#but im out of town for the entire month of may so i have to wait until june. cries
griffinsmith · 5 months
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how the queen of marleybone looks at the young wizard after you free her from a literal cage in a blimp that she was trapped in by a mutant freak guy who moans when you hit him with the magical equivalent of a steel pipe
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autumnalhalcyon · 21 days
#i am at my fucking limit lol#i need to leave this fucking town and this fucking state the very second i can nail down both a car and a remote job#the fucking ''''affordable'''' housing company i rent from has once again opted to start harassing us#and we're once again gonna have to be in a fucking fight with landlords who think that we're making too much money to live in a $1200 apt#and want us to pay $2000 a month for this rathole we live in despite taxes and deductions literally absorbing a quarter of our earnings#so they want to absorb half of what we have left when ive yet to be able to even afford a car that isn't a fucking beater destined for scrap#at least not without using p much all of my current life savings in the process#so we have to instead get around by buses that refuse to actually show up take us on huge detours for no reason have lead feet that-#-exacerbate my chronic pain and - oh! how could i forget? is also horrifically mismanaged to the point where they're now canceling entire-#-bus routes including the one i take to work and ALSO GOES TO THE AIRPORT lol#and nothing will fucking change about the highway robbery rent hikes bc the entire state legislature is filled with and bought by-#-landlords NIMBYs and property management firms.#that's not even getting into the fact that ive got too many traumatic memories too many enemies and not enough good things to show for it#the only thing I've got in this fucking town is my partner bc not even our home can be considered safe anymore.#i want to take them and the home we dream of and get the fuck out bc i can't keep doing this shit#and i can't even fucking talk to them about this bc they need me to be the strong one for once#im so tired. i feel like im in danger even though i know we'd be able to tank the hit to our finances. but i would like to escape.#i know of a city in ny where our $1200 rent is considered the norm. there's also so much more to do within reach that isn't just. drinking.#i wanna go there. i may have had a desire to live there since our vacation there this past March.#but for now im stuck here dreaming of the future and fighting off desperation and despair in the present#this breakdown brought to you by: the bus purposely avoiding my stop this morning after learning my landlord wants to ruin us again#vent
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not-the-cheese · 1 year
one sentence(ish) summaries of every magnus archive episode PART 2
(eps 61-110) thank u for the funny comments and tags on the last part i love u guys
the rest of these may take a while as i've caught up to where i am currently in the podcast but i will finish them like in a month i promise
61. the thrilling sequel to man does not open coffin: man DOES open coffin.
62. surely this doctor can find an easier way to scam people out of money than putting them in a little book.
64. this is possibly the plot of laura croft tomb raider
65. mmm crumchy
66. what's the opposite of an unboxing video
67. as close to a coffeeshop au as you're going to get from this podcast
68. Doctors hate him! Man REFUSES to die from tuberculosis!
69. your college's psych department has the worst idea ever.
70. reverse death note
71. not even death will stop this woman from taking the british subway
72. man doesn't want to be low key racist in his last moments before getting eaten
73. police versus the second coming of dark jesus
74. lady is haunted by an ad for coffee
75. mike crew says "uh fuck it let's just put this guy on a skyscraper forever"
76. ryan from buzzfeed unsolved breaks into a train yard and suffers consequences
77. you're not a enough of a bitch to be my real mom
78. man gets harassed by his cousin and then exorcises him
79. you know that chase scene in scooby doo with the doors
80. stupid idiot motherfucking jurgen leitner
81. i have been personally victimized by the sequel to the hungry hungry caterpillar
82. pov: elias threatens to cancel you
83. mannequin takes matters into its own hands after people don't like its pitch for a new window display
84. a hoarder put newspaper on my friend's face :(
85. hey there's maybe a little man upon these stairs?
86. man gets got by a squiggly thing in the dark.
87. plumber is so oblivious to spooky happenings around him that it possibly saves his life.
88. guys i think this guy likes to dig
89. lesbian investment banker finds a new, less evil job: arson!
90. guy who turns people's bones starts a gym where he promises not to turn your bones! (he is lying)
91. i was stalked by lightning for 10 years and i all i got were these stupid scars
92. jonah magnus is a bad friend // another day another elias slay
93. ocd is no match for purple fuzz
94. let the bodies drop gently to the floor let the bodies drop gently to the floor
95. im so sorry my brain refuses to remember what the war ones were about but i think one guy got gently kissed on the forehead so that's pretty nice.
96. diversity wins! the not-quite-human delivery men who stole your identity and business are maybe gay?
97. man gets gaslighted by an entire town about a hole
98. 🎶mister sandman bring me a dream, actually don't, please stay far from me 🎶
99. another one bites the dust
100. archival assistants face off against the general public (they lose)
101. jon finally levels up high enough to unlock an eldritch horror's tragic backstory
103. peppa eats a clown and they cover her in concrete instead of congratulating her.
104. pennywise stole my brother's skin
105. it's world war z baby
106. Something Big Is In Space.
107. man is interrogated about the time he saw thomas the train roasts people alive and also sans is there
108. actor is stalked by mask who liked his monologue so much that it tells its mask friends to come watch.
109. sometimes a family is just a serial killer's daughter and that guy who maybe killed some vampires
110. yeah man those spiders be eating
Part 1 |
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londonbelow · 2 years
American Honey
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in which Harry is a single dad/rancher and our faceless/nameless female MC babysits for him while he goes on a date warnings: age gap (both parties are consenting adults over the age of 21), a hint of choking, unprotected sex, dirty talk, squirting, nothing too kinky... this is literal shit im sorry ily anyways
I didn’t know how I got roped into babysitting for the man I was completely in love with, but here I was, pulling into his long gravel driveway on a beautiful September day. If you asked me a few months ago how much I enjoyed children, I would have laughed in your face and told you that I didn’t enjoy them at all and that you couldn’t pay me to spend time with them. 
That was until I met Harry. 
My best friend Kelsey was his niece. She introduced me when she began to take horseback riding lessons on his ranch shortly after he moved back to town. He wanted to be closer to his family after his wife had passed away, so he packed up his life and moved back to his hometown. 
The first time I saw him, his strong body mounted on top of a large brown horse, my breath got caught in my throat and wouldn’t dislodge the entire time I watched him ride. That day, most days, he wore a ratty old t-shirt that clung to his muscles and a pair of dirty brown cowboy boots under his tight jeans. He traded off between a black cowboy hat and a backwards baseball cap, one that boasted some sports team I had no idea about. Tattoos littered his strong arms and I knew they spread across his torso as well from all the times I drooled over him as he did manual labor around his ranch. 
He had a six year old daughter named Maisy that looked just like him, one who worshipped the ground he walked on. She followed him around like a baby duckling, excitedly showing him things he couldn’t possibly care much about, but he always reacted in a way that told her he did. It was endearing, watching him smile brightly at a large spider his small daughter caught and decided to name Annabelle. He shivered and grimaced as soon as his back was turned to his child, never letting her know that her affinity for bugs grossed him out. 
He was an angel with her. So patient and kind and goofy. Watching them together made me ache for something that I didn’t know I even wanted—a family. I was far too young to be thinking that way, of course, but it didn’t stop my heart from compressing every time I watched him hoist her up onto her pony to go for a ride. 
He was all rough around the edges but a gentleman nonetheless. The first time he met me, he removed his hat and bowed his head a little and called me honey in his luxurious sounding accent. He’d been calling me by that ever since then, claiming it was because I was “sweet as”. He didn’t call anyone else that I knew at the ranch by any sort of nickname, not even the pretty brunette veterinarian who came to tend to the animals. 
He asked me if I was interested in riding lessons and I lied immediately and said yes, absolutely. I was terrified of horses, actually, but I would have done anything he asked of me, as long as I could stare at him while doing it.
He was around 20 years my senior, not that he looked it. He had little crinkles near his eyes and smile lines from years of laughter. His skin was tanned and freckled from the sun, his arm and thigh muscles bulging from all of the physical labor he did. I knew I had daddy issues, but I had never been attracted to an actual dad until Harry. 
I had spent the last two months taking riding lessons with him, keeping my crush as lowkey as I possibly could, although every time his hands brushed my hips or my leg when he was helping me on and off the horses, I felt like I could just melt. 
We grew comfortable with each other and there were times when I thought he may be flirting with me, but it never went anywhere. I started to think I was delusional, that there was no real tension between us like I thought there was. Especially when he asked me in the shyest of tones if I would babysit his daughter for him while he went on a date. 
So here I was, huffing and puffing in annoyance as I sat in the driveway of his home, angry with him for dating someone else and angry with myself for agreeing to babysit so he could. I felt like an idiot. I enjoyed hanging out with his kid because she was a little weirdo like I was at her age, but I didn’t enjoy knowing he’d be out with some lonely housewife throwing herself at him. 
I let out a loud whine as I banged my head against the steering wheel a couple of times, letting my theatrics empty from my body before I sat up straight and composed myself. 
“Get a grip, he wouldn’t touch you anyways. You’re 25 years old. He’s your best friend’s uncle. Of course he wants someone his age, you’re basically a fucking child in his eyes.” I muttered to myself as I reached over for my bag and lugged it out of the car with me. 
It was filled with things I thought Maisy might enjoy, like my black lipstick and some Halloween decorations I had packed away. The child lived for all things horror, she treated every day as if it was Halloween and nothing scared her. It was one of the reasons I completely adored her, despite never liking most children. 
I looked down at my outfit as I made my way to the front door. I didn’t know how late I’d be stuck here, so I dressed comfortably, in little black shorts and a loose crop top. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I reached up to press the doorbell when the door flung open. 
My breath got caught again at the sight of him. His cheeks flushed red as he looked at me, a slow smile tugging on his mouth as he reached out to grab hold of my arm. 
“Hi, thank god you’re here, I need your help.” Harry tugged me into the house quickly. 
His hand on my skin sent goosebumps all over me. He pulled me with him through the corridor and the kitchen, toward his large bedroom. I felt a thrill run through me at his urgency to get me in there, but it settled as I remembered quickly that he wasn’t dragging me there to ravage me like I wanted him to. 
My eyes took him in as he pulled me behind him. He had on his usual jeans and a t-shirt, his usually unruly curls set into a more tame hairstyle. He hadn’t shaved, which I was grateful for, but he smelled fresh and clean and looked like he might be sick at any moment. 
He pulled me to where he had three different outfits laid out on his bed, gesturing to them and then looking at me helplessly. 
“Mr. Styles, I—” 
“Harry, darlin’. I told you to call me Harry.” He corrected me, his hand sliding down my arm, making my stomach flip around, “Now… which one?” 
“Where are you taking her?” I asked, reaching out to touch the fabric on one pair of pants. 
“The Lodge?” He said, sounding as if he were unsure. 
I made a face, impressed with his expensive selection but annoyed that it was going to another woman. He took my reaction the wrong way, assuming that I thought it was a bad choice for a first date. He put his head in his hands and groaned loudly. 
“It’s too much, isn’t it?” He breathed out, “I should just cancel. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m not ready for this.” 
“Woah, hold on, I didn’t say that. It’s a nice restaurant. If you really like this girl…” I trailed off, swallowing hard over the lump in my throat. I looked down at the outfits he selected and smiled at his effort. I touched the edge of one of the more casual ones, “D-do you? Really like her?” 
“Well, I… like her. I don’t know if it’s worth a ‘really’ yet.” He smirked, shrugging his shoulders. 
“Wear this one. You’ll look great.” I pointed to the outfit. 
“Yeah?” He breathed out, moving closer to me so he could reach down to touch it as well, “You think?” 
His arm brushed against mine as we stood next to one another, looking down at my selection. I felt like I couldn’t breathe every time he touched me, even if it was accidental. I reached over and squeezed his arm, feeling my stomach clench up again when I did. This man did something feral to me. I wanted to get naked and display myself for the taking. I wanted him to take and take and take. 
“She’s a lucky lady.” I loosened my grip, letting my fingers brush down the length of his arm gently. 
He turned to look down at me, so close that I could feel his breathing against my forehead. He was much taller than I was, so much so that I had to crane my head back to look up at him. I saw his eyes slide down over my frame, so quickly and discreet that I almost missed it. He averted his gaze back to the clothes on the bed, nodding. 
“Thanks, honey. I should, uh… I should finish getting ready. Don’t want to be late, do I?” He reached up and scratched the back of his head, “Maisy’s in the living room watching the Addams Family again.” 
“Of course she is.” I laughed, moving to his door, “Hey, if she tells me you said it’s okay for her to watch Halloween, she’s lying right?” 
“She’s absolutely lying.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes with a smile, “Nothing above PG-13.” 
“She’s six years old.” I stated dryly, watching him smile brighter as he reached for the bottom of his shirt. 
“Try telling that to her.” He joked, peeling his t-shirt off right in front of me. I felt saliva gather in my mouth at the sight of his tattooed torso, his muscles flexing as he moved. 
I stood there like an idiot, just staring with my lips parted, feeling as if I might start drooling any second. He looked at me, an amused expression on his face, lifting his eyebrows. 
“You okay, sweetheart?” He asked. I reached up immediately and touched my mouth, forcing my lips closed and checking for drool at the same time. 
“Yep, sorry. I’ll give you some… privacy.” I cleared my throat, feeling my cheeks heat up as I forced myself to leave his room, yanking the door shut behind me. 
I leaned against it and sighed heavily, composing myself before I went out to the living room where Maisy lounged. 
“Hey scream queen, you watching the Addams Family again?” I plopped down onto the couch, looking over at her. 
She was spitting image of Harry. Really, if I hadn’t seen photos of her late mother I would think he cloned her to look exactly like him. She had the same soft brunette curls, the same green eyes that looked blue in certain light, the same pouty pink lips and the same little accent as him. The only difference was the streak of temporary purple dye in her hair, which I put in for her a week ago. 
“Yep! When daddy leaves, do you wanna watch Halloween?” She whispered the question to me, smiling slowly like the little evil thing she was. 
“I will not be held responsible for your nightmares tonight, little one.” I reached over and brushed her hair out of her face. 
“Please, please, please.” She begged, grabbing onto my face with her tiny hands, squishing my cheeks together, “I won’t tell him, I swear! You’re my favorite babysitter ever, nobody else is as fun as you are.” 
I narrowed my eyes at her buttering me up, “You are good.” 
“I know.” She giggled loudly as I began to tickle her sides, watching her fall back against the couch cushions and squeal with delight.  
I didn’t notice Harry walk over to the living room at first. He just stood there, silently, watching me tickle his daughter with a smile on his face. I stopped when I finally noticed him, wondering how long he had been watching us. He seemed perfectly content to stay right there, his eyes steady on me and his daughter. 
He lifted his eyebrows and pushed himself off the door frame when he realized I had noticed him. 
His cheeks went slightly pink, “Alright, girls. How do I look?” 
We both watched him as he did a slow spin, showing off his outfit. I felt my heartbeat quicken at the sight of him. He looked incredible—wearing tight black slacks with a matching button-up shirt under a suit jacket. He left a lot of the buttons undone, showing off his chest where his shiny crucifix necklace was teasing me. I could have gotten down on my knees right then to pray. 
His eyes darkened slightly when they took in my reaction to him, so much so that I swore he could read the arousal I felt all over my stupid face. I swallowed hard, averting my gaze from him as my cheeks went up in flames. 
“You look nice, daddy!” Maisy said, rushing over to him and into his arms. He picked her up into his arms and gave her a toss into the air that made my heart stop for a second, but he caught her with ease and she screamed happily. 
Harry grinned at her, leaning down to rub his nose across hers, giving her their special bunny kisses. It was the cutest thing I’d ever seen. 
“You smell good, too!” She said, wiggling out of his arms and back down to the ground, “Will Miss Casey smell you tonight?” 
I almost laughed, but the reminder that Harry was going on a date with the local kindergarten teacher—a beautiful 30-something year old who was fantastic with children—made my heart drop into my stomach.
“I’m sure she will at some point.” Harry said in a bashful tone, reaching up to nervously scratch the back of his head. 
Maisy called my name, running back over to me and grabbing my hand, dragging me to her father, “Smell daddy!” 
“Uh, Maisy, I don’t think…” I started, but Harry smiled and shook his head to stop me. 
“I’d actually like to hear if you think it’s too much. I don’t wear cologne very often, only on special occasions.” He said sheepishly, “Do you mind?” 
Special occasions, like the date he was about to go on. My heart made another leap into my stomach, making me frown. 
“No, I… I don’t mind.” I said breathlessly, forcing a smile and stepping closer to him. 
