#Mike Dodds fluff
storiesofsvu · 2 years
Hey girl! Glad you have some time off!
How about Mike Dodds - "what exactly am I looking at here?"
hahahah I MEAN, i only work 2-3 days a week anyways LOL. but having particularly Saturday off is weird cause our numbers are usually higher on Sat (hence why im the second bartender in, it's more guaranteed that i'll end up working) but it's a long weekend so i guess not this week (but ive gotta manage tmr so...)
ALSO, gonna do these as like, little blurbs/sceanrios so i don't put too much effort into them and lose all the motivation to work on the ch's i'm also doin rn lol
You loved Mike with all of your heart, you had from the moment you'd laid eyes on him. Goofy grin on his cheeks, laugh barely faded from them, sparkle in his eye as he joked with a friend. Then he glanced your way, catching you watching and everything from the smile to the sparkle grew by a tenfold. You blushed, quickly glancing away before looking up again and his gaze was still on you, the smile softer, but one that you'd never forget.
It didn't take much longer after that first night for the two of you to fall in love. You spent each weekend together, exploring the city and taking full advantage of the autumn celebrations. As the weather cooled you took even more advantage of the excuse to curl up inside on the couch with a fuzzy blanket, giving Mike puppy dog eyes until he gave you all the perfect cuddles you desired. You were engaged on New Year's Eve, at an intimate yet fancy party at the Dodd's brownstone and there wasn't a dry eye in the house.
You had the perfect life together, and not long after the wedding you gained another family member when you gave birth to your first child. After your second was born, Mike started to feel a little apprehensive about continuing on his work with the NYPD. He wanted to make sure that you and the kids would always have him, that he wasn't going anywhere and he couldn't guarantee that with his career. So he put in his papers, retired from the NYPD with a full pension to be a stay at home dad and he had never been happier.
Mike was an amazing husband, and he was an even more incredible father. You weren't sure how he would handle it at first but he was an absolute rock star. You'd get the kids up in the morning together before Mike would give you a kiss and the kids would swarm you with hugs before you left for work. And each day when you got home dinner was at least started if not ready while the kids were tuckered out on the couch occupied with tv, colouring or playing quietly together. They'd tell you about how Dad took them on adventures each day, and occasionally you'd get presents from places like the zoo or aquarium, or sometimes even just a cool rock from their time at the park. Whatever adventures they went on you were never really sure, especially on the days that they didn't leave the house.
That was until you decided to call it a half day and left work early. You picked up a pizza, some soda and a case of beer for Mike on the way home. You knew you were earlier than normal so you expected a little bit of a surprise, but you certainly weren't expecting what was on the other side of the door.
The living room was both torn apart and put back together. The torn apart meant the cushions of the couch were gone, blankets strewn across the room. The put back together meaning that they were all intricately hung up around the room, stuck to the ceiling beams and extending out, pinned to the walls on either side. It appeared they'd used every blanket and towel in the house to make the ultimate blanket fort, full of every single pillow and the blow up mattresses you used for guests. The fort overtook the tv and you could hear it playing, little giggles and laughter coming from within. You placed your shopping down on the counter and the sound alerted Mike, his head popping out of the corner of the fort. He had that wicked bright smile on his face and you couldn't help but smile in return.
"What...exactly am I looking at here?" You asked, raising a brow and Mike laughed. Before he could even reply the shrieks of your children echoed through the room before they burst from the fort, racing toward you for hugs and kisses.
"Daddy helped us make the best fort!" Your daughter squealed, shrieking as you scooped her up, peppering her face with kisses.
"It's real cozy inside!" Your son explained, accepting the kiss you dropped onto the top of his head.
"I'll bet. How about you two go wash your hands and we can have dinner?" They scurried off down the hallway as Mike crawled out of the fort.
"You're home early." He greeted you with a tender kiss, "sorry. i was planning on having it all cleaned up."
"Don't worry about." You popped up on your toes to kiss him once more, "I got pizza. is it really that comfy in there?" You nodded toward the fort and he laughed, but nodded.
"Surprisingly so."
"Well, it's almost halloween, let's do some festive movies and have dinner in the fort."
There were gleeful shrieks from both kids at that, jumping up and down as they got to choose what kind of pop they wanted with their dinner. Mike wrangled things while you got changed into something cozier and the four of you made your way back into the fort. Mike tossed an arm around you as the two of you leant back into the bottom of the couch and once pizza was done you each ended up with a kid on your lap. Wiped out from their full adventure day with dad it didn't take long before both of them were asleep in your arms and you were carrying them to be tucked into bed.
"I'll clean this up." Mike murmured, kissing your cheek as he nodded toward the living room and you let out a little hum.
"Why don't we leave it for the weekend? Have a little more fun."
"Ya sure?"
"Yeah." You looped your arms around his shoulders, kissing him again, "i love you."
"i love you too."
________________ @fandom-princess-forevermore @hhroadgirl @qvid-pro-qvo @skittle479 @altsvu  @lawandorderimagines @whimsicallymad @classylady1234 @averyhotchner @mysticfalls01 @plaidbooks @mrsrafaelbarba @ssaic-jareau @barbasbodaciousbeard @alwaysachorusgirl @rafivadafreddy @australiancarisi @wandas-wife @thestarrynightslover @lustvolle-liebe @sia2raww @cycat4077@xoxabs88xox @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @borg-queer @misscharlielulu
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Yes I am but I will be going at my own speed with them
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Law and Order: SVU - Seasons Watched: All
Nick Amaro, Sonny Carisi, Rafael Barba, Mike Dodds, Peter Stone, Joe Velasco, and Terry Bruno
Sons of Anarchy - Seasons Watched: All
Jax Teller, Juice Ortiz, Opie Winston, Chibs Telford, Tig Trager, Half Sack, David Hale, Herman Kozik, and Ratboy
Mayans MC - Seasons Watched: All
EZ Reyes, Angel Reyes, Coco Cruz, Gilly Lopez, Bishop Losa, Hank Loza, Manny, Marcus Alvarez, Miguel Galindo, Creeper Vargas, Nestor Oceteva, and Riz Ariza.
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poeticprofiler · 4 months
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last updated:
angst 🔍 | fluff 🩶 | 18+ 🚨| my favorites ⚖️
Before you get to reading…please keep in mind the topics and subjects the show revolves around. Each fic will have its warnings, but this little message here is meant as a reminder before you dive into reading.
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Dominick Sonny Carisi Jr
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coming soon…
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Rafael Barba
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coming soon…
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Nick Amaro
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coming soon…
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Mike Dodds
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coming soon…
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caracalwithchips · 3 years
Made just for you
Another Mike Dodds x (fem) reader fic. 
This should fill the Holiday Party square of @storiesofsvu’s holiday bingo. 
TW for mentions of cocktails, alcohol, and alcohol use
“I really hate these things.”
You looked up to Sonny, who was walking beside you. “Seriously? You’re like the king of schmoozing.”
He laughed as you reached your destination and he swung the door open for you. Despite it being 8:00 pm on a Friday night, the two of you were entering the Manhattan county coroner’s building dressed in your holiday best. For you, that meant the somewhat daring look of tight black miniskirt, thick black tights and thigh length black suede boots. Under your winter coat, you had on an ugly Christmas sweater with a black cat with reindeer antlers. There was to be an ugly Christmas sweater contest and Liv had asked the squad to show their appreciation for the party’s hosts by partaking. Liv had threatened Rollins with desk duty if she didn’t show up in something festive, but you had a feeling Fin would still figure out a loophole.
“Yeah, well I’m glad someone thinks so. Sometimes Rollins makes me feel like I can never say anything right to anyone.” The squad’s most recent case had been a tough one with a few missteps from the entire squad, but Sonny in particular had really put his foot in his mouth during part of the trial.
You two reached the elevators and you pressed the button to head down to the basement. The medical examiner and CSI departments always hosted their joint holiday party in the morgue. Apparently it was something that started as a tradition and got funnier as the years went on to those who were regularly a part of that tradition. This was the first year that the entire SVU squad had been invited; you, Sonny, and Mike Dodds were the only ones who hadn’t been included before. This was Mike’s first Christmas on the squad, and it had apparently taken years for you and Sonny to wear down the ME’s crew enough to warrant an invitation. You tried not to let it sting, but you know Sonny was torn between being flattered at finally being invited and offended that it took so long. When you got your invites, Sonny may have muttered something to you about Dodds only being invited so soon during his tenure because everyone was intimidated by his connections. You had to give the Sergeant more credit than that, he was another member of the squad who was undeniably charismatic.  And there were a few of the lab techs who had a thing for him. 
You bumped Sonny’s elbow as you both entered the elevator. “I’m sorry,” you didn’t know what else to say, “we all mess up and say the wrong thing sometimes. The defense lawyers count on that and you know, Mr. Law School, how easily they can manipulate you into saying something different from what you mean.”
“I know, it still stings when it happens, especially knowing you might be the reason for someone not getting justice.” Sonny had been with SVU for a few months longer than you had, but he still got treated like the new kid. You weren’t sure why he got ragged on so hard, he really was the greatest guy and had become one of your dearest friends within just a few months of knowing him. He reminded you a lot of your baby brother and he said you were like “a much less Italian” version of his sister Bella.  You two bickered a lot, but there wasn’t any sort of…tension that it came with, unlike him and another detective who he butted heads with.  
