#Mike Dodds angst
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Below is a link to questions about requests!
Questions About Requests
Below is a link to my masterlist!
Masterlist - The masterlist is updated right after I post a new fic so it’s always up to date!
Below is a link to my taglist form!
Taglist - Fill it out so you never miss your faves!
What categories do I write?
What fandoms do I write for? Who in those fandoms do I write for?
Wrestling - You can ask me and I’ll let you know if I do or don’t.
AEW - Majority.
Impact - Majority.
NJPW - Select ones because I’m not caught up yet.
WWE - Select ones because I don’t really watch anymore, but I catch the highlights from Twitter and Instagram.
Law and Order: SVU - Seasons Watched: All
Nick Amaro, Sonny Carisi, Rafael Barba, Mike Dodds, Peter Stone, Joe Velasco, and Terry Bruno
Sons of Anarchy - Seasons Watched: All
Jax Teller, Juice Ortiz, Opie Winston, Chibs Telford, Tig Trager, Half Sack, David Hale, Herman Kozik, and Ratboy
Mayans MC - Seasons Watched: All
EZ Reyes, Angel Reyes, Coco Cruz, Gilly Lopez, Bishop Losa, Hank Loza, Manny, Marcus Alvarez, Miguel Galindo, Creeper Vargas, Nestor Oceteva, and Riz Ariza.
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
Read the polaroid piece.
The first? Section? Was so adorable i can’t???
I can hear mike shouting through the floors it’s hilarious. They were so sweet i just—
I love dustin, i love how attached to dustin mike is, and i especially love how mike’s fine w/ dustin taking photos but continues to have this ongoing vendetta against his mother.
But he still ends up loving the pictures it’s adorable.
Ah fuck. The third section. Why—what is the point of makibg this that painful??????? AKSDJFNCNKDLDCNCCKLCL. You just had to lead with the whole mike doesn’t Little Mike is so sweet & the way he goes about trying to make will feel better is just…
Then the fourth… gahhhhhhhh. greetings from the apocalypse. It was sad and gloomy but also warmed my heart idk?????? Ugh i loved it. The LOTR references just about killed me btw, thanks for that.
Awww they’re already dating in the fifth section that’s adorable. Yup, getting GED is really the only way they’re gonna be able to go, isn’t it? Because of the upsidedown. The michael/william exchange, the slow dance, mike’s “where’s-will?”instinct activating….
This was so sweet and also idk I feel like you just wake up & choose violence. Like. There are Too Many Emotions associated with these boys how am i supposed to—ugh.
But like. Keep choosing violence. Thank you for sharing your work with us. Hope u had a very happy new year!
everyone keeps asking if mrs dodds was a reference, and like. i feel like it's gonna count as a reference. was it intentional? no. did my brain pull that name bc i know it from pjo? absolutely yes.
it's not an andiwriteordie fic unless it has a liiitle angst right? 🤪 (that's a lie. i can avoid angst. i just. um. choose not to.)
me exposing myself in this ask by saying i in fact haven't ever read or watched LOTR; however, tumblr loves comparing sam & frodo to mike & will, so here i am adding it to my fic 🙈🫡
listen i really truly don't think hawkins will be left standing after this is all said and done, and i doubt the kids will be going to school during the apocalypse... so i say, GEDs (they're all smart) and an at home prom (it was steve's idea because he's the only one who got a senior prom, so it's for the party but also for robin, nancy, and jonathan too. and it's steve and the older adults planning it, so pure chaos)
i do absolutely wake up and choose violence. this was mild for me and we all know it ❤️ here's to choosing soooo much violence in 2023
happy happy new year to you as well!!! thank you so much for this sweet ask and for enjoying my fic!!!!! 🫂🫂🫂
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
It looks like we are PMS buddies!
I answer your call to angst with
'Its all I have left of them' mike dodds
The fucking worst, right??
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poeticprofiler · 4 months
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last updated:
angst 🔍 | fluff 🩶 | 18+ 🚨| my favorites ⚖️
Before you get to reading…please keep in mind the topics and subjects the show revolves around. Each fic will have its warnings, but this little message here is meant as a reminder before you dive into reading.
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Dominick Sonny Carisi Jr
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coming soon…
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Rafael Barba
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coming soon…
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Nick Amaro
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coming soon…
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Mike Dodds
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coming soon…
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📁 I do not give consent to have my work posted, translated, or published to any third party site or app.
📁 All images/gifs used are not mine, and come from google unless specifically stated otherwise.
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svucarisiaddict · 3 years
Writing Prompts
I compiled these from various lists on Pinterest.
1. “I’m not perfect but I'm trying my best to keep you safe.”
2. “Dance with me.”
3. “It’s lonely here without you.”
4. “I can’t remember the last time I did this with someone.”
5. “I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
6. “You can call me whenever you want. Even if you don’t have a reason.”
7. “Sorry doesn’t fix everything.”
8. “It isn’t up for debate.”
9. “I’m fine. Stop asking.”
10. “Did it ever occur to you that I’m hurting too?”
11. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
12. “You ruined everything.”
13. “You’re lucky you’re cute..”
14. “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.”
15. “I almost lost you once.”
16. “I think we need to talk.”
17. “I don’t need a reason to bring you flowers. I just wanted to.”
18. “You’re in love with her.”
19. “What’s this between us?”
20. “I still remember. I remember the way you taste. The way you move. The way your breath catches before you bite your lip and fight that moan that you know drives me crazy.”
21. “Touch her and you’re dead.”
22. “What are you doing here? It’s late.”
23. “I don’t owe you an explanation.”
24. “So that’s it? It’s over?”
25. “Look, I know we don’t know each other that well but I’m still worried about you.”
26. “I wish it could always be like this.”
27. “You’re so much different when we’re alone.”
28. “I like when the world is quiet.”
29. “I’m tired of being your secret.”
30. “Those things you said yesterday, did you mean them?”
31. “Just breathe, okay?”
32. “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.”
33. “You don’t think it’s a bit much?”
34. “I’ve tried to move on, but no one compares to you.”
35. “How do you destroy a monster without becoming one?”
36. “I’m afraid you’ll end up seeing me the way I see myself.”
37. “It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
38. “Please stay. I’d like some company.”
39. “Stay for me.”
40. “It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.”
41. “You’re my one regret.”
42. “We were happy once. What happened?”
43. “I just need some space.”
44. “Remind me to kill you later.”
45. “Keep her safe for me.”
46. “You’re always on my mind.”
47. “Would you just shut up and kiss me already?”
48. “You’re seriously a man child.”
49. “I love you and I’m terrified.”
50. “I’ll find her/him/them and bring her/him/them home. I promise.”
Inbox me the prompt along with the number. I write fluff and angst (no major smut but a little smutty is okay) for Sonny, Peter, Nick, and Mike. Also, I have different au's- Heartfelt Passages, Franchise Affair, Autumn Series, along with several others!
If there is a character you want to write not listed, shoot me a message and I might be able to fill your request!
