snekthedemonnoodle · 10 months
i hate it when people get mad and say 'what's wrong with you?' nothings wrong with me, i just messed up you still got mad enough at me to think that something went 'wrong' with me. i mean, yeah, i think some pretty messed up things, and yeah, i can be kind of a jerk, and yeah, i can be kind of aggressive, but nothing's wrong with me. we just both happen to be in a bad mood. nothing's wrong with me. nothing's wrong with me. nothing's wrong with me. nothing's wrong with me nothings wrong with me nothings wrong with menothings wrong with me nothings wrong with me nothings wrong withme nothings wrong with me nothings wrong with me nothings wrong with me nothings wrong with me nothings wrong with me
nothing is fucking wrong with me
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444namesplus · 4 months
Badhquok Bakdhyuphokh Batbhub Bebhphrame Bebo Bedkhemuthbobh Bhadbo Bhadhyo Bhebhug Bhekbozatghu Bhepheph Bhobbre Bhotpya Bhradha Bhrepu Bhrune Bhruse Bhubho Bhuddhe Bhukbyebheb Bhulhodh Bhyaquhekrhek Bhyubakh Bobho Bokha Bolephnadhbhru Bopra Bothkra Bralha Brapegghag Braquhe Brazobra Brodhyethadh Brodre Brosagu Brota Brotyogwa Brubyekru Brughukre Budtyaphophquekhdhro Bugdhyarut Buphrelu Byadedpya Byagedrugwhe Byese Byethokhthe Byokhedhshephdhep Byuda Byughrequo Dadheph Dale Danogpyu Dapa Dapbye Dare Darebhebtya Dathtalhap Datra Deda Dedhra Deghu Deppu Dhedhdyu Dhekhga Dhogreke Dhoket Dhotkrobhya Dhrebekh Dhredrubethzhedh Dhretre Dhrobruza Dhrodhakhphedhgu Dhropya Dhrothya Dhugkro Dhugrothat Dhyakyapoth Dhyotud Dodhre Dogug Dopshok Dothgwud Drapadgodat Drazat Drede Drubakhokdrokhut Drubhak Drutye Dubhthotbhyu Dukkerho Dukraphophdyuzhag Dyekyu Dyelha Dyokre Dyome Gadgwuttag Gadhyu Gakhralhoggreta Gatkagwhegwat Gazepo Geghkhobeb Ghabda Ghabhgwu Ghagwhe Ghakro Ghathluph Ghedhdhabholo Ghekre Ghekto Ghephkukgweta Ghequu Ghethdugo Ghrekyu Ghrozu Ghukhquha Ghupte Ghyabep Ghyebo Ghyophethulagdagh Ghyothagzabhadra Godyo Gothye Gratag Grathra Grekye Grepyaphyu Guddyuka Guphe Gupyukhabzhup Gutze Gwabbaphrheph Gwabgye Gwaprha Gwatdrethe Gwathquukyodaphya Gwaturho Gwebkak Gwedhpoghe Gwenheb Gwepe Gwerobhpyughyughre Gwesepthyekratru Gwhabaprabok Gwhedhpabye Gwhego Gwhephtyequhag Gwhepkhra Gwheta Gwhopthathlhakrateth Gwhudathtyo Gwhulupbobkhuquhup Gwobhbra Gwobu Gwubo Gwukaguquu Gwuzemagubphagh Gyatapodbabgwa Gyebadbhrozu Gyequagmub Gyobragwhutgo Gyogwhad Gyukhrekugrorap Gyupekzomukya Gyuthogh Gyuzut Kagtye Kagwhathlutpagh Kaklo Kapu Kaquha Katakhu Kedre Kegaph Kekgwhaph Kektelophab Kepdhyathapzat Kepdre Kepgopyapo Kepthya Keputh Khadnabob Khatnegyobhro Khebkya Khethe Khezuksuthquap Khobhabyu Khodhtye Kholhe Khophtogyape Khrakyape Khrudek Khubhak Khugwo Khutyaphre Khyebe Khyepho Khyunhokh Khyutyu Kodpye Kogre Kokde Koma Kophbho Kopmerhoph Kopzhegh Koque Krabhabphodgwuphya Krala Krobakadh Krobhashagot Krophutrophu Krugwugh Krupeb Kruquekpatyequop Kudkyeta Kutkhe Kyaka Kyakhra Kyephrotet Kyequeb Kyoquo Kyuse Lagu Lale Latkep Lazoppye Lebhut Leddru Lekru Letoph Lhadokad Lhagwadhrekhekh Lhakod Lhaphyo Lhoba Lhobo Lhuktre Lhupyo Lhutpuquerupra Lobate Ludopka Lupa Lupkrenug Maggwodhothre Marubhgabdhodh Mekre Mekteghphru Menoth Mepdhre Mhazaphtra Mhezago Mhodphadh Mhokgwenodsetphu Mhokhgwha Mhukhob Mobkhrughepru Mogte