#Matt is a ditz
youremyheaven · 6 months
Jupiter & Rahu : Ditziness & Weird Girl Humor
This post is inspired by an ask I received a while ago
Jupiter & Rahu girls in comedy cinema/television often play airheaded characters who are a bit ditzy and zany. Another feature is that all these characters are mostly harmless, good natured people. They can be mean/blunt but its because of their ditzy, airheaded nature and not out of malice.
All 3 Jupiter naks belong mostly to air signs (Punarvasu- Gemini, Vishaka-Libra, Purvabhadrapada- Aquarius) and same goes for all 3 Rahu naks (Ardra-Gemini, Swati-Libra, Shatabhisha-Aquarius) in fact all Rahu naks come right before a Jupiter nak. I have always personally believed that Rahu & Jupiter are similar in many ways but obviously different as well. Rahu is limitless expansion. Jupiter is boundless expansion within principles.
But all that aside, Jupiter & Rahu are literally air influenced and I do think its the presence of an excess of Air that makes someone come across as "airheaded".
The etymology of the word "airhead" is that one's head is filled with air and is thus empty. I have talked about Jupiter & even Rahu's limitless nature feeling "empty" for the natives themselves. Out of all the elements, air is the only one that can really said to be boundless, its not measurable or calculable, its just there, unlike water or earth or fire. but air has no physical form and while that is liberating, it also makes one feel empty and untethered and these are all emotional issues that a lot of Jupiter/Rahu people deal with.
But anyyywayys,
Cat Valentine on Victorious played by Ariana Grande is a really good example of an airheaded, zany comic character.
Ari has Ardra Sun & Mercury in Punarvasu (Rahu + Jupiter influence)
I will include Mercury placements because Mercury is literally how we communicate with others??
Phoebe Buffay from Friends is another good example of this type of comedy. She is played by Lisa Kudrow's who has Rahu conjunct Ascendant in Punarvasu
Kelly Kapoor from The Office is the ditzy zany delusional gal played by Mindy Kaling who is Ardra Sun & Moon, with Mercury in Punarvasu
Jackie Burkhart on The 70s Show played by Mila Kunis, Swati Moon is a meaner version of this archetype
Meryl Streep- Ardra Sun often speaks and talks this way. Just watch any of her interviews and you can sense that Rahu/Jupiter airy nature/demeanour/comic sense
Janhvi Kapoor, Purvabhadrapada Sun, Mercury in Shatabhisha is known for her "dumb girl persona" that most people think is fake but tbh I just think she's a little slow due to all that Air influence lol
Gracie Allen, Mercury in Punarvasu conjunct Jupiter is an early example of this type of humour and comedy
Cheryl Tunt on Archer voiced by Judy Greer, Mercury in Punarvasu (Saturn in Punarvasu atmakaraka)
Chrissy Snow from Three's Company played by Suzane Somers, Punarvasu Moon & Mercury in Vishaka is a classic example of a ditz
There are notable male ditzy characters as well
Andy from Parks & Rec played by Chris Pratt, Mercury in Punarvasu & Swati Rising
(there's a 10 video limit per post so I cant attach more vids)
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Joey Tribbiani, played by Matt LeBlanc, Purvabhadrapada Moon, Mercury in Ardra & Punarvasu Rising is a great example of a male ditz
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Harpo Marx- Punarvasu Moon, Mercury in Vishaka he was a silent comedian known for his highly exaggerated physical comedy that was very pantomime/clown-like. This is another aspect of the airhead/ditz, they don't just say dumb things, they do dumb things. Physical comedy is a big part of it.
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London Tipton played by Brenda Song, Mercury conjunct Rahu in Purvabhadrapada
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Christina Applegate, Shatabhisha Moon played a very ditzy character on Married With Children
These are all the examples off the top of my head. I feel like many Disney princesses will also fit this bill lol
lmk if you have other examples
hope this was interesting xx
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
Angel ( frank castle x reader )
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SUMMARY : When frank meets Matt murdock's sister , he become intrigued more and more as he's around the  so called angel of hell's kitchen 
warnings : violence , fighting etc . mutual pining
Enemies to lovers
Eye scanning over the sign in such pride yet the occasion was not for such occasion , coming back to hells kitchen he was bound to find out she was home . so here Y/N stood outside NELSON AND MURDOCK LAW OFFICE ready to tell her brother she was home and a failure. The admiration didn't last long when she felt herself being pushed forward almost losing her balance completely. " asshole" she grumbled seeing the man not even stopping to apologise or even recognise his actions as he was walking into the same building .
She already rang Karen so at least one person was expecting her. Maybe the redhead could give her advice on the best way to break her news. Walking into the office she let her eyes scan around , it was the same as the pictures she was sent but being in the space physically was a whole other thing. She was proud of her brother and foggy , she used to tease the two and call them dorks all the time. Of course the same jerk from before was sitting there , deep expression on his stupid handsome face.
She rolled her eyes taking a seat barely sparing him a glance looking around to find a familiar face. She went to grab a magazine and heard a scoff looking to see the man's eyes locked on the one she had chosen . " typical" he muttered. " Excuse me, can I help you? '' she asked, almost gritted teeth . " No, just typical you type of gals go for that celebrity shit" he laughed. " You don't know me pal and all you should really be saying is sorry for nearly knocking me over but your type doesn't have a grasp on manners' ' she crossed her legs and began flipping through the articles . '' shouldn't have been standing in the middle of the sidewalk like a ditz then"he shot back . " should barge through people like you can't see them then" she growled. " Look when murdock comes, I'm seeing him first way more important than whatever you got going on" he scoffed. " how do you know what I want?" she rolled her eyes . " let me guess wanna bang pool boy and find a way out of the prenup" he chuckled. The sting of his words wasn't what she needed, not when she was looking down at the picture of her ex fiance and ex best friend's picture .
