#Mermaid of the Magdalenes
foodandfolklore · 1 year
The Mermaid of the Magdalenes
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Photo by Artemis Winterford
Canada has a weird hodge podge of folk tales. Our stories tend to be a blend of first nations mythology and European fairy tales. Then as books and later movies came into popularity, traditional oral story telling started to die out. One might think, Canada was just too young of a country to develop it's own folk tales to pass down. Well, think again. In 1918, former member of the house of commons Cyrus Macmillan, compiled a number of Canadian Folk Tales into a book called Canadian Wonder Tales. He wrote them in the style similar to the Brothers Grimm, sometimes adding vessels for magic. His hope was these stories would be accessible to not just more people, but schoolers as well. However, while he thanks the first nations people or "Indians" as he got many of these stories directly from them, he called Canada "a country with a romantic past." with many stories told in a way where it looked like the white man and the Indian were old chums. For those unaware, Canada has had a very problematic history with oppression of our first nations people. For that reason, today I'd like to focus on a Maritimes story, likely shared by sailors. It is a uniquely Canadian story about a girl who just longs for some sardines. Sardines when used in Kitchen Magic can attract luck, health, boost family bonds, community, and prosperity. This is the story of the Mermaid of the Magdalenes.
Far off the north-east coast of Canada is a group of rugged islands called the Magdalenes. They are a lonely, barren group, where grass and flowers and trees grow scantily. There, the northern storms rage with their wildest fury, and the sea breaks with its greatest force upon the bleak rocks. Numberless birds of strange cries and colours fly constantly about. On days when the storm dashes the sea white and angry against the coast, even the thunder of the surf is almost shut out by the screaming of countless gulls; and on clear days the sun is hidden when the birds rise in clouds from their nests. The "Isle of Birds," the Jesuits called one of the islands when they first visited the group hundreds of years ago, and it is an "Isle of Birds" still. It is a wild and rock-bound desolate land.
But although the islands are barren of grass and flowers and trees, the waters around and between them are rich in fish. "The Kingdom of Fish," men call the place, for adventurous traders grow wealthy there reaping the harvest of the sea. The greatest product of the waters is the lobster. He always inhabited these northern seas, and about his power in olden times strange tales are told. Away off the coast of one of the islands, you can still see on fine moonlight nights in May, and also during the day once a year, a maiden holding a glass in her hand, combing her long hair, and looking wistfully to the land. Sometimes, too, on calm nights you can still hear her strange song above the murmur of the waves. She is the phantom lady of the Island over whom the Lobster in far away days used his power. She is now a prisoner in the deep, held there as a punishment for her deeds.
Now, it happened that long ago when fish were first canned for food there was a great slaughter of sardines—the tiny fish of the sea—by cruel money-greedy traders who caught them, packed them in small boxes, and shipped them to far countries, just as they do to-day. These traders received large money rewards for their labour, for people all over the world liked the little fish and paid a high price for them. The sardines saw their number slowly growing smaller, for, being little, they were helpless against their captors, and among all their family there was great sorrow. In despair they asked the big fish of the sea to help them. At last, in answer to their appeal, a meeting of all the fish in the sea was called. Here the big fish took an oath to help their small cousins in their struggle with man, and to punish when they could all who ate or fished the sardine family. And the little fish rejoiced greatly.
One May day a large ship loaded with packed fish was wrecked on the sunken rocks of the Magdalene Islands. Soon the ship was broken up by the heavy surf on the sharp reef, and her cargo was strewn along the shore. It happened that in the cargo were many boxes of sardines, and they too were washed up on the beach by the tide. In the evening, after the sea had calmed, a fair maiden who lived on the Island with her father, a fish trader, walked along the shore alone to view the wreckage of the broken ship. She found, to her delight, one of the boxes in which the sardines were packed. She resolved at once to eat the contents, for she too, like all the world at that time, liked the little fish. But although she tried as hard as she could, she was unable to open the box. She sat by the side of the sea and sang a song of lament, calling on anyone who could to open the box for her. She sang:
"I love sardines when they're boiled with beans And mixed with the sands of the sea."
