#Lucario is one that stands out
waywardstation · 1 year
A rather random question that's been plaguing me for the past 15 minutes and I wondered about your thoughts: do you think before he left, Volo left any of his pokemon behind? Some he wouldn't get rid of, like his egg daughter Togekiss, but I can't see him taking Arcanine with him out of Hisui. For one, it likely has a Growlithe partner we never see (due to the pokemon's lore) and probably leaves them with Tuli and Ginter. A full team would attach unnecessary attention for someone on the run.
Very interest thought OP!!! I haven’t thought about it before.
I couldn’t see Volo getting rid of his egg daughter Togekiss, or Garchomp, because these are Pokémon he’s had early on in the game. Our first fight with him, he only had his sweet togepi, and on our second fight, it’s togepi and gible.
And then the third time, when he fights us at the end, suddenly it’s a full team of Togekiss, Garchomp, Arcanine, Spiritomb, Roserade, and Lucario. How did that happen??
These are my first thoughts, so it could change over time, but I feel like this could narratively be explained by Volo realizing that our MC has what he wants, and that’s when he actively decides he’s going to take them down. So he gets a full team together, some of which can speedrun evolution with stones (roserade and arcanine).
I feel like the only Pokémon he has a genuine connection to would be his Togekiss and Garchomp. The others might have been pulled together just for this fight in an effort to overwhelm the MC. So when it’s all done, and Volo decides to leave, he might feel conflicted with these Pokémon that he possibly railroaded just for his own benefit. They did not need to be roped into this.
I could see him leaving some of his Pokémon with Ginter and Tuli, to help assist with ginkgo guild work when he leaves, and the only two he would keep would be his Togekiss, and his Garchomp.
Love this concept OP!! My thoughts on this might change over time from these initial ones; I’ll keep thinking on it!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Thank you so much for the furfrou headcannons I absolutely loved it🥰
May I request headcannons for Arven,penny,Nemoma and Mr Hassel(my new dad) with a reader who actually lost their main partner who was a deathly protective mightyena but was…removed should we say…by their dad who was a fighting type gym leader but hated that his kid had a Pokémon like Mightyena,so he had a incredibly violent fight with his lucario and mighty was unfortunately lost in the end.Reader ran away and found a little rockruff puppy who was abandoned,he later became a dusk form lycanrock who is fiercely protective of reader.
I wonder how Hassel would react to a parent doing something so unforgivable to their child and seeing how close she is to her lycanrock and how terrified of fighting types she is.
How would Arven feel seeing someone who dropped everything to help him because she couldn’t stand seeing the cycle repeat in a way.
What about nemona? Would reader be terrified to let lycanrock battle against her pawmot?
If this is to dark I completely understand!
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Oh ouch :(( This is fine to request dw!
He knows a thing or two about having shitty parents.
But absolutely nothing could've prepared him for the truth of why you never spoke to your dad and went through so much trouble to help his Mabosstiff recover:
Because you, too, had a dark type dog Pokémon partner..but tragically lost them after a vicious battle with your dad, a fighting type gym leader who was disappointed in you choosing Mightyena as your ace.
You two had an argument that turned violent as he sent his Lucario against Might, Mega Evolving him to teach you both a "lesson" that ended up wounding them badly.
He didn't think it was fatal, but sadly not even a Pokémon Center could heal their severe injuries.
So you comforted Might in their last moments, burying them that night and grieving, before running away from home--never speaking to your father again after that incident.
At some point, you found a friend in an abandoned Rockruff: a very young one left on a leash outside by their trainer.
You two formed a connection, and years later they remained by your side, having evolved into a Dusk Lycanroc that had the same protectiveness and loyalty as Might once did.
Arven already has tears in his eyes by the time you finish telling him everything, and when you bring out Lycanroc, he has nothing but respect for them.
Both of you wind up making sandwiches and take a break from tracking down the Titan Pokémon.
He's glad he opened up to you, and vice versa.
But boy, he'd love to give your dad hell for what he put you through.
During Operation: Starfall, you had a pretty bad panic attack when Eri brought out Lucario--an event that Penny unfortunately witnessed.
Your Dusk Lycanroc knew why you were so distressed and, despite the obvious type disadvantage, was fueled with enough rage to cleave through her team and take down the Starmobile.
After that, they helped you calm down and recuperate.
Later, after Penny reveals that she's the Team Star leader, she talks to you in private and admits to seeing that frightening moment.
But she's still unsure why you reacted that way.
Since she was open to you, though, you decided to open up to her about your past with Mightyena and how you lost them after fighting your dad's Lucario.
And you see the shock in her eyes before she shakily mutters "I'm so sorry", realizing she played a part in making you relive that trauma by battling Eri.
But you reassure her it's okay. She didn't know, and you don't hold it against either of them.
You've just been afraid of fighting types for so long, which is why you saved the Caph Squad base for last.
She's a gal of few words, but she's willing to lend you her Eeveelutions for emotional support should you ever need them.
There's a good chance she's always gonna feel somewhat guilty, especially when she catches Lycanroc sneaking glares at Eri and her team.
Your battles with her start out normal, with your Dusk Lycanroc taking down most of her team with ease.
But when she sent out her Pawmo for the first time, you become frozen with fear--something that she notices right away and stops the fight.
She asks if you're okay, but you just quietly switch Lycanroc out for another Pokémon and swiftly end the battle before leaving.
It'll be a long while before you admit to Nemona why you looked so terrified that day, so she assumes you had a bad experience with a Pawmo before.
But when you feel comfortable enough to tell her, she feels guilty and promises to change up her team.
Ngl she's probably gonna tear up after learning how awful your dad was to your Mightyena.
She vows to battle the bastard himself and take away his gym badge for good.
But you tell her it's okay. Karma will come for him, and you just wanted to continue healing from your past wounds.
Eventually, you'll be fine battling her Pawmot, though knowing her passion you just...have this nagging fear that she might overdo it and seriously hurt your Lycanroc.
So you avoid using them if she sends that one out.
Of all the teachers, he was closest to being the father figure you always wanted, but never got (considering your own was a dirtbag who didn't deserve his gym badge).
So you trusted him a lot, often chatting with him about homework, his elite four job, or how your treasure hunt was going.
But one day, Hassel notices how sad and distant you seemed in class today.
Considering you're always participating, it's unusual seeing you be so quiet.
So he asks you to stop by later, wondering what was weighing so heavily on your mind.
He may or may not have brought you to tears as you explain that today was the anniversary of your Mightyena's death.
After you go into detail of how your Dusk Lycanroc became your next companion, he starts sobbing his eyes out while hugging you.
Never in his life could he imagine a parent doing something so awful to their child's Pokémon.
It shatters him to know that you, too, were being forced to follow in someone else's footsteps, with your dad wanting to raise fighting-type trainers but you wishing to have a dark-type partner...and ultimately being punished for it.
Since then, Hassel has been 100% supportive of you, always saying that he'd proud of you and how well you raised your Lycanroc.
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i-never-forgot · 7 days
Ah shoot, I know you've talked about the gang's love languages before, but I can't remember Dusknoir and Eliana's specifically— but could I request a little doodle where they're making efforts to show each other they care?
Oh Sofie you know me so well🥺thank you for the serotonin boost!
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And now for the needlessly long lore-dump bc I can't help myself:
I did indeed write a post on it, but I only talked about Dusknoir’s love language (which would still stand in this case) and a generic hypothetical hero. He outwardly expresses acts of service, but I feel he would appreciate receiving quality time the most (since he might have some negative memories regarding perceived deceptions messing with words of affirmations plus his low self-esteem or receiving touch bc...you know that man has never experienced an ounce of physical affection, but he learns to appreciate it for reasons below). He feels unwanted and unloveable at his lower moments, so to have Eliana (or Lu or Grovyle/Celebi, too, admittedly) stay close to him even in simple companionable silence helps a lot; to be reassured that they're no longer afraid of him and see him as someone valuable beyond what he can offer with his hands. Play games with him (bc there's no way they wouldn't have board games or smth) or start in-depth conversations/debates/lectures with him, where he can exercise his mind, and he'll be eating out of your hand.
