#Luz Taken To Castle
Humans have to stick together, right?
Luz Stays In The Castle AU by @talisman975
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Luz is brought to the castle by the guards and Belos live reaction being "THE CRAB MAIDEN?" /hj
I like this AU a lot! Especially the family bonds of Luz with Hunter and Belos with Hunter. I do hope that I will be able to illustrate this good moments sooner or later. Especially when Belos funally desides to change his attitude towards his nephew and deliberately tries to be a better uncle for him.
Luz was one big good influence on this Wittebane family. And they were good influence on her. (Thank God for things not going south. They could have gone bad PRETTY FAST.)
I feel like I need to say this.. It is not an AU where everyone pity Belos. I just chose those moments because I felt like it (and because I needed to warm up and this static-poses were easier to draw traditionally.)
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shadysadie · 1 year
I love that Raine got to be part of the final battle.
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With as many people as Belos hurt, pretty much all the characters deserved to be there to help deliver the final blow (or final *stompstompstomp*) but short of doing a giant Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood style showdown in the middle of the castle (which would not suit this show like it did FMAB) there was just no way that everyone who deserved to see Belos destroyed was going to get that satisfaction. 
I really love that the one extra person that got to join the Owl Family for this was Raine. 
Because Raine has given absolutely everything to the revolution. Idle Scree has a fantastic video on the subject, but to sum it up, Raine went into the bard coven with the explicit goal of working their way up through the ranks and uncovering the truth behind Belos’ plans. It has taken them decades of espionage to get where they are. They cut themself off from all of their relationships, crossed moral boundaries, and even asked the woman they love to give up her life in order to take Belos down. 
So when Belos takes control of them they fight back.
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While Hunter’s possession is a lot more brutal, simply because Belos specifically wanted to make Hunter suffer as much as possible, while mocking Luz and friends, Raine’s struggle is almost harder to watch.
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They’re getting tossed around, their arms are getting dislocated at the very least, they’ve vomiting Belos goop, but they are still fighting with everything they have to regain control because they did not spend their life trying to take Belos down just to end up his play thing. 
Hunter had to crush his best friend with his own hand in order to break free of Belos, Raine is fighting with indignation and fury alone.
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And they keep fighting.
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Even without their weapon, as soon as they have enough control to get their fingers to their mouth, they cast Belos out. And after that, they could have given up. They were free. They must have been exhausted, but they are clever, probably the most clever person on the Boiling Isles, so they realize exactly what’s going to happen and they can not let that happen.
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The way they fall up the stairs here shows just how hurt and tired they are. Think of what their timeline has looked like from their perspective: the Day of Unity happened, they nearly died from the draining spell, they fought through excruciating pain to save Eda as what they thought was their final act, then the eclipse ends and they are still alive, but suddenly these evil stars are attacking them, then they spend months “sequestered in a darkness like onto death” only to be awoken and have their most hated enemy take over their body. 
And through all that THEY KEEP GOING.
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And again, this fight is brutal, they are basically suffocating in Belos’s flesh towards the end, and they still don’t give up.
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They shatter their weapon in one last ditch effort to stop Belos, but it doesn’t work.
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They lost. They were a second too late and now everything they fought for is for nothing. Belos made it to the heart. He can take control of the very Titan itself, and there is nothing Raine can do to stop him.
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But even then, they don’t give up. They keep whistling, even if it’s weak, even if it doesn’t do much, they whistle to keep themself alive, because they are going to keep fighting until their very last breath.
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So after all of that, the fact that they get to be one of the people who actively take Belos down…well, I think they say it best for themself…
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luminoushane · 1 year
Been making a TOH au as of late!
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Basically, Amity gets adopted by Lilith when she was a baby (After Alador had taken her away from Odalia) and was raised just around the castle (since I don't think Lilith had much time off), with the help of Raine and Darius.
Luz meets her, immediately dubbing her mentor's niece as her "arch nemesis" since Eda and Lilith were rivals and therefore so should they.
And they were rivals... Probably. Rivals don't usually look at each other like they hung the stars themselves. But that's for another time.
There's so much more I gotta explain and discuss, but I'm too lazy rn.
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pincushionx · 20 days
Been seeing some discussion on Hunter’s kill count so let me throw in my interpretation
Hunter isn’t some cold blooded killer. In fact in the show we see him avoid doing any messy work. Like having the owl gang try to kill the selkidomous or letting Luz and the Palismen go. Or the fact that during the fight with Amity he never did anything to imply he was trying to kill her, he didn’t even try restraining her. He just was trying to snatch the key and leave the entire fight. If anything, it was Amity pulling out the hurting and restraining moves lol.
But rather where I think there is violence was because of the inherent nature of the two missions. Mission 1 was him trying to kill the selkidomous, the only reason that didn’t happen was because there was people there to do it for him (even if they didn’t). So that makes me wonder, where there other beats killing missions he had to do? I’d imagine so, and I guarantee he didn’t have anyone to the work for him those times. So there’s that, Hunter killing some beasts.
Mission 2 was the palismen , and also before the mission we see him handing a palismen to Belos. So yeah, dude has probably taken ownerless palismen in the past, and has given palismen to Belos to kill and eat so theirs that. I don’t think he’s directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of palismen but numbers do add up.
Also another thing I want to mention is direct responsibility, I’d imagine a lot of the violence or deaths caused by Hunter weren’t directly from him but the consequences of his job.
Now next is where we can be a bit imaginative, I pretty sure it’s stated in the show that Hunter only goes on missions on the weekends. So dude is pretty much just hanging out in the castle in the weekdays. That means he was probably doing paperwork, and considering he’s a coven head, he has a lot of power. So on the weekends rather than him going on missions, he was sending out scouts. That means anything that the scouts did, that he may have sent was also partially his responsibility. So if the scouts where to arrest, or kill any witches, then Hunter would likely feel at minimum partially responsible (I feel like he’d feel incredibly guilty as if he directly killed them)
Now for the actual mission, obviously he’s likely captured wild witches. While he was shown to struggle a bit but learn and adapt with palismen magic. When we see him with his artificial staff, he’s highly skilled with it. He fought pretty calmly with Luz and Eda at the shores and can travel a high speeds with it. I’d be more amazed if he didn’t manage to arrest anyone. Anyways, so here’s Hunter, he’s arrested some wild witches and he’s proud of himself. He takes them to the conformatium, he thinks that’s the end of it only for those witches to be privately petrified. We know that public petrifications hadn’t happened in 30 years but we see that they still happen in private.
It’s a bit dubious if we know if Hunter knew of these petrifications or not, much less arresting witches knowing they’re going to be petrified. But I think he possibly may have considering in Hollow mind he excuses those death of the sigil witches as just Belos perfecting sigil magic and literal terrorism for the greater good.
That’s where I think a kill count comes to play, that Hunter arrested wild witches knowing there may have been a possible chance of them dying. Therefore making him a factor for death. (Not to confuse with cause of death)
Another idea is him accidentally killing, like using too much force or miscalculating a spell. Another idea is killing in self defense. Assassinations aren’t much of a surprise in the castle so I don’t doubt there’s a chance that he may have killed an assassin or someone trying to cause bodily harm on him. Again a situation of a fight with a wild witch going too far. I don’t doubt a wild witch willing to fight Hunter to death knowing it was likely he was going to arrest them and lead them to a possible death.
One more, a messed up one but one that isn’t too out of character is having Belos having Hunter test his loyalty by being able to kill for him. Or Belos having Hunter kill someone in the privacy of the castle, like a traitor coven member (I doubt Raine and the Cats are the first to attempt a infiltration) Hence, where the context I was thinking of for this drawing actually comes from. (“May Titan have mercy on you”).
