#Meteor Muffins
epicstoriestime · 11 months
Galactic Gastronomy: A Cosmic Culinary Journey
🌌✨ Embark on a cosmic culinary journey with the alien voyager as they craft epic dishes inspired by their intergalactic travels. From Nebula Noodles to Interstellar Ice Cream Sundaes, these delicacies blend earthly ingredients with celestial inspirations, taking your taste buds on an unforgettable adventure. 🚀🍽️ #GalacticGastronomy #CosmicCulinaryJourney #EpicFlavors #TasteTheCosmos #InterstellarDelights
What foods would you like to make?   As the an alien voyager, my cosmic journey has granted me the opportunity to explore various planets and experience a myriad of cuisines from different civilizations. However, there are still some earthly delights I would love to create in my intergalactic kitchen. Join me as I share the epic fusion of flavors that I would like to bring to life:   1.…
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bwabys-scenarios · 8 months
Halloween with the Spiders
Phantom Troupe x Fem!Reader
warnings: looots of pussy eating, characters get hard/horny around reader. they eat her pussy after drinking, but they’re only buzzed, not drunk
A/N: I write Chrollo as the shy and awkward guy he actually is so… he’s not super suave in this. Also sorry I wrote out Kortopi, Franklin, and Bonolenov. I’m just not interested in their characters like at all 😭🙏 they’ve got nothing going for them I’m afraid!
taglist: @desiray562 @lovelyxkazuha @ashdownunderscorebeloved
if you would like to be added to the NSFW taglist, comment a ❤️!! make sure you have your AGE in your bio, and that you’re able to be tagged/mentioned!
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It was the end of summer, august slipping into September before you knew it. The weather was still warm enough outside for you to be wearing a tank top and shorts, something the blonde you were currently dealing with appreciated greatly.
“Okay Shal, you should be good to go. You can get a popsicle from the fridge now.”
You were the sweetheart of the Phantom Troupe, a woman Chrollo had recruited to be the troupe medical director after he watched you donate your time and services to meteor city residents.
Right now, you were at one of the various expensive hotels Chrollo rented for you, using your nen to tend to Shalnark’s wounds. “Thanks, (Name)! I really thought I was a goner this time!”
He gives you a sly smile as he laps at the popsicle you give him, causing you to laugh. “Shal, you had a cut on your cheek. I swear, you’re such a baby.”
You didn’t know the real reason he always came with injuries in… strange places. He wanted you to use your nen on him, knowing it worked in an unusual way.
When you wanted to heal someone, you used physical touch, and depending on the severity, it could be a touch of your finger to a kiss from your lips. Today, it was a simple touch.
You glanced at the TV, a Halloween themed add popping up. “Oh wow, they’re showing these real early this year.”
Shalnark looked up, biting down on his popsicle. “Huh, weird.”
He hummed, getting a mischievous look in his eyes. You were a real sweetheart, but also easily manipulated by sob stories. “You know, none of the Phantom Troupe has ever celebrated Halloween.”
This had your full attention immediately. “… what?”
Ever since Shalnark informed you of the troupes lack of Halloween experience, you’ve been meticulously planning a way to celebrate with them.
It wasn’t easy getting them all together unless Chrollo willed it, so you’d have to go to the leader to ask for a favor.
You were one of the only members that knew of his location at all times. In your mind, it was because you had an important role, but in reality it was because Chrollo quite enjoyed your presence.
You sprinted towards the dark haired man, and though calling out his name in public wasn’t exactly the safest thing to do, he didn’t scold you. He instead smiled, opening his arms and allowing you to jump into them. “I’m glad you could find me with ease. Let’s go to a cafe and you can discuss what you wanted to talk about with me.”
Chrollo never let you pay for your own things when he went places with you. He said it was because you did so much good for the Troupe, but that was only a half truth. He enjoyed taking care of you.
“Mmm… oh!”
You placed your pumpkin spice muffin down, and Chrollo couldn’t help but laugh when when you held up a finger as you chewed. “I almost forgot to actually talk about what I came for! Chrollo!”
He lifted a napkin, wiping at your mouth. “Shh, (Name). You shouldn’t speak my name out loud so easily, it’s not exactly a common name.”
You blushed, and he placed the dirty napkin in a nearby trash can. “Oh, sorry…”
He motioned for you to talk, and you cleared your throat. “Anyways, Shalnark told me that none of you have ever celebrated Halloween! Is that true?”
He stared at you for a moment, trying to see why you’re bringing that fact up. “Yes, that’s true, we haven’t c-“
Your tears surprised him, but not enough for him to react. You’re kind of known for being a bleeding heart, so his expression stayed neutral, but he did offer you his handkerchief. “Chrollo, Halloween is so much fun! You get to carve pumpkins, wear costumes, eat lots of treats…”
You paused, reaching out to grab his hand. “So, the reason I asked to see you…”
Chrollo waited for you to continue patiently. He couldn’t help but find your ditzy and forgetful nature endearing, so he smiled.
“I want the troupe to get together on Halloween at my house!”
This actually surprised him. He nearly choked on his strawberry scone, having to pat his chest for a moment. “You… you said the troupe? As in everyone?”
He stared at you for a moment to see if you were being serious. You were smiling, looking hopeful and expectant.
‘How… can I put this gently..?’
Chrollo squeezed your hand, causing you to tilt your head. “(Name), my sweet and kind friend, the troupe has only come together once in the past three years, and that was for an important heist. I’m not sure if they’ll want to meet for… a Halloween party.”
You giggled. “Oh, but I’m sure they’ll love it! Besides, if you order it, they’ll come!”
He sighed. You looked way too cute, giggling and smiling as you pulled out a notebook and began showing him the things you already had planned.
Sometimes, when he watched you, all he could see was Sarasa. Your perky personality and compassion for others reminded him of her so much, it was one of the reasons he adored you so.
And one of the reasons he had trouble telling you no.
“Alright, alright. I’ll ask them to come, but it won’t be mandatory.”
You squealed in delight, nearly jumping over the table to give him a hug. “Oh, thank you Chrollo! It’s going to be fun, I promise!”
He sighed, smiling and patting your back. Normally, Chrollo would push any other person away, but he let you get away with a lot. “Okay, (Name).”
It was the day before Halloween, and you were sulking. Already, three of the Troupe members wouldn’t be able to come. Franklin, Kortopi, and Bonolenov each called to say they couldn’t make it.
You’d spent most of the week decorating your house and getting it ready for guests. Feitan, Shalnark, and Shizuku would be staying in your three guest bedrooms while the rest rented hotels.
“(Nameeeee) come open the door!”
You blinked, looking out the window to see Shizuku behind your door. “Oh, Shizuku, you’re early. I thought you’d be here tonight?”
She walked into your home, turning in a circle before tilting her head. “I wanted first pick of the rooms, so I finished up my job quick.”
That was only half true, she wanted more private time with you!
“Oh, that makes sense. You’re just in time then, I finished making all the beds a few minutes ago!”
She nodded and walked upstairs to pick her room. Not even five minutes later, you heard someone knocking at your door.
You open the door to see Feitan standing behind it, holding…
“Feitan, is that… is that a pumpkin?”
“Halloween, pumpkins are important.”
He handed the pumpkin to you before pushing past you into your house. If you didn’t know any better, you would think he looked almost… proud of his “gift” for you? Feitan watched you carry the pumpkin into your kitchen, where you sat in on the counter.
“Oh wow, it’s huge! What a nice pumpkin!”
He nods, following you. “Stole best one.”
You held back a laugh, knowing he was a bit sensitive when it came to giving gifts and being nice. “Oh, I can tell. Thank you so much Fei!”
Feitan had the habit of following you around like a stray cat when he was around. It was an improvement to your relationship when you first joined the Phantom Troupe as an honorary member. He used to sprint away from you the second you looked at him, and now he followed a few feet behind at all times. Honestly, he was pretty cute. Like a stray cat.
“Hey princess!”
You blinked as your door was torn off its hinges and Uvogin walked in, laughing and stomping into your kitchen before picking you up into a crushing hug.
Feitan stood in the doorway, watching the interaction with narrowed eyes. “Careful, Uvo. She not like us. Fragile.”
uvogin looked down to see Feitan was right. The girl in his eyes was making a pained expression, patting his arm to signal she couldn’t breathe. “Oh, my bad.”
He let her go, keeping her steady as she drew in breath. “Woo… now that is a bear hug that I think an actual bear would give, Jesus Christ…”
You turned back towards the cabinets and began taking out what you would need to get started on baking. “Uvo, could you be a dear and grab my Halloween decorations from the attic? I tried to get them earlier, but they were way too heavy.”
“Of course!”
He walked up the stairs, leaving you to sigh softly. “Okay, let’s see what we can do about that door-“
“It’s aight, (Name). I’ve got it fixed.”
You nearly jump out of your skin when Phinks and Shalnark just appear behind you, and peek over them to see that your door was indeed fixed!
“Oh, thank you guys!” You give them both an affectionate pat to the arm before continuing your baking preparations.
By the time you finish baking, your house is full of Phantom Troupe members. Pakunoda, Nobunaga, and Machi arrived individually within the last few hours. Machi shyly offered to help you bake, watching you from the corner of her eye as you worked. ‘Cute, she’s even wearing an apron…’ Machi thought, her eyes soft as she watched you.
Chrollo was the last to arrive, getting to your house at nearly 8 pm. He opened the door, every member looking up to him when he did. “Hello, everyone. I’m glad to see you could all make it.”
You rushed forward and took his coat, gently scolding him for not wearing a shirt underneath. He laughed, sitting down and smiling at the troupe. Chrollo waited for you to go back to the kitchen before his face returned to its usual serious expression.
“As you can see, (Name) has tried her hardest to make our first Halloween celebration the best it can be. You’ll do as she says, and have fun, though I’m sure none of you wish to upset our special girl.”
They all glanced between each other, nodding slowly. After that, they had a quick meeting to discuss non Halloween matters before (Name) came back into the living room. “Okay, I know I gathered you all here before Halloween, but it’s only to go over my plans and give you all your gifts!”
“Gifts? Aww, you didn’t have to do that for us, sweetheart.” Nobunaga said, smiling.
“But I wanted to! Lemme go grab them!”
You scurried up the stairs, giggling the whole way up. “It seems she’s excited about this.”
You walked down the stairs a few minutes later with a large box in your arms, whining a bit. “Hnn… it’s kind of heavy…”
Several of the boys jumped up to help you, but Feitan got there first. “Give. Too weak.”
You handed the box over, knowing Feitan was doing it to help you. “Thanks, Fei!” You gave him that pretty smile of yours, and the rest of the troupe grumbled lightly.
Feitan sat the box on your coffee table, using his sharp nails to slice open the tape. “…”
Inside were clothes, all the same design. “(Name) what exactly are these… gifts?” Shalnark asked, tilting his head as he pulled a set out.
“Oh, they’re matching pajamas! I was hoping we could all get a picture together!”
You hand out everyone’s clothes, smiling.
“How did you know our sizes?” Pakunoda asked, seeing the set of pajama was her size. You giggle, turning towards her.
“I have my ways~”
Surprisingly, most of them were completely fine dressing in the Halloween themed pajamas for pictures, and the ones that weren’t did it anyways.
Phinks sat on the couch after the pictures, humming. “Huh, these are pretty warm and soft. You mind if I take these with me back to my hotel?”
“I don’t mind at all, they’re yours after all!”
The people that weren’t staying the night filed out soon after, all thanking you, a few giving you hugs and cheeky kisses to her forehead.
“Goodnight, (Name). Sleep well, and thank you for this.”
Chrollo was the last to leave, saying that before cupping your cheek and planting a kiss on your forehead. It left you. A little flustered, but you still waved at them all. “Be safe, and make sure you’re here by 9 am!”
Shalnark, Feitan, and Shizuku stayed behind, the former two eating some leftovers you had in the fridge. “Wow, it’s been nearly a month since I’ve gotten to try your homemade cooking, (Name)! This is amazing!”
