#Mike Dodds one shot
detectivesvu · 8 days
Sharing Secrets
Mike Dodds x Fem! Reader Tags: Brief mentions of child abuse. Word Count: 3.6k "I just...hope I haven't completely messed things up."
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The air of the SVU victim interview room was completely still.
It wasn’t uncomfortable per se, but it was definitely quiet and not much conversation to fill the air. After all your years at SVU, talking to victims and hearing their stories still stung just as much as your very first day on the squad.
Of course, as time went on and you had more experience under your belt, you were more confident and comfortable talking to victims. You knew that in some cases, you were the only person in their corner. You were the only person who understood what they were feeling and what they were going through. Work experience helped, but it didn’t put even a dent in the way it still made your stomach turn to hear such traumatic events day in and day out.
And certainly, adults were one thing…kids were entirely another.
Too often, SVU was handed cases of kids being assaulted and abused…traumatized and scarred for life. With the adults, you always managed to move on, but kids? Kids’ cases stuck with you forever. Hearing small, meek children tell you that they had been touched or beaten…almost always by someone they knew and trusted. It was impossible to get used to hearing and seeing that every day…it was inconceivable to believe that anyone could lay their hands on a child.
Today was no exception.
He hadn’t hardly said a word since he sat down. He was practically trembling with anxiety as he did everything he could to avoid looking at you and your detective partner sitting directly across from him. If he did sneak a glance, his eyes tended to go to Detective Dodds, who only returned a quick soft smile each time he locked eyes with the 5-year-old.
His eyes were trained on the numerous pieces of paper strewn in front of him, a variety of different colored crayons scattered there as well. He was doodling away with the different crayons, silently dreaming up and sketching multiple pictures as a way of entertaining himself…and distracting himself from the two of you attempting to speak with him.
You and Dodds had been trying to get through to him for nearly half an hour. Each question you asked only earned a meek response and an uncomfortable body movement.
He was scared to death no doubt. Confused as to why two police officers were asking him so many questions that he didn’t want to answer…and even more confused about the situation that landed him here in the first place.
“That’s a really nice picture,” Your voice — soft and full of warmth — spoke to the young boy sitting across from you. “Do you like to draw?”
He said nothing. His eyes — full of fear and yet still so full of innocence — only flickered to you for a moment as a physical show that he had indeed heard your question. His left eye was swollen and a grisly shade of black and blue…evidence of what he had endured that landed him at SVU. His head barely nodded up and down as he set the crayon in use down, his cheeks tinting pink under your gaze.
Mike studied the picture that the child was currently working on. It was no Picasso masterpiece by any means…but even Mike could put together what it was supposed to be.
“Are these your favorite foods?” Mike asked, noting that he could spot a variety of foods that were universally kid friendly.
The child gave another small nod. Eyes now focused on his hands fiddling in his lap. This boy had been through hell and back, so it was no surprise he wasn’t interested in chatting about what foods he liked with two adult strangers. If that boy knew anything for sure, it was that the adults that were supposed to love you could hurt you beyond comprehension…so trusting an adult he didn’t know was not an option unless they gave him a reason to.
It was odd though. The boy had been much more talkative when Sonny picked him up and brought him into the precinct. He hadn’t been a chatterbox by any means, but according to Sonny — the kid wasn’t so clammed up like he was now. Something was making him uneasy.
“Pizza, ice cream, sandwiches…all really good stuff. I like all of that too,” Mike said, trying to establish some kind of common ground with the kid. Mike pointed to one particular image on his picture, a rectangular shape with a symbol on it that he identified to be a certain type of fruit. “Is this a juice box?”
The boy nodded once more, shrinking down into his seat as Mike continued.
“If you want, we can get you a juice box. We have some around here.”
For the briefest moment, the boy perked up. His eyes glimmered just long enough for you and Mike to catch it and know that you were making some progress.
He cowered and shrank into himself again when he locked eyes with you, and that’s when it clicked for Mike.
“Detective,” Mike turned to you, a small, reassuring smile on his face. “Would you get my friend here an apple juice?”
Mike had a look on his face, a look that let you know he had something in mind. You and Mike — a dynamic duo as work partners — understood one another. Your thoughts often flowed together smoothly and with ease. In many ways, your bond went well outside of work. The two of you didn’t just blend together as partners…but as people. If Mike needed you to leave, then you trusted him.
“Sure thing,” You retreated from your chair. “I’ll be right back.”
Mike kept his eyes on the kid, who allowed his own eyes to follow you as you exited the room and disappeared behind the wall. He released a long breath once you were gone, unbeknownst to him that you would be watching from the other side once his promised juice box was retrieved. Mike let the silence simmer for a few minutes, not wanting to immediately start asking more questions.
It wasn’t until the boy snuck another glance at Mike that he decided to try and press further.
“So…let me ask you something. Does Detective [L/N] make you nervous?”
The boy’s wide brown eyes locked with Mike’s for only another moment as he nodded, fiddling with his small hands.
“Can you tell me why she makes you nervous? You didn’t seem to like her being here," Mike asked. "I'm your friend. You can tell me."
The boy was clearly wrestling with himself. Not wanting to give in to Mike’s question…but deep down knowing that he wasn’t here to do anything other than help him. The boy then spoke for the first time in half an hour. The tiniest bit of comfort filled his senses as he finally began to answer Mike’s questions.
“She’s pretty…” He gave the tiniest, shyest grin with a small voice.
Mike couldn’t help himself. His laugh was light and surprised, but genuine. This was the first time he had said anything, and he chose to say that.
You yourself gave a small laugh, cradling the beloved apple juice in your hand to be delivered once Mike made some decent headway in this conversation.
“He’s getting through to him.” Olivia, who was standing to your immediate right, said aloud. “Even if it’s at your expense.”
You shook your head and shrugged, completely unbothered.
“I don’t mind,” You answered. “Mike knows what he’s doing.”
Mike could tell the kid was warming up. He didn’t want to lose momentum now while he was on a roll.
“Is that why you didn’t want to talk with her in the room?”
The boy nodded and surprised Mike by posing a question of his own.
“Do you think she’s pretty too?”
Suddenly, the questioning at your expense was getting a bit personal. Mike shifted in his seat a bit -- he wasn't going to lie to this boy, but he also knew you were listening. Right now, this kid was his priority.
“Yeah, bud. I do.”
The boy brightened up, clearly interested in this ordeal. Mike didn't mind. If it distracted him from what he had been through, then he was more than willing to dish out his personal business.
“Are you boyfriend-girlfriend?” The boy straightened up, now having no trouble keeping eye contact with Mike.
“No, we’re not boyfriend-girlfriend.” Mike chuckled again at the phrasing of the youngster's question.
“Why not?” He tilted his head slightly with curiosity.
Mike's eyes widened at that question, a sly smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He wasn't expecting that question, and it caught him off guard. Mike was too far down the road of this conversation to turn back now. If he lost this kid's trust, they might never really know what was happening to him. He turned his attention back to the child, a soft sigh escaping his lips.
"It's a bit more complicated than that," Mike admitted, trying to maintain his composure. "We're partners...but not the kind that dates."
It seemed that suddenly the boy was very invested in your and Mike’s relationship because he continued to press on like he needed to know for his own personal reasons.
“But if you think she’s pretty, why don’t you date?” He asked. “You like her don’t you?”
Mike chuckled again, amused by the boy's curiosity and keen eye for detail. He leaned back in his chair, contemplating his answer for a moment before speaking.
"Well...you're right. I do like her," he admitted, a smile on his face. "But it's not always that simple. We work together every day...and sometimes," Mike said, hesitating for a moment, "Work can get in the way of things."
“Oh…” The boy said quietly, thinking for only a moment before continuing. “So you don’t like her more than a friend?”
Mike pondered on the question. It really was a difficult one to answer. Because the feelings he had for you weren't just that of friendship. They were stronger, deeper, but he didn't know how to articulate it to a 5-year-old child. He leaned closer to the boy, his voice serious but still friendly.
"I do like her more than just a friend. A lot more," He confessed, his smile still on his face. "But it's a bit tricky when we work together. Does that make sense?"
The boy picked up on Mike’s quiet tone, and he matched his whisper when he spoke next.
“Yeah but…why don’t you tell her you like her?”
Mike was caught off guard again by the boy's insightful question. He shifted in his chair, feeling a pang of guilt and regret in his chest. The simple truth was, he had thought about expressing his feelings to you more times than he could count. But there was always a reason not to.
He sighed, his voice low and conflicted.
"It's not that easy. If I tell her how I feel...it could mess up our friendship."
Mike realized he was probably oversharing with him. In no way was his feelings for you the child's responsibility...but the boy didn't seem burdened in the slightest -- this was the most interested he had been in talking all day. A slight smile appeared on the boy’s face as he leaned over the table, whispering even quieter to Mike.
“I think she likes you too.” He grinned.
Mike kept his expression unchanged, but his heartbeat was beginning to quicken in his chest. He knew there was no turning back from this now. He leaned in toward the boy, mirroring his whispering tone.
"What makes you think that?" He asked in a hushed voice.
The boy shrugged, but his eyes were completely lit up at this conversation.
“I don’t know…” He giggled. “I can just tell.”
Mike knew this conversation was getting way off track. The purpose of this interview was to get this boy to tell him about what he had endured at his daycare center, and how he ended up bruised and beaten — but at this point, Mike figured it was valuable to finish it out.
“You’re a smart kid,” He said. “You can tell me. How can you tell?"
Mike was impressed at how observant and perceptive this kid was. At such a young age, he had an astute sense of things that many adults didn’t even pick up on in their own relationships. The boy scrunched his eyebrows, thinking hard. Mike chuckled at the sight and waited patiently for his answer.
"Well," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "She smiles at you a lot. And she listens when you talk. Like...she really listens."
Mike was speechless. He could tell this kid was observant, but this was beyond impressive. It seemed that this five-year-old was beyond smarter than he was.
“But I won’t tell her if you don’t want her to know you like her,” The boy said. “I promise."
Mike knew that it wasn't a secret anymore, given that you were probably watching from the other side and had heard this entire conversation. Still, Mike admired the kid's loyalty. He leaned forward, a conspiratorial smile on his face.
“Thanks, kid. Let’s keep it just between us for now, okay?”
Mike knew you had to have been watching and listening this entire time. His stomach was in knots knowing that you had just heard him spill his liking for you to a child. He hoped and hoped that this kid was right, and that your friendship and partnership wasn’t over.
As if on cue, the door to the room opened — revealing you with two small boxes of the promised apple juice. The boy shrank into his seat slightly when you entered, but shared a knowing glance with Mike.
Mike's eyes darted from the boy back to you, trying to keep a casual demeanor despite the wave of nerves that washed over him. He could sense the boy's slightly timid behavior as you entered the room, and the knowing glance the boy shared with him was both reassuring and foreboding. He tried his best to act natural, standing up to take the juice box from you and set it on the table in front of the boy.
"Perfect timing, thanks." Mike said, his voice betraying a hint of tension underneath.
She knew Mike was going to try and continue the conversation with the boy now — and get the full story of the abuse he had endured. She wouldn’t be sticking around - just long enough to give him his juice.
“I brought you a second one…just in case you were extra thirsty.” she smiled at the boy, her heart pounding at the new knowledge of Mike liking her so much more than she ever realized. “If you want anything else, let Mike know, okay?”
The boy took one of the juice boxes, unwrapped the straw and punched it into the hole.
“Okay,” He gave her a shy smile. “Thanks.”
The thought of you potentially knowing Mike's feelings for you — the fact that he may have given away his secret to you via a 5-year-old — was almost overwhelming. But he pushed it aside, needing to focus on the task at hand.