Eliana specifically tends to give gifts the most. She leaves things around for people she cares about, whether it's items they mentioned they needed/general explorer necessities, their favorite berries/gummis/etc, or random objects (flowers/pretty rocks/shells/leaves/etc)/keepsakes/treasures found in dungeons. You know that you've won her favor and affection if you find these sort of things laying only where you would find it, whether it be on your bed or otherwise. She loves spoiling the people she loves; it makes her feel like she's finally offering something of value for them having to "tolerate" her (but she's getting better about her self-worth issues through unending patience from her family).
(She always made sure Treecko ate first while they traveled and gave him the best items, even after they met Old Master Lucario and were in relative safety and security. She inadvertently gave Grovyle her old scarf when they were separated, but when he tried to give it back once she returned to the future, she only kept it long enough to have its wear stitched back up to regift it back to him since she knew how much it had comforted him while she was gone.)
(Once they reconcile, she gifts Dusknoir his Unlucky Sash. She secretly goes to Toxicroak and trades out enough items after she pays to have him requisition it. She doesn't say anything or give it to him directly, but when he finds it in his Treasure Bag he knows - especially since he had been trying to emulate her habit as a show of good will the last several months. It's good that he was alone in the Bluff when he discovered it because he would never be willing to explain to Grovyle or Celebi why he had started blubbering. Just a little. He would sooner die (again) than admit to it, but he was so relieved that he couldn't control himself. He hardly ever takes it off after that, wearing it like a badge of honor - only if it gets dirty or torn, and even then he gets almost unconsolably upset until Eliana reassures him that it can be cleaned/fixed. One time he takes a slashing hit for her and it rips pretty badly. He's almost sick to his stomach about it, but she has the same seamstress mentioned above embroider some Unown runes into it, followed by a symbol unfamiliar to Pokemon from their world; Dusknoir understands the runes where most uneducated in such ancient writing wouldn't, something they had bonded over previously, and it contextualizes the symbol for him without Eliana ever having to say a word. He runs his fingertips over the threads over and over when he's feeling anxious or upset, and especially if he's separated from Eliana for too long.)
Upon receiving love, believe it or not, Eliana's most inclined to crave physical affection. It's an impulse and hunger she's buried deep for many years, as she lacked in it from her childhood (boo her parents for being austere, stuffy jerks only concerned with reputation and status), and it only got worse when she lost her first partner. She closed herself off for the most part for years afterward, and her past romantic endeavors thought her too cold bc she always tended to keep them at arm's length emotionally and physically bc she was afraid of getting hurt again. But Treecko wears down her barriers and she holds him a lot, even when it's unnecessary. Having her memories wiped helped her to work through some of that with Lu, thankfully, and by the time she met Dusknoir and gave him the benefit of a doubt she was far more comfortable bumping into others and giving them head-rubs while she tried to choke down her purrs. Dusknoir indulged in her casual affection far more than he should have, but he was starving for it, too (although he was noticeably stiff and uncertain about receiving it and reciprocating; he only got more back-and-forth once Eliana revealed her identity since he was trying to pull away but couldn't help himself). When they make up Eliana is slow to warm back up to him again, but once she does she's almost always making contact with him somehow, whether it be pressing her flank against him in public, riding on his shoulders, curling around his head, or letting him carry her (although this is usually in a context where she needs it bc she gets flustered easily). She'll also nip at him or slap him with her tail if she's feeling feisty or playful. She loves it most when he pets or scratches her back since she can't always reach the places that itch or stay sore. (She loves it more when they press their foreheads together, in private, usually on the verge of sleep when both of their inhibitions are lowered...but you didn't hear that from me. She feels closest to him that way.)
(The bottom right pic is an old sketch I had so I decided to add it for posterity🥹)
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chongoblog · 1 year
Brawl Tier List (Based On The Relevance of What They Were Doing When We Meet Them In Subspace Emissary)
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I'll explain some of my choices under the cut
So a lot of these choices are pretty obvious, although some are a bit iffy or require explanation of the Subspace story which can be found in trophy descriptions & The Dojo.
The first category was for characters who were engaged in the Subspace plot from the get-go and were the "good guys". In case you didn't know, King Dedede is the hero of Subspace, and if it weren't for him, Tabuu would have won, since he made the "reset badges", and his initial plan was to hold onto some people and give them the reset badges in case Tabuu used his Off Waves. Meta Knight is considered to be a good guy, even though he mostly just wanted to get the Halberd back. Fox I put into this category as well since he's first seen giving chase to the Halberd in his Arwing, so I consider that pretty engaged, even if we don't know the exact reasoning.
The second category is open and shut. They're the Bad Guys. Ganon, Bowser, and everyone's favorite winner, Wario. Technically Wario kinda defected from Tabuu and wanted to just steal all the trophies, but I'm counting him here.
Next was the "Used by Tabuu" tier. According to the lore, the entire Subspace Army is made from the power of Game and Watch (although it says the Game & Watch are unaware of this). Pikachu's electricity was being used to power a lot of the operations (most notably the Subspace Bomb Factory iirc). And it's implied that R.O.B was coerced into helping Tabuu, feeling so ashamed that he put on the Ancient Minister garb to hide himself out of shame.
The "Was Doing What You Expect" Tier is a tricky one, since some characters like Mario & Kirby weren't doing what you'd expect in their normal games, but they were fighting, which is something you'd expect in Smash, but I was kinda lenient. Pit was watching from Skyworld, which is in character. It's shown that Pokemon Trainer was looking for Ivysaur and Charizard, so we can assume he was on that journey when we found him in the Ruined Zoo. ZSS's motivations are kind of unclear about whether she knew about the Subspace Bombs and tried to stop them or if she just knew her Power Suit was there and wanted to get to it. I always figured it was the latter, so I'm putting it in this tier. Marth was defending a castle, which sounds right (I haven't played Fire Emblem). Ice Climbers were climbing ice. Monkeys were getting their bananas. Link was getting Master Sword. Yoshi was sleeping (which only gets him out of "Just Standing There" tier because he is Yoshi).
Next are the ones who just kinda showed up. And it so happens that all five of them make a pretty grand entrance. Sonic is the obvious example here. Ness also counts since there's no implication that either he or Lucas actually live in or even near the Ruined Zoo, but then again in the dialogue-less cutscenes tying together over 30 characters, I don't think that detail was important. Falco makes a grand entrance, although you could argue that he was meant to be Fox's backup. Ike makes a grand entrance with this Great Aether. Captain Falcon literally shows up to jump out of his car, punch a robot and kill approximately 50 aliens in one fell swoop, so either there was an F-Zero track around the Island of the Ancients that we don't see and he quit in the middle of his race to do that, or he just did that. Either way there's something wrong with him.
And then finally we have the characters who were Just Standing There. Luigi obviously was minding his own business when he got got by Dedede. Peach and Zelda I almost put in the "Doing What You Expect Tier" (or at LEAST Peach since she knew Mario at least), but honestly? They were just standing there. No hate, obviously. Sometimes you just gotta Stand There. Olimar was minding his own business letting his Pikmin eat a robot before they were murdered. Lucario was vibing on top of a mountain (as you do). Lucas was just being sad. And Snake? We don't see any sign that he's on a mission. We just see that he's been on the Halberd for an undisclosed period of time before dramatically revealing himself way way later. I like to imagine he accidentally fell asleep.
And then the last tier are for the 3 characters that are unlocked after Subspace, so I don't really count them.
Anyway in case you can't tell I am back on my ADHD meds! Hope you enjoyed this. See you all for the Nuzlocke stream later.
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bigfan-fanfic · 6 months
Settling Down (Peter Parker x Percy Jackson x Dick Grayson x Reader)
Requested by @jayfeather965 for Short fic request! Moving to the Pokémon world with Dick, Peter, and Percy?
A slight modification in that we're assuming they're already in the Pokemon world, and helping you choose your first Pokemon/general headcanons about them with Pokemon. Dick has a Lucario that he taught Acrobatics. Peter has a Pikachu that knows Electroweb. And Percy has a Dewott.
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With the three loves of your life being lifelong Pokemon trainers, it may be surprising to some that you have never had one.
But you've never had the time, or the room, or inclination.
But with two vigilantes and a demigod as your partners, now you have all three.
