might-be-tiny-gt · 1 year
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Today’s my birthday! It’s also been 1 year since I created Dion!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE GRAPE FLAVORED BROADWAY LAWYER GAL!!
Wanted to get this quick comic out to celebrate. You can see the quality get worse as I got rushed to finish the comic XD
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Love to be interrogated by my mother about the bad mood she caused. Love crying into my dinner until my nose bleeds. Love snapping and admitting one terrible grievance but forcing down the millions of others because I've learned after more than a decade that things dont ever change in this house, no one is willing to put in the therapy and work and develop any sort of emotional intelligence or even, God forbid, ADMIT that they were wrong and it wasn't just "oh I didn't mean to/I didn't do that". Love being blamed for being in my room all the time, as if that's the cause of all this and not just me desperately trying to survive and keep myself sane and not relapse. Love being the least loved child who is never more than a disappointment! Where a neutral response is the most positive thing I can get and more likely it'll be negative criticism or passive aggression! Not like my perfect brothers and brother's gf who is the better daughter my mother wanted! Love being stuck living with people who are so determined to be unhappy!
Apparently my workout was NOT enough to drain all my anger and hurt, but it'd have to be one hell of a workout to drain a decade and a half of this shit and I can't even do anything dumb and reckless bc I gotta go to work in the morning
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bo0zey · 2 years
me, afraid to develop a benzo addiction so doesn’t take any of my prescribed clonazepam for >1yr : eek!!😨😰no thx!!😓😓
me, 1 year of worsening escapist behavior + 6.5mg klonopin later: now THIS is the shit im talkin bout😎😎🤤🤤
#IM NOT CONDONING DRUG ABUSE PLSSS TAKE UR PRESCRIPTIONS AS PRESCRIBED!!#benzodiazepines are only rlly addictive if the person starts abusing them. not if ur taking them as prescribed#also i can’t just keep doing this on the regular degular ok this was a blip in the simulation#i just had an awful spiraling start to my day at 6am and just wanted to sleep away the pain of realizing i’ll never have my mom again#everything i wanted someone to feel abt me everything i wanted them to say that they love me that they’re proud that they’re going to miss#i was so desperate to be comforted i even left my room and went up to my dad before he left for work and he didn’t even notice the tears#then the waterworks started and my dad finally hugged me against his chest#i felt so small like a child 22 year old me jsut wanted to be comforted by her dad like#like a child all over again#but ik i had to get it together i couldn’t be a child forever so i let go#i went back to my room n i couldn’t qualm the sobbing abandoned child within i couldn’t give her her mom back#all i could do to make this anxiety this pain this desire to see her again right now now now.#all i could do was take my anxiolytic and hope it put me to sleep. just for a little while#i only wanted to sleep for just a little while until the storm passed and i woke up n forgot what it feels like to miss my momma#she wrote her last letter to me and i spiraled at her words#‘i’m really going to miss YOU’ as i tell myself over and over i don’t rlly miss her i’m numb to her absence#‘ our coffee dates. car rides. shopping’ i don’t remember any of those things not clearly at least#’sitting in the couch together holding your hand while running my fingers through all that hair of yours’#that’s all i want . someone to run their fingers through my hair. but she’s not here anymore no one wants to love me like she did#‘you know your self worth like i taught you when you were just an itty bitty little baby’#how would she feel now if she knew my self worth was 0 it’s nothing i’m worthless i’m alive to be used n abused i’m not worth anythin#not worth anything good#i always thought she was my best friend. in her letter she said i was her best friend .i always thought my feelings were one sided. but no#she said she’d look at me and it was like looking into a mirror#now when i look into a mirror i don’t recognize the reflection they’re a stranger to me#was she my mirror too??? and now that she’s gone i don’t know who i am anymore????#if she’s gone i might as well be gone too#these awful thoughts needed to stop i needed to sleep so i took 12x the amt im supposed to#it’s not gonna happen again. but i won’t lie it was nice while it lasted#ramblings
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
OK HEAR ME OUT! Reader who is a single mother of one of Aizawa’s students X Aizawa???? PLEASE I need it!
IM IN LOVE WITH YOU YES OMG I NEED THIS anon im giving you kisses rn
Aizawa x fem!reader (also your denki's mom bc why not)
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A small sigh escapes your lips as you pull into the parking lot of your son's school, it's still early in the year and his teacher has requested to meet with you.
He doesn't even have to explain why you're here because you already have a good idea: Denki's grades.
You smooth out your skirt and double check that your blouse is buttoned all the way. Security stopped you at the gate which took around ten minutes to defuse, they honestly thought you looked too young to be anyone's mother.
Thirty-two is a bit young to have a fifteen year old but you know how it goes: unprotected sex = baby. It's the same old story, your boyfriend freaked out and dipped on you.
It made you proud Denki got into a school like this, your goal is for him to further his education... something you never got the chance to do.
Finding his classroom was a whole other situation. UA is HUGE. So poor you is walking around every corner looking for class "1-A".
"Are you lost?" A voice loud and energetic asked, it caused you to jump in your skin. When you turn your head you see blond hair sticking upward toward the ceiling and a pair of goofy shades. He notices your giggle and quirks an eyebrow.
"Are you a new student?!" The blond questions, his face is full of energy and excitement.
"No.. do I really look that young?" You ask, smile bright.
"You do look pretty young." As soon as he says that it dawns on him that you might be a younger mother.
"Ah- sorry! I just-"
"Don't worry about it. I was actually looking for class 1-A, my son's teacher requested to meet with me." His eyes widen.
"Don't you worry, I can take you to Eraserhead's class!" With that you follow him down a flight of stairs and you guys turn like four corners. Well damn, you were way off.
You had been too caught up into your thoughts to realize he stopped, you bumped right into him.
"Sorry." He gives you a soft smile, "It's nothing!"
He knocks loudly, "Oh, Eraser! You have a visitor!" The blond doesn't even wait for a response to open the door, he just bursts in.
"Well I've gotta go now! Take care Miss..."
"L/n, the name's L/n." A thumbs up is sent your way before the loud blond man leaves.
A deep voice causes your brain to stir, "Thank you for coming on such a short notice, Miss L/n."
And what the fuck because Denki's teacher has beautiful long black hair, stubble, and a little scar under his right eye. He must be married you assume, because no way a handsome man like him is single.
You respond with confidence in your voice, "Of course, I apologize for keeping you waiting. I got lost."
His face softens as he motions for you to sit on the chair he's placed by his desk.
"Understandable, UA is not small. Let's get down to business, shall we?" He sits at his desk, organizing some papers before handing you a few. You feared the worst, Denki always strived to do his best so you shouldn't have anything to even fear.
"My students have been under attack a few times by villians, we've spoke to the board about the situation, because parents are worried about their children." You were relieved this had nothing to do with his grades but it scared you that villians were out for high schoolers.
"I thought the attacks stopped." Aizawa nods at you.
"They have for the time being but we fear they won't completely stop, which is why UA is building a dormitory system to keep students safe. What I've handed you is the consent form for your son to live on campus. It's not manditory but it is highly suggested." He explains to you and you read the pages.
"How do I know Denki will be in good hands?" You ask biting your lip, it doesn't go unnoticed by Aizawa because his eyes flicker to your lips then back up to your face.
"I understand what it's like to lose someone close to you, which is why I put so much effort and care into my students, they may say and think otherwise but they don't see what happens behind the scenes." You could tell his words were sincere, it wasn't convincing enough though. You worry too much about him and just the mere thought of losing him is enough to scare you.
Aizawa leans in to place a hand on yours, it feels tingly.
"I know all you have is my word to go off of, but I promise you I will protect your son and all my other students with my life." His eyes burn into yours. You get lost in those beautiful black eyes.
"Uh- hah. I'll look over the papers."
In the end you sign the papers.
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"Mom you have to tell me who's taking you to dinner!" Denki says for the millionth time over the phone. You call him almost every night to check in on him.
"It's none of your business, young man." You'd tell him when you were ready. Just... not now. He'd freak out if he knew you were going out to dinner with his teacher.
Before you left that day, Aizawa asked for your number. You happily gave it to him, there was no way in hell you'd miss out on a chance like that.
After a month of just talking (and flirting) he asked you out for dinner, you agreed of course.
"But mommmmmm why nottttttt?" Denki whined.
"I'll tell you when we're ready. Anyways I have to go. Take care, sweetheart." He sighs but tells you he loves you. "I love you too, Denki." He hangs up, leaving you to finish your makeup.
The plan was originally to meet at dinner, but Aizawa was not letting up until you agreed that he could pick you up.
Your hands were starting to sweat again. It's normal to be this nervous, right? Dating hadn't really been in your line of vision while raising a child. It seemed to be the same process: go out with someone, get along nicely, start developing real feelings, they find out you have a son, they leave.
It seemed refreshing to finally go out with someone who knew you were raising a young man. Waiting it out seems to have been the right choice. Aizawa is a mature man.
