#Luke patterson fluff
mxlti-lover · 1 year
Missing Touch {L.P.}
Summary: You never wanted the boys finding out about you suffering with severe anxiety, but one night when Luke finds you having an attack alone in your room, it’s the hardest thing he’s had to deal with when it comes to touch.
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, a couple swear words.
Word Count: 744
You have known the boys for a month now.
It took you a while to process the fact you were seeing 3 ghosts and your twin sister, Julie, was now forming a band with them.
You also couldn’t figure out how only you and Julie could see the boys; especially considering you didn’t really have a reasoning on how you could help the boys out. Julie was always the musician out of the both of you.
You weren’t complaining though. After getting to know the boys and slowly getting closer to them, you were happy to have them in your life. Especially Luke.
When you first met them, it seemed as though you and Luke clicked right away; a spark as some would say. He was the first person to go to when you had a problem you didn’t really want to tell anyone close to you about. And he was always coming to you about any band troubles.
The only thing the boys didn’t really know about you yet is how badly you suffered from anxiety. It’s not that you didn’t not want to tell them, you just didn’t want them worrying about you.
That all changed thought when Luke appeared one day while you were having an attack.
• ~ • ~ •
You knew exactly what had triggered your anxiety attack. The math test handed back to you this morning with the F that mocked back at you. You failed. You couldn’t believe it as you always have straight A’s, a 4.0 GPA and even on the honor roll a few times. AP Algebra has been the one subject that’s been nipping you in the ass. You were trying to hide it from your dad - deleting any emails sent to him right away - along with trying to hide it from your aunt Victoria. Though you knew the school probably talked to her about it already.
The attack came on fast as the feeling of stress soon consumed you, making you feel even more overwhelmed. You closed your eyes as you tried to focus on your breathing, but your chest only tightened on you more and the air escaped from your lungs quickly.
You hadn’t even noticed when Luke popped into your room, excited to tell you about a gig Julie and the phantoms had coming up this weekend.
But as soon as he saw you, the excitement quickly washed away and worry soon etched across his face.
He quickly rushed over to you instinctively, but when he went right through you, he realized the one thing he wanted to do, he couldn’t.
Sadness washed over him as he attempted one more time to pull you to him, knowing it would fail miserably.
He sat down as close to you as possible as he watched you.
“I don’t know what’s going on bug, but I know you’re strong enough to fight through it. Just focus on my voice and please don’t give up on those deep breaths.” He spoke softly catching your attention.
You look up at him as you let out a small gasp as he startled you. You shake your head as you didn’t want him to have to see you like this.
“Please…go.” You spoke out the best you could, another small gasp escaping past your lips.
“I’m not leaving Y/N. You shouldn’t be alone like this.” Luke says moving his hand to place on top of yours, ignoring the fact it didn’t actually touch you.
“I-I’m fine…please. just go.” You mumbled as you looked away from him, moving your knees to be tucked close to your chest.
“You can argue with me all you want, but there’s no way in hell I’m leaving you bug.” Luke spoke to you in a gentle tone and you couldn’t argue with him that just him being there made your stress slowly wash away.
You didn’t want him seeing you like this, but there wasn’t much you couldn’t do about it. It’s not like you could push him out of your room or something.
Luke watched as you struggled to catch your breath, tears trickling down your cheeks. He hated how he couldn’t hold you. That’s all he wanted to do. Hug you and whisper nonsense into your ear until you were okay again.
But he couldn’t. Missing touch was the hardest thing Luke had to come to terms with as a ghost.
…the one thing he missed the most.
Note: I haven’t wrote a fanfic in a long time, so please be nice.🙃
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jatpfanfics · 2 months
Echoes of the Heart (A Juke lovestory)
Summary: Luke Patterson, a rising star in the music scene, grapples with his feelings for his childhood best friend, Julie. Despite his fear of commitment, Luke's love for Julie is undeniable. However, when Julie shows interest in someone else, Luke must confront his feelings before it's too late. Will he risk it all for love, or will his fear drive them apart? Follow their journey of friendship, love, and music.
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Chapter 1 - The Night We (almost)Owned
22 January, 2020 
Luke leaned against the cold concrete wall, the thumping bass from the stage reverberating through his body and his chest still heaving from the encounter he just had. Even though he's outside he can feel the wall slightly thumping from the bass inside.
"Thank you sweetheart. You just blessed me with some good luck before my show." He says showing off his perfect pearly whites as he is getting ready to leave this scene.
The groupie, her eyes still glazed with desire, sidled up to him, a coy smile playing on her lips. "Leaving so soon, Luke?" she purred, trailing a finger down the front of his shirt.
Luke flashed her a charming grin, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Yeah, duty calls. Can't keep the fans waiting."
The groupie pouted, her lower lip jutting out in a playful pout. "But I thought we were having fun, Luke. Don't you want to stay and play a little longer?"
"I'm good sweetheart. This is kinda my thing, I don't do well on the whole commitment thing" He says shooting her a wink.
"Yeah, yeah, you always say that," she said smugly. "But then you also always come back around. That's some kind of commitment isn't it."
The sound of her smugness slightly annoyed him. He didn't like her thinking she had some sort of power over him. She could never. That was reserved for one person only. The one person that had Luke's heart in a chokehold. Luke felt a sharp pang in his chest thinking about the last time he saw her.
20 January, 2020
The moon cast a soft glow through Julie's bedroom window as Luke slipped through the shadows, his heart pounding with a mixture of anxiety and relief. He had been here countless times before, seeking refuge from the storm that raged within his own home. As he reached Julie's window, he tapped lightly on the glass, the sound barely audible over the distant hum of the city. Julie's face appeared in the window, her expression calm and understanding. She didn't even need to ask what he was doing here; it was routine for them. Without a word, she swung the window open, allowing Luke to slip into the room.
He didn't waste any time in crossing the room and collapsing onto Julie's bed, the weight of the world heavy on his shoulders. Julie followed, closing the window behind her before sitting down beside him. There was a familiarity in their movements, a silent understanding that had been forged through countless nights like this one.
"Rough night?" Julie asked softly, her voice a gentle reassurance in the darkness.
Luke nodded, his gaze fixed on the ceiling as he struggled to put his feelings into words. "I just...I don't know what to do anymore, Jules. It's like no matter what I do, it's never good enough for them. They just don't understand why music means so much to me. It's the only thing I'm actually good at."
Luke gets up to make his way to Julie's dresser to retrieve his sleepwear. He opened the bottom drawer and rummaged around for a moment before finding his shorts neatly folded at the back. 
"You know, Luke, you don't have to keep pretending like everything's okay with your parents. It's okay to admit that you're struggling."
Luke paused mid-motion, his gaze meeting Julie's in the dim light of the room. There was a vulnerability in her eyes that made his heart ache, a tenderness that he couldn't help but be drawn to.
"I know, Jules," he said quietly, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "But it's easier to just pretend like everything's fine, you know? It's easier than facing the truth." Julie nodded in understanding.
With practiced ease, Luke peeled off his shirt, revealing the smooth lines of his toned physique. Julie's eyes flicked over to him, her gaze lingering on his bare chest for just a moment longer than necessary. She quickly averted her eyes, cheeks flushing with a faint pink hue, even though she was definitely already familiar with the sight. This was routine for them, after all. 
Luke caught the subtle shift in her demeanor and couldn't help but smirk, a playful glint dancing in his eyes. "Like what you see, Jules?" he teased, his voice laced with amusement.
Julie's cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of pink as she hastily returned her attention to her book, hoping to hide her embarrassment. "Shut up, Luke," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.
Luke chuckled softly as he pulled on his shorts, the fabric hanging loosely around his hips. "You know you love it," he teased, unable to resist the opportunity to tease her further. 
"And you know you love being the little spoon" Julie fires back while sticking her tongue out. 
Luke chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he settled onto the bed beside Julie. "You know it," he replied, flashing her a playful grin.
Julie rolled her eyes, but a fond smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
Luke scooted closer to her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his embrace. "Come on, Jules, you know you love being the big spoon," he teased, nuzzling into her neck.
Julie laughed, her heart swelling with warmth at the familiar banter between them. "Only because you hog all the blankets," she retorted, leaning back into his embrace.
They settled onto the bed together, Julie's warmth enveloping him like a cocoon as they snuggled close, seeking solace in each other's presence. It was a familiar ritual, one they had shared countless times before.
They lay there together in comfortable silence, the soft rhythm of their breathing filling the room. In moments like these, surrounded by the warmth of each other's presence, they felt like nothing could touch them
22 January, 2020 
As the memory of their intimate moment faded into the recesses of Luke's mind, he blinked back to the present. With a forced chuckle, Luke gently extricated himself from the groupie's grasp and headed toward the venue, leaving her behind with nothing but a lingering memory of their brief encounter.
"I'll see you around Patterson" Is all he heard before he entered the venue. He pushed open the door, the thumping bass sending a jolt of electricity through his veins. The stage was their sanctuary, their domain where they reigned supreme. The neon lights of the venue flickered and danced in the night as Luke made his way through the entrance. The familiar buzz of excitement pulsed through the air, mingling with the distant hum of the crowd inside.
As he made it backstage Reggie and Alex looked up from where they were tuning their instruments, their expressions a mixture of relief and concern. 
"Luke, where the hell have you been?"
Reggie's voice carried a hint of exasperation as he eyed his bandmate. Luke flashed them a winning grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief. 
"Oh, you know, just tying up some loose ends. Nothing to worry about." Alex raised an eyebrow, skepticism evident in his tone. 
"Tying up loose ends? Is that what you call it now?" 
Luke chuckled, his laughter ringing out in the dimly lit corridor. "Hey, a man's gotta have his goodluck charm, right?"
Reggie shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips. Alex rolled his eyes "I hardly think your disgusting alley way hookup is gonna be the reason we kill this show."
Luke waved off their concerns with a dismissive gesture. "Relax, guys. I'm here, aren't I? And besides, I always deliver when it counts."
As Luke stepped into the spotlight, the roar of the crowd washed over him like a tidal wave. With a smirk, he launched into the first chords, his fingers dancing across the strings with practiced ease.
This was where he belonged, in the heart of the chaos, where the music flowed like a river of fire. And as he sang, the lyrics pouring from his lips like molten gold, Luke felt alive in a way he never had before.
Luke shredded through the final chorus of their latest hit, the crowd erupting into cheers, their voices blending with the pounding rhythm of the drums. Sweat dripped from his brow as he grinned, adrenaline coursing through his veins like wildfire. This was the high he lived for-the raw energy of a live performance, the intoxicating rush of being on stage.
With a flourish, Luke tossed his guitar pick into the crowd, a gesture that sent the audience into a frenzy. He soaked in their adulation, reveling in the momentary fame that came with being the frontman of a rock band.
But as the lights dimmed and the band made their way off stage, Luke's thoughts turned to the real reason he was here-the music. It was his passion, his obsession, the one thing that consumed his every waking moment. Everything else-the parties, the girls, the fleeting fame-was just a distraction, a temporary fix to numb the ache in his soul.
As the band members made their way backstage, their adrenaline still coursing through their veins, they exchanged excited chatter and high-fives.
"That was insane!" Luke exclaimed, his eyes shining with exhilaration. " The energy in the room was off the chains tonight!"
Reggie grinned, his usual playful demeanor in full swing. "Yeah, especially when you whipped out that guitar solo, Luke! You had them eating out of the palm of your hand!"
Alex rolled his eyes, his sarcasm dripping like venom. "Oh yeah, because we all know how much Luke loves being the center of attention."
