#but i just had to get things off my chest
felassan · 3 days
Cliff notes on the new info on Dragon Age: The Veilguard in today’s issue of Game Informer (magazine hub link):
Edit/update: I tidied up this post. ^^
In CC you can customize things like shoulder width, chest size, glute size, hip width, how bloodshot your eyes are, nose crookedness, and more
There are hundreds of sliders for body proportions
CC detail: “Features like skin hue, tone, melanin”
There is nudity in DA:TV, “which I learned firsthand while customizing my Rook” in CC
Rook’s backstory also affects “reputation standing”, along with the other previously-known things like in-game dialogue etc
Lords of Fortune are pirate-themed, “piratic”
Rook ascends because of competency, not because of a magical McGuffin, contrasting with the 'destiny-has-chosen you’ angle DA:I has for the Inquisitor
Rook is here because they chose to be, “and that speaks to the kind of character that we’ve built. Someone needs to stop this, and Rook says, ‘I guess that’s me'”
The 4 voices we can choose for Rook each have a pitch shifter in CC
The game starts inside the bar (as previously detailed in other coverage)
In some dialogue wheels there is a “romantically inclined ‘emotional’ response” option. These are the replies that will build relationships with characters, romantic and platonic alike, but you can ignore them if you want to. Giving a companion the cold shoulder might nudge them into another companion’s embrace however
Bellara’s surname is Lutara
In the streets of Minrathous (in the opening segment of the game), there is a wide, winding pathway with a pub which has a dozen NPCs in it (is this The Swan tavern?)
The devs used the DA:TV CC to make each in-world NPC, except for specific characters like companions
There is smart use of verticality, scaling and wayfinding in the gameplay
If you play as e.g. a qunari Rook, the camera adjusts to ensure larger characters like them loom over those below. The camera also adjusts appropriately for dwarves to demonstrate their smaller stature
Neve Gallus is described as being capable
The Venatori Cultists we fight in the opening segment of the game are seizing the chaos caused by the demons unleashed by Solas’ ritual to try and take the opportunity to take over the city
As you traverse deeper and deeper into Solas’ hideout, more of his murals appear on the walls, and things 'get more elven'. Rhodes says “this is because you’re symbolically going back in time, as Minrathous is a city built by mages on the bones of what was originally the home of the elves”
At the heart of Solas’ hideout is his personal eluvian
Demons are fully redesigned in this game, on their original premise as creatures of feeling that live and die off the emotions around them. “As such, they are just a floating nervous system, pushed into this world from the Fade, rapidly assembled into bodies out of whatever scraps they find”
In the opening, we stop Solas’ ritual and save the world. “For now” anyways. Rook passes out moments later and wakes up in a dream-like landscape to the voice of Solas. He explains that a few drops of Rook’s blood interacted with the ritual, connecting them to the Fade forever. (I guess this is why they said in the Discord Q&A on June 14th that Rook has good reasons to want to avoid blood magic)
He also says that he was attempting to move Elgar’nan and Ghilan’nain (confirming who the two Evil Gods are) to a new prison, because the one he had previously constructed was failing. Unfortunately, Solas is trapped in the Fade by our doing, and the two gods are now free. “It’s up to Rook to stop them”, thus setting the stage for our adventure
Rook wakes up after this with Harding and Neve “in the lair of the Dread Wolf himself”, a special magical realm in the Fade called The Lighthouse. It’s a towering structure centered amongst various floating islands. This is where the team bonds, grows, and prepares for its adventures. It becomes more functional and homier as you do. “Already, though, it’s a beautifully distraught headquarters for the Veilguard, although they aren’t quite referring to themselves as that just yet”.
Because it was Solas’ home base, it's gaudy, with his fresco murals adorning various walls, greenery hanging from above, and hues of purple and touches of gold everywhere. Since it’s in the Fade, which is a realm of dreams that responds to your world state and emotion, the Lighthouse “reflects the chaos and disrepair of the Thedas you were in moments ago”
Clock symbols over dialogue icons signal optional dialogue options
At this point you can head over to Neve, engage in dialogue, and try and flirt with her
There is a dining hall in the Lighthouse. A plate, cutlery and a drinking chalice are at the end of a massive table. Matt Rhodes says that this is a funny and sad look at Solas’ isolated existence, and an example of the detail BioWare’s art team has put into DA:TV. “It’s like when you go to a friend’s house and see their bedroom for the first time; you get to learn more about them”
There is also a library, which is the central area of the The Lighthouse. It’s here that the party will often regroup and prepare for what’s next
The team decides that it must reach the ritual site back in Arlathan Forest. Corinne Busche said that the writer was "missing unique dialogue options here because I’m qunari; an elf would have more to say about the Fade due to their connection to it. The same goes for my backstory earlier in Minrathous. If I had picked the Shadow Dragons background, Neve would have recognized me immediately, with unique dialogue”
The team decide their next move. They go to Solas’ eluvian and back through to the ritual site in Arlathan Forest. However, it’s not fully functional without Solas, and while it returns them to the Forest, it’s not exactly where they want to go. Then a demon-infested suit of mechanized armor known as a Sentinel attacks them, and two NPCs appear to save you: the Veil Jumpers Strife and Irelin. Harding recognizes them, which you would expect if you read the comic Dragon Age: The Missing. They are experts in ancient elven magic. A cutscene ensues and we learn that Strife and Irelin need help finding Bellara Lutara. This cutscene is long and has multiple dialogue options.
“There’s a heavy emphasis on storytelling and dialogue, and it feels deep and meaty, like a good fantasy novel. BioWare doesn’t shy away from minutes-long cutscenes”
For Rook, this story is about what does it mean to be a leader? We define their leadership style with our choices. “From the sound of it, my team will react to my chosen leadership style in how my relationships play out.” This is demonstrated within the game’s dialogue and a special relationship meter on each character’s companion screen
Bellara is deep within Arlathan Forest, and following the events of the prologue, something is up here. Three rings of massive rocks fly through the air, protecting what appears to be a central fortress. Demon Sentinels plague the surrounding lands.
In gameplay/combat, players complete every swing in real time. Special care was taken in development for animation swing-through and cancelling. We can dash, parry, charge moves, and a completely revamped healing system that allows us to use potions at our discretion by hitting right on the d-pad. You can combo attacks and even ‘bookmark’ combos with a quick dash, which means that you can pause a combo’s status with a dash to safety and continue the rest of the combo afterward
Abilities can be used to customize your kit. They can be used on the fly as long as you account for cooldowns
When you pause and pull up the ability Wheel, it highlights you and your companions’ skills. There you can choose abilities, queue them, target specific enemies, and strategize with synergies and combos
Each character plays the same in that you execute light and heavy attacks with the same buttons, use abilities with the same buttons, and interact with the combo wheel in the same way, regardless of which class you select
Sword and shield warriors can hip-fire or aim their shield and throw it like Captain America
Warriors can parry incoming attacks which can stagger enemies. Rogues have a larger parry window. The mage the writer played couldn’t parry at all. Instead they throw up a shield that blocks incoming attacks automatically, so long as you have the mana to maintain it
On the start/pause screen: it has the map, journal, character sheets, skill tree, and a library for lore information. You can use it to cross-compare equipment and equip new gear for Rook and their companions, build weapon loadouts for quick change-ups mid-combat, and customize you and your party’s abilities and builds via an easy-to-understand skill tree. There aren’t in-depth minutiae, just "real numbers". For example, an unlocked trait might increase damage by 25 percent against armor, but that’s as in-depth as the numbers get. Passive abilities unlock jump attacks and guarantee critical hit opportunities, while abilities add moves like a Wall of Fire to your arsenal if you’re a mage. As you spec out this skill tree, which is 100 percent bespoke to each class, you’ll work closer to unlocking a spec, complete with a unique ultimate ability
“Sentinels and legions of darkspawn”
Combat is flashy and quick, with different types of health bars. Greenish-blue represents a barrier, which is taken down most effectively with ranged attacks
The game is gorgeous, with sprinkles, droplets, and splashes of magic in each attack a mage unleashes
The game looks amazing on consoles both in fidelity and performance modes
The mission to find Bellara is called “In Entropy’s Grasp”. You find her. She is the first companion you recruit (as Neve auto-joins). If your background is Veil Jumper, you get unique dialogue here with Bellara. She explains that everyone there is all trapped in a Veil Bubble, and there’s no way out once you pass through it. Despite the dire situation, she is bubbly, witty, and charming. She is spunky and effervescent
Companions are the faces of their factions, and in this case with Bellara, their entire area of the world. She is our window into Arlathan Forest. She is described as a sweetheart and a nerd for ancient elven artifacts, which is why she’s dressed more like an academic than a combatant. Her special arm gauntlet is useful both for tinkering with her environment and taking down enemies. While Neve uses ice magic and can slow time with a special ability, Bellara specializes in electricity, and she can also use magic to heal you. Her electric magic is effective against Sentinels. “However, without Bellara, we could also equip a rune that converts my ice magic, for a brief duration, into electricity to counter the Sentinels”
If you don’t direct your companions in combat, they are fully independent and will attack on their own
You progress at this point through the Forest, encountering more and more darkspawn. Bellara says that they have never been this far before because the underground Deep Roads, which they usually escape from, aren’t nearby. However, with “blighted” (BLIGHTED!) elven gods roaming the world, and thanks to the Blight’s radiation-like spread, it’s a much bigger threat in DA:TV than any prior DA game
The Forest has elven ruins, dense greenery and disgusting Blight tentacles and pustules
The style of the game is more high fantasy than anything in the series thus far and almost reminiscent of the whimsy of Fable. Matt Rhodes says that this is the result of the game’s newfound dose of magic: “The use of magic has been an evolution as the series has gone on. It’s something we’ve been planning for a while because Solas has been planning all this for a while. In the past, you could hint at cooler magical things in the corner because you couldn’t actually go there, but now we actually can, and it’s fun to showcase that.” The Forest’s whimsy will starkly contrast to the game’s other areas. The devs promise some grim locations and even grimmer story moments because, without that contrast, everything falls flat. Corinne says it’s like a “thread of optimism” pulled through otherworldly chaos ravaging Thedas. At this point in the game, Bellara’s personality is that thread
We can advance our bonds with our companions on their own personal quests and by including them in our party on main quests. Every Relationship Level you rank up, shown on their character sheet, nets you a skill point to spend on them. “The choices you make, what you say to companions, how you help them, and more all matter to their development as characters and party members”. Each companion has access to 5 abilities.
Each companion has issues, problems, and personal quests to complete. “Bellara has her own story arc that runs parallel to and informs the story path you’re on” (They’ve said that all of the companions have this too in previous promo material)
You progress deeper into the forest and Bellara spots a floating fortress and thinks that the artifact needed to destroy the Veil Bubble is in there. To reach it, we must remove the floating rock rings, and Bellara’s unique ability, Tinker, can do just that by interacting with a piece of ancient elven technology nearby. Rook can acquire abilities like Tinker later to complete such tasks in instances where Bellara, for example, isn’t in the party
Bellara has to activate three of these in the Forest to reach the castle. Each one you activate brings forth a bunch of Sentinels, demons, and darkspawn to defeat
You can create Arcane Bombs on enemies. It does high damage after being hit by a heavy attack
It sounds like mage characters can charge heavy attacks on their magical staffs. “then switch to magical daggers in a second loadout accessed with a quick tap of down on the d-pad to unleash some quick attacks”
Some enemies are “Frenzied”, meaning that they hit harder, move faster, and have more health
After a few more combat sections, including against a Frenzied sentinel, we reach the center of the temple. In there is an artifact called the Nadas Dirthalen. Bellara knows that this means “the inevitability of knowledge”. Before we can progress, a darkspawn ogre boss attacks, hitting hard with unblockable, red-coded attacks and a massive shield that you need to take down first. It is weak to fire
After defeating it (it’s a climactic arena fight), Bellara uses a special crystal to power the artifact and remove it from the pedestal, which destroys the Veil Bubble. Then, the Nadas Dirthalen comes alive as an Archive Spirit, but because the crystal used to power it breaks, we learn little about this spirit before it disappears. Bellara thinks that she can fix it (fixing broken stuff is her thing), so the group heads back to the Veil Jumper camp. The writer’s demo then ended.
The design of the game is not open world. The devs describe it as a “hub-and-spoke” design where the needs of the story are served by the level design. A version of DA:I’s Crossroads return (the network of teleporting eluvians) and this is how players will traverse across northern Thedas. “Instead of a connected open world, players will travel from eluvian to eluvian to different stretches of this part of the continent”. e.g. Minrathous, tropical beaches, Arlathan Forest, “to grim and gothic areas and elsewhere”. Some of these areas are large and full of secrets and treasures. Others are smaller and more focused on linear storytelling. Arlathan Forest is an example of this, but it still has optional paths and offshoots to explore for loot, healing potion refreshes, and other things.
Each location has a minimap, though linear levels like In Entropy’s Grasp won’t have the 'fog of war' that disappears as you explore like in some of the game’s bigger locations
The game has the largest number of diverse biomes in DA history
The Thedas of DA:TV “lives in the uncertainty”. “the mystery of its narrative”, “the implications of its lore”
The writer is surprised by BioWare’s command over the notoriously difficult Frostbite engine, and by how much narrative thought the dev team poured into these characters, even for BioWare.
[source: the Game Informer pages from Issue 367 - the cover story from June 18th (link), two]
666 notes · View notes
gumified · 20 hours
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pairing: mafia boss!toji x spy fem!reader
summary: you're tasked with the mission of spying and killing toji fushiguro so why now are you being fucked stupid in some dirty bathroom?
content: 6.3k, smut, big dick!toji, degradation, praise, dirty talk, overstimulation, orgasm control, orgasm denial, humiliation kink, creampie, dumbification, sucking on fingers (no clue if that's a thing), dacryphilia, cunnilingus (male. receiving), fingering, squirting, public sex (it's in a club bathroom)
note: i hate all of you who decided to suddenly make frat boy!gojo take the lead when i basically finished this fic TT (i don't really i'm gonna start on that one as soon as i post this) but here you have mafia boss!toji, enjoy my lovesss (not proof read at all rip)
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When you step into the club the first thing that hits you is the heat followed closely by the cacophony of music and voices. The bass reverberates through your body, each thud matching the pounding of your heart. The air is thick with a mix of sweat, perfume, and the faint scent of alcohol. You weave through the throngs of people, your senses on high alert. Every so often, you catch a glimpse of a couple locked in a passionate embrace, or friends shouting to be heard over the deafening music. It's a sea of movement, a blur of colours and shadows that makes it almost impossible to focus.
The music is still pounding and it infiltrates your ears making it near impossible to focus. Your eyes search the crowd for your target: Toji Fushiguro. The intel said he’d be here tonight, but pinpointing one man in this chaos feels like a near-impossible task. You had been tasked to go undercover and take out one of the most notorious crime lords in the country. It had started simple really - tailing him during the day, intercepting any letters or parcels - but now was when it all went done. Today is the day you will finally finish off Toji Fushiguro.
You edge closer to the bar hoping to catch a clearer view. The bartender is a blur of motion, pouring drinks and exchanging money with patrons who shout their orders over the deafening music. You stand on your toes, craning your neck to get a better look across the room. Still nothing. A group of obviously drunk men jostles past you and in doing so trudging on your feet. You force yourself to bite back a curse, keeping your cool. You can’t afford to draw attention to yourself. Not here, not now.
“So many fucking people.” You mutter under your breath as your eyes still search the crowd. You’re hyper aware of the weapon you have by your side, cunningly concealed. You continue to look around, pushing through the crowd as you try desperately not to get swallowed up by the swarms of people. Then, you catch a glimpse – tall, broad-shouldered, a flash of a sharp jawline in the dim light. As quickly as you see him he disappears again. “Is that him?” You whisper to yourself as you crane your neck to try and look for your target once more.
You’re more forceful now, pushing through the crowd as you struggle to move through the pack. Almost there. You just need to get a little closer, verify that it's him. It’s hard to even breathe in the club but once you make your way out of the throngs of people you see him - Toji Fushiguro.
There were always rumours surrounding the dangerous man but they didn’t do him justice. He was even more imposing in person, his rugged appearance making him stand out in any crowd.  His dark hair is tousled just so, falling across his forehead in a way that frames his sharp, chiselled features perfectly. His eyes are piercing, a deep smouldering gaze that seems to see right through you. His jawline is strong and his lips are set in a slight smirk.
He's dressed in a fitted black shirt that hugs his muscular frame, the fabric straining slightly against his broad chest and shoulders. He isn’t sporting anything too flashy and if no one knew his reputation they would’ve assumed he was a normal man. You watch as he crosses his arms and the shirt pulls taut against his muscles. There’s a sliver of his chest that you manage to see and a hint of his tattoos peek through. It’s ridiculous but just looking at him has your panties soaking and you know it’s so wrong but you can’t help it. Through the weeks of trailing after him you never thought you would finally see him so up close. 
Your heart skips a beat. Target acquired. Now, the real challenge begins.
You approach him, weaving through the last few bodies that separate you. He hasn't noticed you yet. But you know you have to play this carefully. One wrong move, and it could all fall apart.
As you draw closer to him you try your best to put on the best smile you could, one that exuded innocence. You relaxed your own muscles and tried to calm your beating heart. "Fancy seeing you here." You lean in slightly, enough to make it seem intimate, but not desperate.
Toji's eyes snap to you, and for a moment, there's a flicker of surprise. Then his expression smooths into one of casual interest. "Is that so?" He replies, his voice a deep velvety rumble that sends a shiver down your spine. His eyes look you up and down, assessing your frame carefully before he settles on your face. "And who might you be?"
You see the smirk playing at his lips and you’re not quite sure what he’s hinting at. It’s impossible to read Toji Fushiguro and it’s even harder to do it when it’s dark and loud. You finally step closer, closing the distance between the both of you. 
"Just a girl looking for a good time." Your fingers brush against his arm. "And you seem like just the man to show me one."
He raises an eyebrow, a slow deliberate smile spreading across his face. “Is that right? His hand comes up, fingers trailing lightly along your arm sending sparks of electricity through your skin. You let out a soft involuntary gasp, your heart racing faster. He leans in, lips just inches from your ear. “But surely a little spy like yourself shouldn’t be wandering around a stuffy club and asking people like me to fuck them?”