As you excused yourself to leave the room, he shot you a quick nod, a silent thank you for the juice and giving him and the kid some privacy.
“Okay, buddy…” Mike said calmly, trying to shift gears. “Can you tell me about your daycare teacher?”
For the next hour or so, Mike and the boy talked back and forth. The boy told Mike all the details of how his daycare teacher abused him and other kids in his class — and gave SVU enough reason to question and potentially arrest her.
Through the boy's detailed and sometimes-heartbreaking account of the abuse he and others had suffered, Mike listened intently, his heart breaking a bit more with every new piece of information. He jotted down notes as the boy spoke, making sure to capture as much information as possible for the investigation. The more Mike learned about the daycare teacher's treatment of the children, the more determined he was to bring her to justice.
When the boy was out of things to say and SVU had enough information, Mike stood from the table and held his hand out to the boy.
“You’ve been very brave and helpful to us,” He said, smiling once more when the boy walked around the table and took his hand. “Thank you for helping us.”
The boy nodded, walking out of the room hand-in-hand with Mike — entering Olivia’s office where you, Olivia, and Carisi were waiting. Olivia wore an expression of curiosity, Carisi looked as if he was about to explode to go tell the entire squad room what just happened, and you were looking at Mike...purely in awe as he stood in front of you.
Mike squatted to meet the boy’s height, gesturing toward Carisi with a grin.
“I need to get back to work now. Detective Carisi is going to take you now, okay?”
The boy nodded again, leaning in to whisper one more thing to Mike before going with Carisi.
“I won’t forget our secret.” He said, and Mike patted his shoulder affectionately.
Carisi took the boy with him, leaving Mike alone with her and Olivia. As Carisi led the boy out of the office -- no doubt going to tell Fin and Rollins about this -- Mike stood up and stood stoically, now facing you and Olivia, his nerves mounting. He avoided your gaze, focusing instead on straightening out the notes he had taken during the interview. The silence in the room was deafening, and Mike's heart was hammering in his chest.
"I'm going to call Barba," Olivia said, which was Olivia's way of saying she was leaving the room. “I'll send Fin and Rollins down to that daycare center."
Mike nodded in acknowledgement as Olivia relayed the news about the teacher, his heart racing even faster at the impending prospect of being alone with you. He swallowed hard, bracing himself for the conversation that was to come. Olivia swiftly left the room, closing the door behind her.
Mike stood frozen for a moment, mustering up the courage to finally look over at you. He took a deep breath, his gaze meeting yours. It wasn't like Mike to be so nervous. Mike was always confident...super focused on work. But right now, he was terrified that your partnership and friendship was ruined.
He could tell you weren’t angry with him or anything of that nature. If anything you looked…relieved.
“So…” You couldn’t help but flash a small grin, his chest fluttering at the sight. “You think I’m pretty?”
Mike let out a nervous laugh, a mix of relief and anxiety coursing through him. Seeing your small grin made his heart skip a beat. He couldn't deny it now - he was about to see the outcome of his confession.
"Guilty as charged," he admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "That kid wasn't wrong."
He paused for a moment, the weight of his feelings for you heavy in his chest.
"I just...hope I haven't completely messed things up."
“Come on, Mike…” You took a step closer. “You know it would take way more than that to mess things up between us.”
Relief washed over him as you took a step closer. The distance between you guys was shrinking, and he could feel the tension in the room growing. He studied your face, searching your eyes for any hint of rejection.
"I was worried that you'd think this completely changed everything." He said, his voice quiet but firm.
"Well…it certainly does change things…in a good way." You smiled.
Mike's head was spinning. This was certainly not how he expected his day to go...and for the first time ever, he was distracted from the current case at hand.
He took a cautious step forward, closing the distance between you guys even further. His eyes searched yours, looking for any sign of doubt. He saw nothing but genuine hope.
"The kid was right after all," You said. "But this is a conversation we can have when we get this case figured out. We need to get him taken care of."
He gave a slow nod, his gaze locked on yours. As much as he wanted to blurt out everything he was feeling, he knew you were right — there was work to be done first.
"You're right," he said, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "We need to focus on the case. But when this is all over…"
"When this is all over..." You finished his sentence for him. "We will see where we go from here."
The promise of "what's to come" overwhelmed him like no other. It had been so long since he had something other than work to focus on. He took another step forward, the urge to be closer to you nearly overwhelming him. But he stopped himself, knowing that until the case was closed, he couldn't act on any impulses.
"Right," He agreed. "How about dinner at my place?"
Your smile grew, and a slight heat rushed your cheeks.
"It's a date."
The matter was put to rest for now. They had work to do and a case to solve. But neither of you could deny that it sat in the back of your minds for the rest of the day. The day had taken an unexpected turn after all, and a most welcome one at that.
Mike was patient, and he knew with a little more time you would be able to see where this would lead.
Although, you both already had a pretty good idea of what that would be.
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australiancarisi · 4 months
Mike Dodds ~ Family
"Can you please write a SVU x BB crossover where Mike Dodds finds out his new girlfriend is the youngest child of the Reagan family as they hadn’t met via work and neither wanted to bring up their connections and enjoyed the relationship being one that is just themselves and not because of their name etc. " Words: 1451
Anon thank you so much for requesting this, I don't really get requests anymore, I don't really write anymore but ugh this was just amazing to write and made me so happy so thank you :')
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“Would you still be with me even if I was a worm?” Mike’s hand that had been slowly running up and down your spine stopped. You were both lying on his couch, him on his back, you lying on top of him on your stomach. 
“We were having such a nice time” You shot up quickly making Mike groan as you move your weight into his stomach 
“That’s a no!” 
“I never said no” Mike pointed out 
“You didn’t say yes either” 
“Say it” 
“Say. It.” you huffed crossing your arms and pouting like a child. Mike sighed. 
“Yes I would still be with you even if you were a worm” 
“Thanks Mikey Moo back at you” you grinned and leaned forward to give him a kiss. 
“I don’t know where you think of these things” Mike laughed moving you off his lap so he could get up and go to the kitchen. 
“It’s the youngest sibling in me, you wouldn’t get it you’re the eldest child” you playfully rolled your eyes. You and Mike hadn’t been dating long, about 3 months. You’d met in central park, both of you had been on a run and almost like you were in the movies you ran into each other. 
You a bruise on your wrist from where you landed. Your brothers kept making handcuffs jokes at Sunday dinner. 
“Riiiiiiight” Mike opened the fridge and pulled out a beer as your phone pinged on the coffee table. You groaned it was your brother Danny telling you about a case he’d just picked up, all hands on deck. 
“I have to go, got a case” you jumped up, quickly going to Mike for a kiss.
“Be safe” he pecked your lips “are you coming back here?” 
“I’ll see where I end up” you shrugged, kissing him one last time before scrambling to grab your stuff as your phone rang. “yes yes I’m on my way…” 
Mike laughed and shook his head as you headed out the door. Although the relationship was new he knew he was in this for the long haul. He never saw himself with another cop, not when his father was a chief. He always had to prove himself 10 times more than anyone else that the idea of also having a partner be in the NYPD was not on his radar. He’s managed to keep his family out of the relationship, come to think of it neither of you really spoke about your family, his was highly dysfunctional, Mike was just assuming yours was the same or you just weren’t that close. 
Whatever the reason, Mike quite liked that it was just you and him right now. The rest of the SVU squad knew he was in a relationship, there just hadn’t been a chance to introduce you to them yet. He was looking forward to it though. 
It was Mike’s turn to groan as his phone vibrated this time, a message from his dad reminding him of the gala night on the weekend that his presence had been demanded for. He hated these nights. He wished he could have had you be his plus 1 but that would mean meeting his father and Mike wasn’t ready to pop the bubble the two of you had been in. 
Mike quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket to send you a text while his dad was distracted by someone. You and Mike had been playing phone tag since you left his apartment earlier in the week. Your case had turned into a big one and you hadn’t had a moment to yourself since and Mike was drowning in paper work. He’s been at this gala for over an hour, shaking hands and being introduced to many people. People his father wanted him to make a good impression on to move up in the ranks. Mike slipped his phone back into his pocket as his father’s attention turned back to him and they continued the rounds around the room. 
“Alright Mike get ready for this one” William nudged him and steered him towards a table. “Commissioner Reagan, nice to see you again” 
“Dodds” the commissioner held his hand out and the two shook hands. “and it’s Sargent isn’t it?” 
“Yes sir Sargent Mike Dodds, nice to meet you Commissioner” Mike stuck his hand out to shake  his hand. 
“Please call me Frank” Frank smiled and shook his hand “I hear you are at SVU now with Captain Benson, good squad” 
“Great squad” Mike said “Definitely different to what I’m used to but learning a lot” there was noise from behind the commissioner who rolled his eyes. 
“Well Dodds you introduced me to your kid I guess I better introduce you to mine, they are being loud enough, you’d think as adults they would mature but apparently not” Frank moved slightly to show the table behind him. 
Mike’s eyes widened. 
“Chief and Sargent Dodds meet my children. Detective Danny Reagan, ADA Erin Reagan, Sargent Jamie Reagan and my youngest Detective Y/n Reagan” 
“Oh my god can you put your phone away for one night?” Erin rolled her eyes at you. You were sat at a table with your family at some gala for the NYPD. Being the commissioners kid meant you had to show up to all these events even though all you wanted to be was curled up on the couch with Mike. Sure Mike could of come but that would of meant outing yourself as the commissioners kid and that’s not your idea of a fun date. There was an asterisks next to your name. No matter how good of a cop you proved yourself to be there was always going to be someone who said you only got there because of your family. And not that you think Mike would be one of those people, you weren’t ready to have the family conversation just yet. 
“She talkin’ to her boyfriend” Danny smirked 
“Boyfriend since when?” Jamie questioned 
“Since none of your business” you shoved him “how did you find out?” 
“Overheard you talking to Baez about him” Danny shrugged “so when do we get to meet him?” 
“If I’m lucky, never” you huffed. Your siblings started to gang up on you, you hadn’t even noticed your father had started talking to someone else. 
“Well Dodds you introduced me to your kid I guess I better introduce you to mine, they are being loud enough, you’d think as adults they would mature but apparently not” your dad said making all of you be quiet. You felt your heart stop as you looked at Mike. “Chief and Sargent Dodds meet my children. Detective Danny Reagan, ADA Erin Reagan, Sargent Jamie Reagan and my youngest Detective Y/n Reagan” 
As in Chief Dodds. 
You mentally face palmed yourself as you made the connection. How had you not put two and two together? You stayed quite as everyone said hello, your dad and chief Dodds began talking about something else. You excused yourself to go get another drink. As you stood at the bar you felt a hand on your lower back. 
“So…commissioners kid….” Mike whispered “didn’t see that one coming” 
“neither did I, son of a police chief” there was a moment of silence “we aren’t very good detectives if we couldn’t put this together” 
“yeah maybe let’s not tell anyone, they might demote us to traffic stops on Staten Island” Mike
smirked making you laugh.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, it’s just a lot to throw at someone. It’s not easy to tell the person you are dating that your father is their boss and I really like you Mike and I love spending time with you and it’s just been so easy and no drama and my family is all drama let me bloody tell you and it’s been so refreshing to just get to be me, y/n. Not a Reagan, not the commissioners kid and-“ Mike cut your rambling off with a kiss 
“I get it” he whispered against your lips. “Son of a police chief. I get it” 
“You’re not mad?” 
“Of course not. How could I be mad? I didn’t tell you about my dad” Mike kissed you again. You heard Erin call out your name. You both turned to see your siblings and both your fathers and your grandfather looking at you. “I guess there’s no hiding my love for you now” 
“I…your…what” you looked back at him “what did you just say?” 
