#Magda is mad
freakshowcowboy · 1 year
sorry okay crying about sammy winchester hours now all he ever wanted was to be Good to feel like he wasnt Wrong. like at his core he wasnt something unforgivable. and just. season after season he was treated like he Was. like his decisions couldnt be trusted he couldnt be trusted and the show gave up on him. they had so many chances to let sam be something. to reclaim himself and his autonomy but every. time. they abandoned it. abandoned him
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asllani · 1 year
Yess, P maybe more valuable for our team right now but personally if i can choose one to stay, magda>>>>>>>>>> p . We can sign many good players but its hard to find someone like magda for chelsea. No one can replace her forever and ever
yeah. i feel like we have her covered position wise when she leaves but it's her leadership, passion and genuine love for the club that i think will be very very hard to replace. those types of players are just special. i have no doubt millie will be a great leading captain in her absence next season but idk man.. she was just such a rock for us, always knew how to bring the team together and somebody everybody looked to to get us through hard times
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
Im not ready for the Frido-Magda reunion
same. dreading next Thursday cause 1 one of them is gonna be in tears
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
let's be real.
this is not the reason i hated monaca so much for most of udg but i definitely thought about it throughout udg.
but like.
the only other character i know of who faked paralysis and needing a wheelchair? MAGDA.
-insert long rant about jtv's definition of villains and how that really only applied to magda AND SHE STILL GOT OFF SCOTCH FREE TO GO SCREW ANOTHER ONE OF HER KIDS AGAIN-
look. i will continue to pretend that s5 didn't happen. for obvious reasons. but why is magda still alive, show. why is magda still alive.
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 days
Shots III
Magdalena Eriksson x Child!Reader
Fridolina Rolfö x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You need a flu shot
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"So they just jab it in?" Frido asks over dinner, mouth open and eyes wide.
"Yeah," Magda says, nodding furiously," Needle out and just jabbed in." She demonstrates with her hand. "It's the worst. It hurts her super bad."
"That's awful. You'd think they'd find a pain-free version to deliver vaccines. But she's all caught up, right?"
Magda shakes her head. "I forgot to take her to get her flu shot before we left Germany. Pernille's so mad at me."
"But we're only in camp, right? There's no way she's going to sick. I mean-"
Frido's cut off by a loud sneeze from Filippa followed by a brutal round of coughing.
"Pernille's going to kill you."
Magda groans, burying her head in her hands. "I've arranged with the team doctors to give Princesse her shot here."
"But..." Frido frowns. "She won't like it here anymore if we make her get shots!"
"I think that's Pernille's plan," Magda replies," If we give Princesse shots here then she'll stop wanting to come. It's genius."
"It's rude."
"Still genius though."
Frido sighs loudly, shaking her head. "I can't believe you put us in this position, Magda! Why couldn't you have just taken her to get her shot in Germany?"
"It slipped my mind!"
"Well now she's going to slip away from Sweden!" Frido continues," We can't let her start going back to Denmark! She'll want to play for their team soon enough! We can't lose her!"
"I know!" Magda replies," But I also don't want to lose Princesse privileges and that will definitely happen if we don't take her to get her shot."
"This is awful," Frido bemoans," I can't believe it's come to this."
Zećira, who had been silent through the entire conversation, sighs. "You're so dramatic."
Dramatic or not, Magda is forced to take you to get your flu shot. Pernille might actually kill her if she doesn't and Frido tags along for the ride, supposedly to remind you of all the great things Sweden has that Denmark hasn't like IKEA and Zećira.
"I know Zećira is here," You tell Frido as Magda leads you into the doctor's office," She's always here."
"I know," Frido says," But just remember how much you like being taught by Zećira."
"I know that!" You say, cheeks puffed out in annoyance," You're being weird!"
Before Frido can defend herself though, Magda hauls you up onto the little bed set up in the room.
"So," The nice doctor man says," Just a flu shot, is that right?"
"That's right."
"Morsa forgot to take me when we were in Germany," You tell him, much to Magda's embarrassment," Momma yelled at her for ages and ages and ages and ages-"
"She's never had a reaction to them before?" The doctor asks Magda.
"-And ages and ages and ages-"
"No reactions," Magda confirms, feeling a sense of nausea creeping in," She's always been fine with them."
"-And ages and ages!" You finish," And Morsa had to sleep on the sofa and I took her space in the Big Bed!"
The nice doctor man smiles at you. "That sounds cool." He wheels himself closer. "Can you open your mouth for me, please?"
You do as you're told and he inspects your throat before moving his hands to check your neck hasn't swelled up. He checks your temperature too and whatever he finds satisfies him because he wheels away to get the medicine Morsa said you were getting given today.
Frido has to hold her breath. it's been a long time since she's had to have any shots herself. She's forgotten what they look like.
Tears already start building in her eyes as the doctor brings out the syringe, uncapping the top.
It doesn't look sharp. In fact it doesn't look like any needle Frido's ever seen before and that makes it so much worse.
It doesn't look like it would easily go into skin so it's definitely going to hurt you a lot.
She sucks in a ragged gasp for air before holding her breath again.
"Have you ever had this done before?" The nice doctor man asks and you nod your head.
"Momma took me last year!"
"And did it look like this?"
You study it for a moment. "Uh-huh."
"Well, it looks like you're a pro. You ready?"
To Frido and Magda's horror, he positions the syringe in your nose, releasing the vaccine quickly before turning to do the same with your other nostril.
"I...I think I feel sick," Frido says, clutching her tummy.
She doesn't know why you're not crying. It must have hurt much more to have the needle jabbed into your nose twice.
She had no idea doctors were working out ways to make kids hate having shots even more.
"All done!" The doctor says," Would you like a sticker?"
"Yes, please!"
You choose a sticker with a kitten on it, slamming it straight onto your shirt before jumping down from the bed.
Frido and Magda are still clutching each other, traumatised from what they've just witnessed.
You frown. "You're both being weird. It was just a spray."
Magda freezes. "Huh?"
"I makes my nose all tingly but I'm fine!" You give them both a beaming smile.
"A spray?"
"Yes," The doctor says," We've started to move away from giving young children actually injections to help against flu. The nasal spray is much more effective...and painless."
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agendabymooner · 8 months
lucky charms, qatar and all that romance fiasco ! oscar p. x ofc (filo!gen z!ofc)
summary: in which, paloma san pedro is oscar’s lucky charm. OR the mclaren driver forgot to mention to carlos sainz about his relative being in the race— but the rest of the sprint days were something of a history.
content warning: use of explicit language, spoilers for qatar gp 2023 sprint, carlos sainz x ofc mentioned (magda) carlos sainz x in-law!ofc, funny banters, briefly mentions pato o’ward and mark webber (multi 21 joke incoming), one filipino word (“itik” = “duck” = “pato”), mclaren admin x ofc, crack fic, affectionate!oscar mentioned
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
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3 + 3 = P6 (QUALIFYING)
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tagged lomisanpedro, landonorris, mclaren
liked by ninojames, patriciooward, aussiegrit
mclaren my girl is always dressed for the occasion 😇🧡
patriciooward congratulations!!! 🥳🥳 liked by oscarpiastri
ninojames he just put nine gyal on a sprinter 🙌💪 liked by oscarpiastri
landonorris 🙏🙏 liked by oscarpiastri
landonorris but why is she kissing lewishamilton instead 👀
user1 i would too tbh
lewishamilton 🤣
monamagdalena WOOOO CONGRATS OSCAR!!! (carlos is still mad you didn’t tell him about paloma going) liked by oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri am i still allowed in madrid??
carlossainzjr your other half is.
user2 he just dedicated his win to her 🥺🥺
user3 bro is straight simping
aussiegrit proud of you lad!!! liked by oscarpiastri
lomisanpedro 🧡 proud of u pastry liked and pinned by oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri no u 🏆
user4 he can’t even say ily or sumn 😭😭
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bonus !!!
