were able to confide in them about it 😭 i feel like that type of relationship is so rare despite everything that’s happened, and it’s so refreshing to see that you’re still close to them.
& that’s so true!! i think there are certain lines that shouldn’t be crossed and are completely unsalvageable once they are.
thank you for sharing this midi omg i feel like it’s super personal, i’m touched that you’re trusting this with all of us here 😭 i hope YOU’RE doing better now 🥺 esp with your current partner!! i can see that u’re very much in love & am so happy that they’re treating you the way you deserve to be treated 🥺
i’m doing great 🥺 so thoughtful of you to ask!! i was kinda hesitant to go out today bc my bf wanted me to join him and his friends (but i kinda felt bad bc i wanted him to have his own time w them 😭 idr the last time they were all together without me for their boy time yk? they definitely don’t mind having me around but i kinda wanted to give them that space)
but!!! i’m really glad i went still 🥹 lots of laughs and talks and eats for the entire night!! one of the newer gf’s was there too, and bc she isn’t really as close as the rest of us (context: i’m one of the older gf’s ahsbhaah i’ve been w my bf for like 5+yr and have known these boys since hs too haha) i guess she still felt kinda nervous!! but she was really making an effort to get close to me (asking abt makeup!! and she even asked if she could braid my hair 🥺 most of my friends are guys so talks like this r pretty rare for me lmao) it was so sweet 🥺
my heart is very full rn!! i love friendships 🥺 i think it’s especially sentimental rn bc we’re growing w each other as life goes on!! how our conversations have shifted along with where we are in life 🥺
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pumpkinmagekupo · 1 year
Spring is still far away
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The battle was trickery than Mizuki had bargained for. All seemed to be going fine until the yokai split into two and the haze seemed swallowed the field around her. She was already in the middle of casting when she felt a strange thick fog whirl around her ankles.
She had to make the choice to stick to her spell or run. The choice was made for her as a pair of strong arms lifted her off her feet and moved her well out of harms way.
"Ser knight-" he set her down and stood before her with his blade drawn, his two other knights at his flank.
"You do not do battle alone," he glanced over his shoulder his stern expression changed slightly offering her a warm smile "We were sent to aid in this battle and we shall follow your lead."
Mizuki was speechless, no-one had ever wanted to go into battle with her. If they could avoid harm, they would and Mizuki couldn't blame them. She was prepared to walk this road forever alone. "Then I accept your aid." Mizuki stood beside Aymeric "please keep you and yours in high priority though." she said lead the next attack.
The battle was soon won. The haze vanished, finally revealing a brilliant blue sky, as though colour had finally returned to the mountain.
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A gentle breeze washed over the clearing, washing way the last of the fog. It was then they realised they were surrounded by a grove of cherry blossoms.
"That we could restore this land." Mizuki smiled, taking a deep breath of the clean air.
"It is beautiful" Aymeric said "you were-"
"Ser knights!" the exorcists finally re-joined them "are you hurt? That was a glorious but dangerous battle!"
"yes, you all must rest." the exorcists ushered the trio of knights somewhere to sit. Aymeric looked over at Mizuki but she nodded her headed and headed over to the small hut in the line of the trees.
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There it was the artefact they were to retrieve, the one causing this mess.
"The spirit of Enenra, seems to have succumbed to slumber..for now.." she mumbled, inspecting the kiseru carefully. She wrapped the pipe in talismans before closing the box and sealing the worn lacquered box in the same manner. "One cannot be too careful and I would rather not fight it again."
"Mistress Mizuki?" a voice called, rising to her feet with the box in hand, she turned to the voice. Aymeric was awaiting her, the group standing behind him.
She looked past him to the exorcists, "the Tsukumogami is contained and ready to be transported back." she held out the box and one of the older exorcists reluctantly moved to take it "you can all leave now. I will do one more sweep of the area and perform the cleansing rituals."
"Of course." they bowed and quickly headed towards the other portal. The knights made to motion to follow them. The exoricsts looked back at them anxiously.
"IF you could escort them back to the castle.."
"You are not returning with us?"
"I still have work to do-"
"Then I shall remain until you are ready to depart-"
Mizuki opened her mouth to argue but Aymeric's stern gaze told her it was futile to argue. "very well Ser knight."
Aymeric's knights left with the exorcists.
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What a stubborn man...are all knights like this?
Mizuki's shoulders slumped, now she had to do her work with someone watching her.
"Please. Mizuki is fine.." she sighed,
"Mizuki.." her chest tightened, why did her name suddenly sound different when said by this knight. "this yokai-"
"ah..it's a Tsukumogami...which-" she looked up at his confused face "technically a yokai.."
