#plus you get to hear about a fun new way someone sees a character
🌸hiii i want it to be known that you have become The Comfort Blog Ever. ive been seeing a lot of not so nice stuff in the SAMS community lately and your stuff is part of what makes continuing to participate worth it, so thank you for that :)
Why thank you and you're welcome! I try to be an impartial safe zone, since I know there's always someone who likes a certain character and I try to be fair to all of them.
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faebaex · 2 years
Adventures of the Gargoyle Studies Club! Ⅰ
author's note: the first of three parts! this is the winner of the 200 follower poll! (o・ω・o) this part mostly sets the scene, so has an array of cameos from other characters, but the other parts will focus mainly on Malleus and reader, probably. this reader was interesting to write, and their personality just kinda grew itself as i wrote! plus i've never written a reader who is a Ramshackle dorm student, so that was also a fun new concept for me to try (ᵔ◡ᵔ) Prefect was also kept vague on purpose, so maybe you can imagine your OC or someone as the prefect too! hope you enjoy!
characters: Malleus Draconia x GN!Reader
background: you are a magicless student who stays at Ramshackle with prefect and Grim, all three of you form one 'student' (Grim with magic, prefect and you with non-magic/theory based classes/exams). You arrived at NRC at the same time as the prefect, but you didn't know each other previously.
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So boring.
You trudged behind the prefect and Grim as you headed back to Ramshackle dorm, your eyes dull and your lips pursed. At first, when you found yourself thrust into a new world, stumbling around some sort of weird ceremony, you were excited. This world has all sorts of things that were just fantasy in your world. Magic, talking monster cats, ghosts, even merfolk! You couldn't wait to see what this world had in store for you. But now...
Now you were attending school, living a fairly average student life. Not even alchemy lessons were enough to perk you up anymore. And the mysterious, magicless student reputation that you seemed to obtain was just annoying now. How did your exciting new life turn so dull so quickly?
The entrance to Ramshackle creaked open and you sighed, immediately making your way over to the beaten up couch and throwing yourself onto it, letting your textbooks fall out of your arms onto the dusty floor and throwing an arm over your eyes.
"Y/N, you okay?"
You cracked an eye to see the prefect peeking over the top of the couch at you, Grim having run straight to the kitchen to pilfer a can of tuna before anyone could stop him. You groaned, kicking your legs off of the couch as the prefect walked around and took a seat beside you.
"I'm just so bored," you complained bitterly, the prefect tilting their head as you pouted, a sheepish smile spreading across their lips at your words, "this world holds so many possibilities, and we're stuck at school."
"Don't let Crowley hear you talking like that, it would be just the excuse he needed to give us more work to do." The prefect joked, hoping to lighten your mood, but it only caused you to scowl. Jeez, how you loathed that joke of a Headmaster. Spiriting you away to this world and then trying to shirk responsibility at the first opportunity. And then making you do ridiculous tasks whilst holding your allowance over your heads? What a cockroach of a man.
"Maybe there is something you can do where you can channel some of your energy?" The prefect pondered, seeing your darkening expression and hoping to get your mind off the headmaster, "maybe try the library? Or maybe a part time job?"
You folded your arms behind your head and shot the prefect a look, your eyebrow raised, "reading about this place will only make me more miserable that I'm stuck at school. And the only one who'll benefit from me getting a job is Grim, I'm sure. He'll have spent it all on tuna before I even get paid."
The prefect conceded the point with a hum, and you both fell into silence. You stared at the ceiling, counting the cracks on the ceiling before the prefect suddenly exclaimed loudly, the sound making you jump slightly.
"I know! You should join a club!"
You were already pulling a face, but the prefect shushed you and continued on, "Hear me out! NRC has lots of interesting clubs, surely there has to be one that you click with. Plus, you can always quit if you don't enjoy it, and join a different one. Or none at all. But then at least you tried something, right?"
You rolled the idea around in your head, but you still weren't fully convinced. The prefect could see this, and continued to push, "c'mon! Just give it a try. You could visit some of the clubs after classes tomorrow. I'm sure Ace and Deuce won't mind showing you around theirs. There is no harm in it, right?"
You went back to staring at the ceiling, trying to ignore the prefect staring earnestly at you. Still, they didn't stop, and you eventually relented with a sigh. "Fiiine. I'll visit a few clubs tomorrow. But no promises."
The prefect shot you a sunny smile, and you could see why they were the most approachable resident of Ramshackle dorm's ragtag trio.
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You stared at the infobook in your hands listlessly, a directory of active clubs staring back at you. You'd already struck some of them from the list as a pre-cursor, namely all the sports clubs. That had near broke Deuce's heart, much to Ace's delight, as he tried in vain to convince you to at least take a look around. Unfortunately, you think this had only encouraged Ace, as you were now following him to take a tour of the basketball club, despite your immediate rejection.
"I have basketball back in my world, you know." You commented as you both made your way to the gym, Ace not missing a beat in his reply back.
"Yeah, but you didn't have basketball with me in your world." Ace grinned at you, and you squinted in return, "yeah, we really dodged a bullet there." Ace feigned hurt, a hand pressed to his chest as he slumped into the wall. You rolled your eyes, the small smile tugging at your lips ruining your irritated façade.
"This better be worth it, Trappola. You know how many clubs I have to visit today?" You warned as you neared the gym doors, and Ace waved his hand at you, "yeah yeah, it'll be great. Just trust me!" He came to a stop at the doors and held his hand out to stop you, his other hand grasping one of the handles. "Just gimme a sec..."
Ace cracked the gym door open just enough to pop his head through, and you were both silent as he peeked around the gym before pulling the door open. "Lucky. I guess Floyd isn't coming today."
"Whose that?"
"You don't want to know."
You both entered the gym, and you glanced around the gym at the few club members that were already milling around, stretching or doing basic ball exercises. Ace span with his arms out, gesturing to the gym, "so this is it!"
"... Okay, and?"
"What do you mean 'and'?! We get the whole gym to practice in! What more could you want?"
"... You would make a terrible salesman."
Ace scoffed at your words, swinging his gym bag off of his shoulder and tossing against the wall. He picked up a stray basketball and began throwing it between his hands, "let me show you how good I am, and then you'll be begging to join the team! I can get this in the hoop from here."
You glanced up. You weren't that far from the hoop, but you decided to humour him regardless, "go on then, I'm watching." Ace shot you a cocky grin, turning towards the hoop and taking his aim. He eventually took his shot, sending the ball sailing through the air... Only for it to his the basketball hoop's rim and ricochet off, landing and bouncing sadly on the floor.
"... Wow." You bit your lip in order to suppress your laughter, Ace's ears turning red in embarrassment. "I meant to do that," he reasoned.
"Wait, can you do that again? That would look great on my Magicam." You pulled your phone out of your pocket as you spoke, aiming it towards Ace as he scolded in retaliation.
"Shut up."
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You found yourself yet again staring listlessly at the directory of clubs. You took your leave of the basketball club shortly after their activities began, slipping out before Ace could try and rope you into some sort of activity with him.
With all the sports clubs already crossed off, it left you with few alternatives. And they all sounded rather... Average. The pop music club was clearly just the school band, so that was out. The board game club was out, you could just play board games at Ramshackle with Grim and the prefect if you really wanted to. The film studies club apparently required an audition before you could join, what was that about? Either way, that was out too. Science club was also out. As much as you liked Professor Crewel, there already wasn't much you could do in alchemy class so you imagined it would be the same there.
There was one that seemed to be slightly promising. The mountain lover club... What an odd name. Apparently, club activities included hiking and exploring mountains and it's var. Maybe this could work, maybe there is a chance you explore mountains all over this world and that could be your chance to explore new places? To join, apparently you needed to contact some guy from the Octavinelle dorm...
You sighed as you flipped through the infobook, mostly out of frustration more than any desire for more information. But then something caught your eye. On a forgotten page towards the back of the book seemed to be a listing for another club. The... Gargoyle studies club? You skimmed the club description, and you felt your eyes begin to light up.
Visiting gargoyles... Appreciating architecture... Exploring ruins?! Like real, magical ruins? Where there could be all sort of treasures and artifacts?! For the first time in weeks, you felt your cheeks flush in excitement. This sounded exactly what you were looking for. Your eyes searched the bottom of the page, trying to find who to contact... A student from the Diasomnia dorm, huh?
You slammed the infobook shut and took off towards the Hall of Mirrors, a skip in your step. You had to go find this student immediately. You resisted the urge to run through the halls, lest Trein appear out of nowhere and scold you. He seemed to have a knack for appearing whenever Grim was up to no good, that much was for certain.
You reached the Hall of Mirrors in no time. From your experiences of visiting Heartslabyul, you knew it was as easy as approaching the dorms mirror and simply walking through. After a cautionary inspection, you found the Diasomnia dorm mirror and didn't hesitate to step through.
... Wow, did all the dorms here need to look so intimidating? Plus, they made Ramshackle look like a ruin in comparison. You stared up at the imposing castle that was supposed to be a school dorm building, wondering how much of the school's budget went into this. They even had a drawbridge, was that really necessary? Cool though, you supposed. Oh well, you could ponder over this place another time, you had a club president to find!
You marched over the drawbridge with determination, and pushed open the dorm's entrance door, slipping inside. Jeez, it was so dark in here. Did they not have any electricity? You supposed it fit in with the castle theme but... Wasn't that inconvenient?
You wandered the corridors, not really sure where to start. There must be a lounge around here somewhere, right? You slightly regretted not flagging down a Diasomnia student on your way here, and you hadn't seen anyone since you'd walked through the front door. You let out a sigh, and almost jumped out of your skin when a loud shout rumbled through the corridor.
"HUMAN! What do you think you are doing here?!"
You looked up in surprise and squinted towards the figure at the other end of the corridor, a green haired figure with his hands on his hips as he glared down at you. Actually, he looked kind of familiar...
"Hey, I know you. You're that student who laughed at Grim's test score." You stated, making your way over to him. His expression did not soften, and he continued to glare at you as if you'd personally offended him somehow. Or maybe Grim did, always a possibility.
"You... You are one of the magicless students from Ramshackle dorm," the green haired figure stated, eyeing you suspiciously, "what business do you have here? If you are here to disturb my liege, I will remove you without hesitation!"
... What a strange guy. His liege? And did he have to shout every sentence? But with the look on his face, it seemed like he was about to throw you over his shoulder and toss you out of the dorm if you didn't answer quickly, so you pushed on. "I'm looking for a Diasomnia student, you can help with that, right?"
He scoffed at you. "Of course I can't. I must hurry back and guard my liege!"
Maybe this guy was participating in Live Action Roleplay or something, you wondered, trying not to get distracted by his odd demeanor. "You can guard your liege later. C'mon, I need your help!"
That seemed to be the right thing to say, because his hard expression suddenly turned smug, and he folded his arms across his chest. "You need my help? Of course you do, silly human. I suppose I can spare you a few moments, it would be very noble of me... Who are you searching for, human?"
A smile grew on your face and you flicked through the infobook quickly, trying to find the name before he changed his mind and rescinded his offer to help. "I'm looking for... Malleus... Draconia? Malleus Draconia." You looked up from your info book and to your surprise, the green haired student looked like you had just slapped him across the face. Before you knew it, he was grabbing your arm and dragging you down the hall.
"I knew you were suspicious!" He boomed, his grip tight and unforgiving, not budging no matter how much you tried to pull away or dig you feet into the carpet. "Let go of me, you brute! What is your problem?!"
"I can't believe a spy would be so brazen as to walk directly into our dorm! Master Lilia will know exactly what to do with you!" He spat, continuing to drag you along the corridor as if you weren't resisting at all. Was he seriously trying to drag you into his roleplay experience? Was he for real?
You eventually ended up getting led further into the dorm before the green haired brute of a student dragged you through some doors with him. Ah, well at least you found the lounge, one way or another. As you were pulled through the doors, you noticed two students standing together further in, both turning to look towards you as you were dragged towards them. One was the short boy with pink highlights that you vaguely remembered meeting in the cafeteria on one of your first days at NRC. Next to him stood an incredibly tall man, you felt your neck craning just to get a good look at him. And were those... Horns?! Oh great... You truly had stumbled upon some sort of roleplay group, just your luck...
"Who do you have there, Sebek?" Asked the pink highlighted student, amusement clear from the shine in his eyes and the tilt of his lips. You shook your arm futilely in Sebek's grip, a scowl beginning to paint your face.
"Master Lilia, I have caught an intruder! A spy!" Sebek bellowed, his back straightening as he presented you, grip still tight on your arm. You huffed in exasperation and glared up at him, "get off of me. What kind of spy would walk in here and tell you why they are here! Are you stupid?"
Sebek gasped, seemingly taken aback by your rant, "H-human! How dare you?!" Before you two could continue arguing, 'master' Lilia stepped forward, "now, now Sebek, I've told you about inside voices before, haven't I? And accosting a guest is hardly the manners I've taught you, hm?"
Sebek flushed, from his neck to the tip of his ears, his grip waning on your arm enough for you to rip your limb away from him with a disgruntled pout. "B-but Master Lilia, this human is clearly suspicious..."
Sebek continued to stutter out excuses, his hand travelling up to grip his hair nervously as he tried to justify his actions. You rubbed at your arm, promising yourself that if it ended up bruising, you'd stick Grim behind him during History of Magic class and bribe him with tuna to be as annoying as possible.
"Hey..." You addressed Lilia, who promptly turned his attention, "do you know where Malleus Draconia is?" Lilia tilted his head at your question, and you could feel the gaze of the tall man boring into you.
"What is it you require of our Housewarden, dear?" Lilia enquired, the curious glint in his eyes not hidden by his calm smile. Housewarden? Is that why Sebek was making such a big deal about you coming here? Still, wasn't it a bit much?
"I have a request for him." You stated, and you watched Lilia put his hand to his chin as his curiosity grew. "A request?" He repeated, and you only nodded in response. Silence fell between you all, before a deep laugh shattered it, mirthful in its tone. You looked up, curious of the source, only to discover it to be the tall man with horns.
"I see. To think a simple magicless human would be so brave to approach me in my own abode. In commendation of your efforts, I, Malleus Draconia, will allow you to speak your request." The tall man spoke, a rich, smug smile tugging his lips up as his bright green eyes continued to bore into you.