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russos-one · 2 months
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Let her believe I never loved her (Part 1)
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Inspired by Cigarettes Out The Window x Dangerously Yours - TV girl/That tiktok audio that goes “let her think I never loved her”
Summary- R has been hopelessly in love with Jessie ever since she joined Chelsea but has never had the courage to tell her and then it's too late
Warnings- Magda yelling in Swedish, R, Niamh and Sam being little shits, Jessie being a cutie pie, Fluff
Word count- 1783
A/N- Pretend Pernille and Magda never left because I miss them and that Sam never did her forbidden 3 letters
A/N- All the Swedish and Danish are from Google Translate and I have no idea if it is right or not
“Just tell her! What's the worst that could happen?” Niamh said to you “Well I don't know, maybe she doesn't like me back and there goes 3 and a half years of friendship!” you replied, "That wouldn't happen because she obviously likes you back!” “You don't know that! Now just get over it” you said as you turned around to continue packing your bag “You can't just avoid it for your whole life” you let out a sigh as you zipped up your bag “Yes I ca-” Suddenly there was a knock on the door of your shared hotel room. “Just drop it, Niamh” you said as you opened the door.
You were met with a smiling Jessie “Jessie! Hi” Niamh poked her head out from behind you and said “Hey Jessie” Jessie made eye contact with you and smiled “Hello Y/n” Niamh sighed loudly “Okay, just act like I'm not here I guess” Niamh jokingly said while rolling her eyes, Jessie broke eye contact with you and looked at Niamh “Hello to you too Niamh” said Jessie  “Do you want to come in” you said to her while opening the door wider and moving to the side, “Unfortunately I can't, Emma sent me up here because you two are taking too long and the coach is about to leave” you turned to Niamh “Look what you did! Now Emma is mad at us and she's going to make us run extra laps!” you said, Niamh gasped “It's not my fault that you were too busy arguing with me about how in love with Je- Jumping jacks! How in love you are with jumping jacks " "Jumping jacks?” you turned back to Jessie “Yeah I just love jumping jacks in a workout” Jessie looked concernedly “Okay then! We need to get going” "Right” you grabbed your bag and dragged Niamh by her arm out of the hotel room and Jessie followed behind you while giggling at your actions.
The three of you made it to the coach and got met with an angry Emma Hayes “What were you two doing!? You know what, who cares just get in” she said while dragging you and Niamh in while Jessie followed closely behind “Y/n!” Magda called your name “You're sitting with me, come” she said while patting the seat next to her. You part ways with Jessie and Niamh and go to sit with Magda, you turn to her and say “I'm surprised you're not sitting with Pernille” “And choose her over you? Never; so, how's the love life going?” you sighed “It's non-existent” she sighed and said, “So we’re acting like your massive crush on Jessie doesn't exist?” You instantly turned red and turned to look at  Jessie to see if she heard and she’s fast asleep while cuddling into her neck pillow, you turned back to Magda to scold her “What if she heard?!” “She is the deepest sleeper in the world I honestly don't even know how she fell asleep so fast and Y/n the chances of her hearing that are smaller than you telling her that you have a crush on her” You heard two gasps from behind your seat and it was followed closely by Millie and Sam butting their heads in between yours and Magda's seats “Are we finally addressing Y/n’s massively huge crush on baby Canada?” you turned to look at Millie and said, “Shhhhh, what if she hears?” “As if she's going to hear, she sleeps like a bear during hibernation” “How do you know what hibernation means?” “I just do; Now stop changing the subject!” you sighed and said “The subject of this conversation is not worth a subject continuing” while rolling your eyes and leaning further into your seat. “Please for the love of god just let me sleep, I get enough of this from Niamh and now you three” Niamh turned to look at the four of you “Hey! I heard my name! What are you four planning?” You released a groan “Nothing Niamh! Now go back to fantasising about your body pillow” Niamh looked stunned and the whole coach started giggling “Y/n’s lying! I don’t have a body pillow” she announced to the whole coach “Sure you don’t!” Sam said sarcastically. After some teasing everyone finally calmed down and you could finally relax. You turned to Jessie and took in her features, the freckles that littered her beautiful face, the way she let out light snores while she slept and the way she was dribbling a bit on her pillow; she couldn't look more beautiful suddenly you were broken from your trance by Magda saying “Your staring, creep” “I’m not staring! I’m appreciating beauty” “Mhmm, sureee” “Just leave me alone, I'm going to sleep” Sam butts her head in again and says “Mhmm so you can dream about your girlfriend” “Ooh la la” said Millie. You sighed and slowly succumbed to sleep.
“Y/n? Y/n, wake up” someone said to you while shaking your shoulder, you groaned and leaned further into your chair “Just let me sleep, please” You heard footsteps come towards you and someone saying “Here this will work” You heard giggling but you weren't bothered to open your eyes so you just kept them closed; out of nowhere you feel cold water hit your face and you jolt up, you open your eyes to find the culprit “Niamh! You bastard!” she started giggling “You weren't waking up! It was either that or a slap in the face” “I would rather have a slap in the face because you’re weak” Niamh gasped “I am not weak” From behind Niamh I see an angry Emma Hayes approaching “Ladies! What are you doing, we have a game to play in an hour and a half and one of you is soaking wet, and the other one is yelling that they're not weak! and then there's Jessie” Jessie lets out an awkward smile.
After some arguing and Emma dragging Niamh and me out of the coach while Jessie followed closely behind again, we made it inside the stadium. “So where are we going?’ you asked and turned to Niamh “Jessie where are we going?” asked Niamh while she turned to look at Jessie “Do you two never listen?” Sam came from behind the three of us “I truly don't know what you expect from dumb and dumber” Sam said while draping her arms over Niamh and I’s shoulders Jessie groaned “As if you can talk” “Blah blah blah. Anyways Jessie do you know where we are going, I was doing media with Emma and I got lost and now here I am” Jessie let out a breath “Children surround me” Sam gasped “I’m actually older than you so that makes you the child, these two though; she said while messing up Niamhs and I’s hair; they are children” my phone starts to buzz in my pocket “Sam shut up someones calling me” I pulled my phone out of my pocket and see that it is Magda calling me I answer and put her on speaker phone, “Hey Magdaaa! My favourite teammate” “I thought I was your favourite teammate?” mumbled Jessie “Where are you three??? And have you seen Sam??” “Hi, Magda” Sam said, “You four are in so much trouble!” “SamMadeUsGetLost” Niamh quickly said “Woah okay, so blame it on me? You guys were lost before I even came!” “Just shut up and get here” “And where exactly would ‘here’ be?” “The changing room!” Magda yelled to us and then ended the call “Anyone know where the changing room is?” you said “Ugh just follow me and DONT get lost” Jessie dragged Me, Sam and Niamh to the changing room
We entered and were met with an angry Magda, Millie dying of laughter and Zecira filming us “BLIR NI TRE NÅGONSIN DUMMARE? VI HAR ETT SPEL OM TREDTIO MINUTTER OCH DU GÅR TILL? JESSIE DU GJORDE INGET FEL MEN EN TIMMA; she said while pointing at me Niamh and Sam; KOMMER ATT GÅ I KOPPEL!” WILL YOU THREE EVER GET MORE STUPID? WE HAVE A GAME IN AN HOUR AND YOU'RE GETTING LOST? JESSIE YOU DID NOTHING WRONG BUT THESE THREE ARE BEING PUT ON A LEASH! Zecira fell to the floor crying with laughter. Sam whispered in my ear “Yo what the fuck did she just say?” I shrugged my shoulders and Pernille went behind Magda and pulled her back from the four of us while lightly giggling “Min elskede, they can't understand you” Magda looked like a ticking time bomb “Just go get dressed!” She said while pointing to our cubbies. The four of us went to our cubbies while we were changing. Magda came up from behind Sam and slapped her on the back of her neck “Stop getting the children lost” Sam looked offended “ Firstly, Ow! Secondly, they were lost when I found them”
We all got changed into our training kit and went to the pitch to warm up, we were put into duos and I got Jessie as my partner. I draped my arm over her shoulders “Why hello there, pretty lady” Jessie turned red but it is probably because it's cold. “Hello Y/n” We went to a free space on the pitch “Are you ready to dominate warm-ups?” I asked “Obviously” Jessie replied “High five” I said to her while putting my hand up for a high five “Seriously?” she responded, to which you said “Yes seriously” “Are you gonna trick me?” Jessie said sceptically, You gasped “Never!” Jessie gave you a high five “See, I told you I wasn't gonna trick you” “Surprisingly. Time to warm up before you get in trouble with Magda again” she said the two of you faced each other using each other as stability (Like that one tiktok of McFoord training together) “So, how's the love life going?” Jessie asked you, you let out a breath “The love life is non-existent” you replied as you switched legs, “What about Real Madrid's goalkeeper Misa? I saw you two talking after the game last week” she questioned, “Ooo, getting jealous are we?” you said to her jokingly. She lightly punched your shoulder “Ow!” you yelped, “That wasn't even hard! And I was just asking a question, “Nothing is going on between me and Misa, Misa and I have been friends ever since Alexia introduced us before the World Cup final, why do you ask?” you questioned “No reason” she replied, “Mhmmm, sure” You said sarcastically, “What do you mean ‘Mhmmm sure’? And why did you say it like that?” she asked, “No reason” you said to her. 