Away out from the beach a skate-fish was resting on a sand-bar. Hearing the song of the maiden, he quickly swam towards the shore. When he came close enough to hear the words of the song and to know what the box contained, he swam away in great disgust, for he was cousin to the sardines in the box, and came from the same family tree as they. But he was too timid to try to punish the maiden. Then a bold merman heard the song. He had long looked for a land wife to live with him in his home under the sea; now he said, "Here at last is a shore maiden for me," for the voice of the singer was beautiful to him. So he went to his looking-glass to dress himself in the most genteel fashion. From bright clean sea-weeds and sea-leaves he quickly made himself a new suit, all green and yellow; and he covered his feet with bright-coloured shells, and his neck with pearls which the oyster gave him; and dressing himself carefully, he hastened in the direction of the song. But when he came close enough to hear the words and to know what the box contained, he remembered his oath at the great gathering of the fish, and although he loved the singer he swam hurriedly away. For, like the skate-fish, he too feared to try to punish the maiden.
The maiden was now sore distressed, for it was growing late and the moon was already far up in the sky. The box was still unopened, and the girl was hungry for the fish. Going to the edge of the sea, she knocked the box hard against a large rock that lay in the water, hoping thereby to break it open. But the box would not break. Now, it chanced that under the rock a large black lobster lay sleeping quietly after a long battle with an enemy in the sea. The tapping on the roof of his sleeping-place awoke him, and he rubbed his eyes and listened. The maiden was again singing her song:—
"Oh I love sardines when they're boiled with beans, And mixed with the sands of the sea. I am dying for some. Will nobody come And open this box for me?"
Then the Lobster remembered his oath at the great gathering of the fish. Unlike the skate-fish and the merman, he had no fear of the maiden, for he knew his power. He determined to punish her, and he resolved at once upon a crafty trick. He came out of his hiding place, and waving his claw politely he said, "Fair lady, I can open the box for you; give it to me and let me try." But when, in answer, she held the box out towards him in her hand, he grasped her by the wrist with his strong claw, and, holding her fast, he swam with her far out to sea. Where he went and what he did with her, no man knows. It is believed that he sold her to the merman who had long sought a shore-wife, and that she is still being slowly changed into a fish. One thing is certain,—she never came back to land. But on the first day of May she always appears on the water away off the coast of the Island; and if that day is fine and clear you can still always see her there. She holds in her hand a looking-glass in which in the sunlight she looks at herself to see if she is nearer to a fish than she was on May Day the year before when she last appeared in the sun; and she is combing her long hair which is now covered with pearls; and she looks with longing eyes to the shore and her old home. And sometimes on moonlight nights in May, when the wind is still and the sea is calm, the fishermen hear her strange sad song across the waters. They know then that she is lonely, and that she is singing her song to lure land-comrades for company to her side. And on these nights they stay on shore, for they know that if they venture out to sea she will seize them and carry them off for playmates to her home of bright shells far under the sea.
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justwaterflow · 11 months
Série des
's serie
2. Plage de la Martinique
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thebindingofpillo · 1 year
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MerMaggy for MerMay
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magdalene-spirit · 2 years
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The primordial ACT OF CREATION is all-consuming self-contemplation of the divine (true meditation) (tapas)
The working* is the reversal of the path of manifestation of awareness through form:
1. Concentration: use the senses to anchor awareness in the present, rest the senses on a point
2. Contemplation: notice what is felt at the point where the senses rest, dive into the feelings that are there, there is no right or wrong, simply be aware
3. Meditation: when awareness merges into the ocean of being, it is true meditation
Mary’s are ones who weave light into form
Who create vessels for higher souls from celestial realms to emerge onto Earth through birth through the womb (Avatara: descending ones, descended from the sky)
They undertook the great work of self-transformation & self-realisation required to enter the holy inner sanctum of the heart
Where the divine flame of love burns
The Avatara emanate the holy sound of divine love on/in Earth; as a new attractor or regulatory field for a New Earth—
Like in a magnetic field— the Earth is pulled into a new/higher order pattern of regulation
Where divine love is the rule of law
*or process
#marymother #avatara #shiningones #deva #devi #marymagdalene #mermaid #vibration #priestess #magick #divinelove #flameoflove #waterpriestess
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fannyrosie · 8 months
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Last weekend, @apple-salad invited me to her amazing Rococo Bouquet afternoon tea. Victorian Maiden released many versions and cuts of their Rococo Bouquet series over the years, and I own the Bustle Long Skirt (2011 edition) and the Mermaid skirt (2007 edition), both in blue flowers.
