#Lord Tropos
abeterger · 7 months
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Discord Icon we made for a man that has INVADED OUR BRAIN... Literally. It has been YEARS since we have THOUGHT of this series. Where did he come from. Girl I am possessed by a Ghost now. He has described his own canon to me that loosely follows the actual thing. Girl help. Girl. Can anyone hear me. Hello.
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ell-arts · 11 months
Early morning thoughts
I've headcanoned Betrayus' birth name to be Trayus, and his middle name Rotundin, named after his mother.
But thinking about it now, he could've easily been named Tropos.
As in, the troposphere and stratosphere.
Stratos Spheros.
Tropos Spheros.
I mean, it's plausible only on the basis that it fits the theme and rhyme, but it would need a bit of extra lore and explaining as to how he went from Tropos to Betrayus.
My reasoning for Trayus, initially, was that it could be a good starting point for him to build the roots of his rebellion on. It also works if we bear in mind that his mother's nickname for him is Tray-Tray. He's always been known as Trayus, but at some point, he realised by chance that if he puts two simple letters in front of his name then it changes the meaning completely. He liked the new meaning. And so he used it as his new identity when he led the revolt against the nation. He's been known as a betrayer ever since.
It's not as easy to come up with similar lore for Tropos. But if I spitball it a bit, it could be something like this:
His nickname ranged between Tro, Troppy, and Tro-Tro. Tro was often the go-to, in which everyone who knew him simply called him Tro for short. Tro-Tro was an affectionate nickname from his mother, and Troppy was mostly used by Stratos as a teasing term. 'Tropos' as a full name was only ever used when he was in trouble ("Tropos Rotundin Spheros, what did I say about stealing the cookie jar?!") With time, Tro slowly grew into the maniacal character that we know him as, and part of this change was his growing disdain for his name. It wasn't the name itself that he loathed, it was his old self and the family connotations that he came to despise. His relationship with his mother grew broken and sour, and so he hated his middle name more than anything else. By the time he made the decision to revolt, he was a completely different person compared to the Tropos that everyone knew in his youth. So much so, that in a twistedly ironic way, he gleefully dubbed himself as Betrayus Sneakerous Spheros as part of his rebellion and revolt. In the changing of his identity, he decided to live up to his new name to the fullest, only keeping his last name as a cruel reminder to his family that the world would now associate the name Spheros with tyranny.
If I had to choose, I'd probably stick with Trayus. But man, missed opportunity from the creators to play around with Tropos Spheros.
Headcanon that their father was named Exo Spheros.
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theaawalker · 11 months
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Character tropes are a writer's bread and butter, for better or worse. Because of this, it can be easy for your characters to be mistaken, copied, and boxed in with others. Especially in this industry, it's important to stand out. What’s the difference between a flat character and a well-rounded character? How do writers bring a character to life on the page? When it comes to character development, these are central questions—especially when it comes to using character tropes...
[ ~ a world that's waiting up for me ~ ]
What Are Character Tropes?
The word “trope” refers to a common motif or pattern in a work of art. In the context of fiction, character tropes refer to common attributes or even entire stock characters. The word trope comes from the Greek word 'tropos' meaning “to turn.” Originally it referred to rhetorical devices that a writer uses to develop an argument. Character tropes can be useful in fiction, but when overused, they can detract from a story.
Common Character Tropes
Every genre of storytelling has its own stable of common character types, and as a storyteller it’s worth being aware of them. Here are nine of the most common:
1. The chosen one:
The chosen one is a common fantasy trope. Their identity typically revolves around a task that’s been set aside for them, which they typically pursue without much hesitation or complication. Like Frodo Baggins, Luke Skywalker, and Harry Potter, the chosen one is often, conveniently, an orphan.
2. The damsel in distress:
One of the most common and pernicious types of female character tropes, the damsel in distress, whatever form she takes, is a passive figure who exists mostly as an object for the hero to save. Even versions of the character who turn out to be a little more plucky than expected (think Princess Fiona from Shrek or Princess Leia from Star Wars) have become their own subset of this creaky old trope.
3. The femme fatale:
A mysterious and seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to seduce and entrap her enemies, the femme fatale is a popular character trope in hardboiled mysteries. In many ways, the femme fatale is an updated version of supernatural witches or sorceresses. It’s no spoiler to say that she nearly always leads men to destruction. Sharon Stone, Uma Thurman, and Eartha Kitt are the queens of this trope. <3
4. The girl next door:
The small-town girl with a heart of gold is, in many ways the opposite of the femme fatale. A common film and TV trope, the girl next door is innocent, kind, and wholesome. In other words, she’s the embodiment of domestic femininity and typically a candidate for the male protagonist’s love interest. Take Mary Jane Watson for instance.
5. The mad scientist:
Going back to Dr. Frankenstein (or any number of sorcerer antecedents), the mad scientist is usually a villain, driven by an eccentric, antisocial personality and unrestrained hubris or a desire to play god. The mad scientist’s benign counterpart is the nerdy “absent-minded professor” who’s so engrossed by their work that they struggle to relate to “normal people.”
6. The trusty sidekick:
Like the damsel in distress, the trusty sidekick typically has no life outside their relationship to the main character and their quest. Whether the sidekick is a loyal companion, like Samwise in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, a faithful butler, or a chatty best friend—as in any number of romance novels—their main quality is that they have no story of their own.
7. The wise old man:
Sometimes an actual wizard, sometimes just an old guy who’s seen his share, the wise old man is a long-enduring stock figure who usually imparts some special wisdom to the protagonist. Dumbledore, Master Oogway, Gandalf, and Master Miyagi.
8. The dumb muscle:
Based on the idea that it’s impossible to be smart and fit at the same time, the dumb muscle is an exceedingly common minor character, especially in action and adventure stories. As a bad guy the dumb muscle is easily outsmarted or otherwise bested by the main character. X-Men's Juggernaut is a prime example.
9. The antihero:
Antiheroes are typically cynical loners with major personality flaws, often darkly appealing bad boys. Like normal heroes, the antihero still drives the story, but often to a more amoral place. Tony Soprano, Red Arrow, Emma Frost, and the grittier versions of Batman are all prime examples of modern antiheroes. These days, antiheroes are almost as common as idealized heroes.
5 Tips for Avoiding Character Tropes
Character tropes aren’t good or bad in and of themselves. In some types of fiction, especially epics, satires, and more plot-driven forms of fiction, the use of stock characters can be expected and even desirable. The problem is when writers lean so heavily on these tropes that they’re no longer telling an original story. This is the point where archetypal characters can bleed into stereotypes. In order to avoid (or at least complicate) character tropes, you’ll need to develop a richer sense of your characters. Here are a few tips:
1. Figure out what your characters really want.
One reason writers lean on stereotypes is because they don’t know their characters well enough. Instead of playing to type, spend some time figuring out what really motivates your characters. Are they driven by a need to belong? By a thirst for knowledge? By a desire to be recognized? These super-objectives may lead your characters to buck their outward roles in interesting ways.
2. Look for opportunities to subvert tropes.
If you find yourself drawn to certain tropes, look for ways to undermine them. While this sort of self-conscious style may not be right for every story, it can be especially compelling in the context of genres that traditionally rely on tropes: think fantasy novels, horror movies, love stories, westerns, and other popular genres.
3. Get to know your characters outside the story.
A common writing exercise is to develop backstories for your major characters. Imagine them in real life. Ask yourself questions about your characters, like: What was this person like in high school? What objects are on their nightstand? How do they get along with their families? While seemingly inconsequential, these questions can help you get a sense of the individuality of your characters, rather than just thinking of them as adhering to a common type.
