#Lord of the Flies in 10th
lord-ofthe-bands · 6 months
Interview [12/05/82]
Interviewer: Alright Mr.Merridew, ready when you are.
Jack: Just Jack is fine.
Interviewer: Alright Jack, mind if we get started?
Jack: No, not at all.
Interviewer: Perfect! Now, the people are curious. How did your band "Lord of the Flies" come to be?
Jack: Well, it actually started with me and my good friend Ralph Allabach-
Interviewer: Ah yes! Ralph. He was in here a few days ago with that Peter kid.
Jack: [clears throat] As I was saying, Ralph taught me how to play guitar about 2 years ago. It really was just us and his sister Raven in a small, town-home garage. The rest is history I guess you could say. Me 'n Roger have been friends for ever so he started tagging along when he picked up bass. Me and Ralphie met Simon and the twins at the start of the next school semester in our geometry class. From there we just kinda formed our bands with our people. We are all very close. I mean, life's borin without some friendly companion, amirite?
Interviewer: [chuckling] Did you say Ralphie?
Jack: Of course darlin.
Interviewer: I see you have a thing for nicknames. Tell me more about yourself, Jack.
Jack: [note, Jack seems to get anxious after being asked this question] Well, what'chya wanna know?
Interviewer: Let's start simple, how's your school life? If I'm not mistaken, you're sixteen, correct?
Jack: Yup, born in '66
Interviewer: Ah, good times. So you're in...
Jack: 10th grade. I'm a sophomore. Back to your previous question, school sucks ass to be honest. But I can't complain too much. I'm passing and that's all that really matters.
Interviewer: Highschool wasn't the worst years of my life but they certainly weren't the best. I do remember my girlfriend my senior year. Jenny Thompson. Do you have a girlfriend, Jack?
Jack: [chokes on the drink he was previously sipping, his cheeks get noticeably red] No, sir.
Interviewer: Ah that's all right. You've got plenty of time. Tell me Jack, why did you pick electric guitar out of everything?
Jack: I knew it would piss my mom off. I also heard Ralph practicing one day and, I don't know, kinda decided that I wanted to do that too.
Interviewer: I see. Now, why rock? I'm more of a Beatle's fan myself so I'm not familiar with the rock genre.
Jack: Hey, the Beatles are awesome. I've loved rock ever since Ralph and Raven got me into it. My parents are...uptight, so we mainly listen to classical and country in my house. Anyways, I just love the pure, raw emotion in rock, you know? Plus, I love a good riff to play. Simon is, like, insanely good at drums so it's fun to play stuff with him.
Interviewer: [chuckles] I didn't picture you as much of a Beatles fan. Your folks like Johnny Cash?
Jack: No, not really.
Interviewer: Damn shame. I can't help but ask, your hair. Is there a reason you keep it so long?
Jack: Ralph likes it and my mom hates it.
Interviewer: I see. You seem to have a lot of teen angst. Any reason to that?
Jack: My parents are assholes. My mom is an entrepreneur and needs things to be perfect and done her way. My old man's got a thing for cigs and isn't home often. I don't mind really, I'm usually at Ralph's house anyways.
Interviewer: I'm sorry to hear about that. Your folks seem to be busy trying to manage work and home time. Now Ralph, you guys been friends for long?
Jack: I've known of him for a while but we became friends 8th grade year in english.
Interviewer: Ah, I see. That's cool, it's good to have close friends. I have just a few more questions written down here Jack. Sound good?
Jack: Hit me.
Interviewer: [snickers] Alright then. Who inspired your style of music?
Jack: Oh boy. Uhhhh let's see...Queen, for sure. ACDC as well. Billy Idol, Metallica, Talking Heads, Heart, Judas Priest, Pink Floyd, KISS, Ozzy, stuff like that.
Interviewer: You've got great taste from what I know, young man.
Jack: Thank you!
Interviewer: Alright, we are running out of time but I do have room for one last question. What do you hope the future of your band looks like?