You freeze. Your blood runs cold at his words. Silence envelops you and you can’t do anything but stay rooted in the spot. Toji’s grip on your arm tightens and it feels like you’re being burnt by scalding hot iron. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You know it’s stupid to even deny it, not when you’ve so obviously given yourself away, not when you’re not even able to look him in the eye. “I’m not a spy.”
"Oh, don't play dumb." His tone shifts into something much more sinister, the playful glint in his eyes replaced by something much darker. "I've known you were watching me since the moment you walked in. So tell me, what do you want with me?"
Panic bubbles up inside you but you force it down. You can't afford to lose your nerve now. You have to stay calm, have to find a way to turn this around. You swallow hard, trying to keep your mind composed. “Like I said, I don't know what you’re talking about.”
Toji's eyes flicker with something that might be amusement but it's hard to tell. His eyes darken with a predatory gleam. “You’re a stubborn one you are. Never met a little spy like you most would have been cowering at my feet by now but you’re still here denying everything.” His fingers trail up to your face and you instinctively flinch when he touches your cheek and Toji smirks. “But doll you’re forgetting just how often I deal with people like you so don’t bother denying it anymore okay? I've been in this business too long to fall for such weak games.”
It’s so stupid how the man in front of you is able to instil fear in everyone yet as you stand in front of him all you can think about is how his grip would feel around your neck and how his fingers would feel buried in your pussy. It’s so wrong and so unprofessional but seeing Toji up close was something else. He was insanely attractive and there was something exciting about the way he looked at you as if he was going to devour you whole. 
“Unless you want your pretty little head to be blown off you better answer my question.” All playfulness was gone in his stare instead what replaced it was cold hard emptiness. His expression is long gone and he only looks at you with a blankness that you’re unable to pinpoint. “So I’m gonna ask you again, what do you want with me?”
You feel your breath stuck in your throat and you know it’s no use denying it anymore but you’re unwilling to give up. “How did you find out?” The tremor in your voice is obvious despite your best efforts to keep it at bay.
Toji smirks. "You gave yourself away the moment you walked in. Your eyes. They were too focused, too calculating. Not the eyes of someone here to have a good time." You blink, processing his words, your mind racing. "And the way you moved." He continues, his voice a low seductive purr. "Too precise, too careful. Like a hunter. Or a spy."
Your heart sinks as his words hit home. You had been so careful but clearly not careful enough. "So, what now?"
Toji's smile widens and he leans even closer, his breath hot against your skin. "Now, we play a different game." He says softly. "One where you try to convince me to let you go. And I decide just how much I want to make you squirm."
You feel yourself grow even hotter at his words and you catch the sight of his lips and oh how badly you want to grab his face and smash your mouth to his. Fuck it’s a bad idea but it’s all you can think about in this moment. And then it happens, you’re grabbing his shirt, pulling him down as you crash your lips to his and Toji’s eyes widen in surprise. You take a second to realise what you've done but just as you pull away Toji’s already tugging you to somewhere else. You can barely keep up as he leads you, weaving expertly through the sea of bodies.
"Where are we going?" You manage to gasp out, struggling to be heard over the pounding bass. 
"Somewhere more private."
You don't have time to protest or question further as he drags you down a dimly lit hallway away from the main floor. The noise of the club dims slightly and the music becomes a muted throb behind the walls. You barely notice the curious glances from a few stragglers in the hallway as Toji pushes open a door with a bold "Restrooms" sign hanging on it. The moment you step inside he slams the door shut, the sound echoing in the small tiled space. His lips are on yours in an instant, the kiss fierce and demanding. It’s as if all the raw tension explodes right there and then.
He pushes you against the cold, tiled wall, his body pressed firmly against yours. His hands roam over your body, rough and possessive. You respond  just as eagerly, tongues tangling with each other as you reach your hands into his hair. You moan into his mouth and the sound is swallowed by the relentless kiss. His hands are everywhere, sliding up your thighs, slipping beneath the hem of your skirt.
"Tell me you want this." He murmurs against your lips.
"I want this." You breathe as your hands clutch at his shoulders pulling him closer. "I want you."
Suddenly you’re ripping each others’ clothes off at light speed. The buttons on his shirt fall off as you try your best to unbutton the first few before giving up and deciding to just rip it off. Toji chuckles at your fast pace, a smirk making its way onto his face. You put a hand over his mouth, already annoyed by the sound of his laughter and you didn’t want to hear what was going to come out of his mouth next. He reaches a hand up to wrestle yours away from his face.
“You’re awfully eager for someone who was just trying to kill me?” He locks his eyes with yours and you swear you feel your pussy clench around thin air. “I’d say you’re desperate for a good fucking aren’t you doll?”
“Shut the fuck up Fushiguro.”
Toji grins at your response, a dangerous glint in his eyes. Your gaze drifts downward. The dim lighting accentuates the tight muscles that ripple beneath his skin. You can see the faint sheen of sweat, highlighting the contours of his abs, the hard lines of his chest. He takes advantage of your momentary distraction, flipping you around and pressing you against the wall with a thud. His hands are everywhere at once, rough and demanding, as if he's trying to imprint himself onto your very skin. You arch into his touch as a moan escapes your lips despite yourself.
"See, I knew you wanted this." He murmurs, his breath hot against your ear. "You’re practically begging for it."
His words send a shiver down your spine and you grind back against him, eliciting a low groan from his throat. "Don’t flatter yourself." You manage to gasp out.
He laughs, a deep rumbling sound that you can feel reverberate through his chest. "You can't lie to me, doll." One of his hands slips beneath your waistband, his fingers teasing the sensitive skin there. "Your body knows exactly what it wants."
Your breath hitches, and you bite your lip, trying to suppress the sounds threatening to spill out. It’s beyond humiliating how he has you pressed up against the way but you can’t deny how much you want the man in front of you. His touch is electrifying and he inches closer and closer to the heat between your legs. You whine when he cups your pussy and Toji simply smirks at the reaction you give him. His hand stays there for a moment and you can feel the warmth he radiates. 
“Think you can handle me Fushiguro?” You glare at him although there’s a hint of desire beneath your angry gaze. “You’re playing a dangerous game.”
Toji grin, his face leaning close to yours. He’s too close and you have to resist the urge to pull him in for a kiss. “Good thing I love danger then.”
Before you can even respond he captures your lips in a bruising kiss. It’s rough and messy and far from sweet but you don’t mind. You feel his tongue pry open your mouth and you let him in easily. He tastes like whiskey and you find that you don’t mind the sharp taste of alcohol he has on him. You moan as he rubs small circles on your clit, his fingers inching dangerously closer to your pussyhole. He presses his hips against yours and you can feel his cock hard against your thigh. The both of you kiss for what seems like forever. Your eyes constantly shut as you enjoy the taste of him, the touch of him, the scent of him. Everything is so intoxicating that you can’t refuse to want more. Toji is too much to handle but you’ve always liked a challenge.
His fingers finally reach to pull aside your panties, plunging his wet digits into your heat. You moan loudly at the contact. It felt so different to the hours you spent trying to please yourself during the night, the fruitless attempts at trying to make yourself cum. Toji did it so easily, too easily. He smirks as he watches you squirm in his grasp, clutching onto his shoulders as if they were your lifeline. You feel your pussy squeeze around his fingers and he groans.
“Fuck you’re so tight. Why have you been neglecting this pretty thing for so long, hm doll?” You let out another breathy moan at his words. In truth you haven’t had the time to have hookups and your job didn’t exactly give you lots of free time. Most nights were spent on your own, in your bed. “Don’t worry I’ll give her a good fucking today.” He purrs in your ear and you feel your own body melt to his touch.
“F-Fushiguro you’re such a-ahh!” Your sentence is cut short as you feel him curl his fingers and he prods at that spot that has you jolting forward with a long moan. Toji grins wickedly at your reaction. He loves the way you give him such innocent but lewd expressions that he can’t help but want to ravish you entirely. “You’re such a t-tease.”
You give him another glare but this time it’s telling him to hurry up and fuck you because you’re impatient. You’ve never been good at biding your time well and all you want right now is his cock inside you. Toji’s other hand makes its way up your chest, he cups one of your tits and you whimper as he squeezes it hard. You’re sensitive beyond belief and his touch only stimulates you more. You let out a strangled cry when he pinches your nipple, playing with it cruelly with his rough fingers. You feel every crack, every line on his fingertips and it makes you go crazy.
“Tell me what you want doll.” 
Toji whispers as he leans in to place hot-mouthed kisses across your neck. You mewl at his touch as you feel his lips move along your body as he kisses and licks your smooth skin. You feel his breath against you and it’s weirdly comforting in a way. He’s so close to you that it sends you into a frenzy. Your hands reach up to knot into his hair, pushing him impossibly closer towards you. His fingers never stop their movements, each thrust causing a jolt of pleasure to sing through your body. You can do nothing but moan as he scissors you open, adding more fingers in as you indulge him in your noises.
“Be a good girl and tell me what you want from me.”
His voice is deep and oh so seductive. You’re sure he’s an incubus in disguise by the sheer aura he exudes. His confidence in himself and his abilities irritate you beyond belief but you know it’s not misplaced by the way he’s making you fall apart on his fingers alone. Your eyes rake over his muscled body, the darky inky tattoos that littler his skin. You feel your fingertips trace each individual art piece and then suddenly you’re falling into his chest. 
“F-Fuck off.” You manage to stutter out.
Toji smirks when he feels your pussy throb and drip. The wet sounds of your sopping cunt fill his ears and he doesn’t think he’s ever heard something so addictive in forever. Paired with your desperate moans he can’t help but want more of you. Your pussy tightens around his digits and you try to keep yourself up but it proves difficult. You’re gasping for air, feeling light-headed. Toji notices and he grins at your cuteness. 
“You’re so adorable when you want to be.” He sighs as he twirls a strand of your hair. You’re embarrassingly close and all you need is for another curl of Toji’s deliciously thick fingers to bring you closer to the edge. You feel yourself clenching around him, your gummy walls begging for your orgasm but you refuse to beg, not to him of all people. Toji grins at your determined expression, it really is cute how you think you have some sort of power in this situation.
Your eyes flutter shut as you feel his thumb rub your clit harshly, bringing you so close to your release. “T-Toji I’m so, nghhh, I’m s-so close! Oh my goddd-” Your words are cut off as yet another lewd moan escapes your lips. You’re so close and you can feel it. You feel your pussy tighten and your body starts shaking with pleasure. You just need one more push, one final push.
And then without any warning it’s all gone. Your eyes shoot open and you see the smug face of Toji Fushiguro, fingers in his mouth as he sucks them sensually. You see the way your arousal coats his digits as he places them in his mouth, tongue swirling over them. Your thighs clench together as you watch him. He’s way too sexy for his own good. Toji’s smirking at you widely and you would have found it hot if he hadn’t just ripped your orgasm away from you. You glare at him, ready to pounce.
“Why the fuck would you even-”
“Shame you’re a brat most of the time.” He interrupts you, fingers still in his mouth. You scowl at his comment despite having him just inside you. “We need to learn how to shut you up don’t you think?”
It’s so fucking hot how he’s able to get you on your knees so quickly. The floor might be dirty but you couldn’t care less. You don’t know what overcomes you but your mouth is already open when he’s unbuckling his belt and when you see his cock you only salivate more. Toji’s big, that's undeniable. His cock is so pretty, the prettiest you’ve ever seen. He’s so thick and the tip’s flushed pink and there’s pre cum oozing out. He smirks at your awe, bringing his length closer to your face as you watch, pussy pulsating at the sight. 
“You look like such a desperate slut. What would the higher ups say if they say you like this huh doll?” His tone is teasing and he inches his cock towards your open mouth and you take him slowly. It’s almost as if you’re in a trance as you feel him fill your mouth. You look up at him and Toji moans as he feels your tongue swirl around his top. “There we go, such a good girl f’me.”
His praise sings through your ears and you feel yourself grow hot just at his words. Your hands reach up to wrap around the base of his cock as you take the first few inches. Toji brushes a hand through your hair and you lean into his grasp before squealing when he tugs harshly. Pain shoots through your head as he pulls your face up to meet his eyes. You see the dark dangerous glint that’s in them.
“You’re gonna suck like you mean it doll.” He growls before thrusting into your mouth causing you to gag as his length hits the back of your throat. Tears pool at the corners of your eyes as you struggle to breathe through your nose. His scent fills your senses and it’s poisonous how much you want him. “Go on then, what’s taking you so long?”
You whimper as you feel his tight grasp on your hair tighten and you get to work. You bob your head up and down, sucking him dry as you moan around his length repeatedly. Toji smirks when he sees you choking on him. He watches as you try your best to take all of him while looking at him with those beautiful eyes of yours. He loves the way you’re so obviously struggling with drool dripping out of your mouth yet you’re still so determined. It’s pathetic but he loves it so much.
“Just a nasty cockslut aren’t you?” Toji snarls as he buries you full of him. You whine in retaliation, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you do so. “Came here to kill me but you’re sucking me off instead, god what a filthy whore.”
It’s humiliating and you feel yourself burn with embarrassment. If anyone were to walk in and find the both of you like this that would be horrifying. But you know that won’t happen since Toji probably has his men positioned outside the bathroom denying anyone access as he fucks you silly then again he might not.
“Nghh- T-Toji can’t, hnngh, breathe-” You manage to say despite your best efforts the phrase comes out more like a jumbled mess of words rather than a coherent sentence. If Toji understands you he ignores you completely. He coos as you try your ebay to take all of him. You look so cute on your knees sucking him off that he could get used to seeing you like this. 
You feel your mind turn foggy as your throat starts to feel bruised from the sheer force he is thrusting into you with. Your knees have been hurting from kneeling for so long that you have resorted to sitting down fully as you take his cock. Saliva drips from your chin and you know it’s messy and you know it’s disgusting but you feel so horny. Your thighs clench as you watch the man above you fuck your mouth. Toji’s abs glisten with sweat and your eyes trail his toned body. His thighs are thick and your imagination runs wild as you think about what you can do sitting on them. Your pussy throbs at the thought.
“You’re thinking dirty thoughts aren’t you doll?” Toji catches your wandering eyes and his hand comes down to grip your chin. You whimper. “C’mon now why don’t you focus on one thing at a time.”
You nod your head as the tears spill from your eyes. Toji only grins as he lets you get him off. He watches as you let him fuck your mouth quicker as you moan like a slut beneath him. He sees the way your expression twists into one of pure pleasure every time he pulls on your hair and he relishes in the fact he can make you feel so good. He moans every time he feels your cute little tongue swipe against his cockhead, teasing him further to his release. You look up to him with those seemingly innocent eyes and it has him edging closer and closer.
“You’re gonna make me, f-ffuckk, cum if you’re not careful doll.”
Toji watches as your eyes light up at the mention of him filling your mouth and it only spurs him on. You’re so cute and he wants to - no needs to - ruin you. You suck harder trying your hardest to bring him to his orgasm and Toji lets out a mix of curses as his cock twitches in your mouth. You feel his cock throb before he bursts inside of you. His thick cum coats your tongue and you feel the hot sensation spread throughout your body. Toji doesn’t taste horrible and it isn’t the bitter or sour taste that you’re used to. 
He pulls out of your mouth once he’s done spurting all of his cum into your mouth and he grins when you open showing him you've swallowed it all. He brushes his thumb over your lips and you feel him swipe the mixture of liquid over your chin. You would feel embarrassed of the mess you’ve made but the sheer neediness of your pussy distracts you from everything else.
“Please…” You whisper, your voice hoarse. You’ve long abandoned any self respect or dignity you have. All you need now is his cock buried in your heat, fucking you senseless. You couldn’t care for rules or procedures. You need Toji Fushiguro and you need him now. “Please fuck me Toji.”
The man in question smirks at your demand. He stares at you, dark eyes boring into your soul. “See it’s not so hard, all you had to do was ask nicely.”
Toji picks you up before you have a chance to respond. His strong arms carry you up from the floor and you squeak when he places you on the edge of the sink. The hard porcelain digs into your thighs, but the discomfort is drowned out by the overwhelming desire coursing through your veins. Your back is pressed against the mirror and Toji’s right in front of you, hair mused because of you. His fingers find their way to your pussy again and his smirk widens when he feels just how wet you are.
“Look how wet she’s gotten.” He coos, flicking your clit a little. “Did you get turned on from sucking me off doll?” His voice drops deeper and you whimper as he plunged two fingers inside, stretching you open. You gasp when he curls his digits, hitting that familiar spot again. “Did you imagine my cock pounding this pretty little pussy until it’s broken?” You can’t seem to say anything, mind blank from the pleasure you’re receiving. Toji’s fingers still and you watch as his expression darkens. “Answer me brat.” 
Your lips tremble as you feel your body squirm. Everything feels too good and all your senses feel overstimulated. Your mouth opens yet nothing comes out. Toji refuses to move but your pussy still clenches around him pathetically. 
“I-I did…” You breathe out, chest heaving up and down as you try to hold in your noises.
“There it is.” He starts to move again, slowly but surely. “You gotta make sure you answer my questions doll, I hate it when people ignore me.”
You nod your head helplessly, whimpering as you do so. His fingers curl inside you and you squeal at the movement, collapsing onto his chest as you feel your lower half tense up. You’re so close and Toji knows what he’s doing when he teases you like that. It’s so fucking annoying but god does it feel so good. You whine his name over and over again begging for more like a desperate bitch in heat. All dignity has left your body as you become putty in his hands.
“Toji Toji Tojiiii! P-Please I need m-more, please just need to - nghhh - feels good…” You moan out as your hands find their place on hsi broad shoulders, digging your nails into his skin as you feel your hips raise higher. Toji hisses at the pain before leaning in to kiss you. It’s hot and searing as both your lips move against each other. He’s not gentle at all and it only makes you clench around him tighter. “Gonna cum gonna cum gonna cummm-”
Toji pulls away from you, moving his fingers faster as his other hand goes to rub your sensitive clit. “C’mon doll, cum all over my fingers, show me how dirty you are, let me see you make a mess of yourself like a good girl.” He purrs and it’s all you need before you’re spasming around his digits. You feel a gush of liquid spray from your pussy and you gasp when you realise you squirted all over the man you were supposed to kill. You feel your body ache as you orgasm, each bone in your body rattles with pleasure as you moan continuously. 