"it was in the pipe?" he asked, following out into the clearing as she performed various rituals
"no...it's an old item..when it has been in service for a hundred years they can gain souls. Unfortunately this kiseru.. Enenra had a wicked heart and we cannot let it be."
"I see." Mizuki moved to lift a large branch that had crushed a small stone shrine but Aymeric stepped in to lift it and put it aside.
"thank you-" she rebuilt the small shrine and offered it a prayer.
Moving back to the hut, she did another sweep
"Why do they call you demon?" Aymeric asked quietly, "they are your comrades and yet...they feared you like they feared that spirit."
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"They fear my magicks and its destructive power. It's just how it is and it has been so for a long time now." she looked up at the skies "If it allows me to keep people safe then it is fine."
"but who keeps you safe?" He asked, his voice laced with concern.
"I shall ever strive forward until old age claims me or I meet my match in battle. The latter will be more likely..." she smiled "It is fine."
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"What a beautiful day it turned out to be...come ser knight-"
"Ser Aymeric, we should get you back to the castle before rumours of me devouring your soul begins to circulate." she mused, a smile tugging at her lips.
What a kind soul..
She thought, as Aymeric hurried to her side. Not as cold as his eyes made out to be..
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The last part in the mini random au set.. Not sure where I was going with it...but...here we are!
p1: When the rain falls
p2: Harrowing Haze
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mihcor · 9 months
Spell your URL!
Spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse/OC, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
tagged by @narzissenkreuz-ordo (ty, this was fun :D)
i think everyone I follow that has ocs or muses has been tagged in this, lmao. So if you see this and want to give it a shot, take it as a free tag and give it a shot!
i wanted to do dan feng, but he wasn't cooperating with my song choices. so i instead did honkai star rail oc, amias
M - Moon Waltz / dongdang cover (original by Mio Isayama) (Bonus second song: My Dream, My Addiction (Rule #11) / Fish in a Birdcage)
I - I Wanted to Dance in Your Pulse / dongdang cover (original by Picon)
H - Hollow Moon / The Crane Wives
C - Conspiracy of Silence / The Swoons
O - Old Soul / Saint Motel
R - Rises the Moon / Liana Flores
and now to reasons! Moon Waltz and My Dream, My Addiction are two different sides to the same event of Amias becoming immortal via the Emanator of Abundance. It's otherworldly and confusing and, from a purely human perspective, absolutely terrifying.
I Wanted to Dance in Your Pulse is about them losing their sister and close family and friends, and recognising that the days are beginning to feel the same as the years go by.
Hollow Moon is for when they're settled in their anger and fear. If he makes more friends, he will just have to bury them in the future. He also has to bury parts of himself - this is when he's being promoted to Oracle of the local diety on his planet, and all eyes are on him to resolve tensions.
Conspiracy of Silence is about the lie he feels like he's living. He's expected to be something of a hope to the people, and because of his immortality feels ostracized.
Old Soul is the start of their healing arc! They begin to see those they'd loved in the past in those of the present, and chooses to see small things in life as blessings. They try to connect more with people, and makes more friends, especially off world.
Rises the Moon is their acceptance! The sun will set and the moon will rise and you will still be here. Maybe that is a good thing, maybe it's not, but you have tomorrow to look forward to. Rest.
------ And then the actual story with the hsr cast starts lmao.
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masakousuke · 1 year
Fanfiction Prompts #6, 27, 79!
Thank you for sending in the ask!!! I like the questions you picked eheheh c: Gives me a chance to talk a little ^^
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
"It wasn't long before the cold finally got to him and the naivety of his t-shirt, and forced him back inside and under the sheets of his freshly made bed."
This one is from the July fic I've just started writing. The theme is Stars and uh the working title is a reference to Dante's Inferno. I know.
I'm struggling a little on this for multiple reasons, but, hey, my beta reader seems to like this first bit I've written, so that's something ^^
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
Mhhh, that's a tough question in the sense that it can be interpreted in multiple ways. So I will respond in every way I can think of >:)
It's hard to say anything without sounding conceited or full of oneself, probably, so let it be known that I'm not trying to say I'm a master in any of these areas.
In terms of styles, I believe that what I'm best at are one-shots of about 10-30k. Chaptered stories naturally come harder to me, since they require actual planning. I believe it worked out well enough when I tried with "As in spring on stems the petals", but it was a month long effort and it was, at times, very frustrating. I write as I write, I'd say, I make no stylistic effort in the prose outside of setting a theme for myself and, at times, attempting to reflect certain specific types of storytelling (there was the case of the fairytale with "The Lucky Man" and one I have planned that would read like a script for a play) so I'd say that I'm a prose person. Long and thick prose. Long sentences and an abundance of descriptors. That's what I like to write.