You got off the elevator and shrugged out of your coats to set on a table outside the large room you’d be in. You saw Sonny’s sweater and burst out laughing. It was a reference to A Christmas Story, and above a picture of a lamp shaped like a lady’s leg said “Fra-gee-lay, it must be Italian.”
“You like it?”
“I love it,” you assured him, still giggling.
He frowned at your antler-having cat sweater, “that’s not fair, your sweater’s cute, not ugly. You actually look kind of hot, you’re not supposed to look hot!”
“Ewww,” you laughed some more, “don’t call me hot, it’s Christmas!”
He stopped laughing, “is there any reason you’re trying to look hot? Is it the new CSI guy who wears the weird hats?” 
He could be really clueless for such an excellent detective, but that worked in your favor. You didn’t need him teasing you about that.
“Some of us don’t have to try to look hot, Son,” you husked, and sauntered past him into the main room. 
You didn’t want him to see the blush that had crept up your neck. You weren’t trying to look hot, but you didn’t want to look frumpy either. There were certain people at the party you didn’t want to look anything less than put-together in front of. A mini skirt at a work function wasn’t exactly put-together, but you had warred with the subconscious part of  your mind that wanted to make an impression while getting dressed earlier. This was the only time a certain coworker would probably ever see you outside of a pant suit. You told yourself you just wanted to be reminded of the fact that you were more than a detective sometimes.
Sonny came up beside you and let out a whistle. The morgue was definitely more festive than you were expecting, but most surprising was the amount of people crammed into the space. Everyone was wearing holiday garb, there were mostly bedecked sweaters of varying shades of tacky, but you caught a Santa outfit in the crowd, a couple girls in elf-type dresses, and there were even some snowman and reindeer onesies. You smiled, you weren’t sure why you hadn’t considered that a party at the morgue would be different than the typical, stuffy police squad holiday parties. Maybe tonight would be fun, not boring or awkward.
You saw an arm waving over some heads in the crowd, it was Liv beckoning you and Sonny over. She was standing with Dr. Warner, Rollins, Fin (who had a tiny Santa sticker on his lapel, you knew he’d get out of the sweater thing), and Dodds. You settled in the circle the group had formed next to Dodds, smiling up at him shyly. Before you or Sonny could get out a greeting, Liv and Amanda started speaking to you both at once, chattering over one another about how glad they were that you were here and they never thought you would make it.
Sonny glanced at Fin curiously, who conspiratorially told you, “They’ve had a few drinks.” You smiled, you knew they each had a sitter for the night, they must be enjoying the freedom.
“Dodds, get these two a drink! You won’t believe the cocktails the Sarg can whip up.”
You turned to look at your Sergeant, “Really?”
Dodds didn’t blush, but his ears did turn pink. “Yeah, it used to be a hobby of mine.”
“Really? I can’t believe you’ve kept that from us all this time.” He smiled and gestured to the side of the room where a table covered in alcohol bottles and mixers was set up. You followed him over, but Sonny stayed with the group. He was a beer drinker, through and through.
“What would you like?” He picked up a silver martini shaker.
“I’m not sure what I’m in the mood for, I didn’t realize I’d have options. Can you recommend something?”
He smiled bigger than you had ever seen him. “That’s actually one of my favorite things, making someone a drink based on their personality. Would that be okay? I think I know you pretty well by now.”
“Yes, I’d love that!” you practically bounced up and down, this was already fun and not just because you were learning more about your Sergeant outside of work, and actually seeing him outside of work.
He twisted his mouth to the side and pulled a couple of bottles to the front—tequila, golden rum, vodka and examined them carefully. He was actually putting thought into this. He may even have been trying to impress you. Your heart fluttered for a beat.
He took you in, even glanced up and down over your form very quickly. “You don’t like whiskey or scotch, am I right?”
Oh. He knew you were basic. Great. 
“No, I know I’ll never be a cool girl.” You meant for it to sound nonchalant and say it with a shoulder shrug, but you just sounded embarrassed.
He scoffed and frowned, “Don’t be ridiculous, what you drink isn’t what makes you cool. You think you can’t be a badass unless you shoot whiskey?” You shrugged one shoulder. 
“Y/N, first of all, you’re one of the most interesting people I know. Sure, some of your hobbies are a little obscure, a little quiet, but the way you talk about them makes them sound really fascinating. You do things like cross-stitch memes, go to viewings of indie horror movies, and go on hikes trying to dig up reptiles. You actually make me want to do those things based on how excitedly you talk about them.” Your cheeks burned. When had you talked to Mike Dodds about your herping excursions??
He started pouring a few different liquors and what looked like ginger beer into the martini shaker and added ice. “Don’t ever worry about if someone thinks you’re cool or not because you’re already too badass for them.”
You ducked your head down, you couldn’t stop smiling. You hadn’t meant to fish for compliments, but he had never told you more than “Great work, Detective” before.
“Besides,” he nudged your hip with his, “do you think anyone else in this entire city could make a cat sweater look sexy?”
You both locked eyes and held the gaze as he handed you a cup. You held the look as you took your first sip, but closed your eyes as the fizzy drink hit your tongue. You moaned without meaning to.
“What is this, Mike?” You hadn’t meant to use his first name, you never had before. You always stuck to Sergeant or Dodds, reminding yourself of that boundary every day.
“Something special that I’ll make for you any time you want.”
As the night went on, Mike made you a few more drinks and drank several himself. None of the squad won the ugly Christmas sweater contest, but your whole squad laughed together as one of the crime scene techs in a reindeer onesie did a strip tease down to Santa boxers and suspenders towards the end of the night. The crowd slowly dispersed after that, but there still remained a few pockets of people in the room.
You and Mike spent most of the night talking and laughing off to the side, not meaning to seclude yourselves, but you needed to know more about Mike outside of work. He told you about working at Lucky’s when he got home from the Army and how that hadn’t aligned with his dad’s plans.
You tilted your head to the side, “So why give up? Why can’t you still have that dream?”
Mike gave you a bewildered look. “I’m pretty set on the momentum of the path I’m on now. It feels a little out of my hands at this point.”
You moved closer, “I understand that, but why not have this as another goal? Surely one day you’ll want to slow down, think about retiring. Why not have a bar then?” Had he seriously not thought of this?
He furrowed his brows and looked at you hard. “I hadn’t really thought of that as an option.”
“It’s just a thought,” you said lightly, as much as you wanted him to open up to you, you didn’t want him to think on past disappointments on a night where he was meant to be carefree. Not when he was laughing and smiling with you.
“It’s a great thought, Y/N,” he almost whispered your name. He smiled, “that’s why I need you, to point out what should be obvious to me.”
Your cheeks hurt from how much you had been smiling all night. He always knew the right thing to say, despite you never knowing what to say back.
“Well,” he started again, but stepping much closer to you. So close you had to crane your neck up to look into his eyes, “that’s one of many reasons I need you, and I guess there are some obvious things I need to point out to you.”
“Like what?”
He reached out and ran his fingers over yours until you opened your hand to clasp his. “Like how much I care about you and want to get to know you more. How I’ve been trying to talk myself out of it for months because of all the reasons I shouldn’t instead of any of the reasons I should. ”
You felt like all the air had escaped the room, you couldn’t take a deep enough breath. “What reasons, Mike?”
He shook his head slightly, “That maybe I deserve to be happy. And I’m happiest when I’m at work, but mostly because I’m working with you. I never really thought about being happy before, but I’m getting more and more clarity on what that means since joining SVU. Clarity on why it’s so important to have happiness in your life, when the world can be so ugly. I want to be happy and not close myself off from what could be my biggest source of happiness.”
Your voice was shaking when you said, “I want you to be happy, too, Mike. More than anything!”
He smiled and pulled you closer, reached down to brush his lips across your forehead. There weren’t many people left at the party, but how could you even care when Mike was spilling his heart out to you. About you. For you.
He let go of your hand, “I’m sorry, I know I’ve sprung a lot on you unbidden. I’d blame it on the drinks, but it’s not that, I just didn’t want to keep it to myself anymore. I know it’s not fair of me and puts you in an awkward place.”
You grabbed his hand back and laughed lightly. “I don’t feel awkward at all. I feel more comfortable around you now than I ever have.”
He raised his eyebrow. You blushed, “I’m always worried I’m going to say or do the wrong thing. Say too much or stare too much.”
“You could never say the wrong thing, Y/N.”
You started laughing and after a moment he did too, everyone knew you had a knack for saying the wrong thing. “Alright, maybe you could say the wrong thing, but never anything that could make me think any less of you. And I really like it when I catch you staring.”
You dropped his hand to cover your face with both of your hands. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and chuckled, and you both started walking towards the exit to grab your coats. “I could teach you to stare more sneakily, but I’d rather be selfish and catch you staring at me.”
He lifted your chin up with one finger, “would you like to go get a drink with me? Talk more? I’m not ready to say goodnight.”
“I’m not ready to say goodnight either. Tonight has been too perfect, but I don’t think anywhere could serve a drink as good as what you made me.”
He helped you into your coat and cleared his throat. “I really do mean it when I say I just want to talk more, but would you like to come back to my place?
You could swear you stopped breathing. “I’d love that, I want you to tell me everything about you.”
