factual-fantasy · 6 months
10 more asks! Thank you!! :}} 🦴
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Ah yes, the red lipped batfish. Quite the specimen indeed XD
Also thank you! I'm glad to hear that so many people like Spidercrab!! :DD 💖💖
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Tumblr mobile man. Ya love to hate it :/
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Hello Nore! :00
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Hmm.. good question. I hadn't really considered it. :0
I guesssss... Spidercrab..? No, maybe Cuttlefish? Or Tuna..? I don't actually know, I neglected to make any of the crew the "crafty/buildy/inventor" type- D:
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Thank you so much! :DD I'm glad you like what I've made! :}}}
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As for the questions, I currently have a boat load of time on my hands and nothing better to do soo.. answer as many asks as possible I shall do! :}
And thank you, I'm hoping I feel better soon too. 💔
XD she might say "I only got ONE bruh, and it's BIBI" XDD
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I didn't intend for them to be, no <:0 they're just "hair" I suppose!
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That's a complicated question..
Bowser is "evil" in most definitions of the word. And Bowser raised his kids to have a lot of his ideologies and opinions. So that would make them "evil" too..
But Bowser chooses to be this way and the Koopalings were raised to be this way. So can they really be called evil..? 🤔
Other than the "Weller man" song.. I don't know of any. I don't even know if the Weller man song is a shanty- 😅
As for the crew, I'm sure at least Louis, Seafoam and Pinwheel know of some/sing them on occasion :0
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thefourchimes · 4 months
🍎: Is there anything you straight-up won’t write?
Oooh, well, overall, bashing of characters (especially the ones that lead to complete OOCness because bruh), proshipping (fuck that shit), and smut (I'm uncomfortable with writing and reading this personally)
I'm not sure if there are others I forgot to mention but those are the ones off the top of my head
🍍: What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
I generally like all AUs as long as the premise and summary of the fic is interesting!! As long as it hooks me in some way, I don't mind
Don't really have beef or hate for any particular AU, not unless the AU's aim is to only bash characters in some way
🫐: What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
Ooooh, this is a tough one, hm...
What does one consider as underrated in Encanto?
I'm blanking so hard, omg
Characters and various things probably considered underrated in this fandom are not considered underrated in my head because of how I think about them so much, so I'm not actually sure HASFUHASF
Plus I don't think it helps that I never really was in the fandom when it was in an all time high, and my hyperfixation only skyrocketed around three to four months ago
Oh well, I guess I can mention Casita, love Casita sm <33
🍐: Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
Well, this is another tough one, considering how Encanto is from Mirabel's pov which means it makes sense that some things aren't shown on screen, but even then, I think I still would have loved to see more dynamics and relationships between all the Madrigals, like a conversation between Isabela and Luisa for example (we saw them individually with Mirabel but not with each other—their moment in All of You is not enough 😔)
So it's less fix and more of explore in this case, especially since the only concrete canon we have are the movie and some comics and books
Though another thing I would love to fix are the misunderstandings, not in fics actually but rather with other people's perceptions and takes with the movie, because so many people miss several points completely in some way that it physically pains me every time, the "media literacy, where are you" type of thing
But I digress
Thanks for the ask!! :DD <33
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winterchimez · 1 year
Hello there! I just want to say how much I have been enjoying Beast in the Beauty series! 😍 I think I have yet to seen someone write a tbz x jack the ripper au (or maybe I have yet to find properly 😅) so this made me all excited and I absolutely can't wait for the next chapter!! 🤩
Also I was wondering, do you have any of your favorite tbz authors to recommend? I'd love to explore some new works & series 🥰
Have a lovely day! 🖤
hiya!! :DD OMG PLS THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY LIKE??? 😭😭😭 i just started my hyunjae series not too long ago so i wasn't expecting people to actually find and read them hahahaksdjd but i really appreciate your kind words i really do! that motivates me to release the upcoming chapters as quick as i possibly can 😤🥰
oh man. i have wayyyy to many favourite tbz authors but here are the ones that comes up to mind for now! (they are also the reason that i took the chance to began writing actually!! 🩵🩵🩵)
@sungbeam bruh she is amazing. period. she has given me the encouragement and so fun to talk to tbh 😩 i personally highly recommend her love in unity series & simple gifts ❤️
@biaswreckingfics she was the very first tbz author i came across actually when i returned from my tumblr slumber lmao blurred lines was my very first tbz fic i've read and it holds a special place in my heart 💚 oh. i highly recommend checking out her new series business or pleasure because it NEEDS 👏 MORE 👏 RECOGNITION 👏
@daisyvisions i randomly came across return the favor one day when i was in my deep sangyeon fic hunt and sis. this fic HUNTS me till this day 🥹🩷 if you're over 18 and are in need of some hot steamy fics then yes she's the one to go to 👀
@sunlightwoo the very first smau fic i've read!! i absolutely love her under the spotlight series (changmin's one is my fav! 💛) and i can't tell you how many times i've reread them and it always cracks me up 😂 she has a lot of other works that are SO WORTH checking out too!