Luke chuckled, unfazed by Alex's barb. "Hey, someone's gotta be the face of the band, right?"
Alex shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that, Patterson."
Beneath the banter, there was an unspoken bond that tied them together-a bond forged through countless late-night jam sessions and the shared dream of making it big. Luke couldn't help but feel a pang of gratitude for the bandmates who had become like family to him. They may not always see eye to eye, but when it came down to it, they had each other's backs no matter what.
The boys gathered in the garage studio, the familiar scent of stale beer hanging heavy in the air. Reggie and Alex sat on the worn-out couch, their guitars resting against their knees, while Luke paced back and forth, his mind still buzzing from the adrenaline of the show.
"Man, that was crazy!" Reggie exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement. "Did you see the way the crowd went wild when you threw them your pick?"
Luke flashed him a grin, his chest swelling with pride. "Yeah, they were eating it up, weren't they? It's like they couldn't get enough of us."
Alex nodded in agreement, a smirk playing on his lips. "Yeah, it's like we're unstoppable or something. We're gonna be selling out stadiums before you know it."
However amidst the excitement of the successful show, there was a noticeable absence-the absence of Julie, who was usually a fixture at their gigs. Reggie and Alex exchanged a knowing glance, silently communicating their concern.
"Hey, where's Julie?" Alex asked, his voice laced with curiosity. "She's usually always here to support us. I don't think I've ever seen her miss a show."
Luke's smile faltered slightly, a flicker of unease crossing his features. "Oh, she had some stuff to take care of tonight. Nothing important."
Reggie raised an eyebrow, skepticism evident in his tone. "Really? 'Cause it seems kinda strange for her to miss out on a show like this. You sure everything's okay?"
Luke shrugged, attempting to brush off their concern. "Yeah, everything's fine. She's probably just busy with school or something. You know how it is."
But Reggie and Alex weren't convinced. They knew how close Luke and Julie were, how they were practically inseparable both on and off stage. Something didn't add up, and they weren't about to let it slide.
"Come on, Luke," Reggie pressed, his voice tinged with frustration. "You can't expect us to believe that. You and Julie are practically joined at the hip. What's really going on?"
Luke's jaw tensed, irritation bubbling beneath the surface. "Look, it's none of your business, okay? Julie probably had her reasons for not being here tonight, and that's all you need to know."
Reggie shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "When are you gonna drop the act like you don't like each other anyways? It's obvious to everyone that there's something more going on between you two."
Luke's annoyance flared into anger, his fists clenched at his sides. "I said it's none of your damn business, Reggie. So just drop it, okay?"
But Reggie and Alex weren't about to let it go. They knew that where there was smoke, there was fire, and they were determined to get to the bottom of whatever was going on between Luke and Julie, even if it meant prying it out of him one painful word at a time.
20 January, 2020 
Luke and Julie lay tangled together on the bed. Their bodies molded perfectly against each other, fitting like pieces of a puzzle as they sought comfort in each other's arms.
Julie nestled her head against Luke's chest, her fingers tracing lazy circles on his skin as she listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. She felt a sense of peace wash over her, a feeling of contentment that only came when she was wrapped up in his embrace.
Luke sighed contentedly, his arms wrapped protectively around Julie as he held her close. He buried his face in her hair, breathing in the sweet scent of her shampoo as he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head.
They lay there in silence, the only sound the soft rustle of their breathing as they basked in the warmth of each other's presence. It was a moment of pure bliss, a fleeting glimpse of happiness in a world filled with chaos and uncertainty.
Julie hesitated for a moment, her fingers tracing patterns on Luke's chest as she gathered her courage to speak. "Luke," she began, her voice soft but determined, "we need to talk."
Luke tensed at her words, a knot forming in the pit of his stomach as he braced himself for what was to come. He knew all too well what she wanted to discuss, but he wasn't sure he was ready to face it.
"About what?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he avoided her gaze, unable to meet her eyes.
Julie sighed, her expression tinged with frustration as she searched for the right words. "About us, Luke," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness. "About what's been going on between us."
Luke's heart clenched at her words, the fear and uncertainty rising like a tidal wave within him. He knew he couldn't keep avoiding the truth forever, but the thought of confronting his feelings for Julie filled him with a sense of overwhelming dread.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Jules," he muttered, his voice barely audible as he turned away from her, unable to face the truth that lingered between them.
Julie's eyes filled with tears as she reached out to him, her hand trembling as she brushed his cheek gently. "Luke, please," she pleaded, her voice cracking with emotion. "We can't keep pretending like this anymore. I know you feel it too." Luke's heart ached at her words, the weight of his own denial pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket. He wanted nothing more than to tell her the truth, to confess his love for her and lay bare his soul. 
Julie took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation ahead. "I... I love being here with you, Luke. I love being able to be there for you, to comfort you when things get tough. And I always will," she said softly, her words tinged with emotion.
Luke's heart swelled with affection for her, his fingers gently stroking her hair as he listened intently.
"But," Julie continued, her voice trembling slightly, "if you can't commit to me, if you can't give me what I need... I need to put some distance between us."
Luke's heart sank at her words, the weight of them settling heavily on his chest. He knew deep down that he had been hurting her, that his inability to commit had been taking its toll on their relationship.
"I-I understand, Julie," he murmured, his voice thick with regret. "I-I never meant to hurt you. I just... I don't know if I can give you what you need."
Julie's eyes filled with tears as she looked up at him, her heart breaking with each word he spoke. "I know, Luke," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the sound of their breathing. "And I-I don't blame you. But... but I can't keep doing this anymore. It's killing me to see you with someone else every week and then have you come back to me like this."
Luke's heart clenched at her words, the realization of what he had been putting her through hitting him like a punch to the gut. He had always known that he was hurting her, but hearing her say it out loud made it all too real.
"I'm so sorry, Julie," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion as he held her close, his arms aching with the need to protect her from the pain he had caused. "I-I don't know what to do."
Julie shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks as she buried her face in his chest, seeking solace in his embrace. "I don't either, Luke," she admitted, her voice muffled against his skin. "But... but I can't keep pretending like this anymore. I need to do what's best for me, even if it hurts."
Luke listened to Julie's words, his heart heavy with the weight of her pain. He knew he had pushed her away time and time again, too afraid to confront his own feelings and too blinded by his own fears to see the hurt he was causing her. And with that, they held each other in silence, their hearts heavy with the weight of their unspoken words. Even though neither of them said it, they both knew this would be the last time finding comfort in eachothers arms like this. 
22 January, 2020 
Alex leaned forward, his expression serious as he met Luke's gaze. "We're just worried about you, man," he said quietly. "You've been acting kind of... off lately. And Julie's been MIA for the past couple of days. You two have a fight or something?"
Luke's jaw tensed, his fists clenching at his sides as he struggled to keep his emotions in check. He knew he couldn't tell them the truth, couldn't admit that Julie had walked away from him because he couldn't give her what she needed.
"We just... had some stuff to work out," he muttered, his voice tight with frustration. "It's nothing you guys need to worry about."
Reggie raised an eyebrow, his expression skeptical. "Come on, Luke," he pressed, his tone gentle but insistent. "You know you can talk to us, right? We're your bandmates, but more than that, we're your brothers. We just want to help."
Luke's chest tightened at Reggie's words, the weight of his guilt pressing down on him like a lead weight. He knew he should tell them the truth, should confide in them about what had happened between him and Julie. But the fear of exposing his vulnerabilities, of admitting that he had failed her, held him back.
"I appreciate the concern, guys," he said finally, his voice strained with emotion. "But I think I just need some time to sort things out on my own."
Reggie and Alex exchanged a glance, their concern evident in their eyes. But they knew better than to push him further. They had always respected Luke's boundaries, had always been there for him when he needed them. And even though they couldn't fix whatever was going on between him and Julie, they could offer him their support, their friendship, and their unwavering loyalty.
As Luke turned away, his thoughts drifting back to the night he and Julie had shared that intimate moment, he couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. It had been two nights since he had seen her, two nights since they had laid their hearts bare and faced the truth of their feelings. And in that time, she had been avoiding him, avoiding the pain of their relationship that would never be.
He had tried to reach out to her, had called and texted her countless times, but she had ignored his attempts at reconciliation, leaving him to wallow in his own guilt and self-pity. Luke's reasoning for being afraid of commitment stems from a deep-seated fear of losing Julie, the one constant in his tumultuous life. Despite his love for her, Luke has always struggled with maintaining romantic relationships, preferring the freedom and unpredictability of his rockstar lifestyle. For Luke, music is everything-it's his passion, his purpose, his escape from the chaos of his troubled home life.
Julie, however, occupies a unique space in Luke's heart. She's not just another girl he's infatuated with; she's his rock, his anchor, his best friend since childhood. They've weathered countless storms together, supporting each other through the darkest of times. From Julie's grief over losing her mother to Luke's own struggles with family turmoil, they've leaned on each other for strength and solace.
Luke can't imagine his life without Julie by his side. She's been there for him through thick and thin, offering unwavering loyalty and unconditional love. The thought of risking their friendship by pursuing a romantic relationship terrifies him, especially considering his track record of failed romances. Despite his intense feelings for Julie, Luke fears that committing to her romantically would only lead to heartbreak and disappointment. He's seen firsthand how relationships can crumble under the weight of expectation and responsibility, and he's not willing to risk losing Julie's friendship for a fleeting chance at love.
In Luke's eyes, Julie is worth more than any fleeting romance. She's his soulmate, his confidante, his everything. And while he longs to be with her in every sense of the word, he's paralyzed by the fear of ruining what they already have. So he continues to push her away, keeping her at arm's length to protect both their hearts from potential pain. However now, as he stood in the garage studio surrounded by his bandmates, he couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness creeping in, a sense of emptiness that threatened to consume him whole.
But he couldn't let them see his pain, couldn't let them see the cracks in his facade. So he plastered on a fake smile, pushed down his emotions, and buried himself in the familiar rhythms of their music, hoping that one day, he would find a way to mend the broken pieces of his heart and make things right with the girl he loved.
Let me know If you liked it and if you would like a second chapter!
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littlemissaddict · 1 year
Hi!! I don't know if you still have your request list open but I really would like you to write luke Patterson x reader when the reader is always so guffy and childish. So reader is sick and luke take karę of them and maybe lullaby them to sleep by singing them and rocking them please
Also English isn't my mother language so please forgive me for any mistakes love you bye
Also feel free to ignore me if you want to byeeeee
Hello!!! My request list is always open and although I don't really write for any jatp characters anymore here's a little something, I'm sorry it's only short and sweet. Also don't worry your English is great :)
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"Luke" you moan, voice hoarse from the soreness of your throat, "I'm gonna die" you pout up at him with wide innocent eyes that lack their usual shine but even still you're full of playful dramatics.
"You are not gonna die" Luke rolls his eyes as he answers but the fondness that swirls within them whenever he looks at you never falters even though you claim you're dying when it's only a cold. "Here drink this, it'll help soothe your throat" he offers, handing you the mug of hot water, lemon and honey.
You take it from him, puffing out an exaggerated breath of air in attempts to cool the hot drink so that you don't burn your mouth on it and Luke can’t help but chuckle at your childish antics. “Don’t laugh at me I’m sick” you sniff, nose beginning to run as you look around for some tissue though Luke seems to know as he grabs the box from your nightstand and holds it within your reach and you thank him with a smile.
