#Mexican soap
eowynstwin · 1 month
More (perhaps controversial) takes about the 141, this time asking what kind of artists they’d be (because I have a BFA and dammit I insist upon using it):
Soap’s tried a LOT of disciplines but always came back to painting. He’s an abstract expressionist and puts his whole body into his work; throwing paint across a monumental canvas, or moving pigment around with huge wedges he’s got to hold in both hands. His works are overwhelming, explosions of color and movement, so much happening in one place all at the same time that looking at them feels like looking at a bomb going off. (He’ll indulge in some figure drawing but mainly for fun with his hookups.) Think: Jackson Pollock.
Gaz is a portraitist with an uncanny ability to reveal his subjects’ personalities. He works almost exclusively in oils, in a style that blends academic painting with Impressionism, and spends days with his subjects, getting to know them on a level nearly as intimately as a lover, drawing them out of themselves into a state of honesty that’s both fragile and cathartic. Somehow he can translate the truth of a person onto canvas in a way that can be either comforting or brutal. Every piece of his manages to make the viewer wonder how he could know so many people so well. Think: John Singer Sargent.
Price is a stonemason and bronze sculptor. He works at a 1:1 scale and most often depicts figures in some sort of dramatic motion; dancing, flying, reaching into the distance, or with wind-tossed clothes or hair. The best way to describe his work is romantic, in the classical sense; he reveals moments of powerful emotion, uninhibited by propriety, such that his work feels like it could sweep you away. Price is an artist in love with something he hasn’t found yet. Think: Luo Li Rong.
Ghost works almost exclusively with metal. He learned to weld and never wanted to do anything else afterwords. His sculptures are constructed of raw, sometimes dangerous-looking pieces of steel, scraps he scavenges from construction sites himself and puts together with no plan other than to stop when it looks finished. His work is not always intimidating, though; sometimes, his favorite things to put together are weird-looking benches that he will deposit in unfriendly parks with nowhere to sit. He’s gotten fined more often than he remembers for it. Think: Julio Gonzáles.
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buttdumplin · 1 month
One week post hysterectomy and you're ready to pull out your hair and theirs. Ale and Rudy can help.
cw: poly!141 x transmasc latine!reader, established relationship, mexican slang, spanish-speaking reader word count: 1620
You don’t often have to remind yourself how much you love your partners, how you cherish them, because it comes so naturally. But with the hovering and the near constant check-ins and the way they won’t let you even walk on your own, you have to recite a mantra about it so you don’t pull out your own hair.
“Yall realize that 6-8 weeks of recovery does not mean 6-8 weeks of being bed bound, right?”
John is almost too quick to answer, “Hasn’t even been a full week yet. You need to take it slow.”
“None of you ever take it this slow when you’re injured.”
“None of us have to deal with that major of a surgery usually.”
There’s plenty of pillows around you, you can chuck one at his head without it affecting your posture. You spend a second looking for the right one to throw, but the pillows John bought you are slightly bigger than what you can currently lift. Motherfucker has the gall to grin at you, proud of himself.
Needing to at least exit the room, you wiggle around in the nest of pillows as much as you can without hurting yourself. A too hard lunge makes you gasp and Simon appears at your side, reaching in with strong arms to pull you free from the tender trap. You sit him down once you’re on your feet, motioning for him to stay there. You can make the walk to the bathroom. You should make the walk to the bathroom. You need to make the walk to the bathroom.
“Remember not to strain yourself,” he calls from the bed, edge in his voice making it clear that he’s only barely able to stay where you left him.
Any other time, any other one of them, you’d be turning and mocking them with an “okay mom.” In fact, you still want to with all the careful tiptoeing, but when you turn and find those big brown eyes full of soft concern, the anger dissipates. Simon is in uncharted waters, feeling helpless and clinging to what he can do for you. His hands clutch the bedding under him, knuckles turned white.
You answer him softly, “I will Moncho, thank you.”
As silent as he is, you know he’s standing outside the door the moment you close it, waiting for your call should you need him. It’s usually not a problem, but having to swear to no locked doors for the foreseeable future makes you move carefully in the bathroom. The last thing you need right now is to grunt a little too loudly and scare Simon. 
“You know you don’t all have to stay housebound, right?” you try to keep your tone friendly as you open the door. “Yall can take turns stepping out for groceries or snacks.”
“Everything delivers now, love,” Kyle sounds a little too smiley for your liking right now.
“I just don’t want yall to get bored, cooped up.”
