#Managerial techniques
Leadership and Management
Photo by GR Stocks Is there a difference between leadership and management? Some of you may agree that you “lead” people and “manage” things. Or is leading and managing a dynamic and symbiotic relationship? Admiral Grace Hopper coined the phrase, “You manage things; you lead people.” a military background tried and tested that phrase. This article looks at the differences between Leading and…
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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F.2.1 How does private property affect freedom?
The right-“libertarian” either does not acknowledge or dismisses as irrelevant the fact that the (absolute) right of private property may lead to extensive control by property owners over those who use, but do not own, property (such as workers and tenants). Thus a free-market capitalist system leads to a very selective and class-based protection of “rights” and “freedoms.” For example, under capitalism, the “freedom” of employers inevitably conflicts with the “freedom” of employees. When stockholders or their managers exercise their “freedom of enterprise” to decide how their company will operate, they violate their employee’s right to decide how their labouring capacities will be utilised and so under capitalism the “property rights” of employers will conflict with and restrict the “human right” of employees to manage themselves. Capitalism allows the right of self-management only to the few, not to all. Or, alternatively, capitalism does not recognise certain human rights as universal which anarchism does.
This can be seen from Austrian Economist W. Duncan Reekie’s defence of wage labour. While referring to “intra-firm labour markets” as “hierarchies”, Reekie (in his best ex cathedra tone) states that ”[t]here is nothing authoritarian, dictatorial or exploitative in the relationship. Employees order employers to pay them amounts specified in the hiring contract just as much as employers order employees to abide by the terms of the contract.” [Markets, Entrepreneurs and Liberty, p. 136 and p. 137]. Given that “the terms of contract” involve the worker agreeing to obey the employers orders and that they will be fired if they do not, its pretty clear that the ordering that goes on in the “intra-firm labour market” is decidedly one way. Bosses have the power, workers are paid to obey. And this begs the question: if the employment contract creates a free worker, why must she abandon her liberty during work hours?
Reekie actually recognises this lack of freedom in a “round about” way when he notes that “employees in a firm at any level in the hierarchy can exercise an entrepreneurial role. The area within which that role can be carried out increases the more authority the employee has.” [Op. Cit., p. 142] Which means workers are subject to control from above which restricts the activities they are allowed to do and so they are not free to act, make decisions, participate in the plans of the organisation, to create the future and so forth within working hours. And it is strange that while recognising the firm as a hierarchy, Reekie tries to deny that it is authoritarian or dictatorial — as if you could have a hierarchy without authoritarian structures or an unelected person in authority who is not a dictator. His confusion is shared by Austrian guru Ludwig von Mises, who asserted that the “entrepreneur and capitalist are not irresponsible autocrats” because they are “unconditionally subject to the sovereignty of the consumer” while, on the next page, admitting there was a “managerial hierarchy” which contains “the average subordinate employee.” [Human Action, p. 809 and p. 810] It does not enter his mind that the capitalist may be subject to some consumer control while being an autocrat to their subordinated employees. Again, we find the right-“libertarian” acknowledging that the capitalist managerial structure is a hierarchy and workers are subordinated while denying it is autocratic to the workers! Thus we have “free” workers within a relationship distinctly lacking freedom — a strange paradox. Indeed, if your personal life were as closely monitored and regulated as the work life of millions of people across the world, you would rightly consider it the worse form of oppression and tyranny.
Somewhat ironically, right-wing liberal and “free market” economist Milton Friedman contrasted “central planning involving the use of coercion — the technique of the army or the modern totalitarian state” with “voluntary co-operation between individuals — the technique of the marketplace” as two distinct ways of co-ordinating the economic activity of large groups (“millions”) of people. [Capitalism and Freedom, p. 13] However, this misses the key issue of the internal nature of the company. As right-“libertarians” themselves note, the internal structure of a capitalist company is hierarchical. Indeed, the capitalist company is a form of central planning and so shares the same “technique” as the army. As Peter Drucker noted in his history of General Motors, ”[t]here is a remarkably close parallel between General Motors’ scheme of organisation and those of the two institutions most renowned for administrative efficiency: that of the Catholic Church and that of the modern army.” [quoted by David Engler, Apostles of Greed, p. 66] Thus capitalism is marked by a series of totalitarian organisations. Dictatorship does not change much — nor does it become less fascistic — when discussing economic structures rather than political ones. To state the obvious, “the employment contract (like the marriage contract) is not an exchange; both contracts create social relations that endure over time — social relations of subordination.” [Carole Pateman, The Sexual Contract, p. 148]
Perhaps Reekie (like most right-“libertarians”) will maintain that workers voluntarily agree (“consent”) to be subject to the bosses dictatorship (he writes that “each will only enter into the contractual agreement known as a firm if each believes he will be better off thereby. The firm is simply another example of mutually beneficial exchange.” [Op. Cit., p. 137]). However, this does not stop the relationship being authoritarian or dictatorial (and so exploitative as it is highly unlikely that those at the top will not abuse their power). Representing employment relations as voluntary agreement simply mystifies the existence and exercise of power within the organisation so created.
As we argue further in the section F.3, in a capitalist society workers have the option of finding a job or facing abject poverty and/or starvation. Little wonder, then, that people “voluntarily” sell their labour and “consent” to authoritarian structures! They have little option to do otherwise. So, within the labour market workers can and do seek out the best working conditions possible, but that does not mean that the final contract agreed is “freely” accepted and not due to the force of circumstances, that both parties have equal bargaining power when drawing up the contract or that the freedom of both parties is ensured.
Which means to argue (as right-“libertarians” do) that freedom cannot be restricted by wage labour because people enter into relationships they consider will lead to improvements over their initial situation totally misses the point. As the initial situation is not considered relevant, their argument fails. After all, agreeing to work in a sweatshop 14 hours a day is an improvement over starving to death — but it does not mean that those who so agree are free when working there or actually want to be there. They are not and it is the circumstances, created and enforced by the law (i.e., the state), that have ensured that they “consent” to such a regime (given the chance, they would desire to change that regime but cannot as this would violate their bosses property rights and they would be repressed for trying).
So the right-wing “libertarian” right is interested only in a narrow concept of freedom (rather than in freedom or liberty as such). This can be seen in the argument of Ayn Rand that ”Freedom, in a political context, means freedom from government coercion. It does not mean freedom from the landlord, or freedom from the employer, or freedom from the laws of nature which do not provide men with automatic prosperity. It means freedom from the coercive power of the state — and nothing else!” [Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, p. 192] By arguing in this way, right-“libertarians” ignore the vast number of authoritarian social relationships that exist in capitalist society and, as Rand does here, imply that these social relationships are like “the laws of nature.” However, if one looks at the world without prejudice but with an eye to maximising freedom, the major coercive institutions are the state and capitalist social relationships (and the latter relies on the former). It should also be noted that, unlike gravity, the power of the landlord and boss depends on the use of force — gravity does not need policemen to make things fall!
The right “libertarian,” then, far from being a defender of freedom, is in fact a keen defender of certain forms of authority. As Kropotkin argued against a forerunner of right-“libertarianism”:
“The modern Individualism initiated by Herbert Spencer is, like the critical theory of Proudhon, a powerful indictment against the dangers and wrongs of government, but its practical solution of the social problem is miserable — so miserable as to lead us to inquire if the talk of ‘No force’ be merely an excuse for supporting landlord and capitalist domination.” [Act For Yourselves, p. 98]
To defend the “freedom” of property owners is to defend authority and privilege — in other words, statism. So, in considering the concept of liberty as “freedom from,” it is clear that by defending private property (as opposed to possession) the “anarcho”-capitalist is defending the power and authority of property owners to govern those who use “their” property. And also, we must note, defending all the petty tyrannies that make the work lives of so many people frustrating, stressful and unrewarding.
