#Luz Taken To Castle AU
Humans have to stick together, right?
Luz Stays In The Castle AU by @talisman975
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Luz is brought to the castle by the guards and Belos live reaction being "THE CRAB MAIDEN?" /hj
I like this AU a lot! Especially the family bonds of Luz with Hunter and Belos with Hunter. I do hope that I will be able to illustrate this good moments sooner or later. Especially when Belos funally desides to change his attitude towards his nephew and deliberately tries to be a better uncle for him.
Luz was one big good influence on this Wittebane family. And they were good influence on her. (Thank God for things not going south. They could have gone bad PRETTY FAST.)
I feel like I need to say this.. It is not an AU where everyone pity Belos. I just chose those moments because I felt like it (and because I needed to warm up and this static-poses were easier to draw traditionally.)
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luminoushane · 1 year
Been making a TOH au as of late!
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Basically, Amity gets adopted by Lilith when she was a baby (After Alador had taken her away from Odalia) and was raised just around the castle (since I don't think Lilith had much time off), with the help of Raine and Darius.
Luz meets her, immediately dubbing her mentor's niece as her "arch nemesis" since Eda and Lilith were rivals and therefore so should they.
And they were rivals... Probably. Rivals don't usually look at each other like they hung the stars themselves. But that's for another time.
There's so much more I gotta explain and discuss, but I'm too lazy rn.
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whisperwillyou · 10 months
omg 100% no pressure at all but...if you wanted to drop more toh arts....especially if you have any of the siblings of all time........👀👀
Believe me I want to! 😭
I’ve got so many things I want to be able to share.
Almost all of them centered around the most simblings to ever simbling.
I’ve got simblings art ✨galore✨
If only I could finish getting them out of my adhd brain and onto paper.
I’ve got AroAce Hunter stuff
Based on my own personal experiences so don’t come at me
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I’ve got animatic story boards
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Angst and aus and comics oh my
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I’ve got a whole entire sibling au
And I mean a WHOLE ass sibling au
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This isn’t even half the scene’s I have in my head for this au. This au is my heart and soul.
I know “Luz stumbles into the boiling Isles when she’s much younger, is found and taken in by Belos, and raised at the castle along side Hunter” is a pretty common Au but I like to think I put a unique spin on it
I’ve got at least a couple things that are almost done enough to share, so hopefully soon ;w;bb
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pespillo · 4 months
Hey you mind giving me a quick rundown of the Emperor's Acolyte AU please? :)
Around 9 years ago, Belos sailed off to the other side of the world to meet with the Titan Trappers, along with Collector and the past Golden Guard. During the time meeting them, Belos came to known that the Trappers had successfully kidnapped the very last Titan known alive, a direct descendant of the Boiling Isles titan, the leader had come to tell them that even if tempted to sacrifice it right after it had been born and found, he knew that they needed to put all their collective effort in raising it up until its first True Cry (their powers awakening) to be able to communicate with the Grand Huntsman and thus bring forth a new era of glory of their cult.
With interest, Belos had kept Collector away from this conversation, but let them known that he had come across the tablet and it was in his possession , ready to be awakened when needed. Thus they thought of striking up a deal ; Belos had more than enough resources to raise the titan for sacrifice, and he would give them the tablet in the given time, and when the time comes after the Day of Unity they would reunify for a grand sacrifice, and the world left behind will be for the Trappers to conquer. With this deal made that baby titan was sent away with Belos back to the Isles, and the GG was tasked with giving the Trappers the tablet (on the notion that it "belonged" to them as a relic), but after he wandered off by curiosity , he saw the shrine of the Huntsman and the carnage of the murals, and decided this was not people to be trusted, believing in the Will of the Titan meant that that child deserved to live, thus the GG purposefully misplaced the tablet back in the Isles (ending up in the depths of the Bonesborough library) and gave the Trappers a decoy (Belos did expect Collector to remain silent for the next decade, and the Trappers expected the tablet to be not activated in any way) .
And so Belos raises Childe (the only kind of name he´s given King), alongside with Hunter right after knowing the GG´s betrayal n swiftly killing him off, Childe has been raised to believe that he was saved from a group of witches by Belos that wanted to kill him, and that actually, all of the witches and demons of the Demon Realm would want to kill him if they knew he was a Titan, that they are parasites to the Isles and he was brought into this land to take him to a new paradise. But that he has to help him to bring the Day of Unity so he can wipe out all these supposed maggots away from his father and lay his soul and divine mission to rest.
Belos routinely experiments on Childe throughout the years, he´s taken off half his horns to drill bone samples, he takes his blood to see if he can use it on a portal, even getting to the point of drinking his blood because it makes him think it gets his curse under control, all while treating him like a pet, and making the child resentful and volatile towards others, like an attack dog, making him think he´s the only person in this world that understands him. Childe has come to known about Hunter being a grimwalker and is under the impression they are dolls that are just made to obey, Belos has told him they dont really feel Real Emotions, just copying what Real People do.
Kikimora has become aware of King being a Titan simply because Belos needed someone to take care of him when he´s busy with Hunter, and she´s been made to make this an oath to obey the Titan´s will (this will backfire for Belos later).
As years pass by Childe knows the DoU is fast approaching, but so is his curiosity about the world around him outside the castle, his illusions of grandeur and arrogance makes him seek out more, things get even dicier when Luz comes into the picture along Eda, thus thats how everything unravels and Childe will come to realize about Belos betrayal and his own past and more.
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crimeronan · 6 months
i've spent the entire evening thinking about hunter going to find luz in the princess AU worst timeline without vee.
the thing about it is: luz has had several months of living in the human realm while thinking that hunter is dead. this has taken an Intense physical toll on her. camila is doing her Absolute Best to be patient and kind and accommodating of luz's Ten Million Issues, but luz isn't talking to anyone about what she went through, and she's not adapting to life at home or getting better despite presumably having like eight different types of regular therapy and a social worker and eight different doctors and whatever else a locked-in-a-basement-for-thirteen-years kid would need.
so like. hunter tracks luz down after months without any contact with her or any knowledge about how she's doing. it presumably takes this long because he just survived an execution attempt that left him dead enough for belos to consider the job finished. there was SOME kind of long recovery involved
and when he does find luz, she's living with a stranger who has 'parental authority' over her, and she's SO thin and tired and her hair is a mess and she looks So Unbelievably Sick....
like. i don't think hunter would go to "grief" as the first explanation. (even with luz having an immediate and complete nuclear meltdown when she sees him.) i think hunter would have the exact same reaction to camila that he does in the main AU timeline, of "i see this lady has been worse to you than belos. i am going to be normal about this"
hunter being very keen on following camila's household rules and making it repeatedly clear that he doesn't want to cause any trouble, & then whenever camila leaves the room, just being like "luz. let's just go. Let's Just Goooo. we don't even have to go back to the castle luz listen. you can look like a witch with a concealment stone let's just build a house in the woods and plant a garden and never talk to anyone again. luz i swear to god Let's Just Go-"
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thedodgyau · 7 months
Explaining my ‘Coven heads adopt Hunter AU’
So basically in an AU where Luz never came to the isles, but everything goes smoothingly, just without her??
