#Medusa Festival
tetsunabouquet · 9 months
The Ice Sculpture Festival Promo, 2023: Humanoid creatures, Gods and heroes from legend
Special shout-out to my Shaman King followers! Starting of with Faust (yes, the ancestor of Shaman King's Faust)
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kimbonella · 1 year
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A beautiful mortal, Medusa was the exception in the family, until she incurred the wrath of Athena, either due to her boastfulness or because of an ill-fated love affair with Poseidon. Transformed into a vicious monster with snakes for hair, she was killed by Perseus, who afterward used her still potent head as a weapon, before gifting it to Athena 🖤
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fryingpan1234567 · 4 months
aaaaaanyways. pride month at Camp Half Blood?
if you remember that one post from a while ago (general hc’s about chb), I did say I would do a fully pride post eventually
so without further ado, I present to all my lovely gay demigods:
SO we’ve already discussed the decorations of some of the cabins, like Percy putting rainbow hippocampi scales all over the walls, the Demeter and Persephone cabins growing colorful flowers all over their roofs, the Hecate cabin and its Sentient Gay Door
I like to think the Iris cabin is just fully blasting rainbows all the time it looks like a Minecraft beacon
they play capture the flag every June with a pride flag that has the CHB logo on it
limited edition CHB pride merch😭
Mr. D defending trans campers by driving bigots slightly insane long enough to slap themselves and then go back to normal
Some ignorant prick about a transmasc camper: “Oh yeah she—“
Ignorant prick: “Okay Jesus I’m sorry”
A different ignorant prick: *makes some dumb joke about “always being able to tell” and receives at least seven different air horns from all the Apollo campers in the vicinity*
Leo’s been following this one really irritating chick around all day because she can’t figure out one of his sibling’s genders and blasting her in the face every time she fucks up their pronouns😭😭😭
anyways yeah I like to imagine there’s a demigod pride festival somewhere, maybe in New York
or no there’s demigods everywhere I bet they have parade floats all the time in lots of cities and the Mist conceals the “fireworks” which are actually just godly light shows
Apollo rocks up to camp in a rainbow crop top and a pink drink from Starbucks just to sing Born This Way in the middle of the day and then dip again
Aphrodite blessing random queer couples with finding perfect date setups “conveniently” in their paths
all the gods physically restraining Hera when she tries to go fuck with Jason while he’s on a date w Leo
Percy and Annabeth in matching shirts that say ✨BEST BI✨ with the Best Buy price tag logo in the middle
Nico got glitterbombed on June 1st the second he stepped out of his cabin by the entire Apollo cabin (and Jason) and is still finding sparkles in his hair a week later
Aphrodite kids are walking dictionaries of all the rainbow terms, somehow, and they also all know which days in June are for which awareness or pride or whatever flag
campers who transitioned over the school year and coming back to camp a different gender and their godly parent re-claims them as their true self
Percy “I can’t believe I used to think I was straight” Jackson educating some of the younger campers on bisexuality and how, no, you don’t always know right away
Annabeth “I had a crush on Thalia and Luke at the same time and it was horrible” Chase always reassuring the nervous kids that there’s nothing wrong with being queer (and that she’ll fight any homophobic family members they may have)
actually they kind of all do that
Some little kid: “Well……. I don’t wanna tell my stepdad, he might kick me out”
Percy, remembering that his dad kept Medusa’s head after it got sent to Olympus: “Give me your address, I have an idea”
Piper will verbally eviscerate anybody she catches being even remotely homophobic. I mean she will swipe phones out of her siblings’ hands to tell off some ignorant grandmother
Jason does NOT get into physical altercations outside of sparring and literal war, but the closest he ever got was after hearing someone call Nico a slur (Percy and Leo had to physically drag him away from the other guy)
William Solace has white cowboy boots. I Will Start Sobbing On The Spot
Percy and Jason wore matching skirts for the pride festival and it was great— these 6-foot-plus brick shithouses of heroes who have single-handedly won wars aggressively waving tiny pride flags at each other and dancing to IT GIRL on the quad
Cecil and Lou Ellen made these magic rainbow smoke bombs, crawled up on the roof of the Hermes cabin, and slingshotted them into the masses Just Because™️
(Will’s hair was blue and pink for weeks)
Clarisse fucking kicked someone into the lake because they made fun of one of her siblings’ dyed hair
Connor thought it would be funny to leave a mini pan flag on top of Mr. D’s Diet Coke stash, mostly as a harmless joke, but the next day he noticed Mr. D had tucked it into his horrible Hawaiian shirt pocket like a handkerchief😭
watching Love, Simon in the amphitheater for movie night and half the campers had to excuse themselves early for sobbing too hard
Malcolm and Annabeth reread Red White and Royal Blue every summer. They say they’re Henry and June, Connor is Alex, and Percy is Nora
(this is confirmed when the two of them start a foot fight in the dining pavilion with a Chipotle burrito)
Leo IMing Jo and Emmie to wish them a happy pride (and tell Georgina and Waystation I said hello)
Piper and Leo getting into a HEATED debate about whether Velma Dinkley is a lesbian or not
Jason, sitting in the middle of them, now deaf in both ears: Lupa give me strength
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toulousewayne · 2 months
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A Robin’s Quarrel 🏹⚔️
Red Robin X male!reader with a male Amazon.
Summary:Your a male Amazon/Gargareans,who is sent to the Man’s world to find your father Ares and stop him from enslaving humans and killing the Amazons. You need Tim’s help in your quest to stop Ares.
The island of Thalarion was home to a race of men similar to the Amazons, they’re known as Gargareans. Most of the men there are reincarnations of men who had died in battle. Zeus and the other Gods created them to be equal to the Amazons and they’ve lived here for centuries. Many of the men there trained and practiced their skills, none really craved for more than that. Except for one Gargarean, Argus.
He had heard stories of the Goddess blessing the those with gifts of children and families, he loved and would die for his brothers but he longed for something more.
Against his King’s orders he read secret documents and one night during a full harvest moon the island was in a celebration and feast. Argus ventured to a small part of the island and into a cave they long had been abandoned. He made a small offering on the alter and used his blood. He begged and asked the Goddess Artemis for a child. Many of the islands inhabited were adults and returned as such, no male child had been on the island. That night lighting struck the alter sending the man away.
On the alter was a bundle wrapped in red silk, Argus unwrapped it and found a baby boy sleeping peacefully. When he returned to his brothers it caused the festival stop and almost none of them had seen a baby. The king was furious and nearly had Argus killed but several men vouched for him and refused to allow the King to harm him or the child. From then on the child would be look after by the entire island, and the King too grow to like the boy, he was named Y/n.
Y/n was a curious and cheerful boy, he loved learning from his father, watching the men train and learning with the King and his Advisers.
Y/n was trained in combat and was a skilled swordsman and archer. Argus and the King meet several times to discuss the boys futures. By the time Y/n was Eighteen it was determined that he would be the Gargarean’s champion and would go to man’s world to defeat Ares who had long become twisted on his plans of world domination. Y/n was to be sent to stop him like the Amazons had let Diana leave years prior.
“My son,Y/n brings me great join that you will be our champion but I will never be able to be okay without your presence.” Y/n teary eye hugs his father before standing before the King.
“You have brought great joy to this dull island little solider. You will bring great honor to us all and you will be sent where none of us have ever been. Do not forget your training and remember Ares will have spies you must trust your own judgment.” Before he left the king gave armor and weapons.
“This sword was once used to slay the Gorgon Medusa, the Harpe of Perseus. Shield of Achilles. Lastly, this item will be a Lasso of your own.”
“What does it do?” Y/n asked securing it to his armor. The king grinned grimly.
“I hope you never had to use it, but you must go now.” Y/n boarded a boat was pushed from the island by two of the strongest men. He waved goodbye to his father before him and the entire island was covered in smoke and was never seen again.
When he awoke it was nightfall again and he saw a land with large buildings and shining lights.
“Great Hades this place is dark and smells.” Once he touched the dock he draped himself in a cloak and wandering to the street. The people around him gave him strange looks. He wondered around until he heard a loud ringing.