The door bell rings and you shoot up out of your seat like a rocket.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuck, I look okay right?" It felt weird to ask your reflection, but self love is everything these days.
Your burgundy v cut dress was a bit on the short side, it hugged your body which made you a little insecure. You'd heard some women say pregnancy made them glow. You were convinced otherwise, it took you some time to finally feel beautiful.
Your walk to the door was dreadful, what if he takes it all back? Upon opening the door he was standing there in all his beauty. His raven colored hair was put up in a messy bun, his stubble cleaned up some, and he looked a little less tired. Your eyes inched down his body, he's wearing a white button up and black slacks.
"You're beautiful." The two of you say at the same time. Your eyes widen.
"Thank you, I was actually kind of nervous." His face softens at your words. The hero holds his hand out so you can take it. Just like the last time his hand was warm and made you feel tingly. You chuckled at how dumb that sounded, definitely sounds like something from a cheesy romance novel.
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Dinner was a little awkward but beyond amazing. A waitress spilled wine on you, she apologized like a million times. You weren't mad though, having a son meant many messes were made... especially on you. The wine didn't stain that bad because of your dress color.
Aizawa offered you the jacket he kept in his car. Accepting it was a no brainer. He held it out for you and you gave him a confused look.
"I'll put it on you, come here." His voice was low and seductive. He noticed your smile. "You're so cute." He whispers as you put your arms in the jacket sleeves.
"Only cute?" Your question was followed by your signature smirk. The food was paid for, his hand wrapped around your waist and he walked you two to his car.
"Sexy, funny, chatty.... I could go on." He says with a smug smile.
"Oh stop it, I'm not sexy-" You don't get to finish your sentence, Aizawa twirls you around so you guys are facing each other. His hands rest on your hips for a second and in a flash he's cupping your face.
Your heart started beating a mile per minute... no second. He slowly pulls you in, those lazy eyes looking into yours. His lips look so kissable.
You pucker your lips and he presses his lips to yours, there weren't any fireworks or sparks like in Disney movies, it felt like he was one with you. Your body was connected to his in a way.
When the kiss is over he's staring at you, "you are sexy, I don't know who's lied to you."
When he pulls into your driveway, you realize this date is almost over. Hopefully he'll agree to going out again. He seemed to enjoy the night as much as you did.
He walked you up to your door, eyes trained on you.
Your feet stop on your doormat. It felt like you were stuck in cement.
"Will I be seeing you again, Aizawa?"
"Call me Shota, and yes, I'll be seeing you again." He faces you and kisses you again. A sigh of relief escapes your lips.
"Call me." You say and he hums in acknowledgement.
Maybe... trying again at dating won't hurt you.
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Hiii anon, I hope you like this!! I don't think this has been my best work but I think it shouldn't be that bad? Lol imagine how Denki would react when he finds out you're with his teacher. Love you guys, working on Teacher's Assistant ch. 1
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star-girl69 · 5 months
OMG THE LITTLE FAMILY STUFF IS SO CUTE now imagine ivy like accidentally calling the reader amd clarisse mom for the first time OR OR someone (percy) like coming over and being like "hey I don't think this parenthood is a good idea here" (bc just imagine clarisse junior in the future) and ivy is wtf so she starts defending them and being like THOSE ARE MY PARENTS (10 yo vs 12 yo standoff go!!)
the first time ivy calls you mom it’s not on purpose
you just basically are her mom
all she knows is you treat her how a mom is supposed to treat their daughter
you’re probably like dropping her off at arts and crafts class and she casually goes
“ok bye mom see you later!”
cue the tears
you’re screaming and crying and hyperventilating and RUNNING straight to clarisse who is training and she’s like OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OKAY
and you’re like
“i-i-i-ivy oh my god clar ivy-”
“SOMETHING HAPPENED TO IVY?!?!??!?” protective mom mode activated
“I KNOW” 😭😭😭😭😭😭
clarisse is so happy she’s like aw omg she’s a little jealous on the inside but she’s fine she’s fine she’s fine
she’s not fine if you couldn’t tell
but clarisse doesn’t have to wait too long bc the next day clarisse wakes up at like 3am and has to go to the bathroom and little adorable baby ivy sits up too rubbing her eyes and is like
“mom? where are you going?”
she’s about to LOSE. HER. SHIT.
but it’s late and she doesn’t want to overwhelm ivy so she keeps it cool and just says she’s going to the bathroom she’ll be back soon
anyways later you both sit ivy down and ivy is like WOAH WOAH WOAH WHATS HAPPENING
and you’re trying to be professional and adult about it
happy family ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
so let’s pretend it’s just another random rude ass 12 year old who’s name will be…. hm…… mark!
so mark and ivy are like chilling around at the training grounds waiting for their turn and then mark is like “oh my god you’re so bad you can even hold the sword correctly”
ivy is ????? she’s holding it the way clarisse taught her to hold it so what…….
“um? idk…. this is how you hold it dude…..”
and then you come over innocently and you’re like “hi ivy baby you forgot your water i’m gonna leave it right here!” and she’s like “ok mom!” bc you’re her mom and she loves you
so then mark is like “NO WAYYYYY YOU CALL HER MOM????”
“i just feel sorry for you like your own parents didn’t want you so the best you could get was two random teen girls??? LMAOOOO i bet they’re horrible ‘parents’ too ”
ivy may be tiny but she uses that to her advantage and jumps on top of people
so she starts scratching and kicking and hitting screaming “TAKE IT BACK TAKE IT BACK TAKE IT BACK”
bro mark is crying
one of mark’s friends drag ivy off of him and then you and clarisse run over at the commotion
and all you see is this kid crying, another kid holding ivy back- her hairs all messy and she’s kicking and screaming still
the kid very quickly drops ivy when he sees you
you have to THROW yourself in front of her so she won’t attack him again
clarisse just presses the tip of her spear into mark’s armor and he’s like “IM SORRY IM SORRY WAHHHHH WAHHHHHHHH”
clarisse is proud but confused
ivy is hugging you, her face pressed in your stomach when clarisse crouches down next to her
“you wanna tell me what happened?”
“well first he said i was holding my sword wrong but I WASNT i was holding it like this the way you taught me and then mom came over and then he started laughing when i called her mom and then he said you guys were probably horrible parents and i was SO MAD so i started attacking him”
ivy rn: 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
you’re horrified shocked and angry like it’s not an idea situation but ivy is loved and safe what more do they want from you?
you feel kinda shitty bc you love ivy so much but if you’re not what’s best for her than you’ll do anything
clarisse hugs her and kisses her head “good job protecting this family little warrior”
and you’re like “yes ivy you did an amazing job but remember violence is not always the answer”
(clarisse and ivy share their secret look again)
but later that night while ivy is getting ready for bed you’re telling clarisse that you’re concerned, maybe everyone who throws you the dirty looks are right, maybe you’re not what’s best for ivy
clarisse is ???
“ivy…. baby….. uh…. equals…. mine??? ….confused..”
but ivy overhears you and then SHE starts yelling at YOU
ok 🫡
eventually clarisse expresses it more articulately to you than ivy can, “who cares about what anyone else thinks? i’m happy, your happy and ivy’s happy. everyone else can get punched in the face!”
anyways happy family again ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme @mar2ss @restellsss @ravisinghs-wife @marsconer @evangelinexo @randomhoex @luvrrish
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ik ppl hate fictional deadbeat moms but im an avid enjoyer. my feminism knows no bounds truly/j
like i get it she did a bad job. but shit she still did a job that's for sure!! like. she did it do you understand. 14 year old girl is pregnant. it's disgraceful. a shameful stain on her family. yusuke doesn't seem to have grandparents or anything so besides yusuke's bio dad she's got no one. and then when yusuke is a toddler the father disappears and considering who he is and what he's like that's probably for the best. gonna go out a limb and say that yusuke was maybe 4 or 5 when his dad cleared out so. at 18 and entirely alone. atsuko looked down at this little thing. this baby because he's still a baby to her this is a baby who only has her. Not even 4 feet tall with the biggest brown eyes looking to her for everything because he quite literally has no one else.
he doesn't know she's a failure yet. he doesn't know people will look down on them just because he exists as he is. he doesn't know how hard this is going to be from now on. all he knows is he loves his momma
so she doesn't cry. she just meets his big innocent eyes and goes "it's just you and me kid" and yusuke doesn't know that that's a sad thing.
so she takes care of him the best she can and it still sucks but yusuke doesn't know what the standard she should be held to is yet. for a small time she is the greatest and best person in his world and he's the only one who thinks so
then he meets keiko and her parents and finds out that his normal is actually dysfunctional and that his mom actually isn't all that great. that living day to day in the bottom of a bottle isn't healthy. so she's no longer praiseworthy but this person he's responsible for. just like that the roles reverse. because while she was all yusuke had yusuke is also all atsuko has. he doesn't respect her but he still punched the motherfucker in the mouth that called her a tramp. she taught him how to do it.
atsuko comes to terms with the fact that Yusuke doesn't really need her anymore, probably never did so she doesn't bother to care when he skips school or beats whoever he wants to a pulp or gambles because at 14 she was expecting so what the fuck can she really say about him. he sneers at her as he makes her coffee. atsuko lights another cigarette
it feels like betrayal when her son dies. at 14 she had him so how can he die at a sorry age like that. i wasted my teenage years on you for what? so you can die and leave me here? you fucking brat. how can she recover from this? yusuke was all she had. he hadn't looked up at her with an admiring gaze since he was 7 and stopped hugging her goodbye soon after but still he was hers he was hers and then he was gone
but then he comes back. and she doesn't get much better as a mom or as a person really. she tries harder than before maybe (keeping him in school) but yusuke never expected her to. he's made up of her bad habits and uncaring attitude but he's so much better than her. became something good something strong despite how shitty of a job she did raising him.
she's not proud because she has no right to be but something like it tugs in her chest when she sees him feeding the people he cares about at his little ramen cart looking as happy as the first time she'd taken him out to park.
yusuke's dad suggests taking another crack at the whole family thing and she wants to laugh in his face. the only family she'll ever have is that little boy who's stronger and braver than she'll ever be.
she doesn't want to see him laying cold in a casket ever again. he's meant for life, a soul as bright and durable as his. atsuko hopes he lives to see the sun explode
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archangeldyke-all · 3 months
Hi Angel!