“I love you y/n” Mike smiled down at you “even if you are the commissioners kid” 
“I love you too Mike Dodds, son of a police chief” 
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Currently working on:
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Someone asked a question about stuff I was working on and there is an insane amount but I thought I would give you guys some insight!
Also I have complete COVID brain so can not think creatively at the minute. 
So I have asks, oneshots and series fics scheduled in over the next few weeks already. I put out a weekly a coming up list so you guys can see what’s coming out that week.
Also this doesn’t mean I’m not looking at the asks at the moment. There are so many inspiring ones in there, I am just finding the time to work through them. 
So items that are completed and ready to go but are on a time delay (which means they need the prior part/chapter to go out first before they can be placed scheduled.)
Antonio Dawson:
Secrets #2 - You give Voight a flashdrive with some sensitive material on. 
Brian Zvonecek:
Chasing Fires - Chapter 21 - Kat & Kenny’s talk does not go as planned.
Chasing Fires - Chapter 22 - Brian & Kenny get into it.
Joe Velasco:
High!Joe #3 - Joe confesses his feelings.
5+1 - In Sickness & Health - You take care of Joe when he’s sick.
Mike Durate:
Past Mistakes #4 - Mike goes to Benson with a proposition.
Past Mistakes #5 - Mike intends to fall on his sword but makes a surprise discovery.
Will Halstead: 
Muffled Screams #3 - You discuss your delusions with Doctor Charles.
SECOND DRAFT (Pieces that need just a little more work to be considered completed):
Mike Durate 
Past Mistakes #6 - An enemy reflects on what led to this moment.
Past Mistakes #7 - Mike and you discuss what really happened.
Why Ride A Sleigh? - You pay Mike a visit in his office.
Rodrigo Sanchez: 
Park Life - Rodrigo reveals why he left SWAT five years ago.
Brian Zvonecek:
Good Boy - SUB!Brian
Jealousy - It’s rare that Brian gets posessive.
Red Lips and Rosy Cheeks -  Brian takes you ice skating.
The First Night I Saw You - Brian reflects on the first night he saw you.
Connor Rhodes:
Murder Tunnel (Working Title) - Connor and you come across something suspicious in the tunnels underneathe the hospital.
Horacio Carrillo:
Gunfire - Your time with Horacio turns violent.
Javier Pena:
Names - Javi loves it when you say his name.
Leslie Shay:
Teasing -  Leslie loves teasing you.
Mike Dodds:
Maroon -  Mike asks you to be careful with him after he’s shot.
Mike Durate:
Ballers - Mike gets bored during a charity event.
First Kiss - You and Mike share a kiss.
Wonderland - You and Mike and the backseat of his vintage Mustang.
4 Christmases Series - Part 3 & Part 4
The Entire Past Mistakes Series
Rodrigo Sanchez:
Not Seeing Other People -  Sanchez doesn’t want to see other people.
Will Halstead:  
Muffled Screams Part 4: The Red Door - Will walks into a nightmare.
... And then there’s the ideas phase but there are far too many of those to go into.
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Why did you elbow me? 157
Achilles Castle part 59
Lemonade and lies part 2
Fin: pov Liv is telling Kate and the others the story about one of our Detectives, Sergeant Mike Dodds who died in the line of duty on his last day of work and how they were going back to a domestic violent call they responded to a few days earlier. The mom just wanted to leave with the kids but the dad took all of them hostage. Liv said she left with the kids in the car and Mike stayed inside the house and got shot in the gut. At the hospital he developed a blood clot that caused a stroke and died suddenly. I noticed in the precinct there are a few big signs that say, know the signs of a heart attack, cardiac arrest, stroke and choking. It must be because Kate has health issues.
Joe: pov After we finish eating we get back to piecing the papers back together.
Kate: pov I'm starting to feel miserable, my throat is so sore and something is tickling it now, I just have to finish this case then I can take it easy. I get sick so much that I miss a good amount of work which is upsetting to me, since the boys have to take on more cases when I'm out sick.
Grace Muncy: pov Eventually Captain Benson and Captain Beckett find a piece of the shredded paper with his name on it. The guy's name is Nick long. Lanie parish who is the ME for the 12th is trying to verify that the name matches the dead guy. He has some metal hardware in his leg that she is looking up.
Olivia Benson: pov Lanie swabbed the guys mouth to see if she can get a hit, she is looking up the metal hardware in the guys leg to see if he is Ned long. Using traffic cameras Detective Ryan was able to see where the person came from and went to. Fin and Esposito were heading to the one Address while Detective Ryan took Joe and Muncy to the other location.
Esposito: pov Kate looks tired, I don't think she feels well. The person on the tape who is most likely the killer is a woman, she came from a hardware store. Me and Fin are questioning the owner to see if he knows the woman or has a way of identifying her. No luck so far the guy never saw her. He was off yesterday. I ask if he can bring in the guy from yesterday so we can talk to him.
Ryan: pov me, Muncy and Joe, head to the place the person on the video went to after the murder. It's a house. Kate is trying to get us a search warrant. I tell Muncy and Joe to open the mailbox and see if there is mail in there. Which there is. I tell them to write the name down, that Is on the mail that way we can look her up. I call Kate with an update. Back at the station Muncy and Joe are looking into the woman's life.
Kate: pov me and Liv are looking into the guy's life. I hope the tea helps my irritated throat. My ears are also starting to feel clogged. We both interview a few of his friends and coworkers, it turns out he might be involved with some organized crime. His friends say how nice of a guy he was. A few women pull us aside and mention Nick had a type and he is a pedophile. Liv says her former partner Elliot now works in organized crime he might be able to help, she will call him tonight.
Liv: pov it's getting late everyone is heading home for the night. We will start fresh tomorrow morning. I will call Elliot before I leave the 12th precinct.
Elliot: pov Liv calls me to let me how she is helping the 12th precinct with a homicide that might have to do with a sexual assault, she explains the case to me and how it might have to do with organized crime I mention my squad has 2 detectives under cover at the moment and I think Ayanna's case and yours is related to hers. I tell Liv me and Ayanna had a slow day today and will be over in the morning.
Fin: pov Liv is calling Elliot to let her know our joint case with the 12th precinct might be organized crime related. Him and Ayanna offer to come over tomorrow and catch us all up on the case.
Ryan: pov at home Jenny is waiting for me she already put Sarah Grace to bed. She reheats my dinner while I talk a little bit about the case. We then head to the bedroom to cuddle.
Castle: pov Kate arrives home and looks exhausted. Kate I ordered you a brown rice bowl since I know you like it, I ordered myself a sub. She talked a little bit about the case then headed off to bed.
Liv: pov in the morning I woke up next to Brian who was nice enough last night to pick up Noah for me. After showering together he makes breakfast while I get ready he knows to leave before Noah gets up, we don't want him knowing we are together yet.
Kate: pov I don't know how I made it out of bed today I feel horrible. Liv and I are working in my office together. Esposito was nice and got donuts and coffee for everyone. He got me a decaf and a low fat yogurt cup. Thanks Esposito for the coffee and yogurt.
Esposito: pov no problem how are you feeling today, because if you're sick you know what effect it can have on your heart. Just be careful and try to take it easy if you can, let me and Ryan do the leg work or some of the other detectives I doubt they will mind.
Fin: pov Ryan comes running in saying we might have just got lucky the lady from the video just got pulled over at a traffic stop for speeding. They are bringing her in now, Liv and Kate are going to question her. To be continued. ……….
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Can't Help Myself
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Mike Dodds x fem!reader Warnings: language, smut, semi public sex.
The NYPD was hosting one of their many annual galas, this one in specific honour of the Special Victims Unit across New York. This meant that tonight, the various squads were required to all be in their dress blues, the formal part of the evening (and the dinner) were over, leaving everyone in various states of dress, some buttons undone, a more relaxed feel took over as the drinks started to flow. 
You were up at the bar, a plus one of the event thanks to Mike Dodds, though also a guest as the SVU’s current A.D.A. waiting for another round of drinks when Mike came up behind you, sliding a soft arm across your lower back, pulling his body against yours, kissing the side of your head. The bartender was preoccupied so you turned into your boyfriend, curling your hands behind his neck while your eyes drank in his appearance, it was a very rare occurrence to see him in his blues and it certainly was doing something for you. You leaned up, placing a gentle yet solid kiss against his lips, pulling him into your body as his hands wrapped around your waist, fingers trailing the bare skin of your back.
“What was that for?” He asked, a smug grin on his face, you simply smiled, kissing the corner of his mouth before pulling away,
“I mean this whole gala is kind of for you, isn’t it?” You quirked a brow, slightly turning back to the bar, leaning against him, Mike laughed gently, kissing the back of your head as you rambled an order off to the bartender.
“This whole gala is kind of for the entire unit sweetheart.” You turned back to him, eyes raking over his form once again, 
“Well maybe I just can’t help myself when you look like that…” He practically growled, pulling you against him for a deep kiss, he could taste the champagne on your tongue, your perfume assaulting his senses, you tore apart from each other when the bartender cleared their throat loudly. You mumbled an embarrassed thanks, tossing a fiver in the tip jar. You took your drinks, making your way over to the rest of the squad, your relationship had been disclosed to those needed, and Mike’s dad already knew, but most of the squad was in the dark still. Mike dropped his hand from your back as you approached the table. 
The two of you spent a small amount of time interacting with the squad, drinking, laughing at jokes and making fun with each other. Carisi made his way back to the bar with Rollins while Fin and Olivia buried themselves into a deep conversation. You took this brief moment of privacy to turn towards Mike, nipping at his earlobe, cupping his length in your hand, causing him to quietly moan into your cheek, 
“Sweetheart…”He murmured, eyes rolling back briefly,
“Yes baby?” You innocently glanced up at him through your lashes, you felt his hand cautiously make its way down to your ass, squeezing tightly,
“Meet me in the back bathroom in 5…” Mike whispered into your ear, nipping at your neck before excusing himself. You continued the friendly conversation between the detectives before politely excusing yourself as well, making your way to the private bathroom. You opened the door to see Mike leaning against the counter, eyes shooting up to you as the door opened, which you promptly locked.
In two quick strides he was on you, lips on yours, pushing you against the wall, pinning you to it with his hips, rolling against you while you gasped against his mouth, his hands grasping at every inch of your body they could.
“Mikey…” You moaned, he bit heavily into your exposed neck, “God baby, you look so fucking good in that uniform…I fuckin’ love it…” His hands trailed down your body, making their way under your dress, finding your panties soaked, he chuckled darkly, biting against your skin again before his fingers buried into your heat.
“I can tell…”He laughed, pulling back to watch your eyes roll back into your head as his fingers continued their assault on you, doing your best not to make too much noise. “You look so fucking sexy in that dress baby,” Your cunt clenched around him, you whined heavily.
“Mike please…just fucking fuck me….” You begged, he chuckled, pushing your skirt up as he pinned you against the basin, both of you facing the mirror, pushing your panties to the side.
“You ready sweetheart?” He asked honestly, 
“Yes….please…” You practically sobbed as he pulled himself out of his uniform, those blues were simply too much for you. Mike traced his head through your folds, causing you to jerk back against him, a soft cry escaping your lips before he plunged into you. A breath of lust broke through your lips, your hands gripping the counter in front of you as Mike plowed into you quickly from behind. You both knew you didn’t have a lot of time, or a lot of privacy to finish off. Mike pulled your body up, closing a hand gently around your neck as the other roped its way around to your clit, rubbing hard fast circles. You quietly sobbed, clenching down around his cock, your body trembling against his, as he thrusted you through your orgasm your hand buried itself into his hair, pulling tightly. Mike pushed you back down against the sink, pounding relentlessly as his hips stuttered before he groaned heavily, leaning forward as he bit into your neck, stilling against your body. 