He wrapped his arm tightly around your waist as you headed towards the elevator together. “I’ll tell you everything there is if you promise to show me all of your favorite things.” 
When you walked outside, a light dusting of snow had started to fall. You lifted your face to feel the snowflakes against your flushed skin and felt him watching you. You caught his eye and didn’t think you would ever stop smiling.
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alwaysachorusgirl · 3 years
When Mike Met Gracie
Word Count: 848
TW: none, just a fluffy, little drabble about Mike Dodds adopting a dog
A/N: This is for @witches-unruly-heart, who wrote the headcannon that inspired this drabble. You can click here to check that out! Also, it's my personal headcannon that Mike Dodds turns into a total softee around dogs.
Tags: @madamsnape921; @itsjustmyfantasyroom; @prurientpuddlejumper; @thatesqcrush; @welcometothemxdhouse; @raulesparza4eva; @teamsladsandgents; @milkshqke
Mike Dodds refreshed the ASPCA website for the umpteenth time. If anyone asked, he would say that he was doing research for a case, when in actuality, he was checking to see if any new dogs had been added since the last time he had checked it ten minutes ago. He sighed, not seeing any new entries. Why was trying to adopt a German Shephard in New York City suddenly so difficult? He had all the supplies, the healthiest dog food on the market, 10 veterinary referrals, and now all he needed was the dog.
He heard his phone start to buzz and glanced over at it, surprised upon seeing the name on the caller id.
“Jimmy! Long time, no see! How are things over there in Brooklyn?”
“Can’t complain, Mike, can’t complain. So, I hear you’re looking for a canine companion, preferably of the German Shephard variety?”
Mike sighed. “I take it my dad called you?”
“Something like that, “replied Jimmy, “but I think I can help you out. Why don’t you come down to the training ground? I’ve got someone who I think you’ll want to meet.”
Mike strolled into the Brooklyn Army Terminal, home of the NYPD’s elite emergency service K-9 unit. It had been ages since he had last set foot in the place. He could see dogs and their handlers running around the yard, reviewing their training drills. Some of them looked like they were barely out of puppyhood, even though he knew that they had to be at least a year old in order to train.
“Hey! Mikey!”
Mike turned and smiled when saw his old friend.
“Jimmy! Good to see you, old buddy!”
“It’s been too long, Mike,” Jimmy shook Mike’s hand and pulled him in for a bro-hug. “How they treating you up there at SVU?”
“You know how it is, man, long hours, tough cases, but it’s worth it. How are things out here at the K-9 unit?”
“Best job ever,” said Jimmy, “but as you know not every dog makes it through the training program.”
“Yeah, some dogs just aren’t cut out to be police dogs. It happens.”
“It does indeed, “Jimmy nodded. “Come with me, let me introduce you to someone.”
Jimmy led Mike to an office. Waiting inside was a beautiful German Shepherd who started wagging her tail the minute she set eyes on Mike.
“Mike, this is Gracie.”
Without being told, Gracie walked over to Mike, sat down, and offered him her paw to shake. Mike knelt down and shook her extended paw.
“Hiya Gracie, nice to meet you.” He turned his head slightly to Jimmy. “Okay, Jimmy, what’s up?”
“Gracie here is kind of flunking out of the program. It’s nothing she did wrong, she’s more cut out for a nice loving home, rather than the K-9 unit. You’re looking for a dog, she needs a good home, and you’d be doing me a huge solid if you take her.”
“What about your kids?”
“Oh, they’d love to have her, but we already adopted the last two that flunked out, and they are more than enough. And my wife made it very clear that it’ll be my ass in the doghouse if I bring home another dog.”
“Well, we can’t have that, now can we?”
Mike looked back at Gracie, who was looking at him hopefully. He gave her a scratch between the ears with both hands. Gracie licked his face in response.
“Aww… you’re a sweet girl, aren’t you?”
Gracie licked his nose in response.
“Yeah, you just want to love on everyone don’t you?”
A wet nose nuzzled his cheek.
“Tell you what, how about we go for a walk around the yard? That sound good?”
“Woof!” answered Gracie, tail wagging ecstatically.
Jimmy chuckled. “Let me go get her leash.”
Mike and Gracie made several laps of the training yard. Gracie seemed to have boundless energy and eager to play. At one point, Mike stopped and pulled a tennis ball out of his coat pocket, and unclipped Gracie’s leash.
“Hey, girl, want to play fetch?”
Gracie’s eyes went wide at the sight of the ball. “Woof! Woof!”
“Okay girl, go get it!”
Mike tossed the ball, and Gracie went after it. She swiftly caught it and brought it back to Mike. This went on for a while until the moment that Gracie brought the ball and Mike didn’t notice because he was so lost in thought. He came back to reality when Gracie whined and waved her paw at him.
“Sorry, girl, “he said, kneeling to pet her, “I was just thinking, how’d you like to come home with me? My apartment’s not as big as this place, but I’m close to Central Park and we can go there every day, and you’ll have all the snuggles and belly rubs you want. Sound good?”
Gracie responded by covering his face in kisses and nuzzling him with her nose.
“I’m going to take that as a “yes””, said Mike, kissing the top of her head. “Come on, girl, let’s go home.”
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thatonecurlygirl · 4 years
Mike Dodds Masterlist
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*🔥= smut warning
She’s My Best Friend
Maybe Mike’s feelings for his best friend are more obvious than he thought.
You’ve Got Some Serious Problems // 2
“God, Mikey, all I fucking want is for you to be present for once. Maybe I wouldn’t be so needy if you showed me some attention every once in a while instead of the random girls at the grocery that throw themselves at you.”
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cherrycocaineee · 3 years
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10. Rafael Barba - A Night Together
Warning: Smut
"No one's ever touched me like this, fuck."
"Fuck. You feel amazing."
*Rafael Barba's p.o.v*
    Three, gruesome hours later and the jury was finally back with their anticipated decision. Liv, Amaro, Raelyn, and I were sitting and waiting impatiently; Raelyn’s foot was smacking against the floor as she shook her leg, staring longingly at the clock. A faint chime came from the inside of my pants pocket, vibrating against my leg. I removed the phone and looked at it.
 “What is it?” Liv asked, Raelyn standing to her feet.
 “The jury’s back,” I remarked while taking ahold of my suitcase, leading the three of them out of the small room we were in.
  People started crowding back into the courtroom before the jury walked in. As soon as everyone was back in their seat, the judge and jury entered the room. I could almost feel my heart exploding in my chest, worried that I might have lost this one. It was always a little worry in the back of my head despite the confidence that radiated off of me towards the others. The bailiff walked over to one of the jurors, his feet colliding with the tiled floor, then grabbed the slip of paper from her before passing it over to the judge. He opened the slip of paper and turned to the jury.
  “Has the jury reached a decision?” He inquired, his wrinkled hands setting the paper down.
 “We have, your honor,” the woman stated.
  “Then on the charge of rape in the first degree, how do you find?”
 “We found the defendant…”
“Guilty!” Amaro sang as the four of us walked into the precinct, catching everyone’s attention, “on all charges.”
   After speaking to each other, the detectives decided to pack it up and call it a night. This had been such a hard case; no one wanted to put the young victims through more trauma or do anything that would make them back out of testifying. Part of me hoped that maybe there was something I could do tonight besides go back to the office and work on some paper, but Liv had Noah to get back to and everyone else had plans tonight. Or at least, I thought.
  “Raelyn,” Carisi said, “what are you doing tonight?”
 “Oh, nothin’ special,” she responded, her southern accent poking through, “probably just go home and watch some stupid television drama while drinkin’ a bottle of wine.”
  “Sounds like a night I can get behind at my own house,” Liv laughed, slinging her purse over her shoulder.
  Most of everyone had already wished each other a goodnight and were heading out the door. Amaro would be staying here a while longer until his ex-wife brought their daughter, Zara. I was watching Raelyn go through the files on her desk and putting them up in neat stacks, contemplating whether or not to ask her to join me for dinner. Taking a deep breath, I approached her.
 “Hey, Raelyn,” I started off, watching her shuffle through the files, “I was thinking since you aren’t doing anything tonight and I’m not doing anything either, maybe the two of us can get some dinner.”
 “Oh, that would-”
 Raelyn stopped what she was doing and turned to look at me, her eyes slightly widened.
 “I’m sorry what?” She questioned, “did I just hear you correctly?”
  I smiled and leaned against the corner of her desk feeling a boost of confidence I didn’t know I could feel.
  “Well if you heard me asking you to dinner, then you did.”
 Now it was Raelyn’s turn to smile, the files now pressed against her chest. Her red hair bounced against her shoulders as she nodded her head. Raelyn told me to give her a moment so she could put away her files and then we’d head out. I stood by her desk and waited for her patiently while she finished her business. When she was done, she grabbed her purse, keys, and coat then followed me to the elevator leading downstairs. I told her about the little Italian restaurant that was just down the block from my office that I took my mother to for Mother’s Day once. Luckily both of us loved Italian food.
  The drive to the restaurant was peaceful and relaxing. When we reached the restaurant, we went inside and sat down. It didn’t take long for us to order, and I even bought us a bottle of wine to enjoy with it. Raelyn looked at me.
  “I was kind of surprised that you wanted to get dinner with me,” she stated.
 “Why’s that?” I asked, taking a small sip of my water.