Johnny’s laughter drifts in from the kitchen, “Please, we’d stay home every day if we could. Delighted we can now.”
There has to be fucking something. They’re sweet, they’re lovely. The surgery and recovery would be impossible without them. But there has the be some fucking way to not have all eyes on you every minute of every day. You ease back into the plush nest made for you, trying to drum something up. Thankfully, the sound of the doorbell saves you from spiraling deeper into your frustration.
“Damn, yall really did order everything for delivery.”
Johnny sprints for the door, excitement in his eyes, “This might be one of the things we ordered for you specifically.”
Swear to god, if they ordered more of those impossible compression socks, they’re never gonna hear the end of it. At least it’s been a good day. You’ve got clean sheets and bedding, you showered with little to no pain (Simon insisted on joining you to help), and the incision sites are healing well. The bladder pain you could do without, though. 
“Special delivery,” a new voice sings. Two?
“Ale! Fito!” you surge forward to stand, but too many men shouting in protest sits you back down. “What are yall doing here?”
They make their way through the pillows to greet you properly, facial hair rasping against your cheek. Thank fuck for that shower earlier. Can’t be too mad about this being orchestrated now. 
Ale smiles bright, plopping down next to you, “Un pajarito medio nalgón-”
“Cuatro,” Rudy interrupts, taking a seat much more gently, “Cuatro pajaritos bastante nalgones.” 
“Simón, Simón. Cuatro nos pidieron un favor.”
“We did say ‘special delivery’.”
They each place a white box in front of you. No labels or tape, just folded closed gently. The folded pieces bloom open in their hands, revealing a giant ziploc bag full of lots of little somethings in each. You can make out little star and flower shapes, all coated in a clumping white powder.
“Are these my tía’s cookies?” 
Ale sucks his teeth, wrapping an arm around you, “Clarín cornetas, mi niño.”
“Which of you did she flirt with?”
“Both,” Rudy chuckles, “We got that bordertown charm.”
It’s then that you remember your tía’s bordertown and their bordertown are on opposite sides of Texas. Not only did they have to deal with her shameless flirting for who knows how long, sweet fools must have gone so far out of their way to get these. And the sheer care they must have put into the transportation. These cookies are frail and yet so few of them are broken. They even accounted for the lard used in them, little ice packs peek out from underneath the large ziploc bags. Tears blur your vision, their voices going out of focus as they give you updates on your family.
“There is one condition though,” Rudy hands you a tissue. “One bag is for you, and the other is for them to share.”
Johnny comes running in from the kitchen again, “Wait, just one for all four of us?”
“That’s what Tití said.”
“Fuck, I really thought she liked us,” Johnny stands completely still for a minute, clearly reviewing the interactions they’ve had with your tía in his mind, cookies forgotten. 
Kyle takes their bag, diving into it immediately and coating his chin in the powdered sugar falling from the cookie. It doesn’t take long for the other 3 to converge around the bag after that. They’ve only had these cookies once before, at your youngest cousin’s quince, which was full of too many “so exactly how are you related?” questions. Your tía says she saves them for special occasions, but you know that the labor that goes into making them is too much for the cookies to be in regular rotation. Either way, they’re a true gift. Your cousins must have helped her this time, the start and flower shapes are just off enough to not fit into your tía’s perfectionism. It won’t take a whole lot of convincing to get Simon to use his fancy calligraphy to write them a thank-you note.
“We were also promised grilled goods upon arrival?” Ale speaks loudly over the cookie commotion.
John perks up at that, faint surprise on his face.
Kyle makes an excited noise around a mouthful of cookie, speaking from the corner of his mouth, “Right, and we’ve got everything set for the chef.” He wrangles John towards the backyard. 
Simon looks worried as Johnny approaches him, clearly meaning to take him to the backyard as well. He’s been firmly by your side since they brought you home from the hospital. He looks over at you, tracing your figure slowly, double-checking every inch of you. Taking a deep breath, he stiffens.
“We’ll look after your boy,” Rudy says softly.
“Aquí te espero, amor.”
He nods, your words enough to ease him through the door. 
With all the prep before the surgery, a couple of really intense weeks where you all worked to prime the house for recovery, this is the first chance you’ve gotten to exist without them being in the same room. And it’s so fucking nice. You couldn’t ask for better partners, but it’s almost relieving to not have to worry about accidentally setting one of them off and launching them into motherhenning. Rudy and Ale have clearly been given the task of looking after you, but even just having new faces to talk to is refreshing.
“Which one of them set this up?” you ask them.