He ventured around the corner until he saw a sea of red and blue light flashing in front of a pantheon like building. Drawing closer he walks inside and heard shouts and loud banging.
He turns the corner to see a man with half his face deformed firing a large gun at a boy closer to his age in red, black, green and yellow colors.
“Why do you flip around so much?” The boy turned to him with shock.
“You gotta go before he—“
The man chuckles,”Brought a friend with ya kid? Too bad the coin says you both get you die tonight.” Two-Face starts shooting at Y/n. Y/n in one swift moment shields the young hero and uses his braces on his forearm to deflect the incoming bullets. Once Two-Face’s has noticed he gets pissed.
“What kinda freak are ya?”
Y/n smiles, I believe that if anyone in this room is a freak it would be you my friend.” Before Two-Face can reply Y/n takes his shield and throws it disarming him, next he takes the lasso and wraps Two-Face up and yanking him up.
“You-“ he’s cut off by Y/n lifting him off the ground and staring up at him.
“Why are you desecrating this building.” The hero wants up and places a hand on Y/n’s braces.
“It’s okay, I can talk him from here.” Y/n looked down at the hero, he nodded before untying Two Face who collapsed to the ground and was swiftly knocked out and hand cuffed.
Red Robin turned to the boy and stopped him before he could leave.
“Thank you, but I had that under control. Who are you?” Y/n eyed him.
“I’m Y/n of Thalarion, I’ve been sent to Man’s world to find and stop Ares. Who are you colorful mortal?”
Red Robin raised a masked brow. “Red Robin,why are you in Gotham?”
Y/n shrugged. “My boat brought me here, I’m sure Ares’ not far from here.” He turns and leaves. Red Robin chases after him and he sees him already across the street pointing a sword at a taxi.
“Are you Ares’ Chariot driver, speak now and I will spare you?” Red Robin swiftly runs to him and pushes him out the road as the taxi driver swears and shouts at the pair.
“Why did you do that, he could have lead me to Ares!” Y/n is angry and it’s only now Tim notices how the young Thalarion towers over him by a foot and a half.
“Look your never gonna find him this way, I have friends. Allies who can help. If you trust me I can help you, but I need you to trust me.” The young Thalarion huffs and calms down.
“If you insist, take me to these friends of yours. My quest is too valuable to wait.” Red Robin sighs and ushers him to follow.
The two stand on a rooftop in Gotham City Sqaure and Y/n is taking in the city for the first time.
“Is this where you lived,thigh lights are..breath taking.” Red Robin turns to him and walks to the edge where he’s standing.
“I grew up on the outskirts of the city, but yes every once in a while I do take in the views. Unaware to him Y/n looked at Tim as he was talking and returned his gaze to the city.
“These friends of yours how will they help, do they know where Ares is?” Red Robin looks down at the ground.
“I don’t know, but I think they’ll have more for you to go on.”
“Red Robin.” The pair turn to see Batman and Wonder Woman.
“Great Hera, I didn’t even know there were still Thalarions.” Wonder Woman looked at the boy in shock.
“What is this about Ares returning?” Batman eyed the young Thalarion before.
“I’ve been sent to find him and stop him, Red Robin says you have information. After that’ll be on my way.”
Batman didn’t move and Wonder Woman was slowly regaining her composure. “Yes, and if it’s true and he’s returned they we don’t have much time to prepare.”
“Red Robin and I we will meet with you later. I’ll contact you.” Wonder Woman nodded and turned to Y/n.
“Follow me.” The two flew off Batman looked back at him.
“Where did you find him?” He turned to grapple.
“He found me,he saved me.”
“Hmmm.” Batman grappled towards the city with Red Robin not far behind him.
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odditycircus-2002 · 1 year
Medusa!Reader and Shang Tsung MK 1 (Part 2)
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Shang Tsung and Syzoth rushed to rinse the elixirs and glass off your body. This was made difficult by how you continued to writhe around, blinded and sensitive to the point that running water felt like glass being rubbed against you. Eventually, your voice would become hoarse and bloody from your screaming, and then, finally and mercifully, exhaustion would take over. You were unaware of the claw marks you left on Shang and Syzoth in your blind panic.
You slept for the entire night and most of the next day. When you woke again, you were met with darkness and the feeling of something covering your body. You figured Shang must've bandaged you.
The Sorcerer confirms this and informs you that he's putting you on bed rest for the next few days, given the extensive damage that accident caused your body's nerves and muscles. While you may lose sight, he assured you it shouldn't be likely that it's permanent, much to your relief.
Shang Tsung was the one who primarily cared for your health. This included tending and disinfecting your wounds, changing your bandages, gently bathing you, having you drink a strong-smelling elixir to supposedly speed up the healing process daily, and even helping you relearn to use your muscles. Sometimes Syzoth would assist and talk with you, but these visits would often be cut short as Shang Tsung insisted that you needed rest.
Fortunately, you had Mileena and Kitana from time to time. You weren't surprised to hear from the sisters that Sindel couldn't come in person but sent condolences and flowers from the Hanging Gardens. This made you feel a little better, at least. It was better than the constant smell of disinfecting elixirs. However, your little ember of morale was smothered out when Shang took the bandages off you, Syzoth ready nearby with a mirror.
You were blinded by the light after days of nothing but darkness. When your eyes adjusted, you immediately gasped at the figure before you. Her skin was reddened and marred with rough patches that were a completely different color from the rest of her. She had no hair but a head full of hissing and writhing snakes with long fangs jutting from her mouth. Her eyes were snake-like with slit pupils that blinked with a second eyelid. As you touched yourself simultaneously as the stranger before you, you realized that the creature before you was… you!
"By the Elder Gods! What's happened to me?!"
You screamed before hiding your face in your hands with long claws at the ends before starting to weep. Shang Tsung attempted to comfort you as he held you close and petted your head, assuring you he didn't care what your form looked like. He knows it's still you. You both remained like that until you fell asleep from exhaustion.
For the next few days, you remained held up in your room to obsessively look in your mirror to try and imagine what you used to look like. You took up wearing a mask you purchased from the last festival you went to to retain some sense of your old beauty. You didn't allow Shang Tsung, Syzoth, or anyone to look at your face, refusing to look any of them in the eye. Yet, during those days, you had time to think without Shang whispering in your ear.
It's unbelievable to think that while you confronted Shang about the floor beneath, you'd happen to have your "accident" right in the middle of it. And how chivalrous the man you've been suspicious of would also nurse you back to health. You concluded that it couldn't be a coincidence; Shang Tsung purposefully caused your accident. Yet, seeing how your last confrontation with him alone went, you weren't going to approach him with your accusations immediately. For all you knew, you were infected with a new form of Tarkat.
It wouldn't stop you from doing your damn job, though. So you gathered the essentials, your belongings, and as many medical supplies as you could carry before slipping from the laboratory in the dead of night to head toward the nearby Tarkatan colony. Unbeknownst to you, Syzoth saw you leave but said nothing to Shang Tsung, silently wishing you well.
When you arrived, the colony appeared to be in better condition the last you looked at it. It isn't much, but it wasn't precisely the chaotic cesspool you remember. As you were "escorted" by other Tarkatans, you soon learned that the credit for the Colony's improvement goes to former tribune and merchant Baraka. Who now led the Tarkat Colony.
At first, the Tarkatan was wary when you claimed to have come out here on order from the Royal family, even when you presented the scroll stamped with the Royal House's seal that proves this claim true. At least, until you showed an ungloved arm with spikes forming where they shouldn't. You understood his paranoia and explained that you and your research partner, Shang Tsung, had a laboratory nearby to study Tarkat; however, you left to continue your research here because of your current affliction and possible infection. As a show of good faith, you present the supplies you took from the lab and offer to share them with the rest of the colony.
Baraka allowed you to stay within the camp and continue your work for a cure as long as you did your part within the colony. You accepted and soon set up shop within one makeshift adobe house. Wasting no time, you got to work. You soon set up a system to divide the work between you and any other Healers or anyone with extensive medical knowledge who can treat the sick as best as possible.