I placed my hand against his shoulder even though I didn’t have to and then I leaned in close to him. I shut my eyes as I inhaled his scent, trying to force the moan down my throat. It came out as a soft “mmm” instead. 
He smelled delicious. Just the perfect amount of spicy and sweet mixed in with his natural musky scent that was so familiar to me after all the time we’d spent together. I wanted to nuzzle my face into his neck and inhale it again but instead I forced myself back from him, nodding like a crazy person. 
“She’ll love it.” I said quietly, watching his soft eyes follow me as I stepped backwards, my hand reaching out to take Maisy’s, trying to anchor myself back down to earth. She squeezed my hand tightly once before letting it go and running back to her movie. 
“K, bye daddy!” She called out, once again glued to the TV screen as Wednesday Addams tortured her brother for fun. 
I walked Harry to the door, my eyes scanning over him as much as I could before he took notice. I wanted to tell him not to go, to stay here with us instead. I wanted him to see how badly I ached for him and to take me up on the offer. I knew the idea was a complete delusion, I knew that he could never see me that way, but I couldn’t help my fantasies. 
He turned to face me at the front door, tapping his fingers gently against the edge of it as we looked at one another. There was so much staring between us, it felt like longing. He’d drape his slow gaze over me, not saying a word, making me tingle all over. 
“Okay, um, call me if you need anything. I shouldn’t be out too late. You know her bedtime routine…” He trailed off, patting his pockets to ensure he had his phone and his wallet, “Are you… are you sure I shouldn’t cancel? Stay here with you and Maze and watch Halloween movies instead?” 
Yes. Cancel. Forget her and stay with me, please. Please. My throat felt like it was closing up at my thoughts, too scared to say them out loud. I shook my head to him, forcing a smile.
“You need to go. Put yourself out there. You deserve to be happy, Harry.” I said to him, reaching up and patting his shoulder. I let my hand linger there for a long moment, just rubbing him in what I hoped was a comforting manner and not creepy. 
He reached up and put his hand on top of my own, squeezing it gently as he looked at me in a way that I hadn’t seen before. I felt like I couldn’t breathe as he pulled my hand from his shoulder, his fingers tightening around my own just for a moment before he dropped it. I clenched it into a fist, desperate to hold onto the feeling of his skin on mine. 
“You are something else, honey.” He said quietly, shaking his head slightly, “Thanks again for watching Maze, you know how much she loves you.” 
“Anytime.” I murmured, smiling, “Have fun tonight. Call if you’re going to be late, okay?” 
He smiled and nodded, taking another long moment to look me over. He flipped his car keys in his hand and let out a loud sigh before he turned away from me for good. I watched him leave, waving from the door as he backed out of the driveway, heading off to the last place I wanted him to go. 
I sighed heavily and locked the door, heading back to Maisy, who was digging through my bag greedily, giggling in delight at every new treasure she found. 
“I see you found my bag of goodies.” I said to her with a grin. 
“Are these for me?!” She squealed and I laughed, nodding as she pulled out a big stuffed bat that I picked up from Target. 
“They are, you little sneak. You could have waited for me to give them to you myself.” I laughed as I sat down behind her. 
“So…” Maisy climbed up to my lap, smiling, “Halloween?” 
I sighed and smiled, “You can’t watch that movie, Maisy.” 
“I’ve already watched it!” She whined. 
“How about Casper instead?” I suggested. 
She made a face, offended, “That wimpy ghost?” 
I laughed loudly, breathing out a sigh, “Okay, fine. But you’re covering your eyes for the bad parts.” 
Maisy rushed off my lap, clapping her hands in delight and jumping up and down next to me, “Can we have popcorn too? Can I have juice? Can I have candy?” 
“You are an absolute terror.” I grabbed her shoulders to stop her from jumping, listening to her laughter. I scooped her up and carried her to the kitchen anyway, unable to say no to her. 
“How about we make my famous brownies? That way your dad has something sweet to eat when he gets home.” I suggested to her as she climbed up onto one of the bar stools, starting to pull out all of the ingredients I needed. 
“Daddy doesn't need sweets when you’re around, on a count of you being honey and all.” She asked me, kicking her feet out over and over again as her eyes carefully watched me. 
“Oh? Is that so?” I laughed, raising my eyebrows. 
“I heard him talkin’ to Mr. Davis about it!” She nodded confidently, smiling at me at her knowledge of her fathers private conversations. 
Mr. Davis was Harry’s closest friend and one of the ranch hands. They were always shit talking and shooting the breeze whenever they had free time. I had no idea that Harry mentioned me at all to him and I couldn’t help but probe Maisy for further information. 
“And what exactly did your daddy say to Mr. Davis?” I narrowed my eyes, pulling different ingredients out of the fridge and placing them on the countertop. 
“He said that he bets you taste just like honey, sweet as can be. He told Mr. Davis that he’d love to try it some time.” She squinted, “Do you have lots of bees at your house? Can I come see them?” 
I had to force my laughter down at her misunderstanding of what her daddy meant. I felt my face heat up at the confirmation that Harry thought about me in the same way that I thought about him. I had to press my hand against my chest to try and calm my breathing before I turned to face the little girl who was talking to me. 
“I do have lots of bees, but you better watch out, because they’ll sting you!” I turned and poked at her sides, tickling them and sending her on a laughter frenzy. 
“Now, back to business. We need a mixing bowl…” 
Maisy and I spent the rest of the night baking brownies and decorating them for her father. Then she ate way too many of them and passed out from a sugar crash about five minutes into Halloween. I carried her into her bedroom and tucked her in, starting to clean up the living room and the kitchen. 
It was still early when I finished up in the kitchen and I flicked the lights off, figuring I’d settle into the dark living room to finish watching Halloween by myself. I curled up onto the couch and shut all the lights off, stretching my body out.
I couldn’t stop thinking about what Maisy told me, her little innocent mind not even realizing that Harry was talking about going down on me. I wondered if she heard him right or if I’d make a fool of myself by making a move the next time I saw him. 
I must have dozed off thinking about it, because the next thing I knew, I heard Harry’s key in the door and listened as he quietly shut it behind him. His gentle footsteps made their way into the living room and I barely opened my eyes to look at him. 
He stood by the entryway, staring at me, his eyes roaming over my body carefully. My breath got caught when I realized he was checking me out. He took his time, drinking in the outline of my body in a greedy manner. He ran a hand through his hair and started toward me, looking more and more full of want as he got closer. 
My eyes fluttered open as he pulled a blanket off the couch, intending to cover me up with it and leave me. I wasn’t ready for him to leave, I wanted to spend more time with him, so I made it known that I was up. I reached over and touched his hip, watching him pull back to look down at my face. 
“Hey…” I said sleepily, stretching my body out, a quiet moan releasing from my throat. 
Harry swallowed harshly at the sound, shifting on his feet, “Hey, sweetheart. You must have dozed off.” 
“Yeah, sorry.” I sat up slowly, once again stretching my limbs out before I stood up from the couch, “How was your date?” 
We were standing insanely close to one another, so much so that my chest nearly brushed over his own. I leaned forward so that my breasts would touch him, just barely, and he didn’t move back from me like I thought he would. 
“Horrible.” He whispered, shaking his head.
“Oh no, I’m sorry. How about I make you a drink and you can tell me all about it?” I offered him, watching him smirk at me. 
“Are you even old enough to drink?” He teased me, to which I gave him a playful shove against his chest. 
“Very funny. I’m not that young.” I said to him sternly, raising my eyebrows, “I’m old enough to do a lot of things. Things you couldn’t possibly imagine.” 
I watched his eyebrows hitch high on his forehead at that and then I smirked at him. I turned and walked out of the living room with that, knowing that he was watching me go, his eyes steady on my ass as it jiggled into the kitchen. I went to his bar, which was a locked cabinet, getting up onto the tips of my toes to try and reach the key that he kept hidden high up. 
I knew my shirt was rising up as I reached, exposing the underside of my breasts, and I swore I heard a small groan from Harry as he watched me.
“Harry? Can you help me?” I said softly, turning to look at him over my shoulder as I continued to try and reach the key. I knew I had no chance of getting it, but I also wanted him closer to me.
He obliged like I hoped he would. He came up behind me, his body pressing against mine too closely for it to be a mistake or a casual thing. He raised his arm to take the key down and I turned my head to look at him as he did this. Our faces were so close, if I moved just a few inches forward, I could kiss him. He could kiss me. I silently willed him to do it, but he didn’t. 
He just watched me, his eyes more intense than I’d ever seen them. He studied my features, moving slow as he handed me the key. Our fingers brushed lightly as he passed it to me, his hand so warm against my own. 
“Thank you.” I whispered, watching his eyes fall to my lips as they formed the words. 
He cleared his throat and backed away from me slightly, but not enough that I wouldn’t bump into him when I bent over to dig around in the liquor cabinet. 
“So tell me… what went wrong on the date?” I asked, carefully turning to bend over, my ass brushing over the front of his pants just barely when I did. 
I swore I heard him let out a gasp, but he didn’t move back from me like I thought he would. He stayed exactly where he was, hips solid as I leaned back slightly on my heels to give him a little more pressure. 
He froze in place as I did this but he didn’t pull his hips back. He did the opposite. It was subtle, but he flexed his hips forward against my body, letting me feel how hard he was for a second before he pulled back again. 
I stood up, turning to look at him with a bottle of bourbon in my hands. I eyed him, keeping my back to him as he moved in closer to me, close enough for his hips to graze over my ass again, his chest touching my shoulder blades. 
“Honestly?” He whispered, moving even closer to me, one of his hands brushing up against my hip as he did. 
“Tell me.” I replied, my voice hoarse, strained from the close contact between us, which made me feel like I was on fire. 
Harry’s eyes flickered down over my face, taking me in, and he swallowed harshly before he confessed, “Couldn’t stop thinking about you all night, honey.” 
My heart was pounding harder than ever before, going wild in my chest. Did he actually just say those words or was I hallucinating? I watched them form on his lips but it still felt unreal. I blinked at him, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth to bite down and make sure I was awake. He reached up and touched my chin, tugging my lip back out. 
He cleared his throat and shook his head, “Not bourbon.” 
His eyes were dark, narrowed down toward me as if he were angry, but I knew he wasn’t. He was turned on. Ridiculously so. I also knew that he loved bourbon, so turning it down meant that he wanted me to bend back over and pick up a different bottle. I didn’t ask him which liquor he wanted instead, I simply bent at the hips again and pushed my ass back into him as I put the bourbon bottle back. 
His hips once again made contact with my ass cheeks, his hard cock pushing up against me in a desperate manner, his fingers digging into the skin of my hip. I pretended to poke around in the cabinet, letting him keep himself pressed to me much longer than the first time. I snagged a bottle of vodka and stood up, pulling myself away from him abruptly. 
“How about this?” I asked breathlessly, licking my lips slowly as I turned my head to meet his stare once again. 
“Not that.” He shook his head, his eyes falling down to my mouth for a long moment. His voice was strained when he spoke again, “Bend back over and try again for me, sweetheart.” 
This time, I smiled slowly at him before I turned away, bending at the hips and jutting my ass out as an offering for him. He did the same thing as before—let me back up against him, let my ass press into his crotch. He was subtle in his movements the first two times, but something came unhinged for him this time. 
Maybe it was the way my loose shirt slid up and exposed my breasts when I bent that time. Maybe it was the way I reached back and grabbed onto his thigh to steady myself on the way down. He lost all sense of self-control, both of his hands now grasping roughly onto my hips and yanking me hard against him. 
A low moan released from his throat as he pulled me into him until my back was pressed against his front, burying his face in my neck. His hands clawed up my sides, hips grinding into me slowly, sensually, like he wanted me to feel all of him. 
“Fuck,” He moaned, “This is wrong… so so wrong.” 
I whined, clinging onto the edge of the counter as he continued to grind himself against me, my cunt dripping with desire for him, “Don’t stop. Please…” 
He grabbed onto both of my arms then, pulling them behind my back and holding them there, bending me over the counter so my bare breasts and my face were pressed to the cool marble. 
“I’ve wanted to do this for so fucking long.” He slid his free hand around my hips, finding the wet spot at the front of my shorts and pressing into it, “You’re soaking wet…” 
“Oh god!” I cried out when he rubbed a circle against my clit, sending a shockwave through me. 
“Shhh…” He ordered me, “Shh, baby. Be a good girl and stay quiet for me, okay? Can you do that?” 
I whimpered and nodded, willing to agree to anything if only he would touch me again. I wiggled my hips back, needing more contact from him, and he grasped onto my shorts, yanking them down to my ankles. He got onto his knees behind me and I shut my eyes with a soft moan as he palmed my thighs, prying them open so he could get a good look at my pussy. 
“Fuck, look at this pretty little cunt.” He breathed in the scent of my arousal, groaning in pleasure, “I need to taste you, honey. I need to…” 
“Please, Harry…” I gasped out just as his tongue slid up my slit slowly, lapping up all of my juices. 
He moaned again as his tongue went wild, slipping up and down my slit and licking up every drop before dipping inside of me, trying to get as much of my arousal as possible. I couldn’t believe how deeply he was tongue fucking me, the sounds of him slurping up every drop sent my eyes rolling into the back of my head. 
“More, more, give me more…” He groaned against my cunt, the vibrations sending a new flood of arousal through me that he lapped up immediately. 
I was shaking, still clinging to the countertop, my face warm now against the marble. I swore I was going to start drooling soon if he kept diving his tongue deep into me, the pleasure being nearly too much for me to handle. 
“You are everything I’ve dreamed of and more.” He murmured as pulled back, standing up to his full height so he could unbutton his pants, “You gonna take every inch of my cock, baby? You think you can handle that?” 
“Yes, yes… please…” I moaned out, nodding in hazy delusion. 
“Stay still, gonna start slow for ya, since you’re being so good for me.” He panted out, removing his cock from his pants but leaving all of his clothes on otherwise. 
I glanced down, seeing how swollen and drippy he was with precum, desperate to be touched. His cock was beautiful, it was thick and long with delicious looking veins protruding from the sides. He fisted himself carefully, dragging his hand up and down it a few times, precum squeezing out. I wanted to lick it up, wanted to taste every inch of him that I could. 
He lined his hips up behind me and positioned his cock between my slit, pressing against me. He rocked his hips back and forth carefully, letting my pussy coat him with my arousal, getting it slippery wet. The head of his cock bumped up against my clit with every thrust he made and I let out a nearly-silent cry at the teasing. 
He reached his hands around to slip them up against my breasts, his fingers pinching my nipples, making them harden at his touch. He buried his face in the back of my neck again, inhaling me, his lips trailing roughly across the sensitive skin there. 
He kissed along every inch of my neck, brushing my hair away from my skin so he could kiss more and more. He pulled me back against his body, his hand moving up over my chest and throat to grasp my chin, forcing my head to the side. I looked at him, craning my neck around as much as I could, offering him my mouth. He leaned in closer to me, our noses brushing, lips parting as we both panted heavily into each other's mouths. 
“I shouldn’t be doing this. You’re so fucking young.” He whispered, leaning his forehead against mine, still thrusting his cock up against my wet cunt but not entering me.
Both his hands went down to my hips, clinging to them tightly, his fingers digging into my skin as he tried to control himself. He was shaking as he pressed his cock against me over and over and I could see him unwinding for me.
“So then stop doing it.” I teased him, grinning wickedly. 
“Get over here.” He ordered me, pulling back so he could force me to turn around. His lips found mine right away, his tongue pressing into my mouth and flicking across mine. His large, calloused fingers took hold of my naked hips, shoving me up onto the counter and spreading my legs apart for him. 
“You want me to stop, baby?” He pulled back to whisper, his fingers slipping into my cunt, immediately stroking upward, making me feel things I’d never felt before in my life. 
“Oh fuck!” I cried out loudly, unable to keep it down. 
He slapped his hand over my mouth, keeping his face right in front of mine so I’d maintain eye contact with him. His fingers began to stroke me faster, harder, pressing into what I assumed was my g-spot. I’d never felt anything like it. My stomach rolled in the best way possible and my legs began to shake. My cunt clenched and gushed around his fingers, so wet for him that it was spreading all over my inner thighs the rougher he finger-fucked me. 
“There you go, that’s my girl… give it all to me, honey.” He murmured, tightening his fingers over my mouth when I moaned behind them, “Shh, come for me, come all over me, I want every fucking drop.” 
