#May I help you? (inbox)
caelanglang · 1 year
Uhh maybe more fem! skk??
You can have the first page of my skk sketch canvas #3! (i don't remember if this was my first attempt of fem skk but,, yes.)
bikini warning (?)
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The outfits were inspired by Nawy's fem skk art! I've seen a lot of pretty fem skk art but this one was truly the one that inspired me to draw the girls! idk There's just something so beautiful about the way Nawy draws them that just struck with me. It's so close to the canon designs and just. the way how there's really not much difference between the boys and girls version just slapped me so hard um I don't wanna go introspective with gender here but I just genuinely love the feeling Nawy's girls have. hi Nawy, if you're reading this I hope you know how much I admire you :3 I wanna draw like you someday aaaaaaaa
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castielsprostate · 22 days
like. it’s lovely that you’re enjoying the deadpool/wolverine shipping. but it’s still a marvel movie. i thought we were supposed to be boycotting marvel bc they have an israeli character?
hm. i already spoke about this but im just gonna be honest. you cannot deprive yourself of every. single. fucking. thing. and i am so fucking tired of policing people that are already doing shit for enjoying a single thing that isn't even involved with it.
i dont really talk a lot about what i do, because i dont think i have to justify how i live my life (something about good people dont have to brag about how good they are), but im already boycotting mcdonalds, im already boycotting starbucks, sodastream, burger king, phillips, airb&b, as much of nestle as possible, and every other company i can reasonably boycott. im donating to fundraisers and pleas for help. i donate to the pcrf. i donate to demining ukraine. i donate to greenpeace and a national cancer fund. i go to protests and demonstrations, i participate in community efforts, i share resources and fundraisers and verified information. im rallying for voters, i'm involved in my local community's green party. you dont see what i, or my friends, or other random internet users, are doing behind the scenes.
i am stretched fucking thin, my bank account is dwindling to keep up with everything. im going through insane health scares right now, chronic pain, anxiety so severe i want to fucking die, and a major chronic depressive episode to top it all off, i. am. exhausted.
you cannot deprive yourself of everything because when you do, there'll be nothing left of you. and who the fuck are you going to help then? the world is still happening, it's still turning despite the wars and genocides, despite the rising death toll of climate change, despite the threats to democracy. all we can do is put our effort where our mouth is, and take care of ourselves.
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aeolianblues · 1 month
do people like. Not realise that it is possible to be critical of two things at once or
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ghosttotheparty · 2 years
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love me softly p8
tags from @variousothershit on part seven bc it made me laugh out loud (i think eddie would allow it bc he’s in love)
They dance until the song ends, and the next one begins, swaying with their arms around each other, their hands linked. Steve makes Eddie twirl, and Eddie blushes, his cheeks flushing with heat when he stumbles and Steve giggles.
The next song ends.
Another begins.
There’s noise out in the hall, loud voices singing and laughing, and they keep dancing, hidden away in the dim light of the bedroom.
“We’re so bad at this,” Eddie says, laughing when Steve ducks his head to twirl, their fingers tangled. Steve laughs again, pulling him close, his arm over Eddie’s shoulder.
“We’re doing great,” he says easily.
Their eyes meet. Steve’s are shining in the light, and Eddie falters, gazing at him. He’s so pretty. Eddie wants to say it out loud.
Steve’s lips part like he’s going to say something, and Eddie realises they’ve both fallen still, just standing with their arms around each other, with their fingers still tangled. But before Steve can speak, the door bangs, and they jump apart.
“Someone’s getting laid,” a voice says outside, laughing, and Eddie’s face floods with heat as he glances at Steve, his heart pounding. “There’s probably a room upstairs, come on.”
There’s a moment of silence between them before Steve clears his throat awkwardly, rubbing his cheek.
His cheeks are pink, and even in Eddie’s nervousness he feels a rush of something. Not quite satisfaction, but close.
“I should probably…” Steve says, hesitating, gesturing vaguely to the door.
“Yeah,” Eddie says nodding. “Uhm.”
Someone’s getting laid.
His face flushes with heat again, and he moves past Steve to where the tin lunchbox is sitting.
“Here.” He rifles through it, finding a small baggie of weeds and he turns, tossing it to Steve catches it, perplexed. “We can say we were dealing.”
“Oh.” Steve looks at it, his cheeks still pink. “How much?”