4. Allow your characters’ personalities to change.
Again, there are types of stories where characters may remain static, but in general, it’s important for readers to feel like your character changes (or at least has the potential to change) over the course of the story. Remember, the change need not always be positive, but there should be some sense that the experience they’ve had has marked them in some way.
5. Avoid clichéd situations.
Sometimes the issue isn’t with the characters you’ve developed but the scenario in which you’ve placed them. If you’ve created a pair of star-crossed lovers who are meant to fall for one another at first sight, it’ll be hard not to make the situation feel hackneyed—no matter how well-drawn your lovers are. If you’re only thinking in terms of common plot tropes, it may be hard to get your characters out of them. If you’re working in a science fiction or fantasy setting, this is where worldbuilding might help you find more interesting angles to explore.
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toska-symbelmine · 1 year
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Está es una serie de cuatro historias que escribí para la Inefable Bureucracy Week (@ineffablebureaucracyweek) del fandom latino, pero que no había promocionado aquí, vete a saber porqué.
A continuación, un pequeño abrebocas de lo que hay y sus respectivos links.
La primera herida
Sinopsis: Gabriel puede recordar muchas cosas, entre ellas las que duele a pesar del tiempo. Hay un recuerdo en especial que lo ha dejado marcado y al que teme.
Antes del tiempo, de la caída, de los humanos, del espacio, Gabriel había sido un arcángel creado con una sola misión: Llevar los mensajes de Dios a todas partes. No es como Metatron, que puede hablar con el Todopoderoso y conversar, pero sí es a quien Ella llama cuando necesita que alguna otra criatura sepa sus decisiones. Es el intermediario, solo la muerte puede detener su trabajo. Haber sido llamado a la guerra cambió por completo su propia sensación de seguridad. Miguel había sido creado para empuñar armas, para ser agresivo, representar a los demás ante cualquier peligro... solo que, Lucifer se rebeló y Miguel no fue suficiente. Todos pasaron de ser buenas abejas laborando para hacer el universo de Dios, a guerreros destinados a defenderlo del mal que se creó ante el deseo repentino de la mitad de ellos por tener poder.
Otro trabajo
Sinopsis: Gabriel tiene algunas apreciaciones sobre lo que cree que Dios pensó al crear una de sus criaturas más extravagantes.
A Beelz solo le interesa hacer sus cosas.
Tropo: Antes/Después de la caída
Gabriel no tiene problemas para compartir el trabajo, pero, de todos los sirvientes de Dios, aquel querubín con la boca deslenguada es el peor. Baalah (1) se sienta en medio de su ordenada oficina entre un montón de papeles esparcidos por el piso, revisando los protocolos en cada uno de ellos con su túnica arremangada hasta las rodillas y mordiendo la punta de su lápiz. Lleva haciendo eso el tiempo suficiente para que Gabriel requiera de carraspear alto para solicitar silencio. ―Sé que tienes tus "métodos" para trabajar, pero... podrías no hacer esos sonidos molestos ―pide, desde su lugar, en su muy cuidado escritorio, donde las formas se agrupan en carpetas.
Las formas del pecado
Sinopsis: Beelz tiene claro quién es, no lo que quiere. La adolescencia está llena de demasiadas cosas que no comprende bien, menos cuando su madre le envía hablar de sus "pecados" con el nuevo e ingenuo sacerdote.
Lo que en un principio son diferencias, se convierten en fuertes apreciaciones de la vida y la idea general de que, no todo está tan mal.
Baal tiene claro que no le gusta que le llamen "niña" o "señorita", ni siquiera en el peor y más extremo de los casos. Las definiciones un poco abruptas sobre su apariencia son, en su mayoría, una cosa que le incomoda y que pocas veces le agradan, pues no puede sacar provecho de ello. Aún así, lo peor de todo es cuando sus padres deciden que su actitud rebelde, así como su vestimenta oscura, son signos inequívocos de la venenosa mano de satán. Y aquí está, sentado en del otro lado de un oratorio, esperando a que el sacerdote aparezca para decirle que el diablo lo va a llevar al infierno. Ya ha estado aquí dos veces; una a los ocho, cuando sus padres tuvieron su crisis matrimonial y pretendieron dejarlo todo en manos del señor; la segunda a los doce, cuando descubrieron que estaba escuchando música profana a escondidas de sus padres. Ah, cómo había disfrutado de las exageradas reacciones de su madre a la lírica de una canción noruega llena de guturales.
Advertencias: Menor de edad/Mayor de edad - disforia de género - comentarios fobicos.
La política del cadáver
El juicio de Formoso es, sin lugar a dudas, el mejor espectáculo que Lord Beelzebub ha preparado alguna vez. Allí, en la silla del acusado, descansan los restos de un Papa, ataviado con sus galas y siendo partícipe de un verdadero insulto. El pequeño Lord del infierno también se atreve a llevar las vestiduras de un diácono, sentado en la segunda fila de los coaccionados hombres de Dios que presencian está mentira. Gabriel fue enviado aquí para detener cualquier injuria que se haga a la iglesia de Dios. Él había sido el principal instigador de la subida del gentil y bravo Lucio(1) al principado del clero. Se había tratado de un buen chico, obediente a Dios, piadoso y de buenas maneras, dispuesto a ir donde hiciera falta para que los pueblos se regocijaran con la buena nueva. El arcángel lo había acompañado varias veces, como amigo y como guía, así como su confesor.
Advertencias: Cadáver en descomposición (literalmente)
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poligrafoserio · 8 days
Sete vencedores do Prémio Nobel juntam-se a campanha para salvar a Lei de Liberdade de Expressão Universitária
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Sete vencedores britânicos do prémio Nobel juntaram-se à reação de académicos sobre os planos de acabar com as leis de liberdade de expressão que abordam a cultura do cancelamento nas universidades. O Times tem a história .
Num de seus primeiros atos como Secretária da Educação, Bridget Phillipson suspendeu indefinidamente a legislação que forçaria as universidades a proteger o direito à liberdade de expressão legal no campus ou enfrentar sanções. A sua decisão provocou uma reação negativa de palestrantes que alertaram que isso sufocaria a liberdade académica em áreas controversas, como direitos transgéneros. Eles agora foram apoiados por sete vencedores do Nobel, incluindo Sir John Gurdon, cujo trabalho pioneiro em clonagem levou à criação da ovelha Dolly. Phillipson também está a enfrentar um desafio legal contra  a decisão  em meio a alegações de que ela excedeu sua autoridade ao suspender indefinidamente um Ato do Parlamento. Em meio a sinais de uma potencial reconsideração, Phillipson disse aos parlamentares esta semana que ela queria ouvir uma “gama de opiniões” sobre o assunto. “Eu levo muito a sério a forte liberdade de expressão nas nossas universidades e a exposição dos alunos a uma variedade de pontos de vista — alguns dos quais eles podem achar difíceis ou discordar —”, disse ela. Ela disse anteriormente que suspendeu o ato porque estava preocupada com o fardo que ele colocaria nas universidades para investigar reclamações em um momento de tensão financeira. Ela também alertou que isso “poderia expor os alunos a danos e discurso de ódio terrível”. Mas mais de 600 académicos assinaram uma carta a Phillipson pedindo que ela reconsidere a decisão, alertando que a omissão de ação permitiria que funcionários e alunos fossem "perseguidos, censurados e silenciados" por terem opiniões legítimas e legais. Ao lado de Gurdon, eles incluem outros vencedores do prémio Nobel, como Sir Peter Ratcliffe, professor de medicina clínica na Universidade de Oxford, e Sir Gregory Winter, biólogo cujo trabalho com anticorpos monoclonais levou ao desenvolvimento de tratamentos para doenças como artrite reumatoide e esclerose múltipla.