Anarchism, by definition, is in favour of organisations and social relationships which are non-hierarchical and non-authoritarian. Otherwise, some people are more free than others. Failing to attack hierarchy leads to massive contradiction. For example, since the British Army is a volunteer one, it is an “anarchist” organisation! Ironically, it can also allow a state to appear “libertarian” as that, too, can be considered voluntary arrangement as long as it allows its subjects to emigrate freely. So equating freedom with (capitalist) property rights does not protect freedom, in fact it actively denies it. This lack of freedom is only inevitable as long as we accept capitalist private property rights. If we reject them, we can try and create a world based on freedom in all aspects of life, rather than just in a few.
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sunflowercider · 6 months
As penitence for making everyone sad about a hypothetical tragic ending for TGED, here's my entire Pacrim AU that I sketched out for funsies but don't think I'll actually write out the whole thing 💖
Javier was rescued by Arcos back when he briefly piloted the early single-pilot jaegers. Arcos quickly retired as a pilot and worked as an exec, but Javier followed him and became a young protege. Not directly raised or trained by Arcos, but certainly under his wing. Javier is now a genius pilot… mostly. He could pilot the single jaegers like a dream if they were viable, but he only mildly gets along with other pilots. He can drift fine with most people, but never the enough to really make him the top pick. (mirrors him being stuck on the Asrahan Core Technique when lloyd and he first meet.) Tends to be self-sacrificing.
Suho - His family lost their home years ago to kaiju, and they never really recovered financially. Then he lost them to another attack two years ago. Not even to the kaiju itself - [somehow related to being poor - Neglect in rescue efforts? Worse Kaiju panic rooms in the slums?] Poor people are still poor people in pacrim, and he needed cash to live. He joined the wall-making half the time, and the jaeger program basic training program to get him access to more lucrative construction tasks at a Shatterdome. His talent for strategy and adaptability is noted by the program, but isn’t exemplary enough to catch anyone's attention. Suho isn’t planning on selling himself as a pilot anyways. He’d like to live please.
During a college break, the System (for organizing the database of jaeger prospects) mixes up Suho and the now dead Lloyd, and Suho is sent to the Frontera city for mandatory training. Suho is not pleased being yanked around but resolves to find work in Frontera until he can get back to Seoul.
Javier is once again being tested to find a good partner, and Suho ends up on the list. They don’t get along at first, but… they work surprisingly well together in the training grounds. Suho did not think he’d be compatible with the mildly famous prodigy, and is a little panicked at maybe being chosen to pilot. Him deciding that “defeating all the kaiju is definitely the way to finally get a peaceful life” is a very funny idea to me lol. Over the course of a month, they end up working together, both of them opening up; javier looking past suho’s survival mechanisms to see a good man, and suho seeing that javier has a fun personality under all the ice.
Arcos is an exec, more managerial guy. Strategy Room is Sir Bayern. Julian is in school in Seoul and not seen much this fic. OG!Lloyd is dead even without the body swapping, whoops, sorry. “Queen” Alicia is a famous pilot in Korea (seoul might be too far west for pacrim?) with her partner “Knight” Kyle (who will accidentally get brain-touched by a kaiju, go mad, and then try to kill Alicia).
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nichenarratives · 1 year
Hurricane Heller 14
A Niche Narratives Fanficiton.
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14. Heartfelt Sentiment
Reassigned to Fiores' former underboss position by the end of the week, Mordecai finds himself with very little free time, something he doesn't begrudge. Having recently severed all ties with his family and now his only friend, he's glad for the distraction that comes with restructuring an entire network of lucrative hustles, burying himself under the workload. Mentally exhausted by ledgers and body still healing, he's swift to pass out once he hits the mattress, barely able to ruminate on emotional detriments.
Once able to walk reliably, he borrows Mr Kovitz's cane and makes a point of visiting each establishment now under his management, both to familiarise himself with each business and obtain first hand experience of their functionality. He quickly realises that while Fiores introduced an overarching ledger system into all seven of his branches, he didn't train anyone specific to manage them, resulting in numerous sets of incomplete ledgers, lost stock and missing revenue.
Weeks are poured into fixing inconsistencies, repairing core infrastructure and generally reorganizing the staff to ensure each site had a single man responsible not just for stock or ordering, but for collating each employee's ledgers into one at the end of each night. This final ledger, along with all the individual ledgers from each employee, are then checked for errors and approved personally by Mordecai before being sent to Savage; a workload that keeps him exceptionally busy.
Finding himself in control of those enterprises' finances, not only does he instigate a similar commission system to the one he arranged with Fiores but increases the percentage for those who maintain final ledgers, ensuring they manage their time and men as effectively as possible in his absence.
The more enjoyable financial work is infrequently interrupted by interrogations summons, a branch of his duties Mordecai most detests, now he has more interesting engagements to attend. He resents every target for dragging him away from his management role and it shows in his methodology. The rumours spread suggest he's less patient with the obstinate, more violent with his persuasive techniques and often would inflict further harm after confessions 'to be certain' they'd shared all they had to offer before the session concluded.
There's also rumours he's personally executed targets after their torture sessions ended, but it remains pure conjecture; the Kosher Butcher won't discuss his work in the factory with anyone, not even Gabriel.
Weeks slip past without acknowledgement. After a second, painful visit from the brash nurse, Mordecai learns to clean and dress his own wounds and three weeks later, removes his own stitches with boiling water, scissors and a pair of pliers. All that remains is a slight indent in the muscle of his outer thigh, edged with a thin scar; no phantom pain, no loss of mobility, no compromised function. 
I got lucky, he thinks whenever the scar catches his eye. He often traces the edge of it with a claw in the shower, the fine line where no fur regrows, a reminder to be more diplomatic. With newly acquired spare funds and a livelihood worth protecting, he invests in his first handgun; a stolen piece an older enforcer sold for a quick buck, now slung at his hip. To ensure history does not repeat itself. 
With excess funds saved by managerial systems, Mordecai repairs the rundown launderette that's become his office and begins running the shop as an actual laundromat, which helps remove the increasing number of blood stains his suits accumulate when he moonlights at the factory. The small boost in revenue even allows the tom to pay enforcers to ensure he's never ambushed while finalising accounts.
In the launderette back room, surrounded by ledgers and a cup of Earl Gray in hand, it's easy to forget he used to have a life outside of the underworld. It's only on Sundays, when residual memory buried deep in his subconscious continues to wake the monochrome tom well before sunrise, that he remembers; a mother, two sisters, early morning prayers. An entire other life he's abandoned.
For almost a year, Mordecai rises and walks the dark streets as he did as a child, cloaked by twilight, as if ashamed of the ritual, his hat pulled low and hands deep in his overcoat pockets. The pistol taps his thigh with each step, a reminder of all he's committed to as he pauses at the end of the street and waits, hidden in the shadows until the remnants of his family sleepily file out of the home and head to the morning services.
Once they turn the far corner, he'll jog up the steps, slip an envelope of money under their door, and head home again.
His emotions are always conflicted as he walks home; with his eighteenth birthday, living alone and not having spoken to her for a year, Mordecai has no obligation to his mother's bills. He could keep his earnings, spend all his savings on a lavish lifestyle befitting an underboss, or move into a larger place in a better neighbourhood. He'd be self made; respected; feared; and alone in his peaceful apartment.
Yet he still pushes half of his wages under the door while they're at temple, perhaps too ashamed to face his mother, or perhaps too afraid of a confirmation rejection. Sundays are hollow and empty, every activity unfulfilling until he just goes back to bed, sleeping away the day and waking early to begin his week once more, a week full of numerals and victims, all exhausting and distracting, always busy.
This Sunday is supposed to be the same. He wakes early, dresses smart, slips his pistol into its holster and heads out with his overcoat collar popped, shoulders hunched, his old satchel bumping his hip. Arriving at the corner, he pauses to wait and checks his pocket watch, running his thumb across the embossed face before clicking it open. He's on time. They'll leave any moment.
Time passes, but his family doesn't leave. Brows knit into a frown, Mordecai once again checks his watch, holds it to an ear to check it still ticks and has not malfunctioned. Fifteen minutes have gone by beyond their latest former departures and yet this morning, there's nothing. He takes a tentative step closer to glance inside, but with the curtains drawn and lights off, he can't see any movements in the windows.
