#Make Money From Home
theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Tools That Will Help You Start Your Business For Free
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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missdiana69 · 10 months
Mi racconto piccoli esseri. Sempre sotto ai piedi della Queen 👸! 💋👠💦
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Ways to practice eco-friendly living in your home
1. Reduce energy consumption:
- Install energy-efficient appliances and LED light bulbs.
- Turn off lights and unplug electronics when not in use.
- Use natural light as much as possible.
- Set your thermostat to a lower temperature in winter and higher in summer.
- Insulate your home properly to reduce heating and cooling needs.
2. Save water:
- Fix any leaks in faucets and toilets promptly.
- Install low-flow showerheads and faucets.
- Collect rainwater for watering plants.
- Only run the dishwasher and washing machine with full loads.
- Use a broom instead of a hose to clean outdoor spaces.
3. Practice waste reduction:
- Recycle paper, plastic, glass, and metal.
- Compost kitchen scraps and yard waste.
- Opt for reusable products instead of disposable ones (e.g., cloth napkins, rechargeable batteries).
- Avoid single-use plastics, such as plastic bags and water bottles.
- Use a reusable shopping bag.
4. Use eco-friendly cleaning products:
- Choose natural, non-toxic cleaning products or make your own using ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice.
- Avoid products containing harmful chemicals that can harm the environment and your health.
5. Grow your own food:
- Plant a garden to grow vegetables, fruits, and herbs.
- Use organic and natural fertilizers instead of synthetic ones.
- Compost food scraps to enrich the soil.
6. Opt for sustainable materials:
- Choose furniture made from sustainable materials like bamboo or reclaimed wood.
- Use eco-friendly flooring options like bamboo, cork, or reclaimed hardwood.
- Select paint and other finishes that have low or no volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
7. Reduce plastic waste in the kitchen:
- Use glass or stainless-steel containers for food storage instead of plastic.
- Replace plastic wrap with beeswax wraps or reusable silicone covers.
- Use refillable water bottles and avoid buying bottled water.
8. Conserve energy in the kitchen:
- Use energy-efficient appliances.
- Cook with lids on pots and pans to retain heat and reduce cooking time.
- Opt for smaller appliances like toaster ovens instead of full-sized ovens when possible.
9. Encourage sustainable transportation:
- Use public transportation, walk, or bike whenever possible.
- Carpool or arrange a car-sharing service with neighbors or colleagues.
- Transition to an electric or hybrid vehicle if feasible.
10. Educate and involve your family:
- Teach your family about the importance of eco-friendly practices and involve them in the decision-making process.
- Encourage everyone to adopt sustainable habits and lead by example.
- Discuss environmental issues and brainstorm new ideas for greener living.
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simplestudentplanning · 10 months
Ways To Make Money While In Uni/College
In-person Jobs
Part-time jobs (e.g. fast food, restaurant server, retail)
Pet-sitting, babysitting, house-sitting
Campus jobs
Participate in research studies
Online/Remote Jobs
Delivery Driver (DoorDash, Uber Eats, SkipTheDishes)
Photography, caricatures, commissioned drawings
Video-streaming (e.g. YouTube, Twitch)
Language Translation
In-person/Online Mix
Paid internships (specifically in the field that you're currently studying)
Freelancing (Websites: Fiverr, Upwork) (e.g. website design)
Selling notes/study guides/flashcards
Selling used items (e.g. clothes, furniture)
Selling handmade items (e.g. accessories, notebooks, crocheted plushies, keychains)
Photography, caricatures, commissioned drawings
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astro-royale · 9 months
Making Money: How to?¿💸
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After many years of listening to spiritual teachers speak on the art of acquiring money, I want to share some important lessons.
There’s a few themes which seem to be relevant amongst these teachers. Here’s what I have come across.
2024 is a money year , number 8 year. So in honour of that I create this post.
1. Money is an exchange.
Money is an exchange of value. In order to get money, aka in order to receive . You must have something to give first. The more value you are able to offer, the more you will have to give and therefore will be able to receive more.
2. DESIRE- doing what you love is a key and an important factor
If you don’t truly want to work towards something, you will eventually quit. I’m not telling you to let of your part time job, in fact keep it for a sense of security which is vital as you’re cultivating your individuality and raising your vibration. As long as you have enough time to give to the new reality you want to create, all is well.
Connecting to your heart and finding out what you want to do, even if you don’t have the whole picture of you what you want to do.
You may have an idea as to what the next step is. So dedicate yourself and commit to it to the best of your ability. If it TRULY generates joy and you BELIEVE in it, you will keep going no matter what.
But having a sense of direction is crucial, because even if you realise you don’t like something, it helps you figure out what you do want. And you may have to do certain things for a temporary while in order to build you up to realise what you are truly meant for. LIFE IS A JOURNEY. don’t rush. Just enjoy the process.
3. Something bigger than you.
Connecting to your true purpose means seeing beyond what your dream can do for you, but what it can do for others. Many of you will be resistant to this because you need to heal your heart chakra. Giving and receiving are both acts of the heart.
