#Make Golden Horde Great Again
ra-horakhty-art · 2 months
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Batu and Subutai in Europe. According Genghis khan wish, Batu and Subutai went to Europe "to the last sea". They got Litva, Poland and Hungaria. But it was to hard for mongols to go on their conquest because of castles and little space for feeding the horses. Also it was unnecessary, besides, Batu had enough lands for his ulus and when he had the reason to turn back, he did it immediately. He said to his warriors, that kaan Ogodai died, and they won. After it, he returned to Volga region, because there was dangerous political situation in Karakorum. (Batu's enemy got the power) Although Batu and Subutai said about necessity their being at Kurultai, they didn't go there.
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Some fragments of course.
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I'm not good at writing these but can we please see an interaction between Rollo and Trein and maybe Lucius? I really like the idea of Trein being a mentor figure to Rollo since Trein says he will keep an eye on him at the end of Glorious Masquerade. I don't know how the interaction would be structured but I'll leave that up to you if you choose to write this!
Yessss 😭 YOU GET IT, Trein could be a great mentor to Rollo…
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For the last hour, Rollo had been nursing a growing migraine. The bumping music, the horde of guests, his inner voice counting off all the work still yet to be done. Each was another icy nail driven into his skull. Two glasses of grape juice were not enough to dull that buzz that clouded his mind.
Rollo had excused himself from making social rounds to fill up on refreshments—but he knew it wouldn't be long before someone came by to drag him back into the fray.
He slumped forward in his seat, catching his forehead with one hand. In his other hand, he clutched onto his third serving of grape juice. His only solace in these trying times.
Rollo exhaled deeply, squeezing his eyes shut. A silent prayer was at his lips.
Lord help me persevere. I am surrounded by idiots, beseeched to engage with them…!! Why must I endure this madness?!
A sudden softness came down on his nose.
Startled, Rollo immediately shot up. His grape juice nearly spilled, had a quick paw not catch the rim and keep it upright.
A plump cat had appeared on the table, staring at Rollo through sharp golden eyes. Its coat was a glossy black, the tip of its fluffy tail, chest, and muzzle a fine white. The cat meowed again, releasing its hold on the almost-fallen cup.
“Good day to you, Flamme.”
An older man appeared, scooping up the feline in his arms. His stern, bony face had been carved out with lines like the rings in a tree's core, his hair--streaked in shades of salt and pepper--slicked back from his forehead. He was dressed in a sharp suit and cravat, long maroon robes spilling over them.
“Mozus-sensei.” Rollo automatically straightened. “I was not aware that you were among those in attendance. To what do I owe this pleasure?”
"Quite a large number of students wished to leave campus for an important function. I am serving as the chaperone to them. Were it only one or two boys wishing to leave, I would not be needed to supervise." Trein gave a papery smile. "Ah, but it looks as though you have too many companions to keep them away."
Rollo attempted at a polite laugh behind his handkerchief. “Yes, it seems they feel the need to shower me with their attention.”
“I take it you do not favor these circumstances.”
“… Is it that easy to tell? I thought I was hiding it as best as I could.”
“You are sitting alone in a corner with nothing more than a drink in hand to keep you company,” Trein tactfully pointed out. “I understand. These events have the potential to wear one down. A moment of peace and quiet can be restorative.
"As for myself, I find that sitting down and stroking my dear Lucius helps after a long day. Would you like to give it a try? It just may soothe you as well."
Trein shifted, holding out Lucius to Rollo. The cat stared expectantly at the student, its tail swishing back and forth like a metronome.
Rollo's eyes widened. “What? No, I couldn't possibly...!"
Too late, Lucius had already been placed into his lap. The cat's body was almost liquid, pooling and settling into his new resting spot. Lucius was warm and soft, like the wings of an angel.
Rollo grimaced.
A familiar was on him, some mangy animal that had been mucking around who knows where before making contact.
"He likes to be scratched behind the ears and under the chin," Trein coaxed, demonstrating. "The head and back are safe too."
Rollo reluctantly followed Trein's instructions, his fingers sinking into the depths of Lucius's fur and awkwardly petting. Soon, the cat was purring contentedly.
“Aaah, Lucius. You’re so adorable and good with children," Trein cooed. "I think he likes you, Flamme."
"Does he?" Rollo looked doubtful--not that he had any particular interest in befriending a mage's familiar to begin with. Am I meant to feel flattered by that comment?
"Of course. I don't mind if you wish to stay a little longer and become better acquainted with Lucius." Trein motioned to the empty seat across from Rollo. "May I join you?"
He hesitated, considering. Between returning to the raging party and remaining in respite... Rollo warily glanced between his two options, and his answer immediately became clear.
"... I don't see why not," he said at last, relenting. Rollo had a fistful of Lucius's fur in his hand as he got the words out.
"Excellent. I've been meaning to catch up with you." Trein sank into the chair and folded his hands together. "Now then, how have you been? It's been a while."
The conversation that followed flowed like wine. Easily poured, and just as easily downed. It tasted clean and smooth upon his palate, clearing away the bitterness that had pervaded all day.
The glass of grape juice sat there, forgotten.
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elfven-blog · 11 months
All the damn vampires (1)
Summary: Recently moving to Santa Carla you may have finally found the perks.
Leon Kennedy x F!Reader A series based on the 1987 film ‘The Lost Boys’
CW: none for this chapter I believe, will be some in future (will be an 18+ series)
Word count: 1.3K
Dedicated to @nexysworld​ 
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You and your family had been living in Santa Carla for a few months now, your dad having dragged the entire family there for a better work opportunity and not even thinking about the consequences. Like how he rooted his family into the murder capital of the world. Great going, dad.
Okay so maybe the town wasn’t so bad if you ignored the massive hordes of children disappearing, there were some things to do for fun like the boardwalk you were walking down had rides and games, and on Fridays there was a free concert. Or that’s what your mother tried to tell you every time you complained of nothing to do. “I’ve been at that boardwalk every weekend, you’d think the prizes cluttering the house would tell you that” so maybe your voice was a bit snippy, but you had the right to be, after all it was becoming significantly harder to find a job in your specific career field when your miles away from anything else.
“I know okay, and I guess you could have also just moved out instead of coming here with us! You’re a grown adult, you don’t get to throw a tantrum like a child” from the tone of her voice, your mother was clearly just as annoyed as you. She was right, you could have stayed where you were and just moved out but then your parents would be all the way out here. And what about you? Left alone without anyone on the other side of the country.
The sky had started to darken, the music on the boardwalk changing from the upbeat family tunes to bass filled rave music. God you loved the 80s. You and your mother split from each other as she made her way to the place she had found work “I’ll see you later okay? See if you can find some work” with a nod you started making your way elsewhere. Your eyes followed the crowd making their way to the beach concert, your mouth pouting before you shook your head and moved on.
Most of the stores in the area didn’t really need any more staff, and your options were dwindling by the second. That feeling of frustration settled into your gut as you were rejected again. Your feet took you out of the shop and towards the fair rides, deciding to have a break before you got back to job hunting. The lights of the carousel were bright, the music loud as you made your way to sit on one of the horses, a smile brightening your face when the ride started to move.
You heard the squeals of laughter die down slightly, and a tense feeling settles in the air. With a frown you look around and that’s when you spot what’s caused this sudden change. Five boys have stepped onto the carousel, mischief filling their eyes as they look to cause chaos on the boardwalk tonight. The others you have seen before adorned in their unique outfits and often on the back of their bikes, but one of them is a new face. Golden hair and blue eyes, his leather jacket has a few adornments on it like Marco’s, but the rest of his clothes are relatively tame.
There is seemingly nothing interesting about him, but for some reason your eyes can’t be torn away from the grin on his face and your ears have tuned into the snicker leaving his mouth as the guard yells for them to leave. Your eyes follow him as you slip off the horse, leaving the carousel yourself as you watch them make their way through the crowd. Eyes flickering away when one of them nudges the new Blonde and he turns his head to look over his shoulder. A heat spreading across your cheeks.