Often, you have to patch some of them up when bloodlust overtakes their minds, and others have to hold them down. Some days, you're mostly trying to find ways to ration the remaining medical supplies and treat your patients' symptoms. You even went as far as to set up regimens to help soothe the Tarkatans and keep morale up.
For months, you worked with Baraka to improve the colony's life to the best of your abilities. Eventually, because of this and your role as an Imperial Healer, you unofficially began to become a second figure of authority among the Tarkatans. It helped that you didn't take bullshit from any of your patients, no matter how difficult they can be(i.e., how strong and bloodthirsty they can be). Thanks to your mutations, you can match the strength of most of your patients. You're not above wrestling them into submission to take their medicine, including Baraka. Fortunately, you rarely had to with Baraka.
In fact, you and Baraka would come to appreciate each other because you can rely on each other for support. Especially since neither of you has anyone else to do so for the positions you found yourselves in. In fact, other colony residents couldn't help but notice the fondness and affection you both began to show one another as moons passed by.
You often could be seen conversing with Baraka, whether or not you are busy with your healing duties. Baraka usually would choose to share meals with you. You constantly check on each other's well-being. Once, Baraka gifted you a piece of jewelry from his merchant days that you now continuously wear. Anyone with eyes could see the herculean task for you to not instantly tackle hug Baraka.
Yet, an unspoken agreement prevented either of you from furthering your relationship. Baraka knew deep within his soul that he was fated to die from his illness long before you or anyone else could find a cure. He only wished to spare you the heartache of loving a dead man walking. You, on the other hand, were reluctant to love again.
You had seen each other at your lowest points. You when Baraka has a rare bout of feral bloodthirst that led you to have to sedate him with a crap ton of tranquilizers with a few minor wounds gained. He was there to just sit by you when you had to euthanize a Tarkatan that eventually lost its mind and asked before being put down when that happened. No one saw you leaving your adobe the next day except for Baraka.
That day, Baraka learned the true nature of your affliction as he caught you looking at your mirror without your mask. You were observing how your mutation was advancing when Baraka caught you, and you spun around in surprise before making direct eye contact with him. Baraka's face became frozen in surprise as he instantly turned into stone on the spot.
It took you hours before you could make a powder to reverse the petrification. You didn't know whether or not Baraka heard you, but that didn't stop you from fervently apologizing to him as you swiftly worked.
When Baraka was unstoned, he immediately asked about the exact nature of your condition. Which is when you gave the whole story about how this happened to you and how you confronted Shang Tsung before your accident occurred. You went as far as to show him your body without as much covering to demonstrate the full extent of your condition, including your newly grown wings.
"I never asked to become this! An- and- and yet, he took my body away from me."
That's when you collapsed to your knees and started to weep. The Tarkatan leader could only sit close to you as he spoke calming words. To your surprise, Baraka didn't kick you out of the colony after turning him to stone. In fact, he vowed to keep your true form a secret even from the colony. You were left speechless by his proclamation. This incident didn't cause him to treat you any differently than before.
However, given what you told him, Baraka was immediately on the defense when Shang Tsung came to the colony with an escort of armed Imperial soldiers more than he usually would be. Baraka doesn't trust Shang Tsung because his presence resembles a bad omen. A few Tarkatans seemed to "disappear" whenever he came by to gather genetic samples from his colony. However, Shang wasn't just here for blood or skin samples this time. No, this time, he was here for bone marrow, and it seemed he had his eye on Baraka in particular.
You were attending to some unfortunately afflicted tarkatan children when you were aroused from your workshop from Baraka's howling in pain. You immediately spot him forced to kneel in front of the man you've been hiding from for months, Shang Tsung. He also brought imperial soldiers, including some that held back the crowds of enraged Tarkatans. Despite the brief fear that gripped you, you were spurned into action when turning your attention to Baraka. You went down to confront the Sorcerer, demanding he release Baraka.
A/N: Sorry again folks that I have to cut it short, but I went over the word limit again. But I do hope you enjoyed this latest installment. Let me know about what y'all think about it and any ideas you have. Stay Weird, my fellow humans.
Taglist: @alastorhazbin, @slowlyfriedkingdom, @blackbunnymayw, @waryvoid, @redviper321, @lesbian-bambi, @evelud, @solareclipse166, @otako5811, @painimpact, @small-tophat-man, @holylonelyponyeatingmacaroni, @the-strange-unknown, @gname4, @aliceangel200981, @yaboicayde, @dumbhxeredrose, @tmoney-gay, @snowwhiteabyss, @geeky-trash01, @0000-lover-girl, @helixatomiclaws1799, @livia25leelover, @sarapaprikas-blog, @he-burnt-my-shake, @possibly-gleeful, @pikachupepito2, @miasubzero14, @keenduckzombie, @blackrose-2019, @nobod987, @antichristsbaby, @ariel2897, @iivenussleeping, @bloody546, @amara555555, @ya-sillydilly, @calviyv, @momoko-world, @ihatebitterthings, @sillypissyfroggy, @kpopobsessedellie-blog, @wickedspeak, @helloweebsofgenshin, @technonecromancerderaxus, @undertale-anomaly20, @khaotic-kris, @lonelycupcakelol, @duchessdaisybat, @generousrunawaystranger, @hufflepuff-ef, @ciphershadow, @night-stitch, @eclipsybunnyblogs, @ashleyinky, @corpse-nymph, @a-tiny-frog-with-a-hat, @porfiriea, @greciacat, @bobawitch13, @0000-lover-girl,@undertale-anomaly20, @illyannaaaa, @tired-ninfa, @rayneofthedead96, @queergeologist, @laxbloodstone
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Hi! I love your work! do you think you could do one where the shy hero needs a place to stay and finds themselves asking the villain if they can stay at his place?
They used to be friends. The hero wouldn't have considered it if they didn't use to be friends.
It still felt like an exceptionally dumb thing to consider.
They were not friends anymore.
"You're staring," the villain said.
The hero immediately dropped their gaze, and wished they had their mask to cover the rush of heat flooding their face. A minute or so later, their attention had fixed on the villain again - sitting opposite them in the train carriage, because fate hated them both.
(And because the train home was a tiny little local thing that had yet to catch up fully with the modern age.)
The villain watched the scenery blurring in the train window; trees to replace the concrete forests of the capital, scrubby grass. Soon, soon, they would turn a corner and there would be sea.
The hero caught the villain studying them in the reflection of the glass, clearly having noted they were being observed again. The villain raised a brow but didn't bother to turn their head.
The hero swallowed.
It wasn't safe, or it didn't feel safe, to watch the villain even through the distance of a reflection. The villain was not Medusa. Their threat did not diminish simply because it wasn't tackled head-on.
"So you're staying at your family house?" the hero asked.
"As I've done every year since we've known each other." The villain's voice was as dry as cracking skin, and the hero winced.
They fidgeted on their chair. They toyed with the zip on their rucksack. Obviously, obviously, the villain was staying at their home.
The villain's eyes narrowed. They turned their head to examine the hero more closely, and the hero once again hurled their attention elsewhere. It hit the train window like a tragedy of a bird, with one big impact, before it dropped.
"What is it."
The hero bit their lip. "Can I stay with you?"
"Excuse me?" The dryness vanished.
"Your place is huge! I won't be any trouble. I'll like, hide in the loft or something. You won't even see me. I know you probably have guests or-"
"Why aren't you going home?"
"Is that a no?"
"It's a question. I suggest you answer it."
There - the corner, and the sea. It stretched endless, wine-dark in the fading light. The hero set their rucksack on their lap again, squeezing it against their chest.
"[Hero]." The villain's voice softened, just a fraction. "You can stay if you tell me."
Maybe they could find a hotel. There was no way they were finding a hotel room so close to the festival. If they could find and afford a hotel...
"I can't go home."
"Yes, I gathered that by the fact that you're asking me for a favour."
The hero grimaced, shoulders tensing. Their arms tightened around their bag. They jolted when the villain's hand landed, gently, on their knee. Just one light touch.