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wosowrites · 1 year
-Leah Williamson
Legacy’s Daughter
International Break
I’ll Take Care Of You
Hot Tub Tease Part 1
Hot Tub Tease Part 2
Hot Tub Tease Part 3
Under the Surface
Starting a New Streak
Clothing Swap
Stop the Teasing but don’t Stop
-Jessie Fleming
I can be your New Home Part 1
I can be your New Home Part 2
I can be your New Home Part 3
Winter Olympian
All Tatted Up Part 1
All Tatted Up Part 2
Running out of Time
Are You Jealous?
Canadian Wonders
Media Day
Our Story
They’re gone now
Kissing Strangers
In Front of the Camera
In Front of the Camera part 2
In the End
Against All Odds
For Her Safety
-Jill Roord
Mama & Mommy
One Shot
The Two Roord’s
-Mapi León
The Girl in the Bleachers
New Fear Unlocked
Collision Madness
-Vivianne Miedema
Always Here
They Know
Sick for you
-Alexia Putellas
The Jacket
Award Night
Mama Putellas
One Time Won’t Hurt
-Guro Reiten
Us Always
I Had To
Into the Closet
-Jordan Nobbs
Loosing Control
Back with Her
Miles Difference
-Kristie Mewis
The Confidence she Needed
Soft for Her
-Katie Mccabe
Her Clumsy Girl
Yellow Card Madness
Kids and Katie
-Sam Kerr
Not so Champs
Even Protectors Break Down
-Ona Batlle
Comfort Spaniard
Tattoo Tour
Don’t Let Me Go
Good Girl
-Lauren Hemp
Soft for Her
-Erin Cuthbert
Saving the Game
-Niamh Charles
Smitten for you
-Caroline Graham Hansen
Going Through It
Going Through It Part 2
-Entire Teams
Cool Heart, Hot Headed (Lionesses)
Sleeper (Man United)
-Patri Guijarro
Greece and Wives
-Gio Queiroz
Little Does He Know
-Alessia Russo
Sun Through the Curtains
-Platonic fics
Pernille Harder and Magda Eriksson
Pernille Harder and Magda Eriksson
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maxsimagination · 5 months
𝗸𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗲 𝗺𝗰𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗱 - 𝗸.𝗺𝗰𝗰𝗮𝗯𝗲
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warnings: none
it was game day, chelsea vs arsenal. "kt, you ready?" me and katie had been together i signed with chelsea, we met at a bar and exchanged numbers (as all good love stories go). "ready for me to crush you today? hell yea." katie grinned as she rounded the corner of our shared apartment.
it was only after we had gone on a few dates and gotten to know each other that we figured out that we both played football. katie had been so excited until i told her that i had just signed for chelsea
"you could never beat me, mccabe." the irish woman was a gunner, through and through. it was our inside joke, me with chelsea and katie with arsenal. "how dare you, i'll show you." katie advanced towards me and i giggled as she tackled me onto the bed. "katie-"
she knew very well that i was ticklish and used it to her advantage. "katie, stop, we have to get you to training." i was still laughing from her hands on my sides, even after she stopped. i was dressed in my chelsea training kit, bag packed by the door.
"katie you're not even dressed!" once i stood up properly i realised that she hadn't even changed from her pyjamas. she just grinned at me, unmoving, her eyes following my movements. "you're so hot when you get mad." i smirked at katie's horniness, for lack of better term.
i walked over to her and put my arms around her neck, our lips are almost touching. her arms immediately went to my waist, pulling me impossibly closer. i moved my head to the side and started peppering kisses down the side of her neck to just below her ear.
katie tilted her head to the side to give me more access. i pulled away then and whispered, "and you're hot when you do what i say." before leaving her embrace and dancing away before she could get me. the look on her face was priceless, she was shocked and turned on at the same time.
"you can't do that." she tried to reason while making an attempt to trap me in her arms again. i ran off to the closet and picked out her training gear before exiting again.
"you can have me back when you get dressed." i tossed the clothes at her and laughed when katie pouted. she got dressed then, and we grabbed our kit bags then headed out to the car. i usually drop her off at training before a game then head back to where i need to go before the game. in this case, the chelsea training facility.
it wasn't that far from our apartment and her teammates always met us out the front. i pulled in and there was cait, steph, vivianne and leah waiting out the front. "sorry she's late, we got caught up." i yelled out to them with a wink. they all laughed and katie went a dark shade of pink.
"pick you up after the game." we gave each other a quick peck goodbye, then i pulled out and went to chelsea.
i was in the chelsea changing rooms with the team, standing next to sam and guro. magda was giving us all a pep talk, or at least trying to. the girls were ready for the game but they were nervous and you could tell. arsenal had always been our biggest competitor in the super league, save for barça in the champions league.
when she finished her captains speech, emma jumped in and hyped us all up, saying how good we were and that we got this. i was pumped and so ready to run out on that field.
we went to line up in the tunnel, this was always my favourite bit in games, especially against arsenal. i was alongside katie in the tunnel, just like i knew i would be. we grinned at each other and she reached out to hold my hand for a second before we walked out.
it was half time, and we were up 2-1 to arsenal. sam had scored the first goal, stealing it back when maanum missed a shot on goal. she had raced it up the field and somehow got past katie before slamming it in the net. i high-fived her before checking on katie.
then katie had evened the score with a kick from the corner that had miraculously bounced into the back of our net. i wasn't happy about the score but i was ecstatic for my girlfriend. she streamed down the field and stood in front of the arsenal crowd, who were going ballistic.
after her team had had their moment with her and we reset play, i sent her a wink and she grinned back at me. it was chelsea's ball then and guro had gotten it close to arsenal's goal, before magda kicked it over our heads and i jumped up for a header which sent the ball into the net. 1-2 for chelsea. our fans were wild and both sam and guro had run to me and guro jumped on my back.