Apoiando a campanha, Lord Sumption disse:
Os ilustres académicos que apoiaram a campanha têm opiniões amplamente divergentes sobre muitas controvérsias atuais, mas estão unidos na defesa do direito de se manifestar sem prejudicar suas carreiras. A última década viu muitos casos de académicos perseguidos, marginalizados, ameaçados com processos disciplinares, forçados à autocensura e até mesmo demitidos por sua recusa em aceitar tropos padrão sobre questões que são assuntos de debate legítimo, como identidade de género, imperialismo, escravidão, discriminação racial e muitos outros. Essas guerras contra aqueles que saem da linha marcam o estreitamento do nosso mundo intelectual e uma traição à vocação de nossas universidades.
Vale a pena ler na íntegra .
Artigo original:
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nomstellations · 2 years
SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER it’s way longer than a drabble! i wanted to do a lot of new things w this one and used your request to experiment with some stuff...i hope you like it! 
Carrying a basket full of flowers, Meille leaned down and plucked a few from the meadow she was walking through and tucked them away. She smiled to herself looking at her haul, this should be plenty of flowers to weave into a lovely wreath to offer to Lord Tropos. He quite liked the scent of the flowers that grew here on the mountain, it would make for a nice offering to adorn his domain with.
Lord Tropos was the guardian deity of the humble mountain village Meille called home. He watched over not only the village, but the ruins nearby and whatever they contained. Despite his size and intimidating appearance, he was a rather kind deity and enjoyed interacting with the villagers. A little wreath of flowers was a humble offering to him, but it was one she knew he’d appreciate. Now to get back home and get to work on it…it was a bit of a trip to the temple he resided in, and she wanted to deliver it before sundown! With this goal in mind Meille started the trek back home. It shouldn’t be long, it was just a stroll on this path through a little wooded area….
However, before she could make it far, growling from someplace among the trees caught her attention. There weren't many hostile things that lived up here, could it just be a hurt animal? There was a little grove close by, it sounded like it came from there…not one to shy away from someone or something in need, Meille abandoned the path to investigate. She stumbled over a thick green vine on the ground on her way to the clearing, but upon closer investigation…it was a familiar scaly tail. Something was wrong. Carefully sneaking around it and following it back to its source and hiding behind a tree to see what was going on. Lo and behold, there was her village deity coiled around some poor soul, and he looked furious.
"Interloper," he hissed, glaring at the man in his coils. "Did you truly think I wouldn’t notice you and your group skulking about? Plotting in the shadows?” His coils grew a little tighter, and the man in his grip whimpered. “N-no, we’re just l-lost! We were gonna ask for directions in that nice village close by-” He was cut off with a groan from the tightening coils around him. “So you could bring harm to them? I am no fool, boy…” The god leaned down, his bangles and jewelry jingling as he met gazes with the man. “I’ve been to your camp. You came here prepared to steal, and fight if you must. You know this village hides treasure…and I’m willing to bet you thought the village’s guardian was just a mere human, hmm? You thought wrong.”
Meille could hardly watch, but something transfixed her to the scene unfolding before her. She had never seen Lord Tropos act this way before…he was always gentle and kind, he treated everyone with care and was always mindful of his size and strength. But here…he was downright frightening. "P-please! If you let me go, I’ll never set foot on this mountain again! I-I swear!”
"Oh, you most certainly won't." He bared his fangs, a low growl starting in his throat. "I have no patience for petty thieves who think they can stomp around and rob who they please. I'll show you how I deal with scum like you entering my domain."  Tropos' next movement was so swift, neither Meille nor the thief in his coils had any time to react. His mouth opened wide, clamping down over the poor man’s head and half of his torso. Meille could only watch in shock and stunned awe as her guardian deity started to swallow, pulling the thief into his throat. He was devouring someone alive when she knew Lord Tropos to be a peaceful and gentle sort…yet something about this scene transfixed her rather than terrify her, and she watched the wriggling form of the thief slowly vanish between his jaws. It was fascinating to watch each gulp pull him deeper, the little bumps and bulges he made slowly vanishing into his body. It was over rather quickly thanks to Lord Tropos’ size, and he reclined in his coils with an irritated sigh as his meal settled into his first stomach and promptly started to kick up a fuss. Meille knew she should run, if he had a taste for people like that he could definitely make short work of her for seeing! But…something told her that wasn’t the case here.
Not like she had the chance to run anyhow, because he just so happened to look over and spot her staring at the wriggly bulge in his middle. His expression went from annoyed to surprised, face flushing in embarrassment as he had been caught full-bellied. “Ah!” Meille shrunk back behind the tree, causing his face to soften. “It’s okay little one, the danger is gone now. I…can explain, if you’ll allow me.” The god’s tone was back to its usual softness he often addressed the villagers with…hesitantly, Meille nodded. 
“Good. Come closer, if you would.”
Meille obeyed, gently setting down her basket of flowers and approaching Lord Tropos. He smiled at her, hoping to ease her tensions as he shifted to pick her up and place her on his emerald green coils. Meille shifted, eyes still on his stomach which was still twitching and wriggling about. This close she could hear muffled protests accompanied by gurgles…were they going to be okay? As if reading her mind he spoke. “I know it looks…bad, yes, but do you remember the promise I made to your people? If I had truly wanted to hurt him I would’ve bit him in two.” His voice lowered to a whisper, hoping his dinner guest wouldn’t hear this. “I have no intentions of harming this man or his colleagues, I only do harm when absolutely necessary. It’s not necessary to now, this was just to give him a scare…I’ll release him near his camp later, where he’ll turn tail and flee before they all get eaten. It works every time.”
Now reassured that nothing bad would happen, Meille continued to study the bulge in his stomach. She was more curious than anything else, wondering how it must feel to be in a stomach. This fellow certainly didn’t seem to like it much, if the muffled curses were anything to go by. “Um…does it hurt, having him wriggle around like that?” “Not particularly. It is rather annoying though, eating like that takes so much out of me…it’s hard to rest with him fighting so hard. I’m impressed.”
Meille frowned, he couldn’t rest…maybe she could do something about that. She moved closer, causing the god to shift to accommodate her as she planted her hands on his stomach, feeling the subtle movements beneath them. “Hmm? What are you doing, little one?” “I-if it’s not too forward, um…I want to help you relax! Think of it as thanks for keeping us safe…I know most of us don’t really touch you without permission, but…” Lord Tropos laughed. “Don’t be so stiff! That’s rather thoughtful of you. You seem quite curious about this anyhow, and I’m not one to stifle that. You may carry on.”
Despite his reassurance she still felt a bit nervous to be so up close and personal to him, but she eased her hands into his stomach and began to massage it. The thief inside registered this movement and started to squirm harder in protest, but with the combined internal and external massages his movements gradually started to settle. The dragon’s stomach appreciated the attention, happily burbling and grumbling as it harmlessly worked beneath her hands. Lord Tropos sighed, reclining further in his coils as he began to relax. “My my…you’re quite the little masseuse, aren’t you? Thank you. You’re welcome to rest here with me if you’d like, I know the village is close by…but that was quite a bit of excitement, don’t you agree? I’ve been told my tail is rather comfortable, too.”