I mean Willow and Amity might take longer to reconcile, but they will eventually.
Things might take a bit longer, but I imagine that Phillip will have figured things out by himself just a month or two later without her.
So basically, the au starts on the DOU, Hunter has defected at this point, but instead of it being the Hexsquad who run to the human realm, it’s the coven heads.
They have to adapt to life in the human realm, get over there fued, and maybe even develop a bit of a found family bond. Adrain even manages to get a job.
Back in the Demon realm Hunter, who was close with Gus and Willow, had taken refuge at ‘New Hexside’ occasionally thought about the coven heads, and wondered what had come about of them. He has a lot of mental trauma to process, and isn’t doing so good.
Belos, who followed the Coven heads into the human realm, eventually possessed Raine, who was able to fight him off, and ended up with the tear scar things we see in WaD.
They open the portal, get back home, and now have a crusty child abuser and little starbrat to face.
Hunter, needing to clear his head, goes on a walk, and gets attacked and possessed by Belos.
Belos takes Hunter the castle and tried to manipulate The Collector, but when the two get separated, Hunter finds a large body of water and tried to drown him out, and Belos separated from him, and Hunter tried to chase after him, but he was exhausted, and fighting down a massive panic attack. Belos ends up connecting himself to the Titans heart.
The coven heads find the collector, and after being tortured for a bit they manage to try and connect with him, and then go to try and defeat Belos.
They find Hunter in similar circumstances to the way they found Raine, and after a quick reunion with a child whose kind of frightened of them, they end up trying to defeat Belos.
And then Hunter, the child they were starting to grow just a little fond of and realised they’d greatly wronged over his short life, dies trying to save the collector.
Where he meets the golden guards and Papa Titan, gets a hug, some reassurance, and also some badass Titan powers.
So then- Belos is dead, Hunters got some serious trauma that he needs to talk about, The coven heads have managed to aquire a child, The Collector is back in the stars, and everyone is happy.
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usagirln12003 · 2 months
The Collector: Hogwarts AU
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The Collector is a Polstergeist which used to haunt Hogwarts castle for years until he mysteriously disappeared only to be revealed to have been imprisoned by Belos for 400+ years.
The Collector is depicted as a childish and mercurial Poltergeist. He is motivated by simple desires, wanting to have fun and play games with others, which he shows in his interactions with Belos, but much like a child, he gets quite emotional and impatient when his wants are not met. He partakes in theatrics often, speaking riddles and rhymes, although he will quickly give up on harder words. Despite his childlike attitude, the Collector has proven to be cruel and heartless when crossed. With a temperamental nature and great power at his fingertips, the Collector is a dangerous and unpredictable force that will not hesitate to punish those who upset him and terrify others into obeying his demands.
Initially, the Collector was nonchalant about the world around him, as he used his powers freely to manipulate his surroundings to suit his needs. This casual indifference caused him to see others as toys for his amusement, such as viewing the catastrophic events the Fourth Wizarding War would unfold as a fun activity or casually killing Belos by likening his payback for Belos' double-cross as a game of tag. Despite his god-like power, the Collector understood little about mortals, failing to grasp that his warped perception of fun has dire consequences and thinks little of the lives of others. When King tried to show him how harmful turning people into puppets was at one point, the Collector innocently reasoned everything was still a game of pretend, dismissing the people as little more than part of his game. It was also revealed later on that the Collector did not know the fragility of mortal life or what death means to them, showing that everything he did in at Hogwarts was never under malicious intent and always been under the impression he could just bring people back as easily as fixing a broken toy.
Despite all his flaws, the Collector has an honorable side, as he offers the heroes a head start in the game of tag keeps his word, and stops the Draining Spell after King freed him from his prison. The Collector also values what King has to say, and King seems to be the only being he listens to. He also displays some affability with Odalia Blight, whom he sees as a maternal figure, despite making her his servant to his whims.
Due to his childlike nature, he is quite naïve to the point he will take someone's word that they are telling the truth, a trait that has been exploited by others in getting the Collector to help them. As a result of being taken advantage of, the Collector loathes deception, especially when the person turns back on their promise. Despite their overwhelming powers, when Luz, Eda, and King beat him in all the games, the Collector goes to a corner to sulk instead of retaliating, and opens up to Luz when she approaches him. He tells her how disheartened he is that everyone lies to him and manipulates him, even his siblings. The Collector confessed how he just wants to make friends, even if it is just pretend.
For all his callousness, the Collector is not inherently malicious. At heart, he is just lonely and only wishes to make friends. However, having spent a long time imprisoned to be sought after for his magical power, the Collector fears being alone and is wary that people will use him and leave him. A passage in the Collector's storybook further implies that, due to the Collector wanting to use his powers for his amusement, he viewed his race's observance and vindictive ways with disinterest. Coupled with his wish to be friends with King and make him happy, it is shown that the Collector yearns to have a companion like him who understands him. However, he is alien to how friendships work, at one point he asked if they were formed by forcing someone others to be with them. Another consequence of this desire for companionship is the Collector getting bitter and resentful when those he befriends express strong attachments with other people. This is displayed by his feeling envious of King's friendship with Luz. He initially believes that King is his friend and would never turn against him, but after Belos, comes to believe King is planning to stop him, and becomes vengeful of King's double-cross and decides to trap Luz, Eda, and King into nightmares to teach them a lesson.
Yet even his envy does not seem to supersede his interests; after they break free, the Collector still desires to befriend them, going against Belos' suggestion of wiping them out, showing that despite any animosity he might have against people who might betray them or feel jealous of, the Collector would rather befriend people than destroy them. He wants friendship so much that he’s willing to befriend even Luz, despite being manipulated into thinking she’s there to stop him and take King away. Upon a new suggestion, the Collector goes to play with her, Eda, and King, wanting to show them how much fun he can be and blissfully unaware of how dangerous and potentially deadly his games are. He's unable to understand why his new playmates are hurting him when they start to defend themselves from the mortal games. It doesn't take long for the disheartened Collector to open up to Luz as soon as she approaches him, showing his desperation in wanting someone to understand what he’s been through. When she, along with Eda and King, shows him how they became friends and takes him on a trip around the Forbidden Forest recalling their adventures, the Collector starts to open up more and bonds with them, starting to see a new dimension to friendship he never realized before.
After this, the Collector makes an honest effort to be kind to people, once Luz shows him how she befriended people like Amity and Lilith through kindness and forgiveness and not through forcing them like he initially thought. However, the Collector took the lesson too much by heart and tried to do the same to Belos, naively assuming anyone could be forgiven. He could only act in shock and confusion when he saw Belos still tried to kill him, and when Luz took a blast meant for him and died in his hands, the devastated Collector finally understood what death meant when he was unable to bring her back, now fully aware of the destruction and misery he has caused. The revelation sees a change in the Collector, as he cries at the fact he hurt many people so carelessly that he shows sadness and empathy for the first time and is devastated for indirectly causing Luz’s death. Furthermore, he reacts in befuddlement to what tears are after his eyes begin producing them, completely at a loss of words for what the feelings mean, never feeling that kind of grief before.
