#Lydia Meredith
petercapaldi · 1 month
a serious podcast.
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cosmictap · 7 months
You know what. If the mechs gets to be Jon’s uni band, RQG is a podcast that Elias Bouchard (Ben Meredith), Melanie King (Lydia Nicholas), Martin Blackwood (Alexander J Newall), Melanie’s Therapist (Helen Gould), the random MAG 100 dude that was a conspiracy theorist (James Ross), and the other MAG 100 guy who got sent to the lonely (Bryn Monroe) played together before TMA canon
I don’t care that the ages don’t line up, i need this in my soul /lh
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letthestorieslive · 9 months
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LYDIA MARTIN + relationships
For @lydiamartinappreciation week, free day
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ratthesewerdweller · 3 months
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playsthetics · 11 months
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MBTI: My Favourite Characters
ESTJ (14/16)
Regina George (Mean Girls)
Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
Carmen Cortez (Spy Kids)
Meredith Blake (The Parent Trap)
Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl)
Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf)
Lisa Cuddy (House)
Lucrecia “Lu” Montesinos Hendrich (Elite)
Cheryl Blossom (Riverdale)
Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
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alphaboyd · 5 days
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alicenwrites · 1 month
I finished my second(?) relisten of the main campaign last night and immediately jumped into another relisten. I love these characters and the players so much.
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bericas · 9 months
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↳ john steinbeck, east of eden
#twedit#teenwolfplus#lydiamartinedit#lydia martin#teenwolfedit#ok hiiiiii for my tags#tw#anyway#i love her!#her trajectory is so fun and i love the way she finds goodness through accepting kindness#because she needs it! s1 and s2 were so hard for her! she's on her feet because allison kept her there. and then so do scott and stiles#and so maybe she can help too! maybe she can do something kind too. and scott is so kind when she offers#and then that resolution is met with even more kindness; its not in this set but allison is the first person to say she believes her#and not because ALLISON needs to believe her; this isnt about finding bodies. its about trusting and comforting her friend#its because LYDIA needs allison to believe her. and she does! and then later she receives similar comfort from stiles#and then meredith reassures her of her personhood in a way thats even beyond Not Being a Monster; lydia doesnt do monstrous things#meredith sees her and sees goodness where it always has been but wasnt always offered so freely#AND THEN LYDIA STARTS OFFERING IT FREELY!! she looks out for tracy for no reason but to do it#and when she goes catatonic she surfaces because MEREDITH ENCOURAGES HER!! and because MALIA NEEDS HELP!!!#when she realizes she can protect her friends by putting their bodies before hers it what she does. she wakes up for malia. she stares down#a gun and guides liam away from the ghost rider holding it. not pictured here but in 6b she protects mason with her body too#and the ghost riders gun couldnt hurt her but the hunters sure could!!! AND BEFORE THE SHOOTING. SHE LOOKS MONROE IN THE FACE#a woman who wants to kill her and has already proven she can! but she does it because scott believes in people and lydia believes in scott#and scott needs help and lydia can help him! and how many times has he helped her. how many times have all of her friends helped her#and by this point. how many times has she offered the same? she's used to it enough that she can offer monroe kindness too. a chance to tal#LYDIA MARTIN I LOVE YOU FOREVER YOU WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS#NO ONE IS DOING IT LIKE YOU!!
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voidsbabe · 11 months
Hey guys! I’m trying to get one more time into writing so you can request a story with:
• Teen Wolf characters (I mostly write about Stiles x Reader but I am willing to try writing about someone else)
• Grey’s Anatomy characters (but only till season 10 because I haven’t got time to watch further seasons, I’m sorry)
That’s for start 😸
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tishdoescrochet · 2 years
And here we are! My Rusty Quill Gaming crochet blanket. It was made for the fanzine titled Look Out! Lots of Magnificent Gifts by The Ones Who Got Away ( @towga ). And I couldn't have done it without the incredible help of my friends @sugar-peanut-cat, who crocheted a significant portion of the squares, @mori-stuff who helped me find good quotes to use and made sure they were well and truly accurate to the source, and of course @apolloborealis who ignited my excitement for this blanket, helped me with choosing colours for the over 200 episodes, and last but not least made the center square with the highly impressive embroidery of the Rusty Quill Gaming logo. Thanks folks!!!