It was surprisingly soft, yeah. If he was offering, it shouldn’t hurt…Meille pulled herself away from his stomach and opted to rest on his tail, closing her eyes and enjoying the sunlight on her. Now beginning to doze, her final thoughts before sleep claimed her was how comforting the sound of his stomach was.
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nomadasdigital · 2 years
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La segunda temporada de Bridgerton regresa a Netflix con una nueva búsqueda de una pareja matrimonial adecuada, esta vez nos enfocamos en Anthony Bridgerton. La temporada 2 mejora la temporada 1 al cambiar el programa a una narrativa basada en historias de conjuntos que es esencial para construir los conflictos y las relaciones para las probables temporadas futuras. La dinámica de la relación central que combina los tropos de ficción romántica de enemigos a amantes y el triángulo amoroso satisface por igual a los lectores de la serie de libros de Julia Quinn y a los fans del show. Bridgerton una vez más toma la postura necesaria de que las personas de color merecen ser representadas en ficción histórica alternativa y ficción histórica escapista.
Anthony (Jonathan Bailey) ha sido vizconde de Bridgerton desde que su padre murió por una picadura de abeja cuando tenía 18 años. Pasó la mayor parte de la temporada pasada guiando a su hermana Daphne (Phoebe Dyvenor) a través del mercado matrimonial mientras él evitaba establecerse. Anthony ahora ha decidido que finalmente está listo para detener la puerta giratoria de amantes y aventuras de una noche y encontrar una esposa. Esto no es fácil, ya que muchas de las damas elegibles buscan fortuna, el título o simplemente no están preparadas para asumir la gran responsabilidad de administrar la casa Bridgerton.
Edwina Sharma (Charithra Chandran), su hermanastra mayor “Kate” (Simone Ashley) y su madre Lady Mary (Shelley Conn) viajaron de la India a Londres para la Temporada. Lady Danbury (Adjoa Andoh) actúa como su patrocinadora. Aunque ambas son elegibles para encontrar un cónyuge, Kate insiste en que es demasiado mayor para casarse y que Edwina debe ser la que asegure una buena pareja ya que es más joven. La reina Charlotte (Golda Roushevel) nombra a Edwina Diamante de la Temporada como un favor a Lady Danbury.
Anthony decide que quiere cortejar a Edwina, pero hay un gran obstáculo. Kate ha escuchado todo sobre las amantes anteriores y no está interesada en ver a su hermana menor involucrarse con un hombre así. Desafortunadamente para Kate, no solo parece que a su pequeño corgi Newton le gusta Anthony, sino que su desdén se transforma en deseo.
Anthony no es el único hermano de Bridgerton con drama en su vida. Las tramas de la última temporada a menudo suavizaron o minimizaron las vidas de los otros Bridgerton para enfatizar la historia de Daphne. El cambio de esta temporada a una fórmula de conjuntos le permite a la audiencia conocer a aquellos que pasarán de ser personajes secundarios a ser los principales en temporadas futuras. Eloise (Claudia Jessie) en su búsqueda para averiguar quién conoce a Lady Whistledown con el aprendiz de imprenta Theo Sharpe (Calam Lynch).
Además de ayudar a publicar los chismes de Lady Whistledown, también imprime tratados sobre temas como la igualdad de derechos de las mujeres y otras políticas de izquierda. Eloise finalmente encontró a alguien que comparte su desdén por la sociedad, pero definitivamente no es alguien a quien ella pueda permitir que la familia conozca. Benedict (Luke Thompson) es aceptado en la Academia Real para estudiar artes, pero descubre que es posible que no lo hayan aceptado simplemente por sus méritos. Colin (Luke Newton) ha regresado de sus viajes al extranjero para darse cuenta de que no tiene un propósito y se aferra al pasado.
Fuera de los hogares Bridgerton y Sharma, hay mucho más drama basado en historias existentes y nuevas. Las Featherington se están recuperando de la muerte de Lord Featherington y esperan la llegada de su primo lejano que heredó el título. Jack Featherington (Rupert Young), el nuevo Lord Featherington, supuestamente posee minas de joyas en Georgia. Portia (Polly Walker) espera que él pueda salvar el día, pero está claro que puede estar abrumada por las deudas. Mientras tanto, Prudence (Bessie Carter) y Phillipa (Harriet Cairns) están ocupadas con sus propios compromisos. El negocio está en auge para Lady Whistledown, también conocida como Penélope (Nicola Coughlan), hasta que la Reina inicia una campaña para erradicar a la misteriosa mujer.
La temporada 2 de Bridgerton traduce con éxito material de la novela ‘The Viscount Who Loved Me’ a la pantalla con ajustes para la narración visual y la facilidad de comprensión. El mejor cambio que hace la temporada 2 es retrasar la revelación de por qué el padre de Anthony falleció. En el libro, el flashback inicia la historia para explicar el estado de ánimo de Anthony. Comenzar la temporada con una nota deprimente no encaja con el tono del programa. Además, habría socavado la presentación de Edwina y Kate, además del papel ampliado que desempeña la reina Charlotte en el establecimiento del tono de la Temporada en Londres.
La integración de los flashbacks en el Episodio 3 con la atracción cada vez más clara de Anthony por Kate, que complica sus planes de vida, está increíblemente bien hecha. El episodio también establece la historia de la familia Bridgerton, que es clave para los eventos posteriores de la trama. Edmund, el padre de Anthony, murió de una picadura de abeja y la abeja se convirtió en el símbolo de la familia. Ruth Gemmell merece todas las flores por la forma en que retrató el dolor de Violet por perder al amor de su vida, Edmund, mientras estaba embarazada de Hyacinth. Anthony en estos flashbacks fue testigo del dolor por el que pasó Violet y ahora tiene miedo de enamorarse de su futura esposa.
Si bien estos episodios pasan mucho tiempo tratando de establecer que Anthony y Edwina en realidad solo se juntaban por deber familiar y no por amor verdadero, la serie no olvida a los personajes secundarios que son originales de la serie. Madame Delacroix (Kathryn Drysdale) regresa esta temporada no solo como modista, sino también como socia de Penélope. Will Mondrich (Martins Imhangbe) se retiró del boxeo para abrir un club de caballeros que no rechazará a los hombres que no son de la alta sociedad. Marina Thompson (Ruby Barker) es ahora Lady Crane y tiene gemelos. Este hilo de continuidad disipa la noción de que el programa dejará de presentar personajes negros a medida que se agreguen otros personajes de color a la serie.
La temporada 2 de Bridgerton se desvió con éxito de algunas de las críticas de la temporada 1, mientras que quedan algunas. La dinámica de Anthony y Kate de evitar con frecuencia admitir sus verdaderos sentimientos o su deseo mutuo equilibra el campo de juego de la relación. La razón clave de este cambio es que Kate es mayor y se infiere que posiblemente tenga más experiencia en la vida. Anthony tiene la intención de tratar a Kate con más respeto que sus antiguos amores. Su conflicto es esencialmente entre la responsabilidad familiar y las actividades personales. 
Aunque el elenco de color de la temporada pasada claramente tiene algo de inspiración en Hamilton, Edwina y Kate tienen algunas referencias temáticas a Eliza y Angelica Schuyler. La única diferencia es que Edwina es la que se hace a un lado para que su hermana mayor tenga la oportunidad de una felicidad negada durante mucho tiempo. A lo largo de los episodios, Bridgerton entreteje referencias sutiles y abiertas que normalizan y eliminan los estereotipos más antiguos de las tradiciones culturales indias en el espacio dramático de época. Esto debe celebrarse ya que necesitamos más personajes dramáticos del período del sur de Asia. Sin embargo, la temporada pierde la oportunidad de responder preguntas sobre la historia de la India durante la Regencia. ¿Existe la Compañía Británica de las Indias Orientales? ¿Hay tropas británicas en la India? El enfoque en las cláusulas de herencia de Sheffield enturbia estas aguas. 