When you look back, they’re already gone, and you kick yourself a little for missing the opportunity before shrugging your shoulders and making your way to where the concert was being held on the beach instead. The music flooding your ears and pumping the blood in your veins as you dance to it. It didn’t matter that there was so many other bodies around you, nor did the fact you were struggling to find work in this new place stay in your mind. It was just you and the rhythm; the vibes of the moment and the scent of alcohol was all just a part of the experience.
You lose yourself in the scene, ignoring everything around you as you throw yourself into this moment and focusing on how you feel right then. That is until someone knocks into you, sending you flying forward, and your hands reach out to steady yourself but finding no need to as arms wrap around your waist and hold you.
“You alright?” His voice is low and resounds right next to your ear as he pulls you to stand again. Your back presses against his back and you feel the leather of his jacket, but below that there’s nothing but muscle. Once situated upright, you leave his grasp and turn, eyes widening at the sight of the blonde from before. There’s still a grin on his lips as he looks at you, hands falling to his side, and you catch a glimpse of the rings adorning his fingers. The heat is back on your cheeks as you nod at him.
“Yea, thanks to you” It feels like there’s a blockage in your throat as you try to talk, mouth running dry at the way his eyes glaze over you before he’s looking you in the eyes again. And now he’s close you can see every detail in his face, even in the haze of the night you could memorise every inch. He gave you a wink before he started walking away, his arm somewhat outstretched as he walked backwards like he was beckoning you to follow him.
There was something in your gut telling you to not follow the stranger, but there’s fluttering in your stomach that outweighs it and you let him lead you off. Away from the crowds of people, and the music becomes a distance thumping as you stray together on the beach. Once your far enough away, the walking stops, and he turns to you. You watch the way the moonlight reflects of his jacket, hands moving to his jeans. It’s strange you think for a moment, there should be some warmth emanating from him but maybe it’s just the cold winds waving in from the sea.
The look in his eyes has changed slightly as a hand moves to twirl your hair, and your breath catches in your throat with how close he is. The scent of the sea cascades into your nose as the waves wash up close by, his voice coming out just as smooth as before “What’s a pretty girl like you doing all the way up here” there’s a curiosity in his tone and maybe something more that you can’t place.
You swallow before finding your voice “What everyone else is, I guess. A promising new start” Your words cause a chuckle to leave him, broad shoulders shaking as his face contorts. The need to have him laugh more wriggles into your thoughts.
“New promising start? In this shithole?” His tone is different now, colder and more tense as his eyes flash over to the horizon before moving back to the crowd where he nods, you head follows his gaze but you see nothing of note. He must have seen someone he knew, “Murder capital of the world…far cry from paradise, doll”.
That was the last thing he said before his thumb moves along the soft skin of your cheek, and then he’s moving away with a deep sigh. “You should be careful, wouldn’t want you being one of those faces on the cartons”.
You watch as he makes a path back to where you were, shoulders hunched as he moves. And you find yourself hoping to meet the blonde again.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 6 months
May I please request Celebrimbor x reader for the Christmas fic prompt: 🎅 Secret Santa (Modern AU only)? Just something sweet and fluffy please - Thank you!
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Oooh… my first Celebrimbor request!
Pairing: Modern! Celebrimbor x Reader (second person POV)
Themes: Soft/Fluff
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 900+ words
Summary: During the annual staff Christmas party, you find out who your Secret Santa is.
Minors DNI
Banner by @estrelinha-s
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Celebrimbor stood before the tree, admiring it. “It looks splendid,” he remarked, and he smiled. “And just in time for the party too. Do you know who your Secret Santa is?”
You didn’t know. Whoever it was, they took great care not to reveal themselves even after many of the others had done so and exchanged gifts. You had given a gift too, but your own gift was nowhere to be seen, much like the person who drew your name. Perhaps it was a surprise. Perhaps they were waiting until after the party was over.
Or perhaps they did not wish to give a gift. The notion soured your mood. Still, you managed a smile for your colleague.
“Truth be told, I don’t,” you replied, admiring the tree alongside him. It was so tall that it nearly touched the ceiling. And its scent—the entire office smelled glorious because of it. Dull golden light twinkled between its branches. Delicate glass baubles clung to them on thin strips of silver ribbon. The baubles were Celerbrimbor’s work. Light to the touch and as clear as spring-fed water, they were beautiful to behold. “But I’m hoping they make themselves known before long.”
“Indeed.” Celebrimbor offered his arm and led you to the lunchroom for the party.
There was food aplenty, and soft drinks for anyone who had a thirst for it. Employees nibbled on sandwiches and delicate pastries and little petit fours and pâté and cheese. Everyone talked and laughed, and discussed plans for the holidays. Some sat down on sofas and chairs. Others congregated at the windows. The city was awash in cheery colors that cut the chilling white of the snow. Most of the offices and shops had already closed for the season. Others were on the verge of doing so. The forge you worked for, the only one for miles and miles on end, was about to do the same.
Celebrimbor brought you a cup of coffee. The heat was a welcomed relief from the icy drinks on offer.
“Thank you,” you said, looking up at him, studying him keenly. “And what are your plans for the holidays?”
“Stay with my old man.” Celebrimbor made a face. And yet, his eyes twinkled with amusement. “And the literal horde of uncles and half-uncles and half-aunts and cousins that are all going to descend on Grandpa’s house for the holidays.”
House, he says. Finwë’s house was a mansion, the likes of which few had seen. It was large enough to hold his ever-growing family, and a great many more besides.
“I’m sure there are still some places for you to hide.”
“I doubt it. Besides, Uncle Tyelko would make it his mission to find me if I vanished into another corner of the house.”
“Yes,” you agreed. “But will he reveal your hiding place to the others?”
“Huh.” Celebrimbor tilted his head to one side, as if he was thinking. “Come to think of it, no. Not really. Knowing Uncle Tyelko, he might ask if there’s room enough for him and the twins too.”
You nearly choked on your coffee. Celebrimbor laughed, then reached into his pocket for a handkerchief. “There’s a bit of coffee here,” he said, and he dabbed the corner of your chin. “Wait. Let me clean it.”
Someone played Christmas music. People joined in by singing. Some deliberately changed the words for other, more playful variants. Laughter rose and fell in turns, even as the snow began to fall again. Celebrimbor then linked his arms around yours.
“Come with me, y/n,” was all he said.
The sounds of the party slowly faded into the distance as he led you down one empty office room after another, until the two of you reached a little nook that had been as lit up as the rest of the office.
“Stay here,” he insisted, “and close your eyes. Do not open them until I tell you to do so.”
A strange sense of suspicion drowned out any giddy anticipation you would have felt. Why would Celebrimbor take you to an empty part of the office? Why did he ask you to wait and close your eyes? It made no sense. Not unless he had a surprise, of course, and not unless he was—
No, you told yourself. It cannot be him.
You refused to believe it. Celebrimbor could not possibly be your Secret Santa. He would have said something if he was. He would have given you your gift by now. Surely he would have given a hint, at the very least.
“Here you go, y/n. Merry Christmas.” His rich, deep voice cut through every thought you had. Startled, you opened your eyes and found him standing before you with a small, prettily wrapped box in his hand.
You accepted the proffered gift, flustered and surprised and thrilled all at once. The box was small enough to fit inside your handbag, but it was still heavy. Unable to help yourself, you rip up the paper, much to his amusement. Then you lifted the lid.
What you found inside took your breath away. Nestled amidst red and green tissue paper, was a brooch, all gold and crystal, and so so beautiful.
“Uncle Fëanor helped me,” Celebrimbor explained, then hesitated. “Is it too much? Do you like it?”
“This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” you reply, both overwhelmed and deeply touched. “Thank you. A thousand times, thank you.”
The smile that rose in return was even more breathtaking than the jewel in your palm.
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sepublic · 3 months
It's kinda funny seeing people mourn the original concept for The Lego Ninjago Movie, which involved the ninja traveling back in time to stop the Great Devourer from biting Garmadon, and fighting snake warriors. Because we still kinda got that, in the very same year no less?
Hands of Time is an interesting case in that it's kind of a transitional season, the end of an era; It came out the same year as The Lego Ninjago Movie, and was meant to take up the Winter slot before TLNM showed up for Summer. It was our last season with the traditional designs, and for a while our last season with a Weekend Whip-style remix of intro, before TLNM and led to a soft reboot in the Oni trilogy. The Oni trilogy gave us updated designs based on TLNM's, under the original plan of attracting new fans from THAT continuity over to the main one. I believe it's even jokingly implied within the show that the butterfly effects from the time travel of S7 led to the S8 redesigns! And Legacy kinda contributes to that idea...?