“Fuck sweetheart…”Mike muttered softly against the skin of your bare shoulder, leaving a trail of kisses across your back as he slowly pulled out, wiping your folds with a Kleenex before placing our panties back in place. You remained against the basin, regaining your breath before you pushed yourself up, fixing your hair and lipstick before turning back to Dodds.
“You okay?” You smirked, tracing a hand down Mike’s cheek, kissing his lips gently as he placed himself back in his uniform,
“More than okay baby.” He laughed lightly, “Might need a minute…” You laughed outwardly at that, giving his ass a slight slap,
“I’ll meet ya out there.” You gave him a deep kiss before leaving the bathroom, making your way back to the table of SVU friends. By now it was only Fin, Olivia and Carisi, everyone else seemed to have left. You ordered another glass of champagne as you reached the table.
“Y/N, ya look flushed, ya sure ya should have another drink?” You laughed, glancing across to Liv, 
“Carisi I’m fine, I promise you.” A few moments later Mike returned to your table, still slightly out of breath as he asked for another drink as Fin butted in, 
“What, you need to run a few laps around the building to keep up with your fitness?” Mike laughed outwardly at that, Olivia raised a brow at you, 
“Please don’t tell me you just…” You cut her off, not caring about privacy anymore, practically everyone knew anyways, 
“Fucked in the bathroom, yeah, yeah we did.” You took a swig of your champagne as Mike sputtered into his glass, Carisi literally choked on his beer, and Fin cackled into his. It was a matter of seconds before Chief Dodds was at your table, congratulating the unit for a job well done and everyone had to keep as cool as possible. 
“Y/N, glad you could be here, we’ll see you Sunday, right?” William asked,
“Of course Chief!” You leaned into the hug and kiss on the cheek, you’d been to multiple dinners with the Dodds’ already, he gave a formal goodbye to the squad, squeezing Mike on the arm before he left. Mike leaned into your back, kissing your shoulder, muttering against your ear,
“You ready to go sweetheart?” You turned in his arms, no longer afraid of the squad knowing, placing a passionate kiss against his lips, his hands finding their way to your waist, pulling you against him. You pulled away softly, a look of affection in your eyes as you bore into him,
“Of course.” You winked, you both made your very quick goodbyes of the squad, Mike’s hand held very tightly on your lower back, taking a risk to slip down to your ass to squeeze it every so often, there was no way either of you were finished torturing each other for the evening.
____________ @fandom-princess-forevermore @hhroadgirl @qvid-pro-qvo @hurricanejjareau @skittle479 @altsvu @lawandorderimagines @whimsicallymad @classylady1234 @averyhotchner @mysticfalls01 @teamsladsandgents @mrsrafaelbarba @ssaic-jareau @barbasbodaciousbeard @alwaysachorusgirl @rafivadafreddy @australiancarisi @wandas-wife @thestarrynightslover @lustvolle-liebe @disn3y7 @sia2raw @cycat4077
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caracalwithchips · 3 years
Made just for you
Another Mike Dodds x (fem) reader fic. 
This should fill the Holiday Party square of @storiesofsvu’s holiday bingo. 
TW for mentions of cocktails, alcohol, and alcohol use
“I really hate these things.”
You looked up to Sonny, who was walking beside you. “Seriously? You’re like the king of schmoozing.”
He laughed as you reached your destination and he swung the door open for you. Despite it being 8:00 pm on a Friday night, the two of you were entering the Manhattan county coroner’s building dressed in your holiday best. For you, that meant the somewhat daring look of tight black miniskirt, thick black tights and thigh length black suede boots. Under your winter coat, you had on an ugly Christmas sweater with a black cat with reindeer antlers. There was to be an ugly Christmas sweater contest and Liv had asked the squad to show their appreciation for the party’s hosts by partaking. Liv had threatened Rollins with desk duty if she didn’t show up in something festive, but you had a feeling Fin would still figure out a loophole.
“Yeah, well I’m glad someone thinks so. Sometimes Rollins makes me feel like I can never say anything right to anyone.” The squad’s most recent case had been a tough one with a few missteps from the entire squad, but Sonny in particular had really put his foot in his mouth during part of the trial.
You two reached the elevators and you pressed the button to head down to the basement. The medical examiner and CSI departments always hosted their joint holiday party in the morgue. Apparently it was something that started as a tradition and got funnier as the years went on to those who were regularly a part of that tradition. This was the first year that the entire SVU squad had been invited; you, Sonny, and Mike Dodds were the only ones who hadn’t been included before. This was Mike’s first Christmas on the squad, and it had apparently taken years for you and Sonny to wear down the ME’s crew enough to warrant an invitation. You tried not to let it sting, but you know Sonny was torn between being flattered at finally being invited and offended that it took so long. When you got your invites, Sonny may have muttered something to you about Dodds only being invited so soon during his tenure because everyone was intimidated by his connections. You had to give the Sergeant more credit than that, he was another member of the squad who was undeniably charismatic.  And there were a few of the lab techs who had a thing for him. 
You bumped Sonny’s elbow as you both entered the elevator. “I’m sorry,” you didn’t know what else to say, “we all mess up and say the wrong thing sometimes. The defense lawyers count on that and you know, Mr. Law School, how easily they can manipulate you into saying something different from what you mean.”
“I know, it still stings when it happens, especially knowing you might be the reason for someone not getting justice.” Sonny had been with SVU for a few months longer than you had, but he still got treated like the new kid. You weren’t sure why he got ragged on so hard, he really was the greatest guy and had become one of your dearest friends within just a few months of knowing him. He reminded you a lot of your baby brother and he said you were like “a much less Italian” version of his sister Bella.  You two bickered a lot, but there wasn’t any sort of…tension that it came with, unlike him and another detective who he butted heads with.  
You got off the elevator and shrugged out of your coats to set on a table outside the large room you’d be in. You saw Sonny’s sweater and burst out laughing. It was a reference to A Christmas Story, and above a picture of a lamp shaped like a lady’s leg said “Fra-gee-lay, it must be Italian.”
“You like it?”
“I love it,” you assured him, still giggling.
He frowned at your antler-having cat sweater, “that’s not fair, your sweater’s cute, not ugly. You actually look kind of hot, you’re not supposed to look hot!”
“Ewww,” you laughed some more, “don’t call me hot, it’s Christmas!”
He stopped laughing, “is there any reason you’re trying to look hot? Is it the new CSI guy who wears the weird hats?” 
He could be really clueless for such an excellent detective, but that worked in your favor. You didn’t need him teasing you about that.
“Some of us don’t have to try to look hot, Son,” you husked, and sauntered past him into the main room. 
You didn’t want him to see the blush that had crept up your neck. You weren’t trying to look hot, but you didn’t want to look frumpy either. There were certain people at the party you didn’t want to look anything less than put-together in front of. A mini skirt at a work function wasn’t exactly put-together, but you had warred with the subconscious part of  your mind that wanted to make an impression while getting dressed earlier. This was the only time a certain coworker would probably ever see you outside of a pant suit. You told yourself you just wanted to be reminded of the fact that you were more than a detective sometimes.
Sonny came up beside you and let out a whistle. The morgue was definitely more festive than you were expecting, but most surprising was the amount of people crammed into the space. Everyone was wearing holiday garb, there were mostly bedecked sweaters of varying shades of tacky, but you caught a Santa outfit in the crowd, a couple girls in elf-type dresses, and there were even some snowman and reindeer onesies. You smiled, you weren’t sure why you hadn’t considered that a party at the morgue would be different than the typical, stuffy police squad holiday parties. Maybe tonight would be fun, not boring or awkward.
You saw an arm waving over some heads in the crowd, it was Liv beckoning you and Sonny over. She was standing with Dr. Warner, Rollins, Fin (who had a tiny Santa sticker on his lapel, you knew he’d get out of the sweater thing), and Dodds. You settled in the circle the group had formed next to Dodds, smiling up at him shyly. Before you or Sonny could get out a greeting, Liv and Amanda started speaking to you both at once, chattering over one another about how glad they were that you were here and they never thought you would make it.
Sonny glanced at Fin curiously, who conspiratorially told you, “They’ve had a few drinks.” You smiled, you knew they each had a sitter for the night, they must be enjoying the freedom.
“Dodds, get these two a drink! You won’t believe the cocktails the Sarg can whip up.”
You turned to look at your Sergeant, “Really?”
Dodds didn’t blush, but his ears did turn pink. “Yeah, it used to be a hobby of mine.”
“Really? I can’t believe you’ve kept that from us all this time.” He smiled and gestured to the side of the room where a table covered in alcohol bottles and mixers was set up. You followed him over, but Sonny stayed with the group. He was a beer drinker, through and through.
“What would you like?” He picked up a silver martini shaker.
“I’m not sure what I’m in the mood for, I didn’t realize I’d have options. Can you recommend something?”
He smiled bigger than you had ever seen him. “That’s actually one of my favorite things, making someone a drink based on their personality. Would that be okay? I think I know you pretty well by now.”
“Yes, I’d love that!” you practically bounced up and down, this was already fun and not just because you were learning more about your Sergeant outside of work, and actually seeing him outside of work.
He twisted his mouth to the side and pulled a couple of bottles to the front—tequila, golden rum, vodka and examined them carefully. He was actually putting thought into this. He may even have been trying to impress you. Your heart fluttered for a beat.
He took you in, even glanced up and down over your form very quickly. “You don’t like whiskey or scotch, am I right?”
Oh. He knew you were basic. Great. 
“No, I know I’ll never be a cool girl.” You meant for it to sound nonchalant and say it with a shoulder shrug, but you just sounded embarrassed.
He scoffed and frowned, “Don’t be ridiculous, what you drink isn’t what makes you cool. You think you can’t be a badass unless you shoot whiskey?” You shrugged one shoulder. 
“Y/N, first of all, you’re one of the most interesting people I know. Sure, some of your hobbies are a little obscure, a little quiet, but the way you talk about them makes them sound really fascinating. You do things like cross-stitch memes, go to viewings of indie horror movies, and go on hikes trying to dig up reptiles. You actually make me want to do those things based on how excitedly you talk about them.” Your cheeks burned. When had you talked to Mike Dodds about your herping excursions??
He started pouring a few different liquors and what looked like ginger beer into the martini shaker and added ice. “Don’t ever worry about if someone thinks you’re cool or not because you’re already too badass for them.”
You ducked your head down, you couldn’t stop smiling. You hadn’t meant to fish for compliments, but he had never told you more than “Great work, Detective” before.
“Besides,” he nudged your hip with his, “do you think anyone else in this entire city could make a cat sweater look sexy?”
You both locked eyes and held the gaze as he handed you a cup. You held the look as you took your first sip, but closed your eyes as the fizzy drink hit your tongue. You moaned without meaning to.
“What is this, Mike?” You hadn’t meant to use his first name, you never had before. You always stuck to Sergeant or Dodds, reminding yourself of that boundary every day.
“Something special that I’ll make for you any time you want.”
As the night went on, Mike made you a few more drinks and drank several himself. None of the squad won the ugly Christmas sweater contest, but your whole squad laughed together as one of the crime scene techs in a reindeer onesie did a strip tease down to Santa boxers and suspenders towards the end of the night. The crowd slowly dispersed after that, but there still remained a few pockets of people in the room.
You and Mike spent most of the night talking and laughing off to the side, not meaning to seclude yourselves, but you needed to know more about Mike outside of work. He told you about working at Lucky’s when he got home from the Army and how that hadn’t aligned with his dad’s plans.
You tilted your head to the side, “So why give up? Why can’t you still have that dream?”