Toji smirks at the mess you’ve made, sliding his fingers out and gathering all your liquid before pushing it back into you. “Such a pretty pussy, listen to how she speaks doll.” His fingers push into you and you simper when you hear the lewd squelching of your spent pussy. He purposefully moves slowly, letting your mouth hang open as you savour every inch he pushes inside of you. Your chest heaves up and down, your lungs burn from the breath you’ve lost. Toji looks up at you, his eyes no longer transfixed on your pussy. “Oh you didn’t think we were finished did you?”
Your eyes widen when you feel his cock prod your entrance. Your eyes lock with his and Toji has a cocky glint in his eye and that’s all you see before your eyes are rolling to the back of your head as you feel him bottom out. His cock stretches you out and he’s just so thick. His cock practically forces you open, prying your insides apart as he bullies his way into you. Tears gather at your eyes once more and they become misty as they fall freely down your face. You feel as though your own sanity has left you as all you can think about is his cock. 
“S-So big- oh! T-Toji feels too-”
“Fuck- y’sure you’re not a virgin? Why the fuck is she so tight then? Have you been neglecting this pretty thing?” He grunts as his hands grip your hips. You can only reply in broken whines and it’s no use because none of it makes sense. “Tch, from now on this pussy belongs to me and it’s gonna remember the shape of my cock because I’m gonna fuck you stupid daily, got that?”
His words barely register in your mind but the idea is pleasing enough for you to nod your head frantically. You don’t care anymore what your supervisor would think, what anyone would think? You didn’t care. You’re too cockdrunk to even fathom the punishment you might face once you return to headquarters but all you need right now is Toji to fuck you like the slut you are. 
“I said got that?” His hips snap to yours hardly, eliciting a low moan.
Your head flings back as his cock fucks into you. Each thrust is merciless and he’s unrelenting with his fucking. Toji’s only thought is your sweet hot pussy and how pretty it looks sucking in his thick cock. He wants the sight ingrained in his memory, to constantly stare at the way it looks so mesmerising. He’s pounding into you roughly, dark hair sticking to his forehead with sweat and he reaches his hand up to push his locks out of his eyes. 
Your eyes flit to his fingers, the fingers that look so hot and Toji notices. He smirks as he pops them into his mouth, sucking them in front of you, eyes looking directly at yours. You feel your pussy squeeze his cock and he moans and you catch a glimpse at his saliva-coated digits. Your mouth falls open once more and he seizes the opportunity to shove the same fingers into your mouth and you moan too.
You feel the rough fingertips press down on your tongue and you suck. It feels so good. You feel your thighs tremble as his cock pushes in and out of your gummy walls. They have him in a tight hold, one unwilling to let go and all you can do is gasp and whine. Toji adjusts the way you sit and at once you feel his cock hit at a different angle causing you to tumblr forward with a squeal. He grins and buries his head into your shoulder, fucking you even harder than before.
“C’mon doll, you gotta sit up nice and straight f’me, spread those legs and let me fuckin’ ruin you.” His words are enough to have you wanting to cum right there and then but you know it won’t end well. He tugs you to meet his hips and your hands fly to his chest, feeling the hard muscle beneath your hands. “Such a slutty pussy…f-fuckk, you’re gonna be my personal cum dump aren’t you? Gonna let me fuck this pussy whenever I want, my hole to use?”
“Mhmm- y-yes yes yes! Yours T-Toji, I’m y-yours-” 
It’s so fucking filthy the way your lips are wrapped around his fingers, drool dripping down your chin. Your moans only get louder and louder as Toji buries himself balls deep into your cute little cunt. His cock stuffs you so full and his hand reaches down to press against your stomach to make sure you know exactly how deep he is. You gasp when you feel the faint outline of just what’s splitting you open so deliciously. You shiver from his touch as you feel your desire shoot through your body. Your knuckles turn white at how hard you’re clenching your fists as you sob out moans and cries. Toji groans at your pretty noises, fucking you deeper as he desperately tries to make you moan louder for him.
“Make a mess doll, know y’wanna cum so badly.” His breath is hot on your ear and you feel yourself melt as your pussy finally gives in. You’re gushing all over him, body throttling as you feel strangled sobs leave your throat. Toji keeps pounding into you, cock brushing against your velvety walls as he chases his own orgasm. “Such a good fuckin’ girl- fuck! Keep squeezing me like that doll.”
You feel his cock twitch inside of you and suddenly you feel heat seep into your cunt. You grip onto him tighter, pulling him impossibly closer as your hips raise to capture more of his cum. He floods your walls, painting them a delicious shade of white. It’s a sticky gooey mess between your thighs but Toji keeps his cock plugged inside of you to make sure nothing leaks out. Your body’s exhausted and you’re still breathing heavily and Toji’s still tucked into the crook of your neck.
“That…that felt amazing.” You mumble under your breath.
Toji lifts his head and there’s already his signature cocky grin on his face. He presses his forehead to yours. “I meant what I said, you’re now mine and I don’t care who I’ve pissed off but tonight you’re leaving with me and I’m gonna fuck you until the sun rises.” Your pussy clenches around his cock unintentionally from his words and Toji groans. “You gonna let me do that doll?”
You glance up at him and though you’re already so fucked-out you still want more and you couldn’t care less about what anyone else thought. “Yes please.”
Toji smirks before he slowly pulls out, cock dripping from the nasty mess the both of you have made. It drips on the floor but neither of you care too much. You reach for your clothes, hastily putting them back on. He grabs your hand and the both of you stumble towards the door, pushing it open and the loud bass enters your ears once more. You see him whisper to a man by the wall and then he’s pulling you out of the club. Your heart pounds as you watch the muscled man drag you along and you feel your pussy grow wet at the thought of what the both of you were gonna do tonight.
You know you’ll have to face the consequences sooner or later but you much prefer the latter option.
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hi angel! i love your work so much and fell in love with bambi!reader, so i was hoping you could write something for me ^_^
can you pls pls pls write bambi!reader comforting rafe after he gets into it with ward? i feel like she’d know exactly how to comfort himmm (pure fluff pls, i read too much smut lmaooo)
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warnings: ward cameron, arguing, shouting, a little bit of physical violence, poor rafe who deserves so much better, mention of murder (i’m not referencing peterkin), fluff, soft petting, words of affirmation
a/n: aww bambi!reader has been getting so much love, it makes my heart happy to know that you enjoy the works that she’s in <3
“you had one job, rafe.. one!” ward had been shouting at rafe for nearly an hour already, his face flush with anger. “you really have a way of fucking things up, huh? i should put a caution sign on your forehead.” rafe’s fist clenched as he listened to his father, trying his best to ignore the sinking feeling in his chest with every word that ward spat.
“i already told you that i couldn’t close out the business accounts and wire the money to a different one. apparently i’m not next in line to own cameron development anymore. ‘you know something about that?” rafe was in disbelief when he had to find out from a service representative that his own father took him off of the family business, something that he worked hard all these years for in order to prove he was worthy of running.
ward froze. he had forgotten about that. “were you ever gonna tell me, or were you just gonna be a coward about it?” rafe stood up, towering over his father with that crazy look in his eyes. “what you forgot to do before you faked your own death instead of facing your problems like a man, was take my name off of the inheritance of tanneyhill.” he laughed, “i own this shit now.” rafe stepped closer, backing ward into the wall. “get out of my house.” ward was seething, his hand coming up to fist rafe’s shirt.
“your house? i’m the one who worked like a dog to get us here.” ward said through gritted teeth, shoving rafe in his chest. rafe stumbled, scoffing out a laugh as he then pushed his father. “worked like a dog to get us here but you were more than willing to leave me here while you start a new life in fuckin’ guatemala.” rafe fought to keep his emotions at bay.
“leave. and don’t ever come back.” ward’s chest was rising and falling, both him and rafe glaring at one another. “you’re cut off. good luck keeping up with this place on your own.” ward smiled bitterly. “cut off?” rafe narrowed his eyes, “i’ve been cut off, dad. i haven’t used a cent of yours since i was nineteen. all this time i’ve been making money my own way, and a lot of it too. ‘seems like your old man brain forgot about that.” rafe nudged ward as he walked past, his father following him out of the master bedroom.
“i’m leaving. when i come back i want you out of here,” rafe grabbed his truck keys, his skin on fire as he looked up the staircase, “and by the way, asshole, i’m not by myself. i got the prettiest girl on the island on my arm everywhere i go.” ward watched as his son walked out the front door. rafe was seeing red the whole time he drove to your house, cursing under his breath as he recalled his father’s words.
“the fucking nerve that guy has.” he punched the steering wheel, nostrils flaring as tears pricked at his eyes. he was the only one who was there to take care of things when ward was ‘gone’. even going as far as committing crimes so his father wouldn’t face any kind of scrutiny. yet, there he was telling him that he was a fuck up.
rafe spent the next five minutes mumbling to himself, his hands shaking as he parked outside your driveway. you were curled up on the porch swing, an open book in your lap when he walked up the stone path. all it took was one look at your boyfriend to have you scrambling up from your seat, eager to soothe him in any way you can. “oh, ray, what’s wrong?” you guided him inside, locking the door shut before both of you made your way up to your room.
“it’s ward. he came back just to tell me shit about not closing the bank accounts under cameron development.” you knew all about rafe’s conflict with his father. from the way he favored everyone else over his eldest, to the constant nagging and insults. sitting rafe down on the edge of your bed, you couldn’t help the way your heart sunk at the sight of defeat in his shoulders, his eyes void of any emotion.
slipping his shoes off, you took your usual seat in his lap, stroking the outline of his jaw as he vented. “i’ll never be good enough for him. i killed for him goddamit, and what do i get in return? ‘i should put a caution sign on your forehead.’ rafe imitated ward’s voice from earlier. you blinked, pecking his cheek. “you’re an amazing son, rafe. shame on him for not recognizing that.” rafe stared up at you, his heart beating wildly in his chest.
you were the only one that looked at him with pure adoration, the only one who made him feel like he had a purpose. “i think you’re amazing, rafe. you don’t sit around, waiting to get things done, you’re so helpful, and so, so kind— to me.” he chuckled at the clarification, rubbing a large hand over your knee. “you think so?” he leaned his head against your chest, your arms coming up to hold him. “i know so.” you sighed, breathing in his scent.
“wanna be little spoon tonight?” your voice alone made him relax, his eyes fluttering shut.
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kenntolog · 22 hours
Hiya I love love love cool boyfriend Sukuna really your write it’s wonderful it blows my mind soooo I wanted to ask if you could do something where loser gf gets stood up by her friends and doesn’t want to tell sukuna cause it’s embarrassing However, Sukuna notices her distress and takes it upon himself to cheer her up.
hope you’re great <3
𝝑𝝔 an: thank u so much darling!! sorry for any errors!! enjoy <33
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the ringing of the doorbell in the evening was kind of unexpected. jin looks up from his place at the table with a questioning glance, eyes averting back to the papers in front of him when sukuna silently jumps over the couch and walks to the door.
catching the sight of you through the peephole, he opens the door quickly, his typically blunt expression turning into one of confusion.
“what’re you doin’ here, loser?” he questions as he lets you in, eyes careful to observe your nimble figure, seeming even smaller.
you were supposed to go out with your friends, have fun, but seeing you standing on his doorstep with poorly concealed sadness over your features makes him even more suspicious.
“oh i just decided to head out early, wanted to spend time with you too!” you chirp with a small smile, fingers nervously threading through his, an attempt to make him hold your hand, a silent cry for his attention. “‘m really sorry for the inconvenience—”
“no, no, sweetheart, none of that,” jin’s hand suddenly appears on your shoulder from behind as you turn around to see the way he graces you with his warm smile, eyes turned into two pretty crescents. “it’s very good to see you.”
you bow respectfully, “thank you, itadori-san.”
sukuna quickly tugs you away from jin, waving him off with a roll of his eyes and a click of his tongue. something tells him that you aren’t in the best of moods; your shoulders slump no matter how hard you try to walk straight, your smile is dimmed, barely even there, and you seem to be pondering about something very very hard.
yuuji’s appearance seems to get a genuine smile out of you, though, his cheers and joyful giggles about your visit making you chuckle too. the little boy grips your hand tightly and wants you to play with him, but sukuna is quick to scold him, pushing his little head away in a light-hearted manner, because fairly speaking, he doesn’t want to let go of the opportunity to bug you about what’s happened. however, you give him a somewhat displeased look and he softens, promising his nephew that you will play with him a little later.
your unnatural silence brings out his worried side, the frown on his face deepening as he watches you plop onto his bed face first and sigh heavily.
sukuna lays down on his side, watching your back rise and fall rhythmically. but he hates that you’re not talking his ears off so obviously he breaks the silence first, voicing out his suspicions.
“they didn’t come, did they?”
you shake your head from side to side, simultaneously rubbing your face into his sheets before you settle on the side that if facing him. through the strands of hair messily draped over your features, sukuna is able to recognise the redness in your eyes and the glistening wetness of your eyelids. his frown only deepens further.
“they had more important things, it’s okay—”
“it’s not, but fuck them.”
you don’t say anything, one of your hands snaking closer to his chest, fingers toying with the neat chain hanging from his neck. your lower lip juts out a little as you continue swimming in your own thoughts, not noticing how sukuna has become even closer, staring at you intensely.
“hey.” he mumbles quietly, hoping to gain your attention, but it fails so he barks instead. “hey!”
you jolt in your place as if electrocuted and he feels bad, scolding himself internally because you’re way too sweet for that, “huh?”
his palm cups your jaw, sharp fingernails digging into the plush of your cheeks slightly, and he pulls you in, lips moulding against yours. you sigh softly, right into the kiss, arm wrapping around his neck while his slithered around your waist to bring your body closer to his.
“d’you wanna watch a movie?” he mutters into your mouth when you gasp from sudden intrusion of his tongue. you kiss his lips separately, corners of your lips finally curling up in that timid smile he loves to see on your pretty face.
“can yuuji join us?”
“itadori-san too?”
“whatever you need to wipe that mopey look off of your face, loser. it doesn’t suit you.”
you giggle at his words, filling his ears with his favourite sounds momentarily. sukuna can’t help his own lips from trembling, an attempt to stop his smile from splitting his face in two. a failed attempt.
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makethemhoesmad · 3 days
to you i can admit, that i’m just too soft
paige x reader
just smth cutie
i jolt awake, something pulling me from what i thought had been a deep sleep. i roll over, hoping to tuck my face back into paige’s chest, but all i feel is cold sheets. i sit up, grabbing for my phone. before i can call her, i notice a text from over an hour ago, around midnight.
hey went 2 the gym 2 shoot be home later 
i’m not surprised that she did this, it happens a lot. recently though, it’s been happening even more than usual. knowing i won’t be able to fall back asleep, i call her. she picks up on the first ring, which is odd considering she’s supposed to be shooting.
“hey ma, i’m sorry you woke up. i’ll be home in an hour or two, so you should try and go back to sleep,” she says, before i can even start to talk.
“nah, i won’t be able to fall asleep. you should come home baby, i need you to sleep. i can rebound for you tomorrow morning?”
she huffs in a breath. 
“i’ll have to shower when i get home babe, it’ll take too long.” 
“why would you have to shower, i don’t mind if you’re a bit sweaty.”
she hesitates.
“i kinda, um, ran here? i don’t have my car.”
“i’ll be there in five,” i say, hanging up before she can argue.
when i pull up next to the practice gym, paige is already outside, pacing on the curb waiting for me. she jogs up to my car door and hops in. when i don’t immediately start the engine, she tilts her head at me questioningly. i reach over, taking her face in my hands and asking
“baby, be honest with me. why have you been going to the gym so much, and running there as well? you’re going to get too tired, and burn yourself out.” she blinks once, twice. then her lip starts to quiver and tears fill her eyes and before i can say or do anything, she’s climbing over the console to sit in my lap, squishing herself between the wheel and i, and starts sobbing. i rub her back, letting her soak my shirt through with tears.
“hey, hey, darling, it’s okay. just breath with me, alright? in and out, in and out.”
she looks up at me, tearfully.
“i- i don’t know why i keep coming here. i just wake up and i can’t sleep and i don’t want to wake you up and then i start thinking about the things that i don’t do perfectly, and then i start to shake and the only thing i can do it sprint to the gym and put up shot after shot so i can be good enough and now all i wanna do is go home and go to bed because im just so fucking tired.” 
at her last statement, she slides off of my lap, clutching one of my hands, allowing me to put the car in drive. sensing that she doesn’t really want to talk, i allow her to silently fidget with my fingers. with her tongue poked out between her teeth in concentration and tear stains on her face, she looks so devastatingly beautiful and innocent.
when we get back home, she drags me by the hand back to our bed, undressing us both down to nothing and pulling us down under the covers. she tucks her face into my chest, wrapping her arms around me and squeezing tight. i run my hands through her hair, feeling her yawn against me and cuddle in closer.
“paige, baby, you know that you’re perfect, right?” 
the only response i get is a tighter squeeze.
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Could you please do 14 with art from the comfort prompts? Maybe handjobs while he has his back to the reader if things get spicy 🤭🤭
Anyways, your fics never fail to amaze me! Always look forward to reading them💗💗
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I'm getting the sense y'all would like me to write #14 from the comfort prompts with Art Donaldson 🤔
Also thanks, nonnies!!
Warnings: Fluff, handyj's, subby Art Donaldson, praise kink, smattering of dirty talk, established relationship
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"In here!" You called out. You listened as Art's footsteps grew closer, and your brows furrowed as you heard him slow just outside.
"It's okay, you can open the door."
Art seemed a little perplexed by how dim the bathroom was, but as he spotted the candles you'd put around your jacuzzi tub and the glass of wine on the side table, it all seemed to fall into place.
"How was your—What are you doing?" You laughed as Art began to strip off.
"What does it look like?"
Your eyes drifted down over his muscled chest, lip drawing between your teeth as he shoved his pants and underwear down around his ankles before kicking them off. You grinned, scooching back against the tub as Art climbed in in front of you. He groaned as he settled in, cradled against you.
"Comfortable?" You teased, brushing your lips against his temple.
You curled your arms around his shoulders, closing your eyes as you savored the peace of his body pressed against yours.
"How was practice?"
The question hung in the air for a few moments. Art shifted a little, raising his hands and trailing gently over your bent knees.
"...Art?" You pressed.
"I don't wanna talk about practice."
It wasn't the answer you were hoping for. It wasn't Art's first career slump, likely wouldn't be the last—but you knew better than to remind him of that.
"I wanna talk about you," He added, tipping his head back to get a look at you. "Feel like I've barely seen you the last few days."
