#Meet The Alters
thecouncilofartists · 1 month
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Made a Meet the Alter page... hope y'all like
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prettieplural · 30 days
Angel is always ashamed about having weird alters in our system and it's silly, so I'm going to introduce all of our non-human alters!
Nacht(moon/dark/star): Identifies as a "spirit of the night" and is a literal demon, inner-world appearance is similar to Marceline from Adventure Time's demon form.
Fawna(it/doe): Part deer, has a similar frame to humans but has hooves instead of hands and feet, with big deer ears and a deer-like face. Speaks very quietly and is extremely gentle.
Mollie(they/them): Technically is entirely human, 5 years old and thinks they're a dog. They wear a dog onesie and will only ever bark and walk on all fours. Everyone but them knows they're not actually a dog.
Gemini Twins(they/them): Alien twins, they are two separate people, Zooey and Novi, however they prefer to be viewed as one entity. They always front together and often speak in unison, or Novi will speak slightly after Zooey. They act like "it is their first day on earth" and do not understand (or care to understand) social cues.
Navi(she/her): Fictive from Serial Experiments Lain of Lain's Computer, disconnected with reality and will often say she's not real and refer to herself as Computer Girl. Inner-world appearance is similar to Lain.
Jack(she/her): Fictive of Applejack from My Little Pony, unlike the other MLP fictives in our system she does not have a human form and is literally a pony. Doesn't front and likes to stay (silently) co-con making sure no one lies.
Each and every one of our non-human alters serve a purpose that is very important for our system's wellbeing!
It seems far too common for systems to be ashamed of alters that are not the norm, so here's a reminder that every part, no matter how small or "weird" formed to benefit the system and you should never be ashamed 💗
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complete-clownery · 1 year
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woow an actual meet the artist--
havent done one since 2019-- oh well
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spidereye-village · 1 month
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The Fiancés!
Shadow hates social interactions (he even gets pissed at me sometimes haha) but he would be way too upset if he wasn't introduced with me, haha
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thecouncilacesideblog · 7 months
Fox Ambitherian, Wolfdog Therian, Plureon
Grey-recipidemromantic, Demi-Caedosexual
🔥Gender Identity🔥
Agender, Neutrois, Abinary, Afoxgendic
They/Them, It/Its, Nix/Nix (interchangeably)
🎃Coʊst of DID system (@thecouncilofidiots)🎃
🎃Triple A Battery🎃
🎃Local idiot fueled by caffeine and spite🎃
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dreamdropsystemarchive · 10 months
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so.. we're making system related posts and we have a lot wanna talk about but we also need to make small introductions so yeah we're starting with me
this is Shane. Shane also goes by Theodore (Theo) or Bug. please use all names for Shane interchangeably. :> Shane main host of the Dreamdrop System and the host of a subsystem.
Bug uses 3rd and 1st person. Shane is fusion of Shane, Theo, and Bug. Shane is nonbinary! they also like the terms agender and gendervoid. they use they/it pronouns. Theo is an ageslider, usually 0-12. Shane use to be able to feel like a later teen or adult but last time that happen that was like last year. Shane is age stunted and small 90% of the time.
Shane is an nonhuman alter! they never felt human. they are a angel doll animal shapeshifter. they use terms like nonhuman, otherkin, therian, alterhuman, althuman, zoanthropy, species dysphoria etc. Shane can't control what animal or creature it will turn into it. it's involuntary. Shane always feels nonhuman but has may forms in daydream worlds + inner world. they're a lot of animals Shane can be! Shane loves animals + pushies (and even have plushie forms)
inner world Shane has white hair, 1 green eye 1 pink eyes. Shane's eye's can change colors also we wear wigs inner world, daydreams and IRL. i have medium brown skin. i have limb dysphoria.
Shane is unreliably verbal/speaking. they are an AAC user. fav fidget is a Tangle. fav colours are pastel purple and pastel green. love jfashion and anime and manga. we have a lot of mental health and physical health issues. we struggle a lot but do best!! :) want to do more art related system posts cause we already draw a lot of system art. anyways thank you for learning bit about Shane
art by Shane
it's art of me-!
🫧 - Shane/Theo/Bug
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livingfictionsystem · 2 months
Meet the Alters: Cinder Harbinger
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Much like Xhaxhollari, Cinder simply 'watched' until the Faerie Cult drama made her feel forced to show herself in her first carnation, Hemachandra. As a persecutor, she felt it was her duty to replicate in plainer scenarios that the Faerie House was doing to us, as she was one of the first to catch onto Rowan's machinations. She was much more sadistic before fusing with a piece of Aelaris in 2021. Her black hair turned white and her eyes turned red; she gained more power, but had more control over her temper and sadistic impulses. She is still known to threaten or blackmail system members, but if one looks closely, her 'threats' are more like warnings. Ex: "If you keep playing with matches, I'll burn your house to the ground."
General interests:
Reading, researching cults, coming up with plots to keep the inworld exciting, people-watching, psychological analysis, true crime.
Music taste:
Blue Stahli, Celldweller, Belle Sisoski, Nichole Dollanganger, Ethel Cain.