@viastro daisies was my very first fic from her and WHEN I TELL YOU I BAWLED MY EYES OUT READING THIS I ABSOLUTELY DID. 🤧🤧🤧 all good boys is also another one of my fav from her!! 💙
@sankyeom tattle-tale is SOO CUTEE like omg i was feeling all jolly like a kiddo with an ice-cream while finishing this whole fic in one sitting 😭 her other fics are bomb too so pls check them out!! 💜
@jeongjaebae her fics are sooo cute and fluffy omg 🥹🥹🥹🤍🤍🤍 (and some angst as well haha) you look hideous on me and if the lipstick matches are my personal favs! 🧡
that is all for now but i'm sure there are plenty more of amazing authors out there! i'll most probably create a tbz fic rec post in the future for easier navigation! (and for me too as i go back reread them from time to time HAHA)
thank you so much for the lovely ask anon and i wish you the same!! 🩵🩵🩵
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Me: (shows any rintaichou video to amber, collei, barbara and venti)
Me: i love all of you but wHY ARENT YOU LIKE THIS--
[Also fjsjcdncndjf bRO YOU GOT SO MUCH WRITINGS!! Ill deffo take a bit to read thru them all, they look so good!! :DD]
KIDDD 🥺😭 I havent seen u in forever!! Thank you for the asks!! Yeah, i hope u like all the stuff ive been up to while youve been lurking around town >:D
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SO i got to run into the more popular (?) Streamers/youtube vid ppl like tuonto and stuff
And i saw one of rintaichous vids and-
LIKE-?? Ppl who actually know how to build make me so jealous, so insecure, and SO guilty for not doing that somehow for my own 😔
How do u ppl fucking build these powerful bitches i find it so HARD
my poor allogenes would get me in their world and id be like "i can upgrade ur vision/weapons/artifacts! :D"
Them: "oh cool, wait why am I doing less damage then that other same element vision user over there??"
Them: 💀
ESP IF THE CHATS ARE ALL LIKE "bruh" "not amberrr" "bro thats a starter, not a keeper-"
Like??!?! Those ppl the real gods out here not my ass who took months/until adv lvl 30 to realize the artifacts were supposed to match for bonuses/be effective 💀
Safe Travels Kid,
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
I read most of it on my break, and finished the rest while on my way home from work, and let me tell u i was screeching so hard when i got to the part where phil cupped wilburs face like ooohhhdhfkfksjff this man is SOFT, hes a SOFTIE ur honour
Goddd all ur descriptions always makes the fic feel so *real* and yay for the pirates actually?? Being semi decent?? And not abusers WOO, tho rip that one dude bruh why would u hit a child over berries
I love wilbur in this fic sm lmfao he is such a little shit i love them, hes also so so clever and still *wilbur*
You do such a good job at making Wilbur still feel like himself even when aged down. Like him immediately asking super morbid questions and phil being like wtf?? That was so in character of them lmfao 😭😭
Honestly tho im very intrigued about the captain... i feel like it might become plot relevant that hes super traumatized n stuff... im keeping my eye on him
Speaking of suspicious things--
Stares at the non consensual body modification tag
Also the magic tag
Wilbur may not be a mermaid now but i have a feeling that wont last...
Oh well at least we get sandduo :D (and uncle techno<33)
Also when phil mentioned that they communicate through clicks and whistled i got vivid flashbacks to what the water gave me and started crying
/j i didnt start crying but i DID get emotional DHFJKG
I just reread the entire thing again LMAO
Goddd theyre so lovely:((<33
Im so intrigued about whats gonna happen also slightly scared but mostly excited :DD
glances at the tags okay yeah he's soft we'll go with that
aaa thank you though!! yeah I really didn't want to fall into the trope of just making the pirates a bunch of cartoon-like assholes. wilbur's a kid, so they try to take care of him and be nice to him, but they're also 10 people stranded on a desert island with very limited supplies. they are stressed to say the least. definitely not fair for that one guy to slap wilbur, but again when you've literally been worried nonstop about starving for the past few days and then you find out the 11 year old is hiding food, you might not react like you should. obviously not okay, but again, at least there's reasoning behind it
:D I'm so glad you like wilbur in this. I love writing kid!wilbur and trying to make him still feel like wilbur as a character, and I think I did a really good job of it in this fic. he's such a little shit.
YEAHHH I was looking up different types of fish tails for inspo, kept seeing betta tails so I just googled the different kinds of betta tails, and I saw this infographic with a bunch of different ones and the second I saw the crowntail I was like holy shit that's gotta be phil's it looks so cool
hahahaha just don't look at the nonconsenual body modification tag it's definitely not important hahaha
oh yeah you bet I'm bringing back the clicks and whistles from what the water gave me. it's not talked about as much as it was in what the water gave me, but I loved that so much from that fic I had to use it again
tyyy im so glad you're enjoying so far <3
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simple-symphonia · 7 years
aww i'm glad you're back !!! confetti
much confetti very wow ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ
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chocoenvy · 3 years
Hello my lovely choco, you know as of recent a thought just dawned to me involving the archon than made me more pissed off with them.
They each control/rule over an element to the point they can communicate with their assigned element.
So if it was me in front of them when they came to beg for my forgiveness and said that they didn't know that I was their real creator, I would have exploded and shout
And because of that no I will not forgive you not now, not never
~Bee anon
bruh gods are just mean
i thought about it and i think a reason why they don't "know" or accept the imposter as their god is because they're human. They live among humans and have been tainted by them.
Like how Foul Legacy Childe can tell the reader is the god because of his time in the abyss. The hilichurls and monsters can recognize them because they are in tune with Teyvat and don't overthink shit.
It's humans that overthink and are too prideful to admit when they're wrong so they dig themselves deeper into their problems instead of admitting they fucked up.
I feel like the archons CAN feel that the imposter is the god, they're so in tune with the elements and all of the elements are telling them This is our god! But they don't listen. Their ears are clogged by their overthinking, their own flaws, and how much they've been tainted by humanity.
They probably also blame it on other things. Like they FEEL like it's their god but "you should never go off feeling alone" or "It's our god saying that this IS the imposter"
bullshit excuses like that because archons are asses (love them tho)
that was my take on it anyways :DD thank you for sending this in!
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txemrn · 2 years
Hello. Random FC questions: in this case for Tatum:)
How did you choose your MC’s FC?
Was it the first pick or did you have someone else in mind?
Does the FC’s personality match your MC’s?
Is it hard to find content?
Is there was no David Gandy (god forbids) who would you choose as your Ethan’s FC?
Hey, anon!
Thank you so much for including me on this question! I really do appreciate it! 💜
Willa Ford is
Dr. Tatum L. Erikson
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Picking Willa out for Tatum was almost too good to be true! Many writers will agree that usually picking out the perfect FC takes time and patience, and somehow, I feel so fortunate to have hit the jackpot with this beauty for my OC.
