#Love u anon
top 5 Dan mora nightwing drawings?
hi!! thanks for asking!!!!!
soo first of all i really adore dick as robin in his art style even if it’s not him as nightwing 🫣
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just love love love it
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i think he captures the essence of dick grayson as batman’s robin really ridiculously well, at least in my opinion
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like look at his sassy little face!!
ANYWAYS here’s him as nightwing..
i like this one because it feels very
Wow I Wonder Who His Mentor Was ™️
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like he’s embodying the vigilante who goes bump in the night..criminals running at the thought of him busting them..you get it
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and then this one is pretty recent
i just find it absolutely so so funny because it’s very teenager learning how to drive with dad and bruce just looks So Unamused while dick is having the absolute time of his life
anyways!!!! thanks for asking anon ❤️❤️
you know me so well
lots of love
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Charles saying Max is one of the drivers he gets along with well on the grid “even when people don’t think so”, chats with Max endlessly in press conferences and listens to all the maxplaining, talking about how much Max deserves the success he’s having right now, how much he enjoys fighting with Max and countless other examples I could list.
But no, haters know best of course. Because if they actually admitted Charles liked Max they might have to revisit their belief that he is the devil or whatever.
Seriously people, stop projecting your own dislike of a driver onto another driver, even if they’re your favorite!
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nothing more needs to be said. haters will continue to hate but the proof that charles ""hates"" max is here.
of course charles will remember the time of karting against max with "hate" and "disdain" on his face, just look at the interviews and gifs, his face of pure "horror"
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yesimwriting · 2 months
yes aemond x maester’s daughter part 2, part 3 please 🙏 love the concept!
thank you!!!
they def have a mini series energy, especially bc i feel like aemond's character arch between season 1 and season 2 is so sharp reader being with prince aemond is so different from reader being with prince regent aemond and i think it'd be fun to explore both of those dynamics
also i like the idea of reader's father having to treat aegon after rook's rest, like aemond coming to visit the maester and telling him he can do so much more for his daughter (and family) as prince regent (and maybe even king one day 👀) and kind of implying he shouldn't take good care of aegon
the maester and aemond really match each other's freak, and by freak i mean the desire to manipulate individuals and political situations for the personal gain they believe they deserve
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whinlatter · 3 months
holy moly!!! those last 2 chapters just did something to me!! beasts is progressing so beautifully, i cant believe that i am lucky enough that a person like you has this story inside them and is SHARING IT WITH US ALL!!!! thank you for the updates!!!!
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
oh I totally meant ghoap x reader so that was perfect :))) love your thoughts on that scenario. could see them becoming so clingy and wanting to keep their inexperienced reader all to themselves afterwards. she doesn’t need to be with anyone else now that they’ve gotten ahold of her :))) maybe she needs to be locked away for a bit, shown how good she’s got it now, so she better not ever think of being with anyone else but them
you'd fully wake up the next morning (afternoon?) expecting to have to make the "walk of shame" you've heard so much about, only to find johnny lounging next to you in bed and asking you what he should order you for breakfast as simon comes out of the shower, towel hung loose around his hips.
you'd maybe try and hint at leaving, trying to do that "well i wouldn't want to intrude..." thing, but they'd make it aggressively clear that you're not interrupting. all "you're not intruding, bonnie! if we wanted you gone, you'd be gone already" from johnny and "you don't need to leave yet" from a slightly grouchy simon.
might coax you into making dinner with them. johnny saying he wants to try a new recipe and he's just horrible in the kitchen, and wouldn't you be a doll and help him out? no, no, simon's no good either, he'd need you-
they'd settle you between them to watch a movie or something that evening, johnny with you tucked up on his lap and a hand in your hair, simon with a hand locked securely around your ankle and thumb stroking the top of your foot. you'd be a little weirded out, sure, but this is your first one-night stand, so maybe you just don't know the etiquette? regardless, they've been nothing but nice to you, and they're warm and comfortable to cuddle up with. surely there's no harm in this?
