#MORE AFTON kids content soon..
Okay, but Elizabeth being an absolute savage girlboss isn't something that's talked about enough.
Love how you're spitting facts for our girly pop. 💪💪💪
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TBH I go off the personality baby has, and gotta assume some of that sass is definitely Elizabeth
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happy74827 · 6 months
Beyond Repair
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[William Afton x Wife!Reader]
Synopsis: Despite everything he’s done, so far the only consequence he’s received is marriage counseling {GIF Creds: @bittwitchy// Tagging @moonbanana-library because I feel like you’ll enjoy this}
WC: 2595
Category: Slight Fluff, Slight Angst [TW — Afton, cursing, small mentions of 18+ content]
Don’t we love random sparks of inspiration at four in the morning? I sure do 💀
You were always a clueless little thing.
You saw the world with rose-tinted glasses, and you believed in everyone. You saw the best in people, and you wanted to see the world like that.
And it wasn't a bad way to look at things; it kept you innocent and full of light. William, however, wasn't as good as you were. He had seen the world for what it was, and he knew how the world worked.
He'd lost his innocence, and he had seen bad things… done bad things. Sure, he was good with kids, but he had a secret side that he knew would completely crumble the way you saw the world, how you saw him.
So, despite everything, he made sure you'd never know. He kept the darker side of himself out of your view. And he did everything he could to be the husband you thought he was.
Soon, that husband's facade became a father's facade, and you had a beautiful daughter who had his eyes and your smile.
But he knew the truth.
He'd never been a good man. Not even close.
The moment his eyes landed on you, the day he'd met you, the years he got to spend with you, and the day he had asked you to be his wife. Every step in between, he knew that he didn't deserve any of it. He knew that he should have let you go.
But he was selfish.
He needed you. He loved you. Your innocence was refreshing. And your optimism was addicting.
William knew that he didn't deserve anything, except for maybe an early death. Yet, despite knowing all that, he was greedy. He was an ambitious man, and he took every opportunity that presented itself to him.
Even if that meant hurting the ones around him.
Because you see, the only thing in this world he wanted more than your love was the recognition he'd never gotten. And the respect.
So when he'd built his pizzeria and made his animatronics, he saw just how successful it became, and he saw just how many people knew him and just how much respect he was finally getting.
That's when he realized.
That's when the real William began to show himself. And that was his big mistake. That mentality led him to this grandma's couch, impatiently awaiting for hell to begin.
Marriage counseling.
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head, trying to hold back a laugh. This was so pathetic. For years, he's crossed lines and done things that would put him on death row, and he'd never had a single issue. Yet, one small argument with you, and suddenly he's a man with a failing marriage?
What kind of joke was this?
Turns out the clueless little thing that you were had taken his little stunt a lot more seriously than he had anticipated.
"This is ridiculous," William groaned, slumping back into his seat as he stared up at the ceiling. "This is going to be a waste of time. All we need is a vacation, and it'll all work out just fine.”
You just stared at him with a look of disbelief and a small bit of disgust. Quite adorable, if he was honest.
"Really, William?" You said, rolling your eyes. "It's going to take a little more than a vacation to fix our relationship."
William turned to look at you, and he felt his heart twinge when he saw just how upset you were. His lips parted, and he felt a surge of regret wash over him.
He really hated seeing you like this.
You were the only person who ever seemed to make him feel remorse, and right now was no exception.
He opened his mouth, trying to find the words to tell you that he was sorry, but he stopped himself before he could say anything.
Because he wasn't sorry.
Not really.
“Ah, the Aftons, I presume?" A voice said, and William looked away from you, looking to the front of the room.
A man, most likely in his late 40's, was standing by the doorway. His dark hair had streaks of grey in it, and he had a few wrinkles. He was wearing a brown turtleneck and a pair of black pants.
His face was unreadable, and William couldn't tell what he was thinking. But he could tell that this was the same therapist he'd spoken with on the phone.
"I'm Doctor Miller. It's nice to finally meet you both." The therapist smiled and held his hand out.
William sighed, pushing himself off of the couch, and stood up. He shook his hand and forced a smile. "Likewise."
The Doctor nodded and glanced at you. He smiled and walked over to you, extending his hand.
You shook his hand and flashed a warm smile. The smile didn't meet your eyes, though. His smile was fake, and so was yours.
Maybe you were more similar than William had first assumed.
The doctor let go of your hand and stepped back. "Let's get started then."
William sat down, slouching his posture and staring up at the ceiling. He thought about wrapping his arm around you, pulling you closer to him, and holding you tight, but he thought better of it.
You'd probably reject his affection anyway. For being a clingy wife, you were surprisingly good at pushing him away.
Doctor Miller grabbed a notepad and a pen, walked to the chair beside the couch, and sat down.
He smiled the first genuine one out of the three of you, and opened the notepad.
"Alright, Mrs. Afton, I'd like you to start off. Tell me what happened." He said, his gaze fixed on you. Of course, he was already taking your side.
William glanced at you and raised an eyebrow. This should be good.
You hesitated before speaking. "He’s… well, different lately. He's distant. And cold. I hardly see him anymore, and when I do, he doesn't talk to me. He spends all of his time either in the basement or his office."
Doctor Miller wrote something down and nodded his head. "Is there any particular reason you believe this is happening?"
“No, but he has been acting more aggressive lately. I tried to talk to him about it, and he just snapped. It was like he wasn't even listening. Like his mind was somewhere else."
William stared at you. You sounded so sincere. So hurt. If he had a heart, he's sure it would be aching.
Doctor Miller hummed, nodding his head, and turned to William.
"What was the argument about, Mr. Afton?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
William looked at the doctor, and two options popped into his mind. Option one is to tell the doctor his true feelings. You were being ridiculous and childish. He didn't need your bullshit. He had more important things to worry about. Or, option two, lie.
He was always good at lying.
William sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He glanced at you and started to speak.
"She's right; I've been a little cold recently. I've just been stressed out. My business has been a lot lately, and I've been dealing with a few other personal issues. Stress isn't a good look on me, I'm afraid."
He lied, flashing a small sad smile at the doctor.
Doctor Miller looked at him for a moment before writing something down.
"Well, it sounds to me like there are a few issues in your relationship." He said, putting his notepad on the table and resting his arms on his lap. “One of them is a communication issue, which is not uncommon in relationships like this. I believe I can help you, but I want to ask you both a question first."
"What's the question?" You asked, and the Doctor turned to you, a soft look in his eyes.
"Are you still in love with him?"
You and William both tensed up, and the room was silent for a moment. He couldn’t help but turn to look at you, genuinely curious to hear what you were going to say.
You hesitated, your eyes locked on the ground. William felt his stomach churning and his jaw clenched.
He was actually nervous.
For the first time in a long time, William was actually nervous.
You turned to look at him, and he felt a wave of relief wash over him.
"Yes. I still love him."
Doctor Miller nodded and turned to William. "What about you? Are you still in love with your wife?"
Truth be told, you were the only person who ever came close to making William feel love. Vanessa was a close second, but he wasn't sure if it was the same kind of love. At least, not in the way he felt about you.
If this was love, then he was still in love.
"Always.” He spoke without a moment of hesitation. He gave you a warm smile, pulling that facade back up again. “…That's why I'm here."
The doctor smiled, and William swore he saw the tiniest hint of pity in his eyes. "That's good. That means there's still hope for your relationship.”
With all the money this one therapy session was costing him, he damn well hoped so.
"So, here's my idea," the doctor said, sitting up in his seat and clearing his throat. "I'd like to start off with a few activities, some couples challenges, if you will. This will help me understand where the problem areas are, and hopefully, after a few sessions, we'll be able to fix them. If not, we'll find a solution together. Sound good?"
Activities? Challenges? What was this, summer camp?
William resisted the urge to roll his eyes and nodded. "Sounds great."
You nodded, smiling, and William swore he saw a bit of excitement in your eyes. He wondered how much this meant to you. Had you really thought you were losing him?
"Perfect," the doctor said and grabbed his notepad. He flipped the page and started writing something down.
With the amount of writing this guy was doing, you'd think this was a novel. It took a lot out of him to not get up and snap the damn pen in half.
"Now, this might seem a little strange, but I want to try an activity right now. Something small and easy, so we can gauge your relationship and see how you interact with each other."
"What kind of activity?" You asked, tilting your head slightly.
"Something simple, don't worry. Just a conversation."
Conversation. That sounded boring.
William was about to complain when the doctor cut him off.
"When was the last time you two were… intimate?"
William's eyebrows furrowed, and he stared at the Doctor, whose gaze was fixed on him.
Was he asking what he thought he was asking?
William felt his face heat up and his jaw clenched.
He had to be kidding.
"I'm sorry, but what does that have to do with anything?" He asked, forcing his voice to sound calm.
The doctor turned his head to you, and you just looked down at the ground.
William was going to lose it.
"Being… connected with your spouse in that way is an important aspect of a healthy relationship. Without that sincerity, that vulnerability, you'll start to grow apart."
"We're perfectly connected," William said through gritted teeth. “What do you think you're implying here?"
He knew you like the back of his hand. He could read you like a book, and he was confident to know what you were thinking, doing, or feeling at all times.
He knew that look.
Your eyes were downcast, your hands were fidgeting, and your bottom lip was slightly jutted out.
You were embarrassed, and he knew he had to act. Play the good husband role, and save you the humiliation.
He reached his arm over and wrapped it around your shoulder, pulling you gently upwards. Your body tensed at his touch, but you relaxed when you looked up and saw his warm smile.
"See? We're completely connected." William said, his arm squeezing your shoulder. “I believe this is where our time is up. If you'll excuse us, we have some… activities apparently to get to."
William stood up, grabbing your hand and pulling you up with him. You were quiet, and he could feel your stare on the side of his head.
He couldn't tell if you were upset or grateful.
William cleared his throat and gave the doctor a cold smile. One that he purposely made so that the Doctor would know how displeased he was.
"Thank you for your time, Doctor Miller. We'll be sure to contact you soon."
The doctor nodded, a blank expression on his face. He didn’t say a word as William took you by the arm and guided you out the door.
No way in hell was he doing this again.
"William-" You started, and he cut you off.
"No more therapy, sweetheart," William said, his hand tightening around your arm.
"No more," he said, his voice low and stern. Still, he kept that warm smile on his face. It made you fall back into silence.
"We're done. We'll figure this out on our own. No more doctors or counselors or whatever the hell he was.”
Truth be told, he was absolutely livid. All that money wasted for a bum therapist to imply that their marriage was falling apart because you weren't communicating?
What a scam. This is exactly why he preferred to do things on his own.
William led you back to the car, opening the door for you and helping you in. He walked around the car and slid into the driver's seat.
He took a moment to breathe, his head falling back against the seat and his eyes closing.
God, he hated being here.
Hated it so much.
He needed a cigarette and maybe a stiff drink.
"I'm sorry." You said, your voice quiet.
William lifted his head and turned to you. He blinked, confused, and he couldn't help but chuckle.
"What for?"
"I… I thought maybe if we went to see a therapist, they could help. They could fix this. But… I think I messed it up. I'm sorry."
Your voice cracked, and he watched as tears started to form in your eyes.
His face softened, and he turned his body towards you, leaning his back against the door. Such a crybaby you were, emotionally connected and sensitive.
Just another reason why you worked so well with him. Blinded by emotion, you were easy to trick. Easy to manipulate.
You were naive, and it was adorable.
"No, no. Don't cry." William said, his hand lifting and cupping your cheek. He brushed away the tears with his thumb, and he forced a smile. "There's nothing to fix. We're fine, I promise. I’ll make sure of it. Okay?"
"Okay," you whimpered, nuzzling into his hand. It’s quite the contrast compared to the look of disgust on your face from earlier.
He didn't want to see that again.
William leaned forward and pressed his lips against your forehead. He could smell the shampoo and soap from your morning shower, and the smell calmed him down.
He could tell the action had calmed you down, too.
William pulled back, and his lips twitched upwards. "Don't worry about a thing. I'll fix this."
After all, he always got what he wanted. And what he wanted was his wife.
And no stupid, worthless therapist was going to guide him away from that.
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charlottecutepie · 7 months
˚⋆𐙚。⋆ Married!William Afton x fem!reader headcanons
tags: nsfw, smut, cheating, dry humping, drunk!reader, corruption, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, car sex, doggy style, riding, hand job, age difference, pet names, lil bit of dirty talk?, small daddy kink, kind of manipulator William
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Married!William, who has admired you for a very long time. Ever since you came into his life, his mind has been clouded by you. At first you were nothing more but a good friend of his wife, then you became like her second daughter. Clara doted on you, trusted you her kids and even went to the beauty salon with you on weekends.
Married!William, who often gave his wife money for shopping, actually dreamed of giving all those dollars to you. Every time Clara came home with a bunch of bags of new clothes, he was looking forward to seeing what you bought for yourself.