  “You always seem to be busy, always workin’ whether on a new case or some paperwork. Never figured you’d be into hangin’ out.”
  The more she talked, the more I found myself falling deeper and deeper in love with her. Her accent was what I loved the most about her. I knew Raelyn, she wasn’t the type of girl to throw herself around despite being incredibly beautiful. Most people definitely found her intimidating; she was strong-willed and strong-minded, normally not having a problem saying what she wanted and how she wanted. 
  I smiled and shrugged, “don’t know. Guess I just felt like getting out today.”
  “Well I’m glad you asked me to dinner. I like hangin’ out with ya.”
  Throughout dinner, Raelyn and I discussed things like family life, career paths had her father not passed away or her brother, and I found it interesting that she’d have liked to be a teacher. I told Raelyn some things about my mother and my grandmother, then told her what life was like for me when I was a child; the friends I grew up with, how I ended up wanting to become a lawyer.
  A few minutes into the conversation and the waiter brought our food; I ordered some lobster ravioli while Raelyn had ordered lasagna. I poured Raelyn a glass of wine and she thanked me.
 “Nice place, huh?” I asked, pouring my own glass of wine.
 “It’s amazin’,” Raelyn said, her fingers holding her glass delicately, “the food smells great.”
 While we ate, we continued our conversation. After finishing our food, I paid, despite Raelyn’s protest, and we headed back out to my car so I could take her home. Raelyn ran her fingers through her long, slightly tangled hair as I pulled into the parking lot of her apartment building. I insisted on walking her up to her apartment and was glad when she didn’t protest. I know that Raelyn can protect herself but I wouldn’t feel right if I had just left her to go up there alone. It wouldn’t be gentlemen-like. Raelyn and I approached her front door, she turned towards me and smiled.
  “Thank you for dinner, Rafael,” she said, her shoulder leaning against the white frame.
 “Of course, Rae,” I chuckled, “I had a lot of fun.”
  She bit her bottom lip, her eyes were staring at the keys that were dangling in her hand, her coat was hanging loosely over her arms.
  “Do you want to come inside? You know, maybe for some coffee before you head home.”
  “Well I did have wine,” I replied.
  She rolled her eyes playfully knowing that I had only drunk a glass or two and that caffeine wouldn’t sober me up if I had been drunk. She unlocked her front door and headed inside with me following behind her. She reached over and flipped the light switch on. A soft glow illuminated the living room. It was a nice place. Raelyn hung her coat up on the coat rack then took mine from me to put it up there as well. While I placed my suitcase down and admired her home, Raelyn went into the kitchen to start a fresh pot of coffee. I could hear the coffeemaker going off just as I walked into the kitchen.
   “Alright, coffee is makin’,” she said, turning to face me.
 I walked over to her, taking glances at her kitchen, admiring it. When I reached her, I smiled. I was nervous. Raelyn seemed to notice that I was nervous then placed her hand on my shoulder.
 “Rafael, you okay?”
 “Yeah, I’m just nervous.”
 “Nervous? Why? We spent lots of time together before.”
 “I know. But I mean, I didn’t exactly ask you to dinner as a friend. It was kind of a … date.”
Raelyn’s eyes widened a bit. From behind us, the coffeemaker was coming to a stop brewing the dark, warm liquid. She lifted her hand off my shoulder and started grabbing coffee cups.
  “I wish you’d told me it was a date,” she giggled, “because then I would have dressed up more nicely rather than wearing my work clothes.”
  “Well if it makes you feel any better, I think you look beautiful.”
  Just as she was finishing stirring the coffee, I had moved closer to her, grabbing the cup of coffee from the counter and taking a drink. Our eyes never tore away from each other. Raelyn picked up her cup and we went back to the living room to sit on her couch. The cushions sunk in as we sat together. Raelyn slipped off her shoes and crossed her legs so that she was facing me.
  “Thank you again,” she said.
 “No need to thank me,” I replied, “I enjoyed it. I was just happy that you agreed to go, it would have been awkward to be turned down.”
  A small laugh escaped from both of our mouths. The two of us made small talk while drinking a whole pot of coffee between the two. The clock said that it was almost midnight, normally the time that I was heading to bed as soon as I walked through my front door after work. Raelyn seemed to notice the time too.
  “Do you need to head home?” She inquired, swirling the coffee in her cup around.
 “I don’t have to head home right now,” I replied, “not if you don’t want me to.”
  With each second, the two of us were inching closer and closer. I could smell the shampoo in her hair and the sweet smell of watermelon and lilies from the perfume that she was wearing. She could probably smell the cologne I was wearing too from how close we were. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against hers. A minute passed before we started moving our lips in sync, no one wanted to make a sudden move that might deter the other person away. When I pulled away from Raelyn, the two of us were smiling like crazy.
   “That was, uhm, unexpected,” she said, placing her mug on the round coffee table placed in front of us, “but nice.”
  I placed my coffee mug down beside hers before placing my hand on the side of her face and kissed her again, this time with much more passion and confidence. Raelyn wrapped her arms around my neck, her nails raking through my short, brown hair. My hands touched her waist then pulled her into my lap, both of us careful not to knock the filled coffee cups over onto her carpet. Her legs were on both sides of my own, straddling me comfortably as our tongues explored each other's mouths, fighting for dominance until I won. When we pulled away again to catch some air, her forehead rested against mine. Our eyes staring longingly into one another's. Her gorgeous, stormy, blue eyes watched my honey, brown orbs.
  “Absolutely gorgeous,” I whispered, my hands running up and down her sides, “perfecto.”
 I stood up, Raelyn still in my arms, and her legs were wrapped around me, then I carried her to her bedroom. Luckily her bedroom door was open a bit, so I was easily able to open the door with my foot. I placed her down on the neatly made bed and stood between her legs. Raelyn was smiling, her bottom lip once again caught between her teeth.
   I moved down, lowering myself onto her smaller form, watching her dainty hands touch my arms then move up to my neck and face. The feeling was amazing, something I haven’t felt in years. I licked my lips just before they pressed against hers. I could feel her hands wrap around my neck, touching the ends of my freshly cut hair. I moved my left hand under her shirt, the feeling of my calloused hands on her smooth skin making me hungrier, my fingers slowly traced her skin before grabbing the hem of her shirt and pulling it off. Removing my lips from hers, I traced them against the nape of her neck. Her body was tense but it eased with every kiss. Pressing one last kiss to her jawline, I sat up and started removing my tie and unbuttoning my shirt. Raelyn had moved to her elbows and was watching me.
   As soon as my shirt was unbuttoned and my tie was off, Raelyn’s hands were caressing every inch of my chest with her smooth hands. Her fingers reached the small amount of chest hair glued to my skin and entwined fingers in them. There was a slight pinch. After she took her hands away from me, she moved them behind her back to take off her black bra. Once it was off and sitting on the floor with our shirts, I quickly moved my lips to her perfect, pink nipples. Every lick and bite of her fleshy breast and hardened nipples allowed for a sweet moan to release from her throat. I pulled away, a small drip of saliva stretching between my lips and her breast. Raelyn’s eyes were hazy and full of lust.
  “No one’s ever touched me like this, fuck,” her soft voice whimpered.
 “I’m just getting started,” I groaned while undoing my pants.
   Raelyn didn’t waste any time removing her pants too, revealing her matching black panties. I spotted a few scars on her side and started touching them.
  “Happened on one of my undercover jobs back when I worked Narcotics,” she sighed.
  I peppered the marks with gentle kisses before looking back at her.
  “Sigue siendo hermosa,” I hummed.
Hooking my fingers underneath her panties, I pulled them off and practically drooled at how exposed she looked in front of me. I leaned forward and pressed gentle kisses against her thighs. I kissed both of her legs until I reached her honeypot. It was already dripping even before I attached my lips to it. But as soon as I did, Raelyn’s fingers tangled themselves into my hair, her back arching as soft moans poured from her red, plump lips. My tongue ran over her folds earning more moans coated in her sweet wines. I ran my fingers over her skin, tenderly touching anywhere that seemed to please her.
   I slipped my fingers into her folds and groaned as she tightened around me. She was so warm, so wet, so perfect.
  “Good girl,” I whispered.
  Being praised seemed to turn her on even more. I moved towards her face, keeping a slow and steady pace between her folds with my fingers. I started kissing her, feeling her lips vibrate as she moaned softly. But I had to remove my lips because I wanted to hear her intoxicating voice.
  “R-Rafael,” she croaked, “stop teasin’ me already.”
 A slow chuckle shook my chest as I slipped my fingers from her core. I slipped on a condom that Raelyn had in her nightstand. Once it was on, I wrapped my right arm around her thin waist and slowly aligned myself with her entrance. Both of us moaned as I pushed in further and further, her wet cunt engulfing my cock desperately.
  “Fuck. You feel amazing,” I growled, moving faster and faster with each thrust.
  Raelyn’s hands tightened in my hair as I practically started ramming into her. The headboard behind us was hitting the wall with soft thuds echoing in the room. Neither one of us cared if her neighbors heard us.
I pulled Raelyn up so she was sitting on top of me. As one of my hands held her by the small of her back, my other hand moved to the back of her neck and gripped her hair just tight enough to keep her facing me. A thin layer of sweat coated our bodies making us slick. Raelyn was bouncing up and down, holding onto my shoulders tightly, her nails dug into my skin. I welcomed the pinch of her nail, pulling a little harsher on her hair and starting to suck on her neck leaving light reddish-purple marks on her beautiful porcelain skin.