Again this is me just counting deaths and not any other potential violence he may have committed (not resulting in deaths. Even if someone doesn’t die, the violence inflicted upon them could still be life changing. The idea of Hunter giving someone a disability or trauma is pretty sad :( and not even impossible). Hunter in the show is pretty desensitized to violence in the way he talks about it or thinks of it in Any sport in a storm and Hollow mind.
So yeah, that’s my Hunter kill count, a couple if beasts, dozens of palismen and handful of actual witches, my guess 3-6. Could be higher but I’m trying to be a bit more realistic, even if I admittedly want to dramatize it lol.
Anyways that my rambles, anyone have their own thoughts on this?
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shinjisdone · 8 months
Two Humans in the Demon Realm - Fantasy And Nightmare
What if by the time Luz Noceda the human emerged into the demon realm...some other human did, too? However, instead of being joyful of being surrounded by all they love and taken in by a kind and openhearted witch...they are terrified of this place, taken in by the ruler of the realm?
[Basically I watched TOH again and dammit HUNTER SHALL HAVE A FRIEND I SAY NOT UNTIL S2 but NOW I SAY NOW]
Part 2 of this
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Things seemed to become okayish.
The visits were more frequent and the Golden Guard would come in with different, hopefully tastier dishes to you. "Your little drawings of human food aren't the best, you know." He said as he returned with a plate of hot...moving...algae? When all you drew for him was bacon.
They don't even have bread here *crying*.
Alongside the questionable food he also brought writing utensils, something akin to a magical board and the like. You were unsure and so let him use the majority when teaching him about glyphs.
The Golden Guard would nod and hum before grabbing everything under his arm and excusing himself off until the next time he visits you. At times he seemed to be in a good mood so you assumed he made progress - yet he mostly returned tired and grumpy so you did not try your luck to ask how much progress he was doing and how much of it was actually successful.
You did not even know what he's doing with the knowledge or why he needs it.
Still...being kept in a room out of everyone's sight can be boring...and overwhelming.
You've asked your guard a couple of times if there isn't any other new places to be. Just for fresh air. Or to feel the sunlight directly and not through the window you weren't even allowed to touch.
However, one day after requesting it a couple of times, the Golden Guard halted with you almost bumping into him, spun around and agreed.
Under one condition: You'd go outside of the castle's barriers and into the wild to practice wild magic.
Learning about it by theory was no problem but the Guard couldnt risk practicing any of it on Belos' territory. The punishment would be too severe.
Besides...he won't ever tell you but he's scared of using it. Wild magic is dangerous.
Not that he wants to endanger your life but you have far more experiences with it, so he likes to believe that things will turn out fine if you practice them out. He can stay back with the theories on paper and you can actually cast them.
So clad once again with the humble scout uniform, you made your way - though you feel like you instant traveled or zapped - to an abandoned shore. The sea and cliffs would shield you from unwanted attention.
The Golden Guard is very much aware of what a risk he's taking - but it could lead to an solution, to healing.
He is still doing his job. Looking after you and making sure you don't kill yourself through careless spellcasting of wild magic. Thats what he tells himself at least.
The hours pass by and the two of you were engrossed in the many glyphs and the possibilities they offer. You so effortlessly draw them into the sand, it leaves him a bit impressed.
You finish drawing each glyph that you know. "I'm sure there are many more but the majority are like...basic ones from nature, you know? Light, fire, plants...they seem like any other magic spell of your Emperor's Coven, I don't know what else they could do."
He trotted over with his staff, inspecting the glyphs further. "They can be. I've read about it." He passed you by, letting the end of his staff draw along the sand and connecting your drawings with his own lines. "Magic has layers even when the core is the same. Light is more than just able to see in the dark, it filters through the atmosphere we exist in and can cast shadows - thats already another path that light glyph opens up for you!" You noted how much lighter and higher his tone gets as he jogs around the shore, drawing more circles. "Back then before the Savage Times witches were able to create more spells with their imagination and willpower alone just through understanding each core-!"
His figure froze mid-drawing as his gaze met your quizzical one. Straightening his posture, he cleared his throat and intentionally spoke sternly. "I, uh, read that. It's history 101 here on the Boiling Isles, nothing...crazy. You wouldn't know that."
You can't help but crack a smile. "You sure know a lot about magic even if it can be scary. You must be a master by now, is that what it means to be the Golden Guard?" You smiled and meant it as a compliment but your companion just seemed to shrink, looking away from you. "Magic isn't scary, well, wild magic doesn't have to be. There's an immense, just...pool of unlimited possibilities, its what this entire isle is made of. Magic at the very beginning was just like this, wild, and kind of endless," Halting, he continued in a low tone, "...but it can get out of control, thats why its wild in the first place. If you're not careful, if you don't know what you are doing, people might get hurt and-"
He hit a rock when shifitng his weight. A part of the circle had been cut by his foot and he gazed down at the grande symbol you two created. It seemed like art but he knew it couldn't ever be.
Taking a deep breath he called out louder with his hand shooting out. "Thats why I am the Golden Guard, yes, I'll take care of this, of everything. So stay back, human-!"
One shift of his foot too much and he came in contact with a glyph. The lines glowed a bright green and before he knew it, the Guard let out a yelp as his staff went flying up to the cliffs, getting stuck in the rocks.
"No! No, no, no!" His hands clutched his head. You jogged over to him and offered the lightest of condolences. "We can get it back. Should be easy with, yeah, magic-" Your shoulders jumped up, retracting your finger that was playfully drawing circles in the air when your companion started clinging up the cliff, only to slide and fall down again and again. You called out to him in assurance but had to snap when he didnt stop even when his uniform got ripped.
"Hey, hey, you're gonna get hurt! Just wait a moment!"
"I can't! This staff was given to me by Belos!"
"Just focus and cast a spell to get it back!"
His sudden silence surprised you. The Golden Guard shrunk in himself and avoided your gaze. He stood still for a few more awkward minutes - until you took a deep and loud breath.
"...Can't you...cast a magic spell? Like something with the wind, maybe?"
Once again, he stayed quiet and you took your book in your hands before drawing a circle in the sand. "Here, I'll go get it. I'll stand right here and jump on the vine, you'll just have to activate the glyph for me." Once again, he looked away before you urged him more with a trying smile. "You can do it, Golden Guard."
Without another exchange you took your position. The Guard hesitated as he kneled down. "I..."
Gingerly he grazed the outline with one finger and a small sprout grew - before he snapped his hand back and it died instantly.
Looking up to you - and somehow you could tell that he asked you on the 'how'. "You just touch it," you smiled, "I need it to be big and strong...you said that witches used to do that with willpower and imagination, right? Maybe...we could try that." You could feel his gaze, could tell how his chest heaved but with a deep breath he slammed his hand onto the sand. At the contact the glyph glowed bright, a sprout emmitted and you were quick to jump on the growing vine.
In an blink of an eye, the staff was retreated and the guard slowly imagined the vine becoming smaller and reshaping into a flower - which it did the moment you landed on your feet.
"Here." You returned the weapon that you so awkwardly held, "...That thing seems more unstable than my glyphs - from holding it at least."
You tried to smile for him but he remained silent. Throwing sand over the drawn glyphs, the both of you returned to the castle without another word.
Back in the discreet room, you took off the mask of the scout uniform with a frown. "Hey...I won't question anything of that...instance if you don't want me to."
He snapped his head back at you before slowly letting it fall. All you got were mumbles under his breath.
With yet another awkward smile that you could muster, you pointed towards his scraped skin. "I found some bandages here the other day...we'd best patch that up before it gets infected...if that uh, happens around here." This time however, he shook his head. "I can take care of myself. I don't need...your help..."
Underneath his mask he scowled as his words trailed off. What a lie.
He's pathetic.
