#Maribat March day 4
liquid-luck-00 · 7 months
Red Binding 4
Maribat March Day 4: Siren
@maribat-calendar-events @maribatserver
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In the end, Marinette was accompanied by Guardian Shun’itsu and their protégé, a girl roughly her age. She had trained with the two of them for almost three weeks before they had to leave. Apparently they used to do this trip on horseback, but not anymore. Now they would climb down the mountain to a village at the base, where they would board a train. That is until they reach a stop that an agent would escort them the rest of the way.
So yes she did have to carry a pitcher of water, in a sense.
This ritual would apparently work best and easiest of both the ladybug and black cat were alive and were doing it simultaneously. Each of them would be at their counterpart, creation at the pits of Lazarus while destruction at the pool of Ambrosia. But this was only her so it would be harder and it would take more time.
She stared out of the window of the car they were currently in. A Shadow had showed up at the station and led them to the car. She just watched the forest thin and thicken as they wound up the mountain. They stopped at a small village, similar to the one at home. Where they started to ascend the rest of the way.
Marinette didn’t know what she expected, but it wasn’t this.
The base was similar to a that of the temple, only for the fact that they were built and carved into the giant mountains that oversaw the valley. But the similarities ended there. Where the temple spired through the mountains organically, this seemed to be carved from the face of the mountain itself.
"Hello, and welcome to Nanda Parbat." A woman stood in front of the gates. "Which one of you is the Ladybug?"
Her eyes passed over them, seemingly bored, but she knows better. This woman was analyzing them, their weaknesses, their strengths, and most importantly judging if they would be a liability.
"I am the Guardian Yùnqì." She stepped forward, her words slightly accented, but clear in Arabic. She paid attention to where they were and she figured that would be the language best used in this region.
It seemed to surprise the woman, but it really shouldn’t. The Order was just as well kept and as expansive as the League, if all her research was correct.
"Very well, the Demon’s Head is waiting for an audience with you."
She turned and the gates behind her opened to a large courtyard. As the woman walked they did as well, keeping fifteen paces behind her in case of any possible attacks. None such happened but something was off.
Something told her there was more here than they originally thought.
Do you feel that Tikki?
Yes, but it might be nothing. The kwamii was unsure, yet continued. But maybe…
What is the maybe?
It could just be nothing. Tikki seemed to try and dismiss the idea, but Mari knows that feeling. And if her life has taught her anything, it’s to trust that feeling.
It’s not nothing, and you know it, so what could this be. She put her foot down. They had continued to walk further into the base, it wasn’t until the next threshold that Tikki responded.
Plagg’s wielder is here. The goddess sighed, her constant presence sending a shock of annoyance through her mind.
And what about Plagg? Can you tell?
Maybe? But that might just be the Well of Destruction. Tikki sighed.
Well it’s a start. She responded back, as their little party came to a stop in front of ornate metal doors.
"The two of you will hold back as the Ladybug enters."
"We all enter or else we shall leave." Guardian Shun’itsu challenged the woman, who thankfully didn’t call their bluff. Because yes they could leave, but if they did and the Well of destruction continued being used unchecked, devastation would truly follow.
So they all entered together Marinette took the point while Guardian Shun’itsu flanked her on the right, and her protégé (Ryuko) was on her left. The woman continued in front of them. When she stopped a couple of meters away from a throne, she dropped to one knee. A man in emerald green and pitch black armor sat on what was clearly a throne of sorts. The man waved a hand and the woman stood before taking her place behind him on his right.
"So you are the latest child of creation." The man’s voice was odd. It was accented by a language she has heard before, but also is sure she hasn’t. There was no emotion in his voice , while his eyes swept over her, judging and analyzing her very being.
"I am." She stood straight, and watched him in turn.
Neither of them broke the eye contact, as by this point it was a battle of wills.
"Very well." He nodded ever so slightly, raising a hand and three people stepped into the room. "No harm will come to you so long as you are accompanied by one of my officers."
One of the shadows stood right behind her and it sent chills down her spine. She wanted to shift and fidget to get rid of the feeling, but she knows that wouldn’t be a good idea. In fact it would probably be considered a show of weakness that she doesn’t want to show.
"You will be shown to your rooms and know your itinerary here for the next two weeks." He spoke with such distain, that she did not wanna be here anymore. Granted she didn’t actually want to come because she was going to be surrounded by assassins, now she really doesn’t wanna be here. But she spoke up, because she is the highest ranking of the three.
"If that is your command, we shall abide by them, but you, too shall learn that we have our own itinerary. We must follow as well."
"Guardian Yùnqì, This would be best discussed after we have settled in."
"That is very true Guardian Shun’itsu." She slightly turned her cheek, so she could see Lord Doreiku, yet ensure that the man sitting in front, wouldn’t think she was ignoring him. She turned back to fully face him. "I shall write up our daily proceedings, as well as the rights that need to be accomplished during the ritual. So that both your men and yourself may know what to expect. As I do not want to make a mockery of our alliance, as I also do not wish to anger you unnecessarily."
Her head was high. Her voice was calm, and she noticed the man started to scowl ever so slightly. She got under his skin, and all she could think of was good, there was an understanding neither one wanted the other here, but they needed one another.
And she wasn’t foolish enough to allow herself nor her two companions to be caught in the crossfire, if he wanted a fight.
The three of them bowed shallowly, turned to follow the three shadows, and went on their way quietly. She was showed her room smaller than the one she has at the temple, but it would be fine for what they needed it for.
Quietly she made sure to search the room, fully, because they knew they were coming, they knew which ones to set them in, she wouldn’t have been surprised if they had but the rooms were bugged, so she didn’t do anything until she knew she was secure.
She started putting up wards around the room, that way no one can enter without her permission, and no one can hear into it.
Tikki had just flown out, and made herself comfortably a bed in the back of her robes. Marinette opened the door, and as she did, the ninja appeared.
"This is the itinerary, if you would be so kind as to deliver it to the demons head." She smiled and tilted her head slightly, that portrayed an innocence which her stature provided. The ninja, because that’s the only way she can describe them from now on, because calling them assassins would put her to far on edge, took the letters, bowed and left.
Mari acted as if she was going to close the door, but in reality, it was still open. She’s assuming that the doors probably have a mechanism or alarm set into them whenever they are opened or closed, to make sure they are where they are meant to be. She slipped out of the room and leaving the door slightly ajar, that it looked closed, she crept down the halls.
Mari what are you doing? She felt Tikki’s small weight, disappear, and her voice hissed through her mind.
You know what, and so do I. If the Holder, the Black cat is here, if Plagg is here, he might be suffering.
You don’t know that Marinette. Tikki’s voice was small, but hopefulness swam through it.
And we don’t know otherwise.
She followed at the pull she felt until Mari reached another door. She was about to raise her hand and knock when it’s swung open.
A boy, slightly older than her, with pitch, black hair and turquoise eyes opened up to her. She doesn’t know what to say, and it seems like he didn’t either. They stood like that for a moment, before something slipped out of the boys hair.
"Get inside." A nasally voice huffed behind her shoving her into the room.
"Plagg what are you doing?" The boy hissed at the Kwamii in front of them now.
"If you two were caught like that, what do you think would happen kitten?"
The boys stayed silent, but this solidified what he was. He was the guardian of the black cat.
"I’m sorry let me introduce myself." The ease in which she switched to English, as Plagg and the boy was just speaking it.
"I am the Guardian Yùnqì, my name is Marinette'.' At that moment Tikki reappeared in this dimension, floated for a moment beside her before sitting on her shoulder. "And this is Tikki, the Kwamii of Creation."
"Hi there, Sugar Cube!" Plagg flew up to Tikki who was still on her shoulder.
"Stinky Sock." She grumbled, but Marinette heard the fondness in her voice all the same.
"Name is Plagg Kwamii of Destruction." The small black cat like creature floated up and gave his head a bow to her. "And this is my kitten."
He flew back to the boy and landed in his hair.
"Why are you here?" Was the first thing the boy ever said to her, as he was glaring at her the entire time.
"Because I have to do a stupid ritual, I can’t sit still, and stay somewhere I’m supposed to be, there’s more here than just the wells of destruction, I didn’t know that the miraculous of the black cat was active." Sarcasm rung through her voice, and it felt as if she hadn’t used it in so long.
She leaned back against the door, finally dropping the act of perfect guardian that she needed to uphold.
"You’re just a kid."
"And so are you." She shot back at him. "Who still hasn’t given me their name."
"It’s nice to meet you, Jason." She lifted her hand and it seemed like he might’ve taken it, if a siren didn’t start blasting.
Permanent Taglist: @jennifer-rose123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @joydone07 @mizzy-pop @starling218 @crystalqueertea
Taglist: @shizukiryuu
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maribatserver · 2 years
Maribat March 2023
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Maribat March is here! And we're super excited to bring this event back for another year, as it feels like it's been ages since March was here last, doesn't it? We hope you agree, because we thought it'd be fun to bring back some old favorites from previous years!
Don't worry, we've got plenty of fresh prompts too, including the most submitted words from our Heartthrob Heroes event, and we hope that you'll get some awesome ideas from them for new creations!
The full list of prompts is available to read under the cut, as well as our posting guidelines, which ensure that we can find your submissions and promote them! Happy creating to everyone! We can't wait to see what you come up with!
For Tumblr Posts:
If you're posting on tumblr, make sure to add @maribatserver and tag your work with #Maribat March 2023 so that we see it, and we'll reblog your post here. Also make sure that you include "For Maribat March Day #: [Prompt]" for the readers. We also ask that if you're posting a longer fic, you add a readmore cut, again for the ease of readers or other folks on the blog.
If you're posting something NSFW, make sure that all your content is hidden under a readmore, and that it is both properly rated and tagged. If it's not, we won't be able to reblog it.
For Ao3 Posts:
If you're publishing on Ao3, we have an Ao3 collection, just like last year. To be added to it, make sure to select "Maribat March (Maribat_March)" when you select the collection you want to add your fic to. For the ease of readers, make sure to include "For Maribat March Day #: [Prompt]" in your summary.
If you're posting something NSFW, make sure that it's rated as such, and has all of the relevant tags and warnings. If it doesn't your work won't be approved to the collection.
Prompt List:
Wednesday 1 Strange Thursday 2 Parent Friday 3 Fun Times Saturday 4 Baby Girl Sunday 5 Shot Monday 6 Caffeine Tuesday 7 Wings Wednesday 8 Siblings Thursday 9 Family Dinner Friday 10 Adoption Saturday 11 Team Work Sunday 12 Found Family Monday 13 Puns Tuesday 14 Teacher Wednesday 15 Arrow Thursday 16 Teen Titans Friday 17 Bakery Saturday 18 Warmth Sunday 19 Domestic Bliss Monday 20 Rain Tuesday 21 Snob Wednesday 22 Rival Thursday 23 Formidable Friday 24 Enemies/Lovers Saturday 25 Mafia Sunday 26 Under Arrest Monday 27 Betrayal Tuesday 28 Bleed Out Wednesday 29 Death Thursday 30 Vampire Friday 31 Last Time
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/fic8upb
by TheFCguy
For Day 7 of Maribat March: Waiting in the Wings. Harry has a serious topic that he wants to talk about with his family, but they are too busy to do it right now. Meanwhile, the boy with the sweater starts to question himself if he will ever prove to everyone how special he can be.
Words: 1430, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Hope Squad Series
Fandoms: Maribat - Fandom, Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types, DCU, Clarence - Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Bruce Wayne, Original Child(ren) of Bruce Wayne, Original Male Character(s), Batfamily Members, Original Batfamily Member(s) (DCU)
Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Bruce Wayne, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Original Male Character(s), Bruce Wayne & Original Child Character(s), Batfamily Members & Bruce Wayne, Batfamily Members & Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Bruce Wayne is Batman, Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Ladybug, Batfamily (DCU), Angst, Songfic, Episode: s03e13 Waiting In The Wings, waiting in the wings, Original Character(s), Originally Posted on Tumblr, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Mominette, Foreshadowing, Next Generation, Next-Gen, MariBat, Maribat March, maribat march 2023, Aged-Up Character(s), Hope Squad, Hope Squad AU
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/fic8upb
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vln-vibes · 5 years
Watchtower Woes
Week 1 Day 4 of Maribat March
Special thanks to @little-kitty-kanny , @ethelphantom and @the-navistar-carol  for beta-ing for me
It was a normal day at the Watchtower, well as normal as a space station for superheroes could be. The Watchtower looked down upon their home planet, making it seem so big yet so small amongst the sea of stars surrounding them. Today it was just Wonder Woman, Black Bat and Ladybug on monitor duty.