"We've been busy."
He craned his neck, pressing a kiss to your jaw. "Tell me about your day."
"It was fine, boring. The usual."
"What's the usual?"
"Please?" He urged again, taking your hands in his and intertwining your fingers. He raised one to his lips before resting it over his heart. "I've missed your voice."
You smiled as he snuggled closer, the water swirling around the two of you.
"Well...I woke up around seven. You'd already left, obviously."
"I had breakfast, got dressed, sat down at my desk and worked all day."
"You stop for lunch at least?"
"I didn't have time."
"I know, I know," You sighed. "Things just kept coming up and before I knew it, it was 6:30."
"Explains the wine."
"Yes it does." You untangled one of your hands to reach up, gently combing through his hair. "Want some?"
"Not right now."
"...You're too wound up, you know."
Art sighed heavily, head flopping back against your shoulder again. You took in his closed eyes, his slightly pinched expression.
"You are," You insisted, lowering your hand from his hair. You trailed your nails over his shoulder, down past your joined hands on his chest. "I know you need something to get you going on the court, but having your gut all tight like this makes you all..." You slid your hand beneath the water, trailing along his inner thigh. "Stiff. And not in the fun way."
Art smiled, huffing a laugh. "Is that so?"
"Mhm. You need to relax."
"Any suggestions on how I might do that?"
"Well, I'm no tennis coach..." You curled your fingers around his shaft, smiling as he pulled a stunned breath in. "So my ideas may be a little...Rudimentary."
You stroked him gently, shushing him softly as he whined, pushing up into your touch. You grasped him a little more firmly, moving in long, even strokes as you felt him hardening in your touch. Art turned his head, mouthing at your jaw and neck, anything that he could reach.
"That's it," You murmured, watching a blush spread across his neck as you swiped your thumb across the head of his cock. "Fuck, you're so beautiful Art." You twisted your wrist as he whimpered, and bit your lip as his teeth grazed your skin. "You've been working so hard...You just need someone to take care of you a little, hmm?"
The water sloshed around your legs as Art's hips rolled up into your hand. You could feel his hot breath pushing against your neck, his tongue flickering out to catch a droplet of sweat sliding down your skin.
You were so hot, so slick as his skin shifted and almost seemed to stick against yours. His legs knocked against yours as he reached down, curling his fingers around your forearm. You watched his hips judder, his back arching as he spilled across his abs. You smiled, smearing it into his skin as he sagged back against you. His heart pounded beneath your joined hands, his thumb skating along yours.
"We should get out of the tub," He mumbled.
"Because we're going to get pruney and we're sitting in jizz water?"
Art laughed, tipping his head back to nip at your jaw.
"And because I'd like to return the favor."
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jinwoosungs · 3 days
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the admirer.
academy arc
jinwoo sung x fem.reader
the moment you entered the classroom and saw sung jinwoo propped on top of your desk, you knew that it was going to be yet another one of those days for you.
the star of the track team was simply laughing with his friends, settling his lithe body across your desk as if he owned the damn thing. he was filled with poise, able to balance the entire weight of his body on such a precarious desk that you had to fight back the urge to shove him off it (just to teach him a lesson or two.)
but you don’t push jinwoo off the desk that he currently used as his pedestal. instead, you let out a sigh, dragging your feet across the linoleum floors while brushing back your hair.
“sung, you’re in my spot again.” you tell him with a weak glare, hearing his friends laughing a bit with their lips pursed in response.
“is that so?” jinwoo’s tone was nonchalant- lazy, even, as he met your gaze with his cool, grey eyes. trying to fight back the pounding ache that was beginning to form against your temple, you sigh and remind him once more. “if you want to trade seats, then just say so and i’ll do it, sung.”
jinwoo lets out an amused chuckle before shoving himself off of your desk right when the bell rings. biting back a groan of annoyance, you take your seat and quickly got out your notebook and pencil, ready to take notes when your teacher walked in.
ever since you began your high school career and shared the same class as sung jinwoo, it seemed like he made it his life’s mission to annoy you.
from mornings like today where he sits on top of your desk to talk to his friends-
to blocking your way each time you were in the hallways-
or keeping his eyes on you each time you had volleyball practice and had to share the field with his track team.
without fail, jinwoo would always manage to get under your skin, and you hated it. along with his simple annoyances, something about him was just… odd in general. there were moments where you would look back at him only to see the shadows seeming to bend with his every movement.
you convinced yourself many times into thinking that it was just the trick of the light, yet the more times you caught sight of such strange wisps, the more you realized there was more to jinwoo than meets the eye-
yet sadly, in your case, he was such a nuisance that you didn’t bother to know much about him and simply ignored all of his oddities.
throughout the day, you swore you felt jinwoo’s gaze lingering on you, yet you ignored the sensation of his burning gaze and kept your focus on taking detailed notes. this went on for the whole day, with you not stopping until it was the end of your school day.
you close your notebook and see jinwoo walking past your desk with his friends, talking and laughing with them. he meets your gaze, and you raise your eyebrow at him with a deadpan expression, as if daring him to make your day by being obnoxious again.
but when he ends up smirking at you before giving you a wink, your eyes end up going wide in response. as if satisfied with your reaction, you hear jinwoo’s rich laughter fill at the air, leaving your face feeling quite heated at the sound.
you hastily pack up your belongings and head to your locker just then, needing to change for practice as you made a mad dash toward the hallways. finding your assigned locker, you open it and place your backpack inside, switching it out with your duffel bag when something on your shelf catches your attention.
it was a completely new and unopened chocolate bar, (one of your favorite brands to be exact), settled in top of your locker with a folded note. your lips were parted as you grabbed the chocolate bar and note, unfolding it as it read:
hey, i saw this last night at the convenience store and thought about you. i know you love this brand, so i hope you enjoy it.
a strange warmth was felt filling at your chest, and you wondered who had given you such a cute and thoughtful gift. unable to hide your smile, you gingerly place the candy and note on top of your duffel bag, unaware of a pair of glowing, purple eyes watching you from your shadow.
{ … }
since that first note with your favorite chocolate appeared, several other notes had come along as well with a variety of treats and trinkets.
from your favorite snacks to cute little charms and keychains, you felt a deep happiness filling you upon receiving such gifts. whoever it was, they seemed to know you fairly well, able to fit your aesthetic as you adored them all.
but there was one tiny problem-
you still hadn’t the slightest clue who was sending you these notes and gifts. the handwriting was unrecognizable, making you unable to match it with any of your classmates and peers-
not only that, but you were still completely clueless as to how your admirer got into your locker to begin with.
as you were left pondering, you look down at your bag to see the various keychains and charms you received decorated against its straps. due to the joy you felt upon receiving these trinkets from your admirer, you didn’t think to thank them or try to write them a note back to see if you could get a clue as to who they were.
“lets change that now.” you muse to yourself, heading straight to your locker first thing in the morning as you opened it, seeing the shelf void of any new notes and gifts as you placed your own note (asking for the identity of your admirer) and tiny gift (a homemade keychain that was a tiny jar filled with colorful, origami stars) on your shelf. satisfied with your work, you let out a huff of satisfaction before heading into class.
bracing yourself for another confrontation with jinwoo, you enter the classroom and nearly let out a relieved sigh. your desk was jinwoo-free- in fact, jinwoo finally took a hint and was settled on his own desk, simply looking out the window while resting his cheek against the palm of his hand.
admittedly, his silence made you feel the tiniest bit worried about him. usually, he would try to annoy you or make a sarcastic remark about how messy your handwriting was-
yet he does none of those things, seeming to be deep in thought as he stares out the window. you shrug off the weird feelings and got ready for the day, deciding to fill your thoughts and daydreams by thinking about your admirer and their gifts for you.
{ … }
excitement was felt coursing through your veins as you tried to keep your focus during volleyball practice.
yet sadly, your heart just wasn’t in it.
after class ended and you grabbed your duffel bag from your locker, you saw that your note and homemade keychain was gone as it was replaced with a cute penguin keychain and a new note that simply read:
secret ;)
your breathing was a little uneven when you placed the cute penguin keychain on the straps of your duffel bag, needing to fight back a victorious grin.
your admirer had actually taken your little return gift as well-
so if they were any normal person, they would place it on their school bag, and their identity will be revealed to you.
it was now just a waiting game, and your heart couldn’t seem to stop racing with anticipation.
currently, you and your teammates were doing a mock practice in preparation for an upcoming competition happening in a few weeks. as you saw the volleyball making its descent over the net, you ran towards it, attempting to make it bounce from the palm of your hands-
only to miscalculate your movements as the tip of your sneakers gets caught on the sand, twisting almost painfully as you cried out in response.
your coach was heard blowing her whistle as you were surrounded by your team.
“oh my god, are you okay? where does it hurt?”
what felt like a hundred voices surrounds you, all of your friends and peers voicing their concern for you as practice was cut short. with a first aid kit in hand, your coach notices how your right ankle was slightly swollen and proceeded to wrap it in bandages. it was sprained, and despite how you had experienced such an injury before, something about this pain felt sharper and more potent than usual.
“you’re going to have to take a break from practice and let that heal.” your coach tells you with a stern expression. “had i known that you would be injured, then i would have saved this mock tournament for another time.”
you apologize to your coach, admitting to her that you were distracted while promising to do better once you healed. her eyebrows were furrowed when she gruffly calls your name before telling you, “while you heal, get your head out of the clouds and focus. we need you to be in top shape, and i expect you to be at 110% once you’re all healed.”
“yes coach.”
you give her a bow, hearing your coach speak with your peers, “okay, who’s able to take her home?”
“i’ll take her home.”
your eyes go wide upon hearing the familiar, deep voice calling out to you as the girls parted ways for jinwoo, allowing him to reach you. giggles were heard echoing throughout the field as you tried to fight back your feelings of utter mortification, seeing jinwoo dressed in his track uniform coming closer to you.
“thats not necessary, sung, i-i can walk back on my own.”
he ends up ignoring your protests with a scoff, taking a hold of your hand as he quite literally forces your weight onto his shoulder. the giggles seemed to intensify, and when you tried to move away from him, jinwoo’s grip on you became even tighter and stronger (far stronger than you expected.)
after a few minutes spent struggling against him, jinwoo’s tranquil voice breaks through to you. “stop it and relax, i’m trying to help you.”
the hard edge heard in his voice was what makes you stop struggling against him, face becoming even more heated as you were given little choice but to lean on him. he keeps walking with you until arriving at a bench that surrounds the courtyard of your campus. he tells you to sit down so he can take a look at your sprained ankle.
with your lips pursed, you give jinwoo a nod, allowing him to take off your sneaker and sock, revealing the bandaged ankle to him.
“she didn’t say it, but coach was upset that i made a careless injury while so close to our first competition.”
jinwoo simply hums before touching at your sprained ankle, applying a light pressure on it as you let out a sharp gasp of pain in response.
“it hurts that bad?”
“y-yeah.” you admit to jinwoo with tears welling in your eyes.
jinwoo lets out a hum before taking a hold of your foot, making the pain intensify as you nearly yelled at him to stop-
yet all words of protest die against your throat when you saw the same, shadowy wisps surrounding your sprained ankle, the pain steadily receding before completely disappearing within mere seconds.
your eyes go wide when jinwoo gently unwraps the bandages from your once injured ankle, looking down at it with glowing, purple eyes as he gently moves your ankle back and forth. “does it still hurt?”
you swallow thickly before shaking your head. “no, it doesn’t hurt at all.”
jinwoo chuckles, standing back to his full height as he walked toward the closest trash bin and tosses your used bandages. while he was away, you move your ankle back and forth with a bewildered expression on your face.
the pain was all gone-
it was as if you had never sprained it to begin with.
“how did you do that?” you whisper to jinwoo, seeing him return to you as he takes a seat next to you on the bench.
“secret.” his casual reply makes your heart jump within the confines of your throat, reminding you of the note you had received earlier-
the same note that left you distracted during practice.
you were ready to say something, but seeing jinwoo suddenly angle his body towards you made you look down at his own duffle bag, finally noticing the jar filled with origami stars fastened over the strap.
“it was you this whole time?”
jinwoo rolls his eyes upon hearing your question, meeting your gaze as he brushed back your hair with his hand. “obviously, i’ve been vying for your attention this whole time- but thanks for finally noticing.”
you playfully glare at him while gently shoving at his shoulder. “is that the same reason why you always seemed to annoy me?”
his rich chuckle ends up making your heart skip a few beats as you relish in the sound as he leans closer to you. taking a hold of your hand, jinwoo presses a kiss against the back of it, “it was the only way i knew to get you to look at me.”
your eyes go wide when jinwoo continues to inch ever so closely to you, “normally, i’m able to take a hint and can mind my own business when it comes to people who don’t notice me… but something about you- it’s just really hard for me to get ignore. for some odd reason, i wanted you to look at me and notice me, that’s why… i guess that’s why i was determined to grab your attention.”
“sorry, for working backwards. i feel as though if i had just sweetened you up first with your favorite snacks and cute little trinkets and keychains, then it would have been so much easier for me to get your heart… but… your scowling and pouting face was so cute that i couldn’t help but annoy you a bit.”
“you’re such a dweeb, jinwoo.” you tell him with an exasperated sigh, all while trying to hide your grin.
he chuckles before inching his face closer to yours, lips hovering over you when you felt him whisper against them, “oh yeah? well why don’t you put this dweeb out of his misery and finally kiss him?”
and when you finally pressed your lips against jinwoo’s was the moment you had completely put him out of his misery ♡
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a.n. - another story written due to stress; it’s currently unedited but once it’s posted i’ll make any necessary changes. i don’t want to keep this in my drafts for too long in case tumblr decides to delete it 😭🙏🏻
update 6/18/24 omg thank god i had this story saved because i was unable to post it from my drafts! i don’t know if any other writers / users have this problem, but please keep a backup of your story if you have any saved within your tumblr drafts! 。゚(TヮT)゚。 i thought i had to rewrite everything ajdhshdhshd
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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alessiasfreckles · 5 hours
riptide (alessia russo x reader)
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Alessia tries to make you feel better during a thunderstorm.
a/n: short and sweet, not my best but i'm trying to get back into writing again! hope you like it x
“I’m not scared,” you scoffed, shaking your head with your arms crossed over your chest. 
“Are you sure?” Alessia asked.
“Yep,” you nodded emphatically, ignoring the uneasy feeling in your stomach. “Why would I be scared?”
The blonde smiled gently at you, her eyebrows raised ever so slightly. “It’s okay to be scared of thunderstorms, you know?”
“I- I know, but I’m not scared of them!” you insisted. 
She watched your eyes flit towards the window, the sky filled with ever-darkening clouds, looming over your apartment. Alessia wasn’t sure she’d ever seen you so on edge before - even before a game, you weren’t this wound up. 
“Okay,” she nodded, trying to think of something to distract you. “Do you want to watch a movie?”
By the time the storm started, you were cuddled up on the sofa under a blanket. Alessia’s soft fingers drew patterns on your skin, and she smiled inwardly at the way the tension had melted from your body. That was, until the first flash of lightning lit up the room.
Your body stiffened as you silently counted the seconds, waiting for the thunder, trying to gauge how far away the storm was. You’d barely counted to six when it boomed above you, so loud it seemed to shake the building.
You jumped, not even noticing the way your hand was clenched around Alessia’s, who was watching you with wide eyes. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” she tried to calm you, rubbing the back of your hand with her thumb. 
“Six seconds means it’s just over a mile away. Or two kilometres,” you said, eyes fixed on the window. 
“Three seconds for a kilometre, five for a mile,” you said, teeth clenched. Your dad had told you that when you were a kid, and it became part of your routine. When there was a thunderstorm, you’d count the seconds, desperately hoping each time that the number would grow, that the storm would pass. 
“I’m sorry, I know it’s stupid-” you started to say, the tension that was slowly ebbing away being replaced by shame and embarrassment flooding your body. You managed to tear your eyes away from the window to look at Alessia, bracing yourself for the look of judgement you were sure would be on her face. She was watching you intently, but there was no judgement there, only concern and love, a slight frown on her face.
“It’s not stupid,” she insisted, shaking her head. “Storms are scary. It’s okay to be scared.”
“I know, but I’m an adult, I shouldn’t be sc-” you were cut off by a thunderous crash, so loud it made Alessia jump as well, and the two of you looked above you in unison. 
“Jesus,” the blonde murmured. It had sounded like it was right there, so close that it was as if it were in your apartment, a raging beast destroying everything in its path. When she looked back at you, her heart broke. The terror was plain on your face. How had she not known you were so scared of thunderstorms? 
A flash of lightning illuminated the room with bright white light, and you let out a squeak of fear, your knees pulled up to your chest, Alessia’s hand still clutched tightly in yours. The light was gone just as quickly as it had appeared, but now it was completely dark in your living room, darker than before. 
“Shit, it must be a power cut,” Alessia bit her lip, watching you. “I have an idea, okay? Just stay right here.”
As she began to pull her hand free from yours, you turned to face her, eyes wide. “Please don’t go,” you managed to say, trembling. 
“Oh, baby, no, I’m not going anywhere!” she quickly explained. “I’m just going to get some things from the bedroom, okay?” 
You nodded, trying to swallow the fear bubbling up inside you, and turned back to watch the window. At least if you saw the lightning, you’d know thunder was coming. You’d be able to count, and tell how far away it was. Now that the room was so dark, it was even easier to see outside. Rain pounded against the window, relentlessly hammering away, and branches from the tree outside shook against the force of the wind. Lightning flashed in the distance, a cragged gash in the sky, like someone had taken a knife to it. The thunder was low this time, quieter than before.
You were so transfixed on the storm that you hadn’t even noticed Alessia come back into the room, carrying various blankets and pillows. She set to work, arranging some of your chairs into a rough square, the pillows in the middle, the blankets pulled across the tops of the chairs. 
“Okay, baby,” she said gently, putting a hand on your knee. For a brief moment she felt silly, worried about what you’d think, but she pushed it aside, as she took your hand. “Um, I made a-”
“A blanket den?” you exclaimed when you saw what she’d built, the storm momentarily forgotten. 
“Yeah, I- Well, it’s kind of silly, but-” she ducked her head, not meeting your eyes. “I thought maybe it’d help? We can sit in it together, I don’t know, it’s-”
“It’s amazing,” you told her, squeezing her hand and pulling her closer. You leant in to kiss her when another flash of lightning made you jump, and you laughed nervously. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” she smiled, and pulled you towards the blanket fort. “Come on.”