Still, you tried to urge him to let you tend to him with sticking plaster in hand. Begrudgingly he let you - a bit unsure still. Even the act of sitting on that bed - which is your bed now (has been for a while...he wonders how long you'll stay) - has him thrown off. The confident aura of the Golden Guard leaving him and letting him down.
You talk about what you still were able to learn today, how in your world, water is connected to healing or seen as healing - after all, magic was fiction in your realm that you saw in "movies"...whatever illusions those might be - so maybe magic including a water glyph might ease his pain (which no, that's not how it works. However...he does not interrupt you).
It makes him realizes he doesn't know much about your realm despite keeping you here so that Belos can learn more about it. But what he does realize that in your strange human way, you were trying to comfort him.
He thinks. He never has been comforted before, not like this. Belos never comforted him like this.
After all was patched up, he was quick to collect his staff and leave yet stopped before reaching the door. "...Thanks..." You heard him hesitate and could almost not believe what he was saying, "...for today. And...for the other time where you helped me...with your wild magic."
A smile graced your face and your eyes lit up in a way that the Golden Guard did not know what to think of it. "You're welcome." Quickly he avoided your gaze. "But don't go overboard. Wild magic is dangerous, you could get hurt. So don't do anything without my supervision."
His attempt at sounding stern didn't go unnoticed but as he left, you couldn't find it in yourself to take it personal.
Things have become...challenging. For him.
He stood there with food in his hand right in front of your door, the illusion spell gone for a moment. In his pocket were a few bandages.
He can return your used ones - then again they aren't yours, they belong to the Emperor as everything does here on the Boiling Isles. Well, you could still have some in stock in case you get hurt with wild magic - which isn't something HE can allow to happen as the Golden Guard!
He groans and just goes in.
In time you appreaciated his visits. The extra bandages weren't...neccessary but welcomed. The dishes he brought resembled your doodles more and were *gasp* actually tasty! You asked him if he spend time in the kitchen and he answers embarrassingly (but at least you cannot see the cuts on his hands).
The Golden Guard liked taking his time with wild magic lessons this time though. The outings aren't this far away anymore but each one was at a different place that you appreciated.
You were more open to tell him of your human world. Of quiet nights, of animals like wolves and how the rain is soothing and not boiling. How humans liked to go swim in the ocean as a pass time! (insanity to him).
You mentioned that he'd get it if he would see it...you hoped you'd be able to see it too.
It was interesting...if not fantastical in his mind.
Even with your frequent meetings with Belos who grew more and more impatient, he always stood by your side. Protecting you even with excuses when the emperor chose harsh words. Nevertheless, the man always tried to be a delight in your presence but you could never truly believe him. He did not make ultimatums or threatened or hurt you...did he pity you because you were human?
You always made sure to thank your guard in situations like these even when he had trouble accepting your gratitude or showing any of his own. You assumed he was never upset by it though.
However, when it came to him he was more than reserved. Any questions of his day, interests, well-being, age or even his name he never really answered. It felt all too compelling to just give up on asking him.
The day started off normal enough. What you learned was normal around here.
The Golden Guard announced that he'd go on a mission right before bidding goodbye after his visits. It will be on the airship...not known to Belos but he will be happy with that he'd bring back. No, you cannot come.
"It's top secret, so just between you and me. I won't be back after bringing in victory so don't try to leave this room - okay, byyyeeee!"
There he was again zapping away and leaving you to kill off your boredom all by yourself. It wasnt until the late evening when crashing and guards stomping by your room was heard. In a panic you rushed towards the wall to eavesdrop.
'Airship' and 'Golden Guard' was all you could hear out by a small, high-pitched voice...squealing over the possibility of his death and taking his place.
Your heart skipped a beat and your throat felt dry. Death? What did they mean with him dying? Taking his place? This - This has to be a joke!
But the demon realm taught you quick that nothing was a joke here. Many things could have taken your life and you were sure members of the Emperor's Coven would be more than willing to be the most dangerous things on the isles.
There was no time to think. Your heart was pounding so hard leaving you with a headache yet you did not stop when putting on the scout uniform nor did you falter when stealing from the Healing Coven's closet. It was terrifying but you did not think about it nor about the consequences that could follow if Belos found out. You could imagine that he wouldn't be pleased when the human got out of his castle.
You refused to think about it or else you might shake in your boots with no power to continue to help him.
Sneaking out you were met with rubble and it confirmed your suspicions. You didn't know how to really find him if other witches were already after him. Making sure you stayed out of anyone's sight, you tightly held onto the bag filled with healing potions. You stumbled through the dark and the debris, falling hard enough to lose your mask - but secured the bottles from shattering.
It's alright, you tell yourself and took a deep breath, you can still hide your ears with the cape.
Other scouts searched the area and suddenly you had a bad feeling about dressing as one yourself. Though beyond the orders shouted out, you heard a high voice not belonging to any of the Emperor's Coven and followed it. Without realizing whats in front of you, you collapsed with another person.
You shrieked but caught the bottles just in time. Whipping your head up, you came face to face with another witch - a boy your age with hair pale blonde, scars on his face and ear and heavy eyebags just under his ruby red eyes.
His jaw hung open with a tooth gap peeking from his lips. He looked at you as if he couldn't believe his eyes.
Before he could speak you interrupted him: "Have you seen the Golden Guard?!"
Jumping, he recoiled.
You only stared at him with white panic. "He was steering the airship that crashed here I heard! I, I've got to find him - Emperor's orders!" You hoped he'd take the bait - but only kept staring at you in shock.
In turn you shook your head with a scoff and passed by him yet still stopped and gazed at him over your shoulder. "...You look hurt," Your hand fished out a few potions, "I got these for him but you look like you could use them, too." Without another word you shoved a few potions into his arms and made a run deeper into the debris.
After your figure dissapeared, he still stood there. Beyond the smoke another person emerged through. "Who was that?" Her brown eyes looked worriedly over to him as she adjusted the cape around her round ears.
The blonde frowned before quickly packing the potions out of her sight. "No one. Let's go."
The moment he got back, he barged into your room.
It was long nighttime. You did not sleep, refused to rest your eyes as you skimmed around your book for some kind of glyph that lets you track people. Find their belongings, their status. Anything.
He should've expected it but it still startled him when you rushed over, yelling at him with panicked eyes on where he had been.
The Golden Guard told you the truth - part of it at least and sprinkled a bit of fantasy on it. How he was found and brought back to the castle.
"And what about 'taking your place'?! I saw members of the Coven trying to track you down and..." Your eyes softened, your face grim, "...they talked about getting rid of you."
He looked briefly away from your sullen gaze. "They weren't able to."
"So thats just, a thing that happens here? Scouts and generals wanting to get rid of others for their position?! Thats not normal! Thats something that happened in kingdoms and dynasties and..."
You halt and deflate. Your arms that were wildly gesturing just a moment ago slowly fell to your sides. "...empires."
The Golden Guard assured you while shaking his head. "Listen, I don't know what these are but! I'm fine! I'm fine. You don't have...to worry about someone like me."
"Your airship crashed, thats enough reason to worry - and after hearing the members of your own Coven want you dead, of course I'd come looking for you!"
You saw his shoulders jump. He tilted his head up in surprise and even though you couldn't see it, you were sure he was stunned. It only made you frown more.
"...Of course I'd look for you."
The way you looked at him was the final resolution he believed he needed. A sigh escaped and hit his mask as he avoided your gaze. "...Yeah, you did. You saved me. Thanks..." He saw you straightening your back as your head rose and your face grimaced with a puzzled expression. He bet you must be so confused, maybe hurt - of course you are, you just said it yourself. But still, he put the empty bottles into your hands.