Ladybug, otherwise known as Marinette Drake nee Dupain-Cheng (the 23-year old designer behind the Lady Luck designs by MDC company), turned to see Wonder Woman looking at her with concern. She and Diana were rather close as the Amazonian princess had practically taken her as blood sisters when she learned of a new Ladybug; seeing as her mother had once worn the mantle as well.  Diana had also been her business partner when her company first began to take off.
“Are you feeling alright? You seem to be under the weather”
“She’s right,” Cassandra Cain-Wayne added in “Your center is off, you seem uncomfortable.”
“I’m fine. It's been a little stressful with the upcoming line with Wayne Enterprises,” Ladybug sighed, finding herself massaging her temple, feeling a headache already developing. “That and the team has been acting strange lately, I’ve been trying to investigate the cause, but the Miracle Book isn’t saying much, and I can’t exactly ask Master Fu anymore”
“How so, Ladybug?” Diana asked, taking a seat next to her while Cass took charge of looking through the security footage for them, still focused on the conversation.
“Well, most of them have gotten dangerously overprotective of me. Just yesterday Roi Singe took a hit for me against Hawkmoth 2.0’s latest creation. I asked him about it afterwards, and he just said that nothing could harm me? It was rather strange, especially seeing as Ryuuko and Abeille got more ruthless afterward. Chat was also hissing at people who approached me,” she explained with a troubled look.
“Even as civilians, Viperion, Monarch, and Paon were coddling me: Mari are you warm enough? Have you eaten today? No, Mari, let me get you a natural juice instead of coffee. It’s been so frustrating having to deal with their constant  babying.”
“It’s honorable for your team to care for your well being” Diana commented, heavens knew  how the JL got  whenever one of their members was  ill or was unable to perform their duties. Ladybug’s eyes just seemed to water at the implication, wiping the tears before they even fell.
“B-But that could just mean they don’t trust my abilities… what if they think I’m not worthy of being leader or even worse… of being Ladybug?” 
Diana did her best to console the younger woman while Cass looked at her skeptically.
She had seen the sudden change in emotion Ladybug had gone through like whiplash, from tired to content to worried to saddened. As Diana combed through Marinette’s pixie cut, Cass continued to think of the things happening these past few weeks.
Tim had once asked Barbara if there was anything that could help with back pains, stating that Marinette had been experiencing some rather hard period symptoms.
She recalled Adrien purring along with Alfred the Cat when they had gone to Wayne Manor last week along with Tim and Conner. Even Ace and Titus were acting like her personal bodyguards, not too different from normal, though Damian admitted that it was a bit more overkill.
Just last month for the Wayne Charity Gala, during the ladies’ final fitting, she had complained to Steph that her own dress felt a little tighter than she expected... though not unbearably so, so she had just decided to leave her own dress as is.
Had it really been so obvious?
She needed to recheck whether Tim deserved the title of Detective after this. Cass stepped out of the room momentarily to make what was potentially a life changing call.
“Robin and Superboy, do you read?” she knew her baby brother, almost eighteen years old, would be hanging out at the Titans Tower in the east coast with Superboy, now sixteen, but seeing as it was a quiet day and the other Titans: Green Lantern (Milagro Reyes), Nightstar (Mar’i Grayson), Scarlet Flash and Kid Speed (Dawn and Don Allen), and Speedy(Lian Harper) would be on standby.
“Is something the matter Black Bat?” Damian responded almost immediately.
All Bats were rather keen on making sure their comms were on in case of emergencies, even when silenced, they’d have the notifications on to see who was trying to contact them.
“Do you mind coming to the Watchtower with Superboy, there’s something concerning Ladybug𑁋”
“Is she alright?” she almost giggled at how concerned her brother was before keeping her cool and responding.
“I believe she’s alright but perhaps not aware of her condition”
“We’ll be there in a minute”
Not even a full minute after stepping back in with a much calmer Ladybug, did she hear the announcement of Robin and Superboy’s arrival before the two skid into the communications room with the three heroines.
“Robin and Superboy? I wasn’t aware you boys would be passing by today,” Diana asked curiously as Damian just puffed up.
“Black Bat called about checking Ladybug’s condition” he said eyeing the scarlet hero to see if anything was amiss; other than her red rimmed eyes and flushed cheeks he found nothing unusual.
“My condition? Cass what are you talking about?” Ladybug asked confused and a bit protective.
“Superboy,” Jon perked at his name before turning to Cass “Can you hear the heartbeats in this room?”
“Uh sure…” to say he was confused was an understatement. He was rather familiar with their heartbeats, having known them for years at this point. He could hear Diana and Damian’s rather war drum like beat, Cass’ steady and rhythmic beats, Marinette’s calm and slightly faster than usual heart and then there was𑁋
Wait, what?
“That’s weird” he whispered to himself before focusing again. Sure enough it was still there a soft echoe of duhn-duhn… duhn-dun as the fifth heartbeat. But he had never heard it before… and it was coming from…
Oh duh!
“Holy schmoly! Congrats Ladybug.” He flew up to her and gave her a huge hug, conscious of his strength now more than ever. Ladybug seemed confused while Cass smiled at her.
“You’re expecting!”
Suddenly everything made more sense, Marinette thought in that moment of realization, as she felt Diana give her her own congratulations along with Damian, who wished to both brag and inform the rest of the family.
This was really happening.
“Can— can we see Doctor Mid-Nite or Doctor Thompkins, please?” she heard herself whisper. The group looked at each other, Diana contacting the Watchtower’s doctor while Damian called for Tim and the rest of the Bat Family to come as soon as they could; was that overkill? Perhaps, but no one that was even associated with the Bats could be anything less than dramatic. Jon was the one who called Conner who called Adrien to go meet them at the Watchtower as well.
Half an hour passed and Ladybug found herself lying on one of the Med Bay beds with Doctor Thompkins, the woman having to be pulled until they mentioned Marinette requesting her assistance, making the last few configurations to the ultrasound machine.
“Are you ready, dear?” the kind doctor asked.
 Ladybug lifted her uniform, which she learned she could do at that moment, nearly squirming at the cold gel spreading at her softening abdomen.
“As ready as I’ll ever be” she laughed nervously before taking a deep breath. She couldn’t help but close her eyes, unsure if she wanted it to be true or not, before hearing the curtain open. Tim looked disheveled, most likely having come out of a W.E business meeting he had mentioned yesterday evening.
“Mari, what’s wrong!?”
Duhn-duhn…. Duhn-duhn… duhn-duhn
Marinette had never heard such a life-altering sound, feeling the tears swell in her eyes as her husband looked dumbfounded.
“Is— is that?” Marinette could only nod before being enveloped in a hug by him. He whispered sweet nothings and reassurances to her as the beautiful sound echoed in their heads.
“God, we’re going to be parents, sunshine”
“So it would seem, moonlight”
“M’Lady what’s—!” Chat Noir had sprinted from the zeta entrance having heard the far too soft heartbeat coming from the monitor, the Bats not far behind him. Suffice to say that the Watchtowers usual quiet was interrupted for the rest of that evening as cheers and congratulations went around the Med-Bay.
They would later learn that she had been nearly three months pregnant by the time they found out, explaining her team’s odd behavior due to the animal characteristics of the Miraculous. However, the worst news was to come a week later on one faithful morning.
“Oh kwami, get that away from me!” Marinette exclaimed as soon as she came out of their room in their studio apartment in Gotham. The scarlet hero having to rely on Pegasus for travel to and from Paris for the time being. Not that her team even wanted her on the field in the first place at the time but she was anything if not stubborn, a necessity for the Wayne family.
That was how the coffee obsessed duo discovered that Marinette and baby were disgusted by the mere smell of coffee. Truly, it was the hardest part of the pregnancy.
Six months later, when Thomas Louis Drake-D.C was born, his aunts and uncle would continuously call him the ‘Second Coming of Christ’ for doing the impossible and getting his parents to cut off their caffeine addiction, much to their annoyance. 
For now they were just a family of three, looking at the infinite stars of their baby’s eyes.
My AO3
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verymuchimmortalcat · 3 years
This ended up much longer than I anticipated so it’s all under the cut!
(last updated 5 September 2023)
(Everything that’s only on ao3 is marked with the asterisk.)
Multi chapter fics
Magic and Madness*
(Platonic timari, felinette, platonic daminette) Timothy Jackson Drake and Marie Janet Drake are inseparable twins. Then Ra's al Ghul gets in the way
Incomplete, discontinued
Magical New Beginnings*
(Cassette, slow burn) Adrien and Marinette transfer to Ilvermorny for their 6th year after a very disastrous 5th year, where they meet the Waynes and their friends. Alternatively the Cassette Ilvermorny AU literally no one asked for.
You’re My Friend, I’d Do Anything For You*
(Marijon, fake dating AU) “I need you to be my fake boyfriend for the next gala and fashion week after that,” she spits out in one breath and then more slowly says, “please?”
Shopping for Romance (Books)*
(Jasonette, flower shop au, bookstore au) Marinette's traitorous brain freezes when her eyes meet his. Beautiful, she thinks. She’s suddenly grateful that she’s put behind her days of stuttering in front of beautiful people. Alternatively, Marinette owns a flower shop (along with Rose) and Jason works at a book store. And Marinette spends more time than she'd ever thought possible at a bookstore.
Of Rooftops and Ice-cream
(Timari, Black cat! Marinette) Something is off with Lady Noire and Tim is anything if not curious.
(All the individual links lead to the tumblr posts, unless marked otherwise, and the ao3 series is linked with the event name. All of them are complete one shots, with the exception of one ("Not Goodbye") which has been continued as a series and is linked further down as a series. If the series name itself has an asterisk none of the fics linked below have been posted to tumblr and are only on ao3.)
Maribat March
The One She Chose - Day 1: Found Family
(mild Tom and Sabine salt) Marinette returns to her family in Gotham after Hawkmoth’s defeat
Snow and Hot Chocolate- Day 2: First Time and Day 3: Warmth
(daminette twins au) Marinette al Ghul-Wayne sees snow for the first time
Fangirling over your Best friend to your Best friend - Day 4: Internet Friends
Cissie and Marinette become friends after someone starts questioning teen heroes retiring
The Last Time - Day 5: Last Time
(Dickinette song fic, based of The Last Time by Taylor Swift)
A Ladybug’s Hibernation - Day 6: Miraculous Side Effects
(bio dad Bruce Wayne) Marinette hibernates due to the cold. The Batboys freak out. Alfred and Steph drink tea.
What on earth am I seeing?* - Day 7: Betrayal
(timari, chat fic) Marinette watches her boyfriend on live television in the atrocity that is the Mr. Sarcastic costume.
The Chaos Chats* - Day 8: Texting
(bio dad Bruce Wayne, chat fic) Random texts from the phone of one Marinette Wayne
Are Kwamis, by definition, Cryptids? - Day 9: Creatures and Cryptids, and Day 10: Teen Titans
Adrien thinks Kwamis are Cryptids. Trixx and Plagg get Marinette on their side. The gates to hell are opened.
Adventures in Parenting - Day 11: Mominette and Day 17: Court of Owls
Marinette Dupain-Cheng adopts the little Talon that is Dick Grayson when he is sent on a mission to take her miraculous. Companion piece to To Live Again.
To Live Again - Day 12: Second Chance
How Talon ended up being adopted by Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Companion piece to Adventures in Parenting.
How to Bring your Estranged Brother Back- A Guide by Jason Todd and Marinette Grayson - Day 13: Reverse Robins
(bio siblings dickinette) Jason has a plan to drag Tim back to the manor for the holidays, one that centers around the puppy eyes of Marinette Grayson.
Holding on to Hope - Day 14: Death
(bio dad Bruce Wayne, canon temporary character death or not death just being lost in time) Marinette has a conversation with her father.