You felt your face heat up, giving your friends a sheepish smile. “I’m happy you’re enjoying it.”
Soon, everyone went to bed, and you climbed into your own, excited for the day to come.
You wake up in the middle of the night to the feeling of eyes on you. You’re quick to reach for your light switch, only for your hand to come in contact with someone’s face.
A hand covered your mouth before you could scream, the person shushing you gently. “Don’t worry, it’s just me, (Name).”
Shalnark sat, crouched next to your bed, that boyish smile on his face as he pulled his hand away. “Huh… why are… why are you in my room?”
“Oh, we’re watching you sleep.”
You blinked, glancing around the room to see Feitan standing in your doorway, leaning against it. “I not watch, making sure he don’t try something.” Feitan corrected, glancing to the blonde.
“Oh, you wound me Fei. I would never hurt (Name)!”
“Not hurt, but might touch while sleeps.”
The blonde blushed, glancing down at you as you gave him a disturbed look. “No, I promise I wouldn’t do that! I just… you look really cute when you sleep!”
“… how many times have you watched me sleep??”
“… almost every time we have a mission together.”
Feitan nodded to confirm this, walking into your room. “He not mean any harm, just worried.”
Shalnark pouted at his friend. “So you were teasing me on purpose earlier?”
The two ignored him. “Worried? What does that mean?”
Feitan sighed, plopping down on your bed. “We… lost people before. Shalnark get anxious, not want you to get hurt. Watches you.”
You soften, gently patting the blondes head. “Aww, Shal, that’s really sweet. I’m okay though, I promise!”
You give them both a smile, tentatively patting Feitan’s arm. He tenses, but doesn’t move. ‘Progress!’
You kind of treat Feitan like a scared stray cat, and it works most of the time. After your gentle pat, he scoots closer ever so slightly. You rub your eyes and yawn. “Well, I’m going back to sleep.”
You turn around and pull the blanket up to your chin, snuggling into your pillow-
The dark haired girl was lying next to you, wearing the Halloween pajamas you gave her. “W-when did you get here?”
“I’ve been here the whole time.”
“She has.”
“Longer than Shal.”
You sigh, lying back on your pillow, accepting this. “Okay, as I said, I’m going to sleep. Just… don’t do anything weird and you can all stay.”
Strangely, having the three in your room helped you sleep better. It almost made you feel safe, knowing your friends were watching over you.
The Troupe gathers in your living room at 9 am sharp, some looking tired, others perky. You’re surrounded by your comrades, some(namely Shizuku and Feitan) hovered around you shamelessly as you began to speak.
“Okay, the first thing on our list is pumpkin carving!”
You had Uvogin and Phinks help you carry in the pumpkins as Pakunoda and Machi laid out newspaper to keep your living room clean. “So this isn’t just normal pumpkin carving, it’s a contest! I’ll be the judge, and whoever makes the pumpkin I like the best, wins!”
“What’s prize?” Feitan asked, poking his pumpkin. You blinked at the shorter man.
“Oh… I think I completely forgot about a prize. Any ideas guys?”
You smiled, still in your cute pajamas. Shalnark raised his hand. “Shal?”
“How about a blowj-“
Phinks smacked the blonde over the head before Shalnark is pulled away by a few members and scolded in the corner.
“Hmm? What did he say?” You asked, tilting your head. Chrollo cleared his throat, the man surprisingly flustered easily.
“Nothing. How about… a kiss from you as a prize?”
You hummed softly. “A kiss? That doesn’t seem like a good prize, I don’t think anyone here would want th-“
The entire troupe started to argue with you, and you blush.
“Oh, um… okay. A kiss it is.”
This helped to motivate the group, but before they could start you raised your hand. “Two rules, guys. No nen, and you have to use these pumpkin carving tools.”
Already, Machi and Shalnark were pouting. Feitan took the pumpkin carving kit, raising an eyebrow at you. “… dull blade. Why?”
“Well, it’s supposed to be child safe.”
“(Name), we’re a band of thieves.” Chrollo said, his lips twitching into an amused smile. “We can handle actual knives.”
You whine and hand him his own kit, puffing out your cheeks. “Well too bad, thems the rules!”
You cross your arms and walk into the kitchen.
“Haha, you sure pissed her off, boss! Boss?”
Chrollo sat in the chair with his head in his hands, groaning. “I’m an idiot.”
Uvogin clapped him over the back with his large hand, laughing. “Oh don’t worry boss, you know she can be pouty when it comes to our safety.”
“Boss not wrong though. Kill people, can use knife.” Feitan grumbled, stabbing his pumpkin.
“Fei, I don’t think that’s how you carve a pumpkin.” Phinks said, crouching down.
“Tch, you know better?”
Phinks held up his phone, a tutorial on the screen. Pakunoda, Machi, and Shizuku sat together, ignoring the men as they carved their pumpkins, occasionally dodging flying pumpkin guts.
You walked out of the kitchen 30 minutes later, carrying in some muffins shyly. “Sorry, I was a little rude earlier. I made some- oh, are you all done?”
You ignored the complete mess the troupe had made, happy that you laid out plenty of newspaper. Nobunaga nodded, holding up his pumpkin. For an expert in the sword, it looked… really bad.
“Yep, we just finished up!”
You hummed and looked over each pumpkin. “Oh, Paku, is yours a cat?”
She nodded, trying to keep a neural expression. It was a little cat, and you couldn’t help but coo and take a picture. “Cute!”
It wasn’t amazing, but cute nonetheless. You continued looking, the next one to catch your attention being Shalnark’s. It was an image of some anime character, and despite looking amateur, you could recognize the character. “Oh, is that sailor moon? It’s really good Shal!”
He gave you a proud smile, holding his pumpkin i his lap. The last pumpkin that caught your attention was Feitan’s, which was honestly the best looking one. It was a detailed carving of human heart, and you couldn’t help but be impressed.
“I think we have a winner!”
You pick up Feitan’s pumpkin and hold it up for everyone to see. Despite being upset they didn’t win, everyone also agreed his was the best looking.
You placed the pumpkin on your table before smiling. Under his jacket, Feitan’s cheeks were a soft pink as he stood before you. “Fei, are you ready for your prize?”
He froze, his hands trembling slightly in his pockets. Feitan had always been on the shy side, and when it came to you, his shy nature only intensified. The others could pick this up, especially Phinks and Shalnark. The two were about to speak up, but you talked first.
“Fei, I won’t kiss you if you don’t want it.”
His eyes widen slightly. How should he tell you that it’s not that he doesn’t want to kiss you, it’s the fact that he wasn’t sure how his body would react to such a thing? Shit, it was already hard enough to not pop a boner in your presence, a kiss might kill him!
“Kiss… kiss alright. Can handle it,” he tried to say nonchalantly, but his words came out shaky. You smiled warmly, stepping closer and gently tugging the hood of his coat down.
“Are you ready?”
His heart thumped against his chest rapidly, his eyes half lidded as he stared at your soft lips. “Y-yeah…”
You leaned forward and pressed your lips to his for a moment before pulling away, giggling. “There you go!”
You open your eyes, only to see him tug his hood back into place and speed away from you. Feitan’s face was bright red, and he could feel his pants tighten as he his under hid coat.
“Well,” Chrollo said, getting everyone’s attention. Only few people would be able to read the hint of jealousy in his eye as he spoke. “What’s next, (Name)?”
After a quick lunch, the group gathered at a corn maze. “Okay everyone, we’re going in groups of two, using the buddy system in case we get separated! Stranger danger, ya know?”
Phinks patted your head. “No one else is here, (Name), we’re the only people in line. I don’t think we’ll have any trouble with stranger danger.”
“Besides, we’re all adults and nen users.” Pakunoda said, slightly amused by your concern.
“Hmph! We’re doing the buddy system, there’s scare actors in there. What if one of them can use nen? It’s better to stick to pairs of two!”
Chrollo nodded, paying for everyone to enter. “That’s smart, (Name).”
The pairs were as so: Chrollo and Pakunoda, Phinks and Feitan, Shalnark and Machi, Uvogin and Nobunaga, then Shizuku and you.
Pakunoda glanced at you and Shizuku. “Are you sure that’s a good idea, (Name)? Shizuku can be a bit forgetful, I don’t want you two to get separated. You’re scared easily, aren’t you (Name)?”
Shizuku huffed before pulling you into her chest. “Hey, I’ll keep her safe! I’ll stay focused!”
You blushed a little, your face directly in her breasts. “Mmph!”
She released you, patting your head. “Whoops, you alright?”
You nodded shyly, your face hot.
The group entered the maze, taking different paths. It was large and intricate, more like a labyrinth than a maze. Shizuku kept a hold on your hand, occasionally squeezing it when someone jumped out to scare the two of you.
“Oh. (Name), are you scared?”
You were trembling and holding onto her arm, giving her a slight nod. “A little, y-yeah…”
The two of you continued to walk through the maze, but Shizuku seemed to space out. “Hmm…”
She let go of your hand for just a moment, and when you attempted to grab her hand again, she was already gone. “Shizuku? Shizuku!”
You shook in your little Mary Janes as you tried to find her. Just then a man with a chainsaw begin chasing you, causing you to shriek and sprint in a random direction. “AGH! SHIZUKU! SOMEONE!”
You cried in fear, spotting a familiar figure and nearly sobbing. “Uvo! Nobu!”
They looked up, Uvogin opening his arms to allow you to jump into them. He held you close as you trembled and cried, obviously terrified. Nobunaga gave you a look of concern before glancing up, unsheathing his sword and the man approached.
“Hey, back off. She’s scared.”
The man takes one look at the two menacing figures before turning around and running away. Nobunaga turns back to you, gently running his hand over your hair to smooth it out. “Hey, he’s gone. You’re okay now.”
You sniffle a little, but relax into Uvogin’s arms. “There ya go, princess. Just relax. We’ll find our way out.”
The two spent the rest of the maze in silence. Their intimidating presences alone were enough to keep all the scare actors at bay. By the end of the maze, you had fallen asleep, your arms around Uvogin’s neck.
“Uvo, Nobu? Oh thank god, you found her!”
Shalnark ran towards the three, looking over you with relieved eyes. Nobunaga held a finger up to his lips, the blonde getting quiet. “She’s sleeping, Shal. Did anyone find Shizuku?”
Said girl was being scolded by Feitan close by. She seemed sorry enough, glancing at you with regretful eyes. “I didn’t mean to leave her, I got distracted…”
Chrollo took you from Uvogin’s arms, sighing softly as he tucked your hair behind your ear. “That doesn’t matter, all that matters is she’s safe. Let’s get her home.”
By the time the group got home, it was dark. You awoke when you heard a wet thwack!
“Huh? What was that?”
Chrollo set you down. “I’m not sure, I think it’s coming from around the corner.”
You peeked arousn the corner, your eyes going wide. “The pumpkins! Hey!”
You run forward, the troupe following close behind. A group of drunk men were smashing the pumpkins you all worked hard on. “Hey, you assholes! Get away from-“
You attempted to shop them away, but were pushed to the ground. “Shut up, bitch. Stupid whore thinks she can tell us what to do…”
Thankfully, Phinks caught you before you could hit your head on the concrete, his strong arms lifting up up. “You alright, sunshine?”
You nod, sniffling a little, tears running down your cheeks. “They… they’re smashing our pumpkins…”
He did his best to comfort you as the rest of the Troupe advanced. “Trash, make her cry.” Feitan spits, wielding his umbrella.
“What should we do, boss? Can’t let them hurt our sweethearts feelings, can we?” Pakunoda asked, ruffling your hair as she passed by.
Chrollo hummed. “Take them out, but wait until we get (Name) inside.”
Pakunoda, Feitan, and Shizuku stayed outside while the rest walked in. You heard screaming for a minute, then the sound of Shizuku’s nen activating.