Early progress pics
Late progress pics
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ID: a 20 squares wide and 23 squares long solid granny square crochet blanket based on Rusty Quill Gaming. Diagonals alternate between being multi coloured with quotes on the squares (representing all 218 main campaign episodes as well as the Ancient Rome sidequest, ordered from left to right, top to bottom), and being solidly white, grey or black (alternating by diagonal between those three). In the center is a four by four sized black square with the Rusty Quill Gaming logo embroidered on it. Blue veins run across the blanket, increasing in density near the bottom and especially the bottom right corner. There are noticably more quotes filled in near the top than near the bottom. End ID
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ID: two close ups of five by three squares. The first shows the top left corner of the blanket, the visible episode squares are:
1 - We start in the skies above London
2 - Bertie! Wellington!
3 - Go make more of yourself
11 - He's happy enough
12 - Keeeesh (which is an alternate spelling of quiche)
21 - If we die, it's on us
22 - Maybe he just forgot to breathe
23 - Does anyone speak morse?
The second shows the top right corner, with episode squares:
9 - I cast prestidigitation
10 - A friendly Other London hello
18 - I shall make a cringe roll
19 - You cannot give a skeleton scurvy
20 - I'm gonna make another cringe check
29 - Single Female Lawyer
30 - Sacrifice of the self. End ID
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ID: the first is a close up of episode 179, a lavender square with three overlapping quotes. Where the words of the quotes overlap, they are embroidered with both or all colours. The quotes are:
It's good to have you here. (In black)
Okay, good. (In pink)
Good to have you back. (In white)
The second shows three by three squares, with in the center episode 181, which is the same deep blue as the veins and reads: It's okay to hope. From it, blue veins spread in all directions. To the top left is a purple and pink square without a quote, episode 171. To the top right is 172 - See you on the other side. End ID
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ID: a four by four square consisting of black squares. On this the Rusty Quill Gaming logo is embroidered. A beige banner with the text Rusty hangs over a gear with the text Quill. Beneath it in a bright red semi attached font, with a fancy starting letter id the text Gaming. Behind the gear, to the left stands a grey microphone with red sound lines coming off it. A grey quill stands diagonally in the center back, with the tip resting within the G from Gaming, and the other end of the feather partially covering and ending above a red twenty sided die without numbers. End ID
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ID: image one is a three by three grid with a fair amount of blue veins. The quotes are:
168 - Alexander Jalexander Nalexander
178 - What did they choose? (In white) Wrong. (In black)
187 - My turn.
Image two is a closeup of episode 50, a yellow square with an aqua outline reading: Sometimes you have to try. End ID
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ID: the three by three squares in the bottom right corner of the blanket. The blue veins are coming in dense from up and left, and converge on the edge of the final episode square and final blank square. The blue veins are not able to break this border. The final episode (218) reads: There's always hope. To the top right of this episode is 208, which reads: Almost lost ya. End ID
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kristsune · 10 months
There was such a wonderful amount of silliness that happened out of character during the Mothership special that I just had to capture it in its own post. Hopefully it's not too much of a munge.
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many-gay-magpies · 23 days
okay as far as season four of teen wolf goes i am like. very confused as to what the fuck kate's motive even is? like she came back from the dead and she's screwing with derek and making her berserker servants kill people but like. WHY. ik there was like that one scene with peter where it was implied she wanted to make the argents great again (aka reinstate them to their former genocidal werewolf-hunting glory) but that doesn't make complete sense to me when she herself is now a shifter. or like maybe she's just that hypocritical idk (wouldn't put it past her). but even with that idk it doesn't make SENSE. why did she kill garrett and violet? why did she try to make scott's pack kill him? why did she do all that just to get derek to open the vault? literally what the fuck
if anyone has thoughts please share im at a loss here
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slice-of-magenta · 1 year
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Teen Wolf Females - Practice 🤍
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myfandomscollide · 2 years
Some interesting thoughts about Rusty Quill gaming characters.
All three who went on the boat in Dover went on to have their own happy endings. Zolf went on to have his life with Oscar. Hamid became a mediator/politician. And Sasha went on to found the Harlequins in Ancient Rome. Each took a leap of faith in joining Zolf during his own personal test, and each were rewarded in kind for their devotion to the betterment of the world. Bertie on the other hand took his own path and did not receive any happy ending.