"... Y-your Malleus Draconia? Then..." You took a deep breath, taking a step forward. Sebek's hand shot out to stop you, only to hang in mid air as he received a sharp look from Lilia. Your eyes shone with excitement and you clenched your hands into fists, holding them up toward your chest in enthusiasm. You looked Malleus dead in the eye, and spoke your request with all the sincerity in your heart.
"Please, let me join the Gargoyle Studies Club!!"
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rendy-a · 1 year
I live for your "self aware au" Sebek, he so goofy and murder
Can we have some more of him in the said au? Just anything you feel like
Thanks ahead!
Sebek is such an interesting character to write.  He is both as serious and chivalrous as a knight of yore while at the same time being absolutely ridiculous.  It gives him just an incredible range.  Plus, somehow, everything he does turns out humorous.  Its just a fun thing to write!
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If this were a normal school, you feel like each student would fade into the background.  A crowd of students would be like a school of fish; you see each one and yet none catches the eye.  This wasn’t a normal school though and you weren’t a normal student.  In the world of TWST, no one catches your eye like a member of the main cast.  In a class, the hallway or lunchroom; if a student from the game passes by, you just can’t help but notice. 
That is likely why you’d so easily picked up on your new…companion.  Sebek was following you again.  He tries to be inconspicuous, but he is tall enough to loom over most of the students.  Plus, he is in no way quiet.  “HUMAN!  MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!  I HAVE PLACES TO BE!”  You hear him from down the hall long before you catch sight of him.  You figure that, if he is going to follow you anyway, you might as well walk with him.  However, when you turn to wait for him, he quickly ducks behind a pillar.  You meet the eye of Scarabia C and nod your head toward the pillar as if to ask, ‘you seeing this too?’  Scarabia C only shakes his head.  You shrug and walk to class with Scarabia C instead. 
You’ve developed an interest in seeing how far Sebek would go to follow you while still pretending not to.  You purposely drop things while he trails behind you to see if he returns them.  He does return each item, but not in person.  You see him gasp in surprise and rush to collect whatever random junk you’ve left behind and clutch it to his chest like a treasure.  Then he hurriedly rushes from your view.  It’s never long before your ‘lost item’ finds its way to your school desk or a table in the library you like to use to study; just somewhere he knows you’ll be.  Sometimes, you wish he wouldn’t return the items.  There have been a few occasions where you forget to toss an empty bottle or note in the trash and find it carefully preserved and returned to you later.  Sebek appears to view anything you’ve touched as equal in value from textbooks to gum wrappers. 
You aren’t proud of it, but you’ve also sort of been using Sebek as your henchman.  It’s hard to be so inexplicably famous but also magicless in a place like NRC.  Sometimes, the random NPC students get pushy about spending time with you or invading your personal space.  Once, you tugged your hand from a student’s grasp and loudly declared, “Someone needs to teach you some manners!”  The next day, you’d gotten a written apology from the student in question.  He nervously glanced over his shoulder with a blackened eye while handing you the letter.  You follow his gaze and see a hint of lime green hair peeking out from around the corner.  You take the letter and smile to yourself. “I graciously accept your apology.  I’m glad SOMEONE has done a fine job of reminding you how to treat your fellow students,” you say in a much louder than necessary voice.  You are rewarded with a pleased gasp from around the corner.
You sometimes struggle over how to feel about the constant surveillance.  On one hand, it was somewhat creepy having someone you barely knew monitor your every move like that.  You also had no privacy with Sebek chasing away people he deemed unworthy to speak with you (which was everyone).  Even conversations you did manage to have outside of class were with Sebek looming behind your friends and giving them a fierce glare.  Yet, there were times when his presence was far more comforting than anything else.  After all, it’s a long walk back to Ramshackle.
Halloween was a time when the gates of NRC didn’t close until late in the evening.  Until then, students were about campus greeting visitors and running booths; it all lead to a cacophony of joyful noise.  After close, the wind that howled softly past your ears was the only sound you heard in the dark night.  You quickly snuff a candle in the jack-o-lantern at your feet before moving on to the next.  This was the job Crowley had assigned to you; to put out all the jack-o-lanterns from the gate to Ramshackle dorm after close.  Honestly, it was a very (dare you say it) kind thing of him to do.  It lets you do your part in the festivities while also being extremely convenient for you.  When your walk was done, you were right at home.
Only, as you went along the path putting out the lights, the darkness of the night grew ever closer to you.  Soon, it wasn’t just the wind you noticed but the common sounds of the night that gave you pause.  It was the rustling of leaves that made you wonder what was moving in the forest and the clicking of heels that made you crane your head to locate the student walking nearby.  The worst was when you swore you heard one of these noises but pausing to search for a source garnered no results.  After staring for a time into the empty night, you’d shudder a bit and force yourself to move on.
You reach the next jack-o-lantern and snuff the light when you hear a branch brake in the woods.  This time, it isn’t a small sound but something much larger.  Your eyes go round, and you think you shiver a bit as you look into the darkness.  That is when you hear the clicking on the sidewalk begin.  You turn in fear to peer behind, but it is only Sebek, approaching with deliberateness.  He gets a few feet from you and then stops and peers into the woods, “SIVLER?  IS THAT YOU?  WHEN I FIND WHERE YOU’VE BEEN SLACKING OFF…  I…I am going to CHECK THIS WHOLE AREA FOR YOU!”  Then he looks over at you before quickly jerking his gaze away. 
Having the stalwart knight at your side helps you calm down.  Sebek can be strange, but you wholeheartedly believe in his skills as a guard.  You look one last time at the blushing first year before you turn and walk away.  He matches your stride, going faster when you do, stopping when you stop; he makes sure he never approaches you too close, but you always feel him there nearby.  You think to yourself, ‘What could be better than a night fae to guard you from the imagined dangers of the dark?’  It brings a small smile to your lips.
Finally, you reach the final jack-o-lantern at the gate of Ramshackle.  You snuff the light with a relieved sigh, knowing your duty was complete and home was in sight.  Grim must have beaten you back because the lights were on, warm and inviting, just up the stairs.  Or maybe the ghosts took pity on you and turned them on.  Either way, darkness never feels as frightening when you come again to the light.  You brush a hand through your hair and pull out a wayward leaf, setting it down on the pillar near the last jack-o-lantern.  Then you turn your head to meet a startled Sebek’s eyes.  You exchange no word, only giving him a grateful nod, before you head indoors. 
Sebek watches you go as his heart beats a rapid rhythm.  He’d taken a walk with the Player tonight.  In the moonlight, alone.  It was practically a date!  He places a hand to his face to cool down his heated cheeks.  And they left something near the jack-o-lantern before signaling him; was it another gift?  Sebek heads over and examines the leaf.  He carefully clasps it as tears fill his eyes, ‘This leaf touched the Player themselves!  And they gave it to me!’  He looks carefully around and finds a similar leaf to swap out with the one he takes.
That night, Sebek pulls out his box of treasures.  He opens it with reverence, adding the leaf to his collection.   A book, an empty bottle, a scribbled note, a gum wrapper and now a leaf.  All the items quite common seeming but each one had once belonged to the Great Player.  Sebek felt a bit bad for swapping out the items and returning you imitations, but you never seemed to notice.  ‘No,’ Sebek scolds himself, ‘it’s the Great Player, of course they noticed!’  He smiles with great delight.  The Player meant for him to have these things, why else would they look at him each time before leaving them behind for him?  Yes, he’d keep swapping out the items to throw off the jealousy of those other unworthy fools who flocked around you and wait.  Wait until the day he could emerge from the shadows and stand proudly at your side.  Just as the Player intends.
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drabble #15 - attention to detail
kai parker x reader
summary: kai admires the way you watch tv
tags: tv watching, fangirl behavior, neurodivergent behavior (?)
word count: 1k
a/n: neurodivergent and/or fangirl reader; idk, this is something i do, idk if i'm crazy for it, or if people relate to it. lmk if i'm crazy. i just want my weird habits validated by kai, mmkay! 😅
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Your finger hovers over the exit button on your screen as someone enters the room. Anxiety grows in your chest, but you try to not let it show. They circle around you, likely to join you on the couch, but hopefully not.
“Hey,” the person greets. You relax at the voice of Kai. Despite his reputation, you quite like the guy. He has his own demons, and is learning his way about the world, and while you have nothing in common otherwise, you kind of relate to him in that way. 
You don’t see it, but he smiles at your response. Just the acknowledgement of his presence is nice to hear. Especially in the gentle, non-accusatory tone you use with him. “Whatcha watching?” He saw a glimpse when he passed behind the couch, but didn’t want to make you uncomfortable by lingering. 
“Oh, just this show I’ve been into for the last couple weeks,” you say, not wanting to reveal the title and give him an opportunity to poke fun. 
“Ah, the one you were watching yesterday? With the- with that actor you like?”
A small blush rises to your cheeks as you squeak out a “yes”, and Kai finds it absolutely adorable. 
“What season are you on?” He asks, no judgment about the show, nor the actor you like. A wave of confidence splashes over you. 
“Six, technically, but I’m rewatching season four before I watch anymore of six, because I’m not ready to process new information.” You chide yourself immediately. What a strange thing to say. And you were doing so well until then. 
Kai narrows his eyes, but then shrugs. “Okay.”
“Like, something big just happened in season six. They’ve already introduced the Big Bad, but the Big Bad in season five was so detrimental to the team - it killed a bunch of folks, and mentally scarred a whole bunch of others - that I’m not really ready to deal with another, so I’m rewatching a season where I know what happens, so that I already know who gets hurt, so it’s less painful to watch. Plus, rewatching episodes always helps me see things I miss the first time, which gives me a better understanding of the plot and the characters.”
Kai tries to not study you like a bug, but he’s fascinated by your explanation. The empathy you have for fictional characters is something he can’t help but admire, as is your desire to soak up every detail like a sponge. He wonders what it would be like to care so much that watching any further would genuinely hurt him. For the first time, he wishes he could love, so he could love like you do.
“Sorry,” you say after a moment of silence, “I just… infodumped on you. That was probably really confusing and weird.”
“No, not weird. It’s nice.” Kai tries to reassure you, but can’t find the words he needs you to hear. 
“I should probably just watch the season and have one big cry at the end like a normal person.”
“No, I think your way is better.”
“Wait, really? Most people tell me it’s just a tv show and to get over it.”
“Well, yeah, it’s a show, but it’s something you love, so who gives a fuck how you like to watch it? They’re not watching it with you; they’re not even in the room. I like the way you say you take the time to learn the characters and understand the plot. Y’know, someone put a lot of effort into that show you’re watching, and you’re enjoying it the way they’d want it to be enjoyed. Like it’s a piece of art in a museum, and you’re pointing out all the brush strokes and reading the plaque to understand the medium.” When you give him a confused glance, he smiles sheepishly. “I know a little about a lot of things. Went to a couple museums when I was stuck in 1994.” 
“But my point is, coming from a sociopath, the empathy you have for the characters in your show is really cool. And I can understand the rewatching bit, too. I haven’t rewatched anything with the intensity that you have, but obviously, I could only watch anything made pre-1994, and to hell if I’m watching anything black and white, so I’ve seen some of the same movies once or twice, or more. Sometimes I get tired of rewatching the same stuff, but sometimes, I’ll also pick out a funny line I missed the first time, or a hand gesture that reveals a character knew something all along.”
You smile at him, grateful for his words and engagement in the conversation. You feel a little less childish about your own habits, especially knowing Kai’s not one to lie or hold back his true feelings about anything. For him to go as far to say he recognizes your empathy is a lot, and nothing you’d expect from the newly-reformed serial killer. 
“Thank you,” you blurt out, not wanting to leave him hanging.
“For what?”
“For not making me feel stupid about my interests.”
His eyes narrow. “Who makes you feel stupid?”
“A lot of people. Family… Damon.”
“Well Damon tries to make everyone feel stupid, and family sucks.”
You snort. “True.”
“If he says anything again, he can go through me.” Kai sends you a wink. 
“Okay,” you giggle in response. 
The man watches you for a minute longer. You press your spacebar to make the show play, and he takes note of the smile that spreads across your face as the characters fill the screen once more. He wants to ask to watch it with you, but doesn’t want to push just yet, so he doesn’t. He’s making progress, though, and gaining your trust. Hopefully soon, you’ll be less shy around him. 
And you think the same, feeling his eyes on you. Your trust isn’t something that’s easily given, but this isn’t the first time Kai’s made you feel comfortable, and you have a feeling it won’t be the last. He stays on the other end of the couch, but sticks to himself, and within a couple minutes, laughs quietly at something on his phone. The air between you is pleasant. His words run through your head once more, as the same scene plays for maybe the tenth time, but this time, you aren’t as worried about the people in the room as you watch.
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bonefall · 1 year
So I decided to read through Bramblestar's leader ceremony from the original Ultimate Guide today- and I had a thought: have you chosen what cats give him his lives in Better Bones already? Granted, I'm sure you'll gut some of the canon placements for not knowing him in life (Lionheart) or being alive by the time he becomes leader (Goldenflower, Ferncloud, Mousefur) but Bluestar imparting clear judgement is a fun virtue considering his actions are anything but. Plus, Jayfeather could always gripe about it when he argues with Bramblestar. 'Wow Bramblestar, you sure displayed clear judgement when you asked me to let Sunrise BLEED OUT IN CAMP!'
I hadn't picked yet actually! I also haven't read his leader ceremony in aaaages. I never really liked it, felt full of TPB fanservice and didn't really say a lot about Bramblestar as a leader.
(But tbf that is probably because the writers have no idea what they're doing with him. He's generically noble and they have a double standard against female characters, so they just use his man pain to make the girls in his life feel wretched without examining WHY having defiant women in his life bruises his ego so easily)
But anyway, I don't have a FINALIZED thing yet, but here's a rough draft. It's a total overhaul. A big difference in BB and Canon is that Bramblestar is leader BEFORE the reveal, and long before the Battle of the True Eclipse. So all of these picks have to be from Po3 and before.