Jack: Oh, that's a good question. I uh..I don't know to be honest. I just sorta take things one day at a time. I haven't thought that far ahead.
Interviewer: That's a shame. Well Jack, thanks for your time. It was a pleasure meeting you.
Jack: Same to you sir.
[The two stand up and shake hands]
[Video cuts]
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An obscure Interest of the Creeps
I’m trying to post on here a little more, but I’m redoing some plot stuff for my fanfic so I haven’t posted anywhere or anything recently. Very sorry, however I plan to post a few things today!
Jeff the Killer : It way to into the SAW franchise. Like horror movies are a big interest of a lot of people right? Nah, this guy takes this series way to far, knows all the lore and understands all the flashbacks
BEN Drowned : I know I’ve said this before but BEN is really into analog horror. Not sure where I saw it, I’ll give credits if I can find it, but someone said BEN would be really into Petscop and I agree with it so much.
Eyeless Jack : Cryptids, mainly the ones that live in the forest/pass through the forest often. Not only does he need to know them so he can fend them off if needed, but he just finds them really interesting.
Ticci Toby : BUGS. They loves bugs, change my mind. They totally got an ant-farm and whenever they see’s a bug on the ground they have to inspect it.
Tim / Masky : Cold cases for murders. Whenever he has spare time (which is rare), he loves to look at them, figure out what he can, and try and solve them. I would be willing to bet he’s solved a few.
Brian / Hoodie : Lord of the Flies. You know the book you had to read in like 10th grade??? This man fucking loves it. From beginning to end, he’s read it like 15 times now.
Jane the Killer : Jane really likes the Breakfast club, dirty dancing, footloose, and other movies like that. She knows all the words and every scene to those movies. Don’t ask why, she just strikes me as the person to like them.
Nina the Killer : Fucking Mothman. No, I will not explain.
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topnotchquark · 7 months
Okay fine I wrote my first bit of Bezz x Cele boarding school au! It's like 900 words and more world building/slow burn oriented than anything else. Please read and leave comments/asks (it's my first time writing any fiction and I did it at 3am on my phone so pls forgive me)
Cele tries to slip out quitely from the doors but the old hinges creak. He stops for a moment to breathe the air that's steadily been cooling for the past week. He hears someone coming down the stairs, and feels a vague relief when it's just Luca.
"Where are you off to?" Cele asks.
"Going for a run"
"Is bezz in the room?"
"yep, he's awake"
Cele nods but Luca doesn't really wait for the response. Cele watches him skip down the stairs and go off in the dimly lit direction of the gymnasium and he slowly climbs the stairs up, limbs heavy. 
The upperclassmen get to live in rooms, a little bit of privacy afforded after doing their times in the lord of flies~esque environment that is the dormitory. Cele finds himself opening the door to Bezz and Luca's room without thinking where he's going. 
The lights are off except for the desk lamp, Bezz with his back to the door is scribbling something furiously. His arm is shaking just fast enough to make his curls look animated. Cele peers over his shoulder and finds him sketching some sort of a figure in his notebook.
"What's up" bezz asks without stopping.
Cele lies down on Bezz's bed wordlessly and stares out of the window situated above the headboard. Bezz turns around in his chair and pokes his dull pencil into the soft upper part of cele's arm. 
"Ow" Cele protests without enthusiasm.
"You didn't tell me what's up"
"Can't sleep"
"Are you hungry?"
Bezz turns back around to his godforsaken sketch and for a minute Cele stares out the window at the poplar tree thicket sway gently in the wind, the scratch of the pencil a meditative hum in the background.
"Do you have some water in the room?"
"Uh... No"
"Can you get me some?"
Bezz nods, picks up a bottle from Luca's desk and steps out.
Cele came to the school on a sports scholarship, a few months shy of his 10th birthday. His mum fretted about the many things that could go horribly wrong but Cele did just fine. No sudden complaints of nightmares or any drastic change in behaviour or mystery illnesses that usually cropped up in children who were simply too homesick. Cele never fully blended into the obsessive competitive environment of the team, but nobody could really fault his skill and everyone eventually warned up to him enough to realise he just needed some space and to follow his own instincts.