Married!William, who knew that you were younger than his wife. Despite the similarity of your character, your common hobbies and interests, you were very different from Clara in many ways.
Married!William, who was more than glad to see you in his house. Since you often looked after his kids as Clara asked you to. When William was working at home, he'd go downstairs to the kitchen and always pass by the living room where you were playing with Evan and Elizabeth. William would stop, leaning against the wall, holding a mug of his favourite coffee in his hands and look at you, admire you, crave you.
Married!William, who thought you were such a good girl. So kind, always ready to help, so merciful. You easily managed to find common ground with his children, even with Michael. One day, when Clara came home from work very late, and kids had been sleeping in their beds for a long time thanks to you, she couldn't help but hug you and thank you for your care. William chuckled as he noticed how embarrassed you were by his wife's words. Well, he'll definitely take note of it, you like being praised.
Married!William, who loves watching you cook together with his wife. You don't have much baking experience, so your cute face was confused in the process. The way you always asked if you were doing right by adding a certain ingredient to chocolate bread. William was even a little lost, in his head your question “am I doing right” would suit perfectly when your cute hands would be wrapped around his cock.
Married!William, who noticed how perfect his wife's cute little hair clip looked on you, only more enhancing your charm. When did Clara give it to you?
Married!William who's been finding any opportunity to be close to you, touching you when nobody's looking.
Married!William, who was pleasantly surprised to learn that you're not so innocent. One such occasion was a birthday party hosted by his wife at their house, where William caught your eyes on him, studying him, despite the crowd of people surrounding you.
Married!William, who noticed your lips slightly parted as you exhaled a contented sigh. “You're looking awfully handsome right now.” you mumbled softly to him when he approached you as everyone were busy chatting and laughing, their focus shifting away from the two of you.
Married!William, who saw that you were drunk and decided to take advantage of it. You obviously overdid it with alcohol as your vision blurry and your head spin like crazy. It was also very stuffy and hot, or maybe it was just because of William, you didn't knew.
“You need to freshen up, little one.” he offered, carefully taking the glass from your hand. You looked at him questioningly for a moment before you burst out laughing, realizing how tipsy you really were. Before you knew it, he had steered you towards a nearby bathroom, all empty and quiet enough for you two.
Married!William, who watched you from behind, his gaze riveted on the curves of your body, shimmering in the light of the lamps in the bathroom. As soon as the water hit your face, he stepped closer until his chest pressed against your back. “I could fuck you right here.” he whispered, looking at your reflection in the mirror. When you snuggled up to him, William started grinding against you sensually. His bulge pressed harder against your ass when his hands roamed over your body. “Do you want this, doll? Tell me you do.”
Married!William who got you all wet and needy for his cock as he humped against you, holding your jaw so your eyes would never leave mirror reflection. You couldn't help but sink back against him, silently begging for more, your drunk mind couldn't process situation. And William loved every minute of this, finally he got you.
Married!William who came hard in his pants from rubbing himself against you through clothes. His groans in your ear and his hand groping your clothed breasts. He holds you tighly while your drunk head spins and you nearly fall from how hard he ruts his hips into you.
Married!William who fucked you the next day while no one was home. Using your hangover and that you barely remember anything from party night as he pounds you on sofa. You on all fours with your butt up, your moans and gasps filling the empty house as William breathes and groans behind you, thrusting into your little cunt.
Married!William, who stopped the car near the store as his wife went out to “buy something really quick”, leaving you alone with her husband. The moment she disappeared through the door of the store, he decided to take the lead. “She has left us alone for a little while, let's make use of it.” you looked at him hesitantly and he laughed. “C'mon, pretty girl. Don't wanna miss out on this perfect opportunity, do we?”
Married!William, who eats you out on their doubled with Clara bed while she's away. “Such a pretty little cunt,” he groans, using his long rough fingers to spread your delicate folds. Next second his face is stuffed in your pussy and he gently sucks and swirls circles on your sensitive clit. “mhmhm. . .” pretty dangerous situation, considering that his wife should be coming home soon, but oh, he doesn’t care.
Married!William, who tells you that you're many times better than his wife, in absolutely everything, only with you all his dreams and fantasies come true. “My marriage has been a sham for so long. . . with her all I get is indifference while i'm stuck pretending everything is fine just for appearances.” there's a shadow of bitter resentment and contempt on his face, he has you sitting on his lap as his fingers are tucking your hair behind your ear. “You're everything my wife would never be.” and you think a lot about his words.
Married!William, who makes sure that his wife and children are asleep, everyone in their beds, snoring, and Clara didn't even feel William get out of their bed. She was too tired at work to wake up at such noises. He quietly gets dressed and grabs the car keys. He's going to spend the night in your place.
Married!William, who comes to your doorstep with flowers, your favourite ones, and you can't help but laugh shyly when you let him in. God, this man knows a lot about you. Of course, he heard interesting stuff about you from his wife, she even gossiped to him about your exes. William was more than damn glad to know that he's the first man with whom you have such a big age difference, and should he mention he loves this dynamic?
Married!William, who sees that you have prepared for your “little date”, even put on beautiful lace underwear in a delicate lavender colour. Oh fucking god, when was the last time he saw a woman that sexy?
Married!William, who have the most sensual, but at the same time animalistic sex with you, who fucks you like rabbit in all poses and angles. The way you're both hungry for each other. “i can't, i can't,” he groans, his dick is getting hard again after he just fucked you in missionary. “i need to be inside you again, pretty girl, have you cum on my cock again.” as he has you lying wearily on your side from just being fucked, but he doesn't have enough and settles in from behind, rubbing his cock against your throbbing hole. And despite how tired and sleepy you're feeling, you still let him use you and fuck you the way he wants, and you'd damn lie if you'd say you aren't loving every second of it.
Married!William who turned you into a little crying mess. He tears off orgasm after orgasm from you, your eyes crossed, your throat hurts from loud whines and moans, your voice breaks, your sopping cunt is ruined and filled with his seed, however he doesn't plan to stop. “Sensitive girl. . . squeezing me so tight, gonna make me cum again soon, ughh” he murmurs into your lips.
Married!William, who destroyed you and your mind, corrupted you and forced you to play completely by his rules. Yeah, he craved you, but now he's made you crave him back. You couldn't live a day without thoughts about him, he literally forced you to need his touch, words of praise and his cock. He turned you into his desperate girl who always needed to have her pussy well fucked.
Married!William, who cutely talked to his wife as if nothing had happened, sweetly asking her about her work and girl friends, while you clearly saw the subtle indifference in his eyes. When she turned her back on him, continuing to answer questions and talk about her day, William winked at you. Your heart stopped beating. You were ready to howl and cry just to have him touch you, your body needs him, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Married!William, whose wife left into another room for a phone talk and you literally jump on him, kiss him on the lips and don't give a fuck about Clara at all. William doesn't even push you away, but sits on the couch and revels in you, wraps one arm around you and squeezes your ass with the other. In response you groan in his mouth, and Clara can hear it just perfectly, so her voice from other room asks: “hey, Y/n, did you say something?”
Married!William, whose wife doesn't notice your kisses and touches while she's literally next to you, you really must except for William's hand to squeeze your inner thigh or his fingers to rub you through your panties, if Clara doesn't see and busy with something. But you're walking on thin ice and no one knows what'll happen if you break it.
Married!William who lets you touch his cock through his clothes while Clara has her back to you. You perfectly see the huge bulge in his pants and bite your lips in anticipation, already imagining how well it would fill you, as if perfectly sculptured for your cunt. And finally you release his cock from his pants and frantically jerk him off, feeling how tense and madly hard he is. William takes a deep breath and smiles at you, bucks his hips a little and thrusts into your hand. And all this while Clara is very close and can turn to you at any moment, that's risky, but fuck it.
Married!William, who lets you ride him while you're both at the backseat of his car, him talking to his wife on the phone, and you can barely contain your moans cuz he doesn't stop fucking you. You bounce on his cock and pray that it never ends, because no one has ever railed you so well. Your pussy so wet and dripping that it creates absolutely dirty slapping sounds, but William doesn't seem to give a fuck bout it all as he stares at you through his fogged up glasses while blowing kisses to his wife on his phone.
Married!William who's cock twitches inside you as you sob “daddy” in your angelic whiny voice. You immediately reach for a tender kiss as he barely has time to hang up, you move your hips, trying to drive his cock deeper, your walls flutter around his shaft and you whisper “cum inside me, please, please, please” and William loses it, throws the phone far away and grabs you by the waist, fucking you dumb on his dick. He grits his teeth and his jaw clenched as he's being swallowed by warmth and wetness of your cunt.
Married!William, who can't help but groans loudly and finishes inside you, giving you what you want. You cum around his cock, rolling your hips in slow motion, your pussy spasming around him. You press your whole body against him and kiss his neck, leaving small bites and beautiful hickeys as you both dissolve into pleasure.
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oftenwantedafton · 9 months
Night Shift - Steve Raglan/William Afton x Mike Schmidt x Female Reader
Chapter 3
Rating - Explicit
Warning for sexual content, dub con, bisexual characters
Also available on AO3
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Seated in the quiet dark of Mike Schmidt’s sedan outside of your apartment, you can still feel Steve Raglan.
The scent of him clings to you and your boyfriend’s bodies. You can taste yourself because he’d placed that flavor there with his incessant tongue and ardent fingers.
Your hands are balled into fists on your lap to conceal the violent tremor of desire that still wracks through you. You feel like an addict that’s gotten another hit, finding it dangerously insufficient; your brain chemistry already altered so you need a higher dosage of depravity.
“Just tell me one thing.”
You glance at the young man seated beside you, resisting the urge to seize his mouth and search for more of the older man’s essence that he’s left behind.
“We’re doing this because we have to, right? For Abby?”
“Of course.” The lie slips between you, a fragile bit of sound.
Another evening, you’ve burned dinner in your distraction and Mike waves your apologies away, ordering pizza and rummaging through a stack of DVD’s while you watch his sister color, selecting a bright shade of yellow to fill in the anthropomorphic rabbit she’s just drawn.
“Who’s that?”
Abby shrugs, her soft brown curls swinging slightly with the movement. “I don’t know his name. My friends tell me about him. He’s really nice. He likes pizza, too.”
You smile, remembering Mike had mentioned his sibling’s imaginary friends previously.
“He does look friendly. I like his purple bow tie.”
The young girl finishes coloring in the last of the rabbit’s long limbs and slides the picture across the kitchen table to you.
“You can have it if you want. I have plenty more.”
“Thanks, Abby. I’m going to put this on the fridge when I get home.”
“Abs, we need to clear the table,” Mike calls over his shoulder as he moves to answer the doorbell.
You help the child slot the tubes of paper wrapped wax back inside their container while she unwinds some paper towels from their spool.
“Not too much. Save some for another day,” Mike reprimands gently, setting the pizza box on the counter. He rests a hand on the small of your back as you reach for a stack of plates in the cabinet, all three pieces of dinnerware mismatched, orphans from various sets. “You’re so good with her,” he murmurs.
“She’s a great kid.”
He presses his lips against your hair in a gentle kiss.
“Ew, gross.”
You smile, moving to lift the lid of the corrugated cardboard box and challenge Abby to select her first slice on the count of three, laughing when she chooses the largest piece, dripping bits of cheese and toppings before her selection reaches the plate.
By the time the comedy movie Mike’s selected reaches the halfway point, Abby loses interest and retreats to her room, leaving the two of you alone. He draws small circles with his thumb on your shoulder, cradling you against him. He lifts the opposite wrist and curses when he sees the sequence of numbers on the digital display.
“I’ve got to get ready for work soon.”
“It’s ok.” You straighten up in your seat. “This was fun.”
“I appreciate you staying the night to babysit. I don’t know what happened to Max. She won’t answer the phone,” he says, referring to the young woman that usually watches his sister when he’s away.
“It’s no problem, really.”
“You’re the best.” He kisses your forehead.
“You can kiss me on the lips you know. I’m okay,” you assure him. Ever since the night at the movie theater, Mike had seemed to be reluctant to do so.
“Yeah, I…I’m trying. I don’t want everything tainted by Raglan.”
You’d been very purposefully keeping yourself distracted from thinking about Steve, but here he was, intruding into your lives again with just the mere mention of his name.
“It’s okay.”
“It’s not. It’s so fucked up.” He scrubs at his hair, mussing the chocolate curls. “I should never have had you come to work with me. All of this is my fault.”
“Hey. I don’t blame you for anything, okay?” You reach for his hand and squeeze it.
“The shit he makes us do…”
You firmly resolve not to think about it. “We’re going to get through this.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
He rests his forehead on yours, hesitating before his lips tentatively brush against your mouth in a chaste gesture of affection. You respond with a firmer one of your own, hearing his inhale of desire.
“Ugh, you’re doing that again?”
You both jump, startled to see Abby standing in the doorway leading to the living room. Mike frowns, releasing you and standing up.