Your apartment, a floor-through space, though technically Dick owns the whole building, is Pokemon friendly and accommodating. Percy uses the water room for training along with his Dewott, which is way more disciplined than he is - though sometimes they train with Dick and his Lucario in the gym area. There's a lab for Peter's experiments where his Pikachu helps expend its excess energy by producing the electricity for his machines when not utilizing the solar power grid.
But, since it's a chill day before you've asked your partners to help you actually find a Pokemon, you decide to see if they have any final advice.
Peter and Pikachu
Peter got his Pokemon the conventional way, from a Pokemon Professor.
He was a shy kid, and his Pikachu helped him come out of his shell, so to speak, mainly because it was so outgoing.
And quick to electrocute his bullies.
Getting his superpowers was, pun intended, quite a shock.
But now he finally had the strength and the speed to keep up with his zippy little friend. He could swing around New York with his little buddy zipping along like a lightning strike.
It was probably that that cemented their relationship.
They looked out for each other, developed new techniques, and perhaps most crucially, finally exhausted the little mouse of its boundless energy.
So with a much calmer and less aggressive companion, Peter and his Pokemon seem at peace.
When you find him, he's in his lab, and his Pikachu is playfully bouncing sparks around in the little wire cage they use to expend the surplus electricity.
"Hey! Excited about tomorrow, babe?" Peter chirps, grinning at you.
"Yeah. Just... trying to see if there's any last minute tips you have."
"Well... don't count out a Pokemon just because they seem too different from you. Pikachu and I get along so well, but we were so different at first. It took a while to realize how much it likes napping on me, even if it makes my hair stand up, haha."
Moves - Electroweb, Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Magnet Rise (speedy moves + floating to easier maneuver with Peter)
Dick and Lucario
Dick only got his Lucario from Bruce. It was an egg that hatched into a Riolu.
Bruce had been endeavoring to help Dick learn some responsibility.
So Dick raised the thing from a Riolu pup, taking care of it. A task he took to like a fish to water.
At first, he didn't want to take the Pokemon out with him on patrol, knowing it'd be in danger.
But one day he came home injured, and the worried Riolu sat with him all night, working so hard on something.
When Dick awoke, he realized his Pokemon had evolved. And not only that, it had learned Heal Pulse to try to help him.
Dick felt so bonded with his Pokemon then, and they began to work together, even on patrol.
So they trained together, with Dick's style even helping his Lucario learn a move it ordinarily couldn't - Acrobatics.
Dick trusts his Pokemon partner with his life, and it him - so much so that it rarely, if ever, is in its Ball. It tends to just chill in its own space.
"Your Pokemon tend to teach you as much as you teach them. Don't think about what a Pokemon can do for you at first - instead, just focus on feeling that starting connection. You're finding a friend for life."
Moves - Acrobatics, Heal Pulse, Aura Sphere, Bone Rush
Percy and Dewott
Percy caught his Oshawott in Montauk - perhaps it was sent to him by Poseidon.
Unlike Dick or Peter, his Pokemon tends to be a lot different than him - instead of strengthening what he knows, it covers some of his deficiencies.
His Pokemon is both more childlike than him, and more disciplined.
Which means it tends to help him him relax when he needs to, and urges him to train and focus when he should.
Meanwhile he can be the midpoint between its playful and focused moods.
When it became a Dewott, they made the choice to have its scalchops edged with Celestial bronze, and it helps destroy monsters with as much aplomb as Percy does.
They have both made the decision together not to evolve it further, as Dewott likes to be able to use tools.
Of the three, Percy tends to use his Poke Ball the most to take care of his Dewott. It's a quick way to get it out of danger, and Percy doesn't like when it wanders off.
He'll have it stored in his Poke Ball in public, usually, and unleashes it to battle or at home for leisure.
You encounter Percy listening to music and chuckling as the Dewott tries to dance.
"You can't worry about it all that much." Percy says to you with a smile when you ask for advice. "Your Pokemon will choose you just as much as you choose it. They're not just pets, they're partners too."
Moveset: Razor Shell, X-Scissor, Icy Wind, Air Slash
At the end of it all, you feel pretty excited at the prospect of finding a Pokemon of your own.
Dick has reminded you to focus on the connection, and not the potential capabilities of a partner.
Peter has told you to keep an open mind.
And Percy has reminded you that it's a two-way process.
With all these tips, your anxiety is mostly calmed.
And of course, it's forgotten before bedtime when Dick playfully lines up their Pokemon and makes them "promise" to make your new buddy feel at home.
Pikachu chirrups playfully, Dewott nods seriously, and Lucario crosses its arms and holds one paw out, trying to do a thumbs up.
And you just know that no matter what happens, your new friend will be coming to a great home...
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tricerotopicpt2 · 15 days
Alright guys the fable smp pokemon au brainrot is back and full swing because ocie was posting about it so here's a couple of thoughts based on that (warning this post is a bit long 😅)
Ok ok, so it terms of what pokemon people would have and how they got them, here's the thoughts
I think icarus' partner pokemon would be an archeops they got from their dad. Something about the overworld foundation doing some kind of research with ancient pokemon and fable giving his kid one seems right. They'd also probably have a pom-pom style oricorio and a decidueye (something about a ghost type archer pokemon that bird shaped feels right). They'd absolutely have almost exclusively flying types. Charles is just a really high level torchic they got from and trade and cant use.
Rae would probably have an Espeon. It's just feels right for him between it being a psychic type and evolving through high friendship. Going with the idea of him studying psychic and dark types, an inkay could be good for that, but idk if it fits his vibe. I also think that a pa'u style oricorio could be fun because he could totally study its dancing and how that connect with its "psychic energy". Also it could be matching with icarus which is fun. While it's not dark or psychic, a lucario or riolu could also be fun because they literally sense auras. Like. It's their whole thing. A lucario evolves with high friendship, but it also might be a bit to strong for rae to own. Maybe a riolu that evoles later on.
Athena just gets all the fire types. And maybe some fairy and dark types. Their partner pokemon is absolutely a torracat. They deserve all the fire types. Athena could also have a baile style oricorio so all of prince trio can have matching bird guys (maybe I just like oricorio alot. But it's a fire type and it fits and its fun). Just give this guy fire pokemon. And also maybe an alcremie because baking.
On that same note, give Jamie a dachsbun. And some bear shaped pokemon.
Arisanna gets fairy pokemon, specifically I think her partner pokemon is a togekiss because I think the allays being togepi is really fun. Im not entirely sure about what other pokemon she would have tho. Maybe an azumaril because blue. I dont know how vexing would translate over to pokemon au, but vexed ari would absolutely have a tinkaton.
I think magearna comes into play somehow here, maybe Caspian would have it and fix it up. Idk I think magearna is a fun pokemon and could be a fun stand in for Raza. Similar thing with type null.
I think the first pokemon that ven would end of catching is an alolan vulpix. You cant tell me I'm wrong. Its literally a little white fox guy. It's probably the only pokemon he'll have for a while and probably won't evolve. Maybe he gets a ghost type pokemon later.
I'm starting to realize how much alolan pokemon I've given these guys. But to be fair, alola has fun pokemon and I watched the anime for it a lot after they took xy and xyz off Netflix.
I think the world sisters would probably just be besties with some legendaries/mythical. They probably wouldn't catch them, but momboo just hangs out with shaymin sometimes and ocie is homies with phione and manaphy. Or if we wanna stick with the alolan theme, tapu bulu and tapu fini.
I absolutely have way more thoughts, but this is what I'll say for now since I dont want this to be too long 😅. I want to hear more people thoughts on fable smp pokemon au's tho
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leggerefiore · 10 months
hello :’) hope ur having a good day!!
would u be willing to write HCs for yandere volo? can be both sfw and nsfw if u want!!
love ur blog!!
I. I never wrote Volo yan hcs lmao??? I swore I did, but I checked, and somehow I just... didn't lol??? maybe not nsfw for now because I just haven't been able to write horny content for some reason. might be a bit bad too since I'm rusty on writing yan stuff
cw: yandere, kidnapping, unhealthy relationships, Volo isn't really nice, dark content,
💫Yandere Volo📜
⭐️ He's not a romantic. That much is apparent in his behaviour. The only way to catch his attention is to either be useful for or threatening to his plans. More over, he feels like most people aren't worthy of his time. His friendly facade is just that – a facade. He's observant and careful, searching for any issues that could arise as he works towards his goal of forcing Arceus out of hiding – forcing Arceus to finally acknowledge him.