Genre wise, it's very easy. Character studies. I feel like all that I ever write are character studies with extra steps. So that and romance, of course.
In terms of parts of the prose itself, I want to say I'm decently good at dialogue and character interactions, since I overthink so much in my daily life that I just have a library of exact feelings and situations that kinda feel natural and pleasing to write. I think I'm good at that, making characters more human than they are characters, since that is what they are to me. I like to give them worries that go beyond the scope of the story while still tying into the themes and make them speak like human beings who live their lives like their actions and words have consequences. Everyone has more than just "things they would and wouldn't do", they also have "ways they'd do and say things" and, sometimes, that is what one should consider first and foremost. A good example of writing that makes me want to die, actually, is the: "You look like you want me to fuck you," scene in hmh.
That's another thing. I'm good at reinventing ways to quote that thing to poke fun at it.
I think maybe I'm good at writing Kousuke and character povs in a way that feels organic in general. I'm working on making a good unreliable narrator out of everyone!!!
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
That's an interesting one, because writing is something that kinda comes naturally to me? Not to say that I am a natural at it, just that I write as I would speak if I were properly eloquent and that I have no particular method outside of writing what sounds good to me, both meaning and sound wise. Of course I have some ideas as to what makes good writing and how I approach things, so I'll talk about that a bit.
I think writing is essentially very simple, when one isn't trying to make it into a more abstract art form, but rather using it as a means of communication. We're writing fanfiction and, yes, it can be incredibly elaborate in its own right and I've seen people craft stories that were incredible both in content and in form, but, at its core, you will be telling a story. You can relax and just write.
Writing as it comes can be better than trying to sound good, so that is something to consider. Scavenging for words you'd never use only makes sense at times, and is entirely not worth it and overall counterproductive in every other case, I feel. I personally like words a lot, I like thinking in terms of sound, I like considering the subtle differences in meaning between one word and its synonym, but that is essentially a matter of personal taste and I never spend that much time racking my brain for words. I just kind of write as I'd speak, yes. I'm just a linguist, in that sense.
Oh and it doesn't matter if English isn't your first language and stuff like that. Most native speakers butcher their own language like nobody else ever could. A special fuck you to the person who treated me like I was lesser for that at some point without even reading anything of mine.
Write what you think, write what you feel, write what you know. Your brain is more of a resource than you think. Use the internet to fact check, use it to do research, yes, but ultimately relate everything back to that which you understand. What you have to tell, in that way, will always be worth reading, because it will be true and felt on some level.
Rapidfire round.
Purposeful repetition is good.
Grammar only matters to make things comprehensible, fuck people who say you can't start sentences with "and" and "but".
Spacing stuff is nice, but if your fic looks like single stray lines on a piece of paper I will kill myself before I can say I've enjoyed reading it.
Long sentences are okay. People are supposed to be reading the words to understand them anyways. People skimming isn't the author's fault, it's theirs.
Inspiration doesn't exist. Just write. Of course there are good times and bad times (ex. Your dog died: you do not write, my brother in Christ, not unless it helps you get through it), but there is no inspiration you can wait for. Just write if you want to. Don't if you don't.
Writing doesn't have to be fun. Any reason to write is good enough.
Don't rework your stuff into oblivion. Sometimes the first is good enough.
Write as only you would because other writers are doing that. Emulation can only bring you dissatisfaction in the face of what you've written not being "yours".
Watch movies. Read books. Read manga, watch anime, look at people in your local grocery shop, talk to human beings, feel things for yourself. Write what you know is only a limit if you don't make it your purpose to know what you write (aka the world around you).
For dialogue: how do you talk to a stranger? Awkwardly? Write that. How do you talk to your friends? Without any proper grammar? Write that.
Making characters bond and showing the chemistry is better than saying they are attracted to one another.
Write what you want to see written, even if it's just for yourself. Someone just might think it as important.
Don't overwork yourself. You're a hobbyist. Stop treating everything like it's the sole purpose in your life (looking straight at myself on this one).
Longer isn't better (stop competing with your own WCs Ulri).
Don't overplan, not if it turns out to be restrictive. Just write.
Write anything and everything on a blank page. Starting can be easy if you just let yourself.
If it doesn't come straight away, try and then come back to it later.
Ultimately, you are in control of what you write. Whether it's good or bad, if you made it and saw it through to the end, that's an achievement.
Okay. I'm done, I think.