they coax you back into bed with them that night, and you're quite sure that the "one" in "one night stand" is there for a reason. Maybe you try and sneak out the next morning, before either one of them wakes up. it doesn't work, ghost's got you by the arm before you can even try and look for your underwear. asks you - no, tells you - to get back in bed.
it's then you think something might be wrong, but it's far too late for you to get away now
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if you kill yourself you’ll never be skinny don’t do it
omfg ur so right… my will to live is back thank u
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woman-respecter · 4 months
i kind of can't believe i feel this way b/c i was already pretty cynical on this account, but like....i too am pretty floored by how comfortable europeans feel mustering huge, condescending, ill-informed opinions on this. the people who built huge swaths of their societies and national concepts out of hating, murdering, and exploiting us. my grandma always said they have no shame when it comes to us, but my god, i don't know, i thought maybe they would still pretend to have a little so long as the holocaust was still in living memory. i'm the prior half-and-half anon, and like. something very awkward for me rn is, i live in a very lefty part of the us. and so many of my friends are so eager to examine their own biases and bigotries when it comes to to one half of me. that's not to say they always really do it, but like, some of them do put in good-faith effort, and most at least know it's important to *look* like you give a shit about this stuff. but there is is literally no concept that they should do this with jews. i know for a fact a lot of them grew up with kike and christ-killer being terms used in the home, and plenty of them come from peoples and places that built themselves and their wealth on systemic jewish disenfranchisement and death. but there's just no interest in antisemitism, or, frankly, any real shared belief that this is even a real bigotry and not a temporary fever that gripped germany in total isolation for a decade or so. so i'm left with all these friends who caaaare soooo muuuch about one thing, but not the other, which i worry over, frankly, a lot more. i'm really starting to lose it. like, cool, friend telling me he thinks trump's immigration rhetoric is awful. that's really cool. maybe you could also read literally one article by a jew about antisemitism. no? cool. cool. idk if you've read dara horn's work, but she makes this point in her book people love dead jews that a lot of holocaust education doesn't seem to have done much, and that there's a particular weakness in how much of it has tried to appeal to gentiles by making it seem like something that could have happened to them. i'm really feeling that right now. people really know.....NOTHING about what antisemitism is, or how it functions, or it's history. they only really understand it as a denuded metaphor they can put towards their pet causes. and i feel that from such a weird mismatched pov every single day.
yeah exactly. they truly have no shame. like these people can understand white supremacy and how they may benefit from it but don’t get the same for antisemitism…
and i have read dara horn’s work and think she made a really good point with that
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Hi! I hope you’re doing okay!
This is a very self indulgent request (you do not need to humor it!) but… Leon x a reader who has very bad heart problems.. constant palpitations, heart monitors, constant hospital and doctor visits, and just pure pain and discomfort at the most random times (even worst times.. ie. sex.. out on dates.. ) Obviously reader tries to laugh it off and tells him she’s fine but he’s always worried sick.
Sweetest Anon,
ALL my readers get to be included in any desire they would like!! I will totally do this for you! Just so you know i have very little knowledge on heart problems but tried my hardest for you! I hope you’re doing good and your health stays good angel <3
Warnings: Mentions of heart problems obviously. Slight mentions of smut!!
Who knew Leon Kennedy, the man who has fought for his life and for others far to many times was an actual saint. The best boyfriend anybody could ever ask for.
He always gave you his attention, showering you in affection even in times when you didn’t really deserve it. You felt guilty putting him through so much, or that’s how you phrased it. Leon just saw it as being your lifeline.
Leon cared more about your body than you did, when you first got diagnosed with heart problems after Raccoon City, he sat through every appointment with you, writing stuff down on his notepad as the doctor rambled on about risks and what to do and not. He loves you so much and you’ve always have and always will be his number one priority.
When Chris invited you and Leon to his big house party, celebrating his promotion, you couldn’t say no. Especially seeing the excitement Leon held for his best friend.