4. In this reality, you will either serve the dark or the light forces
Seriously, it’s time to choose. Do you want the easy way, and bargain with the devil like these celebrities do, even if it means losing connection to yourself for material gain.
Or are you going to collaborate with God, and take the road of personal growth and transformation while serving others by living in your highest truth. The path of light means first finding your truth, then seeing how it can benefit others. It’s accepting that life is a co creative process, it’s about surrendering and having a healthy relationship to yourself so you can then be in healthy relationship and viewpoint to others.
You can be a “bad” person and still make money. Companies make money off fizzy drinks and crisps because people value it, but they continue to sell it because they know it sells. It’s a vicious cycle.
But yeah, who will you choose to serve, your lower or higher self?
But honestly, a big part of making money is healing your attachment issues because they take so much energy out of you.
5. Believe it to see it
Change your beliefs in regard to money. If you think money is bad, it won’t come to you, because you’re unable to receive it, and the universe wants what’s best for you and free will exists for a reason, so we can decide what to accept and reject.
We have been manipulated by people to believe that money is bad, because that means more of it flows to them, because they are choosing to receive it. But yeah, money has had a negative frequency attached to it up until the recent years because the bankers and politicians and people who are in charge of money( the Elite families,)work with the dark forces.
In this new age however, more people are choosing to revolutionise how things are done, and are choosing to be conscious agents of the Light. Meaning this has an impact on how money is made too. Meaning money can be made through unconditional love. Rather than fear, and doing something you don’t want to do to make a living.
Which side of history will you be on.
6. External influences.
My post on “ how to make it while living in a toxic environment” covers my opinion on this point. But even so, most people don’t make a lot of money, most people don’t believe in themselves and their dreams. So they won’t believe in you. Be realistic as to how people perceive you and release the expectations you have of them to perceive you a certain way. It will make people uncomfortable to see a new version of you, it will make you uncomfortable too. But guess what, stepping outside of the “follower” box into the “creator” box is a big step.
There will always be positive and negative consequences no matter what you do, so do what you truly want to do that is in your highest good, follow true joy and long term fulfilment.
7. 3 feet from gold
One of my favourite teachers, Bob Proctor, has a saying that people usually give up just before they accumulate something. This is why it’s so important to do something you love, because you’re doing it for the love and joy of it, with no expectation. People who do something just for the results tend to give up , they don’t savour the journey which is the longest part of the process. They give up when the results are around the corner, 3 feet away from gold. Connecting to your heart again , is super important. Healing and authentic desire will make it so that it doesn’t matter what the outside world is saying, you no longer give up because now it’s about your journey, not what you externally get but what you feel.
And ultimately we need money to survive, but money is a means and a gateway for us to gain external experiences. Feel the joy of being alive without attachment to it. You can be happy just because. Train yourself to be that way. Feeling happy just because you’re alive is the biggest respect you can give to the universe and also yourself. It’s a great day to be alive, why? Because I just am.
“I am that, I am”
Don’t let circumstances dictate how you feel, but if something is negative and you can get away from it, by all means do so. Because if the environment becomes stronger than your willpower, that’s when you want to give up.
That���s why I’m so keen on keeping things to yourself, because you don’t attract dualistic energies onto your goals.
Acting as if you have everything you need is what will attract it. Becoming the person who has those things is an important part of the process of transformation. What would someone who has their needs met, act, think, speak, sound, behave like?
That means your goals, your routine, should implement some of that, bit by bit , eventually it grows, and before you know it, you’re wholly embodying the experience which you intended to experience.
Start off with visualisation, familiarising yourself with the frequency. And as I said before, if 90% of the time you’re in survival mode, that 10%, that 10 minutes you spend in complete immersion and sacredness, it will make a huge difference. Because quality over quantity.
That’s all for now folks.
I will link two of my videos which may help you further in your metaphysical understanding of this. I understand it is complex, but I believe you’re all capable to step outside of your comfort zone and into your personal power.
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ahedderick · 1 year
Plaid and glad
The last time I was at the fabric store (in a failed attempt to find trout-themed fabric) I found a plaid I loved. I had been musing for a while on the theme of "what if cozy plaid shirt - but long?" This seemed like the time to answer that question.
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I have made several dresses in the past year with the same pattern, and I'm trying to use different details so they don't look too similar. For this one, since I was thinking about shirts to begin with, I decided to put on a faux button placket in front. Actually, I though about making a real button placket, then I decided to avoid all that extra work for something that wouldn't be needed/functional. . Next step was to pull out Ye Olde Button Box (ot os very old . . belonged to my grandmother, and she passed away in right before I was born) I wanted three matching ones, medium size.
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Sha-zam! That woman had SO many buttons. Thread, hooks, eyes, zippers, rick-rack, bias tape, needles. Everything.
So, hopefully today I will be able to put the last few stitches in the neckline of this, and add the buttons. Then I will have a soft, comfy, plaid shirt dress. With X-large, wonderful pockets.