Following the revival of Luz, the Collector expresses a wish to save others to make up for his misdeeds. He volunteers to save everyone still left inside the castle while Luz, Eda, and King deal with Belos, and after he's defeated, an exhausted Collector is afraid Luz's friends will punish him and cowers, but is delighted when Amity helps him up.
After the Fourth Wizarding War officially ended, the Collector turns everyone back to normal and decides to return to Hogwarts to reflect and grow up on his own, signifying his adopting a more responsible mindset. With a new appreciation of life, he also becomes open to forming real bonds with the people around him. He is deeply touched when King gifts him Francois before departing and gifts Luz a two-way mirror so she can communicate with her mother whenever she wants. Despite living at Hogwarts now, the Collector visits his new friends from time to time, putting up a spectacular display of shooting stars for Luz as a birthday present in gratitude for everything she’s done.
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sergeantsporks · 1 year
Hunter being raised by wolves honestly would've been an improvement over his canonical childhood, IMHO.
You know the kid had it bad when you realize that living in the wilderness, cared for by wild animals would've been better for him than that frigging castle and awful Uncle of his.
I'm surprised no one has ever taken that premise and written an AU on it. I once found a story where Luz was raised by Slitherbeasts on the Titan-damn Knee, but Hunter being raised by wolves is apparently too much to ask for?!
Would have been equally difficult to resocialize him, though, lol. Definitely less traumatizing for him, though. Teaching him that he should eat cooked meat instead of raw meat is probably going to be nicer for him than trying to teach him that he doesn't have to hide every problem.
Anyway, to quote Camila "wolves are GREAT parents." I actually think. I'm ninety percent certain. That someone told me about/mentioned some fic where Hunter was raised by direwolves, or I read it at some point. Do not ask me what it was called/who wrote it. I do not remember. But Be Comforted that this IS out here, and I wish you the best of luck finding it.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Idea Pitch: BasiLuz AU
TL:DR: An AU where Luz is actually half basilisk because Manny was the first basilisk that Belos made and managed to escape long before any of the others. Main issue was figuring out things about the story, or even Luz’s character, this really changed without feeling mostly redundant, but there were definitely possibilities. It’s just that I never figured out a great way to integrate them, partially because the show struggles to integrate its OWN elements into the plot. Two decades ago, a basilisk ran from Belos’ castle. He couldn’t save the other, smaller ones being made but at least he got away. He was powerless though and any report of a witch losing their magic would make it too clear where he was. He could feed off the land but how long could he run? There were always breaks between the Isles and the human realm though. Ones that monsters can find to make new legends and rumors. Demons and monsters naturally were attuned to them as being descended closer to the Titan than the witches and so he found one near an abandoned tower and slipped in. He wouldn’t be able to only live in the human realm but some time there could make Belos think he was dead.
Meanwhile, a woman in college for animal care was in the woods, enjoying the fresh air as she worked on homework rather than being stuck at home. She heard some crashing and stumbling and the next thing she knew, she saw a handsome young man who was more than a little awkward. When asked for his name, he said “Man...ie? and so his name stuck as Manny.
She made sure he never returned for more than a couple days as his heart fell hard and fast. Camila was too practical to admit to her own feelings but his awkward ways and how much he marveled at the world, much like how she marveled at the sci-fi planets that she sometimes desired to run off to, won her over eventually. That was also when things became too real and Manny decided that it was best to tell Camila the truth before they went too far in their relationship.
Camila had always found the aliens on the show more attractive than the humans though, so it was hardly a problem by then.
What did become a problem was Manny’s failing health. He was by no means a perfect creation. He was successful but especially without constant magic, his body was beginning to deteriorate. He managed to hide it from Camila until Luz was five. By ten, they would move back to the town they first met in and get a house right next to where a crack in the worlds was so Manny could try to recover. It wouldn’t be enough. The only solace Camila could take in was the fact that as far as either could tell, Luz didn’t need magic nor possibly had magic in her. She seemed, by all intents and purposes, entirely human.
At least until she proclaimed how human she was to Camila on the day she was supposed to go to Summer camp. It was all too familiar to the first time she’d met Manny but she didn’t reject Vee. She just begged for an explanation before setting up Vee in the house and heading to where the crack between realms was at Sunset.
She would find a confused Luz who was worried as to why the human only barrier had singed her before being absorbed by her and instead of demanding she come home, she decided it was time Luz find out what she truly was and get a taste for the other half of her heritage. She never wanted to lose her Latino heritage just because she lived in America after all and she and Manny had talked so many times about bringing Luz over the first time she shifted. It just... Never happened. And that was the main portion of what I’d figured out when someone pitched the idea of Basilisk Luz to me about the same time I started an Abomity story with another author (it was taken down at their request). Obviously potential changes could be made just because Camila was there and Luz had the potential to use magic. She just needed to steal it. Speaking of changes that appealed to me: Covention would have ended differently. As Luz cried out for Amity to stop from stepping on the trap, the panic and fear would create a pull in her that she felt back home but it had nothing to latch onto. Now it did as she drained Amity of her magic. Amity tries a spell but it fails and she runs off. The talk is not about glyphs then but that Luz would give Amity back all of her magic if she knew how. That she swear she didn’t mean to hurt her and if there’s anything Luz can do to make her feel better, she’s entirely open to her. Luz mumbles about sitting still as she tries, scared, to summon a fist or a fireball or something to hit Luz with. In that moment, Luz glows and Amity can do it. Her magic isn’t necessarily returned but in close enough proximity to Luz, she can still cast magic. Which led to the biggest change besides Camila being there that I could really think of dynamic wise: Luz becomes friends with Amity and her friend group so as not to let people realize that Amity doesn’t have magic. Honestly, probably the biggest issue for me with this idea besides asking just how much actually changes from Luz being a basilisk is that it’d be fun to play with the dual heritage aspect. But, well, I’m not Latino so I have problems there and the Isles barely has a culture if it does, so there’s not really a heritage to speak of there. There would be cute things about Vee and her being sisters, or potentially jokes about Vee being Luz’s aunt, but I just don’t know how much characterwise, besides the normal “WHAT AM I!?” stuff that normally comes with this (that I think Luz’s excitement for a fantasy adventure would lead to her taking in stride) would really change. Obviously things would change, there is definitely something to be done here, but no idea grabbed me enough for what would still be a very long project. So instead, here is a concept pitch for anyone who wants to play with it.
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trousle-ink · 1 year
So who's filling in for the Skeleton Brothers in your OwlTale AU? I figure Edric/Emira for the "Sans" role and by extension Amity in the "Papyrus" role might make some sense.
Also is the "Asgore" role filled by Lilith, their parents, or Philip?