Pushing up the chapstick lid, rubbing it on your lips before Leon slid behind you, your hand coming to your chest to signal he scared the actual fuck out of you. His face instantly washing with concern as he gripped your shoulders.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurting? What happened?”
A laugh left your lips as you leaned back, your lips pressing against his cheek as you pushed passed him and out the bathroom.
“You’re ready, yes?”
You asked as you slid your shoes on, looking back at him.
“Yes, but you’re not. Here, take your medicine.”
So that’s what he came into the bathroom for. You sighed shaking your head as you looked up at your boyfriend. He kissed your forehead softly, grabbing the keys off the hook by the kitchen.
“I’ll be in the car!”
He yelled as you stood staring at the medication in your hand.
When you guys finally arrived, Leon ran to your side of the door, pulling it out for you with the widest smile on your face.
Chris saw you guys pull up, the door already opening. Chris was a great friend to you both, and you were so proud of his progress, he has worked TO hard.
“Congrats, Redfield I’m so proud”
You giggled as you gave him a quick side hug and a kiss on the cheek before skipping your way to Claire and Rebecca.
The night went on, to many hours passed. You rested your face in your hands as you closed your eyes. Remembering your doctors words, just focus on your breathing. But your heart was pounding, so hard you felt it in your ears. You cleared your throat, excusing yourself from the couch as you slowly walked to the kitchen where Leon sat with all his friends, your hand slipping over his shoulder. His hand reached up, grabbing at yours, him immediately turning to you as he felt how sweaty you were.
Though he loved Chris, he waved goodbye to everyone in an instant. And the moment you guys got home, he helped you out of your clothes and ran you a bath, his hands running through your hair, his lips gently kissing at your shoulder.
“Leon it’s just a heart monitor.”
You whined, half awake as Leon checked on you once again.
“I know, I know but you know I get so worried.. Let me worry”
Leon mumbled as he turned over from his position on the bed, kissing your lips softly. His arm lifted allowing you to snuggly press back into him.
“Worry all you want, I’m going to bed.”
You mumbled quietly as you rested your head on his chest, instantly soothed by the sound of his beating heart.
“Fuck, Leon..”
The squeal left your lips as Leon’s hips snapped into yours, your hands scrapping down his back. He was so toned and your hands slid so perfectly over every muscle on his back.
Your eyes squeezed shut, your breath hitching as you shook your head and grabbed at Leon’s shoulder.
Your nickname for him, his hips instantly stopping at the sound of your discomfort.
“What’s wrong sweetheart? Did I hurt you?”
Leon spoke, his worried tone very prominent as he pulled himself out of you, pushing hair from your face.
You shook your head as you sat up, your shaky hand pressing against your chest. Leon’s eyes went sad as he scooted next you, watching as the tears built in your eyes.
“Shhh, It’s okay, here let me get you water..”
Leon insisted that you guys go to the spot you guys met, but the restaurant was always so crowded and it made you so moody listening to all the chattering around you when all you want to do is focus on your boyfriend.
But he begged and pushed so much that you finally caved, wearing your nicest outfit. At first you thought he was breaking up with you, by the way the two of you sat in silence in the car, his hand resting on the gear instead of your thigh.
Your stomach started to ache as you twirled your fingers around. The car stopped, Leon reached into the backseat smiling as he handed you a single rose. Just like he did on your first date. You pouted at him before leaning over the center console kissing him softly.
Your dinner went fine, and it was actually quiet, the noise of the soft piano music being heard as you watched Leon finish his wine.
He stared at you so admirably. He sighed shaking his head as he reached into his pocket, digging for awhile before he pulled out a tiny box that looked even more tiny in his big hand. Your eyes went wide as Leon cleared his throat, pulling his chair out.
“I love you, and I think I’m pretty confident I’m going to love you forever, hopefully you’ll love me too.”
Leon laughed as he touched your knee softly.
“I’m not a big attention guy, but, for you I am. Marry me.”
Leon whispered as he stared up at you, your jaw slacked open, no words could describe how you felt. You just nodded your head rapidly, Leon’s twisted face turning into the most beautiful smile as he slipped the ring on your finger, pulling you to his chest, the two of you standing.