The monochrome tom deduces they must have left earlier - it's happened once before - and resumes his usual routine; extracting an envelope of cash addressed to mother from a breast pocket, Mordecai jogs up the steps, crouches down, and eases the wedge beneath the door.
Once content the envelope is safely inside, he straightens, adjusts his coat and has just turned to leave when he hears the door crack open. He freezes on the top step, ear turning to the sound as a slither of weak light illuminates the view to his left. Despite the opportunity being right there, practically begging him to engage, he just can't find the strength to turn and face whomever caught him delivering the money.
The door closes, leaving Mordecai alone once more, lost to the twilight of yet another Sunday. His shoulders sag, dark ears fold back and he holds the creaking metal railing as a ground for his emotions, unsure what he'd hoped to happen, but definitely discontent even his family couldn't talk to him. Emerald eyes close as he grips the railing tightly, his leather gloves creaking, forcing himself to breathe, to focus-
Mordecai stiffens, left hand immediately going to the handle of his pistol as slim arms encase his torso, drawing him into the small feline directly behind him and a warm embrace. It takes him a heartbeat to feel the pince nez dig into his back when a face presses between his shoulder blades, but he releases the pistol soon after, exhaling shakily as he rests a gloved hand on his sister's arm, relaxing just a little in the familial embrace.
"I miss you," Esther whispers into the dark, a secret lost to the developing sunrise. Her arms tighten a smidgen, pulling at his waist, the envelope of cash crinkling in her grasp just under his arm. "We all do. Come home. Please."
For once, the monochrome cat is lost for words, incapable of drawing any with adequate weight to feel fitting. Whether she's aware of that or simply accepting of his silence, Esther doesn't demand a response from her estranged brother. All she does his hold him, breathing him in, memorising the feel of embracing him for what feels like moments but is closer to minutes until finally, she releases him to the shadows.
Numbed nerves tingle as Esther wordlessly goes back into their childhood home, a brief slither of light once again cast onto Mordecai's back before a quiet click brings their private reunion to a close. It takes the tom a few minutes to find the momentum to leave. He jogs down the steps and heads to his own apartment, locking himself inside before spending the rest of the day trying to burn a restless energy deep in his bones, painfully nostalgic memories of his time at home constantly floating to the forefront of his mind
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ajayblog12 · 5 months
B.com vs BBA
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Certainly! Let's delve deeper into the comparison between B.Com and BBA:
1. Core Subjects:
  B.Com: The curriculum typically revolves around core subjects like accounting, economics, finance, and business law. Students gain a comprehensive understanding of financial principles, taxation, auditing, and commercial laws.
 BBA: This program covers a wider spectrum of subjects including management principles, marketing, human resource management, organizational behavior, operations management, and business ethics. It offers a holistic view of various aspects of business administration.
2. Skill Development:
   B.Com: Emphasizes on analytical and numerical skills required for roles such as financial analysts, accountants, auditors, and tax consultants. It enhances proficiency in areas like financial reporting, analysis, and auditing techniques.
   BBA: Focuses on developing managerial and leadership skills necessary for supervisory and executive roles. Students learn strategic decision-making, communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and project management skills which are essential for managerial positions.
3. Career Trajectory:
   BCom: Graduates often pursue careers in accounting firms, financial institutions, banking sector, taxation departments, and corporate finance departments. They may work as accountants, auditors, tax consultants, financial analysts, or investment bankers.
   BBA: Opens up opportunities in various sectors including marketing, sales, human resources, operations, consulting, and entrepreneurship. Graduates can work as marketing managers, HR specialists, operations managers, business consultants, or start their own ventures.
4. Industry Focus:
   B.Com: Primarily caters to industries related to finance, accounting, banking, insurance, and taxation. It prepares students for roles in financial management, auditing, taxation, and corporate finance.
  BBA: Offers a broader perspective and is applicable across industries including retail, manufacturing, IT, healthcare, hospitality, and consulting. It equips students with versatile skills needed to navigate diverse business environments.
5. Further Education:
   B.Com: Provides a strong foundation for pursuing advanced degrees such as Master of Commerce (MCom), Chartered Accountancy (CA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA), or Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in finance or accounting.
  BBA: Acts as a stepping stone for postgraduate studies like MBA or specialized master's programs in areas such as marketing, human resources, operations management, or international business.
In summary, while B.Com focuses more on finance and commerce-related disciplines, BBA offers a broader understanding of business administration and management principles. Your choice should align with your interests, career aspirations, and the specific skills you aim to develop.
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argyrocratie · 1 year
"Standard monopoly, in the microeconomic sense, is when one firm in a market secures a dominant position in supplying a particular good. Radical monopoly, in contrast, is when an entire institutional complex makes the type of good itself artificially necessary in order to exist and crowds out alternatives. “Radical monopoly imposes compulsory consumption and thereby restricts personal autonomy. It constitutes a special kind of social control because it is enforced by means of the imposed consumption of a standard product that only large institutions can provide.”
I use the term “radical monopoly” to designate… the substitution of an industrial product or a professional service for a useful activity in which people engage or would like to engage. A radical monopoly paralyzes autonomous action in favor of professional deliveries.
The classic example of radical monopoly is car culture and its attendant urban sprawl.
Cars can thus monopolize traffic. They can shape a city into their image — practically ruling out locomotion on foot or by bicycle in Los Angeles…. That motor traffic curtails the right to walk, not that more people drive Chevies than Fords, constitutes radical monopoly…. [T]he radical monopoly cars establish is destructive in a special way. Cars create distance…. They drive wedges of highways into populated areas, and then extort tolls on the bridge over the remoteness between people that was manufactured for their sake. This monopoly over land turns space into car fodder. It destroys the environment for feet and bicycles. …A radical monopoly paralyzes autonomous action in favor of professional deliveries. The more completely vehicles dislocate people, the more traffic managers will be needed, and the more powerless people will be to walk home.
Another example is how the institutional complex around the building industry — contracting firms, materials production, building codes, etc. — has reinforced its own power at the expense of convivial alternatives. Favelas and shantytowns — often displaying a high degree of craftsmanship and technical skill — exist on the outskirts of cities all over the Global South (Colin Ward has a considerable body of work on the tradition of self-built housing in the West, as well). It’s entirely feasible, technically, to produce construction materials conducive to self-built housing by amateurs. “Components for new houses and utilities could be made very cheaply and designed for self-assembly.” Not only do local building codes prohibit such construction as unsafe, but they also prohibit competitive pressure for even professional contracting firms to adopt cheaper, vernacular building techniques using locally sourced material, by codifying conventional methods into law.
The problem of radical monopoly is exacerbated by a shared institutional culture that can imagine no solution to the negative effects of radical monopoly but to intensify the scale of the monopoly. With entire sincerity, for the most part, the managerial elites in a given policy area which suffers from the pathologies of radical monopoly are conditioned to perceive as “extreme” any proposed solution that cannot be carried out within the existing institutional framework, by people like themselves. That is, “the institution has come to define the purpose.” The only cure for a managerial bureaucracy’s mismanagement is to give it more resources and control. The standard approach of a managerial bureaucracy is to “solve a crisis by escalation.” Reforms which are carried out within the framework of radical monopoly “escalate what they are meant to eliminate.”[31]
-Kevin Carson, "The Thought of Ivan Illich: A Libertarian Analysis"
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drawdownbooks · 1 year
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After a very long wait, copies have arrived from Europe! Immutable: Designing History by Chris Lee Available at Draw Down Books
Immutable: Designing History explores the banal genre of the document and its entanglement with statecraft and colonial(ism/ity). This is framed as a ~5,000 year chronology, imbricating the developments of money and writing—from Mesopotamian clay tablets to distributed ledgers, like the blockchain.
Immutability figures as a design imperative and hermeneutic for considering a variety of techniques (material, technological, administrative, etc.) of securitization against the entropy of a document’s movement through space/time, and the political. This project is driven by a contrast: design educators tend to teach forms like logos, books, websites, etc., but not passports, money, property deeds, etc., in spite of these being design’s most profoundly consequential forms.