" hey y/n good to see you" Karen rushed to her side. " hey great seeing you actually i need to do something , i could meet you guys later at Josie's but don't tell my brother ok" she grabbed her things . " hey you ok" the red head face in concern til her eyes fell on the magazine. " shit i didn't know" she took it up . " i'll see you later" was all the girl called out, running out the office completely. " What's her problem?" the man scoffed. "Frank , that's Y/N as in Matt's little sister , she caught her fiance in bed with her best friend. I mean shitty enough dude's famous for some stupid business company so she has to see it everywhere" she ripped the magazine up . " ah shit" he sighed. " What did you do?" She shot the man a look . " i may have been a complete asshole and took my stress out on her, misjudged her completely too, i mean she looked at her , said she was her to get out of a prenup and banging her pool boy" he winced dodging the incoming balls of paper . " You know Matt's gonna kill you right , or she will" Karen growled, rushing off to find the woman herself.
What frank didn't expect was the two women walking backwards as a man held a gun at them . " sit there and tell me where Murdock is' ' he growled. "I'm Murdock '' her voice cool, calm and well intriguing to the man . " y/n i don't think matt can get you out of self defence murder twice '' Karen said confusing the gunman and frank castle . " i won't kill him but if he doesn't put the gun down i will severely hurt him buddy i ain't having such a great time so if you could fuck off it would be great" she huffed unbothered to the firearm directed at her. " you need help?,"Frank called both amused and curious about his tone . Usually he would handle the situation yet the women didn't seem to be worried . "No," she glared at the man . Frank watched as the man's eyes flickered between the two and her hand moved backwards feeling around the table. " Oh look it's matt" she smiled, making the man turn before she grabbed the armed hand , he watched as the magazine clip fell to the floor and she emptied the chamber in the ceiling before smashing the paper weight to the man's gut. " I warned you buddy I ain't having a good day. '' She huffed and punched him once and the man was out cold. "See I don't need your help or opinions" she turned to the man throwing the paper weight into his hands. " You should clean up" Karen winced seeing the blood on her knuckle.
" or you could explain why their bullet holes in my ceiling" she turned to see the familiar smirk of her brother . " what bullet holes, you can't see them" she rushed to him in a hug. " So if I was to stick my cane up there" he asked. " what the halloween prop you carry around" she shot back . " hey Y/N" . " Hey foggy" . " You ok?" Matt asked softly . " I mean i didn't kill him but he will have a headache" she looked down at the still unconscious man. " not what i meant" he chuckled. " I mean it sucked but Jesus those people were draining" she sighed hugging him again , he could tell she was lying but let it go as he squeezed her tighter. " Well, let's bring him to the office to see what he wants," he nodded to the man . "Well punisher there is waiting to talk to you and i need to get back to my hotel room but i'll meet you later" she walked out before they could say anything. " you told her?" Frank asked. " No, she's just good at that sort of thing," he chuckled .
Being in josie now that was way better than the gala's and pretentious socialite events. It was normal people with real life things going on . She saw her brother and the usual gang sitting as well as the man , who she now knew as Frank Castle . " hey angel's back" a voice called. " Yeah, I'm back," she laughed, heading towards the group. " Angel , devil really," Frank laughed. " except people know me" she said smiling a dig . " Hey, before I wanna apologise, I was having a bad day," he began . " and took it out on me yeah i got it" she shook her head rolling her eyes before heading to the bar before the man could even finish his apology. " hey i'm trying to be nice here" he followed. " Ok? You're still a dick , I mean I'm having a shitty time of it and I didn't take it out on those around me" she quipped. " usual please" she called. " Well then how can I make it up to you" he smiled. " Hmm that ones a thinker i'll get back to you" she smirked before taking a sip of her drink . " you're trouble," he shooting her a flirty grin . " You've no idea" she walked and left him standing there . " buddy she will have you praying" a man chuckled. " ain't that what angels are for" he chuckled, heading back to the group.
The rest of the night they let the worries of the world subside for once and enjoyed the moment . The flirty tension between Hell kitchens' own angel and the punisher was so immense that even her own brother could feel it. " I'm going to head off, I need to get up early to see some places" she yawned as they all booed. " hey i need a place to live plus you got jobs to be doing" she laughed . " Wait, I'll walk you back , lotta scary people out there" frank stood. " And I'm the scariest of them all so i'm ok" she laughed walking off . " She's not wrong," Matt snorted . " She is scary , she's made foggy cry before" Karen agreed. " that was only... five times" the man protested sloppily . " go follow after even i can see you want to" Matt teased. " Just don't sneak up on her," Foggy called. " How much is saying those two get together?" Karen asked . " We don't need to be on the obvious" Matt shook his head.
The dark streets of Hell kitchen held many memories both good and a lot of bad for the woman . passing the church seeing her standing there she shook her head still not as forgiving as her brother for the now sister's abandonment. The boxing gym her father spent time in training them both , to the old schoolyard she may have used to those lessons in .
she felt the presence following her like she was prey she felt it second she left the bar. Her brother wasn't the only one who could sense things turning to the dark alley . He stood wondering where the hell she went , one minute she was there and next gone in a split second , his boss wasn't going to be happy about that one that was for sure. Just as he walked further into the alley she watched from the shadows as he appeared making her roll her eyes she grabbed the familiar man holding her finger over her lips not to disrupt their new friend. She walked out, one movement swept his leg from under him and the mysterious man landed on his back. " Why are you following me , you know dark alleyways aren't safe right?" she asked, pressing her foot on his throat. Boss wants you , he knows you are special" the man choked out . " I mean of course I am but what does your boss think is so special?" she pushed harder. " he knows your enhanced" he spluttered and coughed. " your ex has been sharing it around sweetness everyone gonna want the angel" he grunted pulling a knife out only for her to kick it from his hand. " My ex lies honey I wouldn't listen to a word he says he told me he was eight inches " she walked just as he jumped up she swung around kicking him sending him to the ground .
" wanna tell me what that was about" Frank walked out by her side. " i may or may have not signed up for something when i was 18 turned out to be hydra and well got something extra in return" she shrugged. " extra?" . " yeah extra '' she shrugged and continued walking. They were out of the alley within seconds they were surrounded at gunpoint. " Will that extra help us here?" he asked, looking for his own plan. " can't a girl have a bit of mystery," she groaned, lifting her palms as the other men shouted for her to stop. The light on her palms glowing in a sort of purple hue as the guns they head pulled from their hands she used her other palm to pull the men to their knees as her own feet came off the ground . " You took long enough, '' she called out as the devil of hell's kitchen stepped forward. " i had a prior engagement," he gruffed. The two didn't speak for long when her hands pulled the guns apart tiny pieces falling to the ground as the men jumped up . the now devil and punisher fighting side by side in an all too familiar sequence of events . Her own feet hitting the ground panting, one of the assailants finding it the perfect opportunity to try grab her from behind that was til the back of her head hit his nose and the crack echoed through the streets before her hand grabbed his arm throwing him over her shoulder and hitting the ground with a thump . " this could have come up at any time" frank grunt dodging the incoming fists at his face . " I usually don't advertise to asshole men, I can levitate" she huffed, sending a punch to a man's gut . " Can you flirt another time?" Daredevil rasped, sending one to the ground as the three stood around now incapacitated men. " I'll leave the door open , you come on" she grabbed Frank's arm as the two walked off.