Their eyes met.
The villain's eyes were not warm, but they weren't hostile either. There was no unkindness. It was a careful neutrality, as much of a shield as the hero's bag, but..
The villain blinked. It took them a second to translate, to replay the words back slowly for themselves, before they went rigid.
"Your job? You mean -" The villain gestured at the hero's face, where the mask would normally sit.
"That thing. Yeah."
"And they don't want you to come home? They...they do realise you're not me, right?"
The hero laughed, catching themselves by surprise as much as the villain. They shook their head. "They actually agree more with you, you'll be delighted to know. Obviously, I haven't told them it's you, but..." They were getting off track. "So I can stay with you?"
The villain stared.
The hero's stomach twisted. Maybe - they didn't want to believe it, but maybe, the deal had just been a ploy for information. They should have lied. They should have come up with some other reason they couldn't go home. Anything but the truth.
"Please," the hero forced out, barely above a rasp. Embarrassment flared up their face again, like an outbreak, or a plague symptom.
The villain seemed to snap back to themselves. They nodded, before they spoke, gaze returning to the window. They continued to sit in that rigid way, expression utterly fixed and....
Angry. They were angry.
"Sorry," the hero said. "I know it's-"
"-You have absolutely nothing to apologise for."
"Oh, yeah. You love my path in life." It blurted out, as dry as the villain's voice had been.
It was the villain's turn to laugh. They shook their head, studying the hero through the train window again.
"I wouldn't kick you out of my house for that. Just kill you. Far more reasonable."
That time, as absurd as it was, they laughed together. And it felt...not like old times, but something new. Something other than heroes and villains and an endless fight.
The train pulled up at the station as the last of the sun sunk beneath the waves. The evening air was crisp, and smelled like salt and home.
The hero's chest ached.
That night, the villain gave them the best guest room in the house.
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acepodcastweek · 11 months
Did I miss your favourite? Let me know! Maybe they've even featured in another poll.
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tylermileslockett · 2 years
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Heracles 8: Hesiod’s Shield of Heracles
         This archaic era (7-6th centuries B.C.E.) epic poem is attributed to Hesiod.
The Poem begins Heracles and his nephew and charioteer, Iolus, facing off against Ares and his son, Cycnus near the grove of Apollo, who appears and stirs Heracles to battle.
         The second section of the poem describes the sacred shield, wrought with many fine details. The surface is described as golden; shimmering with enamel, white ivory, and electrum (gold alloyed with silver). In the center is the daunting face of fear with fiery eyes and white teeth, and Strife hovering above. Further dark deities are portrayed: like fate; who drags a dead man as she gnashes her teeth. 12 heads of frightful, spotted snakes, scenes of conflict between bloody lions and boars, and a battle between mortals and centaurs. It describes the golden horses of Ares, and the god himself, red with blood in his chariot, and flanked by fear and flight. Next is a safe harbor with silver dolphins devouring fish as a fisherman watches on. Next Perseus, floats on winged feet, wearing the invisibility cap of Hades, with Medusas head in his satchel, and he  flees form pursuit by the gorgon sisters. It describes a terrible scene of men at war under bronze towers, with mothers tearing at their cheeks and fathers holding up their hands to the heavens in despair as the fates feed on the blood of newly dead warriors.  In contrast, the next section describes seven golden gates and festive dances with newlyweds and youthful choruses.
         The third section relates Athena speaking “winged-words” to Heracles, advising him to kill Cycnus but not rob him of his armor, and to strike Ares in his uncovered flesh below his shield. After the Chariots clash, Heracles kills Cycnus with a spear thrust into his neck. Ares springs at Heracles, ingoring Athena’s warning, but Heracles pierces Ares thigh, sending him fleeing back to Olympus.
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Worse things happen at sea: Art in the Paris 2024 Olympic Opening Ceremony
So everyone has been sounding off about the Paris' Olympic Opening Ceremony. Mainly about the supposed 'insult to Christians everywhere' with the recreation of Di Vinci's 'The Last Supper'.
(I'd like to go on the record that 1. you pose any group of folk in a line facing the viewer with a barrier at hip height and it's gonna look a little 'The Last Supper'-y, 2. clearly the hand wringers had forgotten that the artist was Di Vinci. The man would be pointing and laughing at them and be living it up on that bridge between Nicky Doll and DJ Butch, and 3. Da Vinci painted enough portraits of Bacchus, he would have known what's up.)
Anyway, a lot of art was incorporated and celebrated but there's one piece that did featured that had me performing a mental emergency stop and NO ONE ELSE is talking about it so I need to know I wasn't the only one to spot this.
So, opening ceremony, we're following our mysterious torch bearer as they race through the the Louvre to the strains of 'Danse macabre', (French composer Camille Saint-Saëns). The eyes of the paintings occupants follow their progress until we see frames with empty back drops, the paintings' subjects having come alive to watch the festivities from the windows. But the last empty frame... my people...
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Our mystery guide stands in front of this for nearly 3 seconds, at the 1hr 42min 11sec mark in the BBC coverage. Now, I can't make out the plaque at the bottom of the frame, but I am prepared to place good money that this is Théodore Géricault's 'Le Radeau de la Méduse', or 'The Raft of the Medusa'.
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Completed in 1819, this piece is considered the best work of its' French artist and an icon of the French Romanticism movement. It's chuffing huge, over 16ft by 23ft, and it is stunning.
It also depicts one of the worst events in French maritime history.
In June of 1816, the French frigate The Medusa left France for Senegal on the west coast of Africa. At her helm was a captain who had not sailed in 20 odd years and got the post through connections and political clout. And he fucked it up royally. The Medusa drifted 100 miles off course and ran aground off Mauritania. After 3 days of failing to shift the boat, the 400 or so people aboard has choices to make. They were 30 miles from land and there were 6 boats, room for 250 people. Some stayed aboard the stranded vessel but at least 146 men and one woman boarded a jerry-rigged raft. The plan was for it to be towed by some of the boats, but after only a few miles it was turned loose.
For 13 days, exposure, mutiny, disease, dehydration and starvation ravaged the survivors, whittling nearly 150 down to 15. It was in my fact checking for this that I learnt the lovely little term ‘a custom of the sea’. In layman’s terms, cannibalising your crew mates to survive. They were spotted by chance, no search effort had been made by the French. A further 5 died in the days following rescue. British naval officers helped the survivors to return to France because aid from the French government didn’t appear and the captain, who had made it to land fine, was more interested in recovering the gold on board the Medusa. He was court marshalled and should have been executed, but in the end served 3 years in prison. He was the inciting incident for a law to passed that ensured that promotions in the French military would thereafter be based on merit.
Now all this came hurtling into my head because I remember reading a book called 'Severed' by Frances Larson, all about the cultural and historical fascination with decapitation. There's a section in the chapter of severed heads in art about how Géricault went hard on the research for this painting; visited morgues and hospitals, brought home specimens to watch decay rate, y'know, stuff that absolutely wouldn't blow your safety deposit. But yeah, I'm there with dawning horror and ice in my blood as we look at a very French painting, of a French maritime tragedy, brought about by the hubris and arrogance and incompetence of the higher ups who had no right being there, where comrades and crew turn on each other in a horrific fight for survival, with the spooky dancing bones classical piece playing in the background...
And not 20 seconds later we are rejoining the action of the flotilla on the Seine, 'Fraternité' writ large over the boat with Cyprus, Columbia and Comoros waving excitedly and soggily at us.
Thomas Jolly, opening ceremony artistic director, I need to buy you a drink and we need to chat. I need to study you. I have been turning this over in my brain for a week, what are you trying to say?! Was I the only one to hear it?!
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my-name-is-apollo · 8 months
Honestly I'm getting so annoyed by the way Ares is perceived recently. He is such an interesting and tragic god but half of the community see him as a hot headed misogynist (wrong) and the other half paint him as a raging feminist (also wrong). It's like Hades all over again. While he's definitely far from being a misogynist, where is "Ares the protector of women" coming from? Does he protect any women other than his daughters? "Feasted upon by women" doesn't mean much when he also had a festival where women were prohibited. Whenever you bring up Rhea Silvia suddenly "it's Roman not Greek!" but they don't make that distinction for other gods (not to mention, Rhea Silvia is mentioned by Greek authors too + that kind of distinction is not ideal. Even the Greeks syncretised their gods with Roman gods) like why can't we just reach a middle ground with neither demonising him nor putting him on a pedestal.