Alright so
If you want a better explanation, visit the tiktok in the og owltale post I made. They have multiple parts too
Og concept post with tiktok link
(This is still being workshoped so it's a bit clunky right now)
Amity will be papyrus, that is 100%. Wants to capture a human to be the best royal guard and make her parents proud, but ends up falling in love with luz and going on a real date
Edric/Emera will be the goofy, Tease their little sibling, take you out to lunch, parts of sans
Lilith is either going to be gaster or the parts of sans that are mysterious. Judges you at the hallway and knows about timeliness and stuff, has the strange machine in her basement. I think. This is the part that I'm flip flopping on. I want her to still curse Eda, maybe she used to be a royal scientist and it was an experiment gone wrong and she was fired. (Hunter will be the next royal scientist aka the alphys in this au) im not sure, I'm still figuring her out. Honestly making something different with her and not confining her to one character could be interesting
I also thought about (OWL HOUSE FINALE SPOILERS) Papa titan being gaster, and when luz dies during the final battle against the collector (asriel) she will be revived by papa titan like in the finale in order to defeat him
Then Phillip/belos is an amalgamate. He was the human who caused the war and trapped them underground, him included, and after the witches asked him to use his human soul to set them free he refused, so they kept him in the lab to use his determination. Theyve kelt him alive and stripped him of his determination for so long and ends up the goopy mess
Raine will be Asgore. The clawthornes I'm thinking were the royal family but after Lilith was fired and Eda fled the castle to the ruins, Raine was left with the task to rule. They've got the "I'm doing this because I have to" attitude
Some bonus ones for fun:
Willow is undyne. She wants to prove that she's strong and take the humans soul herself. Of course until her childhood friend amity insists the human doesn't deserve to have her soul taken. She recognizes how much the human has changed amity into a better person.
Hunter is Alphys. He is the "scientific teen protigy". Alphys has her anime, hunter has his wolves. Let the fursona jokes commence. Hes also got a huge crush on willow and everhone knows it but her. He is the one that caused belos to become goopy by desperately trying to keep him alive to save all the witches and demons. He is ashamed of his failure and thinks he will be cast out for it like Lilith was
Gus will be mettaton. Using his showman skills, he puts luz to the test by having her complete illusion based challenges. Like which object is a bomb covered by an illusion, stuff like that. I'm thinking he wanted to be known for more than his smarts, so he used his dad's TV job as an advantage
Bocha will be in muffets place. "WHAT? How dare you not support the fund of the local grudgby team. What are you? STINGY???"
Kikimora can be mad dummy/mew mew. What if instead of gaining a new body through an anime doll, kikimora becomes tall from an abomination soldier that luz made into a cat face. "It's perfect" ☆u☆
Tinella nosa as either the annoying dog or the temmies. Because you know, creator cameo
Let me know what you think of these, and tysm for thr ask ^^
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Troubling Wedding (Goldric/Huntric 1/3)
Prompt: Based on the "This Day Aria" song from Mlp. This follows closely to the plot of the episode. There are some changes.
>Background Info: Luz is visiting the Newly formed Boiling Isles castle with her friends and girlfriend after four years of Belos being defeated. Hunter became the new King of the Boiling Isles. Luz is surprised at the news that Hunter is getting married. She's happy and shocked that Hunter was dating Edric. However, things turn sour when she notices Hunter behaving off. Her claims are dismissed and soon it turns out everything is not alright. >Added notes: The events in Thanks to Them doesn't exist in this au. This is where they defeat Belos before the Day of Unity so there's no Collector or any of that. Belos disappear after being confronted. The Human Realm Portal works again and they are able to go in and out.
Luz smiled brightly, "Lemon Drop!" Amity flushed at her girlfriend's comment. "Luz, you're finally here." She looked slightly behind Luz. "Where's King?" Luz takes a seat beside Amity on the picnic blanket. "He should be here soon. He may get here before Willow, Gus, Vee, and Masha arrive."
“Nope, King, Masha, or Vee are gonna be late this time,” a new voice joined. Luz looked up and brightens up. “Willow! Gus!” She rushed to hug the two. “You two took long enough,” teased the purpled-haired witch. Willow grins at her friend. “Well, you know that traveling between the Human and Demon realm can be troubling.” Amity playfully rolled her eyes.
Gus took a seat on the blanket. “Willow doesn’t want to admit that she had almost forgotten about the picnic.” Willow scowls, “Gus!”
“It’s no hard feelings,” Luz reassures. She took a seat beside Amity as Willow soon joins them. “How’s the Demon Realm?” Willow shrugs. “It’s the same as always. Rebuilding and demolishing the whole coven system.”
“I thought Hunter had forgone the law of dismantling the coven systems. Why hasn’t Hunter made sure it’s dismantled? Shouldn’t y’all spoken to him?” Amity couldn’t help but question. It’s been four years since she’s been to the Demon Realm since she preferred the Human Realm with Luz, Camila, and Vee. Gus rubbed the back of his neck. “We haven’t spoken to Hunter much,” Gus admits.
“Wait, what?” Luz was taken aback by the news. “Hunter’s been busy with Emperor duties, King duties?” Willow questioned if it was the right choice of words.
Luz placed a hand on her chin. “Maybe we should visit the Boiling Isles. Mom has been wanting to see Hunter for a while.” Luz wouldn’t deny that she misses her pseudo-Hermano. Plus, she knew she wouldn’t want Hunter to stress himself out. It’s been a year since she’s seen, Hunter. Time tends to slip through her grasp.
Gus smiles, “That’s a good idea, Luz.”
Amity knew she would follow behind. She would like to make sure Luz doesn’t get into trouble. She doubts Hunter would even allow Luz to get into official law trouble.
“Then it’s settled, we’ll go to visit the Boiling Isles after this.”
“That soon?” Luz nods to her girlfriend. “We don’t have anything on our schedule. Plus, Mom is away for a vet clinic conference for a while.” Once Luz gave Amity those pleading eyes, Amity soften. “Fine, we’ll leave after this.”
“Where are we going?”
Amity almost jumped at the voice. Luz grins, “Vee, Masha!” Vee sits down and gives her pseudo-sister a hug. Masha had taken a seat beside Vee. “Hey, Luz.” Luz waved back at them. Vee tilted her head. “So where are we going?”
“Well, we’re going back to the Boiling Isles. We’re gonna pay a visit to the castle.” Vee nods her head. “Oh…” She looks over at her partner. “Do you want to come with me?” Masha beamed, “Of course, sweetie.” Vee blushes at their comment.
“You’re coming with us?” Vee nods her head. “It’s been a while since I visited as well. Plus, this would be a good time to finally show Masha how the Boiling Isles is.” Luz would’ve exploded into millions of pieces if it wasn’t for Amity holding her hand. She was proud that Vee was finally healing from everything she’s been through.
“Well, now I’m excited.”
“Excited for what?” A new voice had started. Luz knew that voice. “King! You’re finally here.” King pouts, “Eda made me bring some fancy letter for you.”
“Fancy letter?”
Luz was confused. King crawled into Luz up onto Luz’s shoulder, giving her the letter. There was a wax seal embroidered onto the envelope. The seal looked identical to the old Emperor’s Coven seal. The thought of him flashed through her mind. “Are you going to open it or you’re just going to keep us in suspense?” Luz chuckles at her friends' comments as she pushes the thought away.
She cracked open the seal and pulled out the delicate sheet of paper. “King Hunter Noceda,” Luz smiles fondly at the surname. Hunter was a Noceda even if he wasn’t related to them by blood. Hunter will always be family to her. She continued what she was reading. “…cordially invites you to the wedding of King Hunter Noceda and…Edric Blight!?”