Grizzop saving Sasha in Ancient Rome was also a similar test of faith as he embodied the will of his patron Artemis. He did what he could with the time he had and chose to sacrifice himself for Sasha. It’s worth noting that he had faith in a god, and an afterlife to progress towards throughout his life, Sasha didn’t and probably wouldn’t receive a mostly favorable outcome if she died. So Grizzop gave her the final gift he could, Time. Time to live out her life on her own terms and have a future, while giving her time to figure out her own path.
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kitkatwinchester · 11 months
Okay, waaaaay late reaction, because I was too busy trying to process what the F*CK just happened, because HOLY SH*T!
I'm gonna say it.
I am.
Season 3 is still my favorite. Void!Stiles is still my favorite villain, and all of the whump and hurt/comfort that Season 3 had as a result of that was amazing. Plus, most of my favorite Sciles moments are in Season 3.
Season 4 100% has the BEST writing and storytelling that Teen Wolf has had as of yet.
Like, obviously, there are two more seasons after this, and I still have two episodes to finish out this season, but given everything that I've seen so far....NONE of the writing up to this point can compare to this. Absolutely none of it.
I mean, the PUZZLE PIECES here. The THOUGHT that went into this. The twists and the secrets and the reveals and the THEMES...
If Season 3 wasn't as Sciles heavy as it was, Season 4 would 100% be my favorite.
Sorry not sorry.
And maybe I'll take that back when I finish out the season, because maybe I'll be disappointed by the ending, but given how well they've been doing so far...I doubt that.
I mean, in this episode alone, we get...
The amazingness that is Derek's speech. "Then let's send a message. Let's make something perfectly clear to anyone with a copy of that list. It doesn't matter if they're professional assassins, hunters, or an amateur who just picked up a gun. Anyone who thinks they can hunt and kill us for money, is gonna be put on another list. Our list. They get to be a name on our deadpool." (I cheated and copied that from the transcript, but it was too good not to.)
The reveal that Meredith was behind this under Peter's indirect orders, followed by the still present confusion over who is really manipulating who between the two of them. (My vote goes to Peter, by the way, because he is obviously WAY more complacent in this than he is letting on.)
The immense trust that all of these characters have in each other as they all do their parts to try to stop this--Noah and Parrish trusting Lydia and letting Peter go, everyone on the deadpool trusting Scott and company to protect them, Meredith trusting Lydia to do the right thing despite everything her brain is telling her, Stiles trusting Malia's instincts in the lake house room, and Stiles trusting Lydia when it came to the floor and the wine--and how all of that allows them to keep each other safe and finally stop the deadpool, HOPEFULLY once and for all. (But there are two more episodes, so who the f*ck knows at this point.)
The puzzle pieces and discoveries of all of the effort that had to go into making this deadpool--Peter manipulating Meredith, the automatic payments from behind the lake wall, the not-really-wine stain (or rather, lack thereof), the slew of hunters and assassins that were being sent out, and the not-yet-fully-figured-out partnership between Kate and Peter. (I mean, seriously. I've gotten really good at predicting this show in a lot of ways, and although I was definitely still suspicious of Peter, there is NO way I could've seen ALL of THAT coming.)
And then honestly, probably my personal favorite, the persistent reminder that being a monster doesn't mean you have to act like a monster, and that although so many of them are "violent creatures", who constantly fear that their natures will take over, it's their love and kindness and loyalty and protectiveness and trust and hearts that will keep them from ever fully crossing that line. (Though, I will say, Scott was scaring me QUITE a bit, and I'm soooo glad Stiles, Malia, and Lydia managed to stop the deadpool so that the cell phone ringing could snap him out of it, 'cause that was a LITTLE too close...).
And on top of ALL of that, we still get all of our amazing relationships--familial, romantic, platonic, and everything in between--and some amazing character growth and character moments that just make the season even better than it already is.
I mean, seriously, what more could you want??
And now, I'm gonna stop typing there, because I am honestly just soooo eager to keep going, and I REALLY need to make sure Peter doesn't kill Scott (which I think will be easy to avoid, because he has a whole pack to protect him gosh darnat--also f*ck you, Peter), and honestly, I just 100% need to see how this ends.