“It was less a request and more a suggestion from us,” Rudy says.
“Bien los conocemos,” Ale adds. “Te quejas, pero bien chiple que te tienen.”
You grin, not even trying to deny it.
It’s muted, but the sounds of the boys chatting drifts into the room. Some back and forth about marinating and time, some laughing about sneaking around. You can’t quite see them from your window, but it’s reassuring to know that this time is helping them relax as well. 
Ale and Rudy tell you more about their trip to visit your tía, passing along the greetings and well wishes your family sent you. It’s an easy rhythm: one talks, the other corrects, and you get to giggle as you listen. Then you swap: you talk, Ale listens, Rudy shushes him. It’s soothing in a way that reminds you so much of home, the ruckus everywhere and laughter echoing. When the tension in your shoulders has finally slipped away, Ale turns to you, curious and serious.
“So about this recovery period,” he says.
“And a grueling schedule before the surgery?” mischief lights Rudy’s eyes.
You groan, their cackling drowning out the sound of you swatting at their chests. 
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thesnakeoutsider · 18 days
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The lovers
Idk what I did I just did it. And I like it. I know that sometimes is Johnny who is the one represented by the sun, but … in my mind is quite de opposite. Someday I will elaborate on the whys, not today.
Print here btw
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javsarts · 1 year
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Do not ask me for context for there is none, it’s just a bunch of Pinterest studies mashed together to keep my drawing hand working.
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bloodyknucklesforme · 2 years
Christmas Traditions | 141 x Reader
Idc if it's not December yet, it's Christmas time. Might do a part two with Alejandro, Rudy, Konig, and others (need to do research on non-UK Christmas traditions)
John Price
Christmas is the only time of the year he can truly get away from work and he makes sure to get as far away as possible. He's rented a little cottage as north in Scotland as he can get.
You drive a car full of stuff up on the 20th, he allows 10 minutes of Christmas music per hour on the road.
He cuts down a tree for you, even if it's not totally legal to do so.
Most of the ornaments are yours, he never decorated before meeting you. He likes watching you stretch to reach the higher branches and will pick you up by the waist if need be. He likes putting the star on top.
You mostly spend your time together in bed or by the fire.
He's a splurge when it comes to gift-giving, a couple small gifts and then something big like a kitchen-aid mixer or something else expensive you've been wanting.
Spends Christmas night dancing with you even if he has two left feet.
Wishes he didn't have to leave on the 27th
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
He likes going out of the country for Christmas. Doesn't want to be in London, especially after Picadilly.
You almost miss your flight, running through the airport.
The location is always a surprise.
This year it's Gibraltar.
You have a nice hotel overlooking the ocean
Spend time at the beach and Christmas market.
The two of you spend Christmas eve watching old movies and drinking wine.
You love the trips but hope next year he'll bring you to meet the family. Maybe give you a ring too.
Matching Pjs, tea and biscuits is how you spend Christmas morning
John 'Soap' MacTavish
He's the one that buys the matching pjs.
Loves Christmas more than anyone else in the group
Takes you up to Scotland to meet the family even if you've only been dating for a couple months. His mom refuses to let him miss it.
Sings songs the whole drive up
Apologizes profusely for having to leave for midnight mass with his mom, and will hold your hand the entire time if you choose to go.
His mom barely leaves the two of you alone so any 'alone time' is in the car.
Not the best at gift giving, he watches you and his mom walk around the market and buys whatever you pick up. You have a lot of funny phrase mugs now.
Teaches you the proper way to pronounce "Nollaig Chridheil" (Merry Christmas in Scots)
Drags you outside when it snows to either build a snowman or pelt you with snowballs
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Wouldn't even realize it was Christmas if it wasn't for you
He kind of panics because he didn't plan anything or get you any gifts
Lots of last-minute shopping.
Gets a little charlie brown type tree. You're both taller than it but make orange slice ornaments and a popcorn garland. It makes the flat smell incredible if a little buttery.
He can put up with one movie so pick carefully. He might fall asleep but he's still wrapped around you.
You fall asleep on the couch as the little spoon and wake up the next morning with a stack of presents by your little tree. He's somehow still behind you.
Traditional English breakfast and tea Christmas morning
You got him a bracelet with your name and the date you met stamped on it, even if he can't wear it in the field it's always in a pocket.
You can convince him to go with matching socks but nothing more
He's just glad the two of you are together and will try to do whatever tradition you want if it makes you happy.
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4me2knowandyou2wonder · 11 months
Teeth Headcanons for Modern Warfare characters
Starting with our two villains? I like your style everyone.