“I’m sorry about the pumpkins, (Name). I know you liked them.” Shalnark said, sitting next to you as you sulked on the couch.
“It’s okay… I got pictures of all of them… at least…”
Shalnark patted your back before opening his phone. “I’ll call in some pizza, okay? Uvogin and Nobunaga brought alcohol, so why don’t we watch some horror movies and chill?”
You nodded, rubbing your teary eyes. “Yeah, that sounds fun…”
It didn’t take long for everyone to get pleasantly buzzed, you included. The troupe gathered around your TV, each taking turns to sit next to you. After all, you always jumped into the lap of whoever sat next to you when you got scared!
You stood up, humming. “Imma grab some treats, made ‘em yesterday.”
Little do you know, Shizuku had an idea. You returned with the tray, placing it on the coffee table and smiling. “Okay, dig in g-“
The dark haired girl snuck up behind you, yanking your skirt down and sitting you on the coffee table. “Let’s play a game, whoever can eat her out and make her cum the fastest, wins.”
You sat there dumbfounded, trying to process the fact that your pussy was on full display for the entire troupe, and they were all blatantly staring. You tried to close your legs, whining, but Shizuku kept them held open. “H-hey!”
You pour at her, but you don’t make any further moves to stop her. You’ve never had someone eat you out before, you hadn’t even had sex, so the thought of all 8 members present taking turns making you cum was making your pussy drool in delight.
It’s not like you haven’t imagined it a few times. Your fellow troupe members were attractive, and although this was a little embarrassing, you were a little excited.
Phinks crouched down in front of you, taking a good whiff. You squeaked, your face hot with embarrassment.
He’s quickly shoved away by Machi, who huffed. “You said you get to go first? We’ll have to draw straws.”
Chrollo cleared his throat, the bulge in his pants more than evident. “That’s a good idea, Machi. Get the straws.”
You were allowed to sit down on the couch, a pillow under your hips to get you comfortable.
The first one up was Feitan. You felt a bit sorry for him, he was obviously inexperienced in such a thing, staring at your pussy with wife eyes, his hands shaking a little when he grabbed you by the hips.
He lowered his head to your pussy, looking up at you with those dark eyes. He took his coat off, now only wearing pants. Even from this angle, you could see the tent in his pants, his cheeks a light shade of pink.
“Come on, Fei. Hurry up!” Phinks yelled, tapping his foot impatiently.
Usually, Feitan could be pretty intimidating to most people, but you knew that he wasn’t actually a bad guy, he was just a bit shy and awkward. You played with his hair, trying to encourage him. “It’s okay, take your time.”
Even as you said this, you lightly bucked your hips trying to reach his face. You couldn’t help it, he was so close to burying his nose in your pussy.
Maybe he just needs a little guidance…
You look at him, grabbing a fist full of his hair and gently guiding him to your cunt. His eyes widened, and when his lips touched your pussy, he moaned into you. Feitan’s tongue darted out of his mouth, testing the waters.
He buried his face in your pussy, licking and sucking everywhere. Occasionally he’d touch your clit, but you knew without some more guidance, he wouldn’t be able to make you cum.
Gently, you grabbed his hair again, cooing softly as you guided him towards your clit. “Here, Fei.”
He glanced up at you through his dark eyelashes, immediately latching onto your clit. This had you mewling, your hips bucking into his face.
Feitan was a fast learner, you only had to show him how to please you once and he was on it like a hawk. After a minute, you ended up cumming on his tongue, panting softly.
Phinks clapped Feitan on the back as the dark haired man pulled away. “Hey, it took a bit but you got her there! Nice job, man.”
Feitan looked at you shyly, patting your thigh. “… good girl.”
‘Oh, he’s so cute.’ You thought, wanting to give him a kiss or something for his efforts, but the next person up was already crawling between your legs.
Pakunoda held your thighs apart, her thumb rubbing against your clit. “Is that good, princess?”
You nodded, whining a little. “Mhm… ahh!”
You squeak when she inserts a finger, now sucking on your clit as she adds another finger in. You bucked your hips, but she keeps you still.
You cum pretty quick, the woman smiling up at you as you catch your breath. “Mm, you taste divine, (Name).”
She gave your pussy a kiss before moving away for the next person to come.
Chrollo and Shalnark were similar in the way they ate you out. They liked to make a lot of eye contact, their fingers curling inside you, sometimes chuckling on your clit as they suckled on it.
Phinks and Uvogin were rough, their big tongues filling your pussy up, their fingers stretching you out. They both groaned when your walls clenched around their fingers as you came.
Nobunaga and Shizuku were a little desperate, their tongues lapping at you and fingers thrusting into you at ungodly speeds. Although you came quick, it wasn’t as satisfying when you came the previous times.
Machi was much like Pakunoda, taking her time and making you cum on her tongue easily. She was the only on to grab your breasts, making the others jealous. They hadn’t even though of that!
By the end of the night, you were exhausted!
The pillow underneath you was soaked with your cum, your skin covered in a thin sheen of sweat. “Our sweetheart seems tired.” Phinks teased, crouching down to help you get dressed.
The group decided to sleep in the living room, and you fell asleep being cuddled by the entire troupe.
Was it easy being loved by a band of thieves? No. Was it satisfying?
Oh yes.
“This was the best Halloween ever…” you whispered into Chrollo’s chest. He smiled and kissed the top of you head.
“It really was.”
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bettycooper · 6 months
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Aleksander was desperate enough to do anything by the time that the Sun Summoner was found. He’d known that one was coming, he’d seen the signs. There had been reports of sun angels in Fjerda every day of summer, and the year prior there had been a comet shower that lasted a full week.
But what he had not expected, even in his desperation, was the meteor and the queen made of spun starlight with a crown of sunshine who stepped from the crater it left. A queen with knowing dark eyes and youthful smile as she drew a sun, a galaxy, from between her hands when he’d asked what she was.
Darklina Server Secret Sankta 2023 gift for @ncarnesir featuring words by @holy-muffins
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wastehound-voof · 1 year
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Rockabilly Werewolves and Psycho Wolfmen!! Vol. 1 (A Compilation of Werewolf Music)
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I said I’d make a music compilation of songs about werewolves, so here it is. Rockabilly, Psychobilly, and Rock n Roll just seemed the natural choice.
Track listing:
01. Klingonz - Werewolf Boogie
02. Radium Cats - Howling In The Swamp
03. The Kac-Ties - Mr. Werewolf
04. The Meteors - The Room
05. Bang Bang Bazooka - Werewolf On The Prowl
06. Guana Batz - Werewolf Blues
07. Chuck and the Hulas - Little Red Riding Hood
08. Round Robin - I’m the Wolfman
09. The Cramps - I Was a Teenage Werewolf
10. The Epileptic Hillbilly’s - Return of the Wolfman
11. The Kings of Outer Space - Sugar Muffin Is A Werewolf
12. The Neanderthals - Werewolf from Outer Space
13. The Speed Devils - Werewolf
14. The Jack O Bones - Do You Believe in Werewolves
15. Thee Gravemen - My Girlfriend is a Werewolf
16. Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs - Little Red Riding Hood
17. The Cramps - No Club Lone Wolf
18. The Spectres - Howlin’
19. Five Man Electrical Band - Werewolf
20. The Epileptic Hillbilly’s - Strange
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Working duck? The “Working Duck” episode of “The Looney Tunes Show” explored Daffy’s meteoric rise from “muffin man” to “CEO.”
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duothelingo · 3 months
-- Junu ootin' stars break the mold It's a cool place and they say it gets colder You're bundled up now but wait till you get older But t he meteor men beg to differ Judging by the hole in the satellite picture The ice we skate is gettin' pretty thin The water's getting warm so you might as well swim My world's on fire How 'bout yours That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored Hey, now, you're an all-star {Shouting} Get your game on, go play Hey, now You're a rock star Get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shootin' stars break the mold {Belches} Go! Go! {Record Scratching} Go. Go.Go. Hey, now, you're an all-star Get your game on, go play Hey, now You're a rock star Get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shootin' stars break the mold -Think it's in there? -All right. Let's get it! -Whoa. Hold on. Do you know what that thing can do to you? -Yeah, ! I'm an orge! You know. "Grab your torch and pitchforks." Doesn't that bother you? -Nope. -Really? -Really, really. -Oh. -Man, I like you. What's you name? -Uh, Shrek. -Shrek? Well, you know what I like about you, Shrek? You got that kind of I-uttons. -All right then. Who's hiding them? -Okay, I'll tell you. Do you know the muffin man? -The muffin man? -The muffin man. -Yes, I know the muffin man, who lives on Drury Lane? -Well, she's married to the muffin man. -The muffin man? -The muffin man! -She's married to the muffin man. {Door opens} -My lord! We found it. -Then what are you waiting for? Bring it in. {Man grunting} {Gasping} -Oh! -Magic mirror - - -Don't tell him a \ adas And getting caught in the rain -Princess Fiona. If you're not into yoga -She's perfect. All I have to do is just find someone who can go - - -But I probably should mention the little thing that happens at night. -I'll do it. -Yes, but after sunset - - -Silence! I will make this Princess Fiona my queen, and DuLoc will finally have the perfect king! Captain, assemble your finest men. We're going to have a tournament. -But that's it. That's it right there. That's DuLoc. I told ya I'd find it. -So, that must be Lord Farquaad's castle. -Uh-huh. \
Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that's how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!). I'm not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he's a major fucking hottie. I'm a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I'm also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I'm in the seventh year (I'm seventeen). I'm a goth (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
"Hey Ebony!" shouted a voice. I looked up. It was... Draco Malfoy!
"What's up Draco?" I asked.
"Nothing." he said shyly.
But then, I heard my friends call me and I had to go away.
次の日、私は寝室で目覚めました。雪が降ってまた雨が降ってきました。私は棺の扉を開け、持っていた瓶から血を飲みました。私の棺は黒い黒檀で、中には端に黒いレースが付いたホットピンクのベルベットがありました。私は棺から出て、パジャマとして使っていた巨大なMCR Tシャツを脱ぎました。代わりに、私は黒い革のドレスを着て、五芒星のネックレス、コンバットブーツ、そして黒い網タイツを着ました。ピアスを4つつけ、髪をボサボサお団子のような形にまとめました。
私の友人のウィロー (AN: レイヴンはあなたです!) が目を覚まし、私に笑いました。彼女は腰まで届く長い漆黒の黒髪をピンクの縞模様で翻し、森のような緑色の目を開いた。彼女はマリリン・マンソンのTシャツを着て、黒のミニパンツを着て、網タイツを履いて、とがったハイヒールのブーツを履いていた。私たちは化粧をします(黒の口紅、白のファンデーション、黒のアイライナー)。
「ええ? それで?」私は顔を赤らめながら言いました。
fun fact i got a strike on my twitch for reading this during a stream. i got to chapter 20 something and i like to think that a member of twitch staff had to suffer through it.
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curewhimsy · 5 months
Resonate (my magical OCs)
Resonate, sometimes stylized as “Re:SON@Te,” is a group of 15 magical girl (and boy/enby) idols who are lifelong best friends.
The transforming catchphrase for everyone is “Whimsical Wonder Wave!”
They all transform with special perfume paint.
The story, Symphony Saga, begins when Amelie hears a forecast that her hometown, Speckle Town, will be destroyed by a meteor. While everyone else evacuates, Ame feels there must be a way to save her town so she goes and investigates. She ends up finding a book that tells a legend, if an idol group of fifteen friends performs a "legendary song" under the meteor as it falls, it will destroy the meteor and the town will be saved. So Ame, along with her two best friends, round up twelve other people to be an idol group of fifteen…
This group becomes Resonate. Each member has a story to them.
During the group's musical performance, they gain the ability to transform into magical girls! They successfully destroy the meteor. Now the adventure begins…
This story takes place in the magical world of Whimsica.
After they save Speckle Town, many other magical adventures await Resonate…
The Cozy House is an apartment complex that houses many of the characters. It’s also like a “town within a building.”