   She started moving up and down faster, clinging to me. I leaned over to her ear and groaned.
  “How about you bend over the bed for me, mi Amor?”
 Raelyn didn’t argue, she just climbed off of me and leaned over the edge of her bed. I moved behind her and slipped right back in, not wasting any time. Her fingers gripped the bedding tightly as she threw her head backwards.
  “Shit,” she cried out, “please, faster.”
  I did exactly what she wanted, snapping my hips faster and faster. The palms of my hands squeezed her waist as I drilled into her. I could feel her legs shaking and becoming unsteady, so I took one leg and propped it up for her. She regained her balance, and the new position caught my breath in my throat.
  “So fucking tight,” I hissed, slamming faster and harder, “God damnit! Fuck Raelyn!”
  She was trying to muffle her beautiful moans into her pillow, but I pulled her hair to keep her up. Not too hard, but with enough strength to keep her looking forward while I railed her from behind.
  I once again removed myself from inside her tight cunt and watched her return to her back. Digging myself back into her when we were positioned right. Now the headboard was slamming hard against the wall causing the both of us to laugh but not slow down.
Raelyn gripped my shoulders, “feels so good.”
  “Oh yeah,” I whispered, my breath shaky, “tell me how good it feels baby girl.”
  “Rafael, it feels so good.”
  I lifted one of her legs over my shoulder, holding it there by her small calves. Peppering soft kisses on the side of her leg as I pumped my cock deeper and deeper into her perfect, sweet little cunt. Her crystal blue eyes rolled to the back of her head and arched her back up again. Sweat from my forehead dripped onto her skin.
  “I-I can’t hold on m-much longer,” she gasped.
 I leaned down and kissed her hard before pulling away, the sweat on my nose touching the tip of her nose.
 “Then don’t. Let it out, Cariño.”
  And just like that, her eyes rolled back, her body started shaking viciously, and her hands pulled me closer to her face. She practically screamed as she came all over my dick, her legs trembling as I helped her ride out her high. Just as she was coming down from her high, my own high started to appear. Each thrust got sloppier and sloppier as I stared into her tired eyes, nonetheless, her hips moved to meet with my own.
  “Fuck,” I hissed as I filled the condom I was wearing with my seed, “fuck, fuck, fuck!”
  Our breaths were heavy as I stayed on top of her. Her breasts were touching my chest each time she and I took a deep breath and let it out. I admired all of the beautiful, purple marks on her perfect, white skin. When we finished catching our breath, I pulled myself off of her and removed the condom I was wearing. After tossing it in the garbage, I laid back down. Raelyn turned to her side to face me, I did the same, and her soft, swollen lips stretched into a tired smile. We pulled the comforter over us and I pulled her closer to me.
  Raelyn rested her pretty, redhead on my chest and sighed.
 “That was definitely fun,” she giggled.
 “I’m glad sweetheart,” I chuckled.
Within minutes, the two of us fell asleep in each other’s arms. The smell of sex dripping throughout the room.
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qvid-pro-qvo · 4 years
headcanon: “when the svu boys knew they were in love with you”
created in conjunction with @hurricanejjareau. 
1. rafael barba -
his head’s on the desk, and he’s fairly sure any coherent thought has long since fled his mind. rafael’s breaking down, slowly, and somehow you know. you always know. you have to get a text, or something, a call from whoever decides to unload the weight of the world on rafael’s shoulders. oh, don’t worry, carino, your boyfriend is simply working himself to death again. 
because you always show. and this time, it’s in the nick of time. he’s about to collapse, perhaps quite literally as he leans against his window for what he’s calling a break, when you push open the door to his office with a... look. it’s not angry, not even disappointed, just the perfect mixture of concerned and amused and exasperated that makes him feel so incredibly loved. 
loved. in love. in love with the way you walk over with a decaf coffee to remind him of the taste, give him enough energy to drag him back home and make sure he cleans up before collapsing into bed next to you.
rafael barba loves you, and falls asleep before he can overthink it. an ultimate blessing, because the last thing he really processes is that he’s got his arms around the love of his life, and he’s unsure if that’s a feeling he’ll ever get over. 
2. sonny carisi -
sonny realizes he loves you at the exact moment he says it. 
it’s not premeditated. it’s not thought out. it just happens. he’s watching you try your hand at cooking (”it’ll never live up to you, sonny carisi”), and he can’t help but come up behind you and kiss your temple as you tell him about your day. he’s watching your hands move a little as you speak, watching the way your brow furrows and your eyes widen as you describe your day, laughs with you but quiets so he can just hear your voice as you speak. it doesn’t matter what his day was like (long and boring and tedious) because you make it better just by being there. and before he can think about anything else, he’s thinking it and he’s saying it. 
“i love you.” 
and of course you freeze, of course you do. and sonny goes bright red, because that’s how sonny carisi works - his face lights up like a goddamn fire hydrant, and he’s stumbling to take it back, to apologize. because holy hell, he loves you, and he’s looking at you and blinking, eyes wide, as it hits him all at once.
you smile at him, though. and that’s what matters in the end. smile at him, offer him a taste of what you’ve been stirring, and he knows that it’ll all be okay. 
3. nick amaro - 
nick doesn’t doubt you’ll like zara and gil. he has no reason to. 
hell, he’s almost positive zara will love you, in her both arms open and gripping you tight kind of way. and gil will adore you, in his shyer ask you questions until you’ve bared your soul to the kid kind of way. they’re good kids, great kids, and you’re incredible in the way that makes him smile when he thinks about you. 
what he doubts is that everything will truly slot into place. because maria is halfway across the country, and cynthia is still holding back that little bit of her life that she absolutely has the right to, and nick is so damaged that he’s unsure he even has the right to ask you into his life at all. 
but because you’re you, you come in like a little bit of a wave. a gentle rush of warmth over everyone. and you woo maria with your grin, and you charm cynthia with your gentle teasing, and zara and gil have just as much fun racing you on their bikes as they do fielding grounders from him. and he’s watching you, your hair in the wind looking wild as the three of you laugh ahead on the path, knowing that the warmth in his chest won’t ever go away. 
he loves you. he really loves you. and he can’t help but hope that maybe he can have it all. just this once. 
4. mike dodds -
mike’s in the hospital... again. because of course he is. he’s pretty bad at staying out of it, if he’s honest. and all he can think about is you. 
he’s been in enough of hospital rooms to know they’re not the greatest places in the world. he’s very aware of every part of him that’s hurt and busted, but all of that takes a backseat. because all he can think is how your face must’ve looked when the doctors called you, how your eyes must’ve narrowed, how your jaw must’ve clenched. you’ve been with him through a lot, so he knows your eyes roll with the frustration before telling her you’ll be there as soon as you can. he knows you better than he knows himself. 
and when he hears your voice outside his door, everything else fades away. because even though you come in, exhausted, glaring, arms crossed over your chest, he knows exactly what you’re thinking. even in the face of your frustration he gives a bright, wide smile. one you return, despite yourself. 
“you’re impossible, mike.” 
“i know.” 
mike dodds is really lucky, he realizes, in that moment, to be so in love with someone so special. he’s in love with you, and nothing else matters. and he knows that no matter how many time he ends up in this exact spot, watching you walk into a hospital room, you’ll always be there. 
5. peter stone -
peter gets home before you, for once, and it feels a little bit like a miracle. one he’s determined to take advantage of, as he shrug out of his pullover and gets to work. 
there are things that fall apart as the both of you dive into your work weeks - things like the dishes, the living room, the bedroom. there’s a lot of going, going, going, and then the week is gone. but peter is home early, and he finds himself diving in without thinking. 
he doesn’t exactly know why he does it - maybe because he knows that your shoulders will sag in relief as you come through the door and realize the weekend can start exactly how it’s meant to, with relaxing against him on the couch with a show pulled up you can both finally finish. maybe because you love the feeling of clean sheets after a shower in the evening. maybe because after everything this week has thrown at you, you deserve to come home and not worry about a thing. 
and then it hits him as he’s turning down the bed, folding the comforter back so it’s perfectly laid out so you can crawl right in if you want to - he loves you. he loves you, and so things like this are the easy option, and he smiles to himself as he finishes up the bed, smiles even wider when he hears the jingle of your keys outside the door. 
tag list: @crazyshannonigans // @writefasttalkevenfaster // @altsvu // @ssaic-jareau // @encounterthepast // @mijop // @bureaudart // @1234-angelika // @nuvoleincielo // @wanniiieeee // @averyhotchner // @barbasbodaciousbeard // @caracalwithchips // @xxlovingfandomsxx // @mad-girl-without-a-box // @alliekenner 
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Proposal HC's
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Mike fell in love with you faster than he’d expected, you were smart, beautiful, kind hearted and made everything in his life so much better each and every day.
He knows he wants to marry you shortly after you move in together, he absolutely adores waking up beside you every day, watching the sun creep in through the curtains, glistening off your skin as you slowly wake up, a sheepish smile as you open your eyes to find him watching you. You always tease him about it, often booping his nose and telling him how cute it is.