Can't wait to get writing again!
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“ We need to understand that we did love each other but that wasn’t enough. “ and Dorisi please
One of my dialogue things / referenced past dorisi / therapy drabble ig //
“I’m starting to get what you mean.”
“About what, Mike?”
“About how Sonny and I- how I wasn’t healthy. You had a point. I mean, I relied on him for everything. I couldn’t leave the house without him, and I couldn’t talk to anyone else, and I overreacted to the slightest change in his mood because I thought it meant he didn’t love me. That’s not normal. Or healthy.”
“That’s right, and I’m very proud of you for being able to say that. It isn’t easy to admit when we have problems.”
“Yeah. I was just rearranging my room, and I found this stuffed animal that he gave me to hold when he wasn’t there. When he was home, I had to be touching him constantly. It kinda hit me then, what we’ve talked about. But you know, we loved each other a lot. It just wasn’t enough because I’m br-”
“Mike, what’ve we talked about?”
“We broke up because I wasn’t ready for a relationship, not because I’m broken.”
“Maybe we can try again when I’m better.”
“That’s not quite the goal here. Even if you completely heal, get to what you would describe as ‘normal,’ that doesn’t mean Sonny will be ready to or even want to be with you again. Which, I won’t lie, is something that will probably hurt. Our goal isn’t to get you and Sonny back together, our goal is to work through your issues.”
“Right. Yeah, I know, it’s just- I like to hope, you know?”
“Having hope is good, and that’s one of the things we’ve been working on, is helping you conceptualize the future so you can hope. But it’s not good to get excited about unrealistic things that will just disappoint you in the long run.”
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dynowrites · 6 years
I'm feeling that Dodds angst!! Can i prompt 'is that what you think, i don't fit the part?' maybe with Dodds sr? Thank you x
uhhh…. was this was you were looking for? If not, sorry. This is what my brain thought of. 🤷🏻‍♀️
“Mikey, do I have to?” You asked your boyfriend as he drove you two towards the restaurant. His one hand on the steering wheel while the other held yours.
“I know you’re nervous, so am I. My dad is going to love you, though. I just know it.” Mike said as he kisses your hand. You smiled some and let out a shaky breath and tried to keep her nerves under control. Once you two arrived, Mikey helped you out of the car and you two walked inside and instantly spotted Dodds Sr.
“Dad. This is my girlfriend, (Y/N). (Y/N), this is my father. The Deputy Chief of police, William Dodds.” Mike introduced you to his father. You held your hand out with a smile and quickly shook his head.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you, sir.” You said. William chuckled as he watched you and Mike sit down.
“So, how long have you two been together?” Dodds Sr asked. You took a quick sip of your drink as Mike answered for the two of you.
“Almost eight months. I thought it was a perfect time for you two to meet.” Mike answered. His father nodded as he turned to look at you.
“What do you do for a living?” William had asked. You bit your lip softly as you reached for Mike’s hand under the table and squeezed it.
“I work as a reception at a spa.” You felt quite embarrassed. William raised a brow as he turned to look at his son.
“Are you serious, Michael? I had a perfect girl for you that wood at the DA’s office and you go for a spa receptionist?” Papa Dodds said. Mike tightened the grip on your hand as you could tell he was getting angry.
“Unlike you, I don’t care what her job is, dad. She could be working as a cashier at the local grocery store and I would still love her.” Mike defended you. You glanced over at Mike’s father to see him lean against the table.
“I only want what’s best for you, Michael.” William spoke. You finally had enough and slammed your hand on the table.
“That’s what you think, hm? I-I don’t fit the part since I don’t have a really nice job?” You shouted at the male. Mike watched as his father glared you down.
“Think? I know you don’t fit the part. You’re working as a receptionist! My son could have any women he wanted! He’s a police officer and shouldn’t have to deal with.. someone that has a pay grade like yours.” You didn’t know how to feel. You wasted to cry from humiliation but you were also pretty pissed on how he was treating you. Mike said and looked between you and his father.
“Dad! Don’t you start this!” You shook your head and quickly stood.
“You’re right, William. Michael does deserve someone better than me. Have a nice night.” You said as you turned and stormed from the restaurant. Mike went to stand to go after you but his father stopped him.
“Relax, Michael. You’ll be over her soon. That girl from the DA’s office is probably still interested in you. I’ll set you two up on a date in the morning.” William spoke as he took a sit of his drink. Mike sighed as he slumped into his seat and just stared at the tablecloth.
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bullet-prooflove · 6 years
Currently Working On:
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-          The  2x ‘Untitled’ follow ups to ‘Goodnight Sweetheart’ – Rafael Barba
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-          The ‘Untitled’ follow up to ‘Sweet Dreams’ and ‘Moment’ – Interested! Amaro Series.
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-          The ‘Untitled’ follow up to ‘Left Behind’ – UC!Mike Series
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adarafaelbarba · 3 years
So as mentioned in my previous post about this bingo, my birthday is next month. And for that occasion I wanted to host another bingo! Like my last bingo in October 2021, this one will have moodboards to the squares. You don’t have to use them, but they’re there for inspiration, and can also be used in your fics as a “cover” if you’d like 🥰 I’m gonna have the moodboards up before the bingo starts on Monday 17th of January 😅
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here are some rules:
1. It’ll start on January 17th and ends on February 17th at Midnight (Norwegian time)
2. Write one, ten or all of the fics. But don’t feel like you have to write them, this is a fun little writing exercise
3. You can write a head canon, ficlet, multi-chapter (one moodboard/square per fic) or a one shot. But please, if it’s longer than 500 words, put it under read more.
4. The fics can be fluff, smut, angst, etc if you feel like they would fit with the aesthetic of the moodboard you write for. Please remember to tag the fics with the right warnings before posting it.