He pulled away from you, his hand pressing to your chest as he eagerly sat you down.
“Your heart is racing, do you need more water? Here do you want your medication?”
Leon went reaching for your purse as you laughed grabbing his arm.
“Leon, you just asked me to marry you, of course my heart is going to be jumping out of my chest.. I’m fine..”
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doriana-gray-games · 11 months
ooh noooooo, i sure hope an unknown creature of the night isn't stalking me as i make my way thru this very long dark hallway with my frilly silly clothes that leave my neck completely exposed to the night air *twirls my hair* *twirls my hair* *twirls my hair*
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mrspark7777777 · 5 months
I hope you answer this. I Saw you saying Jikook will never talk about drifting apart in travel show like tkk did during soop. But what if they discuss about future plans to get married, have a wife and a family which is currently impossible due to their busy schedule? BTS always opens about these sensitive matters during shows like these preparing Fandom for the future. Like they discussed about hiatus before announcing it etc. I remember ITS1 Jimin casually speaking about him dreaming Yoongi's family and kids which was a stab for yoonminers as that dream meant yoonmin is not real and won't be adoptive parents as they dreamed..what if Jimin says something like that about JK ? Or vice versa ? I'm pretty sure it won't be a casual variety show of episodes of them just hanging out and they'll talk about some sensitive matters regarding the group or themselves which debunk Jikook as whole.
My dear anon, I ask this with all my love; what have you been smoking and can I please have some?
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wildelydawn · 1 month
that trio fic of ferran, pedri and gavi sounds super good like, i'm listening 👀📢
Alright my friend, buckle the fuck up because I have 1500 words for you (none of it is smut, this is just the lead up). I might end up finishing this some day because I've outlined the rest at the end, but for now, enjoy.
“Fuck, I just want someone to get me off,” Ferran complains as soon as they’re back at the hotel. 
Pedri had every intention of just going to sleep. He’s not one to drink, but after being told, “We’re on vacation,” for the hundredth time that night, he decided to have “something fruity, since he’s from the tropics,” as Gavi so eloquently told the bartender. She had rolled her eyes: either too drunk herself to realize who she was serving or simply totally oblivious to football. 
“It’s not the tropics,” Pedri had argued exactly once before getting lost in a mango strawberry something. God, was it sweet. And no one stopped him from ordering three more, especially since Gavi would complain about his beer and then “hold” Pedri’s drink for him.
Yeah, real clever.
So when he fumbled around with his wallet to get the hotel passkey out, his first stop was going to be the horrendously expensive mini fridge to drink all the water he possibly could. But leave it to Ferran to invite himself in and for Gavi to follow them around, his tail between his legs like a wounded dog at the shelter.
Yeah, all three of them are coming home alone. Except Ferran’s the only one who’s actually mad about that.
“I can understand both of you being alone, but I seriously thought that one girl was down.”
Pedri tries to catch Gavi’s eye, to silently ask Which girl? Ferran had talked to at least a dozen.
Gavi, though, is far more insulted. “What do you mean you understand us being alone?”
Ferran groans. “Well, you look like you’re twelve, and Pedri’s wearing those awful jeans, so. Let’s face it. Not the best wingmen.”
Pedri looks down at his outfit. “What’s wrong with how I dress?”
“If you have to ask.” Ferran sighs and plops down on the couch. 
Gavi snorts. “If you were any better with women, you wouldn’t need a wingman. Or to chat up a whole fucking bar.”
Pedri agrees, but he’s finally managed to get the cap off his water. He drinks heavily, polishing off the first bottle before cracking into another. His head isn’t so fuzzy. It was worse half an hour ago, when they were in the cab, but standing is a bit of a struggle, and, God, is he thirsty. 
“Says the guy who talked to exactly two people before getting piss drunk.”
“I’m not piss drunk,” Gavi argues back. “Why does everything have to be about getting laid? Why can’t we just be on vacation and have fun?”