Last poll's winner was Valeria! short one this time, only because she's too flawless <3 you'll see.
Valeria’s teeth are perfect. Genetics were on. her. side!! (Fig1)
She never had orthodontic correction, and she doesn’t need it! She brushes her teeth twice a day because my girl knows how to take care of herself. She deserves to feel cleaned up and she knows it. She flosses with the sticks only. She’s bougie like that. And uses whitening stips occasionally to counteract the coffee she consumes.
She’s never had a cavity, but she did get into a street fight which ended with her knocking out the OTHER person’s canine, and now keeps it in her jewelry box with plans to do something with it later.
Her wisdom teeth stayed in the jawbone and never erupted and they won’t. Without being exposed they’re not in danger of infection, just another godly role of her genetics making her one of the few people to just not need any dental help. 
Honestly, what god blessed her?
Figures under the cut.
(Fig 1) yoinked a gif this time >:]
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sketchyfandomgirl · 8 months
Thinking about Ghost and Soap trying conchas for the first time when in Mexico and Ghost being the British mf he is dips it in his tea
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soaqrudyz · 1 year
soap is white and mexican but he doesn’t look mexican at all
he didn’t really hide it, he just didn’t outright tell anyone, and anyway it was in his file so he didn’t feel the need to advertise it. he spoke spanish well enough bc of his grandma’s insistence that all her children teach their children as to not forget their heritage, it was a fun little tidbit that he kept close to himself, so when las almas came around and he grew closer to the vaqueros, he figured he’d play a little prank
it was harmless! they’d go about the day as they usually do, and then out of nowhere he’d break into flawless spanish with ale & rudy and have a good long laugh at how stunned they’d be. it all goes according to plan until rudy, clueless, starts positively gushing ab him and his smile and his silly accent right in front of his face. he has no clue what to do other than to act like he has no idea what rudy’s saying, so that’s what he does. it goes on like that for weeks - rudy talking ab his muscles or his eyes and him pretending he wasn’t blushing up to his ears
it comes to a head in the middle of a shootout, they aren’t advancing and the enemy aren’t retreating and they need something big fast. alejandro calls to some stray vaqueros to move their position so soap could throw actual bricks of c4 at them like a madman and light them up from behind his cover. his mistake? he doesn’t wait for ale to relay it to him in english, he just goes and does it once their comrades were clear. there’s a moment of confused (and mortified if you count rodolfo, who was directly to his right) eye contact, then the explosion, then nothing. they corner him when he gets back to base and he’s forced to tell them everything. alejandro laughs and compliments his pronunciation before leaving him and rudy to talk it out.
he ends up with a bruise on his arm from where the older punched him, and a few hickies that poke out from just beneath his shirt collar
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meliora-box · 2 years
I am back with my hc about soap being half Mexican because I can >:)
-bro’s a big booty Latino I KNOW HE IS The whole squad (especially ghost) looks at him like DAMMMMN And poor price the resident father figure looks at them like 😐
- one day the squad gets invited to a get together his fam holds in Mexico and Gaz is like “isn’t ur family Scottish??” And soap is like “you’ll see👀”
-they meet his fam and at first they’re like HUH
-especially Rudy and Alejandro because they’re like “ur Mexican too???”
-of course soap pulls up with the whole ranchero outfit (non Latinos if u don’t know what that is look it up) and bro looks SWAG ASF
- bro can DANCE too like he can dance to anything reggaeton, line dances, corridos, etc
-ofc he gets Ale and Rudy to dance with him because they’re familiar but everyone else is a bit hesitant
-With Gaz and even price they’re cool with learning they have fun :3
-but König and ESPECIALLY ghost they’re very hesitant (ghost especially)
-with König soap does a slower song with him so he can get the footwork down a bit
-But with Ghost he literally has to DRAG him to at least TRY (“this shit is hard” “well pay attention and QUIT STEPPING ON MY SHOES”)
-he had to pick a slow song AGAIN (it was a love song winkwink)
- but ghost only did it because he was jealous everyone else got a turn dancing with soap he wanting HIS turn but was too shy to ask
- price: “ghost stop glaring at them Ale and Soap are just dancing”
Ghost: *glaring mostly at Alejandro’s hand being at Johnnys lower back because that’s HIS spot* “I’m not glaring”
Ok it’s like midnight and this just drifted from headcannons to how meeting the fam would go and a party featuring a bit of GhostSoap but again it’s MIDNIGHT so again y’all add your own twists‼️‼️
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runekirikjartan · 2 years
The conversation Ghost and Alejandro are having in Chapter 2 of 'an observational study of a ghost' is giving me flashbacks to my own trauma this was unintentional.