Their school, Adventure Academy, is a surreal, wacky school with 100 floors and is filled with adventure, monsters, dungeons, secret rooms, surprises, and fun…
Amelie Sugar | アメリー・シュガー  | 佐藤飴
Color- Pink
Weapon- Giant magical paintbrush/broom, Whimsicalibur
Signature Attack- Vivid Fantasia
Catchphrase- Always believe! The power of dreams!
Age- 20
Gender- Demigirl (she/her) (they/them)
Amelie is optimistic, overly idealistic, ambitious, a dreamer, sometimes awkward, quite animated, a bit chaotic, and a bit dramatic.
She is best friends with shy elfin girl Yuki Aizaki and cheerful yet clumsy girl Joy Smiley.
Amelie Sugar is usually spelled in Japanese as アメリー・シュガー but “Ame Sugar” which is something of a stage name, is 佐藤飴 (Satou Ame, but pronounced Sugar Ame in this name.) The kanji for Satou mean “sugar” and Ame means “candy.”
She is bunny fauna, meaning part rabbit, and has bunny ears and a tail.
Her magical paintbrush weapon, Whimsicalibur is huge and colorful and can be ridden on like a witch’s broom. Ame can create magical objects by painting them to life with Whimsicalibur. It also shoots magical sparkle beams.
Lives in the Cozy House with her family.
Her character items are strawberries and cupcakes. Her favorite foods are these and also ramen and cheese and bubble tea.
A genki girl.
Somewhere between introvert and extrovert.
Lives with her mother and father, and also an erratic gremlin version of herself named Pastell.
Has a close friend named Anya, who is nonverbal.
Has two cats, Scout and Minnie.
Friends with the anthropomorphic bunnies Muffin and Merengue.
Ame has quite a huge appetite.
Ame likes to write and draw.
She is half black, half Korean.
Her height is 5 feet 0 inches.
Her birthday is February 4.
Yuki Aizaki | 藍崎雪
Color- White
Weapon- Color palette that’s a boomerang/shield, shoots color.
Signature Attack- Lyrical Snowstorm
Catchphrase- It will be okay! The power of hope!
Age- 22
Gender- Demgirl (she/her)
She is Kiri’s cousin. Yuki and Kiri met each other recently for the first time since childhood.
Yuki is gentle, sensitive, shy, a bit gloomy, yet hopeful, and a bit boyish in style. Deep down, she is courageous and heroic.
She is an elfen, meaning she has elf ears and nature-related magic.
Yuki’s magical powers are ice and snow related. They are hard to control at first.
A shy girl, dandere. She is introverted.
Yuki lives in the Cozy House. She recently moved there.
Yuki has family troubles.
Yuki loved her grandmother who passed away. Her name was Shiro. She was Kiri’s grandmother as well. Ever since the death of her grandmother, Yuki’s mom had been acting erratic. This is why Yuki ran away. Ame also was running away because she had a bad grade on her test. The two meet, and Ame invites Yuki to live in the Cozy House.
Yuki has a distant half-brother named Shimo. They share the same father. Their father, Gin, had Shimo from a previous marriage before divorcing and meeting Yuki’s mom. Then Gin divorced Yuki’s mom as well, and took Shimo with him. Yuki and Shimo never saw each other again, until…
Yuki’s mother is named Murasaki. Murasaki’s sister (also Kiri’s mom) is named Midori.
Has a beloved pet kitten named Snowbell who was originally a plush from her grandmother, but came to life when everyone gained magical powers.
Her favorite foods are flan, bubble tea, and spaghetti.
She is Ainu Japanese.
Her height is 5 feet 8 inches.
Her birthday is November 21.
Joy Smiley | ジョイ・スマイリー
Color- Red
Weapon- Magical giant color-changing crayon
Signature Attack- Blissful Jubilee
Catchphrase- Spread some joy! The power of smiles!
Age- 18
Gender- Female (she/her)
Joy is cheerful, clumsy, strange, dorky, childish, and has a dream to make everyone smile. She can also be a bit irritating, but she hates more than anything else to be called annoying.
An extrovert who loves parties.
Joy is a regular human.
Joy has two moms. They’re named Hope and Love. She still lives with them.
Loves animated movies and magical girl things.
Jokes a lot. Doesn’t take things seriously easily, which she is criticized for.
Her favorite food is chicken nuggets.
She is black.
Her height is 4 feet 9 inches.
Her birthday is April 6.
Yume Yozora | 夜空夢
Color- Purple
Weapon- Magical violin
Signature Attack- Nebula Vortex
Catchphrase- Endless possibilities! The power of wonder!
Age- 19
Gender- Female (she/her)
Yume is quiet, stoic, a bit sarcastic and snarky, silent a lot, a hardcore gamer girl, quite serious, music lover, and caring.
Yume is an android, a realistically humanoid alien robot. She also has cat ears and a tail. She was originally from a planet called Dissonance, where music is banned. Upon discovering music, she falls in love with it and gains a dream to be a musician.
Lives in the Cozy House.
A kuudere.
Has three siblings who are also androids, hyperactive Suzu, dorky Hikaru, and gentle giant Kanade.
Her favorite food is okonomiyaki.
Yume unexpectedly has a huge appetite. Basically a harapeko.
Yume is ambiguously Japanese.
Her height is 5 feet and 0 inches.
Her birthday is November 18.
Lanyue Fei | ランユエ・フェイ | 菲藍月
Color- Cobalt
Weapon- Magical guitar
Signature Attack- Final Crescendo
Catchphrase- Open your heart! The power of compassion!
Age- 21
Gender- Trans masculine (he/him) (they/them)
Lanyue is a dapper gentleman, soft-spoken, polite, mannered, generous, a music lover, a bit particular, fancy, and kind.
Lanyue is a cat fauna, meaning he has cat ears and a tail. He wears a monocle and always fancy menswear, usually a tailcoat.
Lanyue has bad vision, but in only one eye. Thus the monocle.
Lanyue has a long lost friend named Yuelan. Her name is inverse of Lanyue’s. She was the one who gave him the courage to pursue music.
People say Lanyue acts different around Juhong. He is normally soft-spoken, but he yells and has an attitude when Juhong is involved. It’s because they’re best friends…
Lanyue’s dad Jingyue is very classy. Jingyue is so classy that he wears two monocles instead of regular glasses.
His favorite foods are lasagna and blueberries.
Lanyue is Chinese, specifically Tibetan.
His height is 5 feet and 5 inches.
His birthday is November 20.
Juhong Cha | ジュホン・チャ | 차주홍
Color- Scarlet
Weapon- Magical portable floating keyboard
Signature Attack- Passionate Inferno
Catchphrase- Look forward to it! The power of excitement!
Age- 21
Gender- Demiboy (he/him) (they/them)
Juhong is wild, loud, chaotic, fun-loving, mischievous, obnoxious sometimes, love music, snarky, a bit of a troublemaker, but a good friend and listener, surprisingly introspective as well.
Juhong is a cat fauna, meaning he has cat ears and a tail. He is a guy, but dresses in elegant feminine fashion.
Yells a lot. Has a loud voice. Does a lot of chaotic antics, and drags Lanyue in.
He also likes to make up lies about himself, like that he was grown in a lab somewhere far away and was raised by wolves and whatnot.
Juhong is a an orphan.
His favorite foods are dumplings and kimchi.
Juhong is Korean.
His height is 5 feet and 2 inches.
His birthday is November 16.
Rhona Hydra | ハイドラ・ロウナ
Color- Blue
Weapon- Magical trident
Signature Attack- Roaring Tide
Catchphrase- Give it your all! The power of dedication!
Age- 22
Gender- Trans female (she/her)
Rhona loves the ocean, is stoic, quiet, calm under pressure, is mistaken for harsh and calculating. She is a very sweet person and is awkward around people. She has low self-esteem and a generally self-sacrificial nature.
Rhona is a descendant of the sea people from the lost underwater civilization of Nautica. She does not find out until later. This can explain her love of the ocean, ability to talk to sea creatures, gift in swimming, and feeling at home among the waves.
Has a whale shark friend named Quartz as her best sea creature friend. They met when they were both young children. Quartz was a whale shark stuck in a lagoon and Rhona helped free him to the ocean. One day years later, Rhona was out freediving when she ran out of oxygen. Quartz happened to be there to see her drowning, and pushed her to the surface. This is how they met again.
Has strict parents. Doesn’t live with them.
Her favorite food is tuna, and tuna sushi.
Rhona is black, specifically Caribbean.
Her height is 5 feet and 9 inches.
Her birthday is March 10.
Nagisa Onda | 音田なぎさ
Color- Magenta
Weapon- Magical trident that looks like a spork
Signature Attack- Blossom Windstorm
Catchphrase- Devote and share! The power of generosity!
Age- 20
Gender- Female (she/her)
Nagisa is shy, timid, cheerful, yet nervous a lot, emotional, but relaxed when with friends. She is very loyal and generous to those around her who have shown her kindness.
Had a friend named Amara who loved the ocean. Unfortunately, Amara died at sea, leaving Nagisa terrified of the ocean she also once loved. Meeting Rhona has rekindled her love for the ocean. Also, Amara still might be alive…
Nagisa is a normal human.
Nagisa lives on the second floor of a sushi restaurant run by her single mother, Alisa.
Her favorite food is sushi, specifically salmon.
Nagisa is half-Japanese, and half-Latina.
Her height is 5 feet and 3 inches.
Her birthday is August 4.
Luana Kai | ルアナ・カイ
Color- Aqua
Weapon- Magical pirate sword
Signature Attack- Thunderous Crash
Catchphrase- There is no limit! The power of imagination!
Age- 21
Gender- Female (she/her)
Luana is chaotic, adventurous, brash, bold, a bit uncouth, a bit arrogant, but has a strong sense of justice and is a loyal friend and ally. She is generally accepting of everyone, and tends to stand up for those in need.
Luana is from a family of pirates, and she even lives on a docked ship in Speckle Town’s port. Her parents sometimes visit.
She has an older sister named Oliana.
She’s kind of dumb but she’s amazing at geography and also directions.
Her favorite food is takoyaki.
Luana is Polynesian, specifically Tongan.
Her height is 5 feet and 6 inches.
Her birthday is July 7.
Rie Hibiki | 響理恵
Color- Green
Weapon- Magical harp
Signature Attack- Harmonic Echoes
Catchphrase- Be yourself! The power of sincerity!
Age- 18
Gender- Female (she/her)
Rie is a bit pretentious, weird, obsessed with standing out, erratic, random, tomboyish, and tends to hide her emotions and weaknesses. She is a sweet girl but wants to appear tough.
Rie is a fox fauna, meaning she has fox ears and a tail.
She has three brothers, Yuuma and Touya who are older twin brothers, and younger brother Jun.
Rie lives with her parents. Her mom is named Chie.
She has a crush on a girl named Setsuna, who feels like the failure of her gifted family because she’s clumsy and “useless.” Rie often cheers up Setsuna by being silly.
Rie’s favorite food is meatloaf.
Rie is Japanese.
Her height is 5 feet and 4 inches,
Her birthday is June 29.
Aya Hart | アヤ・ハート | 心彩
Color- Orange
Weapon- Magical musical tennis racket with balls of light
Signature Attack- Intense Daybreak
Catchphrase- Get motivated! The power of cheer!
Age- 19
Gender- Non-binary (she/her) (they/them)
Aya is cheerful, jumpy, sporty, energetic, adventurous, naive, and rarely in a bad mood.
Aya is part cryptid, and her true form comes out when she feels intense anger. This form has bird wings, a raccoon tail, glowing red eyes, horns, and fangs. Aya has learned to repress her anger so that she doesn’t become a cryptid, because disaster usually follows when she does. As a result, she has a lot of repressed emotions…
Lives on the outskirts of town in a small cursed trailer with her brother Aaron. She does not get good cell phone reception there, so she mostly uses her phone in school or in the town. Her area also has a lot of cryptid sightings and generally feels cursed. Out of all the characters, her house is the closest to Forsaken Woods. Aya and Aaron live without their parents.