Those who don't know, Tatum was born from a 'Drunken Drabble'... (a silly prompt game we played a few times last year where you're given a prompt to write while you're drinking). The next day, I realized that I was totally digging this girl, and I wanted to write more of her! And here we are, almost a year later.
When I started looking at FCs, I had a general idea what I was looking for (what I think matches Ethan): blonde*; in her late 30s/early40s; beautiful, but not a cookie-cutter model-type; girl boss/tough bitch vibes, but friendly-looking; a modern woman with a slightly modest wardrobe. And FINALLY, does she actually look good with Ethan?
*in my DD, I had already mentioned she was blonde lol
(Eeeee! I'm so glad I saved this! She may kill me ... The friend I mentioned earlier quickly threw this together to see if Gandy and Willa went together, and if I do say so myself... *chef's kiss* I love them...)
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She was my first pick, and I became obsessed. From what I can tell, Willa is a little bit different from Tatum, but that's okay! They both give off girl boss energy, and her pictures totally vibe with my idea of Tatum.
Content can be a little tricky. A lot of photos from Willa's younger days are either pixelated or... well, risque (she made it clear: she wanted to be bad... lol). Willa still models some, these days or offers the internet a selfie of her OOTD, but there isn't a huge multitude of usable photos. but I'll make it work,
No David Gandy? Did you just curse at me? 🤣 honestly, I'd probably use Matt Bomer for Rams. I think he's delicious, and he pulls off that intense leader/CEO/prick-look so very well.
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I'd love to use Nick Bateman because... duh. Fucking delicious. But, he's a bit to bruh and soft for Rams.
Thanks again for the Ask! *big hugs*
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kakubun · 4 years
Hi! I'm not sure if this request is okay or not... but could I have some Seijoh 3rd years X a reader who's just barely 5 feet, and seems super shy at first but is actually really energetic, they just have a hard time talking to people? I've only been following your blog for a few days now, but I really love your content! 💕
seijoh third years x gen!reader
:000 thank youuuUUU, i felt like i went off topic again, sorry :((
i love you *cat noises* (also isn’t like barely 5 feet y/n’s nearly at any of the dudes’ crotch 💀 💀 )
also pray for me i have to see my homophobic english teacher almost everyday grr
i’m online on the weekdays and offline most of the time due to gadget restrictions :((, sorry for late late late written request 
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you were adorable, tooru loved you :33
that means a lot of headpats when you agree with him and it would always fluster you and you would always slide your mask up to hide yourself 
PLEASE the third years adored you, you were their favourite person 💀💀 they loved seeing you go all shy at everything they do and partly bullying oikawa which you weren’t
y/n: that’s wrong though.. i thought oikawa was correct?
oikawa: seeee?? *head pat* good darling~ you defitenely know who’s the right and wrong one in the situation💫💫
of course they respected you and never went too far with their teasing, yep they had boundaries but that doesn’t mean they can’t mess with you
oikawa: y/n-chan!! you’re supposed to defend me!!
y/n: when?? you were in the wrong though??
mattsun: agreed.
makki: correct. 
iwaizumi: the statement that they’ve said is genuine and truthful.
matsuhana + oikawa were the same bozos on you every single day 
they would do random bs there and then, making the others done with them 
hanamaki would bend near your ear and ask you to pass his bottle, matsukawa would randomly hold your chin to make him face you whenever you were talking to him and not facing him 
oikawa at one point wanted to take his shirt off like that one scene with suga (which i don’t understand when suga was like “hah, get used to it~” to yachi when they could’ve changed in a locker room or the club room?? like bruh it’s that simple 😎👍👍) but iwaizumi wacked his head and shouted at him to not do anything inappropriate 
and more stupidity involving matsukawa shoving you into his nasty ass sweaty chest by lifting his shirt over your head and hanamaki would wipe cream off your cheek when he purposely pushed it to your cheek  and oikawa sneaking you his fangirls’ chocolates when he couldn’t eat most of them in your bag (he loved his fangirls but it was too much to consume-)
that’s why you adored iwaizumi 
he wasn’t a piece of shit like some people- i mean he wasn’t bothered when you constantly hide behind his back 
you were.. interesting. 
you were pretty quiet and you look really reserved and soft, those thoughts were in his head when he practised his serves but what he didn’t noticed was you since he focused really hard 
you were stimming, you let out a loud woah and clapped, wiggling in your seat 
matsuhana were right at your side and stared at your reaction, holy shit you were cute when you were excited and rather loud 
you just joined the team with no knowledge of volleyball of course you’ll be amazed
well not actually no knowledge, bestie dragged you to their matches and after that you actually watch volleyball with your parents when they let out a relieved breath that you weren’t bothered anymore when they always asked if you wanted to watch any volleyball matches with them and you would join in
they thought it was out of pity but you genuinely wanted to watch it
they looked so cool, you couldn’t resist cheering for them 
oikawa noticed you cheering when you glanced back at the pair near you who were laughing and you whined for them to stop 
oh dear oikawa gushed and his best friend didn’t even noticed you and raised his eyebrow when he saw oikawa all distracted
days and weeks came by and you were suddenly bursting with energy and jumping up and down when they agreed with your strategy to perfect their game play and when they would practise and show off to you and you just wouldn’t stop getting over of how swaggy they looked 
you were pretty happy for the most part, your team fills you with euphoria over and over again and never fails to put a smile on your face 
the left you :DD everyday 
okay, here’s the thing 
matsuhana waved you over to them, wanting to talk to you and whispered to you secret agent style even though there was no need- 
oikawa’s fangirls
mattsun: do you know the unknown creatures that wait near the door at 2p.m. every afternoon??
makki: yeah, yeah the ones that are attracted to oikawa??
y/n: huh isn’t that-
you choked out laughing when you realized what both of them were referring to
of course you knew who they were
they were loud like you
well most of them, they would gush about oikawa but they were kind enough on not to do it in front of you often cause they knew majority of them were annoying :000
but bits of his fans, scary
fan: oh so that’s how usual volleyball practises are? gosh i would be so happy just to be near oikawa- oops sorry! 