You let her lead you as you counted the seconds. Five… six… seven… eight. Okay. Eight was okay. It was starting to move past you. You tried to shake off the thoughts of the storm as you crawled into the den, and despite how tense you were, you couldn’t help but smile.
Alessia had set up a set of fake candles you had, and they cast dancing shadows against the blankets draped around you. Your childhood teddy bear was lying amongst the cushions and pillows on the floor, and you rolled your eyes affectionately when you saw him.
“Really?” you asked, picking him up with a smile.
She shrugged, a grin on her lips. “Hey, I thought he could provide you with some emotional support.”
You let out a laugh and pulled her closer. The den was just big enough for the two of you to sit, your heads brushing the blankets, but it was long enough that you could lay down. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked, and you shrugged.
“There’s not really much to it,” you admitted. “That’s why it feels so silly. I don’t know what it is, they just terrify me.”
You flinched as another boom of thunder echoed outside, but it really was starting to sound further away. Alessia leant back, laying down, and pulled you down with her. You followed, nestling against her, your head on her chest, listening to her heart beat steadily. 
“I’m scared of the dentist,” she admitted, after a few minutes of silence. 
You lifted your head to look at her quizzically. “Really?”
“Mhm,” she nodded. After another beat of silence, she piped up again. “And the dark.”
“Huh,” you frowned. Not that you wanted to tell her about her own fears, but she’d never mentioned a fear of the dark.
“And I’m scared of pretty girls, and starting conversations…” she trailed off, and you sat up, trying to scoff, unable to stop a laugh from coming out. She giggled at your reaction, and you crossed your arms over your chest, trying to pout.
“I can’t believe you’re making fun of me,” you said, starting off stern but dissolving into giggles yourself. “Here I am, scared, and you’re just-”
“Come here,” she cut you off with a grin, reaching one hand out to pull you in and kiss you. You smiled into the kiss, not even noticing the quiet rumble of thunder in the distance, the storm slowly coming to an end.
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ghouljams · 2 days
Have some dark fic. Slasher!Gaz took over my mind last night. I gotta stop writing this stuff at 2am, but it's short and sweet.
Cw: stalking, noncon voyeurism, allusions to murder, manipulation, gaslighting, fear/paranoia play, dark!Gaz, dead dove do not eat
"We draw the line where we need to" Price had told him once, and Kyle was drawing it here. Right here. He can look, but he can't touch. He can stand in the corner of your room and watch the steady rise and fall of your breaths. He can enjoy the squish of your chest against the pillow you cuddle. Hell, he can stroke his aching cock at the way you kick off the sheets, the way your panties bunch between your legs, the way you turn onto your stomach to let him admire the swell of your ass. He just won't touch you. Touching you would be wrong. It wouldn't be romantic to touch you like this, when you don't know, when you can't kick up a fuss. Sure he can take pictures, can hold his cock in front of your face and hope you stick out your cute tongue, but to actually press his cockhead against your lips would be crossing the line he set for himself.
Look but don't touch. That's the rule. That's what keeps his butterfly beating it's wings, even when it's abdomen is so securely pinned to the board. Freedom is an illusion he gives you. An invisible fence, clipped wings, a long leash. You can go anywhere you like! As long as Gaz knows about it. And he always knows.
You've moved twice in an attempt to elude your stalker. Changed your phone number four time. Changed your locks three times. He just keeps finding you, you cry to him over coffee. Gaz nods sympathetically, pats your shoulder and gives you a "poor thing." His poor pretty thing, his little doll to play with however he likes. It's so cute seeing you scared.
He likes seeing you open your mailbox and pull out unmarked letters. Hand delivered, only the best for you. You always get this little tremble in your lips, glancing around like he may be waiting in the wings to jump out and scare you. Gaz considered it once or twice, but it felt juvenile, and too likely to attract attention. You needed a more delicate touch, a more long range, long term, plan. Price always said he was one of the best snipers they had. It's really too bad you'll never get to see his skills in action. He could stare down his scope at you all day, watching you check and re-check your locks(as if he doesn't have a key). You'd look so pretty with some blood on you.
It's fun pretending your worries matter to him. A fun little game to go with you to the police station and help you fill out the reports, quietly pulling an officer aside and telling them how you have a history of paranoia and your therapist thought this was the best outlet. He's so sorry for wasting the officer's time(fucking pig) but it makes you feel better. How nice of the officer to let him know they'll probably pitch the report. No sense chasing ghosts.
"Thank you for being so understanding," Gas tells them every time with a smile.
He'll hold you in his arms at the end of the week and shush your crying. Offer comforting words when you sob about how the police aren't doing anything, that they didn't take you seriously, you don't even think they logged the report. Incompetent, Gaz will call them, and you'll sniffle and nod like the stupid little puppet you are. So cute, so sweet for him.
"You want me to stay the night? Watch the door?" He offers, and you hesitate only a moment before nodding. He'll stand over you later and wonder how hard it would be to convince you to move out to the country. Somewhere he could keep you on a shorter leash, with a real fence and bars on the windows. How hard would it be to convince you that you live him? That he wants what's best for you? That it's too dangerous for you to stay in the city?
Well, probably not long for that last one, and with the way you sigh his name in your sleep, not long for the first either. What a silly thing you are crying about him during the day but dreaming of him at night. Although, he supposes you don't know it's him stalking you. It's only too bad he'd have to stop this game once he got you to himself, you're really much more entertaining than the people he sinks his knife into.
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pitchsidestories · 23 hours
treat you better II Ingrid Engen x Mapi León x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2451
a/n: hi, it's based off this request here, please enjoy. <3
warnings: toxic (ex-)partner, but with a happy ending.
You had been staring on your phone all evening, impatiently waiting to see your girlfriends number appear on the screen. But your phone stayed silent.
Subconsciously, you tapped on the photos icon on your home screen and started to scroll through pictures of you and her together.
Since you parted ways last summer when you moved to Barcelona and she joined Chelsea, you talked less and less. She said she was cool with it but you had the feeling that this lack of communication strained your relationship.
“Y/n?“, Ingrids voice disrupted your thoughts.
“Yes?“ You looked up, surprised about the fact that you were not the only one in the changing room after your late gym session.
The Norwegian sat down on the bench next to you: “Are you still waiting?“
You sighed and forced yourself to put your phone aside: “She promised to call me tonight…“
“You’ve been waiting for hours.“, Mapi reminded you from the other side of the room where she casually leaned against the lockers.
You remained silent. Somehow you felt very stupid in that situation.
Ingrid gently laid a hand on your knee. With slight concern in her voice, she asked: “Have you had dinner yet?“
“No…“, you admitted reluctantly.
With a smirk, Mapi folded her arms across her chest: “Let’s go get some then.“
“Wear something you love. We’ll pick you up later.“, Ingrid winked before taking her bag and leaving the changing room with her girlfriend.
You silently nodded to yourself. They really tricked you into having to go home instead of sitting on the hard bench for hours, waiting for that call.
You followed their instructions as soon as you returned to your apartment and slipped into lacy black top and your favourite suit. You were just in the process of doing your hair when the couple rang at your door.
“I’m ready.“, you called out to them while grabbing a black handbag and slipping on a pair of sneakers.
“Good, lets go.“, Mapi grinned as you joined them outside.
“You look stunning by the way.“, Ingrid complimented your outfit.
You beamed: “Thank you.“
“You both do.“, Mapi joined in, taking both you and Ingrid in.
“Ingrid and you always look so beautiful.“, you said. A lot of people on your team dressed well but you often found yourself in awe of what a gorgeous couple they were. And then you remembered something: “My girlfriend doesn’t like me in suits.“
Mapis smile turned immediately into a frown: “Why not?“
“She said it looks too gay.“, you relayed what your girlfriend had told you several times before.
You noticed Mapi and Ingrid sharing a concerned look.
“But…“, Ingrid began.
“What a weird thing to say!”, the Spanish defender commented outraged on both of their behalf’s.
Her Norwegian girlfriend nodded in silent agreement.
“It kind of is right?”, you bit your lip guiltily while you three took your seats at the table of the restaurant. It was way fancier than you expected. But just like the couple it had an elegant touch to it. The candlelight tinted your faces shine in a warm, soft glow.
“I only know that from people who don’t want other women to notice their girlfriends.”, Mapi admitted, sounding serious.
“Which is weird because no matter how you dress y/n, people will always notice you. You’re always gorgeous.”, the younger woman observed, looking deep into your eyes as she spoke.
These words coming from such a beautiful human herself made your cheeks turn pink. You were never happier for the dimly lit room, so it was hard to see the change of your face colour.
“Exactly, you’re our team Estrella for a reason.”, the heavily tattooed Spaniard reminded you of the nickname you had in your team.
A sad smile appeared on her lips, remembering how you changed since your girlfriend has stepped into your life. The Barcelona girls were all a bit worried as your spark has lessened over the time.
“Although you lost a bit of your light.”, Mapi sighed.
“I didn’t loose my light.”, you protested weakly. Unsure if you really trusted your own words in the situation.
“Y/n, you deserve better.”, Ingrid replied, taking your hand into hers to squeeze it empathetically.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m fine.”, you tried to assure them.
“Do you know what you want to order?”, the defender swiftly changed the topic to something more enjoyable.
When the meals arrived, you clapped excitedly into your hands:” This looks so delicious.”
“It’s the best, trust us.”, Mapi grinned.
“I do.”, you answered smiling. Everyone in your team knew that the two women didn’t only have great taste in clothes, but in food as well.
“As you should.”, the Scandinavian chirmed.
Looking around, soaking into the calm atmosphere of your surroundings, you declared:” This is really nice here.”
“It’s our favourite.”, the older woman confessed beaming.
“It’s perfect for dates..”, your heart sank once the sentence was out. Wishing your girlfriend was here in this moment even though you knew deep inside that it was almost more fun with your two teammates, less stressful for you. Their relaxedness rubbed a bit on to you and you felt a sense of calm.
“Yes, very romantic.”, Ingrid answered delighted.
“You two are so cute.”, you hummed.
Mapi exchanged a look with Ingrid before she leaned over the table and whispered: “Ingrid always is when she really likes someone…“
“She’s?“, you asked, not sure what the defender was hinting at.
“I guess thats true, yes.“, Ingrid admitted, slightly flustered. Her long fingers barely touching yours on the table.
You looked up at her: “Oh.“
“Wasn’t your girlfriend supposed to come tomorrow to spend your free weekend together? What did you plan for that?“, Mapi inquired suddenly. She studied your face for any change.
You shrugged nonchalantly as if you had not planned this for over a week now: “Oh, I thought I would show her Barcelona. And then we could have a little picnic down at the beach.“
“Oh my god. That’s so sweet.“, Ingrid squeed.
“I thought she would enjoy that. But she hasn’t confirmed yet that she would be able to make it.“ You tried to keep any disappointment out of your voice.
“If she can’t make it in time, we’d love to come and do it with you.“, Mapi smiled.
Ingrid confirmed with a nod: “Yes, we would.“
You could feel your heart flutter in your chest. “That’s so nice of you.“
“It’ll be a pleasure, y/n.“, Mapi said, reaching for your hand.
You had such a lovely evening with your teammates that when the call came the next morning, it felt like a shock. You knew what she was about to say before she even greeted you.
“Sorry, y/n. I can’t come… Emma said we need to do extra training on the weekend.“
“Oh… that’s okay. Next time maybe.“, you replied almost automatically.
You knew you should feel sad or disappointed about her cancellation but there was also a part of you that felt nothing but relief in this moment.
You immediately took your phone and messaged Mapi and Ingrid to come down to the beach later today if they were still down for it.
Weirdly, you found yourself less anxious and more excitement for the picnic with the two of them while you started packing everything.
You met Mapi and Ingrid in the late evening. A blanket and a few pillows were already spread out on the fine sand when they arrived. Freshly baked bread, cheese and ham as well as olives and grapes were piled high on plates.
“This is literally perfect.“, Ingrid marvelled at the sight.
Mapi sat down: “I agree, this is so nice.“
“We’ll see the sunset too.“, you added, pointing towards the horizon.
Ingrid popped a piece of cheese into her mouth and laid her head into you lap: “I hope you don’t mind too much that you have to spend the evening with us.“
Absentmindedly, you started to stroke her dark hair: “I mean I’m a bit sad that she couldn’t come but your company definitely makes it better.“
“Don’t worry, we can make sure you have a good time too.”, the Spanish defender promised.
“You already do a great job at that.”, you assured the couple. With a melancholic glance at the sea you added:” I just miss her and being touched, does that sound weird?”
“No, that makes perfect sense.”, the Norwegian told you while simultaneously exchanging a knowing look between her and her girlfriend.
Afterwards a pleasant silence descended upon you three, the only sound came from the waves crashing on the shore, until Mapi raised her voice.
“We’d treat you better.”
“What?”, you looked at her in surprise.
“You’re unhappy with her. She’s been ignoring you, she always wants to have the upper hand.. and we saw that she likes to leave her marks when you saw each other.”, Ingrid listed the reasons why you should break up with your girlfriend on her long, elegant fingers.
“And you two think you can treat me better?”, you nervously licked your lips, too afraid to look directly into their eyes, so you chose to watch at the water instead.
“No. We know we can treat you better.”, the tattooed woman corrected you in a serious tone. Her girlfriend nodded in quiet agreement.
“Which isn’t hard because I’m pretty sure she’s seeing someone else behind your back.”, Mapi continued, there was anger towards your lover swinging in her voice.
“The whole team thinks so.”, the Scandinavian cleared her throat. Every teammate thought that you deserved better than that.
You were startled by your own words coming out of your mouth next:” I suspected it, because I asked Millie if they had training on the weekend, she said no.”
The one thing you were sure was that your England teammate and co-captain would never lie to you.  Remembering the short call made you tear up all over again. Nothing hurt more when knowing that everyone knew someone was betraying you behind your back.
“I’m sorry, amor. But we don’t want to see you suffer any longer.”, empathetically Mapi laid an arm around you:
“I feel so stupid, girls.”, you confessed, trying to swipe away the tears streaming down your cheek.
“You’re not stupid.”, Ingrid pressed a kiss on to your hand before raising up to hug you from the other side.
“We all have been here.”, the defender told you.
“Really.”, she replied.
Suddenly you knew what to do, you didn’t knew where the bravery came from, but you were grateful for it as you announced: “ I’ll tell her that I’m done with her games, the only game I’m interested in is football.”
“That sounds reasonable.”, the Norwegian beamed at you proudly.
“It’s for the best.“, you said quietly, not sure if you were talking to them or to yourself.
Mapi flashed you an encouraging smile: “Yes, but you’ll always have us.“
“Right, you can count on us.“, Ingrid agreed.
“Thank you, girls.“
“You’re welcome.“
You slowly stood up from the blanket, pulling your phone out of your pocket and took a deep breath: “Excuse me. I think I’ll have to make a call.“
Ingrid nodded: “Go on.“
“See you in a minute.“ You forced yourself to a smile.
There was something in the way, they looked at you that gave you the confidence to walk a few steps closer to the water and dial you girlfriends phone number.
“Hi, y/n.“, she greeted you. She never sounded happy when you called, only annoyed as if you were always calling at the wrong time.
“Hey, I need to talk to you about something…“, you came straight to the point. Your heart pounded in your chest.
“Sure, but I need to leave soon so you better make it quick.“
In this moment, you knew you made the right decision. There was no fear or doubt, the words just came to you: “I can make it very quick. I want to break up.“
There was a moment of silence on her end and you briefly wondered if she had even heard you. Her voice was high-pitched and she was yelling when she finally replied: “What?! Are you kidding me? I’m the best thing you’ve ever had!“
You remained calm and composed: “You’ve been avoiding me for some time now. I think I deserve better.“
She laughed: “Oh please, you’re so pathetic, y/n.“
“You’re with someone else. I know that. It was pathetic that I believed you.“
“You’ll never find someone as good as me!“, your now ex-girlfriend spat.
Subconsciously, your gaze drifted back to the picnic blanket. You realized that Mapi and Ingrid were no longer sitting there.
Gentle fingers took the phone out of your hand. You looked up to see Mapi speaking into the phone: “Oh, don’t worry. She’s got someone better now. Someone who actually appreciates her.“
Your ex-girlfriend went quiet. “Good luck with that, y/n.“, she said, her voice icy cold before hanging up.
Ingrid stood in front of you, studying your face. You were confused but also relieved. It was finally over.
“Hey, come here. You did so well.“, you felt Ingrids arms wrap around your torso. You held out one arm as an invitation for Mapi to join the hug.
The Spanish defender pressed a kiss to your temple: “You deserve this.“
There was so much you wanted to tell them but you had no words for it. So you just stood there for the moment, grateful and safe in their embrace.
Immediately after the breakup, Mapi and Ingrid started to take you out to more dates. A few months later, you were officially in a relationship with both of them.
You could have never imagined yourself in a polyamorous relationship before but the two of them made it easy. It was probably one of the healthiest relationships you had ever been in. In contrast to your previous relationship, there was no mistrust and no jealousy.
Seeing your girlfriend on the pitch in your Champions League matches agains Chelsea surprisingly did not bother you at all. Especially not, once you knocked them out of the UWCL.
As soon as the final whistle blew, Mapi jogged towards you and kissed you excitedly: “You’ve been amazing, amor!“
“My girls! We won!“, Ingrid joined the two of you.
You turned towards her to give her a celebratory kiss as well.
You could feel your exes angry stares at you but could not care less. You just booked the ticket to the UWCL final with your amazing and supportive girlfriends, there was no space in your life for her anymore.
a/n: we always appreciate comments, likes and reblogs. <3
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gretavanlace · 2 days
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Softer, Softest
Josh Kiszka x reader
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: sexual content, language, slight angst, penetration, cockwarming, etc
Okay, the quickest of blurbs (under 1k) because I have neglected my josh lane lovelies so, so terribly. I received a request for bad day/comfort josh but now I can’t find the ask. Did I answer it and forget? Perhaps. Who knows? Anyway, this is just a fast fix, but I promise a full length josh fic is right around the corner ❤️
Josh is lounging across the living room couch, battered paperback in hand, when you push open the front door with a clattering of keys and the thunk of your bag hitting the floor.
”Stay there.” You implore, when he moves to stand in greeting. Just the sight of his face, so beautiful and bright-white love, has tears threatening in your eyes.