Mike gave you a bewildered look. “I’m pretty set on the momentum of the path I’m on now. It feels a little out of my hands at this point.”
You moved closer, “I understand that, but why not have this as another goal? Surely one day you’ll want to slow down, think about retiring. Why not have a bar then?” Had he seriously not thought of this?
He furrowed his brows and looked at you hard. “I hadn’t really thought of that as an option.”
“It’s just a thought,” you said lightly, as much as you wanted him to open up to you, you didn’t want him to think on past disappointments on a night where he was meant to be carefree. Not when he was laughing and smiling with you.
“It’s a great thought, Y/N,” he almost whispered your name. He smiled, “that’s why I need you, to point out what should be obvious to me.”
Your cheeks hurt from how much you had been smiling all night. He always knew the right thing to say, despite you never knowing what to say back.
“Well,” he started again, but stepping much closer to you. So close you had to crane your neck up to look into his eyes, “that’s one of many reasons I need you, and I guess there are some obvious things I need to point out to you.”
“Like what?”
He reached out and ran his fingers over yours until you opened your hand to clasp his. “Like how much I care about you and want to get to know you more. How I’ve been trying to talk myself out of it for months because of all the reasons I shouldn’t instead of any of the reasons I should. ”
You felt like all the air had escaped the room, you couldn’t take a deep enough breath. “What reasons, Mike?”
He shook his head slightly, “That maybe I deserve to be happy. And I’m happiest when I’m at work, but mostly because I’m working with you. I never really thought about being happy before, but I’m getting more and more clarity on what that means since joining SVU. Clarity on why it’s so important to have happiness in your life, when the world can be so ugly. I want to be happy and not close myself off from what could be my biggest source of happiness.”
Your voice was shaking when you said, “I want you to be happy, too, Mike. More than anything!”
He smiled and pulled you closer, reached down to brush his lips across your forehead. There weren’t many people left at the party, but how could you even care when Mike was spilling his heart out to you. About you. For you.
He let go of your hand, “I’m sorry, I know I’ve sprung a lot on you unbidden. I’d blame it on the drinks, but it’s not that, I just didn’t want to keep it to myself anymore. I know it’s not fair of me and puts you in an awkward place.”
You grabbed his hand back and laughed lightly. “I don’t feel awkward at all. I feel more comfortable around you now than I ever have.”
He raised his eyebrow. You blushed, “I’m always worried I’m going to say or do the wrong thing. Say too much or stare too much.”
“You could never say the wrong thing, Y/N.”
You started laughing and after a moment he did too, everyone knew you had a knack for saying the wrong thing. “Alright, maybe you could say the wrong thing, but never anything that could make me think any less of you. And I really like it when I catch you staring.”
You dropped his hand to cover your face with both of your hands. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and chuckled, and you both started walking towards the exit to grab your coats. “I could teach you to stare more sneakily, but I’d rather be selfish and catch you staring at me.”
He lifted your chin up with one finger, “would you like to go get a drink with me? Talk more? I’m not ready to say goodnight.”
“I’m not ready to say goodnight either. Tonight has been too perfect, but I don’t think anywhere could serve a drink as good as what you made me.”
He helped you into your coat and cleared his throat. “I really do mean it when I say I just want to talk more, but would you like to come back to my place?
You could swear you stopped breathing. “I’d love that, I want you to tell me everything about you.”
He wrapped his arm tightly around your waist as you headed towards the elevator together. “I’ll tell you everything there is if you promise to show me all of your favorite things.” 
When you walked outside, a light dusting of snow had started to fall. You lifted your face to feel the snowflakes against your flushed skin and felt him watching you. You caught his eye and didn’t think you would ever stop smiling.
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adarafaelbarba · 3 years
Dark Waters
A/N: This is my first installment of Merman!Mike Dodds x Witch!reader. This goes with the collaboration I have with @teamsladsandgents for our «Dark Secrets» world.
Tags: Mentions of dying (but it doesn’t happen).
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You had seen him first when you were 10. Having spent the day at the beach, collecting shells for your sister’s collection you had spotted one by the waterline. And even if your mother’s words rang clearly in your head, Do not go near the waterline, you hadn’t listened, your ten year old mind wanted to explore the waterline for what could be hidden in the sand.
Feet had barely touched the water when you saw figures coming closer. And there was barely any time for you to react before they were grabbing your hands and feet, trying to pull you under water. You were no match with them, but that didn’t stop you from kicking and screaming, hoping to get free on your own, or for your family to hear you and come save you before it was too late.
«Stop!» Someone shouted, and for a moment, you thought you were safe as your potential killers stopped what they were doing. The man who had spoken stood up to his full height. Reds and oranges glinted in unison with blues and greens of his scales, and you immediately knew what he was. Blood scales!
Your body instantly froze. The other mermen, and one mermaid, dropped you, baring their razor sharp teeth and growled at him. «She’s ours! We got to her first!» The woman snarled, «Back off Dodds!»
«If you kill her it will mean war!» The blood scales, Dodds, said. But the others just scoffed, clearly not caring. «Her parents are the high priest and priestess of their coven! That makes her off limits!» he added. Not that it seemed to help as the others started laughing.
«What are you going to do then, Dodds? You gonna go through us to save this little witch?» One of the mermen said, barking out a laugh.
Dodds growled, lunging at the man closest to him, who let out a scream when Dodds hit his chest. There was the thud and a crack before the blood scales stood with a heart in his hand. The other mermen and the mermaid let out a gasp, dropping you into the water before fleeing into the water to get away from him.
However due to your fear of the water and what was in it, mostly merfolk, you had never learned how to swim, and you were now sinking like a bag of bricks.
Fear rushed through you as you went further down in the water. Until a pair of arms lifted you up and swam, hopefully closer to shore. A new fear rushing through you now, knowing it was the blood scales.
He got you to shore and placed you in the sand before swimming back out a bit. «I’m not gonna hurt you, my Lady», he said, bowing his head.
«Who are you?» You asked, cursing yourself under your breath for sounding so scared. But he didn’t respond. Simply turned and swam away.
~~10 years later~~
It was coming up to the last day of preparation before the yearly Mabon celebrations. Your parents were the leaders of the Staten Island covens, made up of four covens which were governed by your four older brothers. You were stood in the garden outside, tending to the herbs.
«Y/N, could you go down to the beach and grab some seaweeds? Maybe some sand too?» Your mother asked, her head poking out the kitchen window. You were still a bit wary, ever since you almost drowned ten years ago, but none the less you nodded your head, grabbing a bucket and a basket to carry it all in.
The first few steps were taken with caution, but soon enough you shook the fear off of yourself and walked the rest of the way, head held high. You weren’t the same, incapable witch as you were back then, you knew how to defend yourself, make sure you wouldn’t be dragged away by other creatures, or even your own kind.
At the beach you quickly started collecting what you needed, grabbing a few pretty stones as well for your younger sister so she could make decorations and jewelry out of them. That’s when you felt the sensation of bubbling water, forming under your skin at the back of your head. You quickly froze as the gaze dragged down your body, and panic set in, a blood scale.
They must have noticed you froze, as the sensation stopped, but with the lack of splashing water you were unsure if they had left. «Don’t be scared, I won’t harm you.» His voice was soft as he spoke.
The blood scale seemed to keep his eyes away from you, so you took the risk to turn and look at him.
He was gorgeous. Dare you say, even more beautiful now. He was definitely the same blood scale as 10 years ago, Dodds she believe he was called, by the others at least.
As you stood there looking at each other, he changed, becoming almost robotic as he started moving past you. At first you didn’t understand what had happened, but then you noticed where he was moving towards.
Across from the beach, and the big open field, laid the woods where Maboon would take place. Grabbing his arm you tried to pull him back, but he was much stronger than you. So you took to using your own magic, which was stronger than most witches. «If you go there they’ll kill you», you stated.
«And if I stay here, will you kill me?» He simply asked, looking at you with intense brown eyes. Of course he would ask that. He was right to be weary of you, of any witch or wizard to be honest.
You made no point to move, except for removing your hand from his arm. «I won’t harm you, sir, you have my word.» At this, he nodded, but like you, he made no point to move. Pulling paper and a pen out of your pocket, you scribbled down a name and a number. «The covens should go back to normal in about three weeks time, which means I’ll be back in Manhattan. If you want to meet up and talk then, call me.»
He looked at the piece of paper in your hand for a while, trying to decipher what it could mean, but then he took it, and to both your surprises, leant down to kiss you on the cheek, making you blush like mad. «I’ll see you in three weeks then.» And with that he left, opposite direction to where he had initially tried to walk.
Tag list: @detective-giggles​​​ @itsjustmyfantasyroom​ @dreamlover31​​ @dianilaws​ @meri-dawn​ @storiesofsvu​ @permanentlydizzy @welcometothemadxxhouse @cycat4077​ @incomplete-coincidence @kriegsverlobte​ @rafaheadcanons​ @rafivadafreddy​ @teamsladsandgents​ @beccabarba @mrsrafaelbarba​ @stardust-fray​ @stormtrooperofficerbrowneyes @infiniteoddball​ @averyhotchner @thatesqcrush @amelia-song-pond​ @prurientpuddlejumper​ @naniky @whereswaldotho @alwaysachorusgirl
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inknopewetrust · 3 years
Thinking about starting to write for SVU characters 👉🏻👈🏻... what do you think? Would anyone be interested in it!?
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Slipped Disk
So this little fic was requested from my lovely @the-baby-bookworm​ who requested this:
<Do you write for Dodds? Taking care of reader when she’s having problems with her back?>
Well my lovely, here it is- I hope its what your looking for. It was fun writing for him actually.
Warnings: Usual SVU, SVU crimes, Barisi, hurt reader and fluffy fluff.
WC: 1633
Enjoy x
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It was early in the morning and Mike was the first one to his desk. He picked up his phone when it vibrated with a notification for his Instagram that you had accepted his friend request and started to follow him back. He scrolled through your pictures smirking to himself looking at your selfies and the multiple photos of you just doing life looking so happy, the few of you and Rollins and Jesse and so many photos of you, Barba and Carisi. Vacation photos, important holiday photos, random nights out and weekend breakfast, lunch and dinner photos. If Rafael and Sonny weren’t together he would have been jealous that you spent so much time with them, but he knew how close you all were and from your page it didn’t seem to show you had any love interests.  As he kept scrolling he came across all your rock climbing photos, but they were old and he wondered if it was still an interest of yours.
Just then he heard your laugh and could almost hear the roll of Rafael’s eyes as the three of you rounded into the bullpen, he quickly locked his phone facing it down on his desk and spun on his chair to face you all,
“Are you three ever apart?” Mike look between the three of you.
“Not as much as I would like” Rafael rolled his eyes smirking.
“Hey” you and Sonny both said at the same time.
“I better go” Rafael lent over to you kissing you on the forehead resting a hand on your waist and then lent up to Sonny cupping one cheek kissing him on the lips “I’ll see you both later. Dodds” Rafael nodded at Mike and walked towards the lifts.
“How was your weekend Mike?” You looked over at him as you sat down at your desk
“It was good” he got up from his desk walking over to sit on the chair next to your desk “How was yours?” he smirked at you after sitting down.
You lent onto your desk closer to him, Sonny sitting across from you both watching on to what was happening in front of him, a half-smile on his face. Mike had told Sonny in so many words that he had feelings for you. It was Sonny who had pushed him to add you on Instagram. “It was good, thanks for asking” you winked at him.
“So- do you still rock climb?” Mike smiled at you sitting back in the chair.