The point is, 2017 was a strange year for Ninjago with a lot of change, even in different writers who temporarily replaced the Hagemans, who eventually did leave for Wildbrain to take over. One could argue Hands of Time was created as a way to pad out time between Day of the Departed and TLNM's releases! And Day of the Departed drew a lot on prior Ninjago entries, so it was like a whole year just waiting for TLNM to premiere before applying it to mainline Ninjago canon.
And I think that applies to Hands of Time, because a lot of it is based on that old TLNM concept I mentioned earlier! Early designs for the snake warriors from the first draft of the film were repurposed for the Vermillion in Hands of Time. It was a story about time travel, and so is Hands of Time. The Great Devourer plays an important role, being the incident the ninja are trying to prevent in TLNM's first draft, and in HoT, the mother of the Vermillion horde.
Obviously there are differences; TLNM's first draft centered around the past as the primary setting of the story, and it was about the heroes trying to undo a past evil. Whereas for HoT, time travel isn't achieved until the last episode, and it's about villains trying to undo past good. But a lot of the concepts were clearly carried over and repurposed, because they were perfectly good concepts drawing on previous ideas mainline Ninjago already explored (snake warriors, the Great Devourer's legacy, time travel).
A few years later we even got the Golden Hour short, which continues the story of HoT just a bit more, and has Wu almost allowing Acronix to unwittingly prevent Garmadon from being bitten by the Great Devourer; The original goal of TLNM's time travel draft. And probably how that draft would've ended, if Lego had rolled with that plot instead.
So while some are insisting TLNM should've been about this original concept, it's ironic to me because we technically still did get that first draft, in the same year as TLNM, right before it! So 2017 really is the year of TLNM, all of it, even Hands of Time. And as I said with Day of the Departed, it also draws upon a lot of past Ninjago events, lore, and concepts, such as the Serpentine War, Elemental Masters, Great Devourer, and Chen alluding to Ray and Maya. Krux was introduced via his alias in Day of the Departed. It kinda feels like a remix, like the Legacy and Core lines we'd later get.
That again gets me back to the idea that it's almost as if Lego was trying to do a final callback/retrospective on classic Ninjago as we knew it, to prepare us for a new era heralded by TLNM, and they used up basically a whole year as they waited for the people working on TLNM to figure things out. Before DotD is Skybound, which is technically retconned, and that makes Possession feel like the last big arc for Ninjago (before TLNM) that brought new, lasting things and wasn't worried about being second fiddle to some other production. It did give us ghosts, the sixteen realms, and establish Nya as a primary ninja. Possession is also the latest in terms of Legacy representation; Skybound, Day of the Departed, and Hands of Time are left out.
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The Winter Blue
What If: Brienne of Tarth x Reader
TW: Mention of death, graphic descriptions of violence, injuries, angst
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Summary: Inspired by Edd mistaking Tormund for a walker because of his blue eyes. The Great War was upon Winterfell. There were no farewells, only words of hope and faith in one another. To you, Brienne offered no more than a rare half smile with the promise of a brighter one once the war was over. Despite the gloom, her blue eyes still shone under the flames of the torches, and it was the last thing you saw of her before she turned to leave.
[Feel free to make requests (especially for the golden trio of Gwendoline Christie characters: Phasma, Brienne and Lucifer) . I've never written a [Y/N] thing before but heck, I just needed a bit of a rewrite for the dreaded season 8 :> I'm in a write-y mood & this came to be & it's angst. Enjoy <3]
Upon the wall from where you stood, bow and arrow in hand, you watched as the dead flooded the living. They came in waves, an unstoppable tide that would wipe everyone off the face of the North. You could not see where the tide ended. The dead stretched on so far, it was as if they were the sea climbing to the shore at the highest tide. Like waves, there came the crash. The first clash of weapons turned into a deafening buzz.
Sight was your truest and only weapon now. Over the clamor, you could not hear the commands of your leader but you knew to nock your arrow as your comrades began to take aim. The tide was coming dangerously close. You recalled how it extinguished the flames of the Dothraki cavalry, swallowing them whole with their horses. While death was no fiend to you, you could hear your blood rushing in your ears, the thrumming of your heart against your chest. No one wished to die by the wrath of those who have already died.
To be beaten by Death's pawns was a cheap game to lose.
Down went another line of soldiers. It was a game they were already losing. Drawing your bowstring, you took aim and fired. You did not wait to see where it struck for you were already reaching for another arrow. You nocked it, drew once more and fired. And again, and again. There was no flow in a war so filled with discord and destruction. Who needed formation when it was a matter of whose blade struck first? Or in your case, how many did your arrows kill first before the dead killed a fellow comrade?
You continued without rest, the same cycle. Nook, draw, release. Your arm was growing weaker in exhaustion but still, you pressed on. You'd lost count of the arrows you'd shot and with the smoke in your eyes, it was difficult to tell who was a friend or foe. Everyone was bloodied, the dead and living were armored alike as well as armed, and they all fought the same. They fought to kill rather than survive.
When everyone thought they were safe behind the walls, the dead broke in. It was then you ditched your bow for a sword to help those who fought on the castle grounds. With the living back behind the walls, you searched desperately for a familiar face but the horde was suffocating. Left and right, people dropped to the ground with their last breath, and some tore apart in a spray of blood as a blade sliced through them.
Where was she?
You lifted your head in hopes to see her towering figure, a glimpse of messy blonde hair- Something, at least! But to no avail, you were swept into a corner by the raging tide. You swung your sword at anything that dared to approach you in an attempt to clear the way, but the dead pressed on. To make matters worse, the Night King turned their people on them.
You saw how your fallen comrades rose from the ground, where you saw them drop like puppets whose strings were cut. Now they had a new puppet master. The sword in your hand felt heavy as you watched these familiar faces fight their friends. Who was the foe and who was the enemy now?
Whenever you swung your sword, you would close your eyes and allow the weapon to lead your strength. You could not bear to watch your friends die a second time nor could you look them in the eyes. Even as they dropped to your feet, you refused to look at them. As you were about to swing your sword again, a pair of blue eyes caught yours and your sword clattered to the ground after a meek swing at an incoming walker.
You knew those eyes, you'd seen them not long before the war began. Blue hues that glowed so magnificently every time you saw her. How enchanting they were. She was here. You'd found her. You took a step towards Brienne, a hand outstretched to her. You wanted to pull her by your side where she was within an eyeshot from you. You felt safer knowing that she was still here with you as it vanquished all your fears. You could finally breathe in this cold winter air.
As you advanced closer, your lady soon a few feet away from you, you began to come to a slow stop.
You felt your chest tighten. . .
The glow in her eyes. It was not from the torches. With no crowd between you and Brienne, you could see the blood pouring down her armor from where it was breached. Her chest where her heart was was hollow, ripped by the hands of the dead. She had been stripped slightly of her armor where the dead tore at her. Beneath the layers, every inch of exposed skin was littered in scratches and open wounds that bled profusely.
Then you looked up at her. Her hauntingly beautiful face. You'd seen her eyes; they were always the first thing you saw of her and always the last when you bade farewell. You had not seen the way her mouth hung open from when she screamed from a painful death, as the dead scratched her skin and wrenched her heart out. You missed the crimson that poured down her lips and stained her hair like dye, and worst of all, you missed the pale emptiness in her gaze.
You clutched your sword tighter as you stared up at Brienne, your vision blurred by tears. You saw her step towards you, one heavy step after another, and before you knew it, she was charging at you. You could hear her thundering footsteps, see her blurred silhouette ready to slaughter you with her bare hands. Blinking away your tears, you closed your eyes and stabbed your sword upwards. Whether it struck her or not, you could not care but you knew you did for the impact did not come.
Brienne toppled at your feet as her head slid off the sword where you had struck her. A clean death. Where she laid, her eyes rested on you with a gentleness you'd grown so used to. Your throat ache, though, not from the cold but from the sobs that the war was drowning out. The winter blue of the Night King had gone and you knew you were looking into her eyes once more. The last thing of her you will ever see.