He notices right away, and his own eyes turn wide with concern, “What is it, dove? What happened?”
”Nothing.” You shake your head adamantly as you kick off your heels, leaving them where they don’t belong in a way you normally never would, “Nothing I want to talk about, anyway. I just had a shitty day, and I missed you.”
”C’mere, baby…” his voice is soothing, lulling you like a melody as he pats his thigh, “Come sit.”
Hiking your pencil skirt up enough to straddle his lap, you settle in against him with a sigh of content. He is warm, and he is home.
His palm strokes up and down your back, wrinkling the silk of your shirt under its weight, “I’m sorry you had a bad day. How can I help? Are you hungry? I could make you something. Or draw a bath with those salts you like, read to you?”
You shake your head against his shoulder with a heavy sigh, “No. This. I want this.”
”Alright,” you can hear the soft smile in his tone, he is pleased to be what you want in your moment of struggle, no matter how small.
Fingers crawling upward, he squeezes at the clip tucked into your hair and releases it, then scratches lightly at your scalp to give you a shiver.
”That feels nice.” You murmur, nuzzling into his neck until he is all you can smell.
”Here,” he whispers, gently nudging your shoulders, “sit up a little.”
You do as he says and study his lovely face as he concentrates on working the buttons of your shirt before pushing it off of you. Next pop the clasps of your bra, and the bliss of being free of it sends another delicate shiver undulating up your spine.
“There we go, dove.” He pets at your hair again and then pulls you back in, blunt nails lazily tracing your back until you feel like glittering liquid in his embrace.
”Thank you, Josh.” Your lips brush against his soft skin as you speak, “I’m sorry.”
”What are you sorry for?” He asks, matching your quiet as his hands continue to coddle you.
”For being a baby.”
”You are a baby,” he reminds you, words filled right up with love. “You’re my baby.”
Suddenly, your heart feels too big for your chest. How did you ever get so lucky? Do you even deserve him? Certainly not…no one does. “I love you. I love you so much. I just want to disappear inside you and live there forever.”
He laughs at this, that tiny giggle that melts you right down to your toes every time it peeks out, “Isn’t it usually the other way around? Me disappearing inside you?”
You giggle to match him, “Classy, Joshua.”
”I am but a caveman,” his fingers swirl circles into the dimples of your lower back, “a disgusting specimen of the lesser species.”
Another laugh flits off your tongue. You know he is trying to cheer you up, and as always…it’s working. “You are no such thing. You’re so good to me.”
A comfortable silence creeps in, but your mind is working overtime. His comment, me disappearing inside you, playing on an endless loop until you can’t stand it any longer.
”Hey,” your voice is meek, timid and unsure, as you toy nervously with the mala beads looped around his neck.
”Hmm?” He pecks a tender kiss into your hair.
”Am I really your baby?” Why do you feel so shy about this? Normally you’re adventurous and even more outgoing than he is, which is really saying something. But right now you feel…inexplicably bashful.
“Of course you’re my baby,” his lips are pressing kisses against your head again as he audibly breathes in the scent of your hair.
“Can you…” you twist those cool, smooth beads around in your fist idly, “I want…”
”You want what, dove?” He soothes your nerves with that loving lilt laced through his tone, “Tell me. I’ll make it happen. I’ll give it to you.”
”I want to be closer to you,” your words breathe into his ear just before your teeth sink gently into his silken lobe.
He knows. He somehow always knows.
“Lift up, baby bird.” His voice, rasping with subdued lust and stark devotion, needles at your heart until your head swims.
You rise up on your knees and watch on as he tugs your skirt up even higher and then pulls at the waistband of his pants.
You lovingly tease him about these khakis and their elastic waist. You call them his ‘dad pants’ just to watch him become uncharacteristically crass and grab his crotch with a ‘I’ve got your daddy right here, dove’. But right now? Right now you’re more than grateful for the lack of buttons and zippers for him to contend with.
With your gaze fixed on his gorgeous cock, he sweeps your panties to the side and eases you down onto it. Hissing as the heat of your cunt envelopes him.
”Is that better, baby?” He asks shakily, once you’re seated in his lap, filled up tight and snug with him.
You relax fully in his arms and it tugs at his heart-strings, making him even more completely fucking gone for you. He would set this whole world on fire if you felt even a little bit chilly.
A haunting, calming song begins to hum out of him, the vibration of it purring from his chest and straight into your heart.
”You sound so pretty,” you praise, cheek pressed just beneath his throat until the weight of the world seems to lift away and disappear.
”And you feel so pretty, dove.” He’s lightly scratching your back again, coddling you into a haze. “Softer than satin absolutely everywhere. Inside and out. Soft here,” the back of his hand brushes down your arm, “softer here,” his thumb kisses your lips, “softest here.” His hips lift ever so lightly.
Without waiting for a response, he begins humming to you again…guiding you gingerly into sleep while he rests, safely nestled inside you.
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @alisonwonderland29 @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @jakeslovehandles @poofyloofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @sammiboo162 @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @lvnterninthenight @paintmyhouse @tripthelightfandomtastic @mckenna4 @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @thewritingbeforesunrise @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @rhythm-of-space @highladyofasgard @calumspretty @sad1lynn @demolitionndann @gvfpal @starcatcher-jake @gretavangroupie @hugorobinson @jaketlove @josh-iamyour-mama @alwaysonthemend
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maximoff-pan · 1 day
(don't want to) fight this feeling | colin bridgerton
summary: this is what happens after a friend asks another friend to kiss them – or simply just the aftermath of two people realizing there might be more between them and being awkward fools on their journey to get there
pairing: colin bridgerton x fem!reader
word count: 3.6k
warning(s): idiots in love, absolute fools, absolute awkwardness, fluff, some kissing, a tad suggestive, rusty and heavily unedited writing (sue me, it's been a while)
a/n: hello you lovely peoples! it's been a while... this is my first time writing for colin so I apologize if the characterization feels a bit off. I'm still quite rusty in the writing department, but I hope you enjoy this regardless! as always, feedback and comments are much appreciated and I love you all!
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• ж • ж • ж • ж • ж • ж •
‘Colin, please–’ Your voice is unwavering, and yet he can’t help but relish in the fact that you’re begging – pleading for him. In all the years he’d known you, you’ve never been one to grovel. 
‘Tell me.’ He breathes, eyes searching yours for any sign of regret. ‘Use your words.’
Your lips, swollen from kissing him, part enough for you to say: ‘I want you Colin. All of you.’
And in that moment, everything fades…
Colin wakes abruptly, chest heaving and covered in sweat. It’s been happening more and more recently, these dreams. Dreams of desire, an incessant yearning for the feeling of your lips on his.
He doesn’t know what to call it. Infatuation perhaps – a pure and raw chemical reaction of attraction – however wrong it may be. You’re his dearest friend, and the kiss you’d shared was merely an innocent gesture, a favour for a person he cares about dearly. Your first kiss – hardly his first, yet he’d never understood the true meaning of voracity before it. 
Saying it meant nothing doesn’t feel right. And chalking up this sensation to a merely physical response feels even more wrong. It’s simply not enough to describe the way his heart races when he thinks of you, how his breath catches in his throat and words become obsolete. He dares to wonder if your friendship could blossom into something more, if you even feel the same. Is this what love feels like? 
• ж • ж • ж • ж • ж • ж •
He’s kissing you again, this time like he may never get the chance to again. However frantic, it’s sweet. It’s like him – feels like Colin.
‘You’re so beautiful.’ He says in a whisper.
You chuckle a content laugh, running a hand through his soft and perfectly styled hair. ‘Not near as beautiful as you, Mr. Bridgerton.’
The moment feels so real, feels like it should be. But you know it’s a figment of your mind working against you as your eyes open to the unfortunate sight of your ceiling. 
Your chest rises and falls rhythmically, awoken by the sunlight drifting through your bedroom window, along with thoughts of him. Last week you had been simply a girl – one who had never felt the kiss of a man, one who thought she may never be so lucky. But today, you are a woman who has, no matter the circumstances. 
You’d asked Colin to kiss you, not out of desperation, but out of curiosity and loneliness perhaps. You wanted to know what you were missing out on, what such intimacy could mean for a person. And there is no man you would trust with your reputation more than him. 
The pit in your stomach however, grows with each passing moment. You wonder, have you made a mistake? Are these things you’re feeling for Colin a mere fantasy – a result of a heat of the moment. You can’t help but feel like there has always been something there for you, something just beneath the surface of your friendship.
It’s silly to believe Colin could feel that way about you. But kissing him, feeling the touch of his lips to your own has left you with a want for him – a need for him that you have been taught is unacceptable for a woman to voice. And suddenly, there’s shame. These desires are not natural, not realistic, not feminine. 
But how are you supposed to go on as if it meant nothing to you? How are you supposed to talk to him again, look him in the eye and have everything be as it once was? Colin Bridgerton is not someone who you’ve had to hide your feelings from. It’s always been a lost cause – he has you memorized like a book he’s read thousands of times. Maybe even one that he’d written himself.
And you’re certain he’ll be able to sense the shift in your behaviour, and likely the reason why. You only hope he’ll let you down gently because at the end of every day, your friendship is what matters most to you. 
• ж • ж • ж • ж • ж • ж •
Side by side with Eloise, you smile as she prattles on about the latest novel she’s been reading. Usually her conversation holds your full attention; often she doesn’t give you a choice otherwise. But today, you can’t help but find your mind drifting somewhere else. 
Your gaze meets Colin’s for a brief moment from across the grassy field in Hyde Park. Where you once found comfort in the blue of his eyes, now your stomach turns with unease. He’s surrounded by a gaggle of young ladies, surely desperate to get his attention. Colin would make a suitable husband for any one of them, you think. 
You look away from him just as quickly as you’d caught his stare, the dirt below your feet suddenly becoming intriguingly interesting. Eloise takes note of the interaction, her lips pulling into a thin frown. 
“Is everything alright?” Eloise asks, an eyebrow raised in query before clarifying, “Between you and my brother.” 
Your gaze refuses to meet hers. You’re afraid that she'll be able to see right through you. “Is there something that indicates otherwise?”
You recognize the defensive nature of your response is likely to garner more suspicion, but it’s difficult to think of an appropriate answer when the question regards Colin Bridgerton. Somehow, thoughts of him make everything more complicated.  
“It’s just,” she treads lightly, walking swiftly alongside you, “this is the fourth time in a week you two have been in each other’s presence, and you’ve barely spoken. You typically seek Colin out, and him you. And now I get the sense you are avoiding him.”
You glance back over to him, watching as he continues to entertain the same group of young ladies, however his audience seems to have grown.
“He looks rather busy, does he not?”
You don’t mean for your voice to sound so apathetic, so uncaring as it does. But Eloise recognizes that you care a great deal. You’re jealous. 
“I suppose he is.” She smiles, knowing just how much Colin must hate the predicament he’s found himself in. “How about we rescue him?”
You mean to protest, but Eloise doesn’t give you a chance to respond before she’s dragging you by the arm towards the one person you do not wish to speak to at the moment. It’s been terribly awkward since you’d asked Colin to kiss you, and you can’t help but knowing that it’s your fault.
You were the one who promised it would mean nothing, and you suppose it had meant nothing to him – but you should have known the ramifications would be disastrous for you. Who asks their best friend (whomst they are in love with) to kiss them and then expects their feelings not to grow tenfold? 
“Brother!” Eloise pushes into the group with your arm wrapped around hers. 
Colin’s face lights at the sound of her voice, relief flooding his features. “Eloise,” he responds, “to what do I owe the pleasure?”
The young women around him sigh at his words. Had they never heard a man be polite with his sister before? Surely that couldn’t be anything special. 
You roll your eyes as one of them decides to cling herself onto Colin’s side. The rumblings of jealousy aside (which you really shouldn’t be feeling), this behaviour is utterly pathetic to you. 
Eloise notes your distaste with an amused chuckle. “We’ve come to take you back to Bridgerton House for Kate and Anthony’s luncheon. Mama’s orders.”
“Oh…oh!” Colin recognizes her attempt at a rescue. “My god, it must have slipped my mind. If you will forgive me ladies,” he sends them a charmingly teasing wink, “it has been wonderful getting to know you all.”
Taking his leave with you and his sister, Colin tips his hat politely, departing from the group. Eloise marches slightly ahead of the two of you, eyes set on the carriages you are to ride back to your respective households in. 
The silence feels suffocating and unfamiliar. It’s uncomfortable and exactly what you’d hoped it wouldn’t be.  Eloise turns to you suddenly as you reach your separate transports. “Are you sure you won’t ride back with us? Surely we can take you home.” She says.
You force a smile. “Positive.” You affirm. “My driver is already here. It would be rude of me to have brought him here only to leave without me.” 
“Alright then.” She hugs you as she takes a step into her carriage. She leaves the door open for her brother as his gaze catches yours for a moment. This might be the longest you’ve gone in his presence in total silence. 
You break away from his piercing stare, taking a breath in apprehension. “Goodbye Mr. Bridgerton.” You say, finally. 
“Goodbye Miss (L/n).” He returns with a nod. 
Turning away, you step into your carriage as a driver closes the door for you. That interaction felt wrong, awkward, and difficult. Nothing like the ease of conversation you are used to.
Colin feels much the same as he sits in the Bridgerton carriage, eyes glossed over in thought. 
Eloise wants to smack him but decides against it in better judgment. She simply watches him for a few moments – sees his discomfort and wonders what could have possibly gone wrong between you and her brother. 
“It’s rude to stare, you know.” Colin’s eyes meet hers. He means it as a joke, but his tone does not convey it that way. 
“What is rude, brother,” she tuts, her position on this very firm, “is treating your best friend as if she is a stranger.”
“Eloise.” Colin warns.
“No.” She holds her palm up, objecting to his dissuasion. “What happened between you?”
He scoffs. “Does privacy mean nothing to you?”
He’s being evasive and defensive – much like your previous response to her questioning. Usually Colin only gets like this when feelings are involved. The last time Eloise had seen him behave this way, Marina had been at the center of it. 
He’d become distant and dejected from the ordeal. The overall rejection, knowing she hadn’t really loved him had caused him to turtle in on himself. And the only person who’d been able to pull him out of it, had been you. Now he seems to be going back in. 
Colin had always been sensitive, more in touch with his emotions than any of her other brothers, but that often left him more open to heartbreak. 
“You love her.” Eloise finally decides to say. 
Colin doesn’t react the way she thinks he will. “Of course.” He replies like it’s obvious. “(Y/n) is my dearest and oldest friend.”
“Allow me to rephrase.” She clarifies, “You are in love with her.”
At that, his reaction is much different. Eyebrows raised and blinking nearly too rapidly for Eloise to perceive – this is what she expected. He’s been caught.
He stutters on his words. “You – you cannot be serious! I’m not – I am not in love…”
Colin feels like he’s breaking. Because as perceptive as Eloise is, so are you; and if Eloise can read him this clearly, he fears you can too.
Her voice is gentle when she speaks, not for a second believing this display of refusal to admit his feelings. “Have you told her how you feel?”
Colin gives up, retreating in on himself. His posture slumps in defeat. “No.” He says. “And I cannot for the life of me, get her out of my mind. It’s like every time I close my eyes, I feel—”
Eloise edges closer to him when Colin stops himself with a sharp inhale. “Feel what?”
I feel her lips on mine, he thinks. 
He frowns, gaze falling downward. “Nothing.”
“Eloise for Christ’s sake,” he barks, “I said it is nothing.”
His voice is cold and unforgiving, like a switch has been flicked and Eloise cannot begin to understand why. Colin is clearly leaving something out — something important. And it’s a sore topic for him. 
“Whatever it is,” she eyes him cautiously. “You need to tell her.”
• ж • ж • ж • ж • ж • ж •
The afternoon carries on uncomfortably, your mind still on overdrive from your unsettling encounter with Colin. The ride home had given you too much time to think. Too much time to worry, and it had only further worsened the pit in your stomach. 
Your mother had questioned why you’d arrived back so early, having previously planned to spend an afternoon at the Bridgertons. Telling her you felt unwell, you made your way to your room, collapsing on the mattress of your bed with a sigh.
Before long, you’re being informed you have a visitor who’s waiting for you in the drawing room. You’re fairly certain who it is. Eloise has always been a caring friend, if not a little motivated to meddle. Who you were not expecting to see, is her brother Benedict. What interest does he have in this?
“You know you needn’t come see me.” You say flippantly as you enter the room where she’s sitting on the couch with a book on her lap, her second oldest sibling sitting beside her. “Benedict.” You nod at him politely. He returns the gesture as an acknowledgement of his presence. 
“I must say,” she disagrees, “I felt a little obligated to check on you.”
“And why is that?” Benedict jumps in with a smirk.
She sends him a look of disapproval. He knows exactly why.
“Colin was not himself today.” Eloise settles on. Equally pointed, she asserts, “Nor were you.”
“I suppose there is no hiding it from you.” You admit, taking a seat across from them. “Our lack of conversation was abnormal.”
She chuckles at that. “It is usually so difficult to get a word in edgewise when you two are together. But today, it was like you could not even look each other in the eye.”
“I do apologize.” You say dejectedly. “I feel that has much to do with me.”
Eloise frowns at your admission. “I cannot say that I have the context needed to understand what is going on between you, but I do know that Colin does not blame you.”
You release a breath you hadn’t known you were holding, air escaping your lungs. “He didn’t tell you?”
“No.” She responds, looking to Benedict to see if he knows anything more. He shakes his head. “And I – we respect your privacy not to push you into telling us something you’re not ready to.”
You smile softly. “That sounds nothing like the Eloise I know.”
“I am trying to be supportive.” She huffs a laugh, tone light and joking. 
“Well, since you did not ask,” you begin, wringing your hands and fingers together, a nervous energy Eloise is not used to from you, “I asked Colin to kiss me.”
Her brow furrows in confusion, no indication of shock on her features. Colin is in love with you, she thinks. How could things have possibly ended this way? She doesn’t stop you, allowing you to take a pause before you continue.
“I was feeling down. Function after function, I leave with no prospects, and my chances of finding a husband feel as if they are less than nothing.” Your eyes lock with hers, knowing she does not share the same sentiment of finding a life partner. “I did not want to die not knowing what it felt like to kiss someone.”
Benedict’s eyes search yours. He feels your heart yearning, feels the curiosity and desperation in your voice. He sympathizes with you, wholly. 