La trama de Theo Sharpe también es una oportunidad perdida para hablar más sobre los movimientos de reforma social y la cultura durante la Era de la Regencia. Esto también podría haberse relacionado con las Sharmas, ya que las discusiones sobre la abolición y la expansión colonial también estaban en folletos y libros de intelectuales y activistas. Sharpe es un medio para un fin para desarrollar la brecha entre Eloise y Penélope y debería haber tenido más tiempo en pantalla para mostrarle a la audiencia una visión más amplia de la regencia en los barrios bajos de Londres que la que se vio en producciones anteriores.
En términos de conciliar el canon del libro con el canon de la serie, la temporada 2 no resuelve por completo las preguntas sobre la identidad de Benedict. Su percepción de ser queer en la temporada 1 no se menciona en la trama de la aventura de la escuela de arte. Ahora si bien Benedict es el personaje principal del tercer libro de Julia Quinn, existe la posibilidad de que la temporada 3 cambie las cosas. "Hay ocho hermanos Bridgerton, por lo que estamos planeando seguir cada una de las historias románticas de los hermanos", mencionó Rhimes (productora ejecutiva del show) a ET. "No iremos necesariamente en orden, pero vamos a ver a cada uno de los hermanos y sus historias".
Dada la popularidad del romance de Colin y Penélope, es muy posible que la temporada 3 sea una adaptación del cuarto libro de Bridgerton, Romancing Mister Bridgerton, que se centra en el viaje de Colin hacia el amor.
Bridgerton es una franquicia de drama y romance de época que llegó para quedarse. La segunda temporada demuestra que la serie puede expandir con éxito el elenco y cambiar el enfoque sin perder el núcleo de lo que hizo en su temporada. Los snobs y racistas del género tendrán que aguantar o callarse mientras el público disfruta de un gran show.
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magisterhego · 5 years
choose between your favorite star wars characters in jsmn setting and jsmn in star wars setting
I choose Star Wars characters in JSMN setting, because it’s more interesting for me to translate their roles into period drama / folklore than vice versa.
(I have actually written snippets for a half-baked Aftermath JSMN AU with @permian-tropos, where Rae Sloane is a more ambitious and ruthless version of Stephen Black, and Rax is a less powerful and more self-consciously scheming version of the fairy.
I also have a moodboard. Here!)
Although the opposite is fun, too.
I don’t know who’d suck more in their Star Wars roles:
a) Norrell as a Jedi master who absolutely refuses to teach his padawan Strange anything useful about the Force,
b) the fairy as a Sith whose apprentice isn’t even actually an apprentice, he’s just a very polite Coruscant citizen who cannot get rid of the Sith Lord leeching off all of his free time and making him zoom around the galaxy on obscure adventures.
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sunshinedaysforever · 5 years
For the meme: contemplate friendship - 11; non sum qualis eram - 1. little slice of heaven 10.; fisher king comes home - 5 or 7!
11. oh man, okay, so I’m one of those people that lowkey hates everything once they’ve written it but?? I guess?? I really enjoyed the weird telepathic conversation aspect of it mostly bc it was really fun to write.
1. oh, of course it was inspired by a rewatch of silence in the library! and also a very rainy weekend, because I think I always start with the atmosphere of a story and go from there, and I really wanted something wet and gloomy.
10. ooh, this is an interesting question, because I’m not quite sure. I think Graham and the Doc make for really interesting foils for each other? In text, they’ve been shown in opposition to each other quite often, but I actually think they’re very similar, and I was struck by the thought that under the right circumstances they might actually enable each other in kind of a horrifying way. And who better to understand what it’s like to be a grandparent?
7. (I’m gonna pick 7, because I’ve been dying for someone to ask this tbh) The title actually comes from an old myth from Celtic/Arthurian mythology - the Fisher King (I’m fucking this up probably because I closed all my reference tabs ages ago) was this mythological figure that I think usually Percival had to go rescue or something? They were trapped in a castle and had a wound that wouldn’t heal, and only Percival could heal them and their land by asking the right question. The concept of the Fisher King is used a lot I think as a metaphor for all sorts of things - environmental degradation, societal stagnation, sterility etc, but I thought it sort of worked here! Because the Fisher King is sort of a stand in for everyone - the Time Lords, who can’t change and can’t adapt, the people of Tropos, who have the same problem, and also the Doctor herself, who’s become sort of trapped by the idea of herself. And so it’s Yaz (and Ryan too, actually) who ends up taking on a Percival-like role and reminding her of who she is. It’s also a myth that’s heavily referenced in TS Eliot’s The Wasteland, which is a poem that I also drew a lot from (chapter titles and some thematic aspects too)!
Thank you so much for asking!
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permian-tropos · 6 years
I got tagged in a “get to know you” meme by @darthlenaplant
Rules: Answer 20 questions so your followers can get to know you better, and tag 20 some other people you’d like to know better.
Name: Tess
Nickname: Tropos
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: 5′6′’
Languages spoken: English, yes I know I should learn another, I suck
Nationality: American
Favourite fruit: pomegranate (ok but seriously the whole Forbidden Fruit meme is so applicable to pomegranate seeds, which look like something you’d want to eat but shouldn’t, but they are edible! but they are also characterized as forbidden fruit in that one goddamn mythology tumblr goes bananas, or shall we say pomegranates, for)
Favourite season: autumn; though I think people’s obsession with it is getting increasingly kitschy, autumn is a special unique season that not every part of the world has, and that’s why it being commercialized and globalized is wrong, we should spend autumn appreciating our local temperate deciduous forest and the fabulous work of the mother trees and their mycorrhizae 
Favourite scent: yeast cultures
Favourite color: purple. thats why I ID as ace. I’m actually an cishet invader and I just wanted to appropriate both the rainbow and purple flags
Favourite animal: the russian murder squid
Favourite fiction character: you all know
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: tea
Number of blankets you sleep with: just one at the moment and it stinks rn because it’s so hot and I’m so sweaty
When your blog was created: October 2013
Favourite subject: ethnomusicology 
Currently watching: too tired to watch things
Favourite band: Steeleye Span
Favourite book: picking a random good one out of hat, Dark Lord of Derkholm, which is about a fantasy world being colonized by a corporation from our world that turns it into an exploitative theme park experience for rich tourists to have an escapist LARP in, and they have a revolution
I tag @tobermoriansass @resource-junkyard @unveiledtwinklingspace @absolxguardian @magisterhego @unspeakablehorror @soyeahso @dryadrobot
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huxblush · 7 years
Huxblush’s (and various other people’s) Underrated Faves Kylux Rec List
It’s been a really long time since I made a rec list and this was meant to be a small list of underrated favourites but I got a lot of suggestions (part 2 soon levels of suggestions). Shout out to the anonymous suggestions and the suggestions I received from stardestroyervigilance, woehuxbub, honeypothux,  sparrowlicious, haeym, ellstra, mademoisellebianx, and thissisatitle. 
Please remember to heed all tags and warning and to leave some love for the authors.
Emperor’s Heir by @ellstra Rating: E. Wordcount: 88k.