y/n: :DD it okay
 they devoted their lives to a simp, an idiot who just loves aliens and volleyball and his friends 😔
you avoided them at every chance, the other fangirls actually protecting you ;’’’’DD but sometimes the mean ones got to you and you had a hard time defending yourself 
“you’re just a slutty whore whose all over oikawa, probably the same with the others. you probably had-” they droned on about very nasty things you would NEVER DO and some of the comments would jab at your heart and you would shake your head and run
you couldn’t hide it to the team and angrily fumed at yourself by troubling the team
oikawa didn’t wait, he grabbed your hand and asked where they were
you told him, crying and putting up your mask and facing the fans again and chills made you twitch a lot when oikawa commanded them to come over and apologized 
the fans froze, stuttering and being completely obvious that they didn’t breathed any of your air even though they did but oikawa rolled his eyes and coldly chuckle and approached them himself
you were panicking so you didn’t watch and look the other way 
it was a blur when he held your hand again and walked you back to the gym when the others anticipated  both of your presence
the team approached you and immediately trapped you in questions and oikawa cooled down and waved off that his business with the fans were finished 
you wiped the last form of your tears and tackled oikawa which made him squel and you lightly punched his chest and banged your head onto it multiple times
y/n: you’re fucking scary when you’re mad
he blinked at this and looked at you who pouted at him and he chuckled and rubbed your back when you hugged him again as a thank you 
the other members broke into chaos on how they were confused, why is oikawa getting hugged by their precious manager and saying that it’s not fair to tease y/n who was in a sensitive position and wanted oikawa to apologize 
guess everything was okay and the fans didn’t bother with you ever again
especially with your captain who bared his fangs to anyone that hurted you
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springki · 3 years
Isu 12
Finally, I got this issue ulalaa~
Anw, Fans of Hali and Fang are going to love this issue so much :3
Tagging @9misorai
Maripos’ gang arrived at the rebellion camp, which is Maripos and Kuputeri’s base. They’re waiting for Boboiboy and Fang. Ying tried to reach them multiple times but failed. Maripos urged them to try contact them again as Reramos already know of Kuputeri’s return, and they need to discuss their plans asap. The scene then changes to Fang and Boboiboy’s side. The pod of these two stranded on mountains area. Fang tried to contact the others but failed to do so. Bbb told him to give up because they have very low signal due to their pod being attacked before, and their navigation system also went haywire. That’s the reason why they fell to different place than the others. Boboiboy looks reallyyy sad in this panel :’(
Fang noticed a smoke coming up from somewhere not far from their place. He told bbb about it and suggested them to go to that direction as there might be villages around. Then, bbb’s stomach growled lmao XD turns out he was hungry because he did not eat anything even before they departed from earth. (Worrying about taufan I guess cough) Fang took this chance to show off about how he’s not hungry at all and still high in spirit. Then, his stomach growled as well bruh.. we stan goofy Fang :’DD
After walking for a while, these two reached the said village, but it seems like a ghost town as there was no living beings around. Bbb smelled delicious aroma from one of the houses. He gave his salam before entering the house. There is nobody in the house tho. After looking around, bbb found food lying on the table. When he tried to approach it, both he and Fang were trapped by a net falling from above. Bbb turned into Blaze and burn the net. Just then, a group of people wearing wooden masks (or helmet i think?) came from their hiding, surrounded and shoved their polearms to bbb and fang direction.
Fang wanted to change to shadow half bear but was stopped by bbb. He then approached one of them calmly and told her that they are not bad guys. Fang said that the bad guys are those people that are shoving their spears to them! One of them, probably the leader of the group, refuted by saying that bbb and Fang are the bad guys because they intruded their village (she’s not wrong tho haha they did intrude the house) The girl then opened her mask, revealing her face. She has a red hair and an orange pupil. She asked them, why did they intrude their village? Bbb answered her: Their pod was stranded not far from this place, and they came to the village to ask for help. The girl understood and introduced herself to the two, her name is Papileon and the village is actually a tourism site, Kepaku Village.
Then, Bbb and Fang eat to their heart desires. After eating, bbb asked Papileon, about the wehereabout of adults in the village, because he saw none of them around, only children left. Turned out, the adults had been captured by Kelkatoa Army, leaving children behind to protect the village from intruders. Bbb gave his thanks to them and Fang suggested for the two to quickly find ways to contact their friends. Before leaving, one of the kids stopped them and handed out the bill XD, The total amount they should pay is 500 golden coins (idk how much that is haha) but it seems super expensive. Obv the two cannot pay the amount. Then, Papileon suggested that they should do smtg for them in return for the food they have eaten. She wanted their help in saving the adults that were captured.
The scene moves to Kepaku Quarry. Apparently, the adults in the village were captured to work in the mines. Bbb, Fang and Papileon looked at the place from far away. Then, she leads them to a secret pathway into the Kelkatoa Base on top of the quarry. There, they met with an old guy who was actually Papileon’s grandpa, Papiliam. He was also the head chief of the village and the best blacksmith in Windara. Papileon knew about the secret pathway, because she always went there to feed his grandpa. She also introduced bbb and Fang to her grandpa. Papiliam suddenly approached Fang because he felt like he has seen him before?? (COugh COUgh) bbb then asked him, why all the adult villagers are forced to work at the mines. Papiliam said that it is due to the mines are rich in high quality red-like iron ores, and he was tasked to make weapons for the kelkatoa, or else the villagers will be harmed. Suddenly, Fang noticed smtg and told them to quickly hide.