Pictures of the afternoon tea and Rococo Bouquet group HERE
Outfit rundown Skirt: second-hand Victorian Maiden Bolero: second-hand Mary Magdalene Blouse: The Floral Notebook Shoes: second-hand Innocent World (they died completely after those pictures) Bag: second-hand Mary Magdalene Hat: Anonhat Cameo: vintage Wedgwood Brooch: Axes Femme Earrings: vintage Gloves: vintage
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florence + the machine lyrics x colors x textiles in art — green
Only If For a Night – Ceremonials // Portrait of Princess Zinaida Volkonskaya – Orest Kiprensky 🌿 Over the Love – Over the Love // The Magdalene Reading – Rogier van der Weyden 🌿 Over the Love – Over the Love // The King’s Daughter – Eduard Veith 🌿 South London Forever – High as Hope // Portrait of a Young Woman – unknown artist 🌿 Mermaids – Dance Fever // Woman in an Iridescent Green Dress – Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller
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quackpackweek · 8 months
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We usually don't post anything unrelated to the Quack Pack, but this news has us pretty upset. Although this is not an English speaking area, but a Latin American Spanish speaking area, it is still sad to say that a Latin American Spanish speaking voice actress named Erica Robledo died last week. :(
Yes, she acted in many series and gave many voices in Latin American Spanish dubbing, especially in the roles of Tanya Ratonovich (Tanya Mousekewitz) in An American Tail, Princess Ariel in The Little Mermaid Disney TV series, Dorothy Gale in The Wizard of Oz (anime version), Princess Esmeralda in Magic Knight Rayearth, Ran Mouri (Claudia Guzman) in Detective Conan, Nemo in Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland, Princess Irene in The Princess and the Goblin, Princess Flora in the Babar series, Hollyhock, Wanda Pierce and Maude in Bojack Horseman, Heidi in the film of the same name, as well as the role of Mary Magdalene in the film Jesus, Princess Zarina Leprechaun 4: In Space, Vanessa in Lupin III and some roles in the Maradona series and in other dubbings she gave. Wife is Leonardo Araujo, director of Latin American Spanish dubbing and mother of son Álex Araujo, who is an excellent voice actor for Latin American Spanish dubbing.
Yes, she also voiced Louie Duck in Quack Pack, in the Latin American Spanish dub and was very successful at it. Although the original American version is not bad, the Latin American Spanish was really great and you should listen to it (if there are those videos available on the internet at all) and a big thanks to her for voicing Louie. It is a great pity to lose her. Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2oVz1mN0wB
Erika Robledo fue una actriz de doblaje de Los Ángeles. Hermana de la actriz de doblaje Rocío Robledo e hija de la fallecida actriz de doblaje Guadalupe Romero. Estuvo casada con el también actor y director de doblaje Leonardo Araujo y es la madre de Álex Araujo, razón por la cual durante un tiempo fue acreditada como Erika Araujo.
Fue conocida por su versatilidad al poder realizar voces de niños y niñas, mujeres jóvenes, adultas y ancianas, talento que compartía con su hermana Rocío, actualmente retirada del medio. Ambas hermanas dieron voz a Ariel en Las nuevas aventuras de la sirenita. Entre otros de sus personajes más conocidos destacan la Princesa Esmeralda en Las Guerreras Mágicas, Tania Ratonovich en Un cuento americano, Claudia Guzmán (Ran Mouri) en Detective Conan y Dorita (Dorothy Gale) en la versión anime de El Mago de Oz doblada en Los Ángeles. También fue la voz de Luis en Quack Pack, Mimi Cardona / Siniestra en Las aventuras de Saint Tail y de las actrices Anna Kendrick en la saga de Crepúsculo, Alicia Silverstone en Ni idea y Natasha Henstridge y Michelle Williams en Especies, entre muchos otros personajes.
Asimismo, Erika realizó doblaje al inglés, destacándose el rol de la actriz mexicana Verónica Castro en la serie original de Netflix "La casa de las flores".
Falleció el 22 de enero de 2024.
Source: https://doblaje.fandom.com/es/wiki/Erika_Robledo
Rest in peace, and thank you on a beautiful childhood. Amen.
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dlsintegration · 1 year
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Using @iwtvfanevents's a meal to remember event as an opportunity to celebrate some of the sickos beautiful authors in this fandom 🧡 here's a list of some of my favourite recommendations, all of them Louis-centric and/or involving louis in a major fashion.
I will also be adding a song that I associate to each of them!!
canon/semi-canon compliant
Pour (E) by baberainbow / @baberainbowao3: Kicking this list off with one of my all times favorite, manages to capture their voices perfectly. You'll never go wrong with one of babe's fics, they're all canon in my head 🧡
song: holy terrain - fka twigs
Glass (E) by baberainbow / @baberainbowao3: Melting just thinking about this one. I can never be free of them.