“Wow that was quick” you giggled back, Sonny chuckling “Not anymore, I had a fall last year and hurt my back, been having slight problems with it since”
Mike went to open his mouth when Fin came rushing into the bullpen almost out of breath,
“Get your vests we have to go, I’ll fill you in on the way. Y/N get Liv’s and Rollins vests too.”
Liv had got a funny phone call from an old victim, only being able to hear what was going on, on the other end of the phone, which unfortunately was an assault in progress. Her and Amanda were on the way to her apartment and had called you all for back-up. You guys arrived at the apartment block after Sonny rushing you all there in the squad car,
“Y/L/N, Carisi you guys go around back, Dodds and I will go to Liv and Rollins. Watch your backs” Fin looked at you both wide eyed as him and Mike rushed off into the building.
You and Sonny walked close to each other down the side alley next to the building. Just as you rounded the corner you both seen a young male climbing down the last few stairs of the fire escape making a run for it towards the stairs at the back of the building, “Stop Police” You yelled out. You and Sonny dashed towards him to try and catch him before he got too far. Just as the young male got to the top of the stairs, you were hot on his heels and you lunged for him grabbing him around the waist, as you went to pull him back for Sonny to help you, he spun around in your grip, grabbing the tops of your arms throwing you down the stairs, “Y/N” you heard Mikes voice screaming.
Mike, Fin and Amanda had seen the whole thing as they ran around the corner, Liv watching from the open window of the apartment. Sonny managed to grab the perp and had him pinned down on the ground, Fin coming over to cuff him. Mike and Amanda made a run for you, Mike taking two steps at a time. You had finally stopped at a landing crying in pain and feeling blood running down your face. You went to sit up but screamed when a shooting pain shot through your back.
“Y/N don’t move” Mike cupped your cheek with on hand and grabbed your hand with his other “Rollins call a bus now”
“Y/N, Mike's here” Rafael walked into your bedroom handing you your pain med’s and glass of water “I’ll just be in the kitchen working, call if you need me” Rafael kissed the top of your head “I’ll send him in ok”
You nodded at him and smiled “Thanks Rafi”
You had spent two days in the hospital after getting stiches in your forehead, had too many scans and a treatment plan set up for your slipped disks in your back. Really you were grateful that a cut to the head and slipped disks was the extent of it, when it could have been much worse. Liv gave you two weeks off for bed rest and then 4 weeks desk duty till you were cleared by your doctor and physio.
Your heart skipped a beat when you looked to Mike standing in your door way with a big bunch of white flowers in a vase and a coffee,
“Hey Mikey, you can come in” you smiled at him.
Mike smiled back, walking over putting the flowers on your bedside table and handing you the coffee. He lent down and kissed you on top of the head.
“How are you feeling?” Mike said just above a whisper.
“Better now your here” you smiled at him “Sit” you tapped your hand on the bed “The boys have been looking after me and Amanda brings Jesse to cheer me up” Mike looked down and nodded with an almost sad look on his face, “and I’ am glad you finally came, thank you so much for the flowers, they are beautiful and the coffee” you grabbed his hand. Mike gave it a light squeeze and looked up at you “I wished you had come sooner though, I haven’t seen you since I was in hospital.”
“I’ am sorry I didn’t come sooner. Carisi told me you were in a lot of pain and I didn’t want to disturb you”
“Mike you could never disturb me” You squeezed his hand and smiled.
“How about I tell Barba to go and I’ll look after you tonight, I can sleep in the couch”
“I’d like that” you smiled again.
Mike cleaned up after the dinner you both had in the bedroom, bringing you a tea and your next lot of pain medication.
“Thanks Mike, did you want to watch a movie with me?”
“I would love that” Mike smiled at you “I’ll go and get a chair”
“Why? You can sit next to me on the bed”
“You su-“
“Yes Mike” you giggled
“Just let me change” Mike walked out of the room to his bag that was on the couch. When Mike had spoken to Rafael about looking after you that night, he sent Sonny to his apartment to get him some cloths for the night and the next day.
Mike walked back into your room in light grey track pants and a navy t shirt, making his way around to the other side of the bed sitting down leaning his back against the head of the bed. Settling in for a movie on the internet, you both decided for a comedy.
Half way through the movie a really funny joke was made, you forgot for a moment how sore your back was, leaning forward in a fit of laugher. You cut your laughter off mind laugh and whimpered in pain,
“Hey you ok?” Mike started to rub your lower back.
“Yeah- it was funny and I forgot about my back” you chuckled.
Mike was still rubbing your back when you lent back into his side. He moved his hand from your back, wrapping his arm around your shoulders so you could get more comfortable, you resting your right hand up on his arm.
“I like having you around” You said softly
“I like being around you” Mike said into your ear. You craned your head around so your eyes could meet his. Mike lifted his free hand to your cheek, lowering his lips on yours for a sweet kiss. Your lips connecting together like a puzzle piece.  Mike pulled back rubbing his thumb over your cheek with a smirk “That was nice” he ghosted your lips “Once you’re up and about, I want to take you out”
“I’d like that” you rubbed your nose with his “Tonight- stay with me, in here”
Mikes lips landed on your again, you could tell he was trying to be gentle so he wouldn’t hurt you.
“Ok- can I- maybe- spend the weekend with you too? Give Carisi and Barba a break”
“Only if you keep kissing me like that” you bit your bottom lip looking up into his beautiful eyes.
Miked smirked and gave you a wink “I don’t think that will be a problem”
Tags: @detective-giggles​ Barisi your my babes @beccabarba​
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chapter one - the end of our peace
mike dodds x oc (cecilia “cecily” elizabeth sinatra kennedy)
warnings :: mentions of death, gun violence, blood, loss of family, curses, pregnancy, ect.
request :: none bby. I’ve been mentally writing this for a few weeks now and i intend to make it a full series, so i hope you like it! cecily is the fictional daughter of the late jfk jr. from before he was married to carolyn bessette-kennedy and married to a fictional wife. i love mike so strap in, ladies, gents, and my nonbinary friends. not my gif btw
song of the chapter : paradise by coldplay
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cecily grew up much better off than most; from the moment she was conceived she was famous, being born to the beloved son of jfk, jfk jr, and beloved daughter of frank sinatra, elizabeth “betsy” sinatra. she had been born two years before her favorite cousin, jack, who would be her beloved confidante, for her whole life. when she was brought into the world, her father whispered that she was so perfect, something had to give. and that thing was her mother, who died half an hour after, due to a hemorrhage they didn’t catch until it was too late. days after she was born, john had to bury his first wife, and brought his newborn into the limelight for the first time. cecily became the face of the newest generation of kennedys, whether she and her father wanted it or not.
so when carolyn came into her life, cecily took the maternal love and attention, never wanting to let go. she was the flower girl at her father’s wedding to carolyn, which made her the most happy little girl. No one thought that just a few years later, that happiness would be robbed when her father, step-mother, and step-aunt were killed going to a wedding. The little girl was supposed to attend, but started running a fever, leaving her aunt caroline to take care of her.. luckily she had, otherwise she too would have perished in the crash. her godmother got custody of her and for a time they lived in australia, before returning back to the apartment she had lived in with her step-mother and her father. when she turned eighteen, she met a handsome older boy who stole her heart. he was one of the first and only people to understand her and her life. that man was called mike dodds. and he came from a similar family: one with high ambitions, him being from a police family. the two married secretly, with their closest friends and family there. The following year, a daughter, eliza, was born, followed by a son, john,  two years ago, and most recently their newest addition would join them in the next few months. cecily’s relationship with her father-in-law, william dodds, was warm. him seeing her as the daughter he never had. but he knew only to call her from his work phone for emergencies. so when “wills - work” popped up on her phone, she dropped everything, including the clothing she had been folding. she could feel her heartbeat beating faster than it should have. it seemed her newest addition noticed to, as they started to kick. the young kennedy picked up the phone, and the words said would forever haunt her: “mike was shot.” cecelia got the children in the car and quickly dropped them off at her aunt caroline’s. luckily for her, her cousin, jack, was home from college, so he drove her to the hospital. she waddled over to the nurse's desk and was about to speak before she heard her first name being called. mike’s team sat with her father-in-law in the waiting room, one of them being covered in blood. His team looked at her quizzingly, not knowing why a kennedy was there. mike had kept her and their children a secret for their safety, and had planned on telling the team about them once he had properly settled into the team. but those plans were ruined by an attack of her family curse. “he’s fine. Just a gunshot to the shoulder. He will be fine and can leave in the next few hours…” cecilia let out a sob as william opened his arms, letting out a cry himself. “mrs. dodds...?” a nurse called for her.
please let me know if i should continue with this story or not! This is my first time writing for mike and think he is so underrated. xoxo, gracie
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svucarisiaddict · 5 years
Can I get minj Dodds & "you're my favorite person in the world" from the things you want to hear list plz? Just a one shot. Thaaanks! 😁
Mike ran Olivia’s words over and over in his head; “Go home, talk to somebody you love and don’t let this job be your whole life.”  That was an issue Mike always struggled finding a  balance; work life and his personal life. After the arrival of your daughter, things did change considerably. This case though was a particularly hard one. The victim was a 15-year-old girl. The guilt he felt for what happened along with the what if’s he couldn’t protect Ellie. Mike pushed the thoughts from his head and made his way to the only two people in this world that brought light into his life. 
When he arrived home, the house was dark except for a lamp in the entryway and a sliver of light from the bathroom where the door had been left ajar. Mike quietly opened the squeaking door to your bedroom. He found you stretched across the bed, fast asleep and snoring softly. Watching your sleeping form a smile crossed his lips. He loved seeing you dressed to the nines but his favorite version of you was just like this;  hair falling from your ponytail, no makeup and wearing one of his old Chicago PD t-shirts.
You felt Mike’s presence before you opened your eyes. “Hi babe,” you muttered in a drowsy voice. 
Mike leaned over to give you a kiss. “Hey. Didn’t mean to wake you.”
“No worries. How was your day?” Pushing yourself to a sitting position you switched on the bedside lamp. 
“Better now that I’m home.” His brow furrowed. You knew from the tidbits he told you that the recent case had been taxing. Mike’s eyes wandered to the baby monitor. “How long has she been asleep?”
“Uh, couple hours,” you replied. “Want me to warm you up something to eat?” 
“No. Try to get some sleep. I’ll get up with Ellie tonight,” Mike offered. 
“Mike you’ve been at work all day. At least let me make you a sandwich,” you said swinging your legs out of bed. 
A small smile pulled at the corner of his lips. “A sandwich would be great. Thank you.”
“You are more than welcome,” you said kissing his cheek then padded out of your bedroom. As you reached the top of the stairs you heard Mike’s light footsteps on the hardwood floor. You grinned because you knew he was going to check on your baby girl.
Mike tiptoed into the nursery. Soft light from her butterfly night light let him find the way to her crib. He knew he risked waking her but after today he needed to see her sweet face.
When he peeked over the crib rail the day melted away. From the downy hair on her head to her small nose, chubby cheeks and tiny toes she was perfection. Mike knew his life would change the day you told him you were pregnant but he didn’t realize just how much until that little pink bundle was placed in his arms. He gently ran a finger down the bridge of her nose and across the soft skin of her cheek. 
Resistance was futile. He picked Ellie up and placed her on his chest. She smelled of lavender baby body wash that you picked out. Mike held his breath for a second when she wiggled but she fell right back asleep. “You’re my favorite person in the whole world,” Mike whispered to Ellie.
“What am I chopped liver?” you teased from behind him.
Mike turned to face you. “Well…” he said with a smirk and shrugged his shoulders.
“Yeah, I get it. She’s pretty much my favorite person ever,” you admitted. “But you are a very close second.” The sight of Mike holding your baby girl made your heart skip a beat. “Sandwich is down on the counter by the way. I’ll take her so you can eat.”