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chaoticsimlish · 1 year
Get To Know Me
I was tagged by the sweet and endlessly talented @salemssimblr for this! Apologies it took so long to get to it, wanted to wait until I was on my desktop again haha
What’s your favourite sims death? Gotta be laughing to death! I had a sim for a legacy challenge propose to her girlfriend once and her girlfriend was already in a silly goofy mood but rejected her and then proceeded to laugh to death. I hadn't even known that could happen and was caught completely off guard!
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? I tend to lean more towards Maxis Match stuff but I really have move of a blend happening
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Nah if it happens it happens, you can't have a sim push out four babies for a legacy and still have a stick lol
4. Do you use move objects? Definitely do! Even switched back to my old keyboard because it is better equipped for handling move objects in build mode!
5. Favorite mod? More columns in CAS! I cannot make sims without it!
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I bought every expansion/game pack/stuff pack that came out until My First Pets Stuff so it'd be Outdoor Retreat! I only recently caved to that stupid stuff back, always swore I'd never put money down on a DLC for a DLC but it was on super sale and I think I'd like to have rats in game
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? Liv definitely, I know in context it's LIVE mode but I have never said it like that
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Probably Monty! My green haired sim I made originally to submit to a story that someone else was doing. I have the most back story on her! If not her than my boy Kaz who was made to be a bachelor in my bachelor challenge that ended abruptly when the save got corrupted and life made it hard to play! Kaz still to this day remains my favorite base to use when making male sims :3
9. Have you made a simself? A long time ago! I should probably make a new one
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? Creative, Clumsy, and Geek!
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? I really like the darker brown and the auburn-y red
12. Favorite EA hair? I rarely use the EA hairs lol I don't really have an answer for this!
13. Favorite life stage? YA for sure because it has the most stuff to do but also I started playing Sims 4 when I was 20 so I was a YA when I got to play with it and it has always just felt like a good home base life stage!
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? When I do get to play, I'm in it for the gameplay! I honestly hate building from scratch because nothing ever seems right so I usually tweak builds I find in the gallery! I also really hate how much time it takes to decorate and clutter things up!
15. Are you a CC creator? I used to be! First thing I created (like five blogs ago now) was a set of nerdy art for my sims, I also recolored a bunch of hairs in Pooklet's colors and recolored a handful of items. Pretty sure that's all gone now though and I definitely don't have time to do it anymore!
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I have a couple people I feel like I can chat with without feeling like I'm bugging them! @salemssimblr and I talk on discord about this and that (mostly writing!) and @druidberries and I have had a few good moments as well! I used to have a group I was part of on discord but that's been a long time ago now
17. What’s your favorite game? Favorite series is forever Bioshock! The depth of the worlds and just how well those games were developed and thought out was always great for me! What Remains of Edith Finch changed my entire brain chemistry it was so good, Dragon Age Inquisition has been played about fifteen times, and I'm really enjoying Tears of the Kingdom right now!
18. Do you have any sims merch? Somewhere, lost to the basement which devours everything, I have a plumbob light thing I got with a special edition of something. Other than that no
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope! I'm happy posting on here where no one can hear me stumble over my words and watch me spend an hour debating over which hair to put on a sim lmao
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? It's changed pretty drastically I'd say! My early sims, when I started really getting into the Sims 2, were all super goth and had the most wild and ridiculous outfits! I used to make sims who looked like they walked out of My Chemical Romance music videos! Now, though I still have to push myself to not use as many of the same or similar features (I'm really bad about almond eyes, down turned lips, and noses with the nostrils just so), I feel like I do make sims with more variety. I also work hard to make sims who are either queer, non-white, disabled, or occult as well. It's really easy to fall into a pattern of making the same kind of sim over and over so I fight that as much as I can.
21. What’s your Origin ID? EchoSoul I believe, there may be a 13 in there somewhere lmao
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? I think the creator I jump to download all their cc every time I reset and whose cc just gets used and abused in my game is @clumsyalienn! I have almost everything they make and I'm pretty sure every single sim I make has at least one thing on their's on them!
23. How long have you had a simblr? I've had this simblr since 2018, before that though I've had multiple other simblrs that either got killed off because of a lull in notes or just disuse. I started in the simblr community in 2009 I believe! I've been on tumblr since 2008 and as soon as I found the sims community I've always had a foot in the door!
24. How do you edit your pictures? I don't lmao
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? I'd have to say that Realm of Magic and City Living! I'm a sucker for magic and witches and to this day San Myshuno is one of my favorite worlds to live in! Can't go wrong with the Spice District!
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I have all of them except for Dream Designer and a handful of kits so I'd say Dream Designer lol
I tag @shittyysimblr, @lilypixels, @whyhellosims, @pink-chevalier, @katmk36, and anyone else who'd like to do this who hasn't been tagged yet!
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