“I’m going to go get ready. You need to go brush your teeth,” he reminds his sibling as he walks past her.
“I’ll do it in a minute.” She bounces on the vacated seat next to you. “You really like my brother, huh?”
“I do.” You nod, lifting the remote and aiming it at the television set, the lit screen extinguished.
“He likes you a lot. I can tell.”
“You think so?” You comb your fingers through her curls affectionately.
“Mmm-hmm. My friends told me.”
You blink, surprised. “They did?”
“Yeah. They said the yellow rabbit likes you, too.”
Frowning, your hand stills. “I don’t understand. I’ve never seen him before you drew me the picture tonight.”
She shrugs. “That’s what they said. I’m gonna go brush my teeth now.” She slides off the couch, leaving you to ponder the strange conversation.
It’s just her imagination, you think. Perfectly normal for someone her age.
Mike reappears, shrugging into an oversized ink colored vest with a bright SECURITY logo decorating the right shoulder.
“I just got her tucked in. I’ll see you in the morning. I’ll make us breakfast. Probably safer for everyone, you know?”
“Hey! I can cook. That was an accident.” You slap his arm playfully.
“Sure. I’ve gotta get going.” He wraps his arms around you, his mouth more confident on yours this time.
“Have a good shift. Be careful,” you add, thinking of the many staring eyes of the cameras mounted throughout the abandoned pizzeria, their gaze reflected back to the cramped security office with its clusters of monitors that keep their dark secrets.
You tidy up the kitchen before bed, your fingers hesitating over the crayon illustration Abby had created for you earlier.
The yellow rabbit likes you, too.
Mike comes home the next morning looking exhausted, carrying a box of donuts and a tray with a pair of paper cups.
You fold your arms, scowling. “I thought you were making breakfast. That’s cheating.”
“Yeah, sorry, I’m not up for cooking today. Another day for sure.” He sets everything down on the counter.
“I’m only teasing. How bad was it?”
He shrugs, yawning. “It was okay. Abs up yet?”
“Yes she’s dressed, I just helped her with her hair.”
“Thanks, babe.” He turns his face, his voice louder as he calls for his sister. “Abby! We’ve got to leave in twenty minutes!” He removes a gallon of orange juice from the refrigerator, shaking it before he pulls the top off and fills a glass for his sibling.
“I could take her to school. I’m sure you want to crash.”
“Nah, it’s okay. You do too much as it is. Abs! Donuts!”
His sister seems to materialize out of thin air, bounding into the kitchen.
“Yeah I thought that would get your attention.”
“Did you get sprinkles?”
“Have a look.”
She tears the sticker sealing the box shut and lifts the lid, squealing in delight and grabbing a glazed donut drizzled in pink icing and covered in colored confetti sugar strands.
“Hot chocolate okay?” He hands you one of the cups and you nod gratefully.
“That’s perfect, thank you.” You remove the lid and blow on the steaming liquid, studying the array of pastries before selecting one dipped in chocolate.
Abby’s donut disappears alarmingly fast and she takes a few sips of her juice, declaring she’s ready to leave.
“She’s going to have a sugar rush now. Her poor teacher,” Mike mumbles, snatching his keys off the counter. “I’ll be back soon.”
You watch the pair leave, sipping on the warm beverage for a few minutes before deciding to get started on cleaning.
You’d noticed last night that Mike had more dirty clothes on the floor in the bedroom again; using a laundry hamper just didn’t seem to be a priority for him. You shake your head in mock disgust, collecting the random scattered garments, adding them one by one to a growing pile in the basket, pausing when you notice something shoved under the bed, one corner of a dress shirt barely sticking out. Mike had probably kicked it by mistake in his hurry to get ready, you figure, snatching at the fabric, about to toss it into the bin when you freeze.
It’s the shirt he had worn on your date at the movie theater.
It positively reeks of Raglan’s cologne and you inhale sharply, your pussy instantly throbbing. You’d been doing so well barricading the older man from your thoughts, enjoying the domestic moments with your boyfriend, but here he was tearing back through that blockade like it was made of tissue paper.
There’s a suspicious stain near the hem of the charcoal button front shirt and you hate that no matter which man the jizz belongs to, you find it horribly erotic.
Your hand lifts the shirt to your lips, Steve’s scent heaviest by the collar, and it’s all you can do to refrain from shoving your hand inside your panties right then and there.
“Hey babe, I’m back! Where’d you—” Mike is about to enter the room when he jerks to a halt just outside the doorway, staring at you rapturously inhaling his shirt, the words dying on his lips.
The security guard’s mouth parts, his breathing suddenly harsh, shoulders rising and falling in rapid succession as his lungs struggle to find more air.
He crosses the room faster than you’d thought possible given his short stature, fingers curling over the shirt but not tugging, keeping the fabric trapped between you as he pushes you against the wall.
The renewed handling of the material releases more of the career counselor’s scent into the air around the pair of you, cruelly teasing you, challenging you to imagine his presence beside you. Mike grabs your free hand and presses it to his crotch and fuck, he’s so hard already, straining against his fly. You’ve never seen him aggressive like this, so out of control, pupils blown with desire, the rough chafe of the hair lining his jaw scraping you when his mouth finds your throat, the shirt trapped just beneath, as if he’s kissing both you and Steve at the same time.
The phone rings, startling both of you. Mike jerks back, looking surprised to find himself in this situation, struggling to regain his composure, answering the phone somewhat breathlessly while you let the shirt drop back to the floor, your heart thudding in your chest, an echoing heartbeat in the crease between your thighs.
“Hello? What? No, I was…out running.” He sinks onto the bed. “What? No, I’m sure I locked the doors. Yes, the gate too. Fuck.” He drags a hand through his hair.
“Mike, who is it? What happened?” You sit beside him.
He mouths the name Steve and your stomach flutters.
“Yeah, yeah I’ll come down right now.” He slots the phone back on the receiver and turns to face you. “Someone broke into Freddy’s. They trashed it.”
“What?!” You gasp, covering your mouth.
“The owner wants to report it to the police. Raglan’s trying to talk him out of it.”
He stares at you, the implication of what that meant very transparent.
“We have to go.”
He drags a hand against his thigh nervously, as if just touching the phone that he’d used to communicate with the older man had sullied him.
“There’s never going to be an end to this at this rate. He’s just going to keep blackmailing us.”
“Maybe he made it up? What if it’s just a trick to get us to go there?”
He shakes his head. “No, it’s legit. He sounded furious. And I swear I locked up. I know I’m tired but I wouldn’t have forgotten that.”
“I believe you.”
He sighs shakily. “I wish I’d never met him. You have no idea how much I regret going to that office.”
“I know,” you say, your eyes finding the crumpled dress shirt on the floor and you wonder if he truly regrets it as much as he says.
From the outside of the building, you don’t see any destruction that’s immediately obvious.
The interior tells a far different story.
Mike holds out an arm to bar your path, cautioning you about the broken glass littering the floor. The sunlight that struggles to filter through the glass front doors falls on scattered tokens from the tipped over change machines, making the gold coins glint on the confetti printed carpet.
“Christ,” the security guard swears, head swiveling to assess the damage. The cases for the pinball machines are shattered, the prize counter reduced to pulverized shards of glass. Chairs are knocked down and tables overturned, the long forgotten salt and pepper shakers and laminated menus now decorating the dining room floor.
The door slams behind you and you turn to see Steve standing there, crossing the room swiftly with several long legged strides, ignoring the glass that crunches beneath his feet.
“Hello, sweetheart.” He tosses the greeting to you without so much as glancing at you, his pale eyes glaring at the man standing beside you. “Look at this mess.”
“I promise I locked the doors,” he protests.
“Well they clearly found another way in. And I doubt they broke inside during broad daylight. So what were you doing this time instead of watching the monitors?”
“I swear I was watching. I didn’t see anything.”
“The damage in this room alone is going to cost a lot to repair. There are a lot of unique items that are vintage. Irreplaceable.” He gestures towards the destruction and chaos.
Mike gulps. “I’m sure we could work something out. I mean, it’s not like anyone’s even been using this stuff. It’s just sitting here collecting dust…”
Raglan takes a threatening step towards Mike, each word he issues clipped, his ire barely held in check. “This is someone’s personal property. It doesn’t belong to you. It’s not up to you to decide its value. You’re being paid to prevent things like this from happening.”
“I’m sorry,” your boyfriend says helplessly.
“That apology doesn’t sound very sincere, Mike. I think we’d better see how bad the damage is elsewhere.” He brushes past you, shoving at the Employees Only door.
You trail after him, Mike’s hand clammy and cold in yours as he escorts you through the same passage illuminated by the emergency lights.
The career counselor veers to the right, bringing you into a large kitchen area. A fan built into the wall across from you turns lazily, making a soft whirring noise. There are pans and dishes and pizza boxes scattered everywhere, steel shelving knocked to the black and white checkered linoleum flooring. Steve kicks at a stray pot with disgust. “Absolutely ruined.”
“I’ll clean it all up,” Mike says hurriedly.
“Of course you will. That’s part of your job description after all. You’re supposed to be keeping the place tidy. Which still doesn’t cancel out the damages or count as an apology, might I add.” He removes his glasses, setting them down on a free space amid the clutter on the counter. “Come here, beautiful.”
“I’ll help him,” you blurt out.
“No. This is his mistake. He’s got to learn his lesson. Actions have consequences. Come here,” he says again, more firmly this time, and you feel your feet moving, unable to resist the command. “Have you missed me, honey?” he murmurs, wrapping one arm around your waist and dragging you against him. He’s always so warm, borderline feverish beneath his clothing; you can feel it sizzling just beneath the surface.
Mike glowers but begins picking things up when Steve’s eyes snap back to him warningly.
The older man tucks his fingers underneath your chin and lifts your face up. Without the glasses he looks so different, those wide eyes even more intimidating without the lenses to shield them. You could drown in those pools of ice.
His mouth covers yours and your hand reflexively clasps the back of his neck. For a moment you forget about Mike completely, forget there is anything in the world other than the hungry lips moving against yours, the muscle thrust between them stroking your tongue, the arousal that had begun earlier reignited with a fury.
“You did miss me,” he whispers when you part for air, and you don’t deny it. “I didn’t say you could stop,” his voice hardens, directed at your boyfriend.
Mike slams a tray further down on the steel counter and Steve abruptly releases you, lunging for him instead. His fingers grab a fistful of the shorter man’s shirt, shoving him against the hard surface, sending more cookware scattering. “What’s the matter, Mike? Upset your girlfriend is getting some action? Or maybe you’re jealous that you’re not getting any of that attention. You’ve had a hard on ever since I walked into the restaurant.”
“Fuck you.” He spits, saliva landing on the corner of Steve’s mouth.
You gasp, thinking Raglan will strike your boyfriend for sure, the sound evolving to something needier when you see Steve drag his fingers through the fluid, grinning darkly before he clutches a fistful of brown curls and jerks Mike’s head back. He licks his way inside his mouth and you hear the younger man moan.
“Wouldn’t you just love to?” Steve muses, reaching for the fly of Mike’s work pants.
Another groan escapes when those deft fingers work their way inside the younger man’s boxers, stroking Mike’s leaking cock briefly before he releases him, stepping back.
“Let’s clear a space for your girlfriend. Over here, sweetheart.” You move forward as the career counselor sweeps an arm over the steel surface, sending the remaining items to the floor with a loud clatter. He unfastens your jeans and shoves them down at the same time as your panties, then lifts you up so you’re seated on the edge of the counter, dragging the rest of your clothing free.
“This too,” he murmurs by your ear, tugging on the hem of your shirt, indicating for you to pull it over your head, the bra soon following. You’re completely nude now, exposed before Steve’s ravenous gaze, shivering from the metallic surface touching your skin and the anticipation of the older man’s next move.
“Lay back, honey.” You lower your torso, fingers clutching the edges of the counter for balance, Raglan’s broad hand snaking around to support the movement so you land gently. He drags a calloused hand over one breast, trailing down to your navel, stroking small circles around the divoted space before he bends to kiss you, his mouth following all the places his hand had just been.
He hovers just above your mound, his breath tickling your skin before he gently wedges a hand between your clamped thighs, prying them apart, the tensed limbs falling slack. He hisses appreciatively, kneels down and slides his tongue between your lips in a brief teasing lick and your back arches off the counter.
“You’re completely soaked, sweetheart. You’ve been looking forward to this, haven’t you?” He plants a kiss on the inside of one thigh, turning his face slightly to address the man standing behind him. “Are you going to just stand and watch, or are you going to help your girlfriend out? Not that I’d mind keeping you all to myself.” His lips hum by the fork of your legs and you shiver, squirming restlessly, eager for more contact.
Mike’s face appears and you crane your neck in time to see him flick his tongue over your clit.
Your head snaps back and you whimper, the sound overly loud in the spacious kitchen. You feel a finger at your entrance and instantly recognize it as Steve’s, the long digit slipping inside and curling expertly, tearing another sound of pleasure from you.