Once you’ve drank your drink you have to admit that your throat does feel a lot better, for now anyway. As you pass Luke the mug to put back on your nightstand you lie back against the mountain of pillows that you seem to have made in an effort to keep yourself propped up so that your not coughing every two seconds. Adjusting your covers so that you don’t feel the cold that you were complaining about earlier, Luke moves to sit next to you on the bed, his back against the headboard seeing as you have all the pillows but even still you find yourself dropping your head to rest against his shoulder as the sudden need to be closer to him fills your body.
“You needing cuddles now?” he asks, voice soft as he feels you nod against him in answer to his question. Allowing him to guide your body so that he can get you in a position that’s going to be more comfortable for you so you don’t end up with a crick in your neck, you let him slide an arm behind your back as he encourages you to cuddle closer into him and you hum contentedly as you relax.
It’s not long before you find your eyelids growing heavy whether it be the combination of the hot drink and Luke’s body warmth lulling you into a slumber or just your lack of sleep from the night before but whatever it is he seems to notice. Feeling his hand come up to run through your hair, you can’t help but let your eyelids flutter closed as you let him soothe you further but then when he quietly starts humming a tune you vaguely know is when you know the sleepiness filling your body is inevitable and that you’ll succumb to it sooner than you thought.
And you do, wrapped in his arms as he softly lulls you into a peaceful sleep is the moment that it cements in your mind that you never want to lose the loving boy you’re lucky to call yours.
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g1rld1ary · 3 months
new release ; luke patterson x fem!reader
➻ synopsis: you'd been playing julie and the phantom's new album on repeat all day before luke comes knocking on your door, and you end up going to dinner with your favourite band
➻ word count: 2515
➻ content: she/her pronouns for reader
➻ wrote this on a whim tonight so enjoy my first luke fic lol !!
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You tapped your fingers impatiently against your desk, willing Spotify to reload quicker, visualising the album you knew was dropping in two minutes. Finally, after 120 seconds that could have been an hour, Julie and the Phantom’s new album was out and available, and you actually might’ve been the first person to listen to it.
You’d been following Julie and the Phantoms since their very first performance was put on YouTube. Admittedly you’d been hopping on the bandwagon — your friends had been raving about it at school and force-fed you their songs, but you’d been genuinely addicted to their music ever since.
Pressing play on the new album you got up, leaving it to play as you began on your errands for the day. You danced around your apartment, putting away the washing and vacuuming and humming along to the singles that had already been released.
Luke was on his way home from his morning run when he could have sworn he could hear his own voice. Stopping, he pulled an earbud out of his ear, looking around for the source of the music. And there, on the third floor, was you. You were out on the balcony, organising the cute set of outdoor furniture you’d shoved in there and dancing ridiculously to Luke’s personal favourite song of the album. He let out a quiet laugh to himself, admiring the carefree way you jumped around, miming the chorus you’d learnt into a can of what appeared to be bug spray. He smiled once more before heading into the building, musing about the odds of having a Phantoms fan live on his floor.
Back up in his apartment he could still hear the music, both your open windows making it sound clear despite not being obnoxiously loud. Luke just shook his head, heading straight to the shower and turning on his own music so he didn’t have to be victim to his own voice all day.
An hour later, you were still listening. You’d just finished the album and evidently wanted to commit it to memory before the day was through. Luke thought it was adorable, and he could feel the gratitude flowing through every inch of him. This was why he wrote music, to resonate with people and make them happy. Plus, now that he knew the cute girl who’d just moved into the apartment opposite him liked his band, he figured he could build up some confidence to talk to you.
Morning turned to afternoon, and you were still playing his album. Luke was flattered, but in slight disbelief. He couldn’t believe you weren’t sick of it yet, though he supposed you didn’t get the same ick he did when listening to his voice. Hearing you learning the words was another bonus, your voice floating in through his kitchen window as he cooked. He thought it was lovely, though far from professional. It was an unreal experience hearing your disembodied voice stumbling through the lyrics, making up ones you’d evidently misheard and improvising your own riffs on top of Julie’s.
Luke wondered whether it was possible to develop a crush on someone based on just their voice. Yeah he thought you were cute the few times he’d seen you coming or going through his street facing window, but your laughter when your voice cracked had him weak in the knees.
When you were still playing his music by four o’clock — you’d branched out to mixing in the rest of their discography by then — he was a little worried for your sanity. Flattered and grateful for the streams, but concerned all the same. At the same time he was worried for himself. He’d offered to host his band and friends for a private celebration of the album release after the official party the night previous, and he thought it may be a little on the nose if you were still streaming their music into the night. He could already hear Alex making fun of him for living next to a fangirl (he did secretly hope you were a fangirl of him though).
So, whilst it wasn’t exactly the meet-cute he’d hoped for, Luke found himself knocking on your door. He knocked again shyly when he heard you turn down the volume, clearly trying to see if you’d heard right. A few soft footsteps on the other side of the door and it was cracking open, your curious expression greeting him. You’d only just moved in and didn’t know anyone to be visiting.
Luke watched you go through the seven stages of grief in real time. Confusion at an unexpected visitor, recognition of him, and then a million shades of humiliation as you realised you’d been listening to his music all day and he could hear. God, you probably looked like an obsessed fangirl (you were, but you didn’t want Luke Patterson to know that). With an embarrassed sound coming from the back of your throat, you asked Luke to give you twenty seconds of privacy. He agreed politely and you shut the door quickly. Slapping a hand to your mouth, you let out a silent scream, trying to let out all your anxious, embarrassed energy as quickly as possible, shaking your limbs about so you could stand still when you inevitably had to grovel for forgiveness to Luke.
Reopening your door, you were taken aback by how at ease Luke looked. And how much hotter he was in person, but you tried to push that thought to the back of your head for the sake of coherent conversation.
“Hi,” You said, resisting the urge to ramble out apologies.
“Hi,” He replied with that stupidly charming grin he wore in all his publicity shoots. “I’m Luke.”
“I know.” Fuck, you didn’t mean to say that. “Um, obviously. I’m sure you’ve heard all the…” You gestured inside to your apartment where his album was still playing quietly. You should’ve turned it off.
“Please don’t be embarrassed, it’s really cute.” Now your blush was for a totally different reason, your favourite singer was calling you cute? You had to be dreaming.
“Is there something I can do for you?” You asked, still unsure of the purpose of the visit, though you weren’t complaining.
“Oh!” Luke looked as if he really had forgotten why he’d come, but covered himself with an easy laugh, “I was just wondering if you could turn down your music a bit? It’s not too loud or anything, it’s not bothering me! It’s just, I’m having the band over tonight and as much as we’re all proud of the album, it feels a bit conceited to have it playing as we hang out privately, y’know?” You were nodding vigorously before he could finish his sentence, spilling out apologies for even playing it in the first place.
“Seriously don’t apologise,” He assured you, catching your eye in a way that made you feel like you couldn’t look away (not that you would’ve wanted to), “I really appreciate you being a fan and supporting us.” In that moment, entranced in his deep honey eyes, you honestly would have done whatever Luke Patterson asked of you, you were completely his. Maybe your parasocial relationships needed some examining.
Forcing yourself to end the moment despite your internal desires, you averted your eyes to the floor and Luke coughed slightly, both of you somewhat dazed.
“Right, well, it was really nice meeting you. Big fan. Guess I’ll see you around?” You said awkwardly, stepping back inside the threshold of your flat. Luke nodded in the same manner, and you were about to shut the door when he called for you to wait.
“Do you wanna come over later? You can meet the band, and it’s always helpful to make some friends in the building. I, uh, know you’re new here.” You nodded, more than surprised, but you sure as hell weren’t gonna turn down this opportunity.
“Yeah, that sounds nice. Thanks.” Luke named a time and you parted ways, neither of you catching the backwards glances you both chanced.
Inside your apartment was a whirlwind of stress. What did you wear for a dinner with your favourite band with an hour’s notice? You might’ve actually tried on half your wardrobe before deciding on your favourite jeans (maybe the ones that made your ass look impeccable, but who’s to say?) and a simple top. It wasn’t the most exciting outfit you could have come up with, not by a long shot, but you didn’t want to make a single wrong decision tonight. All you needed to do was be completely perfect and impress Julie and the Phantoms and maybe get Luke to like you back. Easy stuff.
By the time you were meant to be going you’d managed to do your makeup in a way that didn’t make you want to cry — why did it always turn out awful when you needed it to be good? Slipping your favourite hoops into your ears you were ready, and gave yourself a quick pep talk in the bathroom mirror. You’d never been one for those self-love affirmations, but they couldn’t hurt, right?
When Luke opened the door and his face broke into one of those smiles that lit up the building’s corridor, your nerves quieted themselves somewhat. He swept you under one of his arms leading you further into the apartment as if you’d been friends for years. You tried to take in what you could, and were a little jealous of how nicely his place was decorated — yours was still loaded with boxes and junk.
“Guys, meet my new friend!” Luke announced, and all the heads in the room snapped towards you.
“Um, hi,” You said meekly, remembering to tell them all your name.
“She’s new to the building and I thought it would be nice for her to make some friends!” You smiled internally — Luke had the same personality as in all the interviews you watched, which made you glad. You didn’t know what you would do if he wasn’t all that you imagined.
The night started out a little awkward, at least for you. You were so stressed about making a good impression that you felt a little robotic, answers calculated to try and get the most amount of laughs or agreements. Luke noticed this and gestured for you to take the seat between him and Julie when the meal was served, figuring you’d have the most in common with her, and he was more than happy to talk your ear off if the opportunity arose.
“So, why’d you come to California?” Julie asked, and you explained that you’d moved for school, but it was cheaper to rent the flat than live in the dorms. That in itself was an easy avenue into talking about your roommate who was never around and the classes you were taking this semester. When you asked about Nick, who was sitting on Julie’s other side, he happily joined the conversation to talk about how they got together just after the Phantoms began to get world famous and their (first) show at the Orpheum.
The dinner was loud and messy, and you began to feel right at home. With Reggie flicking beans at Alex, and Luke’s boisterous laughter ringing over conversation, there was a familial ambience to it all.
After the meal the group migrated towards the TV, and you found yourself next to Luke again, sandwiched between him and Willie, who introduced himself as Alex’s boyfriend. You recognised him from Alex’s Instagram, but you left that fact out. You found yourself making easy conversation with them, being the four who got Luke’s couch, whilst the others made themselves at home in armchairs and other seats scavenged from around the flat.
As you spoke to the couple about a restaurant in LA they were recommending, you felt a hand land on your thigh. A glance in his direction showed it was Luke’s, of course, but if his expression was anything to go by he was all but unaware, still speaking passionately to Nick about something. You tried to conceal your blush as your turned back to the gays, but the knowing looks had you hiding your face in your hands.
A movie was turned on and the chatter dulled somewhat, turned down to whispers over the dialogue. You didn’t know how you’d ended up cuddled up into Luke’s side, but you were absolutely not complaining. His arm on the back of the sofa had migrated to sitting around your waist at one point, and you were really hoping he couldn’t feel your racing heartbeat. An accidental glance in Julie’s direction showed her and Nick wiggling their eyebrows suggestively, to which you simply made a bewildered expression, hoping it conveyed how little idea you had of what was going on. Unbeknownst to you, Luke was fighting the same losing battle with the rest of the boys, who were making childish kissy faces when you weren’t looking. Luke handled it better than you, merely shrugging as if to say ‘she’s cute — what do you want me to do?’
A few hours later and the night was winding down. You took your leave after Reggie, not wanting to risk overstaying your welcome and jeopardising the friendships you hoped you were making. The remaining guests all gave you warm goodbyes, begging for you to come back again. Julie even swept you into a tight hug, making you promise you’d DM her to go out for coffee soon. Luke walked you to the door, a gentle hand on the small of your back not going unnoticed by his friends.