now we were in the second half and arsenal were desperate to even the score. emma had subbed lauren james onto the field then and play started. lj was immediately on the ball and she ran it up the field, but then came katie. she was shoulder to shoulder with lauren and swiping her feet in with lauren's to get the ball.
her cleats must've scraped lauren's leg because she went down and clutched her leg, the ball rolling away slowly. i jogged over, seeing the ref talking with katie. i knew my girlfriend had set the record of 7 yellow cards in a season and i was anticipating another one. i had stood myself behind katie, close enough so i could hold her hand, but discreetly.
just as i thought, the ref held up a yellow card and wrote her name on it. katie walked away, turning into me. i walked a few steps with her, leaning in to whisper, "that's hot." before i jogged back to my position. lauren was deemed okay by the medics and she jogged over to where she had to be. play continued, but arsenal couldn't manage another goal. the final whistle was blown and the score stayed unchanged. 1-2 for chelsea.
i hugged my team, especially sam and guro, but my focus stayed on katie. i knew how much matches like this meant to her. she would be gutted but she would still find it in her to congratulate me, and that's what i loved about her. i walked over to where the arsenal team was.
most of them were hugging or sitting down but i found katie just lying on the grass. i went to her and lay down next to her. she turned to me with a smile. "i'm so proud of you."
i smiled back at her. "thank you katie. although i do think your new name should be katie mccard, with all those yellow cards you're collecting." she broke out into laughter and i was happy i could still make her laugh even after a loss.
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woso-fan13 · 9 months
Sicktember 2023: 4
Hiding an Illness
A Dane, a Swede, and an American meet in England. It sounds like the start of a B-grade joke or the summary for a crappy, one-season sitcom. In actuality, it was the story of how you, Magda, and Pernille met and became your own sort of family. 
Your first meeting didn’t go smoothly, but it really was indicative of how the rest of your relationship would go. The two women had arrived for practice in a hurry because someone couldn’t find the right socks and almost made them late. As they rushed down the hallway, they saw you standing just meters from the locker room door, looking as if you were going to throw up or pass out. 
You were unbelievably nervous for your first day with the new team, and you couldn’t bring yourself to walk into the locker room. You could hear the music and chatter from the hallway, and you knew you would be instantly overwhelmed when all of the attention turned to you- the new girl. 
As you stood outside the door, physically reminding your lungs how to breathe and trying to stop your heart from beating out of your chest, you didn’t even hear the approaching footsteps. You didn’t notice the two women until they had come to stand on either side of you. 
Pernille slung an arm around your shoulders, pulling you towards her. Magda slipped her hand into yours, squeezing it tightly. They were silent, supporting you and allowing you to process everything. 
When you had somewhat calmed down, Magda pushed open the door and led you in, Pernille guiding you from the side. The room instantly went silent, all of the players staring. Magda was never late, therefore Pernille was never late. Not only were the two of them very late at this point, but they had the new player with them, who also happened to be very late. 
Magda fixed everyone with a stern look while Pernille brought you to your new locker, and the previous chaos of the room resumed. 
Through the following months with the team, Magda and Pernille had remained by your side. They had dubbed themselves your team moms, and they took that job very seriously. You were at their house for dinner multiple times a week, oftentimes staying over after. Every break during practice would involve one of them pushing a water bottle into your hands, watching to be sure you actually drank. 
They watched you like hawks, ensuring that you were always at the top of your game. 
Which means it was almost unheard of that neither of them had noticed that something was wrong with you. Your shots had been off all practice, you were slow, it was almost too easy to guard you. And both of them had noticed that. 
But it had been a stressful month and Magda had finally snapped and yelled at you when you let the opposing defender get the ball due to your sloppy control. 
“Y/N, take a lap and focus. You’re better than this. Everyone else, water,” she had shouted across the pitch. 
She had not only raised her voice and singled you out, but she had called you by your full name. This was almost unheard of, and it definitely meant she was mad and not to be questioned. As tears welled up in your eyes, you began to jog around the pitch. You made it about halfway, which was impressive considering the state you were in. 
There was a collective gasp when you went down. Magda and Pernille were not a part of this, too enthralled in their own conversation. It wasn’t until they heard the panicked shouting from their teammates that they turned. 
And they saw their kid passed out on the pitch. 
They sprinted to where you were, beating the players that had been much closer and had a head start. The two women dropped to their knees on either side of you, hands reaching out. Their hands hovered over your limp body, unsure of what they could touch without hurting you. 
But all thoughts of hurting you were gone when they finally calmed their breathing enough to hear your breathing. Or, rather, the fact that your breathing had been replaced by an ineffective sounding wheezing noise. 
Magda was instantly on you, tipping your chin back to hopefully help open your airway. She was frantically patting your cheek with her other hand, begging for your attention. Pernille was shouting across the pitch, waving her arms. Her voice was almost breaking as she pleaded for the medics to hurry. 
When the first medics reached you, they looked back to where others were gathering more supplies and a stretcher. One of them shook his head, passing his supply bag to the other and simply picking you up. The team watched as this man hustled across the pitch with your limp body in his arms. This was really, really bad. 
And, for just a second, Magda and Pernille selfishly wished they had never called for the medics. Because then you would be with them, where you belong, and not in the arms of the impressively fit medic. 
Practice continued for a very distracted 30 minutes. Almost everybody protested the continuation, but they couldn’t deny the Coach’s reasoning that they wouldn’t be allowed back to see you and they would just be in the way. 
Finally, they were released, Pernille and Magda’s boots clacking as they raced through the hallways. They threw the door open, and there you were. Propped up on one of the exam tables and with a nebulizer mask covering half of your face, you were there. Alive, awake, and breathing. 
The two women swarmed you, cooing in a mixture of English and their home languages. Apologies and promises mingled with love and pet names. Pernille hopped onto the exam table with you, ignoring the glare she got from the medic who was watching you. She gently maneuvered your body so you were cradled in her arms. She rocked slightly back and forth, stroking your face around the mask. 
Meanwhile, Magda was grilling the medic about what had happened and questioning what they needed to worry about at home. You smiled slightly when she said that- home. You knew she wasn’t talking about your apartment, she was talking about their home which had become your home. 
When she was finally satisfied, she walked to stand right in front of you. She pressed her lips to your hairline, pausing for just a moment and closing her eyes- reassuring herself that you were okay. When she opened her eyes, she began rapidly planting kisses to the top of your head, causing a muffled giggle from under the mask which was shortly followed by coughing. 
The medic came over to disconnect you from your nebulizer treatment, and Magda immediately pulled you into her arms. You wrapped your legs around her waist and your arms around her neck, leaning your head down on her shoulder. 
Magda began weaving through the halls towards the exit to the building, ignoring the fact that all three of you were sweaty and in full kit. She sent Pernille off to grab everything from the locker room, bringing you straight to the car. 
You knew the night would end with you wrapped up in the middle of their bed. You would be quickly cleaned and fed before basically being swaddled and tucked into bed, and you knew the two women would be fussing over you the whole time. 
And you couldn’t help but be a little bit happy to be sick. 
286 notes · View notes
lovecanyon · 2 years
i would love to read about ceo!harry, but whatever you post i know i’ll love.
alternative ceo universe!
* y/n is columbia records CEO & harry is his normal musician self! *
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liked by harryfan8, harryfan4 and 730,199 others
pagesix Musician Harry Styles and CEO of Columbia records, Y/N L/N (now turned Styles) tied the knot in Italy recently. Sources tell us the wedding was quite small and had very few guests because the couple wanted as much privacy as they could get.