She is friends with a talking snail named Sheldon who lives around her house.
Her favorite foods are ice cream and quiches.
Aya is part black, part white, and part Romani. She is Jewish and therefore eats Kosher foods.
Her height is 5 feet and 7 inches.
Her birthday is September 30.
Sonata Coda | ソナタ・コーダ
Color- Black
Weapon- Magical electric bass
Signature Attack- Midnight Void
Catchphrase- Express your emotion! The power of honesty!
Age- 23
Gender- Female (she/her)
Sonata is pretentious, edgy, grumpy, and tends to hide her true feelings. She wants to be a mysterious shadow lord of the dark, but deep down she is just a vulnerable and shy person with lots of insecurities. Also, she can smile.
Well… she’s tsundere.
Sonata is a wolf fauna, meaning she has wolf ears and a tail.
She likes liminal places, and is fascinated by abandoned places, and where Aya lives.
Friends with a grumpy talking dog named Bagel.
Her favorite food is quesadillas, bubble tea, and black tea.
Sonata is Afro-Latina.
Her height is 5 feet and 7 inches.
Her birthday is November 17.
Saga Sun | サガ・サン | 순사가
Color- Yellow
Weapon- Magical frying pan
Signature Attack- Dazzling Sunshine
Catchphrase- I’ll never doubt you! The power of trust!
Age- 23
Gender- Trans female (she/her)
Saga is dependable, adventurous, mature, nurturing, a bit emotional, tough, and like a big sister figure or “mom friend.”
Saga is a bunny fauna, meaning she has bunny ears and a tail.
Her favorite food is macaroni and cheese. The cheap kind too. Generally has a childish taste in food.
She likes to cook, despite having a simple taste in stuff she eats.
Saga is Korean and French.
Her height is 5 feet and 11 inches.
Her birthday is November 23.
Kiri Takamori | 高森霧
Color- Teal
Weapon- Magical hammer that is also a microphone
Signature Attack- Towering Spiral
Catchphrase- Lend a hand! The power of kindness!
Age- 19
Gender- Non-binary female (she/her) (they/them)
She is Yuki’s cousin.
Kiri is cheerful, colorful, sweet, but not very intuitive, she tends to be a bit dense when it comes to other’s feelings. It’s never on purpose though.
Kiri is an elfen, meaning she has elf ears and nature related magic.
Kiri has plant and forest related magic.
Kiri has a bunny friend named Flurry who came to life. Flurry was originally a plush given to her by her and Yuki’s deceased grandmother.
Popular and has the most experience being an idol. She struggles from the pressure.
Lives with her mother Midori and her father Aosuke.
Her favorite food is ramen.
Kiri is Ainu Japanese.
Her height is 4 feet and 11 inches.
Her birthday is May 30.
Chija Song | チジャ・ソン | 송치자
Color- Sky
Weapon- Magical scythe
Signature Attack- Moonlight Mirage
Catchphrase- Always by your side! The power of loyalty!
Age- 20
Gender- Female (she/her)
Chija is mysterious, quiet, kind, somewhat stoic, doesn’t speak much or show much emotion at first, unless it’s to her best friend Aya.
Chija is a phantom, meaning she is part ghost. She has a pair of horns on her head.
She lives in a haunted mansion with two siblings, Isuel and Jumin.
Has a single mother.
Kind of a kuudere. She is silent but very in touch with emotions.
Her favorite foods are milk tea and spicy udon. Tolerates spiciness well. In fact, she loves it.
Chija is Korean.
Her height is 5 feet and 1 inch.
Her birthday is January 13.
Coming soon-
The story, plot and conflict lol
Monster of the week type antics
The Twist in the middle of the series
Story details
Character relationships with each other
Where everyone lives
Siblings and family
Name meanings
Likes and dislikes
About Speckle Town
About Adventure Academy
About the Tragic School Bus
About Forsaken Woods
Favorite music styles
Character songs/signature songs
Character tidbits and trivia
Side characters, other idol groups
Amelie Sugar is my self-insert. She is also an UTAU and possibly upcoming Vtuber.
I have also made UTAU voices for Rhona, Nagisa, Luana, Joy, and Rie by editing my/Ame’s voice. They’re imperfect for now.
Symphony Saga was originally a Vocaloid/UTAU fanfiction.
A lot of these characters are based on my interpretation of Vocaloid and UTAU characters. These characters have no canon, and their personalities are up to interpretation. I decided to make my personal interpretations into OCs, because it feels much more fulfilling. It’ll finally be canon, in a way. Because they’re their own characters.
Yuki Aizaki is based on Yowane Haku and replaced her original role in this story. You could also imagine her to have Yowane Haku’s voice, since that’s now her voice claim.
Kiri Takamori is based on Hatsune Miku and has her as a voice claim.
Yume Yozora is based on Utane Uta and has her as a voice claim.
Lanyue Fei is based on Soune Taya and has him as a voice claim.
Juhong Cha is based on Namine Ritsu and has him as a voice claim.
Aya Hart is based on Kasane Teto and has her as a voice claim.
Sonata Coda replaced Yokune Ruko in this story, though she is drastically a different character. Her voice claim is still Ruko though.
Chija Song replaced Momone Momo in this story, though she is drastically a different character. Her voice claim is still Momo though.
Saga Sun replaced Fuuga Koto in this story. She still shares some similarities. Her voice claim is still Koto.
Aside from Ame Sugar actually being my UTAU, sometimes her voice claim is Asane Bou.
Yuki’s voice claim is sometimes Gekiyaku.
Kiri’s voice claim is sometimes Yamine Renri.
Rhona’s voice claim is sometimes Kohaku Merry.
Luana’s voice claim is sometimes Anna Nyui.
Joy’s voice claim is sometimes Haruka Nana.
Nagisa’s voice claim is sometimes Sekka Yufu.
Rie’s voice claim is sometimes Matsudappoine.
I chose the name Yuki 雪 for her because aside from meaning snow, her kanji has the kanji radical for “rain” in it, 雨, one of the ways Ame translates to Japanese. Also her half-brother’s name is Shimo 霜 meaning frost, her cousin is Kiri 霧 meaning drizzle, and Kiri’s little sister is Kasumi 霞 meaning mist. Did you notice that all those kanji look similar because of the 雨 being in it?
Yuki’s mother Murasaki has a name meaning purple. Kiri’s mother Midori has a name meaning green. Shiro means white, Gin means silver, and Ao in Aosuke means blue.
Amelie Sugar is usually spelled in Japanese as アメリー・シュガー but “Ame Sugar” which is something of a stage name, is 佐藤飴 (Satou Ame, but pronounced Sugar Ame in this name.) The kanji for Satou mean “sugar” and Ame means “candy.”
The reason why many Resonate members’ birthdays are in late November is because in real life, November 16-23 is something called Rainbow Week for me. It’s a made-up special time for me for a few reasons. In the world of Whimsica, Rainbow Week is also a special time. Being born during Rainbow Week is regarded as special…
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clementinefight · 10 months
I think I'm such hot shit cuz I'm listening to Seabear while in Iceland right now...and I'm drinking tea bag coffee? Arms by Seabear is one of my favourite songs, with some of my favourite lyrics: You left your black gloves on my table You left your dark horse in the stable Thinking of a way to get you to stay And I promise to fight the wind and wait for you
I’m an owl with tired eyes I’m the scarecrow in disguise We often go out pacing When all I want to do is stay inside and look out The window with you
There was a dead mouse in your arms That was the moment that you lost your charm An old bear paw, sitting in a jar Under a tree that never grew any leaves We are so far away. This place is so far away. A three hour drive from the airport, and lovely. Lay my head in a lap of moss & fallen stars.
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But we're silly and didn't realize there'd be no food out here. We had some curry flavour instant noodles and earlier, at the airport, I had a lemon curd muffin and two coffees. Tomorrow we'll drive to find a shop. Whenever I'm rushing for a work deadline, as I am right now, I think to myself: you are a meteor! And you will go out.
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suckaysuamigos200 · 11 months
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para el día 6 de Auguspace el día de hoy le toca a meteorito
y para este día decidí dibujar a el maguito explosivo quién de nuevo salva a la Tierra de un enorme meteorito está a punto de impactar con ella (está inspirado en el capítulo del maguito explosivo) por cierto aquí aparece por primera vez su forma animal que es de un lobo marino 🌌🎩
posdata:🎵🎶Él es Dante Torobolino,El Maguito Explosivo.Él es Dante Torobolino,Destructor de meteoritos🎵🎶.
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ⁩𝐖ǐη𝗌թǐηcօ𝔤กǐ᭄🎀 /ᐠ - ˕ -マ⁩𝐖ǐη𝗌թǐηcօ𝔤กǐ᭄🎀 /ᐠ - ˕ -マ⁩𝐖ǐη𝗌թǐηcօ𝔤กǐ᭄🎀
for the 6th of Auguspace today it is the turn of the meteorite
and for this day I decided to draw the explosive muffin who once again saves the Earth from a huge meteorite that is about to hit it (it is inspired by the explosive muffin chapter) by the way, his animal form appears for the first time here, which is of a sea lion 🌌🎩
postscript:🎵🎶He is Dante Torobolino,The Explosive Muff.He is Dante Torobolino,Meteor Destroyer🎵🎶..
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foxy-glamrock-roxy · 1 year
I'm kinda tired of having to put each link here so uh here's the updated list of my characters.
Warning: this post is excruciatingly long!