5. Tag me when you post it, so I can keep tracks of the fics that are posted for this challenge and use the hashtag: #adarafaelbarbabirthdaybingo
6. Characters allowed (reader insert, oc, ships)
Rafael Barba
Sonny Carisi
Mike Dodds
Nick Amaro
Peter Stone
Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Alex Cabot
Casey Novak
Olivia Benson
Amanda Rollins
Rita Calhoun
Kat Tamin
Elizabeth Donnelly
Other Raúl Esparza Characters:
Jackson Neill
Nevada Ramirez
Jonas Nightingale
Bryan Kneef
Frederick Chilton
Paul Mendelsohn
911 / 911 Lone Star:
Evan Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Maddie Buckley
Hen Wilson
Bobby Nash
Athena Grant
Owen Strand
T.K. Strand
Grace Ryder
Judd Ryder
Marjan Marwani
Paul Strickland
Carlos Reyes
Tommy Vega
Mayans MC:
Miguel Galindo
Angel Reyes
Ez Reyes
Bishop Losa
Emily Thomas
Coco Cruz
One Chicago:
Matt Casey
Kelly Severide
Brian «Otis» Zvonecek
Joe Cruz
Stella Kidd
Gabby Dawson
Violet Mikami
Sylvie Brett
Emily Foster
Jessica Chilton
Gianna Mackey
Evan Hawkins
Jay Halstead
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Erin Lindsay
Hailey Upton
Vanessa Rojas
Sean Roman
Kim Burgess
Connor Rhodes
Ethan Choi
Will Halstead
April Sexton
Crockett Marcel
Jeff Clarke
A Discovery of Witches:
Baldwin Montclair (Trystan and Peter’s version, but specify it 😅)
Matthew de Clermont
Marcus Whitmore
Diana Bishop
Miriam Shepard
Sophie Norman
Nathaniel Wilson
Satu Järvinen
Juliette Durand
Phoebe Taylor
Hamish Osborn
Chris Roberts
Ransome Fayrweather
Ian Murray
Frank Randall
Jamie Fraser
Clair Fraser
Briana Fraser Randall
Roger Mackenzie
Fergus Fraser
Marsali Fraser
Jenny Fraser
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts:
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Newt Scamander
Young Dumbledore
Eggsy Unwin
Roxy Morton
Harry Hart
Charlie Hesketh
Lancelot / James Spencer
Characters from the King’s Men
Thor Odinson
Steve Rogers / Captain America
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Dr. Bruce Banner / Hulk
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Sam Wilson / Falcon / Captain America
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
Dr. Stephen Strange / Dr. Strange
T’Challa / Black panther (rip Chadwick 🥺)
Shaun / Shang-Chi
Peter Parker / Spiderman (Tom, Toby or Andrew. But specify it 😅)
Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Wade Wilson / Deadpool
Scott Lang (Ant-Man)
Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
Baron Helmut Zemo
Yelena Belova
Monica Rambeau
Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
Charles Xavier / Professor X
Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto
Note: If there’s a character/fadom not listed, feel free to DM me.
7. No RPF/real person fic. No underage character (includes reader/ocs)
8. Please signal boost this post, regardless if you participate or not
9. Most important! Have fun! 🥰 Feel free to dm me with any questions or concerns
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lovemesomerafael · 2 years
Mostly Law & Order: SVU (Titles are links to the stories on AO3.) All stories contain language my mother would not approve of and I have yet to unlock the achievement of writing a story without a happy ending.
Mostly M/M Barisi and Stucky but also Dorisi. Also M/W with Peter Stone, Mike Dodds, and Chicago Fire Otis
I also have a Captain America / MCU Masterlist. (Or I will, and I'll link to it when it's done.)
Stories about Barisi, Dorisi, Peter Stone, and Mike Dodds. Also Chicago Fire Otis.
I Remember You
Rafael Barba / Dominic "Sonny" Carisi Story, smut, angst, pining, fluff, Sonny Carisi whump, Rafael Barba whump (about the Sonny Carisi whump)
Sonny and Rafael are blissfully happy together. In fact, they're two weeks out from their wedding. After Sonny is assaulted by a perp during a raid, however, he can't remember anything about the last ten years, including law school. Or Rafael.
It's Complicated
Rafael Barba / Original Female Character Story, smut, angst, pining, fluff, enemies to lovers, Dorisi!
There's a new forensic psychiatrist working with SVU, and a rapist stalking NYC. Dr. Francisca Rojas and ADA Barba find that they're each the type the other detests, but they have to work together. Their frequent loud arguments in Spanish don't really hide the fact that they're also wildly attracted to one another. Then something happens that complicates everything, and Barba finds himself off the case. The squad is doing all they can, and Barba is helping, although his reasons infuriate Frankie. Two bonus "afterward" chapters because I liked this AU so much.
If I Ain't Got You
Rafael Barba / Dominic "Sonny" Carisi Story, smut, angst, pining, fluff, hilariously bad Photoshop
Sonny and Rafael are just minding their own business, enjoying a crush neither knows is mutual, until Sonny shaves off that ridiculous mustache and turns out to be brilliant. These adorable idiots find their way to one another and, when things get serious, they introduce each other to their families. The problem? Mama Carisi instantly and permanently HATES Rafael. Rafael wants to propose, but he won't make Sonny choose between him and his family. Which means Rafael has to choose, at the cost of everything he's ever wanted.
One Little Three-Letter Word
Rafael Barba / Dominic "Sonny" Carisi Angst, pining, shifting POV between Rafael and Sonny, fluff
On cross-examination, the defense asks a Very. Dangerous. Question. Sonny answers yes, and changes Rafael's whole world. With no idea what to do about it, Rafael gets a little help from Carmen and Rita.
There For Each Other
Rafael Barba / Dominic "Sonny" Carisi Angst, Rafael Barba whump, smut, fluff
Rafael Barba loses a trial that should've been a slam dunk, and comforts himself by looking through his wedding pictures. He gets to reminiscing about how he cared for Sonny when Sonny was hurt, pretending all the while to be annoyed and convincing no one. He remembers how caring led to love. Sonny interrupts Rafael's walk down memory lane by making Rafael leave work early with him. It's Sonny's turn to care for Rafael, but the kind of caring Rafael needs isn't so gentle...
Rafael Barba / Dominic "Sonny" Carisi Angst, pining, POV shifts between Sonny and Rafael
Rafael Barba has been gone for two years following his trial. He left Sonny Carisi without even saying goodbye. And Sonny is pissed.
Rafael thought he was doing the right thing. Now he's back, and willing to do anything, because he can't go one more day without Sonny.
Rafael Barba / Dominic "Sonny" Carisi Short one-shot, just a mood
They always expected that Rafael, being older, would go first. But he didn't. When he does, Sonny's there to meet him. No, really. That's it. That's the fic.
No One Else
Dominic "Sonny" Carisi / Original Female Character Story, smut, fluff, angst, pining, ADA Carisi
Detective Sonny Carisi falls helplessly in love with OC Kate Kinsella. But when his dreams begin to come true, they realize there is simply no way that either one of them can see to get married when he’s in Manhattan with his wagon hitched to a star and she’s in Brooklyn making a name for herself. They have no choice but to give up on the idea that they can be together. So they say goodbye before they end up destroying something that is sacred to both of them.
Years later, Assistant District Attorney Carisi tries a case in which Kate is a witness, and they realize it's not over. It's never been over, for either of them. But someone will do anything to keep Kate from having Sonny.
A Little Too Undercover
Dominic "Sonny" Carisi / Original Female Character Short, smutty one-shot
Sonny Carisi goes undercover with his female partner, and they get a little too into their roles.
El Amor Todo Lo Puede (L&O / Chicago PD / Chicago Med / Chicago Justice / Chicago Fire Crossover)
Peter Stone / Original Female Character; Rafael Barba / Original Female Character; Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz / Original Female Character Story, smut, angst, pining, fluff, action. (This is the first fic I ever posted so be kind.) Peter Stone is forced to leave the love of his life, OC Laura Parker, because he can't watch her destroy her life with her alcoholism. She gets sober but loses her job at Chicago Med, and goes to work for Hank Voight at Chicago PD. She begins dating Mouse, and she and Peter rekindle their friendship, although there's no going back to love. When Mouse returns to Afghanistan and Peter's father dies, the two travel to New York for his funeral and decide to stay. That's when Laura meets Rafael Barba, and falls head over heels in love. The last thing Rafael wants is a relationship, but tell that to his heart.