Eddie suppresses a smile.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it.”
Steve stares at him, his eyes wide and shining, and Eddie tilts his head fondly, shutting the lunchbox.
Eddie smiles at him, watching him fidget with it for a moment before he picks up the lunchbox and heads to the door.
“I’ll see you ‘round, Steve.”
Steve moves forward, catching Eddie’s wrist before he can reach the lock, and Eddie’s eyes widen at the sudden close proximity, glances over Steve’s face.
“Uhm,” Steve hesitates, holding Eddie’s wrist gently. “Do you— Do you wanna, uhm… Come over this weekend?”
Eddie raises his eyebrows.
“You’re inviting me to your palace?” he teases.
Steve scoffs.
“Yeah,” he says. “I like hanging out with you.”
Eddie’s chest hurts. He exhales, and Steve’s fingers are suddenly hot against his skin.
“Okay,” he breathes.
“Saturday?” Steve asks.
“Uh, yeah.” Eddie blinks. “Uh, my— my uncle works nights, and we were gonna have dinner before he leaves. Is it cool if I come over after that?”
“Yeah,” Steve says softly, smiling. “‘S cool.”
They stare for a moment longer before Steve seems to remember that he’s holding Eddie’s wrist, and he lets go, glancing at their hands.
“I’ll see you then?” Steve asks, and Eddie nods, melting a little bit. He wants to lean in and kiss him.
But he doesn’t.
On Saturday Eddie is riddled with anxiety, pacing and fidgeting as he cleans the trailer. He changes his clothes three times, finally settling on a pair of ripped jeans and an old KILL ‘EM ALL t-shirt, with a few silver chain necklaces and his rings. He ties his hair back after getting annoyed with it brushing and tickling his neck and face.
“The fuck’s goin’ on with you, Eds?” Wayne asks while Eddie is making dinner.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re fidgeting like a sinner in church, boy. What’s going on?”
“Uh.” Eddie sighs, scooping food onto a plate from the pan, his cheeks flushing. “Nothing, really.”
“Mhmm,” Wayne hums dryly, obviously not believing him.
Eddie sits at the table with him, a leg drawn up onto his chair, and he pokes at his food for a moment. Wayne is looking at him as he eats, waiting patiently.
“I’m going to a friend’s place tonight.”
“No,” Eddie says, his cheeks flushing, looking up at him across the table. “Uh, his name’s Steve.”
“Steve,” Wayne repeats. “He from school?”
“What’s he like?”
Eddie looks away, back at his food. His cheeks flush again.
“He’s real sweet.”
He takes a bite of his food, glancing up at Wayne, who’s staring at him knowingly.
“That right?” Wayne says gently.
“How’d you meet?”
“Uh, guess we never really met,” Eddie says with his mouth full. “Like, formally.” He pauses to swallow. “But we had detention together a while back and kinda… hung out.”
“Is he nice?”
Eddie suppresses a smile.
“Yeah, he’s real nice. Leaves little drawings in my locker ‘nd shit. It’s cute.”
“You got yourself an artist?”
“He’s not—“ Eddie hesitates, his cheeks hot again. “He’s not mine.”
“You got yourself an artist.”
“Whatever, Wayne.”
Wayne pecks his forehead before he leaves as Eddie is washing up, tells him to have fun and be safe. Eddie just blushes again.
The drive to Steve’s is longer than Eddie remembers. The lights are on when he gets there, over the front door and upstairs, and Eddie hesitates, taking a sharp breath and exhaling slowly before he rings the doorbell.
It takes a few seconds before Steve opens it, looking soft and lovely in a red sweater and a smile, and Eddie melts.
Steve beckons him inside with a head tilt, and Eddie enters, his eyes widening as he looks around.
“Your majesty,” Eddie teases, his hands shoved in the pockets of his unzipped hoodie. Steve scoffs, closing the door.
It’s big inside. The ceilings are a mile away, and there are stairs leading up to it, abstract, expensive-looking paintings lining the wall. Eddie turns in a circle as he follows Steve to the living room, spinning to look around. He catches a glimpse into the kitchen. It’s bright.
“Holy shit?” Eddie says, laughing when he looks around the living room. There’s a conversation pit. Eddie’s never seen one before. “You ever fall in?” he asks, gesturing toward it with a jerk of his chin.
“Oh, yeah. Probably got a fuckin’ head injury when I was little.”