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fractalmax-official · 11 months
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How I Uncovered The Secret Affiliate Model Top Marketers Are Using To Make Massive Commissions*
Wow! Over 12OO people attended our first syndicated live event! Don't miss out on this one! The vibe and live chat were electric! 💥
If there is no live event date in this post please save your spot below and you'll be able to watch the training immediately:
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You will learn:
- The 7 biggest mistakes affiliate marketers make that ruin their business and make them go broke.
The #1 secret affiliate business model no one is talking about.
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*Disclosure: The results are not typical. It’s important to understand that some people may experience minimal or no results. All case studies, examples, and income figures presented are for illustrative purposes only and should not be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. This is not a “get rich quick” scheme. We encourage you to take your time, conduct your own research and consult with a professional advisor before making business decisions.
Disclaimer: Be advised that results shown are extraordinary and don’t serve as guarantees. Also, there are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. As stipulated by law, we cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to achieve results with our ideas, programs, information, testimonials, tools, and strategies. We don’t know you personally, and your results in life are up to you. We are not responsible for your actions. Our goal is to help you by providing great content, direction, and strategies that we believe can move you forward. Transparency is important to us, and we hold ourselves to a high standard of integrity. We hope the programs and content we offer bring you a lot of value.
Please Note: Achieving success in any business requires hard work, dedication, and a willingness to continually learn and adapt. There are no shortcuts to lasting success. Your commitment and effort are essential components in your journey towards achieving your goals.
Read the full Disclaimer here.
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scalingtomillions · 2 years
You don’t “try to start a business” you give it your all or nothing. Businesses don’t fail. People fail their businesses.
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theambitiouswoman · 9 months
Some of my favorite ways to make money online from the comfort of my bed:
Affiliate Marketing
YT Automation
Web design
Meme/Niche social pages
The landscape for making money (and with unlimited potential) has changed. Most of these you can start with little to no money. And there are hundreds more.
Give yourself the opportunity to learn new things.
Stop thinking it does not work.
Believe in yourself.
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adbros · 1 year
30 ways to make real; money from home
Making money online from the comfort of your home has become increasingly accessible with the growth of the internet and digital technologies. In 2023, there are numerous realistic ways to earn money online. Here are 30 ideas to get you started:
1. Freelance Writing: Offer your writing skills on platforms like Upwork or Freelancer to create blog posts, articles, or website content.
2. Content Creation: Start a YouTube channel, podcast, or blog to share your expertise or passion and monetize through ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.
3. Online Surveys and Market Research: Participate in online surveys and market research studies with platforms like Swagbucks or Survey Junkie.
4. Remote Customer Service: Work as a remote customer service representative for companies like Amazon or Apple.
5. Online Tutoring: Teach subjects you're knowledgeable in on platforms like VIPKid or Chegg Tutors.
6. E-commerce: Start an online store using platforms like Shopify, Etsy, or eBay to sell products.
7. Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services on your blog or social media and earn commissions for sales made through your referral links.
8. Online Courses: Create and sell online courses on platforms like Udemy or Teachable.
9. Remote Data Entry: Find remote data entry jobs on websites like Clickworker or Remote.co.
10. Virtual Assistance: Offer administrative support services to businesses as a virtual assistant.
11. Graphic Design: Use your graphic design skills to create logos, graphics, or websites for clients on platforms like Fiverr.
12. Stock Photography: Sell your photos on stock photography websites like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock.
13. App Development: Develop and sell mobile apps or offer app development services.
14. Social Media Management: Manage social media accounts for businesses looking to enhance their online presence.
15. Dropshipping: Start an e-commerce business without holding inventory by dropshipping products.
16. Online Consultations: Offer consulting services in your area of expertise through video calls.
17. Online Surplus Sales: Sell unused items or collectibles on platforms like eBay or Facebook Marketplace.
18. Online Fitness Coaching: Become an online fitness coach and offer workout plans and guidance.
19. Virtual Events: Host webinars, workshops, or conferences on topics you're knowledgeable about.
20. Podcast Production: Offer podcast editing, production, or consulting services.
21. Remote Transcription: Transcribe audio and video files for clients.
22. Online Translation: Offer translation services if you're proficient in multiple languages.
23. Affiliate Blogging: Create a niche blog with affiliate marketing as the primary revenue source.
24. Online Art Sales: Sell your artwork, crafts, or digital art on platforms like Etsy or Redbubble.
25. Remote Bookkeeping: Offer bookkeeping services for small businesses from home.
26. Digital Marketing: Provide digital marketing services like SEO, PPC, or social media management.
27. Online Gaming: Stream your gaming sessions on platforms like Twitch and monetize through ads and donations.
28. Virtual Assistant Coaching: If you have experience as a VA, offer coaching services to aspiring virtual assistants.
29. Online Research: Conduct research for businesses or individuals in need of specific information.
30. Online Real Estate: Invest in virtual real estate, such as domain names or digital properties, and sell them for a profit.
Remember that success in making money online often requires dedication, patience, and the ability to adapt to changing trends. It's essential to research and choose the opportunities that align with your skills, interests, and long-term goals.
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rockrampagent · 9 months
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Open space home 🏠
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von2dutch · 1 year
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