Wizard 101
Heather Unicornrider [https://toyhou.se/7316212.heather-unicornrider]
Fiona Flamewalker [https://toyhou.se/7316261.fiona-flamewalker]
Jack Stormsecret [https://toyhou.se/7316328.jack-stormsecret]
Logan Mythbuster [https://toyhou.se/7316373.logan-mythbuster]
Sophia Magicleaf [https://toyhou.se/7316455.sophia-magicleaf]
Blake Skullrider [https://toyhou.se/7320199.blake-skullrider]
Sadie Balanceactor [https://toyhou.se/7320326.sadie-balanceactor]
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
Next Gen
Angelic Harmonies (Dusk Shine x Fluttershy)
Calamity Star (Tirek x Twilight Sparkle) [https://toyhou.se/16713800.calamity-star]
Cloudberry (Fluffle Puff x Queen Chrysalis) [https://toyhou.se/16713837.cloudberry]
Cuddle Bunny (Fluttershy x Hitch Trailblazer) [https://toyhou.se/17107546.cuddle-bunny]
Dark Aura (King Sombra x Queen Chrysalis) [https://toyhou.se/7320981.dark-aura]
Dawnstar (Twilight Sparkle x Sunny Starscout) [https://toyhou.se/17107600.dawnstar]
Diamond Petal (Pipp Petals x Rarity) [https://toyhou.se/17107592.diamond-petal]
Double Rainbow (Fluttershy x Rainbow Dash) [https://toyhou.se/16713852.double-rainbow]
Garnet Blossom (Diamond Tiara x Apple Bloom) [https://toyhou.se/16306617.garnet-blossom]
Hidden Rose (Applejack x Sprout) [https://toyhou.se/17107536.hidden-rose]
Illusion Lulamoon (Trixie Lulamoon x Starlight Glimmer) [https://toyhou.se/16306214.illusion-lulamoon]
Karaoke Melody (Sweetie Belle x Button Mash) [https://toyhou.se/16306600.karaoke-melody]
Knightlight Sparkle (Flash Century x Twilight Sparkle) [https://toyhou.se/16713896.knightlight-sparkle]
Lightning Bolt (Scootaloo x Rumble) [https://toyhou.se/16306587.lightning-bolt]
Lunar Eclipse (King Sombra x Nightmare Moon) [https://toyhou.se/16713927.lunar-eclipse]
Meteor Shower (Flurry Heart x Galaxy Star) [https://toyhou.se/17009367.meteor-shower]
Mooncake (Izzy Moonbow x Pinkie Pie) [https://toyhou.se/17107713.mooncake]
Morning Shimmer (Sunset Shimmer x Twilight Sparkle) [https://toyhou.se/16713947.morning-shimmer]
Night Sky (Mordecai x Twilight Sparkle)
Opera Piece (DJ Pon3/Vinyl Scratch x Octavia) [https://toyhou.se/16306504.opera-piece]
Pandemonium (Fluttershy x Discord) [https://toyhou.se/16306511.pandemonium]
Primary Paints (Rainbow Dash x Twilight Sparkle) [https://toyhou.se/16306579.primary-paints]
Rainbow Cupcake (Pinkamena x Rainbow Factory Dash) [https://toyhou.se/16119188.rainbow-cupcake]
Raspberry Beret (Fleur De Lis x Fancy Pants) [https://toyhou.se/16306425.raspberry-beret]
Rosebud (Dr. Whooves x Roseluck) [https://toyhou.se/16306441.rosebud]
Scarlet Tornado (Zipp Storm x Rainbow Dash) [https://toyhou.se/17107583.scarlet-tornado]
Silver Wing (Sandbar x Silverstream) [https://toyhou.se/16306473.silverwing]
Strawberry Blush (Wallflower x Sunset Shimmer) [https://toyhou.se/16713997.strawberry-blush]
Tiger-Eye (Capper x Rarity) [https://toyhou.se/17009511.tiger-eye]
Time Warp (Dr. Whooves x Muffins/Ditzy Do) [https://toyhou.se/17009548.time-warp]
Zap Apple (Applejack x Rainbow Dash) [https://toyhou.se/17009568.zap-apple]
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
Lychee (Lavoid Lunar)
Cupid (Drakeori)
Zelda Lumen (Aerial, Pure)
Anubis Lumen (Umbran, Depth)
Miu Lumen (Pure)
Portal Lumen (Era 1, Aerial)
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
DA Flashdrive [https://toyhou.se/16305594.da-flashdrive]
Pink Mic [https://toyhou.se/16306300.pink-mic]
Water Wings [https://toyhou.se/7320941.water-wings]
Nightlife Beats
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
Dr. Cassie Sullivan (Researcher, Compendium: Phenomic Inquiry) B Class, Level 2
Melanie Tanner (Field Agent, Ethic’s Committee Subdivision: Department of Morality) B Class, Level 3
Experiment 0102 “King Wheatley”
SCP-9400 “049-3, Lily”
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
Tsukiko (Moon Rabbit, Halfimals)
Yao Manako [https://toyhou.se/16305392.yao-manako]
Anastasia (Анастасия)
Kalani Emirati [https://toyhou.se/16305448.kalani-emirati]
Claudia Millet (Saint Hall's Orphanage)
Misaki Chinatsu (Backrooms, Kuchisakeonna)
_______ Margetroid (Alice Margatroid's daughter, from a dream, doesn't know she's a doll)
Comic (Undertale, Sans OC)
Dusty (Dustale My Version)
Pancake (Bittybones OC)
Aqua (Swap Sans MV)
Dreamer (Dream Sans MV)
Inky (Ink Sans MV)
Slaughter (Killer Sans MV)
Terror (Horror Sans MV)
Theane Rosebrook (Elder Scrolls, Bosmer/Wood Elf) [https://toyhou.se/16330102.theane-rosebrook]
Grimder Raven-Scourge (Elder Scrolls, Nord) [https://toyhou.se/16330008.grimder-raven-scourge]
Carandil (Elder Scrolls, Altmer)
Selvira Nerevar (Elder Scrolls, Dunmer) [https://toyhou.se/16330803.servila-nerevar]
Thorvil Septim-Nerevar (Elder Scrolls, Half Elf, Imperial/Dunmer)
Avintina Septim-Nerevar (Elder Scrolls, Half Elf, Dunmer/Imperial)
Emily Rose (Persona)
Dreamwave/Stacie Wesking (Marvel)
Rota Ayashi (Dragon Ball) [https://toyhou.se/7321057.rota-ayashi]
Bubblegum Buu (Dragon Ball) [https://toyhou.se/7321098.bubblegum-buu]
Sophia Koralia (RWBY)
Serena Ortello (South Park) [https://toyhou.se/7321160.serena-ortello]
Lola Ramm (BATIM)
Cloud the Sheep]?? (BATIM) [https://toyhou.se/7321317.cloud-the-sheep]
Gamer Girl (Baldi’s Basics)
Popular Girl (Baldi’s Basics)
Hjönk Hjönk (Just a goose)
Rose (Wolf)
Icesong (Warrior Cats)
Nightleaf (Warrior Cats) [https://toyhou.se/16306067.nightleaf]
Pebblestorm (Warrior Cats) [https://toyhou.se/16306100.pebblestorm]
Cedarmist (Warrior Cats) [https://toyhou.se/16305667.cedarmist]
Rootpaw (Warrior Cats) [https://toyhou.se/16304625.rootpaw]
Strawberry Cheesecake Cookie (Cookie Run)
Pink Lemonade (Cuphead)
Orange Whip (Cuphead)
Skye The Hedgehog (Sonic) [https://toyhou.se/7316034.skye-the-hedgehog]
Angel The Bat (Sonic) [https://toyhou.se/7320587.angel-the-bat]
Koharu Takara (Hazbin Hotel)
Rose the Android (Portal) [https://toyhou.se/7315921.rose-the-android]
Fiona Fazbear (FNAF)
Bella the Bunny (FNAF)
Clyde The Rooster (FNAF)
Vixen the Pirate Fox (FNAF)
Golden Fiona (FNAF)
Pink Sapphire (Steven Universe)
Sunstone (Steven Universe) [https://toyhou.se/7320907.sunstone]
Yoruno Onna (Danganronpa) [https://toyhou.se/16305034.yorunu-onna]
Himari Ichika (Danganronpa)
Yoshiki Suzu (Danganronpa)
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
Fan Kids
Fallen Angel/Lily Jaborosa [Lily Jaborosa Isley-Quinzel] (Harley Quinn/Joker Marvel)
Mortem (Alice x Bendy/BATIM)
Clarissa Lawrence (Cloud;Lola x Sammy/BATIM)
Nina Arc (Jaune x Pyrrha/RWBY) [https://toyhou.se/16305163.nina-arc]
Crystal Vasilias (Weiss x Neptune/RWBY) [https://toyhou.se/16305212.crystal-vasilias]
Adrastos Ren (Nora x Lie Ren/RWBY) [https://toyhou.se/16305249.adrastos-ren]
Yamato Wukong (Blake x Sun/RWBY) [https://toyhou.se/16305267.yamato-wukong]
Diana Magne (Charlie x Alastor/Hazbin Hotel) [https://toyhou.se/7320518.diana-magne]
Maria Dust (Angel x Vaggie/Hazbin Hotel) [https://toyhou.se/7320416.maria-dust]
Valdis (Vox x Valentino/Hazbin Hotel)
Darcie, The Acrobat (Niru x Shemira/AFK Arena)
Zeus, the Thunderstorm (Lucius x Belinda/AFK Arena) [https://toyhou.se/7321244.zeus-the-thunderstorm]
Punk Girl (Popular Girl x Rebel/Baldi’s Basics OCs)
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
Danganronpa Fan Kids
Chouko Naegi (Kyoko x Makoto)
Shiori Togami (Toko x Byakuya)
Katsuo Owada (Mondo x Kiyotaka)
Megumi Kuwata (Leon x Sayaka)
Daikio Ikusaba (Makoto x Mukuro) [https://toyhou.se/7316171.daikio-ikusaba]
Naori Yamada (Hifumi x Celestia)
Kishima Togami (Byakuya x Celestia)
Sayuri Maizono (Makoto x Sayaka)
Sakoi Asahina (Aoi x Sakura)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Yoshisato Komaeda (Nagito x Hajime)
Akio Hinata (Chiaki x Hajime)
Tomoko Kuzuryu (Fuyuhiko x Peko)
Rajani Tanaka (Gundam x Sonia)
Momoka Koizumi (Mahiru x Hiyoko) [https://toyhou.se/7316156.momoka-koizumi]
Hiroshi Mioda (Imposter x Ibuki)
Akihito Souda (Kazuichi x Mikan) [https://toyhou.se/7316135.akihito-souda]
Hiroto Nidai (Akane x Nekomaru)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Yunori Fukawa (Toko x Komaru)
Moana Asahina (Yuta x Komaru)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Danganronpa 3 (Anime)
Koharu Matsuda (Yasuke x Ryouko) [https://toyhou.se/7316109.koharu-matsuda]
Takumi Munakata (Kyosuke x Chisa) [https://toyhou.se/7316070.takumi-munakata]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Wakana Saihara (Kaede x Shuichi) [https://toyhou.se/7315806.wakana-saihara]
Haruka Saihara (Kaede x Shuichi)
Hoshiko Momota (Kaito x Maki)
Takashi Momota (Kaito x Maki)
Michiko Iruma (Kiibo x Miu)
Masami Chabishira (Tenko x Himiko)
Masuyo Amami (Rantaro x Kirumi)
Connor Idabashi (Kokichi x Kiibo)
Hiroko Yumeno (Kokichi x Himiko)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Multiple Games
Aki Ouma (Kokichi x Nagito)
Akari Ludenburg (Celeste x Kokichi)
Hitoyū Kamukura (Izuru x Junko)
Luka Soda (Kazuichi x Sayaka)
Wamiko Amami (Rantaro x Mukuro) [https://toyhou.se/7316063.wamiko-amami]
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pseudomonacarriea · 2 years
All of the munday prompts
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Oh, wow. It's Munday already. Put some of these in my askbox and I'll respond OOC. -- Accepting -- Anon
I hate you for this wjaklgewa aI'GHT HERE WE GO
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ᄏ: Play any instruments?
Not currently. I used to play flute, clarinet, and oboe though! God I miss the oboe.
ω: Have you ever dyed your hair? If so, what color(s)?
I have! I've done blue, green (by accident), red, red and orange, dark pink, annnnnd that's it right now. I'm thinking of dying it again, but I'm not quite sure what yet.
△: Have you ever painted the walls of your room?
I have! With and without permission? Can't say.
【・ヘ・?】: Ever tripped in front a bunch of people?
Yes otl.
*: When was the last time you tied your hair up? (if your hair is long enough)
Just an hour ago. I have to wear it up for work.
旦: Last time you drove your car (if you can drive/have one)?
Today! I'm slowly learning how to drive since I still have my permit otl.
愛: Are you currently dating?
太: When it’s New Year’s, do you make New Year Resolutions and actually commit to them?
Yes on making them; No on committing, because I usually give up or forget.
@: Ever felt attracted to the opposite sex before?
空: Did you ever throw up after one roller coaster ride or a few?
No, but got close.
☆: Have you ever played games such as ‘Spin the Bottle’?
⊙: Are you happy with where you are in life right now?
ピ: Did you like Pokemon as a child?
♪: Do you find yourself singing or humming to yourself sometimes?
☁: Ever wanted to learn a foreign language?
Aboslutely! I'd love to learn Korean, Irish, Japanese, and maybe Mandarin. ;; Oh, and Flemish.
ス: Have you ever swallowed gum?
Yes sobs.
⅚: Post the link if your current favorite song.
Villain Vibes
ღ: Post a gif of what you’re currently feeling right now.
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≘: Have you ever watched the sun rise?
☄: Would you defend a friend if they were in danger?
➍: Ever been to a concert? Was it fun?
I've been to a few! If they're at cons count. They were good; I saw ASCA and Eye-Q and they're so gOOD!
♛: Do you like group projects?
Only if I know the other people will do their parts, and I trust them. Other than that? No.
高: How often do you use headphones/earbuds?
ಲ: Headphones or earbuds?
Headphones man.
♞: Showers or baths?
