#Mario mention
soupywrites · 23 days
Well, since you asked so nicely. This is set in an alternate universe, as I found it easier to write in. Hope you like it!
A Chance?: A Bowuigi Fanfiction
So, this is it. This is how the great Luigi Mario, the wannabe Brooklyn plumber, dies. Not a good look, if he’s being honest.
Luigi had just been intimidated by, quite possibly, the biggest thing he’s ever seen. And, quite possibly, that very thing is the king of the Dark Lands. And, quite possibly, that thing is going to kill his brother and many other innocent lives like the ones sitting in hanging cages next to him. But, you know, no big deal. Mario would find a way to save them all; this he was sure of. Still, it didn’t prevent him from feeling a little crazy cooped up in a cage like some sort of zoo animal. It also didn’t help how the cute blue star that was a few cages down was singing some not-so-cute lullabies of death. According to the penguin next to him, this star had been doing this since they all got locked up in this modern hell.
Luigi sighed and slumped down in his cage, putting his cap over his face; his attempts to hide from it all were futile, as it only took five minutes for the penguin and star to begin their shenanigans once more.
“Can you PLEASE cease this madness!” The Penguin King begged, covering his nonexistent ears.
“One, two, three, four. A few more hours and we’ll be no more!” Lumalee giggled, his smile growing to his eyes.
The Penguin King’s screaming was only a fraction of what Luigi had pent up inside after sitting through their nonsense. Without warning, the captives all fell silent as they heard a shrill cackle ring through the dungeon. Kamek swooped in between cages as Luigi pulled his cap back onto his head and shifted upright.
“Damn you!” The Penguin King shouted, throwing his flipper into a fist.
The cloaked menace flew his broomstick so he was face to face with the defeated ruler. “Ah, is that any way to speak to a stranger? What if I was here to let you out? Now I’m not going to!” Kamek laughed and flew away, the king’s mouth left agape at the sheer audacity. Luigi simply sat in silence, keeping his head hung as to not draw attention to himself. That didn’t seem to work so well, as the plumber soon found himself staring into the eyes, or rather goggles, of the new aggressor.
“As it stands, you, little human,” Kamek started, making sure to show his disgust with the whole ordeal. “Are wanted by our esteemed ruler, his royal highness Bowser of the Dark Lands.”
Luigi couldn’t manage to hide the horror on his face. What did the little wizard mean by “wanted?”
“He requests your presence in his personal study, post haste. So, I’m going to escort you. Don’t let it go to your head.” Kamek then flew to the ceiling, and, with no hesitation, he drew his wand and used a spell to disintegrate the chain holding the whole cage. Luigi screamed as he fell to the cold floor, and when only a second away from imminent death, Kamek casted another spell and caught the plumber, cage and all; He begrudgingly set Luigi gently on the ground. Luigi clung to the cool steel bars as the door popped open, and he opened his eyes to his newfound freedom. Everything in him told him he needed to run now while he had the chance. And yet, the little voice in the back of his mind was curious and convinced him otherwise. Kamek flew down to the cage and motioned for Luigi to follow. His legs were shaky, and he stumbled a few times. For this he was scolded by the cloaked aggressor, who, in fact, was NOT walking. Some hypocrite.
Luigi found himself walking on expensive carpet before he even became conscious enough to realize it. He hadn’t even noticed how the scenery had shifted from cracked stone walls to gorgeous tapestries. Kamek stopped in his tracks, causing Luigi to bump into his back.
“Hey!” Kamek barked. “Watch where you’re going, human.” Luigi shrank back and threw his hands up in surrender.
“Anyway, we’re here. Don’t get your hopes up. The King of the Koopas doesn’t just let anyone go that easy.” Kamek knocked on the sleek wooden door. His announcement of their presence was met with a low growl from inside the room, and Luigi shuddered at the thought of being locked up with that thing. Kamek cackled before swinging open the door and shoving the plumber inside, slamming the door behind him. The room was well lit, lined with bookshelves on the right and the left. In front on the right side lay a small white couch, probably only large enough to fit half of the king who owned the study. On the left, there was a large desk adorned with stacks of clearly unfinished paperwork. And in the center lay a concert grand piano. Sitting at the matching stool was a large figure, whose disgruntled composer had no right to be playing as gracefully as he was. Luigi instantly recognized the song as ‘O Sole Mío. He couldn’t lie, the arrangement was very impressive. Luigi simply stood in front of the door while he waited for the king to finish his piece.
Bowser ended with flourish, and opened his eyes slowly. His evil grin met the scared grimace of the plumber, and Bowser pushed his chair back as he stood.
“Tell me, mustached human, was that impressive?” Bowser worked his way to where Luigi was standing.