I've been reading your kidfics and if it's okay I'd like to contribute to your little fucker cinematic universe because I have a real story that happened to me when I was tutoring and I think you might like it. 🌸
Little fucker is a clever kid. Sometimes too clever. And the problem is - she can't sit for the life of her. She will stand on her chair, rock it back and forth, run for water and for snacks and for whatever thing she wants to show you, but she will not just sit and do her homework.
Which is fair, she is only 7, but you're not so patient. So you decide it's going to be Sevika's problem now. Part of you hopes that little fucker will be more intimidated of her grumpy mom, but this hope is more of a delusion - you know Sevika is a softie and your daughter knows it as well.
Sevika thinks she got it, she is an adult, what can be hard about 7 year old's homework? Counting apples? Sevika is cocky about the whole ordeal, but you don't say anything, letting her find out by herself.
Sevika gets absolutely humbled when she sees little fucker's homework and gets confused at a math question 10 minutes in. Then she sighs in relief when she remembers she is only supposed to monitor little fucker and only help her if she is confused. Yeah, she can't sit through five minutes of work, but Sevika finds a way in a "waste my time I'll waste your time" deal. Little fucker's time management improves immediately.
One day they're doing homework and little fucker has to write a story, but before that, she needs to write details about her character (teddy bear on her shirt).
"How do you call really smart people?" Little fucker asks with a philosophical frown.
"Geniuses?" Sevika tries, also frowning in an effort to find the right word.
Little fucker looks at her disappointedly and Sevika sweats like she is a first grader in front of a teacher.
"Prodigy? Also a great word." Sevika offers, but the disappointment on your baby's face grows.
"I have no fucking idea, kid." Sevika admits.
Little fucker just flops her arms encouraging Sevika to try.
"Do you mean scientists?"
Another look of extreme disappointment. Sevika starts to feel bad.
Little fucker sighs and taps her pencil on her book, frustrated. Then she looks at Sevika again, still shocked at her lack of intelligence.
"Nerds." She says in mock surprise. "They are called nerds, mom."
Sevika is speechless. Then she snorts and nods, admitting her defeat.
"Okay. You're right." Sevika is kinda proud of her baby's sass and she doesn't even try to hide it.
"I'll use genius though." Little fucker says like an expert and slowly writes down the word.
"Yeah. Don't think your teacher will like it very much if you say your Teddy is a nerd."
Later Sevika asks you the same question.
"How do you call really smart people?"
"Competent?" You try offhandedly as you wash the dishes.
"Well, according to our daughter, they're called nerds."
"This girl, I swear to God." You snort. "It's all your influence."
"Dunno, I married a nerd after all, not you."
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pokemon-ash-aus · 11 months
So what was False Twins Ash's children like? Red and the others, I mean.
Red, Coal, Ember and Cinder! My children, my lovely lil lovelies.
Red- Tepig fusion - (He/him)
- The oldest obviously.
- Absolutely a daddy's biy and a Momma's boy in one neatly prepared package.
- Has no ability to create words through Pokespeak, relies heavily on telepathy. He can make sounds just fine, but not actual words.
- Gets hot when he's mad. He will light something on fire.
- Very good at using his powers, not very good at control at the start.
- Super Smug all the time. He's confident in himself.
- Has never tried to beat his dad in a fight and is terrified to even try. Granted, Red has seen Ash take out entire teams on his own and that's not good for his confidence.
- had a huge fight with Ash (verbally) that lead to them not talking for 2 years.
- Found ot about his baby siblings when they were breaching 6 months old.
- Had another fight with his dad.
- Very emotionally stunted in comparison to his dad and siblings. It had nothing to do with his upbringing, its just how he is.
Ember, Pichu Fusion - (She/her)
- The Oldest, proud of it and absolutely galavants about that she's oldest triplet
- Has no notch on her tail, but as a Pikachu, she has a heart shaped stamp on her tail.
- Has bitten Red for yelling at their mom.
- follows her Uncle Piakchu super closely.
- Starter is a Cleffa.
- Bounces on her tail like a fucking azurill and this does not die even as a fukly grown Raichu.
- Is not actually a fighter, she'd rather fly around and vibe.
- Tends to be fascinated with thunderstorms and Ash has to keeo her on a leash to make sure she doesnt follow the storm around.
- is the one that ALWAYS gets lost.
Coal, Panchum Fusion. (She/Her)
- Middle child, an absokute gremlin.
-She Gets stuck in everything- EVERYTHING, she has gotten stuck in a toilet and Ash has no idea how the fuck she managed.
- Has once crawled into the fridge and then quietly called for her dad cause "Im stuck and its cold"
-Fights with Punch. Constantly fighting, it doesnt matter if Punch is ten years older than her, she's here to kick their Ass!!
- can fall asleep anywhere and everywhere.
-just planks and sleeps.
- Follows her dad on champion meetings and screams to scare everyone.
-she tries to run out giggling and gets stuck cause she cant reach the doorframe.
- Ash swears she has the lungs of an Exploud.
- The smartest of the triplets but uses it for evil.
-mainly pranks.
Cinder, Cottonee fusion (shiny). He/him.
- The baby of the family and regrets it immensely.
-Everyone calls him sheep and he hates it. He is not a sheep he is a man!
-he is not a man, he is a baby that is sensitive as all get go.
- causes trouble with the other two all the goddamn time
-Like Red, he's an absolute Mama's boy and they fight eachother whenever one has Dad's attention.
- Sometimes he sees a Spearow curl up to sleep and bursts into tears because "They dint have a home dad!!!
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winxbutbetterimo-ovo · 3 months
Winx Season 1, Chapter 1
(first draft)
“Bloom! Bllooom!”
Eyes still closed, Bloom swipes her hand in the air, trying to get the voice to leave her alone.
“Aren’t you and Selina walking to school together today? She's outside waiting for you,” her mom chirps.
Bloom’s eyes shot open, she flies out of bed and scrambles to get dressed, “what- why didn't you wake me up earlier? Oh first day of school and im la..te-” her lands slow on the hem of her shirt, “- wait a minute i’m on vacation. Selina’s probably not even awake.”
Falling back on her bed, she tries to go back to sleep, but Venessa rips her covers off of her. “Its noon, sweetie. you can’t sleep the whole vacation away.”
Bloom drags herself out of bed, mumbling something about why not. Her mom scolds her about staying up so late last night reading about fairies.
Downstairs, bloom walks past her dad and towards the stove. Grabbing toast, she tells her dad about the trip her classmates are going on and not-so-subtly asks if she can join them. Mike tells her that she can when she’s older while Bloom groans that she is already 16.
“Only. 16. You mean. You’ll always be my little girl.”
“It's not fair, all my friends holiday by themselves now,” Bloom says as she thinks about their family vacation at the same old beach every year. 
Just as thoughts of being seen as a baby for the rest of her life begin to devastate her, Mike excitedly says, “well, as a consolation, we have a gift for you outside. A little something to help you get around Gardenia,” Bloom brightens up and rushes outside to see what her present is, hoping that it was a scooter. 
Her excitement left as fast as it came when she saw her present. A bike.
“Oh. thanks mom and dad, i- i love it." Bloom's disappointment seeps from her words as she walks towards the bike and starts to move it.
Mike puts an arm around Vanessa, proud of himself, while watching bloom start to pedal away. Vanessa frowns, telling Mike that bloom was probably expecting something more “sophisticated”.
“A bike with a speedometer?” Mike asked.
“A scooter, Mike.”
“But scooters are dangerous, Vanessa, and they cost a bundle.”
“We'll try to put some money aside. Maybe next year...” They continue discussing as they go back into the house. 