I’ve Got your Back - Day 18: Protect
(bio dad Bruce Wayne) Damian sneaks out as Robin when injured, Marinette goes to rescue him. Continuation of Day 14: Holding on to Hope
Of Cakes and Kisses - Day 21: Domestic Bliss
What If We Run Away? - Day 22: What If...
(Konmari, royalty au) Prince Kon is being forced to marry someone else and asks Marinette to run away with him.
It Started With a Schedule - Day 25: School Dance
(Marijon) College Francois Dupont organises a school dance for the exchange students from Metropolis.
The Best of Us - Day 27: Contest and Day 28: Young Justice
Adrien gets bored and creates an obstacle course. Unsurprisingly, it escalates from there.
Not Goodbye - Day 30: Goodbye
(bio dad Bruce Wayne, siblings daminette, bad mom Talia) Marinette al Ghul leaves the League of Assassins. Damian doesn't believe his sister when she says that it's not goodbye. She's proved right a couple of years later.
Marijon Week
Four Blue Eyes - Day 1: Blue Eyes
Blue eyes.
Very pretty bluebell eyes.
That’s the only thing Jon distinctly remembers about the girl he had met only a few seconds ago.
Darling I’m A Mess - Day 2: Coffee shop
His favourite shift however was the afternoon shift.
Every afternoon, about fifteen minutes after Jon takes over manning the counter is when Marinette usually comes by.
Soulmarks and what they are not - Day 3: Soulmates
5% of the population of the world are born with soulmate marks.
Marinette and Jon are part of the remaining 95%.
Always - Day 4: Stay
(death tw)
This cannot be the end.
She won't let it be the end.
What do you mean we’re trending?! - Day 5: Social Media
(bio dad Bruce Wayne)
#superboy x ladybug is trending at number one in the U.S.
Three Cups of Coffee - Day 6: Internship
Marinette becomes friends with Jon Kent when she goes to meet Alya during her internship at the Daily Planet.
Maribat Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month
To Have Several First Meetings - Day 1: Meeting For The First Time
Marinette meets Batman for the first time when she’s 14. Wonder Woman had been in contact with them from the beginning of the hawkmoth situation, but after Heroes Day Batman insists on speaking to them. Marinette doesn’t know why Batman has a sudden vested interest in Paris’s safety but she’s going to go along with it.
Museum Shenanigans - Day 2: Family/ Friends
“Isn’t that Tim Wayne?” Alix whispered from besides her. Nino nods, gaping.
The two of them turn to look at her group, she sees the exact moment her brother recognises her and wishes she could sink into the floor.
“M. Wayne. My daughter, Alix, and her friends.”
Familiarity - Day 3: Identities
Marinette couldn’t quite put a finger on it but there was something about the Waynes that felt familiar.
Continuation of Day 1
Bonding with the Bat(girl)s - Day 4: Bonding
Marinette had just entered the bakery when there were suddenly two girls standing in front of her. The blonde girl waves excitedly, “hi! I’m Stephanie Brown,” she points to her friend, “that’s Cass.”
Marinette recognizes their names, Spoiler and Batgirl. Tim’s mentioned them several times when he calls.
Remembrance - Day 5: Stories/ Memories
The Batfam's memories of Marinette over the years
As You were One - Day 14: De-aging
It's only when she stops in front of a boy who appears to be about seven who looks exactly like the photos Alfred has of her father at that age does she figure out what the akuma's powers are.
De aging.
Marinette asks him anyway, there is always the possibility that a random Parisian child looks exactly like a seven-year-old version of her father, it is a large city.
The Chronicles of Marinette Wayne - Day 22: Library/ Books
Marinette comes to him that night with the book in hand asking about, “Mr. Tumus”
“Mr. Tumnus,” he corrects her gently.
She nods in agreement and repeats, “Mr. Tumus."
Timari January
Fireworks - Day 1 (2022): Fireworks
"It's beautiful, isn't it?"
"I've seen more beautiful."
Nights are so starry - Day 1 (2023): Frostbite
“I’m going to get frostbite,” Tim declares.
Without missing a beat, Marinette replies, “No, you’re just a dramatic bitch.”
MGI Civil War 2022
Glitter Wars - Prompt: Glitter & Rainbows and Balloons
“…why do you have so many balloons?” she asks her girlfriend, who’s grinning at her and Marinette can’t help but smile back.
Marinette grins mischievously, “who’re we pranking?” And Cass has an identical grin on her face as she says, “Tim. Steph brought glitter.”
The Risks We Choose - Prompt: Last Chance
(Cassette, death tw)
Marinette and the others come up with a new plan.
Like every plan before, it fails.
Again and again and again.
Silent Escapades
Marinette and Cass meet on a rooftop, not as Cassandra Cain-Wayne and MDC or Black Bat and Ladybug but as two girls needing a break.
I Don't Mind It As Much When I'm With You
Cass hates being sick. She hates lying in bed and doing nothing, being too tired do anything other than nothing.
How to Make Your Friends Get Together - By a Frustrated Stephanie Brown
Marinette and Cass pine. Steph suffers.
Soft Smiles and Cat Videos
Marinette watches as Cass toys with something on her phone and she has such a soft smile, it makes Marinette melt on the inside with how warm it is.
A few seconds later, her phone chimes with a notification from Cass.
3am News
Cass wakes up in an empty bed and the faint sounds of the TV. Slipping out of bed, she pads into their living room to find Marinette in front of the TV. She’s watching the news. It’s in French. Marinette turns to look at her and her eyes are red and her cheeks, tear stained.
Past Promises* - Prompt: Rings
Collab with @ramos123
(Cassette, please check the tags on ao3)
An Emoji Is Worth A Thousand Words*
Collab with @khneltea and @ramos123
(Cassette, platonic daminette, chatfic)
Unknown Number: I have learned of the hawkmoth situation.
Unknown Number: Do you require backup?
Marinette: ....
Marinette: dAMIAN???
Supermari May*
Fortunate Accidents - Day 2: Strength
“You seem extremely attached to someone you’ve met only a few times.”
“Twice,” he corrects. His mother is right though, he is pretty attached to someone who he’s met only two times. “I guess, she leaves an impression.”
When Names are Irrelevant - Day 3: Original
Jon and Damian are playing video games in one of the several rooms of Wayne Manor, when a high-pitched squeal disrupts them. Jon immediately jumps up, while Damian remains seated and proceeds to beat him. Jon stares at Stephanie, the source of the noise, in confusion.
“You have an MDC original!!!!?”
He tilts his head in confusion, “a what?”
Keeping Count - Day 4: Number
She's hopeless.
He's hopeless.
Yup! That was it!
It was totally on him that Marinette had a hopeless crush on him.
Listening - Day 5: Powers/ Baking
(bio dad bruce wayne)
Jon meets Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Wayne for the first time when she happens to be baking enough pastries to feed a small village.
Special Seconds - Day 14: Special
“You’ve been dating for almost two years now, you’ve gone on several dates before,” Tikki says in an attempt to soothe her. A hopeless attempt, really.
“But this is different. It has to be special.” Tikki sighs but Marinette ignores her, continuing to stress over her plan. She wants it to be special. It’s their first proper date, not hanging around in some corner of the world as superheroes but actually going out somewhere as Marinette and Jon and as if things weren’t hard enough, he was meeting her parents. She regretted most of the decisions which brought her to this point.
Turn it to Rain - Day 25: Rain
He had been sunshine. It’s only fitting that it rains in his absence.
MGI Maribat Mixer*
Unannounced Visits
(bio dad Bruce Wayne)
5 times Marinette's siblings show up in Paris unannounced + 1 time that they actually plan their trip
Forever Winter If You Go
(Daminette Twins)
The League of Assassins is no place for a child, or so she will be told years in the future. At the age of three Marinette al Ghul doesn’t mind it.
Forgotten Announcements
(cassette, platonic timari)
Marinette and Cass get married. However they forget to tell the others that they did.
Best Thing That I Got
I’m so in love with her, Marinette thinks and freezes.
Because of course Marinette loves Cass, they’ve been friends for several years now but being in love with her is new. Though a small traitorous part of her mind whispers, is it really new or are you just realizing it now? And as Marinette stares up the smoke-filled sky looking for an answer, she starts to think maybe the small voice in her head is right. Maybe this isn’t new at all.
Dark Grey, All Alone
Cass sits curled up on her bed, going through an old box of photos she'd found while searching for her coat. She'd recognised the box immediately, covered in pink paper with Marinette's usual pink flowers adorning it.
Marinette grins at her fiancée, “thank you for setting me free. This has been extremely boring. Minus hundred out of ten, do not recommend.”
She knows Cass is grinning under her cowl when she replies, “would you rather go out with me?”
(cassette, royalty au, multi-chap)
The princess smiles warmly and Marinette tries to figure out the appropriate thing to say and fails miserably when she says, “Would you join me for a dance?”
Marinette can feel herself turning bright red.
“Yes,” the other woman replies softly, cheeks tinged pink.
Bio Dad Month 2022
Nameless - Day 1: Last Name: Wayne
(sibling daminette)
Marinette al- Ghul is seven when she decides he hates her last name.
Nice To Meet You - Day 2: Meeting for the first time (replacement prompt)
(sibling daminette)
He screeches and points at the girl. “You’re real?????” There’s a yell of, “Are you okay?” from Dick which Tim ignores in his desperate attempt to figure out what on earth is even happening.
Consequences - Day 3: Meeting the JL and Day 6: The JL Babysitting
He narrows his eyes at her. “You wouldn’t dare. Alfred would be so mad.”
It's Not Impossible, It's Just Hard - Day 4: Father- Daughter Bonding and Day 29: Baking
Marinette was on a mission.
She was going to teach her dad how to bake.
Painting Over Scars and Bruises - Day 5: Siblings and Day 25: Older/ Little! Mari
5 times Marinette takes care of one of her siblings + 1 time one of them take care of her
Shatter - Day 7: Take Your Kid to Work
“Father, we have broken another vase,” Damian informs him solemnly.
“We’ll pay for it!” Marinette adds.
Two Young Hearts - Day 8: Significant Other
Stephanie jumps up, “You’re dating somebody??? You’re like five, you’re too young to be dating anybody.”
She stifles her laughter, “Steph, you were literally there at my 16th birthday last week.”
“Small,” Steph huffs, “Practically a baby.”
The Meaning of Family - Day 10: First Steps
And Marinette? Marinette isn't even sure if she's wanted here yet. 
The Bet - Day 11: Robin/ Vigilantes and Day 16: Surprise Visitor
Jason grins, “The demon brat let slip that there was a bet-” Marinette watches as every head on the balcony turns to glare at Damian who only crosses his arms and glares back, “and Babs can be bribed for not serious information with blackmail on Dick.”
Time Is A Lie™ - Day 12: Time Travel
Fashion wise, the batsuit never has and never will be a thing, even if she has to personally ensure it.
MGI Civil War 2023
(bio dad bruce wayne)
Starry eyes sparking up my darkest night
Marijon Week 2023: I can feel my heart, it's beating in my chest*
Bio Dad Month 2023
I'd fall to pieces on the floor, if you weren't around - Prompt: Reverse Robins
(angst) Tim dies. Marinette's father doesn't tell her.
I'm captivated by you, baby, like a fireworks show - Prompt: Dating
(marijon) Marinette's siblings desperately need to learn how to give better advice.
Magic Induced Face Blindness - Prompt: Take your kid to work
Ladybug and Chat Noir are invited to an event by the Justice League. Marinette Dupain-Cheng Wayne freaks out.
100 followers/ birthday thing
Why fall in love? Just so you can watch it go away
(platonic daminette, tw drinking, tw mentioned character death)
"Loving any of us is a death sentence, isn't it?"
Sparks Fly
"Don't go on that date." "Why?" "You know why." "Say it."
Never Thought We'd Have A Last Kiss
(cassette, tw mentioned character death)
It wasn't fair.
But nothing ever was.
Rain Kisses, Snow Kisses
When the couple on screen makes up with the obligatory passionate kiss in the rain, Marinette throws a cushion at the TV.
There's Nothing Left Here
Marinette sees it coming a mile away. It’s been three months of missed calls, unanswered texts and rescheduled dates. But that doesn’t make it any easier.
I find myself running home to your sweet nothings
(marijon, pre relationship)
One day Marinette will figure out what it is about Jon that makes her feel like everything will be alright.
See You Again*
(bio dad Bruce Wayne, siblings daminette)
Fics set in the same verse as Not Goodbye.