“My brother!?” Amity had splat out the juice she was drinking. “Ed’s getting married?” Luz looked at her girlfriend with questions. However, Amity had questions as well. “How long have they been dating?” The two turned to look at Willow and Gus.
Willow tilts her head. “I thought everyone knew. They were literally acting like an old married couple in front of you two once.” Luz sputters. “I didn’t know!”
Amity took hold of the letter and read it again. She didn’t even know that Ed was even dating. Usually, Edric would tell her. Four years and she didn’t even know her brother was dating the former Golden Guard.
“I mean. Hunter had visited twice and he’s never mentioned dating. For all I know, this is the first time I’m hearing about this. I’m hearing about this on a paper,” Luz groaned. “I’m a bad sister. How could I not know my brother is dating?” Amity placed her hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Luz. I am also in the same boat as you.”
“I mean, now we have a good reason to visit,” Gus added. Luz smiles shortly, “Yeah, you have a point. We should get packing. We can reschedule this picnic for later.” The others agreed as they left to start packing whatever they need to leave, though Willow and Gus left since they had most of their stuff in the Demon Realm.
Luz sunk into the bedsheets as Amity packed. Ghost, Amity’s cat palisman, and Stripes, Luz’s snake palisman, watched Luz land on the bed. Before Amity could ask what was wrong, Luz had started to speak.
“What kind of sister doesn’t know their brother is dating?” Amity sighs and sits down beside the other. “Sweet potato,” Amity only said. Luz hummed and turned her head to face the purple-haired witch. “I didn’t even know that Ed was dating, and he’s my brother.” Luz leaned onto Amity’s shoulder.
“They’ll never let us live this down,” Luz jokes. Amity shared a small laugh. “You’re right.” The two basked in each other’s touch.
“We should probably get them a wedding gift.” Amity hums in agreement. “We should probably hurry to leave. We can’t keep them waiting.”
Luz pulled away and stood up. “I almost forgot!” She started rushing to their shared closet. Amity giggles at Luz’s antics. She was still the same clueless idiot she loves. She would never replace Luz.
As Luz rambles on about the gift they should get for Ed and Hunter, Amity thought about her family and siblings. Emira hasn’t mentioned Edric dating the last time they’ve seen each other. Other than the news that Edric has been busy, she hasn’t known much. It made her feel as if she failed at keeping in touch with the two older twins.
Still, she kept her smile up. An echo of her mother’s words came through her mind.
“A Blight never shows imperfection.”
Amity shook away the thought and let her mind drift to her brother. She wondered how Edric was doing. She could always ask when they leave for the Demon Realm, but it wouldn’t make up for those years she was absent. She promised herself that she’ll talk with Ed.
She couldn’t wait for the wedding. It’ll be a nice way to reconnect with her brother. Nothing bad ever happens at a wedding.
On the other side, Edric was staring up into the night sky. He couldn’t sleep. He had removed the concealment stone earlier. He hasn’t worn one in a while. He had to wear it since he was beginning to get dark eye bags from not getting enough rest. Ed could remember the small joke he made to Hunter about them matching with the restless eye bags. Hunter didn’t find it funny since the other told him to stop playing around. Edric pretended it didn’t sting.
Edric rubbed his temple. The headaches were getting worse. Maybe he should ask to take down the barrier for now or have some of the guards help out with the spell.
“Edric?” A voice came from behind. Ed jumped at the sudden surprise. He turned around with a fire lighting up in his hand. “Hunter! I thought you were busy with the meeting?” Edric chuckles, “I could’ve hit you.” He allowed the fire to die down. Hunter said nothing as he approaches the green-haired witch. “I wanted to see you.”
Edric watched Hunter walk past him to the balcony. Magenta eyes seemed colder, Hunter staring at the sky. “How’s the barrier?” Edric was taken aback. He thought Hunter was looking at the sky. He remembered Hunter’s interest in seeing the stars as they relax. They rarely had time to relax currently with the wedding approaching soon.
“Oh…it’s well.” Edric rubs his neck. “Hun, do you think I can let some of the other scouts handle the barrier? These headaches are getting more progressive.” He expected to be greeted by Hunter respecting his wishes, yet that wasn’t what happened.
“Ed,” Hunter had set his attention on the other witch. Playing his hands onto his shoulders, “You said you wanted to do this. Don’t tell me you can’t. That’s rather disappointing. You’re about to be my future husband and you can’t even hold up a spell.” Edric gazed down, not even sparing a look at Hunter. The harsh, cold tone made Edric shiver.
He tried to excuse Hunter’s behavior for Hunter being stressed, but this seemed offputting. Still, he nodded his head. “I…I got this. Sorry,” Edric apologizes. Hunter sighs and hugs the green-haired witch. “I know things are stressful. Soon, it’ll be finished.” Edric nods as he sulks into Hunter’s arms.
“You’re strong, Edric,” Hunter confesses. Edric relaxes at the soft tone. His doubts wash away as he sinks into Hunter’s arms with every word. This is the Hunter he knows. Maybe he was wrong. He doesn’t notice the menacing grin rising on Hunter’s face as the reflection from the mirror revealed the imposter.
A/N: This is also posted onto AO3. I've decided that it'll be split into 3 parts. I do hope you fellow readers enjoy this fic.
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watery-melon-baller · 2 years
ive gotten TWO (and a half) asks can you tell. i have a favorite
What I like about them
hes such a bitch (affectionate) and also a NERD hes sweet and likes to learn and is just a little awkward hes trying his best.
What I dislike about them
he needs to stop running off into the wood whenever he is having a panick attack and start relying on others. get better coping machinaisms
Favourite moment
oughh hm. love like every flapjack and hunter moment (rip)
Least favourite moment
any sport in a storm had a few minutes where the second hand embarassment was so bad i could not handle it. im like stupid sensitive to that kind of stuff and sometimes i have to leave a room when its TOO much. my guy please. i do like the episode i dont hate it at all i just was like. incapable of watching it lmao
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
augh like. everyday coven life stuff (this also goes for lilith too). id love to see like a day in the life kind of thing espeically like before lilith left the coven. what chaos goes on in the castle,,,
An interesting AU for this character
I HAVE LIKE A BILLION AUS FOR HUNTER. uh. i have my reverse au. i have the 55k fic i wrote where he accidentally kills belos and has to secretly run the goverbment (go read weekend at belos's its funny i promise). i hae an antimatic im working about him. i also had one for a while where pre-canon he ran away from belos and fled to the human realm and just. worked at the 7/11 down the street while living in the portal shack and luz befriended him. i wrote a few ficlets for it but never posted anything but its a fun au i had. it was Luz getting her first friend + hunter realizing that belos kind of sucked actually and camila trying to adopt this rabdom teenager her daughter found (she genuinly thinks luz is lying about him or is talking about one of her book characters and then after she meets hunter shes like oh ok. adoption) its fun
A crossover
i dont really have any crossovers hmmm,,,
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
augh im like. all my favs i hit with an aroace beam so. not really lol
Other ships?
i kind of bounce bwteen bi hunter and aroace hunter but like. he should go through the struggle of "damn they're pretty" and also appprecuating your frieends beauty.
him and luz!! again. worte an entire fic of their shenaningans. they are obnoxious and love each other. i also think something with hunter and the collector would be interesting but i dont know if they would like. get along and be best buds or anything. also him and gus!! adultified buddies but like. they're adultified in oppostite ways so they can combine to be One Whole Guy. thats how hunter and luz work btw but with being neurodivergent
againt jusy like. no weird age gaps and incest yada yada.