Bloom rides away from her parents with kiko in the basket. On the way to the creek, Mitsi stops her, sneering, “Heyy bloom. No vacation again? Poor thing”
“Hello to you too, Mitsi. And we are going away soon.” Bloom rolls her eyes.
“Same old beach huh? I'll send you a postcard from Italy. Give you a glimpse of an actual vacation.” Mitsi turns away, yelling at the people who were unloading her brand new scooter. 
When Bloom reaches the creek, she sets Kiko down, letting him run around while she prepares to sit by the stream. Just a second later, Kiko comes running back into Bloom's arms. She asks what's wrong and Kiko only shakes his head. Bloom holds him in her arms and starts to walk further from her bike. She starts hearing fighting sounds, the deeper she goes.
Reaching a clearing, she sees a battle between a girl, and a few monsters.
Bloom watches as bright light is shot out from the girl’s staff, hitting the smaller monsters that disintegrate into piles of ash on the floor. The larger, putrid yellow monster shouts almost unintelligibly, “Hand over the sceptre, little fairy.”
Bloom was convinced she was dreaming because fairies… didn't exist, did they?
The fairy reacted a little too late, getting knocked down by the yellow monster, dropping her sceptre. The monster waltzed over and picked it up, “thanks, fairy.”
Bloom’s legs moved before she could think, running in front of the monster, “stop!”
Laughing at the puny human before it, the monster grabbed bloom by the wrist and shook her around. Bloom shut her eyes, expecting the worst as her wrists felt as though they were going to be crushed. In a moment she could barely explain, her body felt warm for a split second before falling onto the ground. 
The fairy used this moment to dart over and snatch her sceptre back when the monster loosened his grip on it, taken aback by what happened.
“SOLAR BEAM!” The fairy shouted, pointing her sceptre at the monsters, killing them in a huge wave. One of the little monsters ran up to Bloom and bit off a chunk of her pants before running away. 
The yellow one came to his senses just in time to command the rest to retreat, and disappeared. Back to the cave where they came from, to report their doings to their Masters.
After that, the creek was silent. Bloom and the fairy were lying on the ground, both exhausted. Bloom got up first to look around for any more dangers, and approached the fairy next. 
A fairy. 
She could hardly believe it. Shaking the fairy by the shoulders proved that she had fainted, so bloom brought her home, not forgetting the sceptre next to her. 
It wasn't easy cycling with a girl on her back, but bloom made it. Her parents rushed out of the house to help her bring the fairy in and laid her on the couch. After they made sure the fairy was settled in, Bloom started telling her parents everything that happened.
“Bloom, I'm not sure I understand. Could you run that by me again?”
Bloom was exasperated, she already recounted the story to them 3 times, but her dad still did not believe her. 
“I think we should call the police and take this girl to a hospital.” Mike insisted. 
“Dad, at least wait for her to wake up, we don't even know what she is yet.” Pacing around, Bloom runs her hands through her hair.
“Wait, she’s coming to,” Vanessa turns to the fairy, “how are you feeling, dear?”
The girl slowly sits up, groggy and unsure. However, that all seemed to go away when she felt her left hand empty. 
“My Ring! Where’s my-”
“ - It's on the table next to you,” Bloom sat down next to her, “i thought it was a sceptre, how did it shrink like that?”
The fairy regains her composure after putting the ring back on, saying it's sort of a magical family heirloom and introduces herself as Stella, thanking Bloom for helping her at the creek. She notices Mike inching closer to the landline and casts a simple transmutation spell to turn the phone into a carrot. 
“Oops, Sorry did you need that?” Mike drops the carrot, nervously laughing as Stella turns it back into what it was. Bloom looks at him smugly.
After a bit of discussion, Mike and Vanessa relent and let the girls go to Bloom’s room, turning in for the night. 
Stella explains that she is a fairy from a planet called Solaria in the Magic Dimension, or Magix, where magic is integrated into everyday life, and that the monsters were an Ogre and its minions. She also compliments Bloom on her energy blast, saying that she must be quite a powerful fairy.
“Wha- no- i’m not a fairy, i don't think…”
“You have to be. Humans can't just shoot energy blasts like that, you know?” She says as she angrily fiddles with what looks like a phone.
“But, I can't do it now.”
“Well, strong feelings like fear, could have summoned your dormant powers. I’m sure they were always there, you just didn't know it. And - magic takes practice and concentration… I suppose you could learn that at Alfea, if you want to come, that is.” After some intense tapping, and a small magical burst, she smiles at her phone, and puts it away.
“It is the top school in Magix for young fairies like you and me,” Stella throws down a postcard from her pocket and it enlarges as it lands on the ground. “C’mon, just follow me.”
Stella steps on the now floor mat sized postcard and starts sinking in. Bewildered, Bloom follows her and stands on the card shakily, jumping a little after she starts sinking in as well. 
On the street outside, the Ogre from before is followed by an even larger blue monster tracking bloom’s scent with the piece of her pants. As bloom and stella sink into the postcard and take a look around, their scents disappear, leaving the blue monster confused.
Their scent reappears to the blue monster when the two girls return from the postcard, and they advance on Bloom’s house. 
Stella is more on edge when they return, sensing something dark nearby.
“Fairies! It's totally ridiculous.”
“Mike, it's not ridiculous. It's true. Come on, admit it! You and I both know that Stella is a real fairy, but you're afraid to believe it.” Vanessa watches as Mike worriedly stalks the kitchen and adds, “Mike, if this is Bloom's true nature, who are we to stop her?” 
Mike sighs, but just as he was relenting to the fact that his daughter is a fairy, the blue monster bursts in through the back door. 
“Where is the Sceptre!”
“Right behind you, Troll!” Stella shouts right before she starts to transform into her fairy form. Stella extends her staff and begins to fight. Bloom starts to lure the Minions and the Ogre away, leaving Stella to deal with the Troll. 
“I did not think this through,” Bloom mumbles to herself as she stands in front of the monsters that followed her outside. Seeing one of the minions try to attack her, Bloom instinctively raises her arm, shooting another energy blast at it. Killing it Instantly. Before she had any time to think, the ogre charged at her, and bloom tried to summon her blast again to no avail. She was sure she was dead. 
Suddenly, from the corner of her eye, a rope flies in and wraps itself around the ogre’s neck, pulling it back. Stella gets blasted through the window, landing next to bloom. 
“Oh they're here,” she gets up, getting ready to fight again.
“Who?” Bloom asks, moving behind stella. She watches the guys, holding what seems to be holographic swords, fight the monsters. 2 of them held the troll and ogre at bay, while the other 2 easily sliced through the smaller minions.
“The specialists. I called them earlier just in case.” She lifts herself off the ground, using her staff to shine a bright light at the monsters, distracting them so the specialists have an easier time fighting.
After incapacitating the troll, the ogre disappeared once again in a puff of smoke, and the specialists have no choice but to put the troll in the spaceship they arrived in. 
“Finally. Bloom, meet the specialists,” waving a hand at the 4 boys, “Riven, Timmy, Brandon, and finally crown prince Sky of Eraklyon.”
“Awh Stella, princess of Solaria, you don't have to introduce me like that,” the brunette jokes and turns to look at bloom, “just Sky is fine, and this is our Owl. And you?”
“I’m Bloom. what‘s an Ow-” 
“-Well it was nice helping you girls, but we gotta bounce.” Riven cuts in, pushing the troll into the Owl. 
“Don’t mind him, it was nice meeting you, Bloom. See ya at Aphlea,” Brandon says, walking into the Owl. Stella and Bloom wave the boys goodbye, going back into the house to turn in for the night.
Stella walks into the battle torn kitchen in the morning, using her magic to help fix the bigger messes while Mike uses a broom to sweep up broken glass and debris. They make light conversation about Alphea and Magix. Behind them, Bloom and her mom come down the stairs.
“She's ready.”
“Are you sure about this, honey?” Mike wipes away a tear.
“Yes, dad. I want to go to Alphea and learn about my powers.”
Mike gives Bloom a tight hug, “Call us as soon as you get there and let us know everything. What if you get sick? What if you meet the monsters again? Wh--what if–”
“Dad, I'll be careful, I promise i’ll come home as soon as the semester is over.”
“Did you really think we'd let you go, just like that?” Vanessa puts her hands on her shoulders, “We want to come with you, at least for today.”
“Really? Stella, is it possible?” Bloom's eyes lit up, facing stella.
“Hm, well, i'm not sure, but we can try.” She extends her staff, telling the family to stand closer together and taps the floor twice. A warm glow envelops the 4 of them, temporarily blinding them while they are transported outside Alphea. Mike gawks at the building that stood before them for a few seconds.
“Come on, let’s get going. Registration’s already begun.” Stella says, gesturing to the courtyard in the middle of the sprawling pink building. 
Mike and Vanessa walk forward but are stopped within a few steps by an invisible force, “hey, what is this?”
“I forgot, that's Alphea's magical force field,” Stella sends a spell to react with the forcefield so that Bloom's parents can see it. “I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you can't go any further.”