⭐️ That is why you, someone who had fallen from the portal he ripped in the sky above Hisui, intrigued him so dearly. The other one proved an amnesic old man, but you? Not so much. He could see a fire in you. It was why he approached you and challenged you to a battle. The blond could see your familiarity in battling, too. You were a threat to his plans. Especially so as you cleared through the frenzied Nobles. His frustration was intense towards you, but he hid it behind a veneer of concern and friendliness.
⭐️ You haunted his brain as he wandered around the ruins and temples of Hisui. Who were you? Volo felt unable to escape your chokehold on his mind. It was not pure chance that a capable trainer fell through the very portal he had Giratina claw into the sky. He hated the way his heart raced, and his blood burned at the realisation. You had been sent by the very deity he sought to satiate his curiosity. The merchant had leaned forward and punched a tree in his frustration. Why you? Why did Arceus stand so staunchly against him? Why did his heart race at the thought of you?
⭐️ Volo originally started stalking you solely to see how you would stand in his plans, but as he slowly realises that Arceus sent you, it changes. He knows what you're doing at any moment in time. You never even noticed the blond just right behind you. The way he subtly aided you or left helpful items around. An Ursaring you failed to notice creeping towards you? His Lucario quickly stopped the bear from getting too close to you. He spends too much time following you around, unaware of the strange feelings blossoming in his brain.
⭐️ The blond remains amicable towards you, not daring to let the mask he so carefully built slip away to reveal the poisonous stew boiling just under it. Volo envies you; utterly and completely. He speaks with you in a friendly manner while you stand around with the clan leaders or that little twerp from the Galaxy Team. His jealousy towards these connections you hold bubbles aggressively inside him. Were they really worthy of your attention? He shook the thought from his mind and grinned at you playfully.
⭐️ His heart raced as he saw you sitting alone in the Obisidian Fieldlands, tears pouring from your eyes. He already knew what happened. The sky above Hisui corrupted with colours and strange energy. The final part of his plan had come to fruition. Much too late, as he already changed his gears. The plates seemed more likely to help him gather the deity's attention. After all, you were clearly sent to clean up his mess. Poor, poor you. Volo enjoyed the way you buried yourself in his chest, terrified and desperate for a friend.
⭐️ It was then Volo came to another realisation, this time towards his own feelings. The sight of you clinging to him, desperate for his touch. Addicting, he'd say. His hand pressed softly to your back, and he spoke softly as he could to comfort you. Volo... wouldn't say he loved you, but he wanted you. His madness led him to wanting to take Arceus's powers as his own, after all. He could have whatever he wanted. Especially someone chosen by the deity.
⭐️ He helped you in beating the two Sinnoh legendaries, with collecting the red chain from the Lake Guardians. He stood by your side as you faced down the commander of the Galaxy Team. Now, all he had to do was collect you when you least expected it. Volo continued to fool you throughout the situation as you searched for the plates with him. His luck when you mentioned wanting to know more Hisuian legends amazed him. The search with you only fed his fascination. The way you reacted and felt, he needed to see it all.
⭐️ Even meeting Arceus, as significant as it was, felt less important than his obsession with you. Volo mulled over what to do with you. While he had you at his side for now, he knew you would likely turn on him when he revealed his true plans. He hated the idea of you opposing him. No, he wanted you as you had been when you were kicked from Jubilife, desperate and pitiful in his hands. Volo sighed as he faced the Renegade pokemon once more.
⭐️ The blond hid you away in the Distortion World, no longer willing to share what he felt he had a rightful claim to. If Arceus wouldn't acknowledge them, then he would take the deity's chosen one in return. He would break you down here into the partner he needed. You looked so terrified as you woke up in the strange world. Oh, well. He had no intentions of swaying from his newest plans.
⭐️ Volo is hard to pin down. He's not overly affectionate for the most part, but there are moments where he drowns himself in you, demanding your attention and touch and settling for nothing less. Perhaps an attempt to make up for what he lacked in his youth, or just something fuelled by the madness of his obsession. You may find yourself preferring the needier version of him that he provides rather than the cruel one that stares down at you with shrunken pupils and a haunting smirk. “… My, my, I wonder how that deity feels about what I've done to you,” he whispers into your ear as he holds you close to him, both of you shaking in an embrace.
⭐️ You're alone in this dimension, save for Volo and Giratina. And seeing as Giratina is most subservient to Volo and a pokemon... You basically just have Volo as company. He's not overly doting, but he makes sure your needs are tended to. Food, usually bought at the Wallflower or something prepackaged from the Ginkgo Guild. You can request things, but it's not always easy to get everything you want. He's trying at the very least.
⭐️ Punishments aren't something he likes to do, admittedly. Volo likes seeing you afraid and desperate, not in pain (too much). He leaves you alone in the Distortion World for a while with just enough to survive usually. You'll begin to lose yourself in the isolation and pure oddity of the world to the point you cling to him desperately. Volo feels smug at the point, certain you're getting ever closer to his end goal. “I do hate having to leave you like this,” he speaks in a calm tone as you cling to him desperately, “Wouldn't it just be easier to do what I say? Why do you bother resisting?”
⭐️ Volo truly wants you to submit to him; to worship him like he did Arceus. He watches as you go from the confident Survey Corps member to a desperate shell that he's more than happy to fill. His touch is comforting and toxic. His thumb and index finger digging into your cheeks as he asks you to worship him, eyes wholly different from the gentle ones of his facade. It's easy to lean into his words, unable to escape them or him. Time passes oddly in the Distortion World, too. Everything becomes easier when you just listen to Volo. Maybe he truly was a god. You fall into his delusions at some point.
⭐️ When he's certain you're a true believer in whatever he is, you'll be returned to Hisui. The light of the sun reminding you much of the golden locks of Volo. You don't dare defy or run from the blond at this point, convinced of his something akin to divinity. Volo is smug about everything, enjoying how you are seemingly unaffected by your “friends” joy over your return. You fully support him as he leads you up to the Temple of Sinnoh, plates in hand, to summon the deity to this world and let Volo subjugate it to achieve his true end.
⭐️ It would be relatively easy for you to escape after he returns you to Hisui, but the issue is whether you could overcome all the conditioning he set upon you in the Distortion World to actually call out for help. Even as Cyllene questions just where you were and what happened to you, it's difficult for you to speak out. If you did manage to explain the situation, you would most certainly be protected and guarded. It would deter Volo (and annoy him heavily), but ultimately, he would continue with his plans to use Arceus. In his more favourable world – you won't even be able to turn against him.
⭐️ Ultimately, he falls for someone deemed worthy by Arceus and wants to corrupt them into worshipping him instead. He wants to claim all of them and mould them into his dedicated worshipper. Volo is not a romantic, but he does love you in a way, even if it's built from both envy and fascination. If his plans with Arceus fails? Well, he isn't above disappearing both of you and hiding away from the rest of the world. He's upset his dream has failed, but smug that he corrupted one with Arceus's blessing to such a degree. Besides, this doesn't have to be the end for his dream. He just needs to rethink it.
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phlurrii · 6 months
Is the tree of life in your story near that castle like in the lucario movie? If that's the case, the royal family would either try to justify Meau's action or lose faith in the creature who managed to stop a war by their Aura guardian sacrificing himself
Juicy ask. Okay let’s go!
Yes it is! However it was Bucket, not Meau that Aaron gave his Aura too. Meau was still sleeping at this time. So she doesn’t know what the humans did for her child. Though the castle town used to be very aware of Meau and Bucket, as well as even Missingno. .
Meau is an ancient legend, that dates far, far back for them that they revered. However, because of this long standing 1 sided relationship, they were also very aware she will not hesitate to take them all out if they bother her. They were the only humans to date aware of how to interact with her and survive. Aka, heed the warning.
The castle town basically acts as a guardian against folks from venturing into her territory, much less the tree of beginning itself. However… when Meau left and Bucket returns years later, those legends began to change as Bucket was the prominent mew. With Meau being all, but forgotten. A distant legend carved in stone and rock, with a few books and paintings scattered about. Only a select group of people in that town still know the stories and are aware of her existence… but it is a small, small group.