Eddie laughs, scrunching his nose, and Steve smiles at him.
He waits while Eddie looks around, carefully stepping around the pit so he doesn’t fall in. There’s more art on the walls, simple framed abstracts in red and yellow and blue. Eddie’s smile falters, and he searches around, eyeing the mantle under the television, the bookshelf. There aren’t any kinds of family photos anywhere.
“Is it… weird if I say it doesn’t look like anyone lives here?” Eddie asks, finding Steve leaning against a wall.
Steve shrugs, his hands tucked behind his back.
“‘S just me, so… You’re not really too far off.”
Eddie blinks.
“Your parents don’t live here?”
Steve sighs, shrugging again.
“They’re in and out. Usually on business trips or, like, vacation.”
“They don’t take you on vacation?” Eddie asks with a raised eyebrow. Steve just shakes his head.
“I wouldn’t go even if they offered.”
“They, uh, started leaving me home when I was a kid,” Steve says. “As soon as I was old enough to use the stove myself.”
Eddie stares at him, his heart splitting a little bit.
“That fucking sucks.”
Steve shrugs.
“Sometimes I forget I even have parents.”
“That’s sad, Steve.”
Steve shrugs again.
“When you were a kid,” Eddie says, complaining, looking around again, imagining a tiny Steve in the conversation out. Drawing with broken crayons. “Do they even know you?”
“Nah,” Steve says softly. “I got secrets.”
Eddie looks at him. There’s an almost mischievous glint in his eye.
“Consider my interest piqued,” Eddie says, and Steve grins before he beckons with a head tilt.
Eddie follows him, pausing to kick his shoes off at the door when he notices Steve’s just in mismatched socks, holding onto the railing as they go up the wood stairs. It’s dimmer upstairs as Eddie follows him down the hall.
“Uh.” Steve turns before he opens the door, pointing at Eddie so his finger touches his chest. Eddie’s breath catches in his throat. “Before we go in, you’re not allowed to judge me for the wallpaper.”
Eddie’s brows furrow, and he smiles hesitantly.
“My mom picked it when I was, like, nine, and I’m not allowed to change it.”
“Not judging,” Eddie sweats, holding his hands up in surrender before Steve sighs and opens the door. “Oh my god.”
“What did I say?” Steve says accusingly, but he’s laughing, watching Eddie look around at the horrific plaid walls.
“Not judging, not judging,” Eddie defends himself, hands still raised. “Well, that’s not true, I’m judging your mother.”
“That’s allowed.”
“Okay, good.” He finishes looking around, grinning. There are clothes on the floor and on the desk chair, and books and papers scattered across the desk, and the blankets on his bed are tossed aside messily. “So these secrets I’ve heard about…”
Steve grins, sitting on the edge of his bed. Eddie’s chest tightens. He wants to kiss him.
“Look in the closet.”
Eddie narrows his eyes, moving over the closet, and he opens it slowly, suspiciously, listening to Steve giggle behind him.
When it’s open, his eyes scan over the hanging clothing before they find the bottom of the closet, cluttered with canvases and a shoebox of paint tubes, and a guitar.
Eddie’s eyes widen, and he looks over his shoulder at Steve, who’s watching him shyly, almost nervously.
“Can I?” Eddie asks, reaching down to a canvas, and Steve nods.
“Go ahead.”
Eddie plops onto the ground, eliciting a soft giggle from Steve, and pulls the canvases out of the closet, looking at them, wide-eyed.
Most of them are abstract, but not in the way the paintings in the stairway and the living room are. They’re expressive, loud and passionate and so full of Steve that Eddie forgets the breathe. He looks through them slowly, gazing at every detail, every brushstroke and smudge and speck of paint, setting them aside carefully, gently.
“That one’s you,” Steve says abruptly when Eddie looks at one, and Eddie looks up at him. “It’s, uhm.”
“Explain?” Eddie questions, looking back at the painting. It’s full of dark blues and blacks and soft smudges of white and yellow and red, intense and heavy but somehow calm. At first glance, Eddie thinks it’s the sea.
“I was…” Steve’s cheeks flush red, and he scratches the back of his neck. “I was thinking about you. When I made it. Is that— That’s weird, I— I’m sorry, it’s—“
“It’s not weird, Stevie,” Eddie says gently, his chest aching. “It’s fucking beautiful.”