89 notes · View notes
san-fics · 3 years
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+ Early access to all materials that become public (Maribat, Batfam, Felinette, MLB, PV fan fiction)
+ Early Access to the new chapters of Sexting Time Felinette AU
+ Exclusive Access to Sexting Time sequel Time for More [will be available only on my Patreon, starting with March 2022]
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This is my first and so far my favorite place.
I post here all new fan fictions and projects, Incorrect quotes and memes/mini comics, as well as occasional GIFs for my favorite fandoms.
I also post here my thoughts on the characters, opinions and reviews, and also announcements of upcoming stories.
At the moment Tumbler also has the most complete collection of my fics.
* You can always find my publication schedule of the current month in the pinned post of my profile.
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I started this place at the request of readers who are more comfortable reading from a computer, and I have never regretted it!
So far, not all of my stories have been transferred there, but only the majority, but all new fics are published there on the same day as on Tumblr.
More difference with Tumblr:
* You will not find my opinions and reviews there.
* But you will find there full chapters of Sexting Time, while on Tumblr I publish only summaries and previews.
* Incorrect Quotes that go out on Tumblr every day, I publish on Archive once a month in collections for different fandoms.
* I have not yet tried to publish memes and mini-comics there
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I started it quite recently, but you can already find some of your favorite stories there.
Of course this place will be a little behind in the number of published fan fictions, but I publish one part of the current stories for each fandom (Maribat, Batfam, Felinette, MLB, PV) every day there.
I also post Memes and Mini-comics there, as well as some of my character analysis.
Incorrect Quotes are published in the Stories format and you can find them later in the Actual, grouped by fandoms.
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I created the channel just today, thinking that it would be more convenient for someone to keep their favorite Memes, GIFs and Quotes without using the phone's memory.
My daily quotes and mini-comics will be published on Telegram (probably faster than on other media, as it is the easiest to publish there), as well as ANNOUNCEMENTS of what fics and where I publish each day.
So if you want to be the first to know everything and see where everything is happening - this channel is for you!
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I actually recently started voice-over my stories, but for now I'm stuck on editing the second video.
So I promise you to take the time and come back to this later. Write in the comments, how important it is for you to be able to listen to my texts instead of reading them, so that I understand how much effort to put into this!
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Live comfortably and fun and choose the best for yourself - that is, me)))
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18 notes · View notes
Second Chance
For Maribat March day 12 theme second chance
Master List
Sometimes Marinette really wished Penny and Jagged hadn’t adopted her. It’s not that she didn’t want to be a Rolling-Stone, no that wasn’t it. In fact, she was grateful that they had saved her from the horrors that Paris now held for her. It’s just they dragged her to stuff like this, some rich man’s gala. 
She had slept for a full 12 hours after finishing Penny’s dress, only to wake up to the news she was coming with them. She probably should’ve seen it coming. Although she was hoping this would be one of the lucky cases where she didn’t have to go. Despite her protests they insisted she needed to interact with other humans who weren’t serving her coffee. In Jagged’s words, “Who knows, you might make a rock n roll friend!” 
Now here she was, in her black and purple dress that matched Penny’s and Jagged’s outfits. Letting a bit of her anxiety out as she fiddled with the strap of her matching purse. Watching her parents mingle with the rich folk while she stood off to the side. Every once in a while they would cast her a ‘go make a friend’ look but it never bothered her, she just needed to wait until they stopped turning to look back at her.  
After about 10 minutes they stopped, perfect. She casually asked a waiter where the bathroom was and made her way there. Once inside she slipped off the pearl anklet that was Daizzi’s miraculous, letting the kwami make her way into her purse, before pulling out a familiar nose ring. Now that Jagged and Penny were letting her do her own thing, she could go back to scaring people into not socializing with her. While she would’ve loved to keep Daizzi’s miraculous on so that it could combat Stompp’s miraculous side effects, she learned that it took too much energy to do so. And she didn’t want to explain why she was so tired after the gala if she wasn’t talking to anyone. 
She schooled her features before making her way back out sending a cold look to anyone who tried to come up to her. She pulled out her phone only to see that 2 hours had passed, she still had 4 more to go. Time was moving much too slowly for her liking. 
A clearing of the throat brought her out of her thoughts. She rolled her eyes, putting her phone back in her purse, getting ready to glare at the person who was going to try to talk to her, only to stare in shock at the green eyes that were watching her. The same ones that had bumped into her just days before. The same ones she had sworn she probably wouldn’t ever see again. 
Her mouth moved without her permission, again she blames Stompp, “You.” 
He smiled or maybe it was a smirk, responding with way too much amusement, “Me.” 
She once again schooled her features to look bored, but she’s pretty sure her eyes gave her away with the way he reacted, “What are you doing here?” 
Just like before it took him a moment to reply, his smirk growing just the tiniest bit, “I’m always invited to these things, I’ve never seen you before though.” 
“With any luck this will be the last time you see me.” She remarked. She didn’t mean to be so rude again she blames Stompp but she really hadn’t expected to see him. To his credit he didn’t seem deterred by her cold vibe, if anything he seemed more determined. 
“Why would you say that?” 
“These types of things,” She waved her hand around, motioning to the room, “Just aren’t my thing. My parents make it look so easy, but I’ve never been one for this kind of scene. Plus I leave Gotham in a few days.” 
“Desperate to get out here?” 
“You could say that.” 
“Who are your parents?” 
She raised an eyebrow, “Wouldn’t you like to know.” If this was the game he wanted to play she would play it. Trying to find out who she was by asking about her parents, real subtle. Well Mr. Hot shot, she’s letting Stompp take the wheel now.
“You know, you make trying to have a conversation pretty hard.” 
She rolled her eyes at him, not even trying to stop them from rolling, “Who says I wanted this conversation?” It was a rhetorical question. She turned to leave only for him to grab her wrist. 
Suddenly she was brought back to that night. The night that changed everything. Three pieces of jewelry in her hand, two brooches one ring, her earrings 2 beeps away from her transformation leaving her. 
A pale hand holding her wrist, keeping her from running away. Green eyes and blond hair belonged to the owner of the hand. 
It had happened too fast. One second she was getting ready to run and detransform. Then someone had stopped her, she turned around to meet hungry green eyes. She froze as she felt lips pressed onto her own. It was only the beeping of her earring that brought her back to reality. A knee to the groin, and she pushed him off of her. Letting the police deal with the trio as she fled. 
She turned to the owner of the tan hand that was holding her back and could only register green eyes. She wouldn’t stand still this time. She twisted her hand so that he was forced to let go. A knee to the stomach had him holding his gut and as she raised her arm ready to punch him was when she finally registered that this wasn’t Adrien. It was just some weird stranger who was persistent in getting past her walls. 
She could hear people talking around her and when she dared to glance around they were all staring. She forced the embarrassed blush that wanted to grace her cheeks down, she wasn’t 13 anymore, she was 16 god damnit! Locking eyes with the mysterious yet persistent guy again, she ran. Ran until she found herself on a balcony, the cold air brushing her face as she gripped the railing. 
Why did she react like that? Why did she always have to be so aggressive? Why couldn’t she just let go of the past and take this damn nose ring off so she didn’t have to go and do stupid shit like this?  Why couldn’t she just be normal and let people in? 
Oh yeah, because she had a bunch of shitty friends that all turned on her because of a liar. The same liar turned her already neglectful parents against her. So Jagged and Penny got custody of her in order to get her out. Her parents didn’t even put up a fight about it, too busy gushing about precious LILA! And now she has major trust issues despite wanting to open and trust people again. Man, she is a wreck. 
“Hey, are you out here?” The mystery guy spoke from the entrance of the balcony. 
“No, I’m not.” She didn’t see the point in not acknowledging him, he could probably see her from where he was standing. 
“I’m sorry about earlier, you were obviously uncomfortable and I pushed your limit. So I really am sorry.” He apologized. 
“Yeah, sorry about kneeing you in the stomach. I thought…” She cut herself off, she didn’t need to pour her whole life story out to a stranger. He probably didn’t even want to know either. 
“It’s okay, I deserved it.” He made his way to the railing, he was a good distance away that she still had her own space, but close enough they could still talk. She relaxed a little thanks to the distance, resting her elbows on the railing. He leaned his back against the railing. They stood there in silence and Marinette decided she wouldn’t mind seeing this mystery boy again. Wait she didn’t even know his name. 
It seemed like he had the same thought since he spoke up, “I don’t think we ever introduced ourselves.” 
“We didn’t.” Damn her being so cold, she should probably take this nose ring off. So that’s what she did, took the nose ring off and placed it in her purse. Maybe this would be good for her. 
“Well, I’m Damian Wayne.” He stated, holding his hand out to shake. 
“Wait, Wayne as in Bruce Wayne? As in the Ice Prince of Gotham?” She questioned, shocked. 
“Oh, so you’ve heard.” He seemed a bit disappointed. 
“Yeah, but I won’t judge if you don’t judge.”
He raised an eyebrow at that before she continued, “My name is Marinette Rolling-Stone.” Now he looked surprised. 
“You're the elusive Diamond Stone?” He asked, disbelief made its way into his voice. 
“That’s what they’re calling me now. At first it was Sapphire Stone. Guess that’s what happens when I stay out of the media too long.” She chuckled a small smile making its way onto her face. 
“Wait, where did your nose ring go?” He looked around as if expecting it to magically appear. 
“I took it off.” 
“Well at first I wore it to scare people off. People are scared of people that have piercings. I was thinking of getting a tattoo but I’m too young and they’re too permanent.” 
“Why would you want to scare people off?” 
“I have a complicated past. Sometimes putting your trust in someone takes too much risk, I tried to avoid it altogether.” She pulled her sketchbook as she wrote something down.
“Why do you think I’m talking to you?” She tore the paper out.
“You're putting your trust in me?” 
“No.” She quickly answered, “But maybe one day.” She handed him the paper and left. 
As she walked away she released a breath she didn’t even realize she was holding. Maybe giving people a second chance wouldn’t be such a bad thing. But right now she just needed to find her parents so she could head home. 
Damian hated galas. He hated having to talk to the stuck-up rich folk who thought they were better than everyone just because of their wealth. The girls who would try and flirt with him in order to gain his last name. And their parents who tried to push them together. 
Yes, he definitely hated galas. What made this worse was that his family wouldn’t stop teasing him about the girl who he knocked over that one time. Threatening bodily harm did nothing but amp up the teasing. It was times like this where he truly wished there was a not a no kill rule. If only to give Jason Todd some revenge. 
2 hours into the gala and he was already done. 4 girls had already tried to drape themselves over him and it took all his self-control not to hurt them. He was ready to storm out of this gala when he caught sight of her. 
The mystery girl he had bumped into days before. She was here, at a Wayne gala. Her outfit certainly looked the part of a rich socialite, She wore a long halter dress that flared out at the waist. It started out black at her neck before turning purple at the waist. The bottom of the dress had black music notes dancing across and she had a matching black and purple purse hanging off her shoulder. 
Her hair was down and she seemed to be wearing a little bit of makeup. The only reason he was able to tell it was her was because of the black nose ring that stood out against her fancy look. It looked so out of place compared to everything else. 
He watched as a man tried to approach her only to receive the same glare he had gotten days before, quickly moving on to someone else. Seems like he wasn’t the only one who didn’t want to be here. 
He made his way over to her, perhaps to give himself a second chance at a new impression. She proceeded to pull out her phone and look at something before deflating the tiniest bit. 
He cleared his throat to grab her attention, she looked at him with the same glare once again before her eyes took on a look of shock. 
“You.” She seemed surprised that she had stated this as well. 
He couldn’t help the smirk that spread on his face, she remembered him and still had the same spunky attitude, “Me.” 
Her features took on a look of boredom, but her eyes looked only curious yet cautious, “What are you doing here?” 
The fact that she didn’t recognize him as a Wayne was surprising. He thought that she was only in a hurry before that’s why she didn’t register it was him, but now he knew she truly didn’t know it was him. Perhaps he could use this to his advantage. “I’m always invited to these things, I’ve never seen you before though.” 
“With any luck this will be the last time you see me.” She said it with such confidence he felt inclined to believe. It was strange. He seemed to be the last person she wanted to talk to and yet he still wanted to talk to her. He didn’t want her to leave. So the next best thing is to get answers.