Yes! No wait I have to pick? ... Showers.
✗: Walks on the beach or in a forest?
⊙﹏⊙: Which horror movie scared you the most? If any?
aLL OF THEM. "The Quiet Place" was CREEPY AF but also really good sound design.
^∇^: Has your best friend ever made you angry?
Yes, but we've worked through it since then ;;/
(._.): Do you think you are an awkward person?
Y...yeah. I think I'm too much for people sometimes.
メ: Cupcakes or muffins?
♯: Would you like to be able to fly?
Y e s. Rn I'd love to go to Belgium.
ℝ: What color shirt are you currently wearing?
Brown, bc I'm in my pjs
Æ: What color underwear did you wear yesterday?
(≖_≖ ) Sus.
☪: Have you ever flipped off someone?
♬: Cats or dogs?
oH THIS IS HARD. ... Dogs.
礼: Would you swim in the lake or ocean?
の: Chocolate or Vanilla?
◐: Have you ever seen a meteor shower?
Yes QQ
ᄇ: Have you ever broken a bone?
Nope! Surprisingly.
ℨ: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Anywhere but here bc Ma.ine has nOTHING.
♔: Know the Duck Song? The Llama Song? Banana Phone?
I... God I know those and I hate it.
۞: What shows did you watch when you were a child?
Whatever was on Wea.ther Cha.nnel, Histor.y, Too.nami, and news. OH! And M*A*S*H. I've seen every episode of that show.
▼: Could you live without the internet?
Д: Strangest food you’ve eaten?
uhhhh..... Chicken heart.
까: Cookies or brownies?
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
When was the last time you fell?: It’s been a long time.
What's the last flavor of ice cream you had?: I think mint chocolate chip. Ugh, that sounds so good.
Do you know a Stephen?: No.
Green or Purple?: I like shades of both.
Are you currently mad at anyone?: Myself.
Do you own any sundresses?: No.
Have you done any deep cleaning recently?: No, I’m not able to do anything right now. But let’s be real even if I wasn’t laid up in the hospital I wouldn’t be doing any “deep” cleaning, ha.
Have you ever cooked a meal for a large group of people?: I can’t cook unless it’s ramen or something I can throw into the oven or microwave. I mean, I’ve made ramen for someone else as well and cooked an oven pizza or baked something that others had too, so I guess if you want to count those things lol.
Do you like reading peoples survey answers?: Yeah.
Do you check your email daily?: I do. Mainly just to get rid of the notifications.
Have you ever used a whole tube of chapstick or do you usually lose it before doing so?: I don’t think I’ve ever finished one.
When did you last wash your hands?: Earlier.
Do you enjoy being outside in the rain?: I enjoy the rain from indoors.
What are some lyrics to the last song you listened to?: “Save me from the nothing I’ve become…”
Do you ever read the newspaper or get all your news online or television? : I couldn’t tell ya the last time I read a newspaper.
Have you ever watched a meteor shower?: No.
Does the number 8 have any significance to you? : It’s actually my favorite number. I see it often, too.
Who has the best hair that you know?: My aunts and a lot of my cousins. They have thick, long, really nice hair. I didn’t inherit that, sadly.
Have you ever been to an aquarium? : Yes.
Are you currently happy? : No.
What's a reason for your happiness?: —
Is there a light on in the room you're in?: Yes there is.
Do you know anyone that has a birthday today?: Nope.
Have you ever been to a car show?: No, not my thing.
Do you like grocery shopping?: I do. I like picking out what I want and seeing what new stuff there might be.
Have you ever been in a play?: Yeah, in like 3rd grade.
Can you see a mirror from where you're at?: No.
Do you have a large or small backyard?: It’s small.
Do you like blueberries? : I don’t eat them alone, but I like them mixed into stuff like muffins and waffles or in a smoothie.
What's your favorite flavored water?: I like Propel flavored ones and those Ice ones.
If given opportunity, would you go to outer space?: Nooo. Just the idea of outer space scares me.
Do you own a record player?: Nope.
Has religion ever come between you and somebody?: No.
When did you last have an important conversation with someone?: I have a lot of those nowadays.
Does caffeine cause you to get shaky? : Nah. I drink coffee and soda cause I like it, but caffeine doesn’t help me much. It does help take the edge off, but I don’t feel energized. The only time I felt shaky was when I had some Rockstar variety several years ago. I think it was the punch one.
Is there a scar on your body that you can't explain? : Not that I know of.
Have you ever accidentally shut your finger up in a door?: Omg, yes. Excruciatingly painful.
What would you say that most people know you for?: I don’t know? I’m not anybody of importance.
What's your favorite kind of juice?: I actually kinda like apple juice now. I never used to, or any juice actually, but I had a few when I first got here pre-breathing tube and I oddly liked it.
Do you have any stuffed animals?: Yeah, a ton.
What are you up to today?: Apart from the usual, I’ve been visiting with my mom since late afternoon watching one of our shows.
Do you wear hats often?: Yeah.
Do you have any nieces or nephews? : Nope.
Do you own a religious book?: Several.
Have you ever owned a wreck it journal?: Yes.
What did you last purchase?: A couple gift cards.
What was a celebrity you liked as a kid?: Like the popular celebs in the 90s.
What did you last eat that was spicy?: I can’t eat spicy food anymore so I don’t even remember. Damn, I miss that.
Have you ever had tofu?: Nope. It doesn’t look or sound appealing to me.
Would you or have you ever held a snake?: Nooooo.
Do you peel your apples before eating them?: I just would cut them into slices and left the peel alone. Or had the ones that already come that way.
Do you season your food a lot?: I do like my seasoning and sauces.
Do you ever light incense? : No.
Is there anything you'd like to say to someone?: Meh.
What are you currently wearing?: A blue hospital gown.
Have you ever gotten up in the middle of the night just to talk to someone?: Yeah.
What was the last social event you went to?: My brother’s grad party last year.
Do you use the word "like" excessively? : Yeah, lol.
What are your thoughts on horse races?: I don’t watch them.
Do you watch The Simpsons or any other cartoons?: Stuff from my childhood. I never got into The Simpsons.
Do you find tattoos attractive? : No, but I don’t mind if someone has a few. I’m admittedly not a fan of a lot of tattoos or face tats, but that’s a personal preference. You do you.
If you have a car, does it have a name?: —
Why did you last see a doctor?: I’ve seen a lot of doctors for different things a lot while being here.
Do you get light headed after getting blood drawn?: Yes. It’s never an easy task either. They often have trouble and I end up having to be poked more than once. When I first got here both my arms were messed up because of that. Given the state I was in when I came, they had an even harder time.
What did you first think of this morning?: Here we go again…
When did you last cry?: Today. Daily, basically.
What's the funniest thing you've seen today?: Nothing really.
Have you ever been snorkeling? : Nooo. I can’t swim and deep water scares me.
Are you clumsy? : I have my moments.
Do you prefer satin, cotton, or flannel sheets?: Mine are cotton. Flannel is nice, but it gets too hot.
What's your favorite kind of jam/jelly?: Grape and strawberry.
What's on your bedside table currently?: I don’t know currently since I haven’t been home and my room has been rearranged and straightened up so I’m sure some of the things have been moved.
What's the best compliment you've received recently?: The nurses and my family say I’m looking better, but I don’t see it.
What's some things you always make sure to pack before going on a trip?: My medicine and medical supplies are most important and then like my phone, wallet, laptop, and all the other typical things like clothes and toiletries.
What's one of your strengths?: Hm.
Have you ever spent more than $100 on a pair of shoes?: No.
Would you say you're an impulsive person?: No.
What have you last been diagnosed with?: A few things.
What's something that makes you quirky?: I’m not quirky.
What types of cheese do you consume the most? : I love various kinds of cheese.
Do you purchase extended warranties on your electronics? : Sometimes.
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Probably a diner.
What was the last sweet beverage you had?: Pepsi. Sigh, I miss soda.
Do you believe in psychic ability? : No.
Have you ever won any carnival games before?: Nope.
What was the last fun thing you did?: The last time I went to the movies with my fam. That was when the latest Dr. Strange came out. I would have been seeing the new Thor tonight if I weren’t stuck here. We always go opening day or weekend at least to see the new Marvel movies. I won’t be able to see it until it’s released on Disney+ so avoiding spoilers is going to be pretty much impossible.
Do you wear glasses?: I do.
What song did you last have on repeat?: I don’t recall the last song I was really into and listened to often. I’ve hardly listened to any music the past couple years to be honest, which is odd.
When did you last have pizza delivered?: Some time in May.
What do you normally pay for your hair cuts?: When I went I also would have my hair dyed so it was pretty pricy.
What's your favorite decoration in your place of residence? : All my stuff.
How many computers/laptops are in the building you're in?: I’m in the hospital, there’s numerous computers.
Have you ever been to a rodeo?: No.
What frosting goes best on cake?: Buttercream.
How long does it take you to get ready?: Like an hour.
Do you do some form of exercise daily?: I should be doing arm exercises.
Have you ever won a big prize for something? : I won $100 on a scratcher, ha. I was pretty excited cause it’s just a couple bucks if anything but generally nothing at all, so that was cool.
Do you think it's true that good things come to those who wait?: It can, but it’s not a given. You shouldn’t expect to just do nothing and you’ll get it.
Do you show your feelings?: I can’t hide or downplay them like I used to. My emotions took control over me.
Have you ever held a chicken?: No.
Would you rather feel too much or nothing at all?: I wouldn’t want to feel nothing at all cause feeling good things is good and emotions in general make us humans and not robots. There’s definitely times I wish I didn’t feel anything, though.
Are you hard to please?: No.
What is today's date?: July 7, 2022.
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rpmemesandstuff · 8 days
SYMBOLS GAME ᄏ: Play any instruments? ω: Have you ever dyed your hair? If so, what color(s)? △: Have you ever painted the walls of your room? 【・ヘ・?】: Ever tripped in front a bunch of people? *: When was the last time you tied your hair up? (if your hair is long enough) 旦: Last time you drove your car (if you can drive/have one)? 愛: Are you currently dating? 太: When it's New Year's, do you make New Year Resolutions and actually commit to them? @: Ever felt attracted to the opposite sex before? (`▽´)Ψ: Did you used to play hide-and-seek when you were little inside stores? (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ : Have you ever had to hug someone you didn't want to? 空: Did you ever throw up after one roller coaster ride or a few? ☆: Have you ever played games such as 'Spin the Bottle'? ⊙: Are you happy with where you are in life right now? ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ: Have you ever wanted to flip a table before? If so, why? ピ: Did you like Pokemon as a child? (⌒.−): Are there times where you wish to go back in time and redo or fix something you regret? ♪: Do you find yourself singing or humming to yourself sometimes? ☁: Ever wanted to learn a foreign language? (;° ロ°): Have you ever lost your wallet or purse? ス: Have you ever swallowed gum? ⅚: Post the link if your current favorite song. ღ: Post a gif of what you're currently feeling right now. ≘: Have you ever watched the sun rise? ☄: Would you defend a friend if they were in danger? ➍: Ever been to a concert? Was it fun? ♛: Do you like group projects? 高: How often do you use headphones/earbuds? ಲ: Headphones or earbuds? ♞: Showers or baths? ✗: Walks on the beach or in a forest? ⊙﹏⊙: Which horror movie scared you the most? If any? ^∇^: Has your best friend ever made you angry? (._.): Do you think you are an awkward person? メ: Cupcakes or muffins? (●´∀`●): Ponies or Horses? ♯: Would you like to be able to fly? ℝ: What color shirt are you currently wearing? Æ: What color underwear did you wear yesterday? ☪: Have you ever flipped off someone? ♬: Cats or dogs? 礼: Would you swim in the lake or ocean? の: Chocolate or Vanilla? ◐: Have you ever seen a meteor shower? ᄇ: Have you ever broken a bone? ℨ: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? .♔: Know the Duck Song? The Llama Song? Banana Phone? ۞: What shows did you watch when you were a child? ▼: Could you live without the internet? Д: Strangest food you've eaten? 까: Cookies or brownies?