This is like the 5th ask I'm getting about Ares so i'mma just answer this lol
I don't get enough Ares posts on my feed to begin with. The ones I do are mostly fine, just appreciating him. But yeah there have occassionally been ones that made me go 🤨 and I feel you with the way they try to like, completely alienate the Roman myths like that wouldn't make things even more chaotic. I see this happen with Medusa - Poseidon too. Like sure, it sucks that people are so fixated on Ovid's version, but the argument must be "Ovid's poem is not the only version of Medusa's tale" and not "It's Roman and it's by Ovid so it's not valid". Trust me, I have a big preference for Greek versions over the Roman ones, but there are also times I prefer the Roman versions (and some tales, like Eros and Psyche, survive only in the works of Roman authors). Every person will have preferences but it doesn't change the fact that the Greek and Roman gods were syncretised, and even some of the later Greek authors like Plutarch do not distinguish between Greek deities and their Roman counterparts.
And yeah, I honestly don't get where the feminist Ares who is the protector of women is coming from. I'm a firm believer that applying that label (feminist) to any god is an unfitting thing to do. But spreading misinformation for the sake of putting their favorite god on a pedestal is sadly not exclusive to Ares and Hades fans (but Hades fans have been the loudest, most annoying at it). I've seen it being done by the fans of all the other Olympian gods too. (Remember when there was a wave of "Dionysus is the least problematic god?" Yeah...) I can definitely understand the frustration. But Ares appreciation has so far not been too unbearable for me. In the corner of my mind I'm glad he gets to shine after all the unnecessary hate he got :3 but yes I too wish people realise he doesn't have to be the beacon of morality to be liked and appreciated.
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arkanah · 3 months
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Kwon Ahin was born in the outskirts of Jeonju, South Korea. His parents were farmers, and he lived out, from the outside, a picturesque childhood in the rural parts of the city. Ahin was homeschooled by his parents, who in reality were stiflingly strict, not allowing him to leave the farm unattended, watch television, play video games or listen to music. To entertain himself, Ahin turned to art and writing stories; however, through exposure at school, Ahin would become particularly fascinated with music, and soon began writing songs instead.
When Ahin was fifteen, he danced to Candy by H.O.T with his friends at a school festival. The video was uploaded to YouTube, and seen by chance by a talent scout at Valentine Records. After months of convincing, Ahin was allowed to sign to the label, though he has not kept the support of his parents and has since fallen out of contact with them. Ahin had no trouble fitting in with the other trainees at Valentine Records, quickly proving himself popular among trainees and staff alike. As the oldest among Valentine's fourth generation groups, Ahin is seen as a dependable figure by his peers at the label, looked to as a leader even by members of the other groups.
Thanks to his rural upbringing and vocal ticks, and his friendly, open personality, Ahin has maintained a boy-next-door image since his debut as the leader of Tarot, often promoted as a Good Man, with his reliability and good manners constantly pushed by the label. Ahin has also been active as a producer and songwriter since he was a trainee; one of the few members of Valentine Records' production teams to consistently be allowed to work with artists outside of the label. Alongside Junjie, Harin of Sour Candy and Gain of Medusa, Ahin is considered one of Valentine's 'favourites' by fans.
PREDICTION : what kind of a moron builds a throne on top of Fortuna's wheel? well, i suppose you'll have a nice view until she takes her next spin.
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NAME : Kwon Ahin. BIRTHDAY : August 6 1996. ZODIAC : Leo. NATIONALITY : South Korean HOMETOWN : Jeonju, South Korea. POSITION : Leader, Lead Vocalist. ARCANA : Wheel of Fortune. FC : Ong Seongwu.
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Yoon Yongguk was born in Busan, South Korea, though moved to Seoul in 2005, following the divorce of his parents. From then, he was raised by his mother, an office worker who could not afford to spend much time out of the office if she wanted to continue to support them. Very shortly after his parent's divorce, Yongguk lost contact with his father, who had been quick to find a new girlfriend. This planted a seed of resentment in Yongguk that he would begin to take out on his classmates, and by high school had settled into comfortable delinquency.
At seventeen, Yongguk was scouted by one of Valentine Records' talent scouts while smoking by the gates of his school. He attended the audition solely because the scout had threatened to report him to the school if he did not. Regardless of a complete lack of skill in singing, dancing, nor rapping, Yongguk was accepted into the label based on looks alone, and by the skin of his teeth was one of fourteen trainees to be selected for the Debut Team project; miraculously sorted into Team A while tens of his peers, all far more talented than him, were dropped from the label with no second chance. Although it's easy enough to believe that Valentine Records really were shallow enough to value Yongguk's appearance over everything else about him being unfit to debut, speculation among former trainees always carry the same trend; Yoo Seobin has some kind of soft spot for Yongguk, as if Yongguk reminds him of his younger self. Although this preference hasn't translated into career gain the way it might have for Ahin, Junjie, Harin and Gain, it's always been clear that there's some kind of odd bond between Yongguk and the label's CEO.
As a member of Tarot, things for Yongguk have been fine. That's kind of it. He's there to look pretty, which he knows and does well, without any of the need for approval of Junjie or the desperation for more of Jorden. He takes what he's given and does his job, bows at all the right people, smiles for the cameras, and manages to entertain just enough, but never actually give anyone anything to wonder about. He enjoys the benefits of his hit songs while standing in the back, not singing any of the hard parts, more than happy to let the others play their war games for all the attention. He'll ride their coattails as long as he can, and as of right now, things are fine. Eerily fine, like far more fine than things should ever have been able to get. He searches his name every night and never finds any of his old yearbook pictures next to lists of all the horrible things he's said and done, even though he knows it's coming and it's long overdue. He just waits.
PREDICTION : what's done to you is done to others, and those others do it to even more, and the next others do it to you again. over and over and over, until everything has been devoured.
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NAME : Yoon Yongguk. BIRTHDAY : April 24 1998. ZODIAC : Taurus. NATIONALITY : South Korean. HOMETOWN : Seoul, South Korea. POSITION : Vocalist, Sub-Rapper. ARCANA : The Magician. FC : Kim Jiwoong.
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Tachikawa Tetsuo was born in Shinjuku in 1998. His father is a prominent figure in the religious community of his hometown, and Tetsuo was brought up in a devout Catholic household. Through church, Tetsuo developed and maintained a love of singing, particularly hymns, and began dreaming of becoming an idol. His father, however, took offense to many aspects of the idol industry, and forbid Tetsuo from even entertaining the idea. Tetsuo's childhood was characterised by extreme restriction, regulation, and punishment, and he has opened up very little about it, even to those closest to him. Since moving to South Korea, he has lost contact with his entire family, and is not welcome home.
In 2017, a nineteen year old Tetsuo arrived in Seoul, and began taking every audition he could find, and sending audition tapes to every single label he could find an email for, sleeping in bathhouses and on the subway for two weeks before being scouted by random for Valentine Records on the street. Tetsuo saw this as a sign from god, and after facing rejection at his initial audition, maintained determination that he was meant to sign to Valentine. Tetsuo waited outside the Valentine building for twelve hours in order to personally hand CEO Yoo Seobin a USB tape with his audition on it, and was signed to the label before the end of the week.
Tetsuo is a beloved member of Tarot, best known for his gentle and sunny demeanour, positive outlook on life, and hauntingly beautiful vocals. Tetsuo has mentioned sometimes struggling with the themes of Tarot's music, and some of their styling/visuals due to his upbringing, but embraces this discomfort as he believes he has a lot still to learn about the world. Due to many fans exaggerating Tetsuo's personality as being far more innocent, naïve and 'pure' than he ever actually presents, a distaste for him has bred throughout the industry; because on the flipside, it's an open secret among industry insiders that Tetsuo is gay and notoriously easy to get into bed, and the disparity between the two translates to obnoxious fakeness to many; after all, is that really how a good, god-fearing man would behave?