Soooo many good things in that episode (so many good things in this SEASON!!!), but this is the gif we're going with, because YES!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Season 4, Episode 11, here we come!!
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(I adored this theme with every fiber of my being when it was in Supernatural, and I love it EVEN MORE in Teen Wolf. <3 <3 <3 <3)
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scribeoffate · 1 year
Teen Wolf Tier List
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a03 is down, why not spend this time explaining my Feelings about Teen Wolf characters in a different format. <3
This is basically a love letter to all my favorite characters. Which is uh, well you'll see. 🥰🥰
So many thoughts behind the cut!
It's what it says on the tin. My very favorite characters. Spoiler alert: I am Bad At Favorites.
Lydia Martin I fell in love with her the instant she was good at bowling. Perfect even. And then the "sucking for his pleasure line," and then, and THEN we get her arc in s2? She's alone, and a little brittle and I have so many theories I've rambled about a million times regarding her childhood and how her powers have manifested before. I could write an entire tumblr post just about Lydia and my thoughts. I love her so much.
Malia Tate
I knew I was going to ADORE her the instant she punched Stiles for turning her back to human. I'm only sad we didn't get to see her initial reunion with Scott. I do firmly believe she throws Scott around in bed while they're together. I love how "yeah i don't really care about your social norms" she is about everything. And how she learns!! And then how much she loves Kylie. She leaves the safety of her den to get Kylie's doll back!!! I love her.
Scott McCall
I liked him at first. I definitely enjoyed seeing him hurt. I always gravitate to the prettiest men with blood on their face in any given fandom. And in Teen Wolf, that is definitely Scott. And then by about my third rewatch I was even more in love with his character, his willpower, persistence, stubbornness, empathy, and leadership. Many of you know Fury is my favorite episode and I love Scott in it so much. I love him.
Mason Hewitt
I was in love with Mason IMMEDIATELY. He was just so clearly such a good friend to Liam. And his smile. And then he helps Scott at the bonfire with no questions asked. And then he helps Lydia. That boy with ZERO spn powers helps Lydia charge berserkers. And then he is so excited for Liam to be a werewolf. And in the inner circle. And then he's the Beast! And he's with Corey! And he helps in s6. I love Mason. Love, love, love. <3
Kira Yukimura
Literal ray of sunshine. Awkward, nerdy, new girl! bad ass, katana-wielding kitsune. I was in love with her from the first interaction with her dad. And then she has fun with Scott at the sheriff's station! And then she learns what Scott is and is the first person to be tender and gentle about it? Ahhh. And then she has angst and the way were *robbed* of a s6 Kira arc. Still mad. Forever mad. But I ADORE Kira so much. She's amazing and I love her.
Vernon Boyd
Loved him when he wouldn't let Stiles pull one over on him with the money. Loved him when he wanted to be like Scott. Loved him when cared sooo much about Erica. Love the angst with Alicia and hate how little we get. He went and worked at an ice rink!!! I just. He's caring and kind and compassionate and observant and quiet and I love him for it.
Melissa McCall
!! The way she is trying so hard. And the way the world is just conspiring against her. She clearly loves Scott so much. I loved their s1 and s2 scenes sooo much. I really wish we'd gotten more of those little intimate mother/son moments later in the series. But I also love how she's still human. Is just trying her best. She's amazing.
Satomi Ito
I love her. She's a badass. And friends with Deaton. And I love how she interacts with Noshiko. And she has so much anger but she does eventually learn one way of expressing it. And Iove that she cares so much for her pack. Love love love love so much love. I watch all of like four Satomi parts soo closely every time.
Ken Yukimura
"Here's all that research you did for that boy you like." What is not to love, though? He's a history nerd! Married to a 900-year-old kitsune! And he loves his daughter so much. He's a good cook! He's so cool. Maybe Ken is what I want to be when I grow up. Even if I am technically older.
Alan Deaton
!! He's so great. While I can see an argument for him withholding information in the first two seasons- I feel like it makes total sense why he does. For so long, this supernatural part of his life has been on the back burner. Since the Hale fire, which he couldn't stop, and then suddenly it's back.