“Okay,” Steve says softly.
Eddie gazes at the painting for a little while longer, wondering when Steve did it, how long it’s been sitting in the dark of his closet.
“What are you gonna do with them all?” he asks, setting it aside carefully to look at the next.
“Don’t know,” Steve says. “Probably just keep them all there until I move out and get my own place.”
“You should cover every single wall with them,” Eddie says. “When you get a place.”
“You think?”
“Fuck yeah.”
He puts the paintings back as carefully as he can when he finishes looking through them.
“You play guitar?”
“Little bit.”
Eddie grins and picks up the guitar carefully, crawling over to hand it to Steve, who grimaces and takes it.
“Play me something,” Eddie demand, smiling up at him as he sits cross-legged on the floor again, his back to the closet. Steve sighs heavily, sliding his fingers down the frets, and Eddie watches eagerly as he starts to play.
“The Cure?” Eddie asks when Steve stops, grimacing again as he falters.
“Uh, yeah.”
Eddie nods approvingly.
“Is that allowed?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, ‘course. You can like what you like. Metal’s not for everyone.”
“Even if it’s Toto?”
Eddie shrugs, and Steve laughs, raising that eyebrows.
“You liked that song at the party, though.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you…”
“Okay, it wasn’t horrible,” Eddie says, cheeks flushing. Steve cackles almost evilly, looking up at the ceiling and Eddie falls in love a little more. He’d listen to Toto every day if he got to see Steve’s eyes sparkle like this.
“Alright, come on,” Steve says lightly, standing and kicking Eddie gently as Eddie looks up at him from the floor. He puts the guitar back in the closet, but forgets to shut the door.
Steve is different when he’s not at school. Eddie noticed it the first night they spent together, sitting by the quarry in the van, how light he seems when he isn’t surrounded by his douchey friends, how he sits differently, how he breathes differently.
When they sit in the conversation pit to watch a movie, Steve sits with his legs pulled up onto the sofa the same way Eddie does. He has an absent sort of smile gracing his lips, looking vaguely content in a way Eddie’s never seen him before.
Eddie looks away, pressing his lips together and letting his head fall back against the sofa, looking briefly at the ceiling. He’s so fucking beautiful.
They’re both quiet while they watch the movie, and Eddie is barely paying attention, instead focusing on the sound of Steve breathing, and the small distance between them. (Steve moved closer a little while ago, shifted slightly as he set his chin on his knee. Eddie wanted to scream.)
His cheeks flush with warmth when the characters in the movie lock eyes. A boy and a girl, staring intently at each other, the lighting dim and warm. He glances away from the screen at Steve, whose eyes are trained on the movie.
The air feels tight. Like Eddie could cut through it.
The characters kiss after a moment, slowly and gently and lovingly. Eddie’s chest hurts.
“Sometimes I—“ Steve’s voice says quietly, roughly. “I think that isn’t for me.”
Eddie looks at him, eyes wide.
“Kissing?” he says lightly, making Steve scoff. Girls?
“No, just… Romance. I guess.”
Eddie blinks, looking back at the screen. They’re still kissing, arms around each other, the boy’s fingers in her hair.
“Why?” he asks.
Steve sighs and shrugs.
“Nobody’s worked out,” he says. “Feels like they’re all… looking for something I’m not.”
Eddie swallows, biting his lip and picking at the hole in his jeans.
“Maybe you’re… not looking in the right place,” he says softly.
He keeps looking at the screen, watching the boy lift the girl onto a table without pulling away. The girl is smiling.
Steve is quiet for a few seconds before Eddie feels the sofa shift, and Steve’s hand gently touches Eddie’s chin, pulling to make Eddie face him, and before Eddie can even realise how close he is, he’s kissing him.
Eddie gasps, pushing forward to kiss him back briefly before Steve pulls away, holding Eddie’s chin gently. His eyes are wide, reflecting the movie and the soft golden light of the lamp across the room, and Eddie stares at him.
Steve blinks, his eyes flicking back and forth between Eddie’s.
“Did I misread that?” Steve asks anxiously. His hand is shaking.
“No,” Eddie says sharply, dropping his legs and shifting to face him. “No, no, you— I just— I just wasn’t expecting that, but I—”
“Was it okay?” Steve asks in a small voice. He looks like he might cry.