Mopyeghemabh Mukokbek Nagbo Nepre Nhabhre Nhedbhya Nhodlugwek Nhunhoth Nokak Nokhoth Nomhedh Nukhrequhe Nukhrothyada Nunogh Pabhed Paget Pamudhquhozet Papyatedh Patyokre Pebphye Pedhquaghgwhokhu Pedthob Pedyeku Pegdhyo Pegu Petghephophquo Pethrhak Pezokh Phakhro Phaphab Phedrotanakhe Pheghekh Phethru Phetye Phodra Phothghud Phraba Phrebradhutdopdhuph Phredo Phrokhyo Phrukod Phudquhekhkek Phugubadhsa Phupbyodu Phyagwod Phyekhogbrebya Phyogopkhobu Pobhyethralhugh Poghlo Pogthyegwhagrudru Popaquhuthkhru Popottretebet Pozubhgwobthedhbeb Prebraphok Pregwepthra Prephoph Prepuk Prophotratru Proquup Prore Prudro Prukadre Prutre Pruzheto Pudhkheb Pugakthogo Pupprekotmhoquheg Pyapudnub Pyedyonoghrothyu Pyeghre Pyekhyu Pyequhepbota Pyeto Pyoda Pyokra Pyophubet Pyozabhke Pyozupkhugweph Pyudugtubquab Quabhup Quadphaph Quakbhra Quatuk Quebhkhyudu Quedzhoked Quephpug Quhedhalharhebhtya Quhobshappo Quhogwe Quhopha Quhoprutegu Quhopsebhpeteddu Quhugtre Quodpru
Quoghupdyelhogob Quogkyekyo Quogquo Quogquudu Quophtre Quose Quughe Quuthyu Rabbakgwhothalho Rebnusekhudhbhya Rebtyu Rhakya Rhedhquhamha Rhodyadolhubhgwet Rhughtho Rhuphke Robhne Ropagke Rudhdro Rukhgwo Rukhya Ruphgwotgwodh Sagro Sakuthego Serukyamu Shabhathlhu Shabrhak Shagwomob Shegdro Shogozekaph Shophyolhet Soquubhkhyedre Suketlhud Sutkru Tagoghgraphyakhogh Tedbophzuthaphne Tegquet Tegthuthukbruzo Tegwale Tetralet Thaghzod Thapuph Thedbhyethuquuthgye Thephghyare Thesob Thetbekhyothe Thodhphyabhyoprogru Thoghphamerhuk Thopyo Thredyetedyo Threnhekshetatphep Threphog Throkhyubhapabquhap Throquokze Throrhopshath Thrusu Thupdadkhak Thupebh Thyeredde Thyotu Thyudhokrho Tobhgyozaph Togre Trade Traphadhbrephetdhre Trebyo Treghaph Trekhut Trema Trobre Trupo Tubthogwhot Tudkhyu Tuphetu Tyanhosok Tyaphyu Tyaque Tyekalogwhukte Tyepegpyu Tyotap Zamhu Zapquhoth Zedha Zedo Zekepat Zeppho Zhakghrorhadyeshed Zhakhagghokhgud Zhate Zhephghobhphepyu Zhotmophadhbraquu Zubdregwuruk Zudhota
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new-york-no-shoes · 1 year
…flash back to the night when you said to meNothings gonna change not for me and you back before I knew how much I had to lose
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abossycontrolfreak · 2 years
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This is Dobrava, my former DnD character who I played in a steampunk-esque world called the Iron Kingdoms (minor spoilers ahead for the 3.5e campaign The Witchfire Trilogy). The wonderful art was commissioned from @binkyisonline.
Dobrava was originally a cleric of Menoth, a fairly fundamentalist and brutal religion, having grown up in the church and not really known anything else. Her domains were strength and war, and she was particularly good against undead (even for a cleric!) - basically, she was a battle cleric.
As she joined the party and got exposed to more of the world, she ended up converting to the Church of Morrow, the final straw being when Menoth refused to let her heal a cleric from a rival church who she’d been fighting alongside, and was on the brink of death trying to save the city from undead invasion. She converted, and devoted herself to knowledge - to learning as much as she could (including how to read for the first time) about the world that she’d always been cut off from.