And by s2 he's actively helping Scott figure things out. He's teaching him and Isaac to take pain. Something it never dawned on Peter or Derek they'd like to know. In s3 he saves Stiles, in s6 he faces the fear of the anuk-ite with more grace than anyone. I love. Love always.
Noshiko Yukimura
I adore her so much. I loved younger Noshiko and I love how she's clearly matured since those events. She's also sooo hot. And so badass. And has STELLAR taste in men. So much love for Noshiko forever. <3
She shows up on a motorcycle, rescues Isaac, almost dies, FACES DOWN A PACK OF ALPHAS and survives it! And all while looking So Good. I love how she deals with Scott and Derek. I love that she worked for Deucalion after he slashed her throat open.
(quick note if you are tired of me talking about how much i love these characters, this is not the post for you, it doesn't change much)
Erica Reyes
Complete stubborn af BADASS of my dreams. I loved her when she was epileptic and still trying to climb up that rope. I loved her when she showed up and slammed Scott into a locker. I adored her when she hit on Allison. I love how she was so fierce and protective of Boyd and how she terrified Derek. I love her.
Hayden Romero
The way she looks at Liam in her intro. She is going to *destroy* this boy, that she has a crush on, so hard. She's also stubborn and strong-willed, and responsible. She's working so hard to help her sister, who she loves with her entire heart. She's great, and I love her.
Danny Mahealani
Everyone loves Danny! As they should. <3 He has terrible taste in men (relatable tho), and he loves to look disrespectfully (also relatable). I love his interaction with Stiles and Derek in s1 as well as his friendship with Jackson. I love that he's the one doing research on the ley lines! I hate how he disappears after 3b. I wanted more with knowledgable about supernatural Danny.
Meredith Walker
Meredith can leave Eichen any time she wants. She does. She generally stays there: to protect everyone else from herself. Meredith is what Lydia looks like when we don't see her perspective and I think about that soo much. I also love her and Lydia's interaction: "Not all monsters do monstrous things." My heart.
Category Two: VERY FAVORITE ALSO but fandom tries to ruin them for me
I love these characters so much, but the way fandom tries to make them into shells of their actual selves. Or just make everything about them always. There are so many great characters in this fandom!! It's an ensemble show with fantastic characters and actors!! So to be clear: I love the canon versions of these characters.
Stiles Stilinski
-would fall directly under Kira in favorites category.
I fucking love this dude. He's sarcastic and rough around the edges, and awkward. His fingers are impossibly long. He's just the right side of morally gray. And terrified he's going to fall too far the other direction. He's a little broken inside from the way his mother died and is codependent with Scott. Love love love him.
Peter Hale
-Would fall right after Araya in the villain category
I love him. He is ruthless. Selfish. Tits out. He's funny. I love how he's so obsessed with Scott. He spends a whole season working with Kate because of it. Kate who he kills in s1. Iconic villainy. Tbh, he's one of the villains I wish they'd leaned away from the redemption arc on. But I still like his commitment to family (in his mind). And the bravery it takes to step through that fire in s6 knowing exactly how it feels is damn impressive.
Derek Hale
-would fall after Isaac in love them so much category
He's super hot. Like all kinds of hot. Broody. He's such a mess that first season especially. His entire family was lost, he's been gone six years. He comes back and his sister dies first thing. Why he's a broody mess makes sense. And then, for a change, he can save his family! He saves Cora. It sucks to be at the expense of Erica and Boyd. But I feel like he makes his peace with things as best he can.
Young Derek Hale
Is just Derek only younger, really usnure why they are separate tbh.
Chris Argent
-would fall after Derek in love them so much category
Of all the villains, he has the most convincing redemption arc. Possibly because he's just around more on-screen tbh. And he loses so much. By the end of the series Chris has lost everything. And he's such a mess about it. Also he's so stupidly hot.
Noah Stilinski
-would fall after Melissa in favorites category
I love him. He's another single parent trying his best. He clearly cares deeply about Stiles, even though he's often out of his depth. I love the bit where he's watching the kids just run Rafael in circles in 3b. The look on his face is so clearly: "it's about time you had to deal with their nonsense."
