#Men's Warehouse
getoutofthisplace · 6 months
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
I didn't take a photo today, so I found this one from the archives, taken on this day eight years ago. The day before Mom and I got married. Earlier in the day I'd bought cinderblocks and plywood from Home Depot that I arranged in the haybarn to make a stage for Amasa Hines to play our reception. I walked the pasture from Nana's house to Nene's to figure out if it would be dry enough for guests to walk it. (The next morning, I ended up carting bricks up there to create steps.) I think I took this picture at Men's Warehouse, but I don't know what I was doing there because I bought my suit at Bauman's. Maybe I bought that shirt and tie at MW? Regardless, a few hours later, we were at the Darwins' for our wedding eve dinner. A lifetime ago.
I knew I loved your mother back then, but I had no idea how much that love would grow. Or what it would be like to share two brilliant little boys with her.
North Little Rock, Arkansas. 4.1.2016 - 3.55pm.
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murderyourscene · 6 months
So effing funny!
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 283
Now Jason would like it known that there was no mpreg situation going on. He isn’t even sure where people got that idea in the first place. Sure, he had taken a few Cores from the goons-in-white who had dared to set up in his turf. 
And sure maybe the excess energy from the pit (no wonder he’d been so irritable) was what said baby halfas (Okay, so they’re half human? Alright) had used to reform. And maybe the oldest is visibly less than a year old. 
But there Was No Mpreg Situation! He is this close to shooting someone! It was annoying (and slightly amusing) when it was just his goons, but now the Bats have seemingly got it in their heads! Dear Gotham it’s a good thing he’s not planning on like, ever revealing who he is because he would never be able to live this rumor down. 
[Winged Ghosts Au too, that seems to be getting lost in reblogs when it's just in the tags lol]
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aflockofravens · 7 months
Also, Jinshi in "How to Buy Out a Contract" was hilarious.
Do you think he's prettier than me
I was contemplating your murder but my future wife cat thinks you'll make a good brother in law so I'll let you live
My future wife cat trusts you, so I trust you. Don't fuck it up.
Have some money to leave my future wife alone forever go marry her sister
Did you see that Gaoshun? I did a socializing. Do you think Maomao will be proud of me?
Also Lihaku is precious. What an adorable golden retriever of a man. He went from absolute disdain at Maomao when she approached him for an escort to being like "help me little sister, I'm in love".
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prettylil3 · 5 months
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itstimeforstarwars · 3 months
Dude in his 40s was like "it's so unattractive when women your age are like 'bro' to each other or say things like 'suck my dick' why are they so obsessed with being men" and I'm over here trying to break the news to him that "suck my dick" is a gender neutral phrase for everyone under like. Thirty-five.
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warehouse-staff-blog · 10 months
こんにちは 名古屋店 コジャです。
気温が低くなりアウターがちらつく季節。 ようやく冬への入り口に一歩踏み込んだといったところですかねぇ。
そんな中、 気の早い話ですが《2024春夏新作受注会》を開始します。 各店にてカタログを御用意しておりますよ。
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本日(2023/11/21)より一定の期間、 《2024春夏新作》を御予約頂いたお客様へは【恒例の特典】を付与致します。
※【恒例の特典】はWAREHOUSEのLINE公式アカウントを御登録頂いている方のみ。未登録の方はこの機会に是非ご登録下さい。 ※カタログは一冊のみとなっております。先に御覧になっている方がいる際はお待たせする可能性がありますので御了承の程願います。 ※特典は予告無く終わりますので御了承の程宜しくお願い致します。 ※サンプル展示は御座いません。
一定の期間が過ぎても予約は受けているので時間が作れましたら気軽に見にいらして下さいね。 ※一定の期間が過ぎた後の御予約は【恒例の特典】が付きません。
また、 2023 A/Wの新作も少しづつ入荷しております。
今後の入荷アイテムで、 少量入荷等の理由でBLOG・SNS等では載せていない新作の発見もあるかもしれませんよ。 こちらも合わせて御覧になって下さいね。
・東京店:2023年 11/3(金)祝~11/7(火)・・・サンプル展示終了・名古屋店:2023年 11/10(金)~11/14(火)・・・サンプル展示終了
・大阪店:2023年 11/17(金)~11/21(火)・・・サンプル展示中 ・福岡店:2023年 11/24(金)~11/28(火) ・阪急メンズ東京店:2023年 12/2(土)~12/6(水) ・札幌店:2023年 12/10(日)~12/13(水)
※オーダー頂きました商品は受注会終了後、生産に入ります。 商品のお渡しは2024年3~4月を予定しております。 (皮革の生産状況により、入荷時期の前後が予想されますので予めご了承下さい。) 受注頂きました商品はお渡しの際、税込み価格より10%OFF+ポイント2倍の特典がございます。
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☞ 『WAREHOUSE直営店の LINE公式アカウント開設』
LINE公式アカウント開設にあたり、 2019年3月26日(火)以降、提供しておりましたスマートフォンアプリはご利用できなくなっております。 お手数をおかけしますが、今後はLINEアカウントのご利用をお願いします。
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弊社直営店で行っておりますジーンズ等のリペアの受付を休止させて頂いております。 ※ご郵送に関しても同様に休止させて頂いております。再開の日程は未定です。
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〒460-0011 愛知県名古屋市中区大須3-13-18
【営業時間:平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】水曜日定休
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thepalerimitation · 4 months
Hey so uh. I started Dead Boy Detectives earlier today. And. I'm already on episode five? Any possible chance you have also seen it? And will possibly make art for it? The vibes are right up your alley.... :)
(and if you will make art for it, thoughts on drawing the boys looking at each under the words "Gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day"? Just an idea, no worries if not)
(you know, the supernatural quote)
Three things:
1. Lockwood and Co got canceled so I hate on it
2. Dead Boy Detectives is the worst name imaginable. Call them Resurrectionists and we might get somewhere instead of being a riverdale plot point
3. Punk weirdo and business casual boyfriend? You can’t fool me. That’s the Penguin/Riddler fanfiction they filed the serial numbers off of.