More adventures followed - she acquired an ancient longsword, some bitching armour, and even cut off her own hand in a deal with the fey. (Luckily one of her party members could make her a badass prosthetic, including a badass magical/mechanical shield)
And then she arrived back to the city, to be met by a letter from her father - a Greylord, basically a wizard bishop - extremely powerful and extremely religious. She went to meet him, because she was never one to back down from a challenge.
In the final moments of her confrontation with him, she got close enough for her power to pierce illusions to kick in and realise that it wasn’t her father, it was an ancient demon. Or perhaps the demon had been her father all along? Either way, there wasn’t enough time to act on it, as she was overtaken by his power, her mind belonging to him. And that’s where I stopped playing her.
The rest of the party was told Dobrava had “returned to Khador for urgent family business”, and recruited a new member - Zamia (shadow rogue, and my current character)
They went off on an adventure, and recently returned to the city only to find it had been overtaken by a group which included clerics of Menoth, and the Greylord (Dobrava’s father) (not that anyone knew he was her father, she didn’t like to share much about her past). They party devoted itself to fighting back, and were on their way to rescue a few key allies from prison.
But one of the things we’d heard was there was a vampire stalking the upper city, the “night bitch”. Vampires in this world are fairy stories, and there was really only ever one and that was thousands of years ago, but the stories fit the myths. We decided not to go after her, but unfortunately on the way to the prison break, she found us.
It was a tough fight - she was very resistant, although we managed to do some good damage. She was kinda very terrifying though, including healing herself like 120hp in a single term, but when she was trying to run away and reposition, two party members crit on attacks of opportunity, which in this system go straight to “wound points” (much more limited numbers - equal to con score). And she died.
As she collapsed to the ground, the shadows that surrounded her fell away, and revealed first a metal hand, and then… Dobrava’s face. And with her final breath, she thanked us for freeing her from her horrific fate.
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gayspock · 1 month
and itslikewhat will it even matter in the end.you can keep tryingto be better.you can spend years and years andyorue still alone and youre still keep trying and youstilljust keep failing and you keep going in a cycle and theonly fuckingthing anyone will ever say t o you is you havent done it enough you havent done it enough you havent DONE IT GOOD ENOUGH again and again and again and theywwont say it like that theyll couch it but theres always likethis fucking morality tied to it this sort of patronising fuckingyou havent. fucking. given it. your best. and you have. and ihave. andidontknow. sowhat. so what any more. likefuckignfine. i agreewithyou. maybe it qillwork out if i try anotherucking 10 years alone mayebtherell be someimprovement. i have tobe ohones tiwht you. i dont think itsworthit. i cant fucking do it any more. i cant fucking handleit. imsorry. icant fucking psend thislong alone . i cantufkcingfightlike that. its not fucking worht it to me. im not likestrong enough. i dontwant to any more. something something. the disco elysium quote. that i knowpeople owulf ducking get on my ass for "misusing". and who is people. who cares.
oh the world willleave you behind if yu dont get yourshit together. but im never going to doit and the world was therenevr so what does it even matter andwhat am it riyng to perove i feel like imjsut fighting for some fucking approval form people who arealways going tolookdown on me and forwhat i dont know idont care what odes it matrer whats it eve rgoingto matter i can do this a million fucking times i dotnthink im ever going to be real tothese people theyre alwaysgoingt o see me as an exampel of some overly negative fucking suicidal rtoxic freak who killed themsleves because they didnt do it wellenough and ijsut want to cry i just want to cry i dontknow feel so fucking sutpid all the times ive just cried and cried and forhqat because i wantedpeople to like me forwhat whats it ever oging to matter i just i dontknow i cant do it any more i cant wake up every fucking day so fucking tiredbarelty able to keep my fuckign self afloat everything else grttng worse around menothing in sight nothing but the fucking tellingoff that you did thistoyoruself and i dontknow what else there everwas to do and idotn catre . im so humiliated beause im alswyas going to jsut be that fucking self victimisingfreak toepole ai dont kjnow what else im meant to do ido everythign ten milkinotimes fandit never fucking emans anyhting you HAVENT DONE IT SENOUGH!1 HYAHAHAHAHAH YOUI HAVENT DONE IT ENOUGHand what. what. someone else did it and it worked oncewhywont ti wotk for you you obviously havebnt done it as much as WE DID IT BECAUSE HAHA . WE BEAT OUR FUCKING DEMONS! AND GUESSoh whats that. they hadpeople around themn hmm interesitnghtreyhad something tolive for interesting they had resurces they had familythey had loved ones i cant fucking doit i cant ufcking do it i cant fcking do it bROO AMEN im not helping me case i cant d aynything that will so what does it matter youre doing this to yorself WHY WONT PEOPLE
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stoutfishart · 3 months
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Protectorate of Menoth battle group.