He began to finger me harder, faster, his fingers jerking up and down instead of in and out and I felt something explode inside of me. My orgasm hit hard, making me cry out from behind Harry’s hand, and he replaced it with his mouth, swallowing up all of my moans and curses. 
A warm liquid gushed out of my cunt and shot all over Harry’s torso as I came hard. That had never happened before. I pulled back from the kiss and looked in a panic to see his reaction, expecting him to be as confused as I was, but he looked overjoyed by it. His mouth found mine again, tongue excitedly taking control of my own. 
He kept his hand firmly inside of me, his thumb brushing through my public hair down to my clit, rubbing it in slow circles. He moaned into my mouth, his free arm going around my waist to tug me to the edge of the counter. 
“I want you to come like that all over my cock.” He murmured against my lips, kissing me desperately again as he removed his fingers from my pussy. 
He brought his wet hand up to our mouths, pulling back from kissing me so he could offer me his fingers. I sucked my arousal off of them, wiggling my hips down lower so my cunt was on full display for him. I spread my legs as far as I could, wanting him to have all of me. 
“Desperate little thing, aren’t you?” He whispered, to which I nodded, pulling off his fingers with a soft pop. 
“Been waiting for you to notice me.” I whispered back, “Took you long enough…” 
Harry sighed against my lips, shaking his head as he smiled slowly, “Crazy, crazy girl. I’ve been obsessed with you since the day I laid eyes on you.” 
“Really?” I whined out, watching him nod, licking his lips and leaning down to kiss me again. 
“Shh now, pretty. Need to be inside you so bad. Gotta be quiet for me.” He whispered, waiting for me to nod at him in confirmation before he pressed forward. 
I felt the swollen head of his cock pressing up against my cunt, begging for entrance. I rolled my head back, exposing my throat to him as he pushed slowly into me, filling me completely. My cunt stretched to accommodate his size and I gasped out at the slight sting of pain I felt as he kept pushing and pushing inside of me. His cock was big, but I had also only been with one guy before who was below average in size.
“God, fuck,” He gasped as he filled me to the hilt, holding still as he reached a hand up to brush my hair back, “You okay, angel? Hmm?” 
“S’full…” I mumbled, my mouth finding his, kissing him deliriously, “Feels so good… need more.” 
“Yeah? You want more? You wanna feel me so deep inside of you, stretching you out?” He murmured against my mouth, tongue slipping out to tease along my upper lip. I gasped when he pulled back, rolling his hips forward into me hard, “I know it feels so fuckin’ good. Look how you take my cock like the perfect fuck toy you are.” 
He grabbed onto my face, squeezing it as he made me look down between our bodies at the way his cock slid in and out of me, shiny with my arousal. We looked back up at each other in unison and I slid my arms over his shoulders, fisting a hand into his hair. I pulled his mouth back to mine and kissed him deeply, only pulling back to gasp for air or moan his name. 
“Made for me, you’re fuckin’ made for me…” He whispered against my lips as he thrust deeper and deeper into me. When he wasn’t kissing me, he’d slide his large hand over my mouth to keep me quiet. 
“This is mine now.” He ordered me as he slipped his hand between our bodies, fingers finding my clit so he could rub quick circles against it, “Tell me, tell me your pussy belongs to me now.” 
I moaned at his hushed tones, at the strain in his voice as he tried desperately to keep his voice down so we didn’t wake his daughter. He laid kisses down my jaw and to my neck, sucking at the spot right by my ear that sent goosebumps all over my skin. 
“It’s yours, I’m yours. Fuck, don’t stop.” I gasped out, clinging to him harder, digging my nails into his back, “You feel so good, I’m gonna… fuck!” 
He began to pound into me, fingers gripping my thighs so tight that I knew I’d have bruises there the next day. I didn’t care. I wanted him to mark me all over, to claim me as his own, to leave me with reminders of what we did in this dark kitchen. 
Harry grabbed my face in  one hand, squeezing my cheeks hard as my lips fell open in ecstasy. He slid his tongue against my own, coaxing it out, licking across every crevice of my mouth in a sloppy manner. I felt consumed by him in every sense of the word, felt completely claimed in a way I hadn’t expected to feel. I knew I’d never get over this, never be able to go back to fucking guys my own age after experiencing him. 
“Good girl… wanna feel your cunt squeezing me, milking every drop outta me. That’s it, baby. You feel like heaven, oh god.” He gasped, his lips brushing mine with every word, “So fuckin’ hungry for my cock…” 
“Harry… Harry, Harry, Harry…” I moaned out as he reached down to grasp the back of my thighs, shoving my legs up until my knees pressed into my torso, bending me in ways that I knew would leave me sore. 
His eyes fell down to watch his cock pound into me, his breath quickening at the sight, “So fucking wet, baby… god. I’m gonna come, do I need to pull out?” 
I shook my head wildly, whimpering at the intense feeling building up in my abdomen, “On the p-pill. Fuck, Harry! Need you to fill me up. Please, please, come inside me.” 
My legs went over his shoulders as he grabbed me by the throat, applying the slightest of pressure as he tugged my mouth to his own, kissing me deeply. 
He stopped kissing me and I let my eyes flutter open, finding his dark green ones staring back at me. He looked so intense, so full of desire, it made me shiver all over. 
“Look at me, sweet girl. God, you’re beautiful. Don’t look away… right there, baby.” He nodded his head and then his mouth fell open, a moan releasing from him that tipped me over the edge. 
I kept my eyes on his own blown out ones as I came around his cock, my cunt clenching over and over with each wave that hit me. I gushed all over him and he moaned louder at the feeling of it. I clung to him desperately, digging my nails into his back as I pushed my hips forward, trying to ride out my orgasm as long as I could. I never looked away as I watched him come, his cheeks flushed and lips shiny with my spit. 
He moaned my name as he came hard, his body shaking and trembling against my own. I slid my fingers into his sweaty hair, watching the way he came undone. He kept eye contact with me the whole time, drinking me in, like he couldn’t get enough.
Harry kissed me, his tongue moving over mine sensually, his fingers releasing their harsh grip into my skin. His breaths came hard against my cheek as we kissed, but he didn’t pull back to catch it until he had kissed me as long as he could. His hold went from rough to gentle, arms slipping around my back, his fingers a whisper against my spine. We stayed like that for a long time, with him nestled inside of me, our breathing and heartbeats both slowing back to normal. 
“Let me clean you up.” He whispered, slowly pulling out of me, rubbing his hands over my thighs when I dropped them down. 
I felt like jello, like I would melt into the countertops if he didn’t hold onto me tight. He massaged my thighs for a long moment before he reached over for some napkins, using them to clean all of his cum off of the both of us. I watched him bend over to pick up my shorts and underwear, which were left forgotten on the kitchen floor. 
He pressed kisses to my ankles and calves as he carefully slid my shorts back on, waiting for me to lift my hips so he could pull them all the way up. I was grateful for the help as I knew as soon as I stood on both legs, I’d be wobbling all over the place. 
Harry pressed his hands to the counter on either side of my body, leaning forward until his face was inches from mine. His eyes were dark, his gorgeous mouth so close to my own that I could feel his warm breath as he let out a long sigh. 
I thought maybe this would be the moment he tells me that this shouldn’t have happened, that this couldn’t continue, that he was too old or I was too young and we were both stupid with lust. I braced myself like I would for a punch. 
But he didn’t say that. He leaned in and he kissed me passionately, lifting his hands to cup my face between them. He brushed my hair back and then pulled my lips from his, his eyes finding mine right away. 
“The next time I ask you if I should cancel a date,” Harry smiled slowly, lips brushing over mine, “Say yes.” 
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xmorguekittyx · 11 months
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Ever Locked
Part 2: On the Rocks
Part 1: New Beginnings?
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pairing: Older!Leon Kennedy x Ex!Coroner’s Assistant Reader
warnings: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, talks of enjoying inflicting emotional and physical pain on another, getting off to crying, jerking off, crying, talks of imagining sex, male and female body parts
extras: this fic will also be slow and longer, we’re telling an entire story, i want it to be detailed with Reader and Leon as well as introducing Marina and Ryan. I hope you guys enjoy i have so so so many ideas and rough drafts already written. next part should be out Saturday! and i may write another and post it Sunday as im off both days <3
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Glass, wet to the touch, my finger dragging across it to leave a small smear mark between the residue. The ice clinking to the side of the glass as the cup was lifted to my lips. That dark haired girl had said she'd be in soon. I could wait, I'd waited 7 years to see her again. I wasn't waiting any longer than I had to. The amber liquor burnt on its way down, the dribble sliding down my cheek, black leather sleeve coming up to wipe away the drop. She'd be here soon... just be patient, Leon. She's gonna be hesitant at first but... I was so loving to her. Those damn coffees and breakfast- was what we had not good enough for her?
  All those years, the day the world ended, so had mine. I lost her, part of me actually thought she'd died in the mess that was Raccoon City. September 29th, 1998. Now it sat, September 26th, 2004. 7 years since I've felt the warmth of her body, the softness of her hair... since hearing those beautiful moans and whimpers of pain. I needed her, those 7 years passed quickly. From meeting Ada, Claire and Sherry, to being pulled into the government and told that with my joining USSTRATCOM, Sherry Birkins would live a normal life, the choice truly wasn't mine. I wanted a life of a normal man. A wife to come home to, soft lips to kiss good night, preferably by now, age 28, I'd have a kid or two- preferably with the woman i set out to find once more, the shy coroner's assistant. Instead, I'm a DSO Agent, currently under MIA status, I knew I was in for it the moment anyone found me. My... habits have become a bit more... flavorless. The whiskey in front of me the 20th bottle I've probably had in the last month. Sliding from shit hole to shit hole, waiting until closer to the anniversary of the day she slipped from my fingers, to trap her once more.
  Of the two of us, i'm sure i've changed the most, my hair darker, a brown instead of that bright blonde i was so proud of. My beard had slightly grown out, no razor was worth leaving the bottle or whatever hotel i huddled up in. The shitty lighting of the bar didn't hide her though.  As soon as she walked in, I knew it was her. She hasn't truly changed, much, after so many years. Her hair was longer than before, her eyes more tired than I was use to seeing. What was causing her such restless nights? Did she miss me as much as I missed her? I knew the government has sent her off with some money and her car before they blew the town to hell and back, but that's all they'd tell me, not a where she went or even an answer to "how was she?".
   My eyes didn't leave her, specifically her chest as she chatted with the shorter girl. That shirt nearly had her everything on show, men staring down her shirt as they passed, catching a glimpse of the top of her breasts, before she disappeared behind the bar. The other girl looking down at the ground, where she crouched.
   It didn't take long for her to pop back up, cleaner and a dingy rag in her hands. She wiped idly at the empty bar, her eyes still lingering on the other girl. She was very chatty, she talked about how much him and her friend would be perfect... she was right. That woman was perfect for me, I didn't plan on leaving the weeping town without her. I drove my ass over three thousand miles to see the girl I dreamt of holding every night... dreamt of pounding the ever loving shit out of her. Wanted to see her swole with my child, I stayed up at night, wondering if our child would look like her... or me. Would they have my blue eyes and her hair? Her eyes and my hair? I hope they got her lips and eyebrows. My chin fell to my chest, a soft sigh falling from my lips, a smirk causing the corners to twitch. I wanted that life with her... but she ran. She could've waited for me, asked them to tell me where she'd be. Then again, i don't think anyone thought i'd survive those years in between, in training under Jack Krauser.
  My eyes flickered back to the bar, wanting to see her face once more, to study her in her new habitat. The first thing that caught my eye was a manicured finger pointing at me, that girl had a big mouth- a growl fell from my lips for a moment. She couldn't have just not told her? She had to give away his position and all? Then, my eyes scanned the woman next to her, ending at her eyes, the same smirk on my lips. God, I've missed her. The glasses between her fingers fell to the floor in a sharp crash, her body stepping back instantly. I couldn't help but laugh, my chest rocking as i thought about how careless she always had been. Something's never change, bunny... some things were destined to be- we were destined to be.
  We were. We always had been, a shy, careless bunny and her protective, dangerous wolf. Her figure ran, fast as she whipped out the Motorola Razr, pink... fitting for her. She must be making more money here than i thought. A five hundred dollar cell phone, she could afford that on a bar salary? I don't think so... there has to be more to her new life.
  My own Razr ringing as i assumed another call from Chris to ask me where i've been or if i was even alive. His call ending to raise the 27 missed calls to 28. Nothing was going to stop me from getting her, i wasn't as naive as before. I had grown, my training showing me gaps in my methods, the scumbags that hurt and caused damage showing me new ideas as well- but mine were for protection. Mine were for her, like i said all those years ago. I'd do anything for her, even putting up with her accusations and her eager willingness to be in danger. Even if she threw away my money like some other boy lusting after her attention. I was, am and will forever be, her soul mate. Her impression is laid into my heart and brain. Something i was never able to change, she deserved to be there. She was a religion. Something i had to have, an addiction, something to be looked at and adored, worshiped... something i was missing in my life away from Raccoon City.
  My cock ached thinking about those soft pitiful whines that fell from her lips, the moment her head hit my tile. The moans from her plump lips as she came undone on me, gushing that forbidden nectar all over my sheets, my name on her tongue like a shunned prayer. Someone she pleaded for, unknowingly calling out for the devil to catch her. Caught her, I did... until fate decided to be cruel. My fingers brushed over the growing ache from my pants, the slit of my cock pressed to the zipper as the my hips jerked up, brushing it against the angry tip.
My thoughts were broken by someone asking for the manifestation of religion. "Hey, Marina! Where is she?", a sharp pin prick stabbed at my spine, a quirk in my lips as i see the unsteady man. His hands on the bar as 'Marina' points to the back room. All i could see was a white dress shirt, and black slacks. He better not be fucking her- only i can touch something like her, something created for my pleasure and sight. Her teary eyes and drool collecting at the corner of her mouth. A jerk from my dick had my whiskey at the back of my mind, quickly jumping up to rush to the bathroom.
Stupid fucking bunny. My arm rested on the stall wall, elbow dug into the metal as my palm brushed the exposed skin. Shirt tail tucked between my teeth as my hand started to fist at the hardened flesh. I could hear soft cries- hers... the bathroom must be next to the employee room. Her cries were like a sirens call, precum smeared across the sensitive flesh as my hips snapped up with the pace i had set for myself. Imagining her, that pretty face under me, her eyes rolled up to watch as i pumped my shaft, staring at those beautiful eyes. Wouldn't waste my cum on her face, no matter how tempting. Would have her bouncing on my cock, her pussy walls clenching down on my cock, tip nudging against her cervix and bumping into her soft spot as i rocked my hips. A louder sob left her lips as i felt a jolt in my cock, pumping faster. She was just so pretty... those pretty clear tears causing her eyes to gloss over. Her mumbled and moans- "fuck..", my hand slows, feeling the twitching of my cum shoot out onto the rim of the toilet seat.
  "disgusting.", the realization of what i had just done hitting me, "jerking off to a sweet bunny crying in the men's bathroom?", a dry laugh falling from my lips. "yeah- some things don't change.", the memory of doing the same at RPD flashing to mind. I'd fucked myself to the sound of her laughter more than once. Those red lacy underwear hidden in my drawer, ready for the next time i needed a stabilizing moment. A sniff, a jerk off... anything.  The toilet paper was damn near falling apart as i wiped off the cum from the tip of my cock, a hiss leaving my lips. The sensitive skin, overworked by my palm. "Shit- use to be better about not getting so over worked.", an annoyed yet amused tone to my words.
  The slamming of the bathroom door caught my attention next, i felt like a damn dog outside for the first time, jumpy and slightly buzzed. My hand landed on the stall door, sliding it open to be faced with the same white shirt and black slacks. Black hair combed back and pale skin- she certainly tried to stay away from anything close to me, didn't she?
   The man washed his hands, a groan leaving his lips as he realized he didn't have any paper towels to dry his hands. "Got toilet paper, but the shit nearly falls apart on you.", i added, i wonder if she said anything to him yet. If he recognized my presence had been the one to distraught her so deeply. Her soft sobs could still be heard. "Yeah... i'll pass, thanks.", he side eyed me, brown eyes wide and weirded out. "Yeah, no problem.", my hands came up to wave him off. I wanted to know more, where was he from- what was he to her? Boyfriend, probably... but that just won't do. I had to keep her with me, she was my forbidden fruit. The future mother to my children, my bunny... my little play thing. The man started to turn to walk away, his hand resting on the door as he turned his head to take a final peek. "Have a good rest of your day.", the man spoke up. "Yeah, you too. Hey- I didn't catch your name.", I knew for a fact he knew now, his side eyes not passing my radar. I was trained in body language, he didn't want to take his eyes off me, he saw me as a threat. "I didn't throw it.", he dead panned, his look slightly more angered. "Right... right...", what was this guys name again? It popped up under the same address as hers.