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harryfan3 OMG OMG OMG
harryfan5 y/n is literally living my dream life 😭
harryfan7 okay but imagine marrying harry styles…she won at everything
harryfan2 crying and throwing up
harryfan6 harry married the ceo of his record label, pretty iconic to me
harryfan9 him and y/n are the perfect couple everr
harryfan11 they are so protective of their relationship…its cute
harryfan13 she’s the one 🤗
harryfan15 y/n is winning at life right now
harryfan10 this has me on the floor sobbing
harryfan14 harry styles is now married to the world's richest woman…i love it
harryfan16 just fell onto my knees
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liked by harryfan17, harryfan19 and 964,172 others
stylesnews Harry and his wife Y/N in Positano Italy yesterday on their honeymoon!
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harryfan21 why’d you do this to me
harryfan23 Y/N IS SO BEAUTIFUL 😌
harryfan25 they are the hottest couple yet omfg
harryfan20 harry really got married to her…i would do the same thing too honestly
harryfan22 i don’t know if i want him or her
harryfan24 jealousy jealousy
harryfan26 already the best couple ever
harryfan28 this will have me up late at night
harryfan27 WHAT
harryfan29 they both got matching palm trees tattoos 😭
harryfan31 my parents
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 31,629,114 others
ynstyles best day of my life! 👰‍♀️
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harryfan30 the caption…CRYING
harryfan33 she changed her username to y/n styles 😭
harrystyles I love you my baby.
ynstyles i love you more darling! 🤍
harryfan35 stop this madness
gemmastyles welcome to the family!
harryfan34 she won at life.
jefezoff one of the best things to ever witness
harryfan36 harry and y/n had a strawberry and vanilla cake…what am i supposed to do with this information
stevienicks congratulations you two ❤️
harryfan39 this has me rolling on the floor
pillowpersonpp YES YES YES
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liked by ynstyles, jefezoff and 36,910,112 others
harrystyles 1-6-20. Married the love of my life.
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harryfan32 SHUT UP
harryfan38 harry posting this has me sliding down the wall 😫
ynstyles i seriously love you h
harrystyles Well I love you more cherry.
harryfan40 they are so in love with each other
harryfan42 i am so jealous right now 🤗
harry_lambert cutest wedding ever!!!
harryfan45 hello?!?! their rings were made by gucci 😭
mitchrowland congrats on the marriage lovebirds!
harryfan41 harry styles officially has a wife now…crying myself to sleep
alessandro_michele ah young love ❤️
harryfan43 this photo is the sweetest thing ever
columbiarecords CUTEST COUPLE IN THE WORLD!!!
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liked by harryfan44, harryfan46 and 624,139 others
hsfasharchive Harry wore his wife’s @marcjacobs x Magda Archer intarsia sweater ($695 - sold out) back in December 2019.
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harryfan48 somebody run me over
harryfan50 harry and y/n are seriously perfect for each other 😫
harryfan52 literal soulmates
harryfan54 “his wife’s sweater” 😭😭
harryfan56 y/n is officially my favorite styles
harryfan58 she really has him in a chokehold
harryfan51 i love them together
harryfan53 imagine sharing clothes with harry styles…truly a dream
harryfan55 “there's a piece of you in how i dress”
harryfan57 the realist lyric ever
harryfan59 i can’t do this anymore
harryfan60 why is this so cute…
harryfan63 AWE
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deuxmoi via instagram stories
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liked by harryfan61, harryfan64 and 1,260,184 others
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harryfan65 omg omg omg
harryfan67 this is going to destroy me 😭
harryfan69 y/n’s baby bump is so cute
harryfan66 glenne and gemma are with her too 😌
harryfan68 i hate to say this…but deuxmoi was right the entire time
harryfan70 this is the best news ever
harryfan74 we are literally getting dilf harry…
harryfan71 I’M SCREAMING
harryfan73 i am never going to recover from this
harryfan75 CRYING
gemmastyles Can you please take this post down? The photos of Y/N were taken without her permission!
harryfan77 gemma?!?!
harryfan79 DELETE THIS
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APRIL 2021
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 486 others
yourfinsta andddd she’s here…meet anya anne styles!
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florencepugh OMG
arianagrande this is so cute 🤍
harrystyles I love you both so much. You guys are my happiness.
yourfinsta i love you more sue, i wouldn’t have been this happy if it weren’t for you!
brittany_broski tears are streaming down my face 😭
emmalouisecorrin i am so happy for you and harry
harry_lambert ANGEL BABY
jefezoff little anya already runs the world 👑
kidharpoon this sweetest thing ever
annetwist my granddaughter is so cute ❤️
alessandro_michele congratulations on your little family!
mollyjane_x so sweet
adele a bundle of joy ☺️
niallhoran one of the best things to ever happen
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liked by ynstyles, annetwist and 37,410,177 others
harrystyles As our daughter grows up, me and my wife Y/N will try to do everything to protect her including speaking out on social media. If you see my family trying to live their private lives, leave them alone and let them be. That includes leaking my wife’s private account and the pictures on it.
They aren’t harming or bothering you. It disgusts me the way fans were spreading Y/N’s private photos everywhere, they were unseen for a reason.
Though I know all my fans are not like that, so I really appreciate the individuals supporting me and my family in this current moment.
(this user has disabled comments)
MAY 2021
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liked by harryfan76, harryfan80 and 841,609 others
updatingstyles Y/N Styles wins the Chairman’s Award in music at The Brits tonight!
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harryfan84 harry looked so proud of her 😭
harryfan81 if i see another “who is she” comment…i will literally commit arson
harryfan83 RIGHT!!!! without y/n harry wouldn’t have released any solo albums
harryfan85 this is so iconic
harryfan87 A MILF
harryfan89 everything she does is 🙏
harryfan88 she won an award for what? i don’t understand
harryfan90 y/n signed harry styles, rihanna, billie eilish, BEYONCÉ, megan thee stallion and stevie nicks to her label…
harryfan92 and that’s not even half of the musicians she signed to columbia records
harryfan94 she is so beautiful
harryfan91 on my knees 😌
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liked by harryfan93, harryfan95 and 529,752 others
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harryfan97 she is seriously the world’s most supportive wife
harryfan102 i want what they have
harryfan98 if this isn’t the sweetest moment to ever witness
harryfan100 you can tell she loves harry so much
harryfan104 i need a y/n in my life
harryfan106 y/n and harry are so supportive of each other 😫
harryfan103 i will forever remember this
harryfan108 you gotta love her
harryfan101 y/n and harry’s reaction made me sob
harryfan105 the way they looked at each other and bursted into smiles
harryfan107 i am having a breakdown
harryfan109 dropped down onto the floor when i saw this
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liked by harryfan113, harryfan115 and 620,971 others
harryflorals “I just want to say a big thank you to my wife and daughter. They make me a better person and I cannot imagine my life without them. I love my girls!” - Harry accepting his award at The Brits tonight!
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harryfan110 nobody talk to me
harryfan114 I AM SO JEALOUS OF Y/N 😭
harryfan116 i love harry’s wife more than i love harry….
harryfan112 “they make me a better person” crying
harryfan118 he really loves his family
harryfan120 harry’s speech was the cutest thing ever
harryfan122 he’s a major dilf
harryfan124 i can't do this anymore 🙂
harryfan128 don’t know why harry’s with y/n…she’s destroying his reputation, he should divorce her
harryfan121 y/n literally has his baby and runs the label he's under…
harryfan125 harry’s never going to divorce y/n so keep on wishing
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liked by harrystyles, florencepugh and 10,971,203 others
ynstyles brits night!