Thankfully due to the location and it being dead of night the staff in the lobby of the hotel barely batted an eyelash at their appearance when they strolled in clearly after some sort of altercation . " I'm surprised you're not an avenger or some shit" Frank quipped once both got into the elevator. " I turned them down, starks annoying" she winked until she felt the sting in her abdomen. " your bleeding heavy" he gruffed. " no shit Sherlock," she gritted . " we need to get you somewhere" he went to press the button but she grabbed his hand. " Just help me to my room" she panted, feeling the burning sensation taking over as the adrenaline was clearly wearing off. He wanted to yell at her but she knew more than he did in the situation so he held his tongue. Throwing one hand over his shoulder as his own wrapped around her waist keeping her supported, two walked down the hall as she gave directions to her room .
the minute the door shut she moved to the balcony door. Soon enough the man came in while she walked over toward the corner of the room and hands over the wound as she shoved something into her mouth. A muffled scream the men looked while a strong purple glow from her hands hit , she turned showing the bleeding stopped and the wound closed over. " See" she winced a sway in her step. " grab her she's going to pass out" Matt sighed before pulling the mask from his face. " why isn't this phasing you" frank brought her over laying her on the bed . " She's done this before huh?". " A few times actually , she nearly burned off tony stark's goatee after a comment on her ass " he walked towards the bed happy to hear everything appeared to be stable. " Why haven't you gotten her to help you out?" . " whether enhanced or not, she's my baby sister who used your brain" . " you Murdocks are trouble and pain in my fucking ass" frank huffed out pulling a bottle from the mini bar. " Well you like at least one of us and I know it's not me, '' he smirked.
" she is not safe here" he completely ignored the man's observation and sly comment . " I'll come back as well as me and we bring her back to mine , stay with her" Matt threw his mask on. " Well, where else am I going to go?" he looked up to see the man was already gone. " hate when he does that" he took his drink and seat . eyes stuck to her form how peaceful she was when her mouth wasn't running although he'd did secretly like it. But now that nickname angel made sense the ethereal effortless beauty that she had . He needed to stop staring before he got completely lost in her .
Matt returned half an hour later to some nervous looking kid driving the car as they carried her out . " how old are you 12 " Frank joked. " I'm the same age as Angel, I'm 24 sir" he squeaked out . " God Mr stark is gonna kill me" he muttered. " ok that's sorted come parker drive " matt got in the car . " She is still stable," he called back . " She hasn't woken up either, " Frank said, seeing her still sleeping head on his lap . " How's her healing factor holding? " the boy asked . " How's her, what , who is this kid". "Peter Parker sir , spiderman" he whispered in the last part . " She can heal herself," Matt added. "your fucking with me right" frank asked only for matt to lift her top slightly to show the wound from earlier was almost gone . " Anything else I'm missing here" he asked the two. "Not yet anyways thanks for lift kid" matt patted his shoulder as two got frank still carrying her as Parker drove off. " really he's the Web slinger" . " she waking up let her get inside" matt walked ahead. "Ominous asshole," Frank grumbled, stopping when he heard the little laugh . " hey if you're awake you can walk " he looked down to see her eyes shoot close making him laugh shaking his head carrying her in. " ok ok where here free ride over" she went to drop her but her feet hit the floor first.
"Little shit" he mumbled as she went straight to her bag. " oh shut up you were worried about her less than ten minutes ago" . " Worried about little old me , I'm honoured" she snorted, heading to the bathroom. " definitely a pain in my ass" he fell back on the sofa. " Yeah, tell that to you that thing you call a heart" matt chuckled. " fuck off and shut up" he added eyes locked towards the bathroom . " I hate to even say this but she's the same , she just hides it way better" Matt handed him a beer. " Who hides what better?" she asked. " Karen hides her feelings better" Matt spoke up . " Being blind didn't heighten your lying sense huh?" She took his own beer out of his hand before sitting on the sofa. " You sure he's actually blind though," Frank asked her. " finally someone else who questions it" she raised the beer up . " You two are made for each other" he walked out of the room . " we're right, I mean I changed this place around so many times and no accidents" she yelled out. "Goodnight assholes , angels don't cook, I don't need my place to burn down" he called back .
" pfft that was one extremely high as hell time and it only burned like half the kitchen down" she laughed nervously. " wait the saint in there let you get high" . " hey jesus isn't against weed , i mean i was first and last time was kinda snuck into a frat party , tried to be like yeah i'm cool , didn't end so well" she winced. " Something I gotta ask, how did you know who I was? Matt said he didn't tell you, " he asked . " I rang Matt during a time you guys were working together and well he said he was with a friend , the punisher you yelled for him to wrap it up along with more colourful words , so when i heard you today" she smiled . " Good memory," he nodded. " I've what they call the perfect brain. I don't use it that often clearly given my life choice but I remember things I hear and see made me prime candidate for that stupid trial they said it was" she grimaced . " the experiments , what made you do it?" . " Jesus, I never had so many questions and I've been arrested a lot" . " not very angel like now is it sweetheart" he teased . " I'm more fallen angel than heaven sent" she winked . " Well where did that come from then" he asked when he saw how her smile faltered. It seemed like the wrong question. " my dad called me , called me so many folks forgot i had a real name" her voice was less playful than before . " hey sorry i didn't mean to bring up anything bad for you" he rambled. " nah it's ok really , you wanna another beer , you hungry?" She stood up quickly. " I'll take the beer , I might pass on the food from that slight warning" he chuckled. " I'm ordering a pizza jackass" she rolled her eyes . " Well then yeah i could eat" . " I decide if you deserve it now" she tapped her chin walking backwards stumbling after hitting a chair . " blind my ass," she muttered as her cheek flushed and a frank laugh filled the living room.