"Human, I have to tell you something..." His voice shook as his hands went up to remove his mask. A gasp escaped you as the same bad but sad boy was looking at you. His blonde hair tussled and unruly as his red eyes seemed to beg you not to he angry. They were bandages on his face which somewhat eased your worries. He was hurt and roughed up but not as much as you feared.
"Why didn't you tell me that was you?" You approached him unsurely and he seemed to back away. He twiddled with his fingers and couldnt meet your eyes. "...No one was supposed to see me. I barely take off my mask anyway, only to Belos. And..." He scowled slightly, "I didn't know what to do. I didn't expect you, you weren't even supposed to be there!"
"I was worried they'd kill you! That was true what I heard, wasnt it? Or is that also a lie?" "I'm not lying to you!" He snapped back with a bit more bite in him, "Kikimora constantly tries to take my place! Thats why it was so weird to see you there with healing potions looking for me! And...I should thank you. I wanna thank you." As quick as his fierce glare came, it was gone again as the blonde shrunk meekly, begrudgingly admitting his fault in a soft voice. "...No one's done that for me before. Not even...Belos..."
You frown was filled with pity. "I figured as much." You softly let out and motioned towards your bed. With hesitancy, he sat down at the edge and you followed to do the same. Now sitting next to him, you hesitated yourself. "Is there anything more I should know?" "What do you want to know?" Looking back up, he saw you glaring slightly at him. "Your name for example. Or are you just known as the Golden Guard?"
Your anger was nothing compared to the way he snapped.
But as fast as it came, he slowly shrunk again, turning away and fiddling with his hands.
His voice softened once again.
"...My name is Hunter."
You repeated his name and it left a shiver down his spine. Hearing you out of all people say it is weird, it is all so weird. No one adresses him by his name but you just did as if it were normal.
"Well...it's nice to meet you properly, Hunter." Again, you are acting weird, smiling at him ever so slightly and even if it was forced, it seemed genuine to him. That you'd even say something like that. You even repeated your name as if it really is the first time you two met.
He awkwardly shook your offering hand.
"It's...nice to meet you, too."
"But why are you telling me all this, Hunter?"
His red eyes flickered to the side before a more serious expression graced his face. He took a deep breath before staring into your eyes. "There's something you need to know." He began dryly, "When I was out there, running away from Kiki...I was with someone else. It...was another human, just like you."
Your eyes widened.
"If I'm right, she comes from the same place that you do. I believe she appeared later on the Boiling Isles than you did and she might have the means to return. She is not...a friend, but I can bring you to her."
"There is a way back home?!" Jumping up from the bed, you barely could believe your luck. But it still left you confused. "But...can you tell me even this? I-is that something I'm supposed to know? What about Belos?"
Hunter looked back up to you, his hands tightly gripping his knees. "You deserve to know. You...are the nicest, weirdest person I've ever met. And you want to go back home, to somewhere you belong..." Sadness briefly glimmered in his eyes and they glance back at you, "Human, I - no," Hunter corrected himself by saying your name, "I have to pay you back for all the...things you've done for me. Even if I am just a powerless witch...I want to help you get back to your realm."
You were speechless. Taking a step towards him, you opened your mouth but the next words that were heard were not yours but chirping.
On the window behind Hunter, was a red bird watching you two.
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crimeronan · 2 months
On the Gus sneaks into the castle a bunch to check in on Willow point, several possible implied things that may happen as a result
First option, Amity blunders into him whilst invisible, and recognizes him... and depending on when this happens (ie has she reconciled things with Willow yet, and is she aware he's been sneaking in) for the former, she's paranoid that clearly Willow hates her and has gotten her best friend and the best illusionist-wild witch around in to get rid of her (paranoia brain from her murdery roommates, also thinking she deserves it ) If it's a little later on (Hunter's looking for Gus, but he does not know he's Willow's bestie yet but Willow and Amity have patched things up) Amity recognises Willow's old friend and puts things together quickly... cooperation for anti grimwalker terrorism in the name of fun. What could be a lot more fun... Gus accidentally bumping into Luz. And having a little celebrity moment... not because she's the Empress, but because she's human and also doesn't suck and did all the cool stuff she did and Luz doesn't know how to handle it all. Does not know how to handle genuine unprompted praise from a stranger that isn't for just being the Empress, but for the things she's actually doing to fix things. She isn't doing it for anyone's praise and actually getting it unexpectedly is... jarring to say the least.
AW. both of these amity options are fun but the luz one is Getting Me. i do love the idea of gus having been fascinated by luz for a long time simply on account of her being The Human Princess. and then when she becomes empress, he's like actually she might just be based. like as a person. Cool Beans
gus earnestly tells her how much her outlook on magic means to him and to any other anti-coven people he knows (he probably has a network. he feels to me like a guy who can network shenanigans Especially once he's older). and then luz looks so taken aback and uncertain that gus is like "uh oh! too earnest!!" and so he cracks a joke about how if luz wasn't empress, he'd have had to join adrian's coven
and a second after he says it, he's like "...whoops, probably should not be shit-talking the coven heads to the empress."
but luz LAUGHS.
and then is like oh NO. pretend i didn't laugh.
highlight of gus's year. i think he and luz could get up to Shenanigans.
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effypcfcwrites · 4 months
The Owl House
(Originally posted on my personal Facebook dated April 25, 2023)
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This is probably the first time I'll be posting a detailed review of a piece of media that I like, so witness me sing all of my praises for this animated series from the House of Mouse, because wow, I've never been so invested in a Disney show after rewatching Gravity Falls.
For those unfamiliar, The Owl House revolves around Luz Noceda, a teenage girl who stumbles upon a portal to an alternate world called The Boiling Isles, meets a witch named Eda Clawthorne, learns magic under her tutelage and eventually enrolls in Hexside, a magic school where she makes many friends and goes on multiple adventures.
I binged this whole show in a span of weeks and even stayed up all night on my day off to finish it up to Season 3, the first 2 Seasons being on Disney+ and the latter on Disney Channel's YouTube page.
Simply put, I love it so much! I love how it reminds me of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, and, dare I say, Harry Potter, which it even poked fun at, at times. Well-deserved, considering J.K. Rowling’s transphobic views and HP’s underlying anti-Semitic undertones.
I loved the pop culture references to Thor: Ragnarok, Howl's Moving Castle, Metal Gear Solid, and even Hades, among many others! I thought those were very clever and funny, and just a treat for fellow nerds, geeks, and fans of fantasy stories, anime, and video games.
I love the LGBTQ+ representation all throughout the show, which was such a bold move considering Disney’s iffy stance on the subject. None of them were antagonized for it, and it was treated as something normalized in both the Human and Demon Realms. The show featured 2 gay dads, non-binary and aromantic-asexual characters, and one of the internet’s favorite sapphic/WLW couples Lumity, which is the ship consisting of canonically bisexual Luz and implied lesbian Amity Blight, whose rivals-to-friends-to-lovers relationship was just so wholesome, so natural, and very healthy, considering they're both teenagers. Suprisingly, there was very little melodrama, not once were they petty towards one another whenever either party did something wrong, and they never got tired of showing affection towards each other. I found myself shamelessly gushing over how cute, adorable, and supportive they were together, and tearing up a lot during key moments of their relationship, especially when they both found themselves in dire straits as the story progressed.
I love the writing and the character development of them all! None of them felt static, they all grew throughout the series, maturing, getting better, and healing from their own insecurities, trauma, and guilt. The humor and comedic timing was a nice touch, and I was really taken aback by how S2 ended on such a dark cliffhanger with all stakes raised to the roof, similar to A:TLA S2 and The Empire Strikes Back, as mentioned earlier. That season wasn’t afraid to have such a grim ending, with such a great payoff by the end of S3 which is worth celebrating.