So the news of a massive mew looking Pokémon with a second neck… killing one child, but sparing the other, will certainly cause some massive ripple affects in that city and maybe drudge up a few old prophecies. Who knows’
But we have Missingno. To focus on so forget all that ^^
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volo-omnia · 1 year
I've been replaying Pokemon Platinum + Legends Arceus back to back lately and going through all the details is incredible (notes under the cut!)
I actually forgot the intro of the game mentions Prof. Rowan returning from a trip to Kanto, mirroring Kamado moving from Kanto in Legends Arceus (also the moments where they repeatedly ask the player if they like pokemon, but with drastically differing answers they were looking for)
The church (aka "foreign culture building" in the games files) in Hearthome. Not only does the place stand out as the music cuts out, but the giant stained glass of Mt. Coronet with a very familiar cracking glow at the top of the summit.
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(While Legends Arceus is of course set as a retrospective to the game many years later, it's very interesting seeing the same inspiration of the Hisui "disaster" all those centuries ago, or possible plot inspiration)
Possible Celestican culture roots in this church?? All the NPCs talk about the grace of life and the philosophies of the balance of spirit and nature, so it could be modern day remnants of Cogita's philosophies
Cynthia's first encounter (at least in platinum) be gifting the player a togepi vs. Volo's first encounter battling you with a togepi (and also being one of the first encounters where he refuses to let you refuse his battle). It's also noted that Volo's togekiss is female and Cynthia's is a male.
Actually upon looking at their teams back to back all of Volo's and Cynthia's team genders are reversed, with the exception of Lucario (male on both teams) and the swapping of milotic and hisuian arcanine.
Volo and Cynthia are both right handed and similar pokeball throwing styles, at least comparable to Volo's initial battles. After replaying I noticed his throwing style changes between the initial and final battle. In his initial battles Volo and Cynthia throw in an upward movement (although Volo throws up way higher/more energetically, a very subtle hint to his personality in comparison to Cynthia's) but in his final battle he throws straight at you with a lot more force.
Volo's animations in his first 2 battles are also different in personality, where the commands for moves alternate between playful vs condescending, as well as when a pokemon on his team is defeated, the animation changes from surprise/shock to covering his eyes.
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thunderblessedhero · 7 months
(( Warning for possibly upsetting content. Themes of violence and major character death are present in this. ))
[Attached: A live video feed. Gizmo is following Hugh, August, and their Lucario “Fenrir” from behind as they rush through an ice-covered Opelucid City, carefully navigating over the frozen over roads and sidewalks as quickly as can. You can see evacuating crowds rushing and slipping past them as the young trainers bolt into the fray, their panicked shouts and screams echoing through the audio.
“Those Plasma assholes-” Hugh curses under his breath, panting a bit as he runs. “I never expected them to go this far…” He motions back at his friend, urging them to keep up. “Come on, we get the DNA Splicers back from those ninja guys! We aren’t letting them get away with this!”
“Right!” August shouts back, continuing to trail behind their friend. They look to the Lucario running beside them and nods, initiating a wordless communication between them and the Pokémon. He seems to understand right away, returning the gesture affirmatively.
Fenrir then turns on his heel and veers off to the side, before bouncing up a tower of jagged ice with ease. He reaches the top in a matter of seconds, and his eyes begin to scan the chaos raging around him from his vantage point- as he does, you catch a glimpse of the massive, levitating frigate looming threateningly in the skies over the city.
August and Hugh swerve to follow after him, but they stop at the sound of loud beeping noises coming from the phone behind them. They both simultaneously turn to look to the camera, raising a brow at the Rotom phone as it begins to shake and twitch.
“Gizmo? What wrong?” August asks, extending a hand out to the little Electric-type in concern.
“ZZz-zzzZZT-zzzt— zzt-” Gizmo’s inexplicable buzzing gets louder, before the screen fades to static, intercepting the feed. It stays that way for a few seconds longer… before the scene abruptly changes.
There’s an older man with white hair and a tall cap, standing in front of an iron wall. He wears a massive purple cloak that looks like it was designed to withstand harsh low temperatures, with a blatant Team Plasma logo plastered on the front.
“Greetings, people of Unova.” The man addresses the audience in a dark tone, one that would spur unease within you. “My name is Zinzolin- a sage representing Team Plasma and my lord, Ghetsis.”
He continues, speaking to the camera with a blank, firm expression. “I’m sure you’re all wondering why this broadcast has suddenly reached your device- or perhaps you’re more focused crisis currently unfolding in Opelucid City. Either way, I’m here today to issue out a warning to all of Unova- so listen to my words, and listen to them well.”
“We may be taking our leave now, but know this- the attack on Opelucid was only the beginning,” he warns. “Soon enough, all the region will be shrouded in ice, and Lord Ghetsis will then take his rightful place as Unova’s ruler! Soon enough, when his plan falls into place, you will have no choice but to yield to him!”
“And before you think your little hero of truth is going to come to your rescue once more, like they did two years ago during our previous attempt to seize power…” Zinzolin smirks menacingly as he holds up what appears to be a remote control. “I regret to inform you that Reshiram and its trainer will not be coming to your aid this time. Nor will Zekrom- she and her hero abandoned you all a long time ago.”
“Don’t believe me?” He snickers. “See for yourself. In case my speech wasn’t enough to sway you, our generous leader has gone ahead and provided a little… presentation of sorts, to remind you we are not to be trifled with.”
He presses down on the controller, and in the blink of an eye, the screen switches again. Now, a pitch dark room is shown- you can just barely see the line where the floor and wall meet. Everything is deadly silent for a moment longer, before you begin to hear what sounds like shouts and metal clanging in the background, growing closer…
A door offscreen opens up, filling the room with light for the briefest of moments- just long enough for you to see a figure get harshly thrown into the dank holding cell, before the door is promptly slammed back shut. Your blood runs cold when you’re met with a face likely many Unovans know- the hero of Reshiram… their hands are tied behind their back, and a piece of black tape is pasted firmly over their mouth.
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Blake’s hat tumbles off their head as their back slams against the cold wall, a muffled cry erupting from their throat before they slide pitifully onto the ground. They’re alive, but they writhe around and recoil like they’re in excruciating pain… You don’t want to imagine what they must’ve gone through before all of this. Or whatever they’re about to endure.
“Let this be a lesson to all who dares try and oppose the might of Team Plasma,” Zinzolin’s voice can be heard booming from a nearby speaker. “Watch as the very trainer who once saved your pathetic lives is reduced to nothing but ashes, and know that you will all suffer the same fate if you try to revolt!”
A red flash fills the room, and once it fades away you hear a haunting, reverberating growl… Trembling, Blake tilts their head up, pure dread overcoming their expression as they meet the face of whatever’s about to be their end. You see the shadow of a Hydreigon looming on the wall behind them, slowly growing as the beast closes in on its prey…
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Blake begins crying out desperately, helplessly flailing and kicking against their restraints, like a beetle turned over on its shell. Although their legs are untied, they seem unable to manage standing, incapable of running away as the creature prowls closer.
In the last few seconds of the video, you see the white glow of a charging Hyper Beam illuminate the room. And all that Blake can do is stare into the light, eyes bulged with horror. You catch a tear pricking through the corner of their eye right before the attack is unleashed.
A blinding, white hot light swallows the camera. You can barely hear Blake scream out one last time before it’s drowned out by a deafening explosion.
…The video feed cuts out. You didn’t get to see the aftermath, but… it’s not hard to guess what happened next.]
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bungalowbear · 2 months
ranger!nanami kento x psychic gym leader!reader, pokémon au, wc: 355
as always thank you to @likelilacwine for inspiring this series! 💜
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You and Suguru spend the day together around the gym. Friendly debates in the training room about how best to train each Pokémon type. A nap in the garden. Then a stroll around the lake after dinner.
Unfortunately, Suguru’s only here for the day. Departing the same way he arrived, under the cover of night. You walk him, Gengar, and Haunter to the front doors. Suguru makes you promise you’ll be the one to visit him next time before hugging you goodbye. You tighten your arms around his neck before eventually letting go, watching the three companions disappear into the night.
You stay standing at the front of your gym for some time. It isn’t until Zorua appears and nudges your leg that you decide it’s time to go back inside. But a noise in the trees catches your attention. You think it’s probably Suguru. Maybe he left something behind and had to come back. But it’s not Suguru.