" Hey, you're supposed to be on my side" she pouted. " with you murdock's nah" he shook his head. " oh shut up i'm already your favourite" she stuck her tongue out. " maybe" he muttered when she couldn't hear him . " I'd say we're even, I mean you being a dick at first to helping me out" she came in handing him the beer. " I think you owe me one for that actually" . " what would that be?". " I think you should let me think about that over dinner tomorrow night" he said calmly and cool yet his heart was beating so fast he was probably sure Matt could hear it and was gonna give him shit. " pick me up at 7" she played it cool and honestly glad her voice didn't betray her . " fuck it" was all she heard before her face was pulled toward him and her lips hitting his. It was sort of a kiss she never felt so much emotion in before , like maybe she was doing it totally wrong til now. She leaned more into the action tilting her head so she could deepen it. His hands gripping her waist before pulling her completely onto his lap like she was always meant to be there , the soft sigh from her lips told him she felt the same way . " NO HAVING SEX ON MY SOFA '' the yell made them stop ,foreheads resting against each other before they broke into a fit of laughter like two teenagers being caught by their parents. " would have been easier if he was deaf" she joked. " I HEARD THAT" . " to answer your question earlier , he definitely is not my favourite Murdock" he smirked before leaning up and capturing her lips again . 
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A Normal Saturday
First Previous Next
(Text typed out under cut)
Later that day...(about 2pm)
Charlie: Mike! You should come play with us!
Elizabeth: Yeah! Don't be such a grouch!
Michael: No way.
Charlie and Elizabeth: BOOOOOO!
Michael: You two have fun, I'm gonna get a soda.
Elizabeth, in background: COWARD!
Charlie: Dad said you're not allowed to have sugar!
Michael: Ah yes, Henry's incompetence at parenting must apply its rules to me too.
Michael: I'm getting my damn soda and mama Henry can cry about it.
(Cut to the kitchen)
Matt holds up a piece of paper to Fredbear that says "What is incompatan?"
Fredbear: Don't worry about it, apple.
Matt gives a thumbs up while we see a drawing he made of the family.
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tacoma-narrows · 26 days
Tac's OC Ref Masterposts 4: Tertiary OCs
See my other ref posts here: Sonas, Primaries, Secondaries
I wanted to have a series of posts where people can find all of my characters in one place! Since I have too many to fit them all into one post, I decided to split them up based on how much I use them/how developed they are, the same way they're split up on my Toyhouse.
I wanted to have their refs here so people can find them relatively easily and not have to go digging through their Toyhouse galleries to find them lol. If anyone ever wants to draw them, you are very much encouraged to do so!! Same goes for asks about my characters! Those are always welcome as well!!
These will have some general information about each of my characters, but if you want to see more about them in depth, each character's Toyhouse page will also be linked! If/when I update any particular characters' ref in the future, that will be updated here as well ^^
Will also include each character's theme song because I like showing those off too :3
See my tertiary OCs here below the cut!
These characters are the ones I tend to use the most infrequently. They generally don't have a huge amount of developed character or information, but there is still some there. A few have interactions with my other Wings of Fire OCs (again, much like my secondaries, these are all WoF based characters) but not all of them do. I do still value them to some degree, hence why I keep them around, but they generally just sorta do their own thing haha
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Cenote [Toyhouse Link]
PackWing (WoF Fantribe)
Name is pronounced Seh-noh-Tay)
Lives in the forest and has a lot of knowledge about herbs and plants and stuff
Spends so much time in the woods that the smell tends to follow him wherever he goes
Markings and stuff can be simplified if needed lol
Theme Song: Dear Fellow Traveler by Sea Wolf
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Chernobyl [Toyhouse Link]
NightWing/SandWing hybrid
Used to be the king of a fantribe I had made called FissionWings, which is why he has his floaty crown
Orange stripe along his flank is highly radioactive
The spots on his wings flicker with little sparks of radiation
Generally cold and stoic, usually keeps to himself
Theme Song: Livin' On The Edge by Aerosmith
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South [Toyhouse Link]
Melanistic IceWing
Named to contrast all of the IceWing OCs named North lmao
Youngest/smallest of all my dragon OCs
Very innocent and happy since he's still pretty young
Love to play with his friends
Theme Song: Daylight by Matt & Kim
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StrangeEvidence [Toyhouse Link]
NightWing with weak future seeing powers
Based on the terrible Science Channel show of the same name [I have no shame]
Tries to interpret his visions but goes like, way overboard and sounds ridiculous in the process
When they turn out to be something totally mundane, he's just like  "alright, so that's what that's about. Hm, neat" and walks away
Theme Song: It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine) by R.E.M.
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Sunrise [Toyhouse Link]
Also fairly young, but older than South (like what would be tween age in humans)
Kind of a ditz and lacks any kind of inhibition, which sometimes gets her into trouble
Adoptive younger sister to Magma, who often helps her out of the trouble she gets herself into
Theme Song: We Like To Party! by The Vengaboys
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Tōhoku [Toyhouse Link]
SeaWing/SandWing hybrid
Lives by the beach
Loves to cook and owns a snack shack by the ocean
Very chill, would probably host a surfing contest
Theme Song: Ocean Man by Ween
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dcfontaines · 1 year
thank u alex @gothbat99 a little kiss 4 u
rules: shuffle ur ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks then tag 10 people
show me how men i trust
widows matt maltese
welcome to my world dean martin
how to disappear lana del rey
the world we knew (over and over) frank sinatra
instinct ditz
just dumb enough to try father john misty
rhinestone cowboy glen campbell
england salpa
birth of the blues sammy davis jr.