"Straight to the point then?" "Simon," Oh no, Ghost knew that tone of voice. "You drove nearly eighteen hours to get away from Sergeant Mactavish. This is something you need to talk about.” “Curse you and your halfway decent communication skills.” “Aye, Rudy says the same thing.” Alejandro reassured as he took a swig of the bottle and slid the bourbon over to Ghost.  “Really? He seems like the one who does heavy talking.”  “No.” Alejandro shook his head. “Self-sacrificing to the boot, wouldn’t let me get a word in edgewise in the beginning, was always worried about this and that. What would our mamas think? What would our friends say? What about family?” "Sounds like a logical man then.”  “Yes,” Alejandro hesitated, choosing his words carefully, it was hard enough to explain it in his native tongue, but into English, in a way that didn’t minimize what Rodolfo meant to him. “but because of his questions we took far longer than we should’ve to realize that the only people that mattered to us were one another.”
Also you're telling me these fuckers grew up together running across mountain ledges in their spare time and jumping off cliffs to not fall in love? They definitely husbands-
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s0fter-sin · 11 months
gotta love hassan “i have broken no laws” zyani. i guess illegally crossing borders, arson and attempted murder aren’t crimes?
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buttdumplin · 5 months
Thinking self-indulgent thoughts regarding the 141 boys and their little quirks with a spanish speaking reader. Some stumbling through their accents, some begging for more, some keeping their own knowledge of the language secret. I might come back to this later...
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mycrazydrabbles · 1 year
Task 141, R/n and König visiting Mexico for R/n's birthday.
Rudy brought the cake to the table, catching everyone's attention, making them gather together to sing "Las mañanitas".
When the music started, R/n, Rudy and Alejandro where laughing at how the 141 crew and the Austrian were trying to sing in Spanish,after that,it was time for the so famous "Mordida"
Alejandro and Rudy staring choiring, and when R/n went down to take a bite of the cake, she felt Alejandro's hand pushing her face to her destiny
Alejandro: Ha! Happy Birthday, chaparra, espero que hayas pedido crecer como deseo.
Everyone went silent, not knowing why Alejandro did such a thing, and then they got even more lost when they saw how R/n took opportunity on Ale's moment of distraction, grabbed a piece of the cake and splashed into his face. Ha! Got you, frentón.
Let's say that after that, pieces of cake were flying between the older Mexican man and R/n.
Price just sigh and looked to Rudy, he just laughed, went inside and by everyone's surprise he got another cake, this one was more detailed and beautiful.
At the end, certain Scottish, and two Mexicans were covered in frosting and being scolded by Price and Rudy.
In the meantime, Gaz, König and Ghost were enjoying the new cake.
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covencupid · 2 years
also after watching the mw2 cutscenes i am convinced that there’s a group chat with alejandro, rodolfo, ghost, and soap and it’s just shit like this
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itsadragonaesthetic · 6 months
As a person who lives near the Mexican border especially, it just weirds me out how many people will confidently and frequently say they don't like Mexican food. Maybe it's because of where I live, but I feel like I don't hear people talk like that about other kinds of food. There's about a thousand Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Mediterranean, and Indian restaurants and nobody ever turns them down when I bring them up. As soon as I mention a Mexican restaurant, especially if it's even a little obscure, everyone is suddenly picky.
Also, basic stuff on the menu is often just cheese, meat, and salsa covered in bread. Some items are literally chips and dip. There's lots of very basic vegetation options. And ya know. Horchata exists. Like... you're gonna tell me you don't like any of that?
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meliora-box · 2 years
I believe in half Mexican soap supremacy because as a Mexican I am correct and I will put my mini head cannons here:
-His mom is Mexican and she met his father when he visited (maybe for a vacation or job reasons)
-they fell in love and married, then moved to Scotland and had his 2 older sisters and 1 older brother then had soap
-he grew up with both Scottish and Mexican cultures and he’s very patriotic about both countries
-he’s fluent in Spanish but pretends not to especially during the Las Almas mission because he thinks it’s funny that they think he’s just a regular white guy
-contrary to popular beliefs bro can handle spice WELL and Ghost and everyone else just looks at him in horror as he eats a whole chile pepper
- soap and Rudy become chisme buddies and they call each other every week to spill the tea from the week and complain about their bf’s
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