Hux is, without doubt, the best General the First Order could have. But like other geniuses, he isn't appreciated during his life, and now he has to choose between two equally unappealing alternatives: undergoing some ghastly ritual to gain Force sensitivity, or death. 
A Time To Heal by @glass-oceans Rating: E. Wordcount: 5k.
Following the destruction of Starkiller Base, Kylo Ren struggles to regain his footing and strength, aware of the watchful gazes of those who would see him fall. General Hux is one of those watching, but Hux would see Kylo rise.
Rebel Yell by @sarensen Rating: E. Wordcount: 6k. 
Kylo Ren has seen evil, true evil, in his life. He's peered into the hearts of men and seen the darkness and depravity of monsters. He's walked in fields drenched in the blood of his enemies, slaughtered by his own hand. But nothing has shaken him so much, filled him with so much pure and abject horror, as this:
Karaoke night.
Freefall by InkStainedFingers  Rating: T. Wordcount: 2k. 
The night after the disaster at Starkiller Base, Kylo Ren pays a visit to the General's quarters.
no one else can heal your wounds by @mermaidtechie Rating: E. Wordcount: 2k.
An injured Kylo drags himself to Hux's quarters after being punished by Snoke. Hux takes care of him in the only way he knows how.
Old Magic by @squintlysays Rating: E. Wordcount: 32k.
For the first time in three hundred years, Hux felt the call.
The spell was crude, boorish; a plain tallow candle, words mumbled and mispronounced, none of the courtly gestures to which Hux had once been accustomed. He came anyway, if only to see who, in the Christian year 1803, would think to summon a fairy. 
Inked by @ellabesmirched Rating: E. Wordcount: 7k.
When Hux's date picks an awful dive for their first meet up, Hux assumes they won't hit it off. Hux hates dive bars. And more than that, he's pretty sure he hates pretentious bartenders that try too hard to turn strange into an artform. Kylo Ren has too many tattoos, too many piercings, and is just the right side of cocky. Unfortunately for Hux's date, Kylo is also just the right side of intriguing.
MSE-6-H674L & BB-9E's Zany Adventures Into General Hux's Love Life by @stardestroyervigilance Rating: T. Wordcount: 10k.
By all accounts a droid whose sole purpose was to maintain the machinery of the Finalizer should not have been able to wiggle their way into an adventure as dangerous as trying to bring General Hux and Kylo Ren together. But life finds a way and MSE-6-H674L is a mouse droid on a mission. With the help of the familiar face of BB-9E will this well meaning droid be able to bring our two favourite co-commanders together? 
Stars Hung With String by @armisticehux Rating: M. Wordcount: 41k.
Kylo stared across the packed room at the man who so effortlessly walked out of his life five years prior. They might have been stuck at the same wedding for a weekend, but that didn’t require interaction. He had no reason to feel anything but bitterness and resentment towards him.
And yet.
Returns by @darthastris Rating: E. Wordcount: 96k (WIP series) 
No one had bothered him upon his solo return to the Finalizer. No one had arrested him on sight or come for him in the middle of the night as he’d expected. Counting the two days it had taken them to rendezvous with the Finalizer after the destruction of Starkiller Base, he'd been awake for almost 120 consecutive hours. He was used to long, restless nights, but he hadn’t been kept awake by this kind of anxiety-laden watchfulness since his academy days. Then again, Hux hadn’t slept alone for some years now, and sharing a bed with the galaxy’s second-most wanted man had its benefits.
Crush by @deluxekyluxtrashcan Rating: T. Wordcount: 8k. 
It's been years since Kylo last came home, and knowing he won't be able to take the plunge and actually stay with his parents, he agrees to let Han book him a room at a local hotel. The only problem? Han messes up and Kylo has nowhere to stay - that is until his high school crush Hux, who he hasn't seen in years, offers to let him share his room.
Kylo has to navigate the feelings he finds he still has for Hux, the fragile new relationship with his parents, and the realisation that he isn't the only one with a difficult relationship with his parents
(Wasn’t) Made For These Times by @celloing Rating: E. Wordcount: 22k.
Hux meets Kylo Ren in the summer of 1970, tall and dangerous looking despite the denim he wears and the hippies he hangs around with, and Hux finds he can't stay away no matter how hard he tries. (Hippie Alternate Universe)
Memory of Snow by @permian-tropos Rating: G. Wordcount: 4k. 
Three years after the defeat of the Order, Kylo Ren finds that his secluded cabin has an improbable intruder.
Too Late to Beg You by @saltandbyrne  Rating: E. Wordcount: 20k.
Hux is determined to beat his competition for a promotion at First Order Financial, even if it means hiring a shady sex wizard named Kylo. Some investments are better than others.
Out Of The Darkness, Light by @creepycreepyspacewizard Rating: E. Wordcount: 20k.
1976- A brilliant would-be engineering student is forced to take up coal mining after the death of his father. 1979- The privileged son of a Tory politician runs away to join the Army. Life is not kind to either of them, or to Britain as a whole, when in 1984 the National Coal Board announce 20 colliery closures and 142,000 miners go on strike. In the middle of it all "General" Brendol Hux Jr meets Ben "Kylo" Ren... 
sunburn by @honeypothux Rating: T. Wordcount: 4k.
“You’ve been crying,” Kylo says. The again is unnecessary. They both know its true.
Dust, Like Gold by @sugardaddyhux  Rating: E. Wordcount: 15k (WIP)
Kylo Ren's mission was simple: Dispatch the target and get off this rat's nest of a planet as fast as physically possible. That is, until he found himself staring at Star Killer, a high society escort with a chip on his shoulder and a strange fascination for the black clad man at the bar.
Raindrops (HS AU series) by @sparrowlicious Rating: T. Wordcount: 2k
Hux has the habit of making Kylo's home his safe haven from his abusive father. But he doesn't always come in through the door. Kylo knows how to deal with that. 
A Reckless Act of Domination and Intimacy by callthecops Rating: E. Wordcount: 17k (WIP)
After the death of Snoke and the Battle of Crait, long-time rivals Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and General Armitage Hux must cooperate or everything they value will self-destruct. Hux knows he is the First Order's last line of defense against a raging, uncontrolled monster, and he knows how little he can do to influence him... until Ren's pragmatic attempt to "learn more about him" presents Hux with what he believes is his only chance, unethical though it may be, to save his cause.
Surely, no long-term or far-reaching consequences will emerge from this.
The Secret Heart by @slutstiels Rating: E. Wordcount: 46k.
Hux is an up-and-coming actor when Poe comes to him with the script that will make his career. The only problem: his counterpart, Kylo Ren. He's reckless, volatile, never gets his lines right, and Hux hates him from the start. It's mutual. But when they're on screen together - it's magic.
Koi No Yokan by @petalouda85 Rating: G. Wordcount: 36k. (WIP) 
When he was born, he was cursed. Doomed to die at 18 unless he joined the Dark Side. Snoke is confident but there remains one threat, it coming in the form of a prediction made by one of the Jedi Masters: Ben would meet his true love on his tenth birthday and this elusive individual would be the only one that could awaken Ben from his eternal sleep.
Ergodicity by @ballvvasher Rating: E. Wordcount: 45k
Ergodicity: the probability that any state will recur, while having zero probability that any state will never recur.
Anakin Skywalker died honored and venerated as a hero of the Galactic Republic after he and Jedi Master Mace Windu executed Chancellor Palpatine—the heinous, clandestine Sith Lord. In the aftermath, Padmé lived on husbandless on Naboo and dedicated her life to preserving democracy and raising their children. Obi-Wan lived on to mentor Luke in the ways of the Force and the Jedi, but never truly parted with Anakin, his slain Padawan and oldest friend.