“I don’t know how you stand having this around you all the time, Mike. My face would be permanently buried between these thighs,” the career counselor mutters, working the finger in and out while your boyfriend’s tongue strokes over your pussy.
You could cum right then, but you refuse to let yourself get off so easily, wanting to prolong the feeling. A second finger joins the first, scissoring within your tunnel, Mike’s mouth sucking at the sensitive bundle of nerves swollen and erect against his tongue.
You hear your boyfriend moan and think Steve must be touching him again with his free hand. His head lifts, smeared with your juices, the hand that had been curled supportively around one thigh abandoning you in favor of winding Raglan’s tie around his fist and dragging his mouth to his. The fingers working inside of you move more insistently, bringing you closer to release. The sight of the two men kissing so heatedly sends you careening over the edge, your hips rocking wildly against the older man’s hand.
Steve breaks the kiss so he can reward your dripping cunt with one instead. “You’re so fucking delicious. Such a good girl.” The praise sends a spear of warmth through you.
He stands up, using the table for balance, immediately reaching once more for Mike’s cock, squeezing the base. “Not yet,” he cautions, his other hand jerking the younger man’s face up. “You don’t get to cum just yet.” His next kiss is rough, sucking loudly, teeth pulling Mike’s bottom lip until they release the flesh with a loud pop. He glances at your form still lying on the edge of the counter. “You haven’t fucked her yet, have you?”
You can see Mike’s jaw tighten, a blend of anger and frustration. “No,” he says quietly.
“Didn’t think so. Well, let’s change that, shall we?” He pushes Mike between your legs, one hand still firmly clenching the base of his cock, holding him just shy of your opening. Your boyfriend’s hands clutch your hips as Steve moves to the side and guides him forward, helping him fuck into you.
Mike grunts at the feeling of your wet pussy greeting him, hips automatically snapping forward to bury himself deeper inside, halted by the frustrating barrier Steve’s hand provides.
“Gently, Mike. She’s still recovering. Feels like heaven though, doesn’t it?” He reaches for your breast, fondling the nipple. Every time your boyfriend moves it brings Raglan’s hand with it, the contact between the three of you heightened. You thread your fingers through those still caressing your breast, your eyes meeting his.
“What do you want, sweetheart?” Raglan’s voice is so tender, so at odds with the hard snap of Mike’s pelvis against your body, his pace quickening. You don’t even know how to phrase it; if the vocabulary for it has been invented yet. Your entire body feels magma hot, senseless liquid around Mike’s impatiently driving prick. Steven lifts your fingers to his face and kisses the inside of your wrist, his tongue tracing circles along your pulse point and you feel yourself shatter. He releases his hold of Mike’s cock and thrusts the fingers between the younger man’s lips, letting him lap at the taste of both of you.
“Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Mike announces, his movements more frantic now that he has better access, your still spasming canal massaging him, wringing out his orgasm.
Steve shoves the younger man out of the way, kneeling down, his mouth back at your entrance, sucking and licking Mike’s cum back out of you.
You watch him bring that mouthful back to its owner, jerking his head back roughly and spearing his mouth open, seed spilling back onto Mike’s tongue. He moans when your boyfriend tears at the zipper of his trousers, shoving his fingers over his dripping cock, sending the older man over the edge.
“You can start cleaning up tonight,” Steve says, the first words spoken since the three of you had hastily cleaned up in the restroom before exiting the building. He tugs on the handle of the driver’s side door, his gaze alternating between Mike and then you.
“You’re going to convince the owner not to file a police report, right?”
The career counselor’s lips twitch slightly as he reaches for the glasses tucked into his shirt pocket. “Sure, sweetheart.” His eyes flick back to the security guard. “You should go home and get some sleep. You have a long, busy night ahead of you.”
Mike nods, sliding behind the wheel and slamming the door. You hesitate, fingers running absently over a spot of rust on the frame of your boyfriend’s sedan, unable to look away from the prison of Raglan’s stare.
The small, secret smile returns, making something flutter inside of you.
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h3nry-3mily · 8 months
Henry thoughts but I feel like my HC for him is so jank in comparison to others bc he's like. Not The robotics guy he doesn't do the engineering despite that actually being a pretty major thing when it comes to canon
And the REASON it's like that is literally just bc my Henry HC is held together with duct tape and hope since I made a lot of it up after just looking at the game lore
But yeah have some Henry (and William) thoughts:
-William handled robotics while Henry made them less nightmare fuel, Henry's talents lended themselves to character design and development. The less involved Henry is the weirder the animatronics get, which is why you can go from something cute like Freddy and Co to some freaks of nature like the human animatronics in SL
-he knows the basics though, he can preform maintenance and repair them fine but he wasn't great at building them from scratch or developing them on his own. He had lots of IDEAS but not the ability to bring them to actualization
-also had a springlocking Incident, ironically due to William's own accident making him worry for the other's safety. Thankfully it was while he was testing the suit for maintenance and not when he was in public and performing
-springlocking messed one of his legs up pretty bad, hence the use of a cane. Decorated it to make it a little more fun looking bc he kinda hated it plain. He can walk without it and preform in fredbear but it'll start hurting pretty bad if he's not careful.
-he very firmly denies having a favorite of William's kids (it is evan. He won't say it but it's evan.)
-trans!! Fat hairy trans man who's content with his body as it is! He got his tits removed but they're still kinda there just because of his build but he doesn't mind, he knows he'd look doofy if he had a fully flat chest.
-him and his wife got along well but they never really loved each other very deeply. Henry never really got over his thing with Will in college and being with his wife never made him feel the same way as that so he kinda just had those feelings on the backburner for like, years, and now he's kinda fucking weird because of it.
-t4t with wife, works out because half the reason either of them got married was they wanted a kid. Henry carried, decided he fucking hated how being pregnant felt, and proceeded to get his whole damn uterus removed as soon as possible after having charlie. She was the light of both their lives though and I don't think they let their own lacking romantic feelings affect how they raised her.
-while he was generally pretty warm and inviting interacting with guests he did not fuck around when it came to the legal and business side of things. Refused to let anything bad happen to his company, it was his child almost as much as his ACTUAL child, hence all the comments about liability and the like that come up throughout basically every game. You will not get him in trouble with your silly little injuries, no sir.
-he always enjoyed drawing springbonnie and fredbear together. Years in the future even after finding out what William did he still doodles them on occasion.
-A solid cook, I think he liked making things and then bringing leftovers over to the aftons
-physical affection above all else, he loves hugs and would pick up the kids in his arms on the regular. Mike got tired of it as he got to his mean teen phase, much to Henry's disappointment.
-got the songs from fredbears stuck in his head all the time, would hum them to himself pretty often
There's more but I can't think of anything to add rn
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unfilteredaj · 11 months
Save me a Dance:
Pairing: William Afton X Employee!reader
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Synopsis: The reader is an employee at Circus Baby’s Pizza World, stationed in Ballora’s Dance studio and Gallery. The reader’s admiration of Ballora inspires them and they catch the attention of their boss, William Afton. (Set in a Movie and Sister Location combination AU where Afton never got caught and Spring Bonnie is still a featured character. Also this is FLUFF CENTRAL. You have been warned.)
You watched as Ballora spun elegantly on her tiptoes around the group of children, who screamed with glee and tried to imitate her graceful movements. Ballora stopped slowly, clasping her robotic hands together gently.
“You’ve all done so wonderfully! Unfortunately, Circus Baby’s Pizza world is closing soon. I’ve had so much fun with you all today, my little Ballerinas. I’ll see you again very soon.” She lilted.
The kids all filed out of the studio, and soon you were alone, and the pizzeria was closed.
You began to clean up the various party hats, noise makers, and various other trash from Ballora’s area as she mechanically spun back to her stage and settled into a pirouette on her charging dock.
You swept, tidied up, and mopped the Dance Studio until all that was left was to wipe down Ballora herself.
Things usually never got too bad as far as Ballora herself went. Perhaps a smudge from small grease or pizza sauce stained hands. At the worst, a little girl had tried to share her cake with Ballora once, but even that ended up being alright. Your boss, the man who designed Ballora and all of the other Animatronics, designed them to stay easy to clean.
You finished wiping Ballora down, and took a moment to admire her beauty and elegance. All the while, she stayed dormant. All of the animatronics went dormant until fully charged each night.
You imagined her asking you to dance.
“Why, Miss Ballora!” You exclaimed in mock surprise, “Dance with you? Oh, what would they all think! It’ll be a scandal!”
You giggled contently, gently taking her hands and pressing yourself to her. You spun around with her, all the while staying anchored to the charging dock.
Spinning in circles, you hummed.
“Why do you hide inside these walls, when there is music in my halls? It’s so fun to sing and play..to-“
“-to dance, to spin, to fly away…” A deep voice echoed through the large room, almost giving you a heart attack.
You jumped away from Ballora as if she’d burned you. But your face was the only thing burning currently. Your wide eyes met the eyes of your boss, William Afton.
He looked… amused. He was still in his Funtime Bonnie suit, complete with a purple star covered vest and Large bow tie, but he had taken the head off. He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Mr. Afton, I… I’m so sorry! I meant no harm, honest!”
Your rambling was cut short by a gentle laugh.
“No harm done, (Y/N). I’ve seen the way you admire her. How you started wearing more blue, and more stars since being moved from Foxy’s auditorium. You like being in the Dance Studio, and you like Ballora. …She is beautiful, isn’t she.” He said gently, smiling up at you and Ballora.
He came up onto the stage to stand next to you.
He ran his now ungloved hand gently across Ballora’s cheek.
“I made her to be beautiful. To be graceful, and elegant. A mechanical homage to femininity and beauty.” He said wistfully. His eyes scanned you for a long moment. “…Plus I hear she’s an alright dance partner.”
“Not as good as having a real partner…” You murmured.
Mr. Afton grinned at you, looking far younger than he had when you saw him in meetings during the day.
“Well then… may I have this dance?” He held a hand out.
You stayed frozen for a long moment, unsure of what exactly was going on. Surely your boss had NOT just offered you a dance.
“Come on!” His quick wave radiated warmth, as did his smile. “Come on, come on.”
Maybe it was the fact that he was grinning like a loon, or maybe it was the yellow and purple bunny costume, but you took his hand.
You ended up in the middle of the dance floor, standing on two large yellow rabbits feet.
He fished around in his vest pocket, pulling out a small remote. He pressed a button, and the lights dimmed, and soft music started playing.
Your face blazed even more as he spun you both around, his hands on your hips. You looped your hands around his neck, the large suit forcing you to press yourself closely to him.
“How are you so swift, even in this huge suit?” You asked him as he dipped you.
“I’ve had loads of practice wearing it I guess.” He replied bashfully.
“Mr. Afton…” You whispered.
Your stared into his bright eyes for a long moment.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” You asked.
“You’re like me. You see the beauty where others just see novelty. You have that spark, that quiet passion burning inside of you. I can see it.” He smiled again. “And you’re a much better dance partner than Ballora.”
The two of you shared a small laugh, and you pressed your forehead against his.
“Promise me this isn’t going to be a one time thing. Promise me you’ll always save me a dance.”
“Whenever, Wherever. Always.”
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ohitshoneybee · 11 months
Don’t Fear the Reaper
Chapter 2
FNAF Movie!William Afton x OC
Series Content Warning: SUBJECT TO CHANGE/UPDATE AT ANY TIME, kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, murder, MASSIVE age gap (it’s like 30 years), smut, like, a lot of smut, much more to come I’m sure
Chapter Content Warning: general spook, unsafe driving if you squint, its a very tame chapter
Credit and THANK YOU to @bowersbubbles for the divider and beta reading!
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“Let me give you a little backstory,” Steve’s voice came through the small phone speaker as Clara drove. The sudden deluge that hit as she was leaving her apartment was still coming down, only now there was lightning and thunder. “The place was huge with the kids when it opened in the 80s. The only reason it’s still there.. The owner is a bit of a sentimental guy, I guess. The electricity gets a little weird, there’s a breaker in the office if anything happens. I.. guess that’s about it…” Steve pauses for a second. “Just.. keep your eyes on the monitors, keep people out. Piece of cake. I will.. see you soon.” 
The voicemail goes silent for a second and then he hangs up.
“Well.. this place isn’t freaky as shit at all..” Clara flips her phone shut and tosses it into her bag in the passenger seat as she pulls into the parking lot, scanning the building. She doesn’t remember giving Mr. Raglan her personal phone number, but figures she put it on her resumé or CV. “Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria… You’re fucking kidding..“ She pulls her hood up and rifles around on the floor behind the passenger seat, grabbing her umbrella. With a deep breath, she grabs her keys and bag, opens the car door and climbs out, almost running through the parking lot. She rifles for the slip of paper in her pocket for a second, flipping it over to read the code on the back - 1987. She manages to punch in the code on the lockbox with some effort, retrieving the keys for the gate and the front door.