“Why would you say that?” 
“These types of things,” She waved her hand around to motion to the room, “Just aren’t my thing. My parents make it look so easy, but I’ve never been one for this kind of scene. Plus I leave Gotham in a few days.” 
Well that sucked for him. “Desperate to get out here?” 
“You could say that.” 
“Who are your parents?” Maybe he could try to get his father to arrange a meeting with them.
She raised an eyebrow, “Wouldn’t you like to know.” Nevermind. 
“You know, you make trying to have a conversation pretty hard.” He didn’t mean to say that, that was rude. 
She rolled her eyes at him, it looked like he was meant to see that, “Who says I wanted this conversation?” She turned to leave, but he grabbed her wrist. He didn’t want her to go just yet. He felt her freeze then tense when he touched her, her breathing became a little more forced, and she seemed to shake a little. 
Suddenly she twisted out of his grip and kneed him in the stomach. She raised her arm and looked ready to punch him. Her eyes looked far and distant and afraid. They seemed to refocus on him as she dropped her arm and glanced around the room. Of course, people were talking about them.
She locked eyes with him once more before running. He ran after her before his path was blocked off by Dick Grayson. “Damian what-” He didn’t get to finish that question as he dashed passed him, determined not to lose the one girl who wasn’t a stuck up brat. 
He thought he had lost her but then he heard someone taking deep breaths from out on one of the balconies. He was about to go up to her, but from the way she reacted to his sudden hold on her arm earlier, it was probably best to give a warning. “Hey are you out here?” 
He walked out onto the balcony. “No, I’m not.” She likely didn’t want to talk to him. 
“I’m sorry about earlier, you were obviously uncomfortable and I pushed your limit. So I really am sorry.” He apologized. Which was so unlike him because here Damian Wayne was apologizing to a stranger. The weird things she made him do. 
“Yeah, sorry about kneeing you in the stomach. I thought…” She cut herself off, it looked like she wanted to say more but wasn’t going to. 
“It’s okay, I deserved it.” He walked over to the railing, making sure he was a good distance away that she had her own space, but close enough so they could still talk. She seemed to relax a little thanks to the distance, resting her elbows on the railing. He leaned his back against the railing. He quite liked the silence, her company was nice. Oh god he didn’t even know her name.
“I don’t think we ever introduced ourselves.” 
“We didn’t.” She stated in what he was pretty sure was a cold tone. Maybe she wanted to stay mysterious, so he would just introduce himself. 
“Well, I’m Damian Wayne.” He held his hand out to shake. 
“Wait, Wayne as in Bruce Wayne? As in the Ice Prince of Gotham?” So she recognizes the name, not the face. Great.
“Oh, so you’ve heard.” 
“Yeah, but I won’t judge if you don’t judge.” Why would he judge her?
He raised an eyebrow at her before she continued, “My name is Marinette Rolling-Stone.” 
“You're the elusive Diamond Stone?” He asked, disbelief accidentally made its way into his voice. He couldn’t help it. She was claiming to be the adoptive daughter of famous Jagged and Penny Rolling-Stone. The girl that made Jagged’s stage outfits from scratch and managed to get the ferocious Fang, Jagged’s pet crocodile, to love her. The media could only ever get a hold of the back of her head, but those that had talked with her said she shined as bright as a diamond. Hence the nickname, Diamond Stone.
“That’s what they’re calling me now. At first it was Sapphire Stone. Guess that’s what happens when I stay out of the media too long.” She chuckled, a small smile had made its way onto her face. Sapphire Stone, he hadn’t heard of that nickname but he could always do some stalking research. That’s when he noticed. 
“Wait, where did your nose ring go?” He looked around trying to see if it had fallen off her face and she hadn’t noticed.
“I took it off.” 
“Why?” He was truly baffled. 
“Well at first I wore it to scare people off. People are scared of people that have piercings. I was thinking of getting a tattoo but I’m too young and they’re too permanent.” 
“Why would you want to scare people off?” That seems like something he would do.
“I have a complicated past. Sometimes putting your trust in someone takes too much risk, I tried to avoid it altogether.” She pulled out what looked like a sketchbook as she wrote something down. Wait what did she mean by ‘complicated past.’
“Why do you think I’m talking to you?” She tore the paper out of the sketchbook.
“You're putting your trust in me?” He asked, she didn’t seem like the type to trust people quickly.
“No.” She quickly answered, he thought so, “But maybe one day.” She handed him the paper and left. As he looked down at it he saw it was her number. There was a message attached below ‘My number. Maybe we can meet up somewhere before I leave.’ He certainly wanted to take that opportunity. 
He tucked the paper into his pocket and made his way back to the gala only to be met with his annoying family. By the curious look in their eyes they wanted to know what just happened. This was not going to be fun to explain. 
Hi, I have not disappeared, just didn’t want to write for prompts 8-11. I was honestly going to do prompt 8 but then stuff came up and I didn’t have the time to write. I was also planning to write something for tomorrow’s prompt but then I found out I have something I need to do tomorrow so nothing for tomorrow either. Because I had a specific thing I wanted to write for tomorrow I’m changing it to fit day 14′s prompt. Which means it’s not going to be mega angsty like I originally thought was gonna be 14. You have escaped mega angst and now it will only be medium angst. 
On another note that was a bitch to write and edit. And the fact I had originally planned to write more for it baffles me. I feel like I left it kind of open ended so if you want a part 3 to what I have going on here go ahead and tell me. I’m still trying to decide if I should do a part 3 yet. For those who are confused today was a part 2 to day 6′s prompt, miraculous side effects. Go to my master list and you can find it. 
You can also see on my master list that there are days that are crossed off, which means I won’t be doing those days. I can’t do every single day if I want to still get decent grades. Why I skipped days 8-11. Sorry for that long explanation/rant. Also sorry for posting so late again. I do these things all the way to the last minute. Let’s see if I can break that habit throughout the month. Probably not but a girl can hope. Anyways hope you enjoyed. 
@maribatmarch-2k21 @birdiesthings @buginetye 
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fridayfirefly · 4 years
The Greatest Betrayal of All
Read The Greatest Betrayal of All on AO3
Written for Maribat March Day 7 - Betrayal
"Jason, you don't have to do this," begged Marinette.
Jason shook his head. "It's the option I have left."
"Please, don't betray me like this."
"I'm sorry, Marinette, but I have to do what I have to do."
Jason raised his hand, ready to strike down the lethal blow.
"I'll do anything," Marinette pleaded, but it was too late. Jason placed his hand on the table in front of her, sealing Marinette's fate. "No!" cried out Marinette.
The +4 Uno card sat at the top of the pile.
"Tt. Must you be so dramatic?" Damian gave them both a disapproving look.
Marinette grabbed four cards off the top of the draw pile, adding them to her personal deck. "It's a fatal blow. I'll never recover."
Jason put his hand on Marinette's shoulder. "Sorry, babe, but I didn't have anything else I could play."
"I'll never forgive you."
"Pick a color already," groaned Damian.
Marinette glanced down at her own cards, weighing her odds of winning. Of the four cards she got, one of them was a wild card, so it wasn't all bad. However, Marinette had been so close to winning, with only one card remaining before Jason played. The monthly Wayne family game night was a fierce competition, and Marinette played to win.
Marinette smirked as Tim played a reverse card, switching the direction of the game. Eyeing her deck, Marinette started planning her revenge on Jason. When her turn arrived, she played a +2 card, watching as Jason clutched his chest and gasped, "I've been hit."
"Is there a reason you two do this every time we play Uno?" grumbled Damian.
"I like it," Stephanie chimed in. "It adds a little flavor."
The game continued, the occasional shouts of "Uno!" followed by players pulling from the deck when they didn't have a playable card. It seemed that everyone was close to winning, but no one could quite get rid of their final card. Marinette kept her wild card in her deck, waiting for the perfect moment to use it.
"Uno!" Marinette called out.
"What color do you think she has?" asked Tim, glancing down at his cards.
"I think I saw a flash of blue last round," said Dick.
Marinette said nothing, holding a perfect poker face.
"I'll have to take your word for it. Yellow!" called out Tim, playing a +4 to Dick, who groaned as he started taking cards from the deck.
Damian played, then Babs, then Jason. Finally, it was Marinette's turn.
Marinette sighed. "I guess I'll just have to... win!" Marinette slammed her wild card on the top of the deck. "Take that, Jason!"
The room erupted in shouts. Jason fell out of his chair in a dramatic death sequence, clutching his chest and shouting. "She got me!"
Marinette grinned, helping Jason up off the floor. "Ready for another round?"
"Maybe we shouldn't sit next to each other anymore," suggested Jason.
"No, I like it this way. Betrayal is what makes the game fun."
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lazy-alex · 3 years
note: all my works are tagged with #O.o
ao3 account (note: not much is in here)
Note: these will not be arranged by date. But instead will be arranged by type. I now have connected stories!
AU#1 (no name yet) note: TAGLIST IS OPEN!
"The blood will not dry" day 1
"I want to be free" day 2
Woke up a rebel AU: (starts at day 3, probably)
One shots:
"Quick nap" day 4
"The glass that keeps us apart" day 5
Maribat (one-shots):
Eyes (Talon!Marinette AU) (ao3) (wattpad) - one shot
Pixie (wattpad) - one-shot
Day 1:Arrow - "Distracted"
Day 2:Circus - "Inside the Tent"
Also cross-posted at wattpad- here
Saturday challenge 1 (Hurt no comfort)
DAY 1 (suit up)
DAY 2 (protection)
DAY 3 (grave)
DAY 4 (game on) not fanfic
DAY 5 (fairytales)
DAY 6 (trust) not fanfic
DAY 7 (guns)
DAY 8 (family)
DAY 9 (pixie)
DAY 10 (light) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
DAY 11 (enemy mine) not fanfic
DAY 12 (dare)
DAY 13 (bee)
Ladybug head sketches
Double helmet-hood
Robin!Jason Christmas 🎄
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emixion · 4 years
Internet Friends - Day 4 - Maribat March 2021
this one was fun to write @maribatmarch-2k21 ao3 link
Damian: Angel, I have a surprise for you.
Mari: You do?? What is it?
Damian: Well, your birthday is coming up, and…
Mari: Damian what did you do
Damian: Calm down, it’d nothing bad.
Mari: I dont trust that
Damian: You don’t trust me?
Mari: Nope
Damian: So I should just throw away this plane ticket to Paris then?
Mari: WHAT
Damian: I told you it wasn’t bad.
Damian: I’m serious.
Damian: In a week, yes.
We can go to the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame and i can show you my school and the bakery OF COURSE and it’ll be so fun oh my GOSH
Damian: Angel, deep breaths.
Damian: I can see that
Mari: I can’t believe we’re gonna meet in 3 days
it feels so surreal
Damian: I know.
How long have we been friends now? Two years?
Mari: 2 years and 3 months
Damian: You keep track of the months?
Mari: Of course
Damian: That’s…
Mari: *gasp* Damian Wayne did you just call me sweet
Damian: Don’t rub it in, Angel.
Mari: Tomorrow!!! I can’t believe it’s tomorrow!!!
Damian: Neither can I.
Mari: are you all packed yet?
Damian: Finishing up now.
Mari: And you’re staying for TWO WEEKS
i’m so glad it’s summer. i can’t imagine you would’ve been able to stay so long if you had school
Damian: Well, Father probably could’ve pulled some strings. I wouldn’t say never.
Mari: Lila’s totally gonna pretend she knows you.
Damian: And I will take pleasure in the look on her face when I tell her I’ve never seen her before.
Mari: Don’t be too meannn
Damian: You’re too nice for your own good, Angel.
Mari: maybe
Can you call right now?
Damian: I can. Hang on one second.
Damian: At the airport.
Mari: OMG!!!
When do you take off??
Damian: In about two hours.
Don’t wait up, alright? Get some sleep and I will text you when I land.
Mari: But i’m too excited to sleeeep
Damian: Try your best. I’ll be there soon.
Mari: Ok. Have a safe flight Dami <3
Damian: Thank you, Angel.
Damian: We’ve landed.
Mari: I’M UP I’M UP
Damian: Don’t rush yourself, we still have to go through bag claim.
Damian: What am I going to do with you?