An assortment of headcanons! 
have the headcanon that belos like. shoved him into a caretaker role (which we see a Bit of in canon but i take it to an extreme). loves to play it up as "sick weak frail old man who needs his nephews help" so parentification yay. hes good at like cooking and cleaning and knows how to make a bunch of BI ersion of 16th century dishes. if something happens thenhunter feels guilty because its His respoinisbibly to take care of belos beacuse belos doesnt have anyone else!!! (false belos is juts a needuy bastard who wants to be taken sre of by his older brother and likes to play house wiht his grimwalkers. i have so many feelings about that btw)
he is just. such an isolated kid. no one noticed/cared what was going on and i get a little infuriated every time i think about it. i have so many emotions about his little sprig plushie and whenever he has to leave it behind in a fic i get emotional. he goes back to the wreckage of the castle post canon and finds his room in the rubble and sure some things are destrpyed but a few books and knickkacks are salvegable. he finds sprig a little torn up but sews him up and its ok.
he likes learning about Everything. like theres so many intersting things all the time he wants to read!! in the human realm he just devours books about everything. wikipedia rabbit hole. kinda guy who knows a random fact for almost any occasion. multitracker hunter but tbh he wouldnt really do much at hexside besides like. hes doing it for his friends. i think he would help dell out with the palistrom trees and also specialize in potions (since you dont need magic for that). he has private tutors in the coven im sure so hes probably educated very well.
hes got all kinds of fun grimwalker traits. hes mostly immune to boiling water. his eyes glow in the dark. sometimes when willow is using plant magic he can feel it under his fingnails and his hair. his hands have weird scarring and peeling and listen. listen. evryone was so dissapoited that hunter didnt have scars under his gloves but i was on the hype train for day One since HUnting Palismen bitch. i give him gloves all the time bc sensory issues + hide fucked up hands + mepahor for hiding yourself.
also is neurodivergent and trans. personanly perfer ftm but every variation is good. mtf hunter would be named bailey. his medications are like. wird mix of plant and witch medicine because grimwalker. has a terrible time in the human realm bc hes super unmedicated for a while but they find a human equivalent and hes fine now. kind of.
ok thats enough of that
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luminoushane · 1 year
I just saw your "Amity raised by Lilith AU" and now I really want to know more.
What's going on with the other Blights, if Lilith had to take Amity where are the twins?
What was Amity's life in the castle like? Did Lilith send her to Hexside and if so is she still friends with Willow?
What's Amity's relationship with Raine and Darius (and by extension Lilith's) like?
How about other people in the EC like Steve? Does Amity know Hunter and share Lilith's animosity with him and view him as a rival (queue "rival jealousy" from Luz) or are they friends?
Does Belos take advantage if Amity's presence in the castle to manipulate Lilith?
How does parenthood change Lilith and her view of Hunter?
Not a question but I also have this image if a tiny (4 or 5 yr old Amity) in a baby carrier thing on Lilith's chest when she goes to arrest Eda, and then Eda turning around to reveal King in a similar baby carrier on her chest. (Queue Spider-Man pointing name and mutual aunt realizations)
Haha, I get asked these a lot too, and I had a few tweets explaining is messily, but let's get this organized in the much better site, shall we?
• Amity was taken shortly after her birth. Prior to her arrival, Alador had already gotten sick of Odalia's mistreatment of him and in extension, the twins. He takes Amity away, pays a few healers to keep it a secret, and (with much hesitation) calls up Darius. He practically begs him to take Amity away from them, and even though Darius CLEARLY still doesn't like Alador, he just has a soft spot for kids. He takes Amity and Odalia is under the impression that Amity had died.
Now, remember, with this in mind, Odalia and the twins DON'T know her existence. If you ask me WHY Lilith ended up with Amity instead of with Darius, I'd tell you that Darius let her watch over her and she came back with adoption papers bc god forbid she has impulse control.
The twins are not aware of Amity's existence (at least until later) and neither is Odalia, but not for long. Alador is still trying to figure out how he can get himself and his two other children out without Odalia realizing. Lilith tries to keep it a secret. Amity's aware she's adopted though lol.
• Amity was practically raised in the castle. She learned to walk there 😭 Imagine a little Amity taking her first steps and the coven guards just cooing over her in the hallway. Like that. When she got older, she was allowed to go back to Darius' house alone (Lilith does not have a house and Darius is kind of like a guardian to her too, so...)
She personally prefers to stay in the castle though.
And no, Amity doesn't go to Hexside.
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She's in St. Epiderm! You have to understand, Odalia's part of the Student Creature Association in Hexside, and Lilith CANNOT risk having her find out about Amity. Raine had her enrolled in their old school so she doesn't accidentally come across Odalia. Willow DOES know about her, but thinks she's some spoiled girl who gets a bit too competitive. (They become friends later on!)
• Raine and Darius are her secondary guardians! Kind of like how Uncles and Aunties work. Darius doesn't hold any bitterness towards her for being Alador's child. If anything, it's making him want to rebel more because Amity and Hunter, who are just two children, are being forced into the castle by circumstances they can't control. He can't wait to take them both back home and give them a better life than what the castle has to offer.
He sees Amity as his little sunshine, though you couldn't pay him to admit that to ANYONE. That's his baby, he raised her too ❤️.
Raine was a bit late addition to the parent trio. Though they didn't hesitate to help out if needed. They usually were the one to watch over a hyperactive 4 year old Amity and an equally active 6 year old Hunter during their time as an apprentice to the Bard Covenhead. Amity also talked to Raine about Luz, who she was "feeling funny about" (she is falling so hard) and Raine was watching in amusement.
And y'know. Lilith is her mom. Lilith doesn't get much free time, but she's dedicated it to taking care of Amity as much as she can. Amity is her heart, she could absolutely not take the idea that she could get hurt. She's trying to give her all the attention and love she wished she had gotten from Gwendolyn.
Do not even suggest such a thing!
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But in all seriousness, she grew up with him! Of course she doesn't hate him!
They see each other as siblings, though none of them have admitted it out loud. Hunter gets a bit sad when he sees Amity with Emira and Edric ("Her real family") and Amity was quick to get that thought off. He was her family too. The two of them are fairly close, both having grown up in the castle. On occasion, Amity sneaks him some snacks and books and stuff he can do on his free time whenever her was on shifts.
They had a MAJOR fallout by the end of season 1 (which I will not disclose yet), so you can imagine how absolutely rage-fueled their duel in Eclipse Lake was in this AU.
• And YES, HE DOES. Belos is a manipulative asshole we all know that. In addition, he does NOT like Amity. He took one look at her, with her brown hair, pointy ears and golden eyes and was reminded of a certain witch 400 years ago. It doesn't help that she likes to hang around with Hunter, either. Belos being haunted by the past because of two gay kids in his castle is so funny to me actually. He constantly holds Amity safety over Lilith's head because he knows how desperate she is to keep her daughter safe.