Food taste:
Doesn't seem to enjoy food.
Favorite shows:
Fall of the House of Usher, The Glory, Baby Reindeer, Escaping Twin Flames.
Has never dated and has shown no interest. Believes she's probably aromantic.
Loves white and blood red together; usually seen in the inworld wearing a deep red leather coat over a white sweater, no matter the weather. While fronting, she doesn't care about what she wears.
Favorite films:
Ultraviolet, Forget Me Not, Silent Hill.
Favorite Books/Writers:
Gillian Flynn, particularly 'Sharp Objects.' 'Sign Here' by Claudia Lux. 'The Honeys' by Ryan La Sala. 'If We Were Villains' by M.L. Rio.
Drink taste:
Likes to be intoxicated but has no real preference. Lack of food and drink taste may be a symptom of general anhedonia.
Dream Job:
Criminal Psychologist.
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dissociateddumbass · 18 days
Meet the Alters
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Hello, my name is Alina. I'm a secondary host to the system and...it's a bit embarrassing to say, but it's funny. The things our brain comes up with-you see, I'm a werewolf cyborg. There's no other way to put it. If you can't tell, I'm one of the ones that formed when we were very young. I'm a werewolf, always have been. But, due to an accident, my arm and eye have been replaced with fake robotic versions. So, yeah. As the kids would say, it's cringe, right? Couldn't make this up if we tried. Well, anyway, that aside, I love to read and enjoy cleaning and organizing.
And now for some personality tests:
Enneagram: 1
Zodiac (personality-based): Scorpio
Signoff is: - 🤎
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Do you like Saw?
I'm thinking i'm the only one who have a strong opinion about Saw franchise and i really don't like it. I only watched first two parts and i think i would die if someone would force me to watch another 8 (why the fuck there's so many???). In my opinion it's not a good franchise at it's roots
ofc if anyone likes it, I don't mind it. enjoy your movies and don't let someone's opinion affect it
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starry-kittens · 4 months
Solar System Introduction!
Hello! Hello! We’ve been posting for a bit! But even with the hashtags telling you what alter is sayin or postin’ what you’d really have no idea who is who without a proper introduction, I’ve been holdin it off for a while but I finally got to it! If you don’t know a lot about Systems or alters um…I would suggest doing some looking into it yourself, We definitely aren’t experts on the subject. But what you should generally know is that a system is usually made up of a variety of alters that have their own personalities and usually have a specific role in the system! Sometimes it takes a bit of time to find out/understand what that role is (at least for us anyway, we’re stupid.)
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Kitty— The Host!
They are so far the alter who has been here the longest from what I can tell, there source is uh… complicated? They say it’s Little Big Planet but eventually they have evolved from it (I have no other way to explain it than that no they aren’t a pokemon) They are an alien creature thing! They were created in a lab of some kind and have been living for eons just doing whatever it is they want to do to pass the time. They are immortal and used to travel between dimensions just for the hell of it. Since they have been around the longest they are our host!
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Melon— The Co-host!
Okay so I put a lot in the image already but I am the Co-Host and up here the most often. In all honesty it’s pretty rare that I am ever away from the front! I have been fronting pretty much consistently for an entire year now! Maybe a year and a half? Anyways crazy stuff. As I had also said before I don’t mind being called Max still, our nicknames are just so we don’t get each other confused with another. I am also the stress holder! So that’s fun Not
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Lambert & Narinder—???
Okay so we don’t really have any idea what exactly there system roles are yet since they’re so new. I like to say Lamb’s role is being my best friend✨ but I don’t really know what it is in all seriousness. But they are both slowly becoming regulars!
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Wally Darling—Trauma Holder
Wally Darling from the Welcome Home puppet show! He is as funny as he is traumatized! He forgets most of it though, he forgets a lot of things—I think it’s really part of his job to actually!
Thats all I really have for now!
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A little bonus cause I’ve never drawn all us Sam and Max alters together
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(From alters from left to right Taz, Tag, Screw, Liver, Mel (Me), and My Sammy! We haven’t given him a nickname yet)
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azrael-is-haunted · 1 year
Hey there! We decided to take a moment to tell you guys a bit about us (:
This does not complete the list of everyone in our system but only the ones I really have any information for, and have met myself (Azzy speaking). Internal communication is rusty, sometimes it's just loud and I can't really make any sense of anything but here we go!
Azreal (Azzy)—
age: adult (unknown)
pronouns: they/he
favorite colors: black, grey, pastel blues, muted purples
likes: cats, music, literature, art, weed and mental health. 
age: 20-23
pronouns: they/them
favorite colors: black, pastel pink, yellow, lavender, pastel blue, mint
likes: cats, music, literature, art 
Avery (Avey)—
age: 2-5
pronouns: she/bun/they
favorite colors: (okay her favorites are pink and yellow but she basically listed the whole rainbow)
likes: cats, stuffies, anything soft/cute/squishy, bees, blankets, biting
age: adult (unknown)
pronouns: he/him
favorite colors: black, greys, neutrals
likes: cats, comfy hoodies, sleep, humor, some video games
age: little (unknown, under 10)
pronouns: he/him
likes: stuffies, animals, video games, comfort (trauma holder)
Note: I do not want any interaction with mean people. We've spent our entire lives feeling bad for things out of our control, and I really just want this to be a safe place. We're just starting to accept that we're plural and it's really hard. If you'd like to know anything about us just ask, publicly or in DMs. If you have a question for a specific headmate/alter it may take a bit to respond but we'll try to (:
Any advice for new systems very much so desired. I'm also always looking for friends 💕
Thank you for taking a bit to know us! You're a good noodle 💛
blog specifically for the littles (very very strictly monitored): @lil-haunted
vent blog: @saddest-spirits
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cozza-frenzy · 1 year
Meet The Alters: Martin!