A big spaceship landed not far from the place they were hiding. Muskida, who was the warden of the camp came out from the spaceship, guarded by a few soldiers. He was talking with someone that said Kuputeri was brought to Kupuri Castle to directly meet with Reramos. Bbb and others heard this and quickly planned to save the villagers. Papiliam told them that only Muskida has the control system wrapped at his neck, which was the key that control the villagers. All of the captured villagers had bands at their wrist and leg, which were controlled by Muskida. Just then, a guy accidentally bumped to Muskida. To which muskida calmly forgave him and opened his bands to allow the guy to go back home. Of course, its just a sly act to throw the guy off. When the man was overjoyed, Muskida instructed his servants, tons of flies to sweep the guy off the ground and throw him down to the mines below.
Luckily, the poor guy was saved by Fang’s shadow hands. Then, bbb and Fang confronted Muskida. Muskida was surprised to see them because he thought they had already flee back to earth. Then, he instructed his Kelkatoa soldiers to capture the two. Bbb turned to Halilintar and chase after Muskida. Meanwhile, Fang faced the soldiers with his herd of pets :3 (oh btw I just wants to point out that I never realized that Fang has shadow crocodile before??) Muskida sent out his servants, the flies to disturb bbb’s sights while he’s running away. Bbb mercilessly slaughter the flies (Hali was so aggressive in this issue lol) He continued to chase Muskida. When he finally caught after him, suddenly two containers fell from above. Muskida used his servants to lift the containers and slammed Hali. Hali reflexively slashed the containers only to be hit by another from his side.
Muskida continued to attack using the same technique. Halilintar also used his Thunderstorm spear to slash through and reached Muskida. He then SLASHED MUSKIDA INTO HALF O.o (told u he’s so aggressive this time :’P) But the guy was still alive lmao. Muskida quickly summoned billions of his servants to surrounds bbb. In anger, Hali lifted his sword up to charge it up before thrusting it powerfully into the ground, calling down the red thunder that burned the flies into crisp! (this part is SO COOL in the comic uwu) Meanwhile, Fang easily defeated the soldiers and look for bbb. Muskida was angry at what he had done. He tried to smash bbb with multiples of containers but was stop by Fang. Fang slapped (I think that’s the right word XD) him with shadow fly swatter and knocked the guy out. He then gave a thumbs up to bbb. Bbb replied with the same gesture. Then, Muskida was wrapped in shadow ropes. They planned to hand him to Maripos later. They also saved the villagers :D
The two were surrounded by the villagers. In the midst of it, Papileon and his grandpa slipped in between to meet them. Papiliam (grandpa) almost fell down, but he was caught by Fang. HERE’s THE INTERESTING PART! Papiliam asked Fang where did he come from, to which Fang replied that he was born in Gogobugi but now lives on earth. Papiliam was surprised and said that no wonder he seems to recognize our boy. He knows that Fang is the son of the Gogobugi Governor, and he also knows that Kaizo is his brother! He said that, in the past, he used to work for Fang’s father. (WTH O.O??) Papiliam said that he heard about their parents’ death and at that time, Fang’s face become sad :’((( Then he bumped his fist to Fang’s chest and said that his parents will be very proud of the current him and Fang replied with a smile (*sobbing intensifies*)
That’s it with Fang XD, now move to Muskida… But damn he’s escaped! Muskida is actually a very chibi alien with big head in a robot suit. He piloted his suit to fly away. So, this whole time, the Muskida’s body is actually a robot, only the upper part is alive. (No wonder no blood coming out when Hali slashed him lol) That’s how he ran away. Then, bbb and Fang used the Kelkatoa base to communicate with their friends. He told them about Kuputeri in Kupuri Castle. Then, Maripos gave him a coordinate to go to, and they will discuss their plan there. Before leaving, Papiliam gave them a key to a store in the castle that contained precious items (Im not sure what’s the store is called in English, I searched and its said undercroft?). Anw, the issue end with Fang saying that they should search for transportation and bbb looking slyly at Muskida spaceship hehe
Fang part throughout the comic :D :-
THIS TIME I WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT ON THE SNEAK PEEK, like OMG WHAT IS THIS XDD This seems like a different story LMAO. I seriously don’t know what’s to expect for next issue hahaha Mage Ying go brrr
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IMO ; The story are pretty solid so far, and there’s not much I would like to say but LET ME TALK ABOUT FANGG: I A M C ON FI DE N T, well not 100% but I felt like the next arc might be about Fang??? Like, monsta can’t just drop his story out of nowhere and leaves us hanging just like that! That’s so cruel XO and and why im so confident is because, Kuputeri’s arc was hinted in issue 2! -- I don’ think I include this in my review: Yaya said that if King Balakung is still alive, bbb could have learned how to get kuasa balak from him. To which, head chief of the mushroom tribe disagreed, because if he is still alive, HE WOULD HAVE ASKED FOR HIS POWER BACK. -- I don’t know anymoreeee, but I honestly think this is a foreshadowing on Fang’s arc sksks nevertheless I might be clowning myself XDD anw im not sure, but I think the next issue is the last for this arc? We shall see~
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sixstepsaway · 2 years
I also did fuck all today, so here's to Avoiding Responsibilities. Speaking of responsibilities, I finished that fic draft I was whining in your inbox about a while back. You made a great post about getting oneself to write, and I owe you thanks for it! So, thank you! Unfortunately I now view you as my lucky writing oracle, and I come to you again to consult you for your wisdom: do you have any favorite prose tips or resources? Of course the ultimate tip is "keep working at it until it sounds good" but I'm always on the prowl for the Secret Technique to make my description adequate. I'll, uh, write a couple hundred words of Izzy and daddy related content as an offering? If that's an incentive. -izzy's dd anon
Ooh, yes please on the content 👀
(although, with all seriousness: you don't have to offer anything up, I'm happy to help if I can)
Yesterday (or the day before? Time is fake, bruh) I was told by my lovely beta for my steddyhands fic (@darthameus): "Aaaa okay holy shit that was the best fic I’ve ever read for the blackhands pairing" and "I loved it so so much dude. You’re an absolutely incredible writer" which made me unreasonably happy but also makes me feel somewhat qualified to answer this, at least I hope.