As an alternative historiography, Immutable gestures both towards anthropologist Laura Nader’s call to “study up” (on those in power), and the radical educator Paolo Freire’s recognition of the “limit situation” as a generative condition for emancipatory praxis. The volume’s aim is to orient graphic design towards the vocation of imagining, naming, and remembering beyond the horizons of its role as a managerial, administrative, and colonial instrument that imposes a rationality of vision and accountability upon what is knowable, thinkable and sayable.
Designed by Chris Lee
Published by Onomatopee and Library Stack, 2023
Softcover, 192 pages, 50 duotone images, 5 × 7.75 inches
ISBN: 978-9-49-314842-0
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historyhermann · 8 months
Supa Team 4 Season 2 Spoiler-Filled Review
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Supa Team 4 is a computer-generated superhero action-comedy series. Malenga Mulendema is the series creator and co-executive producer. Trigger Fish Animation Studios, known for the recent animated series Kiya and the Kimoja Heroes, and Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire, and various television specials and films. The first season was released in July 2023.
Reprinted from Pop Culture Maniacs and Wayback Machine. This was the sixty-second article I wrote for Pop Culture Maniacs. This post was originally published on January 14, 2024.
The second season picks up where the first one left off. The four protagonists (Temwe Chiti, Komana Mwinga, Zikomo "Zee" Phiri, and Monde Wamunyima) are trapped in an abandoned mine. They are confronted by Bad Magz (voiced by John McMillian) and fellow villain Prof. Greenthumbs (voiced by Abena Ayivor), with the former angry they keep ruining his plans. Mama K (voiced by Pamela Nomvete) can't get in touch with Team 4 and thinks the Principal Nkwashi (voiced by voiced by Abubakar Salim) is up to something, until he admits he only wants to help Temwe (voiced by Kimani Arthur). The heroes use makeshift weapons and detain Prof. Greenthumbs. Mama K helps them escape, but not before Bad Magz photographs the van. Later, his assistant Ms. Prudent confirms that Zambinite was there. He is intrigued by the ring on Mama K's hand. And that's only the first episode!
The kidnapping of the four protagonists impacts all of them. It may have heightened Temwe's jealously toward Zee (voiced by Nancy Sekhokoane). The latter results in them "switching places," so they can recognize each other's struggles. There is no doubt that the kidnapping deeply impacted Komana (voiced by Zowa Ngwira). Later, she is comforted by Monde (voiced by Namisa Mdlalose). More directly, photographic analysis causes Bad Magz to track down Chi (voiced by Chi Mhende), a blind man who is Mama K's comrade, and snatch a computer, blueprints, and disc, even as he lets Chi flee. Also, this episode shows Temwe and Zee sympathizing with each other's struggles. That's something you don't always see in TV series.
Bad Magz is one of the most devious villains. His public form, Lee Magadzee, is outwardly an African nationalist who wants to return power to "the people." Later, he flirts with Monde's sister, Likando (voiced by Chipo Chung), who holds him to his promise to end load shedding. Putting aside his somewhat developed hacking skills, he can be harsh toward his subordinates. For instance, Alley Gator (voiced by Yinka Awoni), finds the Zambinite for him. However, Alley Gator wants to be with Prof. Greenthumbs instead.
The actions of Team 4, in Supa Team 4, are reactive. They resembling the Pretty Cure in the franchise of the same name. Team 4 fight villains, save people from sinkholes (called by Ally Gator), and promise to support one another. They don't face the one behind everything. Bad Magz is not a villain equivalent of Bell in Power of Hope: PreCure Full Bloom, a mysterious guardian angel who traveled back in time to prevent a town from being destroyed by humanity. The consequences of his actions matter little to him. He agrees to freeze Zambinite because it is combustible. This mineral gives off a bad smell before energy is extracted. He ignores Pro. Greenthumbs before she points out the hazardous and toxic waste byproduct.
Bad Magz's harsh managerial techniques bleed over into his feelings for others. In the fifth episode, he plans to go on a date with Komana's sister, Likando, which the girls of Team 4 are happy for. But he stands her up! This makes her suspicious of him (she only knows him in his public persona of Lee), and his secrets, and mysteries. She even points out that secrets, like those of powerful people, always get out. This causes Komana to investigate and discover that Storm Drain (voiced by Ashley Zhangazha) is freezing the Zambinite.
Komana is the first one, of Team 4, to be openly suspicious of Bad Magz's public persona. Monde refuses to believe her. Likando's love of Lee causes her to assist him, throwing her logic out the window. This directly parallels Click. He is unhealthily obsessed with Temwe after the third episode. Clearly, the lesson is that obsession with other people can cause you to lose sight of what is important. Later in Supa Team 4, this all comes to a head, for Bad Magz, Komana, and Team 4.
Bad Magz sees everyone as toys to be manipulated. He says gaining control of the Mayor will be "automatic" with Likando's trust. In his public persona of Lee, he promotes "Magz Power" as the "solution" to the power cuts in Lusaka. He claims it will end load shedding and blackouts. He challenges his scholarship recipients to sign up, as many people as possible, for his Magz Power system, saying those who bring back the most signatures get an internship at his corporation. This too-good-to-be-true presentation makes Komana a willing pawn in his scheme. She is unaware that this power source has toxic waste as a byproduct (conveniently not mentioned by Lee). She sees the internship as a way to advance her own career.
The sixth episode is one of the best in Supa Team 4. There's a parallel between Komana's dad suffering from asthma and Lee turning on his "alternate energy source" which fills Lusaka with light. In one case, he is suffering from a chronic health condition. In the latter, Lee is hiding the truth behind an action which casts him as a "savior." Whether he is directly aware of it or not, he is responsible for Alley Gator dumping toxic waste, from Zambinite processing. Written by Gloria Huweiler, and directed by Valentina Ventimiglia, this episode is outwardly cynical of demagogues. While people in the crowd chant "power to the people," Bad Magz thinks of ways to gain more power for himself. Undoubtedly, he is worse than Huey Long.
The final two episodes raise the stakes. In the first of these episodes, Komana abandons Team 4 so she can work for Lee, distressing her teammates. The remaining heroes put together the pieces. Without a doubt, they are worried about the people of Lusaka. People are coughing, scratching themselves, have rashes, and inflammation in eyes. As a result, everyone is leaving because they are sick, in what looks to be a commentary on COVID-19. This is more direct than the "missing" episode of Cleopatra in Space, entitled "Quarantine".
In episode seven, Komana wants to warn Lee about toxic waste from the Zambinite. She is shocked out of her role as a willing pawn. She learns that he lied about his past. As a result, she comes to the conclusion he is behind everything. This happens at the same time as Mama K. She sees Bad Magz in front of her before he kidnaps her. In a parallel development, the girls decide to bust into his corporation. Likando agrees to give the contract (which gives Lee full rights to the city's electric grid) to Lee personally.
In the final episode, the girls fight against Prof. Greenthumbs (and her monster). Mama K and Chi are in Lee's office. Mama K calls him a "monster" and "worse than a villain." The truth is finally revealed. His mother was in the Intelligence Agency of Zambia. His real name is Limbani. He claims that Mama K "made him" who is is today. Elsehwere, Monde reveals her hero identity for the first time to someone other than her fellow teammates: to her sister Likando. Both agree to talk about her hero identity later.
He is confronted by Team 4. They demand he turn off his power source, saying it is hurting city residents. Instead of listening to Team 4, he ignores them and continues his own agenda. He blames Mama K for causing the memory of his mother, Towela, to be erased. Following this, he places the device on Mama K's head, allowing him to access her memories. While they are horrified, Team 4 can do nothing. It is only when the memory showing Towela was mind-wiped by Chusi that he realizes his mistake. He uses the same device to restore his mom's memories. She recognizes Chi and Mama K and tearfully embraces Lee. Following this touching scene, Likando rightly punches Lee (for being a lying jerk). She has the police arrest him.