(BB context: Firestar was killed offscreen during the Fire Scene in an assassination, Ashfur took advantage of the situation to attack the Three. It was an arson set by Whiskernose and carried out by Thornclaw, Breezepelt, and possibly Harespring. Ashfur is still on the run, suspected of killing Firestar to hurt Squilf because he failed to hurt her kits)
(also if you want FULL full context go look at BB!Hollyleaf's character summary)
Gorseclaw -- Righteousness. His progenitor ancestor who set history into motion by betraying his siblings during Ripplestar's Rot, and whose curse continues down through the generations. He tells him he's proud. He SEES how much he's struggled. He's had to make hard choices that everyone else thought would be easy, and he understands. But he's done the right thing... and he tells him to keep doing it. Bramble briefly feels hot with shame-- did he really have so many ancestors in the Dark Forest that he had to hear from someone so ancient? Tigerstar, Pinestar, Oakstar... this life unsettles him and sets the tone for the rest of the ceremony
Snowcarve (Snowkit) -- Opportunity. The last time Brambleclaw saw his little uncle, he was carried off by a hawk after shoving one of them out of the way. He stands as a proud, starry adult before him: the age he would have been. He "speaks" through unfamiliar glyphs that form beside his head, and Brambleclaw knows somehow that this is the writing that he had been working on before his death. Snowcarve commands that he watch for that which he would have missed, to listen to those who are different and have new ideas, for opportunity is silent and tender. If your mind and heart are closed to what could have been, you will miss your chance and never know what you could have had. Brambleclaw tries to bring up that he's sorry he didn't save him-- Snowcarve taps his ear and shakes his head, giving him a stern glare. The words say, "you did not need forgiveness. It was my choice and I have never regretted it." In fact, he can wave his tail and welcome the next life;
Yellowfang -- Judgement. She asks him, "Would you ever blame a kitten for what someone else did?" Bramble is confused, "Of course not?" "Then stop blaming yourself for what others have done for you. I ran back into that fire to save my herbs and leeches. I put myself there, and Firestar knew that. Stop confusing blame for experience, guilt is not wisdom, pain is not good judgement."
Feathertail -- Kindness. A little bit of understanding goes a long way. When you get wrapped up in your anger, or your fear, slow down and consider the feelings and intentions of others. You'll find that most people are good. (He accepts the life but stops himself from arguing with her-- ok, sure, but what about everyone who isn't? He has a bit of a thought spiral wondering if the wise cat he'd travelled with had changed or if she was ever wise at all)
(Idk which elder is dying in Po3 yet, if it's Frostfur or Mousefur, but one of them gives a life) -- Confidence. There was a time where their own judgement lapsed, and they pinned their anger on him. They apologize for it, and tell him that this life is for living in spite of that. The strength to mind that you can't control what other people think of you, and the firmness to commit to what he believes is right.
Brackenfur -- Negotiation. To remember that every action sends a message, to understand that you must remain calm and make the right concessions to accomplish greater things. Don't let emotions like anger, offense, and spite cause you to ruin something you may have worked hard to build. (Brambleclaw is by the halfway point totally missing the point that these cats are trying to teach him nuance and mindfulness, and mostly feels betrayed and confused. He knows most of these things... and did the elder not just tell him to have confidence in himself in spite of people who hate him?)
Speckletail -- Courage. When everyone runs away, you run TOWARDS. People will rely on you now, and StarClan will give you the power to protect them. No storm, no beast, and no tyrant will find its way through you. When he takes the life he feels the rage and FEAR she did when she ran towards the bulldozer, the pride in her power as she attacked the human, and learns that Thornclaw was wrong when he told them she looked satisfied on the way down. After kicking him out she was terrified, but overwhelmed by relief and LOVE that her grandson was safe. It makes him collapse, and as he gets back up he's in tears, asking "i thought this was a life for courage, you were afraid!!" And Speckletail puffs her chest up proudly, "Courage is being terrified and doing it anyway."
Swiftpaw -- Acceptance. He has no warrior name. He has no adult form. When Brambleclaw asks him for his title, he simply says, "I give you this life to know when to accept what you cannot change, and the wisdom to see what you can't control." Brambleclaw can't help himself, this ceremony has been a horrible experience, "what a terrible life!" Swiftpaw dips his head solemnly, "yet without it, what a terrible death." But Swiftpaw also reminds him, this is not a part of his life that he cannot change. He can move on with only eight lives, and he will understand. But Brambleclaw says no, "I have a clan to protect. This is one of the things I can't control." He is surprised by how soothing the life is when he gets it though. He doesn't feel any of Swiftpaw's pain as he died. It's not about that. It's the quiet embrace of the void, the shouting as the patrol finds him and Brightpaw, falling away into silence, accepting that he is dying, and that it's okay to let go.
Firestar -- Trust. It HAS to come at the end.
Firestar opens up by asking Brambleclaw what's wrong, seeing how exhausted he is. He responds, his voice trembling, "I hoped it would be reassuring, but I feel more lost and powerless than ever. How can I be responsible for so many people? How will I protect them all? I will be blamed for everything that goes wrong and never know if I made the right choice!" Firestar goes hm, genuinely and sympthetically, "Those are very heavy and legitimate doubts for a new leader to have. I felt the same things when I was in your paws. He waves his tail, "So, I will give you the value that it took me many years to learn, something you were not given and so feel you cannot give. With this life I give you TRUST. You will face many trials in the near future, Brambleclaw. Your truth will crumble. Secrets will be revealed, friends will turn out to be foes, those you think are enemies may be allies, but you must not lose the ability to find the good in all of them. Remember that trust is a choice and an honor. Apply it wisely, but bestow it generously."
Bitterly, but with what dignity he can have in this situation, Bramblestar murmurs sadly, "So there will be betrayal, but I must still trust? I had hoped that you, of all ancestors, would not speak in riddles"
Though the world is blurring and the spirits of StarClan are fading away, he catches something pained and complex in Firestar's expression. Like he has so much to say, doesn't have the exact words to express it, and he's running out of time to find them.
"There were no riddles," he shouts already sounding far away, "Listen to what we have told you and you will find the way!"
(Basically he's shouting "WE WERE VERY STRAIGHTFORWARD ACTUALLY!!!")
We wouldn't get to see this happen in Cruel Season though, since it would be offscreen and not important to the plot of that book. I'd rather get it into Bramblestar's Thorns, which is about Alderheart, Sparkpelt, and the ways that they've been impacted by him as a toxic father.
The ceremony is written to highlight his major flaws. Especially the way that he's bursting with doubt, pain, and immediately tends to make things about himself without realizing. Bramblestar is a very unhappy person, and he often extends that misery to other people.
he's a tragedy to me, man. All these people turning out to tell him that love and faith exists for him and he can't even see it.
Anyway, bonus, some other thoughts for possible lives; (still possible some of these guys get swapped out)
Lionheart, his uncle, who died before he was born. He'd give a good life for wisdom but I think these others are a lot stronger.
Birchface, one of his Tigerkin ancestors in StarClan. Decided against him in favor of Gorseclaw; I think Gorse's both more interesting AND his distance is a good point of doubt for Bramble. They had to go back 4 generations to find a direct ancestor who isn't damned to hell. Birch would have just waffled about admitting mistakes anyway, still too fearful to admit that he is responsible for getting Frecklewish and Oakstar damned.
Bluestar, a leader who contributed to the death of his brother and mistrusted him when he was young... but honestly I feel she is kinda irrelevant. He didn't know her well.
Elderberry, one of his apprenticehood friends and the twin of Ferncloud/older sister of Ashfur. It could be cool for her to give a life of mercy and ask him to be rational about Ashfur's crimes (starclan won't say outright that Ashfur didn't do it because they're not entirely sure he was uninvolved until after his death in a few chapters, Dark Forest influence hiding the assassins), but it's actually a lot more important that StarClan is trying to warn him about the LEADER he will be and fatal flaws he will display for arcs and arcs, not waste a life on teasing the plot of a single book.
Cinderpelt, his cousin who died tragically. There's no reincarnation thing so she could be here to give a life, but I think the current list is a lot stronger.
Lynxkit, his oldest sister. Strongly considered her for acceptance but I think Swiftpaw's WAAAY stronger and I don't need both of them.
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k4shixe · 8 months
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Broken Heart. part 2
Characters; fem!reader, Gojo Satoru, Toji Fushiguro (gn!reader aswell)
Warnings; break up, meeting ex, drinking alcohol, partying, drunk, fighting, not proof read
Word count; 1.5k
Summary; After your break up your friends dragged you along for a party and you met someone new.
Here is Part 1
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A few days after the break up with Gojo, lets just say you were more then at rock bottom. You sobbed and cried all day while listening to sloppy, sad depressing music which you said to yourself that you would never do. A few of your friends had to come and help you around so that you dont live in a dumpster. The days you did go to work, you noticed your coworker, the one who made you feel worthless and took everything from you, got demoted due to "complaints" and you couldn't help but smirk to yourself. Plus she avoided you twice as much so now you didnt have to see her ugly face. Guess it worked out after all.
Your friends on the other hand tried everything to make you do something but you were always "tired" so they gave up after a while. And as promised, you had gotten up to get a glass of water when you heard a buzz on your phone. Thinking it was one of your friends you looked at the text notification to see it was Gojo. You threw your phone at the couch and took a deep breath before picking it up. You knew you should have blocked him but you still have a little hope.
Gojo: Hey love, can we talk?
You didnt know how to reply to that. How could you? You didnt want to hear him out because there was nothing to say. He was caught red handed and basically pleated guilty. So you switched off your phone and turned on the tv. You got another text but this time from your friends.
Friend 1: Y/n! We're going out to the club today you should come!
Friend 2: Yeah, maybe you can find a better guy then that asshole you dated
Friend 1: Exactly! We are picking you up at 6 so get ready alright!
Leaving the messages on read, you sighed to yourself as you went to your bedroom. You had to get ready or else they'll drag you to the club in your pj's and what if you do find a nice guy? You need to look your best. So you spent the next few hours getting ready, ready to be the prefect person you were always meant to be. As you heard your friend's car pull up in your drive way you checked in the mirror one last time to make sure everything was perfect. Makeup. Great. Outfit. Spectacular. And lastly your phone. You walked out the door feeling like you owned the world and your friends hyped you up especially since this is the first time in a week you've left the house for something personal to do.
Entering the club, you eyes scanned over everyone inside, especially the men who seemed drunker then ever. Was the club that good? Before you could say anything, mostly about going home, your friends dragged you to a booth and ordered a few drinks.
"Cmon y/n! Have some fun!"
"Guys i dont think this is a good idea"
"Nonsense! Just have one!"
So you did, but one turned into 3 then 5 and it just kept going until the point you lost count.
Your friends eventually pushed you to the dance floor where everyone else was and you felt alive. The music was loud and pumping through your veins, the drinks made you loosen up a lot and you had forgotten everything that happened. You signalled to your friend that you'd be sitting down at your booth and began walking towards it once they gave you a thumbs up. Looking towards your booth, your vision blurry you didnt notice you bumped into someone.
"Oh my god! Im so sorry!" You say repeatedly.
"Its okay. Im fine. That was nothing" a deep voice replied. Looking up you see a tall man with dark black hair looking at you.
You nodded and you both carried on with what you were doing but you couldn't get the guys face out of your head. He was a fit looking man with a cut on from the top to the bottom of his mouth. Dang it. You should of asked for his name. You looked around to see if you could spot him again but no use. However what you did see was 10 times worse. Your ex, Gojo, was at the very same bar with his friends and from the looks of it, he was walking right towards you.
"Hey y/n." All the alcohol you had just disappeared and you didnt have blurry vision. Atleast not from the drinks. You friends noticed the tears that were threatening to spill out and rushed over to you.
"Hey what the hell is you problem?"
"Yeah, last time I checked your status was cheater"
You can not emphisias more on how much you love your friends. Gojo ignores them, looking directly at you, his blue eyes showing more then what he was willing to show. But all you could remember was the feeling of betrayal.
Your friends had caused quiet a commotion to the point some people started recording and others started to try break up the fight. You were too busy trying to hold your emotions together, your mind swirling through each thought. It was when you felt a hand on your shoulder that you finally came back to reality.
"You caused quiet a scene, huh Gojo. Leave the poor girl alone" the voice sent shivers down your spine at how calm he sounded. His deep voice was a reminder to who he was and upon looking up you were right. The same man with the cut on his mouth.
"Step aside. I wasn't talking to you." Gojo says as he walks up to the man who is supposedly named Toji. They were standing head to head to each other with your poor self in between them.
"I thought your single now that you cheated with that lame ass women" Toji says as he tilts his head in a mocking smile. No words come from Gojo but a glare was evident as Toji put an arm around your waist and pushed Gojo as you walked together. You were still processing everything, you wanted to turn around to see if Gojo was looking but you knew he was but you turned around anyway and sure he was. You couldn't lie, the satisfaction you felt seeing him with his eyes wide looking directly at you was amazing. You turned around realising the hand tighten a little around your waist and you became a little uncomfortable. You looked towards the ground and took a deep breath.
"Uh thank you for your assistance, but I can take care of myself." You say trying to get away from the man.
"Really? I saw how you were back there. And we both know that dumb fuck will follow you just to talk to you. He has nothing better to do."
Toji says with a slight chuckle. "Atleast let me take you home pretty lady" he says as he holds his hand out. "Ugh fuck me." You mumble not sure of what to do. "Oh? Can I really?" He gives you a smirk before looking behind you to see Gojo still staring. "Great. Let's go then" he puts his arm around your shoulders and takes you out of the bar, calling over a taxi to drive you.
"Y/n! Wait!" The familiar voice shouted out, the one that used to bring you comfort. "Why are you going with him!"
"Satoru, its not your problem is it now? Besides he's my new boyfriend"
Gojo stared at you with shock. "Y/n please. I'll do better I promise. Give me one more chance!" He pleaded with you, looking at you with such intensity.
"Im sorry. But I cant. I trusted you." You say looking down holding back the tears.
"Thats right. Now go to that side chick, she'll love to have you." Toji turned you around with a hand gently placed on your back.
"Bye Satoru." You whisper quietly as a tears rolled down your cheek. You and Tojo both got into the taxi as he flipped Gojo off and the taxi started driving down the street. "Boyfriend huh? I like the wound of that" he whispered closely to your ear with a smirk.
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A/n: Here's a part 2 since some of you guys wanted one! Sorry for it being written later. I didnt know if I should do toji or geto but I think toji and Gojo dont like eachother from what I know so I thought it was better. Hope you enjoy!