i dont talk 2 enough of my mutuals 4 this (even tho i want 2)
uh @onlysoftly @myownfavourite @saimaaringedseal and @transkenroy if u want xo
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444names · 2 years
male german forenames
Achee Adald Adaldo Adalkmar Adalmar Adalther Adel Ademundt Ader Aderber Adertheon Adrich Adrius Albreas Albregold Albremen Albrik Alef Alfri Almar Anand Andemener Anderno Anst Anstert Anstopold Antian Aries Armarlmar Armas Arnd Arneasso Arnerth Arnes Arnesel Arns Artust Augelmard Augo Augus Balber Bald Bard Benhael Benrias Bens Benz Berkhar Bodel Brund Brundt Brunzch Burk Chrichar Chrichein Chrido Chrieder Chrietle Chrius Cleikober Clexan Coniss Cäcilipp Cäcis Cäciskus Cäsaar Dand Degert Detlexan Detmand Diebhar Died Diedhend Diedo Diedor Dieghard Diegmust Diego Diegomin Diel Dier Diertwin Dieselm Dietle Dietrik Dirko Ditz Domar Domarl Eberharne Eberndrik Eberner Eckbrech Eckbremen Eckhaeust Eckhan Edselm Eduarius Eduars Eduarstin Eduarziss Ehri Ehrius Ekke Elipp Emanno Emar Emarkodo Emiantias Emilipp Emin Engenz Erhardt Eriel Eriskar Eritmut Esrad Esraddäus Eugenno Eugus Ewar Ewarl Fabald Fabalk Fabalthee Faberst Fabertus Fabren Ferns Flois Floiss Flor Florann Frad Fraddi Fraddäus Fradlex Fran Frand Frans Fraudi Fremuter Fren Frian Frias Frich Fried Frierd Friert Frikobold Fris Fritmarl Frius Fränz Fürgert Gaberiel Gebas Geor Gerharand Geri Gert Goth Gothark Gothomin Gothäus Gotth Gotthel Gotther Gotthäus Gotto Gotton Gottonrad Gottoran Grechart Gredius Gunder Gundt Gustef Gustias Güntian Güntin Güntoph Hager Hand Handerst Hang Hann Hanst Hard Harturd Harziss Hasar Hast Heibert Heigenz Hein Heinmar Hektolf Helber Helch Helipp Helm Helmard Hendert Hens Henz Hert Herthert Holf Horiko Huber Ignatt Imerhar Imert Ingen Inger Ingomäus Ingorius Ingormias Ingotheo Isaar Isiasturt Isid Jako Janthee Januelmar Jeregmut Jernd Joach Jochteido Joder Jodokar Jodolf Johaeus Johansel Joharl Joharo Josel Joselber Josiand Jostenran Juli Justanz Jörgens Jörgenzel Jürcel Jürchee Jürg Jürgerolf Kaimut Kain Kainrich Karchold Kard Kardt Karlher Klan Klaudwine Klaulf Klaust Kler Knuel Konhas Koni Konried Konryk Kons Konsenz Kundt Kunther Leob Leobold Leobolf Leodolan Leon Leoph Luddigus Luddius Ludi Ludinieb Mandt Maniskus Mantenz Manther Marang Maranneas Mard Mardigmut Marnward Mars Martus Matolkmar Matt Matthimon Maximar Maximo Maximunz Meidolf Mein Melm Melmar Michilex Nard Narold Nein Neini Nich Nikt Nors Olib Olix Ortus Oskarrolk Otmard Ottmard Ottmut Ottoldolf Patoph Pattmar Pattmut Paus Peterd Phimotto Phioried Raik Raim Raimill Raimo Rain Rainman Ralbrisso Rald Ralm Ralte Ralthäus Randriego Reid Reiger Rein Rhee Rich Richenz Richt Rick Rickardt Rico Rinfrias Riniel Rinryk Rodornd Rolaudo Rold Romaritz Rubert Ruddig Rudo Rudokus Ruperhard Ruperhart Ruperold Ruthäus Rüdigmund Saniasso Sann Sasso Sastin Sebald Seinz Sied Siel Sielbert Sierd Sietmart Sigen Sigener Simotth Sonhart Sonimut Stavidhen Sten Steremar Stert Svenjam Svensef Tero Thar Thard Then Thenra Theorstin Thertur Thian Thillian Thimo Tholf Tholi Tholin Thomar Thoritman Tillias Timanz Timiasch Timut Tobinis Toffen Tram Tranno Udokar Ulli Ulliesel Ullivert Ulrius Uteinz Uten Utert Veidolf Veimons Volas Voldold Volf Volgen Volian Volib Volormin Wald Walf Walk Wert Wertus Wilemen Wilex Wilher Wili Wiliandt Wilibas Willibas Wilmutz Winatokus Wold Woldo Wolfred Woli Wolk Wulias
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quality-street-rat · 2 years
Connie: Girls are so hot.
Annie: They sure are.
Levi, wrinkling his nose: Ugh, no. Men are hot.
Mikasa: I concur.
Jean, having a sexuality crisis: Both are hot. Goddammit.
Armin: Everyone's hot.
Eren, rolling his eyes, full of sarcasm and salt: I wonder why everyone's so hot!
Sasha, an oblivious ace: Global warming!!
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ask-casadeferal · 7 years
Ah, I understand. No hard feelings Matt. I do want a hug from /someone,/ though. (That fic is beautifully written but I'm pretty sure the angst cracked me in two.) *looks hopefully at Foggy* Don't worry Karen, I have no desire to get punched. *sighs heavily* Matt absolutely does not deserve the awful shit that happens to him. None of you do.
Matt, listen to this. Now they want a hug from me.
Come on, we can all share.
No. Mine.
Dude, you’re a serious piece of work, you know that?
I share coffee.
You don’t even like coffee.
Yes. Is why I share.
That’s not how you make friends in the apocalypse, Matt. Also, we should thank this person. They’re saying really nice things about us.
Thank you, pers.
Yes, thank you. From Karen, too. You’re too kind, and I guess you’re kinda right. But, hey, that’s what we got, and that’s what we’re gonna take. Newfound family ftw.
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manicr · 3 years
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Daredevil #183: The Proposal
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joycrispy · 3 years
Something that's really funny to me:
Caduceus was carrying the main plot of campaign 2 in his back pocket the entire damn time.
No stop, think about it.
It was literally part of his backstory SINCE CREATION that he'd had prophetic dreams of the somnovum, specifically as a way to tie him to Molly's storyline (according to Tal), and he just. Forgot. Just never thought to bring it up.