Pedri shoots him a dirty look. “Bro, going out was your idea!” 
“If we had it your way, we’d never go out again.”
“Yeah because we wasted four hours, a couple hundred Euros, for nothing. I could’ve stayed home and watched-”
“Oh here he goes, fucking Game of Thrones-”
“I still haven’t watched the ending!” Pedri shouts. “I thought we were supposed to be relaxing!”
Ferran leans back into the sofa cushions, watching the both of them. “As much as this is entertaining, I’m still mad at you idiots.”
Gavi turns back to Ferran. “Why are you mad at me?!”
“Because neither of you helped and you probably made it worse-”
“Okay, for the last time. We didn’t prevent you from getting laid. Take it up with your tiny dick and terrible pick up lines.”
Ferran scowls. “Shut up.”
“I’m serious! We’ve been here two days, and it’s like you’re hellbent on getting your dick wet!”
Pedri nods along because Gavi is right. Ferran has been on the prowl since they landed. He even hit on the lady at the lobby, who flushed very prettily before making a show of her wedding ring while checking them in. 
“You’ve got a couple million. Hire someone,” Pedri says without thinking. Both Gavi and Ferran stop their squabbling to turn to Pedri, shock on their faces. “What?”
“Uh, wow. He must be sloshed.”
“I’m not that drunk,” Pedri groans, a hand over his eyes. He needs to pee. Drinking water that fast, not smart. “It’s a solution.”
“Yeah, no thanks man. I know you’re into the whole MILF thing, but I would prefer someone from this generation.”
Pedri registers the insult. Ferran poking fun at his tenacity to run after older women, but the slight comes from a man who’s sitting alone on his couch, positively bitchless, so he’s not that offended. 
“Damn, what was her name again? Maria? Do you think I could find her on Insta?” Ferran has his phone out. “She has to be on Tinder.”
Gavi turns to Pedri. “He’s hopeless.”
“It’s only 2:00AM,” Ferran scowls again. “Just because you guys are prudes doesn’t mean I have to suffer.”
“Can you go suffer in your room, then?” Pedri asks, but Ferran pays him no mind.
“None of these girls look like they give good head.”
Pedri groans. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Spoken like a true prude-”
“Theoretically, men do suck dick the best,” Gavi says solemnly. Pedri doesn’t know how or from where, but Gavi’s managed to find a beer to crack open and drink. 
“I mean, girls can suck dick pretty well, but obviously a guy would know better.” Gavi takes another sip of his beer as if debating dick sucking skills is just another conversation topic between the bros. “Because he’s a guy.”
“Are you stupid?” Pedri asks abruptly. “Or just drunk?”
Ferran holds up his phone. “I’m trying to figure out what he’s saying while swiping!”
“He’s saying that because guys get their dicks sucked, they probably know how to suck dick better than a girl,” Pedri explains. He feels his ears getting redder at each time the word “dick” leaves his mouth. 
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard in my life,” Ferran says with a laugh.
“Well, have you ever had your dick sucked by a guy?” Gavi challenges. 
“Uh, no,” Ferran chuckles. “But I’ve had some pretty great blowjobs before, all from women. So, if you don’t mind…” Ferran points to his phone.
Gavi snorts. “Good luck with that.”
Pedri anticipates the conversation to be dead but Ferran, who’s never really been one to shut the fuck up, immediately complains, “God, this app sucks. What is wrong with this city? Is no one trying to get laid?”
“Maybe they just don’t wanna suck tiny dick,” Pedri giggles, then bursts out into laughter. He laughs and laughs, turning away from them as Gavi and Ferran continue their argument. God, I need to pee.
“Everyone’s probably too drunk to get laid-”
“Then why are they on the fucking app as available-”
“Just give up already!”
“No, I’m horny, and I’m going back out there.”
“Really? Really? You think that’s safe?”