Pieta (E) by baberainbow / @baberainbowao3: Gabrielle gives lestat something he needs and gives louis something he didnt know he needed 🧡 Gabrielle is so kind 🧡
song: let go - tinashe
song: mary magdalene - fka twigs
Tides (E) by @nlbv: Tides my best friend. had to stare at my ceiling for at least 10 minutes after that one and it doesn't lose its impact no matter how much I come back to it. Masterful grasp on both louis and lestat's characterization and the toxicity that permeates their relationship.
song: tear you apart - she wants revenge
Roadkill (E) by @baberainbowao3 and @nlbv: TELL THE AVENGERS TO PACK IT THE FUCK UP. This is the most ambitious crossover of our generation. Roadkill my wife my beloved my soulmate. Read it so many times i've managed to convince myself it was canon. and it is. What is a family meant for if not for going to the circus, commiting horrifying acts of violence and making plans for the future 🧡
song: savage good boy - japanese breakfast
someone buy me roses (E) by indigostohelit: Perfect dialogue, impeccably true to their characters, illustrates louis' religious hangups and repression in a subtle funny and intimate way.
song: save a prayer - duran duran
Amour Rouge (E) by revengefrnnk: Louis exploring femininity. Big big fan of putting that man in lingerie personally. 10/10 certified s1 deleted scene to me.
song: blood and butter - caroline polachek
Reformation (E) by verseau / @greedydemands (MODERN AU): The sacred texts. We all remember where we were. 10/10 will make you go through the full range of existing human emotions. I laughed. I cried, a number of times. I sweat, I danced. I got... a shot, I ate and... I had many epiphanies.
song: heaven - shygirl / be sweet - japanese breakfast
hold me tight, & fear me not (E) by boltcutters / @wordforworldisforest (TAM LIN AU): Me when I find a beautiful fairytale book in the evil yaoi section. Read if you love beautiful writing and if you want to find out what happens to lost little lambs that stray from the path.
song: i cant breathe - gwsn
Part of Your World (E) by weathermood / @weather-mood (LITTLE MERMAID AU): I never know where to start when praising POYW, from how real and alive the world feels to the sense of tragedy permeating Louis and Lestat's entire relationship, to how much it's made me miss the sea. Oh and also the monsterfucking ❤️
song: like real people do - hozier / sea, swallow me - cocteau twins
House of Gold (E) by dirtygoldensoul / @revolution-starter : I don't usually read A/B/O fics but I love this one so much, for many reasons, the main one being how bad the family dynamics get me... Can't recommend it enough 🧡
song: work song - hozier
Like a Heathen clung to the Homily (E) by @thelioncourts (SEX CLUB AU): One of my favorite insights into Louis' internality and his lingering religious trauma, and how it still affects him, chapter 4 almost made me cry... Can't wait to see where it goes next.
song: after dark - mister kitty
canon/semi-canon compliant
dirges (E) by boltcutters / @wordforworldisforest: Can't make my way into loumand territory without mentioning my beautiful wife dirges. Ziska if you read this know that you will be dealt with shortly. Loumand bed death allegation hours: CLOSED FOREVER.
song: posing in bondage - japanese breakfast
Alluvium (E) by serpenstkirts / @knifeeater: The best way I can describe Laïs' fics and how they make me feel would be to liken the experience to drowning into a lake and being grateful for the dark water filling your lungs. This fic is about eroticized latex gloves and finger sucking btw.
song: only seeing god when i come - sega bodega
vanishing point (E) by serpentskirts / @knifeeater: Motorcycle sex as religious experience. Day 67 of my campaign to get Laïs in that writing room.
song: sunset - caroline polachek / nascar - stella smyth
Selfsame (E) by @vampdf: 70s LOUMAND CRUISING ERA MY BELOVED. Number 1 on the list of the crimes Eli has to answer for. 1000/10. Died five separate times reading this. Rolin look at me. Rolin dont listen to AMC. You need this in s2. It is crucial that we get this. Louis deserves it.
song: a pill to crush - evelyn / sulk - tr/st
Prey Drive (E) by The_Lame_Goat / @iwtvdramacd18: Speaking of loumand's 70s insane bdsm practices 💔💔💔 s2 script just leaked. Is your eternal vampire marriage hitting a rough spot? Try our newest predator/prey large-scale roleplay!