Bloom drops her suitcase and hugs her parents, promising to contact them as soon as she can. Stella offers to send them home with her sceptre. Mike continually spouts tips and advice until, in a second, they appear back in their home.
“Do you think she’ll be ok, Vanessa?” Mike worries for his little girl, resuming his sweeping.
“Our girl is a tough one, Mike. Remember how we found her?” Vanessa reminisces about the night of the fire, and puts hand on his shoulder, “she’ll be just fine.”
At the Alfea courtyard, Bloom notices a stern looking lady carrying out the registration of the new students. She worries about getting in as she didn't register, or even know about Alfea until a day ago. Pulling out a letter from her pocket, Stella assures her that she will be fine, “That’s just the discipline master, Miss Grizelda. All you have to do is pretend to be my friend, Varanda, the princess of Callisto.”
Bloom picks at her nails, slightly uncomfortable with having to lie about her identity, especially if she is found out. Stella reveals that the real Varanda is not attending this year as she is taking a year off to focus on herself. She gave Stella a letter to give to the headmistress, but since no one else in Alfea knows Varanda, without the letter, no one would suspect a thing. 
Stella makes the letter from Varanda disappear just as Miss Grizelda comes closer, “Ah, princess Stella of Solaria… I wasn't expecting you here this year, considering what you did last year." She looks at the gaping hole to the potions lab, making a comment about how it cannot be used for a while because of the potion effects that were still active in there.
“And you are?” She asks, turning to Bloom, but only paying attention to the names on her clipboard.
“Varanda, princess of Callisto, and my good friend.” Stella tells her.
“Hm, welcome Princess Varanda.” Grizelda extends her hand to Bloom after checking her list and allowing Bloom in as Varanda.
She then gathers the new students and introduces them to Alfea, its rules, and its history. The rest of the teaching staff slowly appear next to Grizelda, introducing themselves as they do so. The last to show herself is Headmistress Faragonda. After Grizelda finishes her speech, she starts the school tour, explaining the architecture and layout of the school while telling the students what their goals should be at Alfea and the 2 other schools around the area, Cloud Tower and Red Fountain.
“Alphea is a 3 year programme, at the end of which you girls will graduate as full fledged fairies, hopefully with your Enchantix.” Faragonda stops at the grand staircase, waiting for the girls to finish checking the names posted on the dorm room doors,” this brings us to the end of the tour, now you're free to roam around, your class schedules are posted in front of your dorms. And for the final time, welcome to Alfea.”
Stella brings bloom to their dorms to start off, telling her that they could explore the rest of the  school more after classes tomorrow. Bloom asks what Cloud Tower is, and Stella starts explaining the three schools in Magix. Alphea, Cloud Tower, and Red Fountain.
“There are many many more magic schools in the dimension, even a few on my home planet, Solaria. But Alfea, Cloud Tower and Red Fountain are the best ones. That's why so a lot of royalty come here.” Entering their dorm, they walk past the common area, looking at the room doors for their names.
“Wow Stella, you’re so lucky having a whole room to yourself. I have a roommate.” Walking in, Bloom accidentally steps on a vine that lets out a screech. This gains the attention of a girl, who introduces herself as Flora. She picks up her plant, soothing it while apologising for messing up their room so quickly. 
“I’m bl-,” Bloom almost gives herself away until Stella reminds her that she is Varanda. “ - Varanda of… Callisto.”
“Wow, Callisto is quite a ways away,” a voice says behind bloom, “hi, im Techna, i'm from Zenith.”
The girls continue to introduce themselves to each other, until their last dorm-mate arrives, who introduces herself as Musa from Melody.
Another screech interrupts the girls, turning around Bloom and flora realise kiko is being flung around by another plant. Flora rushes to make her plants let go of Kiko and starts scolding them, but Bloom tells her not to, saying “Kiko probably tried to eat him, it's not his fault.” 
Flora grabs a starter pot from her desk and magically grows carrots for Kiko, apologising to him. 
Stella speaks up, asking the girls if they want to get dinner in the city. The rest agree, taking this opportunity to chat and get to know each other. They each go and get ready before leaving to catch the bus to Magix.
Upon reaching Magix City, Bloom practically jumps off the bus, excited to look around. She had expected it to look enchanted, magical, but the sight in front of her just looked… like every other big city. 
The girls realise that Bloom’s demeanour changed and just had to ask, “Whats wrong bloom?”
“I- i just expected it to look more… more?”
“Like in the books, the fairy tales. Where’s all the magic?”
“That's all imaginary stuff, this is the real world. If you want magic, well… just take a closer look around.” Techna steps forward saying, eyes on her phone searching for a place to eat.
Bloom turns back around to look closer and finally sees the magic. She sees the hover cars, the people levitating their shopping bags, virtual changing rooms through the store windows and colour changing buildings.
“Wow this is even better than i imagined.”
“Told you magic is everywhere,” stella says as she drags bloom forward to catch up with the rest of the girls who were already making their way to a cafe Techna found
At the cafe, the girls bond over favourite foods and music. Techna even started to jam with musa over some techno music. At some point, Bloom tries to take the chance to call her parents but her phone didn't get any reception. Techna asks to take a look, and is fascinated by her phone, saying that its practically ancient technology. Techna magically adjusts her phone and hands it back to her, saying there is an empty corner nearby where she can use to call her parents in private. 
“Hey, mom- yeah i'm doing ok… yeah it's amazing here, i wish you guys were here to see it.” Bloom gets a little misty eyed, slowly adjusting to being so far away from her family for so long.
When she is ending the call with her parents, Bloom sees the ogre from her house and follows him as he sneaks up to the other girls. She prepares herself for a fight but the ogre turns and dashes away. Bloom continues to follow him and finds the trix. She texts the girls about them and to leave but she is noticed and caught by Darcy. 
“Well well well, what do we have here?”
“A little fairy.” Stormy chimes in.
“S - stay back” Bloom tries to cast a spell but she's too weak and it sprinkles onto the floor.
The Trix laugh at her and Icy charges up her ice spell, taunting Bloom in the process, “you call that magic? Let me show you what magic really is.” She snaps her fingers and freezes Bloom in a block of ice. 
The rest of the winx come just in time, not wasting any time, they transform and begin exchanging blows. They distract the trix while moving to shield bloom. Once they were all close enough, Stella uses her sceptre to transport the girls away. 
“Bloom!” Stella rushes to her side, warming her up with her sun powers, “are you ok?”
“Bloom?” Musa cuts in, looking at Stella expectantly. 
Stella freezes up for a moment, awkwardly laughing. She whispers to Bloom if it’s ok letting her real name slip, leading the girls to be even more suspicious.
Once Bloom falls on the floor after being thawed from the ice, she shakilly tells the girls about herself as they return to alphea. “Yeah, so… thats me”, bloom says as they enter through alfea’s gates, only to be greeted by Miss Grizelda and Headmistress Faragonda.
Here they are told my Miss Grizelda and Headmistress Faragonda that they also know the truth about Bloom, and threaten expulsion. Bloom thinks about everything she has been through so far and decides to make her case. 
“Wait, Headmistress Faragonda, please let me stay.” 
“Yeah Headmistress, she is quite a powerful fairy, she would do well here.” Stella starts, and the other girls all join in, talking over one another about why bloom should be allowed to stay.
Faragonda puts her hand up to quiet the girls and analyses bloom for a second. She lets out a breath and lets a gentle smile grow, and accepts her as Bloom of Earth. The girls cheer and exchange hugs until Grizelda yells over their commotion to go back to their rooms before curfew.
“Headmistress, how could you just let Bloom join Alfea like that, she doesn’t have any documentation, where does she live, how will she pay her school fees?”
“It's okay Grizelda, I sense that she is going to be a good addition to Alfea.”
“Well, alright, but-”
“But what”
“I thought all the earth fairies disappeared because of Ogron and his wizards.”
“I thought so too, i guess they must have been a little careless in their mission,” they walk back to their respective staff dorms, “for now we focus on what’s in front of us, have a good night Grizelda.”
The girls giddily make their way back to their dorm, Musa suggesting that they should have a name for their friend group. The girls start thinking of group names back in the dorm common area and Bloom suggests “Winx”
“Winx? What does that even mean?” techna asks. 
“Oh, i don't know. Just, Winx,” Bloom moves her fingers around, letting thin shimmers of magic draw an “X” in the air.
The girls start to smile, testing out the group name in their minds, and decide that it sounds nice, short and sweet. Bloom grabs a piece of paper to doodle their new “Winx” logo. The girls commend her skills and put it on the inside of their dorm door.
The Winx… she could get used to this, Bloom thought to herself as she drifted off to sleep.
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c0pper0tter · 1 year
Hi my brain has been rotting over the idea of Midnight adopting Kaminari Denki and being the best mother ever but I couldn't find any fanfic for this silly little idea or any other content in general so I'm making it by spewing word vomit about my headcanons.
This is all my headcanons, if you dont like it shut up and go find something you do like leave me to my thoughts so I can ignore canon
Anyway this all spawned because this scene obviously
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So my brain thought of multiple different scenarios of how she ended up adopting him and a bunch of wacky situations but that don't matter what matters is I think Midnight is a great mom.