It’s while you’re curled up on the couch, his left hand linked in yours, his fingers playing with yours that he pauses, pulling your hands into his line of view, looking at them with his brows scrunched. You poke him in the ribs, asking him what? He simply smiles, says its nothing but kisses your hand before curling back up against you.
A week after that, he starts ring shopping, not settling until he’s found the absolute perfect diamond that he knows you deserve. He even manages to drag Olivia out with him to the shop to double check with her that she thinks you’ll like it, lil nervous boy.
Despite wanting to ask you the very night he brings the ring home, he makes sure to stash it safely, and then it takes nearly a year before he can actually figure out how to do propose. After all, you’re absolutely perfect, so it needs to be too.
First he takes you out to the little bistro you had your very first date at. He’s adorably flustered, but you don’t really notice, more so gushing over the fact that he went out of his way to get your same table, the same fancy bottle of wine, and you snuggle up to him in the booth while you feed each other bites of dessert.
Then he takes you through Central Park, while it is a little chilly, there’s displays of Christmas lights throughout the pathways and you pick up cups of cocoa to keep warm buried in each other’s arms while you dally on the way back to your apartment. Mike can’t help but stare at the way that the lights flicker in your eyes, the way you sparkle with joy and love, shining right back to him through the night air.
Once back at the apartment you’re surprised with a bottle of champagne and flowers, some of your favourite candies that Mike knows you love so much and only treat yourself to on a very special occasion. You wrap your arms around him and tell him just how much you love him, just how much you love spending each and every moment with him because they’re always absolutely perfect. He kisses you deeply, his hand cupping your cheek with amazing tenderness, nuzzling against your nose before he sinks down to one knee.
A surprised gasp escapes your lips as your hands shoot to your mouth, happy tears glassing your eyes as Mike professes his true undying love to you and that he wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with you. You’re so overwhelmed you can barely get the words out, furiously nodding your head as you launched into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck. He laughs in delight, picking you up and spinning you around, causing you to giggle loudly, kissing him passionately the instant he puts your feet down on the floor. There’s a smattering of kisses, a lot of excited laughter and a million ‘I love you’s’ shared, happy tears littering both of your eyes.
The night ends of course, in bed wrapped in each other’s arms as you explore each other’s bodies. Mike’s naturally decorated the bedroom in rose petals and candles, and next to your wedding night (and honestly, nearly every anniversary past that point) it’s without a doubt the most romantic night of your life.
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svucarisiaddict · 3 years
Writing Prompts
I compiled these from various lists on Pinterest.
1. “I’m not perfect but I'm trying my best to keep you safe.”
2. “Dance with me.”
3. “It’s lonely here without you.”
4. “I can’t remember the last time I did this with someone.”
5. “I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
6. “You can call me whenever you want. Even if you don’t have a reason.”
7. “Sorry doesn’t fix everything.”
8. “It isn’t up for debate.”
9. “I’m fine. Stop asking.”
10. “Did it ever occur to you that I’m hurting too?”
11. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
12. “You ruined everything.”
13. “You’re lucky you’re cute..”
14. “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.”
15. “I almost lost you once.”
16. “I think we need to talk.”
17. “I don’t need a reason to bring you flowers. I just wanted to.”
18. “You’re in love with her.”
19. “What’s this between us?”
20. “I still remember. I remember the way you taste. The way you move. The way your breath catches before you bite your lip and fight that moan that you know drives me crazy.”
21. “Touch her and you’re dead.”
22. “What are you doing here? It’s late.”
23. “I don’t owe you an explanation.”
24. “So that’s it? It’s over?”
25. “Look, I know we don’t know each other that well but I’m still worried about you.”
26. “I wish it could always be like this.”
27. “You’re so much different when we’re alone.”
28. “I like when the world is quiet.”
29. “I’m tired of being your secret.”
30. “Those things you said yesterday, did you mean them?”
31. “Just breathe, okay?”
32. “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.”
33. “You don’t think it’s a bit much?”
34. “I’ve tried to move on, but no one compares to you.”
35. “How do you destroy a monster without becoming one?”
36. “I’m afraid you’ll end up seeing me the way I see myself.”
37. “It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
38. “Please stay. I’d like some company.”
39. “Stay for me.”
40. “It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.”
41. “You’re my one regret.”
42. “We were happy once. What happened?”
43. “I just need some space.”
44. “Remind me to kill you later.”
45. “Keep her safe for me.”
46. “You’re always on my mind.”
47. “Would you just shut up and kiss me already?”
48. “You’re seriously a man child.”
49. “I love you and I’m terrified.”
50. “I’ll find her/him/them and bring her/him/them home. I promise.”
Inbox me the prompt along with the number. I write fluff and angst (no major smut but a little smutty is okay) for Sonny, Peter, Nick, and Mike. Also, I have different au's- Heartfelt Passages, Franchise Affair, Autumn Series, along with several others!
If there is a character you want to write not listed, shoot me a message and I might be able to fill your request!
Can't wait to get writing again!
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Title: The Bright Side of Lockdown
Author: soul_writer
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 16,561
Tags: Rafael Barba/Dominick “Sonny” Carisi Jr., Rafael Barba, Dominick “Sonny” Carisi Jr., Mike Dodds, lockdown - Freeform, Roommates, Getting Together, Anxiety, Domestic Fluff, Cooking, Baking, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Accidental Cuddling, Coming Out, Drinking & Talking, First Kiss, Making Out, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Friends to Lovers, Sharing a Bed, Other Additional Tags to be Added, To Be Continued
Summary: When New York went into mandatory lockdown, Sonny and Rafael had limited options. So instead of letting Sonny go off to Staten Island to stay with his parents, Rafael invited him to spend lockdown with him.
This is a story of how friends became roommates and roommates became lovers, all in the first month of lockdown, ups and downs included.
Comments: We are all living in weird times, as is the customary setting when talking to others about the current climate of the world, but this fic and soul_writerr's writing have come to deplete the stress and anxiety and add a pleasant addition (and distraction, at least for 16k words) to a sometimes bleak but definitely troubling. Rafael and Sonny go through the motions over the days chronologued in the fic, between anxieties and moving around a space that is now occupied by two people who just so happen to have a mutual interest in one another that extends beyond work.
soul_writerr has an uncanny ability to write Barisi in a real and raw way, and this is no exception. Keep an eye out on this too—there's more coming to this story!
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adacarisi · 6 years
I hope you're doing well! Also I'm so excited about that multi chapter barba fic, oh my gosh. You write him so perfectly! Also, could I get your thoughts on the trio and aftercare? :)
I’m doing pretty well, it’s the end of my semester so I’ve been busy and haven’t been able to write much. I miss you all like crazy. Asks are still open by the way, they’re always open. I hope you’re enjoying the Barba fic, I love writing it and hearing from you guys. Thank you so much for all your love. Message me anytime!
Rafael Barba
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-It might be possible that Rafael loves the aftercare more than the actual sex. As soon as you both come down he’s all over the room tidying things and putting away props you’d used so nothing can distract you from him. Depending on the night he’d clean the both of you up as well if things had gotten messy. If it was relatively clean he’d start taking care of you before he even thought about cleaning himself up.
-Rafael is a big believer in hydration after he took a trip (in an ambulance) to a hospital in law school because he hadn’t had any water for the better part of a week. He always holds the bottle up to your mouth and strokes your cheek as you drink. 
-Next is lotion and lots of it. Rafael loves coconut and vanilla lotion when it comes to after care. There are all kinds of nutrients for your skin in them and it smells divine. Rafael gives you the best massages you’ve ever had during aftercare but what you don’t realize is he’s checking for any injuries or scratches. Though the two of you can get rough during sex he hates the idea of hurting you. 
-Finally the long snuggle. Rafael fits around you perfectly, making you feel safe and loved as you relax. He whispers little love notes in your ear, some in Spanish some in English. You love the little kisses he litters across your neck and chin and how his stubble scratches against you as his lips travel across your face.
-Sometimes he sings. God you love it when he sings. You can’t help but imagine him singing to your baby, holding the little bundle against the warmth of his broad chest as he sings sweet, low Spanish lullabies. 
Sonny Carisi
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-The BDSM at the Carisi household is rare seeing as Sonny much prefers soft, sweet sex. However he’s still a Catholic schoolboy and all it takes is a day of teasing and Sonny comes home with a dark look in his eye, ready to pound you into the mattress. 
-Sonny loves taking a bath with you right after, he’s a bit of a germaphobe at times so he keeps a very clean apartment. When it comes to sex he’s dirty don’t get me wrong, the boy loves anything and everything you let him do. When all of that is over he scoops you up in a surprising show of strength and carries you to the hot bath he has waiting. 
-The thing about Sonny’s apartment is that the cold water is frigid and the hot water is boiling, so to get the perfect temperature he runs the hot water until the tub fills and then lets it sit until the both of you are done, (usually 30-45 minutes depending on the night). Then the water is perfect and the both of you can soak to your hearts delight without burning away your skin. 
-After a bath is fruit. Sonny loves fruit. He orders from Whole Foods Amazon nearly every day just to have fresh fruit. Once you’re tucked into bed again (now made with fresh sheets curtesy of Sonny aka The Flash) He strides into the kitchen and returns with a variety of fruits all cut and prepared for the two of you to enjoy. His favorites are pineapple and kiwi though he does share happily with you. 