Part 2 tag: @labelt-san @ritsatoru @multi-fandom-fanfic
(Sorry if u didnt wanna be tagged. Message me if you want to be removed)
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dinolich · 5 months
One click spot for frequently asked questions, pertaining to HELLAWEEN and art in general. This will be linked in my bio and updated over time.
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HELLAWEEN -What was the inspiration behind HELLAWEEN/How did it come to be?
In 2014 I had just graduated college and moved across the country for a storyboard internship at a film studio. I had a huge quarter life crisis when the environment clashed with me in every way, which left me questioning if I had made a massive career choice mistake. To help take the edge off I decided I needed to come up with some characters that were as self indulgent as possible. So I asked myself "What if there was Halloween level of a Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater game?" and "What if My Chemical Romance wrote the soundtrack to Scooby Doo?" and thus, the main cast was born. Originally I didn't have any plans with them, I was just having fun drawing them for inktober and developing their personalities. Once the internship ended and I was able to set my career back in motion with some significantly better studio atmosphere fits for me in California, I started getting more serious about developing a linear story. I spent some time pitching different versions to tv studios and shorts programs. Got some great feedback but no real bites. Fortunately, I had a post blow up that caught the attention of my publisher who reached out to see if I was interested in doing a book instead and I LEAPED at the opportunity! HELLAWEEN is very much inspired by my own teenage years, growing up in the Bay Area, being surrounded by alt and skate cultures in the 2000's. As well as exploring identity, and growing up queer but the words for "how" didn't really exist yet. Plus a deep love for spooky cartoons and stylish anime, of course.
-What kind of music pairs the story/characters?
Great news I have playlists for everyone
Gwen- Ashnikko and My Chemical Romance Miles- 100 gecs and Oingo Boingo Sloane- PUP and The Cure Hiro- Gorillaz and Maximum the Hormone Bea- AFI and The Used -Do you have any voice claims for the cast?
I’d mostly want them to be played by actual teenagers. But I have a couple in mind that I think could work—
Gwen I could see Valeria Rodriguez (Lagoona and Spectra on the current MH series) Miles maybe someone like Zeno Robinson (Hunter Owlhouse) Sloane I have no idea, but definitely a VO who’s non binary who can sound like a strong leader.
With Hiro and Bea it’s impossible to not hear Dante Basco and Grey Griffin in my head. The Jocks I would kill to cast any actor from Riverdale I could get my hands on. The rest I have no idea.
-What are the character's pronouns/orientations? Gwen- She/Her Miles- He/Him Sloane- They/Them Hiro- He/him Bea- She/Her Jarrahdale- She/Her Headless Horse Kid- He/Him Fritz- They/Them Whitney- She/Her Hazel- She/Her Kyle- He/Him Dom- He/Him Ester- She/Her In general I don't want to define their sexual orientations. I'm an aroace author and it's not something I'm interested in writing about. Ideally, I'd like to give the audience room to project themselves onto the characters. Don't get me wrong this book is QUEER and themes of identity are important, just don't expect any kissing in the canon story. Headcanons on the other hand, go nuts!!! The Jocks however, are all bi or pan. Can I get HELLAWEEN in ____ country/language?
Getting it published outside of the US is not out of the question, but at the moment I don't have any concrete info on that. I've heard folks have had good luck getting the book through their country's Amazon site or Bookshop.org Can I draw fanart/make my own playlists/write fanfiction/make a character?
oh my GOD yes ART Who are your artistic inspirations?
Jhonen Vasquez and Aaron Alexovich, FLCL, Jamie Hewlett, The Muppets, Mike Mignola, Mob Psycho 100, Rem's Devil's Candy, early Tim Burton, 2000's Neopets, Pokemon, plus online artists I’ve looked up to for years or grew up drawing with. What programs do you use?
Comics- Clipstudio Paint Sketching- Procreate Storyboarding- Storyboard Pro Writing- Final Draft/Google Docs What ink markers do you use in your sketchbook?
Copic markers, pentel pocket brush, pilot brush pens, micron fine liners Check out my episode of Creative Block!
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cozyforjate · 1 year
I rewatched 2x09 and here are my final thoughts on Christine Chapel.
“Oh, I have to talk to Spock.”
The first thing she says is she has to tell Spock. But in the next scene the musical reality hits!
“I feel weird celebrating with everything going on.”
Obviously it's Ortegas’ idea to meet at the bar. And probably Sam learned from her. So it’s not like Chapel gathered the whole ship except Spock to announce her new fellowship. She doesn’t even want to celebrate but Erica and Sam insist.
“We can't put our lives on hold every time the ship's in trouble.” “Some of us need fun to deal with the constant threat of dying. "Point is we're here to celebrate your win. So deal with it.”
Then comes Spock and Uhura. Ready for their experiment!
“Now, how to trigger a song? "Well, per our musical rules, we just need to wait until someone feels overwhelming emotion.”
Instead of waiting, they decide to force it out of someone. Like Christine!
“I am curious why you chose not to inform me. Was it an oversight or was it intentional? “Can we, um, can we talk about this later?” “I am just curious!”
So Christine, with her emotions overwhelmed, starts singing about her new achievement. The song is NOT about Spock or her relationship with Spock. It's about her dreams that have nothing to do with her romantic life. She is singing about her career, and how this new fellowship opens the door to new possibilities. How she worked so hard for this, how she wanted this her whole life, how she didn’t even expect to be accepted. After her near-death experience in the premiere, after the rejection from the Vulcan Fellowship, after Boimler, after her ptsd getting triggered she finally has something to celebrate in her life!
Only the last part:
“If i NEED TO leave you, i won’t fight it. I’m ready”
is directed at Spock. Who by the way didn’t seem truly happy for her. Of course we know that Spock was only upset bcoz he felt like Christine shared the news with everyone except him. But it's not true. Erica was already with Christine when she got the message from the fellowship. And i doubt Christine called Sam to give the news. He probably learned at the bar or Erica invited him.
The only reason she didn’t tell Spock right away was bcoz things were complicated between them.  And maybe she thought that a musical reality where everyone's emotions are messed up wasn't the best time to talk?? Plus, she probably thought that Spock must be busy dealing with the crisis. Again, not the best time to talk.
The last part of her song still hurt, and I feel so bad for Spock. But i believe the fan reaction to Christine's song is unfairly harsh. I think Spock is such a beloved character that seeing his heart break like that triggered some overwhelming emotions from us! If we were in a musical reality I'm sure we would be hearing Death Metal songs about "the evil" Christine Chapel.  LOL
But she is not evil, she is not heartless, she is not a coldhearted bitch... She is just human.
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nohr-and-thirst · 1 year
infodump more about welt suffering and welt in general. please?
I've played quite a bit of HI3 and have been playing HSR, which made me finally interested in welt. the gravitas of his eng VA's voice his chef's kiss - I think he's one of the few characters who doesn't sound like "I'm reading this from a paper in a studio" in english - and I dig his design and powers. but what side material do I actually read to get welt lore? there's so much manga and I've only seen screenshots
Quick side topic about his English VA. I love how it fits Welt so well, in my opinion. I play Impact 3rd with CN dub, but for Star Rail he doesn’t have the same CN voice actor so it threw me off at first, but I gotten use to it after I tried to stop associating with another Impact 3rd VA.
I am putting this here already, this is gonna be very short explanation. Is this post short? No absolutely not, but I’m trying to cut details to try and make it short as I can and have it make sense.
Let us start off with some basic information about Welt Yang and now he inherited the name plus the Herrscher of Reason core.
Before there was Welt Yang, there was Welt Joyce, the first Herrscher of Reason. Sadly Impact 3rd does not explore much of Joyce, and most of the information on him, Otto, Anti-Entropy, and even about Tesla and Einstein is all a Visual Novel that never got a true English translation. However, it did get fan translations and oh goodness it’s a lot there. We will speak only of the information we got about Welt Yang from this Visual Novel.
Around the time this VN takes place Welt Yang is 8 years old since it’s 1955. He is the kiddo in the middle, and man oh man he went through a lot!!!
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Welt’s dad, Elias Nokianvirtanen, really did care for Welt. He would often travel with his dad who was working for Schicksal.
There is important information to note, and if I don’t explain it I feel like so much will be lost and the reason all of this is important. There are two major groups at the time (1955). Schicksal and Anti-Entropy (AE). At first AE was just the Northern American branch, and there was a lot of tension between the two. After a bit of… fighting, they did manage to make Anti-Entropy.
The reason they were with the AE, was because Elias was forced to sabotage AE because Otto was threatening Welt’s life.
Than there is Welt Joyce. Welt Joyce is one of my personal favorite underrated characters, and the way Joyce really wanted to protect humanity tells you everything.
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Now what does these gentlemen have in common-? Their deaths are connected to Otto. Otto killed Elias due to the reason he was there slipped, and Joyce risked his life to protect New York from being nuked by Otto.
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At this time as Welt was trying to help Joyce, Joyce asked him what he thought of the name Welt. Welt mentions he likes it, and Joyce not only passed on the name Welt, but also the Herrchser core.
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If you are curious, and wish to read the VN here is the link! https://zklm.github.io/honkai-vn-antientropy/ as a reminder, this is a fan translation, since we never got an official English translation!
Now, here is where we get to the fun bits. Fun fact: in the manga Second Eruption, Otto was legit like flabbergasted. Cause you know, THE FACT HE KILLED IS SUPPOSEDLY ALIVE. Only than to see it wasn’t Welt Joyce, but someone else and this manga just really shows you how strong Welt can be.
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Now in Second Eruption, their goal at the start was just “hey we need to find this new herrchser.” So guess what? They gotta work together a bit. There was a small comment that I feel gets over looked and that is, Otto never really taught Siegfried or Theresa how to use their divine keys, and Welt made a small jab at this. I don’t hear people really mention this, and I don’t know why it is such a small fact I love to bring up.
There is a really important fight scene that happens among these pages/chapters between Welt and Sirin. Here we get to see more of what Welt can do as the HOR, which is once he learns the structure of a human creation, he can make a cope with honkai energy. Now I don’t wanna go to much detail into this fight cause how I’m typing won’t do it justice, but we get a tiny new conflict pop up! What is this conflict? A clown, more specifically, Otto. That’s Otto Apocalypse himself.
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When I saw Otto has basically made it his personal goal to take down Welt, it being Joyce or Yang, to take down AE, and just do his plans, I mean it. This man goes so far, and I can do a whole essay about Otto, because he is an extremely well written antagonist. However, that will be for later in case anyone wants that just tell me. But Otto could have done more to Welt here, however Siegfried was there! Since Siegfried is key to Otto’s plan he just leaves and they both luckily make it back to safety with VERY bad injuries.
I do not want to go into all the details in the manga, as this manga is my favorite and everyday I hope that HoYoverse will animate it, so https://manga.honkaiimpact3.com/book/1005 here is the link! PLEASE IF YOU CAN READ IT! It’s 65 chapters long, it’s amazing, well written and oh my goodness I could do a whole video essay on it.
Now I am gonna throw some fun facts because this post is getting long and I’ll share some links too!
So here is a great video from HoYoverse about Joyce, Welt Yang, and Bronya and the legacy of the Herrchser of Reason! https://youtu.be/eSOYUfnUGZk
Now here I’m gonna send two playlist of A Post Honkai Odyssey. Why? Because Welt is in it, and also one of my all time favorite character is in it too, Void Archives. (This is me hinting that I wanna info dump about him too.)
Here is a playlist of gameplay of APHO on YT: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt0MO_4lG2SEyuMmOywSW02-soMN0PA45
Here is a playlist for APHO 2: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIL1w10vWxxolgZxP1Q7KlTPyq2B8JCt3
Also APHO has a certain scene that could be similar to some Star Rail players 👀
Here some random fun facts about Welt Yang that I recall on top of my head cause he gives the brain serotonin!
Welt Yang for the first bit having the core couldn’t sleep tho to the fact that the core houses over 300k people, and he never really complained of any struggles it gave to him, but we learn during the HoD arc when he speaks with Bronya he is concerned about her and ask her all the things she is experiencing.
It’s mention in Second Eruption that Welt would try and ask Einstein to play the piano, also he mentions around that same chapter I believe that if he didn’t inherit the HoR core he thinks/wonders if he would have become a teacher or linguistic like his father.
Facts relating to Arahato is that one his company had a whole copyright issue with Otto’s game company, the Arahato is heavily based of Joyce, and the line “Witness the stars shatter before you!” Comes from Joyce, but Herrchser of Truth Bronya (HI3RD) and Welt (HSR) say this line! Also around the Thus Spoke Apocalypse arc, it is mentioned by Einstein that one morning Welt made breakfast for the crew but it wasn’t much since he made it but implies he knows how to cook!
This is more from Star Rail, but is Serval is in your express she actual mentions Welt cause he asked some questions, but here is the tumblr link for that!
I don’t want to make a too long post that no one possible reads, BUT PLEASE ASK ME ANYTHING! IT CAN BE SILLY OR SERIOUS ABOUT WELT OR ANY OF THE HONKAI IMPACT 3RD GROUP OR STAR RAIL GROUP AS WELL!!! I read the manga’s and I have read the VN and I have spent hours rereading and replaying and explaining to people that ask and I love to do so QVQ
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archivalofsins · 30 days
I didn't bring this up because I only realize how funny it is now in hindsight, but I showed my nephew Deep Cover. When he asked me what did she do I said without missing a beat,
"She's a fascist." Without explaining more because I literally thought I'd be able to explain more. Plus I cope with people being assholes about an idea by leaning into it further. So I didn't really think about how this would affect him I just said it mindlessly.
But this man hung his head, shook it, looked at the ground and said, "Why'd they make the fascist hot, though?" Then he started disparaging before he just walked out of the room. Like he just couldn't do it anymore. Left then he came back and shook his head again while looking at the screen like, "Damn why they make her bad though. Why she look so good?!"
Me looking at Kotoko in a new light- Internally like
"Damn did I just get used to this? Am I immune because of how much I see you? Like yeah you're gorgeous but damn it's like I've just gotten to know her character to the extent it's kind of like a nonissue. It's just like it's Kotoko she always looked like that."
But my nephew was just over making me realize like what she is conventionally attractive and to an extent in a way that can still be viewed as feminine. Then I thought about the others and went fuck literally every adult character here is someone's type.