Mike leaned over and kissed you. “I’m going to stay here for just a bit longer,” he said as he sat in the rocking chair and began slowly rocking. It was the most peace he had felt all week.
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bullet-prooflove · 6 years
Spontaneous - Mike Dodds x Reader (NSFW)
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Mike gives you a spontaneous wake up call.
It was half seven in the morning and for some reason Mike was awake and alert. His shift didn't start for over four hours but here he was in the kitchen, making coffee for you. Not that cheap instant stuff you used either, today he was actually using your coffee machine, a device he both feared and hated since it had scalded him one too many times.
The alarm clock was chirping the bedroom as he entered, coffee in one hand, flower he'd picked from the shared garden in the other. His palm smacked the sleep button as he put the coffee on your night stand. You shuffled under the sheets, your arm going under the pillow as you turned on your side.
"I brought your coffee." he said in his deep, sleep fogged voice, before bending over, his lips brushing your forehead.
"Hm." you responded, burrowing even deeper into the covers.
You were grumpy first thing in the morning. Grumpy and immobile. Mike moved around to the bottom of the bed and climbed on board. His arm wrapped around your waist as he drew you and the covers up against him. His head propped up on one hand before he used the flower on you. He let it glide up the length of your bare arm. His head bent to kiss your neck, his lips brushing all those sensitive spots as the petals danced upon your naked skin and across your shoulder, then along the strap of your sky-blue strap top.
"Mm, what is that?" You mumbled as Mike's teeth grazed that erogenous zone behind your ear, causing you to shiver.
"It is a flower I picked for you." he murmured as you rolled onto your back.
Your hands were palm up on the pillow, your hair splayed out across the cool material. Your top rode up exposing your stomach, the flannel pyjama pants were riding low on your hips. Mike used the delicate petals to doodle a pattern on your stomach. You wriggled, biting your lower lip for a second, your face turned away into the pillow as he teased along the line of your pyjama pants.
"You like that." he whispered, his breath ghosting in your ear.
His words sent a shudder running through you, his proximity and body heat were giving you dirty, sexy thoughts. You nodded with an encouraging moan. Mike discarded the flower off the side of the bed before using his fingers to walk across your stomach until he got to the tie at the front of the pyjamas. He pulled the drawstring lightly until the knot came undone.
"I wanna make up for last night." he muttered, his palm slipping underneath the pyjama bottoms.
His hot mouth descended on your stomach. His tongue flicked around the circle of your belly button before he moved in between your legs. You could feel yourself getting wet already. His mouth was always promising, and you were always wanting.
Heat rushed through you as his tongue flicked over your sensitive nub. Your head tipped back into the pillow as Mike used his dexterous hands to slide your pyjama bottoms down over your legs.
"But you didn’t do anything last night." you reminded him, lifting your ass so he could take the pyjama bottoms off entirely.
"That is entirely my point." he informed you with a wolfish smile.
Mike's hands ran up your legs, his hands came to rest on your thighs, spreading you wider. His thumb traced the outline of your clit, making your back arch and your body quiver. He loved the taste of you, that and your scent.
His tongue to flick over your swollen nub. You bit the material of the pillow trying to stifle your groan as Mike sucked at your clit, your hands raked the sheets as his tongue fucked you.
"Oh God." You whimpered as you begun to come undone under his skilful hands.
His fingers grazed your wet centre as his tongue lapped over your clit. He slipped his finger inside you, your hips bucked against his mouth as he inserted a second finger. Your body responded to his rhythm, your moans were a symphony to his ears as he brought you to climax. He felt you tighten around his fingers as you cried out his name.
The explosion of pleasure rocked your body, you jerked and spasmed against his mouth, uttering the word "fuck" out loud as you came.
Mike reclaimed his fingers, and shifted onto his side of the bed, his hand caressing you lovingly. His lips were on your throat all over again, gentle and nuzzling.
“I love you.” He whispered into your ear. “I love you so much.”
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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detective-sonshine · 6 years
This will be updated every single time I post something new! Requests are open for any SVU character/ship, as well as any other person/show that I know of (though I am primarily an SVU blog)
*** = smut/NSFW
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit
Sonny Carisi
*** Cowboy Carisi ***
My Rock
My Rock (Part 2)
My Rock (Part 3)
Is This the End? After Everything We’ve Been Through?
Can I Kiss You?
I Can’t Keep Kissing Strangers and Pretend They Are You
There’s Nothing to be Ashamed of
I’m at the Hospital
In the Hospital... Again
*** I’ve Loved You Since the First Day I Laid Eyes on You ***
Just a Dream
Don’t You Dare Say That to Me
Kiss Me Slowly So I Can Fall Asleep
Octopus Cuddles
My Heart Scares You But My Gun Doesn't?
Let Me Hold You
Promises, Promises
Nick Amaro
Please Don’t Leave me
Rafael Barba
State Fair
***Spread Your Legs***
***I Could Make Love to You All Night***
Mike Dodds
***Clear My Schedule***
You’re Impossible!
***My Turn***
Peter Stone
Forever and Ever
Elliot Stabler
Caught off Guard
Gold Digger
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
Found My Way
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Mike Dodds x fem!reader Warnings: language, very minor talk of svu related things.
Mike let out a weary breath, thanking the three girls he’d been talking to, hating every minute of this. He knew when he’d transferred to Special Victims that they’d be dealing with a lot of kid cases, that the things that happened to them wouldn’t exactly sit easy at night, but he still despised having to work the cases and this one was no different.
He, along with Olivia and Amanda were scouring their way through a dance academy after complaints about two of their teachers being more than inappropriate with one of the dancers. As they continued to talk to the students it seemed there was also a bit of misconduct going on between the students, though most was consensual it still raised a few eyebrows, especially when specific ages came into play. It was trickier than he’d thought, considering that most of the dancers were under sixteen, any of the adults seemed to be teachers, and everyone seemed to be turning a blind eye to it. The parents were worse than he could imagine, the gossip mill already in full swing. One of his ex’s had been way too obsessed with ‘Dance Moms’ and he was honestly a bit surprised that most of it seemed to not be acting up for the camera.
Pinching at the bridge of his nose he moved onto the next studio, hoping that maybe he’d be able to get some answers from someone in that class. As he glanced up he found himself immediately transfixed.
There was only one person in the room, and for the first time today, it was a woman much closer to his own age than the kids he’d been talking to. A soft playlist echoed through the room as you moved with such elegant grace Mike wasn’t even sure you were real at first. Your focus was on the mirror in front of you, analyzing your lines and placement, making sure your technique was where you wanted it to be. He noticed the way your lips would purse ever so often if something wasn’t up to your standards, the small shake of your head as you continued through whatever choreography you were working through. It was when you landed a front aerial (in pointe shoes nonetheless) that the quiet low whistle escaped his lips. You’d kept moving, up on pointe as you spun around in attitude, your gaze finally falling on your spectator, a slight blush taking over your cheeks as you suddenly dropped down into third.
“Sorry.” He ducked his gaze quickly before returning it to yours, hoping he heat on his cheeks wasn’t visible “I’m with NYPD, do you have a minute?” His hand shifted his coat, flashing his badge and you gave a warm smile.
“Of course.” You’d made it about one step toward each other when you let out a small gasp, your hands held out in front of you, “not off the mat!” Mike froze, holding his hands up in defeat backing so he was still in the middle of the doormat, “sorry.” You winced, “dance rules, no outside shoes. You wouldn’t believe how much these floors cost.”
“I definitely wouldn’t.” He chuckled, smiling as you extended your hand in a greeting.
“What can I do for you…officer..?” You hesitated, it wasn’t often you dealt with cops, hell, it was never, you weren’t sure the protocol, not to mention you were immediately taken by how cute he was.
“Uh- Sergeant Mike Dodds, with special victims.” He replied with a firm handshake.
“Special victims?” Your brow furrowed, “that doesn’t sound good.”
“Not exactly.” He huffed, the warmth of your hand in his fading as you crossed your arms over your chest, “we’re looking into some allegations against a couple of the teachers here. We’ve been talking to all the students, trying to get a feel for some of the goings on. How long have you been dancing here?”
“Oh! Uhm…I technically don’t.” You tilted your head, “I’m from Virginia, all my dance studio days are back there, I just rent this space a couple of days a month to work on technique. All the adult dance classes are at night and you can’t exactly attend those when you’re doing eight shows a week on Broadway.”
“Oh wow, what show?” Mike was so intrigued with you he’d half forgotten the real reason he was there.
“Legally Blonde.” You laughed, “it’s not exactly the Rockette’s or New York City Ballet, but I get to do what I love and get paid for it, so I’m not complaining.”
“That’s amazing.”
“Thanks.” You blushed, ducking your head briefly, “uh, what did you want to ask?”
“Oh, right.” He fumbled, slipping back into work mode, “we’re just interested in knowing if you’ve noticed any lingering glances, too much one on one time, private lessons behind closed doors kind of thing.”
“Hmm.” You scrunched your nose. Mike smiled at the way you absentmindedly rocked between your feet, popping up en pointe as you thought and spoke, like it was pure second nature. “I don’t know his name, but there’s one of the assistant teachers for…jazz one I think? Blonde guy, little bit shorter than you, I wanna say…early forties? He’s always here lurking and seems to have a lot of private’s, always got a super weird vibe from him. One of those guys you never wanted to catch yourself alone with if you know what I mean?”
“Yeah. I do.”
“Sorry I can’t be more help. I’ll try to keep an eye out whenever I’m around.”
“That’d be great. But…don’t go getting yourself into any trouble.”
“I won’t,” you laughed, “besides, I’m rarely here.”
“You’ll let me know if you think of anything?” He reached into his jacket pocket, extending a business card to you.
“Of course.” You accepted the card, tucking it between your fingers as you read over the inscription, “Sergeant.” You smiled, only wavering when he held out his hand but hesitated and you realized you’d never introduced yourself, “oh shit, I’m so sorry, it’s y/n.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” He grinned, accepting your hand.
It was only a moment before a small blonde popped up beside him, cutting your flirtation short.
“Hey, you ready? We talked to everyone we could.” She spoke in a southern drawl, shooting you a quick smile.
“Yeah.” Mike nodded, “call me, if you think of anything.”
“Will do.” You smiled, saluting playfully, his business card still between your fingers before he left the doorway and you padded back to your bag, making sure to tuck the card somewhere you wouldn’t lose it.
You could have sworn there was a hint of flirtation in the way he asked you to call him, as if he’d nearly prefer if you did without having something work wise to talk about. As much as it churned your insides to think about why he’d come to the studio that day, you were happy he had. A chance meeting with someone as attractive as he was? You weren’t about to let that slide.
It was a few weeks later, you’d ended up even more swamped that you could have imagined being working in Broadway. Your free time for self technique practice fell to the wayside, spending basically all of your free time in the theatre. Finally, your week was done, this one even with an extra matinee on Sunday morning as well, making it a rounded nine shows a week. You took longer than normal getting changed, letting the rest of the cast deal with the crowd at the stage door, knowing if you waited, they’d all be gone by the time you left. You’d be able to escape in peace.
You let out a happy sigh as you pushed open the door, the alleyway basically deserted. You made it a couple of steps before someone moved toward you, speaking into the silence and you plastered on your warm professional smile.
“Was beginning to think you weren’t in there tonight.” He smiled.
“Sergeant?” Your brow cocked, “you here on work requirements?”
“No.” He laughed, “I uh…figured this was the easiest way to see you without completely creeping you out.” You laughed heartedly,
“A dark alley in New York City? The ultimate calming location, great place for first dates.” You teased and he laughed, falling in step with you as you made your way towards the street.