Of course, this is not the end. In a strange juxtaposition, Prof. Greenthumbs' ZambiMonster causes a cave-in, and captures Komana. I found it awkward to have this after an emotional moment which could bring you to tears. In any case, Lee shows that he is not fully a villain. To the chagrin of Prof. Greenthumbs, he saves Komana (he recognizes her voice) after Greenthumbs' monster explodes. He frames his next steps as an attempt to amend his past wrongs. He says he will do whatever he can to fix things. In a coded manner, he hopes that Komana's spirits aren't dampened. However, no one believes his declaration at face value.
In many ways, Lee's declaration is one of restorative justice. Traditional / retributive justice systems are clearly stated throughout this series. They are symbolized by police arresting villains and keeping them behind bars. Surely, there are laws that have been broken, villains who broke the laws, and methods for punishment of said lawbreakers. Lee is attempting to repair the harm caused. He knows who has been harmed and how he can repair or address those harms. In response to one of the key questions of restorative justice ("who should address or repair the harms?"), that person is clearly Lee.
Lee will likely face criminal punishment for what he did and may face his victims. He is on the road to understanding the impact of his actions on other people, taking responsibility for his actions, comprehending how he harmed people, and behaving with basic respect for others. It would allow him to become a better person. This would make Supa Team 4 one of the few series which depicts restorative justice principles, apart from Steven Universe.
The episode ends with her teammates showing their camaraderie for each other. They comfort Komana. Everyone supposedly has a "happily ever after." The villains are locked up. The corrupt mayor is arrested. Likando runs to become the next mayor of Lusaka on an anti-corruption agenda. Komana's device makes the city's energy clean, and green. It runs on Zambinite but does not produce toxic waste. The episode closes with all of them meet at headquarters where they welcome Komana back. Mama K boldly says everyone is worthy of redemption (not sure this is entirely true). Chi says that Lee is trying to right his wrongs.
I also liked that in this series, characters such as Marjory (voiced by Celine Tshika) appear to be on the road to villains. She blames everyone for ruining her party (including Team 4), and causing well-known performers, like Click, to depart. The fourth episode emphasizes this. She said she disliked Team 4, even though they saved her, and harshly commanded the majorette team. Everyone else on the team picked Monde as captain instead. This left Marjory, under a lot of pressure from Principal Nkwashi, behind.
Although Monde comes up with a new routine, she tells her fellow teammates that even though Marjory bullies them, it isn't right to bully her back. The episode ends with Monde and Marjory, having a heart-to-heart about working together as a team, and they use this to take down the hypnotizing rapper, Snap Back (voiced by Sne Dladla) and saving them all. Marjory later apologizes to Team 4.
There is the possibility of a third season. In a final scene of the episode, Chusi says he is back, after 20 years. He declares he wants Lusaka to burn. He fades away, into the smoke. It is a bit of a cliffhanger, akin to the scene with the Triumverate in High Guardian Spice, a series which should receive a second season. A second season may focus on fighting with Chusi and Lee's attempts to rebuild the city from the damage he caused. Perhaps it could resemble the aftermath-of-victory concept that is present in Steven Universe Future, where the protagonists have no villains to fight, but are trying to make the world (and universe) better.
Although I liked this series, my enthusiasm was severely dampened, as compared to season one. It came at a bad time. Other anime series such as I'm in Love with the Villainess (ended on December 19), Kizuna no Allele (ended on December 21), Spy x Family (ended December 23), Stardust Telepath (ended on December 25), and The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess (ended on December 30), were ending. This series seemed too compressed. It should have been longer.
I wish 1-2 episodes were released weekly rather than a huge episode dump on December 21. This method makes clear that Netflix cares little about the creators, fans, or anyone else who worked on Supa Team 4. Furthermore, the binge model itself is a detriment to creativity itself. It encourages crunch conditions to complete series. If two episodes had been released a week, Supa Team 4 could have finished by January 11. If one episode had released a week, it could have finished by February 8. That would have been preferable.
Supa Team 4 can be streamed on Netflix.
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tameflux · 1 year
Do You Know Your Probability of Winning Lottery Numbers?
When it comes to winning the lottery, when you participate in the normal technique beyond an e-Lottery Partner your chances of winning lottery numbers are just 1 - 14 million. Playing in an e-Lottery Organization is being portrayed the more brilliant method for playing as your possibility's of winning are raised significantly to 1 - 1.9 million. People that are previously in the e-Lottery Organizations give an account of connecting with normal sums.
When it comes to Lottery Coordinates the eLottery assuming that in all honesty are driving the way and have stood the analysis of time. Laid out and delivered to the globe toward the beginning of 2002 by a business called Virtual World Direct (VWD). The initial item added to the e-Lottery supporting the chances of prize-winning the lottery prize by 733% was the UK Public Lottery. While joining this e-Lottery Partner you will be significantly added into a 49 in number pack giving individuals 88 attempts of winning lottery numbers each and consistently.
The Euro Millions Lotto was the second Lottery idea extra to the e-Lottery conspire, the EuroMillions was shaped in February 2004 for the European people group. Like it is with the UK Lotto Organization presented by eLottery, playing in the Euro Millions Lotto Organization gives each player a lot greater chances over performance ticket players. You will get 3600% raised odds over the standard ticket players. In like manner considerably more prominent chances of Winning Lottery Numbers. This is a critical plus and stretches out exactly down to the reality that 2 "fortunate star" numbers will be sure in each and every EuroMillions lottery draw. This as a conclusion dispenses chances of winning lottery numbers for the Euro to just 1 - 3 expected to 1 - 103.
In December 2008 The El Gordo Lottery (Spanish Public Lottery) for numerous Individuals an exceptionally thrilling third option that has been added to the eLottery Organization plot. This Spanish Lottery - the El Gordo is a Lottery that has 6 yearly draws, the Christmas El Gordo Lottery draw is the most celebrated and is estimated to be the greatest Lottery prize in the globe. While the winning lottery numbers are drawn, within reach is a 1 of every 6 bet of winning a cash prize for people that contend the run of the mill way. At the point when you sign up for with one of e-Lottery's El Gordo Lottery Coordinates your probability of charming a hard money Win move by multiple times.
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gz8manage · 2 years
Enterprise workforce planning solution
The purpose of workforce planning is to determine the characteristics needed in the organization’s workforce to facilitate the achievement of those objectives. In this scenario, workforce planning is strategic planning at the HR level and involves similar processes, including a SWOT analysis, which occurs at the organizational level. In simplistic terms, the HR function must determine the numbers and types of employees needed and evaluate the availability of both internal and external individuals having the correct characteristics. Based on these analyses, a determination can be made as to the proper HR programmatic activities required to achieve the correct workforce composition. Workforce planning then involves three stages: forecasting workforce needs, determining the internal and external supply of employees, and developing appropriate strategies to achieve forecasted needs in relationship to projected supply. 8Manage HCM supports the following processes for you to conduct enterprise workforce planning.
Forecasting Workforce Needs
The allied project plans (for the organization’s strategies) in 8Manage provide information as to the number and type of employees that the organization needs during the planning period. Expansion, retrenchment, new products or services, the introduction of new technology, the entrance of new competitors in the market, economic conditions, employee retirements, workforce turnover, and so forth must be considered when forecasting workforce needs. Forecasting is the process of using both historical data and predicted scenarios to determine workforce needs during a stated planning period. Following is a discussion of several forecasting methods that are often used.
Trend Analysis
Trend analysis involves studying historical organizational employment levels to predict future employment levels. For example: If, on average, employment levels in the organization have increased 5% per year, it might be logical to forecast a 5% increase for the next planning period. A more accurate forecast using this method might be to evaluate trends in separate departments or other organizational subentities and then aggregate the increases (or, potentially, decreases) at the organizational level. Doing so provides more specificity as to not only the numbers of employees but also the types of employees needed.
Trend analysis assumes that history will repeat itself. In today’s more volatile times that might not be the case. However, trend analysis provides some data on which a final forecast can be made.
Ratio Analysis
Ratio analysis is a forecasting technique that assumes a set relationship between one variable and another, and that the relationship allows for the prediction of workforce needs. Assuming no increases in productivity, an organization might be able to predict total workforce requirements based on predicted total sales or total productivity. For example: If, historically, it takes five employees for each 100,000 units of product produced, a projected increase of 1,000,000 units per year will require an additional 50 employees.