Woof, the second half of painting these guys took up 90% of the time. It looks like I just slapped some paint on them but the sheer detail creep on these models is astounding. There are so many various material types and patterns that aren't intuitive. There are dozens of decision points regarding which spike or armor plate is what color. This is compounded by the fact that battle group kits were budget plastic kits that were very chunky and gritty. Makes me yearn for metal. My scheme is close to the box art but I went with a cold white by applying a green grey on top of a red grey. Do not blend white with a brush on a large flat surface! you will create a grody texture. Privateer press had their own paint line of menoth white and menoth highlight which are warm yellow whites that I don't care for. I made a token attempt at Object Source Lighting.
The big one is a heavy warjack and they are the most fun to paint. Light warjacks I find are not as fun to paint due to how gangly they are. I like these models, some may dislike how the pose is compromised by the mechanics of the game (how the model is faced matters) But they are cool and I got a bunch of them on clearance.
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derrypubliclibrary · 5 months
ik i made a pot abt physically shaking when someone menothe things i like but i cant find it slo. that post ot 2: apparently im still on that shir i asked my dad to watch the new clown movies with ne & then talked a little bit about them i dont think he wants to watxh them but it s okah dooamine is coursing through my brains & im shakind soo hard its not even funny
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oldthymefarm · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Forces of Warmachine Protectorate of Menoth March 2014 PB.
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doubtingdebispoems · 1 year
Better Than Before
Do you have sweet dreams of things better than beforeThe kind of new things that don’t leave you wanting moreWell I do and I’m ready to open the doorWalk into a new life without heartache and painMeeting someone else like me that feels just the sameCan you just imagine loving someone so muchAll you are living for is the warmth of their touchI welcome change but admit it sometimes scares meNothing…
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rainsmediaradio · 2 years
Taylor Swift - Mastermind Lyrics
#UpdateYourPlaylist with @RainSegzy @taylorswift13 - Mastermind Lyrics
Taylor Swift – Mastermind Verse 1Once upon a time, the planets and the fatesAnd all the stars alignedYou and I ended up in the same roomAt the same time Pre-ChorusAnd the touch of a hand lit the fuseOf a chain reaction of countermovesTo assess the equation of youCheckmate, I couldn’t lose ChorusWhat if I told you none of it was accidental?And the first night that you saw meNothing was gonna…
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the274 · 3 years
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few shots of games of Warmachine/Hordes I played today at my local gameclub 😎
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skepticalskull · 4 years
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Testament if Menoth incoming! Love TOM - recursion is your friend!! #wip #protectorate #menoth @privateerpress #getyourpainton #p3painters #minipainting #paintingminis #wepaintminis #warmahordes #warmongers #skepticalskull https://www.instagram.com/p/CDF3gFYHvIQ/?igshid=ocrc4cvtpz30
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primerjohn · 4 years
Nicia, Tear of Vengeance, painted in my Infernals scheme. I figured she’d been called to task at the last minute and unable to discard all the Menoth iconography.
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conceptvault · 6 years
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We here at Concept Vault have long been fans of Privateer Press, and the company’s innovative game worlds of WARMACHINE, HORDES, and Monsterpocalypse. With that in mind, we were thrilled to learn that Privateer has launched a kickstarter for their first-ever art book, collecting nearly 20 years of amazing illustrations.
Check out the link below and become a backer if you are a fan of gorgeous, lush and imaginative art.
Various Illustrations by:
Nestor Ossandon & Andrea Uderzo
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deazmonius · 5 years
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Completed this guy to night, Just in time for month long challenge/contest for a community I am in. So with out further a due I give you the ‘Eye of Truth’ character Warjack to the Warcaster Malekus ‘The Buring Truth’ from the game Warmachine.
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#Warmahordes players, help me welcome Monsters & Mechanics, a new dojo podcast. What sets them apart? They actually test the lists they dojo and put their money where their mouths are. The pilot episode of Monsters and Mechanics, a list building and play test podcast. Focusing on dojoing lists, cool combos and synergies, and various other tech, as well as our experiences when we put our money where our mouth is when we test our dojo out. C&C is welcome
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