#Lord of the earth
k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 11 months
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Belial NecroArts
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upyrica · 2 years
Be not ashamed of the skin you wear; take pride in the leathers and paints that make you into not-you. Peace be in concealment, and safety in boundary. Concern yourself not with the display of truth, but with the comfort of the costume. The fault is not in falsity, but in the injury to the self.
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PIC(S) INFO: All shots at 2000x2600 -- Spotlight on the incredibly accurate and highly-detailed Sauron, the Dark Lord 1/6 statue by Weta/Sideshow Collectibles, released in 2021 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring." It was digitally sculpted by Fabio Paiva with references from the 2001 movie costume.
MINI-BIO: "Seeking nothing less than dominion over all Middle-earth, Sauron wages war against a Last Alliance of Men and Elves. Though the allies of the West have fought their way to the very foot of Mount Doom in the land of Mordor where the Dark Lord reigns, his forces are vast and formidable.
Waves of vicious Orcs break again and again upon the lines of Elven King Gil-galad and Elendil of Númenor. Outnumbered and weary, the armies of light might yet prevail, but for the power of the One Ring, for striding out of the gloom beneath the Mountain of Fire is Sauron himself.
Towering above man and Elf alike, the Dark Lord is a hideous figure of twisted, blackened metal with a tall, spiked helm. In his iron grip is a cruel mace, but the greatest weapon he wields is the magical Ring upon his gloved finger.
Fiery runes flash across its golden surface and power surges from it through the looming warrior, for within the Ring the Dark Lord has woven ancient and terrible magic, suffused with his own vile spirit. No soldier can stand against Sauron’s advance so long as the Ring remains his, for in it lies the power to dominate all life, and from it only death can come."
Source: www.specfictionshop.com/products/the-lord-of-the-rings-trilogy-sauron-the-dark-lord.
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funerealmind · 4 months
the way aragorn runs is so chaotic
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autistook · 1 month
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Craig Parker on the set of Fellowship of the Ring
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allythistle · 2 months
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Heylo darlins! This is what I’ve been working on this week.
Next up, Bilbo, as per the results of my last poll :D
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theidlespoon · 6 months
nothing, just tolkien originally writing down the hobbit because his son christopher kept complaining that he'd change the details from night to night and then christopher later being so crucial in taking tolkien's notes and turning them into fully written novels of worldbuilding. loving someone to the point of creation and then having them help you finish the job.
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bold-embrace · 11 months
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How much longer can you keep lying
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uncursedswan · 1 year
Every time I rewatch The Lord of the Rings I oscillate violently between “it’s important to show men having close, supportive friendships and I’m so glad Peter Jackson chose to show all the male characters being loving and physically affectionate with one another in a healthy, platonic way” and “damn, these bitches gay. good for them, good for them”
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tsuyonpuu · 4 months
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Made some LOTR fellowship Valentine Cards 💘💌
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vigilantegreen · 1 year
I honestly feel like nobody in lotr mentions how fucking weird Legolas is. He stays up pacing the floor and singing to himself in the dead of night. He deadass stares straight into the tree line in the absolute pitch black when no one else can see anything. He yells goodbye to a river he has heard about in songs. He's so strange and not one character mentions it AT ALL. I absolutely love him.
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underdoug · 1 year
The two witnesses. When they arrive, everything will change
The Bible prophecies of two witnesses in the last days. In Revelation chapter eleven, we read of the two witnesses preaching repentance. When they arrive on the world stage, everything will change. Their ministry, or time of prophecy, will last three and a half years. I believe that timeline begins in the first half of the final seven years of Daniel’s seventy-seven’s prophecy. When they are…
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graceofgondor · 2 months
Of all the lotr horses why does absolutely no one talk about Arod??? LIKE- HES THE GOODEST BOY.
He's the unofficial third wheel when aragorn isn't around, he loves to trot, and legolas calls him his friend in the books!! Like please I love him so much you guys give him some love.
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PIC(S) INFO: Part 2 of 2, resolution at 2000x2600 (5x) -- Spotlight on more promo shots of the incredibly accurate and highly-detailed Sauron, the Dark Lord 1/6 statue by Weta/Sideshow Collectibles, released in 2021 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring." It was digitally sculpted by Fabio Paiva with references from the 2001 movie costume.
Source: www.specfictionshop.com/products/the-lord-of-the-rings-trilogy-sauron-the-dark-lord.
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autistook · 2 months
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Dom Monaghan and Billy Boyd on Merry, Pippin and the Ents, the Two Towers, Cast Commentary
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prokopetz · 1 year
Okay, so a thing about Tolkien's Middle-Earth is that, for elves and other beings of comparable metaphysical stature, the "distance" between an act of will and its tangible result is shorter than it is for mortals. The universe is just more inclined to play along with how they want it to work, which is why they're not lying when they claim not to know what magic is even though the products of their craftsmanship are by any reasonable standard supernatural – they just make stuff, and it works the way it does because that's how they intended it to.
This has a number of fun worldbuilding implications, like inventors having tangible authority over things crafted using their techniques, regardless of who does the actual crafting, because they literally willed the principles which allow those techniques to work into being, or the fact that when powerful beings die, sometimes stuff that depends on techniques they invented stops working. However, there's a bigger implication that that's generally gone unaddressed:
Elves can't do science.
Like, it's straight up impossible. A Tolkien elf cannot construct and carry out a meaningful experiment of any sort – it'll always works the way they expect it to, but only for that particular elf. Confirmation bias is an insurmountable barrier.
I want to read a story about the elf who figures this out and it bothers them terribly.
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