   Ken? Ren? Rylan- Ryan! "Sorry...", my hands met under the water, washing away the sins that lingered on my skin. "Have a good rest of your night, Ryan.", i hummed, as casually as possible, my eyes catching his in the mirror. "I caught it.", i quickly add, maybe giving him any insight that i knew anything was stupid, but i didn't care. "Yeah... you too, Leon.", a chuckle left my lips, maybe she hadn't picked someone too different as the annoyance and anger clung to his words. A smirk fell on my lips, becoming more familiar to my features the more i stayed in this busy town. I didn't reply, just watching as he walked out, thinking he had the upper hand. He doesn't, he won't- bunny was mine, I owned her. I had staked my claim 7 years ago on that girl and I'd be damned if I lost it now.
  Ryan... I'll have to look that up later. Keeping all my tabs on the new life she built for herself. I was more careful this go around, despite the ache that quickly came back to my groin from the power exchange...!i would wait, plan... figure out how and when to take her back to the house i built. A family home, build from the foundation up on quite a few acres, stuck in the middle of a very small town. This will be our home, sweet bunny... we'll have a family, somewhere where it's just us. I'm tired of fighting for everyone else to have their happy endings, for them to get to shine while i suffer... This time, i'll be selfish, i'll get what i want and i won't allow my broken bird to fly, my little bunny to hop. Instead, she'll be mine, changed and tamed... kept away from the unsafe world, kept private and secret from nearly anyone. If only i could get rid of the suspicion of the man and the fear she held on me. I just wanted a life, i'd get it. One way or another, i was getting my family home and filling it with little Kennedy's.
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sleeplessinunova · 1 year
Pokemon type specialist stereotypes
Normal - “I like bread” damn ur boring. Normal type. Fucking normal type. I feel bad for anyone whos tried to text you cause you’re definitely the the to reply “k” and “ig” to everything
Fire - “RAAAAHHHH” Fire type trainers have no chill and they also think very highly of themselves, unfortunately without their booties theyre useless. Never seen a fire type trainer who texted in lowercase
Water - “Guys lets swim in a thunder storm itll be ok g—“ weirdly athletic. Like ig that makes sense but alot of water specialists are more built than fighting specialists. Or you’re a jolly old fisher.
Grass - “photosynthesis is real” believes in crystal healings and also calls themselves cottagecore while living in like…lumios city. You are not “eepy” you are 26 and unemployed, take a fucking shower.
Electric - Nothing distinct from Fire type, but they don’t have to invest all their money into boots. Definitely has unmedicated adhd
Ice - “chill out! Haha…haha…ha…” you’re either old or a sadist. Theirs no in between. Like you’re either a sweet old man who loves the snow or you think that frostbite is the funniest thing since comedy, get help.
Fighting - “HIT ME!! HIT ME!! NEVER GIVE UP!!” You think you’re a shonen protag when you’re actually the comic relief. Musclehead who chugs protien shakes and punches their poliwrath for 6 hours straight before going to football practice.
Poison - “The poison is already erroding your pokemon’s poor health…” you THINK you’re the sadist ice type trainer but you’ll never be them, stop trying. You have a salazzle because otherwise a single steel type ruins your whole month
Ground - “*earthquake property damage joke*” you and the steel type trainer will not shut the fuck up about how competitive your types are. Quit your wiglett measuring contest. Meta this, meta that, have you ever MET A GIRL???
Flying - You don’t exist
Psychic - “i gaze into the great beyond” may or may not be actually psychic. You’re who the ghost girl wishes she was. But you also have your head very far up your own ass and won’t stop reliving the glory days of when your type was considered powerful. You think you’re so above everyone and you’re probably using the psychic type to have a nerd revenge fantasy against the fighting type jocks who shoved you into a locker in high school
Bug - “im no standard bug catcher” yes you are timmy shut the fuck up. You didn’t actually like bug types that much at first but you made them your entire personality when you saw how mean everyone else was being
Rock - you became the ground type trainer after realizing they were you but better
Ghost - “Guys im a ghost trainer isnt that quirky, aren’t i spooky and scary guys im a ghost trainer guys guys where are you going—“ prolly lives in a “cottagecore” house and does nothing but scroll on joltiktok. Uses aesthetic as their personality. Definitely traumatized. Wants lavender town to go back to how it was in the 90s
Dragon - “The majestic dragon can only be tamed by the strongest trainers” you want to be lance so fucking badly its pathetic. Definitely plays dnd. Definitely owns a cape and is either too ashamed to ever wear it, or wears it EVERYWHERE
Dark - “absol is just a misunderstood bapy” you think your takes about dark types are subversive when they aren’t. No one cares about how your hydreigon would “never do something like that” KAREN—wait thats an actual dark type trainers name fuck
Steel - Basically the ground type trainer. You’re also guaranteed to have a metagross and you have a framed photo of steven stone over your bed so you forget how alone you are.
Fairy - You live in delulu land. You have never left delulu land. And you’re best friends with the ghost type trainer. Take your medication sweetums.
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somescenecatholic · 3 months
Hello guuysss sorry for not being here 4 awhile. Here's some updates on my life!
I'm finally a high school senior!! (its summer rn, my last day was may 24)
Also, I'm 17 now!!!!
im been gone bc um.. alot of really not so good stuff happened to me and im recovering rn. I may make a post abt tht later but that's all im saying rn!
But I refuse to let that get me down, so I'm still the happy silly guy yk!
Anyways recently I've gotten into Warrior Cats!!! ITS SOOO GOODDDdd
AND PICKING COLLEGES IS SO HARD!! I'm only 17 and next yr I'll be 18! Wdym I have to pick out the rest of my life???? Bleh america's weirddd :/
Also I got purple box braids!!
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ALSOO I saw the new inside out!!! ITS SO GOODDDDD! My favs r Joy (literally me), Anxiety, and Envy!!!! The movie wss like rlly good I loved how the emotions r like more nuanced is tht makes sense! :3 Like how there is no actual villain, everyone is trying to help Riley get through her life! Btw, RILEY HAS A 4TOWN POSTER IN HER ROOM :O
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I seriously wish tht they made more songs for 4*Town. Like cmon now sm ppl were begging Disney to make 4*Town a real band... Like yeah it would be hard but literally it would be so popular!! Can we pleaaass bring back boy bands and make girl bands just as popular??? And take away all the negativity in it and stuff?? Please kids my age had 1D around when we were nowhere old enough to go to their concerts and actually enjoy it!! PLEAAAASEEEE 😭
Oh yeha speaking abt One Direction, I have a super rare one direction bag!! My friend is a huge directioner and like she told me tht my bag is rlly old and u cant find it nowhere!!! >.< It has the guys when they were teenagers on it. My cousin gave me the bag when I was in 1st grade and I wasnt rlly into them then but I kept it tho. Fast foward to like a couple months ago and my Kirby bag breaks. My sister was cleaning out her room and she found it!! I was like "NO WAY! I GOTTA USE THIS NOWW!" bc like I <3 1D and I needed a new bag! Its rlly good and its like SOO CUTE
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OO AND ALSO, are you guys gonna see the Pharell Williams lego movie? Tbh I think its a bit strange to make an entire movie abt urself but like the movie looks literally SO COOLLL AA!! IDK man i love movies with sparkles and creativity all over it. I'm not even a fan of his im just gonna wafch it to try to fill the void in my heart where the lego batman movie 2 and the lego movie 3 should be!!!
OK BYE FRFRRR HAVE A GREATTT NIGHT/DAY/EVENING!!! (we srsly need a word tht combines all of tht ;-;)
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fujii-draws · 5 months
I’m so sorry to bombard your inbox yet again Fujii but I am losing my mind with homework rn and I must know what your headcanons on Dusknoir’s methods of comforting are🙃cuddling? words of affirmation? acts of service (fixing food or bringing blankets)? I need some escapism and a three month long mental vacation so bad rn fujii it’s absolutely unreal😭😭😭
Ask and you shall recieve!!
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Okay in terms of comforting, Words of affirmation is Dusknoir’s go-to. On one hand, he does have a way with words if we’re both being honest! Main-game he is super clever with how he uses them to gain all of Treasure town/Lake Guardians’ trust. (AND THE ENTIRE, GRASS CONTINENT IF IM NOT MISTAKEN??? THE CHARISMA OF THIS WORLD RENOWNED GHOST.) But on the other hand… very good with his words in terms of being super deceptive, as well as persuasive. So that being said— I feel like he’d be articulate with using his words in a gentle, low growl. It does take awhile for both Ribbons and Aimilios in particular to trust his words again, but once they do, it’s… nice.
That being said— his second form of affection (to me at least) is physical affections. I keep thinking abt how wonderfully you put into that one post where Dusknoir’d give the best hugs, lest he trusts himself first. Very, very strong ghost arms, mixed with a soft, fat belly. He’s actually so perfect for iT—
…He’d be intimate with Grovyle and Celebi, as he would be gentle and soft with Ribbons and Aimilios. (At first because he doesn’t trust himself enough to put any real pressure despite how much the two tell him they’re okay… With him and his touch.)
…But once he’s over that hurdle, he continue’s to treat them so delicately because they are just. So precious and dear to him. And by the rare chance he does— he might cave and hug them very tightly near a close-call death situation, or if one of the kids are in need of comfort.
(He also… may or may not get to a point where he gets too comfortable with it, that the cloaked ghost-type just randomly picks up and carries the grass, fighting/steel, fairy type.) (Which he catches himself, slightly apologizing for being so… clingy. Yet continuing to carry the other three. Whom which allow it.)
(I CANT RLLY SAY CELEBI CAUSE AT THAT POINT HE’D BE YOINKING HER OUT OF THE SKY AND I THINK HE’D BE AWARE OF T H A T AHKFJCOSJAOFJ7) (She probably just joins in whenever Dusknoir is carrying Grovyle specifically, fluttering on his neck ruff, or when all three are being charioted around by the big ghost, with the pink fairy jokingly floating down and adding herself in, much to Dusknoir’s embarrassment.)
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rat-typewriter · 2 years
hi! i hole you’re doing good! when you get the chance can you do high school aged baseball player bill de brought x fem reader who plays softball headcannons? thank you!
Notes: Girlie im so sorry this has been in my inbox for like a year,,, but better late than never right???? also im not american so i have no clue what a softball is so this is based off of ten minutes on wikipedia
BaseballPlayer!Bill Denbrough with a SoftballPlayer!S/O
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alrighty,,, so first off your school only has one pitch - so Bill first sees you while getting ready for practice and your team is finishing up training
Honestly he spots you straight away - not necessarily because you're any better than the rest of the girls, but because of how you cheer your teammates on any time they make a good hit
He finds it so endearing, seeing someone so openly kind and genuinely excited for their friends
Not to mention he thinks you're probably the prettiest girl hes ever seen but whatever
But he's s u p e r awkward so wouldn't actually work up the courage to talk to you for a couple of months
it's late afternoon in May; he's waiting with his team for practice and your team is finishing up again
you manage to hit the ball into the chainlink fence and it jams into one of the gaps
now,,, your team has a strict "whoever touched the ball last has to go find it" policy (which has left you digging through bushes of brambles on many occasions) so there you were, half on tip-toe and half straight up CLIMBING the fence to try and reach the stupid ball
you could hear your friends laughing across the pitch and (although you loved them to pieces) you definitely shot them a few death glares
One time you turn and stick your toungue out at them, playfully shouting for them to fuck off
and when you turn back, you nearly jump out of your skin
lo and behold on the other side of the fence is the CUTEST boy you've ever seen, reaching up and pushing the ball back through
and when he looks at you with those blue eyes
let's just say you don't catch the ball when he knocks it out
you stare at him and you can feel blood rushing to your face
internally you're screaming at yourself to stop gawking at him like a weirdo and SAY SOMETHING
if the fence wasn't between the two of you, the space between you would have been too small to be socially acceptable
honestly you're both so awkward you probably would have just stood there forever, but sooner or later his team would notice him with a girl
"Shit, Bill's got game!"
the entire group of boys suddenly broke out into laughs, jeers and whistles
needless to say Bill was mortified
mind you,,, your friends were no better
every time you saw him after that, they would all start giggling and nudging you like maniacs
don't get me wrong, you love your friends to pieces,,,, but you could have killed them all
you occasionally bumped into Bill a few times after that: around school, sometimes in town - but your first proper conversation was while sitting on the grass outside school
Your team was practicing, but you were in trouble with the coach for flunking a maths exam - so she was making you sit out to study for this session
you stared at you maths textbook - lets be real, not really thinking about anything - when he came over
"M-maths, huh?" he asked, craning his neck to read your notebook
"Yeah," you smiled. "Gotta say though, it's just not adding up."
why in the world did you say that
worst joke ever (not me slandering a joke i literally just wrote down smh)
But it was the first time you had managed to make him properly laugh
he grinned and your soul more-or-less left your body
you chatted for a while after that, him helping with a few questions
but mostly just messing around and laughing
it was only when your coach shouted to you that practice had ended twenty-five minutes ago that you suddenly snapped back to reality
"Oh shit," you gasped, stumbling to your feet; shoving the book into your bag. "I gotta get home"
He stood with you, helping to pick up your pens and papers
"Sorry!" he smiled sheepishly (oh god that smile) "I didn't mean to make you late."
"It's not your fault." you grinned
Suddenly you realised, didn't he have practice now? the baseball team always came on after softball ended
you asked him where his team were and his face suddenly reddened and he admitted that there was no baseball practice that day
"Oh I get it," you teased. "You came all the way out here just for me?"
he didn't reply, instead laughing and looking away
"wait, seriously?"
he swallowed and grinnef again. "m-maybe."
"Well," You paused. "We should do this again some time."
And that is how you got your first date with Bill denbrough
((You went cycling))
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toaster-hair · 1 year
There’s a Human in the Neighborhood! (chapter 5)
(important authors note: Hi nyall :3! Sorry i havent written in so long, ive been more hyperfixated on other things like across the spiderverse and lolita fashion, and i’ve also been working on other projects. I have a skullgirls au tumblr blog, my original comic raw!fruit, im redrawing the welcome homes cast’s portraits with my own headcanons added, as well as general oc content. But with welcome homes new update, it motivated me to write again. I feel as though when welcome home is finally finished up, ill rewrite this entire fic to make much more sense. Anyways, heres a content warning. As said before, this fic focuses on how gross human anatomy can confuse wholesome puppets. Its a bit hard to write about gross anatomy stuff without veering into nsfw territory, so suggestions would be appreciated. But this chapter in particular is about periods! The fic is written about a gender neutral AFAB reader, so if youre amab or if periods are just off the table for you, feel free to skip!)
A painful stab at your stomach woke you up from your slumber. “Ough..” your sudden movement spooked your cat. You held your torso in pain, feeling a sharpness in your pants. It was still dark, with the only light being the sun coming through your blinds. You stood up, making your way to the bathroom and….
Blood. Lots and lots of blood stained your undergarments. That explained the sudden pain you were feeling, it was just that time of the month! You went back to your bedroom to make sure you didn’t bleed the bed, grabbed some clean clothes, and turned the shower on. You also grabbed some pads out of the cabinet under the sink. You brought them from your old house but you should probably buy some more later.
You stepped into your shower and let the warm water soak your body head to toe, flourishing yourself with all kinds of soap. Once you were finally cleaned up, you stepped out and dried yourself. You put on your clean clothes, grabbed some pain killers, and went back to bed.
You woke up once again a few hours later. You got up, did your morning routine, had breakfast, fed your cat, and picked up the phone. You decided you would call in sick because of the pain and nausea. God, why does the first day have to be the most painful? You dialed the number for FishEgg Boba and waited for an answer.
“Helloo? This is FishEgg Bobaaa. How may I help youuu?” You heard Casper answer the phone.
“Hey Casper, It’s Y/N. Uhh.. I know it’s only my second day but I’m calling in sick. I’ve got… cramps real bad. I don’t wanna move that much. Is that okay?” 
“Oooh. Sure that’s fiiine. Just make sure to come in tomorroww. See you thenn. Hope you feel better sooon.” And with that, he ended the call. You felt kind of bad. It was only your second day, and you were taking a break already. You were probably missing out on some training too! But at the same time, everyone made it seem like yesterday you were working too hard when you weren’t even on your period! You can’t imagine what it’ll be like to work like that while on your period. 