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harryfan130 SHE POSTED
harryfan133 this was y/n’s night 😌
harrystyles I am so proud of you darling.
ynstyles i love you so much baby! 🤍🤍
harryfan135 my favorite relationship ever 😭
gemmastyles love you guys so much!!!
harryfan131 THE PICTURE OF ANYA AND Y/N!!!!
emmalouisecorrin congratulations on the awards you two
harryfan136 i want y/n’s life so bad
jefezoff parents ❤️
harryfan138 anya is so small 🥺
kidharpoon mrs. watermelon sugar
harryfan134 harry and y/n are the cutest couple to ever live
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liked by ynstyles, jefezoff and 11,261,930 others
harrystyles Brit Awards, May 2021.
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harryfan141 WHY’D HE POST HIS WIFE 😭
harryfan143 i want a husband like harry…y/n is really living the life
ynstyles thanks for letting me steal your award for photos 😘
harrystyles Gladly darling, what’s mine is yours.
pillowpersonpp the most gorgeous woman ever
harryfan144 this is literally the cutest thing ever
stevienicks gotta love young love!
harryfan146 y/n took harry’s award for photos…she’s so me
annetwist so proud of you both ❤️
harryfan148 couples that win awards together stay together
paulithepsm congratulations!!!!
harryfan142 she is so perfect
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liked by harrystyles, ynstyles and 1,639,310 others
pleasing Introducing Pleasing’s owner Y/N Styles. Mrs. Styles with the help of her husband decided to create a brand for all, no matter your gender you can use our products. Our goods consist of skincare to nail polish.
Preorder is available next week.
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harryfan152 WILL BE BUYING
harryfan154 harry and y/n creating a brand together is literal goals
harrystyles Pleasing for all!
ynstyles 🤗🤗🤗
harryfan157 y/n is so hot omg
brittany_broski this is the cause of my death
harryfan150 “with the help of her husband” YEAH YEAH YEAH
harry_lambert so excited!!!
harryfan153 y/n and harry created a brand together…take all my money already
harryfan151 i’m not okay 😭
alessandro_michele ❤️❤️❤️
annetwist already proud!
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 5,290,728 others
ynstyles pleasing, out soon!
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harryfan167 y/n really said run me my money
harrystyles I love you darling.
ynstyles i love you more bunny!
harryfan162 i’m going to be broke after the pleasing launch 😭
jefezoff ceo queen
harryfan164 harry and y/n styles’ brand 🫶
florencepugh ahhh can’t wait!
harryfan166 THEY HAVE HOODIES TOO?!?!
kaiagerber already love pleasing ❤️
harryfan169 robbing a bank as we speak
harris_reed you are such a girlboss
harryfan163 harry and y/n are the best thing to ever happen to the world
harryfan165 they came when we needed them the most
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liked by harryfan172, harryfan178 and 721,650 others
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harryfan170 SHE SLAYED
harryfan177 harry goes home to her…😫
harryfan173 she’s hotter than harry
harryfan177 I AGREE
harryfan175 queen is in new york
harryfan171 going feral for her
harryfan176 i love anya’s mother 😌
harryfan179 she’s so gorgeous
harryfan181 harry…count your days
harryfan184 y/n’s married to harry, has his child, is the ceo of a record label…her life is a dream
harryfan180 dropped onto my knees
harryfan182 YES YES YES
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liked by ynstyles, harrystyles and 1,202,815 others
mollyjane_x Just a wife watching her man rehearse.
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harryfan202 jealousy jealousy
harrystyles I love it.
ynstyles you love the attention
harrystyles You know me so well.
pillowpersonpp my tour buddy!
harryfan206 her life is all i want 😫
brittany_broski SERIOUSLY SOBBING
harryfan209 y/n looks so focused…she’s literally me watching harry
kidharpoon harry’s number one supporter ❤️
harry_lambert my favorite tour wife
harryfan201 this is so adorable
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liked by harryfan215, harryfan211 and 650,912 others
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harryfan210 my parents
harryfan213 having a breakdown
harryfan219 i love them so much 😫
harryfan216 harry and y/n are the definition of soulmates
harryfan212 the styles family supremacy
harryfan218 she’s getting that dick everyday. she’s getting that dick everyday. she’s getting that dick everyday.
harryfan220 couple goals
harryfan222 literal mom and dad 😌
harryfan224 they remind me of true love
harryfan226 harry’s literally next to me 🤨
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liked by ynstyles, harrystyles and 2,610,813 others
lloyddddddddddddddddd Y/N hangs out under the stage instead of the crowd. That’s what I call a number one fan.
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harryfan231 she’s so cute
harrystyles I love my number one fan.
ynstyles and she loves you! ❤️
harryfan235 sleeping on the highway tonight
florencepugh the most gorgeous!!!
harryfan237 y/n staying under the stage is really so iconic
harris_reed the best girl ever 🤍
_basselin i just love her
harryfan232 the way harry meets y/n under the stage during his break…
harryfan234 SCREAMING
jefezoff it’s the best spot in the whole venue
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liked by harrystyles, ynstyles and 2,508,177 others
harry_lambert Queen of MSG!
veiw all comments
harryfan302 harry isn’t special…i would write songs about her too
harryfan311 A LITERAL ICON
harrystyles Such a beauty.
ynstyles i love you baby
harryfan308 i am jealous 😭
emmalouisecorrin MY BEST FRIEND
harryfan305 imagine being in y/n’s shoes…i would literally die
alessandro_michele ❤️❤️❤️
harryfan304 i love her so much
florencepugh missing y/n hours!!!
harryfan303 everyone loves her…they really said y/n supremacy
pillowpersonpp love love love
harryfan310 harry’s muse
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liked by ynstyles, jefezoff and 14,260,835 others
harrystyles My girls.
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harryfan330 OMFG
harryfan335 this has me rolling on the floor sobbing 😭
ynstyles We love you daddy!
harrystyles Welllllll I love you both more.
harryfan332 he’s is such an amazing father and husband 😫
gemmastyles cutest family ever ❤️
harryfan339 harry being a major family person is so cute
mitchrowland anya is truly the best company
harryfan333 y/n really is the best mother ever
glenne_azoff the best duo to ever live!!!! 😊
harryfan331 anya = best nepo baby
kidharpoon family family family 🤍
harryfan340 “my girls” sliding down the wall, throwing up, shitting, sobbing
annetwist my darlings!!!
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @seguin-styles1996 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @eunoiamaa @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @lomlolivia
987 notes · View notes
marvelstars · 24 days
Loved this episode, as Beau said this felt healing and it didn´t dissapoint. That said I agree the series peaked on Ep 5 but for me this doesnt mean this was a bad episode at all.
Highlights for me:
Rogue beating Bastion into a pulp over Remy´s memory "remember it"
Scott and Morph being there for Logan.
Nightcrawler praying with Charles and Magneto.
Cable oppening to Jean and Scott about his childhood and their farewell.
Storm simply laughing at Phoenix appareance, just like her sister to save them all at the nick of time from the prime sentinels.
Morph making fun of Sinister
Charles remembering he is supposed to have a degree on psycology and having a therapy session with Magnus instead of leaving him in a coma, not gonna lie, this always pissed me off in the original FA, him having regrets post fact and remembering Magneto only made me feel more mad at him, so seeing him this way helped me remember why I liked his character, especially considering what has been done to him in current comics.
The first people Magneto remembers are Rogue, who is right there on Asteroid M and his children Lorna, Pietro and Wanda as well as his parents.They help him center himself in his humanity, just wish this series tackled Magda and Anya as well. Talking openly about his sense of isolation over not having an actual family and fully feeling himself part of the X-men now was great, I don´t think even in comics this has been tackled with quite the same intensity.