Damian: I can arrange that.
Mari: I’M HERE
Damian: We’re in Terminal C.
Damian hardly has any time to process the text before a familiar voice yells his name. He looks up from his phone to see a grinning Marinette bounding towards him. He just manages to catch her as she throws herself into his arms.
“Damian!” She cries, clinging to him tightly. “Oh my god, you’re real!”
Her laugh is incredibly infectious, and Damian fails at keeping the smile off his face as he hugs her back.
“Yes, I’m real, Angel.” He says, feeling her hands squeeze at the back of his collar.
“You sound just like you do on the phone..” She muses with a giggle, pulling back to get a good look at him. “And you look the same too.”
Damian brushes her bangs out of her eyes, making her gasp softly. “You’re even more beautiful in person.“ He says softly, the tender smile on his face reserved only for her.
Marinette squeaks, thanking him breathlessly, and there’s a moment that is spent just taking each other in.
After a beat, Damian clears his throat, coming back to his senses. After all, they’re still in an airport.
“Well, um, shall we?” He asks, offering his arm. Marinette beams, taking his arm. This was going to be her best birthday yet.
“We shall.”
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
Lots of Love
For Maribat March 2021 day 4 prompt Internet Friends.
This is a sequel to Jonc de mer and Acropora from Kaldur’s point of view.
Kaldur was sitting in Mount Justice, a smile on his face as he traded emails with Marinette. They’d been trading emails since he surfaced on the North American Eastern coastline with his mentor Arthur Curry. He felt something special with her, something he hadn’t felt with Tula or anyone else he’d ever dated.
Her latest email, subject “I Made a New Friend”, brought a smile to his face.
“What’s bringing you such joy, Big Brother?” M’gann asked as she sat down beside him.
“A friend of mine from across the ocean. We’ve been friends for years and I promised her we’d stay in touch.”
“Have you told her about me?”
“Yes I have.”
Kaldur and M’gann continued to message Marinette, eventually bringing in both Zatanna and Artemis because they’re the least likely to make fun of him for his, as Dick would call them, “Love Letters”.
Kaldur began looking at all three of the younger girls as siblings, frequently adding pictures of them to his emails with descriptions of what was happening in the pictures. He got pictures in kind, featuring both a girl named Lila and a girl named Chloé. Alongside the pictures were descriptions, even if the description was just “treating ourselves to some ice cream”.
Granted, his descriptions of “M’gann and Artemis trolling the Team” weren’t any better.
Kaldur had just sat down after an intense training session with Black Canary when he got an email with “URGENT PLEASE HELP”.
Usually, I would begin my emails with pleasantries but do to the urgency of the situation I have forgone societal niceties.
As I’m sure your mentors’ colleagues at the JLE have failed to mention, Paris is being plagued by a magical terrorist. I am sorry to admit that in a press release from the Miraculous team, or the Court of Miracles as they have dubbed themselves, they have asked that people who are prone to emotional outbursts and heroes with powers fueled by their emotions stay out of Paris until the situation has been handled.
I believe because the threat is magical in origin and the heroes fighting him are also magical the broadcasts about it have been confined to Paris. I recommend getting a VPN (or the like) in order to stay up to date on the situation.
However, that is not the reason for this email. As you may have noticed from my previous emails, my friends have begun to get closer and have separately confided in me that they like each other. How does one get their friends who have mutual feelings for one another together?
How are you? How are your sisters? How is Mr. Curry?
Tom and Sabine are good. Oh! I made another new friend, her name is Kagami Tsurugi and she and her boyfriend, Felix Graham de Vanilly, have decided that Lila, Chloé and I are their friends/children.
Lots of love, Menenne.”
The first thing that stuck out to Kaldur was her use of Kal, she very rarely ever called him Kal preferring Jonc de mer or Kaldur’ahm because most people thought of his given name as quite the mouthful. The second thing that stuck out to him, was her mention of the JLE. The third, and final thing, was her mention of a magical terrorist.
He looked up, noticing Dick walking into the common area. “Hey Dick?”
“Yeah Kal?” The taller boy asked before he walked over and leaned over the back of the couch.
“What’s the JLE?” Kaldur looked over at the other boy and raised an eyebrow.
“Justice League Europe? What about them?”
“What are they like?”
“Well, Captain Atom is a man out of time, Crimson Fox is the heroine of Paris,-”
“She’s not the only hero anymore.” Kaldur mumbled under his breath.
“-Doctor Light is pretty much the personification of a star, Rocket Red is a jolly guy very easy going, and Animal Man is a man with animal powers. Why’d you want to know about the JLE?”
“I have a friend who lives in Paris and she mentioned them in her latest email.”
“A friend? She? Her?” Dick’s face broke out in a teasing grin.
Kaldur rolled his eyes before turning back to his screen.
“Hey Menenne,
The girls say hi, tell Tom and Sabine I say hi back. I’m good, the girls are good, Arthur is fine.
Thank you for letting me know about the magical terrorist. I will make sure that everyone knows this. Are you safe?
The only people I’ve ever seen get together is Dick and Wally and Wally was the one to get them together. Who is the more confident/self-assured of the two?
I’m proud of you for making another friend! I hope you’ll continue to make friends.
I will keep you updated on how things go here.
Lots of love, Kaldur’ahm.”
Kaldur sent his email before closing his laptop. “Thanks for filling me in.”
Kaldur, with the three girls he considered sisters, were rudely awoken by a loud alarm. The four stumbled out of his room into the common area, where they met the rest of the team and the mentors.
“We’ve discovered a situation in Paris.”
Kaldur yawned and rolled his eyes. “The magical terrorist? The Court of Miracles has it covered.”
“How, exactly, do you know about the Court of Miracles?” Arthur asked.
“I have a friend in Paris. I’ve told you about her.” Kaldur settled on the couch leaving plenty of space for his three pseudo-sisters to sit around him. He let the three lean on him and yawned again. “I’ve known her for years.”
“How come I’ve never met this fiend from Paris?” Arthur demanded.
“Because you never went to Paris with me. Her parents know me, she’s indirectly talked to the girls through me, I’ve indirectly talked to her friends through her. What’s the big deal?”
“The big deal is you never told me about her.” Arthur glowered at his sidekick.
“If that’s all, we’re going back to bed.” Kaldur collected the girls and walked back to his room, where he placed the girls back on his bed before crossing the room where he started a new email.
Arthur knows about you now so expect an intervention with Aquaman. He’ll be pissed that I was a smartass.
He’ll not be expecting someone of your size, so use that to your advantage.
Would write more but it’s super early.
Lots of love, Kaldur’ahm.”
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emu-lumberjack · 4 years
Don’t Answer the Phone Tired pt.1
It's been a long week for Damian and Marinette, between fighting Akuma's as Robin and Ladybug then dealing with Liela all day. Both are thoroughly exhausted so who can blame him for not checking caller ID?
ok so this one does have a planned sequel, but I’m gonna work on the follow up to A Quick Meeting first. Again thank you @ozmav for the inspiration from your Maribat au. I love playing around with it, I also am posting all my stories to my Ao3 account, the unoriginal name of Emu_Lumberjack if you want to read it over there too.
Read part 2 here
Read part 3 here
Read Part 4 here
Read part 5 here
It had been a long week and all Damian wanted to do was go to sleep curled up with his angel of a girlfriend Marinette. They had been dating for months, she had asked him out about a month after he came to Paris. Two days after she found out he was Robin and he found out she was Ladybug. He hadn’t told his family yet, afterall who knows what Grayson would do if he found out he was dating Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The MDC, Jagged stone’s personal designer among many of her other accomplishments. The duo were sitting on the deck outside Marinette's room, they had planned to watch a movie on his phone but fifteen minutes in and she was snoring softly curled up next to Damian with his arm around her shoulder. Her blue-black hair had been freed from it’s twintails, Damian brushed some stray hairs out of her face. It had been a long week for her especially.
They had been working with the Miracle team: Chat Noir, Ryuko, and Viperion because Hawk Moth was creating more akumas than he had before and they were up almost every night. Then for Marinette, Damian, and Adrien dealing with Lila and the class was a waking nightmare. It had been two years since Lila came to Paris, and the hate she seeded against Marinette had only grown. Marinette dealt with online harassment from her former classmates and whenever they saw her at school they would throw paper or pencils at her.
Damian was well aware of how is angel was treated and the only reason he hadn’t pulled the “Wayne” card was because Marinette insisted she could handle it herself, what she did as ladybug made him certain she could handle the asshats herself, it didn’t mean he didn’t want to protect her though. Especially after days like today.
Lila had started a new lie, saying she was best friends with the Waynes and actually was looking to ask out Tim the second youngest, but was scared because they were childhood friends and she didn’t want to ruin the relationship. Damian could not fathom why someone would make up such a blatantly false lie, or why someone would want to date Drake. He was just about to march over there and smack her with enough lawsuits to bury her for over a year, until Marinette put her calloused hand in his and shook her head no.
“Marinette whats wrong?” Lila asked, innocent as a storm cloud.
“Nothings wrong, Lila.” Marinette responded quietly
“Really because it looked like Damian had to hold you back there. Wait, are you jealous of me? Really Marinette I would expect more of you, some of us are just lucky enough to have connections.” Bitch Damian thought. Usually he wasn’t one to call women names, only using them for his mother, but Lila was the exception.
“Lila I could seriously care less about who you do or don’t know. I’m happy with Damian and my sewing work.” Marinette had regained some of her confidence and Damian could see the fire in her eyes, the one usually gone when she was around Lila.
Alya came up behind Lila and loudly proclaimed, “Oh. My. God. Marinette come on! What is it with you and being jealous of Lila first it was with Adrien,” Marinette scoffed, “now with Tim?” Alya was the one who hurt Marinette the most when she joined with Lila, but now Marinette realized just how toxic the faux reporter had been. Dragging her around, not listening when she said no, and refusing to look at the facts.
“Alya I’m not jealous, and I’d like to remind you Adrien and I are like siblings now.” Marinette turned to leave when Alya put a hand on her shoulder stopping her.
“Why are you leaving. We’re not done here.” A sneer crossed the girl's face.
“Alya, please take your hand off of my shoulder. I’m leaving because it’s lunch break and I said I’d meet up with Kagami and Luka.” Her voice was calm and cool, no hint of warmth for the person she once considered a sister.
Alya removed her hand, only to shove it back pushing the Bluenette to the ground. Damian lost it. Within seconds he was in between the two girls and seconds later had Alya pinned to the cold cement.
“If you ever. Ever. touch her again I will bury you.” He said loud enough for her ears only. Fast as he had attacked he got up and went over to Marinette. “Angel are you ok? How can I help.” The fire that was just in his eyes changed to concern.
“I’m fine Damian, let's just go.” Marinette was hiding her eyes from the rest of the crowd, because even though she said she was fine there were still small tears threatening to become a torrential downpour if she wasn’t careful. That's when the akuma alarm began. “Anyway I think we have an akuma to fight.”
The obnoxious Hamster Dance song was what woke Damian up from his dream. Marinette was still asleep next to him, bleary eyed he looked at his phone. Who the hell would be calling at this hour he thought. Swiping right he answered the call with a brisk “What the fuck do you want.”
“Good to hear from you, kid.” Oh. Shit. Damian woke up as if Alfred had dumped ice water on him, because on the other end was Richard Grayson. Grayson who was the biggest gossip of any of his siblings, his siblings who didn’t know about Marinette. “Wait. Hold up. Is that a girl next to you?” Grayson asked, acting innocent but the laughter in his eyes told Damian all he needed to know about what was going inside the eldest Wayne’s head.
“Grayson I do not have a girlfriend.” Damian’s face grew red.
“Bullshit.” A soft voice came out next to him. So Marinette’s not as asleep as she seems.
“Ohhhhhh! I cannot wait to tell Tim, and Jason, and,” he paused, “oh my gosh the girls are gonna have a field day…” Dick kept going on as Damian tried to sputter out sentences in rebuttal. Marinette now fully awake was shaking with laughter next to him. Finally after a solid three minutes Damian finally was able to sputter out a sentence, “I. Am. Going. To. kill. you.” Grayson just started laughing and Marinette smiled at him. Even when he was threatening death he was cute, it didn’t hurt that his bed head was adorable. With a few more scattered insults in Romani Damian turned off the chat.