Organizations often have standard staffing tables that can be used in ratio analysis. As an example, a restaurant chain would know how many servers, cooks, managers, and so forth are needed to staff a restaurant. Based on a projected expansion in terms of the number of restaurants, an increase in workforce needs can be forecast.
Analysis of historical turnover—in reality, a type of trend analysis—provides additional data for forecasts. Average turnover rates indicate the number of new employees required just to maintain current employment levels. Obviously, turnover is affected by many environmental factors, most notably unemployment rates, so other variables must be considered when using these data for forecasting.
Managerial Judgment
Managers and executives are asked, based on their experience and knowledge, to develop forecasts. Forecasts, like budgets, can be a top-level overall estimate or a bottom-up aggregation of multiple departmental estimates. Top-level forecasts provide a gross indicator of needed employment levels, but do not indicate where those employees should be allocated in the organization. Bottom-up forecasts, provided by managers in the various departments, provide a better idea of the allocation of the workforce and the types of employees that are needed. However, bottom-up forecasts tend to overestimate workforce needs as each manager tries to increase staff size.
Determining Internal and External Supply of Employees
Not only must the demand for employees be determined, but workforce planning must include an analysis of the potential supply. Forecasts must be made of the supply of candidates for jobs within the organization and the supply external to the organization in the relevant labor market. Methods of forecasting supply, internally and externally, are discussed in the following section.
Internal Supply
The internal supply of candidates can be determined using a number of methods, such as replacement charts, succession plans, human resource management information systems, and departmental estimates. A brief discussion of each of these methods follows.
Succession Planning
The concept of succession planning is similar to replacement charting except the time perspective is different. Succession planning is the process of identifying candidates for future openings. It is a longer-term plan for developing candidates to fill positions. Traditionally, succession planning has been reserved for only high-level positions. However, because of the increased importance of human capital in many organizations, succession plans are being developed for the orderly replacement of lower-level employees.
External Supply
There is a huge amount of information available to assist in forecasting external supplies of labor. Economic and workforce development agencies typically can provide data on labor supply availability. The availability of external candidates is affected by:
Economic conditions
Unemployment rates
College and high school graduation rates in the relevant labor market
Net migration in or out of the area
Relative skill levels of potential candidates in the labor market
Competition for labor in the labor market
Changes in the skill requirements of the organization’s potential job openings
Determination of Strategies
The analysis of demand and supply for labor leads the SPHR to develop appropriate strategies to achieve the planned level of employment. The result of the analysis can result in one of three conditions:
Equality: In which case the strategy becomes one of retaining current employees
Insufficient number of employees: In which case the strategy becomes recruitment
Too many employees: In which case the strategy becomes decruitment
Retention of employees involves strategies designed to maintain or improve job satisfaction and organizational commitment. For example, retention strategies involve creating pay equity and providing desired benefits when compensation and benefits strategies are being developed.
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wagonsitsolution · 2 years
Top Corporate Training Companies In India
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The corporate training firms are designed specifically for students who have some college degree and work experience. It is a technique for workers to broaden their skill sets and improve how they come across within a business. This results in the organization's upgrading, which is necessary to compete in the market. Newcomers, salespeople, and other working professionals are all heavily involved in its training programs. The greatest corporate training firms assist professionals in meeting the demands of international trade and surviving in an always-evolving market.
The best corporate training providers can provide your company with the tools it needs to prepare for and succeed in the next business era. Alliance International may be a spot for professionals to take into consideration if they're looking for well-organized HR management. We are one of the corporate training firms in India with a professional consultant pool that can direct you toward the success and expansion of your business.
We are among the greatest corporate training organisations and manpower firms in India, and we establish a committed team of senior representatives with excellent management abilities. Accordingly, the top corporate training firms close to your programmes can increase an organization's loyalty while expanding the primary problem and the implementation of its administrators.
Indian Corporate Training Companies
As an official executive, you may infrequently consider that it's challenging to view the forests for the trees when you have your head down and are focused on your requirements. This can be especially difficult as you advance in your career and encounter more challenging tasks when it comes to management. Corporate training programmes might provide you with support if you're feeling overburdened. The top training programmes can provide you with the managerial abilities and other knowledge needed to advance to a higher level.
Here, experts search for corporate training organisations in India that might offer skilled HR personnel dependable training services.
This process is highly helpful for both businesses and individuals as they advance in their careers. Achieving the intended goal and developing a long-term vision will be aided by the local corporate training businesses.
Of course, you can learn skills at work, but official training from one of the top corporate training providers in India can influence your understanding of international business issues and improve your capacity for critical thought. By preparing their managers for new roles with the help of the best corporate training providers in India, organisations may improve their hierarchical administration. An association can shorten its period for administrative training and better plan for its initiative in the future while administrators are recharging their batteries and gaining new information.
One of the top corporate training firms in India, We Alliance International, incorporates well-designed training programmes for staff development to boost productivity at work. The company would ultimately benefit from this.
Why Choose Alliance International?
We also offer a variety of corporate training programmes with top-notch service and successful corporate training advice. We are one of the top corporate training providers in India, offering a variety of courses.
Time management: In our opinion, every employee must strike the ideal balance between their personal and professional ambitions. We perform a training session based on a thorough workflow management system, attention management, and a distinct understanding of the function, similar to other top corporate training firms in India.
Leadership development: It's critical for any business to prioritise personnel advancement. Well, the one thing that doesn't work is elevating personnel to higher levels. It is necessary to improve leadership quality, and the Alliance places specific focus on this.
Employee engagement:  the most efficient technique to increase an employee's level of productivity. The professionals could learn a better technique to strengthen their employee interactions with the help of our highly qualified adviser.
Stress management: It educates staff members on how to choose a productive strategy for handling stress. When combined with an employee's damaged mental health, the high degree of strain is enough to wreck the process.
Technical aspects: Without the technical integration that makes the work incredibly simple and efficient, any organisation would be lacking. To ensure that the staff members are well-versed in the technical principles, we consider this training component to be the most crucial one.
Top Corporate Training Providers: Information
Having the ability to prepare groups from a comparable association is one of the advantages of using top corporate training companies. By collaborating with firms to answer specific gathering difficulties, great business schools might revamp their administration and administration preparation.
This might be especially helpful if your association is through a significant shift or advancing another method of business improvement. Administrators from various offices must perform songs from the same songbook. By bringing together participants, fostering camaraderie, and generating a shared purpose, the programmes offered by top corporate training firms can have a unifying effect.
The best corporate training providers in India provide specialised corporate training to assist businesses with specific duties and challenges. These businesses are prepared to provide business administration instruction that is capable of navigating the real world of commerce. Top corporate training providers are aware of the most recent advancements in commercial and administrative thinking.
Corporate training organisations in your area that offer the greatest management training frequently include ventures that are particularly relevant to your company. You quickly make money off of your legitimate training endeavour. Anyhow, corporate training businesses in India that are putting together projects can go forward with expert guidance and an outside perspective on challenges arising from exhibiting solutions for operational administration.
Businesses that are especially pertinent to your firm are typically included in the corporate training programmes offered by the best management training organisations in your area. You soon profit from your worthwhile training endeavour. Anyhow, with professional direction and an outside view on issues coming from presenting solutions for operational administration, corporate training organisations in India that are putting together projects can move forward.
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Technology Today
The neutrality of science and technology is a myth. Science is used to legitimate power, technology to justify social control. The myth is wheeled out when technology comes under fire e.g. for causing industrial pollution or traffic congestion. Inadequate policies or under-developed technology are blamed rather than the technology itself. The solution is a “technical fix” — more of the same. The ideology of industrialisation is that modernisation, technological development and social development are the same. It is used to justify the pursuit of economic growth, with the emphasis on wealth generation rather than its distribution.