I personally don´t think Magneto at this point or Rogue see each other in a romantic sense, Rogue more than Magneto´s lover this season, has been more like an honest friend who could understand where he was coming from but also tell him when he was being a jerk so even if they tackle AoA, I don´t see them being end game, their relationship is more like an AU but this doesn´t mean they don´t trust or appreciate the other pov.
Just "Magneto is alive" moment.
Cyclops bad ass leadership moment in which he hoped to understand and help Bastion, supported by Storm and X-men, following the logic of the dream. Bastion reaching out to them.
Just all the cameos. Captain America, Iron Man, Peter, MJ, Cloak, Dagger, Psylocke, Omega Red to name a few, I just missed another cameo by Doctor Doom
This Ep effectively closed up previous plot points and showed what to expect of season two
Gambit will come back as death but I am almost sure this won´t last long. My guess is that Storm, Logan and Morph were selected by Apocalypse to be his current horsemen.
This kind of fun and expectative is something that has been missing for a long time in comics and I am very happy to see XM 97 feels like a fresh take of old stories.
This looks as well as if S2 is tackling different X-men teams, one in the future, another in the present and another in the past. My guess is that it was Apocalypse the one who used time manipulation to take them to different spaces in time.
That comment by Apocalypse "My children, so much death" made me remember current comics Apocalypse, so I expect him to gain new nuances in the series, just like Bastion did.
26 notes · View notes
lichenes · 2 months
Hey, thanks for answering my last ask. I was wondering if you could do somewhat of a meet-cute for the reader and Swann Arluad's character in Romantics anonymous, i just can't get the idea of enjoying good chocolate with the attractive chocolatier. Thanks again, much love 💕💕💕
I wish he had played a bigger role in the movie cuz he looks so cute in that outfit<33 I couldn't quite grasp the personality of Antoine but hopefully I didn't mischaracterise him too much ;A; Enjoy!! CW: mint chocolate mentions... for anyone who doesn't like it SFW wc: 477
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At first Antoine worked in "The Chocolate Mill" as a way to make a quick buck. He would've never imagined this would just be his life. It wasn't a dead end job by all means and Mr. Benoît paid him quite well so he wasn't complaining.
Lovely as working there was, his... other needs weren't met that often. Tired from the day he would lay down in bed and even after showers, smell the chocolate on his hands, clothes and bedding. It was driving him mad. He loved chocolate, he appreciated the floral, citrusy and tangy hints the variety of chocolates provided.
He wished that the love he had for chocolate would one day be translated into a love for a person. Many clients would rotate in and out of the shop but he never had the (dis)pleasure of taking on a challenge which was customer service.
Since Angelique turned out to be a chocolatier far more experienced than Antoine or Ludo one of them would be appointed the cashier role, rotating every week. This week it was Antoine's turn.
"Oh this is lovely!" Said someone whilst Antoine was chatting with Magda in the back. "Give me a minute." He said putting on his hat. "How can I help you toda-" He stood there, unable to move as if struck by lightning. Quickly he regained his composure and went into his usual spiel about the different kinds of chocolate available in the store.
"If you're a fan of mint you'll love this one." He said breaking off a piece of the bar. You ate it. "Ooh, this one is great, I'll take this one, definitely." You looked at him curiously. "Can I get another piece?" He nodded and broke off one more. You took it in your hand and boldly told him to... open his mouth.
His face got beet red at the request but he obeyed. "That's... that's lovely..." You weren't sure which part of the interaction he was talking about but, you had your suspicions.
"And do you have a loyalty card?" He asked, begging whatever was listening for the answer to be negative. "No but I'd love to get one!" You said cheerfully, bearing a huge smile on your face, no doubt from the about to be purchased chocolate. It melted Antoine's heart just like chocolate left for too long in the sun.
"Great! Can get your number?" You giggled. "Sure but you'll have to take me out to dinner later." He steadied his breathing and answered. "I wouldn't mind doing that..." Your face got a little hot and you gave him your number. He explained the perks that came with the card and you thanked him.
"It was lovely to meet you ange..." He said, emboldened by your reciprocation. "Call me." You gestured with a smile. Maybe his lonely chocolate days were truly over?
_____✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿_____ masterlist
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gale-dekarios · 2 months
An Endless List of In-Laws
Quick drabble about Rose's ridiculously huge family.
One thing that Gale wasn't quite prepared for when he proposed to one Rostislav Hylwood was the army of in-laws he was also about to marry into, and yet, he took it in his stride. 
“Okay, go!”
 “Your mother’s name is Nijala, she will be pleased that I put effort into saying her name properly, her favourite flowers are tulips, and she hates slouching and bad manners. Casimir is your half-brother, twenty. He likes fashion and will criticise my dress sense, and I shouldn’t take his offer to fix my outfit lest I end up in something else entirely. Najda is your half-sister, nineteen. She’s independent and passionate and I need to watch out for her elbows should I be near her when she speaks. Ivanka, seventeen, is your half-sister. She’s apprenticing at the local blacksmiths, which I should bring up to her, but not around your mother, who’s annoyed she’s not carrying on the family stone mason business--”
 “-- You’re doing great!”
 “-- thank you -- Jascha is your half-brother, fifteen. He works as a stablehand and doesn’t like direct eye contact. If he likes me, I’ll know. Luka is another half-brother, twelve, he likes climbing things and stealing, I need to watch my pockets around him. Lydia, half-sister, seven. She’ll mention her age, and I need to comment on how mature she is. Magda, the youngest, four, half-sister. She’ll try to climb on my lap and will scream if I don’t let her.”
 “Just let her.”
 “I will.”
 “Last name?”
 “And you shouldn’t…?”
 “Bring up dragonchess around him.”
 “He’ll challenge me to a game.”
 “Get mad when he loses.”
 “I can’t believe you remembered all of that.”
 “Please, that’s nothing. I have your father’s side of the family committed to memory, the names, favourite gifts, and favourite pastimes of both your grandparents and step-grandparents, and a mental list of your aunts, uncles, cousins, and step-aunts, uncles, and cousins names and where they hail from. I know I can’t seat your Aunt Jenvig with your Step-Uncle Jakob, your cousin Helsig is lactose intolerant but will try to eat dairy anyway, and your Grandma Helena should not be referred to as anything other than Grandma Helena.”
 “Impressive. Did I ever tell you that your knack for memory is weirdly arousing?” Rose purred.
 “Oh you haven’t seen anything yet. Wait until we get to your first cousins twice removed,” Gale flirted in kind. 
 “Hm,” he hummed, “Can’t wait.” Then turning sombre: “Alright, do you think we’re ready?” he grabbed the ink pen.
 Gale grabbed the wedding seating chart, matching his serious brow, “As we’ll ever be.”
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wandaxpietro · 4 months
another ask because this is the only way I know how to contribute to the Maxicest/ScarletSilver fandom (wish i could do more but college is p a i n )
but imagine if Pietro and Wanda just came out and told everyone they're dating/in love (whether as a joke or if they're being serious or idk) I am willing to bet a majority of their friends/coworkers/acquaintances/enemies would either be like: "we knew lol" or "you haven't already???" or be supportive or neutral to their relationship.
But I'm wondering... how would Magneto react? How would Lorna react? How would Magda/Marya/Natalya and Django react? (if they were alive to see it) How would Vision or Crystal react?
Hell, how would Billy and Tommy react? And Luna too? (marvel pls bring her back :((( plsss)
i feel like in the current SW&QS comic run, there will probably be some in-universe comment/rumors that since are Pietro and Wanda are together again, that they are together.