“Thanks for coming tonight, I’m really glad we met,” He said, and his shyer tone caught you off guard, but made you smile nonetheless.
“Thank you for inviting me,” You countered, “It was really sweet of you to introduce me to all your friends.” Luke waved it off like it was nothing, which you were sure to him it was.
“Can I see you again soon?” He asked, suddenly looking remarkably like a little puppy.
“I’m only a door away,” You grinned, “You can see me whenever you like. Hey, congrats again on the album. I’d say it’s pretty good.” When you pressed a kiss to his cheek and bade him goodnight, Luke couldn’t have resisted his cheesy grin if he’d tried.
“I love being a rockstar,” He said when he returned to his friends.
“Shut up, man,” Replied Alex, “You’re too whipped to claim any rockstar benefits on this one.”
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Finally Mine-Luke Patterson
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(not my gif)
A/n: Thank you so much for asking for part 2. I hope you like this one just as much as you liked the first one. 
Taglist: @mallory69
Your POV
I was watching Julie on stage, when I saw the guys popping in. I felt myself smile until I noticed Luke having trouble. I grew nervous just watching him until I heard his voice. " I'm going out of my mind!" 
I was cheering them on from the crowd. I noticed Luke glancing my way a couple of times, which made me blush. I knew I shouldn't be nervous with him looking over at me, but I am. I was having the best time dancing and singing along. 
Once the show ended I felt a wave of sadness because I knew Luke, Reggie and Alex left for good. I felt a hand on my shoulder and spun around to find my dad. 
" Let's go find your sister." he said 
I smiled a little and nodded kind of zoned out since all I could think about was Luke right now. I followed behind my brother still thinking about how we didn't get a proper good-bye. 
When we found Julie I couldn't help but run over to her. "Omg! You did amazing on that stage." I said while wrapping my arms around her. She chuckled a little and thanked me. She then hugged everyone else while I stood back to get ready to leave. 
Julie's POV
After the hugs I could tell Y/n/n was thinking about the boys as much as I was. I knew she was feeling down for not getting to say good-bye. 
I waited until the three other members of our family was in front of us before I linked our arms to comfort her. She just gave me a smile before holding my arm a little tighter. 
We all were singing on the way to the front door until I paused looking over at the studio. " I'll be inside in a little bit." I told them
They nodded, but before she could sneak away I grabbed her wrist. "You want to come with me." I asked hopeful 
She looked over at me and I could tell she was hurting. " I can't walk in there, I'm sorry." She pulled her wrist out of my grip and rushed inside. I let out a deep sigh feeling bad for her. I just wish I could help her, but I know she just needs time to heal. 
I then decided to go to the studio to go and talk even though they're gone now. As I was talking I heard a grunt so I immediately flicked the light on to find all three of them on the ground in pain. I felt overwhelmed with sadness. I kept telling them to go since they did their unfinished business. 
Your POVI left Julie outside to immediately rush inside to my room to let my emotions out. I closed the door and crumbled to the ground not having the energy to stand anymore. This felt like the worst pain ever and I didn't like it. 
Julie's POV
I could feel tears falling down my face and when Luke went in for a hug my brain forgot that it wouldn't work, but what shocked me was that I could feel him. I pulled away and saw that he was glowing so I called...
" Alex, Reggie!" which made the both of them come over to me and we all did a group hug. We then started to jump around in a circle making me laugh. 
We then pulled away to find their marks that they got from the club were disappearing. " Julie, where's your sister?" Luke questioned 
I totally forgot about her. I looked over at the three of them. " She went to her room. She is pretty devastated because she thinks you guys are gone." I explained, but right after I finished Luke disappeared. I glanced at the other two confused where they looked more concerned. 
Luke's POV
I popped into her room feeling my heart break from the sight in front of me. I was super hesitant to walk over to her. I didn't want to startle her in any way. I quietly walked over, " Y/n/n...." I softly questioned 
I could see her freeze. " You're not real, it's not real." she mumbled 
I was now behind her. I gently tapped her shoulder making her jump. She stood up and spun around. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. I went to ask her something, but she immediately started spitting words out. She was making it hard to answer them so I softly placed my hands on her shoulders. " How...how?" She questioned 
I looked amazed again. " I'm honestly not sure myself, but I'm right here." I whispered 
She started crying again making me nervous not knowing what to do. " Hey, hey, it's okay." I whispered, wiping her tears. I smiled some when she calmed down and then admitted. 
" I heard the song you sang to Julie." 
She immediately started blushing, making me laugh. " You were not supposed to hear that." She whispered 
I pulled her into a hug. " It's okay cause I actually really liked the song. I whispered 
Your POV
I couldn't believe I had my arms around Luke. This felt like a dream to me. He rubbed my back some. " What's on your mind?" he questioned 
I pulled away, " Just how all this is real. It feels like a dream." I whispered 
He smiled, " Well I'm here plus I'm still in my clothes from performing." He stated 
I nodded, " Luke about the song..." he interrupted me
He placed both his hands on my face. " Your song was amazing, plus no one's ever written me a song before." He said 
I blushed at his words and got lost in his eyes. I saw him lean in which made me nervous. " Is this okay?" he whispered only like an inch from my lips. 
I took a deep breath to get rid of the nerves. I then nodded, but he automatically said...
" Use your words Y/n/n." 
I immediately folded and whispered, " Yes it's okay." 
He then smiled and closed the gap. Feeling his lips on mine is making me get dizzy. He pulled away, but kept his forehead on mine. " How was that?" he whispered 
" Amazing." I mumbled 
He smiled down at me before kissing me again. All I'm saying is I could get used to the feeling of his lips. 
I hope you once again enjoy and I made her as Julie's sister not sure if I had her as one. Plus she's older than Julie by the way, so feel free to comment or request anything. Thank you guys for all the love and support. 
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imyourbratzdoll · 6 months
A Luke Danes fic where a new girl gets a job with Luke at the diner and they secretly fall for each other? ♥️
hi honey, I hope you like this!
summary - you are new to town and following that you need a job, thankfully luke gives you a job at the diner, only issue is that you both end up falling for the other.
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips (deactivated)
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You were nervous, being new to a small town was one thing but to get a job on the first day was nerve-wracking. It also didn’t help that your new boss was so fine, you didn’t want to mess this up and embarrass yourself in front of him. So now you stood in front of your bed, wondering what to wear to work in a diner. Your clothes laid out neatly as you stare at them, picturing each outfit on your body. You look out the window, hoping the weather could help you decide. 
With a quick decision you choose a large dark grey wool jumper, pairing it with a black mini skirt and some black tights and flats before heading back over to the mirror and clipping your hair back, allowing a few hairs at the front to fall gracefully, framing your face. “Shit!” You curse as you see the time and quickly grab your bag, running out the door. 
You arrive at Luke’s diner, nearly out of breath and head inside, brushing imaginary dust off your clothes. You head over to the counter and anxiously wait for Luke to look up. You smooth out your jumper as you wait, brushing your hair from your face. You pause your movements as he looks up, you smile softly, hoping it helps hide your nerves. “Hi…”
He nods, clearing his throat as he checks you out subtly. “You’re early. Good.” He moves swiftly, reaching underneath the counter and pulling out an apron. “This is for you, you’ll help me take orders and serve said orders to the costumers.” You nod as he hands it over, you copy his movements and wrap the apron around your lower half. You thank him when he hands you the notebook and pen, giving him a small smile. 
Throughout the day, you and Luke connect eyes multiple times, accidentally bumping into one another as you try to walk by, causing the two of you to awkwardly look away or move to the side, but the actions would only keep repeating themselves. When it came to closing time, you head towards the counter and untie your apron, neatly folding it and placing it on top of the bench, with the notebook and pen. You turn, about to tell Luke that you’ve done your part only for you to let out a gasp and bump into him. “I’m so sorry!” 
He grunts. “It’s okay. You did good.” He realises that his hand is resting on your hip and quickly pulls away, his cheeks turning a bright pink. “Sorry.” 
“It’s okay.” You shyly look up at him, knowing the way your heart pumps in your chest is wrong, you couldn’t possibly fall for your boss. Funny enough, you didn’t know Luke was thinking and feeling the same thing as he looked down at you. You both would spend weeks watching the other secretly, imagining what life would be like if you admitted your feelings. Maybe one day you would both find the courage to tell the other.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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ellsfloriographyy · 3 months
past, present, and future.
chapter 1 <3
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After the night of the Orpheum, Julie Molina found herself in a dizzying realization that she barely knew about the lives the phantoms had before they died. Of course, she heard stories occasionally, and the '90s impact never left their sides, despite the fact some of their references didn't stick with her. Yet they pushed through to let go of the past and focused on the future. Instead of Sunset Curve, their future was Julie and the Phantoms, and they couldn't be happier. Yet Julie wasn't. There's a particular grief she's experiencing, and she feels selfish for feeling it in the first place. But she grieves the lives they could have lived if they were alive today.
She understands that a massive weight remains on their shoulders. She wishes to help them alleviate some of that trauma as she did for Luke when speaking to Emily… But there's only so much she can do.
Past. Present. Future.
What could she do to make this second chance perfect? And would it be enough? Enough to make everything last?
She can't lose to the test of time. She won't allow it this time.
Chapter 1: entering the past <3
It was the only word that came to mind for Julie Molina when describing her current mood. Frustration was the only thing she could pinpoint in the rollercoaster of emotions she was experiencing. At six in the morning to make matters worse, she couldn’t get more sleep even if she tried, so she opted to stay in bed for a while. Plus, her mind had already bolted her awake, and now she was in a bad mood. At least the sunrise was pretty.
It had been roughly over a week since the band’s performance at the Orpheum and well over a week since she almost lost the boys, yet despite all her fears, they were still there. She should be overjoyed; don’t get her wrong, she is! It’s a miracle that they remained, but it leaves another mystery for her to overthink. They may have broken Caleb’s curse, but he could still be lingering... Regardless, she could never have imagined being able to embrace them as she did that very night. The warmth, the presence, and the comfort they provided through touch were simply a daydream of hers. To have it come true made her heart skip a few beats, albeit Luke held her as if she meant everything to him. And a part of her believed it.
“No music is worth making, Julie, if we’re not making it with you.”
His words echoed in her head as she buried herself under the covers, her face heating up as she groaned into her hands. Luke and their “interesting little relationship” were another concern in her mind. Something had changed between them, but with all the chaos surrounding them, she hadn’t had a moment to talk to him, or rather, she had no clue how to bring it up to him… her almost alive but not crush. This past week, they were left with longing glances, shy smiles, and tension that even Reggie could notice. But it wasn’t the only thing killing her.
After the night of the Orpheum, Julie found herself in a dizzying realization that she barely knew about the lives the guys had before they died. Of course, she heard stories occasionally, and the ’90s impact never left their sides, despite the fact some of their references didn’t stick with her. Ultimately, they were still the same 17-year-olds as 25 years ago; all those years felt like nothing to them. Yet they pushed through to let go of the past and focused on the future. Instead of Sunset Curve, their future was Julie and the Phantoms, and they couldn’t be happier.