song: lullaby - the cure / on the run - kelela
Mark Deep (E) by The_Lame_Goat / @iwtvdramacd18: Goat you have my blood on your hands. No added commentary needed actually. The damage this fic has done to me is irreversible. Read if you want some more quality t4t loumand insanity.
song: pang - caroline polachek
Rumpelstiltskin (E) by weathermood / @weather-mood: Most normal loumand roleplay night. Louis wakes up in a tower. I literally refuse to say anything else until you all read it for yourself and go through the sheer range of emotions I've went through when first reading it. #Their princess/captor slay is real and alive and thriving. This fic is also part of the NMHMRGPINE (No Matter How Much Rashid Gets Paid It's Not Enough) verse btw.
who is she ? - i monster / big bad wolf - shakey graves
the night island (E) by @vampdf (MAFIA AU): I don't know much but I know Armand was made to be a mob boss and Louis was made to be a mob wife. One of the most insanity-inducing byproducts of the career dom s2 teaser Armand scene(tm).
song: bitch bites dog - cecile believe
thy fearful symmetry (E) by mothmaiden: 70s era. One of the flrst iwtv fics I ever read. Never left my mind since. Delicious dynamics between the three of them, got me gasping and covering my mouth many times. Can't recommend enough.
song: soul control - jessie ware
Little Kidnaps in the Dark (E) by @gayvampiredivorce : The damage little kidnaps has wrought on my crops, my mental health, my friends and family can NOT be overstated. Masterful interpretation of the evolution of their relationship and dynamics through the haze of vampiric existence. Anne could never have done this.
song: when the sun hits - slowdive
Lethe series (T/E) by serpentskirts / @knifeeater: Quite simply one of my favorite series not only in that tag but in general. Every sentence Laïs writes pulls me into a dark void that I hope I'm never getting out of.
song: hopedrunk everasking - caroline polachek
Good to Love / Ruthless in Love (M) by themasterletters / @brightfelon (MODERN AU): Reading Toni's fics makes me feel like im a teen again, waiting anxiously for updates and calling up all my friends to scream and , am in love with all of Toni's readings of the characters but his Louis truly gets me. That fic doesn't only live rent free in my head it's also led me places I wouldnt go to with a gun. I have seen the best minds of my generation led to madness by toni's loumand. btw.
song: career boy - dorian electra / genghis khan - miike snow
A Potentiality for Corruption (E) by @vampdf: The thing is. I can't talk about Eli's fics without talking about Potentiality. However. Talking about Potentiality also happens to send me into a state of delirious hysterics. Daphne Du Maurier found dead in a ditch. Charlotte Brontë shaking and crying. Guillermo Del Toro found jobless. There's a new Gothic classic in town.
song: ptolemaea - ethel cain
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emilybarksdaleart · 1 year
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"What's a fire, and why does it - what's the word? -Burn?"
I loved the new Little Mermaid movie! Halle Bailey absolutely incredible, her voice gave me actual goosebumps. Here's Halle Bailey Ariel in front of "Magdalene with the Smoking Frame", featured in the original "Part of your World" sequence
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retrosofa · 11 months
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I went to Tokyo Disneysea and spend most of my time at the Mermaid Lagoon - which despite it's name, is totally focused on The Little Mermaid. One of the highlights was a replica of Ariel's secret grotto, which includes the statue of Prince Eric, the Magdalene with the Smoking Flame painting, her box of thingamabobs, etc. A very nice group of girls took my photo. Look how happy I was! At one point I started crying lol. Also, it's appropriately well hidden. I circled the lagoon twice before I had to ask an attendant where to find it.
I was also surprised to see a statue of Spot from the TV show! I have a huge soft spot for the TV show, since that was probably my first exposure to TLM. I would've loved it if they featured Urchin or Evil Manta in some capacity.
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Also I got this Flounder sundae... thing. I think it was some type of pudding? I can't remember. Anyway, I got this assuming it came with a lid but no... you get a lobotomized Flounder. It reminds me of Ray Liotta's infamous demise from Hannibal. Still kind of cute?
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enchanted-moura · 3 months
Mami Wata is not a mermaid and Mary Magdalene is not Yemaya/Yemoja.
It’s like me and my siblings can have the same mother but we’re not the same. Same source, different forces.