“Jesus, Steve,” Eddie breathes, reaching up to touch his face, pressing his palm to his soft cheek. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long, I…” He shakes his head. He looks at Steve’s lips. He can still feel them on his own.
Steve’s eyes are glistening, and his voice breaks, and Eddie doesn’t want him to cry. He reaches up with his other hand, cradling Steve’s face tenderly, and he nods.
“I have such a fucking crush on you. Christ.”
Steve laughs weakly, hunching his shoulders, and Eddie leans in to kiss him again, squeezing his eyes shut as their mouths crash together, tilting his head and gasping when they part.
“Eddie,” Steve says breathlessly, his eyes still closed, holding Eddie’s face.
“Yeah,” Eddie whispers, pushing Steve’s hair back, tracing a line down his neck lightly. “You okay?”
“I’m so okay,” Steve says softly. “I’ve never been this okay.”
Eddie grins at him, leaning in and kissing him softly.
“Can I…” Steve starts, pausing to bite his lip, his cheeks pink.
“What?” Eddie prompts softly, nudging their noses together.
“Can I sit on your lap?”
“Jesus. Yes, come here.”
He pulls at Steve’s hips, and Steve beams, sitting up and swinging a leg over Eddie’s lap so he’s straddling him. Eddie’s heart is pounding in his chest.
“Never thought I’d make it to Heaven,” he murmurs, wrapping his arms around Steve’s waist, and Steve shakes his head, rolling his eyes.
“You’re so dramatic.”
“Can you blame me?” Eddie asks, sliding a hand over Steve’s back. “Got the prettiest boy in Indiana on my lap.”
Steve’s smile falters. He’s tracing lines over Eddie’s jawline, down his neck.
“You think I’m pretty?” he asks softly, shyly.
Eddie exhales. Gazes up at him. He vaguely hears the movie in the background, but he’s too focussed on the way the soft lighting in the room is making Steve’s stray hair shine like spun gold, on the way his eyes are shining like they’re glass, like he’s a painting that belongs in a museum.
“I think you’re fucking stunning, Stevie,” he says softly. Steve’s cheeks flush pink.
Steve pulls him into a kiss by tugging on his necklaces. Eddie is glad he wore them.
part nine
read the whole thing on ao3
taglist: @dazedandinked @vecnuthy @mareydi @thekingandthejester @michael-the-angelo @mackdaddyofheimlichcountyy @confusionocturne @three-possums-playing-human @narcissist-era @snailcosworld @axltheedaddy @thing-a-ling
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jamiesfootball · 10 months
@sighonaraa I couldn’t find drowsy : (
here is a different post-sleepy scene. have some platonic cuddles.
Between the early hour and a bastardization of new and old sensations, there was a handful of time after Roy woke up where he couldn't piece together what the fuck happened.
The dry pounding in his head was familiar; the ache behind his eyes, not. The stiffness in his knee, an old neighbor. The warmth of another body stuffed up against his chest like a greedy teddy bear, new and important.
Between falling asleep and waking up, Jamie had burrowed his face into Roy's shoulder.
For a delirious moment Roy considered just being done with it and renaming it Jamie's shoulder -- it was the same one every time.
Even the smell of his hair was familiar now; the same way that he knew his sister by the smell of antiseptic and his niece by the smell of her strawberry shampoo, he could pick out the woodsy notes of Jamie's obscenely expensive hair products. A wave of relief rolled through him at the very clear signal that, whatever else had been going on, Jamie at the very least had been taking care of himself like he promised.
And then reality tilted slightly to the left and slipped back into focus.
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curiositeath · 3 months
hiiiii my inbox says there are "no messages" but there's a little number next to it indicating there IS actually a message??? anyone ever had that lil notification next to your inbox actually turn out to be a message?? when i google it everyone says it's a glitch and i should just hit delete but what if it's actually a message/ask?? i tried turning on and off the "let people send asks" thing but that didn't make it go away. help????
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dangaer · 5 days
i am very curious. what is your (the muns) favourite places to write?
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🌸hiii i want it to be known that you have become The Comfort Blog Ever. ive been seeing a lot of not so nice stuff in the SAMS community lately and your stuff is part of what makes continuing to participate worth it, so thank you for that :)
Why thank you and you're welcome! I try to be an impartial safe zone, since I know there's always someone who likes a certain character and I try to be fair to all of them.