The last farewell.
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valleydean · 1 year
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Chapter 11 [Read Here]
HEAVYWEIGHT a deancas boxing au by valleydean (emmbrancsxx0) read from beginning | playlist | ko-fi
SUMMARY: Brooklyn, 1927. The Golden Age of Boxing. Two years ago, light heavyweight champion Dean Winchester and heavyweight champion Castiel Novak had a secret affair. After a scandal tarnished Cas’ name and stripped him of his title, the two parted ways. Now, with a heavyweight tournament on the horizon, Dean aims to up his weight class so he can compete for the title. He finds unexpected competition when Cas comes out of retirement and returns to New York to fix his reputation. Upon their reunion, the two contenders learn that, outside of the ring, some bruises never really heal.
Dean grit his teeth and tried not to visibly react to the nails-on-a-chalkboard, screech-of-tires racket that was Michael Morningstar’s voice droning on to a room full of reporters. “And, of course, Mr. Winchester and the entirety of Winchester Gym are worthy opponents. Both Mr. Winchester and Castiel have held title belts in the past—albeit, Winchester’s in a lower division.”
Dean had to physically restrain himself from telling Michael, in front of the press and God and everyone, that a light heavyweight belt was better than a phony heavyweight belt.
“I think the two of them make a rather good match,” Michael continued, and the press seemed to eat it up. They hastily scribbled down notes on their pads, the rustle of pages being frequently flipped filling the room. They snapped photographs. “I think Saturday should make for an interesting bout, and I wish Winchester Gym the best of luck… But, I know who I’m putting my money on.” He clapped Cas, sitting beside him, on the shoulder and added quickly, “Figuratively, of course.”
The wink-wink, nudge-nudge got a few laughs from the room, like it had been a joke at all. Dean wasn’t so sure. The choice of words were a little too pointed.
He glanced down the long table at the front of the press room. He and Bobby were sitting on the right end of the table, Dean in the middle of his coach and Crowley, who was there to answer more general questions about the final eliminator match and the NBA’s plans for it. Cas was seated to Crowley’s left, Michael beside him.
Dean watched Cas swallow hard at Michael’s word choice. Briefly, his eyes flashed to their corners, to Dean. Dean tore his gaze forward again, not wanting to seem like this was affecting him. That any of it was: Michael’s bullshit, the uncomfortably tight tie around his neck, the body heat packed inside the room, the fact that Cas was sitting just a few feet away from him, just out of reach.
A little earlier, Crowley started the press conference by announcing that the fight would take place on the second Saturday of February, a week away. Tomorrow, the fight card would be in print, and hordes of people would swarm the box offices for their chance to get a ticket. And Dean was expected to sit there in his monkey suit, clean shaven and bathed for the first time in a week, and answer questions to build up public anticipation as if he wasn’t violently spiraling through emotions that ranged from fury directed toward the three men to his left to unfounded determination to beat them all at their own game.
The worst part was, Cas seemed just as bullheaded and petty. Barring the occasional slip ups, he kept his eyes forward and appeared hell-bent on ignoring Dean’s entire existence. He hadn’t even looked Dean in the eye at the start of the press conference when they amicably shook hands for the cameras, as if to assure the public, See? We don’t really want to pummel each other into bloody pulps. We’re great pals!
Cas had kept his handshake as loose as possible and pulled his hand away sooner than he should have, like Dean was dirty. But his palm had been warm with nervous perspiration, and it was enough to make Dean feel vindicated and self-assured that Cas was, in fact, wounded, too.
He was the bruise on Cas’ ribs; Cas was his broken jaw.
TAGGED: @lovercas @donestiel @wanderingcas @wayward-angels-club @thetiredstuff @skella-bro @casthegrumpy @celestialcastiel @bluefirecas @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets @that-one-fandom-chick @haru-park96 @alejandriaiqq @no-aesthetic-all-aethetic @amirosebooks @epple-benene @agus-likes @the-ship-haz-sailed @justkissalreadyforfucksake @madimoo31 @an-angel-in-love-with-a-hunter @gracelesstars @bazghetti @wayward-waffles @theojaxons @jenmishrob @all-or-nothing-baby @auttownblue @leftistdean @sargafust @wannabe-loser @jessalrynn @splicedthoughts @castielss @that-dumbass-on-a-horse @passionfruixts @fabreagab @princesswinchester100 @superduckbatrebel @hopefuldreamers-world@theangelwiththewormstache @casandeans @mylovelydame21 @confusedisaster @superduckbatrebel @destielwentcanonomg @highest-brightness @i-put-the-ayyy-in-asexual @darkacademiagay @imthedoctorlove @freckledean @youcanteverknowenough @chicken-kebabs @myguardianangelisatrickster @hotactiongirlcoded @wingsandimpalas @casandhumanity @tploz @dontsgotalifee389 @on-a-bender @castiel-mybeloved @siriusseverusdeservedbetter @doctorprofessorsong @castielshotgirlsummer @toomuchheartcas @paintdriesfaster @lesbiancowboyy @angelinthefire @transdeantruther @fluffy-alpacaness @rogue-cas-whore @winchester-derangement-syndrome @lizzybennettdarcy @kineticpassion @i-love-books-and-so-do-you @dascean @llamasdumpsterfire @psychicbouquetblaze-stuff @im-some-lionheart @charlie-bradburi @bunnymcbunnister @gothanna @afeelingsosweet @sinnabonka @artsymoth @cassandrablah @sweetpeaalena @goiwantamuffin @rauko-is-a-free-elf @jessalrynn @ungcl @highwarlockofinnsbruck @deancaskiss @caddy-coo @bloodydeanwinchester @hannibalsthembo @proudpigeon @butterscotchdean @this-is-me19 @layofcastiel @claire-drinks-lovely-lemonade @harleycao @jgvfhl @thembo-cowboy @aussie-twat @slit-wrist @ilikemanythingsespeciallyyou
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ornii · 1 year
Adora x Male reader?
I suppose you mean Adora from She-Ra, Princess of Power? Still a great suggestion. The only thing I’d ask is to be a tiny bit more descriptive. Besides that—
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Training to be better
Adora (She-Ra) X Male Reader
Note: Muscle Girls Are the best thing like, Ever.
The Grounds of Bright moon were a perfect training ground for the Warriors and Princesses in order to hone their skills for combat against the engrossing evil that arose in the past years. Whist (Y/n)’s Training wasn’t particularly complicated it was not a walk in the park and he took his position as captain of the Guard very seriously. When it came to training recruits he could make a man out of them, but that was before he came in contact with, Adora.
(Y/n) stood at a clearing near the bottom of the village past the castle, tapping his foot. His palm rested on the hilt of his sword. He was waiting Adora who was late, again. He let out a weary sigh and then caught a glimpse of someone approaching from the horizon. Adora finally made it panting.
“Sorry! Sorry! Had… To save.. Baby Birds..” she says through bated breath. (Y/n) raises an eyebrow but ignores the questions he had.
“Alright, anyway since you’re finally on time, we can start the basic training. Now have you used a sword before?” He said. Adora scratches her head.
“Well, Horde training was mostly using combat rifles, drill training and other stuff but.. no. Not swords.” She admits sheepishly, (Y/n) shook his head and points at her sword.
“Alright, raise your blade.” He says, and Adora does.
“First things first, I’ll teach you the basics, and the first thing you learn about a sword is a sword stance. They’re the forms made to be the most effective and efficient in sword combat, here.” He says, he grabs his sword with both handles and raises it upward at a slight angle. He kept his hands near his pelvis and the blade angles outward.
“This is the close stance, a basic form for dealing with quick blocking and counters. Keeping your sword close to your body gives you more control on how it reacts. See?” He begins to deflect, raising his blade. Now you try it.” He says, Adora performs the Close stance without much failure.
“Is this right?” She asks, he walks up to her and around behind her, his hands grasp her waist and a slight “eep!” Creeps from behind her, his foot nudges hers apart more.
“Keep your feet spread more, gives you more balance to block attacks. His palms slide forward and grasp her waist and tilts the sword back to where it’s close to Adoras face.