PREDICTION : most young kings get their heads cut off.
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NAME : Tachikawa Tetsuo. BIRTHDAY : November 2 1998. ZODIAC : Scorpio. NATIONALITY : Japanese. HOMETOWN : Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan. POSITION : Main Vocalist. ARCANA : The Emperor. FC : Maeda Kentaro.
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Zhang Junjie is the heir to one of the biggest tech companies in the world. Born the eldest of two twins in the winter of 1998, Junjie spent the early years of his life in Shanghai, but moved to London, England, alongside his sister and mother, at five years old to go to school there. As a teenager, Junjie attended a prestigious all-boys private boarding school, where he was a choir member and received classical vocal training. Extremely studious and determined to excel, Junjie also had a spot on the school's debate team, student council, cricket team, and as an extracurricular trained in traditional Chinese dance.
In 2016, it became headline news that Junjie, alongside his twin sister, Zhang Shiyu, had signed as trainees to Valentine Records, making them the company's highest profile trainees. As heirs to one of the biggest conglomerates in east Asia, their entry into the k-pop industry was controversial for some, considering the twins to be buying their way into one of the biggest labels in the industry on a whim; and these allegations of gross nepotism wouldn't cool down until years label, when Shiyu was unceremoniously dropped from the label upon the revelation of her relationship with fellow trainee, Jung Jumin.
Although Junjie is still openly a product of nepotism, the shameful and callous handling of Shiyu's scandal won her public sympathy, and in turn, some of that rubbed off onto him as well. Since his debut in 2018, Junjie's exceptional vocal ability, as well as his status as a kind of a musical prodigy has allowed him to prove his worth and his spot in Tarot. Junjie is fiercely beloved by his Chinese fans, who have a reputation for mass-purchasing anything he attaches his name to and not playing games when it comes to his good name. As the most front-and-centre member of Tarot, being involved in the writing and production of the majority of their music, and just a Valentine Records idol in general, Junjie boasts a formidable fanbase within South Korea as well, although he's often subject to criticism in the way he distributes lines among the group members. Junjie has also garnered notoriety for being brutally candid and outspoken, leading to an ongoing public feud with rock singer Jung Kitae, which has severely effected his reputation. (Not his record sales, though.)
PREDICTION : what use is it to feel one thing and perform another? you're backwards. born backwards. you're the wrong half.
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NAME : Zhang Junjie. BIRTHDAY : December 28th 1998. ZODIAC : Cancer. NATIONALITY : Chinese. HOMETOWN : Shanghai, China. POSITION : Main Vocalist, Main Dancer, Face of the Group. ARCANA : The Lovers. FC : Zhang Hao.
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Jorden Kim was born in Daytona Beach, Florida, to a lawyer father and a psychiatrist mother. Jorden lived an untroubled, upper-middle class life- he got decent grades, was popular amongst his classmates, was a good enough dancer that he didn't get made fun of for taking dance lessons, and spent most of his teenage years getting high in cars or drunk at house parties. From an early age, thanks to the influence of his older sister, Jayne, Jorden has harboured a love of K-Pop, but kept this interest to himself for fear of ridicule from his friends. Other than his unflinching resolve that Hwayoung of Saint Valentine was the hottest celebrity, none of Jorden's friends would have had any reason to suspect he had any more than passing knowledge of K-pop, and so when he just vanished one day in 2018, it hadn't crossed any of their minds that he'd passed an open audition held by Valentine Records and had run off to Korea with no goodbyes.
Upon arriving in South Korea, Jorden would find his life starkly turned on his head. Added into what was then known as 'Debut Team A,' at the very last minute, Jorden's suggestions of 'getting wasted' during self-directed practice and innocent inquiries on where to buy weed didn't sit well with many of his fellow trainees, many of whom had poured their entire youths into reaching the opportunity that Jorden had seemingly wandered into. As such, Jorden's trainee life at Valentine Records would be notably solitary, with his debut team members Yongguk and Junjie acting especially unkind towards him, often abusing his position as maknae and lack of knowledge of the culture to have him wait on them hand and foot. After intervention from Ahin, Jorden and Yongguk found common ground; however the incident cemented Junjie's dislike for Jorden, with their relationship continuing to worsen to this day.
As a member of Tarot, Jorden is often disregarded as a 'spare part,' referred to as the pinnacle of an unnecessary member. It's rare for Jorden to get a substantial part in any Tarot song, and it's not hard for his fans to notice that their songs seem to purposefully meander away from any of his strengths, never choreography heavy (even when they might benefit from being so) and extremely reluctant to ever include rap segments for more than a few bars. In spite of his lack of musical contribution (and whether you believe it's of his own volition or not) Jorden has managed to keep himself steady at the mid-point of popularity rankings thanks to his work outside of Tarot, particularly his acting career, which kicked off in 2020 when he was requested by director Noh Kangsun to audition for the lead role in queer movie Curtains, which earned him a nomination for Best New Actor at the 41st Blue Dragon Film Awards. Since then, he has appeared in a handful of films and dramas, consistently praised as a strong actor. In 2021, Jorden was the first Valentine act to attend the MET Gala, to which he infamously wore jeans.
PREDICTION : better to reign in hell, and all that. have you read paradise lost, jorden? of course not.
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NAME : Jorden Kim. BIRTHDAY : May 21 2000. ZODIAC : Leo. NATIONALITY : Korean-American. HOMETOWN : Daytona Beach, FL, USA. POSITION : Rapper, Lead Dancer, Maknae. ARCANA : The Devil. FC : Kim Sunwoo.
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bcbdrums · 2 months
Soul Eater NOT - part 6 (MAJOR SPOILERS)
The author forgets his own timeline. There's many things that are just slightly out of place since this is supposed to be an immediate prequel to Soul Eater.
A big one is Maka and Soul being presented as this extremely competent pair of partners. They also look much older, but we know canonically they would be 13 here meanwhile the NOT characters are 14. But Soul and Maka are described as older, upperclassmen. It doesn't line up right. Additionally, the entire beginning of Soul Eater is the two of them fumbling around and still figuring themselves out as partners. Meanwhile in NOT they are shown to be extremely skilled, confident, and working together fabulously... Perhaps we're to believe we're seeing them through the eyes of the main character, Tsugumi, and she sees them as extremely skilled? But it really, really is not written that way. Soul and Maka even give a resonance demonstration to the NOT class. So this is a case of the author forgetting himself, in my opinion.....
Another note on the timeline being forgotten. At the fun Death Festival where EAT students compete in a fighting tournament, there's Maka and Soul fighting against...Black Star and Tsubaki (the latter is only seen at a distance in weapon form in NOT... Poor Tsu, never gets any face time.) But once again... In Soul Eater, when we meet them, Black Star and Tsu are new partners without a single soul under their belts yet. And NOT says that Black Star won the tournament the year before! He could have won alone without a weapon, I could easily believe, but again... This just feels like the author forgetting his timeline.
Two other things about his timeline: the author shows Justin and Tezca at the academy as if they are there and actively involved in secret investigations. Now Tezca one can make the argument he may have been there, even though it's unlikely. Meanwhile Justin states himself in SE canon, to himself, that he's not been back to the academy for years. So this incongruency is bothersome. Author wanted cameos to get fan attention, is how this all reads.
And one last bit here... Something that's cool is we see and learn that Medusa is already there and posing as the school nurse. Awesome, and makes perfect sense, fits in the timeline. What does not make sense...is her sitting back and just watching as her little sister takes over Death City... Medusa? Just lying low as this happens? No no no no no.... This is all wrong. Medusa would not have sat quietly during that battle, but more...she wouldn't have let her sister get that far. She'd have sooner killed her.
But I'll get to our antagonist in just a bit...
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yanako-san · 5 months
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Nevil Alite
Hazbin Hotel OC.
Warning! Blood and Cannibalism are mentioned down below.