You then remembered your plan to get more pads. You were good for now, but it was always a good idea to stock up. You put on some outdoor clothes consisting of some basic gym sweats and a baggy jacket. You gave your kitty a goodbye kiss on the forehead and headed out the door. Gee, this was the second time in a row that you went to Howdy’s. 
Wait… Oh yeah they’re puppets. I forgot. I mean you forgot that they were puppets. Of course they won’t have pads. You went back inside and grabbed some money, looks like you were heading out of town after all. As you headed back out again, you spotted Wally walking out of his house as well. You walked over to him, sense you promised you would chat in the morning last night.
“Hey Wally! You wanted to talk more this morning, right?” you stared down at him. 
“Oh! Yes! I wanted to know about how it went. Ah, but shouldn’t you be at work right now?” he asked.
“Oh, uh.. Yeah, the thing is that I’m uh, not feeling very well. So I’m taking the day off. I’m going back tomorrow though.”
“Ah, I see. You aren’t sick again, are you? Do you want me to go get Poppy?” He held at your knees like a dog jumping on its owner. 
“No, no. Not sick, it's just.. I may gross you out at the explanation?” You gestured with your hands “Is that okay?” You asked. He stared at you with a blank expression but nodded his head.
“Okay so basically uh.. When a human with a womb starts puberty.. Uh, and a womb is used for baby making purposes by the by, their womb starts to shed for a couple of days straight each month. That’s because the womb wants to make a baby but doesn’t have the ingredients to make one, causing the womb to pump out blood. This can cause pain, nausea, all that nasty stuff. That’s just a basic explanation, anyways.” He kind of just. Stared at you with half lidded eyes the entire time. “Uh, I don’t need to explain what blood is right?”
“Oh no, we have that too.”
“W-wait, if you’re bleeding.. Then.. did you just start puberty??” There was this look of anxiety on his face, which felt so odd and out of character.
“No, no, you still bleed even after puberty. Well, that is until you hit your 60’s or something. It’s not gonna go away for a while.. Haha, if I was still that young, I wouldn’t even be here!” You laughed at him a bit. He let out a sigh of relief. 
“Sorry.. I don’t know much about how human bodies work…” He looked away out of embarrassment.
“Oh, I can show you.” You reassured him. “Ah- What??” He stared at you slightly horrified, slightly considering your offer.
“Yeah dude, there’s a ton of books about human anatomy. Going from the bone to the skin. I can order you one online! If you want, of course.” You pulled out your phone and showed him various different anatomy books.
“Oh… No thanks, I'm fine.” He turned down your offer in a slightly disappointed tone.
“That’s fine. I need to go out of town for a bit to go get something, see you later!” You waved goodbye as you started to walk to the train station. You then suddenly felt a sharp pain in your stomach, but you kept on walking.
You couldn’t see him, but you knew he was waving goodbye right back at you.
(A/N: i wrote this in one night i hope you enjoy!! Ill try to include sally and julie in the next chapter :3333)
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
i’m not straight. 
This has been a month of revelations Cas. A bit before you begun naming your anons (which is smart btw) I sent you an ask. I read it like the day after you answered it and it got me thinking. And now i’ve done a month of thinking and experimenting and I thought I ought to come back and thank you. 
I found the old ask I made, it’s here,
So you might see I wrote in that i’m straight. I have found that… not to be entirely true. 
It’s been a LONG month. Well, month and a half or something idk. 
So, you’ll see you gave me five possible options. For my… feelings. 
The first one was that I wasn’t used to being around queer people, which is fair, since my town doesn’t really have many queer people, however I would say that many of some of them are my friends. So I sort of am used to being around queer people. So that was a no.
The second one was about how I felt watching them. Which very quickly came down to, like I want to throw up all over her girlfriend. Whenever they’re together. Not much beyond that tbh.
The third one was I don’t like the girlfriend as a person. Which would’ve been the perfect excuse had she not been both lovely… and a sort of friend before they started dating, a happy acquaintance to have, you could say (and then she became a less happy acquaintance to have). 
Fourth was, I miss doing platonic buddy things with her. Which I very much did miss. But with the benefit of miraculous hindsight, I know see all the platonic buddy things we did maybe weren’t so platonic buddy like. 
And five was an incredible gentle and sweet way to whack me over the head. You said it was “something to think about”. I’ll be honest, I hadn’t even considered it an option. It’s very easy to go down the path of “well, I could date girls. But i’m not gay. Cause I like men. And I would date a girl. But I can’t. Cause i’m straight. But I would, but i’m not”. Kind of endlessly. 
Anyway, long story short… i’m not straight. I eliminated literally ALL other options, before I let myself think it, but i’ve now reached the conclusion that yes, I may have been slightly jealous of my best friend and her girlfriend, and oddly enough it’s NOT exactly common to be excited and feel warm at the prospect of your friend having a crush on you (like she told me she did before all this- that I said at the start of my other ask) 
So yeah. Long month Cas. This took some thinking. And then some angered thinking. Because it’s thrown a wrench into some of my plans. 
That said however, I may… have told my friend. That figured out, that i’m not straight. I told her a few days ago, and just ended up blabbering everything to her and I told her not to feel pressured and that i’m sure not ready for anything and that I wasn’t coming on to her, I just thought she deserved to know why I was being weird and how I felt. 
She told me she hasn’t really stopped having a crush on me, but she agrees that I need time to figure myself out. 
BUT THEN… then the next day, I kid you not, she broke up with the girlfriend. 
I told her that I hoped she didn’t do that for me cause I wanted her to be happy, even if it was with her girlfriend, and it wasn’t fair for me to ask her to break up with her since i’m not ready for anything. 
And she said she felt like it was lying to her girlfriend because she still felt how she felt about me, but that I shouldn’t feel any pressure cause we can just go back to how we were and play it by ear (she said she missed how we used to be as well). 
And if we don’t work out, so is life sometimes. 
So that’s your update. I guess we’ll see what happens. But I think a weight I didn’t realise was there has been lifted of my shoulders a little now. At least now I know what’s been missing. 
And I don’t know what i’ll do from here, probably nothing drastic until Uni next year (MOVING OUT of this shit town) but either way, I have another step I guess- what level of Not Straight am I? I told my best friend (the one I do not have a crush on and who is also queer so I was cool coming out to her) that I assumed I was bisexual. 
She asked if I felt like I was bisexual. 
To be honest, i’m not sure a label will fit me for a while, so for now bisexual seems to get the message across. For the like three people I got the guts to tell cause I thought they’d be helpful.
There’s not much queer people can do in this town anyway, i’ve known that a while. Tread lightly and go to music festivals- that way if your parents ask, they’ll never know the artist you went to see was the queer one, that’s the bet advice i’ve gotten so far.
Oh also- as I scrolled to find my old ask, I did read some of the others asks you’ve answered. Forgive me if i’m wrong but this Purple Anon, did she tell her friend about your blog- and then her friend ALSO wrote you a separate anon ask 😭 Omg did you get the gossip? You’ve totally adopted all the marauders fans now. 
And is the Purple Anon girl dating her flower girl yet? Cause she clearly should be. Honestly, her parents sound so much like mine. I don’t really like mine though. 
But i’ve gotten sidetracked. My point was, thank you ❤️ I’d have gotten there eventually, but that’s a pretty long eventually to be honest. You were so nice answering me and it really helped me figure stuff out and get this far. 
You are now forever a part of my coming out story- and while typing that now still feels weird, i hope one day it will be a funny story that makes me smile, and it’ll feel normal, and right. 
Hi!!! <3
Wow, that HAS been a long month! Thats a huge thing you figured out, and I'm so proud of you for being brave enough to like...admit that to yourself.
Your friends (both the one you like and the other) sound amazing, and I'm glad you have a bit of a support system to help you figure this all out. I hope things work out with the friend you like! I sending positive vibes!
As for purple anon, as of last I knew, she and daisy went on a "not-date." and yes, I did get a LOT of information from her friend, A, who also wants daisy and purple to end up together. But we'll see! No updates in the last few days!
Keep me updated on your life too! Remember, it's okay to take time to figure out yourself!
I'm naming you realization anon :P
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twobruhsinahottub · 2 months
TW: health concerns, doctors being assholes, vent / rant, long text post
Worried that i may be developing tardive dyskinesia- im on antipsychotic meds and have been for years now, i take a very low dose but have a lot of side effects already and now im getting facial tics relatively often....tho i also get other tics so maybe its some other thing, but ALL my tics are centred around my head/neck/face area. I should see a doctor but a few years ago i was getting vocal tics and facial tics and asked my doctor about it and he said it was just anxiety and its "common for teenage girls to think they have tics because its trendy on social media" so idk. Hes not my doc anymore but i dont trust doctors to really listen to me about my symptoms.
Also been getting migraines all the time, bad pains each month, dizziness, the shakes, and seeing stars and feeling faint and nauseous.....most symptoms of genetic conditions that run in the family, such as diabetes, and pcos, and migraines. Again, i should see a doctor but-
My GP is transphobic and fatphobic and rather rude and ableist which baffles me since shes a DOCTOR. Shes also my mums GP and she constantly tells her she needs to lose weight or have weight loss surgery and that shes not really disabled (she has EDS, POTS, fibro, CFS, amongst other things) shes just lazy and using "buzz words" from the internet (shes had these conditions since before the internet was invented ffs, she just finally has words to describe her symptoms since those conditions weren't widely talked about until recently)!!! The doc also refuses to use my pronouns despite having asked me in the first place or listen to me when I ask about medical transition. She also refuses to acknowledge my chronic pain and menstruation problems (cause of my pain, its constant, and so is the bleeding....also pmdd) saying "all girls feel that way" (um sorry? No? No other girls i know spend weeks with excruciating pain and cant leave the house due to pain and bleeding for at least a week per month if not more. No other girls i know end up in a psych ward because of how bad their suicidal ideation gets before their period is due.). She also refuses to listen to my mum when she peaks on my behalf due to verbal shutdown in the doctors office and inability to make phone calls due to it triggering shutdowns as well, she says im old enough to talk so i need to be in control (i am. I control what my mum says on my behalf. I tell her before we go in what i need to say, and she relays that. I nod or shake my head or shrug to her so she knows my answer to questions. I have a system of taps or sometimes text her to tell her to stop talking or say something further. I AM communicating, i just shut down verbally and cannot communicate to anyone but her when at a doctor appointment) and she won't listen to what my mum says, and asks us to leave when i dissociate and ignore all attempts at communication when she insists i verbally speak to her (at that point, nothing will work, because i feel incredibly pressured and then wont communicate at all to anyone, and often melt down or panic).
^ and no, just cant get a new GP. My current one is an hours drive away because there are none taking new patients in my area, and im out of zone for all the youth services due to my town bordering two regions. If theres any taking patients then its either more than an hour away and simply impractical to get there when needed, or it costs too much to get an appointment. Not to mention my communication struggles are worse with new people, especially doctors, and ive had the same doctor since birth so :/
I also dont have a counsellor or psychiatrist because despite having specific funding for it, there are none in my area! I had a great one then she quit, and the CAMHS one fired me for not speaking (??????) and again, new people? Hard.
Fuck I hate this and my developing health problems. I was healthy my entire life, like i didnt even get a cold more than once every couple years!!! I always had mental health problems but never physical. Now i feel like shit constantly. It all started with puberty which is also when yk, doctors decided that everything was "teenage girl syndrome" or just anxiety 🙄
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z0-ne · 2 years
Troubled (Abridged! Future! Trunks x Nonbinary! Reader!
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(TOLD FROM (Y/N) and Trunks's POV)
'Hello. My name is (Y/N)'
"My name is Trunks.'
'and this...is our story.'
'For the first half, we were babies, so certain things may be a little....inaccurate.'
As people surrounded a body lying flat and lifeless on the ground, frantic footsteps could be heard over the sound of one loud wailing child (T:Hey-) and worrisome mumbling could be heard from every corner of the room.
Son Goku perished in his own house, as you could have guessed. 
As a result of a heart condition. Out of all the things that could've done it he died that way. A damn heart attack
'Hush, I'm gonna keep going.'
"What happened, Mom?!"
"Your dad is gone! For good!"
Trunks decided to repeat what he heard because he could hear distant screaming in the distance.
"Dad dead! Dad dead!"
'I was told those were my first words'
"Son of a Bitch!"
Vegeta screamed in disappointment, either because his son's first words reminded him that his father was dead or because Goku was dead. It was most likely the second one.
"Son of a bitch!"
'and those were my second..'
'Seeing what happens afterwards, your first words were a terrible choice.'
"But he just got back fro, his training, after being on namek, after getting back from his training, AFTER being DEAD!"
'Bye son'
A faint voice called out but soon faded away.
'And with the death of goku his freinds and family were left to mourn...For approximately six months'
'Wait why didn't they wish him back before the androids or at least wish piccolo immortal? '
'I..I don't know?'
'Either way, the warriors who were left all got their asses handed to them- I mean were mercilessly killed in a battle despite krillns sorry attempts at flirting. Including one of my dads. Homophobic Dicks.'
'After that things went bad, and it left the fate of the earth with little hope.
'Over the next thirteen years the android would spend time destroying small town fter small town eventually working their way up. Maybe thats why we reacted the way we did, but (Y/N) and I spent a lot more time together.'
'And welcome back folks too TJ and the wombat! Wombat! WOMBAT! 'me so horny!' Starting today off wih our hour with sports: The college Battleball Association has had to disband ENTiRELY'
'As most of the and associate colleges have been destroyed by the Cyborgs.'
'Ahahahhahahaha, WIPEOUT!'
'They dealt with things with....dark humor'
'Speaking of which! In Cyborg news..'
'As we currently speak, Paprikaburg is under siege by the mechanical threat!'
'But on the brighter side!- wombats getting married!'
'That's right! Unfortuantly, my beloved fiance resides in Paprikaburg..and is probably most certainly dying as we speak!'
'But -- silver lining- Im single again!'
'holy hay!'
Bulma, a middle aged woman with long blue hair kept in a messy braid, blue eyes and fair skin reached over and shut off the radio, no longer wanting to hear it. Sitting beside her was two children but only one belonged to her.
A young boy, he wore a white shirt with blue long sleeves and the Capsule Corporation title on the chest along with grey sweatpants and blue boots.
He haf blue eyes, and hair colored  lavender that is soft and straight that parts from the top of his head to frame both sides of his face reaching his ears with two loose strands over his forehead but the wind blew it our of proportion.
Another child named (Y/N) sat beside him, they were Trunks's age and wore a black tank top underneath an orange sweater with a white belt wrapped around the lower part of their waist along with grey leggings and dark brown combat boots.
They had (E/C) eyes, and (colored) hair that was combed/braided/brushed into a bun. (IF YOU HAVE NO HAIR OR SHORT HAIR) They didn't have to worry about hair/ They brushed through their (Colored) hair into some style.
There was a nice breeze in the air and the ride from the store in general was a nice distraction from recent events.
That was until Trunks said something to ruin it.
"Mom? Do you believe in destiny"
"Im a scientest so no."
"Paprikabrug is only 30 miles from here! If we hurry we could save someone!"
"hm." (Y/N) disagreed
The car came to a sudden stop, making the once calming drive come to a stop due to Trunks's stupid yet wishful thinking.
"Or you could die like your father and get Y/N killed too."
"Why do you say that everytime I wanna go fight them?"
"Because YOU are 13, Im 37, YOU somehow manage to drag them into everything and Im all alone."
'My mother had been thirty seven for ten years'
"No means no end of discus-''
Just as she ended the conversation trunks flew off and you watched.
"Oh! No! Just, just fly away! That's fine!
He flew off and you stood up, hovering above air and conteplating how stupid this was, but the simple fact that Trunks didn't think things through like always was enough for you to want to drag him back by his hear, so you ended up following him.
"Don't worry Miss Brief, I'll drag him back if I have to."
"Not you too!"
You dashed forward and quickly caught up to him not hearing bulma call after you two.
"God...bless them."
(Y/N) quickly caught up to him, and he looked back with wide eyes as if he was shocked to see they followed him, and they glared in response much to his dismey.
"Hey! You actually came, I was a little worried about going by myself so I'm glad you-"
"I'm here to drag you back if shit hits the fan, which I know it will. Wanna know why?!"
"Because we're thirteen?"
'We weren't sure if we could do anything at all....but we had to atleast try to stop their chaos.'