Bezz had been his first friend at the school despite being his older teammate. Cele had heard stories of how much boys loved torturing each other and his parents had made him promise to tell them if anyone ever hurt him and that they would protect him, but he imprinted on Bezz like a baby duck and since everyone liked Bezz they left his strange, pensive friend alone.
When he gets back to the room, Bezz is rubbing his eyes. He hands the bottle to Cele, who sits up to drink. Cele tips the bottle just a bit too far and water spills down his neck and soaks the collar of his t shirt, Bezz instinctively reaches his hand out and swipes it on Cele's exposed, tipped back neck. It's an innocent gesture, he just meant to wipe away the water, but Cele feels it with an intensity that moves down to the pit of his stomach.
Cele ignores the feeling, squashing it the best he can, and lies back down. Bezz tells him to scoot and he does, shuffling his hips awkwardly till he's at the edge. Bezz lies down next to him on his stomach, and the lengths of their bodies are joined together on the bed meant for one person.
Cele breathes and his lungs are filled with that mix of generic deodrant, sweat, and distinct day 2 of shampoo hair that he has come to associate with the boy he's known since he came here.
They speak about nothing in particular, Cele on his back looking up at the face positioned above him, Bezz's big hair blocking out the lamp light, giving him the illusion of a halo.
Cele is in the middle of ranting to Bezz about the argument he had with his Botany teacher when Bezz gently touches the side of Cele's face. It's not forceful but it's sudden enough to make Cele feel pinned down.
"How did this happen?" Bezz asks while peering at the spot behind Cele's ear.
"Some sort of bug. Haven't been able to identify which one yet but the bite was itchy." At first the itch felt good to scratch, the pleasure just enough to keep you going, till the pleasure tips a bit too far and Cele was left with ripped skins and red splotches. 
Bezz gently touches the area with the dull tips of his fingers, delicately pushing away the curls that grow behind his ears. Cele feels ill. It's like his heart muscles are taut and somehow spreading heat through him like poison. Cele turns his face back to stare at Bezz's face, his brown eyes have a warmth that is nothing new, but it unsettles him all the same.
There is that delicate, knife edge moment where he feels like his heartbeat will drive him deaf inside his head as he stares at bezz's imploring eyes. 
"Hello guys" Luca bursts into the room, frantic post run energy intact in his body.
Bezz turns away and Cele breathes after what feels like an eternity. 
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just-antithings · 10 months
I didn't see the original Lord of the Flies post that person was talking about, so this might just be them not realizing they're misquoting the post while addressing the original argument, but there is a fair amount of difference between one's school authorities letting one read a given book and one's school authorities making one read a given book.
Yeah I agree that there is a middle ground between never reading anything remotely problematic or challenging in schools, and forcing students to read material that they may not be ready for or may be triggering to them. For example, when I was in 9th or 10th grade, my class was given a few different books to choose from to read and then do a project on, which we would then present to the class. One of those books we could choose from was the kite runner, which I elected not to read bc of the subject matter. I’m glad that that book was optional for that assignment, bc I don’t think I was mature enough or ready to deal with the subject matter at that time, but due to the presentations I was still exposed to some of the themes and issues presented in the book. I think that compromises like that could help to bridge the gap in these kinds of situations
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soraka-in-warhammer40k · 10 months
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@commanderflameafanofthemoth reply didn't fit into the notes my rambling got once again out fo control.
Usually I would never suggest seeing planning where incompetence might just be another, more simple explanation. However, especially compared to all the other Index-books this feels somewhat... deliberate. Like, they managed to go out of their way to give everyone baller mechanics and datasheet abilities that played WITH said mechanics, and then you look at T'au and it is just... nothing. Some minor reroll 1s from Stealth Suits and that's it really.