Alternative endings: You can stop at Chapter 50 or keep reading for a different conclusion.
The Best Laid Plans
Peter Stone / Original Female Character Smuttiest smut I ever smutted. A/B/O universe. Peter Stone whump. Accidentally got a little plot on my porn.
When one of the SVU detectives goes into heat early, Peter gives her a ride home for safety reasons. Although Alpha Peter knows it's not a great idea professionally, that doesn't stop him from offering to stay. And that's when they realize just how compatible they really are.
Under the Influence
Peter Stone / Original Female Character A short, smutty one-shot
Peter meets a very successful female attorney when they take a case neither of them should be working on, and neither of them want to be. But they are both struck by lightning the minute they meet.
Becoming Mike
Mike Dodds / Dominic "Sonny" Carisi Smut, angst, pining, coming out to parents, Father/Son relationship between Chief Dodds
Mike Dodds had no idea when he accepted the job as the new Sergeant for Manhattan SVU that he'd be blindsided by meeting Sonny Carisi. Sonny is the man of Mike's dreams, and absolutely off-limits. At least, as far as Mike is concerned. Sonny has other ideas. How Mike learned to stop living the life his father wants for him, and figured out what Mike wants.
Best That You Can Do
Mike Dodds / Original Female Character Smut, Enemies as lovers (and enemies to lovers), angst, pining, everybody whump, married Barisi!
When Chief Dodds sees his son, Mike, with his staff member, OC Kaitlyn Myers, he realizes she's perfect for him. The Chief really likes Kaitlyn, and he knows she's exactly Mike's type. He's right. Within hours of meeting in Chief Dodds' office, Mike and Kaitlyn have a wonderful, steamy night together. Things are looking great until the next morning, when Mike makes a HUGE mistake. But Chief Dodds doesn't know that. So he goes ahead with his little matchmaking scheme. Kaitlyn is determined to stay far away from Mike, but somehow they keep finding themselves having sex... After Mike is killed in the line of duty, Chief Dodds will never forgive her for rejecting him, and neither will she.
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
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That’s right!! It’s bingo time again!!
Prompts are all winter/Christmas/holiday related, or songs.
Submissions can be anything, a mood board, a ficlet, headcanons, drabbles, gif sets, one shot, social media au’s, whatever you want!!
Read the rest fo the rules under the cut!!
Song Prompts: pick 2-4 lines of lyrics from the song and use them in your fic (bold them for reference). You can change pronouns to make a song fit a fic better!
Prompts can be any genre, make it super spicy, make it tooth rotting fluff, make it angst as fck, make it an AU, just make sure to include any and all appropriate warnings and tags!! (Preferably at the top of the post, not just in the tags)
Fics can be either a ship, a reader insert, or an OC, mix and match, crossovers from different shows/fandoms, stick with one, try out something new!
Accepted characters:
-Olivia Benson
-Odafin Tutuola
-Trevor Langan
-Melinda Warner
-Amanda Rollins
-Sonny Carisi
-Rafael Barba
-Casey Novak
-Alex Cabot
-Nick Amaro
-Peter Stone
-Kathy Stabler
-Sonya Paxton
-Kat Tamin
-Elizabeth Donnelly
-Mike Dodds
-Rita Calhoun
-Pippa Cox
-Angela Wheatley
-Ayanna Bell
· Outside of SVU
-Bryan Kneef
-Ricardo Diaz
-Nevada Ramirez
-Fredrick Chilton
-Abigail Borin
-Anthony DiNozzo
-Ziva David
-Elizabeth Keane
-Carrie Mathison
-Heather Dunbar
-Jackie Sharp
· Other fandoms you can write from
-Ted Lasso
-The Morning Show
-One Chicago
-Mayans MC
-Criminal Minds
-Grey’s Anatomy
-The L Word
- Fate the winx saga
Ships can be any combination of the above characters, crossovers welcomed as well! If there is someone or a fandom not on the list you’d like to write for, just send me a message and I can probably add them!
· You must tag me
and use the hashtag storiesofsvuholidaybingo on each creation and I’ll put together the masterlist.
· Bingo begins December 1st and runs all the way through to January 10th! (Yes. We be running for more than a month! And that is because Christmas is the INSANELY busy season for me at work and I’ll need more time to get organized and this way we’re not under such a time crunch). You may only submit ONE creation PER DAY. And only one square per creation.
· No underage readers/oc’s.
· Tag all and every warning appropriately at the top of a fic
· Anything over 1000 words must be under a readmore
If you have any questions, feel free to message me!!
_______ tagging some people!!
@lesbianologist @cabensons @teamsladsandgents @thatesqcrush @detective-giggles @tropes-and-tales @itsjustmyfantasyroom @witches-unruly-heart @prurientpuddlejumper @hurricanejjareau @qvid-pro-qvo @wannabe-fic-writer @fighterkimburgess @natasha-danvers @beardsanddetectives @tinyboxxtink @meddisonmilfsupremacy
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plaidbooks · 3 years
Car Breaks down meet cute with Mike Dodds. Please and thank you.
Dead Batteries
A/N: Hello! So, this is now the Xmas Decorations square in @storiesofsvu Holiday Bingo! Thanks for the request and I hope you enjoy <3
Tags: angst in the beginning, mention of svu stuff
Words: 1223
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy @ben-c-group-therapy @infiniteoddball @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl @glimmerglittergirl @joanofarkansass @caracalwithchips @beardsanddetectives @qvid-pro-qvo @averyhotchner @imalostredheadinablondeworld
It was one of the worst nights—well, days—of Mike’s life. He had just transferred into SVU in Manhattan, and he pulled an all-nighter. And for what? To find the body of a pre-teen? It was too much; how did anyone deal with this?
He was sitting at his desk, just staring at his computer screen. A photo of the girl, along with the title [deceased] underneath it, was still on his screen. He couldn’t bring himself to exit out of the page, to delete this poor girl from his screen just as her murderer did to her life. She’d never grow up, never start high school, never fall in love or start a family. Her life, and by extension her parent’s lives, were over. And he was expected to just…move onto the next case, as if his heart wasn’t broken, wrapped up in garbage bags and thrown into a dumpster like her body.
“Dodds, you okay?” a voice asked.
It took him a moment to register that someone had spoken to him. He tore his eyes from the image of the girl, looking up to find Sonny leaning on the front of his desk, eyebrows knit in concern.
“Ah, yeah, fine detective…. Sorry, I was caught up in something,” Mike quickly replied, flashing a fake smile.
But Sonny’s eyes were knowing. “These cases…they hit hard sometimes. Just gotta be prepared for the next one, so we can try and stop it before we get…this.”