So I'm just sitting there watching my nephew lament this information. Because when someone hears a bad term, they expect to see an ugly person. Like someone uncharismatic and unconventionally attractive. Then it dawned on me like oh, oh no wait a second yeah this is bad news to anyone that finds her hot. This is bad news for people who haven't really reckoned with the fact good looks don't equal good person.
It's pretty privilege I'm seeing body/pretty privilege.
I like evil people in media and to an extent in real life- So, this doesn't bother me. Yet a lot of people don't just go,
"Eyy, I'm down to clown- Playing the fool is my favorite tool."
When faced with the possible atrocities of someone they find attractive in any way not just physically. Many people actually don't simp like they're going for the gold in it. A lot of folks have these things called standards that they hold even fictional characters to. I think this moment was the closest I've got to understanding what gets people deep into apologism for characters in general.
Along with understanding the difference between the terms down bad and down horrendous. Down bad was what my nephew was hearing me say that down horrendous is... Something else entirely. That shit was funny in hindsight. It's a terrible thing to remember right before a family gathering. It's like, do I explain further? Do I let it lay...how does this reflect on me.
Side note I have shown him all the videos. Just for fun, his responses have been hilarious. He was just so flabbergasted by this. Rightfully so because I didn't even say what her murder was, I just offhandedly gave him an entire ideology because I was looking at my phone so I spoke on instinct and spite. Now I'm excited for the gathering because I get to bother my youngest nephew (just graduated college) with this.
The one who did this is a year older than me, and the other nephew I showed is the same age as me.
So it's always fun hearing how our opinions differ.
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k-s-morgan · 2 months
I can’t describe how much I love A rule for a rule. I discovered it by going through your works on ao3 and completely devoured it! I was so so excited when you posted the new chapter (I’ve been checking everyday for weeks) and you just don’t disappoint. Their dynamic is so fun and toxic but oh so addictive. I was glued to my screen reading and death gripping my phone when it got to each new plot twist. I was so shocked when Jay didn’t reciprocate Bruce’s kiss and romantic feelings??? Is Jay’s perception of love and relationships so messed up that he just didn’t know what his feelings for Bruce were? Because it did seem obvious, as Bruce said, that their relationship was naturally progressing towards romantic. I have two theories, either:
Jay has a bad perception of romantic relationships, possibly because of abuse, and didn’t want to contain their relationship to such mundane societal labels. Maybe out of fear that they would both become boring??
He genuinely doesn’t love Bruce romantically, but his thoughts and feelings most closely resemble a romantic relationship. He may just feel a strongly aroused from the thought of dominating and possessing Bruce, as pointed out in the fic.
I know Jay said he was just nervous that Bruce was being implosive and thoughtless but their relationship kinda functions off spontaneity? Plus he was described as genuinely uncomfortable. Technically Jay could have been doing that on purpose to see how far Bruce would go to fulfil his desires for Jay, like forcing the kiss and chasing after him. Ugh, this is why I love how you write them so much! I have so many theories because you make Jay such ambiguous character who purposely makes Bruce (and the reader) question his logic and reasoning. You have no idea how hard I screamed at how that chapter ended!!!!!!!!! Bruce faking his death was literally both the smartest and dumbest thing he could have done😂 like I get what you’re trying to do Brucie but you legit left a nuclear green bomb behind in Gotham and said see ya later guys😘✌️🌅. Poor Alfred. I really hope we get a POV for Jay when he hears the news cause I neeeeed the angst, the anguish, the drama! I know it’s gonna be messy and he’s gonna break but I’m sooo curious to know in what way. Is he going to go into a deep depression or a high mania? Both? At the same time? I can’t imagine how antagonising it would be to mourn your soulmate, lover, long time best friend, other half and it being someone quite famous. Like the funeral is probably going to be filled with people Bruce didn’t even know or like. Is Jay going to blow the funeral place up😭? Ugh I love how to tie everything with the story like the way Joker is going to be obsessed over Batman because of the connection to Bruce’s halloween costume and his purple suit is to remember Bruce🥹. Another thing I can’t wait to find out is whether the Joker tells people about Bruce or is it super top secret? I feel like he’s gonna make an effort to keep Bruce his own personal secret and everyone knows not to ask about the B on his finger 😅 I love these two so much❤️
I seriously can’t wait for the next chapter! I know you probably won’t update it for a while but I will be waiting for forever if necessary. I’m sorry for leaving such a long message but I’m just so passionate about my obsession with this amazing story. Everything you write turns to gold. I’m always so taken by how you write SO much and the quality is some of the best stuff I’ve ever read. I’m so sorry that your country and people are going through such horrific times. War solves nothing and only brings tragedy to the citizens of the country. I’ve been on your tumblr page for a while and you are such a strong person - everyone in Ukraine is❤️ Sending so much love and appreciation. Please take care and stay safe❤️❤️❤️
Hi! Thank you so, so much for this ask - A Rule for a Rule is a pretty small story, so I'm so excited that you've liked it to this extent! Bruce and Joker are like an ultimate toxic ship, so I get such a delight from writing about them :D
As for why Jay initially rejected Bruce - it's definitely up to each reader's interpretation. My take on it is a mix of your first theory and the reasons Jay names in the story itself. I think he doesn't fully understand what romantic love is and how it's supposed to differ from what he's been always feeling toward Bruce. What he does know is that he's 100% satisfied with the relationship they had over these years. Yes, he and Bruce never had sex, but Jay knows he can get both physical and emotional contact with him any time he wants, and this is enough to keep him sated and happy. Having Bruce suddenly change this wonderful safe balance freaked Jay out. Entering a new territory, introducing any changes, no matter how desirable they seem right now, means risking losing what they have. Jay wanted Bruce to kiss him, but he was more scared that if this was indeed a whim, they might damage their relationship in a way he's not prepared to accept.
In Jay's eyes, if Bruce really wanted them to take this step, then he had to prove it. Jay wanted to be chased and persuaded, comforted and reassured that the foundation of their relationship would stay the same, it would just gain a few more benefits. And yes, he probably wanted to he pinned down and forced. To him, it would be evidence that Bruce really wants him. When Bruce gave up so quickly, he was angry, disappointed, and relieved at the same time.
Until Bruce returned with Selina, of course!
Haha, yes about Bruce leaving a green nuclear bomb back in Gotham! He'll be away from it, but it's the citizens and Alfred who will have to deal with the consequences.
I don't plan on writing from Jay's POV, but rest assured, there will be plenty of info on what went on after Bruce faked his death! Both from Alfred and from Jay, and maybe from video cameras. The funeral should be a part of it, too)) Because, like you said, Jay is going to hate absolutely everyone there. So he'll have to do something drastic.
And yes, Joker will be obsessed with Batman because of all the little things that will make him think of Bruce! The costume, the eye color, some personal ticks.
You're also right in that Joker won't tell anyone about Bruce, at least nothing specific. Some of his goons might know that someone named Bruce existed once and was very dear to him, but that's the extent of it.
Thank you again so much for what you said and wrote! I squealed when I saw the length of your ask - like most writers, I adore lengthy comments :D I hope you'll enjoy the next chapter! I have more time to write now, so I don't think the wait will be as long as before.
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everythingpresley · 2 years
Don't You Kiss Me Once or Twice - Chapter 11
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Prompt: Jessica Anderson is Elvis Presley's assistant and after months of working together, slowly something sparks between them. Friendship? Or is it more? [ Fem!Reader ]
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+), Slowburn
    ||     Word Count: 7,178
Author's Note: I'm really having doubts about this chapter but I hope you guys like it! Since one of my favorite RomComs (How to lose a guy in 10 days) is trending on tiktok, I thought I would include a small part! Also, shout out to @iheqrtaustin for the idea of Elvis getting handsy when he finds out someone has a crush on Jess.
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Don't You Kiss Me Once or Twice - Chapter 11
Elvis and the guys were in the Jungle room recording some new music. Graceland was full house today with all the mafia members, their wives and their kids so it was kind of hectic but fun. I loved being around kids, not so much in regards to teenagers but none of the mafia members had kids older than 10/11. Everyone was running around having fun, I walked down to the Jungle room to see if Elvis needed anything.
I opened the door quietly, making sure they weren’t in the middle of recording a song. They were all talking and chatting with one another.
“Hey guys.” I smiled.
“Hi Jess!” They all said in unison which made me chuckle. 
“Do you guys need anything?” 
“Water please doll.” Elvis said, the rest of the guys nodding along.
“Popcorn.” Charlie said. 
I chuckled “You got it Charlie.”
I looked back at Elvis to see him frowning looking between Charlie and me. I furrowed my brows but chose to ignore it.
“I’ll be back.” I said and walked out. 
“Uh uh.” I heard Elvis say as I walked down with popcorn and bottles of water for the Mafia members “She’s off limits.” 
I stopped and furrowed my brows. I know it was wrong to listen in on conversations but I couldn’t help but be nosy.
“But-“ Charlie sighed “She’s gorgeous and kind and funny! Plus she has a really nice butt.” 
“Charlie. Don’t.” Jerry warned. 
“What the fuck did you just say?” Elvis growled.
“What? It’s true.” Charlie chuckled awkwardly “Look E.P I just wanted your permission to ask her out on a date. That’s it.” 
“Don’t you dare talk about her in that way.” Elvis growled “Have some respect.”
“We always talk about girls that way.” Charlie replied. 
“Listen. She’s my assistant and she’s. Off. Limits. I don’t want anyone getting involved with her.” Elvis replied.
Oh shit, they’re talking about me. Charlie thinks my butt is nice?? Ew.
“It’s just a date. Why is she off limits?” Charlie replied quietly. 
“I think she’s seeing someone actually.” Jerry said.
I am? What does Jerry know that I don’t?
“What?” Charlie and Elvis asked in unison.
“Who?” Elvis continued. 
“I don’t know.” Jerry cleared his throat “Grace mentioned some guy called Matt.” 
Elvis scoffed “Please. She’s been on one date with the guy and said nothing came of it.” 
We also almost kissed at Elvis’ party but I haven’t talked to him in a while. Janice has been hounding me on calling him and going out on a date with him. 
I knocked on the door, deciding enough was enough. Why the hell were they discussing my dating life and I hated being the topic of conversation in their locker room talk. I was just glad Elvis and Jerry put a stop to it instead of letting Charlie go on. I liked Charlie, he was sweet and funny but I’m not attracted to him in any way, shape or form. 
“Okay.” I forced a smile, pretending like I didn’t just hear any of that “Water for everyone and popcorn for Charlie.” I said, placing the tray filled with water bottle and a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. I didn’t look at Charlie, I didn’t want him to think I was flirting with him or doing something to encourage his thoughts especially after getting drunk together and dancing with him. 
“Let me know if you need anything else, I’ll be upstairs.” I said, looking at Elvis who nodded in response. The mafia threw around a murmur of thank yous as they reached for the water. 
I walked up the stairs seeing the kids running around and shouting as they played tag. They were being a bit loud and Elvis was trying to record. 
“Hey kids!” I shouted getting their attention “How about we go outside, enjoy the sun and play tag.” 
“Yeah!” They all cheered and ran outside.
“Jess, you don't have to do that.” One of the wives laughed. 
“It’s okay, I love kids. Plus I think Elvis might march up here at any minute saying that he can’t record.” 
I headed outside to see the kids waiting patiently for me to come out. 
“Okay, I’ll count to ten. Everybody hide!” I said and turned to give them my back while I counted. 
I ran after the kids while they shrieked loudly and ran away from me. I laughed as I ran after Sofia and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, picking her up “Tag, you’re it!” I said while she giggled. I placed her back on the grass and ran away from her.  
We had been playing for a while when the kids decided they wanted to tackle me instead of playing tag. 
“Get Jess!” Ethan, one of the kids yelled which made all of them run after me while I sprinted across the yard. 
I could see the group of adults standing on the foyer, Elvis being one of them, standing with his arms crossed of his chest and a huge grin on his face. 
“Save me!” I laughed, still running away from the huge group of kids. 
“Get her kids!” Elvis yelled. 
“Traitor!” I yelled back and then shrieked when Elvis jumped down the steps that lead to the house and started running after me along with the kids. 
I sped up but Elvis was faster and was able to wrap his arms around my waist and tackled me softly to the ground, making sure he landed on the bottom while I landed on top of him with my back against his chest. We were both laughing as the kids threw themselves on top of us. 
“Ouch!” I laughed when one of the kids’ elbows dug into my ribs.
“Okay! Okay! Kids off!” Joe yelled, clapping his hands “Come on!” 
The kids groaned and got off. I rolled off of Elvis and got up, dusting off my jeans. I reached my hand out to Elvis, he grabbed my hand and pushed himself off the ground. 
“Jess, will you still play with us?” Ethan asked. 
“Yeah come on, one more round and then that’s it.” I replied “Go take a break, drink some juice and we’ll play the next round.” 
“You’re really good with kids.” Elvis said, smiling softly. 
“It’s the big sister in me.” I chuckled, shrugging.
“Aren’t you supposed to be recording?” I asked, walking towards the house with Elvis walking next to me. 
“I was but then the kids and your screams kept interrupting us.” Elvis replied, giving me a pointed look.
“Oops.” I laughed “I took them outside so that you can record, it seems like I was no help.” 
“It’s okay.” He laughed. 
“Let’s go!” The kids yelled, running out of the house.
“Play with us.” I said, grabbing his arm when he started going up the steps.
“No.” He shook his head.
“Pleaaase.” I pouted, squeezing his forearm. He frowned looking at me for a second then he rolled his eyes. 
“Fine.” He huffed. 
I grinned, power of manipulation. Seems like the King can’t handle when someone pouts. 
We started with Elvis being it, he ran towards me making me sprint the other way “Sofia! Save me!”
“No!” Sofia giggled. 
I gasped “Sofia! You’re supposed to be my friend!” 
“No one is going to save you Jess!” Elvis chuckled, still running after me and completely ignore the kids he ran past. 
“You’re it!” Elvis yelled when he tapped my shoulder and ran away from me. I huffed and turned to run after him. 
“I’m done! I don’t want to play anymore!” He yelled, running away from me. 
I laughed at him “That’s not fair!” 
Elvis grabbed Ethan and placed him in front of him “One more step Jessica and off goes the boy.” He threatened. 