• And finally. Hunter and Lilith's relationship is much complicated in this AU. She realizes he's just as much of a child as Amity is. She doesn't really have this "animosity" towards him, especially since she takes care of him like Darius does (in secret).
So anyways! Don't be afraid to ask more, I like getting questions! And yes, Lilith does, in fact, bring baby Amity along when she goes on missions to capture Eda. Amity likes her Auntie Eda, goes over to the Owl House and plays with King if she can. Eda doesn't really mind her randomly popping up in her house lol.
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OWL HOUSE AU: Hand Of Belos
An AU where instead of ending up in Eda’stall, Luz ended up in Belos’s throne room. How did that happen? Well, Eda had been out doing her thing when the Emperor's Coven came to arrest her. In the chaos, she dropped the Doorway, and it was taken to Belos. While Owlbert escaped the castle, Luz followed the owl pailsmen and straight into the throne room. Belos, knowing she could easily help him with his goals, began to manipulate the young girl, molding her into the Amethyst Guard.  
But all hope isn’t lost for Luz… You see, she has yet to meet Eda…
And that’s when Belos’s plan REALLY hits the fucking fan.
The story would be separated into three “phases:” Loyalty, Discovery, and Rebellion.
Also realize the plot lines below are NOT in episodic style. It's just an overview.
PHASE 1 Plot:
Hunter and Luz would go on missions together, so they’d get pretty close, and they are pretty much siblings.
Luz wouldn’t have met Willow, Gus, or anyone from Hexside.
Luz would be given a staff with artificial magic like Hunter’s, but Luz’s has an added feature that allows her to turn invisible for temporary amounts of time.
Luz DOES meet Amity, but nearing the end of Phase 1. This is where she really gets an idea that Belos is not who he seems, since she gets to have a one-on-one conversation with Amity, who talks about joining the Coven but accidentally reveals that she doesn’t WANT to join the coven, and she felt like something was off with the Coven.
Lilith is Luz’s primary teacher, though Raine and Darius both have important places as mentors to her.
Belos’s only place in Luz’s life in the Boiling Isles is to feed her lies.
Eda is caught by the Emperor's Coven and Liltih, but isn’t forced into her owl beast form.
Luz has been having a hard time recently so she decides to confront Eda. And Eda explains her side of things. And Luz being Luz, well, she decides to free Eda in return for letting Luz join her, so she can REALLY experience the Boiling Isles. Eda agrees.
Eda and Luz’s experience in the Owl House is tense, but it's more of Luz trying to relearn everything Belos had lied to her about and try to ACTUALLY learn magic, which gets us the famous Owl Beast episode.
PHASE 2 Plot:
Since only Belos knows what Luz looks like under the mask, Luz can go about the Boiling Isles with little worry of being recognized. 
Luz kept her staff and mask but kept the mask at home while the staff she has been heavily customized.
Eda keeps an eye on Luz, obviously, but isn’t as worried when she’s alone.
Luz is able to attend Hexside with not much worry, since she had already had a grasp on Magic.
Luz’s interactions with Willow and Gus are more awkward than usual, due to her already being quite familiar with the Boiling Isles, and due to her time with Belos, she’s now more inclined to correct when someone is wrong. So imagine how that goes with Gus?
Luz and Amity hang out a LOT more in the beginning, and since Luz first friends (like usual) ARE Willow and Gus, she’s able to get the Hexsquad together a lot faster. 
Amity actually suspects Luz of being the Amethyst Guard, Luz’s general way of speaking, especially when she’s stressed, are all too familiar to the guard she met in the Emperor's castle.
Luz actually stands up to Odelia, seeing the Blight mother as nothing more than a loyal pig to Belos. And well… It works pretty well. Alador even quits. Odelia is also forced to leave the manor so BONUS.
Belos constantly sends Hunter, Lilith, Darius, and Raine out to locate Luz, fearful of what she could reveal to the people. Darius and Raine take this as their key out of the Coven.
Luz by the end of Phase 2 has mastered glyphs and glyph combos, alongside mastering the use of her artificial magic staff. So when Belos sends a mass amount of Coven Guards to the Owl House, including Lilith and Hunter, Luz is there to defend the house. While she IS defeated, she was able to take out a large majority of the guards, including Hunter. 
Don’t worry, Alador and the Blight kids had decided to visit Eda that day and were able to help Luz fully defeated the attacking force. Though now Belos knows where Luz is and is determined to take her back, even if she is near death.
THIS WOULD BE KINDA A SEGWAY TO PHASE 3. Lilith would be seen talking to her parents and Steve, telling them the Coven was planning something big, and possibly not in the favor of witchkind. And that she AND Hunter needed to get out as soon as possible. It’s also here in Belos’s more angry state he reveals Hunter is “No more than a Grimwalker.” Which obviously traumatizes Hunter. 
PHASE 3 Plot:
The beginning of this Phase is more of Luz making more connections with her friends. So Phase 3 is where our favorite gay beans actually begin to interact and fall for each other. 
Remember, Belos still has the Doorway, but he needs LUZ and the key in order to use it, AND he still needs to keep his power over the witches in order to pull off his plan. 
Darius and Raine (and Eber, I should say that) are able to make it to the Owl House, becoming honorary members of the family, and it becomes the main base for the C.A.T.S. 
Lilith is able to get Hunter out of the castle, making a desperate move when she sees how Belos treats Hunter (which, obviously, is very poor). 
Eventually, Lilith takes Hunter to Hexside and explains the situation to Principal Bump, who is all too happy to help, giving the duo a place to hide. 
Luz is able to get a new upgrade to her growing arsenal of abilities thanks to Alador and Darius, which is a pair of Abomination Tech gauntlets. 
The Emperor’s Coven kidnaps Gus and Willow to lure Luz to the castle. Which OBVIOUSLY Luz goes to confront Belos. Where she is once again captured and is forced to watch as Belos begins to drain Gus and Willow’s pailsemens of their life force.
WHILE THAT IS GOING ON: Eda, Raine, Darius, and Alador all decide to make a stand against the Emperor, which causes them to run out to call upon as many allies as possible. Which leads Eda to Hexside to talk to Principal Bump. There she discovered Hunter and Lilith recovering and helping students recover from a Coven attack. Of course after an understanding is reached, Lilith tells Eda all the ways they can defeat Belos. Hunter decides to join Eda, since he still views Luz as a sister. 
Back at the castle, a sudden commotion outside lures Belos away from draining the lifeforce. During his absence, Luz is able to escape her bounds and free Gus and Willow. After getting them to safety, Luz goes to have a final confrontation with Belos. Who reveals he’s actually a human and goes on his whole tangent about the evil of Witches. But Luz would know better and the two would face off. 
Belos would try to connect to the power of the Titan in order to sweep the fight, but Luz somehow got connected to the heart alongside Belos. So they BOTH ended up in the reality between time and space, AND meet Titan. And obvs Titan ain’t happy with Belos and after placing Belos in a little sphere, he’d have a heart to heart with Luz. Luz would then be disconnected from the Titan, though she would not leave empty handed.