Thanks for the ask! 💖✨🫧
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garr9988 · 7 months
Some Steve Jinks x Pete Lattimer Propaganda
(screenshots are big but cropped tiny, damn you Tumblr formatting)
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Same energy...
Not to mention...
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"Again" referring to when Pete enthusiastically took off his shirt, believing he finally had someone to appreciate his hot bod when he first found out Steve was gay:
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(everybody say thank you "Lovesick" writer Andrew Kreisberg and Eddie McClintock for this one)
(yes Steve was very much not into Pete himself and I respect that writing decision. But also: maybe he's just good at compartmentalizing~)
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dulltwig · 1 month
I love going to poop at work when the men are doing stupid shit!
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orange-catsidy · 1 year
kanemaru what the hell 🤨 just because taichi has a handsome new husband while despy doesnt return your calls anymore???
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remember-ur-alive · 2 months
#I GOT REMINDED OF AN ASK I SENT BC OF GVNPLAY @DAVIDCRIES I MISS YOUUUUUUU#I don’t even know what happened to them but they disappeared off of the following of my old ns/ft blog and I can’t find them :(#(I know one letter was like an x or v instead I cannot remember for the life of me)#fuck it we ball im writing the ideas I remember here#str^hm and amanda au. obv#str^hm and amanda n<cro <3 this was one of my favorites bc it was toxic and major angst#l^wrence catching adam taking pictures of him (i dont remember what he did to him but it was silly and torturous ✨✨)#SIZE QUEEN H0FFMAN. THE CUTTING OFF A CERTAIN PART H0FFMAN ADJSDHDHDD#b0bby dagen s0unding with a stiletto <3 im not even into that i think my instincts against pathetic men (IAPM) just kicked in#l^wrence and his wife double d0mming adam. the way he literally would be happiest with two of the toughest d0ms i wrote#(they had a fantasy where alison punishes adam for him and l^wrence che^ting teehee. it had me wound up for days)#oagh there’s so many. I even know im missing a lot of them I was 24/7/365 hypersexual at that time ok#THE LOGAN/H0FFMAN STUFF. I STAND BY IT THEY FUCKED NASTY IN THAT WAREHOUSE. PROBSBLY LEFT MARKS AND STAINS NOBODY TALKS ABT TOO GRIMY MFS#OH. L^WRENCE MAKING FUN OF A SVBS STUTTER. I KNOW I WOULD CRY IF THAT HAPPENED TO ME (which is the point but whatever) BUT CMONNNNNNN#adam grinding on the end of l^wrence’s cane I think was either mine or just one of my favorites#l^wrence putting an escaped victim back into the trap to sit and watch them die <3#ST^LKER L^WRENCE 🥰🥰🥰 WHERE HE THREATENS YOUR FAMILY INTO CONVINCING YOU TO DATE HIM#amanda knifefvcking someone with the blade <3 again I stand by that#WAIT MY GVNPLAY THING WASNT EVEN GVNPLAY. WAILS I NEVER WROTE THEM WITH GVNPLAY??????????#ok whatever. last one is zepp thighfvcking someone at kn1fepoint <3#in conclusion. I am a normal person with normal fantasies who can be trusted with adult characters (as sirens go off in the background)
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violenceenthusiast · 2 months
eddie had for sure been taking the am i gay quiz at least once a week since carla told him to make sure he’s dating ana because HE likes her and not because christopher does… when you’re in your gay you and pass out in the men’s warehouse because the floor salesman called your gf (who you are not attracted to, again because you are gay) the mother of your child and it all comes flooding back and you’re gay and the real mother of your child is dead and she was your best friend and her ghost is fucking haunting youuuu
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theskyexists · 4 months
Woof. This was a stupid episode. Is this the same writers? Native American artifacts but the Native American character dies for no reason having spoken five words. The rich white guy survives. Pete saves the day by.... Stabbing the bad guy with the arrow, that he'd just put down for no reason. How did he die if he'd become immortal.
What about the sacred cave? They just put all these magical elements in their crusty warehouse instead of sealing it all back up as well as they can consulting the people whose cave it is?? NO BECAUSE HE'S POINTLESSLY DEAD
And Claudia stays because she doesn't want a normal life? Then WHY NOT GO WITH YOUR BROTHER WHO IS YOUR ONLY FAMILY. I'm going to ignore Joshua even exists
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veeranger · 1 year
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leveled up from ace bringing him convenience store food to straight up cooking for him
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gravehags · 1 year
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