I love the animation and art style, which blended colorful and whimsical with eerie and ominous in just the right amounts. As a sucker for animated movies and series such as Adventure Time, The Prince of Egypt, and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, it was just such a delight watching it.
I love the overarching message of the show, which is to be truly yourself, to embrace your quirks, and never to limit yourself and your potential based on what the majority of society and the powers-that-be expect from you. All throughout, you’ll find the characters challenging pre-established norms and roles, and it’s just so satisfying seeing them all win.
11/10 top-tier show. Don’t @ me, it’s hard for me to find something I disliked about the series. It's definitely a must-watch, especially if you're sick and tired of all the bleak nihilism of modern adult animation, and you just want to baby your inner child and escape to a whimsical fantasy world with characters you can all relate to. Betting my bottom peso you'll all be hooked, like I was.
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whisperwillyou · 10 months
omg 100% no pressure at all but...if you wanted to drop more toh arts....especially if you have any of the siblings of all time........👀👀
Believe me I want to! 😭
I’ve got so many things I want to be able to share.
Almost all of them centered around the most simblings to ever simbling.
I’ve got simblings art ✨galore✨
If only I could finish getting them out of my adhd brain and onto paper.
I’ve got AroAce Hunter stuff
Based on my own personal experiences so don’t come at me
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I’ve got animatic story boards
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Angst and aus and comics oh my
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I’ve got a whole entire sibling au
And I mean a WHOLE ass sibling au
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This isn’t even half the scene’s I have in my head for this au. This au is my heart and soul.
I know “Luz stumbles into the boiling Isles when she’s much younger, is found and taken in by Belos, and raised at the castle along side Hunter” is a pretty common Au but I like to think I put a unique spin on it
I’ve got at least a couple things that are almost done enough to share, so hopefully soon ;w;bb
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pespillo · 4 months
Hey you mind giving me a quick rundown of the Emperor's Acolyte AU please? :)
Around 9 years ago, Belos sailed off to the other side of the world to meet with the Titan Trappers, along with Collector and the past Golden Guard. During the time meeting them, Belos came to known that the Trappers had successfully kidnapped the very last Titan known alive, a direct descendant of the Boiling Isles titan, the leader had come to tell them that even if tempted to sacrifice it right after it had been born and found, he knew that they needed to put all their collective effort in raising it up until its first True Cry (their powers awakening) to be able to communicate with the Grand Huntsman and thus bring forth a new era of glory of their cult.
With interest, Belos had kept Collector away from this conversation, but let them known that he had come across the tablet and it was in his possession , ready to be awakened when needed. Thus they thought of striking up a deal ; Belos had more than enough resources to raise the titan for sacrifice, and he would give them the tablet in the given time, and when the time comes after the Day of Unity they would reunify for a grand sacrifice, and the world left behind will be for the Trappers to conquer. With this deal made that baby titan was sent away with Belos back to the Isles, and the GG was tasked with giving the Trappers the tablet (on the notion that it "belonged" to them as a relic), but after he wandered off by curiosity , he saw the shrine of the Huntsman and the carnage of the murals, and decided this was not people to be trusted, believing in the Will of the Titan meant that that child deserved to live, thus the GG purposefully misplaced the tablet back in the Isles (ending up in the depths of the Bonesborough library) and gave the Trappers a decoy (Belos did expect Collector to remain silent for the next decade, and the Trappers expected the tablet to be not activated in any way) .
And so Belos raises Childe (the only kind of name he´s given King), alongside with Hunter right after knowing the GG´s betrayal n swiftly killing him off, Childe has been raised to believe that he was saved from a group of witches by Belos that wanted to kill him, and that actually, all of the witches and demons of the Demon Realm would want to kill him if they knew he was a Titan, that they are parasites to the Isles and he was brought into this land to take him to a new paradise. But that he has to help him to bring the Day of Unity so he can wipe out all these supposed maggots away from his father and lay his soul and divine mission to rest.
Belos routinely experiments on Childe throughout the years, he´s taken off half his horns to drill bone samples, he takes his blood to see if he can use it on a portal, even getting to the point of drinking his blood because it makes him think it gets his curse under control, all while treating him like a pet, and making the child resentful and volatile towards others, like an attack dog, making him think he´s the only person in this world that understands him. Childe has come to known about Hunter being a grimwalker and is under the impression they are dolls that are just made to obey, Belos has told him they dont really feel Real Emotions, just copying what Real People do.
Kikimora has become aware of King being a Titan simply because Belos needed someone to take care of him when he´s busy with Hunter, and she´s been made to make this an oath to obey the Titan´s will (this will backfire for Belos later).
As years pass by Childe knows the DoU is fast approaching, but so is his curiosity about the world around him outside the castle, his illusions of grandeur and arrogance makes him seek out more, things get even dicier when Luz comes into the picture along Eda, thus thats how everything unravels and Childe will come to realize about Belos betrayal and his own past and more.
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strangerpringle · 5 months
(‼️UPDATED HUNTRIC FIRST MEETING SCRIPT‼️) (CONTEXT: This is now a flashback minisode script where Hunter and Edric are both in their late thirties and have two kids Lewis(14) and Fionna(12) when Hunter and Edric tell Lewis about their first meeting)
Hunter, and Edric are sitting on the outside couch on the porch, while Fionna is playing with Batric, Lewis comes outside excited to show his dads what he’s been working on.
Lewis: Dad Papa, can you help me for a second I need some help on a few details.
Hunter: of course! Uh, what is the project exactly, you haven’t really told us what it is yet.
Lewis: oh yeah, I’m supposed to write a report on the most inspirational person or people in my life, and I had to go with you two since your story is so beautiful and moving and emotional it’s literally something that came out of one of my romance novels, it’s so interesting and inspiring to me!!
Hunter and Edric are practically in tears they did not expect that kind of response
Edric: *sniff*🥺
Fionna: booooooo I don’t wanna eavesdrop on all this gross sappy romance talk *blegh*
Lewis: Fionnaaaa if you’re gonna be like that then go back inside and watch your creepy clown movie or something-
Fionna: At least that’s entertainment-
Hunter: haha it’s ok Fionna-
Edric: don’t worry Lewi, sometimes kids don’t really care about romance. I didn’t really care about it until I found the romance section in the video store around your age, I think it was something about vampires-
Hunter: anyway, what did you need exactly?
Lewis: Oh yeah, *Lewis places long sheet of paper on the coffee table in front of them* I just wanted to make sure the timeline was correct, was the break up before or after aunt Mittens had the fight with Papa at Eclipse Lake?
Edric: Uh, before, and uh, we actually didn’t first meet when the abomitons were being transported to the old castle.
Lewis: Wait, really??
Hunter: I guess technically that’s when you first asked me out.
Edric: Wow, we really never told you?
Lewis: NO, I can’t believe I never fact checked this…
Hunter: heh, you remember that night?
Edric: How could I forget❤️
Hunter and Edric look over at Lewis, he has a VERY intrigued face.
Edric: You want to hear the story-
Hunter and Edric both giggle-
Hunter:Grom night, if I remember correctly, I haven’t even met Luz at that point.
Edric: ugh, the night me and Em got stood up-but also the night I met the love of my life~💞
Hunter: *blushes* and the night I met mine~💞
Lewis: EEEEEE *bouncing with excitement*
Fionna: *very exaggerated gags and covers her ears*
Edric: …23 years ago
Hunter: Titan we’re old-
Edric: HA-oh man…
It’s Grom night, and Edric and Emira are alone after being stood up, they’re having an argument because Emira’s upset…
Ed runs into a nearby forest, sad cold, and lonley. After a few minutes he sees a flash of red light coming right towards him-
The Golden Guard stops right at his tracks-
Edric is very taken aback, hes only heard of The Golden Guard, hes just never seen him before, he becomes slightly starstruck.