"The innocent people-"
"Tell me trunks, what the hell are you gonna do against the androids when you can't even hold your own long enough against ME, and everytime you lose you get all teary and whine about getting stronger knowing damn well it's not gonna happen because you don't even know how to properly fight?! we don't even know how to do ki balst like gohan!"
"Wha- bu- YOU do?! Plus that thing was years ago!"
"Oh yeah A year ago is enough time for us to learn how to fight like sayains to defeat androids and for YOU to stop whining like a little bit-"
The two came to a sudden stop, and so did their "arguing" right below them was a city that was in absolute rubble. Buildings collasped, rubble everywhere.
'But we were too late'
"Damnit! We're too late!"
 The two lowered their bodies and planted their feet onto the ground and right below one of them sat a single doll, and you both got a closer look at it. Trunks kneeled down and picked up the doll, staring at it and then tightening his grip around the toy which probably belong to some dead kid. (Y/N) looked around the area.
'But...as we walked the ruins of the demolished city..'
Suddenly as trunks was trying not to cry, the two of you looked around and there he stood. A slightly older man known as son gohan, a tall, stern, and muscular man who wore an orange Gi.
'A Sexy Hero appereard!'
'A sexy hero appereard!-- Damnit (Y/N)!-'
'Ahem. A Hero appereard! The hero of our time: Gohan!'
'And face-to-face with him all I could say was..'
"GohantheykeepdestroyingcitiesandIdon'tknowhowtostopthemandeverybody's de-he-head!"
'I believe it was profound'
("Gohan they keep destroying cities and I don't know how to stop them and everybody's de-he-head!")
All Trunks managed to choke out was some slurred words that were covered with tears and a whiney voice, in response to that (Y/N) closed  their eyes and took a deep breath before letting out the most dissapointed sigh in history.
"I-..damnit Trunks."
The two children and gohan flew  back to capsle corp, and walked through the door once they landed.
Trunks, who was still in tears and stiffling back cries lead them upstairs with the help of (Y/N) where there was a table and some chairs, so everyone could sit down but gohan stood there looking out the window and (y/n) stared at him for a while, and took in the silence and enjoyed the peaceful moment.
Before Trunks ruined it....again.
(Y/N) Liked the boy a lot, but they wished he would shut the HFIL up sometimes, and this time was one of them. Regardless they still handed him a peice of tissue to wipe his tears away with.
"You remember a time before this gohan..what was it like?"
There was another short moment of silence until gohan took a deep breath and recollected his thoughts before answering.
"Welp, when I was a toddler, my Uncle kidnapped me, and then Mr. Piccolo killed him and my Dad. Then *Mr. Piccolo* Kidnapped me, the sayins showed up, killed a bunch of people -- Including Mr. Piccolo...Then we went to Namek, a bunch more people died, we came back, then my Dad died *again* then all my friends died, and now everyone else is dying."
'But somehow he survied all along, and his life sounds really shitty so far..'
     "But...It was better right?"
(Y/N) slowly turned Their head over to face him, questioning if what they heard was actually real and they weren't imagining things.
"Trunks what the fu-''
Gohan inturrupted and trunks stood up from the table, and (Y/N) sat still at the table and watched them conversate hoping this time Trunks wouldn't drag them into his shit.
"Well (Y/N) and I can help you! We're half sayins! Just like you!"
Nevermind. (Y/N) stood up and walked beside trunks with their arms crossed over their chest.
"I've got two Mr. Piccolo"
Gohan whispered under his breath causing both (Y/N) and Trunks to look at hime as if he was insane, which he probably was, after all he's been through he might have a few screws loose.
The two kids said in unison and gohan began to walk over to them and place a hand ontop their heads.
"I said from now on, you two shall be my pupils..and you will call me Mr.Gohan!"
"Oh! OK.--"
(Y/N) stepped on Trunks's foot to catch him off guard, and that it did, because tears started rolling again but since he was already crying it seemed like he was just getting emotinal again. They stepped over and smiled at gohan before asking him a question.
"Would you like to stay for dinner, Mr. Gohan?"
"Mr. Gohan would!"
Soon the door opened and the three of you heard keys jingling and the rustling of what sounded like grocery bags, and then the sound of bulmas shoes trailed through the house.
"Trunks, (Y/N)? Are you guys home? You know Their dad is gonna kill me if they're dead. Should I change my dating profile from 'Single Mother' to just 'Single'? Because one gets more hits--"
Bulma headed up the stairs, so Trunks quickly dried his tears and (Y/N) sat infront of him as they both acted like they were reading the entire time instead of talking about training to fight man-slaughtering andriods.
"Oh. Gohan, long time no see!"
"so Gohan, You staying the night? we got plenty of room here but, you know..no extra beds, so..."
The three of you looked over to see where she was headed.
"We'll have to share..."
"I'm good''
"well, worth a shot. Who's hungry?"
As bulma walked into the kitchen gohan followed her like a lost puppy simply because she had food.
"I am"
As (Y/N) started to follow Gohan Trunks stopped them dead in their tracks by grabbing their left wrist, and they turned around to face him.
"What was that for?!" Trunks whispered/yelled at (Y/N) while they stood their confused until it hit them, he was tallking about stomping down on his foot earlier when he was about to talk to Gohan.
"Oh you mean kicking you? Because *I* wanted to ask Mr. Gohan to dinner."
"Wha- WHY!? It's not like it's a date or anything!"
"It is if I pretend you aren't there"
"But- Why him?- What about me?!"
"Hey trunks, I like you. you're cute and all, but gohan is just...Wow.."
"What does wow mean- I can be Wow too!"
"...*Can* you?.....  Really?"
"Yes! I can!"
"*Look* I'll give you chance if Gohan ever *Dies*."
Trunks stared at them for a minute before he let go of his wrist and watched as they left, and bawled his hands into fist as he looked down at his feet and mummbled to himself.
"But- He's so much older- and *I'm* around them more! That's stupid! Their crush is stupid! I'm gonna show them I can be wow too. whatever that means!"
'We were determinerd for....different reasons'
'...yeah...kinda should've worded some things better tho'
"You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get produce nowadays, but luckily we have our own greenhouse."
Bulma sat the final plate infront of gohan as she finished her sentence, and gohan immediatly picked up the bowl. (Y/N) sat across fromhim and stared with dreamy eyes. Trunks sat at the end looking down at his food and sometimes taking glances at (Y/N).
"can't talk eating
The two half-sayins and (Y/N)  sat around a oval-shaped wooden table with food surrounding them, Gohan dug in and ate fast. He was a little messy and fast, getting rice on the table ajndbut it wasn't  that disturbing. what was disturbing was how he still looked so attractive.
"Oh you are just like your father!"
suddenly Gohans vaccum like eating came to an end and glanced at bulma almost as if she just said something that triggered something.
"In what reguard?
"Well your strong and brave and look at you n that gi."
"It was the *Only* thing he left me.''
"aww that's sweet"
'Over the next few weeks, Gohan would begin training us, focusing on making us super saiyan like him."
"His meathods were..."
Gohan dashed forward while (Y/N) came from the right and trunks charged directly, Trunks delivered the first blow and gohan vanished into thin air by the time they came to back him up he was already behind trunks.
"Watch out!"
With little to no effor he sent the kids both flying into the water after delivering a hard kick to Trunks's chin and caused him to fall back taking (Y/N) with him. They both fell into the water and struggled in the waves.
(Y/N) gripped onto Trunks's shirt and tried to steady the two of them so neither would sink.
"The whirlpool'd too strong we can't swim!"
"*I said* FLY. UP."
"Maybe...I can build a raft!"
Gohan let out a fustrated groan from the lack of understanding with what he said. What was so hard about flying up? was he this hard to train when was younger?
"Wait...didn't he say something about flying?"
Either way no matter what they said trunks was too busy thrashing around and crying for gohan to help to really pay (Y/N) any attention so they linkedd their arms underneath trunks's arms and began to fly up to the nearest surface and sat him down as you landed.
Trunks was coughing violently while you patted his back, and a crab came out his mouth? How is he still alive?either way (Y/N) didn't notice gohan Approaching with towels because they were trying to help steady Trunks's breathing. That was until..y'know he tapped their shoulder and trunks stopped coughing. He handed them a towel and then he handed one over to Trunks
"Here. Clean yourself up"
"Oh-  Mr.Gohan..Thank you-"
Trunks glanced over at  (Y/N) as they stuttered out some words and then Gohan who nodded in their direction  before they took a seat beside Trunks who was still looking at Gohan and so was (Y/N).
"Y'know, if you two think im rough you two should've trained with Mr.Piccolo"
"You really looked up to him didn't you?"
(Y/N) and Trunks said in unison and gohan sat between the two since there was a gap.
"Yeah he was like the father I never had.'
"Y'know speaking of dads, mom never talks about mine...You knew him right? What was he like?"
Gohan looked in the distance as if he was remembering something and it left the three in a few seconds of silence, and Trunks watched (Y/N) looking down at their own shoes as if they were lsot in thought, so he snuck his hand over theirs.
"Not now."
"Yep. Got it."
Suddenly Gohan spoke up and all attention was on him too see what his answer was.
".....He had a lot to prove" Which meant in so many words that vegeata was a d!ck. They'd find that out in the future.
"Gohan never talked much about his family. Apperently his mother and Grandfather lived alone in the woods"
"Hey (Y/N)?"
"What do you do when you're *not* here? I mean theres gotta be a reason why you're stronger than me right?"
There was some silence as (Y/N) had flashback's and the laughter of an evil being named Popo came to their mind as they stared at the ground for a minute leaving Trunks waiting for an answer which he probably wasn't gonna ever get.
"First rule of Popo's training never talk about Popo's training.."
"Wait- what about-"
Just before he could say anything you flew away and he followed.
"Gohan would continue pushing us harder and harder, day and night, to become a Super Saiyan"
Trunks and (Y/N) pushed and pushed , trying to find the power to become a Super Saiyan but it wasn't really working.
They got close, powering up and their ki's locked and formed a sort of flame around the two while their hair raised (Or not)  but then they lost it and the flame went out. Their hair fell back down and so did they, the twokids crashed down to their knees and took deep breaths wondering if they'd ever transform into Super Saiyan.
"The next day the Cyborgs would attack super world"
Three people flew in the sky scanning for the androids wondering if they were really out this time, well one was? Until they all spotted them and hovered over to just witness the mess they made instead of doing something about it in advance.
"Y'know when you can fly these rides don't seem all that fun"
"Well, if you're already bored, why not try taking a ride on my fist?"
"*Wow*... You, uh, want a minute to rephrase that there, cheif?"
"Nope! I'd rather take that minute to kick your ass!"
"Okay now see, that's better"
"Now, (Y/N) and Trunks, I want you two to just sit back and spectate! Unless they team up on me, in which case - jump in."
"I can't help but feel like we're woefully unprepared for this."
"Yeah maybe we should've taken more time"
"That's *exactly what we prepared for!"
The three of them got into a fighting stance despite how unsure they all were, it was highly possible that one was gonna loose and bets were on the guy who brought two kids to the fight, but regardless they all started to take on seperate targets without really paying attention to morals. Nor the fact that this could end up with everyone dead and humanity was *really* fucked.
'This would be our first real battle, and We've never seen anyone fight so fiercely!'
'Or got our asses kicked so badly.'
'Later- Gohan had always told his stories about fights in the past...but those had a lot more screaming and posturing, eh'
"Whatever you're gonna say, don't. "
Gohan and 17 did fight fiercely it was nearly an even number of blows being shared amongst the two instead of one being comepletely destroyed. Yet. Eventually gphan gained the upperhand android 18 bitch slapped him into a building so now his chances were very slim when it came to winning.
"Damn, he's pissed today!" "You think its his time of the month?'
"Ha! Ah it's funny cause you're a chick!"
Soon enough the two Cyborgs teamed up on him, each taking a hit after the other sen him their way. It was bad.
"Stop it!"
So the two kids stepped in and were soon blasted away by 18, luckily they caught themselves and went to higher ground to fight 18. Unfortuantly this now means that the two kids were left to fight the *other* android which (despite there being two vs one) seemed to be a little more...unfair when it comes to strength.
"I can't believe you brought kids to a battle! Super irresponsible."
"She wasn't wrong"
"We're not afraid of you! We can take care of you ourselves!"
"I, However, was."
In a few seconds, the cyborg punched (Y/N) away and punched trunks in the nose, holding him up by his sweater while (Y/N) hit a pole. Trunks was lifted by his shirt to see 18 and she smirked down at him.
"Now what do you think?"
"You hit like a girl!"
"Well...you're not wrong."
18 lifted her left hand and formed a ki blast luckily (Y/N) regained enough consiousness and dashed forward to kick the cyborg away and grab Trunks, after securring their arms underneath his they tried to fly away and get some distance in time, but she still managed to graze their back with a ki blast.
It would've been deadly up close but lucky for them, they managed to gain some distance and it only burnt up their back. Despite the amount of distance they had and the little damage they took they still  lost consiousness and fell to the ground as they faded in and out all while still keeping a hold on trunks.
"TRUNKS, (Y/N)!"
Gohan caught the two of them and ran to find cover while the cyborgs continued to blow things up.
"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!"
"No you don't!"
The two androids threw ki blast at the
"Hey mom?"
"what is it Trun..OH, MY GOD!"
"What do you know about reattaching arms? That we couldn't find?"
"Oh, sweetie."
Luckily bulma was able to fix Gohan, well everything but y'know..his arm because it was gone.
They set Gohan's things to the side and then returned to his side with trunks and pateintly watched to make sure he was actually breathing.
He was.
"So...have you learned anything today?"
"The only good Cyborg is a dead Cyborg?" "..You really are your fathers son.."
You questioned what his father was like after that but regardless it didn't matter right now.
Luckily bulma was able to fix Gohan, well everything but y'know..his arm because it was gone.
They set Gohan's things to the side and then returned to his side with trunks and pateintly watched to make sure he was actually breathing.
He was.
"So...have you learned anything today?"
After putting his things to the side and stabilizing his body, Bulma waited to see if trunks would answer her question
He turned to her and did just that.
"The only good Cyborg is a dead Cyborg?"
"..You really are your fathers son.."
You questioned what his father was like after that but regardless it didn't matter right now. _______ 'Now stronger and more motivated than ever, we were back to training as soon as Gohan was able again'
The two children struggled as they stressed their bodies to achieve such a difficult form.
'Though we think he was still a little...sore..'
Their energy formed around them, and merged simultaneously as they continued to struggle with the transformation.
"Come on, you two! Just imagine losing someone or something close to you! Like your arm!  Cause trust me, that really friggin sucks!"
Once again they were nearly there, but as soon as they changed the movement of the wind they quickly fell to their knees.
Trunks threw up last night's dinner, and you fell to your knees holding in your own possible puke, and eventually got a headache from it.
"Alright, take five."
'Unfortunately, we didn't transform in time...' ________ Now sitting in the middle of nowhere ontop of some random rock You three found around the deserted area.
It was just all three of you laying or sitting there either talking or watching the clouds in the sky and reminiscing.
"So, Gohan- d you usually hang out in wastelands?"
"What do you mean? This is where I live."
You looked around the place and wondered what he was surviving off of while he were there. It could've been the lizards.
"Oh- uh it's nice!"
Maybe he went back to his mom's house every now and them to get food? The androids managed to be what killed the dinosaurs so he wasn't getting any meat from them.
"I think you guys are really close, you know. You just need something to push you over the edge..."
"Well you always told us to use the pain of loss, but I've never lost anyone."
Looking over to you as you sat him, trunks mightve wondered just why you hadn't turned to super sayain considering you lost a father.
"What about you?"
Unbeknownst to him, you hardly knew him enough to be that upset that he was dead.
Afterall he died when you were four, and you saw him arguing with your father most of the time over sending you out there or not.
"I only know my father from what my dad told me about him. I haven't seen him in years."
You spoke so highly of him, but it was because he wasn't gonna send you out there in the first place until things got rough.
He's the reason why you ended up nearly living with popo had it not been for them sending you to go visit bulma.
Looking away from you as if he was ashamed that he even thought to ask that question and you just shrugged it off.
"Well, for me it was my greatest source of anger. I just think about losing killing or Mr.Piccolo--"
"Or your dad?"
"Uh, yeah, sure. And then it just builds up inside me until finally...it explodes."
Suddenly, a giant explosion from a nearby city was set off, catching all of you of guard and snatching your attention.
"Uh yeah, like that only figuratively"
The three of you immediately jumped up and got ready to go down there and try to stop the cyborgs again.