To me, when I'm writing it's all about feel. So these are the things I try to feel out when I write:
To break these down:
Character: I always write from a POV but in third person. I don't think I've ever done omniscient or anything like that, so my work is almost always third person limited, but I'm writing from inside someone's head. So even if I'm describing the room they're in, it's how they see it, rather than just how it is. Stepping into Stede's cabin for the first time, for example, an Edward POV would talk about the fine things and how awesome it all is. An Izzy POV would think it was a gross misuse of space and how much fucking satin do you need. If there's something the character wouldn't notice, it either has to be dragged to their attention by something else (Izzy notices a really nice sword, and that draws his attention to the pretty necklace beside it when it catches the light, he wouldn't have really paid it any attention otherwise) or someone else has to comment on it.
Everything has to fit the character, otherwise it's weird and jarring and out of place. I try to get in their heads and, I guess, body them a little. I am Izzy: what do I see? What do I feel? What do I think?
then i have to get back out again lmao
Character is the top thing that sets the tone for me, but...
Tone: If I'm writing a dark piece with danger and death, I'm not going to focus on the rising sun or the feel of soft satin, I'm going to hone more in on things to give a dark atmosphere. But, again, it depends on what Izzy might notice. So, if it's Izzy feeling dark, he might just describe the satin curtains blocking out the light, because that would feel dark to him.
Once you have the character and tone, there's my favorite...
Voice: I know not everyone can 'see' in their imagination? Like, some people have aphantasia and such and absolutely nothing when they try to imagine something. I don't know if that goes for imagining sound, too? I guess it probably does. But for me at least, when I absolutely nail a characterization, I can hear the voice in my head as I type or as I reread. I find that very telling and use it quite often to guide my characterization.
And finally:
Rhythm: I've been told in the past that my writing is lyrical, and I have literally never let that go because that is exactly how I want to write. One of the biggest tips I have ever read is to do with sentence and paragraph length. If you crush sixty short sentences into one paragraph, whatever is happening in that paragraph feels quick and full of action. If you eke those six sentences out, make them long and give them individual paragraphs, it makes everything feel like it's taking more time. So, a hot and heavy fuck or a fight scene might be six chunky paragraphs, but a slow seduction or a walk in the moonlight might be broken up into thirty short ones. On top of that, I use a lot of repetition in my work (you know, one of the big rules) because I find it sounds, as I said, lyrical, especially if used correctly.
Sometimes my repetition is solely because it's telling of a character (Izzy never refers to Stede as Stede in his own head in this fic, it is always Stede-Fucking-Bonnet), sometimes it's more because of rhythm. This is a bit from chapter 1 that shows what I mean about repetition and rhythm:
Izzy doesn’t get chance to bite back, either verbally or physically, before Edward is pulling away, removing his body from Izzy’s, leaving him in a deep state of mourning, donning the red robe once more and disappearing out of the cabin, leaving the little pot of flowery oil behind.
On the one hand, this leaves Izzy with a moment to catch his breath and really think about what he’s doing.
On the other hand, this leaves Izzy with time and silence to really think about what he’s doing.
Izzy is under no illusions that he’s a stand-in. He’s a replacement. When Edward is kissing him, it’s because he cannot kiss Stede-Fucking-Bonnet, who took off on him for fuck knows what reason, leaving Izzy to pick up the pieces of Edward’s shattered heart.
His shattered heart.
He hadn’t known. Izzy hadn’t known nor realized just how much Edward cared for Stede. He hadn’t realized until he’d had to crawl into a blanket fort to talk to him and had found Edward curled up, tear-stained and eating marmalade from a mostly-empty jar, miserable and torn apart by what Stede had done in abandoning him.
And he had; Stede-Fucking-Bonnet had abandoned Edward like he was yesterday’s dinner, just like a rich fucking toff would, the moment the dinner turned cold, while people like Izzy and Edward would scrape the plate clean in their hunger, appreciating every bite, no matter the temperature, no matter the damage, no matter if it was no longer perfect and freshly made, even if it had been chewed up and spat out already.
Like Edward.
Like Izzy.
They’ve been chewed up and spat out so many times in their lives, Izzy is surprised they can still call themselves people, rather than skeletons with human parts. He knows more about where Edward has been than anyone, but that doesn’t mean he knows everything about him, that’s perfectly clear now.
He didn’t know he’d lo— had affection for Stede-Fucking-Bonnet, not to the extent he clearly did. And he didn’t know that such a rough break, such a cruel, thoughtless act from Stede-Fucking-Bonnet, could bring Edward here and, more pertinently, could bring Izzy to Edward’s bed.
He is making a horrible mistake. Fuck.
What he should do is get up, get out of this stupid flowery bed, grab the shit that Edward was packing up having lived in a broken-hearted squalor for so long, and leave. He should go back to his cabin and not let this thing, whatever it is, happen.
He’s not a replacement for Stede-Fucking-Bonnet. He won’t be a replacement for Stede-Fucking-Bonnet. He’s watched Edward pine and mourn for days now and he knows, deep down, that this, this next development, is just another step on the chain of Edward’s recovery from Stede-Fucking-Bonnet.
Which, he supposes, is good? It’s good that Edward is getting over it. It’s good that Edward is moving forward and starting to clean up the place and leverage himself out of his dark hole of misery, but Edward getting (metaphorically) under Izzy to get over Stede-Fucking-Bonnet is not the way to do it.
And there’s the metaphorically part.
Hadn't known, hadn't known, hadn't realized - He's not a replacement, won't be a replacement - Like Izzy. Like Edward - On the one hand, on the other hand - Is good? It's good. It's good. etc etc
To me the repetition adds rhythm and tone to the piece, which is all I want out of my work really lmao
And my final, main point has to be: fuck the rules.
Lots of people toss all this writing advice around: show don't tell, don't repeat words or phrases, don't overuse quirky things like 'Stede-Fucking-Bonnet', don't be too on the nose about things, don't use adverbs, don't use filler words blah blah blah
Fuck all of the rules. Every last one. If you want to write something bland and disinteresting, divorced from all of what makes your writing your writing, stick to the rules. If you want to write something that sounds like you, your passion, your personality?