-Sonny likes to praise as much as he likes to be praised. As the aftercare comes to a close and you’re falling asleep he tells you how happy you make him, how good you are to him, how beautiful you are and how much he cares for you. You always grumble and hum little responses, too tired to return the praise. Sonny loves holding you against his chest as you sleep. He thinks of you as a security blanket, a welcome weight against his torso and lap. He always falls asleep with a little smile on his face, feeling totally sated and safe.
Mike Dodds 
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-Mike always asks you if you’re alright before asking what you need. There isn’t really a usual routine with him, he prefers to aftercare on the fly though he does have a few things prepared just in case. 
-Mike likes to wash your hair if your legs are strong enough to stand in the shower, if not he plays with your hair in bed, scratching and massaging your scalp as you quietly moan and hum.
-Mike loves kissing the back of your neck and shoulders, pressing his thumbs into different muscles to relax and comfort you. He talks to you as he does this, telling you what each muscle is and what it does as he goes along. He learned a lot about muscles from both working out and physical therapy. Mike likes to know why things work the way they do and so he had a lot of questions for his doctors and therapists.
-Before the two of you fall asleep he gives you a kiss to each palm leaving your hands rested on his chest as your eyelids become heavy. Mike tells you how precious you are to him in a low whisper before falling asleep as well. He’s not one for lots of words so you know the few he speaks carry a lot of weight. 
Peter Stone (because I don’t think he’s half bad and hey he deserves some hugs) 
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-Peter first tells you how good you’ve just been, how good you made him feel and how amazingly beautiful you look. He always spends those first few minutes stroking your stomach and back, calming the both of you down after whatever you’ve just done.
-If Peter had his way aftercare would include watching a baseball game but since it’s not really your thing he puts on your favorite series and pulls you against him with a big kiss on your forehead. As the both of you watch he rubs your fingers and hands, rotating your wrists slowly, stretching them as he used to stretch his when he was a pitcher. 
-After the both of you are calmed down he gives you a few deep kisses before helping you out of bed into the bathroom. The both of you shower together, helping each other wash and dry before changing the sheets together. So much of your relationship is based on working together as a team, doing things not as two but as one. 
-You fall asleep with him around you, one of his his large muscular arms draped across your waist and the other an umbrella over your head. He often buries his nose in your slightly damp hair, your scent the best lullaby he’s ever known. 
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caracalwithchips · 3 years
Christmas Eve Traditions
This is my first fic for a bingo and fills the Xmas Eve square for @storiesofsvu storiesofsvuholidaybingo. 
Mike Dodds x (fem) reader
As always, I’m open to feedback and writing advice! 
You jerked awake with a start, the seatbelt holding you in place. “Sorry, Darling, I wasn’t expecting the road to turn to gravel so abruptly,” rumbled Mike’s deep voice.
“That’s okay,” you mumbled, smiling. You looked at the time, only 4:30pm but the sky was quickly fading to a dark blue, made darker by trees surrounding the road on either side. “How much longer? I thought we were supposed to be there by now.”
You glanced to Mike and could barely make out his ears turning red in the dim light of the car. “I may have gotten turned around a few times. All the turn-offs look really similar and aren’t exactly marked well.”
“Sweetie, you should have woken me.” He glanced at you dubiously. “I couldn’t have helped, but you would at least have had moral support.”
He huffed out a laugh, “you were here, that was enough. Besides, I know how tired you must be. I appreciate you coming with me straight after work.”
“Of course, there’s no one I’d rather be with.” You reached for his hand. This was a big step for both of you. Your first out-of-town trip and your first holiday together. You had been dating for around seven months, but with your work schedules this was the first time you were actually able to get away. You both had worked on Thanksgiving with no complaints, but Mike had spoken with Liv unbeknownst to you and practically begged her to make sure that whatever cases came to SVU this time of year, someone could cover you for a few days. Over at Joint Terrorism, he had been with the task force long enough to trust his new squad completely and left his Sergeant in charge. This trip was going to be the first true test, but he was starting to picture a future where he could trust his squad enough to leave them for a few days. He didn’t want to be a control freak like his father had always been, he knew there were Lieutenants who spent holidays with their families. His memories of Christmas were…unremarkable, immemorable, and he wanted more.
Now, it was Christmas eve and you had the next five nights booked at a luxury cabin in the Adirondacks.
You rubbed your thumb across his fingers absentmindedly. “Are you sure your dad’s not going to hate me even more for taking you away from him on Christmas?”
“Y/N,” Mike admonished, “you know my dad doesn’t hate you! While he doesn’t approve of us yet..”
You cut him off, “he doesn’t approve of me.”
“Yet. He doesn’t approve of you or us yet, but he will.”
You looked out into the trees, “but this certainly isn’t improving my case.”
Mike took a deep sigh. “Maybe. Or maybe not. But you have to understand, this is the first time in what feels like forever…or maybe ever, that I haven’t cared. For once, I care more about what I want to do than what he thinks I should do. Or at least I care enough to actually do it.” He squeezed your hand tightly, “and what I want to do is be with you.”
Your breath caught in your throat, “Mike, I—” you didn’t even know what to say, but you were saved from having to try to articulate what you felt for him as the car bumped back and forth, up-and-over a bumpy ridge.
In a starlit clearing was a two-story cabin. Mike threw you a huge grin, parked at the edge of the gravel road and ran to your side of the car to open your door. You took the hand he offered you and leaned in close to him once standing, the air was bitterly cold. “Look at the lights and garland on the porch! I didn’t know it would be decorated for Christmas.”
“It’s a service they provide. In a perfect world, we could have come up early and decorated together, but I figure with our work schedules we could make do with a professional taking care of it for us. Here, let’s get inside then I’ll start bringing our things in.”
You stomped up wooden stairs to the short deck, trying to knock off the mud and sludge that accumulated on your boots during the short distance from Mike’s Jeep. Mike unlocked the door, held it open, and followed behind you.
You both let out a soft “wow” at the sight before you and his arm wrapped around you as you both took it all in. Any time of the year the cabin itself would have been impressive, the entire back wall was glass that looked out into the forest and mountains beyond. However, the rental agency had decorated every surface inside the cabin with pine garland, twinkle lights, and pinecones dusted with snow. There were even silver antlers dispersed tastefully throughout the room. They had been able to bring the same festive feeling you got from walking around Rockefeller center this time of year to a cabin in the middle of the woods hours outside of the city. In the middle of the room stood a 9 foot spruce, decorated with woodland themed ornaments—fluffy, feathery owls, woodcut moose, knitted bears, and hand-painted reindeer.
You turned to look up at Mike who was already smiling down at you. “What do you think, Love?”
“Oh Mike, it’s perfect! Why don’t you start bringing things in and I’ll get the fire started?”
“Do you know how?” he asked, seemingly impressed.
“I do, actually, although I’m sure they have one of those fire-starter logs which makes it super simple. Even a city-boy could do it,” you shot him a grin. 
“Who knew I’d be spending Christmas with a bonafide mountain-lady, you surprise me every day.” You laughed as he headed back out into the cold and got the fire started promptly. You made a quick trip through the cabin to turn on lights and inspect the rooms. Even the bedrooms were decorated, with garlands threaded through the head-and-footboards of the beds and a small spruce decorated with simple lights in the master bedroom. There was another fireplace in the master with a small seating area with a faux fur rug. You had plans for that spot later on.
By the time you were coming back downstairs, Mike had finished bringing all your luggage, packages, and groceries inside. You planned to cook together the next few days, only leaving the cabin to hike and explore. There was a fire pit a short distance from the cabin and a hot tub on the back porch. You wondered if you’d be brave enough to make the quick run to the hot tub in below freezing temperatures, but you figured you���d go anywhere there was a shirtless Mike Dodds.
As you were still contemplating all the things you wanted to do, Mike came up from behind and wrapped his arms around you. His lips found your neck and you let out a sigh. “What do you want to do first, Love?” There were the things you wanted to do that involved Mike and your neck, and then the things you probably should do first.
“Why don’t we unpack the groceries and I’ll get us some dinner made?” Mike mumbled his agreement into your neck, but pulled away long enough to say “and then presents.”
“Oh? Were you one of those families who did presents on Christmas eve instead of waiting? That seems more nontraditional than what I would have thought. Your family seems like it was very ‘by the book.’”
He harumphed into your neck. “No, we had to wait growing up. Everything was dictated by what was expected. But I don’t want to wait until tomorrow to watch you open your presents.”
You laughed, “okay, well I don’t want to wait either.”
He spun you around to face him completely and looked into your eyes, “Y/N, I want us to have all new traditions, traditions for you and I. Whatever will make you happy or me happy, I want us to do it. And then do it every year after that until we can’t even remember a time when we didn’t do those things together.”
You reached your hands around the back of his neck and felt tears prick your eyes. “So they’ll be our traditions, always?”
He rubbed his thumb along your cheekbone, “Yes, our family’s traditions, you and me and one day our children too. Starting this year and every year after this one. Does that sound alright with you?”
You reached up to kiss him, his nose against your cheek was still cool from his trip outside. His hand still caressed your cheek and his other hand wrapped against your lower back.
You pulled back from the kiss, “That sounds better than anything I ever could have imagined on my own.”