"The cyborgs! Mister Gohan we have to go!"
Trunks insisted while gohan turned super sayain. It was like he was about to leave the two of you behind in that very moment.
"No, we all know neither of you are ready."
This time you stepped up and defended Trunks's actions instead of going with what Gohan said for once.
"If we don't go you'll be left to fight them all alone! We saw what they did to you at the carnival but now you'll only be fighting with one arm! You have to let us help you!"
You insisted as he looked down at you and then back at Trunks who had one last thing to say before Gohan would retaliate.
"Yeah! You only have one arm! What can you do with one arm?!"
Suddenly, he relaxed ever so slightly, and turned to face Trunks it was like he was about to change his mind and let you guys go.
"You know what, yiu guys are right. What can I do with only one arm?"
"Thank you Mister Gohan! We will not let you down!"
Everything went a little too well, and soon you'd both find out why.
A swift hit to the back of the neck for Trunks first, and he fell to the ground, out cold and leaving you in a slight shock.
That didn't last long, because the next person he went after was you, and yet another swift chop to the back of your neck left you out cold.
"That..I can do that with one arm." _______ (I didn't wanna write out the fight, so just enjoy the video until the sad part comes around!) ______ Suddenly, when the two of you woke up and finally stood despite the struggle that came with being knocked unconscious.
You both saw the smoke coming from the city, and your hearts dropped to your stomachs you shared a single glance with eachother before dashing off to make sure your nightmares hadn't come true.
As the rain poured from the sky and wet the area surrounding it, you squinted through it and kept searching for anything that would give you a sign that he was alive.
"(Y/N)! Come quick!"
Flying over as soon as you heard Trunks's voice you hoped in your heart that what you were thinking was just put of control paranoia, but when you stopped by his side and saw what he saw you realized it was all true.
You two sat there in the air, completely shocked before you made the first move to grab his hand and squeeze, and he squeezed back bringing you back into this horrible reality.
It was Trunks who moved first this time, and you who followed in making your way to the body of your friend and mentor.
You both sat by his side and you reached for his hand only to feel it was completely cold to the touch, not an ounce of warmth left.
The world went silent for the both of you, as Trunks screamed to the top of his lungs, and you felt your entire body burn with both rage and grief.
You hunched over his body as you sobbed, and those sobs turned into screaming. Screamjng until your throat hurt and continuing on long after that.
Your hearts felt like they were burning, and your muscles were so tensed you poured blood from your fist when you left go of gohan and bawled them.
Neither of you knew how long you sat there and just cried, but after such a loss you both found a new hatred for the androids.
New strength was found as well. _________ One year later (Pause here for the sake of not losing track of the video)
"So..(Y/N) remember when you said about..uh..giving me a cha-"
"Too soon!"
"I'm sorry."
(Unpause) ______ THREE YEARS LATER _____
"All right mom, we've got the rest of the supplies for the time machine. Too bad grandpa's not here to help you."
Setting the boxes down where they needed to be placed, you watched as they talked about Trunks's grandfather.
"Yeah. Unfortunately he's still off searing the cosmos for new namek."
Regardless of how odd that sounded. You wondered how long he's been alive and how he even managed to live so long.
"So until your grandfather returns-- just me."
Just when she finished speaking, there was an emergency broadcast from the radio in her work station.
"Hello, this is an emergency broadcast from Cuminopolis!"
You both walked over to hear just what they were talking about a little clearer then you could from the other side of the room.
"They Cyborgs are attacking! And rhey are sparing no one! No one is safe-"
It then went out, and silence followed. Those people were all dead by now from what you could deduct from that last sentence.
Still, you glanced and saw trunks looking at you as if waiting for confirmation to say something about this situation.
You looked back at the radio, and despite this being a bad decision you would make sure to let him know that it would be his last that you agreed on.
"Thats close to here."
"Trunks I know what you're thinking but let me finish the time machin-"
"We don't have *time* for that!"
"That's what the machine is for!"
"Listen! We're stronger now! We're super sayains!"
You heard screaming in the distance, and it definitely didn't sound like anyone you've ever heard before.
"So was gohan! And look how that went!"
"Oh, so now you're just replacing dad with *Gohan*?"
"Trust me I *tried*!"
That last sentence had you both stuck for a bit, but it wasn't like you didn't take notice the very first time you all saw it.
When she invited him over for one, but it still didn't make the situation any less awkward to acknowledge.
"We're going now."
"Be safe.''
So you just reached for his arm and started to drag him out the place as bumla went back to the Time Machine. ___
'And so, armed with the sword given to me by tapion....which is a whole...other story...'
'Which doesn't make sense since we could've just let him run loose on the androids and helped him after.'
'We raced off to fight the androids.. one last time..' ______
"So we done here?"
"Yep! No more people left to kill here."
Just as they walked away from the city they left in ruins, the two of you showed up to take them on and hopefully put an end to this.
"Why don't you try us?"
But that was wishful thinking.
As one of them turned to face the two of you looking a little suprised by Trunks's statement, her brother pointed out the flaw in it.
"Wait did you just ask us to kill you and your little buddy there?"
"N-no, a-as in 'fight me'"
"Do we even know the two of you?"
"Yes! You murdered our mentor!"
You decided to get right to fighting the one with dark hair while Trunks played catch-up with the blond one in the jacket.
"Oh wait, hold on... I don't care."
It was a somewhat even fight, but even you could tell that he was still a lot stronger than you were and gohan probably gave him more of a fight.
Still you flew circles around him and cut him off up until he started catching on to your movements and you were neck and neck with him.
"So uh hey, your little boyfriend over there is cheatin on you with pavement."
"Hope you can be close with it too!"
You answered his Sparky remark with a swift kick to his neck and knocked him through a rock and flat into the pavement.
Unfortunately, you got distracted when you looked to your side and saw trunks blast a ki blast in the blond ones direction.
"Hey doesn't he kinda remind you of, you know who?"
"Yeah, I see the resemblance, but unlike good ol' righty, he's still got both arms."
You turned to see the one with black hair had disappeared from where yiu threw him and got on defense again.
"Do not let your guard down!"
It was like they ignored you completely, and fought the one who was on a disadvantage by being on the ground and distracted.
"Yeah...but not for long."
Just as she said that, You saw the man with black hair coming right for you after you turned around to save your behind.
Unfortunately Trunks wasn't as lucky, and got knocked right through the building she popped out of and caught your attention.
"Damnit Trunks!"
You yelled as you tried to keep up with the new found pace despite losing your train of focus due to the multiple distractions.
One good kick and he was down again, but just as you tried to blast him away the blonde on came up from behind and used that same move all over again.
Except this way she blasted you straight downwards, and the black haired one was waiting for you just to punch you in the stomach.
You felt sick as you coughed blood and fell to your knees, only to be kicked far from him and right through a building.
"Hey sis! Make sure you blast that building while your at it!"
She did just that, and left the whole building in complete rubble, but she only hit the room right below you to send it all crashing.
They must've thought you died after that, because they didn't come back to finish you off or even check it.
"Hey sunshine, cough if you're still alive."
He had his foot underneath Trunks's chin and just like he asked Trunks let out some painful coughs after his attempt to gasp for air.
"Good boy."
You were out of it. Your back burnt like fire hit it and you felt like you would puke your intestines out on the ground.
"Why? Why are you doing this?"
"The question isn't "why?" , kid. It's "why not?"
"I mean who's gonna stop us?"
"Not those guys seventeen years ago."
"Not ol One-Arm"
"And certainly not you"
They purposefully teased him until he got up and started to punch at them weakly. Hardly having any strength to pronounce words let alone stand and punch things.
He missed every swing, and even when he manged to hit them it was just those weak little punches that you'd get from an infant.
"You evil bunch of jerks, I'll kick your god damn..."
They laughed and mocked him as he punch them square in the face and spilled those pitiful words out to them
"This is hilarious!"
"You killed my master! My friend!"
"Now it's sad"
"And now it's annoying again."
Suddenly, she moved out of the way and kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying in the air and meeting him half way only to knock him back down.
Just as he crashed, his hair turned Lilac again and he nearly lost complete consiousness due to all the pain his body was put through.
"Wait a sec, this kid look familiar to you sis?"
"Yeah! He was at the amusement park with stumpy!"
Stomping on the top of his head and twisted his shoe on a new possible wound, they mocked the both of you.
"Oh look at you, a little survivor. Too bad your little pals can't say the same, but how about we fix that."
Suddenly, the blonde one got in the way of the blast and called dibs on killing him last minute. She took the hit.
"Sis get outta the wa-!"
The near nuclear explosion should've killed yiu both, but from what you knew they couldn't sense the two of you.
"Did you just friggin' *blast* me?!"
"You stepped in front of it what is wrong with you?!"
"NO-NO- TH-THAT'S IT! We're leaving!"
"Oh come on sis! Get back here!"
They also probably can't see in smoke so as long as you snuck to grab Trunks you both could leave to bulmas before anything else happened.
' I still have no idea how we survived'
'I got blasted three times that fight. I don't know how I managed to drag you to bulma.' _______ "Trunks sweetie? You waking up?"
He was in a hospital room covered in bandages and hooked up to a heart monitor that you assumed his mother made.
You entered the room just as he was opening his eyes and peaked from behind his mom to see if he was really waking up soon.
"Mom? Am I alive? How long was I out?"
Leaning over the railings of the bed, bulma smiled, definitely relieved that both of you ended up alive in this.
"Well, I finished the Time Machine."
"Oh...is that long?"
"Yeah.. so now you've got two options."
"One option really."
"They  have a point! So you can take a swing at the androids again."
Grunting in pain from the mere memory of that last interaction with the androids, you knew that answer meant hell no.
"Or you can use the time machine and go save goku! (Y/N) already gave me an answer, we were just waiting for you."
Looking up at the ceiling lights, and after a few seconds of weighing his chances again.Trunks reluctantly answered.
"I wanna save goku."
He mumbled so low that even you couldn't hear it so you tilted your head at his response.
"I wanna save goku!" _______ 'After recovering for a few months, we were finally ready.'
It was spring by now and things felt a little better. After all those months things finally started looking up as you guys prepared to get into the machine.
"Awe my jacket looks so good on you! All the girls in the past are gonna love it!"
Trunks's face flushed a bit after she said that, and you smiled and pat his shoulder, catching him off guard.
You wore your fathers old sword around your waist inside of over your shoulders because the strap couldn't be completely saved.
You also wore his logo on the back of your shirt, and wore his belt around your waist. A way of paying your respects.
"Oh look at you! You look amazing in your fathers stuff! I'm sure he'd he proud if he could see you now!"
"Thanks bulma.."
Looking over at Trunks you saw his face flush and he looked at the time machine as if he was searching for a distraction.
"I can't wait to meet histories greatest hero!"
"Oh yeah...Goku might not be exactly how you think, so do temper your expectations."
You didn't exactly question what she meant by that but you were happy that you got to meet your own father and get to now more about him now.
You'd even get a chance to finally find out just which you came from and how you even had sayain blood in you.
"And dad! I finally get to meet dad!"
"Oh shit you do."
"I mean, just be yourself sweetie, everything will work out!"
"Good luck with meeting your father too (Y/N) he's gonna love you"
You both nodded and smiled before hoping onto the ship and waving goodbye, hoping that the future would be changeable.
"By now, next time you see us.. this'll be a cyborg-free world!"
"Unless this actually operates on multiverse theory in which case-"
Even if it wasn't, at least when you guys come back you could fix it yourself and just kill the androids by then.
You both waved good bye one more time before you closed the window and punched in the time the two of you would be traveling back to.
"Can't hear ya mom time traveling!"
"By sweetie!" _______ "And multiverse theory it is. Shit." ______
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tentacledwizard · 8 months
Tumblr User tentacledwizard Reviews: National Treasure
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[absolutely INEXCUSABLE longpost ahead. Im sorry for being a Nick Cage fan. Not really, though. Also, SPOILERS for the first National Treasure movie.
    Hey, everyone, it’s your favorite reviewer t-wiz. Back at it again, posting like 5 days after seeing the actual movie. I know everyone must have been dying of anticipation. Well, so was I. We’re all in the same boat. And that boat is called the Charlotte, which is where the secret lies. That’s right: the movie was National Treasure. So I may get a little overexcited in this review.
Let me set the scene. @cgtg hosted another moviy nite on Friday. This time, the movie was Ghost Town starring Ricky Gervais. …Nobody really enjoyed it. I was only there for the last 20 minutes, and it sure wasn’t as fun as Employee of the Month. So I suggested National Treasure, starring the inimitable Nicolas Cage. The fact that I have a “nick cage” tag on my blog should probably tell you some things. I find his current status fascinating, as his thespian commitment is oft-regarded with snickering. He was fairly restrained in this movie, but still did a good job. I have a bit of a history with this movie. I first put it on as payback for having to see 50 First Dates, and was pleasantly surprised (by, among other things, Riley Poole). So I’m happy I got to see it again for like the third time in one month.
National Treasure is the kid-friendly saga of Benjamin “Ben” Franklin Gates (Nicolas Cage), whose family has been consistently wrapped up in a quest for a stash of treasure. This treasure is a big deal. Pharaohs longed for it. This whole group called the Knights Templar were big Treasure Stash stans. A secret society called the Freemasons are also closely involved. Turns out many of the founding fathers were also Freemasons (I’m pretty sure this is actually true). So of course Kid Ben learns this from his grandpa in a spooky attic, but his dad (Jon Voight) is all “heck nah son, treasure is NOT where it’s at.” And he has a point! The search for the “National Treasure” has clue after clue after clue, and it requires Cage to make some truly insane leaps in logic (especially in the sequel. Yes I have seen both films). But it is consistently entertaining. Don’t worry, I won’t go through the entire plot because that would just be a synopsis. 
Okay. So we’ve set up a MacGuffin (the treasure) and Grandpa Gates has given us a clue (“the secret lies with Charlotte”). Time to fast-forward to the frozen North, where Nick Cage’s adult face appears in all its shining glory. So does his hairline. I’m a bit concerned- shouldn’t his face be covered up better? It must be freezing. Oh well. A Bri’ish chap named Ian (Sean Bean = oddly pleasing name) and a former cubicle worker named Riley (Justin Bartha) are also members of the expedition. They unearth a ship called the Charlotte, and inside is a clue that leads to the Declaration of Independence. Ian offers to “borrow” the Declaration. Ben, being a historian, is all “heck nah Ian, stealing important documents is NOT where it’s at.” Ian is all “A fair point, however, consider the following: Gun.” We get some tasty blue and orange color contrasts, the stunning revelation that the Brit was NOT to be trusted, and a badass explosion. 
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After this, shit gets real. Well, it was real from the start. It simply snowballs in realness throughout the movie. Benjamin and the non-evil expedition member, Riley, take this issue to the FBI, among others. The FBI will also get involved later on in the movie. Ben meets Abigail Chase (Diane Kruger), who is the love interest by way of being blonde and also knowing stuff about American history. Truly a match made in the National Archives. She tries not to laugh at their outrageous story. He patronizes her coin collection. They part ways, sure to meet again.
After failing to convince anyone the Declaration is in danger, Nick, I mean Ben, decides to steal it before Ian’s team can. Turns out stealing important documents is where it’s at.
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Resident smartguy Riley tries and fails to talk Ben out of it.
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Hey, it’s an important clue, and it has some serious historical value, and Ian has to pay for his perfidy. It’s nice to see/hear Ben and Riley when they’re not obscured by a haze of ice, because Riley is amazing. More at ten. Thus begins DECLARATIONTHEFT 2004, aka Awesome Heist Sequence. I love this scene. We get to see the early-2000’s CGI in all its glory. We get to see Riley and Ben do their thing. (Ben’s thing is history and secret clues. Riley’s is techy stuff.) Also the scene transitions? If I knew a thing about camerawork, I probably wouldn’t even mention this. But hey.
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Then the actual theft happens, and it’s pretty neat. Nick must go from National Archives employee to nerdy guy at a gala to, well, Declaration thief. Meanwhile, the British have weapons and they’re not afraid to use them. Kudos to Riley for being the guy in the chair. Double kudos to Abigail for having to put up with the thieves. Triple kudos to the giftshop lady for taking Visa.
Wow, this got long! This is what I get for summarizing the first part of the movie instead of ACTUALLY REVIEWING. Okay, here goes.
National Treasure, as I’ve said, is important to me. Sure, it seems pretty formulaic, but it’s fun. I got this inexplicable glee out of seeing Nick Cage work out each impossible clue. He is operating on a level we cannot understand. Every little plot-relevant thing about American history I could remember was like a major win for me.