“Sir why are you here this is a dangerous forest, its not safe-“
Edric: Whatever, if the forest is gonna eat me alive let it-
GG: What why??
Edric: …it’d be a lot better then getting your heart broken🥺
GG: How did that even happen, wait what do you mean hearts can break-IS IT CONTAGIOUS??
Edric: what no?? It’s a saying-Ugh why do you even care, no one else would care if I died out here why should you??
GG: Look man I’m not good at this sort of thing, I just think it’s stupid that you’d rather be eaten alive by whatever horrific monsters roams around here then whatever happened to your heart, how did your heart become “broken”, I don’t see any bleeding?
GG: I’m, sorry about that and no, I don’t know how that feels… can I do anything to help?
Edric: heh, can you dance?
GG: I uh, I dont know how to dance, uh, how do you even do that…?
Edric seems very intrigued by this information, "oh I can help with that-" The Golden Guard says it all, I dont have time, theres no point, I'm on a mission. "What? The Golden Guard is not aloud to have a little fun?" Edric swiftly takes his hand, and places it on his shoulder, takes the other and holds it high, while he takes his own, and places it on The Golden Guards shoulder, he slightly flinches, but relaxes after they slowly start to dance, Edric can tell hes nervous but decides not to poke fun at him.
After a few misteps, they start to find a rhythm…
"Well aren't you a fast learner" Edric says with a flirty tone...
The Golden Guard giggles slightly-
They danced for what seemed like forever…
Until a beam of light brightens the entire forest, both shocked and confused they stopped dancing, bits of black goo scurry away under them, "What in Titans name was that??" The Golden Guard yells, "is, that bits of Grom??" Ed questions "Gromethius, is here?" says The Golden Guard "not anymore apparently" replies Ed, they both laugh-
After stomping out the rest of grom, The Golden Guard apologizes to Ed having to miss his dance, smiling, Ed replies, "its ok, I had a better one right here..." The Golden Guard quickly turns away flustered and begins fiddling with his staff.
Edric shivers because of the cold, he left his coat with Emira. He then feels the warmth of a white cloak on his sholders, he looks over to see The Golden Guard without his cloak, and showing his pushed back light blonde hair, with only a strand out of place. "What about you?" Edric asks "It's fine, I can request another when I get back-" *peck*💞
Edric kisses the very flustered Golden Guard on the cheek and replies with a soft -
"Thank you…”❤️
GG: "h-happy to help-uh-"
Ed: "Edric."
GG: "Edric."
Edric suddenly feels butterflies in his stomach-💞
After a moment of silence Ed suddenly realizes- "WAIT WHATS YOUR-" a flash of red wisps into the night sky, "…name.."
"maybe next time, hopefully" Edric thinks to himself...
Edric starts to hear cheering in the distance, he follows it to see what the commotion is about and sees his little sister and her friend Luz being carried away by many students cheering, Mittens and Luz defeated Grom and are now being carried back to end the night with a fun dance celebration, Ed follows his sister and the crowed back to Hexside, still thinking about what happend.
Emira sees him and very worried starts bombarding him with questions, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, WHY THE FOREST OF ALL PLACES, WHAT WAS THAT LIGHT, WHOS CLOAK IS THAT???- but it all just went in one ear and out the other... everything that just happend was magical, more magic then he could ever conjure. He just walks away in his own mind and replays every second of that dance, a dance he never wants to forget, and he hopes someday, maybe, just maybe, he'll see him again.❤️
Edric: What I once thought was the worst night of my life, actually turned out to be better then I could ever imagine…💞
Hunter and Edric look at each other lovingly💞
Lewis: *in tears* that was beautiful…🥺
Fionna: Awww🥺… IM MEAN-EWWWw oh who am I kidding that was really sweet-
Lewis: Not so gross now huh-
Fionna: What?? I’m aloud to think it’s nice SOMETIMES-
Everyone laughs except Fionna-
Lewis: Hey dad, do you still have the cloak?
Edric: Oh, um, I probably do, just not here…
Lewis: *sigh* I can’t wait till I find my love of my life-oh-
A butterfly lands on Lewis’ nose, the wings spread out to show its colorful wings.
Fionna: oooo pretty! :D
Lewis: *takes butterfly on finger* *looks at it and smiles*
Butterfly flutters away into the sky…
Hunter and Edric arrive at a storage unit, unlock it and open it to see many boxes filled with old stuff that belonged to Ed Em Amity and Alador when they moved out of the mansion.
Ed and Hunter walk to the very back and find a few boxes labeled “Edrics closet”
Hunter helps Edric open and look through a few until Edric find a small white cloak that would only fit a 16 year old Golden Guard.
Hunter slowly grabs it and holds it up to himself, seeing how much he’s grown, and they both slightly giggle.
Hunter looks down at it, holding the cloak is bringing back memories, some he wishes he didn’t remember. Edric places his hand on Hunters should and gives him a look saying “you ok?” Hunter puts the cloak down and hugs Edric tightly. Edric hugs back and strokes Hunters hair to calm him. They start to sway side to side, and begin a small slow dance…❤️
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thedodgyau · 7 months
Explaining my ‘Coven heads adopt Hunter AU’
So basically in an AU where Luz never came to the isles, but everything goes smoothingly, just without her??
I mean Willow and Amity might take longer to reconcile, but they will eventually.
Things might take a bit longer, but I imagine that Phillip will have figured things out by himself just a month or two later without her.
So basically, the au starts on the DOU, Hunter has defected at this point, but instead of it being the Hexsquad who run to the human realm, it’s the coven heads.
They have to adapt to life in the human realm, get over there fued, and maybe even develop a bit of a found family bond. Adrain even manages to get a job.
Back in the Demon realm Hunter, who was close with Gus and Willow, had taken refuge at ‘New Hexside’ occasionally thought about the coven heads, and wondered what had come about of them. He has a lot of mental trauma to process, and isn’t doing so good.
Belos, who followed the Coven heads into the human realm, eventually possessed Raine, who was able to fight him off, and ended up with the tear scar things we see in WaD.
They open the portal, get back home, and now have a crusty child abuser and little starbrat to face.
Hunter, needing to clear his head, goes on a walk, and gets attacked and possessed by Belos.
Belos takes Hunter the castle and tried to manipulate The Collector, but when the two get separated, Hunter finds a large body of water and tried to drown him out, and Belos separated from him, and Hunter tried to chase after him, but he was exhausted, and fighting down a massive panic attack. Belos ends up connecting himself to the Titans heart.
The coven heads find the collector, and after being tortured for a bit they manage to try and connect with him, and then go to try and defeat Belos.
They find Hunter in similar circumstances to the way they found Raine, and after a quick reunion with a child whose kind of frightened of them, they end up trying to defeat Belos.
And then Hunter, the child they were starting to grow just a little fond of and realised they’d greatly wronged over his short life, dies trying to save the collector.
Where he meets the golden guards and Papa Titan, gets a hug, some reassurance, and also some badass Titan powers.
So then- Belos is dead, Hunters got some serious trauma that he needs to talk about, The coven heads have managed to aquire a child, The Collector is back in the stars, and everyone is happy.
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Chapter 83 Preview: Grom Stuff and the time Darius stepped up. Literally.
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The prospect of Grom was equal parts exciting and nerve wracking for Hunter. Luz had filled him in on the event one late night at the Gravesfield Diner, with Vee, who was getting ready for her own big dance at her school. 
Masha had asked Vee to be their date for their senior prom – which was kind of like Grom, but without fighting a fear monster. Unless you considered Krystal Stewart, the Queen Bee cheerleader with yellow hair and signature pink stripe strategically died over her roots, a fear monster. 