Shaking her umbrella off in the entrance, the door locked behind her, she gets a sudden wave of nostalgia. As Clara takes a couple steps into the dining area and scans the prize counter, it clicks. “Oh my God.. Foxy! Or.. you’re Freddy, I guess. I fucking knew it! God, I haven’t been here in forever!” It takes everything in her to not grab the Freddy plush sitting on an upper shelf. 
Her dad had been on a work trip when he brought back the Freddy she had as a kid, and much like every parent, he couldn’t keep the animatronics straight, telling Clara the plush was called Foxy. Clara fell in love with the plush and insisted on taking it everywhere with her. It later lost its bowtie, and she begged her parents for a new one. Her mom, being as resourceful as she was, fashioned a new pink bowtie for Freddy. Clara deemed it acceptable, and after months of begging, her parents caved and agreed to take her to Freddys for her birthday. She lost the plush there, and was devastated on the flight home. 
Clara passes the counter with a smile plastered on her face and she makes her way to the door labelled ‘Staff,’ pushing it open with an eerie creak. She wanders the back hall for a minute, getting a little familiar with the place before settling in the office for the night. She flips the breaker on and peeks out to the main floor to watch everything light up, brought back to her fondest memories yet again. 
She shuts the door and sits at the desk, perusing the various buttons before pushing one she hopes will turn on the monitors, and it does. She scans the feeds, seeing the main dining area, the entrance, the stages, and a couple hallways before she starts pushing buttons, watching the camera feeds change. She settles on the main entrance, the stages, the arcade and the dining area. She spins in the chair to look around the office, seeing the VCR with the tape sticking out, her name written on white tape on the side. She pushes it in, and the tv turns on.
“Welcome to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria!” Clara is greeted with an all too cheery associate dressed in a red and yellow vest, covered in pins. “A magical place for grown ups and kids alike, where fantasy and fun come to life. If you’re watching this video, it means you’ve been selected as Freddy's new security guard, congratulations! We’re going to have so much fun together!” Clara shifts in her chair, leaning back. “The genius who created Fazbear Entertainment opened Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria to indulge in his two greatest passions: family friendly fun, and cutting-edge animatronic technology! State of the art robotic engineering enables our characters to interact with guests in truly lifelike fashion, while cleverly concealed rechargeable lithium cells give them limited range to roam free. Let’s introduce you to the stars of the show!” The associate on screen pressed a big red button, labelled ‘Showtime.’ The audio and video turn to static with a faint visual of Freddy, Chica and Bonnie on the main stage, and Clara can sort of hear music playing under the static. She leans forward and the video reverts to normal, the same friendly associate back on camera, laughing. 
“Adorable, aren’t they? Protecting these cuddly critters, and the proprietary technology that brings them to life is now your sacred duty. Keep them safe, and help ensure that Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria is here to delight, dazzle, and entertain for years to-” The video cuts to static again, and Clara sighs, ejecting the tape. 
“Weird as shit..” She mumbles to herself, spinning in the chair again. She stops facing the desk and scans the cameras once more, changing one to look out front at her car and finding nothing out of the ordinary. She switches it back, and props her face up in her hands, her elbows resting on the desk. 
It’s only about ten minutes before Clara decides she’s had enough and pulls her sketchbook and pencil out of her bag, flipping to a blank page. She starts mindlessly doodling a little rabbit, very clearly a plushie from the cartoon style. It’s her childhood stuffed animal, her first one as a baby, and one she’s managed to keep all 23 years she’s been alive. She moves on, starting to fill the page with cartoon doodles of all the animatronics, Freddy first, then Bonnie, then Chica with her little Cupcake, and finally Foxy. She signs their names under all of them, her rabbit named Bun Bun, and by then, it’s already three in the morning. Three more hours to kill.  Clara flips through the cameras again, looking in on the kitchen, the back hallways, some storage rooms, and behind the curtain on the main stage. She thinks for a split second Freddy was looking at the camera, but as she looks back, he’s right where he’s supposed to be. “Christ.. You guys are gonna give me a heart attack.”
She gets up and stretches before rifling through the locker in the office, finding a grey vest with ‘Security’ across the back, and a flashlight that miraculously works. She dons the vest, several sizes too big for her, and sighs. “Let’s go see Freddy, I guess.”
The office door opens with a creak and the hallway lights are off, save for the emergency floodlights. She spends a couple minutes poking around for the lightswitches and finds them behind the prize counter, flipping them on and watching the spotlights turn on. The prize counter and food window first, then the arcade and dining area. The games light up and ding, and the thick layer of dust on everything is significantly more noticeable with the lights on. 
“God.. it’s filthy in here.. Note to self, dust tomorrow night. And sweep. And probably mop.” She wipes the dust from the light switches on her pants, grimacing at the state of the place as she looks around, setting eyes on the big red button labeled ‘Showtime,’ figuring it’s the same from the training video, and presses it. The main stage curtain flies open, and Freddy, Bonnie and Chica come to life, Foxy doing the same across the room. Music starts playing, Talking In Your Sleep by The Romantics, and Clara starts humming along. It was one of her dads favorite songs when she was growing up, and it rubbed off on her. 
Freddy appears to be mouthing along to the words, earning a chuckle from Clara. “You guys really are something.” She stands and watches as the animatronics sort of dance around on stage, the lights and music stopping when Bonnie short circuits on his guitar. “That’s that, I guess.” She wanders around the arcade and pokes around some of the games, and by the time she makes her way back to the back halls, poking around in the storage rooms. As she’s poking around, she finds a sort of workshop, a Freddy animatronic missing an eye and an ear standing in the middle of the room. In a corner behind some shelves is a couple other animatronics piled up, one looks like a dog and has a bone, the other is generally nondescript but is vividly purple. 
The last is a rabbit. 
Once upon a time, it was a vibrant yellow, almost mustard in color, but now it’s covered in what appear to be oil stains, and there are some tears in the fabric covering. 
“Could not get any creepier in here..” She turns and hustles back to the office, a chill running up her spine, like someone was watching her. 
4:30 am, her watch beeps. An hour and a half left until she can go back to her apartment and catch a cat nap before class. She basically throws herself into the desk chair and goes through the cameras again, and does this till her watch beeps at six am.
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valleyfthdolls · 8 months
Thoughts on the fnaf movie?
- Allison
I think the tone was a bit inconsistent, but I knew it wasn’t gonna be like. Animatronic Centipede or (can’t think of other disturbing horror movies for this gag) Freddy Fazbear’s New Nightmare or Fazbear Abandoned Asylum or whatever. (In order, referencing Human Centipede, Wes Craven’s New Nightmare, and Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum.)
Ultimately, I understand them intending to strike a balance, but the lighthearted parts weren’t consistent with the tone set by the horror elements, and they managed to get that perfect grey area of exactly the wrong amount of horror- enough to scare away young fans only there because they think Bonnie is cool, but not enough to satisfy older fans hoping to see some scary content.
That being said, I personally really enjoyed the movie. It’s like the Sonic the Hedgehog movies to me in that way. Critics complained about the whole sappy family drama thing, but honestly? Mike and Abby were the highlight of the movie to me. The drama of Mike trying to keep her safe as she came closer and closer to the animatronics and he became closer and closer to the truth about Garrett genuinely was so good. I was super invested in their relationship and Mike’s struggle between Garrett and Abby.
On top of that, I also found Vanessa and her struggle with her own guilt and complacency in her father’s crimes interesting and it made me care a lot more about her relationship with the Schmidt kids, since it tied her to the trauma that ruined their lives.
And as to be expected, I LOVED the missing kids, and especially the Golden Freddy kid. I already have a theory about him and of course it’s the Afton theory lmao
Of course knowing me I loved the scene where they just fucking tore Mike up and shit. I went into it expecting to see him go through hell and that scene fucking delivered.
I think it succeeded in creating a lot of emotional attachment to the main cast, which made the story more engaging.
I don’t rlly dig the “ghost kids only attack adults because William makes them” since I prefer the idea that they’re just lashing out at any adults who come near them because the last adult to come in contact with them killed them.
I was SO sure Abby was gonna die btw. As soon as I saw Ella in the storage room I thought I knew Abby was gonna get killed and stuffed into Ella and become the movie universe’s Baby. And I was like… almost right. For the arc of her relationships with Mike and the missing kids, she was definitely always going to survive, but canonically, she did almost die.
All around I loved it :]
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norman-ratri-truther · 9 months
pinned / about me post, u dont have to read to follow or anything but i thought id make one anyway bcz i havent had one in a while
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16 (17 soon)
my art blog is @polychromatiica , is mostly for fanart
i mostly just rb fandom stuff and then sometimes make my own posts , 99% of my brain is dedicated to gwen from torchwood. will go insane if I don't post about her every day. sorry.
my fandoms include (but aren't limited to)
Torchwood (main hyperfixation at the time of writing)
Doctor Who (specifically rtd era 1&2, as well as season 10 twelve & bill)
Five Nights at Freddy's (mostly afton family + movie continuity)
Supernatural (unfortunately)
LEGO Monkie Kid
The X-Files
Disney TVA Cartoons (owl house, gravity falls, amphibia, moon girl, ducktales etc)
Watcher/The Ghoul Boys
note: i do not support a lot of the creators, writers, actors etc that are involved with media listed above. I try to seperate art from the artist and consume it critically
generally I don't have a strict dni, I just block if any boundaries are crossed. the closest I have to a dni is obvious stuff like homophobes, transphobes, racists, ableists, aphobes etc etc i dont fuck with you guys
also im so so so tired of ship discourse but if it matters to anyone where i stand: im not in support of harrassing people over ships obviously BUT i still do think rpf shipping and "pro ship" ships are incredibly weird, gross and uncomfortable and i really dont like to see that shit so id rather you didnt follow if u enjoy and post that kind of content because i hate it a lot.
also i am a minor so obv dont follow me if you have a no minors rule on ur blog
also this is more of a silly one but gwenbashers dni kinda like i wont get angry if u follow but also. why would u want to follow me she is literally my favourite character ever lmao
sorry if i accidentally follow ppl who i break the dni of / break my dni , I try to check for these things but sometimes i miss them !!
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cenobittten · 2 years
How I figured out who Patient 46 was in Security Breach
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This post contains an introduction to the theory, why I am so confident and a guide to understanding what the heck I am talking about.
Parts list:
Part 1 - coming soon
Or follow hashtag #CenoFNAF
Warning for Spoilers! This introduction makes references to unreleased stories from Tales of the Pizzaplex volume 5. While no spoilers are discussed explicitly, just knowing what this theory is titled may spoil the future twist of unreleased content. So, if you don't want to know, don't read. Just head on over to the spoiler-free Part 1 and beyond.
Click the read more for the real, summary title.
Gregory was always sus: How I figured out he was Patient 46 and inhabited by Afton
An introduction
Right so, to introduce myself, hi! I'm a long time sort-of FNAF fan who likes Security Breach a lot. This is my second time ever writing down a fnaf theory.
A year ago, my first ever theory was this:
In which I theorised that Gregory was 46 and a vessel for Afton intially from game content only.
Why is this relevant? Well, recent leaks from Tales From The Pizzaplex #5 are very strongly hinting that I was on the right track.
My post got no attention at the time, but that didn't matter much. It became immediately apparent from the reaction to Matpat's theory that… well. Not many agreed with me and I ended up not sharing any more of my theory.
But now, I bring you #Gregtrap theory
I came up with the pivotal evidence for this theory from my very first full watch-through of the game, which was a blend of multiple YTers. I kid you not, I was so enamoured by this game for some inexplicable reason, I watched a mix of YTers to finish the game asap so I could get theorising. I was virtually unable to move for pain at the time so it was a good mental distraction - gotta have hobbies kids!
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Since making the initial theory, I have been in the unusual position of watching more and more evidence to support my theory come out. This isn't a humble brag, I literally couldn't have told you what was even happening in my first watch of any of the other FNAF games so I'm thinking I just… tapped into Steel Wool's vibe inexplicably. I was honestly expecting to be completely wrong and some alternative theories posted had even convinced me. However, for Security Breach, I watched Matpat's GT videos echo my theories in real time and I have seen even more evidence building in the lead up to Ruin. This is all so funny to me, it's ludicrous but here we are!
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So, I thought the fandom may find it useful to hear from someone who independently came to the conclusion Gregory was Patient 46. There is a lot of nuance to some of the writing/story crafting that I picked up on as foreshadowing but were easily lost on paper. In fact, I remember thinking "Either this game is nonsense and has no clue or Gregory is a villain and the writing is insanely subtle/clever".
I am not joking. There is actually a certain level of sophistication to the writing and the visuals of the Pizzaplex that subtly tell a story. The Steel Wool team used to work at Pixar! And their writing/game design is more similar to a Pixar film than Scott's style. Some of the Pizzaplex scene/setting design is legitimately art imho. The clues were there, just in different places than you might expect. Perhaps these notes will put the game in a new light for you. I want to bust this game open! Lets put our minds together and solve this fazgoo!