She is the mom who is actually friends with her kid. They have a similar sense of humor and enjoy doing stuff together. She is the most supportive and is always hyping kaminari up and boosting his confidence. But she also doesn't sugarcoat things or lie to him. She tells it to him straight.
This isn't important really but it's very important to me. I think they would bond over watching trashy TV and laughing at how horrible it is while getting deeply invested.
Kaminari loves his mom she's just great. She is his biggest supporter. Not only does she encourage him to be his best and validate his interests but she calls him out when he needs it. She also helps him whenever he needs her without being a helicopter parent. Her motto is go be independent but if you get hurt call me and tell me who's ass I need to beat up including if its your's. She gives good life lessons.
I also think it would be funny if both kaminari and midnight just tend to not tell people they are mother and son just to see how long it takes for people to figure it out. Aizawa finds out immediately, the bakusquad take a really long time.
Kaminari is a mama's boy and he is proud of it. "You have mommy issues? What's that like can't relate".
They have mother son shopping trips where they just try to find the weirdest shit they can and buy it. Don't tell me they wouldn't midnight has mop slippers and have you seen kaminari's room!
I don't know why but they give eachother annoying yet endearing nicknames. Im tired of people giving their children adorable nicknames, give your kid something weird out of context.
Midnight: "Wall Socket can you check if the dryer turned off"
Denki: "on it Nightey Night"
They are the type of family where to everyone else they always seem like they are bullying eachother but this is just how they vibe. Kaminari calls his mom a bitch and she responds by calling him a mistake with a smile, they laugh about it after they proceed to call eachother a bunch of crude or mean names.
Also I Headcanon that Kaminari short circuiting actually frightens him alot and can be painful. Midnight is always there to comfort him through it.
They both also have a love for old or classical literature and art and can go on for hours on the weird history and conspiracies about classical novels and Renaissance paintings.
Midnight goes mama bear anytime anyone dares hurt her baby. She gets teasing and jokes but when she gets the vibe someone is being genuinely mean it's on sight. Same goes with kaminari, if anyone says something disrespectful to his mama it's drained batteries and extreme static shock for a year.
I just want them both to be a happy chaotic Lil found family man is that too much to ask, apparently yes.
*cries over headcanons*
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ohdudedhesflirting · 1 year
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My top 9 on boys planet
So if you are following me you now that I am kinda obssessed with boys planet currently and !! Because I am an indecivive person i needed to make sure my votes would be the right ones.. so.. i did my little research about each of them, their pros and cons.. So yeah.. Lets go ? (they are not classed by favorites but random) ((images are not mine))
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Park Gunwook
2005- 18 years old
1m 83
K Group
Pros :
Giant Baby
So good at dancing
Great stage presence !
Clever and great vision (The kill this love stage ? His whole plan)
Zhang Hao loves him
He is very polite and I love him for that
Invited buddies from another dorm room to sleep in his room bc they couldn’t sleep due to Ji Woong’s snoring.
(cough for all those traines that thinks he is scary, no he is not !! he baby your honor)
Con :
He is legally an adult but 2005 is a bit young for the mental pressure of being an idol
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Zhang Hao
2000- 22 years old
1m 80.
G group & center
Pro :
Can play the violin
His singing voice
Stage presence
Dancing skills
I love his ears, reminds me of an elf
Pro looser
He has great taste. Why ? He adopted Gun Wook. I love gun wook he is baby. And my boy Zhang Hao recognised that, so yeah great taste.
He helped other people rehearse at night/late on the day
Good team spirit
Smacks people’s ass
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2004 – 18 years old
1m 83
G Group
« Young and rich. Tall and Handsome. Charisma boss baby Ricky. »
Pro :
He has a cute laugh
Great stage presence
Good humor (How do you feel ? – I feel stoked)
He did not laugh with the whole hat prank.
He has a tatoo on his neck
He loves Ji Woong
Can make a cocktail (very rare apparently)
Con :
Resting bitch face
Mnet evil editing him fr (mnt is globally evil editing kind of everyone from g group)
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2001- 21 years old
1m65 (he is the same height as me lol)
G Group
He already debuted in the group Ciipher
Pro :
Said he can do composition, always useful in a group
All rounder
He always serve on a performance level
Great rap
He is the one who made “I love you, I want you, Seok Matthews”
Con :
Dont know much about him
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Sung Hanbin
2001- 21 years old
K Group & center
Bestie with Matthews !! (They come as a package. Do NOT separate them)
Pro :
His dancing skills
He wanted to be a kindergarten teacher or a psychologist
He is very tender with other
Fell for him when he cried for Matthew performance because he was so proud of him. Thats the moment I knew I was ready to die for him
He said he liked writing and I like writing too so he get a point in my agenda
He is humble with the whole center and killing points parts.
Im sorry but he looks so young I wanna put him in my pocket
He has a tatoo on his arm
Him in sports day (« please do not make me talk)
Close to his mom
Great team spirit
Con :
Held Matthew’s hand #WishThatWereMe
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Kim Jiwoong
1998 – 25 years old
1m 78
K Group
Also an actor and had a debut in INX
Pro :
He is calm
Brilliant leader
I like his stage presence
During sport day he helped his partner when he fell by securing him so he wouldn’t be hurt.
He snores. I snore. Good point for him.
He gives great advce and he really helped Matthew while he wasa leader for the love Killa task.
Somehow reminds me of a stray cat that does not want to be pat but once you get to know him he will come purr on your lap
Con :
I want to hear him more of his singing
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Kim Gyuvin
2004- 18 years old
K Group
« Did you do only Love Killa for years ? »
Pro :
He loves snacks.
He is cute
Great dancing skills
Litteraly just put him in this list bc he loves snacks and I find his stage presence great
Con :
His ugly ass dog.
I know litteraly nothing about this guy
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2001- 22 years old
G Group
He said he considered it to be his last chance :’(
Pro :
His voice !!!!
Dancing skills
He said he liked studying history and as an art history major I love him for that :’)
His humor
Great facial expressions off and on stage
Con :
Mnet and koreans racism towards mixed people : ( (not his fault tho)
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Seok Matthews
2002- 20 years old.
1m 70
G Group
Bestie with Han bin ! (They come in a package. Cannot be separated)
« I love you. I want you. Seok Mathews. »
Pro :
Born in 2002. I am born in 2002 so we are bestie now
He talked in french. I am french. A point in my agenda
His voice ?????!!! On the floor
Great dancing skills
Always serving in every performance
He had good leaders skills during the « love killa » performance
Great presence on stage
Always show a different energy on stage
Can make a cocktail approximately, he put some ice in there and I love my cocktail cold so yeah. 
Thats it :)
Dont jump on me for not adding Hui. I Will not be sharing my opinion.
And also dont jump me for not adding Yujin. He wont get just one vote for me because he is a minor. And I dont want a 15 years old kid to debut.
His talent will still be there in a couple of years. So its a no for me <3 I refuse to put a litteral child in the industry we all saw what happened to Ni-Ki and to litterally every fucking minor/young idol in the industry.
(also if anyone is interested tell me if you want the aesthetic I imagine for the group and the name :) )
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im-yn-suckers · 1 year
cupids arrows; my high school dream galz
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pairing- not exactly enemies to lovers but along those lines. idol niki x idol fem reader park y/n (jays baby sister) (debuts in gg)
warnings- i don't know how any of this works so ye. light crying and a kiss on the forehead. boy talk between teenage girls. friendly teasing. lmk what i missed
proofread again yay
synopsis- flashback as jay's younger sister in school, you and your friend decided to audition for hybe at the age of 14. when you pass and she doesn't, you get selected to join a survival show. when your unnies and the one member younger than you debut and you don't, you are announced as the 8th member of enhypen. how does getting cheated on benefit the fact that you and niki aren't very fond of each other?
chapter two; my high school dream galz
prev <;- m.list -> next
If it weren’t for the fact that you were packing for ‘My High School Dream’, it would be a normal friday you still couldn’t believe it. they told you you’d lose your phone and that you’d be able to get a new one after debut. your last facetime with jay was probably the hardest. you knew you’d have opportunities to meet up with him after debut but, what would happen if you don’t debut? no, you will debut. that’s what you told yourself. 
"don't worry kiddo. we'll see each other when you get famous, i'll get your number then!"
"yeah, but what if i don't debut, then what?"
'you will debut, don't worry. good luck! i love you and im so proud of you kiddo!"
"thanks jay. i love you too. bye, i have to catch the bus to make it to our dorms. i'll be staying there for like two months"
"ok, stay safe kiddo. I love you. bye."
"bye y/n!! have fun! cant wait" all the boys shouted, they always hyped you up. except niki, of course
little did you know, the boys were teasing niki back at the dorms. why? let's just say you're really pretty and he agreed, without you knowing.
you plopped your phone on your bed and finished packing. you started to tear up at the fact that you wouldn't be able to talk to jay as much. Hyun came over and helped you for a bit.