“Please Jess tag me! You guys are no fun! You’re just playing with each other.” Ethan grumbled, trying to shrug Elvis’ hands off of his shoulders. 
“I don't want to play! Tag Ethan!” Elvis said. I grinned and side stepped Ethan, making Elvis take off. 
“You’re so fast! You and your incredibly long legs!” I yelled after Elvis. Elvis laughed and headed towards the pool, putting the pool between us. 
“No where to go!” I said. 
“Actually, there is somewhere to go.” He smirked. I furrowed my brows when all of a sudden he came running towards me. I gasped when he hugged me to him and threw both of us into the pool. 
“Oh you son of a bitch.” I gasped, laughing when I shot out of the water. Elvis laughed and slicked his now wet hair back and away from his forehead. I laughed, placing my hands on his shoulders and pushed him down into the water. I held his head down for a second when he started tickling my sides under water, I shrieked and dropped my hands off of his shoulders. 
“Were you trying to drown your boss?” Elvis asked with a huge grin on his face.
“Yes! And I would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for my ticklish body.” 
Elvis laughed and reached over to swipe some of my wet hair back and away from my face. I smiled softly, feeling my cheeks heat up at the close proximity. Elvis and I were a few inches away from one another. His grin faltered and he sighed, his eyes drifting down to my lips. He kept his hand on my cheek, his thumb rubbing softly back and forth. I licked my lips, looking at his lips. 
“Are we going to continue the game or are you guys going to start making out?” Ethan asked, with his hands on his waist. Elvis allowed his hand to fall off of my cheek. 
“Ethan!” I gasped, splashing water at him. 
Ethan laughed and ran away. Elvis sighed and started going up the steps to get out of the pool.
“We need to start getting ready for the BBQ tonight.” Elvis said, not looking back at me as he walked into the house dripping wet. My heart was still racing as I followed Elvis out of the pool and into the house. 
I showered and got dressed in a dress for the BBQ, the house was in full swing. The guys and Elvis were preparing the meat, the wives were setting up the tables, Martha and I prepared the mashed potatoes and salads while the kids continued running around playing various games. 
Elvis kind of avoided me the entire time we were setting up, I also kind of did the same since I really wanted to kiss him. 
Did he feel the intense feeling I felt while we were in the pool? Sometimes I just have this overwhelming need to be close to him. Was it because he was kind of a forbidden fruit or am I actually developing feelings for this man? We are definitely a great team, my job doesn’t feel like a job most of the time. Slowly over the course of the two years I have worked for him we had gotten closer and closer. Even the simple act of him defending me makes my heart swell. I know he will always protect me and I will always protect him even if it is from his own father. 
The men started distributing the steaks, I usually made my own at the end because I loved mine medium rare so I was waiting for everyone to get their meat and head to the sides buffet. I walked out of the kitchen and into the yard with a bunch of drinks for everyone. As I placed the drinks on the table, Elvis walked to me with two plates of steak in his hands.
“Here.” He said, handing me one of the plates “I made yours medium rare.” He fake gaged, he loved his well done. I chuckled and rolled my eyes at him. 
“You made mine?” I asked, taking the plate from his hand. 
“Thank you Elvis.” I smiled, be still my heart. 
“Your welcome darlin’” He smiled softly. 
Everyone took a seat at the multiple tables that were placed on the yard but I couldn’t find an empty chair for myself. I took my plate with me, heading towards the house to grab a chair from the kitchen. I passed the table where Elvis, Charlie, Red and Joe sat at.
“Where you goin’ doll?” Elvis asked. I stopped by their table.
“I need to see if there are any extra chairs inside, there’s no place for me to sit.” I replied. Elvis smirked then turned his head and smirked at Charlie who furrowed his brows in confusion. 
“Nonsense. There’s plenty for room right here.” Elvis replied gesturing to his lap. 
What was he trying to do? Make Charlie jealous?
“I ain’t makin’ a joke doll.” He replied, still smirking. He rolled his eyes then wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me down to his lap.
“Elvis.” I said through gritted teeth. Elvis chuckled, placing his hand on my bare thigh and moved my legs so that they were between his legs, I was now siting sideways on his lap. I held my breath at the slight touch. The mafia chuckled while Charlie gulped and stared intently down at his plate. 
I sighed and placed my plate next to his. 
I was frozen in place, Elvis’ arms still around me. The arm that was around me held the knife while the other held the fork. He cut into his steak and took a bite. 
“Aren’t you going to eat, Jess?” Joe asked, biting his lip to stop himself from laughing at how uncomfortable I looked siting on my boss’ lap.
“I’m good.” I smiled timidly at Joe, he chuckled and shook his head. 
Elvis on the other hand paid no attention and reached for my plate, cutting into my steak. 
“Here.” He said raising his fork to my mouth. I moved my head back and turned to look at him, my mouth gaping open.
“Just eat darlin’.” He chuckled. 
“No.” I grumbled, pushing his hand away. I placed my feet on the ground, moving to get off his lap. Elvis dropped the knife and placed his hand on my waist, pushing me back to sit on his lap.
“Where do you think you’re running off to?” He whispered in my ear “Now eat.” He growled lowly. 
I sighed and ate the piece of meat that was on the fork he held.
“That’s my good girl.” He whispered in my ear and looked towards the mafia to see them all looking at their plates as they ate, he quickly planted a small kiss on my neck. I choked on the steak as his lips made contact with my neck.
“Wow.” Elvis chuckled and patted my back softly “You alright?”
“Yes.” I replied and reached to take a sip of water “You are so dead.” I whispered into my cup before taking a sip. 
Elvis threw his head back and laughed “I didn’t do anything!”
“You wish she was siting in your lap, huh Charlie?” Elvis asked with a huge smirk on his face. 
“Elvis.” I hissed. Charlie choked on his steak while Joe and Red laughed at him. 
“Don’t listen to him Charlie. Ignore him.” I said. 
“Jess.” Grace said walking up to our table “You can use my chair, I’m done eating.” She said pointing at her chair which was two tables away from us.
“Thanks Grace.” I replied, she gave me a look that said “We’ll talk about this later.”
“Thanks Grace but she’s fine here, ain’t that right Jessica?” Elvis asked, narrowing his eyes at me.
“No, you’re very wrong actually.” I replied, grabbing his hand that has now started to softly caress my bare thigh and pushed it off. He pouted when I stood up, I reached over and pinched his arm. 
“Ouch! What was that for!” He laughed, rubbing his arm. 
“For being annoying.” I replied, picking up my plate. The other mafia members laugh at Elvis while he rubs his arm to ease the pain. 
That son of a bitch. Embarrassing Charlie and I like that. He deserved a punch to his shoulder instead. 
We had music playing the entire time but after dinner the TCB band got on the make shift stage in the yard and started goofing around using their instruments. People were getting up on the stage and singing, the BBQ kind of turned into a karaoke party and it was hilarious. 
“What the heck was that earlier!” Grace asked standing next to me as we watched one of the mafia wives sing. 
“I don’t know! Ugh! I wanna punch him!” I grumbled.
Grace laughed and shook her head “Jerry told me that Charlie has a crush on you.” She wiggled her brows.
“I know! I overheard him saying he wanted to ask me out on a date! Grace, he’s not my type at all!” 
“Yeah, I know your type.” Grace replied and pointed at Elvis with her eyes. 
I scoffed and rolled my eyes but didn’t deny it. 
“And you know what I think he was trying to do? I think he was showing Charlie that you were his.”
“His?! No. I think he was trying to show that he’s the alpha male, that asshole.” I huffed. 
“You need to open your eyes Jess.” Grace said “Jerry and I see the way you two look at each other.” She said sincerely. I gulped nervously, avoiding her eyes. 
“I wanna sing.” I said, staring at the stage “Come up with me.” I said pulling on her hand.
“No way.” Grace shook her head.
“Please! I can’t get up there on my own.” I pouted. 
“Fine, but which song?” Grace asked. I smirked, I knew the exact song to dedicate it to Elvis. 
“Oh no.” Grace laughed, reading my mind. 
Let’s be clear, I don’t have the best singing voice and if you would’ve told me a year ago I would be singing in front of Elvis Presley I would’ve laughed in your face but after spending so much time with him I no longer feel shy to sing in front of him. Plus, he’s heard me scream along to music in the car. 
“You’re so vain by Carly Simon.” I whispered to the band. They smiled and nodded, knowing the song because it came out recently and its been a big hit. 
I looked at Elvis and smirked while he smiled back at me. 
“For you.” I mouthed to him and winked. He furrowed his brows and sat up in his seat, straightening his back.
Grace started singing the beginning of the song while I waited for my turn to start singing the song.
“And all the girls dreamed they’d be Elvis’ partner! They’d be Elvis’ partner, and!” I sang loudly into the mic “You’re so vain!” I grinned and pointed at Elvis “You probably think this song is about you, you’re so vain! I bet you think this song is about you, don’t you, don’t you!”
Elvis rolled his eyes, biting his smile back. Grace and I continued singing and dancing, the other wives singing loudly along with us. I obviously don’t think he’s vain but he really annoyed me plus the song was stuck in my head ever since it came out. 
Grace and I laughed and hugged each other as the song came to an end. 
After a few more people went up, Elvis came to stand next to me.
“Nice song.”
“Thanks, I hope you liked the dedication.” I smirked. 
“Oh I loved it.” He replied sarcastically “I especially loved the lyric change to my name.” 
“I think that line was the only line that’s true about you in the song.” I chuckled.
“So you don’t think I’m vain?” 
I gaped and turned to look at him “You didn’t think I was serious right?”
He chuckled and shook his head “No, I didn't think you were serious. Did I think you were getting up on that stage and proclaiming your endless love to me through a song? Maybe.” He joked. 
“I was thinking of singing I love you, baby to Charlie.” I joked. 
Elvis gave me a poker face “Not funny.” He grumbled. 
“Who’s next?” John asked into the mic.
“Elvis!” I yelled, grabbing Elvis’ hand and raising up in the air.
Elvis shook his head, no.
“Elvis! Elvis!” Everyone started to chant. 
Elvis sighed and pulled his hand out of my grasp “This is the second time I do something for you today.” He said, poking my nose while I grinned at him in victory. 
“How will I ever repay you?” I asked sarcastically.
He grinned and leaned in, as if about to hug me but instead whispered in my ear “You. In my room, once everyone is gone.” 
I took a deep breath, feeling like my entire body was on fire. 
He grinned moving back to see my face. I clenched my jaw which made him chuckle “You’re so cute.” 
“Go.” I grumbled, pushing him back by pushing his chest.  
He laughed and headed towards the stage. 
“Okay! Any requests?” Elvis asked, swinging a guitar over his shoulder. 
“Lawdy Miss Clawdy!” I yelled, cupping my hands around my mouth. 
“Anything for you.” He winked, speaking into the mic.
Why is he being overly flirtatious? 
Grace turned from where she stood next to Jerry to give me a look. I rolled my eyes at her. 
Her words rang through my head for a second before I shook them off “I think he was showing Charlie that you were his.”
He started singing, fully keeping eye contact with me as he sang the lyrics.
“Well, lawdy, lawdy, lawdy miss clawdy. Girl, you sure look good to me. But please don’t excite me baby, I know it can’t be me.” He grinned. 
“Lord, I swear, girl, what you’ve been doin’ to me. I’m gonna tell everybody that I’m down in misery.” He wiggled his brows which made me chuckle.
“So bye, bye, bye baby!” I yelled, singing along making him chuckle mid song “Girl, I won’t be coming no more! Goodbye, little darling, down the road I’ll go!”
“That’s it! Thank you!” Elvis said, removing the strap off the guitar and handed the guitar over to John. 
I was finally able to catch up with Janice after being on tour but she kept on hounding me on calling Matt up. She says it would be cute for us to both be in a relationship at the same times since her and Chris made things official over the four months that I was gone. I liked Matt, I don’t know him well enough and honestly he’s been out of my mind since Elvis and I slept together but I decided why not give it a shot. I called him up and asked him out on a date during the weekend because it was my day off. For some reason I felt slightly guilty going out with him when I know I shouldn’t be. Elvis clearly moved on the day it happened and slept with so many girls after me so I shouldn’t be feeling the way I was. I ignored it and got ready instead. It was 6PM and I was almost done getting ready when someone knocked on my bedroom door. Opening the door I was met with Grace.
“Hey! What are you doin’ here?” I grinned.
“Jerry needed to drop some things and I thought I would come and see what plans you have for the weekend. Based on the way you look, you’re going out!” She wiggled her brows “Please tell me its a guy.”
I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face “It is.” 
“That Matt guy you told me about?” 
“Does Elvis know?” She raised her brow.
I frowned “Why should Elvis know?”
“No reason. Just asking.” She shrugged “So what are you guys doing?”
“Early dinner at that Italian place then maybe a walk in the park.” 
Grace smiled softly “Have fun Jess.”
Matt and I were having a great time at dinner. We talked a lot and were having a lot of fun. We started walking along the side walk a few blocks from the restaurant. Matt slowly reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers together. I looked up at him and smiled while he blushed and smiled back. 
“I hope you liked our date.” He said.
“I really enjoyed it, Matt.” I smiled. 
“I honestly keep getting the vibe that you might not want this. So I was shocked when you called me yesterday.” He said, still holding my hand as we walked. 
“You know I was gone for like four months and honestly I don’t think a relationship would work if I’m away a lot.” 
“You want this to be a relationship?” He asked, biting his lip.
“We’ll see.” I chuckled. 
“So we’ll go on more dates?” He asked, his eyes lighting up with hope. 
“Yeah, why not?” 
Matt stopped walking and pulled me back to stand in front of him, he grabbed my other hand and smiled down at me “We never got to kiss at that party.”
“Yeah.” I breathed. It was weird that I didn’t get this intense feeling to kiss him. This pull that I always felt when I was with Elvis, it was like he had this gravitational pull to him and I couldn’t help but want to lean in to feel his lips on mine. 
He leaned in cautiously, his eyes glancing back and forth between my eyes and lips, gauging my reaction. I closed my eyes and leaned forward. His lips gently met mine, he smiled against my lips. It was sweet but it didn’t make my heart beat out of my chest, it didn’t make me feel like I couldn’t breathe. I pulled back and smiled reassuringly, I didn’t want him to think I didn’t like the kiss. 