Jackson Whittemore
-would fall after Chris in love them so much category
He's such an asshole, and I adore him for it. He's so mean. He's terrible for Lydia (and her for him) but I love that they end up friends. I love Jackson's relationship with Allison especially, and it haunts me who had to call him and explain what happened to her. I love his s2 arc because a "be careful what you wish for" arc always gets me.
Claudia Stilinski
-would be first in neutral category
Only because we just know so little about her. I enjoy my fanon interpretations, but that's all they are.
Very Favorite Villain Edition
Quite likely to be a controversial category. And my absolute favorite. I love OTT villains and does Teen Wolf provide me so well <3
I mean. If you're here. Chances are really high you have some idea how I feel about everyone's favorite British Drama Queen of a Demon Wolf. He calls himself Destroyer of Worlds. Alpha of Alphas. He's a hot fucking mess too. His corruption arc implies less megalomania, and yet.... and his redemption arc is... shaky, but I'm into that. He's not all that redeemed, and the look of pure glee on his face when he's about to beat Scott in 6b supports that. I love how obsessed he is with Scott, too. It's this delusional obsession and gyahh, I am here for it. He does help Scott in 5b, but I contend he did it for a price. <3
I stan a hot, evil woman always. You will uh, see that theme repeated on this list. And she's pretty unapologetically evil. Though you have to wonder ofc, how much Gerard shaped that. And she does have that little redemption saving Allison in s1. And really does clearly care for her. She's fun! And hot! And creepy and I am here for it.
Speaking of really hot, evil women. Hello! And she's reckless too? My heart can't even take that kind of thing. And she strangles Scott. The fact that we never got nagaul! Violet is criminal. To me. Personally.
Araya Calavera
Evil Mexican grandma shoots a person. In the street. In broad daylight. If that isn't badass af, I don't know what is. I also really love her interactions with Chris. She's fabulous.
Tamora Monroe
Once again pointing out the hot, evil woman theme. Though I think she's more nuanced than some of the others. She's one of the villains who deserved a redemption arc the most. She's also such a good leader and organizer. She's a good counselor and listener. Love her.
Jennifer Blake
Hot. Evil. Women. It's a whole thing okay. And while I will admit to being one HELL of a Deucalion stan, Jennifer deserved the redemption arc so much more. Her reasons for evil are far more valid. She wants to destroy the people who destroyed her and who wreak devastation in their wake. And get revenge on her ex. Valid of her.
Speaking of said ex. And hot. And evil. I wish we'd gotten more Kali. I think she feels more remorse than she wants to admit. I love, love, love the way she interacts with Deucalion. I accept "Deuc" from her only. And probably him too.
He isn't on here, I'm more neutral on him. But because we get next to nothing about him. Very sad. I bet he's fun. Kali joins the alpha pack for him. Gotta be a reason.
Victoria Argent
Are you prepared to hear me go on about hot, evil women again? AND she bakes cookies. I love when she calls Stiles "the odd one". And she so clearly cares about Chris and Allison. It's utterly devastating when Allison blows her off right before her death. Love.
Void/The Nogitsune
He's just hungry. I love the potential of the nogitsune. And the angst it brings to Noshiko and Stiles especially. I am v excited to see where the movie takes this. But really, he's just hungry. That's not evil. As a favorite bounty hunter once said: "A girl's gotta eat."
I think half the reason I fell in love with the show was all the hot, evil women. Jeff may be a gay man but he and I clearly have the same taste in women. I wish we knew more about Corinne to be honest, but I love her relationship with Braeden and am forever wondering about her relationships with Talia and Peter.
Matt Daehler
If he were a woman, he'd be higher. As it is, he's a creepy stalker dude and a lot of fun. I like when he shoots Scott, uh, a lot. I think there is definitely so much more room for exploring his relationship with Jackson. And he was a kid. That deserved redemption every bit as much as anyone else. Maybe more. He was a kid. His death is tragic af.
Gerard Argent
Evil manipulative cockroach. He's fun and serves his purpose.
Category Four: LOVE THEM SO MUCH
aka: Very Favorite Part 2
Allison Argent
She's so great! I love her dark arc. I love her struggle to figure out who she is and her friendships with Lydia and Scott and Isaac and Stiles. I love how she tried so many hobbies and her conflict with her family, internal and external. I hate/love her death. I love her.