“Uhm, yeah, sure! Very impressive!” Luigi laughed nervously, watching as Bowser inched closer and closer.
“Was that impressive enough to win over a princess?” Bowser was towering above him now, his grin now replaced with a frown of sorts.
“Uh- yes! Sì, if I was a princess, I would-a totally be impressed!”
Bowser stood for a minute, scrutinizing Luigi’s face. “But, you’re not a princess. Or rather, you’re not the princess.” He sighed, shifted back so he was no longer hovering above the scared Italian. Luigi stood up straight now, looking at Bowser with a newfound curiosity. He noticed how the king’s eyes were saddened by something, and his fiery hair seemed untouched by a brush. Bowser’s melancholy soon turned to rage as he stormed to his desk and threw the papers to the floor. Luigi stepped back further toward the couch, throwing his hands up.
“Woah! Uhm, your-a highness, since-a clearly you’re going through something right-a now, I’ll just go ahead back to my cage and-“
“No!” Bowser shouted, turning himself to face the plumber, who was now across the room. He cleared his throat. “No. You can’t leave yet. I… I need your help.”
Luigi stood still now. Bowser walked over to the couch and dropped down in a huff, motioning for the plumber to come and sit next to him. Noticing the lack of space, Luigi opted for sitting on the arm of the couch instead.
“What- uhm, what do humans like in a man?” Bowser hid his flustered face in his hands. The sheer absurdity of the question hung over the pair as they sat together, side by side. “I- well, I really like this girl. No, woman. I really like this wonderful woman, but all she does is turn away.”
“Uh, permission to-a speak freely?” Luigi asked, looking down at the red carpet beneath the couch.
“Well, uh, most humans prefer for-a their partners to-a be kind-“
“I can be kind!” Bowser growled. Luigi looked in the king’s eyes as shame crept in his face. “Uhm, carry on.”
“We-a also like our partners to-a be considerate. And, uh, for-a them to-a be themselves. Yeah, something like-a that.”
“Well, when I am myself, she sees me as a monster!” Bowser cried. “Tell me, Luigi, was it? Do you see me as a monster?”
Luigi’s blank stare didn’t help with the king’s ego, and he tried to fix his face. Bowser threw his head back in his hands.
“I-a think that everyone deserves a chance,”
Luigi started. “We all deserve-a room to grow.”
Bowser looked back up at the plumber. A question burned in his throat, but he dared not ask it.
Their eyes locked for a second, and, feeling vulnerable, Bowser turned away. Luigi was curious now. His face must have showed that, because Bowser sighed and turned back.
“Would you, uhm, give someone like me a chance? Room to grow, maybe?”
Luigi’s eyes grew wide. What was he asking right now? The awkward tension in the room only grew as the weight of the question set in around them.
“Uh, what?”
Bowser’s face grew with horror, and he shoved his head in his hands. “Forget it, stupid question. Never mind, don’t know what I was thinking.”
Luigi thought for a minute. Sure, the king had captured hundreds of innocents in his makeshift dungeon. Sure, he always put up a persona that made him seem like some big, bad terror. Sure, he always seemed like he only had eyes for one person and one person only. But, sitting there alone in such a defenseless state with Bowser, who was showing his true colors, was making him rethink all of that. What if he doesn’t know any better? What if he really DOES need room to grow? Would Luigi be willing to give him that? Would he be just as bad if he wanted to? Would Mario call him crazy? Asking the important questions, here.
Luigi sighed. Then he smiled. “Yeah, I-a think I could do that. IF you decide to let everyone go.”
Bowser stared at the Italian. His face grew pink, and he looked at the floor. “Yeah, I think I could do that.”
And with that, it’s as if the takeover never happened. Sure, Luigi was still unsure of where Mario was. But spending a few months being free to live in the castle has made it all a little more bearable. Oftentimes, Luigi was alone in his new room gifted to him by the king. However, on the occasion, he would meet him in the same study where it all started. This is where Luigi worked on trying to “reform” Bowser. One night, Luigi found himself gravitating more and more toward the study. He stood outside the door and heard soft piano coming from inside. Once again, it was easily recognizable as ‘O Sole Mío. Luigi knocked on the door.
“Uh, Bowser? Can I-a come in?”
Silence. Then,
“Yeah. Door’s unlocked.”
He gently turned the handle and stepped inside the familiar room.
“I was just-a feeling bored. It’s-a lonely being, well, alone, most of the time, you know.”
“Come. Why don’t you jam with me?”
This was new. Bowser always played for Luigi, but never with him. Luigi cautiously made his way to the piano and sat beside the king, who scooted over to make space.
“I learned a new human arrangement today,” Bowser started, beginning to play Swan Lake. A classic. “Have you ever heard this song?”