Mike didn’t have to know what this was; he had seen how affected Sonny was when they had pulled the girl from the dumpster. He had made the sign of the cross over her little body, and Mike had had the urge to thank him for showing her even a little kindness.
Olivia was able to sense the tension in the air, and she came over to the desk. She and Sonny shared a look and a nod before the latter wandered towards the locker room—probably to grab his things and go home. He’d been working since yesterday morning, same as Mike.
“How’re you holding up, Mike?” Olivia asked softly.
She knew how affected he was, she had to. She’s been doing this job for so long. What makes her stay, Mike thought idly, with all these horrors? “Are they all that bad?” he asked out loud. He said it with a joking tone, but he was afraid of the answer.
“No, not all. But this was…a bad one. You should go home, rest up, and take a day or two off—”
“I don’t need time off,” he said automatically. A phrase his father taught him when he was young.
Olivia’s eyes softened. “Trust me, Mike. I want you to spend some time with someone you love. Because once you’re alone, you’re going to see why I’m giving you time off.”
Sometimes, Olivia was stubborn…just like William. He sighed, finally forcing himself to close the file on his computer. Maybe a few days would do him good. Especially since every time he blinked, that little girl’s smiling face flashed in his vision. Then, he’d remember her face, devoid of emotions, in the morgue.
Mike was in a daze driving home. It was winter in New York City—freezing temperatures, ice on the ground. There had been a light dusting of snow a couple of times, but not the frozen hell that would start in the new year.
While idling at a red light, he happened to glance over. On the side of the road was a car, the back seat overstuffed with boxes and plastic bags. And sitting in the driver’s seat, all he could see was flailing arms. He watched, confused, until a hand turned the key in the ignition. The car puttered, the engine trying, but it just couldn’t turn over.
The light turned green, and Mike rolled forward. In his rearview mirror, he saw a head leaning against the steering wheel in defeat. Making a quick decision, he hit his blinker and made the next turn.
You squeezed your eyes shut as a few tears of frustration escaped down your cheeks. You tried to start your car once more, listening to the engine trying to turn over before you gave up. Add a new car battery to the ever-growing list of things you needed to do. It was a Saturday, so normally, it wouldn’t be an issue until you needed to go to work on Monday, but of course you had volunteered to decorate the venue for your company’s Christmas party. Your car was stocked full of decorations, and there was no chance of getting them on the subway.
There was nothing else to do except order a cab, with the plan of tipping him extra to just let you carry all these things across the city to your work. Before you could even get your phone from your pocket, though, a car pulled up behind yours. You didn’t recognize the tall man in a suit as he got out of his car, but he was definitely attractive.
“Uh, hi, hello,” he started, shifting from foot to foot awkwardly, “I noticed your car wasn’t starting?”
You felt your cheeks heat. “Oh, um, yeah…just a dead battery is all.”
“How about a jump, then? There’s an autoshop right around the corner from here, so you can get a new battery and have them install it.”
You blinked, stunned by his kindness. “I’d appreciate that so much, thank you!”
The stranger got back into his car and pulled in front of yours, turning so that his hood was facing yours. You popped the hood on your car, and he did the same before going to his trunk. He came back with jumper cables, and you watched him attach them to both car batteries.
“Okay, give your ignition another go,” he instructed, and you did. Mercifully, it started, and you sent a prayer to God, thanking Him for sending you this Christmas miracle.
You got out of your car as the man started unclipping the jumper cables. “Thank you so much! You are a lifesaver, and I don’t even know your name!”
“Mike. Mike Dodds,” he replied, giving you an easy smile. He closed your hood, then his own. “Don’t turn off your car and go to the autoshop. And once there, don’t turn off your car until you get a new battery, okay?”
“Wait, wait—let me give you something for your help,” you said, heading for the backseat door, where your purse was.
Mike followed you, hands up. “No, no, I don’t need anything. Just a good deed in a world full of horror.”
You opened the door, and something fell out, hitting your foot. You glanced down, your cheeks burning as you saw it was a fake sprig of mistletoe. Mike stooped down to pick it up. He held it in front if his face, examining it before he looked to you.
Fuck it—Christmas miracle, you thought as you leaned in. You got a quick peck on his cheek, and a soft smile appeared on his lips. “I’m having a Christmas party at work tonight and I can bring a plus one…if you’re not doing anything,” you breathed.
His eyes fitted from yours to your lips and back. “I’m free.”
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Common Courtesy, Chapter Nineteen
Word Count:  4131
TW:  Heavy angst.  Supporting character death.
AN:  Part of a series.  The series masterlist here.
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Amanda was halfway through her maternity leave and going stir-crazy from being trapped in her apartment with a newborn.  At first, you had been terrified of the infant Jesse:  she was tiny and had a wobbly head and you were afraid of dropping her or traumatizing her.  But you got the hang of it, mainly because Amanda would thrust her into your arms as soon as you walked through the door.  Trial by fire.  
Jesse was asleep in your arms as you sat on Amanda’s couch, watching some mindless reality show with her.  Frannie was jammed between the two of you, and she kept whipping you across your leg with her bullwhip of a tail.  It was probably going to leave a bruise.
You caught Amanda up on all the cases she’d missed – nothing earth-shattering.  The FBI was deep in the trucker serial killer case, looking for bodies and working on identifying them across the states.  They reached out to you, through Liv, for help on the New York victims.  And Carisi had been right:  you were getting some inquiries about roles in other precincts.  There was even a new joint task force forming that wanted you.
For SVU, though, it was just the usual, depressing run of rapes, domestic violence, and child abuse.  Mike’s dad, Deputy Chief Dodds, came through often enough to put everyone on edge, though he was just checking on his son and going over his five-year plan.
“I never thought I’d say this,” you told Amanda.  “But Chief Dodds makes me okay with never having a dad.  What a nightmare, having a father who’s always hanging over you and managing your life.”  She laughed.
“Enough about work,” she said.  “Tell me all about your thing with Barba.  What’s that like?  And don’t spare any details…. I’m bored out of my mind here and haven’t been on a date since I started to show.”
You smiled.  “It’s good.”  You looked over at her and the expectant look on her face.  “We don’t always get to see each other very much, but it’s good otherwise.”
“How good is it?” she smirked.
“How good was Nick?” you countered, and you glared at each other in a fake standoff until you both laughed.  Jesse was startled awake by it, so you bounced her in your arms gently until she nodded back off.  You looked down at the baby and smiled at her.
“I can tell she isn’t Nick’s,” you told Amanda.  “She’s too agreeable as a baby.  No temper at all.”
Your friend snorted.  “Yeah, if she were Nick’s, she would have come out punching.”
The two of you fell into a companionable silence, watching the reality show.  It was the season premiere of a dating show, where a bunch of young men and women were jammed into a New York City loft to try and find true love.  It looked horrible to you, but Amanda was an avid fan.
Amanda broke the silence during a commercial break.  “If you and Barba don’t get to see each other much, why are you here on a Friday night?”