Yet Julie wasn’t. It didn’t stick right with her that they were practically caught up with her current life. The guys had begun catching up on music, trends, and even movies, even if they were still behind. They knew the latest gossip at school, the new vocabulary, and heck, with the new abilities they carried… It was even possible for other people to see them, too. Although Willie had advised them to play it safe and stay in the garage as things calmed down, they hadn’t tested that theory out yet. Regardless, she felt like a total asshole for not being more involved with their lives, or rather with the lives they had. They had put in so much effort to be in hers, and she adored it more than anything. They were her home, after all. (It was close second place with Flynn, but Carlos, Rose, and Ray always came first.) But she couldn’t help but wonder what they did in their free time, how hard it was at home, and how school was for them. Alex was most likely a fantastic student, Reggie was the class clown, and Luke could have made Sunset Curve the greatest accomplishment of their school. But she couldn’t have known, and she’ll never be able to experience it firsthand. That’s the part that kills her.
There’s a particular grief she’s experiencing, and she feels selfish for feeling it in the first place. But she grieves the lives they could have lived if they were alive today. She understands this new second chance is everything to them, but it’s unfair that their first chance was even ruined in the first place. She understands there’s a massive weight on their shoulders that remains. She wishes she could help them and alleviate some of that trauma. Like how she did for Luke when speaking to Emily… But there’s only so much she can do. That’s where her frustration comes in; she wishes she was more help, and she feels like an idiot for not doing much for them. They made her feel alive again; she could never repay that blessing.
She shuffles around in her bed as her mind wanders to Luke. She shakes the thought away as she sits up and looks out her window at the sunrise.
Past. Present. Future.
What could she do to make this second chance perfect? Was she doing the best she could? Were they happy? What if she loses them again? What if, after everything, she’d be back at square one, grieving and mourning? What could have been? She only snaps out of her spiral when a familiar blonde ghost knocks through her door.
“Julie?” She can almost laugh at how hesitant Alex sounds. He’s the only one so far who’s understood the word “boundaries,” and she appreciates how respectful he is when entering her space. The garage is left for the boys, but when it’s her room, it’s her space alone to breathe. He gets that.
“You can come in,” she coughs to clear her morning voice. She bets they’re the only ones awake right now. “Don’t judge too hard; I don’t look my best! I just woke up.”
He eventually walks in with a small smile, sporting his iconic pink hoodie, but he seems more reserved than usual. “Nothing to worry about.”
“Are you okay?” Julie automatically feels concerned as she looks at Alex. They share lingering eye contact before he looks away at the wall.
“No, yeah, uh, sorry. I just couldn’t sleep anymore. I was looking for some company. Would it be okay if I stayed here with you? Luke and Reggie are fast asleep, and I didn’t want to wake them up. You were the best option. I was just hoping you were awake–”
Before he continues explaining, she pats her bed, asking him to lie beside her. Alex eagerly follows, and his head rests on her lap. Julie can’t help but smile a little. After all the new contact, Alex seems to seek her affection the most. He’s still adjusting to the warm skin, eating again, sleeping again schedule. You know, the basics of life, and she’s happy she’s some comfort to him. But he’s still missing something, and she can only assume it’s the presence of a particular ghost. She hadn’t heard much about Willie, but it was so clear Alex was head over heels for him.
“You’re always welcome to stay here, Alex. You know that, right? And don’t worry; I’ve been up a bit and can’t sleep much either.”
“Yeah. Thank you, Julie.”
Julie smiles at their shared acknowledgment. A few minutes pass, and now she’s running her hands through his hair, humming a familiar tune, but he can’t pinpoint what it is. The silence is comfortable, but he breaks it with a question that leaves a bittersweet taste in her mouth.
“We’re in the same boat, aren’t we?”
She’s not stupid and knows what he’s implying, but it’s hard to admit they’re both stuck in a loop of longing and confusion. She plays with her curls as she sighs in response and nods.
“You gotta talk to him, Julie. I know he’s probably as hesitant as you. But Luke means everything he says, you know? He’s just... He has a hard time putting words into words other than lyrics. He can’t say it, but I promise you he cares.”
That’s her problem. Luke cares too much, and so does she.
What an interesting relationship they have.
Past, Present, Future.
hii! my name is ell, i'm a new fanfic writer out here!! anyway, i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of past, present, and future <3 i apologize if its no good, but i hope to only improve as i continue to write! so i hope you stick around :D i wish it was a longer chapter but this is my test run HAHAHA, i hope u understand!
i truly do love this fandom, these couples, and this show so so much. :,) couldn't help myself, so i had to start writing too! i know we've def calmed down as a fandom, but i hope you guys are still here like me :)
i try to be as active as possible, and ill also try to update the moment i cannn! feel free to message me so we fangirl or fanboy together <3
thanks for entering my garden of love & admiration for this media !! ^^
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So this is the juke request, hopefully it's OK, if not that's OK to.
Juke request The pattersons and Molinia are family friendls for years ans neighbors Luke's 2 years older than Julie (16), julie and Luke starts getting sick (flu) at school and sent to the nurse (she sneakily texts Luke whats wrong and going on,he's julie ride home come finds out hes not feeling so hot either )  Luke shows up to nurses   sick (headache fever, thermometer under tongue etc) after convincing they are sent home, and takes care of each other maybe all weekend (thermometer checks, soup, meds comforting ) (each respective parents went away for the week) and along the way they admit they like each other  and get together (fluff caring please).
Sick Days
pairing -luke patterson x julie molina
warnings - just fluff I think
a/n - thank you for requesting!! my first time writing for juke, hope it's what you had in mind 💕
wordcount - 2k
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It was a particularly chilly thursday when Julie first felt the telltale tickle in her throat during breakfast. She brushed it off, hoping it was just the morning chill. However, as the day progressed, her discomfort grew. By the time she reached her first-period class, a dull headache had settled in, making it hard to focus.
In history class, she could barely keep her eyes open. Her notes were a mess of illegible scribbles, and she found herself zoning out more than once. By lunch, Julie was shivering despite wearing her warmest sweater. She pushed her food around her tray, unable to muster any appetite. Her friend, Flynn, noticed her pallor, asking if she was okay, but she waved the other girl off with a weak smile.
Sitting in math class, the pounding in her head intensified, and she felt hot and cold at the same time. Finally admitting that it was time for her to stop pretending she was fine, Julie discreetly pulled out her phone under the desk and texted Luke.
The Molina and Patterson families had been friends for as long as anyone could remember. Living right next door to each other, their lives intertwined like the ivy that climbed their shared fence. Julie and Luke had practically grown up attached at the hip and while they both found new friends once they entered High School, they never grew apart.
Julie: Hey, I feel awful. Headed to the nurse. Hoping she’ll let me go home.
She raised her hand to get the teacher’s attention, but she didn’t even need to ask. The teacher took one look at her pale face and the look of discomfort on her features and sent her off. Her phone vibrated in her pocket as she slowly made her way down the hall to the nurse’s office.
Luke: No way! I’m feeling the same. Meet you there?
Julie: Yup, see you soon.
Julie trudged to the nurse's office, clutching her books to her chest. She felt a wave of relief wash over her as she saw Luke already there, sitting on one of the small cots with a thermometer under his tongue.
"Hey," she croaked, plopping down on the cot next to him. Luke looked over, giving her a weak smile, his brown hair tumbling over his damp forehead.
"Hey yourself," he mumbled around the thermometer.
The nurse bustled over, eyebrows knitting together in concern. "You two both look terrible. Let's get your temperatures."
Julie and Luke exchanged glances as the nurse handed Julie a thermometer. They sat in silence, waiting for the beeps that would confirm what they already knew. Moments later, the nurse sighed.
"Fever for both of you. You need to go home and rest. Who's picking you up?"
Julie hesitated, then spoke up. "Our parents are out of town for the week. But Luke usually gives me a ride home."
The nurse looked skeptical but relented. "Alright, but straight home. No detours. And I’ll have to call your parents."
Once outside, they made their way to Luke’s beat up car. The drive home was quiet, both of them too exhausted to talk much. When they finally pulled into the Molina’s driveway, they stumbled into Julie’s house, where it was warm and inviting.
Julie dropped her bag by the door and flopped onto the couch, pulling a blanket over herself to block out the light, attempting to stifle the throbbing pain in her head. Luke followed, sinking into the armchair and closing his eyes.
"Okay, first things first," Julie said, voice muffled by the blanket. "We need meds and soup."
Luke nodded, forcing himself to his feet again. "I'll handle the meds. You get the soup started."
He gently pried the blanket from her hands, offering his own hand to pull her up. Julie groaned but let him drag her to the kitchen. She found a can of chicken soup in the pantry and poured it into a pot, setting it on the stove to heat.
Luke returned with a bottle of cold medicine and two spoons. He carefully poured himself some of the disgusting stuff and got it down like a champ, although she caught his grimace at the taste.
He turned to Julie, noticing how pale and tired she looked. "Your turn," he said gently, pouring out a dose of the medicine.
Julie grimaced, eyeing the spoon warily. "Do I have to?"
Luke chuckled softly, the sound a bit hoarse. "Yes, you have to. It's either this or feeling like death warmed over."
With a dramatic sigh, Julie opened her mouth. Luke carefully fed her the medicine, his fingers brushing her lips. She quickly averted her eyes from his intense gaze, cursing the warmth spreading across her cheeks and swallowed it down, wincing at the taste.
"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Luke asked, trying to keep the mood light.
Julie scrunched her nose. "Terrible, but thanks."
Luke smiled at her, his concern deepening as he noticed how much worse she looked compared to him. "You really don't look good, Jules."
She attempted a weak smile, turning back to give the bubbling soup a stir. "Gee, thanks."
"No, I mean..." Luke rubbed the back of his neck, searching for the right words. "I think you're worse off than me. You should lie down. I'll finish up the soup."
Julie nodded, too exhausted to argue. She shuffled back to the living room, curling up on the couch. Luke soon followed, carrying two steaming bowls of soup. He set them down on the coffee table, then grabbed another blanket, draping it over her.
"Here," he said, holding out the bowl of soup. "Eat this. It'll help."
Julie sat up slowly, taking the bowl from him. She blew on the liquid, her hands trembling slightly. Luke watched her, his concern growing. He reached out, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. The gesture was tender, his fingertips lingering on her cheek for a moment longer than necessary.
"You need anything else?" he asked softly, his voice laced with warmth.
She shook her head, taking a small sip of the soup. "Just you being here helps."
Luke's heart did a little flip at her words. He sat down beside her, their legs touching under the blankets. "I'm not going anywhere," he promised.
They sat in comfortable silence, the warmth of the soup and the shared blankets creating a cocoon of coziness. Julie finished her soup, setting the bowl aside and leaning back against the couch. Luke adjusted the blankets around her, making sure she was snug.
"You should get some rest," he said gently, brushing a hand over her forehead. "I'll be right here if you need anything."
Julie looked up at him, her eyes soft and grateful. "You're really sweet, you know that?"
Luke felt his cheeks heat up, a smile tugging at his lips. "Only for you."
Julie laughed softly, the sound warming his heart. She reached out, taking his hand in hers. "Thank you, Luke."
He squeezed her hand, feeling a surge of affection for her. "Anytime, Jules. Get some sleep."
Julie closed her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips as she drifted off. Luke watched her for a moment, his heart full. He leaned back, closing his eyes as well, the exhaustion finally catching up to him.
They spent the rest of the weekend in a similar fashion, taking care of each other and finding comfort in their shared company. Luke made sure Julie had everything she needed, from meds to blankets to endless cups of tea. He even managed to coax a few more smiles out of her, despite how miserable she felt.
By Sunday evening, Julie was starting to feel a bit better, thanks to his constant care. They sat together on the couch, watching a movie. Julie leaned her head on Luke's shoulder, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. As the movie played on, they both gradually drifted off to sleep, the exhaustion of the past few days catching up to them.