These notes reflect my final conclusion after stewing on it for a year, so they are much more refined and based on piecing everything together. But I will point to my thought processes and point out pivotal evidence from the initial stages to show how the theory developed.
My approach to lore investigating is a little different to most FNAFers. Rather than focusing on small lore details or timelines, I put myself in the developer's shoes and make broad observations from a storytelling perspective. I consider what the game might be setting up/trying to say, what did and didn't make the cut in terms of content and what the fans might want to see. Real detective mode.
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In my view, Steel Wool were essentially soft-rebooting the franchise. Their goal was to make a game that could broadly appeal to gamers of all sorts, not just the fans. A story base that could be built on via future entries in the franchise, honouring the old stories but remaining understandable to a casual fan. After all, Steel Wool did essentially give themselves the licence to retcon the story via the "pissed off developer" excuse in Help Wanted. I strongly felt that the game should be solvable without knowing the exact details of past lore or obscure details from the books. The mysteries within the game had to have a plot & twists that the ordinary person could follow or piece together. They didn't quite manage it but enough was there to give me an inkling.
I kept my eye open for anything amiss in the dialogue/Fazwatch messages, game missions or in-setting clues like posters - the areas most likely to contain intentional lore clues. In game development, often the last things to be completed are the writing, mission creation and game story which - given SB's rushed development & possible story change - means I focused my attentions on those.
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But where on earth do I even start with a game this big? Well, since I don't have access to the game, I'm going to pull out all the things I observed while watching playthroughs as they come up. That way, if you want to check for yourself, anyone can access the same footage used. For reference, my main footage sources are Matpat's GT live and Markiplier. I watched Dawko, FusionZGamer, FuhNaff and Jacksepticeyes playthroughs as well. (Game is such a glitchy mess, it's beautiful!)
It's all too much to do it one go, given my health, so I'm gonna break these linear observation posts into instalments. I'll list all the posts here so people can read at their leisure. Then, I'll make a post summarising the key evidence.
Also: Big credit to all the other FNAF theorists and LPers too - this theory wouldn't have become what it is without you.
I welcome questions, counterpoints or suggestions. Just reply or pop me a DM.
Also note:
- I was and still am a Gregbot supporter. This theory ties into that.
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Ehm- mayb just a sweet little thing of William and afab reader who's transitioning ?? Like- hes just helping them dye their hair n stuff? I dunno,, I just miss dad even though he's literally across the room in headspace LMAO
and maybe it/its they/them pronouns used for the reader?? bwbwbwbw idk just uh- ya- -🦊(micheal)
William when a queer teenager: Yup, time to adoption (/j)
New Identity 'Cons'
-(Dad!William Afton and trans!teen reader)-
-(Summary: Your dad helps you looks more like yourself after you come out)-
-(CW: mentions of scissors)-
You had come out to your dad recently, only a few weeks ago. Your older brother, Mike, had already known, being as he was the first person you told. But he was off at college now. No more of him being an everyday supporter in your life.
When you told your dad, you weren't really scared to do so. Michael had already come out and William and accepted him immediately, buying him flags and cheasy mugs and the works. It was just overall coming out nervousness.
But you had done it, and told your father that you were non binary and wanted to use they/them pronouns from now on. And, as you thought, he had accepted you very quickly. He corrected people who got it wrong, and had already fired an employee of his for scoffing at your pronouns.
You just didn't feel like you looked the part, though. Your hair was too long, your face too soft, your chest too big. You had a binder, but obviously, you followed safety rules for binding, so you couldn't wear it 24/7.
The biggest concern of your right now was your hair. It was too long. It looked too "girly" and cute. Too pretty.
Maybe your dad could help you with it.
You paced quietly to your dad's room, knocking lightly on the mahogany wood of the master bedroom. Scissors and a box of black hair dye in your hands, you waited patiently for your dad.
"Hey, kiddo, what are you doing still up? It's 11:00 and you have school tomorrow."
You raised your hands, showing off the items sheepishly.
"I was wondering if you would help me?"
He understood quickly, smiling and rubbing his head.
"Alrighty. Lead the way, champ. We've got a lot to do if you're gonna get to bed with enough time for proper rest."
You bounced excitedly, hugging your dad quickly.
"Thanks, Dad! Come on!"
Rushing to the bathroom, you pulled out the other necessary items for your late night excursion.
"So, for cutting your hair, what were you thinking?"
"Kinda short, but not too short? You know that mullet Mike used to have? Kinda like that, but a little fluffier!"
"I'll see what I can do. And please, don't try to bring that back into style."
"I think it's too late for that, Dad!" You laughed.
He just sighed, a warm smile gracing his features.
Two and a half hours later, and your hair was completely done. The dye was everywhere, all over the back of your shirt, and your father's arms. Fluffy, and running halfway down your neck, the dark strands of wet, dyed hair looked much less "girly" than it had before. You felt so much better.
"Thank you, Dad! Can you hand me my phone? I gotta show Mike this!"
Your father chuckled and sighed, rolling his eyes playfully at your eagerness to flaunt your new hair to your brother.
"Get to bed soon, kiddo. Sleep well."
"You too! Night, Dad!"
"Goodnight, kid."
(turns out, I fucking love writing dad!William content)
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oftenwantedafton · 8 months
Moody and Gray - William Afton x Female Reader
Chapter 1
Rating - Explicit
Warnings - no sexual content in this chapter
Also available on AO3
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You really hate your job as a waitress at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria.
The pay is lousy, your income largely reliant on tips from adult customers that are rude, their children ruder still. Between the noise of the arcade and the music blasting in the background you end up going home with a headache more often than not. You could happily go without so much as seeing a slice of pizza for the rest of your life.
So why don’t you quit?
Well the answer to that is up one flight of steel stairs to an office that overlooks the entire restaurant. His restaurant: the owner, William Afton.
See, there’s something about him that you just can’t shake free from your mind. Sure, you’ve always had a bit of a thing for older guys, and he’s got a good decade and a half on you easily. But it’s more than that. Messy dark hair and high cheekbones, aquiline nose and piercing pale gray eyes. Not classically handsome in the sense of the word, but compelling all the same. Like a vampire or…yes. That was exactly what he reminded you most of. A real life modern day version of Dracula.
The funny thing about your boss is, he doesn’t seem to like the job much either. He distances himself from the clientele as much as possible. You know he’s married and he has kids, but damned if you’ve ever seen them. Hell, he doesn’t even bother wearing a wedding ring. He spends most of his time either fiddling with the animatronics in one of the back rooms, or brooding in his office, tucked away in that crow’s nest kind of space lined with windows, the blinds sometimes closed, and what does he even do in there when they are?
On this particular shitty work day you’ve just had some brat accidentally/on purpose dump an entire glass of fruit punch on your work shirt. Of course the company shirts are white. You ask one of your coworkers where you can get another one, and wouldn’t you know it, they’re fresh out in the employee locker area, the most recent new hire getting the last one, apparently. As if anyone ever even sees the kitchen staff.
“Maybe ask Afton,” the woman suggests, gathering a stack of dirty dishes to return to the kitchen.
Ask Afton. Well sure, you could do that. No big deal. You’ve never spoken to him personally. It was beneath him to hire waitstaff, apparently. But yes. You can.
You climb the steel steps and knock on the door, glancing out across the dining room, a kaleidoscope of colors rioting below. It really was a spectacular view, even if you didn’t care much for the scenery.
You can hear a muffled voice inside and try the door handle, finding it unlocked.
The owner is seated at his desk, phone in hand. Great, you were interrupting him.
He beckons for you to come inside, continuing his conversation as you shut the door and step forward.
“Yes, we offer a good benefits package. We don’t have on site childcare yet, but that is something we’re looking to add in the future for both staff and visitors.”
Good benefits your ass. Trying to get a vacation was like pulling teeth. And God help you if you got sick and needed some time off. It had been made clear during orientation you were expected to come to work, plain and simple. As if serving pizza and ice cream to children was as essential as, say, being a healthcare worker. It was beyond absurd.
Your attention wavers, and you step to the row of windows. The stage curtains part. It’s time for another round of songs performed by the animatronics. The drink that had soaked your shirt front was cold and it’s unpleasantly plastered to your skin. You shiver and shuffle your feet, hoping the phone call will end soon.
“Great, we look forward to seeing you soon.” At last. You turn and see your boss rising to his feet. He’s incredibly tall, lanky. The man is all lines and angles.
“Can I help you with something?”
God, that British accent. It’s another one of your weaknesses. Not the cockney type, but this smooth mellow tone that strokes silkily along your skin. You blink and recover. “Yes, sorry to bother you. Someone spilled something on my shirt and we’re out of them downstairs. Maybe you have a spare here?”
His eyes flicker down to your chest, where a good deal of the red liquid has seeped in, lingering perhaps a bit longer than was warranted. “I see. Well, let’s have a look, shall we?”
It’s cold in his office, you realize then. Not just because of your damp clothing, but there’s actual air conditioning running. It’s the middle of winter. You wonder how he stands it.
William rummages through a cardboard box set in the back of the office and withdraws a folded shirt. “What size?”
In truth, you’d never liked the fit of yours, choosing a size down.
“Hmm. Well, this will have to do.” Two sizes down. You frown. “You can manage for the rest of the shift with that, surely. I have an order for more coming in soon.” He shuts the box swiftly and you wonder for a moment if he isn’t lying about the sizes available.
But to what end?
“Ok, well thanks, I appreciate it.” You turn as if to leave.
“Wait a moment.”
He joins you at the window and presses a switch. The blinds slide closed.
Huh. Fancy, you think, your brain not catching up to what is happening.
“I imagine you’re eager to be out of that shirt. I’m sure it’s unpleasant. I’ll of course be a gentleman and turn around.”
“Oh, no, I can change in the restroom, it’s fine.”
“No, I really must insist. It wouldn’t do for our customers to see staff looking so…unkempt. Against company policy and all that.” He grins, the teeth flashing at you looking incredibly sharp. God, he really did look like a vampire. He turns around as promised, though. The back of his purple vest has a thin gold buckle at the waist. You turn around for good measure and pull the stained shirt over your head, hurriedly trying to tug the new one on. Your bra’s partially soaked but screw it, you’ll just have to cope.
Yeah, it was definitely too small.
You’re still struggling to get it over your tits when you feel the hands at your back, feverish hands that linger before attempting to assist you.
“Well this really is a bit snug on you, isn’t it?” He chuckles softly and the sound does something, making your insides twist and curl.
His hands are at your front now and there is no pretense when those long fingers of his take a great deal longer dragging across your white satin clad breasts as the rest of the shirt is wrenched into place and you turn to face him.
“There we are. Now you’re presentable.” Another smile. He’s still standing close to you. You can feel the heat wafting from him. Like standing in front of a fireplace.
“Thanks,” you mutter awkwardly, not sure of what else to say.
“My pleasure.”
A little hum of amusement punctuates this last statement and then he hits the switch to open the blinds again.
You can feel his eyes on you all the way down the stairs, his silhouette unmistakable through the slats covering the windows.
You’ve finally gotten your employer’s attention.
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ponds-of-ink · 2 years
Y/N Fnaf Fic: “Why Does the Shrinking Violet Shrink?”
Dumb title, I know, but it was the best I could come up with.
The premise is that you’re a school kid in the ‘60s trying to figure out what’s up with the quiet British kid when he has to go home. Said British kid is a young William Afton.
Side Note: I am seriously thinking about a follow-up because mmm I veered this in a sad direction. You’ll see what I mean when we get there.
You walk out to the front of the school. The sun is partially blocked by clouds, your friends are already on their way to the diner, and the street ahead only has a few cars whooshing past you. All in all, a day neither sad nor happy. Just… meh. Well, aside from the assigned reading you had to do when you got home. That was the only thing that made your heart thump in excitement. 
Well, all right, apart from one weird thing. Or, more correctly, one weird kid. And the way he made your heart thump wasn’t from some giddy thrill. That much was certain. Judging what little you saw of him, something was… off. Especially around this time. Maybe it was the sketchy-looking car that you watched pick him up day after day. Maybe it was the fact that he sounded friendly but still didn’t talk to people. Maybe it was the random times when he’d rush home by himself rather than stick around to wait for that car. All strange and minor details, sure, but you just never know. What if he was working for an undercover supervillain? What if he was a mad scientist’s assistant forced to bring home all this new knowledge and report it to his older master? 
Of course, those were far-fetched. But, since he had one of those villainous-sounding accents, one can never be too careful. One can also never be too careful to, say, hang out for a few more minutes and get some answers. Take a page from these newfangled school papers and be a journalist. It wouldn’t hurt, right? At least it’d stop any rumors before they start.