“He had one of those benefit dinners.  Jack McCoy wanted him to go.”  You shrugged.  “You know how it is – politics.”
“Why didn’t you go with him?” she asked.
You shrugged again, avoiding her eyes.  “He didn’t ask,” you said simply.  
You could feel her staring at you, but you didn’t want to elaborate.  You had watched Barba get ready earlier – he looked amazing in his tuxedo, and you’d felt a pang that he was going out without you.  But you hadn’t wanted to say anything.  You didn’t want to seem needy or pushy.  But you wondered why he didn’t ask you to accompany him.  You thought about the pictures in the society pages that came out of these benefit soirees – nothing but rich and powerful men with beautiful women.  You squirmed in anxiety.  Did he think you weren’t good enough?  You knew he went to these dinners to build political capital for an eventual run at becoming a judge….
Amanda, brilliant detective that she was, read your thoughts as plainly as if you’d spoken them aloud.  “You should talk to him,” she said softly.
“It’s fine,” you replied, your eyes glued to the television.
“It’s not fine,” she answered.  “You need to march home and tell him exactly how you feel, and let him know that if he’s not willing to doll you up and take you out for a night on the town, there’s plenty of men who would.”  She smirked.  “Like Carisi. That’ll get his attention.”
“Maybe,” you said.  
There was a new case starting.  Barba and Liv had conspired to keep the investigation as quiet as possible, framing it as a bogus inquiry into a trafficking ring with ties to Rikers.  But eventually they had to reveal their cards:  their real investigation was into Gary Munson, a guard in the women’s prison at Rikers.  And it was shaping up to be a dog-fight.
SVU was struggling to identify victims within the system while trying to keep them safe, but the blue wall was particularly high on this case.  Police, prison guards, parole officers – everyone seemed to be conspiring to protect one of their own.  Barba couldn’t understand it at all – Gary Munson was a completely amoral brute.  Unfortunately, Barba had run into it many times in his career.  The police shooting of the unarmed Terrence Reynolds.  The parole officer who preyed on Tommy Sullivan and other men.  And now, the entire correctional system was conspiring against justice.
The threats had always been a part of being an ADA, but after the Reynolds grand jury indictment, they’d been more or less a steady state in Barba’s life.  He got calls – hang-ups, mostly, and some texts – from burners.  He didn’t bother to tell Liv.  And he certainly didn’t tell you.  You’d drop everything to try and find the perpetrator, and he wanted you as far from the threats as possible.  He already worried that you were too close.  
You stayed at his place every night now.  You brought him lunch sometimes, and coffee, so anyone could see that you were an item.  And when he tried to keep you away – like when he went to black-tie events for the DA’s office, he hurt you.  You had tried to talk to him about it, stuttering and hesitating to voice your hurt that he hadn’t invited you along.  He knew you were insecure about where you fit in the larger picture of his life.  He should have told you that he was just trying to protect you.  Instead, he had kissed you and said he was sparing you the boredom of a rubber chicken dinner and political gamesmanship.  You kissed him back, but he could feel your insecurity growing after that night.
Munson was eventually arrested.  At his arraignment, the courtroom was filled to capacity with fellow correctional officers, union reps, and Munson’s wife.  When Barba glanced back, he saw Liv, Mike, and Fin sitting together with Fin’s son, who had whistle-blown on the entire situation.  You and Carisi were standing in the back of the courtroom, your arms crossed as the judge ordered the bail amount.
Outside, the mob of officers surrounded Barba until he was able to break away.  A squirrely looking man approached him, his eyes shifty.
“Barba,” he said, walking alongside him.  “You don’t know me or who I am, but we know a lot about you.  Things people would want to know.”
“Is that a threat?” Barba replied.
“A threat?”  The man smiled.  “No.  A threat would be right here, right now, I shove you down these steps and get your skull cracked open.  Bleeding to death.”
Barba felt his stomach drop but he masked it with a smirk.  “Right here in front of all these people?  Maybe they wouldn’t be able to save me, but they sure as hell would catch you.”  He willed his hands to not shake as he reached into his pocket for a pen and piece of paper.  Mindlessly, consumed by rage and fear, he started to write as he continued.
“So, I’ll tell you what.  You want to kill a DA?  Right here?  Surrounded by all these cops and cameras?  And spend the rest of your life in prison?”  He shoved the paper at the man with a snarl.  “Here’s my home address.  You come by anytime you want.”
The man sneered at him and walked away, and Barba let out a shaky breath.  Liv and Mike came up to him.
“Hey, everything alright?” Liv asked.
Barba looked past Liv and saw you and Carisi walking towards him.  He had just given that man his address.  It was your address too, for all intents and purposes.  Barba felt like he might throw up.
“Not really,” he responded, his voice low.  “Someone just threatened to kill me.”
“What?” said Liv.
“Who was it?” added Mike.
Barba kept his eyes on you as you approached.  “It was just a face in the crowd.  Tell the squad to watch their backs.  This is just the beginning.”  He paused, then added, “Don’t tell her that I was threatened.”  He looked between Liv and Mike.  “I don’t want to worry her.”
He watched the look that passed between Liv and her sergeant.  Both nodded at him reluctantly.
You got home first that evening, but only by a few minutes.  You were crouched in the entryway, unlacing your boots, when Barba came in.  
“Hey,” you said, smiling up at him.  It had been an exhausting day for you, so you could only imagine how it was for him.  “I was thinking we could order in?  Thai, maybe?”
He looked down at you and smiled weakly, then turned away to shed his coat and briefcase.  “I’m not hungry,” he said.
You eased one boot off, then shifted to the other.  “That’s fine.  I can still order, and you could save it as leftovers - ”
He cut you off.  “Maybe you should stay at your place tonight.”
Your hand froze.  You hadn’t slept over at your place in months.  In fact, it was basically just overpriced storage at this point – you went back every few days to swap out clothing or get your mail or to water your plants.
“Why?” you asked, your voice small.  “We don’t have to order Thai - ”
He cut you off again.  “It’s not the Thai food,” he barked.  “Maybe I just want to be alone for once.  This trial is draining me, and I don’t need you here right now.  Can’t I just have a moment to myself without someone needing me?”
You looked up at him, stunned.  He’d never spoken to you like that before, not even when you had first met and he was constantly snapping at all of the SVU detectives.  He refused to look at you, instead focusing on some point in the middle distance.
You felt your stomach lurch unpleasantly, and your appetite instantly vanished.  You carefully re-laced your boot and put the other one back on.  “Are you sure?” you whispered.  “I can keep out of your way…”
His face softened a minute before he answered.  “I just want to be alone right now.  I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
You went to gather up some essentials, shoving them into your messenger bag with shaking hands.  You stood before him for a split-second, hesitating, then kissed him on the cheek.  He patted you on the arm, not looking at you.
When you left, you shut the door behind you quietly, not making a sound.