“As long as you have me, you won’t ever have to be on your own.” He rubbed his cold nose against yours as you giggled and squirmed away.
“Then let’s start our first tradition. Something hot to drink, you feel cold and I don’t want you to catch a chill,” you led him towards the kitchen.
“Alright,” he followed behind you and started sorting through bags for the hot chocolate supplies, “but let’s bundle up and drink it on the porch. I want us to watch the Christmas eve sky together. If you can light a fire, maybe you can teach me a constellation or two.”
“And watch for Santa’s sleigh! You never know if we’ll see a shooting star or two under such a clear sky.”
He gently held your hips while you started stirring the milk in a pot on the stove. He moved your hair to the side and kissed you in the spot where your shoulder meets your neck. “I think our list of traditions is already off to a great start.”
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moresvuheadcanons · 7 years
Could you do a Mike Drabble of asking Liv for his sisters hand in marriage?? I live (haha) for Mike loving Olivia's little sister
Time to fix some of those hearts I broke with my last Mike piece. My dear Nonny, I’m so sorry that this took months to get out, but the best things come to those who wait, right?
“Beautiful choice. She’s very lucky.”
“Not nearly as lucky as I am,” Mike answered.
He stepped out of the shop with the biggest grin plastered on his face. That smile started to dissipate when he realized what he was about to do. While he was more than ready to commit the rest of his life to you, he was only about 99% sure you felt the same way. And while that 99% was more than enough for most people, he worried about the risks his career presented running you off, or that something about him might do the same.
But that was crazy, right? If you were going to leave him, you probably already would have.
And then there was the biggest challenge: asking for your sister’s blessing. Although Liv liked Mike, she only begrudgingly approved of the relationship (although you swore that she was coming around).
Even so, he decided to push all of these thoughts aside. He knew he’d ask you right after he got Liv’s blessing, he just needed the right time to talk to her.
Unfortunately, the right time took a couple of weeks to roll around. An unexpected uptick in sex crimes had everyone working overtime, and kept Benson in front of 1 PP with briefings and comp stat meetings instead of with the squad. You understood, though, and were happy to spend any time you could with him, whether it was a rushed bodega lunch,a quick cup of coffee, or movie night on the couch (during which he’d fall asleep less than 15 minutes in, but he’d never admit that).
A couple weeks of these stolen moments started to add up. Even when Mike was around, he seemed really distracted and dare you say it…flighty?
You had aired your frustrations your sister, who promptly told you that she was staying out of it, as it was a problem between you and Mike, and she wanted to be as far away from the middle of your relationship as possible.
It all came to a head during a lunch date, one you had particularly been looking forward to since things had finally started to slow down at the precinct. The two of you were having a wonderful time, catching up on the minutia that had been missed in the chaos of the previous weeks.
While regaling him with a recap of your latest conversation with your best friend, you heard his phone’s text tone go off, and watched as he obsessively picked it up to check the message.
“I’m so sorry babe, I’ve gotta head back to work” he said, his voice laden with regret.
“This is the first real conversation we’ve had in weeks, and you’re going to bail on me?” you asked, the frustration displayed across your face.
“I have somewhere I need to be. We’ll talk later” he promised.
“Yeah, whatever. I love–” you muttered
“Bye!” he quickly replied, planting a quick peck on your cheek as he rushed out of the diner.
He was still a bit out of breath as he made his way into Liv’s office
“You said it was important, what did you need to talk to meabout?” Liv asked Mike as he lowered himself into the chair in front of herdesk.
“It’s about your sister…” he started
“No. Nope. Nu-uh. Getting out of this situation before iteven starts. I’m not touching the subject with a ten-foot pole. Goodbye” sheinterjected.
“What do you think this is about?” Mike asked
“Look, I don’t know what’s going on between you two, and Idon’t think she’s ever going to tell me what’s happening, but I am certain ofone thing—that she loves you, and that you love her” Liv stated.
“That’s what this is about” he responded, pulling the smallwooden box out of his pocket.
“I’m just going to get straight to the point. I love yoursister. I’ve loved her since day we started dating, and I want to spend therest of my life with her. But I don’t want to start our lives together on a badnote by not acknowledging the other most important person in her life. I cameto ask you for your blessing before asking her to marry me” Mike explained.
Liv leaned back on her desk, taking in the admission. Hersilence quickly made Mike uneasy as he waited for her answer. After about 30seconds of awkward silence, Liv finally spoke.
“I’ll admit, I wasn’t a fan of you two getting together. Ididn’t know you that well, and I know better than probably anyone else how thisjob can take a toll on your personal relationships, and I didn’t want to see mysister get hurt” she started.
Disappointment crossed Mike’s face. How was he supposed toask you to marry him when your sister didn’t support it?
“But then, I saw the way you two interacted with each other.Then I heard the way she talked about you. You are the best thing that’s everhappened to her, and I’d be grateful to have you as my brother-in-law” Liv finished.
Mike smiled with relief and brought Liv into an impromptuhug.
“Take the rest of the day, you’ve earned it after the lastcouple of weeks. And Dodds? Good luck.”
“Thanks Lieu” he replied, leaving her office with a springin his step. Not even Fin and Amanda cracking jokes about the goofy grin on hisface as he left the precinct could dampen his excitement about what was comingnext.
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adarafaelbarba · 3 years
So as mentioned in my previous post about this bingo, my birthday is next month. And for that occasion I wanted to host another bingo! Like my last bingo in October 2021, this one will have moodboards to the squares. You don’t have to use them, but they’re there for inspiration, and can also be used in your fics as a “cover” if you’d like 🥰 I’m gonna have the moodboards up before the bingo starts on Monday 17th of January 😅
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here are some rules:
1. It’ll start on January 17th and ends on February 17th at Midnight (Norwegian time)
2. Write one, ten or all of the fics. But don’t feel like you have to write them, this is a fun little writing exercise
3. You can write a head canon, ficlet, multi-chapter (one moodboard/square per fic) or a one shot. But please, if it’s longer than 500 words, put it under read more.
4. The fics can be fluff, smut, angst, etc if you feel like they would fit with the aesthetic of the moodboard you write for. Please remember to tag the fics with the right warnings before posting it.
5. Tag me when you post it, so I can keep tracks of the fics that are posted for this challenge and use the hashtag: #adarafaelbarbabirthdaybingo
6. Characters allowed (reader insert, oc, ships)
Rafael Barba
Sonny Carisi
Mike Dodds
Nick Amaro
Peter Stone
Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Alex Cabot
Casey Novak
Olivia Benson
Amanda Rollins
Rita Calhoun
Kat Tamin
Elizabeth Donnelly
Other Raúl Esparza Characters:
Jackson Neill
Nevada Ramirez
Jonas Nightingale
Bryan Kneef
Frederick Chilton
Paul Mendelsohn
911 / 911 Lone Star:
Evan Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Maddie Buckley
Hen Wilson
Bobby Nash
Athena Grant
Owen Strand
T.K. Strand
Grace Ryder
Judd Ryder
Marjan Marwani
Paul Strickland
Carlos Reyes
Tommy Vega
Mayans MC:
Miguel Galindo
Angel Reyes
Ez Reyes
Bishop Losa
Emily Thomas
Coco Cruz
One Chicago:
Matt Casey
Kelly Severide
Brian «Otis» Zvonecek
Joe Cruz
Stella Kidd
Gabby Dawson
Violet Mikami
Sylvie Brett
Emily Foster
Jessica Chilton
Gianna Mackey
Evan Hawkins
Jay Halstead
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Erin Lindsay
Hailey Upton
Vanessa Rojas
Sean Roman
Kim Burgess
Connor Rhodes
Ethan Choi
Will Halstead
April Sexton
Crockett Marcel
Jeff Clarke
A Discovery of Witches:
Baldwin Montclair (Trystan and Peter’s version, but specify it 😅)
Matthew de Clermont
Marcus Whitmore
Diana Bishop
Miriam Shepard
Sophie Norman
Nathaniel Wilson
Satu Järvinen
Juliette Durand
Phoebe Taylor
Hamish Osborn
Chris Roberts
Ransome Fayrweather
Ian Murray
Frank Randall
Jamie Fraser
Clair Fraser
Briana Fraser Randall
Roger Mackenzie
Fergus Fraser
Marsali Fraser
Jenny Fraser
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts:
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Newt Scamander
Young Dumbledore
Eggsy Unwin
Roxy Morton
Harry Hart
Charlie Hesketh
Lancelot / James Spencer
Characters from the King’s Men
Thor Odinson
Steve Rogers / Captain America
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Dr. Bruce Banner / Hulk
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Sam Wilson / Falcon / Captain America
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
Dr. Stephen Strange / Dr. Strange
T’Challa / Black panther (rip Chadwick 🥺)
Shaun / Shang-Chi
Peter Parker / Spiderman (Tom, Toby or Andrew. But specify it 😅)
Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Wade Wilson / Deadpool
Scott Lang (Ant-Man)
Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
Baron Helmut Zemo
Yelena Belova
Monica Rambeau
Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
Charles Xavier / Professor X
Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto
Note: If there’s a character/fadom not listed, feel free to DM me.
7. No RPF/real person fic. No underage character (includes reader/ocs)
8. Please signal boost this post, regardless if you participate or not
9. Most important! Have fun! 🥰 Feel free to dm me with any questions or concerns
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