Isaac Lahey
He's so tall. And sarcastic. And he's not witty, and he's just a little mean. I love how he still wants to trust people, even after everything he goes through with his dad and then Derek. I love his relationships with Allison, Scott and Chris and Erica and Boyd. A lot like Chris, Isaac loses soo much.
Marin Morell
She's so interesting! I want to know about her life pre-canon so BAD. I feel like it's implied that she's Deucalion's emissary pre-corruption. Why does she stay? How does she feel about it? Why was she with him in the first place? How have her hands gotten dirty before? I have so many questions and theories, but I'd love to know more.
Cora Hale
!! She's a badass. She's basically girl-Derek, so what's not to love there? Broody, broken, angry. I love her back and forth with Lydia and Stiles so much.
Coach Bobby Finstock
What's not to love? This man is the living incarnation of Hot Chaotic Mess and I know I'm always in for a good time.
Mrs. Finch
What is her first name? I love her though her storyline vexes me. I know that it's probably just retconning, but the way I like to consider explanations for *why* she's head in the sand about being an alpha werewolf. Oh! I wonder if I will see parallels to that attitude in movie!Scott. Ohh. I'm gonna have Feelings. I love that she believes in Scott in AP Bio, when even some of his friends do not. I think about her fear a lot when Liam is beaten in science class. She knows he'll heal, ofc, but I think about her a lot for a minor character.
Brett and Lori Talbot
Beloved Satomi pack frens. Brett is a tall drink of water and Mason has rights. Like man. That eight-pack. And Lori is a bad ass. And she tries to help Kira. I enjoy them a lot!
She wants to do well on her test. She's sick and still needs to take it! She gives Scott the picture of him, Lydia, Stiles and Malia. My heartttt. She's great and I love her. I have a lot of thoughts about her being friends with Brett and Lori.
Jordan Parrish
He's a cinnamon roll but on fire. Instant love. Plus he's half-naked A LOT, and I'm not mad about it.
Natalie Martin
She's trying in her way. I really think in her mind, Natalie is doing whatever she needs to do to prevent Lydia from becoming Lorraine. She wants to do the right thing, but isn't so good at seeing what that is.
Tracy Stewart
She's a badass. Hot and almost evil. And she has a tail. Only wins here.
Aiden and Ethan Steiner
They're fun. I like Ethan slightly better. Aiden is a subby straight boy though, and that's hard not to love.
Valerie Clark
Hayden's hot, badass deputy sister. Love her. I head canon she comes back to Beacon Hills to be the sheriff. <3
Liam Dunbar
Cute angry little shrimp and Mason loves him, so I do. <3
Corey Bryant
Love him with Mason so much. Think about him and being invisible. I wish we got more with him but I enjoy what we have.
Talia Hale
Endlessly fascinating. Mostly questions. I love that she's a dramatic! Bitch. Her intro is Superb. You can see the family resemblance. She's def Peter's sister.
Theo Raeken
I struggled with Theo. I love him as a villain and have begun to appreciate his more redeemed version. He's basically boy-Lydia, so of course, I adore him in that context. I just wasn't sure what category to put him in. So here he is. He's fun, and wow, is he just so compact. Talk about pleasing to look upon abs.
Category Five: neutral but i'm willing to be swayed to loving them more
this is a handful of characters in no particular order than im not super invested in. but people sometimes make very convincing arguments
We just don't anything about him.
Nolan Holloway
I think he's been through some shit and I love the scared child aspects of his character.
Paige Krasikeva
I don't hate what little we see. I just now learned she had a last name on the wiki.
Josh Diaz
He's cute, violent, and likes electricity.
He gives Theo and Nolan nice character moments.
He loves Violet.
Donovan Donati
He does what he's supposed to do as a peek at dark Stiles.
Adrian Harris
He exists to be disliked, and it works.
Rafael McCall
He exists to give Melissa and Scott character development.
Boring serial killer dude. Other villains do it better. I do like when he ties up Stiles and Lydia.
Category Six: why is there a nazi werelion, no really
Douglass: Meh. Boring.
Thank you to anyone who read the entire thing. I had fun and hope you did. I'd love to see your lists!
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