"i'll miss you" he wiped your tears and kissed your forehead
"me too, Hyun"
when you left for the bus, some students from your school came to show support.
"bye mom, bye dad. i love you guys so much. see you around" you hugged your parents, Hyun, and the one friend you had left. the bus ride was a little hard, but you managed.
WELCOME TRAINEES! that's what the banner read.
"hello ladies! i am Yong-hee, i will be one of the judges on 'my high school dream'. you may take a seat in the lobby and talk amongst yourselves for about an hour. we will then introduce each other all together. have fun!" she seemed really nice and was really welcoming.
you girls began talking amongst each other and you found out there were only three members younger than you. 6 of you started to talk with each other, the other six did the same.
"hello i'm Eun-sa, im 18 years old" she was so pretty.
"i'm Soo-ah, i'm 16" she had really nice hair
"i'm Cho-gyung. i'm 17" she was tall
"i'm Ro-cha, just call me Rora. i'm 15" her skin was beautiful
"i'm y/n, i'm 14" you said and smiled warmly
"what about you, whats your name?" Cho-gyung asked the girl sitting next to you.
"i-im Se-un, i'm 13" she was about your height.
"wow, you all are making me feel old." Eun-sa said.
they all seemed really nice, Se-un seemed really shy, but maybe it was because she's 13.
"i look forward to working with you guys" Rora was so kind and genuinely seemed excited to work with you guys
you introduced yourselves and played some games, you and Se-un got really close and she thought you were like a big sister.
after that, you all went to the main lobby and got assigned your rooms. there were two big rooms for the trainees.
"ha, looks like we'll be living together for the next two months" Soo-ah mentioned and it was true. all six of you were assigned to one of the two big rooms. you had dinner and got settled into your rooms
you and Se-un chose beds next to each other. she felt really comfortable around you.
"well, lights out isn't for another hour so, how about we get real"- Eun-sa
"how?"- Rora
"are any of you in a relationship?" Eun-sa asked and you felt the tips of your ears get red
"i had a boyfriend but we broke up before i left. we decide it was best" Soo-ah's comment made you feel a bit better
"y/n-ah! your ears are red!" Cho-gyung
"well, i have a boyfriend yea, we've had to be apart for long periods of time before so we'll be fine" you admitted with a pink face.
"awww, how about you Seun-ah? if you're not comfortable, thats ok too though, ok?" rora
"well, i've had a crush on this guy for a while, and some celebrity crushes too" she said and started to blush a bit.
"ooh, like who? obviously if you don't want to, you don't have to answer" Eun-sa asked and she made Se-un feel like she could talk about anything with them.
"well, i think the members of BTS are cute, but even locals agree, uhm, also the new group that debuted, enhypen, they're cute too" she told you all about her crushes
"oh! i know enhypen. jay's my brother and i kind of sound like a pick me right now but yeah." you blurted out and almost regretted it until,
"no way! you like any of them?" Soo-ah asked you while lightly nudging you with her elbow.
"well, i kind of like niki but he doesn't even talk to me. all the others are really nice though." you remembered how niki reacted to you passing your audition
"girl, that is a classic enemies-to-lovers trope!" Rora has read way too many books to know how that ends
"no, no." you blushed a little but you had to admit, the sound of enemies-to-lovers made you smile a bit
"lights out, everyone report to your rooms and go to sleep, you have a big day ahead of you!" Yong-hee's voice was heard throughout the entire building.
"goodnight guys!" Cho-gyungs voice we heard in your room and everyone responded
"goodnight unnie, thanks for making me feel welcome" Se-un tired voice was so calming
"goodnight Seun-ah. you're welcome"
you patted her head goodnight to lay down. what waits for you the next day is big. until then, goodbye
taglist- @annoyingbitch83
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ghoulbullets · 14 hours
my coming out story
happy pride month goobers!! ive been very open about my queer identity for a long time now but i wasn't always this proud of myself. and i wanted to come on here and share my story! its pretty heavy at times so i just want to say, beforehand, if you are struggling as bad as i was there are so many resources you can connect with that will help you greatly!! don't suffer in silence! you are loved, and you will get through whatever it is you are dealing with!
growing up ive always known that i wasn't like my peers. ive always been considered the weird kid. i only hung out with the outcasts, even in elementary school. my first queer experience I can trace to 6th grade. i met this girl who quickly became my best friend. she was a huge anime fan and would always talk about assassination classroom, that was her favorite. so i started watching it. 11 year old me would find the sketchiest websites to watch it for free and in english. i remember when i first realized that all of this effort i was putting in to make her think I was cool was actually because i had a crush. we were on the bus on our way to a field trip to see a movie with our class. we were sharing earbuds watching some anime on her phone. i remember feeling nasueous because we were sitting so close. that was my first crush on a girl.
when we finished 6th grade and all moved to different schools for middle school i lost contact with her. but that's okay, new school new me. i got that goofy asymmetrical haircut that most queer kids get at that age. and started 7th grade. i quickly became best friends with a girl that i shared 2 classes with. we texted every day and only did partner projects with each other. she was also very openly very religious. when i started telling her about how i thought i was a lesbian she would always tell me "well ill help you change". we would sit with friends and she would bring it up and laugh about it. i think she wholeheartedly believed she could change me. we were friends from the start of the school year until new years eve of that same year. new years eve was the night i came out to my mom and dad as a lesbian. i remember her texting me "its not too late to change your mind" and after i did it "im sorry but we just cant be friends anymore."
another girl i had became very close with at the same time shaped my interests and personality for,, well until now. we did a partner project together where we had to dissect a song for english class. the song she picked was ode to sleep by twenty one pilots. i remember not wanting to do it (crazy how they're one of the bands that saved my life). even after the project was over we still talked. we actually had history class together. we sat in the very back of the class and would squish our desks togther and share her earbuds to watch dan and phil. she stopped being friends with me around the same time for the same reason. which is ironic. i wonder where she is today.
i remember going back to school the day after i came out. my parents didn't really say much about my coming out besides the fact that they loved me.. however my best friend sat across the classroom from me because she didn't agree with my "choice". that was the first time i felt alone. isolated from everyone (my age) around me.
when 8th grade came along i gained a few friends. and reconnected with some friends from 6th grade who didn't talk to me in 7th for their own self discovery reasons. it was my first full year out as a lesbian i got my first girlfriend. a girl who now has a baby. she was sweet. it only lasted about 2 weeks. but as do most relationships at that age. i also joined an anime club during this time. because, two years later, i still was in to the animes my first girl crush showed me. i quickly became friends with a lot of the people in the club. many i am still friends with to this day.
the dynamic of this friend group was extremely toxic though. a bunch of weird queer kids with the same interests spending 2 hours after school together for 3 days a week? that's just a breeding ground for drama. and drama there was. i had my first kiss with a girl, joined a lesbian polycule, cheated on my partner at the time, lost and regained friends every other day. it was too much for kids our age to be going through. and during this time i was also discovering that i may not be a girl. i started throwing around the idea of being nonbinary.
during this time i also started falling into a very deep depression. i started self harming every day. i developed an addiction to benadryl. became friends with a trans guy who eventually started sexually assaulting me at school for a month, and then i had my first suicide attempt. it was terrible. and my parents didn't find out until a friend of mine did, who told the school. this led to my first hospitalization. which caused a rumor to be spread around the school that i had succeeded in killing myself. i had came back to school with my locker covered in sticky notes and lost many friends.. i hate to say the hospital didnt help me the way we had hoped it would. so i quickly became a frequent flier. my mom didn't know what else to do every time i relapsed or had my second attempt.
during my time in and out of the hospital i started experimenting with different pronouns. when i started this gender journey i was using they/them. but then i learned what being transgender was and my whole world changed. so i started using he/him as well. but i was so scared that my parents would find out so i begged my friends to misgender and dead name me when they came over. but i did get my first pixie cut. and i started dressing more masculine. and binding in any way that I could, often times EXTREMELY UNSAFE!
i stopped hanging out with some of the people from club around this time and met my third girlfriend. my first girlfriend as a BOY. only this time it was my first real relationship. we dated off and on until the very end of freshman year. my mom knew about them, they came with us to family events. we dated for nearly an entire year before we broke up. we are still friends today, they're an amazing person who helped me with my self discovery more than they know.
hospitalizations were a reoccurring thing. i remember one time we were driving to an evaluation and my mom asked why this was happening. in the heat of the moment i asked her "well have you ever though maybe i don't want to be a girl?" her only response was "you already came out as one thing, just slow down." we didn't talk about it again. a month later i left for school one day and left a very long letter on the kitchen counter telling my parents im transgender. i came home from school and they didn't say a word. so it continued.
i moved schools sophomore year. the bullying had gotten so bad and my pill addiction was causing me to skip class to sleep in the bathrooms.. the school pretty much begged me to leave. my parents, mainly my mom, were becoming very aware i "wanted to be trans". they let me tell the new school to change my name in the system from my dead name to my preferred name. they let me express myself in any way i wanted (my mom even bought me my first binder) but still were weird about the whole trans thing. but my mom did start taking me and my younger sisters to pride events!