“Well Angel it looks like we’re going to face a worse danger than any Hawkmoth could throw our way.” He said solemnly.
“Oh really? And what's that?” she asked sweetly
“My brothers.”
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another-cancer · 3 years
Miraculous Ladybug Oneshots - 
Zoé and Marinette on the boat (ao3 link)
A New M’lady (ao3 link)
Maribat Fics -
Maribat March 2021:
Day One: Found Family
Maribat March Complete 
living among the regular people of the world trying to blend in (Completed)
Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 The Beginning (ao3 link)
Jasonette July 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (ao3 link)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
by TheFCguy
For Day 7 of Maribat March: Waiting in the Wings. Harry has a serious topic that he wants to talk about with his family, but they are too busy to do it right now. Meanwhile, the boy with the sweater starts to question himself if he will ever prove to everyone how special he can be.
Words: 1430, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Hope Squad Series
Fandoms: Maribat - Fandom, Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types, DCU, Clarence - Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Bruce Wayne, Original Child(ren) of Bruce Wayne, Original Male Character(s), Batfamily Members, Original Batfamily Member(s) (DCU)
Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Bruce Wayne, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Original Male Character(s), Bruce Wayne & Original Child Character(s), Batfamily Members & Bruce Wayne, Batfamily Members & Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Bruce Wayne is Batman, Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Ladybug, Batfamily (DCU), Angst, Songfic, Episode: s03e13 Waiting In The Wings, waiting in the wings, Original Character(s), Originally Posted on Tumblr, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Mominette, Foreshadowing, Next Generation, Next-Gen, MariBat, Maribat March, maribat march 2023, Aged-Up Character(s), Hope Squad, Hope Squad AU
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45617299
0 notes
anjuschiffer · 4 years
Another One?
Feel in love with this idea and want to thank @chocolate1721 for letting me write it :D
Hope you enjoy it <3
P.Taglist: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life
Tags: @thestressmademedoit @purplejade24 @dreamykitty25 @mer-mel @maribat-is-lifeblood
Heads up: Lian makes an appearance :D
“I’m being serious Bruce.” Tim said, rubbing his temples. “There’s a five-year old girl in the Batcave, right now, and I need to know where the hell you grabbed her from.”
“Tim,” Bruce softly said, placing his hands onto Tim’s shoulders. “When was the last time you took a break?” 
He sure didn’t take another child in. After all, he would’ve remembered signing adoption papers.
With a scoff, Tim pushed Bruce’s hands away from him.
“I’m not hallucinating.”
Tim knew he wasn’t. He literally spent a whole half hour speaking to this child, finding out that she had magically teleported specifically to the Batcave, landing on his lap. He learned that her name was Marinette and that she was from Paris. Pa-ris!
“Sure you weren’t.” Jason said with a roll of his eyes. “So the coffee fairy from last week was totally real, wasn’t it?” Tim groaned, pulling his hands down his face.
“Why don’t you take a nap, Tim.” Dick suggested, guiding Tim to the library. “I’ll take-”
Small heavy footsteps caused the four men to turn towards the direction they heard them, seeing a fuming Damian sport a scowl, something being held away from him in disgust.
“Why is this small child in the Batcave and why is she playing with Batcow?” Damian roared, stomping a bit as he made his way to Bruce, a five year old girl hanging from his hand.
“Damian! That’s no way to hold her!” Dick scolded, taking the small child from Damian, cradling her in his arms, realizing that Tim was right.
There was another child in the manor. 
“Father,” Damian snarled, Bruce taking a step back. “Did you take in another lion minion?” 
Did he? He never remembered bringing in another child, nonetheless this beautiful tiny child that could easily pass for another one of his- was this becoming a problem?
“Damian, there has to be-”
“What made you believe that you needed another one?” Jabbing a finger to himself, Damian continued. “I am better than all of your other minions combined. I am enough. You. Do. Not. Need. Another.” Damian emphasized, letting out a growl.
“Seems like someone feels threatened.” Jason grinned, watching Damian point his katana towards him.
“Am. Not.”
“Sure you aren’t.”
“Damian, katana down. Now.” Bruce said sternly, waiting for him to put the weapon down.
“Not until he puts that sentence back into his mouth.”
Bruce sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, watching as Jason kept taunting Damian, noticing that Tim was nowhere to be found and Dick was busy talking to the child, watching as her smile caused something to blossom inside of him.
He really hopes he did indeed adopt his ray of sunshine.
Walking past his bickering boys, who now are at each other’s throats, Bruce crouched down to the girl’s level, observing her features. He knew he said it once, but upon seeing her up close, Bruce really felt like he could easily pass this child as his newest addition to his family.
“Mari, this is Bruce. He’s my father, along with the other guys’ as well.” Dick introduced, Bruce noticing that Dick was speaking in French. 
“Hello Mari. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Bruce spoke, hoping his French was understandable. “Like my son Richard said, my name is Bruce. Bruce Wayne. What is yours?”
“Hello Monsieur.” Marinette spoke, fidgeting with the ends of her pigtail braids. “I’m Marinette.” Bruce watched as she frowned, lowering her head a bit. “I’m sorry about playing with your cow. I won’t do it again. It’s just that-”
“Don’t worry about it.” Bruce said, patting her head, feeling his mouth curve even more when she giggled. “You can play with her any time.” Bruce assured, ignoring Damian’s protest.
“So when did you adopt another child? Usually I would be the first one to know.” Alfred spoke up, Bruce wondering why everyone thought he actually adopted another child.
“She’s not,” a sigh. “I didn’t bring her. I didn’t know she was even in the manor. Tim had found her -not sure how- but he di-”
A growl interrupted Bruce’s explanation, the three adults turning to see a flushed Marinette.
“Why don’t we get something for Miss Marinette while we discuss how you-”
“I didn’t adopt another child Alfred.”
After munching on cookies and happily sipping milk, Marinette looked at everyone with sad eyes, pursing her lips.
“What’s wrong, Nettie?” Dick asked, Bruce thanking him for being the one to ask.
“I need to head home. Monsieur Fu is probably worried about me.”
“If that’s the case, allow me to take you-” Bruce started, stopping when Marinette shook her head. 
Did she not want him to drop her off? Did she prefer Dick or Alfred? Did she not like him? What did he do wrong?
“No thank you. I can go by myself.” With a grin and hopping off the kitchen counter, Marinette bowed. “Thank you very much for the cookies Grandpere Alfred.”
“Glad you enjoyed it.”
With that, Marinette walked out the kitchen, a bright light seeping through the cracks of the door before it disappeared, everyone blinking at her disappearance before returning to eating the leftover cookies.
“Wonder if she got home safely.” Dick murmured, wondering how a child of her age got hold of a magical item that allowed her to teleport herself back home.
Bruce could only ponder, knowing that if he tried to search for answers, he wouldn’t rest until he found one. Although, something told him that he shouldn’t, allowing him to push the magical factors of this encounter to the back of his mind.
He only hoped to see the child again…
And they all did, exactly a week later.
The boys were busy teasing Dick as he prepared for his date with Starfire, leaving Bruce and Alfred in the library. Bruce was finishing up his latest paperwork when shrieks and screams came from down the hall.
Forgetting his papers, Bruce marched down to find out what was going on, his eyes widening at the scene before him.
Damian was hiding behind Tim, Tim holding a clothing hanger as a weapon while Jason was fumbling to put his gun away. Meanwhile, Dick was on the floor, his suit wrinkled and his hair was out of its desired style. There, in front of him was Mari, her tongue sticking out as she adjusted Dick’s tie. She placed her hands on her waist once she finished adjusting the tie.
“See? Told you your tie was crooked.” Marinette grinned, finally realizing that Bruce and Alfred were at the doorway. “Grandpere Alfred! M. Bruce!” Marinette made her way to the older men, hugging the two of them.
“Marinette. What are you doing here?” Bruce asked, picking up the child. She was as light as a feather and was thin as one as well… did she not eat properly?
“I came to visit!” Marinette proclaimed, throwing her hands into the air, the Waynes knowing that this was the first to many visits of the tiny fairy.
“Did you have to bring Lian with you?” Jason asked, eyeing the five year old girl who was currently running around the shop, Roy not moving a muscle as he finished up some final touches on the passenger seat he was working on.
“Her nanny needed the day off and I didn’t feel like looking for another one so I brought her with me.” Roy reasoned. “Also, I did promise her that we would go get some ice cream after this.”
Jason shook his head, smiling that Roy would forever have a soft spot for his daughter.
Taking the finished seat, Jason screwed it on, Roy hopping onto the finished bike to test it out.
As Jason put away some of the tools, he heard a crash, turning to see Roy and the bike on its side, Lian standing in front of Roy.
“Roy! We just-”
“Did Richard have a child around the same time I found out about Lian?”
“What? No! No, he didn’t.” Jason provided. “Isn’t that Lian that’s-”
“Lian doesn’t have blue eyes, nor navy hair.”
“Jay-Jay, who’s that?” The child asked, pointing to Roy. Roy looked at the mysterious child and then at Jason.
“Pixie?” Jason ran up to Marinette, kneeling to her level. “What are you doing here?”
“I got bored at home so I came here!” Marinette said with a chirp, her pigtails bouncing in unison with her voice. “Let’s play!”
“Pixie, I can’t right now.” Jason looked at Roy, frowning when he saw him recording him and sporting a grin.
“Why not?” Oh shit. There were the magical eyes and tears that Jason couldn’t afford to say no to.
“I-” Jason watched as Lian came into view, the girl blinked when their eyes locked.. “Why don’t you play with Lian? Lian, come meet Marinette.”
As soon as the two saw each other, smiles blossomed onto the two girls, quickly chasing each other around the workshop before disappearing into the manor, their giggles echoing through the halls.
“So she’s your kid?” Roy asked, laughing when Jason elbowed him. 
“She’s my sister, you idiot.”
Tim dragged his hands down his face, tilting his head back before facing forward again. 
Just a few more minutes and then it’s off to doing the next thing.
He needed to hurry up and finish this stupid workload before the deadline.
After this, maybe he can do a quick patrol around the city before dawn… or at least hoping before dawn… when was the last time he checked the clock?
Fishing for his phone, Tim struggled to make out the large numbers in front of him. Was it a 3 or was it a 4? He couldn’t tell, nor did he care. It was still early. He can make the deadline and the patrol… right?
Become the new CEO, Bruce said. It’s going to be worth it, he said.
Tim doesn’t even remember the last time he stepped out of WE or the manor that wasn’t work related.
Tim reached out for his mug of coffee, taking a sip. But instead of being welcomed by the aroma of freshly made instant coffee, he was hit by the smell of cinnamon, Tim looking down at his mug, realizing that it wasn’t the one he had a few minutes ago.
A tug was soon felt at the sleeve of his sweater, Tim looking to see if it was Titus, knowing that the dog would come to him for late night pats. However, he was met with doe blue eyes.
“Come.” She spoke, pulling at his sweater. 
“I need to finish this.” 
“Come.” With a sigh, Tim followed her, trying to grab his things, but she didn’t let him.
She continued to drag him until they got to her room, Tim wondering how long they even had this room in the manor. He didn’t remember them having another sibling, nonetheless a girl.
He was guided into the small bed, having to curl himself a bit to fit. A mistake he would greatly regret. 
He was now curled into a comfortable position, still feeling warm from the cinnamon tea and having a heavy blanket on top of him wasn’t helping. He didn’t know how -nor did he want to know how- but he soon drifted into sleep, vaguely remembering seeing the child also climb into bed, making sure Tim went to sleep.
Tim stirred, quickly sitting up when he felt pairs of eyes on him, grabbing a nearby book to throw, only to find everyone in the room, either grinning like madmen or sporting a smile.
“You’re finally away Master Tim.”
“It’s three in the afternoon.” Jason said, patting someone’s head, Tim noticing that it was the small child from last night. “Why are you looking at Pixie like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“You can see her?”
Tim looked at everyone before placing a hand at his head.
“I thought she was just a hallucination.” Tim admitted.
“Tim, where have you been for the last two months?”
Everyone tried to catch up with each other as they made their way to their seats, Diana and Clark attempting to discuss their latest missions, Barry and Cyborg trying to talk about their latest interest, but everyone knew it was futile.
Rumors spread fast and everyone wanted to know the truth.