Don't get me wrong I like the concept of the whole "spotter"/"shooter" unit, but it feels like that was their easy grab for the theme and then they went on to do absolutely nothing with it. It feels very much like everything changed for 10th edition, but somehow T'au got stuck on 9th with nerfs piled on top. Imagine everyone's lord of war going from T8 to T12/T13, but for some weird reason the Stormsurge goes to T11 only. OUR LORD OF WAR HAS LESS TOUGHNESS THAN A LAND RAIDER, WHICH IS A BEEFED UP RHINO FFS!
Oh and to make up for that they also decreased its hitpoints when compared to 9th edition. Just... why?
One explanation would be that they would be utterly scared of how a "simple" to plan army like T'au (all shooting) would dominate the game in an edition that shakes up everything, but that flies out of the window when you do some basic math. You can't just straight up remove 90% of AP from a faction's arsenal that was defined by being AP-1, half the number of shots from those guns, nerf the range of those guns, refuse to rewrite them for the new toughness scale, and then somehow expect them to be good.
I know that doing an Index for a faction that by design relied heavily on subfactions to make their units even useable would not be easy but this...
T'au was once an army that was the #1 at shooting. Now I am not sure if they can even make a Top 5 spot, the random odd high-rolling casino-railgun aside. To straight up remove the only thing a faction has, I am not sure if anyone could be this utterly incompetent.
But if it is not incompetence, why would you do this? It really can't be "muh GW greedy manipulating balance to sell models" because who the fuck buys into the second-lowest winrate faction of the game aside the people already here wanting to expand their collection a little? Nothing about this makes any darn sense.
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thejacespace · 1 year
randomly thinking about that one assignment during the lord of the flies unit in 10th grade english where we were given a hypothetical: 4 people are stranded and their boat can only carry 3, who do you leave behind? and idr a lot of specifics but 1 character was asthmatic and 1 was diabetic and at the time i didn't know how to articulate how fucked up that was and said something to the tune of "you're asking us to play god and i'm not okay with that"
my teacher was asking us to do eugenics based on ableist bullshit.
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jasontoddiefor · 1 year
I'm assuming this is about the Lord of the Flies fic?
Title: the understandable world slipping away (AO3)
Rating: T
In a chair sat a broad-shouldered but gaunt young man, who bore little resemblance to any civilized human she had ever seen. His golden hair was long, shabby and unwashed. His face was angular, cheeks slightly sunken in and eyes exhausted and terrified. He was dressed in a dark blue coat, that of a naval officer and she could only guess that it had been given to him by a kind soul wishing to ward off the cold. 
She gasped as she became aware of the two children clinging to his sides. Round, dirty faces, too small for anyone to find them good clothing and therefore they had been swept into blankets. They covered in fear as she entered the room, but she managed to catch the light blue of their eyes and the flaming locks of red atop their heads before they disappeared behind her son's coat. 
It's a very clever and well-written fic! An outsider POV of Ralph's mother on her son and his family set, obviously, in an omegaverse where the rescue came much later, so they're not boys anymore but adults. The basic premise is mixing conservative 50/60s values with omegaverse and viewing it through those lenses. It's a fun fic with subtle worldbuilding, and social commentary on it.
and shout out to the person with the south park icon calling me "disgusting" on my post mentioning this fic without having any idea what fic I was talking about. truly, the height of civilized online communication.
anyway, yeah, this is my fave omegaverse story probably because it reaches some meta level most fics don't and 10th grade me was incredibly obsessed with lord of the flies.
leave the author a nice comment if you read it and enjoyed it, if you don't, please leave them alone. thank you.
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12 for the book asks
12. did you enjoy any compulsory high school readings?
Yes I did!
There was actually a ton of books that I had to read in high school that I absolutely adored. There was way more than I thought there were so I’m just gonna make a list of all the books that I loved that I had to read in high school.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (10th grade)
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (10th grade)
(Play) Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand (summer reading for 9th grade)
The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan (summer reading for 9th grade)
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (9th grade)
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne (10th grade)
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (9th grade)
Lord of the Flies by William Golding (11th grade)
Also, some that I had read in middle school that I loved
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry (8th grade)
Countdown by Deborah Wiles (7th grade)
Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls (6th grade)
The Giver by Lois Lowry (6th grade)
The only required reading that I absolutely hated in high school was Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell (and I think that’s was just cause it was long and summer reading)
Link for this ask game
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45, 47, 48?