nothing exciting happened until junior year. where i was taking the gender thing a lot more seriously. this year i had another really bad mental health crisis that landed me in the hospital again.. and then into a residential mental health facility. i was originally supposed to be there for nine months to a year, as requested by my therapist at the time. but during my stay i got worse. maybe it was the dysphoria of being the only boy in an all girls psych unit. maybe it was that i spent my 17th birthday in there with doctors and strangers, hours away from my family. or maybe it was that my dad (who my mom had separated from a year before) and his girlfriend had my baby sister and I wouldnt be able to meet her until i got out. i ended up getting out a month after her birth (which caused my therapist to drop me for not completing the program fully).. however my dad died a month after my discharge.
my dad was the most homophobic and transphobic out of my parents.. but the very last time i saw him he introduced me as his son, using my preferred name, to his friend. i now know my mom had a talk with him during my hospitalization that this trans thing is something im serious about.. and that them not respecting it was literally killing me. even if he was told to do it, its still a nice last memory.
senior year came. i was extremely open about being transgender and queer. i had been dating boys and girls. my mom was even starting to express her own queer identity. her and my doctor decided that after i graduated highschool i would start testosterone. and that i did. i graduated highschool a month early. march of 2023. and two weeks later my mom picked up my testosterone perscription and did my first injection.
a week after graduating highschool i started cosmetology school. i was so excited for this because i had been doing my own hair for years and even had friends that would have me do their hair as well. but starting college directly after years of highschool that nearly killed you will burn you out very quickly. burn out, combined with the intense dysphoria you don't expect to get when working in this industry, led to me dropping out in October of 2023. but i did keep an amazing tight knit friend group consisting of me and 3 amazing girls who love me more than i could ever ask for.
flash forward to today. im very open about my transness, my mom gets into arguments on facebook nearly every week defending me, her son, who she is so incredibly proud of. im watching my siblings come out as queer, im watching my extended family grow more and more comfortable with the fact that they have a nephew, grandson, etc. i wont say my depression is cured but I am better than I ever have been. because I survived school as a weird gay kid. and I'm now a weird gay adult who surrounds himself with nothing but love because that's all I deserve.
im begging young trans kids... YOU NEED TO LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO RECEIVE THE LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE YOU DESERVE. you will get there one day. it takes so much work but its all worth it.
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wifeyoozi · 1 month
Part of the big tiddy committee here to rant 😔🤚 the struggle is so real!! my go-to $10 target t-shirt bras for YEARS had these hooks on them that turn it into a racerback and it was like the one thing gave it support bc my girls r lowkey on the saggy side 🥹 but then they recently sTOPPED making them i literally went to like 3 different targets for like hoURS scouring the bra section for any leftover with the hooks still on them 😭😭😭 like damn if im not giving jihoon a titjob in this lifetime then whats the point......
tw- more big boob talk cuz please lemme communicate and share feelings with my community y'all
struggle so freaking real! i think saggy big boobs are more common than them perfect top notch round tits cuz how some girls have them and where to buy them ??? like my mom scolds me for them girls not being as firm as if I could control that? my babies been wearing tight support since I was freaking 12 lmao. also emotionally attached to a scrappy bra 5 yeas old? that's me. that's not my bra anymore its my baby I named her suzy. suzy may be grandma-core and a boring beige and nothing special but the comfort is to fdie for. big girls can either afford comfort or prettiness or quality. all three together costs something like $50000. or maybe it doesn't even exist ._. like ik my man big Matthew is so proud of me being part of the big tiddie community but i'd really much rather be part of itty-bitty-titty gang. and cant even get started on how difficult summers are because I looove wearing tube tops and strappy summer tops but strapless bras can literally not hold my girls??? it looks so freaking awkward. haven't gone to beach in more than 4 years cuz I'm too nervous to wear, gasp out loud, a freaking bikini. i ain't juspping into water and think all the time when them girls decide to just jump outta the pocket. nope not taking the chance. not with the middle age Chinese and indian uncles fill the beaches all summer long.
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boyjoan · 2 months
HIIIII henry, yesterday was my gram's 85th bday, she is one of my best friends! We went to her favorite museum in the city (my idea/present to her) and then met my brother and his gf for brunch and then went back to my parents' house for a surprise party w the aunts and uncles etc 😊 she was so happy and genuinely surprised, and my dad got all the cousins and even his side of the family (who my gram hangs out with but isn't actually related to—she's my mom's mom) to make a short video wishing her a happy birthday and put them all together in one video which was v amazing to her bc she didn't understand the technology LOL and she was almost crying bc she was so touched which is very rare! anyway long story short it was very nice and i think she completely loved it which makes me v happy ❤️ and bonus my family's dog was super well behaved around my cousin's 1.5 year old baby at the party, i was so proud of him
Peyton my LOVE this all sounds so WONDERFUL im so glad everyone had a beautiful time :') tysm for sending this it made me so happy!!!
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murdockbuckley · 4 months
You reblogged me so here’s some random numbers (answer what you can because I don’t have time to stop and read them this second so I’m sorry!):
3, 18, 29, 36, 49, 60, 7
3. do you share your fic ideas, or do you keep them to yourself?
generally i'd say i keep them to myself, mainly because i don't really have anyone to share them with. i absolutely post snippets and talk about them on here. but like in terms of actually sharing the plots/storyline for any of them i tend to keep to myself.
7. post a snippet of a wip. (i figured this was meant to be seventy-something but i wasn't sure)
Inserting his key and opening Bucks door Eddie stops Chris from entering, overhearing *Bucks daughter* ask Buck a question.  “Does mommy not love me anymore? Is that why I had to come and live with you?”  She's sitting on the couch, her fluffy blanket with kangaroos printed on it is wrapped around her so only her face is showing. Buck is kneeling infront of her, he would've looked less pained if someone stabbed him through the heart with a dagger. There's a children show Eddie vaguely recognises playing on the TV behind buck. “Oh no my little star.” Buck crouched to his daughter’s level as he choked back tears, heart aching over the fact his little girl feels even an ounce of the pain he grew up with. “Mommy loves you so much, she just got scared. Your Grandma was helping her so much and when she died Mommy felt like she was doing everything wrong. She’s just really sad so her brain is playing tricks on her, telling her she isn’t very good at being a parent. But she’s going to get help. And she loves you so much sweetpea.”  *his daughter* is looking at him with her mother’s big round eyes, and Buck knows that he would do anything to protect her, just like he would for Christopher.  He clears his throat to avoid his tears spilling over, “And when Mommy is better, she’ll be here straight away to see you again. I- If that’s what you would want.”  Without warning, or an answer, she slams straight into Buck. Her tiny arms wrapping around him as much as they can, squeezing impossibly tight for a six year-old. Buck just reposition's them to avoid falling as he holds her even tighter, the tears he tried so hard to keep at bay silently falling. Buck presses a gentle kiss to the top of *his daughter's* head as Eddie feels a tug on his hand. Chris looks up to Eddie in the doorway, a new understanding in his eyes. “Is that why you and Mom left at different times? Because you were both scared and sad at different times?”  Eddie doesn’t know what he did in his life to deserve a son like the one he was gifted with, “Yeah Superman, and I’m so sorry that we both left you. I know your Mom was so sorry and trying so hard to make it up to you before she died.”  Now it was Christopher’s turn to hug his Dad. “It’s okay. I forgave you both a long time ago. Just… Please don’t leave again? You or Buck, I’ll be really sad and plus we have Roo now too.”
18. do you enjoy research? which fic of yours required the most research?
i do!! i love doing research in general anyways so doing it for my fics just gives me a reason for it and stuff to actually look up rather than something random. i would probably say tainted thoughts has had the most research put into so far (this one is basically finished and will be published around valentines day!!) but i know the wip that i just wrote a quick outline for today will require a lot of research
29. what's something about your writing that you're proud of?
probably that i'm including my poetry in some of it?? i've had a lot of the poems written for ages but have been scared to share them with anyone, so actually putting them out for people to see is scary but i'm happy that i finally did it
36. what fic are you proudest of?
loneliness is the first one i've published so im really proud of that, it's almost like my baby and then i'm proud of my girldad!buck fic, it's the first multi-chapter fic i've written and the progress i'm making with it is really good
49. what fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
i only have one published fic right now so i feel like i have to say loneliness
60. in letters to our soldier, what inspired the idea for the plot?
(had to pick my own one because i relaise i haven't shared the title to any of my wips)
i had read all of the teacher!buck/eddie fics i could find and then my tiktok kept showing me soldier talking about receiving letters from schools whilst they were deployed and how it made them feel. so my brain just went "wait! eddie was a soldier i bet he would have loved it if he got letter from random school kids... CHRIS IS a school child what if by some chance miracle it was chris' class that sent the letters." and because i'm incapable of writing a fic without buck i decided to add the extra drama and make buck chris' teacher.
fanfiction ask game
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