(might ask more questions/thoughts/random blurbs later ://)
ah i think you're more charitable than i am... i don't think most people who know them would be okay with it. they all probably know to varying degrees -- especially their close friends -- it's the deniability that saves it for them, that makes them able to ignore all of it. the avengers (the ones that are close to them, that is) all know, all have seen the twins in weird situations, but they've gotten very very good at looking away. none of them want to know. i think they'd be highly uncomfortable if they came out with their relationship officially, because that'd mean they can no longer ignore it, y'know? i don't think most would start a fight about it or a confrontation or anything, but they'd get weird around the twins.
(on a side note, i think clint is one of the people who'd get actually angry for a while lol. that moment when you're bisexual and your two crushes are dating etc etc. also i think carol would ask wanda if she's alright, if pietro's forcing her into anything, which would make wanda really mad. janet i think is smart enough that she's realized for a long time they're in love & knows something like that isn't going on but she wouldn't be very comfortable, either. the one i think who's most likely to "accept" it is actually tony bcuz i think he genuinely wouldn't give a fuck lol)
that aside! now for the ones you actually asked about lol. ah it's difficult.
magneto - depends on when he'd find out. during brotherhood times, i don't think he'd care, because he didn't really care about them to begin with. once he finds out they're related, at the very beginning, i think he'd be appalled but there isn't anything he can do about it, since he's an absent father trying to reconnect and has no rights to his children. once they're in the family dance for a while, he's grown a bit demanding, esp towards pietro, if that makes sense? so i think he'd probably argue with them about it lol. i don't think he'd like it, not so much bcuz of personal disgust, but mostly bcuz of optics. but also bcuz he has a desire for his children to live normal, happy lives (as much as he has trouble showing them that normally lol) and i think he'd think that would interfere with that. he's also very good at ignoring it, however -- before he'd officially find out, ofc, but after, too. he just conveniently "forgets" it. maybe starts introducing both of them to other people. they hate it.
lorna - i think lorna knows. i think she's known for a long time and while she was disgusted by it at first (and also strangely jealous; she doesn't want either of them but they've always been so close and she never had that. she doesn't have a sibling that's primarily hers, if that makes sense) i think she came to terms with it over time, enough so that she'd be pretty alright with it if they went official.
i honestly don't know about magda, django, marya and natalya... i think magda would have a lot of compassion after everything they've been through, but would treat it as an unfortunate side-effect of all of the twins' trauma, if that makes sense? she loves them a lot, though. the rest of them i don't know. i can't see any of them liking it, but marya and django might just be happy they're both alive and happy, you know? i feel like natalya would want more for them, similarly to magneto, bcuz she doesn't quite get it. but no one does. so yknow.
so billy and tommy are their kids. we know this. i think tommy wouldn't care, tbh. i can't see him being fazed or disgusted by it, also i think he'd be happy to find out pietro is his dad. they already get along, and he doesn't have a lot of people who care about him, and who want to spend time with him (vision never did lol). idk about billy..... i think he dearly loves them both but i think he might just think wanda could do better (lol). i think he'd be vaguely uncomfortable, but pietro would never play dad if billy didn't want that, so i think they're fine-ish? he'd probably get used to it eventually even when he's not thrilled. idk if he'd ever see pietro as his dad. also i think he's also known for a long time but he hasn't gotten over it like lorna has.
as for luna....... honestly she's genuinely a weird kid. she can see people's emotions & i can't see her caring much about "human" taboos. she's from a royal family, and her aunt's husband is also her aunt's (distant) cousin. i think she'd be fine, lol. she can see the love between wanda & pietro -- and tho she probably didn't realize (or didn't want to; bcuz that'd make things complicated) that it was romantic, too, she'd be relatively fine, just happy that her father's happy. she's long since been over crystal and pietro's marriage, so that doesn't bother her, either.
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Proud III
Hardersson x Teen!Reader
Summary: The aftermath of the derby
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The comments started coming in the moment you got home.
You were in a boot. Your ankle was very badly sprained. Not broken but anymore pressure on Morsa's tackle and it might have been snapped completely.
It wasn't your fault. You knew that but it didn't stop the comments from rolling in.
Some of them (very few of them) were wishing you well in your recovery. More of them were simply people retweeting the injury. But the overwhelming majority were downright nasty.
A lot of them said that you were milking the injury. A few more said you got what was coming to you. Even more said that you had goaded your mother into it.
Your feed was flooded with comments and then DMs, so much so that you had to turn off your notifications.
Your ankle still throbbed and you refused to take painkillers, sitting on a heap on the sofa with your phone opened on Twitter. You don't know why you were doing it. It was like watching a car crash. It was horrible and a bad feeling lodged in your chest but you just couldn't look away.
You kept scrolling through every nasty comment blaming you for your own injury as your ankle throbbed.
The foot door opened and you jumped in shock.
"I'm back!" Morsa yelled out more for Momma's benefit than your own.
"Hmm," Momma grunted from the kitchen, still intent on the silent treatment as Morsa fell next to you on the sofa.
"How's the ankle?"
You gave her a deadpan look. "Sprained."
Her smile fell. "Oh...right..." She looked around the room awkwardly, drumming her fingers on her knee. "Have we sorted out dinner?"
"We're ordering in," You replied. You don't look at her, you just keep staring at your phone. Your eyes pricked with her tears as you stared at the comments. The pain in your ankle lessened as it was replaced by a deep pit in your stomach and a stitch-like pain in your chest.
"Cool. Cool." Morsa let the silence ring for a moment before speaking again," How long do you think it'll take for her to talk to me again?"
"How long does it take for a sprained ankle to heal?"
"That long? I think I'm sleeping out here tonight."
"Hmm, yeah, maybe."
You didn't pay much attention to her as you scrolled through your feed. Your shoulders slumped as you began to clear out your DMs as quickly as you could without getting a glimpse of what was written there.
(It didn't work).
You made sure to keep your mouth shut as a few stray tears slipped down your cheeks. You tried to clear your throat quietly. It worked for the most part but you did see Morsa cutting her eyes towards you as Momma returned with a glass of water for you.
"What are you looking at?" Morsa asked as she tried to crane her neck to see.
You tilted your phone away. "Nothing," You insisted.
"It's not nothing," Morsa said firmly," You're crying. What are you watching?"
"Nothing! Can't you just leave me alone?!"
Your phone was snatched from your hand by Momma and she instantly started going through it. You surged to your feet, trying desperately to ignore the pain in your ankle.
"Give it back!"
"Sit! Back! Down!" Morsa's icy voice cut you straight to the bone and you slumped back down into your seat, allowing Morsa to raise your leg up to rest on the pillow stack Momma had set up the moment you got home.
"Why are you reading this utter shit?!" It wasn't often that you heard Momma swear but you knew she was usually mad when she did.
"No!" She stood up. "I don't want to see you doing this again! You're not to read any more of this stuff! It's stupid and none of this is your fault. It's Magda's! And trust me, she'll get what's coming to her-"
Morsa looked like she wanted the sofa to swallow her whole.
"-But none of this is your fault. You're the one in the boot. You're the victim here!"
"Unless the next words out of your mouth are 'yes, Momma, I am the victim' then I don't want to hear it!"
Your mouth snapped shut and you began to understand why Morsa tried to make herself invisible.
"Say it," Momma said.
"Say. It."
You sighed and mumbled out," Yes, Momma, I am the victim."
Momma smiled. "Good. I'm glad we're on the same page. Now, first things first, Magda...You're sleeping on the sofa tonight. You're doing the dishes and the laundry. Understand?"
Morsa tried to hide her smile but you could see it peeking up on her lips. "Yes, Pernille."
"Good. Next, y/n, take some painkillers and you're not getting this back-" She wiggled your phone "-Until I can trust that you're not going to scroll through anymore hate comments."
You sighed. "Yes, Momma."
"Excellent. Now...What do we want for dinner?"
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