“Now this is your guard stance.” He says and walks back to face her, “This will be your best friend, and it’ll keep you from getting your face chopped off, which is kinda important.
“Okay? But why would I need to do this when I can just use She-Ra?” She says.
“Because you can’t rely on She-Ra all the time, plus I’m sure she’s not even that strong.” He says.
“You’ve never even seen her fight though…” Adora says under her breath slightly.
“Well, how strong can she really be?” He says, and Adora’s grin creeps along her face, she aims her blade upward and calls upon its power.
“For the Honor of GraySkull!”
In a blinding flash of light (Y/n) had to put his hands up and sharply close his eyes. With the light finally gone, he looks back.
“Okay cute little Skill but it—“ he begins but his voice croaks at the sight, Adora has turned into a tall, strapping and burly woman with long flowing golden hair, a white suit of combat armor. She jams her blade into the ground and flexes her muscles. (Y/n) was at a loss for words seeing this Chiseled, perfect Goddess before him.
“Like what you see?” She asks Leering with a smirk and (Y/n) snaps out of his trance.
“Okay “She-Ra” let’s see this new power you have.” (Y/n) said, She-Ra picks up her blade and he draws his in the low stance, the blade low to the ground, he rushes at her and goes for an upward swing, the blades collide and it felt like he just hit a Boulder. He stumbles back from the recoil and She-Ra just shrugs at his advance. He turns to the high stance, his blade raised over his head and he charges in for more swings. But each swing was perfectly blocked by the Princess of Power. She’s yawning, Yawning at his attacks! Getting more frustrated, (Y/n) swings with even more force, sparks emit and he spins, he changes stances mid spin to go for a stab, almost in instinct She-Ra side steps the stab and extends her plam and roughly jam it into his chest, the impact sends him spiraling. He flies back and crashes back first into a tree, collapsing down.
“So, how’s that for Power?” She Said, she waited but to hear no response, worry began to wash over She-Ra, afraid she just murdered someone and she quickly ran over, calling your name. The wind had been absolutely blown from your body. Causing you to faint from the shock of the impact, you slowly awaken as Adora was back, frantically shaking you.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n) please wake up! I’m sorry I should’ve listened to you! Please just—“
“You can stop shaking me.” You say Pretty calmly, you take a few deep breaths to catch yourself, but it helped little as she hugged you so ferociously, afraid she’s lost someone again.
“Woah! You can stop crying, it’s unbefitting of a Princess to cry.” He says, she slowly stops but doesn’t release you from her hug.
“I thought I lost you, I should have been more careful I… I’m sorry.” She said from the muffles of your shirt. You gently pat her back, reassuring her of your safety.
“It’s fine, im Fine.. Trust me, that’s the last time I’ll question She-Ara.”
She lets go of you and wipes the tears, standing up she offers you a hand and you gladly accept it, standing up you call your training quits for today, but this was the first step, the first step in the right direction.
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(Disclaimer, all critiques thrown at Tumblr user alteredsilicone, otherwise known as Artie, are made with comedic intent and are exaggerated for the sake of comedy. Me and her are, at least from my POV, great friends and I only intend to entertain with my sarcastic quips aimed at her)
Welcome once again, fellow Tenno, to an oc showcase!
This time we have a perfect example of @alteredsilicone 's "parenting skills" (aka Child Neglect), Camelia Meister (as pictured above by her mother back when she gave a damn about Camelia)
In case it wasn't obvious, this oc is hers, but given that Artie so callously abbandoned Camelia, I'll be the father that stepped up and take her in as my very own void kid.
So some information (will change eventually, this is just the current vibe) :
Camelia is a bubbly, electric-themed Main Character Tenno (in other words she's currently the protagonist Tenno, the one who tames Umbra, completes all of the quests, etc. Combining that with her allgnment being eclipse, we can see that currently, shes a bit of a (excuse my French) 'slice of white bread'.
Her current (pun not intended) Warframes are Volt Prime (from before the Awakening), Nova Prime (After Awakening) and Gyre (post AOTZ), with her drifter also having a few favorites who for the sake of being concise, shall be ommitted. I plan to keep this entarauge going forward, however I will give Gyre to Drifter Camelia, as not only does it set up a good Drifter Operator contrast, but it also makes sense considering drifter's ties the Zariman.
Speaking of her drifter, I am dissappoined to say that, as of right now, her very vigilant mother (obvious sarcasm is obvious) decided not to give drifter Camelia any backstory to speak of, thus it shall fall to me to give her one once the time is right. Also worth noting is how operator Camelia is not alligned with any of the 6 syndicates, instead focusing her goodie-two-shoes nature on helping the Ostron and Solaris people (btw, did anyone else hear a ragged whisper calling Artie a "coward who couldn't commit her darling daughter to a single interesting idea due to her being the mc"? No, just me?)
Some early explorations on how I intend to season her character (aka make her into anything other than a cardboard cutout with pink electricity symbols scribbled on it with crayons) include:
-Making her follow New Loka and Perrin (the former because feel like shed be genuinely that kindhearted not to realize theyre luteral eco-fascists, and the latter definitely not because I want to terrorize Artie's new golden child, Viri, with the sins of her maker's past)
- New War induced Trauma
- Making her drifter a nuisance (as I often do) , and potentially give her some ties to Sythel and Mathila (cause peppy and electricity, plus theres some cool themeing you could draw from those two emotions)
- Maker her an exciteable little rapscallion who ends up electrifying hordes due to the sheer power of enjoying life
-Have her interact with The Chronicler (cool parallel, and nice dynamic given their contrasting traits
So yea, thats about it, feel free to leave any opinions you may have in the notes, and I wish you all a good day!
And also, Artie, if youre reading this which I assume you are, you owe me child support in the form of giving me a piece of drifter Camelia art for future reference .
🔫 This is a threat (polite request for a doodle you need not adhere to)
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iamthecomet · 6 months
-rolls in covered in dog hair-
Today was the last day of pet portraits with Santa at my work, saw around 40-ish dogs and one orange cat named Nacho.
Got called an elf twice, which I'm fine with, holiday elf or lotr elf I'm good with either.
Also got to pet the soon to be shop pup (new boss has a dog, and she's going to be one of the new mascots), she's a golden retriever.
Shop cat was very sad that she didn't get to hang out with the horde of chihuahuas that were in for a picture; She really likes little dogs, and her best friend (a 14yr old teacup chihuahua) was in for his picture, but she couldn't go say hi.
Sad times for Juniper.
She did get her picture with Santa yesterday though.
10/10 did the puppy head tilt for the camera.
Overall, it went well, and we made a decent amount of money for some local shelters, so there's that.
Hope things are well with you, and if things are a bit crumby, here's to better days to come.
-lint rolls the ask box on my way out-
That honestly sounds like so much fun. I don't get to play with many fuzzy animals anymore. My partner is allergic and my last family pet died in June, and so it's just the neighborhood cat for me. So that honestly sounds like such a great day. I love that someone brought their cat in for a picture--also Nacho is such a great name for an orange cat. 10/10. And sad that Juniper didn't get to see her old friend or make lots of new ones, but the fact that she got to get a picture with Santa is just so SWEET. She deserves it! Things have been alright over here. Weirdly busy. I got paid to hang out with a puppy for a couple hours last week so THAT was really nice. Might get to do it again this week. Holiday season is also birthday season for my family, so it's going to be a busy couple of months, but we're not doing traditional christmas this year (finally) so it should at least be low stress. Hope things are going well for you too, Lamp! ♥
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the-anarcho-occultist · 2 months
Vandal Savage
Vandal Savage (born circa 50,000 BC) is a metahuman, immortal, warlord and conqueror who has been active under numerous aliases in numerous places. Savage was born Vandar Adg, a member of the Blood Tribe in Anatolia well before the Hyborian Age. Adg’s acquisition of immortality is somewhat shrouded in rumor, but most available information implies the alien race known as the Scrin signaled their presence via a meteor shower and granted Adg a regenerative form of immortality in return for alliance with them. Adg was also given superhuman strength and psychic insight into others, making him functionally a genius. Adg used this power to aid his tribe in a revolt against the Children of the Night, a hairy ape-like race that dominated much of the world outside of Europe in this era. Adg’s genius and powers made him a formidable fighter against the Children. After helping defeat the Children, Adg would wander the Middle East and southern Europe for millennia, somewhat aimless for a while. He fought with the Immortal and at one time attempted to overthrow the Sumerian king Gilgamesh. Eventually, Adg’s ambitions grew and he constructed his first falsified identity in the form of Alexander the Great. In this identity, Adg was not wholly malevolent–he saved the realm of Pentexore from the giants Gog and Magog, established institutions like the Library of Alexandria and the First Warehouse, and briefly met the god Apollo, for instance–but displayed a ruthless, brutal side. During his conquests as Alexander, Adg briefly attempted to fight his way through Hell and was told he would one day end the world. When he got to India, Adg defeated an undead army of those he had previously slain and displayed a willingness to end the world, though this would ultimately not come to pass. Adg’s forces drew the attention of a race of aliens seeking to eliminate mankind, who copied Adg and his army to a parallel world as a record. In the end, Adg’s reign as Alexander ended with a poisoning attempt by the precursors of the Assassins, who were upset at his use of Precursor technology in his conquests.