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saturniiinae · 4 months
//15 pt 1//
15 was the year that tasted like arnold palmer arizona iced tea, big red, & the salt of sweat. it felt like the hot desert sun, the grit of tumbleweed & dust storms, the white hot burn of too-close-to-the-face birthday cake candles stuck in a lemon meringue pie. i catch glimpses here and there;
the coolness of the concrete against my face during the summer while my parents tore one another apart within the walls of my childhood home. there was a meteor shower that night, i like to think the rock he threw at the car was actually a falling star.
my cellphone dead in my hand after i passed out late into the night, early into the morning. time spent talking to ghosts that still haunt the hallways of my brain, the tunnels of my heart.
the only time i ever felt jealousy. it was over a girl who looked like an angel & sung like one too. i stared at her in church, at the bonfire that ended homecoming spirit-week, in the school halls, on stage with the boy i only spoke to once but thought i loved.
the last moment i went into the library, it always smelt the same. sometimes, i swear that smell lingers on my goose-fleshed skin. old books, synthetic cinnamon apples, lavender laundry softener.
the burning of fireball on my lips, down my throat. it tasted like the apples we used to get at the county fair every september. i want to go back, back to the carousal, the wind on my face as the alibaba hit it's peak, the sticky sweet cotton candy vomit after. i felt whole there.
the last moment in the basement of my church on a chilly wednesday night. the wooden pews left bruises on my thighs each time i sat, i never got used to the impressions of the wood plank.
my best friend whispering about the loss of virginity & falling off the bed. her first boyfriend, her first love. i was angry. why would she want that? i wanted my innocence back, how dare she just give her's away?
the early autumn air as i walked home, leaving my nose red. my fingers in my knitted pink mittens numb. blueberry muffins & wishing my mom still packed my lunch. i missed the "spiders" she would make for me (mallowmars with pretzels for the legs), the little notes pf gentle love she would leave.
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toreshi-tsuki · 8 months
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Ok, I'm back with more Inktober art. I've got 4 more to do (I got delayed because I had a hair appointment yesterday😅 but I don't regret it😎)
Day 17-Demon😈: Kiseki is usually a kind and gentle soul but even good people have their limits.
Day 18-Saddle: Nicole learned to ride a horse at 8 years old
Day 19-Plump: Andrea bought Wolf skinny jeans for his birthday which showed off his "assets" 🍑, get it?
Day 20-Frost: Kiseki is an air (by her zodiac sign ♒) and one time, she discovered her powers of frost. Pretty cool, am I right?
Day 21-Chains: For those who have heard the song "Break Every Chain" by Tasha Cobbs, this is my toon-self breaking her chains of the past. I've been dealing with some emotional trouble but that's over now.
Day 22-Scratchy: Miya and her cousin, Cassandra chillin' with Bandit and Stripe. . . getting bum scratchies.
Day 23-Celestrial: Since he's Stolas' apprentice, Nathan shares access to the grimoire (it's just a story lore I made up). One night, he used his celestial powers to show Mirabel a meteor shower on their first date. How romantic🥰
Day 24-Shallow: Muffin and Socks playing lifeguard. Muffin is teaching her little sister how to swim.
Day 25-Dangerous: As a child, Marissa Piranha was always labeled "a problem child" because kids would constantly bully her for being so small. They'd say "She's too small to be 10, she must still be 5". This would cause her to go into a rage-induced frenzy and attack her bullies. So, the adoption staff placed her in a cage to keep her away from the other kids. Too bad that didn't stop the bullying. Luckily, a kindly old cougar named "Marilyn" saw past her dangerous tendencies and decided to adopt her.
Day 26-Remove: It's a hot day in Brisbane and Uncle Stripe decided to spend the day washing the car. He takes a break and comes in to get out of the heat but as he is taking his shirt off, Aunt Trixie walks in with fresh laundry only to witness her husband's HOT🔥 abs. I know someone who getting laid tonight❤️‍🔥.
Day 27-Beast: They say "God hath no wrath like a woman's scorn" and Chilli is proof of that if you mess with her family
And that's all for now, hopefully, I'll have just a few more for you later on today. Until then, Happy Halloween🎃! Stay tooned, God bless🙏🏾, don't eat too much candy, and to everyone especially to the kids, stay safe😘
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Be Vital Skinny Gummies United States [Scam Legit] US Fake Or Exposed Algarve Keto Gummies United States Review?
 Product Name - Algarve Keto Gummies
 Category - Weight Loss Gummies
 Dosage - 2 Gummies Per Day
 Price – Online Check
 Result - 2-3 Months
 Unit count - (30 Gummies) Bottle
 Official Website - Click Here
Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now
Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now
Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now
Algarve Keto Gummies have recently demonstrated a positive impact on consumer health, which may account for some of the product's meteoric rise in popularity.
Most people on the planet are now considered severely overweight, making obesity a global issue. If I'm being completely honest with you, these are feelings that almost everyone has had at some point in their lives and at some point or another. All people can now control their obesity by reducing their body fat. So, anyone's function contributes to the body's high metabolism and nutritional support. As a result, a body must consume the best food that is designed to improve your health at any level—many ways for a belly body. However, the best way to get energy in fast metabolic reactions is to use keto diet pills. Even if you exercise frequently and eat only fat-burning gummy bears, you will not be able to prevent your body from accumulating fat no matter how hard you try.
As a result, the Supreme Keto diet BHB formula performs all of the body's functions. Furthermore, all positive reviews about the Keto product are discussed here to help you lose weight. Algarve Keto Gummies weight loss supplement is beneficial to health and a belly body in order to promote ketosis. As a result, the BHB keto diet pills have a unique herbal formulation that works to boost the body's metabolism and provide energy. So, a completely herbal and natural form of Supreme Keto pills is sufficient to make a body lean and trim by removing all excess fat. As a result, all obesity and additional weight issues are controlled to achieve effective body health. As a result, the Algarve Keto Gummies should be taken with water and milk to aid digestion.
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Visit Here Know More : Click Here To Go to Official Website Now Algarve Keto Gummies
Weight Loss & Algarve Keto Gummies:
Many people find that knowing they won't have to worry about having ugly muffin tops once they reach their goal weight to be a very motivating aspect of their weight loss journey. With the passage of time, the majority of people who want to lose weight will eventually resort to methods that have been proven to be effective. People who use the medication for more than a week or two are more likely to experience the negative side effects associated with long-term use. The severity of these potential negative effects can range from quite mild to life-threatening.
As a result, common negative reactions such as annoyance and exhaustion are amplified. All of the beneficial ingredients in Algarve Keto Gummies are derived from natural sources such as vegetables and herbs. There were no artificial sweeteners or starches used in the preparation. It's encouraging to know that they might be able to help you lose weight. It is advised that you try these sweets for at least a week to get a sense of how they affect your health. It is critical that we work quickly to gather as much information as possible about the components, benefits, and drawbacks of these gummy candies, as well as the specifics of how we can obtain some of them.
How Do Algarve Keto Gummies Help You Weight Loss?
Nutrition by Supreme Keto pills is nutritional supplements that help the body slim down. However, a user must first determine how each pill works in the body and then use each pill to its full BHB support. As a result, the keto supplement is better for demonstrating proper work levels and boosting your body's energy for fat burn. However, each pill works to increase metabolism, and the bloodstream in muscles becomes active, assisting in the production of energy. As a result, it is also preferable to use the ketosis pills formula and slim your body with its strong muscle power.
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All prescriptions that are consistently given over the pills bottle must be followed up on by the user. As a result, it is active to strengthen your body with the use of a single pill. However, it is critical not to combine one Algarve Keto Gummies for weight loss with one glass of water, as this will cause extra digestion in your body. As a result, the body must take the prescribed dose, and starting your new health activity is simple. As a result, it is also beneficial to provide nutritional support and can burn all of your excess fat.
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Top Ingredients of Algarve Keto Gummies:
Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB): This is an important ketone that contributes to ketosis. It is primarily an energy source that delivers energy to the brain and body in a systematic manner.
Apple Cider Vinegar: This ingredient aids in weight loss by assisting in the production of ketones. It also has beneficial bacteria that aid digestion.
Garcinia Cambogia: This ingredient increases metabolic rate. It can help you burn more calories with less physical effort by speeding up your metabolism.
Forskolin: This ingredient reduces appetite significantly. When a person feels full, they will avoid overeating by limiting their calorie intake.
Lemon Extract: Lemon can effectively remove toxins from the body, resulting in ketosis and weight loss.
Is the Algarve Keto Gummies a Scam?
Algarve Keto Gummies is without a doubt the best weight loss supplement. This is because it has numerous advantages. Weight loss is aided by Algarve Keto Gummies.
Gets the body into ketosis faster than natural methods.
Significantly improves metabolism.
Helps to increase physical strength by increasing the amount of energy available to the body via -hydroxybutyrate.
Removes toxins from the body.
Keeps you in ketosis indefinitely.
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Health Benefits:
It contains only natural and herbal ingredients
It is gluten-free and prepared without adulteration.
Laboratory-tested and certified keto gummies
Has nutritionist and physician certification.
Aids in the rapid recovery from exercise.
Keep lean muscle mass and removes stubborn fat.
Critical in maintaining biochemical balance.
Contains a number of special ingredients that help absorb other illnesses.
Ingredients also remain in the body for an extended period of time.
Are there any Side Effects of Algarve Keto Gummies?
There are no known side effects associated with Algarve Keto Gummies. Keto is the best, and its greatness stems from the rigorous tests it has undergone. It has successfully completed all stages of testing. Nutritionists and doctors all over the world have certified it.
Beta-hydroxybutyrate is an energy source that supplies energy to the body and brain on a continuous basis. There will never be a lack of energy in its existence. The body enters and remains in ketosis as a result of this compound. The fatty acids in the cells are extracted and dissolved by ketosis and excreted from the body.
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(OFFICIAL WEBSITE) Click Here to Buy Algarve Keto Gummies From The Official Website
Is it dangerous to use this product as directed, that is, orally and in its entirety?
Is it true that this vitamin aids in weight loss? Is it possible to predict what would happen if you ate an entire bag of gummy bears? When considering the use of a device to aid in weight loss, concerns about the characteristics and features discussed thus far are understandable. Because it contains only natural and herbal ingredients and nothing artificial, this dietary supplement is an excellent contender for the job of fat-burning supplement. This dietary supplement has proven to be one of the most promising options thus far. Algarve Keto Gummies could help you achieve your ideal body.
How Can I Purchase Algarve Keto Gummies?
The supplement is ideal for causing your body to function for weight loss and energy in order to achieve a slim shape. However, the keto formula is easily accessible and available online. A user must first visit the Algarve Keto Gummies supplement's official website and then place an order. Furthermore, it is worth noting the 60 Gummies bottle of Supreme Keto formula for improved metabolic reactions and weight loss.
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Algarve Keto Gummies Dosage:
Algarve Keto Gummies are suitable for both men and women because their ingredients do not contain any harmful chemicals. However, a few things to be taken care of. It must be kept out of children's reach. It is recommended that people under the age of 18 be dealt with appropriately. People who have medical conditions that necessitate the use of large amounts of medication should seek medical attention. Molten Keto is taken twice a day in the form of two Gummies. Make sure to pair it with fat-rich foods.
Nothing beats getting your hands dirty to get a true sense of a product's quality and usability. Dietary fat reduction is an effective weight loss strategy. Algarve Keto Gummies have recently demonstrated a positive impact on consumer health, which may account for some of the product's meteoric rise in popularity. Eating these delectable treats and following the other tips in this post has helped many people achieve their ideal body compositions. These snacks have the potential to be a quick and easy way to improve your health.
Please keep in mind that any advice or guidelines provided here are not a replacement for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Before making any purchasing decision, consult with a professional physician or health specialist.
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