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lilyreadslilywrites · 4 months
sapphic summer read recs - my ebooks
Royalties of which go to gaza, transgender youth charities & women's charties
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Fictional account of what happned in the magdalene laundries in Ireland
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Sapphic retelling of the little mermaid
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Sapphic story of vampire finding her human lover everytime she reincarnates
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annalouisemay · 1 year
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Mary Magdalene's Inner Temple Light-Codes (Gentle Rain Mix) - Ambient Music with Light-Language Mantra for Healing & Spiritual Awakening - https://social.tunecore.com/linkShare?linkid=h3dCdDjzLEH3XPWYu_yWfA 😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌ #meditationmusic #ambientmusic #lofi #bgm #binauralbeats #ChilloutMix #lofibeats #ambientlofi #enchantedlofi #focusmusic #shamanicmusic #newagemusic #sleepmusic #lightlanguage #spiritualawakening #starseed #5d #ascension #lightcodes #divinefeminine #goddess #pleiadian #lemurian #lemuria #mintakan #mermaid
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milady-pink · 1 year
Waitress AU
Warnings: Food/baking, domestic abuse, unplanned pregnancy, cheating
Summary: Working at a dead end job, waitress Christine soon finds herself with a new problem: an unplanned pregnancy. Life is all about trying to find the sweet spots and luckily this pie genius has a new (and pretty adorkably sexy) OBGYN, who isn’t too happy at home either.
TL;DR Quirky cute and sexy Erik as a doctor, lab coat and all.
Word Count: 2085 || Graphics: @firefly-graphics
"Club Knocked Up & Destler Pie"
Recipe Book
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The morning was cool with the sun hiding behind the clouds, providing just the right amount of light. Christine was grateful to her past self for deciding to make her doctor’s pie the night before. Raoul had gotten back from a day’s work and complained about it all through dinner, up until he passed out into his nightly beer coma.
Out of all the pie’s she has made in her life, Christine was a tad embarrassed of the one currently in her lap. On board the public bus, she remembers the first time she made it and how obsessed she was with mermaids and all mythical creatures. At the ripe age of 16 her caring mother made an appointment with the local ‘lady doctor’ to make sure Christine was healthy and not prone to make life destroying decisions that could result in a screaming baby. 
Sorry mom, but at least I’m not in high school.
Alas, her teenage sweet-tooth mixed with her love of fantasy created what has become her gynecologist’s favorite Mermaid Marshmallow Pie. If the woman ever develops diabetes, Christine will be making a quick getaway seeing as how she will be suspect number one.
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After getting off the bus and making her way into the small waiting room, she felt slightly uncomfortable as she waited for Dr. Mueller. It seems as if the universe wanted to test Christine, asking her if she was sure she wanted to keep the baby.
All around her, tormenting her, were pregnant women; three of them. How could she tell? Well, their protruding bellies and hands gently petting them was a pretty big indication. 
For these three women carrying a child must have been the most beautiful, lucky, and joyous time in their lives; to become mothers, great ones, just like their mothers before them. Every craving and kick of the stomach must have felt like heaven on earth, that somehow resides inside of a woman’s uterus. 
Unlike these women, who probably feel like Mary Magdalene herself for doing such a righteous thing as carrying a child, Christine felt the opposite. Even though these women were happy to get stamped at the entrance of Club Knocked Up, she felt more than ever her differences brought to life. Christine was not only unhappy with the news of her immaculate conception, but she was also anxious about her husband, the father, finding out. She very highly doubts that these women make pies and clean dirty dishes at the local grimy diner, because the only thing they have on their to-do list this week is this appointment.
Getting lost in her head, Christine also doubts these women contemplated booking a very different appointment but the only thing that stopped her was what kind of pie do you even bring to Planned Parenthood? What if she was making a huge mistake and shouldn’t have kept the wonderful little parasite in her stomach that was going to keep growing and growing until it finally popped out of her in nine months, only to start crying and never stop! What if—
“Mrs. DeChagney?” Christine breaks her downward spiral of thoughts by shooting straight up at the nurse's words. “The doctor will see you now, this way.” 
And just like that, Christine followed the nurse into the long hallway to the doctor’s office, effectively leaving Club Knocked Up.
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Now Christine sat uncomfortable once again, only this time she had the starchy gown and too cold table to blame, and not the three perfectly unaware mothers-to-be that could plan for their arrivals happily by reading and flipping through ‘What To Expect When You're Expecting’.
No Christine, don’t go down there again.