Adg, however, was not to be kept down permanently via this method. Upon recovering, Adg once again sought to embark on conquest and domination. However, he would come to encounter a number of rivals to his power. Immortal Man, the Immortal, Hawkman, Hawkgirl and Ra’s Al Ghul were just a few of his long-running rivals. The Time Lord known as Professor Omega would regularly sabotage Adg’s efforts. The body-jumping being known as Doro became an enemy of Savage due to viewing him as a potential threat, a belief shared by Ayesha, the Queen of Kor. The time-traveling conqueror known as Kang likewise opposed Adg, viewing him as a threat. Despite these rivals, however, Adg was able to continue to assert himself. One of his most successful regimes was under the fabricated identity of Julius Caesar. As Caesar, Adg had multiple lovers including Egypt’s Cleopatra and the legendary warrior Xena, was targeted for murder by a time traveler and conquered most of Gaul outside the village of Amorica. Ultimately, Adg’s rule would collapse when he was stabbed multiple times by several members of the Roman Senate led by Brutus and Cassius-an attack which nearly actually killed Adg, a fact which caused him to go into hiding for centuries. Adg would reemerge in the 13th century as the Mongolian warlord Genghis Khan. After absorbing the remnants of the horde of Shan Yu (a notorious torture-happy Hun warlord who was killed by the warrior Fa Mulan) embarked on a conquest spree. Adg as Khan managed to establish what was at the time the world’s largest empire by land area and had numerous conquest-happy descendants including Khotun Khan, Shiwan Khan, and the Golden Claw. After being nearly killed by the Assassins, Adg went into a subtler form of operating.
Adg ultimately tired of operating in the shadows by the 1600’s, however. In this era, piracy was increasingly prevalent and here Adg saw his chance to once again become a feared warrior. Adg crafted the identity of Edward Teach and became a pirate, operating under the name of Blackbeard. In this identity, Adg would mentor several other pirates including Anne Providence and Connor Kenway, enter a relationship with Stede Bonnet the so-called ‘gentleman pirate’ and bury large amounts of treasure. Adg’s actions in this identity helped lead to him adopting his modern name of Vandal Savage and inspired a number of imitators, including one who would seemingly die in a confrontation with the Royal Navy only to be resurrected with dark magic. Savage’s nautical exploits would end with the Brethren Court’s unleashing of the goddess Calypso, which ushered in an event later dubbed the Alteration which made the seas deeply unsafe. Savage took refuge in Europe and resumed a role as a manipulator in the shadows. Operating behind the scenes, Savage influenced the likes of Napoleon Bonaparte and Otto Von Bludiron in the 19th century and in the 20th would be among the many vying to influence German Fuhrer Adenoid Hynkel. However, facing challenges from Hydra, Savage ultimately betrayed Hynkel and formed a common cause with communist forces in Eastern Europe, becoming a close confidant of Pottsylvanian dictator Josef Besstrashny.
The latter part of the 20th century saw Savage become more widely known as a supervillain. Savage would clash with the likes of the Justice League and Avengers on numerous occasions. Savage faced recurring failure, however, to secure what he really wanted. In an era where the likes of Victor Von Doom, Vega (also known as M. Bison), and Khan Noonien Singh managed to assert direct rule, Savage was full of envy. Savage was not content to stew in bitterness, however. Taking advantage of his latent-and secret-psychic abilities, Savage carefully constructed the identity of the enigmatic Kane and formed the organization known as the Brotherhood of Nod. Nod’s moment to threaten the world would come in the mid-1990’s with the arrival of the element Tiberium to Earth. Savage, on the advice of his ancient benefactors the Scrin, worked to secure the resource, viewing it as essential to his goal of conquest. However, the world refused to surrender. The formation of the Global Defense Initiative in 1996 helped contain Nod even amidst the turmoil of the Harvester and Fithp invasions. By 2000, a frustrated Savage retreated into hiding. Even the chaos of the early 21st century did not see Savage reemerge. It was only in the 2040’s-amidst worldwide turmoil-that Savage made another attempt at conquest. Savage emerged in this era in the identity of the so-called Grandmaster Meio and experienced much early success in conquering the world. However, in doing so, Savage ran afoul of the megacorporate institutions growing increasingly dominant over the world. Led by the Genom Corporation, they dedicated intense resources to imprisoning Savage. Ultimately, a chamber designed by the Vandein Corporation was deployed and Savage was lured into it. The trap was successful and Savage would be imprisoned for centuries.
Upon emerging, Savage had somewhat mellowed out and foreswore further conquest. He adopted the name Mr. Flint and attempted to live in peace for hundreds of years. Eventually, though, the constant attacks on Earth by aliens and dysfunctional Earth government led Savage to in the 3020’s launch a bid to seize control of the planet. The Earth government at the time, the United States of Earth, was a decrepit body led by the no-longer-sane resurrected head of Richard Monckton, whose blatant corruption and incompetence left the planet quite vulnerable. Savage’s attempt to seize control in a coup was derailed, however, by the simultaneous effort of Nathaniel Richards. Richards, who would in later time be better known as Kang the Conqueror, was a figure that Savage was vaguely aware of, but was not aware of his native time, which meant Kang (who had been in communication with versions of himself from other times) had the advantage. Kang’s forces were able to overthrow the USE and imprison Savage, but soon ran into further challenges. Neo-Queen Serenity, who had been ruling Japan for centuries already from Crystal Tokyo, challenged Kang’s rule of the planet, aided by the Legion of Superheroes, Savage, meanwhile, gave both sides the slip and escaped the planet. Enraged at being denied what he considered his right, Savage directed the Drej and Glorft fleets towards Earth, hoping that alien attacks would weaken both Serenity and Kang enough for him to take over the planet. Unfortunately for Savage, the Drej fleet was successfully repelled with ease and while the Glorft posed a much greater threat, the ultimate victory of Serenity’s Silver Millennium meant in the end the planet remained intact.
Savage spent much of his time in the early years beyond Earth biding his time. The emergence of the first galactic empire of humankind sparked Savage’s interest. Afterwards, Savage used his psychic capabilities to carve out a fiefdom under the pseudonym of ‘the Mule.’ In this guise, he sought to conquer the galaxy but was thwarted by Hari Seldon’s Foundation. Savage, undeterred, worked his way into the good graces of House Corrino of Salusa Secundus. Savage encouraged them to go beyond ruling a handful of star systems by waging war against rivals such as the Ekumen and the Star Kingdom of Manticore. Savage’s guidance led to the formation of a second empire, but Savage’s influence would be sidelined when Paul Atriedes overthrew the Corrinos with the help of the Fremen of Arrakis and his son Leto II scattered humankind. It was at this time Savage rediscovered Earth-a badly battered shell of its former self, still not having recovered from a war between Tsan-Chan and Panem that had occurred nearly 20,000 years earlier. Toons and Moureau sapiens who dubbed the planet Mobius dominated the place. Savage would seize the planet relatively easily, purging the nonhumans as well as the remnant Methusalahs who tried to supplant him at the last minute and from there proclaimed the formation of the Imperium of Man. Savage declared himself the Emperor of Mankind and began conquering the human worlds throughout the galaxy. Savage sought to bring benevolent tyranny to his subjects, but on being rendered comatose, his empire warped. Savage became hailed as a God-Emperor and his Imperium entered an era of dark, disastrous warfare. It is unclear whether Savage could end this if he woke up or if he would embrace what the Imperium has become either out of hubris or necessity, but for now his Imperium worships his comatose form while waging total war on a number of rival factions..