Looking back, I can even see Matt trying to remind him, or at least laying the groundwork for that eventual (very eventual, it turned out) revelation. Remember that giantess Cad was friendly with? She said to him:
"You have a heart that pierces truth...your friends are lucky to have you, for many are lost in the crazy world of dreams."
Somnovum means dreamers. :) I want to scream.
I just can't stop laughing that this whole time people have been wondering why c2 didn't have a central arc or rationalizing that it's a "sandbox campaign" etc etc, but actually Matt just made the mistake of handing the endgame plot hook (back in EPISODE 28) to a 9 int pink firbolg with the wii music playing in his head at all times.
Caduceus is a ditz and I am so in love with him, you guys.
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rebelsandtherest · 2 years
Alfred is ridiculously smart. Not that Mattie isn't and very much in his own way, but Al is a certifiable mathematical and engineering genius with a doctorate in physics. Also a Complete nerd and ditz.
In fact, he's such an airhead that other nations constantly forget how smart he is until he whips out some ridiculous particle theory.
Matt doesn't forget but rolls his eyes a lot.
Alfred is ADHD as fuck, but is stupid smart and knows a lot about a lot of stuff. Honestly I think Alfred leans into the "airheaded American" stereotypes quite often in order to hold his cards close to his chest, not letting anyone know exactly how smart or capable he is, because ignorance in others is a useful tool.
I described Alfred to a friend once as the character embodiment of Elle Woods from Legal Blonde: "What, like it's hard?" and I stand by that.
But like you said, Matt knows how smart he is. He also knows what a colossal dumbaas he is. The "make you think I'm stupid to hedge my bets" strategy doesn't work on Matt. He knows too much..
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
1 Thing I Love & 1 Thing I Hate About EVERY Danganronpa Character Part 2 - U.D.G, The DR3 Anime, & Side Characters
Part 1
I’d love to hear our opinions as well in the comments or my inbox or DM’s! If you try this trend with DR characters, tag me!
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♡ I love this queen. She’s underrated and S tier. So freaking cute and I love all of her little phrases like “Hey, hey!” and “I won’t let you!” Gosh she’s so precious. The Final Dead Room portion of SDR2 is especially one of my favorite Monomi sections. And her little speech and anger in Chapter 5’s trial in SDR2. Can’t tell you how much I love her.
✘ Girl... if you don’t stand up for yourself JUST ONCE!
♡ I love to hate him. He’s so fucking funny sometimes that I can’t be mad at him. And he’s so cute I wish I had a plushie of him. Little stupid shit he says like “Waa waa?!” or “Wuzzat...?” Just when he plays dumb it’s so funny to me. Or when his paw is hovering over the destruct button for his cubs in V3 silently. So good. I love to hate him.
✘ Just the total lack of mercy or sympathy...
♡ He shares a voice actor with Taka Ishimaru. also, he’s cute and all but...
✘ The random shit he says is akin to the quirky random lol girls in middle school and his memory problems are more annoying than cute. Also the incest plot line...
♡ I love Natalie Hoover’s voice. She’s also Sonia Nevermind. Monophanie kills me when she says things like “you bastards!” Or “I am a strong, sensual woman!” She’s like two feet tall where’s the attitude from lmao.
✘ The incest plot line...
♡ I feel bad for him especially in chapter 3. He was such a good boy. Also he’s Byakuya’s voice actor which gets him bonus points.
✘ “GET-ALONG” gets old. Danganronpa repeats lines a lot. I hate repeated phrases in any writing. Thesaurus, it’s called a thesaurus, people.
♡ He’s cute and I like his little accent.
✘ Just an asshole.
♡ The ONLY thing I like about him is his voice actor Patrick Seitz. He’s Nekomaru Nidai, Germany in Hetalia, Agni in Black Butler, Doppo in Bungou Stray Dogs and a lot more.
✘ Gosh he’s so FUCKING annoying when he died I literally applauded.
Hiroko Hagakure
♡ Weed mom sexy and make me feel safe.
✘ Needed a bigger role. She’s so hot and her personality is amazing.
Masaru Daimon
♡ His heart is in the right place, he’s just an annoying little kid. Sad what happened to him...
✘ A bit of a forgettable character to me. Boring...
Nagisa Shingetsu
♡ Such a cute little kid! I know he’s gonna go so far in the future despite his past. Also love the blue shade of his character theme and aesthetic.
✘ Can’t say much bad about him except that I HATE his little horns. It ruins his design. So stupid...
Kotoko Utsugi
♡ I LOVE her pink design and her hair. She’s so cute. I really feel for her and her backstory. So sad.
✘ I don’t like how she pushed her own trauma on Komaru and used it to torture/punish her. I don’t think that’s realistic. I think it would’ve triggered Kotoko herself to do that and it was in poor taste. A lot of her sexual gags and jokes were.
Monaca Towa
♡ I hate her so much... this is gonna be hard. I respect the dedication and hustle, I guess...
✘ Everything. I wanna curb stomp her manipulative ass.
Jataro Kemuri
♡ He’s so cute and shame on the adults who made him the way he is. Also the self-hatred... me too, little man... me too.
✘ How he just goes ON AND ON can be annoying.
Haiji Towa
♡ He’s physically sexy, and Matt Mercer is a favorite voice actor of mine.
✘ The obvious...
Komaru Naegi
♡ Her character development and relationship with Toko. Also I love her voice actress. If you didn’t know, she’s Makoto Niijima from Persona 5 and much more.
✘ Sometimes she’s a ditz or naive and it can be annoying. But she’s still cute.
♡ Super cute, love the all white. Reminds me of Monomi.
✘ Snake ass bitch.
♡ He’s... unique at least.
✘ Gosh he makes me wanna delete myself. So fucking annoying.
Chisa Yukizome
♡ Her dedication to her students is heart breaking, considering what happens to her and them. I loved her loyalty to them.
✘ I love Funimation and this voice actress, but she’s a main female character in EVERY. SINGLE. English dub... PLEASE bring new and unique people. Also I hate how dirty they did Chisa with the brain washing plot-line. Hate it.
Kyosuke Munakata
♡ Physically... him BIG sexy.
✘ Personality-wise, he is so annoying. Cruel, selfish, stubborn, arrogant, unforgiving. I wanna punch him in the throat.
Great Gozu
♡ I wanna sit in his lap. His thighs are immaculate and I love a large man with long hair and a big heart.