Your stomach was in constant chaos the next day, just ceaseless churning between the Munson case and Barba.  You saw him at work – you and the rest of SVU were in and out of his office that morning, giving updates on victims and where they stood with testifying.  You brought him a coffee, but he snapped at you again, stating that he’d already had enough caffeine.  Normally, with such a heavy case, you would have taken him lunch to make sure he was eating, but you decided not to.  You started eating antacid tablets like candy.
You weren’t sure what had happened.  It had started the night of the black-tie event, you thought, but then you reached further back.  If you were honest, there’d always been a bit of friction between the two of you.  You were out to SVU about your relationship, so you assumed that the DA’s office knew, but he never invited you to any of their events.  The two of you were mainly limited to his apartment – you rarely went out, aside from the occasional restaurant or drink after work at a bar.  
You knew, too, that Barba’s ultimate goal was to become a judge.  He’d mentioned it in passing before, and you knew that many of his DA events were in anticipation of that goal.  The charity dinners, the social calls, the political glad-handing.  But he never invited you along, and when you voiced your fears, he had just brushed them off, saying that he was saving you the boredom.
On the other hand, the Munson case was brutal.  Maybe Barba was just stressed.  Maybe things would go back to normal after it was over.
Barba was leaving a motions hearing.  He was livid.  Earlier, Munson’s attorney and union rep had cornered him, giving him thinly veiled threats.  As a result, he was off his game during the hearing.  He marched to the elevator, furiously texting Carmen to pull certain paperwork for him.
He didn’t notice the man who entered the elevator car with him until he was standing in front of him.
“Abogado,” he said with a sly grin.  “A second later, I would have missed you.”
It was the same man who had threatened him on the courthouse steps after Munson’s arraignment.  Barba looked at the elevator panel, but the man blocked him.
“That alarm’s not going to help you,” he said.
“What do you want?  Who sent you?” Barba asked.
The man’s grin widened.  “Well, that’s the thing, huh friend?  You have so many enemies, you have no way of knowing, do you?  Same way you won’t hear the bullet that’s coming for you.”
Barba felt an icy fear run down his spine.  Before he could reply, the elevator stopped on the next floor, and the man exited.  Barba hit the emergency button on the elevator and grabbed two courthouse guards.
“I’m a New York City ADA,” he told them, pointing at the man’s retreating form.  “That man just threatened me.  Shut down the building and get that security footage.”
He took some deep breaths to steady his shaky hands.  His legs felt weak too.  The court officers came back a few moments later – the man had gotten away.  Of course.
Barba made his way back to his office.  Carmen had laid out the paperwork he had requested on his desk, and he started to work his way through it, willing his hammering pulse to slow down.  It would be fine, he told himself.  They would pull the footage and find the guy.
He shifted a file aside and saw a large envelope underneath it.  There was no label on it, no address or name.  He called Carmen in.
“Where did this come from?” he asked her when she appeared in his doorway.  
She looked at it, then shook her head.  “I don’t remember seeing that.”  He dismissed her and cut the envelope open.
It was a thick sheaf of photos.  The first ones were of him, taken from a distance with a high-powered lens.  Him walking into the courthouse.  Him walking out of his apartment.  Him in line at a coffee shop.  
The next ones were of you.
You walking into his apartment.  You walking into the 16th precinct.  You and him, standing on the courthouse steps, talking.
You walking into your own apartment, obviously on one of the days you went to pick up mail.  You out with Amanda while you walked a dog and she pushed a baby stroller.  You, out for one of your early morning runs.  The last one was frighteningly close – whoever had taken the photo had been very near you when he did it.
He sat down at this seat, hard.  The photos scattered across his desk as he dropped them.  He felt his gorge rising in his throat and tried to think.
You were in the bullpen, trying to track the whereabouts of one of the Munson victims who had been ROR’ed in exchange for her testimony.  She hadn’t checked in, and you worried she was in the wind.  
It was also Mike’s going away party – he was heading to the joint terrorism task force.  Amanda, back from maternity leave, handed you a piece of cake, admonishing you to take a two-minute break.  You weren’t hungry.  Your stomach was still twisted into knots, but you took a few bites to be polite.
Liv came out of her office.  “Lisa Munson just called,” she said.  “She’s moving her kids and herself out.  Gary is there, and it’s tense.  I’m going over there to check on her.”
“I’ll go with you,” Fin said.
Mike waved him off.  “I’ll go.”  
Liv smiled at him.  “It’s your last day,” she said.  “You’re packing up.”
Mike pointed out that a man like Gary would listen to a lieutenant and a sergeant, so the two of them headed out.  You waited until they were gone and Amanda wasn’t looking, and you pushed your cake into the trash.  You went back to calling your witness’s phone, hoping she would eventually pick up.
Fin got the call a bit later.  Things had apparently been tense at the Munson house, and Liv and Mike had managed to get the children out safely.  But once Liv was outside, Gary had pulled a gun – one that wasn’t supposed to exist – taking Mike and his wife as hostages.
Fin went ahead to the Munson home.  You were en route when you got the call that Mike had been shot.  You changed directions and headed for Bellvue.  And you waited there, buying but not drinking cups of vending machine coffee.  Until Liv joined you in the waiting room to let you know that Mike hadn’t made it.
You left in a daze and went home.  To your apartment.  Because that’s where your dress blues were, and you needed to prepare for a funeral.
Barba watched you during the entire funeral, your face blank from emotion and your hair pinned back, under your hat.  Your uniform was pressed to perfection.  Your gloves were impeccably white.  It wasn’t until the casket was loaded into the waiting hearse, when you raised your hand in salute that he saw your façade crack.  You cried, the tears rolling down your face and dripping off your chin.  You didn’t bother to wipe them away until the hearse was well away.
Carisi and Amanda had told him about the shooting.  He had called them earlier about the elevator threat.  He told them everything:  the hang-ups and texts, the threats, the photos of you and him.  He begged them not to tell you.  They agreed, then left for Bellevue.  
Carisi had texted him later to tell him that Mike had died from his wound.
Barba went home that night, stunned.  He called you and talked to you for a moment.  Your voice was raw from crying, and you told him that you would see him at the funeral in a few days.  He went to bed late that night but didn’t sleep at all.  He knew what he needed to do.
After the funeral, everyone gathered at a neighborhood bar to drink to Mike’s memory.  Barba watched you there too, drinking in the sight of you.  You stood with Fin, joking and smiling at whatever story he was telling you.  Barba thought you looked tired, and it twisted him up to know that he was a least part of the reason why.  He felt his resolve start to weaken, but then his eyes would shift to the end of the bar where Mike’s family was gathered.  Where a giant picture of Mike stood on an easel.  What if it had been you?  What if that bullet, the one the man in the elevator had promised, the one intended for him – what if it found its way to you?
The bar began to thin out.  Barba made eye contact with you, and you smiled softly at him.  He smiled back and went over to you.
“Hey,” you said.
“How are you holding up?” he asked.
You shrugged.  “Fine.”  You looked down at your hat in your hands, fiddling with the brim.  “I was wondering if I could come home?”