Fuck the rules.
Find your own tone, your own rhythm, find your own way of conveying your point and your feelings.
Reread your own work and find the pieces that make you go, "Oh, fuck I'm a good writer." Even if you're really down on yourself and that's only 100 words out of 100k. Even if it's less "Oh fuck" and more "Hey this ain't bad."
Find what sticks out to you and ask yourself: What makes this feel like me and what makes me go this is good? Is it the rhythm? Is it the tone? Is it the language use? Is it the emotions conveyed?
Once you figure those things out, it's a lot easier to let prose flow from your fingers and allow it to sound like you and be great.
I do not know if this answered your question, actually. Um, I hope it did?
Also, congrats on finishing the fic draft! I hope if you posted it, it got tonnes of feedback and kudos, and I hope even if you didn't post it that you enjoyed finishing it and are feeling very proud of yourself.
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feralaot · 4 years
hiiii, just a curious anon passing by!! what are your aot ships and how did you come to like these pairs? :DD (sorry if this has been asked before, i had a grand time reading your posts and might've missed it!)
aww thanks for enjoying my stuff!! that’s what I’m here for :) and oh boy, here we go... this is gonna become a long post
first is my otp, reibert. I could go on about them for hours. my favorite pairing for so many reasons holy shit
• we saw in season 4 that reiner was kind of the runt of the warriors and had a rivalry with porco. on the other hand, bertholdt was there to pick him up when he was knocked down and never belittled or attacked him, also seen when we’re shown marcel’s death during the paradis operation. when annie attacked him, bertholdt just wanted it to stop, and he never blamed him for what happened 😭
• of course this also leads into the shared trauma dynamic, they went through so so much shit together and basically became war criminals when they were just CHILDREN. and they believed they were doing the right thing. their story is just so tragic bruh I can’t
• we see that reiner suffers from a split personality and bertholdt is obviously very affected by it, and it hurts him to see reiner like that. “we’re not soldiers, we’re warriors.” and of course how he covers his mouth and looks upset when reiner talks about being soldiers.... ugh it hurts
• now that I mention his split personality I want to add something based on that: reiner isn’t actually into historia. he’s gay. homosexual. I say this because in people with split personalities it’s not uncommon for them to also have different sexualities for their personas, e.g. one personality can be straight and the other can be gay, bi, or what have you. thus I believe his “true” identity is gay and his soldier persona thinks he’s straight since he’s been conditioned into thinking he’s a soldier, and the “perfect soldier” needs the “perfect girl”, thus leading him to believe he likes historia when he... really doesn’t. and bertholdt has to watch this happen knowing that it’s all an unwilling masquerade, but he can’t say anything about it for fear of blowing their cover. (historia is a lesbian anyway, which I’ll get into later)
• we very clearly see that reiner is suffering a lot from a guilty conscience in season 4 (re: suicide attempt) and he’s a broken man after coming back from paradis... alone. he blames himself for what happened and just wants to die because he has nobody left to love. of course this is why I make modern aus where everyone is alive and happy because I’m coping skghskjgh
• just imagine the long-term mutual pining potential because they’re both dense as hell and won’t admit their love for each other GDHKJGFHD. one doesn’t admit his feelings because he doesn’t want to damage his pride and the other doesn’t admit his because he doesn’t want to risk ruining their relationship as it is and losing what they already have. two bros chilling in a hot tub five feet apart because they won't admit their undying love for each other
• TLDR they’re in love dont @ me
next we have yumihisu. my girls....... my giiiiirls.......
• I love how this is one of the ships that almost everyone in the fandom can unanimously agree on, and for good reason. their dynamic is just so sweet and it’s so obvious that they care for each other immensely, e.g. ymir believing it’s her responsibility to protect her
• I also really like the idea of historia being the “popular girl” and ymir doesn’t like her at first because she doesn’t get the hype but once they start talking more ymir really warms up to her and eventually it leads to the mutual pining
• it’s just so obvious that ymir loves her. so much. like that scene where she wrote a letter to historia before she went to marley saying that she just wishes they could’ve gotten married? felt like a stab in the chest. why couldn’t they get married and be happy 😭
• I’m such a slut for the “peasant falls in love with royalty” dynamic anyway
erurihan my beloveds
• okay listen I love levihan and eruri so much but consider: they’re all dating each other 👀 I hc levi as poly anyway, he doesn’t seem like the kind of person concerned about monogamy. levi has two hands after all and they’re for hange and erwin
• all they have is each other. they’re the only veterans left and they’ve lost so many friends and found family and I just. ufhgufhgkjbhhh they all care about each other so much. (pre season 3 because I’m coping)
• YOU live in a society, I live in denial
I have other ships so if you want a part 2 just ask 🙏
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sundrenched-smilez · 3 years
Hey! I know there are more of us out there, but I USE ZHEY/ZHEM AS WELL! A bit differently than you, but it's really cool to see others like me. I know of 2 other people that use our pronouns, and I think that there is great pride in that.
Theres Much pride in it!!!!!! like I legit made em up bc I love how they look n sound, so it's hella cool 2 hear that : DD thank u for sharing!!!! our minds 💕💕💕💕💕
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maxpeaks · 3 years
HI tell me everything about your lil oc in the lily pad pond they look very very cool
HELOO OMG HI so theyre owen :D (they/him)
they’re a pilot well they want to be a pilot but they have a stinky job unrelated to piloting (and it’s j for him to make moneyz.) but yeah they like to make planes and all sorts of aircrafts. they are an engineer so yeah :DD
they’re very reckless and kinda crashed into my other oc apollo’s yard ^^’ and got liek rly injured LMAO so apollo has to take care of them until they fully recover
owen gets rly tired easily so he’s always sleeping n stuff and is kinda lazy lol except for building things he’s like always on the move when it comes to making all sorts of junk
they like to explore tho :0 apollo lives in this huge forest so owen tends to just explore the area and examine any little thing they find cool. so often times apollo would catch them doing all sorts of random things in the forest liek what are you doing there bruh
ALSO they like cats!!!!!!!! just a random thing but yeah they like cats lol apollo has a little calico cat named sweetheart and owen is ALL OVER HER he loves her very much
I PROBABLY HAVE MORE STUFF but it’s currently a wip and i’m still writing the whole thing so yeah :D thank you so much for the ask omg ;u; this made me really hapPY
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kanene-yaaay · 3 years
Thank you so much for tagging me @heyoitsgenderconfusion !!! :DD
1) Why did you choose your URL?