“To be fair, I did think you’d be out a bit earlier. Everyone else is long gone.”
“It’s been a long week.” You sighed, “aside from being in the chorus I’m Elle’s understudy. I’ve spent more hours in that theatre than in my own bed this week.”
“Guess it’s a shame I didn’t get tickets for tonight then.”
Mike smiled, turning to you now that you were both under the street lamps. He couldn’t help but smile at how contradictory your appearance was. Your face still completely done up in theatre makeup, false lashes accenting your eyes, a strip of highlighter making your face sparkle, your hair pulled back in double French braids, no doubt to easily hide under a wig. Meanwhile you were in the usual theatre kid clothes, comfy ugg boots and capri sweatpants pants elastic’ed halfway down your calves. A loose tank top hung off your frame, an unzipped lulu sweater around your arms, the ultimate of cozy mixed with the pre ample of having somewhere important to be. You laughed, shaking your head slightly.
“Girl’s ankle is fully broken. I am up indefinitely…guess you can say hello to the new Elle Woods.”
“Congratulations.” He smiled, “guess that makes my question of when you’re free a little bit harder.”
“Depends on what you need my time for Sarge.” You smirked.
“To be honest I was wondering if I could maybe buy you a drink? But I understand if you have rehearsals tomorrow, you need your rest.”
“No rehearsals til Wednesday. Guess I did good enough this weekend to deserve a break.”
“Really?” He smiled, “so…I can buy you a drink?”
“Throw in some mozza sticks and you’ve got yourself a deal. This girl’s hungry.”
Mike laughed, his eyes glinting at the near smirk on your cheeks. Every second he spent around you felt like he was discovering a new part of his life he’d previously had no idea existed. You were such a breath of fresh air in his otherwise stuffy life.
“That is as long as you don’t mind going out with someone in sweatpants.” You laughed, “there’s a dive bar around the corner if you’d prefer low lighting?”
“You could be wearing a potato sack and you’d still look incredible.” He smiled back at you in response, “c’mon, I’d hate to keep you out too late.”
Blushing at his words you linked your arm into his, letting him escort you up the street. You had to admit, you’d never really taken a chance to delve into your romantic live, work taking up so much of your time. But you were happier than ever that Mike had decided it was worth while to take a chance on someone like you, he was incredibly sweet, ever so chivalrous, and undeniably attractive.
That first date lasted longer than either of you had thought it would, finally calling it a night when it hit last call. Mike insisted on walking you home and you weren’t complaining, exchanging small talk and flirtations the entire way home. When you finally reached your apartment, his hand caressed your cheek softly, hesitating the slightest bit before you gave a soft nod and he leant in to kiss you gently.
A few days later he took you out to brunch, on a proper date, one that was absolutely perfect and as romantic as you could’ve imagined. It didn’t take long before you were officially his girlfriend. It took a bit adjusting considering your schedules were nearly completely opposite, but you did what you needed to in order to make time for each other. After all, you made each other impeccably happy, and every moment you had together was heaven.
A few weeks later you’d gifted him a few tickets to Legally Blonde and you got to meet his Dad & Step Mom, giving the three of them a mini backstage tour as they congratulated you on your promotion to lead cast. You went out to a classy wine bar afterwards and William simply couldn’t get enough of you, not missing the way you and Mike shone as the other talked, the way you dreamily watched each other, there was no doubt you were meant to be, and none of you could wait to see where your futures took you.
_________ @stardust-galaxies @hhroadgirl @randomthingssss @qvid-pro-qvo @hurricanejjareau @thatesqcrush @skittle479 @altsvu @Lawandorderimagines @whimsicallymad @fandom-princess-forevermore @classylady1234 @averyhotchner @mysticfalls01 @teamsladsandgents @mrsrafaelbarba @ssaic-jareau @barbasbodaciousbeard @alwaysachorusgirl @rafivadafreddy @australiancarisi @wandas-wife @thestarrynightslover @lustvolle-liebe @disn3y7 @sia2raw @stone-hearted-seymour
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caracalwithchips · 3 years
Picture It
I have only ever posted a fic once before years ago for a completely different fandom. So this is my first try at SVU fic (thanks to @teamsladsandgents for the advice & encouragement!). 
Just a little Mike Dodds one-shot to help me test the waters. I am open to and appreciate (kind) constructive criticism! I’d also love for someone to tell me if the dialogue works or not--should I break it up into a new line for each line of dialogue? If suggested, I can re-post with different formatting
Trigger warnings for mentions of blood, sutures, and bombs
Mike Dodds x reader
It was the holiday season with packages coming in left and right from families of survivors, grateful survivors who had won their cases, even the occasional gift from a criminal defense firm as a “no hard feelings” gesture. Usually it was candy or cookies, sometimes popcorn, once some presents for Jessie and Noah, and Rita Calhoun’s firm had sent the entire squad tickets to an off-Broadway re-imagining of the Nutcracker (the squad needed the occasional reminder that she was their best bet if anyone was ever in trouble..again).
You were sitting at your desk working through your 8th handful of caramel popcorn out of a giant tin. It was just you and Sergeant Dodds in the bullpen this evening, the rest of the squad was divided between a sex worker advocacy meeting and running some leads on a possible peeping-tom case.
“Y/L/N,” you looked up at your Sergeant. Like always, you were taken aback by how blue his eyes are. How did anyone expect you to get any work done? “We may have another peeping-tom vic.”
You stood up, “you driving, Sarg?” He had a habit of teasing you about your driving. He smiled and nodded “affirmative” as you both headed towards the elevator. You and the Sergeant had developed a pretty solid rapport over the last several months he had been with the squad. More often than not, Liv partnered the two of you together.  
As the elevator opened, the building’s clerk walked out holding a box full of packages. “More presents for Manhattan’s favorite squad,” he teased over his shoulder. “Think this one may be for you Detective Y/L/N,” he teased as he grabbed a package covered in drawings. You and Dodds both turned to look. Yep, those drawings were Picasso-esq, but the hair was unmistakably yours. Dodds starting laughing and nudged you with his elbow. The clerk was still wrestling the package completely out of the box, but lost hold of his grip and several of the packages toppled to the floor. You rushed forward as you saw them falling. There was a bright flash and thunderous sound.  
Time slowed down, but you felt yourself being jerked back and pushed towards the elevator as a giant, solid warmth grabbed and enveloped you from behind. Through clenched eyelids lights flickered, sand sprayed across the room, you tasted smoke, and an enormous pressure rang in your ears. Rattled and confused, you became aware of a body holding you.  You stepped out of the grip and Mike Dodds stumbled towards you. “Mike?” you thought you yelled, but you could only hear the echo of your voice from far away. Mike blinked hard and grasped your forearms, and you noticed a trickle of blood dripping down his temple. You guided him to a nearby bench while surveying your surroundings. There was a thick haze enveloping the hallway, you couldn’t make out much except for bodies running in from the bullpen. You couldn’t hear what they were saying, but you saw arms waving and someone stooping to kneel towards the floor where there was a crumpled heap covered in Christmas packages.
You dragged your eyes away, back to your Sergeant and gasped. He was leaning away from you and you saw pinpoints of blood scattered across the back of his dress shirt. As your eyes became adjusted to the smoke in the room, you realized that they were more than pinpoints, but couldn’t initially tell blood from dust from what looked like shards of glass and metal. You reached for the knife in your pocket, told him to hold still (could he even hear you?) and cut a careful slit down the middle of his shirt and undershirt. You carefully peeled the shirt away and gasped. There were at least two spots where large, long shards of jagged metal went directly into his skin. As you staggered back, a hand clapped you on the shoulder. You turned to see another officer mouthing some words you couldn’t hear. You think he was saying something about a bus coming.
You knelt on the bench in front of Dodds, his glazed eyes were staring off into space so you grabbed either side of his face to get him to focus on you.  “Hey, a bus is coming Sarg,” you tried to say, but you could tell he didn’t understand. He grabbed the wrist of the hand still holding his face and gave you a dopey smile. You frowned back, this was not the time to be cute. You figured you should probably do something to stabilize the shards that were sticking out so you let his face go to reassess his back. His back looked worse now that blood started to trickle out of the many impaction points. You knew he carried clean handkerchiefs to give to emotional witnesses and survivors, just one of his many annoyingly charming habits. You reached down into his pocket to grab for one, then you gently placed it around the largest shard and held pressure.
Soon, EMTs arrived and got your Sergeant onto a gurney. They wanted to assess you, but you refused and insisted you would ride with Dodds and get checked at the hospital. Once you arrived, you were pushed to a bay while Dodds was wheeled off. A quick exam by a resident confirmed that you were well enough to leave. Your hearing was already coming back, although the ringing in your ears was louder than anything. A kind nurse directed you towards Dodds’ room. She explained that they were able to remove the metal as the pieces weren’t as deep as they had looked, but he had of course had required pain medicine while they sutured him up.
You pulled back the curtain and those blue eyes fell on you immediately, “Y/N!!” You knew you were worried, but must not have realized how worried because you immediately burst into tears. His face dropped and he held his arms open while saying, “awwww don’t cry, Sweetheart.”  Sweetheart? You started crying harder and hesitantly approached him. He pulled you into his chest and whispered “shh” into your hair. Once you finally calmed down, you pulled back, wiped your face with your forearm, and cleared your throat. “Sorry,” you smiled sheepishly.
He fell back on a mountain of pillows they had propped him up on. He still had that dopey smile, “don’t be sorry, Sweetheart, I’m just glad you’re okay.”
“I’m only okay because you bear-hugged me and got yourself injured!” You started getting choked up again and he grabbed your hand and made shhing sounds again.
“Y/N, I’d do anything for you. Of course I’d take a few stitches if it meant you were okay! Besides, I’m fine, I actually feel really good. And I got to hug you!”
You sniffed and smiled shyly. What on earth was happening here?
“Although,” he drew out the word, “I didn’t picture the first time you ripping my clothes off would be in the middle of a hallway at work.”
Your eyes got huge and you could feel your neck getting hot. He mistook your expression. “I know, right? I thought it would be much more romantic, too, but there’s time for everything I guess.”
“Sergeant. You’re on a lot of pain killers, I’m worried you’re going to say something you regret later. As much as I wish what I’m hearing is something you’d say in your right mind, I don’t want you to have to backtrack later.”
He looked confused, “You think what I’m saying has to do with me being on pain killers?” You looked at your feet and nodded. “So it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with what may have been a life or death situation for either of us that we’ve both walked away from mainly unscathed?” His voice had gotten firmer and now you looked up confused.
You searched his eyes and he smiled that dopey smile again. “Can I not just be crazy for you for the sake of being crazy for you? And this seemed like as good a time as any to let you know.”
Your resulting smile squeezed out a final tear, but when he held his arms open you leaned your head against his chest and let him hold you. As he stroked your hair he asked, “so does this mean you feel the same way?” You laughed against his chest and smiled up at him. “Of course it does! I’ve been crazy about you since day one.”
The nurse came in at that time to start the discharge process. To keep his stiches from pulling, you helped Mike put on a scrub top loaned by the hospital and tried not to blush. “Have you really pictured me ripping your clothes off before?” Now it was his turn to blush. “Oh no, did I really say that?  I mean, of course I have, a few times actually, but that’s not the type of thing you tell someone.”
You laughed and finished gathering your things. You would have to start the process of calling Liv to check on everyone back at the precinct, and then there would be the investigation into where the bomb came from. But for now, it was still just you and Mike. You grabbed his hand and started walking towards the hospital exit. “Don’t worry, Mike, I’ve pictured it too.”  
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lucifersagents · 7 years
Mike Dodds x Reader Masterlist
A Risky Negotiation (angst/fluff)
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