“Let’s go get some ice cream?” I asked. 
“Sure.” He grinned and nodded. 
We continued walking hand in hand when all of a sudden a loud honk from a car burst out next to us. I jumped, because the car appeared out of no where and the street that we were walking on was practically empty. I turned as the car pulled up next to us with the windows rolled down.
“Get in the car.” Elvis growled from the driver’s seat. 
What in the hell?
“Elvis?” What was he doing here.
“Get. In. The. Car. Jess.” Elvis said not looking at me but instead looking straight ahead. 
“Hey man, we’re kind of in the middle of something right now.” Matt said, squeezing my hand. 
“Hey man” Elvis mocked Matt’s tone, turning to look at us. “I wasn’t talking to you.” Elvis’ jaw clenched when his eyes drifted to our joined hands. I gulped and pulled my hand out of Matt’s grip, choosing not to fight Elvis because I had never seen him this angry even in the darkness of the night I could tell he was mad about something.
“It’s okay Matt. I’ll-I’ll call you later, okay?” I practically whispered to him. 
“Jess.” Matt shook his head “We’re on a date, it’s you day off. You have no obligation to him.” 
“It’s fine. Raincheck, okay?” I gave him a forced smile. 
Matt sighed and nodded. I reached over and grabbed the handle of Elvis’ Cadillac, opening the door and getting in. The moment I slammed the door shut, Elvis sped off. 
He was gripping the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles were turning white. He kept clenching and unclenching his jaw, looking straight at the road.
“Are you okay? Did something happen?” I asked, really confused. 
How did he even know where I was? 
He breathed heavily and ignored me. The restaurant we ate at wasn’t far from Graceland so we got home fast. Elvis got out of the car and slammed the door harshly causing the whole car to shake. He grumbled something under his breath, clenching and unclenching his fist, storming into the house. I remained seated in the car, shocked and confused. I got out of the car and walked up the steps that lead to the house. Grace and Jerry walked out just as I was about to open the door. 
“I’m really sorry Jess.” Grace winced. 
“Why?” I furrowed my brows, confused as to why she’s apologizing. 
“He asked me where you went and I thought just to provoke him, I told him you went on a date with Matt. I didn’t think he’d drive over to you and pick you up.” 
“How would that provoke him?” I asked.
“Jess.” Jerry started.
“Jess, did something happen between you two? He seemed really hurt when I told him.” Grace interrupted. 
I chose to ignore her question. “I don't get why he’s mad. He’s mad that I went out on a date? He has no right to be, he has slept with dozens of girls.” I said, starting to get mad. Especially after knowingly making me walk in on him fucking a girl and then making me get him another girl to fuck. Was he doing that on purpose? To get me jealous. 
“I think you two need to talk.” Jerry replied.
The problem was right now I did not want to talk, I wanted to fight. 
Jerry and Grace left, I stormed into the house. 
“Why are you mad?” I asked when I saw Elvis stomping up the stairs, heading to his room.
“I’m not.” He growled. 
“Oh really?” I hissed. 
“Don’t start Jess.” He replied, continuing up the steps.
“You started it.”
“I did not.” He turned around “I needed you here and you weren’t there. You didn’t even tell me you’re going out.”
“Oh, you happen to need me on my day off? I don’t have to tell you anything. It’s My. Day. Off.” I growled. 
“When you’re going out fucking around with random guys-“ He growled but I interrupted him.
“Oh! So its okay for you to fuck other girls but I can’t fuck other guys?” I clenched my jaw, I hated how he made me feel like the dirtiest person. Hypocrite. 
“You fucked him?!” He yelled, storming down the stairs and coming to stand an inch away from my face, breathing heavily, his nostrils flaring. His eyes engulfed in rage, his bright blue eyes now dark as night. 
“Yes! And it was amazing.” I said, wanting to push his buttons. What was he going to do?
“I-I-I’m gonna fucking kill him.” He hissed, moving back and going to the table to grab his keys. He stomped to the front door, car keys in hand.
Oh crap, he’s serious. 
“Elvis! I didn’t!” I yelled jogging after him as he headed out, I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him back “I didn’t sleep with him.” I said, gently.
He stared into my eyes, looking back and forth, seeing if I was lying or not. 
“Did you kiss him?” He whispered. I stayed quiet, dropping my hand from his arm. He clenched his jaw, grinding down on his molars, moving closer making me step back until the front door hit my back.
“Did. You. Kiss. Him?” 
I gulped “Yes.” I whispered. 
“That son of a bitch.” 
“You have no right to be mad.” I whispered. 
He grabbed my face with one hand and swiped his thumb harshly over my lips as if to wipe something off. 
“You deserve some serious spanking.” He muttered over his breath, still holding my face.
My chest heaved, starting into his eyes. Heat pooling down at the thought of being thrown over his knee. 
“Fuck this.” He grumbled, smashing his lips to mine. Oh fuck I missed those lips. I moaned, allowing him to slip his tongue into my mouth. I grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him closer. His hand slipped from my face instead grabbing onto my hips, pulling me closer to him. My pelvis pushing into his, I could feel his semi hard on poking my hip. He reached back and opened the front door, pushing me into the house while still kissing me. 
“Elvis.” I sighed against his lips. 
“Hmm?” He asked, kissing my lips. 
“Elvis.” I said, pulling my face back. Both of us panting heavily, my hands still on his chest and his hands still wrapped around my waist. 
“Don’t Jess.” Elvis sighed, shaking his head. 
“We can’t.” I whispered “You know we can’t.” 
“Tell me this kiss was better. You know it was.” He said, leaning his forehead on mine.
It was. Of course it was. He didn't even have to ask.
“Elvis, the kiss with Matt was barely a peck.” I whispered, moving my hands up to cup his cheeks. He sighed, keeping his forehead on mine and closed his eyes as I caressed his cheeks. 
I didn’t want to admit that it was way better and I felt nothing when I kissed Matt but maybe it’s because I developed an emotional connection with Elvis that made the kiss way better. I’m trying to gaslight myself at this point to believe I would feel something for Matt. I wanted to, he was sweet and kind and funny and… safe. 
Elvis then leaned in a planted a chaste kiss on my lips “Let’s not do anything you’ll regret tomorrow.” He whispered then pulled away and walked up the stairs without turning back. He slammed his bedroom door with force. He emphasized you. I didn’t really regret it, it was amazing but I think it placed this weird tension between us. I felt guilty for a second but the anger came back because he’s such a hypocrite. How dare he be mad at me for going on a date?! Just because we slept together he now thinks I owe him an explantation when I did nothing wrong. It wasn’t like I brought Matt over and paraded him around like he did with girls. He had no regard to my feelings so why should I regard his?
Thank god no one was home except Grandma Dodger who was probably asleep since it was 10PM, hopefully she didn’t hear our yelling because we were being so loud. I took a deep breath and stomped down to my room. I slammed my bedroom door shut and got ready for bed. Sleep felt like a lost cause because I kept tossing and turning especially since I wasn’t used to sleeping this early, I usually slept at midnight. My mind was racing. The Matt kiss, then Elvis appearing out of nowhere, the Elvis kiss. I kissed two guys in one night, who am I? I groaned, this day was so good then Elvis had to ruin it. I actually enjoyed the date, it was fun. Screw him, why am I up thinking about him anyway?! I squeezed my eyes shut and did some breathing exercises that I heard helped make your body relax and make you fall asleep. 
I don’t know how long I fell asleep for but I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door. I opened my eyes and turned to the clock that was placed on my bedside table, it was 5AM. What the heck? Who’s up at 5AM?
I yawned, running my fingers through my hair to tame my bedhead down. I opened the door to see Elvis dressed in a thick jacket and jeans with a cowboy hat on his head. 
“Good morning.” He smiled. 
“Morning?” I said, it came out as a question because what is he doing here at 5 in the morning?
“Get dressed and wear a jacket, its cold outside.” He said and started to walk away.
“What, why?” I asked, looking at him with wide eyes.
“Just do it Jess and wear your cowboy hat and boots!” He called walking away, not turning around. 
What the heck? I shrugged but still got ready. It wasn’t that cold yet during this time of year but it was getting colder at night and early morning. So I wore a dress with some shorts underneath and a jean jacket with wool on the inside and my cowboy hat. I walked out of the house, the sun had just started to rise and it was kind of cold. I spotted Elvis feeding his horse Rising Sun. 
“What’s going on?” I called, leaning on the wooden fence. 
Elvis turned and grinned taking in my cowboy hat “Do you want to learn how to ride a horse?” 
I grinned “You’re going to teach me how to ride?”
He shrugged and nodded. I could tell from the look on his face that this was his apology for last night. Plus it made my heart pound in my chest because he remembered when I said I wanted to learn how to ride. 
“Elvis, you don’t have to.” I sighed. 
“I want to. Now come here.” He said. I walked over to the little wooden door and walked towards him and Rising sun.
“You’ve ever ridden a horse before?” He asked as I reached over to pet Rising Sun and shook my head no “Okay, I’ll help you up.”
I placed my foot on the saddle and tried jumping on but I couldn’t so instead Elvis wrapped his hands around my waist and hoisted me up on the horse. 
“You okay?” He laughed when he saw the grin on my face. 
“I’m more than okay.” I replied, looking down at him. 
“I’m glad. Let me lead you around and get you and Rising sun comfortable.” He said, pulling on his reins and leading the way. 
“This is the best day ever.” I said which made Elvis chuckle. 
“We’ve barely started. One step to getting your cowgirl fantasy.” He said. I laughed because he actually remembered everything I said that day. 
After a little bit of Elvis walking us around, he gave Rising Sun a snack for being a good boy. 
“Do you want to go get coffee and then we can get started on your official first lesson.” Elvis said. 
We walked together to the kitchen and drank our coffee then headed back to the stables. 
When we walked out we spotted Grace and Jerry getting out of their cars.
“Hey! Good morning! You guys are up early!” Grace said, looking between us. Probably thinking back to last night and if we were okay. I smiled reassuringly at her. 
“Yeah, I’m getting a horse riding lesson from this one.” I grinned at Elvis who smiled softly back at me “What are you guys doing here?” I asked. 
“Oh I needed to pick up some paperwork but we’re on our way to go visit my parents and its a few hours away.” Jerry replied. 
“It’s on my desk upstairs.” Elvis pointed back to the house. Jerry nodded and headed towards the house while Grace, Elvis and me walked to the horses. 
Elvis helped me up again on the horse while Grace leaned against the fence, watching us.
“Okay, pull on the reins and get him to walk.” Elvis said standing next to the horse. 
I pulled on the reins but he stayed still “He’s not moving.”
“Give him a little kick.” Elvis replied.
I gasped “I’m not going to kick him!” 
Elvis threw his head back and laughed “Just a small one, it doesn’t hurt them, don’t worry.”
I looked at him with uncertainty and shook my head no. 
“Honey, just a small kick.” 
“Jess! Turn!” Grace called out. I looked at her and smiled when I noticed her pointing her film camera at me “I got a new camera and you look really cute, I had to take a picture.”
I chuckled. 
“Okay, let me show you. Move up a bit.” Elvis said. I scooted forward on the saddle as Elvis hoisted himself up and swung his legs around the horse. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me back into him a bit. His thighs wrapped around mine. “Okay, watch my foot.” He said and gently kicked Rising Sun causing him to trot forward. I jerked back into Elvis’ chest at the sudden movement. 
“Come here! Let me get a picture of you two.” Grace said calling us over. Elvis led Rising Sun to where Grace stood. We both smiled at Grace as she took the picture “Okay, now without the cowboy hats.”
I removed my hat and placed it on my lap, soothing my hair down while Elvis did the same. He then leaned his head forward and placed his chin on my shoulder, wrapping an arm around my waist, both of us grinning at Grace. 
“Aww, so cute.” Grace said. 
Elvis kissed my cheek and leaned back, pulling on the reins to walk Rising Sun away. I bit my lip, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment. 
Jerry and Grace waved goodbye, getting in their car and leaving. 
“Okay, you ready to do this on your own?” Elvis asked. I wanted to say no just to keep his arms wrapped around me but I nodded so he gently jumped down to the ground. 
“Actually I think it would be better if you wore a helmet, you’re not very confident and it sometimes scares the horse.” He said and stretched his hand to me, to help me off the horse. We walked to the stables, I hung my cowboy hat on one of the hooks. Elvis grabbed a horse riding helmet off the hook and placed it on my head, clipping it in place. 
“You ready?” He smiled at me, placing his hand on top of the helmet that was on my head and shook it. 
“Yes! Let’s go!” I said and pulled him with me. 
I got on the horse again and gently kicked him to move.
“Great! You’re doing so good!” Elvis said as I started walking Rising Sun around. 
I walked Rising sun around for a little while then I wanted him to trot. 
“Not yet.” Elvis said.
“Please.” I pouted. 
“Doll, you need to be really confident and know how to hold on.” Elvis shook his head “No.”
“Pleeaase.” I begged. He sighed and looked up at the sky “Just a little bit.”
“Fine, but hold on tight. Kick him a bit stronger. But please hold on tight.” Elvis said and leaned his back on the fence, crossing his arms over his chest. 
I kicked him stronger than the last time. 
“Wow!” I yelped and tightening my hold on him but it worked. 
“Good job!” Elvis grinned. 
I turned my head and smiled at him, loosening my hold on the reins when Rising Sun reared back and stood up on its hind legs. I gasped, my body jerking back. Everything felt like it was happening in slow-motion but it all happened in a second. I slipped off the horse and landed on the ground, my head slamming harshly on the sand. Darkness engulfed me, hearing Elvis call out to me from a distance. 
Taglist: @urrfavvana @girlblogger2002 @butlersluvbot @iheqrtaustin @dramaticpandabear @godlypresley
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thoughts on Honor Among Thieves (spoiler free)
i finally got around to watching the new D&D movie, and I have some thoughts.