I didn’t created my username at all! :D
My original username was ‘KawaiiNekoNeko’ but then I become friend with the wonderful @yussuna who wanted to call me by a nickname and then offered some options, which I choose ‘Kanene’ becuase it sounded cool! The nickname stick and I thought it was so nice and unique that I decided to stay with it! ^w^) 
2) Any side blogs?
Yeeep! @kanene-yaaay-o-retorno for all my non-tickling stuff. -u-)b
3) How long have you been on tumblr?
I am not pretty sure the exact date I created my account but I do believe it was somewhere in 2019. I started to lurk around in the shadows around 2018, tho!
4) Do you have a queue tag?
I don’t really know what is a queue tag buuuut you can find all my most important tags on my Summary! :DD *jazz hands* yay
5) Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Tumblr was the first place where I had contact with the tickle community and amazing t-fic writers too. I found them in an extremely tough year and I wanted to comment and like their arts as a small thank for everything their art help me to go through.
I also had no one to talk about tickles so I wanted to ramble about them sdfghjhgf xDD And share my ideas and t-fics as well!
6) Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I am still discovering myself and I want to cheerish how I am currently pierciving myself. I just recently realized that I am Aro and, even if it changes in the future, I want to embrace all my discoveries!
But honestly a GIGANTIC thanks for @yussuna for drawing pretty much all my icons of almost all my social media accounts for the past 4 years sdwerfghjkfgh. I luv u so much <33
7) Why did you choose your header?
It’s was an AWESOME gift from my very dear friend @queenmbean and, honestly, it’s very noice and I wanted everyone to appreciate it sdjjhgfdefg.
8) What’s your post with the most notes?
Bruh, it’s a silly smol fic I created in a random, strong ler mood dfghjhgfd. I still need to prrofread it btw xD.
Let me Brush Your Hair  - Lee!Roman and Ler!Virgil with Lee!Virgil&Ler!Roman implied in the very end.
9) How many mutual’s do you have?
I think it’s around 22! 
10) How many followers do you have?
Oh, how can I, a poor mortal, count all the stars and shadows that habitate here? ~
11) How many people do you follow?
233 sdfghyujkiiuytrefgh
12) Have you ever made a shit post?
Yeeeah. Crazy thoughts I have from nowhere. It’s been a time since one, tho.
13) How often do you use tumblr a day?
It’s depends on the day buuuut I would say around 5-20 times per day
14) Did you ever have/had a fight with another blog?
I mean, I already got into a discussion in a blog that was being attacked? My asks were more directed at the anons attacking him and I didn’t stay until the end so I don’t know if it counts? I like to avoid conflict tho.
15) How do you feel about “you need to reblog” posts?
It depends a lot. I understand some of them are really important and sharing is crucial for the information to search more people, but the ones that are just ‘if you don’t rb something very bad will happen’ just makes me angry.
16) Do you like tag games?
Yep, yep, yeeep! They’re nice and good to ramble!
17) Do you like ask games?
Yesh!! I like to being active with the beans who follow me. It’s fun!
18) Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Oh boi, def @oliviaischillin1204, @made-by-jade-222, @giggly-squiggily, @ticklepinions, @august-anon, @lazytickles,  @a-fluffer-nutter and @fluttertickles. U are all cool B)
19) Do you have a crush on a mutual? 
Yep! I have some platonic crushes >u< (I am pretty sure there is a term for it but I forgot :’v)
20) Tags!
I am in a bit of a hurry so dfghjklkjhgfd feel free to do that if you want to! Again, thank you very much for the tag! It was very cooool doing this! >u<
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znikitrash · 5 years
Uhhhh i LOVE casual sides???
ThEir oNEsiEs
Roman trying his best to be nice aww
Him rigging the vote ahhh that's my boi
Roman is me when i watch movies yeS like 100%
Patton's puns!!!!! I need more!! Like I FEEL LIKE I MISSED THOSE i dont know if there were any in DWIT
Their reactions to the head and heart being changed are gOLD
"Fear will be your enemy" Virgil: *existential crisis*
Logan with a thermos for iced coffee
Them just talking in a middle of the film, explaining stuff to each other or just joking gshk
"Just think about it" "likE i have a choice" lmaooo
Logan doing the anxiety exercises with Thomas and Virgil!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!!!!! !
Wait i just realized whO watches movies in a jacket???? Like, dude, change into something more relaxing...
Roman no
Roman, as much as i love you, fixer upper is nOT A GOOD SONG
Awww Patton hiding hidden meaning and being a goofball
I need more patton
Woah Deceit seems really pissed
I smell more deceit angst coking our way
I never knew i would get such a chill down my spine from deceit swearing??? Even though he swore before????
Also can we accept that deceit is short? Like.. He looked so short in this vid. Can we accept as canon that deceit is a shortie? That he smol? Thanks
YES!! Roman being good at coming up with distractions!!!!!
"No. Yes. I don't know what you're asking" mOOD
Aww them all discussing the new plot warms up my heart 💖💖💖
Aww logan is soft uwuwuwu
In conclusion
I'm so glad there's new sanders sides content. Like... Just bsndkvlll i didn't realise how much i needed it. I was sceptical at first but this was GOLD. And the topic they discussed is so good. I love this so so so much. I need more Sides Just Doing Stuff At The Apartment
I will draw some art soon, when i have a bit of free time!!! :DD
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