Maybe it wasn’t such a stretch actually? Hunter first met Krystal during his first few weeks in the human realm. When Luz had first brought Hunter and the others through the portal, on the night that King made a deal with the collector, and the night when Hunter had watched his uncle explode (and somehow not die?) Camila had taken them to the Gravesfield Mall to shop for new clothes. 
Hunter had become distracted and was separated from the others only to find himself descended upon by a trio of human girls. The leader of the squad was Krystal who insisted on touching his shoulder and telling him that he was going to take her out for coffee. 
Instinct told him to fight his way out, or just flee, but Luz and the others caught up to them and as soon as Krystal realized Hunter was friends with “Luz-er Noceda”, she shifted her attention from what Willow later had explained was attempted courtship, to treating Hunter and the others with whatever courtesy she had extended to Luz, Vee and the rest of Cabin 7. 
It should have been practice for Boscha.  
Vee was scared enough about going to prom with Masha. Not about the Masha part, you see. She’d never been to a dance before – not exactly something that happened in a basement lab of horrors beneath Belos’ castle.
No matter how much Luz assured her it was “no big”, Vee would be the only other member of the junior class other than Krystal at the event. Krystal had made it clear she was determined to be voted prom queen and likely use her station to make Vee and Masha feel small. 
Like Boscha, who had been announced as Grom Queen. A triumph for her after Willow hit her in view of the entire school and she’d been kicked off the Banshees. 
“It’s not even the Krystal part of Prom that worries me.” Vee sighed, “I need to learn how to dance.”
“Can’t you just do a montage or something?” Hunter mused. “Gus told me that’s the best way to learn something fast?”
“I’m all for montages,” Luz nodded, “but we need some references!” 
The next morning, Hunter came upstairs to see his sisters huddled on the couch, blankets over their heads watching a movie about a kid in tight pants who infiltrated a stiff small town and taught everyone how to dance.
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luminoushane · 1 year
I just saw your "Amity raised by Lilith AU" and now I really want to know more.
What's going on with the other Blights, if Lilith had to take Amity where are the twins?
What was Amity's life in the castle like? Did Lilith send her to Hexside and if so is she still friends with Willow?
What's Amity's relationship with Raine and Darius (and by extension Lilith's) like?
How about other people in the EC like Steve? Does Amity know Hunter and share Lilith's animosity with him and view him as a rival (queue "rival jealousy" from Luz) or are they friends?
Does Belos take advantage if Amity's presence in the castle to manipulate Lilith?
How does parenthood change Lilith and her view of Hunter?
Not a question but I also have this image if a tiny (4 or 5 yr old Amity) in a baby carrier thing on Lilith's chest when she goes to arrest Eda, and then Eda turning around to reveal King in a similar baby carrier on her chest. (Queue Spider-Man pointing name and mutual aunt realizations)
Haha, I get asked these a lot too, and I had a few tweets explaining is messily, but let's get this organized in the much better site, shall we?
• Amity was taken shortly after her birth. Prior to her arrival, Alador had already gotten sick of Odalia's mistreatment of him and in extension, the twins. He takes Amity away, pays a few healers to keep it a secret, and (with much hesitation) calls up Darius. He practically begs him to take Amity away from them, and even though Darius CLEARLY still doesn't like Alador, he just has a soft spot for kids. He takes Amity and Odalia is under the impression that Amity had died.
Now, remember, with this in mind, Odalia and the twins DON'T know her existence. If you ask me WHY Lilith ended up with Amity instead of with Darius, I'd tell you that Darius let her watch over her and she came back with adoption papers bc god forbid she has impulse control.
The twins are not aware of Amity's existence (at least until later) and neither is Odalia, but not for long. Alador is still trying to figure out how he can get himself and his two other children out without Odalia realizing. Lilith tries to keep it a secret. Amity's aware she's adopted though lol.
• Amity was practically raised in the castle. She learned to walk there 😭 Imagine a little Amity taking her first steps and the coven guards just cooing over her in the hallway. Like that. When she got older, she was allowed to go back to Darius' house alone (Lilith does not have a house and Darius is kind of like a guardian to her too, so...)
She personally prefers to stay in the castle though.
And no, Amity doesn't go to Hexside.
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She's in St. Epiderm! You have to understand, Odalia's part of the Student Creature Association in Hexside, and Lilith CANNOT risk having her find out about Amity. Raine had her enrolled in their old school so she doesn't accidentally come across Odalia. Willow DOES know about her, but thinks she's some spoiled girl who gets a bit too competitive. (They become friends later on!)
• Raine and Darius are her secondary guardians! Kind of like how Uncles and Aunties work. Darius doesn't hold any bitterness towards her for being Alador's child. If anything, it's making him want to rebel more because Amity and Hunter, who are just two children, are being forced into the castle by circumstances they can't control. He can't wait to take them both back home and give them a better life than what the castle has to offer.
He sees Amity as his little sunshine, though you couldn't pay him to admit that to ANYONE. That's his baby, he raised her too ❤️.
Raine was a bit late addition to the parent trio. Though they didn't hesitate to help out if needed. They usually were the one to watch over a hyperactive 4 year old Amity and an equally active 6 year old Hunter during their time as an apprentice to the Bard Covenhead. Amity also talked to Raine about Luz, who she was "feeling funny about" (she is falling so hard) and Raine was watching in amusement.
And y'know. Lilith is her mom. Lilith doesn't get much free time, but she's dedicated it to taking care of Amity as much as she can. Amity is her heart, she could absolutely not take the idea that she could get hurt. She's trying to give her all the attention and love she wished she had gotten from Gwendolyn.
Do not even suggest such a thing!
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But in all seriousness, she grew up with him! Of course she doesn't hate him!
They see each other as siblings, though none of them have admitted it out loud. Hunter gets a bit sad when he sees Amity with Emira and Edric ("Her real family") and Amity was quick to get that thought off. He was her family too. The two of them are fairly close, both having grown up in the castle. On occasion, Amity sneaks him some snacks and books and stuff he can do on his free time whenever her was on shifts.
They had a MAJOR fallout by the end of season 1 (which I will not disclose yet), so you can imagine how absolutely rage-fueled their duel in Eclipse Lake was in this AU.
• And YES, HE DOES. Belos is a manipulative asshole we all know that. In addition, he does NOT like Amity. He took one look at her, with her brown hair, pointy ears and golden eyes and was reminded of a certain witch 400 years ago. It doesn't help that she likes to hang around with Hunter, either. Belos being haunted by the past because of two gay kids in his castle is so funny to me actually. He constantly holds Amity safety over Lilith's head because he knows how desperate she is to keep her daughter safe.
• And finally. Hunter and Lilith's relationship is much complicated in this AU. She realizes he's just as much of a child as Amity is. She doesn't really have this "animosity" towards him, especially since she takes care of him like Darius does (in secret).
So anyways! Don't be afraid to ask more, I like getting questions! And yes, Lilith does, in fact, bring baby Amity along when she goes on missions to capture Eda. Amity likes her Auntie Eda, goes over to the Owl House and plays with King if she can. Eda doesn't really mind her randomly popping up in her house lol.
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usagirln12003 · 2 months
The Collector: Hogwarts AU
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The Collector is a Polstergeist which used to haunt Hogwarts castle for years until he mysteriously disappeared only to be revealed to have been imprisoned by Belos for 400+ years.
The Collector is depicted as a childish and mercurial Poltergeist. He is motivated by simple desires, wanting to have fun and play games with others, which he shows in his interactions with Belos, but much like a child, he gets quite emotional and impatient when his wants are not met. He partakes in theatrics often, speaking riddles and rhymes, although he will quickly give up on harder words. Despite his childlike attitude, the Collector has proven to be cruel and heartless when crossed. With a temperamental nature and great power at his fingertips, the Collector is a dangerous and unpredictable force that will not hesitate to punish those who upset him and terrify others into obeying his demands.