Thoughts on separating the author from the work?
Ohooooo this is an interesting one because I'm a writer myself (haven't published anything though... yet.) I think if it a real piece of art and not something purely produced simply for consumers and for money, but something written from the heart, it's impossible to separate the author from the book. It is a part of them that they've gifted to the world with a message on how they view life and living. I don't like putting on critical lenses because It feels as though I'm manipulating the text to fit my own perspective instead of opening my mind to someone else's. The only time I'm happy disregarding the author is if it's Lord of the Flies and I'm in 10th grade writing about the complexity of the human condition (I wrote about how the book was an allegory for the Russian revolution and got full marks.)
I also noticed that when I was studying Robert Frost in English, having context of his life helped to understand why he wrote a lot of the poetry (during ww1, post ww1, his son died) and it added more context and answered the question of "why does he say the world will end in fire and ice."
Yeah I like to listen to what authors have to say about their books. Also cause I read historical fiction, so it's usually a story of someone else's life.
What book do you feel most connected to?
Oooooo. I have many for different reasons. "The Silence of God" by Gale Sears speaks to me so much because it's 1. About one of my hyperfixations; 2. My religion; 3. About how even in the most tragic and horrible of circumstances, God is still there. Even in the chaos and turmoil of the world, there is still peace, love and happiness. And that's something I relate to a lot and try to live.
I also adore Tintin, mostly because the books have engaging plots and because they're very calm in how they portray things like drugs and alcohol and kidnapping, but also because Tintin was my childhood favourite and the books have become my comfort books.
What book would you give someone if they wanted a glimpse into your psyche?
Again, "The Silence of God" because both Natasha, Agnes and Arel represent me perfectly. An educated young woman coming into the world who's seeking answers and peace in the midst of chaos, a bright, joyful girl who finds happiness despite every affliction she faces and a young man fighting against the storms of his life by clinging onto his faith and finding comfort in the Saviour. Combine all three and voilà, c'est moi. The language and writing style is gorgeous and I really need to read it again because it's been a while.
(And then there's the book I'm writing in which one of the characters is who I hope to be when I'm older and is quite literally a fragment of my own mind)
Thanks :)
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whimsyqueen · 2 years
The Carrion King; A D&D 5th Edition Warlock Patron
tw: discussion of death, decay, rot, dead animals, and other associated topics.
disclaimer: this content is my own and is copyrighted by me, all that good stuff, additionally, this is a first draft and has BARELY been play tested! I don't tend to run very combat-heavy games, so a lot of this is just for flavor. I'm not really looking for intense feedback as far as mechanics go, but if you want to use this guy for your games, feel free, and let me know how it goes!
He is the Lord of Rot and Decay, calling for those to embrace their mortality and recognize how little time we truly have. He appears to those who are desperate and dying and embraces them as his children. He most commonly chooses to appear as a vulture, a swarm of flies, or a hyena. He praises the scavengers, and respects those who learn how to use what gets left behind to their advantage. The greatest thing you can do for him is to die, and allow your body to again become part of the endless cycle.
Expanded Spell List
The Carrion King lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. 
1st Level: inflict wounds, ray of sickness
2nd Level: blindness/deafness, gentle repose
3rd Level: life transference, bestow curse
4th Level: vitriolic sphere, gravity sinkhole (downward direction only)
5th Level: contagion, insect plague
The Gift of Rot, 1st Level Carrion King Feature
As an action, you can reach out and touch the corpse of a creature. Over the next minute, their body begins to rapidly decompose, returning to the earth from whence it came. Requirements for resurrection are not affected by this ability. 
Aura of Decay, 1st Level Carrion King Feature
When in battle, you can emit an aura that causes things around you to rot. For one minute, anything that begins its turn within 5ft of you (allies included), takes 1d8 necrotic damage. Your aura increases to 10ft at 6th level, and 2d8 necrotic damage at 10th level. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you take a short or long rest. 