Luke was the first to wake, the room now dim with the setting sun casting a warm glow. He blinked a few times, his eyes adjusting to the soft light. Julie was still sleeping, her head resting on his shoulder, her breathing slow and steady. He watched her for a while, mesmerized by the rise and fall of her chest, the way her eyelashes brushed against her cheeks, and how peaceful she looked.
His heart swelled with an unfamiliar but undeniable warmth. He realized in that moment just how deeply he cared for her, how much she meant to him. The thought of losing her, even just as a friend, was unbearable. He gently brushed a few strands of hair away from her face, his fingers lingering on her soft skin.
Julie stirred, her eyes fluttering open. She caught him staring and a sleepy smile spread across her face. "What are you looking at, creep?" she teased, her voice groggy but playful.
Luke's expression remained serious, his eyes filled with a depth of emotion that made Julie's smile falter slightly. "I'm just... I'm really glad you're feeling better," he said softly, his voice almost a whisper.
Julie tilted her head, studying him with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Are you okay, Luke? You being a bit... weird."
Luke took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew this was the moment. Leaning in slowly, he cupped her cheek, his eyes never leaving hers. "Julie, there's something I need to tell you."
Julie felt her pulse quicken, the air between them charged with a sudden intensity. "What is it?" she asked, her voice barely more than a breath.
Without another word, Luke closed the distance between them, his lips brushing against hers in a tender, lingering kiss. Julie's eyes widened in surprise before she melted into the kiss, her arms wrapping around his neck. The world seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them in that perfect, timeless moment.
When they finally pulled away, both of them were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other. Julie's eyes sparkled with a mix of happiness and wonder. "Wow," she whispered, a radiant smile spreading across her face. "That was... wow."
Luke chuckled, his thumb gently caressing her cheek. "Yeah, it was," he agreed, his voice filled with warmth.
Julie gazed at him, her heart overflowing with joy. "So, what now?" she asked softly.
Luke smiled, his eyes shining with love and certainty. "Now, we take care of each other. Always."
He leaned in for another kiss, his eyes soft and full of affection. Julie stopped him, placing a gentle hand on his chest. "Wait," she said, her voice a mix of reluctance and amusement. "We should probably wait until we're both feeling healthy again."
Luke gave her a playful, yet stubborn look. "Jules, we've both already caught this bug. One more kiss won't make a difference."
Julie hesitated, her resolve weakening under the intensity of his gaze. "You sure?" she whispered, her lips already inching closer to his.
He nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Positive."
Without further hesitation, Luke closed the gap between them, capturing her lips in another kiss. This time, it was deeper, filled with the unspoken emotions and promises that had been building between them. Julie's hands found their way to his hair, pulling him closer as she returned the kiss with equal fervor.
When they finally broke apart, both were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other. Julie's eyes were bright. "Okay," she said, a small laugh escaping her lips. "You win. But if I get worse, I'm blaming you."
Luke chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "That’s okay."
They settled back into the couch, Julie curling up against Luke's side. The movie continued to play in the background, but neither of them paid much attention. Luke wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, and they stayed like that, finding comfort in each other's presence.
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lesbewriting · 1 month
[ Platonic!Ghost!Sunset Curve x GN!Ghost!Reader ] [629 words]
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SUMMARY: A moment spent with Luke, Reggie, and Alex atop the Orpheum sign after you all come back as ghosts together.
WARNINGS: anxiety mention, uh...idk...comfort?
A-N: Okay, so it's basically platonic, but if you really wanted to, I guess you could kinda see Luke and Reader as romantic (idkkk). Also, I'm not sure how much I like this tbh, the original fic was way different.
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The sound of oncoming traffic could be heard below you, as you sat with legs dangling over the front of the Orpeum’s sign. You let out a sigh, staring into the far distance of Los Angeles. Eyes' solemn as you attempted to calm the raging anxiety inside of you. It was all a very big change for you and your best friends.
One moment, you're alive, and you're breathing about to perform the biggest gig of your lives with four of your best friends. One that could have boosted your careers. Then, the next four out of five members of Sunset Curve are succumbing to a horrible fate. 
It was weird. A tragic incident of tainted hotdogs that became your downfall. You, oddly enough, found yourself missing the feeling of being alive. You'd honestly be lying to yourself if you said you didn't wish that you had not eaten that stupid hot dog. 
Allowing another sigh to fall past your lips as you continued to lose yourself in thought, you failed to notice the sound of someone(or three someone’s) poofing in from behind you. Until they'd managed to adjust themselves onto the sign near you. 
You peeked your eyes towards the figures who'd just joined you, only to meet the eyes of Luke, then Reggie and Alex. Who had already locked their gazes into you themselves, a small smile of worry barely appearing onto their features.
"Are you ok?" Alex hesitantly asked, watching as you carefully began fiddling with the.
"Fine. Just confused is all." You managed to say, allowing yourself to turn towards the blonde boy, who now sat beside you. Luke and Reggie seated themselves on your other side. "Like, I guess I should be grateful that we technically have a second chance, but i wish people could—" 
"See us? Hear us?" Luke had cut you off suddenly, moving his own gaze from you and onto the wide landscape of Los Angeles before you all. 
You just nodded and once again dropped your gaze from them, allowing your hands to rest comfortably in your lap. You did wish people could see and hear you more, and not just when you played your instruments. 
Luke was right about that. It just sucked that you were not able to be viewed or heard by anyone, except Julie Molina, the girl who’s studio you'd all appeared in. 
It was then quiet for a few minutes, with the four of you spending time looking over the crowds, chatting, and walking below the Orpheum sign. In that time, the three boyshad managed to move in a little closer to you. A brief feeling of hesitance washed over their features as they tried to work out what to do or say next. 
Noticing this, you set a small smile in the direction of each of them, one-by-one. If you were alive, a sudden wave of tiredness probably would’ve hit you right about now. You gently allowed your head to fall onto the shoulder of the closest to you, who just so happened to be Luke. His arm instinctively wrapped around you as you, in return for your action. 
The four of you stayed like that basking in each other's company for the remainder or that night. Allowing yourselves to forget, almost briefly, of what had you so worried then, and for a moment you felt normal, with the boys by you. 
You instantly felt grateful to spend that moment with your boys, the ones who you had always found comfort with the most. You were glad that at least you weren't alone in death. 
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wolfprincesszola · 10 months
Lightbulb (Julie and the Phantoms)
Am I posting for an almost dead community? Yes, but when am I not? Enjoy.
Masterlist ——————– Summary: Luke finds a cute girl in his college class and finds himself obsessed with wanting to learn more about her. However, she isn't making it easy with her quietness. Then, he watches as she lights up like a lightbulb.
Trigger Warnings: None
Content Warnings: None ——————–
When Luke Patterson had walked into his Calculus I class, he had noticed that there were only a few people in the class. He was not a stranger to the college experience and of the unsaid courtesies students gave to one another but there was a really pretty girl that hadn't reserved the spot next to her like most had with their backpacks. Luke immediately headed towards her table, sitting down next to her. She looked up at him, a little spooked.
"Is this Calc I with Professor Nash?" He asked to try and make conversation with her.
She looked at him to process what he said before nodding and going back to her work. She was writing in a notebook.
Great...he really just ruined his chance to be her friend and get to know her by spooking her, didn't he?
He got ready for class and pulled his things out. The two focused up as the professor entered the classroom.
"Good morning, everyone. Before we get started for class, I'd like to pass out the attendance form. Just initial where your name is and pass it to the next person."
Luke went to grab a worksheet at the front while he waited for the attendance sheet. Once he was back, he was given the form and searched through his backpack for a pencil. Although calm at first, he became frantic soon after when he couldn't find anything. He could see the girl next to him eyeing him and he got even more embarrassed. Why couldn't he just do one thing around a pretty girl without messing it up?
Then, there was a blue No. 2 pencil, decorated with music notes, in front of his face. He looked over to the girl who seemed unbothered and instead smiled at him.
Searching for his name, he initialed where it said "Patterson, Luke" with a "LP". Then, he thanked her and gave her both the pencil and the form. She herself also scanned the paper, but he noticed she glanced at Luke's initials too. Maybe it was just a coincidence. He tried glancing where she initialed subtly, but was unable to upon seeing her pass it too quickly to the back.
The rest of class was with the two minding their own business and doing their own work. The only time they discussed was during class discussions where they had to look over each other's work. He noticed how quiet and shy she was.
When the class was over, she had left before Luke could even have a chance to talk to her.
The next 16 weeks he spent next to her consisted of the same nervousness. Luke always sat next to her as she always arrived early and sat down early. He always passed the attendance form to her, although he started bringing his pencils to class. She was always ready to offer him a hand when he needed something. He always helped to check her work. They always had small quiet conversations that never seemed to give Luke any insight into who she was. She was very quiet and like always, Luke never got her name as she was always out the door before he could even blink.
Then, the class was over and Luke was back to square one. Maybe he would see her around campus, though he doubted it. She would probably be the Mystery Girl for all his life and he was forever doomed to wonder who the Mystery Girl was and who she could've been to him.
Spring term came and Luke begrudgingly attended his Calculus II class in mourning, knowing what happened at his last Calculus class. As he walked in, his heart sank as it was an empty classroom. A little part of him was hoping that Mystery Girl would've been there waiting as if she knew he would come. He sank his head into his seat and pulled out his things for class as he waited for students to file in and for the class to start.
Then, someone placed a book down next to his seat and sat in it without saying anything. Luke looked up and his heart fluttered upon seeing Mystery Girl.
Oh, right, he was an idiot. The Calculus classes were 3-term classes from Calculus I ranging all the way to Calculus III.
She gave an awkward smile to him and he returned it.
Maybe things were finally going his way.
When class finally started, the professor flipped open the syllabus, asking everyone to introduce themselves to their neighbor for ten minutes.
Luke took that time to turn to the Mystery Girl and finally smiled at her to ask the question he had been wanting to ask her for the past 16+ weeks. "Hi, what's your name?"
"Julie. You're Luke, right?"
"Yeah, good memory." Luke gave a small smile. He knew that she must've seen him sign his name on the form. "You have a really pretty name."
"Thanks." Julie smiled. "We were in the same Calc class last term, right?"
"Yeah." Luke nodded.
Julie nodded before looking at the board, "We should probably go down the list of icebreakers. What's your favorite hobby?"
"Singing and writing songs, probably." Luke shrugged, "I have a band. What about you?"
"You have a band?" Julie gasped in excitement, "I write music too."
Luke watched as Julie lit up, almost like a lightbulb, and suddenly, the conversation went from forced awkwardness to a flowing natural conversation. She burst into a rant about her mother introducing her to the world of music and the school she attended. Luke didn't feel any anxiety to talk to her anymore and suddenly, 10 minutes had gone by and the two still had more to talk about.
At the end of class, Luke knew he couldn't let the moment slip by, so he stopped Julie before she could leave.
"Can I have your number?" He asked, "There's just so much more I want to talk to you about."
"Sure." Julie smiled at him and Luke noticed that once he turned on her lightbulb of enthusiasm, there seemed to be no way to turn it back off.
He was completely fine with that.
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Canon Juke 21 and 24 please
When Julie walks into her room after school she finds Luke splayed out on her bed.
His hair is mussed from sleep and he’s flipping causally through her dream box, and her blanket is rumpled and half her throw pillows have somehow ended up on the floor, and all Julie does is toss her backpack onto her desk chair and flop down next to him. He looks up and grins at her and shifts so she’s tucked safely into his side and she snuggles closer and thinks about how far they’ve come.
“What’cha working on?” She yawns, her eyes already half closed.
She can feel Luke shrug, “Just looking. Go to sleep, Jules.”