- His headcanon voice fits as Richard Ayoade, he has similar humor and personality but it was first inspired by Jerry from the Disney movie called "Soul" who voiced over as Richard Ayoade. 
- He is the Overlord of Arts, works in an Art Hub called "Alite" (ongoing process of it, so probably in the near future it will change.)
-He was a hitman in Hell, working as a sniper. He assisted Rosie with the labor work in her cannibal town, collecting meat from his assignments and selling it to her. Additionally, he aided Carmilla Carmine on extermination day, utilizing his sniping skills to gather corpses and collect the Angelic weapons abandoned in Hell. He sold both the corpses and weapons, earning a substantial and worthwhile reward.
-He used to date Rosie as they have similar interests to their culinary enthusiast, as Rosie a cannibal and Nevil a sanguinarian(blood-drinking). They'd like to explore their depth of chemistry with one another and see how long they'll survive. Plus he is known to be Aromantic, so he gives it a try with the most beautiful cannibal woman.
-He drinks blood like wine and puts them on his meal like a dipping sauce. And he does not eat like Rosie does as he only desires blood rather than raw meat.
-They had a cult, more likely a masquerade or festival event that gathers all the Cannibal town people, including Rosie, into a fiesta with an enthusiastic buffet served with the exotic and raw foods they collect.
-Nevil wears a mask that smirks with a wide grin. When he got there in Hell he already had a mask on his face, so it's part of his body. 
-He died before the 1970s or middle of sixties.
-He has a close bond with Rosie, Carmilla, and Zelestial. 
-ENFJ personality, because he is attune to emotions and gets along with the overlord easily somehow without too much power to show respect he wanted.
-His ability is blood manipulation he uses the malleability of his blood to turn various body parts into whatever he wants, almost like shapeshifting but only when he becomes an Overlord. Inspired by Eliza from Skullgirl.
-Before he was an overlord, he had a good connection with Rosie and Carmilla. As he is willing to risk his life on the line just to gather corpses for Rosie’s Cannibal town and collect the Angelic weapons that left on Hell to Carmilla’s weapon deals.
-He became an Overlord in the process with Medusa who happened to make her dream come true and work together in the process of making an art hub into a successful business. He wasn't the only one who's the Overlord of Arts or planned the whole business industry to become an overlord. 
-He is a blood-art-demon, they called him that after he became an Overlord, sinners acknowledge how powerful he became. He then quit the hitman business and took a full time job as a patron to support Medusa’s success on a long run, as he knew how much potential and influence her Art Hub became in Hell’s business industry. 
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effypcfcwrites · 4 months
Percy Jackson and The Olympians
(Originally posted on my personal Facebook dated February 1, 2024)
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I've been meaning to write another review of a piece of media that I liked for a while now, following my extensive review of The Owl House back in mid-2023, so here goes me again, rambling about it.
When the Disney+ adaptation of Percy Jackson and The Olympians was announced some time ago, me and my high school self were excited to know the series would be in good hands, coming from the same place that gave us gems like Star Wars: Andor and WandaVision, this time, with much more participation from author Rick Riordan himself, AKA, the cooler, less-problematic version of J.K. Rowling. For context, Percy Jackson and The Olympians is technically a Disney property, since it was distributed by Disney-Hyperion Books back in the day. Don't get me wrong though. At this point, I have no love for the multi-billion corporate titan that is Disney. I am more invested in the stories they tell, which I wish would just exist as their own thing, independent of the looming shadow of The Mouse.
Disney+'s Percy Jackson and The Olympians did a good job so far, in my opinion as a fan of the books, to adapt The Lightning Thief (the 1st entry in the OG series) into the age of streaming with a Herculean debut 1st season. Writing-wise, I acknowledge the effort put into it being a more loyal adaptation of the source material compared to the cheesy and gods-awful movies of the early 2010s, even though it threw in some creative liberties here and there, which I have no qualms with. I felt like what it did best was to focus less on all the wide-eyed fantasy of Greek Mythology and all its gods, monsters, and heroes, and explore more of the grounded human emotion and familial relationships of its cast of characters, from Percy and his mother and the subsequent quest to save her from the Underworld; the messy family of the Greek Pantheon and its bloody history; to even Medusa, whose story is a grim reminder that the Greek gods are problematic and flawed figures that should not be put on a pedestal willy-nilly.
Acting highlights for me were Walker Scobell's performance of Percy, that managed to portray the witty and world-weary personality of his character properly; Jason Mantzoukas (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Close Enough) as the sarcastic Dionysus, who makes it clear he is not enjoying his punishment on Camp Half-Blood, denied the hedonism of alcohol and festivity, which he is best known for; Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton, In The Heights, Encanto) as Hermes, who plays a more serious role of a father acknowledging his part in the emotional damage he has caused his family; Lance Reddick (John Wick, White House Down) as Zeus, who was stern and imposing as you'd know the head Olympian to be, making it a memorable posthumous performance, following his passing back in March 2023; and Adam "Edge" Copeland as Ares, who channeled the feral energy of his WWE persona into the unhinged fire-starter god of war.
The music and score were able to instill all the drama of Greek hero stories, mixing glory, tension, and melancholy well, and the cinematography and effects wonderfully brought to life the worlds and the multiple monsters of Greek myth as well as other concepts from the books, like gods showing their true forms, which was said to be fatal to mortal beings should they lay eyes on them. Fortunately, unlike what I just mentioned, it was all a great sight to witness.
If you're a fan of the entire PJO/Heroes of Olympus/etc. universe that Rick Riordan has brought out into the world, then I think you'd be in for a treat when you give this series a spin.
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arsenal-le-comte · 5 months
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Medusa Dollmaker (Asunción Macián Ruiz, 1983 - Valencia)
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Medusa Dollmaker (Asunción Macián Ruiz, 1983 - Valencia) soy yo, una ilustradora autodidacta digital y tradicional, mercenaria, escultora fallera, diseñadora de asuntos curvos y gorgona a tiempo parcial. Entre mis clientes y publicaciones figuran Planeta DeAgostini, Edebé, Welovefine, Norma Editorial, Bohemme o Ballistic publishing. Modernista militante, acostumbro a trabajar entre lo macabro, lo frikardo y lo erótico-festivo con la misma alegría. Contorsiono picantes señoritas de la vieja escuela en bodegones de florituras, encajes y metal. Hablo friki con fluidez. Mis armas de combate: Lápices, Alpinos, boli y Wacom Intuos 4. Hago guerras de papel. Si alguna vez me encuentra, tal vez pueda contratarme.
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Medusa Dollmaker (Asunción Macián Ruiz, 1983 - Valencia /SPAIN/) its me, a self-taught digital and traditional illustrator, mercenary, sculptor, curly stuff designer and part time gorgon. Clients and publications: Planeta DeAgostini, Edebé, Welovefine, Norma Editorial, Bohemme or Ballistic Publishing. Modernist activist, I'm used to work between the macabre, the nerdy and the festive-erotic thing with the same joy. I contort spicy old school ladies into frills, lace and metal. I speak nerdy fluently. My weapons: pencils, colour pencils, pen and Wacom Intuos 4. I do paper wars. If you can find me maybe you can hire me. 
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Medusa Dollmaker – Illustration, art and design (medusathedollmaker.com)
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odditycircus-2002 · 11 months
Medusa!Reader and Shang Tsung in MK1 Part 8
Spoilers for story mode: Proceed with caution
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When Kuai Liang and Tomas brought you to Lord Raiden’s Fire Temple, you were pleasantly surprised to find Syzoth and vice versa. Syzoth then inquires about your health, if Shang Tsung hurt you or did anything to you. He swears that he’ll make the Sorcerer 100 times fold for everything he did, but you put a hand on his shoulder in reassurance before he could go on to plan his revenge out loud. You remind him that you don't prepare an effective murder plan out loud.
Not too long after you reunite with Syzoth, the Earthrealmers you met, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Kenshi, and a woman you've never met enter the courtyard to greet you. Like the Zatteran, without murder planning, they express their relief at seeing you mostly alright besides the bruises and scratches. First Cage hands you another set of sunglasses for your eyes before letting you in on how Baraka reacted when Shang Tsung kidnapped you, which is to say not well at all.