Our story finds Ben Solo burdened by the legacy of a grandfather who he never met, the bitterness toward an absent father, and the building resentment of a senator mother preoccupied with rising tensions in the Senate. Ben confides in a boy a few years his senior, young Armitage Hux, whose relationship with his father is so harrowing that he often wishes he were dead. The universe perpetually pushes the boys together when they need it the most. Is love enough to save Hux from his life of torture, enough to pull Ben from falling farther than Anakin ever had? 
skin of my yellow country teeth by storytellingape Rating: E. Wordcount: 6k.
HIGH SCHOOL AU. Stensland is the weird foreign exchange student, until his exchange program ends and he has to go back home to Ireland. Months later, his boyfriend Clyde pays him a visit. (Clyde/Stensland) 
Supportive Parenting and a Stable Home Life  by 5ofSpades Rating: Unrated. Wordcount: 7k.
Hux is certain that as soon as he returns Kylo to Snoke, he will be executed on the spot for the loss of Starkiller. Being that he is not below anything to ensure his survival and his command, he finally finds an advantage to his nature and forcibly bonds with the alpha. Now Snoke will be forced to spare the general or risk crippling his already mentally unstable apprentice
I Don’t Want Love Series by @saltandrockets Rating: M. Wordcount: 132k.
Captured by the Resistance, Hux lies about being pregnant to avoid immediate execution. There's only one problem: It turns out not to be a lie. 
Odds of Survival by @marzarelo Rating: E. Wordcount: 44k (WIP)
Kylo is a 5th-year college senior. He works two part-time jobs and goes to school full-time, but this schedule is obviously more than he can handle and he's on the verge of dropping out. He's chronically sleep-deprived, angry, and worried he'll fail and have to crawl back to his parents to ask for help after he cut ties with them several years ago.
Hux is a graduate student, working on a double Master's degree and drowning in anxiety and student loan debt.
Then, one day while they're at work, all hell breaks loose when the streets are suddenly flooded with the undead. Now they're stuck with each other, trying to survive together, despite the fact that they have hated one another since the day they met.
The Hitchhiker by Cylin Rating: E. Wordcount: 16k.
Hitchhiking can be dangerous. Picking up this hitchhiker is even more so. 
growing in the landscape, darling, in between you and me by impossibleamypond Rating: T. Wordcount: 12k.
He pauses in the doorway, debating his options. He could turn around and pretend like his subconscious hasn’t brought him here or he could press his palm to the control panel, step into the ward, and admit that there’s a slight chance that he might give a damn about Kylo Ren.
His stomach turns at the thought, the bitter taste of acid creeping up his throat.
In total and completely sincere honesty, he would rather set himself on fire.
[Or General Hux has a big old crush on Kylo Ren and neither one of them is handling it very well.] 
Stay by Goober Rating: E. Wordcount: 3k.
He expects to see Kylo in meditation, or talking to the charred remains of an old Sith Lord’s helmet. Expects to find his room torn to shreds and unrecognizable as a living space. Expects a lot of things that spell nothing but paperwork and an easy answer to this unusual behavior.
What he finds, upon using his override code to open the door, is worrying. 
(I got a lot of suggestions so a Part 2 is likely...)
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mendhioficial · 3 years
Hola!! Quería saber si para Adora en "Sabes quién soy?" te basaste en Adora Despara de los cómics del 2012 de DC o si fue más una idea de "Dark!Adora"
Hola! ^w^ Es un placer leer tu mensaje.
En respuesta, tengo que confesar que el plot de mi fanfic fue solo una afortunada coincidencia con el comic de Despara. Yo supe de este comic oficial mucho tiempo después de que comencé a publicar "¿Sabes quién soy?" y me asombré gratamente. =D Mi idea era solo tomar ese tropo del fandom sobre una Lord Adora y llevarlo a un nivel sombrío que, en vez de endulzarnos con fantasías de poder, nos mostrara la parte más oscura de éste; mientras que, al mismo tiempo, pudiéramos conocer todo el potencial bondadoso de Catra si la historia original hubiera ocurrido de otra manera. En este punto, supongo que puedo tomar muy pequeñas referencias de Despara y de otras influencias, pero mi deseo es llevar el resultado a un desenlace nuevo e inesperado. Espero conseguirlo. ¡Saludos y ten un buen día! =D
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davidrmaas · 6 years
God Has Spoken Fully in His Son
The epistle to the Hebrews is addressed to a Christian congregation in or near Rome (Hebrews 13:24-25). This church was under pressure from outsiders and some members were contemplating a return to local Jewish synagogues to avoid persecution (2:15, 10:25-34, 12:4). This and the extensive use of Old Testament passages suggest this congregation included many Jewish believers.
“Whereas, in many parts and in many ways of old, God spake unto the fathers in the prophets, At the end of these days He hath spoken unto us in his Son—whom he hath appointed heir of all things, through whom also he hath made the ages; Who, being an eradiated brightness of his glory and an exact representation of his very being, also bearing up all things by the utterance of his power, purification of sins having achieved, sat down on the right hand of the majesty in high places: By so much becoming superior to the messengers, by as much as going beyond them he hath inherited a more distinguished name” (Hebrews 1:1-4 [Emphasized Bible]).
The letter’s purpose is pastoral not theological, to encourage believers to remain in the Christian congregation despite mounting pressure from the surrounding pagan society (Hebrews 2:1-3; 3:6; 12-14; 4:1; 11-13; 6:1-12; 10:26-31; 10:35-39; 12:3-17; 13:9).
§To accomplish this task the letter presents a series of comparisons to demonstrate the superiority of the new revelation spoken in Jesus Christ over the incomplete revelation given in the Law and the Prophets. In this way the letter shows the superiority of the Son’s word, ministry, priesthood and sacrifice over that of the Levitical system.
The contrasts do not denigrate God’s past revelations but emphasize how much the glory of the new word in His Son surpasses them. What was incomplete is now made complete in Jesus.
The letter lays out its main proposition:  the final, full and superior Word of God has been spoken in the Son at the start of the last days.  The Greek sentence begins with two adverbs, polumerōs and polutropōs, both compounds formed with the adjective polus or “much, many.” Polumerōs combines it with meros (“part”), polutropōs with tropos (“manner”). Together the two compound words stress different aspects of God’s past revelation:  it was partial (“in many parts”) and given in different ways (“in many manners”)” The latter term includes prophecies, visions, dreams and other forms of inspired communication.
Three contrasts are presented:  
God spoke “of old” but now has spoken “upon these last days.”  
God spoke to “the fathers” (ancient Israel) but now speaks “to us.”
God spoke “in the prophets” but now speaks “in a Son.”
God did speak in the past but only partially so, here a little, there a little. As true and gracious as the past words were, they were promissory, preparatory and incomplete. They did not reveal fully what God intended in the end. A more complete revelation was necessary. The past Word was correct but partial; God’s penultimate word, whereas His ultimate Word is now expressed in His Son {Victor Pfitzner, Hebrews (Nashville:  Abingdon Press, 1997), p. 49}.
“The last days” provides the time key for this new Word. The “last days” began with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:17; Galatians 4:4; Ephesians 1:10); his exaltation ushered in the messianic age, the time of fulfillment.