Yeah there’d just be a scene of Belos getting his assed kicked by Titan.
After the fighting ceased and the evil of Belos was revealed, Luz would locate the Doorway and return home, but with Amity, Eda, and Raine by her side. They’d go meet with Mrs. Noceda, and tell her EVERYTHING that happened. 
FLASH FORWARD: Luz is now 19, dating Amity, and the Boiling Isles are flourishing. She’d help settle some things down after Belos, and had helped the Witches reintroduce themselves to the Human Realm, which actually went surprisingly well. Now she’s in college. SO yeah! Good ending!
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"There's no shame in asking for help." for the whump prompts!!
You get the old Owl House AU, enjoy. There isn’t really anything SUPER dark in this, it’s all in the implications babey!
TW: Forced family dynamics, abuse, referenced murder, internalised ableism, implied physical harm to a young child, manipulation
The word still felt wrong on Luz's tongue to say about the Emperor, but after two-and-a-half years she'd learnt better than to ask questions. And, after all, Belos had taken her in through the kindness of his own heart, hadn't he? It was only fair to play along, even if she missed her real Mom and Dad. It’s not like there was some magic portal back home- no, this was her home now, and she should accept that.
(Besides, Luz was a big girl now. She was very nearly nine, even, and she knew of the Emperor's brutality towards any dissidents. She'd seen it, hiding in the little-known corners of the castle and watching when no one knew she was around, and it played in her memories like a video on loop. She'd seen Hunter die, she’d seen the blood, and even if she hadn’t, she knew something was up when her cool magic big kid friend who was so grown up and mature was suddenly replaced with a boy barely older than she was bearing the same name and face. Who's to say next wouldn’t be her?)
Belos smiled, dull blue eyes lacking any spark settling down on her. Around him, Luz always felt so small, even if she was a big girl and she was learning how to fight the bad guys. “Yes, Luz?”
“I was reading about the history of the Isles, like you asked,” Luz babbled, pulling on the too-long ends of her curls and her dress, ”and I know this is probably stupid, and I shouldn’t take time out of your day to ask, but-“
Belos chuckled, no malice in his tone. Still, it set Luz on edge a bit, even though she knew he was the good guy. He had to be brutal, but he was the good guy. He had to be. “There's no shame in asking for help, Luz. You know, I took you in for a reason. The Titan wouldn’t have brought you here without one, you know, and who am I to deny what it provides?”
Luz grinned ear to ear. “You mean… I'm special?” The idea of being anything but plain old Luz, seeming so out of sorts both on Earth and stuck in the castle… it would explain why anyone ever cared. She must have some important job to do.
Belos only smiled wider. “What part were you struggling with?”
“Oh! Oh, yeah.” Luz laughed nervously. Forgetting things usually got her in trouble, and Belos could be… harsh. “Well, uh, I was reading about the Savage Ages, and… I don't understand exactly the differences between wild magic and, uh, the non wild magic, I guess? It’s just- I'm not trying to defend it, of course, but-“
“You're not in trouble for not understanding something, Luz. You've seen my curse, haven’t you?”
Luz absently touched the cut on her cheek. “Yes, papa.”
“That’s something that can’t happen in the covens, now. I don’t want anyone to go through what I did.” Belos sighed. “Now, would you like me to go over the passages with you? I wouldn’t mind.”
Luz excitedly bounced on her toes. “Yesyesyesyesyes! Uh, I mean, yes please.” Whenever someone actually explained things to her, she always understood it a lot more, and if there was anything she wanted here it was understanding. It felt like she was being intentionally left in the dark far too much, and it bugged her, even though she knew it must be for a reason. Everything had to be for a reason.
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crimeronan · 1 year
I love political and tactical fantasy shenanigans so I'm very 👀 over that appearing in the princess luz au in some way. There's so much you can play around with, like the public opinion, who gets supplies for not just the castle but the civilians, or runs this or that, and how the different coven's are run (i read a v neat theory that the abomination coven has more opportunities because of Darius, for example), any new covenhead will have to untangle the mess and horrors of their predecessor, and bringing in new people to run a section or help support a coven that's surprise surprise being held together by string and luck because the previous head was incompetent or didn't care enough. Or both.
Like the plant coven's plantations that are mentioned once in Hunting Palismen that guard the remaining palistrom trees. That'll need to be dealt with so more witches can recieve palismen, and then they'll need someone to carve them(possible lead in to Hunter getting intrested in palisman carving? ovo CLAWTHORNE CLAN APPEARANCE MAYBE??). Not to mention the overhaul of the education system, of which TERRA is apparently in charge of, which explains a lot, actually. How many buildings on TBI aren't built to sustain the boiling rain and rely on magic or pure luck to stay standing because the construction coven either didn't bother to do their jobs or they simply couldn't because they didn't have the resources and time, so those who have the most money get priority?
Not to mention taking care of monsters! The empress coven can't be too different from the emperor's coven yet, so they're not very efficient(because they're a cult and that's how they function) and someone has to address that and Lilith is too used to the system to recognise the problems by herself. Maybe Luz makes it law that all coven's now must have a head coven and a vice head of sort, so all the power and decision making doesn't rest with only one person?
Sorry, I'm rambling, I just love this kind of stuff, I go a little insane over it. Adding on all the characters being very stupid or very crazy or both makes for a funny time.
YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH!! THIS IS ALL SO GOOOOD these thoughts are all so good. at first i didn't want to plot a big long story about what exactly luz does to solve some of these issues, bc watching and dreaming addressed everything so well... but the circumstances of this AU have changed enough that i'm getting invested anyway. like. how DO you dismantle an empire when you also have to pretend that that empire is normal and fine and that your fragile allyships with power-hungry coven heads are fine and that your so-called "divinity" isn't based on the bullshit lie of a genocidal colonizer. HOO BOY.
i love love love political worldbuilding fic that explores things like infrastructure and different political dynamics and schisms in fantasy worlds, that was ALSO one of my fave things when i would write homestuck ancestor fic. plotting out what a galactic war might look like and how resources were distributed and how empire weaponry could be commandeered and how propaganda on both sides would function.... MMM. my bread and butter
i think the thing i've put the Most thought into toh-wise is the abomination coven, simply because i am a darius girlie and think about darius All The Time. like i think that the abomination coven has opportunities because there's a lot of capitalist stuff going on, because darius has taken a very libertarian-seeming hands-off approach to running his coven. but you can't apply 1-to-1 real world politics to it because actually, darius """small government""" deamonne is letting people get away with having fake abomination coven sigils and repeatedly break the law and game the empire's systems... all under the guise of "i don't know anything about that. i'm just lazy"
i had Extensive palistrom tree lore (and tragedy) planned in the darius & prev gg fic i outlined, i don't know if i'll ever write it in full but MMM the palistrom trees and the bat queen are on my mind Constantly. also tucking these construction coven thoughts into my back pocket for later use because i hadn't thought much about the infrastructure of the isles' buildings but you're RIGHT. living in portland oregon there's CONSTANT vicious local debate about rebuilding our bridges and older buildings and coastal evacuation plans for when cascadia ruptures, bc most of that wasn't built with a 9.0 earthquake in mind. could definitely pull from. All Of That. LOL
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