“‘Kay,” she murmurs, burying her face in his shoulder, “Wake me up for dinner.”
If he responds she doesn’t hear it, already fast asleep.
When her eyes flutter open again, the light outside has faded and the crickets are singing and everything feels different. Luke’s arms are still wrapped around her and he may be dead to the rest of the world, but he’s warm and he’s right there and he’s never seemed more alive than he does in that moment.
“Jules?” he whispers, as if he’d sensed she was awake.
“Mmph,” she replies sleepily.
“Can you feel my heart beating?”
Julie freezes. Listens. Dares to dream. And sure enough, under where her ear rests against Luke’s chest is the steady, thump, thump, thump of a human heart.
She lifts her head, looks at Luke in awe, “Is that even possible?” Her eyes brim with unshed tears.
“I don’t … I don’t know.” He reaches up to cup her face as if to ground himself, as if she’s the only thing keeping him tethered to earth, and maybe, she thinks, as she places a hand over his beating heart, she is. “I thought … I thought I was imagining it … but … you hear it too?”
“Yeah,” she whispers, “Luke …”
The tears spill over and the calloused pads of Luke’s fingers brush them away.
“Don’t cry,” he pleads.
She smiles through her tears, “Still scared? Your heart is beating awfully fast.”
Luke shakes his head, his face splitting into a grin, “Terrified,” he replies, and pulls her forward until their lips meet.
It’s their first kiss. A little desperate. A little nervous. A little salty from their tears. And absolutely perfect.
It shouldn’t be possible. For them to come together across time and space and death. But it’s happening.
They pull apart just enough that their foreheads bump, their hands and hearts and breath all tangled together.
“Promise me this is real,” she says.
Luke shakes his head, “I can do better than that. I’m promising you all of eternity.”
And then he kisses her again. Their hearts beating in perfect unison.
Fluffy Dialogue Prompts
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littlemissaddict · 2 years
Chestnuts - Luke Patterson x Fem!Reader
Summary: A night in hanging out at Julie’s with a firepit and marshmallows.
Word Count: 636
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December in Los Angeles was cold to say the least but at least they hadn’t had any snow yet to make the weather even more miserable than it already was. Even Luke was out of his tank tops and into long sleeves which was saying something.
“Come on dolly daydream” Luke voices breaks through her thoughts as she blinks over at him standing in the doorway bundled up in a hoodie and a coat waiting for her. Between her thoughts of the cold and Luke’s irritation of the weather she had almost forgotten they were supposed to be going over to Julie’s for the evening.
The walk over to the Molinas’ didn’t feel like it took them very long although she knows that it probably took the same amount of time that it usually took but the light chatter and the way Luke's hand was warming her own, the time passed quickly. Julie welcomed them both with a hug when she opened the door to them, ushering them inside to join the rest of the group who were sitting on the various couches in the living room.
“Ah nice of you to join us” Alex smiles sarcastically when he sees them enter the room, “You know we had a bet to see who we thought would arrive first, you or the pizza” he teases which makes everyone laugh.
“Wait, you ordered the pizza already, how did you know what we wanted?” he exclaims, glancing around at everyone with a frown on his face.
“Probably because you order the same thing everytime” Flynn says with a roll of her eyes, already looking done with Luke’s dramatics but her words were enough to quiet him save for a few grumbles as he sat down on one of the empty couches and pulling her down with him.
“Okay so if we're done with the bickering let’s put the movie on” Julie cuts in before anyone else can say anything else, “and then afterwards dad said he’d set up the firepit and we can break out the marshmallows” she adds with a smile which gets a cheer from the group. 
Two hours later when the movie is finished, their bellies are full of pizza and Ray has managed to get quite a good fire going, the group has situated themselves around the fire pit. “So we just stick them in the fire, how do we know when they’re done?” Reggie asks, almost vibrating with excitement in his seat next to Alex.
“It shouldn’t take that long to toast them but you’ll know by the colour when they’re done” Julie explains, handing the skewers out and reaching for the bags of marshmallows.
“Yeah and you’ll know when you’ve burnt it” she chuckles from her seat on his other side, nudging Reggie with her elbow.
The first few marshmallows do end up burnt much to their dismay but things do seem to improve when they start coming out just right. So much so that it has Luke singing away, “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire”
Not wanting to dampen his spirit, she giggles as she rests her head on his shoulder while keeping her eyes on her own marshmallow. “Not chestnuts” she mumbles quietly enough that only he can hear.
She feels him, more than sees it when he sighs and shakes his head at her correction before starting the song again. “Marshmallows roasting on an open fire” he sings as she pulls away from him to inspect her marshmallow that she pulls from the fire, though a smile does work its way onto her face as he does, “That better for you?” he asks, eyebrows raised and laughing when she nods in reply before settling back into her previous position. Maybe December nights aren’t as miserable as she remembered them being.
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g1rld1ary · 2 months
hi baby !! 🧡
im sick rn and ive looked alllllll over and i couldnt find anything could you write a sickfic for luke from jatp where the female!reader gets sick ? reader is his girl 😽
im doing the same prompt on my blog because im so obsessed with the idea of sickfics and im such a luke girl
so you probably wont have much trouble figuring out who sent you this later if you look it up LMFAO 😍😍
pshsshssh thank you !! 🌼🌼
sick days ; luke patterson x fem!reader
➻ synopsis: you're not feeling well, but luke is here to look after you
➻ word count: 1905
➻ content: established relationship, implied aged up to early 20ish, pet names (love, baby, my girl), tooth rotting fluff
➻ obsessed with this request!!! i've never written a sickfic before so hope this is ok!! hope ur feeling better lovey xxxx
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Your body ached. That was the only thing you could feel. Actually, that was incorrect; you also had a headache and a snotty nose and you were pretty sure your temperature could boil water. In essence, you felt awful. You’d toughed it out for as long as you could, making yourself a steaming hot tea and cozying into the sofa for the night. It wasn’t making you feel any better. So, in a last ditch effort of saving your night, you dialled your boyfriend.
You smiled as his croaky, half-asleep voice came through your phone, murmuring your name.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” You asked, brows furrowed as you checked the time, gasping when it read 1:45am. You thought it was still closer to eleven.
“Don’t worry about it, couldn’t sleep anyway,” Luke lied and you frowned, though he couldn’t see it through the screen.
“No, it’s dumb. I’m sorry I woke you up. Night, Luke.” You moved to hang up when Luke interrupted you.
“Baby, wait! Clearly something’s bothering you. What’s up?” You smiled despite your discomfort, your boyfriend always boosting your mood without even trying.
“Nothing,” You pouted in your puddle of blankets, “Just feel sick.” You could feel Luke’s pity without him saying anything and weren’t sure whether to be indignant or grateful.
“Can you stay awake for twenty more minutes, love?”
“I guess so, why?” You asked, turning the TV back on as something to keep you from sleeping.
“I love you,” Was all he said, hanging up on you abruptly. You smiled softly to yourself, willing your eyes to stay open as you tried to focus on the sitcom in front of you.
You were just dozing off when you heard your apartment door unlocking and the brief shuffling of feet in the entryway. Your grin brightened, the familiar butterflies returning to your chest, even after months of being with Luke. The man in questioned approached you quietly, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as you looked up at him.
“Luke, it’s 2 am, what are you doing here?” You asked despite the obvious answer, opening your shield of blankets for him to crawl onto the sofa with you. He made you wait, tipping out his reusable shopping bag onto the coffee table in front of you. There lay a pint of ice cream, tea bags, painkillers, and your favourite chocolate. Suddenly you weren’t sure if the heat on your face was fever or blush. Silently you held your arms out, and Luke dove into them with all the enthusiasm of a child, peppering your faces with all the kisses he could manage.
“Couldn’t let my girl be sick on her own,” He mumbled, nuzzling himself into the crook of your neck, eliciting a bout of giggles from you.
“My very own Prince Charming,” You grinned, pecking his temple. After a gratuitous moment of cuddling Luke peeled himself off you, taking on the role of concerned caretaker. He was quick to dart into the kitchen, turning the kettle on for your tea and grabbing a spoon for the ice cream he’d bought. Sitting himself in the vacant spot next to you he fixed his focus onto the TV.
“What are we watching?” He asked, pulling the lid off the ice cream tub for you.
“How I Met Your Mother, I’ve just reached season seven.” Luke gasped dramatically, holding his hands over his chest in faux outrage.
“You continued without me? How could you?” You laughed at his accusatory tone, shrugging your shoulders.
“I’m sorry, Lukey. You have to forgive me though, I’m sick,” You punctuated the statement with a pathetic cough, smiling as Luke easily settled down.
You watched in silence for a bit, both giggling at the stupid jokes. After a while you felt Luke looking at you seriously, but chose not to think much of it, continuing to tune in to the show. When he pulled out a thermometer, you raised an eyebrow. Luke wasn’t usually one to be so prepared, but you let him rest it on your tongue nonetheless. When it read a concerningly high number Luke frowned, silently popping the painkillers out of their packaging, feeding you with the insistence of a fed up mother hen.
“Why aren’t you a nurse?” You joked, swallowing the medication with a mouthful of melted ice cream, “Rockstar be damned.”
“Only for you, love.”
“That’s not true, I’ve seen you fretting over Reggie,” You laughed, and Luke couldn’t help but join you.
“That’s fair. You’re my favourite, though.”
“How unexpected.” You craned your neck to press a kiss to his jaw, revelling in the dumb grin that crept onto his face.
You both settled into silence, you leant into Luke’s side, his hands rubbing soft circles into your thigh. You could feel yourself drifting in and out of sleep, never quite able to stay in it for one reason or another. The blanket was too hot, you were cold without it, your head hurt. Nothing was quite right and all you wanted to do was sleep for as long as humanly possible.
“Luke?” You whispered, in case he was already asleep.
“Yes, love?” He replied, shifting his position to look down at you. You faltered for a moment, overwhelmed with the pure adoration in his eyes.
“Will you play for me?” Luke was up in a second, arranging you on the sofa. You giggled as he manhandled you, lying you down and wrapping you tightly in your blanket so you couldn’t escape. You teased him about being his captive audience as he tuned his guitar quickly, never being so grateful for his perfect pitch.
Without anymore holdups Luke began to play, plucking softly at the strings to create a melody that filled the air of your little apartment. His playing was like a siren call, pressing weights on your eyelids until you could barely stand to keep them open. You watched him while you could, admiring the way the faint light from the kitchen lamp made him look like an Adonis, his hair illuminated in gold and his features accentuated by the shadows. You couldn’t believe he was your boyfriend. Luke Patterson, heartthrob of Julie and the Phantoms was your dorky, adoring boyfriend who would make supermarket trips in the middle of the night for you. Who had your favourite ice cream memorised and your key attached to his, so he could come see you whenever he missed you (which was pretty much always).
Despite the various aches and pains that had overtaken your body, the only thing you could feel as you drifted off to sleep was the burning ball of light in your chest, a chemical mixture of joy and love and gratitude, overtaking your senses one by one until you were asleep, dreams filled of beautiful images of your boyfriend.
When you woke up the next morning, you figured out it wasn’t morning at all. Luke had evidently switched off your phone’s alarm after you’d fallen asleep, and it was well into early afternoon when you’d arisen. To his credit though, the sleep had done you some good, and you felt much less like walking death after an intense sleep.
You untangled yourself from the knit blanket, your feet wobbly on the hard wood floors. You had serious post-nap daze, and wandered through your flat looking for your boyfriend. The poorly made sheets on your actual bed told you where Luke slept last night — or this morning, more accurately — you smiled at the way he’d arranged your stuffed animals.