(no spoilers, except for things that are obvious in the trailer, like the big wildshaping druid)
first, some good things:
each character played their stats well. dumb and strong? makes stupid jokes. dexterity-based instead of strength-based? dodges attacks instead of blocking them. the dialogue was very true to stats as well.
the easter eggs. lots of references/appearances of dnd creatures, locations, and different species, even so of the more obscure ones
it felt like the dice were behind it all. there were lots of failures that seemed so far up to chance that someone had failed a check, and a few successes that felt like nat20s, plus things in between. there wasn't an obscene number of successes or failures in a row, as many movies are prone to have.
material components! they dont forget about them :)
now, my criticisms:
too many damn wildshapes. i think i counted six or seven in one scene, and i guarantee the druid is not an archdruid. this bothered me more than anything else, to be honest.
chris pine's character. i don't care what anyone says, he's not a bard. he doesn't do anything a bard would do, no spells, no obvious bardic inspiration. honestly i think he's a commoner with 3 hit points.
the lack of diversity. two humans, a half elf, and a tiefling. the half elf just looks like a human, and the tiefling is in no way a tiefling except for her horns. tieflings typically have funky eyes and skin, and she had neither. i get that CGI is expensive, but it's really easy to slather someone in green paint and call them a half orc. (also, i've heard criticisms about the lack of LGBTQ+ representation, but there wasn't a whole lot of romance anyway, so i'm not super mad about that)
forgetting about action economy. i get it, you have to make a movie that's super cinematic, but a single barbarian, even at level six or seven (which is around where i estimate this group to be, max) cannot take on almost a dozen guards in heavy armor with weapons and take barely any damage, then go on to fight again almost immediately.
overall, i think it's a fun movie, and it's nice to see something i love up on the big screen. i do think it will cause problems for dms introducing new players who have seen the movie and not any actual play shows, cause i can already hear players wanting to do the cool things they do in the movie, then rolling poorly and getting mad at the dm when they cant do what they wanted to do. i'm interested to see if they add to it in the future, maybe with a bigger budget and some more diversity in character species. i also hope they replace chris pine, but hey, you cant get everything in life i suppose.
TLDR: good movie, not totally representative of actual D&D, but definitely give it a watch if you like D&D.
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chaoscradle · 1 year
assigning GUTS songs to stranger things characters (i know this has been done a ton of times already but i'm doing it anyway):
all-american bitch: nancy
"I know my age and I act like it"
"I'm a perfect all-american bitch"
"I know my place, I know my place, and this is it"
"I'm the eternal optimist, I scream inside to deal with it"
"I pay attention to things most people ignore"
(el could also work with this one, but i felt like with the whole nuclear family thing the wheelers have going on that nancy fits better)
bad idea right?: max
"'I only see him as a friend' the biggest lie I ever said"
"can't two people reconnect?"
"but god, when I look at you, my brain goes 'ah', can't hear my thoughts"
vampire: joyce
"every girl I talked to told me you were bad, bad news"
"you're so convincing, how do you lie without flinching?"
"I've made some real big mistakes, but you make the worst one look fine"
"the way you sold me for parts"
"you said it was true love, but wouldn't that be hard? you can't love anyone, 'cause that would mean you had a heart"
"I loved you truly. gotta laugh at the stupidity"
lacy: el
"I linger all the time, watchin', hidden in plain sight"
"aren't you the sweetest thing on this side of hell?"
"I feel your compliments like bullets on skin"
"and I despise my jealous eyes and how hard they fell for you"
ballad of a homeschooled girl: mike
"and I hate all my clothes, feels like my skin doesn't fit right over my bones"
"the party's done, and I'm no fun, I know I know, I know, I know"
"I made it weird, I made it worse"
"everything I do is tragic"
"I'm shocked I'm still alive"
(this could also work for robin tbh)
making the bed: mike
"another perfect moment that doesn't feel like mine, another thing I forced to be a sign"
"push away all the people who know me the best"
"every good thing has turned into something I dread"
"and I tell someone I love them, just as a distraction"
logical: will (psa this is from will's pov i don't think any of this of mike)
"come for me like a savior, and I'd put myself through hell for you"
"and I fell for you like rain falls from a February sky, but now the current's stronger and I couldn't get out if I tried"
"oh, why do I do this? I look so stupid thinking two plus two equals five, and I'm the love of your life"
"'cause if rain don't pour and sun don't shine, then changing you is possible"
"you lied, you lied, you lied"
"I guess love is never logical"
"the sky is green, the grass is red, and you mean all those words you said"
"I know I'm half responsible, and that makes me feel horrible"
"I know I could've stopped it all, god why didn't I stop it all?"
"'cause loving you is loving every argument you held over my head"
get him back!: max (NOT about lumax, just how she'd handle a different breakup)
"I want sweet revenge, I want him again"
"do I love him? do I hate him? I guess it's up and down"
"I wanna make him really jealous, I wanna make him feel bad"
"I wanna break his heart, then be the one to stitch it up"
"I wanna meet his mom, just to tell her her son sucks"
love is embarrassing: will
"and then, you kissed some girl from high school"
"waited by my phone like a goddamn fool"
"god, love's embarrassing as hell"
"and I consoled you while you cried over your ex-girlfriend's new guy" (minus the new guy part)
"you found a new version of me"
"I give up, I give up, but I keep comin' back for more"
the grudge: lucas
"how could anyone do the things you did so easily?"
"I try to be tough, I try to be mean, but even after all this, you're still everything to me, and I know you don't care, I guess that's fine"
"one phone call from you and my entire world was changed"
"and I doubt you ever think about the damage that you did, but I hold onto every detail like my life depends on it"
"and I know in my heart, hurt people hurt people"
(this song doesn't 100% represent lucas and max's relationship in s4 imo but it comes the closest)
pretty isn't pretty: el
"there's always something in the mirror that I think looks wrong"
"when pretty isn't pretty enough, what do you do?"
"I could change up my body and change up my face, I could try every lipstick in every shade, but I'd always feel the same"
"fix the thing you hated, and you'd still feel insecure"
"I chased some dumb ideal my whole fucking life, and none of it matters and none of it ends"
teenage dream: will
"they all say that it gets better, it gets better, but what if I don't?"
"when am I gonna stop being wise beyond my years and just start being wise?"
"I'll blow out the candles, happy birthday to me" (birthdaygate)
"but I fear that they already got all the best parts of me"
"will I spend all the rest of my years wishin' I could go back?"
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blackquillchillin · 6 months
Okay for Simon romancing people in Stardew Valley, we gotta evaluate the potential relationship with each of the characters, so, starting with the Bachelors!!
Alex: gives young person vibes, similar to how Sam does, but more then that i just don't think he's Simon's type. Cocky Jock with Gridball on the brain, eh. I don't know they'd have anything to talk about, really.
Elliott: Aesthetically quite nice, though I don't know if I picture Simon as being very appearance focused in partnerships. Very Artsy. Could work, though I think Simon would be pretty neutral towards him initially.
Harvey: Huge Bonus is that he does not appear as young as some of the other Bachelors. I'm also biased, as He and Sam are the only two I've gotten to marriage to personally. (and quite liked both of them) That said...I don't think he has enough Confidence for Simon. He's dedicated to being a doctor, sure, but he's also nervous, with huge amounts of anxiety at times. He talks constantly about the health and safety of the town, but when other topics do come up, particularly in dating, he's easily flustered. As cute as i find him (and his mustache) I don't think Simon would be interested.
Sam: Reads as too young. everything's still about skateboards and music. Not too young for romance, mind, I romanced him, but too young for Simon. does have golden retriever energy though, which is nice, and really loves his younger brother, also a plus. and he does grow a little once married, But I think it would feel weird. Better match for someone Athena or Apollo's age.
Sebastian: Now here's where we get into the fun stuff!! I think Sebastian would NOT like Simon, who in turn would be....very neutral towards the young man, and completely unaware of the one sided rivalry brewing. See, a lot of the problems Sebastian faces are concerns about not being able to establish himself. He's living in his Mom's basement, with his Step Father he dosn't get along well with, and half-sister who he sees as being favored over him. He also feels no one takes his job seriously, (example, in his two heart event we learn Abigail plans to come visit regardless of him working) but one thing he IS is the town's resident Goth, even more so then Abby. So, imagine, just imagine, how frustrating it would be for him when Simon rolls up, Grumpy and Standoffish, Shock of black hair, dressed all in black, hawk perched on his shoulder, already having his own space with a job everyone recognizes and not having to answer to anyone. If we wanted to count who's edgier, Simon's even been to prison. Heck, in this world he might even have prison tats, anything could happen. And Simon? not the least bit concerned about this, or even aware.
Shane: On the one hand, no one should romance Shane. Shane needs a friend, absolutely, but he also needs therapy, and is not ready to commit to marriage. I might feel differently about this if he wasn't returning to drinking after tying the knot, or reacted to you giving him Beer after quitting. On the other hand, they're both deeply troubled, and I absolutely pair deeply troubled fictional characters, both romantically and platonically. (Bobby Lives! Blackbright whomst, on both counts) They could be deeply troubled.....together..........
And that's the Bachelors! Next up, Bachelorettes..... Abigail: One of her Big character conflicts is growing pains and tension with her Dad. Too young for Simon.
Emily: Too new age-y. I do think they could be friends, though. She'd gift him crystals to "help him absorb negative energy" and he'd get caught in anything she's hung from the ceiling, like dream catchers or beaded curtains. She would be brightly optimistic even as he grouses about life, though wouldn't always appreciate his sarcastic ways.
Haley: Okay hear me out, same energy as Blackmahdi, or NyQuill as I prefer to call it. Sure, it's missing the Ying-Yang color scheme, but consistently arguing? taking pot-shots at each other? both being complex characters with real human motivations underneath their cruel exterior? yeah. It could work. Emily wouldn't be thrilled that that's how they talk to each other though.
Leah: Don't have a reason for it other then I just don't see it. Like, sure, it could happen, but I just don't think it would, you know?
Maru: Simon would be immediately put off by her dad, like that's a big no. Also, she reads fairly young, being at least younger then Seb. also, while he may be reasonably fond of her as a person, (or maybe not, i dunno) I think growing up with Aura may have killed any interest in inventors in general.
Penny: Okay, I know I said Harvey was too timid for Simon, and Penny doesn't exactly exude confidence, but it's not the same. She's a lover of children, who's actively trying to teach the only two children in town. She's aggressively helpful, and trapped in rough circumstances. Also, he could sweep her up in his arms and hold her close and she could gently help him through his anxiety attacks and no I'm not projecting-
Lastly, It's not Romance, but Platonic,
Krobus: No notes. Sweet little guy. Perfection. Simon would share his house with him, as would anyone.
And that's the list!! let me know if you want to hear potential dynamics with the other townsfolk, I may have more thoughts about some of them then others, of course.
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alexissara · 2 years
Top 10 TTRPGs I want to play but haven't yet.
It's time to talk about TTRPGs, in particular, one's I think look cool but haven't got a chance to play yet. I am only going to include games that are out right now because they exist and I could potentially play them like, tonight otherwise. Games being on this list aren't really a sign of quality or not, I'll explain what is drawing me to them but I have no fucking clue if their good or not, haven't played them in in several cases haven't read them.
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This game is more intense then my standard taste but it also seems incredible. I think the cat and mouse action, the queer longing for someone dangerous and the intense fallout of things no matter what way things go just sounds, ahhh so much fun. Plus I really love TTRPGs I can do 2 player, it's a lot easier to arrange a 1 on 1 session with someone then getting 4 people to all agree to be in a room together for multiple hours.
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Lesbian Werewolves On A Beach
I mean, you put Lesbian in your title and I want to play it. I love beaches, werewolves and lesbians, it's that simple. I don't have a whole lot more to say, it sounds like my kinda thing, that's it, I wanna play it.
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This World Summons Too Many Heroes
Really I just wanna see how other people are doing Isekai TTRPGs. TBH, I have no idea if this one is good, no idea, I skimmed the book but I am really here for the gimmick. I want to read it, study it and then hopefully play it. I really like Isekai type stories and have done Isekai type settings before and will probably do them after for TTRPGs so it's good to see the work others are doing.
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This is one I've tried to play several times but never got through a session 0. Fate has such a roleplay focused form of play that always captivated me since I first heard of it. The way you get strengths and weaknesses and the way your traits work, it's just, a really exciting system that is so flexible and so well positioned. This system is a staple in the TTRPG space now and unlike a lot of other staples it's one I actually want to play.
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Power Couple
Looks like a cute way to tell fantasy romance stories, I wanna try it. My favorite trope in the world is the power of love conquering all. This us against the world game is just exciting, totally focused on an existing relationship an the way they handle the obstacles ahead of them. I am thrilled at the idea of playing this.
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Only One Bed
This collection of mini games are just really cute and I think it be fun to take a set of characters through an AU for each game. Each games concept is fairly simple but pretty cute. I think this could be a really fun game for a nice shipping session where I take a pair of OCs that date in some roleplay and get to explore their love from a bunch of lenses.
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I am all about killing gods, that's basically what I do in any TTRPG. However, a focus on this mechanically just seems like perfect for my taste. I really want to see how this game handles it and if this can be a staple in my play! I really look forward to telling a story focused on god slaying.
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SUEper Powered
This game feels like it just gets me. I want to play a game where we are all really overpowered and it's just like a really cute and fun and emotional and sweet power fantasy. This whole hearted powerful embrace of playing a group of Mary Sue's is just really sweet, so often people try to make a game balanced but there is something great about characters who just kinda fucking rock. From Sailor Moon to grand magicans to Goku, sometimes you just kinda wanna be someone who is the best and I think a group of people who rock is suck a fun fantasy for me.
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The Exceptionals
I am so curious about this games mechanics, after reading it I was really excited about giving it a try but i haven't found the right group or time yet. While I fell out of love with super heroes I can't deny a part of my hear still wants to tell stories about heroes. Masks: A New Generation just isn't for me anymore but this though I think is a tool to tell super hero stories I give a shit about.
The game itself is super well written and is one of those games where I read it and saw the mechanics and since then have been itching to go into character building.
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Cozy Town
While these games aren't in any particular any game designed by Rae Nedjadi is gonna be on the top of my list. Basically any Rae game I haven't played is also in this spot, Cozy Town is just sitting on top because I bought it and it is very cute. While normally I play games based around killing gods and complicated political situations and stuff like that, it be nice to have a game to play that is just like, "Hey, let's live a little utopian life for a minute". I think this really scratches an itch I didn't even know I had until I read it.
If you liked this list and want me to talk about anything else let me know, tell me what your wish list of games you want to play are.
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