✘ Dies for absolutely no reason. He would’ve been such an interesting character to explore. Also take off that mask, daddy ;)
Daisaku Bandai
♡ Dark skin and black-coded characters are rare in anime and he’s such a sweetheart.
✘ I can tolerate the voice, but the random phrases and RANDOM LOLZ QUIRKY saying are corny and cringe. Also of COURSE he died early on.
Ruruka Ando
♡ Her style, aesthetic, and talent are immaculate.
✘ I want to also punch her in the throat. She’s JUST like the girls who tormented me in school and made me hate myself. I WAS Seiko. She’s manipulative and selfish. I hate her
Sonosuke Izayoi
♡ He’s hot, his talent is unique, and he’s loyal until the very end.
✘ How you could let a literal snake cuck you is beyond me. Wasted potential.
♡ Kuzuryuu had it coming. Fuck that bitch up.
✘ It’s not worth the trouble you’d get in to kill her. Be smart girl. Thrash her ass up, verbally tear her apart. Killing her just is too far.
Ryota Mitarai
♡ I respect his passion for his talent and he’s cute. Reminds me or Armin Arlert.
✘ Gosh I wanted to kill him myself in the end when he was working against Makoto and being a stubborn crybaby. He just wasn’t LISTENING. Like I wanted to choke him out. You don’t fix your mistakes by making greater mistakes. Why wouldn’t he just listen??? Clearing reverse brainwashing and taking away free will isn’t the way to go.
Seiko Kimura
♡ She’s justified in what she does and how feral she goes toward the end of her life. I was like her in high school and still kinda am. They used her and ruined so many things for her inside and out. She’s so cute and precious and her talent is SO rad. I feel for her.
✘ Idk... just wish she would’ve defending herself more in high school but it’s hard.
Koichi Kizakura
♡ I call him Blonde Johnny Depp LMAO. He reminds me a bit of Dazai from BSD. Fun fact, he has Dazai’s same voice actor AND Gonta’s from V3 AND Hiro from Trigger Happy Havoc. I just love this man and his loyalty and sacrifice at the end.
✘ Didn’t deserve to die, deserved more lines and to be mentioned more often or more screen time.
Juzo Sakakura
♡ His sorry is sad. He didn’t deserve to feel the shame and guilt and unrequited love. I feel so bad for him. He was so loyal. His end wasn’t deserved. I felt so sad even though I didn’t like him at first. Also he’s hot.
✘ Bro punching doesn’t solve everything. He had MAD anger issues. Like he was so angry all the time on main.
Natsumi Kuzuryuu
♡ Idk she’s cute lookin or whatever... not much to say other that at least she has aspirations.
✘ Bitch bitch bitchety bitch bitch.
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Robin looked at Matt. "Hey, I miss Alfie. If you see him can you send him my way? I need the cuddles. Same goes it Gilbert." - @didimentionedapples
"I can ask him to come your way if you want but you have a better chance at telling him yourself. Not sure about Gilbert but Alfred will come if you need him, he’s a ditz at times but cares for you guys.”
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how-do-i-write-plz · 4 years
Human Collectibles
(Gus x Matt)
Commission for @victoryfroststarlight
Gus sighs softly as he sits with Willow and Luz.  Once again, he was pining over Mattholomule who was sitting close by, his nose in a book about human items.  Luz and Willow continuously try to get him to talk to Matt, but Gus refuses.  Although its been years, He wasn’t to sure on where they stood after the whole battle for presidency of H.A.S. went down.  Gus has since then not only rejoined, but has reclaimed his presidency position.  Matt apologized, but it was hard to tell if it was sincere or not.  However, that didn’t stop Gus from forming feelings.
“I wonder which item human collectible is on?”  Gus gives out a breathy sigh as Luz and Willow give each other that look.  Human collectible, Gus’ code word for Matt.  It was a full proof code, with Gus’ obsession with humans and all.  “I want to know so bad, think i could get a glance as I walk by?”
“Probably,” Willow says before sipping on her drink, “or you could just go over and ask which page he’s on.” Both her and Luz giggle once Gus starts to get flustered and coming up with so many excuses as to why he couldn’t just do that.  They tease him for a little bit before easing up. Before anyone could say anything else Matt gets up from his table and heads for the the library. Gus just stares softly at him as he goes and Luz’s eyes go wide.
“Ooooo maybe you should follow him, I mean it’s not like it’s weird for you to be in there. If he’s going to the human section, maybe you guys will reach for the same book and dramatically brush hands.” Luz says as she does dramatic poses. Gus blushes even more as he hides in his hands, but soon he is raised up by the arms by Liz and Willow who begin to drag him to the library.
“Now don’t come out until either you’ve talked to him or next class starts.” Willow says as they put him inside the library. Gus’ little heart is pounding so hard as he turns to face the library. He can’t do this, what if Matt still hates his guts? He wouldn’t be able to survive the humiliation or the heartbreak. With a heavy sigh he goes over to the human section and begins to scan for any new material, but instead he sees Matt putting away the book he was just reading. Gus freezes for a moment before trying to hide. Oh he was in a pickle. What was he possibly going to do? A plan, he needed a plan.
“Uh Gus?” Gus gives a small help before looking up to see Matt looking down at him. Gus’ cheeks darken as he tries to speak but can’t find the words. “What are you doing?” Matt asks with a hard to read expression.
“Nothing!” He proclaims while suddenly standing up and hitting his head on the shelf. “Hehe, absolutely nothing. Why you need a some help on uh Human items?” Gus said with a semi cracking voice.
“Actually Yea, I’m trying to find a specific one.” Gus smiles but does his best not to look Matt in the eyes.
“Of course, what is it? I can probably tell you anything you want to know about it.” Gus had that overly confident look on his face before turning to Matt. Fake it until you make it.
“Oh great,” He looks down at his books before looking back at Gus. “I’m looking for the book that contains human collectibles in it, but I’m having trouble finding it. I’ve heard you mention it before, and the way you go on about makes it sound really amazing...” Matt continues to talk, but Gus tunes him out. Matt’s heard him talk passionately about human collectibles, his code word for Matt. Oh this was bad, so, so bad. “Or you know you could just tell me about the- Gus, are you listening?” Matt waves his hand in front of Gus face and Gus snaps out of it.