DC Comics, Conan the Barbarian, Command and Conquer, SCP Foundation, Invincible, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Dirge for Prester John, Warehouse 13, Alexander (1925 film), Dante’s Inferno (video game), Reign: The Conqueror, A Time Odyssey, Assassin’s Creed, Doctor Who, Professor Omega, Wild Seed, She, Xena: Warrior Princess, Criminal Case: Travel in Time, Asterix, Julius Caesar, Firefly, Mulan, Ghost of Tsushima, The Shadow, Marvel Comics (Agents of Atlas, The Avengers), Anne of the Indies, Our Flag Means Death, On Stranger Tides, Pirates of the Caribbean, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, Meccania the Super-State, The Great Dictator, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Mortal Kombat, Star Trek, Independence Day, Footfall, Strider, Bubblegum Crisis, Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha Force, Futurama, The Company, Sailor Moon, Titan AE, Megas XLR, Foundation, Dune, Hainish Cycle, Honor Harrington, Cthulhu Mythos, The Hunger Games, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, The Island of Doctor Moureau, Sonic the Hedgehog, Trinity Blood, Warhammer 40K
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randomfanner · 5 months
Get To Know Your Tav
I found this from @piipaw blog and I wanted to do it too for Anya (and maybe Orion and Calax).
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Anya Drakencoat | High-Half Elf | College of Lore Bard | She/Her | Age: Mid to Late-Twenties
What is your Tav’s…
Favorite Weapon: Sorrow - It is a weapon she can use with long reach and also sorrowful lash is a go to bonus action because Shadowheart heals.
Style of Combat: Anya tends to stay back and use ranged spells like scorching ray and also a good amount of buffing.
Most Prized Possession: Her 'Cloak of Many Pockets' - it is like a safety blanket she always has on when adventuring and it carries all of her poems !
Deepest Desire: Friends who aren't going to leave her.
Guilty Pleasure: Anya has found, after the encounter with Abdirak in the Goblin Camp, she is a masochistic. So pain, apparently.
Best-Kept Secret: Anya doesn't actually have any friends. She has co-workers, she had friends, but she has no friends at the start of the game. She is trying to fix that though!... doesn't stay fixed for long it feels though.
Greatest Strength: Very friendly to basically everyone and is always willing to help those in need!
Fatal Flaw: You can do anything to this girl and she will just accept it and forgive you. She will get extremely angry if you are mean to someone else but transfer that behavior to her and she becomes a doormat.
Favorite Smell: The Sea Breeze, not only is it the scent of Baldur's Gate and Home, it is also what her uncle uses to scent himself.
Favorite Spell or Cantrip: Scorching Ray - Pewpewpewpewpewpew Speak with Animals - Anya has found speaking with animals is a great way to get information and always makes sure to greet the day by casting it Enhance Ability - Who wants like +20 to persuasion with advantage? Anya does. Enhance ability makes it happen. (Guidance can be included in this)
Pet Peeve: Anya will fist fight you if you are rude to wait staff at a restaurant. (also lip smacking well eating gets on her nerves a bit)
Bad Habit: Biggest bad habit? Putting others before herself. Minor bad habits? Biting her nails most certainly is one of them.
Hidden Talent: Anya has a deep knowledge of the arcane, she could even rival some wizards with the knowledge she has horded up there.
Leisure Activity: Poetry, it is also how she gets her spells but she just really enjoys doing it.
Favorite Drink: Hot drinks: Coffee. Cold drinks: Apple Juice
Comfort Food: Strawberry Shortcake - there is a bakery in the upper city and the owner, a nice old halfling lady, is rather fond of Anya so every time Anya gets back from a job, she will get a free slice!
Favorite Person: Gale! From the moment he popped out of the portal Anya got excited because she had heard of the Wizard of Waterdeep and oh gods, he is right here! She has so many questions for him and wants to get to know more about him. And when she does well... he certainly isn't what she expected in the best ways. Shadowheart is someone who accidentally gets saddled with Anya because she was nice to her, keeps her from not dying and now has a golden retriever as a human following her around. Anya wants to get to know her but does stay her hand because she doesn't want to be too annoying or pushy.
Favored Display of Affection (platonic and/or romantic): Platonically be warned, Anya is a hugger. She will open her arms and offer a hug quite often when things are getting distressing and will 100% cuddle with Karlach after she gets her heart fixed. Romantically - hugging, kissing, cuddling, most physical affection like that. However she also writes poem and will just slide them over.
Fondest Childhood Memory: Playing and sharing food with her old friend in Bloomburg Park. Anya would like to see him again.
@bg3-stole-my-soul Now you gotta do it.
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It's not often I have art, let alone a coloured reference of my characters to go along with my rambles, so I wanted to jump on this opportunity. Rambles inbound!
(I should preface this that there's a muCH larger time gap between Splatoon 2 and 3 for my writing so forgive me)
Meet Amp! Full name Amphitrite. (Don't call her by her full name tho she might bite you) a 14 year old short n feral Octoling girl with more tentacles than braincells who hails from Inkopolis, who after growing up watching Off The Hook and becoming a huge fan of Marina, developed a deep desire to be a DJ herself!
She's been on her own most of her life, after her mother never returned home from work one day. Ever since she was wandering by herself, eventually hearing of the construction of the great Hammerhead Bridge leading straight to the Splatlands, and the city of Chaos itself; Splatsville!
In this she saw a golden opportunity to make it big, and so, giving what little money she had to a kindly delivery man, hitched a ride across the bridge into the lands beyond. At first it was just a smooth ride of watching the clouds roll by from the back of the truck, enjoying the sunshine and chewing lazily on horseradish sprouts. (She likes the spicy) but when the deliveryman reached his destination on the other side of the bridge, she waves goodbye and strikes out on her own into the desert.
It's a very, very long trip on foot, and not a particularly pleasant one. Intense heat in the day, a deep chill at night, and blisters on her feet from all the walking. She stops briefly at a place where the road nears the sea, deciding to go sit by the shore and cool off with the breeze. While she's down there, something shiny rolling in the surf catches her eye, upon investigation she finds a baby Salmonid stuck in a jar. She breaks him out and discovers he's hardly moving. She offers him one of her only items of food, a wasabi chip from a half-eaten tube she'd packed for the journey. The smell quickly revived him and he quickly wolfed down the chip, followed by the rest of the tube. From then on he's stuck to her like glue, she names him Sammy, and the two continue their journey together.
It takes a long time but the two of them eventually reach Splatsville, Amp has not a cent to her name, but that doesn't matter! There's so many other people around! So many kids! Sure they're all wearing nice clothes so she sticks out like a sore thumb, and sure there's some old weirdo who keeps staring at her from near the sewer grates, but hey, isn't that life?
So she tries to get into Turf War to connect with other kids and get some moolah to start working towards her dream, but unfortunately she doesn't really...click with it. She's reckless and tends to be the sort to value Splats over Inking. She's that person who doesn't ink the base cus she's too excited to get going. So she doesn't get along well with her peers and tends to lose a lot of matches as a result.
She earns just enough to afford some instant noodles and crash on the couch in the Lobby, but not enough to really make any progress. But fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately) there's another good method of making money in Splatsville. She finds a flier blowing around in the square one morning, advertising that a place called Grizzco was hiring, looking for fiery people with a good shooting arm to come apply. Amp, being without any sort of supervision, decides this isn't shady in the slightest, and being overcome with the feeling she's seen that Logo somewhere before, decides to sign up immediately!
For a few months Salmon Run works out great! (for her at least) her ferocity in battle works out great against hordes of slavering fish. Unfortunately she is still her scatterbrained, hyperactive self with trouble keeping track of other people, which leads to putting her team, and mostly herself, in danger. This leads to, once again, her peers not particularly liking her. Particularly her shift leader, a fella named Mono who's worked at Grizzco since he was a young boy himself.