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axelaxolotll · 6 months
hi guys. at the time of writing this i have forty (40) mutuals, and yet, each time im added to a tag game, i tag the same five people. 3 of which do not want to be tagged most likely. guys pls lmk if i can add u to tag games PLS 😭🫶
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nerice · 1 year
i don't think me warning "i am not normal when i get to talk abt ocs" adequately prepares people for getting a minimum 2k words in response to even the simplest of questions
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enruiinas · 8 months
Dash shenanigans are the gift that keep on giving tonight, so in the interest of keeping the hilarity going, please throw Law all your muse's recommendations for a list he's assembling of all the "normal" childhood experiences everyone should get to have. (feel free to inbox or leave them as comments).
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just-some-guy-joust · 2 years
@ the anon who just sent me more info about their submitted creature, i won't answer it right now for a few reasons but im madly in love with you please keep telling me worm facts I'm laying with my head on my hands kicking my legs in the air cutely
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
In the cool, plush core of the moon sleeps a mouse as we speak, dreaming of a world lush and green, then golden and undulating, then chopping and churning, a world of many surfaces with skies of many moods.
When it awakes, it will poke its tiny head out of a crater and bask in your glow as it does every morning. Here, all is still and silent. On that sparkling planet in the deep black distance, the sun seems capricious. But the mouse lives in the abyss of the body and therefore with a unique perspective on its essence. The mouse sees what other life does not see.
One needn't worry about unbecoming for the sake of containing a sun. Clouds may blanket the atmosphere of a planet, but still there burns a sun. The spots on the sun's surface may grow and shrink and shift, but still there it burns. And if one decides to cool it down like a waning flame or expand it in a cataclysmic supernova, still there it burns, and one has the right to revoke the state of their existence and become new.
Because perhaps the truth is you are not the sun--not alone--but it is rather a part of you. Your body is the solar system, each planet a world within the body, and each knows this glow in different ways. Some are nurtured by its warmth, others by its distance. Regardless of the sun's changes, they stay the course encircling it.
The universe cannot be held back, harnessed, fully comprehended. It pulls at the seams of solar systems as it pulls on its own seams. In that unstoppable shifting, we stumble. Sometimes it feels like our love and light slips from our fingers, shattering irrevocably in our falls. But what makes us cannot be seperated from us, even in times where our essence is obscured.
There is always another life to appreciate your life, no matter what happens. And in the least, there is always a little mouse in you that understands you in telescopic clarity and offers forgiveness for every change--no matter what, right into the end of time.
#answered#this was sitting in my inbox for a little while#and i wanted to answer properly but i fear that responding back is a little...hard#not that i dont want to its more like this was so prettily written and just so beautiful i fear if i responded id just ruin it lol#so im responding in the tags bc i feel better about doing that#i appreciate whoever decided to write all this up and leave it here for me it means a lot#more vent in the tag#not really vent but ig just reflective i suppose with the last week:#i think i may have actually talked about it before but you have no idea how happy i am with just. the people im surrounded with these days#because even if im going through something ill always push my feelings down in order to make someone else happy#because idc what happens to me overall. if i can make someone else happy thats all that matters#but ik a lot of people take advantage of it so when something bad happens when im unable to help someone they used to get mad at me for it#so more reasons to kinda push my feelings aside to cater to them etc etc etc#but i think the past week has been nice too in realizing that the people around me are patient and just overall kind -- not really expectin#much of me#ig theres this understanding that we all have busy lives now and maybe thats just the gift of maturity as a whole#even if im not the super positive or comforting presence people put me as at least people still care and thats how i know im loved at least#ig in a way this ramble is just a very big thank you to everyone for that#theres a lot of kindness and warmth in this ask that i appreciate and only want to spin back to friends. i hope they can feel it#or that it reaches them#anons#kind messages
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lupaeusarc · 7 months
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yall need jesus 😭😂