Content with your line of thinking, you sit down and hang out on the grassy field. You scout out the area, looking for him and his uniform. Tucked-in tweed sweater, wavy brunette hair kind of combed “neatly”, and black slacks. You eye every other kid, watching for those details. Waiting… and waiting… for what felt like forever. You shut your eyes and sigh. “Don’t tell me I missed him,” you think to yourself. “He usually comes out when the school bell’s finished ringing. I know he’d sometimes hang back and wait, but this is ridiculous.”
A quick car honk shook you out of your train of thought. You glance over at the vehicle now rumbling a few feet ahead of you. Some beat-up convertible with a horrendous mauve paint job. Your heart jumps into your throat. There was that rush again, but it was stronger now. It’s that car. Cautiously, you approach it. “Hello, sir,” you say in your most polite tone. “I guess you’re here to pick up your son?”
The passenger window rolls down slowly. A well-dressed man stares at you with a grim expression. “That’s right,” he answers coldly, scrutinizing you from head to waist. “Tell him that he needs to get in here, won’t you? I have a few errands to run, and I’m not fond of stalling.”
You nod and mutter a “Yes, sir”, trying your best to not shudder at his villainous tone. Your legs quake a bit as you make it up the top of the steps. Much to your surprise, that Afton kid is already there. And, judging from his posture, he isn’t too thrilled about this either. “Your dad wants you to come to the car,” you explain, motioning to the stupidly mauve vehicle with your arm. “He says he’s got a few errands to run, and he doesn’t want to be late.”
The Afton kid sighs heavily. “I almost want you to tell him that I’m trying to finish  reading my book, but I’m sure that’ll get us both in trouble,” he answers quietly as he walks past you. He straightens his posture as soon as he reaches the bottom of the staircase. Even with that attempt of looking brave, you can tell that he’s trembling even more than you were a few seconds ago. You try to follow after him, but he’s already in the car by the time you make it to the bottom of the steps. However, due to the window being down, you catch a bit of a conversation.
“…Father, I am sorry.”
“William, did you tell someone?”
You blink as your panting slows back down to normal breathing. What did that mean? How did telling anyone something relate to all of that weird behavior? There’s no way that mad scientist thing was true. The car looked way too beat up to be a crazy but genius guy’s mode of transportation! 
Uh, oh.
What if his dad was a…?
Your heart pounds out of your chest. On pure instinct alone, you race down the road. You raise your arm to flag the car down, but it’s not there anymore. You lower your arm. Your mind re-directs its goal. If you couldn’t stop this guy yourself, then maybe you’d get more help from your friends. If there was anyone that’d be able to prove that this Afton kid wasn’t the son of a criminal, it’d be one of them!
A few minutes of on-and-off running later, and you’re almost at that diner. You notice a couple of them already at the gum-ball machine outside. Your speed slows down to a crawl as you reach your goal. “Hey, Jack,” you pant heavily, leaning on the brick wall for support. “Hey, Matthew.”
“We were wondering where you were!” Jack responded while giving you a gum-ball. “You almost missed out on picking a film to watch at the cinema later!”
“That’s nice, but I’ve gotta get something off my chest,” you say as you put the gum-ball in your pocket. “Matt, you talked to that Afton kid, right?”
Matt spits out his gum instantly. “Yeah, I did,” he answers, giving you full attention. “I had a chat with him during lunch. We were talking about what we were doing for Mother’s Day coming up. I asked him how his mom was doing after that court case, but—“
“He had a court case?” you cut in, waving your hands as if to clear the smoke from your view.
“Yeah, some sort of rough dispute between his mom and dad,” Matt replies, shrugging his shoulders. “But I only know a few things through the ‘papers. Crazy thing is that it just never got followed up. The journalist slacking at the press, I guess…” 
You shake your head in disbelief. “Well, what did Afton say about his mom?” you ask, taking a step forward to grab one of Matt’s shoulders. “Come on, don’t leaving me hanging!”
“Don’t know why you’d want all this, but all right,” Matt huffs, rolling his eyes. “William wasn’t keen on talking about her. I thought I caught him mumbling something about his dad wouldn’t want me knowing what happened, but I dunno. Maybe I heard him wrong, but I didn’t want to mess around and find out. Why are you asking all this?”
You pull out that pocket gum-ball and chew it nervously. Okay, there’s two ways this whole shin-dig could go. One: You find out that Dad Afton did something nasty to his wife and you end up six feet underground for snitching a few days later. Two: You find out that’s she moved out of state and Dad Afton’s just not thrilled about anyone knowing… For some reason. Either way, it’s gotta be something horrible if William gets into trouble for telling anybody else.
At this point, you just have to do something. But how?
You spit out your wadded-up gum and put it back in your pocket. You look at Jack, then at Matthew. “Call me stupid, but I think something’s up with his dad,” you confess, letting your eyes focus on the sidewalk.
Jack, who now has five or six gum-balls stashed in his pockets, leans against the dispenser. “I’d call you stupid for not figuring that out earlier,” he scoffs proudly. “I’ve been trying to reach Will ever since Mrs. Honey-bunch gave us that Mother’s Day spiel! Making dumb excuses to stop by and see how he’s doing, try to get him off those dumb errands and live a little— You know, what I usually do to get ol’ shy-sters like him to get out of their shell. Problem is, his dad’s got him on a tight leash. Can’t get him out of the house fast enough before ol’ Pops barks us down and Willy just runs back inside.”
Your eyes light up. An idea finally starts to form. “You ever try this with more than one person?” you inquire, feeling the wheels of genius spin in your head.
Jack snaps his fingers. A slick, chipped-tooth grin shows up on his face. “No, but I’m willing to try,” he chuckles, rubbing your messy hair for a second. “Hey, Matt, tell the boys that we’ve got business to attend to. If they ask, just say it’s me bugging the Aftons again. They’ll understand.”
You watch as Matt wordlessly enters the diner before Jack blocks your view. “He’ll catch up with us soon,” Jack assures you as he joins your side. “Now, come on! I’ll take you down the side road that’ll lead ya back home too. Y’know, in case things don’t work out.”
“Thanks, Jack,” you mutter as relief sets in. Finally, you were going to get to the bottom of this— Even if the method was a bit convoluted.
After a few minutes of walking and catching up on other things, you and Jack finally arrive at the house. Your eyes immediately bounce to the mauve car parked outside in the driveway. “They’re definitely home,” you tell Jack, feeling that dumb quiver of uneasiness again.
“Which means this’ll be a piece of cake,” Jack adds in, striding up to the front lawn. But, remembering what he told you, he stops and waits for you to catch up. “I’m no chicken, but I don’t want to fool with ol’ Billy Bones at the door again,” he admits, picking at his chipped tooth with his pinky. “How’s about you deal with him this time? You must’ve made a great first impression, since you didn’t get a door slammed on your face.”
“Don’t you mean ‘in your face’?” you question, the phrase knocking out your anxiety for a moment.
“Nah, I meant ‘on’,” Jack grumbles, his eyes averting your gaze. A second pang of uncertainty hits you at the implication, but you swallow it down. You give a few pats to Jack’s shoulder for good luck, then walk up to the front door. You ring the door bell as soon as you find it. Your heart starts pounding again. Your knees shake, but you position yourself to make sure it isn’t noticeable. You straighten your back and take a deep breath.
This was it. The moment of truth.
Here he comes…
The door slowly creaks open. You watch as that older man, now a little bit more casually-dressed, towers above you. “You’re that child who got my son back on schedule earlier,” he says with a smile that you can just barely notice. “I would thank you, but you bring here is— to be blunt— getting on my nerves. So, instead, I’ll mimic your generation and say ‘Buzz off’. I’m not one for visitors, especially on… afternoons like these.”
As soon as he finishes his sentence, your ears pick up on a sound like faint banging. No, actually… Like knocking on a door? Wait, no— Banging on a door. You notice that the dad grimaces like he’s a robber with a hapless accomplice ruining his plan. Your body freezes in place. What if Will’s—?
You snap yourself out of this brief state of panic. “I was actually wondering if he’s finished with that book he was reading earlier,” you claim, not really lying at this point.
Mr, Afton clicks his tongue. His eyes dart to and fro. “No, not yet,” he tells you, giving some sort of sick, wide grin. “In fact, I might give him a reminder thanks to you.” He almost closes the door on you, but you know you have one last question. “Well, when he’s done, would you mind if I let him tag along with me and my friend?” you cut in,  involuntarily lifting your hand. “I think he needs some fresh air and good times, you know?”
“I think he gets enough ‘fresh air’ and ‘good times’ with reading those books of his in the backyard,” Mr. Afton snarls, his eyes shifting from you to something behind you. “I do not want him being with the likes of you meddling brats. Good day, ‘gentlemen’.”
You try to sputter out a rebuttal, but it’s too late. You wince as Mr. Afton shuts and locks the door. You can hear muffled footsteps storming down the hall before everything goes quiet. Too quiet.
You turn around and race down to where Jack is still standing. “I thought for sure you had ‘im,” Jack fumes, stomping his foot on the pavement. “Good try, though, champ. I’m sure someone’ll break poor Will out someday.”
You can feel all the pent-up emotion about to crash down. The choked-up throat. The wet eyes. The shaking legs about to topple over. You walk past Jack to the next house down and sit down on the edge of the front lawn. Without any other warning, you rest your head on your knees and bawl your eyes out. It took a bit, but you did do it. You got your answer, but in the worst sense possible. The real reason why Will was so dodgy all the time after school.
His dad was an absolute trash-bag of a father.
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madhare0512 · 3 years
In Web of Lies, Glitchtrap referred to Afton!Pat as Elizabeth's uncle. This gave me the headcanon that Vanny/Vanessa is Elizabeth's cousin, and Afton!Pat's daughter. If you can write at least one fanfic about Afton!Madpat parenting Vanny/Vanessa (possibly nicknaming her "Princess" as a Princess Quest reference) I'll owe you big time.
sure! sorry it’s kinda short!
content warning: mentioned death, fighting
Mad couldn't tell you what possessed him to take in his ex-girlfriend's kid when she passed, but he had Vanessa now and he woudn't be letting her go any time soon.
He carries her to bed that night, he thinks back to what happened that day.
He’d been called in to Vanessa’s school because she’s apparently fought some guy for no reason. Mad had rushed down the school, silently cursing himself and wondering why Henry didn’t have to deal with this with Michael or Elizabeth. He’d signed in and waited patiently for the principal to call for him. 
Mad hadn’t had to patience to sit down and had paced the tiny waiting area the entire time he’d waited. When the principal had finally called for him, Mad was beyond angry. 
Vanessa sits in the chair, head ducked and face stony. Mad squats down next to her and puts a hand on her arm. “Vanny?”
Vanessa says nothing. 
“Sir, we’ve-” the principal starts to say. 
Mad cuts the principal off with the wave of his hand. “I’m not speaking to you,” he snaps, glancing at the man angrily. When the principal is silent, Mad goes back to his daughter. “Princess, what happened?” he asks. 
Vanessa folds her arms and replies quietly, “Monty.”
“What did Monty do?” Mad asks softly. 
“He came up behind me and pulled on my bra strap. It hurt, so I asked him to stop, but he tried to do it again. So, I punched him.” Vanessa looks her father right in the eyes. Her blue eyes are teary. 
Mad nods. “Alright, Princess. I’ll take care of this.” Then he spins, standing to step in front of his daughter and glare at the principal. “Where is this boy?”
“He’s in class, Mr. Afton. If you’ll-”
“Why isn’t he in here?” Mad demands. He crosses his arms. 
“We’re here to discuss your daughter, not Montgomery,” the principal protests. 
Mad narrows his eyes. “My daughter was assaulted by one of your students. What more is there to discuss?” He’s aware he’s being harsher than he strickly should, but he’s within his right to be. This is his daughter and she hadn’t liked what someone was doing to her, so she’d made it clear not to so it again.
“Sir, she hit this boy. She broke his nose. Violence is not permitted in this school.” The security officer Mad hadn’t realized was also in the room steps forward.
Mad scoffs. “And what else is she supposed to do when someone assaults her?”
“We teach students to talk before anything-”
“My daughter clearly communicated that she wanted this boy to stop. By the fact that we’re having this conversation, you know he didn’t. My daughter did the next logical thing and made him stop. She’s here, he is not. Where is he?” 
“You shouldn’t teach her that violence is not the answer! Sir, you have to understand-”
Mad steps forward, face to face with the principal to look him right in the eyes. “I understand perfect. My daughter was assaulted and instead of teaching her that it’s okay to defend herself, you’re telling her that she has no right to use whatever means necessary to get out of a situation she doesn’t want to be in. You’re teaching that boy that it’s okay to assault his fellow students by not punishing him.”
“Mr. Afton, this is not the stance you should take. To teach your daughter that she should harm others is not a suitable parenting method!” The principal tries to be intimadating, but Mad works with animatronics that roam the halls at night and scare people by day. 