Thankfully, her thoughts were distracted when the door opened and in walked— a tall, dark-haired man, seemingly wearing half a mask. The first thing Christine thought was that some stranger got lost at the small clinic; that is until she noticed he was wearing a lab coat, much like a doctor would wear.
“Hello.” He stated simply. No formalities, not even a small introduction as he walked through the room reading her chart. “Mrs. DeShaggy?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
It took her a moment to realize he was addressing her, incorrectly. “Uh, DeChagney. It’s French.” She added, feeling slightly awkward. Why was this man doctor here? Where is Dr. Mueller?
Awkward was the last thing Christine should have been feeling, seeing as this strange man spoke yet again. “I’m your doctor, Dr. Destler” at which he finally looked up from the Manila folder, giving Christine a better view of his face. His eyebrow matched the dark hair that covered his head, short and combed back. His eyes were very peculiar, a mesmerizing shade of amber if he would look up at her. From his looks she would assume he was around her age, maybe a few years older.
“You brought a pie?” Confusion graced his face, but it was soon replaced with a grateful smile. “You know I’ve only been in this small town for a few weeks now, but I am really impressed with the genuine hospitality of the South. I wasn't really expecting it.” He mumbled the last few words under his breath.
Conflicted between wanting to continue this upfront hospitality, Christine chose the other option which consisted of making her confusion clear to this strange, quirky man. “You’re not my doctor. Lily Mueller is my doctor, this pie is for her. It’s her favorite—‘Mermaid Marshmallow’.”
He couldn’t quite make eye contact with his patient, but maintained an air of professionalism nonetheless. “Well, I’m sorry but she isn’t seeing any more patients.”
Shocked, Christine squeaks out “She’s dead?”
Now it was Dr. Destler’s turn to be shocked, answering quickly, “What? No, no she just retired. Geez.” He took a long breath in before he continued to speak to Christine, wishing more than ever for her life to have some sort of consistency. “Long story short: I’m the new doctor on staff here. Just moved from Connecticut, two weeks ago. Are you bored yet?”
Taken by surprise by his question, Christine didn’t get a chance to think before answering. “Yes. No.”
He must get that reaction a lot, since he already knew what to say. “Sorry, anyway. If you’re not comfortable with me as your doctor, which is totally fine, my feelings won’t be hurt, you can go to another gynecologist in the area.”
His sincere sympathy to Christine was endearing, so he had that going for him. “It’s just, Dr. Mueller delivered me. She’s been my doctor since I was sixteen.” Then she added, softly, “I really like and trust her.”
A sympathetic and optimistic fellow, he responds accordingly. “Well, maybe in time, you can really like and trust me too.” Giving Christine a lopsided smile, one she guesses might be his regular smile.
“It doesn’t happen that fast.” She said, ever the realist. “But, I’ll try.” She echoed his smile, finding a common ground.
This was obviously the right answer for the doctor, his face immediately lighting up. “Good, great! Then, I’m your doctor. Nice to meet you, Mrs. DeShaggy.”
He scrunches his face after realizing his mistake. “DeChangey. So, what seems to be the problem?”
“Well,” Christine started, “I seem to be pregnant.”
Perplexed by why she would call that a problem, but not diving further into it, he what he feels is the normal reaction to such news. “W-well, congratulations, good for you.”
Understanding where this man was coming from, she decided to be blunt, since this was to be her doctor for the next nine months. “Thanks, but I don’t really want this baby.”
This was not the first time he has heard a patient say this, but every once in a while when someone said that he couldn’t help hide hsi features from the surprise he feels. “Oh, well, I can certainly refer you to a doctor who performs—”
“No,” she interrupts him, “I’m keeping it. Not that I judge those who do choose to…” She was rambling, trying to show this new person that her decision was not every woman’s decision, nor is one right or wrong. “I’m just telling you that I’m not so happy about it, like everyone else would be, so maybe a little more sensitivity than your normal patients? And, don’t congratulate me or make a big deal out of it every time we see each other.” Feeling happy she could voice her wants and needs upfront. “I’m having the baby, but it’s not a party. That’s that.” She added.
Making sure she understood that he was o the same page as her, he opened the chart and started writing. “‘Not a party’, got it.” He emphasized by underlining the phrase twice.
The doctor and patient turned their attention to the door, having heard a soft knock come from the other side. Opening the door slightly, the nurse from earlier said, “Excuse me, Doctor, but Mrs. Flannigan wants to talk to you about doulas before she leaves.” 