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koushirouizumi · 11 months
{Blog P.S.A} For New Followers
Where to Find Me: MY "ABOUT"+F.A.Q {READ FIRST}: Here (About) + Here (F.A.Q)! {People who don't even glance at these before leaving commnts inquiring about my Thoughts on Things get Ignored} [Trust Me I'll Know] AO3: Hikari {Currently/Mainly creating for Digimon, Adventure-related franchise} [also appears at times: 02, tri.~Kizuna~The Beginning, Frontier; less often: Xros Wars {Pt 2 of original XW is my personal favorite}/Young Hunters; Ghost Game; Tamers; Wonderswan games-verse; everything post-02 mainly being original Japanese version based] Other {+Digi}-Sideblogs: izzyizumi (main Digimon blog) hikari-m (official Digimon {news+art} archiving+general Fandom commentary; Asks or follows may come from here, Depending) taichi-x-koushiro (Archiving for Yagami Taichi/Izumi Koushiro as Ship) IF YOU ARE A NEW FOLLOWER OR LURKER, I'd really appreciate if you can send me an Ask (you could also leave a quick introductory comment here, on my pinned post) and introduce yourself (you do not need to expect a response from me), even a short description like name (Pennames are definitely fine!), preferred pronouns (if any) and/or what brought you to my page and what you're staying for (Especially if you were here for resource{s} posts/reblogging, I've been curious if they've been helping anyone!) The reason I am asking this is because lately there's been a huge uptick of spam blogs following with particular "patterns" to their Likes, Follows, etc. and in order to prevent from being softblocked by accident if you are not actively blogging, it'd be great to know in advance if you're a real person. Aside from AO3 the only other 'active' archives of social media that I have are my much older Livejournal and Dreamwidth accounts, and even they're not quite in use these days. However, if you also have active LJs or DWs and actively blog, feel free to let me know too!
{And, for Clarification to anyone "Wondering"}:
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[No, I will not discuss related current events further than this or in Tags. Anyone who attempts to push my boundaries on this will get Blocked]
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It’d be very, very cool if people could also learn to read my FAQ page linked on the sidebar before sending Asks or interacting directly with either of my blogs or myself, because I’m seriously TIRED of people ignoring it and my rules for interaction.
I am a {diagnosed since childhood} Autistic, G.N.C {Gender Non-conforming} + THEY/THEM Jewish blogger. I reblog about those topics here for that reason. {Also my Ko-fi is here.}
NOTICE: I am much less active on a personal level on this blog nowadays (in the sense of making personal posts or fan-works/posting fic; I still reblog informative posts). I am slightly more active on my other socials, but most of them are private and friends-locked to older groups of mutuals. If you are curious or wanting to interact about Digimon (especially Adventures or about my favorite characters and ships for this fandom) specifically, please feel free to message me about them, but please understand I may not add or speak with anyone that I do not fully trust or know well. (It will help if most of your stances on social-justice issues align with and don’t blatantly conflict with my own. I tend to not add/follow people anywhere whose posts I cannot filter [i.e. there are many popular Western media fandoms / mega-fandoms I’m not in which I blacklist, types of fanworks I don’t personally care for that I blacklist, etc]. I do not do follow-backs so please do not follow or interact here expecting one). It will also help if you read my FAQ first and agree to it before asking.
PLEASE FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH MY FANDOMS LIST (notably more the major fandoms but) BEFORE YOU INTERACT WITH ANY POST ON THIS BLOG. If I check/quick-vet your blog and find nothing but hate{watching} posts/“Critical” posts for my fandoms (ESPECIALLY THIS ONE), unless I’ve reblogged from you first, I MAY HARDBLOCK YOU.
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hemoatelier · 1 year
🩸 * out. ‣ i am not sorry for tipperposting‚ it will happen again. 🩸 * in. ‣ the curtain rises. 🩸 * inbox. ‣ send a message. 🩸 * answered. ‣ message received. 🩸 * face. ‣ graveyard heart. 🩸 * dash. ‣ break time. 🩸 * crack. ‣ welcome to the cringe and failzone. 🩸 * aesthetics. ‣ i wish we can wear dresses that shine brightly like the tail of a comet‚ and dance from the morning to night. 🩸 * character. ‣ this version of myself that i've chosen‚ imperfect as it may be‚ is the one i'll show to you. 🩸 * worldbuilding. ‣ keeper of the lore. 🩸 * creations. ‣ scoutlight‚ scoutkeep‚ scoutboss. 🩸 * promotions. ‣ networking chance. 🩸 * wishlist. ‣ something to look forwards to. 🩸 * connections. ‣ no one is alone in this world. 🩸 * calls. ‣ note box. 🩸 * closet. ‣ with a single thread. 🩸 * audio. ‣ radio station. 🩸 * blog updates. ‣ god help us all. 🩸 * saved. ‣ live tipper reaction.
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