Over time this starts to wear her down, and one day after a shift she just drops herself down in the square to catch her breath. It's then she notices that weird old man is still watching her. What on earth could he want after all this time? He notices she's noticed him and ducks back down into the grate. Amp, still having no supervision and apparently never having heard of stranger danger, decides to finally see what this old kook could possibly want and follows him. When one shady-as-hell venture fails it's on to the next one!
And that's how she ends up getting wrapped up in the business of the (new) New Squidbeak Splatoon! She takes an immediate shine to Cuttlefish and agrees to help him investigate the Crater, which has been coated in this...really gross fuzzy ooze. From then on shit just spins wildly out of control. I won't go over everything right now, but I will say she gets wrapped up in something much bigger than herself. She will learn a bit more about her family history, and hopefully to think before she inks 👀
[Hey thank you for reading! That was a lot! The art in this post was done by my wonderfully talented friend @redginaldusrooiakker whom I love very much, thanks again for reading this far, and here's a bonus dialogue icon for Amp they also made. Peace ✌️💕]
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cherrytea556 · 2 years
She ra is an overhyped mess
I do not get how it was praised so much and was apparently the point were she ra got popular or at least had its popularity grow because there was just so much wrong in s5
The characters are either acting out of character, wasted, used for shipping, have no character development or just badly written
The only characters that i can think of that was well written and not wasted was shadow weaver, angella, mara and lighthope. Mara, angella and lighthope story was already finished so they wouldnt be affected by s5's writing. With shadow weaver, they have her still be a villain which she was great at so that's good at least. But that couldnt be said for the other characters because there stories either was brushed off to never be focused on again, badly written or there was just never a story to begin with.
The tonal issues they have in the later episodes of s5 even though were suppose to take this series seriously. She ra always have tonal issues like with princess prom and those episodes in s4 but it hasnt changed in s5 like in perls of peekablue, their acting like its a fun party when its not and taking control has a sideplot of the rebellion gang going to a party like dont you guys have war rn?
Theres this plothole of grayskull because how its explained in return of the frightzone makes no sense, although maybe im wrong, its coming from memory
How they do redemption with catra and hordax-do i even need to explain further? Like both are shit, catra and hordax didnt change in the end. Hordax may be a worse case because some people say that he wasnt even meant to be redeemed but have an arc about finding himself and acceptance which if thats the intent, why tf would you pick the colonizer that took and brainwash children into harming innocent people? Wheres the thought process in that?
And the romance....look im not big on romances, in fact, i dislike romance but even if i like romance, i wouldnt like most of the she ra endgames writing. Catradora is still toxic as catra didnt change and dismisses all that pain she put adora through for 3 years straight. Spinnetossa was okay because they already were togather but it has a questionable moment to say the least and the closure of their arc in s5 is just poorly worded. Seamista barely has any development for their romance to work plus both wouldnt even be that healthy anyway, seahawk disrespects mermistas boundaries and mermista avoids him and is openly irritated by him so them being canon without much development from the two is really jarring and tbh, kinda ick to me. Now as much as i love glimbow and scorfuma, both weren't so well written, glimbow came out of no where while scorfuma only got a bit of development. Doesnt help that theres no slight indication of them being a couple unlike the rest of the ships so it also kind of came out of nowhere for it to be endgame. The only ship that worked was entrapdak because its healthy, their relationship developed and it doesnt even need to show us a big love confession or something because we as the audience can understand that they are in love so it makes sense for them being canon.
Oh and i forgot horde primes plans make less sense overtime, she ra learnt her new powers way too quickly, catra was forgiven way too quickly, the abliesm in launch was handled terribly, catradora is getting worse than i thought it was and all in all was a dumpter fire that for some reason got a golden platter by critics and fans in 2020
Sorry for the rambling, i still dont get how people call she ra almost perfect when s5 proves otherwise and no one in that time era besides those small creators on youtube mentions its obvious flaws. The whole thing makes me face palm
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left4deadstuck · 2 years
You hear loud static ring out from your end before the audio signal seems to pick up on a conversation.
"Quiet now." said a semi distorted voice. The audio flickers in an out before stabilizing, you don't get to see anything though. The camera seems to be offline. The voice starts talking again.
"We don't want shit to go down here, unless we do have second thoughts about surviving this. End up being subpar meal servings at Golden Corral."
You can tell that the one speaking right now is Dave, though you're pretty sure that even without the auto audio adjust you would have easily guess it was him. You got quickly pulled out of your small train of thoughts by another voice speaking.
"Yea nah, I don’t think I’m down to lose my limbs at any point in my life. I mean, sure it would be fun to replace it with cybernetic parts and get those few extra cool points."
This must be Hal then, he tends to be the one who responds back in conversations.
"Great...", Dave said, his voice now in a whisper. In the background you can hear the sound of raspy groans and painful wheezes.
You get a glimpse of what's happening, you don't know how or where this angle is being seen from but you see Dave carefully peek behind a car, behind it, there is some infected. Some wondering around the bumpy terrain, while other stand or sit. Another thing you notice is the overabundance of cars in what appears to be a highway overpass.
They seem to be trying to pass through quietly, without bumping into any of the vehicles. You see one of the infected notice the three, screeching to the others nearby to attack. The camera feed cuts out, and you hear the sound of something sharp slashing through meat and the blunt squelch of a blunt weapon colliding with a body. The noises repeat and repeat til you hear the sound of something slamming down hard against metal and a painfully loud car alarm almost echoing down the area they were in. "Shit-" one of the three rasps out before a roar of a nearby horde is heard, quickly making their approach over to the Striders.
They start running, and from the noise of feet hitting metal ascending upwards, they're climbing as well. "Hal, get up here! Stop fucking around!" D shouts from above you.
"Hold on!" Hal calls back. In the distance, glass breaks on the ground, an explosion rings out from faraway, while screams join in with crackling fire.
You register what is probably Hal climbing, the thing cluing you in is Dave's scolding getting much closer and less above you. The audio glitches, and you don't get a chance to hear the rest of the conversation before everything goes silent.
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Toxic propaganda: Shadow Weaver (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
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Exemplifies Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss, threatened one of the small children she was raising with murder, tried to sacrifice her other daughter figure to save the world/get her more power, excessively rancid
She raises Adora and Catra up from babies, making Catra believe she's unworthy and completely unlovable by her, and praising Adora, even going as far as to punish Catra when Adora does something wrong. She's horrible and conniving and steals a precious gemstone from Scorpia, another girl she raises to believe her parents are dead and Shadow Weaver saved her, using the gem she stole for power. And all in all, she doesn't even apologize for any of it
She put two kids in a golden child-scapegoat dynamic, to the point where the scapegoat (Catra) tried to end the world just so the golden child (Adora) couldn’t save it. She taught Adora that Adora couldn’t want things for herself, and her only purpose was to be useful. She taught Catra that her only worth is in Adora’s support, and if Adora isn’t around then she is worth nothing. She manipulated Adora and Catra over and over again every time they gave her a chance to change. In the end, she died to save them, but her dying words, rather than her character foil’s dying words “take care of each other,” were “your welcome.” One last time rubbing in how much power she had over them, that only she could save them.
She is the defacto mother to the kids training to be solders for the horde, she pitted them against each and is generally very manlupitiv. And well she is training them to be child soldiers for the "evil empire" I think that is pretty bad in it self 🤷‍♀️
Really just out there be homophobic coded in the celebration of lesbianism that is SPOP. She's out there killing two birds with one stone: abusing and neglecting Catra, telling her she's worthless until our girl tries to destroy the world about it. IN THE SAME BREATH she manipulates Adora into thinking her only value is in what she can do for others until she tries to die for everyone. She's literally in their heads right up until the moment of her death when she tells them "you're welcome". Like, the audacity. Not to mention that all the children she is responsible for raising have most likely been kidnapped and are being raised as child soldiers, so that's not great.
Raised two girls and constantly compared them, creating a toxic competitive atmosphere between them, typical "golden child" and "scapegoat" emotionally abusive scenario.
Gatekeep Gaslight Gworst parental figure that manipulated and terrorized several children and teenagers and pretended she did them a favor
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