Instead, Nanami comes up the path. He’s panting hard and there are lines of sweat coming down from his temples from carrying an unconscious Yuji on his back. Growlithe and Lucario are on his heels.
“Kento?” You come down the front steps when they break through the trees. “What are you doing here?”
“It’s Yuji. He’s been unconscious for a week,” Nanami explains. He’s breathing heavily and he looks absolutely exhausted. “None of the doctors could figure out why. Then he started running a fever, and nothing they did helped. He’s getting worse, and the only other option I had was…”
“I—Yuji needs you.” Nanami pauses. His brown eyes bore deep into yours. “Help him. Please.”
Your eyes take in the small group. It’s uncanny how this is so very similar to how they first came to your gym. The Pokémon by his side are looking at you expectantly, worry and hope filling their eyes. You wonder if this is how they’ll always appear to you.
“Bring him inside.”
Nanami lets out a sigh of relief, thanking you. You try not to frown at his expression. Did he really think you’d turn him away?
series masterlist
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adobe-outdesign · 7 months
How about a review for the mythical pokemon Zeraora?
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Zeraora is one of those Pokemon that I keep forgetting exists. I think it's just because it's a mythical and, like, a lot of mythicals, it's just kind of tossed at us without any real interesting lore. I guess it looks a bit more powerful than a standard Pokemon, but it feels more like a mega for a non-existent base form than anything.
I think the other reason I tend to forget it is that it doesn't really stand out all that much design-wise either. It's missing a "hook"—either a theme or strong visual to hook on to. Even Lucario, which it kind of reminds me of, had the Anubis look going for it. The Pokedex emphasizes its claws, so maybe giving it long Wolverine-style claws could've been something?
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(Also, it could've stood to be electric/fighting; that would've given it at least a little something to work with.)
All that said, it's not really bad from a visual perspective. The design is at least more coherent than Lucario, and I like how it's still fairly animalistic in terms of anatomy (such as the leg shape and head). The typing is plenty clear, with lightning-bolt whiskers, markings, and ponytail shape (I actually though that was a tail until now, but no, that's definitely connected to the chest fur. Would be kind of interesting if it made any kind of impact on the design.) The black accents provide high contrast, and the blue adds some pops of color. I also like the ear shape.
However, I do think there's too many blue accents; the head is fine, but the ones on the chest just feel kind of busy, especially with the random little patch of blue fur beneath the collar. Same thing with the second blue spot on the arms (maybe it's meant to be a carpal pad? I guess?). You need one other blue accent to balance things, but it would've worked better to have the ones on the face and paws and then have a bit on either the ponytail or the legs. Claws could also be a good spot for it. While I don't mind the blue, I also kind of feel like you could've dropped it entirely and not lost anything.
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Anyway, the point is: Zeraora is perfectly competent from a visual standpoint and nice to look at, but ultimately lack of a strong visual hook or memorable theme just kind of make it so-so, not helped by the lack of any sort of lore.
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alolanrain · 1 year
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It’s a bit of both of those things and the trauma over everything that’s happened to Ash in the au.
Ash’s aura is naturally connected to the earth core of aura, where all the other legendary’s connect but the majority of them are very feint and can only reach out so far -the exclusion is Arceus, mew, the creation trio, Lugia, ho-Oh, Necrozma and Celebi-which doesn’t bring a lot of drama. His own aura is very strong though not fully stopped into until Hoenn. It leaks out a lot when around other mythical, legendary’s and very strong Pokemon though quickly developed in Sinnoh when he meets Riley and his Lucario. The connection to the earth’s overwhelming spring of pure concentrated aura fucks Ash up, this is around Unova hence why he’s starting to mentally decline and become a lot more bitter quickly despite struggling to still love his friends around him, and continues to do so the moment he meets a very strong Pokemon. As those Pokémon have curated their own aura to be stronger as well during training.
It’s also why Ash starts to hate crowded places like shopping centers and gets annoyed easily on school grounds because Human aura is so finicky and unpredictable to the majority of the human race that it feels like he’s constantly being poked at. Like some damn science experiment like the Mewtwo’s and Genesect, so he gets their pain to a point to have a standing leg for timid friendship. It’s also why he prefers the wilderness, solo missions, and Pokemon over his own kind. It’s an important note to say that when a human’s emotions turns complicated and hurtful (bed confusion, anger, sadness, depression-you get the gist) it causes their aura to naturally reach out and hurt the one that’s causing them to feel this emotion. It’s why Ash is so hesitant to be around the kids almost 24/7 because their so young and inexperienced unlike Ash was at their age. They don’t know that their Ta can turn into a cold blooded mass murderer if pushed to far.
Ash is also effected by the claims the gods have settled into his soul. Like Lugia is the strongest as even though he’s the second to lay claim-he is after all Arceus creation-Ash naturally seeks him out more then any other legendary. Specifically taking trips to the Orange Isles in the guise of champion duties when in reality he’s specifically in Lugia’s tiny above cave Lugia, ho-Oh and Rayquaza were raised in. Ho-Oh was the fourth and even though he was the first to truly activate his claim when Ash wished on him on his first day as a trainer, it’s the only reason why it’s that strong. Lugia’s claim wasn’t activated until Ash and him fell into the sea. He had wanted to keep Ash away from the prophecy as long as he could as Lugia knew it would fuck his very human kid up in ways that Ash would never recover from but it was evident that the prophecy must come true. Thus saving Ash-and by extension Pikachu as Pokemon cannot be laid claim to by other Gods besides Arceus himself-and the day.
While Ho-Oh activation felt like prosperity and wanderlust and Lugia was a breath of life and very eerie tranquility, Arceus was of pain and anger. That was before he truly realized where he was was and referring to Ash as “his Ash” or something along the lines it’s been a while since I saw the movie when he calms down. Arceus regrets his first meeting with his logically certified grandchild being so traumatic and rough and this leads to him not smiting Ash when he murders actually humans due to everything I’ve stated so far and more. Tapu Koko is terrified of activating his claim, he’s the third since he’s Ash’s other godly parent, and puts Ash through the Tapu’s versions of trials and grand trials.
Ash doesn’t get the zing as in the anime but he does get the ability to reflect it regardless onto his Pokémon to creat stronger moves. His aura would briefly connect with the ones he’s really close to-so like his older Pokémon, up to about everyone before Unova and half the Unova team since Ash focused on their care and training during his first break to escape from registering what he did-and it’s like his version of a Zmove. He can also briefly reflect the same typing in his aura, which is flowing more into his more animalistic spider of his dna and soul. Ash’s aura is already so dense and most importantly malleable. If he concentrates hard enough Ash can mold his aura to creat objects. So like the majority of his knives, nails and barb wire on his metal bat and to be able to sense when certain types of Pokémon are nearby. The typing can also fall into this as well to creat small shard of ice sticking to torn skin or putting poison on his blades.
He has to use it constantly or Ash will go insane. It’s like a pressure building up behind his eyes like a killer migraine and he’s actually had blood leak out of his ears and eyes when trying to appease Delia since she doesn’t want to see, hear, or talk about aura in her household. It’s also the main show of trust between him and Rowan when Ash is first dropped off at his house straight after the bloody team rocket massacre in Unova. The professor wasn’t going to let Ash waste such a talented gift-in the best of way possible-and constantly asks for help at the lab. Bringing Ash slowly out of his shell while also keeping a professional attitude not to fuck up the kid any further. Because Ash is a kid still, barely near 18 and so fucking traumatized. It’s the best Rowan could offer in that moment which is somehow the most Ash had ever positively received from an adult besides his mom and Ash doesn’t want to talk about her during his whole stay at the veterans house.
We can’t forget the general trauma he’s left with. He mostly focuses on the bad guys more then the gods when he can help it. It’s easier to process and to let himself feel all the emotions they caused him and that left with the horrible impression. This leads to Ash to be very bright hot angry towards people he finds ‘emotionless’ such like Gladion as a true example. He can clearly see-after being forced to spend time together due to situations-that Gladion still has the ability to care. Care about his mom, his Pokemon, his dad to some extent and most importantly Lillie even though he left her in some kind of stupid hero-sequel move. Gladion doesn’t have the right to care about Lillie, Lusamine can go fuck off and Ash hasn’t met Mohn yet, in Ash’s very open opinion. It doesn’t help that Lillie agree’s-silent, scared with her voice shaking like she’s still on the verge of tears and her craftily hidden anger hand in hand-and show’s through her actions more then word that she’ll follow after Ash over Gladion.