This ideology is used to suppress the potential for individualsocial emancipation offered by particular machines such as wind power technology (i.e. small scale, for local use, and community controlled), and to legitimise their use in ways that are socially and environmentally exploitative (large scale wind farms under state/private control supplying the National Grid). Technological innovation is used politically, but presented in neutral technical/scientific terms such as “increased efficiency”. A modern example might be the introduction of assembly line production techniques into the construction industry; or a ‘technical solution’ to social needs such as the development of a new transport system; or as the economic ‘rationalisation’ of out of date technologies, for instance the introduction of new print technology by Rupert Murdoch at Wapping which led to the printers’ strike of 1986/7. ‘Work improvement’ schemes such as job enrichment allow workers a say in minor decisions to divert them from key areas such as pay and productivity. Innovation is used as a threat to blackmail sections of the workforce into particular tasks: employers often threaten female machine workers that if their demands for equal pay with men are met, they will be replaced by machines.
Science has prostituted itself to its paymaster, big business, and is a dangerous partner in change. In the 1880’s Frederick Winslow Taylor invented ‘scientific management’ (now known as Taylorism). He believed all productive processes could be broken down into hundreds of individual tasks and each made more efficient through rigorous management and the use of controlling technology. A prime example is the assembly line and it is no coincidence that the great ‘success’ of Henry Ford was based on the application of Taylor’s principles to mass automobile production. What is surprising is that during the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks enthusiastically took up Taylorism. Lenin described it as “a combination of the refined brutality of bourgeois exploitation and a number of the greatest scientific achievements in the field of analysing the mechanical motions of work; we must systematically try it out and adapt it to our own ends.” A belief in the neutrality of technology, and that it could be controlled by the scientific and managerial elites of the ‘workers’ state, was one of the factors leading to the corruption and eventual destruction of the Russian Revolution. But Taylor’s research has since been shown to be wholly unscientific. His timed study tasks were made on an atypical worker chosen for his large size, great strength, and general stupidity. Taylorism has largely been superseded by ideas about ‘job enrichment’ at work; unfortunately, such ideas are equally unscientific.
The objectivity of the scientific method is used to mask the problems created by advanced technology and to legitimise the policies of the ruling class. The Roskill Commission was set up in 1969 to look at the siting of a third London airport. The masses of ‘expert evidence’ showed that it was less socially damaging to fly loud aircraft over working class rather than middle class areas because of the different effects on property values. Technological programmes are presented as outside the area of political debate, so only technical objections are allowed. Official enquiries into the location of motorways and nuclear power stations can discuss where they will cause the least environmental and social disturbance but not whether they are needed in the first place or whose interests they serve. Similarly, the trend is to present politics as a purely technical or managerial activity, with policies assigned measurable ‘performance targets’ but which ignore other social consequences.
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sahani55rishav · 2 years
Cloud Computing and its Systems
Online Organizations Electronic organizations grant your business to pick different web abilities instead of an endlessly out application. Using XML, UDDI open standards and various lingos over a show spine, electronic applications coordinate with various bits of your business.
For instance, you can include online organizations for straightforward money and record taking care of. These organizations license you to pick the mix of web applications for your business. You can pick individual organizations through various providers and use them close by your ongoing course of action.
SaaS Programming as an Assistance (SaaS) is the most by and large used area of disseminated processing that gives various cloud tenants permission to a particular application.
Office 365 is a kind of SaaS where anyone can open a month to month enrollment to Microsoft’s set-up of Office things. SaaS gives a complete plan guaranteed and managed by an IT organizations provider. These plans are great for end-client applications for everyday exercises.
What actuated interest for cloud well-informed authorities?
As people contributed an enormous part of their energy inside, working from a good ways, virtual joint exertion enhancements saw a rising interest. As a quick result, OTT stages like Netflix and Amazon Prime saw an inconceivable piece of endorsers during the time with the flight of people moving from inclining in the direction of the ordinary television interface model. Online Foodservice aggregators like Swiggy and Zomato too elaborate dispersed enlisting for their possible advantage in giving end-clients steady data right from ideal cleansing of their food-improvement accomplice to ensuring a sans contact food transport experience following the uncommon pandemic. This brought into the picture the adaptability of spread figuring to generally all undertakings and that it doesn’t restrict just to upgrading standard IT urging firms’ exercises. Second satisfaction and incessant association thusly different into the norm for relationship to sack committed clients and it became possible through down to earth attempts — appropriated figuring.
Cloud Sending Approaches
While considering which circled enrolling blueprint is fitting for your business, you really want to think concerning worked with, crossbreed or on-premises game-plans. IaaS, SaaS and PaaS combine the stuff programming and applications that work on the cloud. Worked with, crossbreed and on-premises are the common affiliation models of appropriated figuring. We should skip into these choices somewhat more. A worked with cloud continuum is a finished cloud sending with the applications as a whole and associations you really care about. In a worked with cloud, applications are at present open, and new applications can be made on low-or certain level foundation. Worked with cloud plans are completely made due, ensured and remained mindful of by a managed associations supplier and anticipate that month should month enlistment costs.
Cloud Computing Solutions is creating and it is basic to keep yourself invigorated with the latest examples. However, the a great deal of information on the web could leave you more overwhelmed! Simply unwind, we are here to help you out with different circulated processing resource that you should follow.
cloud continuum wraps the developments, controls, cycles, and techniques which solidify to shield your cloud-based systems, secure conveyed registering data, and establishment. It is a sub-space of PC security and all the to a greater extent, information security.
It is a typical commitment among you and your cloud expert association. You do a cloud security strategy to shield your data, stick to managerial compliance,business cloud advantages and defend your clients’ insurance. Which consequently safeguards you from the reputational, money related, and legal outcomes of data breaks and data setback.
Cloud arrangements is an essential for all affiliations. Especially with the latest investigation from (ISC)2 uncovering 93% of affiliations are modestly or exceptionally stressed over cloud security, and one of each and every four affiliations confirming a cloud security episode in the past a year. In this article, we will make an exhaustive manual for cloud security. You’ll research the security risks of moving to the cloud, grasp the justification for why cloud security is required, and find cloud solutions best practices. We’ll moreover cover subjects like how to assess a cloud expert center’s security and recognize the endorsements and getting ready to additionally foster your cloud security.
Most cloud plans fall into three classes:
Foundation collectively (IaaS), Stage-collectively (PaaS), and Programming-collectively (SaaS). Fundamentally, IaaS allows an association to lease his IT base of the association from a cloud provider. PaaS gives an on-demand environment to pushing programming.
SaaS passes applications on over the web. Relationship of all sizes are using cloud answers to aws managed services, programming and IT support costs. As cloud plans foster past IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS responsibilities, tries rely upon cloud programming headway. Server farm assets (counting cycles, stock, and progressive assets) can be virtualized and checked in transit while programming depicted pools. Cloud providers as of now offer pre-packaged cloud courses of action with the flexibility to assign risk in regards to various program assets reliant upon the circumstance. A cloud contract gives productive, on-demand induction to a typical pool of IT resources, helping relationship with achieving more conspicuous efficiencies, diminish costs, and harmony capital and working costs. Various affiliations rely upon a blend of public, private, and mixture cloud associations. OpenStack is a thing decided framework for growing new business occupations, driving DevOps, or moving customary server farms to arranged fogs.
What is Cloud Continuum and how should an alliance use Cloud Continuum?
Change is consistent. This gets a handle on why various associations are rethinking their methodologies by moving to the cloud. Again, there are people endeavoring to additionally foster data work and organizing. Basically, a couple of associations by and large need to diminish costs and augmentation efficiency. Regardless of what the goals, every accessory moves as business needs certainly create. Furthermore, Juice legitimizes the press. Numerous people are seeing the results of the advancement of the cloud plans. Despite the way that fogs expected a central part starting now and into the foreseeable future, the pandemic has given an indispensable lift to interminably cloud administrations organization. It doesn’t just figure your on-demand limit.
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The Scope of a B.Ed: A Pathway to a Rewarding Career in Education
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Any person seeking to be a teacher and or working in the education sector should consider going for a B. Ed or Bachelor of Education. Due to the growing requirements for qualified educators, the field that a B. Ed has opened up many different career opportunities for graduates in addition to becoming a teacher. 