Impervious to Ruin, 6th Level Carrion King Feature
Your body has embraced the rot you will eventually become. You gain advantage on constitution saving throws and constitution checks. 
The Effects of Decay, 6th Level Carrion King Feature
The creatures you touch with your Aura of Decay are less equipped to deal with decomposition than you are. When a creature takes damage as a result of your Aura, you can use your bonus action to cause the target to feel the effects of the Slow spell. You can do this a number of times equal to your charisma modifier per long rest. 
Dust to Dust, 10th Level Carrion King Feature
You learn the spell Blight; it does not count against the number of spells you know. You can cast it once without using a spell slot, and regain the ability to do so at the end of a long rest. Additionally, creatures killed as a result of this spell immediately begin to decompose as if affected by your “Gift of Rot” ability. 
The King’s Visage, 14th Level Carrion King Feature
The King has fully embraced you as one of his Children of Rot. When you use your Aura of Decay, you temporarily take on some of the King’s features. Any creature within your aura must make a wisdom saving throw, and on a fail becomes frightened by you until your Aura ends. Additionally, while you use your Aura, you are resistant to necrotic damage and your hit point max cannot be reduced.
Gonna tag a few of the people who expressed interest in my D&D stuff, please let me know if you don't want to be tagged, or if you'd like to be added to some sort of D&D taglist I might be building for future content! @circa-specturgia @seroverreact-a-lot @cyparissos @writingpotato07 @midnights-melodiverse @artbyeloquent @bardic-tales
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11x13kyle · 1 year
me as a 10th grade english teacher: so before we start lord of the flies i’m going to show you this kyle vs cartman fight compilation on youtube to contextualize the reading—
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taoamitq · 1 year
10th grade - So when the teacher calls me disrespectful is a life lesson?
Master List
Ok heres some background So i had a group presentation due the next morning and i was on the slides the night before and barely anything is done one of my group mates is on it now doing their work but i didnt have one of my groupmates number and the other isnt responding to my texts and if i called it went straight to voice mail
The Night Before:
i was literally going to have a breakdown i did not want to go to school the next day and i didnt want to do their work cause wtf i literally could not and we couldnt ask for extra time cause the presentation is in time with when we are reading that chapter (it was a book report thingy for Lord of the Flies
i had been debating just going to the wellness center but then i thought i might get in trouble but i could not do this with my then state of mind much less talk in front of the class the next day even if its just one slide
I still had so much shit to do that night. I had to clean the kitchen, take a shower, eat dinner, and get my stuff ready for school the next day.
i thought ill do my part and skip the presentation and hide in the wellness center and maybe talk with the school social worker or counselor
but then again idl what my teacher will think i could have said "oh i had a breakdown last night" but like i didnt want to admit that
The Day of the Incident:
My presentation was at 8:30 sharp and i had been running late. So i got to school 10 minutes late to class accidently missing the presentation.
My teacher comes up to me and starts saying how me being late was disrespectful to my group while the classroom was silent do you know how embarrassing that was and how yk hurt i felt after that.
I was speed walking to the wellness center after that cause i needed the break i was literally crying as i was walking.
I spent a good 40 minutes in the wellness center sobbing and talking to a counselor and that was a terrible decision.
My Rating: 5/10 she said what happened was a “reality check” how is embarrassing a student in front of a class a “reality check” and she was mean
for my next class i was about to pass out and my paper was getting blurry from my lack of sleep
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The Society
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Released date: May 10th 2019
Episodes: 10 episodes x 52’
Genre: mystery, drama
Production country: US
This mystery-series is a modern retelling of William Golding’s Lord of the flies in today’s society under the Trump administration. The series was well-received with 86% of critics approval via Rotten Tomatoes.
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The Society is one of the unfortunate series which was canceled due to COVID, despite having been initially renewed two months after the release of the first season. On August 21st 2020, Netflix announced its cancellation, along with another show: I’m not Okay with This. One issue raised by Netflix is the new health protocols which would have been difficult and expensive because of the large cast.