“Huh? Oh uh, I mean if you want to learn more about human things, I’d uh be more then happy to uh tell you everything I know.” His face must be a whole shade darker with how hard he’s blushing. “
“That’d be awesome. Uh we can hang out after school some time if you’d like.” Gus smiles brightly and nods as they make plans. “Cool, see you after school.” Matt waves to him as he takes off from the
Gus has to practically stop mid whoop after Matt leaves when he’s shushed by the people in the library. He apologizes softly before leaving and telling Luz and Willow the good news.
Months had gone by, and Matt and Gus met after school on the same day every week. Gus still got very flustered, but he genuinely enjoyed getting to know Matt more. He was funny, and pleasant to be around. They even made better amends for the whole battle of presidency thing. On one of these days, Matt was unusually quiet when Gus arrived.
“Hey man, what’s wrong?” Gus says with a concern as he sits down across from him. Matt forces a smiles and just shakes his head.
“Ah just thinking, what sort of tidbits do you have today.” Gus wasn’t convinced and kept pressing. “Alright, alright.” Matt laughs out as he shakes his head. “Well you’ve taught me a lot about Human stuff, but I’m really curious about the one you always talk about.”
“I don’t follow.” Gus says confused. “You’re gonna have to specify.” Matt blushes a bit, though that could be Gus’ imagination.
“You know, the one you always go on and on about. The human collectibles?” Gus freezes for a moment. “I mean I can understand you calling them that to Willow, but Luz would know what you’re talking about.” Gus looks at Matt again, and this time he’s sure Matt was blushing. “I just, the only real reason I got interested was because you talked about it so much.” The influction on the word you made Gus blush even more.
“I-uh-“ Gus wasn’t ready for this to end, he wasn’t ready to confess. “I- I COMPLETELT FORGOT THAT I PROMISED LUZ AND WILLOW THAT ID- uh HELP THEM WITH THEIR HOMEWORK! Yea, yea I’m such ditz, we can uh catch up tomorrow or next week right?” Gus begins to stand up but Matt immediately catches his wrist.
“No you didn’t, I know for a fact both Willow and Luz have separate plans today.” Matt frowns when Gus looks down at him. “Just- I want to know, but I guess you don’t have to tell me...” Matt whispers something under his breath, and even as Gus sat back down, he kept a hold of his wrist. “I thought we were getting along, do- do you still not trust me?”
“Wh-What? No th-thats not it at all!” Gus says as he claps his other hand over his. “I’m just-“ he groans as he looks down.
“You just what Gus?” Matt says with a saddened tone.
“I just don’t want to... ruin this.” Gus takes a chance and looks up at Matt to see him look surprised. “I really enjoy spending time with you and- Ahh I stink at this.” Matt blushes before putting his other hand on Gus’
“The only way you could ruin this, is by saying befriending me was all a joke.” Gus looks at him and Matt has the softest look on his face. “So you know, I think we’re on the same page now.” He looks away embarrassed but makes no attempt to let go.
“Yea... I think we are.” Gus says with a happy smile. They both laugh for a moment, as the continue to hold hands. Gus then tells Matt that he had used Human collectibles as a code name for him. Matt laughs and shakes his head as he explains he was fully convinced it was actual human items he was talking about.
“So uh, guess I’ll see you at school.” Matt nods happily as he looks at Gus. Gus takes a deep breath before going in to kiss Matt’s cheek, but unknown to Gus was that Matt was doing the same thing, and they ended up kissing on the lips. They blush like crazy and then laugh together as they keep holding hands.
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bostonchungschwa · 5 years
consider: Gavin as former MI6. He was never the best shot, but he more than made up for it with his knife skills. He does things with computers that get Ryan and Matt hot and bothered. He’s frighteningly good at putting on a mask, at making sure his target is so distracted by the ditz and the fool’s gold rings that they never see the knife in his hand. For all the noise he makes when he’s fucking around with Michael, he can be deadly silent, even when he's not trying. He’s inhumanly good at ignoring pain, at ignoring fear, at ignoring illness, to the point that the others wonder if he's even capable of feeling them anymore (he is. but that's a whole nother story). 
And then consider Ryan and Jeremy: so alike and so different. Former members of an organization that’s so batshit they just say they used to be private contractors, because it’s so much easier to explain than the truth. They don’t have the kind of training that Gavin has. Half of what they’re most skilled at now was learned on the fly, in life-or-death, flight-or-fight situations. Their idea of stealth is that nobody can see them if nobody is left alive, right? They wear physical masks because neither of them ever managed the emotional ones. Having each other may have kept them closer to human, but you have to wonder if that’s a good thing, in their line of work. Gavin can compartmentalize so well that even his subconscious isn’t bothered; but Ryan and Jeremy see blood in their dreams.
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fortheloveoffraser · 5 years
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I’m such a ditz. I meant to write a post on 8.25.19 on our 6th anniversary together to share the wedding band I had created for Reed by this famous BMX dude Matt Beringer. Basically Reed mentioned the company this guy had made bike parts and rings and Reed was really interested in having him make a ring.
We both reached out (Reed didn’t know I did) and Matt himself emailed me back and said he didn’t make rings anymore but he’d be willing to do it and he’d add it to his list of things to do. He asked for specifics so Reed was bumming out talking about how he hadn’t heard back from him yet and I blurted out that he returned my message and I needed his ring size and what he wanted. He then double checked and saw that Matt did answer him on another form of social media!
I gave Matt the specifics of what he wanted it to look like and the size & hoped Reed would forget about it. He kind of did and Matt and I went back and forth for months. I told him in March I would love to have it done by August so I could give it to him for our anniversary and he said he would get it done. Unfortunately he’s such a busy guy that we did the back and forth until I finally gave up and then he messaged me while at my best friends wedding weekend saying that he was making it although he knew it was probably too late he said he’d pay for the shipping to get it there in one night so I would have it by Monday (our anniversary) I was SO excited. 
I went home during lunch to grab the ring and hide it in my purse for later and surprised Reed at dinner with it. He also gave Reed some stickers and autographed packaging so cool! The ring is made of titanium from his friends bike shop parts! Safe to say Reed was impress and it fit THANK GOD I was so nervous. Happy there is a story behind it :) 
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