"No joke, he went full Kool-Aid man on the door and then an entire wall! I thought Baraka was gonna pop a vein, not that I blame him seeing his gal was taken from him."
You stammered to Johnny that Baraka was upset because his friend was taken. Although the way your snakes went to cover your warm cheeks said otherwise. To change the subject, please ask who the newcomer is. The woman introduces herself as Ashrah before asking if you are Zateran, the same as Syzoth. You explain that you look like a reptilian because of Shang Tsung, which causes your snakes to hiss and writhe angrily to reflect your mood.
The group eventually catches you up on everything you missed, including how they came across Ashrah, Quan-chi's involvement with Shang Tsung, creating something called "Ermac" made from the souls of the Living Forest, and their daring escape at the festival. You were surprised to hear Syzoth held his own against Tanya AND Princess Kitana. It also didn't slip your notice how flustered your reptiloid friend seemed when Ashrah praised him for his bravery. Although that was another matter for a, hopefully, better time. You, in return, also share your experience of being held captive at Ying's fortress.
You explained how you deeply regretted not splitting Shang Tsung from the groin to the gullet before Kuai Liang invited you to The Fire Temple to wait for Lord Liu Kang's return. You acquiesce, only asking for parchment and quill to pass the time. You finished tying your ribbon around your letter when Lord Liu Kang entered. When the latter explains how he must inform and prove Empress Sindel about Shang Tsung and Quan-chi's evildoings, you immediately offer to assist the Fire God. You cite that your presence with Lui Kang would provide more credibility to his claims as he tries to convince Sindel of Shang Tsung and Quan-chi's true intentions.
Your prediction is true when you and the Fire God enter through the portal gate, only to be greeted by Li Mei and the rest of Sun Do's constables. The First Constable does a double take when seeing your masked face but with your hood down. She learned from General Shao about your monstrous mutations and subsequent betrayal, but she didn't want to believe either. Li Mei knew that you were steadfast in your loyalties to Sindel and her daughters, but to see you so utterly transformed... Another problem for another time.
Li Mei, understandably, was reluctant to hear Liu Kang's claims about the Deadly Alliance and General Shao's conspiracy against the throne. However, at your insistence and reminding her how you, too, had your counsel ignored by Sindel despite your best intentions, Li Mei is quick to catch on.
"I knew he couldn't be trusted!"
"I wish I had known that sooner."
Liu Kang then explains how Shang Tsung treated Mileena's Tarkat symptoms, gaining Sindel's favor to get close to the throne. You describe to Li Mei that after Shang Tsung treated Mileena's Tarkat symptoms, you partnered with the Sorcerer to study Tarkat near the Wastes. You had hoped to finally find a cure, only for that Snake to use your research for his twisted experiments, adding how you still can taste the air of that dungeon. Li Mei, not wanting to let down the royal family again, agrees to assist the Fire God with his goal. She also agrees to have one of her constables deliver a letter you wrote for Baraka to the Wastes, which lets him in on everything that transpired and that you're well. It also lets him know you intend to save the Empire and Outworld.
P.S. I was told by Mister Cage about your concern after my kidnapping.
On the way to Sun Do's palace, you and Lord Liu Kang fill the First Constable with everything you know about General Shao's plans and his part in the conspiracy. When Reiko and some of his subordinates, including Motaro, block your path, all of you spring into action against Outworld's soldiers. You rip off your mask to turn some of the soldiers into stone before biting into one that tried to grab you from behind, who then falls to the ground, coughing blood. You duck and weave between soldiers, letting your snakes bite into exposed flesh. This turns the soldiers into what you could only describe as living blood trees. Occasionally, you would be able to help Li Mei in her fight against Reiko, mainly offering her medical aid before hopping back into the foray.
After Li Mei defeats Reiko, all of you left the site before reinforcements could arrive. Not long after entering the palace's Hanging Gardens, you and your companions are surrounded by Tanya and the Umgadi. You plead with Tanya to listen to what Li Mei has to say, reminding her that you, too, are concerned for the royal family and helped treat Mileena's condition. Yet, while Tanya hesitates briefly, it doesn't stop her from fighting Li Mei. It doesn't surprise you that the former Umgadi wins against the younger warrior priestess. You kept your mask on as more Umgadi arrived on the scene, even as they enclosed you with their spears. You're glad you did when Li Mei passionately urged the rest of her former sisters-in-arms to stand with her to save the empire.
The Umgadi heeded Li Mei's words and escorted the rest of you to Empress Sindel's throne room, with a bound Tanya walking beside you and Li Mei. You had to bite your tongue when Sindel immediately accuses her former friend of trying to destroy the rest of her family by allying herself with Earthrealm's protector. You let out a hiss and let down your hood to show your Empress your new form.
"My Empress, I implore you, for onccce, to listen to what an actual friend and ally have to say before making blind accusationsss."
When Sindel asks who are you to talk to her like that, you reveal to her that it's you, her Imperial Healer and friend. A friend who has wanted nothing more than the best for the royal house and Outworld. Who, because of Shang Tsung, you are like this, and because she was blinded by anger and grief, you feared telling her all of this sooner. The Empress was left speechless at your emboldened words and appearance. Li Mei then assures Sindel that you and her are here to help her, even if she'll never forgive Li Mei. As the Empress appears to pause to consider her friends' words, Tanya tries to strangle Li Mei with her ropes. You are forced to fight against the rest of the Umgadi, including one that could've been your sister. You'd be lying if you said you didn't get some twisted satisfaction at landing some blows on the "perfect" daughter your mother used to brag about despite never knowing.
When Mileena decided to fight against Li Mei, you felt panic grip your heart as you watched their fight get progressively more aggressive.
"Mileena! DON'T!"
You treated enough Tarkatans to know where this could lead, especially with emotions high mixed with adrenaline. In most of these sorts of instances, the afflicted would stop sparring or fighting and start brutally tearing into one another out of pure rage. You had to treat many Tarkatans because of these injuries if you didn't sedate them fast enough. However, you were out of tranquilizers at the moment, which is especially unfortunate when Mileena's symptoms manifest, and she then pounces on her mother. You quickly run over to Empress Sindel's aid, mask off, but Mileena wouldn't look you in the eye as she claws at your face, knocking you to your side. Fortunately, Li Mei rips off the feral princess and tosses her away from both of you.
While Li Mei was occupied with Mileena, you inquired about Sindel's health and if she had any injuries. Sindel replies that she's fine, more concerned about the scratches on your face. You answer that they aren't deep and you'll heal before putting your mask back on. You shout at Tanya to grab Mileena's serum and to hurry while the latter is still engaged in kombat with Li Mei. The Empress then apologizes for making you feel like you couldn't be open to her and unable to imagine what you went through. You reply to Sindel that you wish you had come to her sooner, but it wasn't all bad. You got to work with the colony out in the Wastes, where you had gathered a well of information and improved their conditions a little, but there's still a long way to go. You also found friends at the Colony, with you being closest to the leader of the said colony, who accepted you for all your new deformities. Sindel raises a brow at the fondness in your voice when mentioning Baraka but doesn't comment on it.
After Li Mei finally subdues Mileena, you and Sindel sit beside Mileena on both sides to support her as Tanya injects her with the serum. You don't miss the soft look shared between Mileena and Tanya, but you don't comment.
Finally, Liu Kang had an audience with the Empress, who is still suspicious of the Fire God for seemingly sending minions on secret missions into her Empire. After the Fire God makes his case, he offers to show Sindel proof of his claim at Shang Tsung's laboratory. You grimace at the thought of returning to that horrid place but willingly return for the sake of the royal family and your friend.
A/N: Remember to like, reblog, and or comment! I love to hear y'alls thoughts and that includes my inbox too. Thanks for being patient with me (for the most part) as I've been busy with midterms so I wasn't exactly able to take some time to write. I hope this makes up for it! Stay weird, my fellow humans.
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