“You must know (Y/n),” He speaks, eyes twinkling with knowledge neither you nor his sister are privy to. “The only reason you have not been called upon is because of Colin.”
Eloise turns to him in disbelief. “Brother…” She trails.  
Simultaneously, you blurt, “excuse me?”
“Explanation Benedict.” Eloise chimes, impatiently.  “Now.”  
Benedict eyes you carefully before he begins his account of the situation. And as he’s speaking, your world fades away. His voice becomes distorted, like static – you find yourself unable to hear what he’s saying. 
What you do manage to pick up is that Colin had labelled you off limits. No gentleman of the ton stood a chance against his protective eye…because as Benedict finishes he says, “No one could be right for you, except him.”
• ж • ж • ж • ж • ж • ж •
Stepping into Bridgerton House, you feel like your blood is boiling. 
“Miss (L/n).” Violet greets you pleasantly. She’s always been kind, warm, and welcoming. 
“Afternoon, Lady Bridgerton.” You force a smile, nodding gently in her direction. “Is Colin home?”
“Yes, I believe so.” Her voice is gentle but knowing. She’s well aware of the feelings you and her son share. “In the study.”
“Thank you.” You’re grateful; she recognizes that.
Pushing up the stairs and through the hallway, past the door to the study, you forget to knock. Inside you find Colin sitting at the desk, pen in hand. But he’s not writing. He’s simply staring into space. 
“You had no right.” You announce yourself. 
His eyes shoot to yours. “(Y/n).” Is all he can manage to say. With one look, he knows exactly what this is about. 
“You knew – you knew how helpless I felt.” There’s pain written in your expression, a betrayal of trust. “I thought the reason I could not find a husband was because I was so unlikeable – that I was not worthy of another’s love.” Tears threaten to fall.
Colin tries to interject, but all that comes out is a strangled whisper, please, none of that is true. 
“I told you how I was feeling! You — you let me think it was my fault.” Tears lace your waterline like one of the fabrics on your dresses. “And God,” pinching the bridge of your nose, you sigh in exasperation, “I asked you to kiss me because I thought no man could ever think of me that way…”
“You have to let me explain.” Colin pleads, voice just as desperate as yours. 
“What is there to explain Mr. Bridgerton?”
“I love you.” He shouts, tears in his own eyes. 
You’re taken aback. Of course you knew he loved you, as a dear friend. He’d told you that countless times, as you had him. But the way his gaze is piercing yours, the way his voice trembles – this doesn’t feel like something just a friend is saying. 
He relents. “I could not watch you with another, especially when I know these men well…I know their intentions, their thoughts that run wild with impurities.” He fiddles with the sleeve of his dress shirt, unease creeping up on him. “And I fear I have been having these thoughts myself.”
“Colin.” You murmur, taking a step toward him. Your anger is slowly dissipating, although still bubbling under the surface. 
“I have not been able to sleep without dreaming of you. I close my eyes and all that appears is the moment I felt your lips on mine.” He pauses, taking a shuddered breath. “And I, I – I try to stop myself because I know you wanted it to mean nothing. But it meant everything to me.”
You feel your heart lurch in your chest. He’d been having these same worries, the same thoughts, dissuading him from believing you could be anything more than friends. That it wasn’t right any other way. But it is; you know it could be.
“I was scared.” You inch your way closer to him, voice softer now. “I did not want to face my feelings. I cannot tell you when they changed, when you became the only man I could ever dream of loving. But they did. And I thought if you knew, you would never look at me the same again.”
“You are not wrong.” He admits, palm reaching to cup the side of your face. “I cannot look at you as I once did, but as the woman I wish to spend the rest of my life with. As the woman who I shall love until my very last breath.”
Your eyes meet his, a sea of blue simply pouring with emotion. His eyes had always been so expressive, a window to his beautifully crafted soul. “Colin, I love you.” You whisper. 
His other hand comes to cup the untouched side of your face, leaning down to kiss you. It’s less sweet than your first – more passionate, more experienced than the last. You can feel the inner turmoil dissipate from your body and his as you embrace each other. 
Colin kisses you like you’re oxygen and he’s struggling to breathe. As if he needs you to keep him alive. He supposes that’s true: a life without you would not be a life worth living. 
Pulling away from him, your smile is unmatched. It’s like nothing Colin has ever seen before, and there’s a hint of something in it that he cannot read.
“What are you thinking?” He taps the side of your head jokingly, right where your temple rests.
You giggle lightly. “Benedict told me that no one could be right for me, except you.”
“Did he now?” Colin chuckles with you, his thumb tracing lazy circles on your hand. “And?”
Taking a moment to soak it all in before you respond, you grin: wide and proud.
“He was right.”
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benevolentbones · 1 day
Hey! Don't know how you prefer requests so i will just send it here. Could i please get hotch x reader where hotch is just a lovesick puppy following reader around at work and at home. Maybe some unashamed staring too? Thank you!
lovesick | aaron hotchner x reader
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warnings: none just fluff, gender neutral reader
word count: 0.6k ish
a/n: thank you for the request! this is my first time writing for hotch<3 kind of short but, hope you like it:)
“you’re staring again aaron.” you mumbled, a smile creeping onto your face as you filed away papers at your desk.
hotch stood a few feet away, sipping at his coffee, his piercing eyes not leaving your frame as you worked.
“it’s not a crime to watch my beautiful partner.” he muttered lowly.
a blush formed on your face as you stood up, moving towards the fax machine. you were a secretary at the bau and a damn good one, you had met hotch a few years ago and shortly began dating.
he had recommended you for the job as at the time you had just left your old desk job. this one was far more exciting, and you got to see your boyfriend in action.
“don’t you have a case to be working on, aaron?” you asked, a brazen tone to your voice.
“just paperwork for today. and why do that when i can be with you.” he set down his coffee cup on your desk, slinking his way around to where you were refilling the fax machine with a new roll of paper.
hotch stood behind you, wrapping his muscular arms around your torso. he rested his chin in the crook of your neck, letting out a comforted sigh.
at times like these you were happy to have a separate office to everyone else.
when you met hotch, and first starting working at the bau you noticed he acted very different towards the team than you. he was always very reserved, formal and straightforward with everyone else. but when it came to you, god help him he was nothing more than a lovesick puppy.
he often liked to follow you around the office just to be near you, sometimes he would even get you to join the team on long cases because he just didn’t like not being with you. you thought it was the cutest thing.
he began peppering your cheek with kisses, a habit he often did which you would never object to. you loved any form of affection from your boyfriend.
“when are you off work, sweetheart?” he questioned in between kisses.
you turned around to face him, his hold on you not faltering as you did so. you moved your arms up to drape them over his suit clad shoulders.
“whenever you are, love. did you want me to come over?” he questioned, noticing a small smile appear on his lips.
“i would like that.” he leaned in pressing his lips to yours, you melted into the kiss as you often did, every time you kissed hotch it felt like it was for the first time all over again.
he rested his hands on your hips, while yours ran through the hair at the nape of his neck.
you felt yourself getting carried away, so you pulled back.
“unlike you, i have more pressing work to do. may we continue this later?” you joked, placing your palms against his chest.
you could tell he was slightly disappointed, but he knew better than to interrupt your work as it would cause you to have to do overtime.
“i’ll pick up where we left off tonight, see you later.” he pressed a swift kiss to your lips before he made his way out your office door.
“love you!” you called out as he went, dusting yourself off.
“love you more.” he shot you a grin and rounded the corner, finally out of sight.
taglist: @0108s22m @rainoftearss
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goldessia · 1 day
one thing about pro hero!katsuki bakugo is he loves to rile you up, to tease you, to torture you, in every single way possible.
especially in bed.
most people would think he is rough. cold, emotionless, and outright mean. however, you know that the fact he is the opposite is what you find most annoying.
he is mean. of course he is mean, he is katsuki bakugo, it is in his blood. but, he is mean in a way of mockery. and he is sweet with it at the same time.
every sound, touch, movement you make, he will ridicule you in the most taunting way possible. you find this annoying, and it ticks you off in the perfect way possible that katsuki thrives on.
and another thing about katsuki, is he has kinks. lots of ‘em. and some of his biggest is edging, and overstimulation.
you find yourself in situations a lot fighting for your orgasm, or away from it.
and so, you find yourself laid on the bed, hands held above your head by his annoyingly large and strong hands, keeping you from moving.
and the buzzing sensation of the vibrations from the small, bullet metal pressed against your clit we’re making you go insane.
“mm— katsuki! n’ more, please.. please!” you whine, hips trying to move away from his hand that firmly presses the vibrator against your throbbing, over-sensitive clit.
he chuckled, the sound deep in his chest. “tappin’ out already?” he says, leaning forward to nip at your neck. “but we’ve only jus’ started, princess.”
you firmly shake your head no, legs shaking and attempting to close, to run away from the harsh vibrations that sent you into overdrive.
“nuh-uh, baby.” he whispers, oh-so close to your ear that it makes you shiver. “keep those legs open f’me. yer not gettin’ out of this anytime soon. ya gonna be good for me? just’ like you were before?”
“k-kats, nonono— i can’t, i can’t-“
“uh-huh, yes you can.” he says, tongue licking a strip across your jaw, “this is what good girls get, right? so good f’me, all day.. cmon, let me show you my love..”
“fuh— m’ cummin, m’—“
his words enough were able to make you cum on the spot, your orgasm ripping through you like a hurricane. your head throws back, legs pressing shut, but still not enough to escape his hand holding it there on your sensitive bud.
the jolts from the vibrations were all too much, too overwhelming. you had reached your third orgasm by now, fourth if you count the one he had just ripped out of you.
you were sputtering— a full mess. “k-katsuki, ka- wait!— red! redredred—“
and instantly, he stops, ripping his hand away and turning it off. instantly, you relax, the last jolts of your orgasm causing your whole body to shake.
“fuck, baby, ‘m sorry, was it too far?”
you take a deep breath, running a hand over your head as you calm down.
“sorry. ‘s just, you’ve handled worse things before. thought ya could..” he shakes his head, placing a hand on your cheek, and brushing your tears away with his thumb.
“s’ okay, kats.” you sniffle, a soft smile on your face, “jus’ needed a break.”
“s’ you’re good, then?” he says, a look of concern making his eyebrows adorably furrow, “i didn’t hurt ya?”
“you’re good, baby.” you slowly look down his body, eyes fixated on the noticeable buldge pressing against his pants, begging to be released. “..are you?”
he looks down, cursing at his own body. “m’ fine, sweetheart. don’t worry about me, let’s just go take a—“
you stop him by grabbing his wrist when he moves to get up, keeping him there.
“i know you’ll jus’ be grumpy all night if i leave you here blue-balled.” you laugh, a sweet one. leaning toward him, you smile and press a kiss to his cheek, whispering in his ear, “let me take care of ya, too.”
slowly, a toothy smile appears on his face, and he’s back to pouncing on you. you squeal, hair spilling all over the bedsheets as he leans toward you, ruby-eyes staring directly at you.
“think ya’ can take one more, darlin’?” he says, pelvis pressing against yours, a small gasp leaving your lips as you feel his long hard-on.
you smile, and say, “anything for you, my hero.”
he blinks, slowly frowning until he smiles. “you drive me goddamn mad, women.”
— 6/20/24 - not proofread
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flemingsfreckles · 1 day
Surprise (18+)
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Synopsis: based off this request!
Warnings: smut, grinding, making out, oral sex (r giving), accidental orgasm, cursing
WC: 1.8k
A/N: just a short little smutty blurb :)
“God I’ve missed you.” Jessie’s voice is soft, needy almost, as the two of you walk through your apartment, bodies tight together. You had just gotten back from picking her up at the airport, she had been away playing with Canada for seven weeks, the longest seven weeks of your life.
“I’ve missed you more.” You manage to whisper back between kisses. You weren’t able to take that much time away from work so you resulted to watching your girlfriend play on tv.
“Doubt it but we’ll agree to disagree.” Jessie’s hands fall to the shirt you’re wearing and she quickly pulls it over your head and proceeds to discard her own before you get the chance to do it for her.
“I’ve been counting down the days until I could do this to you.” You gently push Jessie back onto your bed. You had sent her half naked photo with some equally vulgar texts just before her plane took off, knowing it would drive her crazy.
“Thought about doing this a lot didn’t you?” She looked up at you with a teasing smirk. You climbed onto the bed to straddle her waist.
“Everyday. Seriously everyday.” You couldn’t get Jessie out of your head while she was away. You wanted to be with her every moment, cuddled into her side under a blanket, holding her hand while walking to get coffee, wrapping your arms around her in the shower, you missed every aspect of her. What you also couldn’t escape was the dirty thoughts you had about her, thinking of what she could do to you, imagining her above you, under you, in every way possible, now finally you had your hands back on her.
“Did you touch yourself while thinking about me?” Jessie cocks her head at you, she already knew the answer, you had told her every time you touched yourself thinking about her. Over the seven weeks you sent her photos and dirty texts to let her know just how much you missed her.
“A couple times, it’s nothing like the real thing though. The only time it felt even close to as good as you was when we were on the phone and you talked me through it.”
You thought back to the phone call, you had been riled up after watching her game, one in which she and her teammates had been fouled a couple of times none of them being called. The camera man had done you a favor by zooming in on your girlfriend’s sweaty, angry as she shouted at the referee. She had been shown a yellow card to which she rolled her eyes and you found yourself itching to let her take her frustrations out on you as she would if the two of you were together. She had called you after the game, blood still boiling, and before you knew it your pants were off and you were listening as Jessie directed you to make yourself cum.
“I wish you had been there that night.” Jessie looks at you, her hands moving up to grab your chest. “I would’ve really had my way with you.”
“I wish.” You sigh as her fingers graze over your nipples. “I’ve missed touching you, tasting you, everything.”
“I know, baby.” Jessie’s hand abandons your chest and finds its way into the band of your sweats and underwear. She gently cups you before letting two fingers run through you. “Wow someone’s eager.” She felt through your folds, gathering your wetness before letting her fingers linger on your clit.
“Shut up, it’s been so long, I’m sure you’re just as wet.” You pull her hand from where it was touching you. She gives you a disappointed frown.
“Hey, I was doing something there.” Her bottom lip sticks out in a frown. Her frown only lasts a second before she sticks her fingers, covered in your wetness, into her mouth. She sighs as she tastes you for the first time in weeks.
“You’ll get your turn in a second baby, I want to taste you first, I’ve been wanting to have my mouth on you for months.” You give her a dirty kiss before moving to kneel between her thighs. Your hands find their way to her waist where her shorts sat. You dig your fingers in and look at Jessie who nods to you. You pull down her shorts and boxers, leaving her completely exposed to you.
“Fuck.” You breathe out as your eyes wander across her legs, up to her waist before taking in the sight of her chest. You can’t believe she’s yours, all yours, only yours. “I love you Jess.” You shake your head, unable to fathom how you got so lucky.
“I love you.”
You move to lay down on your stomach, your face between her thighs. Wrapping your arms around her thighs you gently pull her toward you. You lock eyes with Jessie as you stick out your tongue and move to taste her. At the first swipe of your tongue Jessie’s eyes flutter closed and her head tips back.
“Look at me.” You pull your mouth away from where Jessie wanted you to direct her. She tilts her head back down to make eye contact with you. The way she stared down at you has a hum of electricity running through your body. “Good girl.” You mumble against her skin before putting your tongue and lips back onto her.
It was overwhelming, you hadn’t had your tongue on her in nearly 2 months. You had been longing for her taste, her smell, the pretty sounds she made, you had missed it all and now you were getting it all at once. You were already wet but now a subtle throb was present between your own thighs.
You close your lips around her clit, sucking and running your tongue over the nerves making her hips buck up. Moving your hands you put pressure on her hips, holding her to the bed. Jessie lets out a whiney sigh and you find yourself squeezing your thighs together, her sounds making your core tingle.
“Oh baby, fuck.” Her hands gripped onto your scalp harder. Between her moans and the incessant pleasure radiating between your legs it was becoming hard to focus. You open your eyes and meet Jessie’s gaze. “You’re so good with that tongue.” She smirks down at you and your eyes roll back and you can’t help but let out a pleading whimper against her slick core. Your hips start to roll subtly against the bed, looking for any kind of friction, so turned on by Jessie in every way, you couldn’t help yourself.
Jessie knew you loved being praised, wether you were giving or receiving, her praises could get you nearly halfway to finishing without her even touching you.
“You look so pretty between my legs, you’re doing so well baby.” One of her hands gently pushes your messy hair from your forehead before she’s back to digging her fingertips into your scalp.
You feel Jessie’s legs begin to close around your head, her moans growing louder. You watch the way her stomach begins to clench and flex at each movement of your tongue, her chest is rising and falling rapidly. The sight of your beautiful girlfriend on the edge of falling apart has you grinding yourself into the bed harder, your movements definitely noticeable.
You didn’t care if she could tell you were grinding yourself on the bed. Too overwhelmed with her you can’t help it. Your movements would only make it easy for Jessie to get you off once you finished devouring her, you were just getting her a head start. The tightness in your stomach already evident, you were close, all Jessie would have to do was put her fingers or tongue on you and you’d be moaning her name.
Jessie shouts your name as she finally breaks eye contact with you. She throws her head back, mouth wide, one fist gripping the bed sheet and the other tight in your hair. The air mixed with Jessie’s sounds, the smell of her, the taste as she ground her hips against your face and you let her. Letting her use your mouth however she needed to work through her orgasm.
It’s all too much.
As Jessie lets out another breathy whimper of your name you grind into the bed again, your thighs clenched tightly, you feel the knot in your stomach break and a wave of pleasure overcomes you. You can’t help but shut your eyes and your mouth falls open against Jessie’s slick skin as you let out a deep moan. Your hips keep grinding against the bed, desperate for more friction, more feeling, desperate for Jessie’s touch.
Your mouth comes off of her for a moment as your body shakes a few times and then the wave of pleasure is over and you come back down to reality. You blink your eyes open a few times and you’re met with your girlfriend’s stare.
“Did you just…?” Jessie’s mouth is open, eyes wide in what looks like a mix of shock and amazement.
She didn’t have to finish her sentence you knew what she was asking and you both knew the answer. You had. You just finished from eating her out and barely grinding on the bed. “Um.” You divert your eyes away from Jessie’s to a spot on the wall above her head.
“Were you even touching yourself?”