Career Opportunities
Classroom Teaching: The most common pattern is service in primary, secondary, or higher secondary schools.
Educational Administration: Some of these roles include; School principals and academic coordinators these are the people who determine the policies of the school and how the school is run.
Special Education: Education for Students With Disabilities: A Guide to Inclusive Classrooms.
Corporate Training: Employee Training and Development is one of the managerial training opportunities in organizations.
Curriculum Development: Partnership with educational boards to develop good syllabi.
Educational Technology: Strategies for supporting tech businesses in the development of better methods of instruction.
Skills Developed
A B. Ed program equips graduates with essential skills such as
Effective teaching techniques
Good communication, particularly in disciplining students and or rearranging the class.
The critical thinking skills and the ability to research.
Societal Impact
Teachers have a significant role in society as they have a responsibility to raise generations, encourage learning throughout people’s lives, and fight for equal opportunities in education.
The field of study of a B. Ed is quite broad and it can provide a very fulfilling and satisfying profession with people’s lives improving in the process. If indeed you have a passion for teaching then a B. Ed is the ticket to a very fulfilling career!
If you’re pursuing a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) and looking for guidance or support in your career, JKS Group can be a valuable resource. 
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ciolookindia2 · 16 hours
 Periodically Proven: Taylorism and Scientific Management
Scientific Management and its History
“Management is, above all, a practice where art, science and craft meet.” What an innovative thought it is! Project Management is one of the practices that have proved themselves to be success-driven. There are multiple theories and ways for project management wherein a theory of Scientific Management by Frederick Winslow Taylor helped shape the Project Management (PM) industry.
Frederick revolutionised the world of Scientific Management and his work inspired the foundation of one of the greatest universities in the world—Harvard Business School. However, before diving deep into the concepts of Fredrick’s theory, it is a must thing to understand the basics of project management.
What is Project Management?
To achieve specific project goals, businesses prefer to acquire a system where there are managed applications of processes, methods, skills, knowledge, and experience. ‘Project Criteria’ parameters determine the ways of building PM systems. Moreover, ‘Financial Deliverables’ is the main purpose behind PM systems and it has time and budget limitations.
Remember, management is an ongoing process. On the other hand, project management has finite variables such as specific timespan and deliverables. And hence, Project Management professionals must have a full span of skills; especially technical skills and management skills.
The 20th Century Story
In 1909, a well-qualified American Engineer master, Fredrick Taylor spiraled the theory of ‘Scientific Theory.’ It is commonly known as ‘Taylorism’ and this theory made him the ‘Father of Scientific Management.’ With his efforts on the understanding the scientific process of work, he developed various management methods.
In Taylorism, the theory believes that productivity and efficiency are the results of optimization of work and not the ways the workers were made work hard. It also explains the assumption that productivity could increase by making jobs simpler and their optimization. For that, it also assumed that managers were the connecting line between the workforce and efficient work.
Managers of that time did not interact with their subordinates and left them with only work. They used to leave the employees for projects to execute alone. However, Taylorism tells that organizations can enhance efficiency if managers worked closely with the workers.
The Squad of Principles
Taylorism, in a broader vision, is the application of industry engineering principles in order to create a system that minimizes waste, improves process and methods of production as well as fairly distribute goods. It has four general principles—
Continue gathering and analyzing information. Converting it to laws and rules, sometimes even mathematical formulae to complete tasks.
To hire and train workers, apply scientific approach.
Blending science and workers for the scientifically developed techniques application.
Segregating tasks between the subordinates and employees where managerial subordinates apply scientific techniques to planning and employees perform the tasks.
What Do We Know? What Have We Learnt?
Fredrick Taylor came to the conclusion of the scientific management theory through various studies and analyses. He approached this theory in a quantitative way by collecting and analysing data. He created a way out for better work and project management that proved right for every generation of workers. We hope that our audience has received a glimpse of one of the greatest theories of all the time.
Read More: Click Here
Source: https://ciolookindia.com/periodically-proven-taylorism-and-scientific-management/
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shreejitraining02 · 20 hours
The Power Of Continuing Professional Development (Cpd) In Advancing Your Career
Introduction: The Dynamic Nature of Professional Growth
In today’s fast-evolving job market, standing still is not an option. Careers across industries require continuous refinement of skills, new learning, and adaptability. This is where Continuing Professional Development (CPD) comes into play. By investing in CPD, professionals not only enhance their expertise but also secure their relevance in an increasingly competitive world.
What is Continuing Professional Development (CPD)?
Continuing Professional Development refers to the process of maintaining and enhancing the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for effective work performance. It is a structured approach that encourages lifelong learning and ensures that professionals stay updated with the latest industry standards, technologies, and methodologies.
The Importance of Continuing Professional Development
The importance of continuing professional development cannot be overstated. It enables professionals to improve their competencies, adapt to changes in their field, and ultimately, deliver higher standards of service. Moreover, CPD fosters a culture of self-improvement and dedication, setting individuals apart in a crowded workforce.
Explain Why Continuing Professional Development is Important
To explain why continuing professional development is important, one must understand its role in enhancing career progression. CPD not only keeps professionals abreast of changes but also allows them to explore new areas of expertise. In fields such as health and social care, where advancements in techniques and regulations are constant, CPD is essential for ensuring best practices.
Describe the Importance of Continuing Professional Development
When professionals describe the importance of continuing professional development, they often highlight its ability to improve job satisfaction and boost morale. Learning new skills and achieving qualifications can lead to career advancement, promotion opportunities, and a deeper understanding of one’s role. This growth cultivates confidence and a stronger sense of purpose in the workplace.
What is Continuing Professional Development in Health and Social Care?
The field of health and social care is one of the most critical areas where CPD is not only encouraged but mandatory. It ensures that caregivers remain competent in their work, continually updating their knowledge to meet the ever-changing needs of their clients and the legal requirements of the sector. CPD in this field also promotes personal growth and improves patient outcomes.
The Value of CPD in Developing Leadership Skills
Beyond technical skills, CPD is invaluable in cultivating leadership capabilities. As professionals climb the ranks, their roles often evolve to include managerial and leadership responsibilities. CPD courses tailored to leadership, team management, and strategic thinking empower individuals to become effective leaders, driving organizational success.
CPD: A Pathway to Specialization
CPD provides professionals the flexibility to specialize in niche areas. Whether it’s mastering new technologies in IT or developing patient-care techniques in health services, CPD allows individuals to deepen their expertise in specific fields. Specialization often leads to higher-paying roles, consultancy opportunities, and a stronger professional reputation.
How CPD Fosters Innovation and Creativity
In an ever-changing world, creativity and innovation are essential. CPD encourages professionals to think outside the box, offering exposure to new ideas and alternative methods. This openness to new knowledge leads to innovative solutions, which can transform industries and improve overall job performance.
CPD and Professional Networking Opportunities
One of the overlooked benefits of CPD is the opportunity it provides for networking. Workshops, seminars, and training courses bring together professionals from diverse backgrounds. These interactions not only enhance learning but also create pathways for collaboration, mentorship, and career growth.
Personal Fulfillment Through Lifelong Learning
CPD is more than just a tool for professional advancement; it’s a pathway to personal fulfillment. By continually acquiring new skills and knowledge, individuals develop a growth mindset. This sense of achievement boosts confidence, enhances job satisfaction, and fosters a passion for one’s career that extends beyond the workplace.
The Role of Employers in Supporting CPD
Employers have a critical role in supporting CPD. Organizations that invest in their employees' professional growth often experience higher productivity, improved staff retention, and greater overall success. By offering access to CPD programs, employers not only enhance the skill sets of their workforce but also foster a culture of excellence and innovation within their teams.
Conclusion: CPD as a Cornerstone for Career Advancement
In conclusion, continuing professional development is an essential pillar for career progression. It provides professionals with the opportunity to refine their skills, adapt to changes, and remain competitive in their respective fields. Whether you are looking to advance in your current role or pivot to a new career, CPD offers the structured, continuous learning pathway needed for long-term success.
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