Cold anger is different. It’s calm and calculated and it shows first with Cyrus who truly doesn’t show emotion. Ash reacts like that because he can see himself in Cyrus and it scars the little boy that still clings to the ever prosperous kindness hidden behind bars in the deepest bit of his heart. He isn’t good at it, the Admins of his team were good at tugging at the burning hotness that started to take root or has most likely been there from the start all the way back before he could speak clearly, but he meets lesser opponents on the field of league politics. Rowan and Gary help him as it’s a language they’ve been fluent in for years at this point. Lysandre is greeted with refined calmness and control and even though the battle is long Ash know’s for certain he is alive band trapped in a bubble in the earth core. Saved by Zygards anger as the ‘Mon wants to watch him die over and over again for hurting it’s territory and its people.
Lusamine is his newest target if Ash could even get a hold of her first. Every call of his or the schools calls in general go straight to voicemail and it pisses him off to no end. He’s had to be talked down by Kukui not to fly to wherever the fuck the Aether stood in Alola and kick all the doors down until he had the woman’s full attention. Later it was burnet how’s worked with this woman and have a work friendship with, which is already a bit tense due to Lusamine obvious unhealthy obsessions with UB’s like Gladion, and instead she mostly focuses Ash’s attention of Faba and Colress. Which… wow that was not a person Ash ever thought he’d end up seeing again. Let alone the fact that Colress has some strong amnesia.
So yeah! This ins’t the whole scope of my world building, that would take for hours to talk about, but you’re questions were really good ones 🤍 this isn’t all the examples of trauma, pallet town is it’s whole other issue I’ll hopefully reach to soon-ish, but it;’s a good start to show just how fucked up Ash is in this Au.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale's Rankings: Best Ash Ketchum
Now this sounds like a weird Ranking topic, but with over 20+ years of Pokemon anime to sift through, I can tell you there are some differences.
This Ash:
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Is very different than this one:
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And not just in animation styles.
So I should go over the rules.
I will be distinguishing each Ash on the Tried and True method. Based on Ash's Hat. For Example, Ash in the Kanto league, Orange Islands, and Johto Ash are all the same Ash, as they have the same hat. But once he goes to Hoenn, Its a different Ash
I will be ranking them based on Personality, Pokemon team, Competence for experience level, Performance and Overall Charm.
In regards to Competence for Experience, I mean how skilled he was shown to be compared to how he is in the region
I will not be including Manga, or spin offs. Purely the anime. Movies will be included if it benefits Ash
This is a personal list and I would love to hear everyone's thoughts.
7. Black & White Ash
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This... this ash at his lowest point in my opinion.
Also 2nd lamest companions. Iris was fine but the green haired Connoisseur annoyed me.
This was around the time the anime tried to do a soft reboot/retcon within itself and had Ash still say he is 10, even though he already went through 4 regions.
This Ash isnt a terrible person or anything, but ... he is kind of an idiot in battle. He gives advice and there are times he's mature but he loses battles he has no business losing. His team is also pretty unremarkable in Unova, even with all 3 starters. He never fully evolved any of them, the only Fully Evolved pokemon from Unova being his Krookadile (His best pokemon aside from Pikachu) Leavanny and Unfezent. (Which he switched out HALF THE TIME)
His pikachu also lost to Trip (a bargain bin version of Paul) who JUST GOT his pokemon recently.
But that is nothing compared to his embarrassing performance in the Unova League.
He made it to the great 8 and ended up losing to Cameron. Who if I had describe his incompetence, it would physically hurt me.
This Ash off the bat was not going to win any Leagues. But you would think with his experience he would be better... but he wasnt.
6. Sun and Moon Ash
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I hate this iteration of ash... personally dislike him.
This Ash is likely the most immature we've seen ash since Kanto. Most of his maturity is gone in the first half of the season. His battle tactics may not be as bad as the previous ash (With this Ash actually WINNING his league). But its hard to say if most of those wins feel earned. Unlike later entries on this list, this Ash stumbled into incredibly powerful pokemon (two of which are basically legendaries), but to this Ash's credit, his Incineroar and Lyconroc were trained up and earned. I also enjoyed seeing the dynamic of this ash had with his friends in alola, along with the professor. I do think this Ash didnt deserve his Win in the league... mainly because the league was hardly official in terms of rules. It was basically a tournament with half of the people being his friends. But thats me nitpicking. This Ash does show to grow and strategize better than the last Ash, so I will give him props. But thats all I am giving him. Well Okay, Pikachu helped hard carry in this season
5. Journey's Ash
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This Ash is... well he is technically the most skilled Ash as he can use all the tricks and did win the Master Class. But I dont get why.
Side note Gou is the worst Companion in the entire series dont @ me I know I am right.
This Ash STUMBLES hard into all his strong pokemon. Gengar, Dragonite, Dracovish. Sir Fetched and Lucario are the only two he needed to help evolve. Also, what is up with that unbalanced Team Composition? Half weak to fairy and dragon, Half weak to ground types. How did Cynthia NOT sweep?
That may have been Nitpicking a bit, but I still stand on the former point, most of his mons were strong at the jump. In Alola, the two legendaries he finds he at least has to evolve. Sure they are legendaries, but still.
I also just found this ash a bit too kidish until the end at the master class tournament.
Now did Ash deserve to be the very best? Yes. Did this iteration of Ash deserve it... Meh. At least it wasnt Unova or Alola Ash.
I do like that this Ash actually remembers his journey and tries to improve on it... though I am still pissed at a LOT of the retcons they did.
It did give us a lot of epic battles and Pikachu's epic clash.
4. Ruby & Sapphire Ash
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Now we are at the Ash's I actually enjoy.
This Ash is a more refined yet still Childish Protagonist. He has been around the block and still has his child wonder. Yet he is more brazen and intelligent. He is more strategic compared to his previous iteration and will go into battle's with clever strategies. His team is also fairly balanced, His Sceptile being the star of the show, but his hoenn league team was nothing to sneeze at, His Swellow, Glalie, and Torkoal did work.
His placement in the great 8 in Hoenn showed his improvement and was a solid placement for him at this time. After this we really got to see Ash improve in the Battle Frontier.
Now the Battle Frontier is similar to Ash in the Orange Islands, the main difference though is that this is a more mature ash with some more serious opponents. Ash had a larger arsenal of pokemon and if it wasnt for all the experience he had gained, he likely would never have beaten Brandon and his team of incredibly strong Regis
Ash had his MVP companion Brock, and was accompanied by May and Max. Max being the young curious kid helped let Ash be more mature, while May still being new to pokemon let ash give advice as well as explore new avenues for strategies by watching Contests
Out of All the Ash's I would say he is the ash I look to to show his growth.
3. Original Ash
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The Original, The start, the hyper active, comedic Ash that I grew up with.
Ash in the start was a complete noob and was stubborn to a fault. Its funny how he doesnt earn Half his badges through battles at the start. His pokemon usually joined him instead of being caught, and a chunk usually left for other reasons.
This Ash does grow and has the most heart out of all the ash so far. He cares about his pokemon and this is the closest Ash to capturing the magic of a trainer on their first Journey.
During the Orange Islands and Johto he does grow a bit, learning new strategies and showing himself capable of winning. He even bests his rival Gary.
And Of course this Ash had a team of strong mons, Charizard, Pikachu, Heracross, Squirtale, Bulbasaur, Pidgeot, Lapris. and a HERD OF TAUROS! Bayleaf, Quilava, and more.
And of course the OG companions, Misty and Brock. Though tbh I never cared for Misty. She was Mid.
2. Diamond and Pearl Ash
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This was VERY hard for me to decide. Ash from Sinnoh is honestly some of the Best Ash I have seen.
We see ash grow and develop a lot more of the iconic strategies and out of the box thinking we know him for. Ash had met his antithesis in Paul and would clash with him only to have one of the best battles in ALL of Pokemon in the great 8!
This Ash had The OG Brock by his side, along with Dawn, who in my personal opinion was a superior coordinator companion to May. I liked May but Dawn managed to vibe with Ash much easier in my opinion.