“No.” You suddenly feel embarrassed. You drop your head to the bedsheet hiding your face from your girlfriend, you still hadn’t wrapped your head around what just happened. You had gotten off just from the sight of Jessie coming undone, the noises she made, the taste of her, everything about her had gotten you so worked up, all it took was a little friction from the bedsheet and the pants you were still wearing.
“Oh.” You can’t quite tell what Jessie’s thinking. Maybe she thought it was weird. All you can hope is that you didn’t make her uncomfortable.
“Sorry.” You mutter still resting between her legs, you can’t bring yourself to look at her.
“Why are you apologizing? That’s honestly fucking hot.” Jessies hand grabs your chin from between her legs. She pulls your face up toward hers and you crawl on top of her body, still avoiding looking at her. She pulls your chin up to force your eyes to meet hers. She’s got a shit eating grin on her face. “Missed me so much you just couldn’t hold it in could you?”
You bury your head into the crook of her neck, your cheeks on fire. “Stop.” You quietly murmur into her skin.
“Oh I’m just teasing you baby.” She gently rolls the two of you so she’s hovering above your body. She gives you a quick kiss before teasing you again. Her hands move to your pants. “Let’s get these off, let me show you I can make you feel better than a bedsheet.”
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izzyreadingblog · 1 day
Confessions | Mapi León x Ingrid Engen x reader
+18 minors please do not read it.
Rough Sex. Oral Sex. Strap-Ons. Praise Kink.
A/N: English is not my first language, sorry for the mistakes.
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You had never meant to tell anyone about it. The dream had been embarrassing enough, making it hard to spend any length of time looking at the two of them, which wasn’t ideal when you had to work and travel with them both. You’d already been wary of spending time outside of training with them both, but it was hard to say no to Ingrid’s big green eyes when she begged you to join team bonding night.
And then Pina had dared you and the truth had just come spilling out.
Fucking team bonding night. Fucking tequila. Weren’t you all old enough to know better?
It’s possible they won’t remember anything in the morning, you think as you change into sweats to sleep in. It’s too late to go home, Lucy, Alexia, and Ona already bagged the spot in the guest room and you’re too tired to argue. So you are left to sleep with Mapi and Ingrid in their bedroom. 
What could go wrong?
You know it’s a bad idea the second you step back into the room. Mapi is sprawled on the bed in nothing but an oversized t-shirt, tanned legs hanging off the end of the mattress, and your breath catches just looking at her, an unwanted memory of that dream piercing through your alcohol-hazed brain. Ingrid is rummaging in a drawer and even with nothing but a pink glow from a lava lamp to see with, you can tell she’s wearing nothing under the bathrobe she’s hastily thrown on. Presumably, she’s looking for something to sleep in.
Calmly, you continue your route to the bed, sitting down and carding a hand through your hair, plugging your phone into the charger by the bed, and setting an alarm. You try to act nonchalant despite the hair on your neck prickling at the reminder of your half-dressed teammate less than a foot away. Mapi is on her phone anyway, not paying you a moment’s thought. It’s only when you swing your legs up onto the bed that you realize Ingrid is standing very close beside you, and you get startled. Even in just a light pink dressing gown and her face mostly clean of make-up, she strikes a commanding figure. You find yourself automatically sitting up straighter.
“Did you find it?” Mapi asks, casually, not even looking up from her phone.
“Yes, baby.”
There’s a click as Mapi locks her phone, moving out of the corner of your eye as she sets it down, tossing her hair over one shoulder and finally turning her attention towards you both. Heat is making its way up your spine and your chest and you know this isn’t what you think it is, but it’s making you paranoid all the same.
“Find what?” You find yourself asking.
“Sorry it’s not exactly like you described, but something tells me you won’t mind,” Ingrid teases, and before you know what’s happening, she’s pulling the robe to one side to show a large purple strap on between her legs.
Dumbfounded, you let Ingrid guide your hand towards it, over the tip, stroking down its length. Your heart is pounding by now, and you pull your hand back hastily, still half thinking this must be a joke. You glance at Mapi, but she’s curled onto her side, looking at you with interest, one hand dangerously close to the hem of her shirt. Her nipples are visible against the cotton and her eyes are dark with lust.
Not a joke, then. A dream. It has to be. You’re passed out on your bed, having another wet dream about your teammates. It’s the only explanation.
“Good thing I didn't leave this in my bag in Norway, huh?” Ingrid teases, tugging on the toy like she’s wanking off a real dick. “Don’t worry, I’ve cleaned it since that night baby.”
Beside you, Mapi blushes, biting her bottom lip in a way that only makes her more attractive.
“You have any idea how good Mapi looks on her knees with my strap in her throat? Do you think you’d look good like that? What do you think, Mapi?”
Your pulse has shot straight to your cunt by now, the heat building there needy and frantic. Completely dumbfounded you don’t know how to react to any of this, but your body does. You know how wet you are already, how much your nipples are aching to be touched, you can’t look at Ingrid in the eyes, but you can’t keep staring at the toy either, so you look down at your own hands, noticing the way they’re clenching and unclenching, sweaty and trembling.
“I’d like to see it,” Mapi’s input sends a shiver through you.
“You heard her, beautiful. Is time to be on your knees.”
Almost of its own accord, your body moves, following as Ingrid moves away from the bed, gesturing to the shag carpet beneath her feet. It’s a good thing she wants you on the floor because your knees feel like they might give out as your eyes trail up her long legs, the strap between her legs standing to attention. You lower yourself to the floor, subconsciously licking your lips as you imagine them around the head of the toy.
“Wait,” Mapi calls from the bed before you’ve even had a chance to touch Ingrid. “I think she’s a bit too clothed.”
Ingrid regards you in your loungewear set and hums her agreement. You try not to feel self-conscious as you lift your tank top off, feeling two sets of eyes scrutinizing the flesh you reveal. You’re eager to please, so when Ingrid reaches down and tweaks one of your nipples, you make a show of tossing your head back, gasping at the jolt of pleasure it sends through you. Her hand moves up to your face, tugging it closer, and, obediently, you open your mouth, taking the head of her dick between your lips.
“Good girl,” Mapi praises, cupping your face, and it’s so similar to the dream that you wonder if you hadn’t somehow let that little detail slip after all.
With encouragement, you move further, taking more of the silicone toy into your mouth. You’ve never done this before, but it’s easy to forget that the appendage isn’t part of Ingrid, especially when your gaze meets hers, finding the look of pleasure in her eyes. With each suck of the toy, Ingrid moans, hips thrusting, until she’s fucking your mouth with it, pushing hard enough that you gag around the silicone, withdrawing completely, leaving a long string of saliva attaching you to Ingrid’s dick. She wipes your face, encouraging you to stand up and kiss her. Ingrid’s a good kisser, maybe even better than she was in the dream, and you lose yourself in it, letting out a surprised whine when she eventually pulls away.
“Such a good girl, taking me so well. I bet you have a sweet little pussy, don’t you? I don’t think you could handle me.”
You shake your head, still sort of astonished by the way Ingrid is talking to you, how quickly she’s taken over the persona from your dream. You glance over at Mapi and find she’s closer than she was, her hand having edged its way inside her panties. You have to look away, the sight of her making you almost unbearably aroused.
“I think you need Mapi to get you ready for me,” Ingrid says, “is that how it happened in your little fantasy? Do you want to cum on Maria’s tongue, first?”
“Answer her,” Mapi encourages from the bed.
“Yes, what?”
You swallow, gazing up at Ingrid, trying to gauge what she wants. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Good girl. Take those sweatpants off. Lie on the bed for me, legs open.”
You do as you’re told. It’s as simple as being given a work assignment, the heady arousal drowning out any room for concern or hesitation. Once your pants are tossed aside, you leave yourself open on the bed, watching as Ingrid and Mapi kiss. They’re too intoxicating together, Mapi with her hands in Ingrid’s hair and Ingrid taking a fist of Mapi’s shirt and holding it against her spine, revealing her perfect ass peeking out around a lacy thong. This is everything you dreamed about and more, the need to touch yourself is almost overwhelming as you wait for someone to do it for you.
Ingrid pushes Mapi towards the bed, slapping her ass on the way, Mapi’s face is flushed, but there’s easy confidence in the way she shirks her t-shirt, revealing perky-looking tits, hard nipples begging for attention. You want to reach for her but something stops you. Some thought that you’re supposed to wait for permission. When Mapi straddles you, legs not quite touching yours, and you reach a hand upward, your suspicions are confirmed.
“No touching,” the blond whispers, leaning down to gently kiss you, then continuing, “Not until Ingrid says you can.”
Mapi’s mouth drifts along your body, barely making contact, and it takes everything to stop yourself from breaking the rules. Mapi licks down your abdomen, and you shiver, letting out the faintest whine which makes her laugh, looking up at you with a glazed expression. Her hands move to your waist, slender fingers lifting you, repositioning you the way she wants you. Mapi’s breath against your cunt makes you bury your fingers in the bed sheets to resist touching anything you aren’t allowed to, your grip tightening when the very tip of her tongue brushes against your slit. Her grip moves to your ass, prompting you to put your legs over her shoulders, and then she’s gently stroking her tongue over you, and you lose all sense of thought. Her tongue parted you, delving into the shallowness of your pussy and then up, ghosting over your clit, then again with more pressure, more intent. The sounds that come out of you are embarrassingly loud and guttural, and you know Ingrid's going to get her wish of seeing you cum on Mapi’s tongue in no time.
Mapi’s lips wrap around your clit, sucking, then her tongue moving in quick, hard patterns against the bud, and you make a sound you’ve never heard come from yourself before, clenching your fingers in the mattress so hard you think you might rip it. You feel her smile against you, repeating the action, and then shifting slightly, two fingers sliding into your wet depths, moving painfully slow. In the next suck of your clit, Mapi curls her fingers, thrusting harder, her knuckles brushing against your inner walls. It feels so fucking good, you whine for more and a third finger. Her tongue traces tight patterns against your clit, flicking it upwards as Mapi plunges her fingers into you, almost lifting you off the bed again.
“You’re doing so well,” Ingrid praises, moving closer. Her hands ghost over your tits, not applying enough pressure anywhere, but stimulating your tightened nipples all the same. “Does she feel as good as she did in your dream?”
Your head is so hazy it takes a moment for the words to make sense, let alone to form a response. “Yes,” you moan, eventually, “better.”
Mapi hums against your pussy in response, just lightly ghosting her teeth against your clit, nibbling in a way that threatens to pull you over the edge.
“Are you going to be a good girl and cum for me?” Mapi murmurs sweetly, gazing up at you with big brown eyes, her nose and cheeks glistening with your arousal.
Mapi doesn’t wait for a response, diving back in, and fucking you with more fervor until you feel like you might rip in two if you don’t cum soon. Ingrid’s hand was still on your breast, squeezing firmly, her thumb swiping over your nipple in time with Mapi’s tongue on your clit. You shudder, legs clamping tight around Mapi’s head, and when the orgasm hits, words spill out of your mouth in a tumble of barely cohesive sounds. Mapi coaxes you through it, pressing kisses to your thighs, fingers still buried inside you, and laying you gently back down as you come down from your high.
It should be embarrassing. It only isn’t because Mapi is gazing at you with soft eyes and your cum spread across her chin. Ingrid reaches for her, kissing her thoroughly and moaning at the taste of you on her tongue. You know you’re in trouble from the way your pussy leaps at the sight of it, desperate to be filled again. 
And Ingrid has just the thing.
You sit up, running a hand through your hair in a vague attempt to tame it. You’re having trouble focussing your vision on any one thing in front of you: Ingrid’s pale thighs and the hint of the silicone dick you’re desperate for her to fuck you with, Mapi’s incredible body. The shoulders of Ingrid’s dressing gown have slipped down, the tie the only thing stopping it from revealing her full chest. You want so much to see her, to touch her. 
To be fucked by her.
Pulling away from Mapi, Ingrid moves towards you. She pushes into the space between your legs, forcing you to make room for her. Breath catches in your chest as you reach a hand upwards, hoping to undo the dressing gown tie, but Ingrid catches your wrist before you can make contact.
“Uh-uh,” she smirks, withdrawing from you entirely. “On your hands and knees on the end of the bed, please. Face the headboard.”
You follow the directions easily, though your heart is pounding in your chest. The air in the room is so still you can hear Mapi’s labored breaths and the way the mattress springs creak as you move. You wonder if Alexia Ona and Lucy can hear you from their room. You’ve never really been into being bossed around but fuck it’s different when it’s Ingrid. How you’re ever going to take an order from her at work again, you don’t know.
Firm but cold hands grip your hips, tugging you into an ass-up position that takes a moment to be comfortable. Ingrid runs her fingers through your folds, gathering moisture and spreading it, and you almost shake with anticipation. And then she’s gone. Mapi appears in your peripheral, brushing your hair behind your ear tenderly. She ducks to the same level as your face, still stroking your cheek, your jaw.
“Is this ok?” the blond asks, “if it’s too much we can—-“
“No, no,” you stammer, and in response, Ingrid grips your hips tighter.
Mapi dips her head, kissing you softly in a way that makes you dizzy. Just as Mapi deepens the kiss, sinking her teeth gently into your bottom lip, Ingrid chooses that exact moment to push the head of her dick into you. The sound of the gasp that leaves your lips echoes in the space between your mouth and Mapi’s. You can’t keep kissing her, not when Ingris is sinking further into your cunt, stretching and filling you painfully slowly.
“Please,” you whine, hips automatically pushing back for more contact.
Ingrid’s grip tightens on your hip, fingers deep enough to bruise. “You get what I give you,” she says, withdrawing the strap almost entirely.
Before you can object, she’s plowing back in, starting up a bruising rhythm that you feel all the way to your toes. Your eyes squeeze closed, taking in the deep, hard strokes that feel like they’re reaching all the way into your belly,
“Oh my god. Oh, Jesus fuck.”
“Shut her up, Mapi.”
You expect a kiss. What you don’t expect is the bed sinking under the blond’s weight, Mapi grabbing a fist full of your hair and forcibly lifting your face to her dripping cunt.
Despite every part of your body groaning at the overstimulation, you let your tongue run through her folds. She tastes so sweet and tangy, and her hand is guiding you where she wants you, stopping you from having to think. Allowing you to concentrate on Ingrid. All you have to do is keep licking and sucking, eyes closed, half listening to the wet slap of Ingrid filling you, half listening to Mapi’s soft moans and murmurs of your name.
You’re not going to last long at all. The tightness building in your abdomen, the way your thighs are clenching, legs wobbly.
Mapi’s nails against your scalp, her hand clenched in your hair, feels amazing, but it’s Ingrid adjusting her grip on you, one hand taking a rough hold of your tits, that tips you over the edge, palm stimulating your nipples, her hips lifting so the base of the toy rubs your clit, bumping across the sensitive nub. You can’t concentrate on attending to Mapi anymore, breathing heavily against her instead, barely registering the way her body is fluttering around you. Something deep inside you knots, and before you can stop yourself, you’re coming, hard and fast, trembling around Ingrid’s strap. You grip Mapi’s hips for balance, lowering your head so your chin is against her clit. She’s watching you cum, rocking herself against you, using you to simulate her orgasm.
As soon as you’ve recovered, Ingrid still buried deep inside you, you hook your hands around Mapi’s gorgeous legs and get to work. Now that you’re less distracted, it doesn’t take long to have her quivering on the edge. Ingrid’s murmuring encouragement, rocking just slightly into you so as not to over-stimulate your sensitive cunt, and it’s just the right amount. You shift so you can slide two fingers into Mapi, feeling her pussy tighten around you, welcoming you in.
It only takes a few thrusts, the constant dance of your tongue against her clit, and she’s cumming, her grip on your scalp so tight it hurts. You try to watch, to absorb every part of her in case you never get the chance to see it again, still not entirely sure this isn’t some elaborate dream, conjured up by copious amounts of alcohol.
Ingrid pulling out of you leaves you feeling hollow and spent. You collapse against the bed, rolling onto your side so you can give Mapi some space to recover. You’ve used muscles you haven’t exercised in months if not years, and your body is gonna hurt like hell tomorrow.
If this is real. If it isn’t your brain playing another evil trick on you.
“Well, fuck,” Ingrid chuckles, sliding the harness of the dildo down her legs and tossing it somewhere in the room. “I hope that was good. I’m exhausted.”
The break in character leaves you momentarily speechless. Mapi sits up, looking disheveled and breathless, and gives you a dopey-looking smile.
“It was better than ok for me. How are you doing beautiful? Do you need anything?”
You were still on a high, mind clouded with everything that had happened, still not fully knowing if it was real or a product of your mind, you couldn’t do anything but stare at Mapi, words not coming out of your mouth.
“I think we broke her my love,” Ingrid says to Mapi, “I’m going to get a cloth to have you both clean, keep an eye on her baby”
Ingrid goes to the bathroom and comes back with two cloths, she first goes to Mapi and helps her get clean and after a quick kiss, you feel her get close to you and you hear her beautiful voice say “I’m going to clean you okay, are you okay with me doing that? answer verbally please I need to know”
“Yes, is okay” you manage to say and Ingrid smiles at you and proceeds to get you cleaned. 
After that, you feel Mapi get close to you and with no words needed, you get closer and cuddle on her chest as you feel Ingrid positioning herself behind and cuddling you too. 
You were about to fall asleep when you heard Mapi’s voice "We’ve been wanting to tell you something," she began, glancing at Ingrid for support.
Ingrid moves her position and gets herself in front of you, so you can see both of their faces nodded, her eyes meeting yours with sincerity. "We’ve both developed feelings for you," she confessed. "It’s something we’ve talked about for a while now, and we wanted you to know."
Your heart skipped a beat as you processed their words. Mapi continued, her grip on your shoulder tightening slightly. "We like you, and we want to be with you," she said. "If you feel the same way, we’d love to take you on a date, as soon as possible, especially after what happened tonight, we don’t want you to feel like this was just a one-time thing, for us is much more than that."
The warmth and sincerity in their eyes melted away any reservations you might have had. You felt a surge of emotions, surprise, joy, and an overwhelming sense of belonging. "I... I like you both too," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "I’d love to go on a date with you both." 
A radiant smile spread across Mapi’s face, and Ingrid’s eyes sparkled with happiness. They both leaned in, enveloping you in a tight, affectionate hug. The three of you remained like that for a while. In the embrace of Mapi and Ingrid, you felt a sense of love and belonging that you had never experienced before, and you couldn’t wait to see where this new journey would take you.
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