In the Greek there is no definite article with the word “son”; omitting the article lays stress on the class or status of “son,” not his individual identity.  The word is revealed by means of one who is a son, in contrast to prophets, priests and angels. A son is in closest relationship to a father and this stresses his elevated status. Thus the Word spoken in him is vastly superior words spoken by prophets or angels. His word is not just one among other inspired words, but has absolute authority and finality.
The Son in whom God speaks is the same one whom He “appointed heir of all things,” an allusion to Psalm 2:8-10 where Yahweh promised to give the Son “the nations as an inheritance.” But the letter expands the original promise to make the Son “heir of all things” (cp. Hebrews 2:5-10 - the Son is to inherit the “coming habitable earth”); he is Lord over the entire Cosmos.
This son is the “eradiated brightness of the glory and the exact impress” of God’s very essence. Not only does he hold an elevated position, he reflects the glory of God. This is not abstract speculation about the Son’s nature but demonstrates the surpassing greatness of his position gained through his accomplishments (“having achieved purification of sins, he was appointed heir”).
“Purification of sins” anticipates the letter’s discussion of Christ’s superior priesthood and the permanent results of his sacrifice (chapters 7-10). As a result, the Son “sat down on the right hand of majesty.” The high priest under the Levitical system entered the sanctuary only on the Day of Atonement and never “sat down” or remained within it. In contrast, Jesus entered the true sanctuary “once for all” and “sat down,” which points to the completeness and permanence of his priestly act, as well as his exaltation to reign at God’s side.
The Word spoken in the Son is superior to past revelations in two key ways:  
It is the last and final word in a long sequence of revelations from God.
The Son himself is the sum total of all divine revelation.
The letter’s goal is to exhort believers to hold fast to the superior and complete revelation they have in God’s Son. This final word surpasses God’s past revelations, whether disclosed by prophets, priests or angels.
Only in His Son is God’s final revelation found; not in the old regulations of Torah, animal sacrifices, circumcision or calendrical observations. The letter classifies such things as “shadows” or the “true” or “real” thing found in the Son. He came to fulfill God’s promises, not to renew an aging and incomplete system. What preceded the Son was preparatory and promissory, not the final and complete answer.
Thus Christians can rest assured they have received God’s final answer and salvation in the word revealed in Jesus Christ.
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juanvdp · 7 years
Reseña Anime: Shooting Star Gakusaver
// Genero: Ciencia Ficción, Comedia, Aventura, Mecha.
// Director: Shinya Sadamitsu // Estudio:Production I.G. // N° de Episodios:6 // Año:1993
// Sinopsis //
Una noche un meteoro cae a la tierra conteniendo un extraño cristal en su interior, varios años después de este incidente los estudiantes de la academia internacional son llevado durante una clase al interior del meteoro, pero en ese instante las fuerzas alienígenas de Lord Warcury llegan al planeta buscando el mismo meteoro, es entonces que los estudiantes logran crear con sus propios pensamientos y el poder del meteorito al poderosos robot Gakusaver.
// Impresiones //
Shooting Star Gakusaver, conocido también bajo el titulo de “Ryuseiki Gakusaver” es un anime original distribuido en formato OVA`s en 1993, compuesto por un total de 6 capítulos producidos por Production I.G. bajo la dirección de Shinya Sadamitsu (Dragon Half). La obra se trata de un anime de comedia del genero mecha que nos relata las aventuras en las que se ven envuelto un grupo de ocho variopintos estudiantes, cuando engatusados por un profesor con atisbos de científico loco y sin mucho sentido común a base de notas extras en su materia, terminan aceptando ser parte de un pequeño experimento que involucra a un meteorito caído en su ciudad 10 años antes, que sin saberlo les terminara llevando a convertirse en los pilotos de un robot gigante creado con tecnología antigua y el poder de la imaginación, que deberán utilizar para combatir a una muy inoportuna invasión extraterrestre, y que eventualmente les llevara a vagar por alguno de los rincones más recónditos e inverosímiles de la galaxia y a descubrir la verdad acerca del universo, todo acompañado siempre con un muy buen rollo, mucha absurdez y lanzando la lógica por la ventana en mas de una ocasión.
Tenemos así pues una obra bastante ligera que si bien no necesariamente te sacara unas risas es cuando mínimo entretenida, presentándosenos con una premisa bastante clásica del genero mecha, con unos jóvenes adolecentes que son elegidos para proteger al planeta a bordo de un súper robot gigante, pero siendo la obra en si una parodia de dicho genero que se burla de muchos de los tropos más típicos del mismo y presentándonos a unos héroes que preferirían estar haciendo cualquier otra cosa antes de pilotear un robot, pero que siempre son convencidos por su manipulador profesor a base de notar extras o reprobarlos en su clase, y el cual a su vez es un tipo por demás obstinado, obsesionado con crear un grupo de defensores de la tierra liderados por él y por demostrarles a todos que sus locas teorías sin mayores fundamentos científicos están en lo correcto. Como imaginaran con todo esto al serie en si nos presenta una trama bastante sencilla, en especial porque con su limitada duración de tan solo 6 episodios no es que de para mucho mas, aun así la misma logra sorprender al final con un pequeño giro argumental inesperado y que no está para nada mal, infortunadamente el mayor problema relacionado con esta corta duración tiene que ver con la atención que el anime le otorga sus personajes, y es que si bien el elenco de la serie es en general bastante carismático y divertido, el grupo de 8 pilotos de Gakusaver llega a ser bastante olvidable, y es que con tantos pilotos para el mecha principal muchos de ellos apenas y llegan  tener una verdadera presencia en pantalla, resultando varios de los miembros del grupo en exceso planos en personalidad y sin ninguna característica resaltante, al punto de que incluso puedes llegar a confundirlos entre ellos en una que otra ocasión.
Por otro lado uno de las aspectos más atractivos de la serie es el mecha principal de turno, el Gakusaver, el cual si bien a nivel de diseño no me encanta, encontrándolo medio simplón y no muy atractivo, su modo de funcionamiento es lo que lo vuelve una curiosidad, y es que como comente antes el mismo funciona a base de la imaginación de sus pilotos, por lo que el robot es  básicamente capaz de sacarse de la manga una absurda cantidad de ataques y armas de manera ilimitada, que en más de una ocasión harán referencia a los ataques característicos de otros mechas famosos, mientras que otras veces los resultados obtenidos llegaran a ser completamente randoms  y fuera de lugar, tal como puede ser el ataque de la cinta de gimnasia que se ve en uno de los primeros episodios. Visualmente hablando la serie no se ve nada mal, no es ninguna maravilla y hay mucho reciclaje de escenas, pero el anime en general presenta un detalle en el dibujo y un dinamismo más que aceptable para su época, los diseños de personajes son algo genéricos pero para nada feos,  mientras que los diseños de mechas personalmente no me son muy atractivos. Por su parte de la música no hay demasiado que mencionar pasando el mismo muy desapercibido, y siendo las únicas tonadas a las que vale la pena hacer mención las referente al opening y al ending titulados respectivamente “Kurenai no Ryuuseiki” de Hironobu Kageyama y  “Yozora no Hoshi ga Mite Iru” de Megumi Hayashibara, Yoko Mizutani, Sakito Tamagawa y Ai Orikasa, siendo todas ellas seiyus de varios personajes de la serie
  // Conclusión //
Serie sencilla, corta y muy entretenida, que si bien no resulta ninguna maravilla ni una obra indispensable, no deja de ser un titulo por demás recomendable si lo que buscas en una entretención rápida y efectiva, échenle el ojo si tiene la oportunidad.
// Calificación: 6.5/10 //
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