This cancellation is especially frustrating to fans as many questions are left unanswered: how did they ended up alone? Where are they? In Limbo? In an alternate reality?
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The creator of the series, Christopher Keyser, said about the cancellation: “Obviously, no one wants to see the story they’re writing end, and I would like the characters not to end up as the children of New Ham — to have disappeared suddenly, abruptly, never to be seen again. But I’m not entirely in control of that.”
Unfortunately, almost four years later, I think we can confidently affirm that we will not see the children of New Ham anymore. Maybe in another reality, the second season is real and the teens found their way home. We can only hope.
“We're Living In Some Sort Of Black Hole Anti-universe!”
(Grizz, episode 6)
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apostlelopez · 1 year
The 1st plague, turning the Nile to blood, was a judgment against APIS, the god of the Nile, Isis, goddess of the Nile, and Khnum, guardian of the Nile. The Nile was also believed to be the bloodstream of Osiris, who was reborn each year when the river flooded. The river, which formed the basis of daily life and the national economy, was devastated, as millions of fish died in the river and the water was unusable. Pharaoh was told, “By this you will know that I am the LORD” (Exodus 7:17).
The 2nd plague, bringing frogs from the Nile, was a judgment against HEQET, the frog-headed goddess of birth. Frogs were thought to be sacred and not to be killed. God had the frogs invade every part of the homes of the Egyptians, and when the frogs died, their stinking bodies were heaped up in offensive piles all through the land (Exodus 8:13–14).
The 3rd plague, gnats, was a judgment on SET, the god of the desert. Unlike the previous plagues, the magicians were unable to duplicate this one and declared to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God” (Exodus 8:19).
The 4th plague, flies, was a judgment on UATSCHIT, the fly god. In this plague, God clearly distinguished between the Israelites and the Egyptians, as no swarms of flies bothered the areas where the Israelites lived (Exodus 8:21–24).
The 5th plague, the death of livestock, was a judgment on the goddess HATHOR and the god APIS, who were both depicted as cattle. As with the previous plague, God protected His people from the plague, while the cattle of the Egyptians died. God was steadily destroying the economy of Egypt, while showing His ability to protect and provide for those who obeyed Him. Pharaoh even sent investigators (Exodus 9:7) to find out if the Israelites were suffering along with the Egyptians, but the result was a hardening of his heart against the Israelites.
The 6th plague, boils, was a judgment against several gods over health and disease (SEKHMET, SUNU, and ISIS). This time, the Bible says that the magicians “could not stand before Moses because of the boils.” Clearly, these religious leaders were powerless against the God of Israel.
The 7th plague, hail, attacked NUT, the sky goddess; OSIRIS, the crop fertility god; and Set, the storm god. This hail was unlike any that had been seen before. It was accompanied by a fire which ran along the ground, and everything left out in the open was devastated by the hail and fire. Again, the children of Israel were miraculously protected, and no hail damaged anything in their lands.
The 8th plague, locusts, again focused on NUT, OSIRIS, and SET. The later crops, wheat and rye, which had survived the hail, were now devoured by the swarms of locusts. There would be no harvest in Egypt that year.
The 9th plague, darkness, was aimed at the sun god, RA or RE, who was symbolized by Pharaoh himself. For three days, the land of Egypt was smothered with an unearthly darkness, but the homes of the Israelites had light.
The 10th and last plague, the death of the firstborn males, was a judgment on ISIS, the protector of children. In this plague, God was teaching the Israelites a deep spiritual lesson that pointed to Christ.
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kisari-is-an-idiot · 2 years
9th grade: romeo and juliet, (sugar changed the world)
10th grade: lord of the flies, montana 1948, farenheight 451 (joy luck club)
11th grade: great gatsby, catcher in the rye, a day on venus
12th grade: macbeth, beowolf,
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moonssugar · 4 years
simon being carried out to sea at night by the tide and the bioluminesecent sea creatures covering his entire body in soft light that reflects the stars reblog if you agree
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