Ash's team with Gliscor, Torterra, Buisal, Staraptor, Gible and Infernape were a solid team base, and Ash's Pikachu also being a star in its own right
I loved the maturity of this ash, as well as the frustration he felt when being beaten by Paul at every step. He even began questioning his own ability when Paul's cutthroat tactics seemed to show such results. But it was shown through Infernape why Ash was in the right.
This Ash also should have gone farther than top 4, but dude faced DARKRAI AND LATIOS. Not Ash's fault the had to deal with the one trainer with a game shark. It did feel like Tobias was created SOLELY to stop Ash from winning. But even the final's opponent couldnt beat the darkrai while Ash at least did.
Still salty on that.
1. XY Ash
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Yes, Kalos Ash is my favorite Ash. Sure Kalos as a region and a game was MID. But Mega evolutions, the battles, the way Ash grew and developed. This Ash was SUCH an improvement from Black and White Ash that it felt like this ash was from Diamond and pearl. It is Ash at his best. His most mature, his most energetic yet not annoying. This Ash is the cool ash that your GF tells you not to worry about.
Serena Clemont and Bonnie were solid compatriots. Bonnie being a better max, and Clemont being the dorky yet fun inventor. While he isnt Brock, he is still a fun character. And of Course, Serena is best girl. She didnt lose her bike to Ash's pikachu, so points. She knew him from the past, the cute crush never felt forced. It also made the times when they argued really hold weight. Ash realized he effed up when Serena was pissed.
Now for the team. Ash earned his OP team. He evolved all his pokemon save for Pikachu and Hawlucha, into the strong powerhouses they became. He was competing against Mega evolutions AND Winning. He and Greninja even bonded so hard he got a unique form. AND THAT THEME FUCKING SLAPPED
His fights in the Kalos league top 4 and final match were INSANE!
His rivalry with Sawyer was interesting, especially with how Sawyer overtook him when he was in a slump only for him to push back hard.
His rivalry with Alain also had some depth that I wish was explored more.
This Ash deserved the Win in Kalos. But even so, his fight with Alain in the final was intense and epic.
It shows how Ash went the POLAR opposite of his Unova iteration, it showed how Ash struggled and grew on the level of Sinnoh, and it showed how he was a leader in his own right. This was Ash at his best.
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casteliacityramen · 7 months
Time to Rewind the Clock - Pinned Post Updated!
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The gala is over! We are rewinding time a little bit. It might be a tad bit confusing, but the plot page has been updated to show the difference in time progression.
Full changelist and recap of the sinsibgala below the readmore
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Inari the Mew-in-disguise and their kids come to the stand for a bite to eat. While distracted with preparing for their meal, Kyurem stops by in a human disguise, dropping two relic statues on the countertop, which are worth a lot of money to collectors. However, both Ray and Rio freak out, and in a panic, Ray takes off with the statues away from Castelia City.
Act 2 - Second Night (Gala)
Rio attends a gala held by Lord Abbadon in the Snowpoint Mountains. She goes as Aki Tsuchiya, undercover as a rockruff from the local area in order to find more about the Kyurem who dropped the relic statues at her stand.
In addition to her goal, she attempts to return to a more chipper version of herself, one before her participation in the Kanto-Johto War. She finds herself struggling, often met with people who can see right through her heavy masking.
However, despite all of that, she walks away with new friends, including a Reshiram and a Ho-Oh. Perhaps even a Latias. However, she makes a slight slip-up when she drinks too much and has to abandon her main goal for the night.
Still, feeling bummed and drunk, she wanders the mountainside in deep thought until met with a Lucario named Kon. This Lucario acts extremely hostile, accusing Rio of a list of all of the things she did wrong at the Gala.
After a back and forth, Kon reveals himself to be a Latios belonging to the Order of Arceus, the Steward of the Snowpoint Mountains and threatens her with ending her life.
In response, Rio actually returns the threat and reveals herself to be a Latias of higher rank than Kon. It's revealed that her nickname is "Kingsbane" and that she is the Shepherd of the Western part of the Unovan Continent. She flies off, leaving Kon with a reprimand. Kon calls her a "Warmonger" underneath his breath.
Pokenoa Lore added to Pokenoa page
- Letter between Order of Arceus members
- Black and White dragon stones and theories behind their dormancy
- Defense Mechanism Alto-Mare
- Order of Arceus Oath.
Added “Minor Characters” section in character profiles
“J”: A member of the Order of Arceus. Scribe, artificer, and warden of the Unova region. Cheerleader of humanity.
Head Scholar Lok: A member of the Order of Arceus. Head scholar and council member. Critical of humanity and some of his fellow members in the Order.
Steward Kon: A member of the Order of Arceus. Steward of Snowpoint Mountains in Sinnoh. Has a short temper.
I’m super behind on adding alt texts to sinsibgala posts but it’s on the to-do list.
You made it this far, here’s a treat
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Hunter x Hunter + Pokemon, let's go!
Like I mentioned earlier, this is the brainchild of my friend, @doodle-storm, who has completed only the Hunter Exam and Zoldyck Family arcs but knows a lot about Pokemon, with me, who knows all of HxH but barely anything of Pokemon, giving occasional suggestions. Enjoy!
We decided to do three Pokemon for the main five and only one for each of the more minor characters. I'll break it up into parts. My friend's thoughts are in green, and mine in purple.
Togepi - "Because he's a cute egg boy! And he's filled with joy and happiness and they share it with kind people." "Aww. The spikes look like his hair too!" "Oh yeah! Also they tend to start to act like their trainers, so I can see them kind of jumping into things together."
Ursaluna - I told her a bit about Kon, who was sadly not in the beginning as he was in the manga. "He's a foxbear." "Ooh. Well, there aren't any foxbears, but there are bears..." "Maybe one that looks intimidating? Just because that's funny, and also Kon wasn't supposed to be... befriendable." "Right. Then there's Ursaring, but there's also this one, which looks more intimidating."
Wooper - "I feel like he needs a water type, you know, because of his fishing pole?" She was debating on Wooper and a few others for a bit. "...it looks holdable." "...you're right, it does. Okay, that's cute."
Absol - "He needs dark types, I think..." She catches me looking at Absol. "Oh, right, Absol's your favourite, isn't it?" "Yeah." "I think that works. Absol shows up when there's a disaster, but it's to warn people. It's kind of misunderstood."
Sneasel - It was Lucario for a time, but she switched it at the end. "It's got the claws... also it can ride on his skateboard with him."
Alolan Raichu - "It is very important that his pokemon be able to ride on his skateboard with him. ...or!!! It could surf right next to him!"
Gallade - "Oh, that looks right." "Right? It even has the red eyes, and it's a fighting type."
Cubone - "Hey, wasn't there a pokemon that... lost its family or something?" "...Cubone???" "That's it." "...yeah it wears its mother's skull." "...sorry."
Corviknight - "It also has red eyes." "He seems like he'd have a bird too." "Yeah. Also, you could give the Phantom Troupe a Tinkaton." "..." "...they attack Corviknights with rocks and hammers." "...why?" "Just for fun, I think." "...you're kind of evil for this."
Audino - "There aren't that many medic pokemon and they're all kind of too adorable I think?" "Oh but that would be kind of funny if he hid it behind his back or something." "That's true!"
Gimmighoul - "He needs his money. It's a little ghost!" "...oh. That's kind of sad actually." "?" "He only started really wanting money after he couldn't save his friend so... having the money pokemon be a ghost type is kind of..." We both became sad.
Stoutland - "It warms up to people really quickly and is loyal. And it has a moustache to improve its social standing!" "Hey, Leorio's always wearing a suit probably for similar reasons." (Also I insisted after seeing it was called the Big-Hearted pokemon, though I couldn't elaborate on why to my friend.)
Hypno - "It led a child into the woods. Canonically. A small child." "Ah." "Like there is no doubt that was a child." "...checks out."
Meowscarada - "I want to give him the evolved weed cat. Something about its smug face." "...'looks like this man's arms have turned into flower petals'..." "Also, since it's a grass type, it'd be strong against Gon's team." "You want our boy to be weak to Hisoka???" "Well, at first! Then it's more satisfying when he beats him!"
Gengar - "Look at that face. That grin." She said nothing more. It had already been decided.
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