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(This picture drawn by @rinjak3!) Name: Martin K Blackwood Nicknames: Marto, Marty Pants (jokingly) Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them Species: Cat-Person Orientation: Demiromantic Gay, Polyamorous External Source?: Yes (The Magnus Archives Podcast) Headspace Domain: Unknown Jobs In System: - Caregiver (helps look after vulnerable adult alters in system, who have problems with self-care) - Soother (helps calm down alters who are stressed out while fronting) Likes: Comfort food, strong cups of tea, train journeys, thrift shopping, reading novels, writing poetry, cloudy days, songs by ABBA Dislikes: Being talked about when he's not there, fatphobia, things going missing Jobs In System: - Caregiver (checks up on vulnerable adult alters in system, who have problems with self-care) - Soother (helps calm down alters who are stressed out while fronting) Likes: Comfort food, strong cups of tea, train journeys, thrift shopping, reading novels, writing poetry, cloudy days, songs by ABBA Dislikes: Being talked about when he's not there, fatphobia, things going missing
Other notes: - Martin is a fictive introject; a type of alter that takes on the voice, appearance, and mannerisms of a fictional character. Fictives aren't created for roleplay or for fun, but are created subconsciously to help the system handle and survive specific trauma. He appeared in the system after Terry listened to Episode 117 of The Magnus Archives - He has a London (South England) accent that's distinct from the host's Northern British accent, and pretty much talks like he does in the podcast. He moves his head a lot while speaking, and his voice gets higher-pitched when he's agitated - They have the unique ability to hide themself in system; even if they're actively co-conscious and sharing the front, they can hide themself with a kind of "invisibility" that makes them impossible for others to notice. Because he doesn't always do this consciously, he can be mistaken for having left front when he's still here - Notably, Martin understands that what you want isn't necessarily what you need; despite earning the attention of two 'suitors', he's put romantic relationships on hold until he feels he's able to maintain a good personal balance. He also works with other adult alters like Vivien, to make sure they push outside their comfort zones, especially when said comfort zone involves unhealthy behavior like self-isolation - Martin's kind and gentle demeanor makes them very approachable; they're a good listener, happy to get to know people even though they're an introvert. And despite his tendency to sometimes put others before his own wellbeing, "giving away bits of (himself) until there's nothing left" - they have a level of self-acceptance and emotional maturity that inspires others in the system
Personal Post/Reblog Tag: #Tea And Sympathy
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autisticdreamdrop · 1 year
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mweiii · 1 year
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☆Intro Time☆
♡Name♡: River
♡Role♡:Host, Shameholder (ADHD symptoms)
♡Gender♡: Girl...ish
♡Sexuality♡: Biro-Ace
♡Likes♡: Art, Butterflies, Singing, Tumblr
♡Dislikes♡: Embarrasing myself (especially because of my ADHD), loud noises, being in large crowds, being alone.
♡Red Flag/j♡: I cried because of an egg the first time I fronted
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Me fr^^
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dreamdropsystemarchive · 10 months
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hello. my name is Kara, or Two. i am a member of The Dreamdrop System, a disabled autistic polyfragmented DID system. i am a gatekeeper a memory / trauma holder, a protector, caregiver / caretaker / carer alter and a programmed alter. (will not being going into anything programming related) here's my get to know me.
i am an sexless, agender nonbinary angel. i use they/it pronouns. i an an adult alter but i am ageless.
i have pale skin, white hair and yellow eyes. I split when the body was a young child.
i've gone dormant about 4 times before, i was dormant for about a year, along with Pebble, an little alter i am very close with. i am quite close to Pebble out of the system. we came out of dormancy together in November 2023.
Some alters like Pebble has said, we're trying our best. there's conflict in our system. myself, and some other alters feel it's is not and will never be safe to fully talk about all of our trauma. some alters want to talk about it and be open. with memories they don't even understand. i think it is best to keep those memory and traumas locked up. i am not a very open person. i don't feel safe with and or agree with our system talking about any of our trauma, but some things have leaked out. and some people know some of our trauma. there's trauma like our mom, which i don't mind other alters talking about, since we live with her and still get triggered, gaslit, manipulated and verbally abused. i believe it's best to keep us safe.
i am a fan of animals but especially birds. i think they are quite beautiful. i love white and fluffy flowy clothes. that's all i have to say for now. good bye.
art by Pebble. thank you for drawing me.
this is Pebble's 1st drawing in a year, so proud of them. - Kara
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