Mad smirks. “I’m not going to take parenting advice from a man with no children. If you’re not going to treat this situation the way it should be treated, I will be taking my daughter to a school that will.” He steps back and turns to Vanny. Holding out a hand, he asks, “Princess?”
Vanny stands and takes her father’s hand. Mad looks back up at the principal, who sputters, “Now, that’s not necessary!”
Mad shakes his head. “You can transfer all her papers when I give you the new school’s name. Have a nice day.” He give the principal and the security guard his best Customer Service smile. Then he turns on his heal and leaves the room with Vanny on his heals. 
Once they get to the car, Mad turns on the engine and glances at his daughter. “How hard did you actually hit him?” he asks. 
“I broke his nose and his cheek bone, split his lips too.”
Mad smiles. “That’s my girl.”
thank you! @i-might-be-vanny
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anntidote · 4 years
:1k gratitude ♡
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i know this blog is still relatively new, but i’m immensely grateful for every single person who has taken the time to read, write an ask, leave notes, or simply click on any of my content. i only started writing haikyuu!! fics earlier this year, but i’m still shocked at the amount of love and support- and how this fandom welcomed me with open arms. 
i’ll be posting my 1k special later tonight (around 9PM EST). it’s something a lot of you have been requesting! i’ll put the link here when it’s posted. 
but until then, here are a bunch of people i would like to thank. 
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♡ my moots! 
@kaaidalupita​ - you cockhungry libero whore ASDFGHJFDSJG thank you for being so kind and understanding with my buffering brain. that and the fact we’re thirsty 24/7 for our selfships lololol 
@atsumoon - hana! one of the first moots i’ve ever made. thank you for reaching out to me and making me all smiley with your asks. atsumu is super lucky to have you. (your bday present is going to be insanely late though, so i’m sorry ;-; )
@knightofameris - ameris!! you absolute sweetheart! thanks for tagging me in all the cool n trendy games that make me feel like a cool kid LOL. i hope things look up for you in your future, and please know that i’m always here for you!
@ceo-of-daichi​ - (you also belong in the inspo and role model list ngl) thank you for reaching out early on when this blog just started- i was insanely shy so having someone so willing to talk to me was so comforting. OH and answering all my random social sunday asks... i won’t stop with those btw. sorry not sorry. (keep an eye out, i have something for you soon muahahahah)
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♡ my inspirations / role models in the fandom
note: i’m still too shy to interact with them but the fact that they MIGHT see this makes me shake as i type- like a lil fangirl PFFFFF. this is also going to act as my blog recs-- but please note that some of these authors write 18+ content, so if you’re a minor, please be wary on their boundaries. 
@soft-for-shoyo​ - GOD SAZ. literally GOD saz. she inspired my ‘shoyo back from rio’ & ‘third year shenanigans’ content. if you love shoyo, please check her out. you’d be an absolute fool to not check out the timeskip!hinata series. 
@miyangel - if you haven’t noticed- i’m a cloud wannabe. their aesthetic is literally something i had full on star eyes for- and their content is something i obsessed over even before joining the writing community. i check on her blog almost religiously. 
@miyachondria - bee’s writing is how i fantasize my selfship to be. need i say more? 
@super-noya​ - kristen’s brainrot kinktober kept me motivated in writing smut literally everyday. be sure to thank her because i definitely would not have had motivation.
@sugawara-sweetheart - NEED I SAY MORE? y’all ALREADY KNOW who this bad bitch is. the creator of fmk? the dark content? and it makes it all the better that she used to like bts cuz i feel like i’m not the only kpoppie on here. 
@missei - afton has a sideblog for dark content but EITHER WAY THE WRITING IS IMMACULATE AND YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. as a fellow mattsukawa horsecock enthusiast, you cannot ignore this. 
that’s what comes to mind rn, but i’ll prolly kick myself in the face later for not remembering every single amazing hq writer that made me cry... 
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♡ and of course, you guys! thank you all so much for taking the time out of your day/night and reading the utter filth that comes from my keyboard. i really enjoy writing for you guys, so i hope you stick around for the ride. 
stay tuned!
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truthisgoldenau · 4 years
for a moment there I accidentally had Pierce's photo under Marian's name oop
Time to officially confirm some AU canon LGBT stuff! Each character is their own pride flag but I'll add in other stuff that's canon in universe plus some bonus stuff at the bottom.
First up is Freddy Fazbear Jr! Gay all the way.
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He's definitely the "move I'm gay" type
Was honestly super freaked out to tell his dad but went with the bold approach of bringing home his first boyfriend and blatantly announcing their relationship as such as a challenge and was honestly surprised his dad wasn't bothered by it
He was around 13 at the time and so the twins and Fred were still in touch with Maddie's parents and brother. All three were incredibly supportive (and still would be)
He absolutely had a crush on Bonnie Burnette even though he had never talked to him. Since the twins and Bonnie went to the same high school he knew of Bonnie, thought he was a dreamboat, but because Bonnie was somehow in with the popular kids (it was the money 100%) Freddy didn't even bother
Frankie Fazbear! My ace son! (The ears are wrong blame the app lol)
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Honestly doesn't even know he's ace until much later
He's had crushes before but he's never been in a relationship (part of it is the attempt to communicate since he's mute sort of stops him)
He wasn't even sure it was worth mentioning to his dad so Fred never knew
This boy can hold so much love in his heart but he's not a very physical person that's all
Fred Fazbear Sr! YES. HE'S BI.
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Only Maddie even knew he was bi. That he knew of. Some people probably figured it out with his over the top always on personality.
Fred was constantly sure that Pierce picked up on it particularly after the Christmas mistletoe fiasco but if Pierce gave a shit he never said anything.
Frankly it was amazing that more people didn't pick up on it. He was over the top about everything until a point.
While he didn't overreact to his son very blatantly announcing he had a boyfriend, he was very proud of him. It was a very Fazbear family way to come out. Even though he got so distant, he was always proud of his boys.
Bonnie Burnette! Also bi!
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Being constantly surrounded by the popular crowd and always being the sort of stand out with purple hair and stupid purple bunny ears didn't do much to make Bonnie feel like he could even tell anyone he was bi.
Really the only reason he was even in the popular crowd was he was rich.
It made him less of a target for bullies at least cause the jocks wouldn't stand for anyone messing with him.
Knew Frankie from math class and honestly wished he could have talked to the quiet kid with bear ears as an alternative to the entirety of the popular group
Sort of in the background of the AU story very quietly develops a crush on Freddy and then thinks "oh God I like the troublemaker NO"
Chandler Cicily! Lesbian!
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Would absolutely describe her sexuality as "girls"
She's starting to discover it during the AU (even if it's not a topic that comes up but that's why there's this post about stuff lmao).
She's the baby of the group since she's 16 when the story starts and relationships aren't important to her yet
But the crew still support her when later she's like "maybe I just wanna bake things for a cute girl and let her put flowers in my hair is that too much to ask" (Marian always chimes in with "mood")
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Marian Mengele! An absolute bi icon!
Listen, her one goal in life may be to find her lost childhood friend, but that doesn't mean she's solely interested in this one Irish redhead
That said she's definitely only dated redheads
She's not afraid to be open about her orientation. It doesn't bother her. She's seen as weird already what can it hurt.
That said she falls for Finn so goddamn fast when she finds him that she questions herself and then is like "no wait I'm definitely not straight"
She's very upfront with Finn about it. There's no reason to hide this from him (or anyone) and if they're a thing she wants him to know.
Finn being the wonderful human being still loves her and it doesn't bother him. Why should it? He's just happy to be with someone who loves him.
Chetana might be Chandler's fake big sister but Marian is like fake mama when it comes to Chandler finally coming out.
God bless Finn for being the kind of person to sit and let Marian braid his hair with flowers because that's one of Marian's favorite things to do when her partner has longer hair and Finn's never really bothered with keeping his hair short THESE TWO ARE ICONIC I love them
Pierce Graves! A shitty pansexual icon
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First off he absolutely knew that Fred wasn't 100% straight he had no idea how it wasn't immediately obvious to everyone
That said Pierce literally did not give a shit who knew about his sexuality
As shitty as his whole personality was he could turn on the charm easily
His parents definitely knew but he was already a punk ass rebellious teen at the time so they have him the "be careful, don't get anyone pregnant" talk and worried from afar. If it bothered them, Pierce never knew because they made sure that he could still count on them (even though at the time Pierce didn't really talk to them much about anything)
Fred absolutely knew though I mean they were good friends
He's not a romantic. He's never really had a meaningful relationship because he's not that type of person. To be honest, there's a piece of him that saw relationships that worked and wondered how that would feel but he knew that wasn't for him. He figured that out way early on when he asked his granddad why he didn't have a grandma and Mortimer Graves didn't sugarcoat the answer. "She wasn't happy with me. I gave her the choice. She could stay and be miserable with my lack of a decent personality even though I was already struggling to not be such an ass or she could go and find someone who actually made her happy. She chose happiness, and while it sucks that she drifted out of my life and your dad's, she's better off."
Pierce could frankly always tell that he was more like his granddad and as much as he sometimes wanted to know if he could even out up with a meaningful relationship, he avoided it. Better to not hurt anyone and wonder than to become the catalyst for someone else to overcome, right?
Fritz Smith! Gay!
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The shy bumbling mechanic of the early 90s Freddy's ? Gay? It's more likely than you think
He was still far in the closet in the 90s He was young, living at home still because he had just gotten out of school, and while his parents weren't super conservative, he also didn't know how they'd take it
Found a friend in the day guard Mike Schmidt early on. Mike was looking for a roommate since his last one had moved out and Fritz jumped at the chance
They are like totally boyfriends by the time they cameo in the story though
Mike Schmidt! Another gay icon!
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Mostly invited Fritz to live at his apartment because he felt bad that this poor shy mechanic was getting constantly harangued about the animatronics having problems
Was glad to let Fritz complain about it and even cry it was very stressful but Fritz needed the money
Mike liked him. It would be hard not to really. Fritz was a sweetheart.
Mike didn't ask him out till much later though he wasn't quite sure that Fritz was gay and didn't want to ruin their friendship.
Luckily it didn't and as it turns out they worked well in a relationship.
Fritz's parents had to take some time to get used to it when finally Fritz got the nerve to tell them but as soon as they did there was no end of support from them
Mike's parents were the opposite which was mainly why he already lived by himself but oh well he got a cute boyfriend and cool parents-in-law later it was kind of a win
Daniel Hartford-Dunn! Gay!
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Presenting Maddie's older brother!
outside universe fact, he's loosely based in my actual cousin who lives in California with his husband.
He's 7 years older than Maddie was. Despite that, they were still close. Maddie's parents wanted more kids but struggled to get the two they had.
He's an accountant for a corporation and his boyfriend (and later his husband) is a pilot.
Last time he saw his nephews in person was at Maddie's funeral. He misses them terribly but over the years less and less contact came from his brother in law
Sometime in 2006 though he ends up getting a call from his nephews and there's this great reunion.
He's just. This chill older guy. Who loves his family. And doesn't care what people think.
Since I can't put anymore photos, here's the bonus content!
-as mentioned last night Dr. Phillip Guy is on the ace spectrum. I don't have anymore details about that at the moment unfortunately.
-Charlie Emily is a lesbian. The Emily twins were born in 1980. They haven't appeared in the AU yet even as cameos but they exist. Considering in AU canon the Emily family is alive and well in Hurricane, Utah without an Afton to be found, Charlie's dating her childhood friend Jessica at around the time the AU events are happening.
-Sammy Emily is trans and bi. Both Henry and his wife (who I know I at one point named but don't remember what it is anymore) love their two daughters to pieces.
That said I'll make a post at a later point introducing the Emily family because so far I've only officially given the design for Henry and not the rest.
In line with canon, Spring Bonnie/Springtrap can be counted as gay.
While Fred kept the shows at the diner pretty simple and straightforward, there was definitely this subtle underlying idea that Spring Bonnie and Fredbear were a content gay couple although if asked it was easy to present them as friends. At least, that was during '81-'82
Fred also had Henry help him program in a special one time only song called Springtime for his and Maddie's anniversary in 1983, which was of course a love song. Fred always thought of that as being mostly for his wife, and partially as a turning point thematically for the two characters.
Henry was on board with this. They still kept it subtle, but there were clear moments where it was pretty much certain that the only way to interpret Spring Bonnie and Fredbear was as a couple. It was either so subtle that no one was bothered or Spring Bonnie's chosen voice was so ambiguously non-binary that no one thought it was odd.
Fred had plans for it to become more "canon" but never got to implement them since Spring Bonnie got damaged before he could.
Springtrap, being sentient and able to later interpret his emotions, is very confused about how he as a machine was meant to feel about this character he knew but the more sentient he becomes the more aware he is that he misses Fredbear and that he loved him. It's the cause of a lot of internal conflict for him. But he can be counted in the category of LGBT characters in the AU.
Happy pride month ya'll! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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