“I don’t give a fuck if it’s safe, I came here to party, you’re both fucking downers, and I’m gonna get my dick wet, like you said I should-”
“Get on the couch-”
“No, I’m leaving- what are you doing-”
“I’ll fucking do it-”
“What the fuck-”
“You said you wanted to get your dick wet-”
“Wait, Gavi-”
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” Pedri announces to literally no one before throwing the bottle over his shoulder and walking to the bathroom that’s across from the kitchenette. He shuts the door behind him, sighing at the peace and quiet. Thankfully, it seems Gavi and Ferran have stopped fighting.
Maybe they’ll leave now.
Pedri unzips his allegedly ugly pants and pisses into the toilet, yawning as he does. Of course, it would be nice to be with someone right now. But he’s woefully single, and, to some degree, Ferran is right. His love for older women doesn’t translate well into finding a steady relationship. Not that he’s on the hunt for one. As much as they failed tonight, he can’t deny wanting intimacy. Nor can he blame Ferran for being so goddamn feral. They’re on this vacation to blow off steam. 
Maybe tomorrow night, we can actually go have fun.
Pedri resolves to be a better wingman as he washes his hands and towels them off. He opens the bathroom door and comes out to the living room, ready to tell his friends that tomorrow’s a new day, with new women, and a new chance at love.
The words die in his mouth when he sees what Gavi is doing with his.
And Ferran is just sitting there, on the couch, his pants shoved down to his ankles, a wicked smile on his face, half shrugging like “What? It just happened!” Like Gavi tripped and fell mouth first into his lap.
“Care to join us, Pedri?”
(Okay, so after that, Gavi proceeds to blow them both before they basically reduce Gavi to a total mess. I'm talking about bullying Gavi a little bit since this was his idea, and then praising him for sucking dick so well. Ferran insists on fucking Gavi first because he's the one who's actually desperate for it while Pedri is just awestruck, like "God, that's my best friend and he takes cock like a champ" before deciding that he needs more of Gavi's mouth. They end up spitroasting Gavi to high heaven and basically swapping between who gets his mouth and who gets his ass. And of course, it ends in some snuggling after. Maybe Ferran leaves halfway through the night because he's like "Okay, that was nice, but I do actually want pussy at some point" but Gavi and Pedri wake up late and fuck in the shower because that's what best friends do.)
EDIT: This is now a full story on Ao3.
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meownotgood · 6 days
hi mags! big big fan of your work 🥹 i just wanted to ask a lil about how you went about starting to write fanfic n self ship stuff? i’ve been wanting to for a while now but the thought of actually posting it out of nowhere seems pretty daunting to me 😭
dearest anon... I understand how you feel...... but listen... the very first time you start posting fics and silly stuff, you'll probably feel nervous at first, but then it's super fun and freeing... when I first started posting fanfic, it was one of the most fun and happy times in my whole life. once I got over that initial fear of what people would think, and realized I could just be myself, I truly enjoyed every aspect of my silly postings. and I'll always look at that time fondly, even if my writing has improved since then!
we all have to start somewhere!! just do what you love, it's such a nice feeling. and I promise soon you won't be alone, you'll find others who love the same things..........
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happyheidi · 2 years
Why you stealing moomins
cus I can
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arrrrghh 🏴‍☠️ piratebayheidi
it’s what snufkin would’ve wanted
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beardedjoel · 24 days
hope you’re doing okay x
hi beautiful friend, thank you for checking in. in the most basic sense i am doing okay. i’m dealing with a lot day to day right now, and i really hope it all feels better soon. for now i’m just trying to take it one day at a time and work towards taking better care of myself ❤️
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dontsh0vethesun · 8 months
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yesimwriting · 2 months
Hate to be a part two girly…girl that’s like your third part two just accept you like to leave us hanging to build suspense!!
so true bestie 😭 i think it's bc i get invested in the world building and a tiny bit attached to the character and that specific version of the reader that one part doesn't feel like enough lol
also i'm very much a yapper so sometimes i have to cut myself off bc no one wants to sit down and read something that long but the idea is still there so part 2's feel like a sort of compromise :))
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