“Of-a course.” Luigi was curious at seeing Bowser so calm. They’d been working on it the past month or two, but the king had never been in such good control of himself.
“Do you want to play the melody for me? I can play the chords.”
“Uh, sure? I’ve-a never played the piano before, though.”
“Here,” Bowser said. He took Luigi’s right hand and placed it over the F#. Luigi felt his face grow hot at the intimate touch. Bowser then guided his fingers over the rest of the keys. It took some trial and error, but eventually, Bowser managed to get the Italian through the first measure.
“See? Not so bad! Well, I wasn’t so bad.” Bowser laughed. There it was, the sarcasm. They continued in this fashion until they carried out the entire song. Each time, the king took the plumber’s hand in his when adjusting. And each time he did that, the plumber grew more pink. To be fair, Bowser grew the same shade, it was simply harder to tell when he exuded such confidence over what he knew best.
“Thank you for jamming with me,” Bowser said, smiling a crooked smile.
“You’re-a welcome, Bowser.”
“I hope we can do this again sometime.”
“I-a hope so, too.”
They both awkwardly stood near the door of the study, neither wanting the other to depart.
“Uh, wanna see my book collection?”
That was a good enough excuse for Luigi. Anything to kindle this growing crush.
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oberverkinstuff · 4 months
if anyone saw the mario post, no you didn’t…. wrong blog reblog 😭
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pigdemonart · 1 year
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Theres just some stuff you’re more comfortable telling your friends about than your own family ya know 👀 some stuff is-a private!
Anyways, finally drew my sweet Daisy. Also finally colored a comic. And i can’t wait to never do that again fjfnfnf
Like my art? Please consider tipping!
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elitadream · 3 months
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A true blessing. 🤲❤️‍🩹
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one-time-i-dreamt · 26 days
Flowey from Undertale was added to Mario Kart. Also, he had a gun.
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prokopetz · 9 months
The funny thing about people being performatively concerned about the possibility that people will draw weird porn of Princess Peach as an anthropomorphic elephant because of that one powerup in Super Mario Bros. Wonder is that I'm about 99% sure I saw weird porn of Princess Peach as an anthropomorphic elephant like a decade ago. That particular pachyderm has already sailed!
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jell-o101 · 21 days
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I like my Nastasias with fangs :3
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Imo the most impressive thing Leo’s done is hold this pose for as long as he did while covered head to toe in gold paint:
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#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rise leo#if you’ve ever had to wear body paint that stuff can be UNCOMFORTABLE#AND to hold that pose for so long - not moving a muscle even when they first started falling?#as humorous as this is it is no joke highly impressive#I also love the implication that they disguised Leo SO FAST that Big Mama JUST finished with item 1#this is why Leo grows to become the worlds greatest ninja#bro’s dedication to subterfuge is godly#also#Leo 🤝 Mario: being painted gold and tricking the villainess into thinking you’re a statue#side note but in this same episode leo makes a comment about being betrayed by his brothers all the time in a happy tone#and I wonder if that’s part of where his love for epic betrayals comes from#or if his bros partially did those betrayals because they know he likes them#also also#nearly all of Leo’s absolute best moments are contained within episodes that feature either Hueso or especially Big Mama#and I find that interesting#ALSO also also#Karai and Big Mama both embody different aspects of Leo’s key character traits and in this essay I will-#side note but as I mentioned in the notes LEO WOULD BE SUCH A GOOD CHEERLEADER AND SPECIFICALLY A FLYER#bc here’s the thing he has literally all the marks of a good one - the main one being what he shows HERE#the ability to LOCK HIS POSITION#plus his affinity for showmanship like#AND his literal JOB AS A MASCOT???#let my guy be a cheerleader plz#he and Mikey both would be so good at it
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pixelsjoy · 1 year
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How we doing Mario fans??
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angelxd-3303 · 8 months
On this episode of Angel trying to figure out how to proceed with my fic through tiny snippets:
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I'm in that strange purgatory where I know how I want it to end, but trying to piece it together is another story. I appreciate everyone's patience, though!
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akiiame-blog · 7 months
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I feel like this would be in-character considering that, iirc, the MK doesn't have names for weekdays like "Wednesday"
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so-very-small · 1 month
the Bowser/Peach Odyssey height difference is everything. tbh. like
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pigdemonart · 11 months
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Style practice ended up with a little doodle comic of these guys
Patreon | Ko-Fi
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darkwingsnark · 1 year
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The final showdown. Click the link to see everything come to a head.
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shartfinz · 4 months
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more Mario fanart
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
I saw and recognized my community college campus in a meme, so I jumped in like in Super Mario 64 or Paprika, and then I ran around until I had to fight my supposedly evil clone to the death in some random dorm. 
Got a power star before waking up. 
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