Stuck to the fridge under your New York City magnet was a note from Luke, explaining he had to go to rehearsal but he’d be back later to check on you. You pulled the paper off, travelling back to your room to put the note in your ‘Luke’ box, adding to the collection of notes and drawings he’d given you inconsequentially that you’d held onto.
As the afternoon ticked by you’d gotten onto your computer, figuring that although you were still ill you should try and get something productive done. You were armed with your box of tissues as you got started on an assignment you had due at the end of the week, and slipped your headphones on to get into the headspace.
You screamed as a pair of arms wrapped around you from behind, quickly dissolving into giggles as you realised it was only Luke, back from rehearsal.
“Your voice still sounds scratchy, baby, how are you feeling?” He asked, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Better, promise. Tomorrow I’ll probably go to class if I get another good night’s sleep.”
“That’s my girl.” He grinned, and you felt your insides melting all over again. You closed the laptop, knowing you weren’t going to get much more done now that Luke was with you.
You spent the evening together, ordering in pizza from the place around the corner and getting slightly wine drunk as Luke told you all about his earlier rehearsal and the antics of his band. He sang you part of the new song he and Julie had written and you applauded dramatically, only stopping when you broke into a coughing fit.
“Wanna watch something?” He asked when you grew tired again, cuddling up to him like a cat.
“Barbie?” You asked hopefully, looking up at him with wide eyes. Luke sighed dramatically, but you knew he was just pretending not to like the animated movies you’d grown up on.
“Only if it’s Island Princess,” He offered and you nodded enthusiastically.
The two of you settled in for the movie night, Luke getting much more into the movie as it went on, as he always did. By the end you were singing duets — your voice considerably less pleasing than his, especially due to your illness — Luke taking on the role of the prince letting you be Ro.
As the credits rolled you felt your eyes closing again, and you felt eerily like you did as a younger girl, falling asleep on the couch after a Barbie movie. This was better though, because now you had Luke next to you. He’d taken his role as big spoon extremely seriously, and had all but become one with the couch, pressing into the back as he wrapped his arms around you tightly.
You shifted your position to face him, watching his face relax into contentedness as he tried to doze off to sleep. Feeling you watch him he cracked one eye open, mouth producing a dumb grin that made butterflies erupt in your chest.
“What?” He asked, but you got the distinct impression he knew exactly what you were thinking.
“Nothing,” You lied, but gave in easily, “You’re pretty.”
“You’re pretty too. Now go to sleep.” You nodded, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“Kay, goodnight Lukey. I love you.”
“Love you too, my girl. So much.” His answer was muffled by him pressing his face into your hair to pull you closer, but you couldn’t wipe the smile from your face even as sleep enveloped you.
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The One- Luke Patterson
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GIF: @gillespiecharlie​
A/n: So I came up with this idea with the song 'He could be the one' by Hannah Montana and I know, but listen. You're saying some of the lyrics to Julie and your describing Luke, but you don't know that the boys are listening to the conversation. Feel free to listen to the song.
Your POV
I was in Julie's room waiting for her to come back into her room since she went to grab something. While I was waiting for Julie I couldn't help, but think of Luke. I can't really say much about when I first started liking him. Before my brain went any further I saw Julie walking in, which made me smile.
" Finally!" I said
She just let out a laugh and made her way to sit next to me. Once she got comfy she asked...
" So, what did you want to talk to me about?"
I looked down trying not to blush, but she saw a hint of red coming onto my cheeks.
" Ooh! Are we gonna talk about your crush on a certain ghost boy?" She teased
That just got me to cover my face. " Stop making it weird!" I whined in an embarrassment
" Y/n/n! I'm sorry. But I really want to know!" She said
I let out a sigh, before nodding. Once I was calm enough I started describing Luke in song form.
' Smooth talkin', so rockin',
He's got everything that a girl wantin',
Guitar cutie, he plays it groovy,
And I can't keep myself from doin' somethin' stupid,
Think I'm really fallin' for his smile,
Get butterflies when he says my name,'
I stop talking just to see Julie's reaction. She had such a huge smile on her face and told me...
" I want to hear more, keep going."
I let out a small giggle before saying more.
' He's got somethin' special,
He's got somethin' special,
And when he's lookin' at me,
I wanna get all sentimental,
He's got somethin' special,
He's got somethin' special,
I can hardly breath, something's tellin' me,
Tellin' me maybe he could be the one.'
Julie smiled and nodded...
" He definitely could be the one. Don't lose hope Y/n/n!"
I smiled and hugged her before continuing...
Luke's POV
The boys and I wanted to go hang out with the girls, but when we get to Julie's door we heard them talking about someone. I looked at the boys behind me if they are hearing this. They both nodded, and we all then just decided to listen to them gossip.
'He's lightin', sparks are flyin',
Everywhere I go he's always on my mind and,
I'm goin' crazy about him lately,
And I can't help myself from how my heart is racin',
Think I'm really diggin' on his vibe,
He really blows me away, hey!'
I was standing there shocked at what I'm hearing coming out of Y/n's mouth.
" Luke?" Alex whispered to me
I looked up to see him giving me a concerned look, which I just shrugged off.
" Dude! What's wrong?" Reggie whispered
I just shrugged him off too. I don't know why listening to her say this about me was getting to me so bad. It's not like I'm jealous cause I don't have any memory of liking her. Maybe I do if I feel jealous, but that's impossible, I'm a ghost it would never work. I was about to leave until I heard her talk again.
' And he's got a way of makin' me feel,
Like everything I do is perfectly fine,
The stars are aligned when I'm with him,
And I'm so into him.'
I looked down knowing that I could never give her what she wanted. Before Alex or Reggie coils say anything I left with a flash.
Your POV Right when I finished Julie was a giggling mess.
" You make it seem like you're really in love with Luke." she paused and then let out a gasp..
" Omg, you are so in love with him."
I looked down and blushed. " Yea, but it's not like we can ever be together."
I felt her wrap her arms around me. She started rubbing my back...
" Y/n/n! It's going to be okay. I know it doesn't seem like it will, but I have hope." She told me
I smiled at her and hugged her back until we decided to just sit around her room watching movies instead of facing the boys tonight.
Luke's POV
After I left the boys I made my way to the studio just so I could think this through.
I was just messing around on my guitar when I heard the guys pop in. I looked up, but then back down at my guitar.
" Luke, how are you doin' man?" Alex asked in a gentle tone
I let out a groan. " Man, I don't know. I feel all kinds of emotions, but it's mostly just sad."
They both looked down. " Why are you feeling sad the most, Luke?" Reggie questioned
I shook my head...
" You want to know, it's because I have a crush on her, but it will never work because I;m not alive!"
They seemed surprised about my outburst, but I had to say it. I heard someone walk over to me. I could tell it was Alex onces I saw his shoes in front of me.
" Luke, I don't really know what you're going through since I've never been in this exact situation. But I'm always here for you man." He said
I looked up and gave him a sad smile. I then pulled him in for a much needed hug and I felt his arms go around me while I felt another set of arms go around me.
" Thanks guys." I quietly said
" Always Luke." Reggie said, while Alex just tightened his arms around me
I really hope this is good, I really didn't know how to end it so feel free to ask me anything about it.
More coming soon and requests I promise. Thanks for all your lovely support and love, I am so grateful for all of you.
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
mean luke danes fic? Smut preferably? Age gap and size kink please? Xx
hello! I'm sorry it's a bit short, but I hope you like it! I'm also trying to write more of my non-chris/seb requests as I probably write too much of them, and it's probably unfair for those of you who want to read for another man. also, age and size kink/gap/difference is already applied to my fics.
warning - smut, choking, tummy bulge, mean luke.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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A sharp moan escapes you as Luke pushes your face into the mattress, thrusting into your tight cunt brutally. “Shut up! You never know when to keep your mouth shut!” He growls, his voice rough as he fucks into you. “Why do you think your in this position, huh?”
You whimper, gripping the sheets underneath you. A whine leaves you as Luke’s fist wraps around your hair, making a makeshift ponytail as he pulls you up against his chest. “Was it because you were being a brat all day?” You nod, pushing yourself back on his cock as moans continue to fall from your lips.
“Y–yes! I was a brat! I’m sorry!” Your eyes screw up from the pleasure, and you can feel his cock deep inside your stomach. His brutal thrusts make you see stars, “Luke! Please!” You cry, and your hands move around to grab any part of him. 
Luke’s hand comes around your body, making its way up to your throat and grips tightly. “Shut up! Don’t you see how much of a whore you are?! Letting an old man like myself fuck you!” He grunts, pulling your tiny body flush against him. “Look how fucking tiny you are compared to me!” The moan that falls from your lips causes his cock to throb. “Feel this bulge. That’s my cock deep inside you.” His hand pushes on the bulge forming underneath your flesh. 
Your eyes roll back, not being able to hold on anymore. Your walls pulse around Luke’s thick throbbing member as you let go, sucking him deeper into you. The feel of you squeezing his cock causes Luke to thrust a few more times before burying himself deep inside you, releasing thick spurts of cum, and filling you to the brim.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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thedeathdeelers · 1 year
the sun, the moon, the stars
she was the sun.
at first he thought she was the sun.
she was the first spark of light after he crash landed back down on earth; like seeing a glimpse of the rising sun following a cold, seemingly never ending, dark night.
her glow only intensified once he heard her sing, that dazzling voice blinding him in one fell swoop, leaving his eyes struggling to adjust. it was beautiful the way she would shine just as brightly onstage as she did in the privacy of her own home, her voice warming him to his very core, one note at a time.
the only problem was that he could never afford to get too close — if he did, if he tried, all the dreams and illusions that were built up in his head about this new life would burn to a crisp, leaving behind smoke and a trail of shattered hopes.
she was the sun, and he was no one.
she was the moon.
when he got the chance to get to know her a little more, when he found himself inevitably starting to fall for her, he realised he had been mistaken — that maybe julie wasn’t the sun, but rather the moon.
a quiet ethereal beauty that cast light on everything in its path, guiding lost stumbling souls out of the depth of the shadows and into its brilliance. with all odds against him, against them, she had managed to pull him out of his nightmares, and help shine a light on a home that had been long forsaken by hope.
it was also an undeniable fact that she had the distinct ability to pull him in and keep him in her orbit. he always found himself gravitating towards her, her voice effortlessly pulling him in like the rising tide of the ocean’s waves, her power on him never wavering.
and unlike the sun, touching her wouldn’t destroy him; wouldn’t set him ablaze. but she was still too far out of reach, fingers outstretched as far as they can go, yet still coming up empty.
she was the moon, out of reach, and he a ghostly shadow.
she was the stars.
more time had passed, and his thoughts kept shifting; the longer he looked at her, the more he was convinced she was the stars.
twinkling in the night sky even when surrounded by darkness, refusing to give in to the shadows. obstacle after obstacle, she rises up, never letting anyone dim that light shimmering in her eyes.
he always looked at her the same way, as one would a starry night — in awe and reverence at its sheer sparkling beauty, with millions upon millions of little glittering lights coming together to paint a masterpiece.
he could never look away.
but this only solidified what he already knew — just like the stars belonged to no one, she would never be his, was never meant to be his. her place was in the heavens, where her brilliance could mesmerise any who looked her way.
she was the stars, but who was he?
it was only when his fingers reached out and traced the soft curves of her cheek, palms pressing against forbidden warm skin, did he finally realise.
did he finally understand.
she wasn’t the sun, the moon, nor the stars.
she was all of them combined,
she was his entire universe.
and maybe, just maybe, that meant he was someone.
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