“Doulas? I have no idea what that is.” Then looking at Christine he made a light laugh and reassured her, “I’m only joking. Of course I know what that is, I went to medical school.” But something about the frantic look in his eye and how quickly he took out his phone to look up something told Christine differently.
“And here are the blood test results for Mrs. DeChagney.” She offered him yet another Manila folder.
“Well,” satisfied with whatever he found online and reading the results, he turned to Christine again, “un-congratulations, you are most certainly having a baby.” 
“Well, un-thank you,” she answered, playing along.
“Do you have any concerns?” He asked, trying to think of possible questions. “Do’s and don’ts? Exercise, sex?”
Christine huffed out a laugh, “I don’t really do much of either one, so…”
“Okay,” he stated with a simple nod. He handed her a signed note while saying, “here is a prescription for some prenatal vitamins. Nurse Norma ill give you a list of good and bad foods on the way out, caffeine, alcohol, etc. It was nice meeting you, Christine. You should make another appointment for three weeks.”
Stopping him before he had a chance to leave, Christine asked him, “Well I was wondering, umm, doctor. How far along am I?”
Looking back to the blood results he says, “Uhh… about eight weeks. Give or take.”
“So, I won’t be showing for a while, right?” How long can I keep this from Raoul?
“Right, you’ve still got some time. Although everybody is different.” And because he clearly did not know when to stop, he continued. “You know, it really is quite a beautiful thing when a woman’s body starts to—”
“Yeah yeah yeah, all that glowing crap.” Already feeling done with the whole ‘beauty of human conception’ thing. Thinking back on the short introduction that she has had into who her new doctor is, Christine really wanted it to work, especially since she will be visiting this office for the next thirty-nine weeks. So she offered an olive branch, of sorts. “Dr. Destler, I’m gonna give you this pie.”
His face contained a semblance of surprise mixed in with some thanks, obviously knowing what the pie meant to her to be offering it to her new doctor. That didn’t stop him from declaring, “It looks absolutely delicious, but I’m off sugar.” Still talking as if he didn’t just offend Christine to the highest decree. “It causes a ton of damage to the body, including leptin resistance, chromium deficiency, decreased longevity…”
“I’ll leave it just in case. My mama used to say you can live to be 100 if you give up all the things that make you wanna live to be 100.”
“Well, the science says that the longer you’re away from sugar the less you crave it. I haven’t had a piece of pie myself in years.” He stated, jotting down some last minute notes.
As she watched him walk out the door, Christine placed the pie on the table where she was just sitting. Leaving the doctor’s office redressed in her waitress’s dress to go work a half day, she pondered renaming the Mermaid Marshmallow to something deadlier. 
Sugar Rush To Your Death? Maybe
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What Christine was oblivious to, was one dark-haired doctor giving in to temptations and trying a bit of her pie, in the safety of his empty office; moaning at the first mouthful of the gooey mallow filling. Instantly hooked.
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godblackbones15 · 2 years
The Healing Moon Man 🔱
Yeshua is a Merlin, a Grail king, from a long line of kings--a healer, magi, leader, hero, a man of destiny. Merlin means "from the Mer line."
The Mer line is the lineage of the Marys, of Mari--the Great Goddess worshipped by the Cathars--who were also known as weavers, another code word for the Great Womb
It follows just as mermaid denotes a womb priestess, a Magdalene, "maidens of Mary," of the sea, the great primordial ocean of the Void, the Great Womb that births everything into being.
In ancient Sumeria the word mar meant both "sea" and "womb", and over time, it developed into a revered titular name, Mary, which denoted feminine power. Interestingly, in the Druid language, mor from the same word root as Mer, also means "death" or "great ocean", again referring to the great primordial oceans of the Womb, where we are birthed and dissolved--the mysteries of Life and Death.
Yeshua is a man of love, a lunar lover, in union and at one with the feminine.
He was often known as the healing moon man. His archetype is one of the purified lunar masculine principle, symbolized by the unicorn--the horned one.
This rebirthed masculine fulfils the promise of the Grail legacy to return to the harmony of sacred union consciousness, embodying the blueprint of Creation.
📖 From 'Jesus as a Lunar Lover', Seren & Azra Bertrand
Facebook Page : Down to Earth Healing
#Ostara #Ishtar #passover #easter #HolyGrail #Yeshua #Isa #Magdalene #Miryai #Maryam #LunarLover #MoonMan #SacredUnion
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mathilda-1819-1820 · 2 years
Any one else just realize that Mary Magdalene appears in the little mermaid.
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