This is an action movie, not a rom-com, so it’s certainly less character-driven than, say, Employee of the Month. The characters tend to be more developed stock characters, so it’s pretty hit-or-miss. For instance, Abigail and Ian are the mandatory Blond Love Interest and British Bad Guy. There’s not much to say about either. However, the Disapproving Parent, FBI Man, and Guy in the Chair were unexpectedly great. Especially that last one. 
There are plenty of great scenes: heists, dungeon crawling, tomb raiding, Nick Cage talking. The soundtrack is also good: they’ll have the usual action-adventure track and then give us a sudden drum lick like it’s no big deal. Okay, I admit that this is a very silly movie. And I am probably very silly for writing so much about it. But so what, it’s entertaining. Certainly not as homoerotic as Employee of the Month, but after all this is kid-friendly. As long as you don’t really tear into whether the “treasure” stuff is plausible, this is great to watch! 
Not only that, but Nicolas Cage was great to watch. His performance was oddly hypnotic, just as in every other movie he’s ever been in. My father was roasting his appearance for the entire movie, but I won’t get into that whole can of whales. On to the characters part.
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Benjamin Franklin Gates (Nicolas Cage). Ben Gates is a dedicated treasure hunter and historian. He supplies a considerable amount of the movie’s intense autism vibes (perhaps I am projecting, considering how much I vibe with this). However, I don’t like how condescending he acts towards Abigail. If I hadn’t seen the sequel, I’d probably still be annoyed by this. Like she’s unwillingly in your getaway van, show her a little courtesy and stop telling her to shut up. I wish he didn’t have so much casual misogyny. :| As I’ve said, Nick Cage was oddly mesmerizing as he did things like splonk off bridges and steal sacred American documents. I cannot think of him as “kinda cute actually” the way I did of Dane Cook, but that’s definitely for the best. Everyone thinks I have a celebrity crush on Cage. They don’t UNDERSTAND. 
Uh. Sorry, got off track. So Ben’s character kind of captures the crux of Cageness, in a way. Nobody understands how important this quest is to him, and he has to go by “Paul Brown” to avoid being a laughingstock. Do I see parallels with how Nick Cage changed his name from Coppola to Cage? I mean, they are there, but I’m probably looking into it too much. Side note, I enjoyed Ben’s one brief display of raw hopelessness. It’s the sort of thing you chuckle at when it’s taken out of context, but so are many of Cage’s big movie moments.
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Not much else to say about his role in this movie? Nick Cage certainly does “adventure hero” well. His most “Cagey” moment in both movies is absolutely when he faked a drunk argument with Abigail and then screamed “HAGGIS” at a Buckingham Palace guard. But here I am getting ahead of myself. The entire moviy nite group was surely gazing at Nicolas Cage’s hairline and aquiline nose for the entirety of the film. We basked in the sound of his soft ‘s’s and ‘t’s. We tried to parse his historical theories. Truly, his mind contains galaxies. Ben/Nick Cage operates on a whole other level than what we would believe.
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(aaa look at him ok im done now)
And with that said, let’s move on to the other man of the hour. That’s right, Riley Poole (Justin Bartha). Man, I love this guy. What can I say, I’m a sucker for sarcastic guys in chairs. Bonus points for nerd glasses. Riley gets all of the points. He is a gem. I’m pretty sure there was a whole article on Medium about his character, so maybe check that out if you are genuinely interested in this thing I’m typing here? 
So yeah, Riley is very much the guy in the chair. He provides comic relief, but is also a genius in his own right. Unlike Ben, he never seems to act self-righteous about this. Riley has this great mix of sarcasm and sincerity, and he’s a good foil to Ben/Abigail’s historical ramblings. Autism king tbh. I enjoyed his occasional infodumps.
Riley is also 10/10 in the sequel. We see more of his self-sacrificial side and low self-worth. He’s intelligent and funny, but in the end he just doesn’t see himself as that important. Except he is! He makes things happen! Without him, Ben would never have gotten the Declaration. 
And that’s what makes Riley compelling to me. Yes, he is a silly nerd from a silly 2000’s action movie. But you just kind of want to let him know that he deserves better from Ben and everyone who dismisses him. Probably by shaking his shoulders and yelling in his face, since I’m not sure how else one would get it across.
All in all, Riley is our king. And that’s not all there is to say on the matter, but I think I covered most of it. Riley should consume some jams and jellies. He’s earned it.
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Dr. Abigail Chase (Diane Kruger): The holy trio of autism is complete? She fills in the “blonde love interest” void, but she does have interests and a personality of her own. Abigail is an archivist at the National Archives, so she’s probably the most qualified to handle the Declaration of Independence.
 I, on the other hand, am not qualified to talk about Abigail. I don’t remember much about her, other than the fact I just stated. She’s pretty smart and helps on Ben’s insane treasure quest. She… collects campaign buttons as a hobby? She has an alleged German accent? Yeah, so she’s not a bad character but I don’t have much to say about her. At least not in this movie. A shame. I am glad that she recognizes Ben’s sense of entitlement for what it is, and their relationship over the two movies is reasonably entertaining. Her sibling relationship with Riley is 10/10 as well. So that’s Abigail. We love to see ladies who understand what’s going on!
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Ian Howe (Sean Bean): Ah yes, Mandatory British Bad Guy. Now, Ian is a treacherous piece of shit. He has many allies, and is just as obsessed with the treasure as Ben. But where Ben, Riley, and Abigail solve clues based on historical facts, Ian just keeps tags on them and then uses brute force to get what he wants. This is shown particularly well in the Declarationtheft scene- Ben and Riley have this whole heist planned out, whereas Ian’s guys are like “GUN.” As I’ve said, Ian is treacherous. He gets antsy at even the most temporary alliance. He seems to know Ben pretty well, as they played poker in the past. I imagine the movie would have been more yaoiful if they’d had more scenes together.
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Patrick Gates (Jon Voight): The dad. Like Riley, he is a foil to Ben’s treasure hunting stuff. Like pretty much everyone, he is also very competent and knows what’s going on. I liked his father-son relationship with Ben, and the way both of them make dubious bluffs in times of crisis. I have some stuff to say about his relationship with his ex-wife in the sequel, but this is a review of the first movie. So anyways, Patrick sees the search for what it probably is: a goose chase. He keeps it real!
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Agent Peter Sadusky (Harvey Keitel): Now this is another wise guy. Sadusky is an FBI agent who’s seen it all. He wants to get the Declaration back, and he knows someone has to go to jail for stealing it. And who stole the Declaration??
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(Epic scenes ensue.) 
Dead Guy: A casualty. Yeah, he DIES. It is so sad. We hardly knew him. Oh wait, we didn’t know him at all. Ever. Welp.
Money-Driven Child: I have no idea where Riley found or hired this kid but he is hilarious. I don’t even know who plays him. Whoever his actor is, I hope he is doing well and avoiding nefarious Brits.
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Cashier: She takes Visa. It makes a pretty funny scene. 
 And that’s a wrap on National Treasure. This film is a national treasure. Great camera work and scene transitions, great action scenes, and an all-around awesome (and very 2000’s) film. I eagerly anticipate the next moviy nite, as it may feature the actor for Jorge (EOTM.) If you made it this far, thank you for reading and I’ll see you approximately Friday. Long live Nicolas Cage.
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presumenothing · 1 year
assorted translation notes on the novel opening sprinkled with peanut gallery comments (or possibly vice versa, idk):
yes that is a cluedo reference in the case title i couldn't stop myself and i'm not sorry
"…of the sixth month": not july, because this is in lunar calendar
"lucky pattern lotus parlour": ok i spent like at least One Whole Minute considering whether or not to talk myself out of this one. still didn't, still not sorry, alliteration funny
"bingshan town": could also be pingshan, flip a coin
anyway li lianhua arriving in their main street with his wholeass house like. it's Free Real Estate
"town god/local shrine": original term here is 土地庙 for the record. anyway who's gonna write the crackfic where li lianhua wakes up one morning in some random town to find that the locals have set up an entire shrine offering right outside complete with massive incense burner and all
wait hang on li lianhua was spring cleaning for TEN DAYS STRAIGHT??
"surname Li, named Lianhua": if anyone has come up with a better way of rendering 姓李,叫莲花 please tell me because i haven't
pov you're swiping through tinder when suddenly one of the profiles is just like Jianghu's #1 Most Very Mystery every biodata field is We Just Don't Know, Man and the pic is a badly circled cryptid sighting (idk i don't use tinder)
(li lianhua voice) "excuse you i didn't do two things i just did the same thing twice. technically speaking"
"lifelong learner": well Actually what the results for 皓首穷经 kept insisting on giving me was "hoary head" but i didn't go with that, so there but for the grace of me goeth you, shi wenjue
im sorry but the true utter crack au where he picked 李乌龟 instead (because yknow. turtle. house and all) and we are forced to live with the consequences
yunhe my dude you should've just bought a roomba instead of wasting your money on that incense and letter paper
"precious softwood": specifically nanmu, which (to collective unsurprise) was also used for shipbuilding, among other things
just........ the sheer over-the-top hercule poirot short story energy of this entire intro part, really
"king of hell": none other than 阎罗王 ofc
"a sound of dismay": he straight up "aiya"s here. i just could not figure out how to work it in for the life of me
"dust and sawdust": curse this stupid language that made both of these words contain dust this sounds So Awful
it has been 0 days since li lianhua last said "ah" (the counter never moves past zero)
toss em eggs, bystanders, we believe in you
(cheng yunhe walking in) you live like this??
"could only work with what he had, dead or otherwise": the original actually invokes 死马当活马医 (a saying which Literally means "treat a dead horse as a live one"), blast the english language for not having an equivalent
fang duobing's intro paragraphs? 10/10 sheer hilarity no notes
....why is "commit robbery"" up there on the list next to "plant crops"
"melancholic young master": 多愁公子 (he's got 99 worries and somehow li lianhua is all 100 of them)
how HAS fang duobing known li lianhua for literally just as long as he's been in the jianghu tho
ok three crackfic proposals in one post is a bit much even for me but. the one where li lianhua keeps accidentally digging up non-dead people/lost treasure/unmentionable secrets when actually he just wanted to borrow some onions for tonight's soup. honest
(this may possibly just be canon)
aaaand fifty taels, welp
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Hello, I apologise if this is not written very well, English is not my first language :(
I was wondering if I could ask for some head canons(?) of the mercs with a reader on their only day off, while I don't usually like when people exclude Miss Pauling from their fics, it seems that is the only way this idea would work haha. Maybe Demo brings them to a Beer Garden or Soldier discretely feeding his raccons Reader's paperwork so they will actually use their break correctly, maybe Spy even takes them put to a fancy restaurant.
I have been working for so long that im pretty sure my entire body would be screaming haha, all my friends partying, and im writing more than 20 pages of school work, studying for 6 exams, and writing 2 essays. I will need a entire month break after this, ha ha ha!
I'm sorry again if this is long or written badly :(
Love your work!! :)
I'm so happy that you like my work! And no worries! Your English is perfect!
6 exams and 2 essays are way too many! I hope that you can get some time for some self-care in! Drink plenty of water and try to get at least 7 hours of sleep in.
Warnings: NONE
Trying to hang out with you on your only day off was a challenge for the resident Texan. He tried everything. From helping you with some paperwork, to threatening your boss to give you more days off. Nothing seemed to work. You always ended up being either too busy or too tired to spend time together. Finally, when it was time for you to get your scheduled day off, he brought over some of his favorite western movies and some of your favorite snacks. He wants to make sure that you are as relaxed and as carefree as possible. After all, this is your only day off this year.
Hearing that you finally get to have a day off was like hearing the news that Tom Jones was coming to town. Scout was ecstatic! So may ideas of what to do and what to eat flew through his mind almost as fast as he could run. Early that morning he knocked on your front door and waited. He waited a full two hours before you finally came to answer the door. Looking down with a sheepish slime he forgot about your desire to finally get a chance to sleep in. When you do get out to see the town Scout takes you to the races, buys any snacks you could ever possibly want, then once the races are over, he takes you to a nice dinner and a drive-in movie.
Hearing that you are finally allowed to have a day off he expects you to go to the beach or stay inside and sleep for as long as you want. He didn't really expect you to still show up at the base with your arms full of paperwork to fill out. Seeing you trying to get a head start with the next day's work makes him feel sorry for you. Without saying a word, he takes the paperwork out from your hold and gives them to Pyro. Hearing your enraged shouts and cries he drags you to the nearest spa and drops you off with three big rolls of hundred-dollar bills. To ensure that you don't find a way to somehow do work he stay with you the whole time. Afterwards, he treats you to nice restaurant with a cozy and relaxing atmosphere.
You both have been planning the perfect day off for weeks! Waking up at 7 in the morning, Demoman would pick you up and take you somewhere nice to eat breakfast. After that He would drive you to a nice spot in the mountains to fishing and hiking. Seeing you with a big smile on your face makes him swell with pride. It hurts him to see someone so young and full of life waste their life doing a job that doesn't do much for them. He teaches you how to handle a sword, and how to properly throw an axe. After a full day in the outdoors, he takes you home and makes you a nice homecooked meal. He already is planning what do the next time you get a day off.
Getting a day off is a pretty big deal for the both of you. But for you, he knows how rare it is for you to get some much needed me time. He knows you so well that the first thing he does is break into your house with as little damage as possible and makes you your favorite breakfast food. What kind of Sniper would he be if he didn't know your favorite foods? After sitting down to a nice and unexpected breakfast he offers to drive you anywhere you want as long as it's not work related. In between stops to your favorite places he takes you to little Ma and Pa shops and nice restaurants. Since it's your only day off for a long, long time he's paying for everything.
Pyro knows that your supposed to have the day off. So, why then are you still working? Seeing you hunched over your desk singing papers makes his heart break. Today you're supposed to be having fun! Or relaxing! Not playing with stupid papers. So, like any good friend, he does what he does best. He makes a fire. Right on your desk. Of course, he knows that you always keep copies of your work, but he wants to feel free in this moment. The sound of the fire alarm sprinkle system blaring to life and the feeling of water droplets hitting your skin really evokes the wilder side of your personality. After getting the fire managed, and getting a stern talking to from Engineer, you both go to town and get some ice-cream and enjoy the feeling of no having to worry about any responsibility.
Despite it being your day off he cuts you no slack when it comes to getting up early and following a rigorous schedule of working out/training. After the grueling workout he commandeers the company truck and takes you on a joyride through the town and gives you a tour of "all the famous battlefields that he's fought in". His storytelling leaves you laughing till your sides are aching. Seeing as that you are having a good time, he drives you both to a good restaurant and lets you pick out anything you want. Once you're finished eating, he tells you to get into the car while he strikes up a conversation with the restaurant manager. By striking up a conversation with the manager he actually means that he's going to cause a distraction so that you both can leave without paying. You both have the time of your lives.
He knows how much damage can be cause by not getting a single day of in a prolonged period of time can cause. He makes you a cup of coffee or tea in the morning and then accompanies you throughout the day. If you want to spend time tending to your humble garden, then he will be right there with you pruning the leaves of any plants that you might have. If you want to spend some time reading, then he will make you both a comfortable space to sit down and read. When dinner time rolls around, he will take you to a fancy restaurant, followed afterwards by a drive to the nearest and darkest hill so that you both can stargaze.
This man spares no expense when it comes to spending the day off with you in style and luxury. If you want to relax in bed all day wearing the silk pajamas that he gifted you last week, then by all means relax. If you want to go out to see a movie followed by a nice dinner at the newest upscale restaurant in the Country, then he will book a flight there with no problem. Spy knows what it's like to be constantly working, he is a spy after all. He takes his self-care time very seriously. After a nice night out with good food and drinks, he will draw you a nice bubble bath with any of your favorite fragrances and let you soak for however long you desire. Spy is a man who knows how to pamper properly.
Miss Pauling:
This poor woman still does work even on her day(s) off. Hearing that you both share the same day off she rushes to your side and asks if she can do her paperwork with you. Sitting together doing work makes the day go by faster and the work more enjoyable. You both managed to convince the other to take regular breaks every hour or so. So, during your breaks you both would walk over to the vending machine to get a drink or walk up and down a flight of stairs just to get the blood pumping through your legs. She may not know exactly how to relax, but you both manage to get some work done before you both end up napping together on the couch.
All of this fic was inspired by what I would desire for my day off if I worked 27/7 all year long. :)
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