Did Batman really adopt another child? Did he have another ward?
Yes, they’ve seen the video that Roy sent everyone, but showing Jason softly speak to a girl that looked identical to Lian wasn’t going to cut it.
They wanted proof. Solid. Evidence.
Everyone went quiet when they saw Batman already seated, awaiting for everyone to join him.
“I thank you all for coming here.” Batman started, getting up from his seat, seeing that Aquaman and even Zatanna were able to make it. “I want to start with asking everyone to- what’s going on?”
Only two minutes into the meeting and he already lost everyone. As subtle as they tried to be, Batman could see various phones peeking over the meeting table.
“Say Batman,” Hal decided to start, using himself as tribute. “Already introducing your new ward to the business?”
Everyone watched as Batman stiffened, watching as he began to slightly panic, looking to his sides until he saw the person everyone else had seen, but him.
There stood Marinette, using his cape to try and hide herself. 
He quickly got up and took the child, guiding her to the farthest corner of the room, away from prying ears (all but Clark’s that is).
“Marinette, what are you doing here?” Bruce asked, taking her hands into his, being reminded how small she was.
“I went to the manor, but no one was home, not even Grandpere Alfred so I decided to join you.” Marinette said, rubbing her eyes as she let out a yawn.
“What time is it in Paris?”
“Last time I checked it was 19:00.” Marinette said, another yawn being let out.
“Past your bedtime.” Bruce stated, scooping up the child. “Go ahead and take a nap. I’ll wake you up when it’s time to go.” Marinette modded, resting her head against his shoulder. 
Batman continued the meeting without batting an eye, everyone wondering how he wasn’t getting tired from holding the little girl and where he even managed to find her. 
They couldn’t focus on the meeting, their eyes on the small child that drooled on Batman, her sudden smiles distracting them.
Where did he even find her?
Then again, this was Batman. If he wanted something, he made it his goal to get it. Even if it meant having a new ward that was the epitome of pureness. 
Daiman frowned as he threw another stick for Titus to fetch, trying to push down his anger.
“Marinette this, Marinette that. Pixie Pop did this and Nettie did that!” Damian yelled, grabbing the stick Titus had brought back.
“Why are they so enthralled by that little lion minion?” Damian huffed, watching as Titus happily chased after the stick.
“She can’t do anything but lighten up the manor with her stupid giggles.” 
Ever since Dupain-Cheng barged into the manor, everyone has been baby-proofing the manor, Bruce and Jason making sure to tightly secure the locks to the weaponry and vehicles. Alfred always had cookies at the ready (though Damian didn’t mind) while Richard made sure to have more toys and coloring books stocked up whenever Marinette would drop in.
It didn’t help that whenever Damian would join his father to the Watch Tower that people deflated to see him there, hearing the whispers that asked when Marinette was coming back.
Attempting to forget about it all, and focus on Titus, Damian frowned upon seeing his beloved dog holding the one behind his annoyance.
Holding her by the collar of her shirt, Titus had brought his owner Marinette. She was in the garden by herself, so Titus thought he should bring her to Damian.
After all, two humans means more hands that would pet him and shower him for being a ‘good boy.’
“What are you doing here Dupain-Cheng?” Damian asked, telling Titus to drop her.
“I made a flower crown for you.” Marinette said, offering him the object, ignoring Damian’s question which caused him to snarl. 
“I don’t want your stupid crown.” Damian said through gritted teeth, throwing the crown to the floor, freezing when he saw tears slip down her face. 
“Why don’t you like me?” Marinette asked, looking at Damian with glazed eyes. 
Why didn’t he like her? 
No, he didn’t like her, but he also didn’t hate her.
He just found her annoying, a pest, just like the rest of his siblings.
Damian looked at the tiny girl, crouching to help her wipe her tears.
“It’s not that I don’t like you.” Damian admitted, grabbing her hand as he rose. “I’m just getting used to having another sibling.”
Another sibling. 
That’s why Damian was annoyed. 
He was no longer the new addition, she was.
She was the center of attention, just like he was when he had first come to the manor.
Now it was his turn to help her get adjusted to the manor, although it seems like she was already adjusted to their lifestyle. It was him who needed to change,
“So you don’t hate me?” Damian shook his head, watching Mari give him a small smile. “Then… are we friends?”
“No.” He said, quickly regretting it as he saw her smile drop. “We’re family.” Her smile returned, twice as big, a giggle even escaping her.
They were family now, whether he liked it or not. Whether she was directly adopted or not.
She was another Wayne, whether everyone liked it or not.
Damian, for one, didn’t mind. 
He had a sister now, someone to teach. Possibly his own student.
“Come now Mari, I think Alfred had made some cookies earlier.”
Another one who he can happily say was his family.
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unreachablevoice · 4 years
My Father From Another Continent
I know this is a day late but I had a lot of things to do because even though my online classes just started, I already have HOMEWORK GAHHHHH! 
Anyways, I won’t be doing days 4 and 5 so yeahhhh hope you enjoy this!
Maribat Master List
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 + 9 | Day 10 | Day 13 + 14 + 16 | Day 17 | Day 30
Day 3: Siblings
Ever since Marinette was little, she had always wished to have little brothers and sisters of her own; wondering how it would feel to not be the only child anymore, to not feel so lonely. So, when she found out that she did have some (from her biological father’s side), she wanted to jump for joy.
Who would’ve thought that the very same man who she has never met before, yet had always given her gifts for whichever occasion there is, is the only person who would grant her wish; who would give her the siblings she longed to have?
Although, that joy didn’t last long. Not because she regrets wishing for it only for it to become granted. No. It was because when she had finally met the guy (her biological father) and had stayed for quite a few days in his house already, she still hasn’t seen any of her siblings!
M. Wayne had said that they come and go from the Manor so she’ll eventually see them, but still! She has still not seen any of them! M. Alfred had said that two of his sons are currently staying in the Manor but he still hasn’t seen any of them! He said that one is somewhere in the Manor, tiring himself out and not getting any sleep (it sounded suspiciously like how she is), and the other always goes to school early so she might have just missed him.
It was sad to not be able to meet her siblings yet. And it was also lonely, so incredibly lonely. Not that spending time with MM. Wayne and Alfred was unpleasant, it’s just that she wants to spend time with people who are the same age as her, people who are the same generation(?) as her.
Letting out a sigh, Marinette slumps down the couch and groans. Maybe fate really doesn’t want her to meet/have siblings.
Just as she was cursing the world, she hears a loud bang as the front door of the manor opens. Revealing a smiling man with black hair that has a shock of white in the front and blue eyes that roam around the living room, seemingly searching for something. With a smaller man (yet Marinette was sure that he was way taller than her still) with also black hair and blue eyes behind him.
“C-Can I help you?” she peaks over the couch and looks at them warily.  
As soon as the words left her lips, the male with the shock of white in his hair’s eyes sparkle and his grin widens. “Found ya.” he marches over to her and drags her by the arm (and if she weren't so physically skilled, she was sure she would’ve toppled over and fell) to who knows where. Somehow, even if she doesn’t know who they are, she doesn’t feel any need to retaliate.
In just a blink of an eye, she was already seated in a ranger car with the two men she saw previously and with two more males she doesn’t recognize who are all talking among themselves all at the same time that she doesn’t even understand them anymore. When had she even gotten here? No, more importantly, what is she doing here?
“E-Excuse me?” she tries to ask in between their bickering, but to no avail. “Excuse me?” she tries again, but the two youngest(?) interrupts her by quarrelling. “Ex—” she tries one more time but this time, the oldest (she thinks he was the oldest) joins in on the two quarrelling and the youngest one begins to pull out a shiny thing from his—was that a knife????!!
Staring at the thing in the boy’s hands with horror, Marinette decides that if she doesn’t want to witness a possible murder scene, then she better gets moving and do something about the situation!
“W-Wait!” she subtly opens the window beside her and flings the knife the boy has out of the car all in one swoop that they won’t even be able to notice she did it (at least a regular civilian wouldn’t).
“Hah?” the youngest snarls at her (did he notice that she was the one who flung his knife out the window?!), their eyes meeting that Marinette now notices his tan skin and beautiful jade eyes that shined like jewels. Wow, what a handsome kid.
The whole car goes silent and everyone (the guy who dragged her just stares at her through the rearview mirror) looks at her and the tanned ravenet next to her.
“Um, I—” she fiddles her hands. Why are they staring at her? Why did they suddenly grow quiet? “W-What’s going on? W-Why am I here?” she asks. And most importantly, who are these people? Has she just been kidnapped?! Damn, the security of the manor is very lax then.
“Relax, kid,” the guy that looks suspiciously like her whenever she has Christmas commissions assures her. “We’re not here to kidnap you—well, technically we are—but we’re not bad people.”
“Yeah,” the oldest (? Seriously, she wasn’t sure whether he or the guy who dragged her out of the manor is older; she’s willing to bet on him) agrees. “We’re just here to have some sibling fun time!” he smiles brightly to her that it reminded her of Adrien.
The ravenette simply mutters “oh” at his statement and stares at her lap. So, they are her siblings? She expected a tamer first meeting, not whatever this is.
“Oh, right, we haven’t introduced ourselves yet,” the guy with a shock of white in his hair snaps his fingers like he just remembered something. “I’m Jason, aka, the coolest brother.” he winks from the rearview mirror while sporting a grin.
“He’s really not,” the one on her left says with exasperation. “Also, I’m Dick, the oldest.”  Marinette stares at the brunet with a raised brow. “Dick” like the swear word?  
“Names Tim,” the guy on the back, who was previously fighting with the youngest, adds in.
“Damian,” the kid on her right minimally says with only a nod. “Your only half blood brother.” he adds. Okay, was that really so important that he had to add it? Well, it’s good to know that she has a half-brother. Also, what did he mean by “only”?
“Basically, we’re all adopted by Bruce,” Jason—good to know that she finally has a name to a face—answers her unasked question while pertaining to himself, Dick, and Tim as the “we”.
“Oh,” she simply says and immediately shrugs after. “Well at least that means more siblings for me then.” she smiles brightly at the thought. Yeah, the more siblings she has, the merrier.
“Pfft—“ Jason tries not to laugh and utterly fails, resulting to him full-on laughing. “You are something, kid.” he smiles at her again.
Marinette shrugs, “I’m often told that I have a certain kick of a spark in me.” she looks at Jason’s eyes (at least only through the rearview mirror) and smirks.
After a short pause, everyone started to laugh, making her mouth split into a smile of her own. It feels good to know that she was the reason other people laughed.
“With that can-do attitude, you better make sure that you win our little race,” the brunet tells her as he swerves (gently though, not the life-threatening kind) the car to a right.
“Race?” she repeats.
“Yeah, the race to see who gets to buy the most bizarre things that it alarms Bruce.” Tim snickers as he shows her a black credit card? So, she guesses that’s M. Wayne’s?
“And believe us, Bruce rarely gets shocked with whatever we buy.” Dick smiles amusingly at the thought. “Well, maybe except that one time Damian bought three animal shelters.:
Marinette blinks at that. Three animal shelters?
“In my defense,” Damian butts in. “There weren’t enough animals in the manor.”
“But you already have enough! A bit too much actually,” Jason mumbles the last part and groans.
They have pets?! How come how come she never saw any of them for the past week she’s stayed at the manor?! Marinette pouts and makes a plan to ask M. Alfred later when she gets back.
“So,” Jason starts. “Who’s ready to lose?”
At his question, everyone starts to have a riot on how they’re going to win and if they cheat—how would they even cheat? —they’ll castrate each other?! Why would—? Why would they do even do that?!
All in all, yeah, she loves having siblings. Even if they often bicker like children.
Bruce – Alfred?
Alfred – Yes, sire?
Bruce – Why was I just notified that someone bought a whole Fashion District under my name?
Alfred – I... am not too sure.
Maribat Master List
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 + 9 | Day 10 | Day 13 + 14 + 16 | Day 17 | Day 30
I really am sorry that this is a day late... technically two days late... sorry :(
@joejoejodee @k-poplunardreams @abrx2002 @thornalchemist23 @its-salty-bug @bluesimani @elijahcrevan @spicybelladonna @our-preciousss @kawaiigiantjudgefish @lilkymilky @housekittysden @tazanna-blythe
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