Initially, the Collector was nonchalant about the world around him, as he used his powers freely to manipulate his surroundings to suit his needs. This casual indifference caused him to see others as toys for his amusement, such as viewing the catastrophic events the Fourth Wizarding War would unfold as a fun activity or casually killing Belos by likening his payback for Belos' double-cross as a game of tag. Despite his god-like power, the Collector understood little about mortals, failing to grasp that his warped perception of fun has dire consequences and thinks little of the lives of others. When King tried to show him how harmful turning people into puppets was at one point, the Collector innocently reasoned everything was still a game of pretend, dismissing the people as little more than part of his game. It was also revealed later on that the Collector did not know the fragility of mortal life or what death means to them, showing that everything he did in at Hogwarts was never under malicious intent and always been under the impression he could just bring people back as easily as fixing a broken toy.
Despite all his flaws, the Collector has an honorable side, as he offers the heroes a head start in the game of tag keeps his word, and stops the Draining Spell after King freed him from his prison. The Collector also values what King has to say, and King seems to be the only being he listens to. He also displays some affability with Odalia Blight, whom he sees as a maternal figure, despite making her his servant to his whims.
Due to his childlike nature, he is quite naïve to the point he will take someone's word that they are telling the truth, a trait that has been exploited by others in getting the Collector to help them. As a result of being taken advantage of, the Collector loathes deception, especially when the person turns back on their promise. Despite their overwhelming powers, when Luz, Eda, and King beat him in all the games, the Collector goes to a corner to sulk instead of retaliating, and opens up to Luz when she approaches him. He tells her how disheartened he is that everyone lies to him and manipulates him, even his siblings. The Collector confessed how he just wants to make friends, even if it is just pretend.
For all his callousness, the Collector is not inherently malicious. At heart, he is just lonely and only wishes to make friends. However, having spent a long time imprisoned to be sought after for his magical power, the Collector fears being alone and is wary that people will use him and leave him. A passage in the Collector's storybook further implies that, due to the Collector wanting to use his powers for his amusement, he viewed his race's observance and vindictive ways with disinterest. Coupled with his wish to be friends with King and make him happy, it is shown that the Collector yearns to have a companion like him who understands him. However, he is alien to how friendships work, at one point he asked if they were formed by forcing someone others to be with them. Another consequence of this desire for companionship is the Collector getting bitter and resentful when those he befriends express strong attachments with other people. This is displayed by his feeling envious of King's friendship with Luz. He initially believes that King is his friend and would never turn against him, but after Belos, comes to believe King is planning to stop him, and becomes vengeful of King's double-cross and decides to trap Luz, Eda, and King into nightmares to teach them a lesson.
Yet even his envy does not seem to supersede his interests; after they break free, the Collector still desires to befriend them, going against Belos' suggestion of wiping them out, showing that despite any animosity he might have against people who might betray them or feel jealous of, the Collector would rather befriend people than destroy them. He wants friendship so much that he’s willing to befriend even Luz, despite being manipulated into thinking she’s there to stop him and take King away. Upon a new suggestion, the Collector goes to play with her, Eda, and King, wanting to show them how much fun he can be and blissfully unaware of how dangerous and potentially deadly his games are. He's unable to understand why his new playmates are hurting him when they start to defend themselves from the mortal games. It doesn't take long for the disheartened Collector to open up to Luz as soon as she approaches him, showing his desperation in wanting someone to understand what he’s been through. When she, along with Eda and King, shows him how they became friends and takes him on a trip around the Forbidden Forest recalling their adventures, the Collector starts to open up more and bonds with them, starting to see a new dimension to friendship he never realized before.
After this, the Collector makes an honest effort to be kind to people, once Luz shows him how she befriended people like Amity and Lilith through kindness and forgiveness and not through forcing them like he initially thought. However, the Collector took the lesson too much by heart and tried to do the same to Belos, naively assuming anyone could be forgiven. He could only act in shock and confusion when he saw Belos still tried to kill him, and when Luz took a blast meant for him and died in his hands, the devastated Collector finally understood what death meant when he was unable to bring her back, now fully aware of the destruction and misery he has caused. The revelation sees a change in the Collector, as he cries at the fact he hurt many people so carelessly that he shows sadness and empathy for the first time and is devastated for indirectly causing Luz’s death. Furthermore, he reacts in befuddlement to what tears are after his eyes begin producing them, completely at a loss of words for what the feelings mean, never feeling that kind of grief before.
Following the revival of Luz, the Collector expresses a wish to save others to make up for his misdeeds. He volunteers to save everyone still left inside the castle while Luz, Eda, and King deal with Belos, and after he's defeated, an exhausted Collector is afraid Luz's friends will punish him and cowers, but is delighted when Amity helps him up.
After the Fourth Wizarding War officially ended, the Collector turns everyone back to normal and decides to return to Hogwarts to reflect and grow up on his own, signifying his adopting a more responsible mindset. With a new appreciation of life, he also becomes open to forming real bonds with the people around him. He is deeply touched when King gifts him Francois before departing and gifts Luz a two-way mirror so she can communicate with her mother whenever she wants. Despite living at Hogwarts now, the Collector visits his new friends from time to time, putting up a spectacular display of shooting stars for Luz as a birthday present in gratitude for everything she’s done.
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crimeronan · 3 months
consider. what if Vee sees Eda with a nervous girl who dodges questions about whether she really is a witching, who looks like Luz but cannot possibly be Luz... and wonders if Eda has taken in another escaped basilisk. instant big sister/spotted-a-fellow-stealth-gay instinct, pulling "Luz" aside and going "listen, proud of ya, you almost had ME fooled, but trust me: don't use THAT face. just don't. been there, done that. also you gotta act less neurotic. you gotta SMIIIILE"
GOD THIS IS REALLY CUTE TBH. problematically one of my favorite things in the luz vee sibling dynamic is vee being the one who's like "luz, you have to mask better. luz i will Show You how to be normal you Haveeee to mask better" and luz being like ":(((" it charms me every time. as someone who regrettably was the vee in this situation for a very long time as a kid. sorry 2 my brother who i love so much....
i'm torn between luz being completely confused and luz thinking she's been made as the empress. vee says something like "how long have you been out of the castle?? don't worry, it's a LOT better here" and luz is like oh FUCK she DOES know i'm her sister. oh no oh god she's being so kind. she doesn't need to do that
i guess her automatic assumption would be that maybe camila shared more info about luz's situation with vee than luz first assumed. bc how else would vee know something like that....??
and then vee says something about "when i first got here, i didn't know ANYTHING. most humans are actually really nice though, it's okay" and luz is like.
wait. what??
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sergeantsporks · 1 year
Hunter being raised by wolves honestly would've been an improvement over his canonical childhood, IMHO.
You know the kid had it bad when you realize that living in the wilderness, cared for by wild animals would've been better for him than that frigging castle and awful Uncle of his.
I'm surprised no one has ever taken that premise and written an AU on it. I once found a story where Luz was raised by Slitherbeasts on the Titan-damn Knee, but Hunter being raised by wolves is apparently too much to ask for?!
Would have been equally difficult to resocialize him, though, lol. Definitely less traumatizing for him, though. Teaching him that he should eat cooked meat instead of raw meat is probably going to be nicer for him than trying to teach him that he doesn't have to hide every problem.
Anyway, to quote Camila "wolves are GREAT parents." I actually think. I'm ninety percent certain. That someone told me about/mentioned some fic where Hunter was raised by direwolves, or I read it at some point. Do not ask me what it was called/who wrote it. I do not remember. But Be Comforted that this IS out here, and I wish you the best of luck finding it.
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