It gave his heart a pang, that you thought of his apartment as home.  He wanted nothing more than to take you in his arms and never let you go.  Instead, he nodded.  “I’ll drive,” he said.
The ride was silent, and the elevator ride was silent.  Barba unlocked his apartment, and the two of you entered.  He heard you take a deep, shaky breath as you stepped in.  He turned to lock the door, and when he turned back around, you were standing right in front of him.  You hesitated for a single second, then hugged him tightly.  He could feel you trembling against him.  He took his own deep breath, then steeled himself.  He removed your arms from him, gentle.
You looked up at him, your eyes wide and shining with unshed tears.  He kept his face carefully blank.  “We need to talk,” he said.
You blinked at him, not understanding.  “I - ”
He didn’t let you get the thought out.  “This isn’t working for me anymore,” he said, his voice neutral.  He didn’t look at you, focusing instead on a point on the wall behind you.
You shook your head.  “I don’t - ”
He interrupted you again.  “I had a lot of fun, but this…” He gestured between the two of you.  “…this has run its course.”
You gasped and took a half step away from him.  “But I love you,” you said, your voice small.
He faltered.  He remembered his promise to Amaro, to always keep you safe.  He remembered Amaro, shot in the courthouse.  Mike, gut-shot and dead within hours.  He hardened himself to you.
“I know,” he replied.  “But I don’t feel the same way about you.”
“But you do,” you said, your voice louder and shaky.  “You’re lying to me now.  I can tell.”
He shook his head.  You were too smart.  You were literally trained in behavioral analysis.  You sussed out lies for a living.  Barba had stuck the knife into you, but now he had to twist it.  He had to make you believe it.
“I want to be a judge someday,” he said softly.  “I need someone who can help me achieve that.”  He looked you square in the eyes.  “Someone who’s impressive and has connections.  Someone with a certain pedigree.”
He watched the light go out in your eyes as his words sunk in.  You nodded, once.  Then you looked down at the floor.
He turned and picked up the overnight bag he had packed earlier.  “I’ll be in a hotel for the rest of the week,” he said.  Every cell in his body was screaming at him, telling him to go to you and hold you and tell you that he didn’t mean it.  Instead, he continued.  “You can pack up your things while I’m at the hotel.”
You didn’t respond.  No words, no nodding.  You didn’t look at him.  You only looked at the floor, your face curiously blank.  He paused a moment, then left, shutting the door behind him.  He stood on the other side for a moment, but didn’t hear anything.
You texted him an hour later.  “Moved out,” was all it said.
When he returned home, he saw that you’d left everything behind except your clothes and toiletries.  All the gifts he’d given you remained.  On the dining room table was your key on the Blue Jays key chain.  Beside it, the star necklace that you’d worn every day since the day he put it on you.
Your beloved star-light stood on the nightstand, accusing him.  When he went to bed, he loaded up the slide of the winter sky in the Northern Hemisphere.  Looking up at your favorite constellation, imagining the region where the Orion Nebula would be, clutching your pillow to his nose and taking in your faded scent, he finally allowed the tears to come.  
It took a long time for them to stop.
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lucifersagents · 7 years
Mike Dodds x Reader Masterlist
A Risky Negotiation (angst/fluff)
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svucarisiaddict · 5 years
Dodds-verse Master list
Doddverse OC’s
That was kinda hot- how Mike and reader meet
Morning After
Rainy day
Parents Farm
First apartment
Thigh riding
Fancy Breakfast
Meeting Anne
Taking care of one another
Coffee and snuggles
Adopting Denny
Telling Mike you’re pregnant
Dinner Party
How the parents react to the pregnancy
Mike’s proposal
Wedding Day
Wedding pic
Lie to me
Isaac birth
He has my…
Baby Shark
Isaac text pic
French toast man
Isaac and MIke pic
Anniversary surprise
Mike comes home after first day with SVU
It’s a girl
Dinner quickie
Saturday mornings
You have no idea how I feel, all you do is work.
Mike makes dinner
Mike gets shot-Heartfelt passages redo
So much hair
You lied to me
Caught in the act
Late nights, long hours
Visiting Mike-smut
Taking the kids to the park
Isaac Parent Teacher Conference
That night-*mentions miscarriage*
My friend Uber
Fine. Go part 1
Mike text
Fine. Go-reader before the fight
Fine. Go-Mike before fight
Fine. Go. Mike at work interlude
Text from Mike
Fine. Go part 2
Fine. Go. part 3
Mike helps you say goodbye
Fine. Go. ‘Fin”.
Making up
Morning Kisses
Making muffins
Blue Steel
The whole city knows
Shopping deal
Mike snapchat
Daughter’s first day of school
Coffee ain’t helping
William and Anne babysit
Wine night
Helping Hand
Grocery shopping with Mike
Snowy jog
Bathtime *NSFW*
Dodds Christmas
Sad gingerbread house
Are you taking another picture of me?
Cuddle with me
I need a nap and a...
Dom Mike-NSFW
Gone- Part 1
Homework deserves ice cream
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dynowrites · 6 years
Angst with Mike. Like a fight because he's jealous and it drives you crazy. Thanks!
*cracks knuckles* aight I got this
You had been invited to a party of an old friend of yours. You didn’t tell Mike who it was, just an old friend from college. As you two arrived at the small party in the back room of a restaurant, you immediately found your friend and went to hug him tightly.
“(Y/N)! I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.” He spoke. You smiled as you slowly pulled away.
“I had to come since I heard to were in the city! Oh! Brad, this is my boyfriend Mike. Mike, Brad.” You introduced them to each other. Brad chuckled softly as he held his hand out.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mike. What do you do?” Brad asked as you moved to stand beside Mike. He moved his arm around your waist and pulled you close against him.
“Sergeant for NYPD.” Mike simply said. Brad nodded with a smile.
“I hope you two enjoy yourselves!” With that said, the male walked away to talk with a few other people. You turned to place a quick kiss on Mike’s cheek.
“Come on, let me introduce you to a few people.” You said as you began to pull Mike off to talk with a few old friends.
Eventually, Mike had went to use the restroom while Brad came to talk to you. He was just harmless conversation about how you met Mike. When your boyfriend came back and saw you laughing with the guy, Mike couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous. So, he made his way to the two of you with two drinks in hand.
“What are you two talking about?” Mike asked as he handed you a drink. You thanked him before taking a sip.
“Nothing really. Just her taste in men has seem to change since college.”
“Oh? And what does that mean?”
“Listen, man. All I’m saying is she used to really be into the party guys and to see her with an NYPD officer is really nice. Maybe if I went to police camp we’d still be engaged.” Brad laughed out. Your entire face paled as the glass in your hand fell and shattered on the ground.
“Come again?”
“Mike, I think it’s time to go. I’ll see ya around, Brad.” You said as you grabbed your boyfriends hand and quickly left the party. You two had gotten to the car and you tired to get in but Mike wouldn’t unlock the doors.
“You were… engaged to him?” Mike asked. You sighed and quickly nodded your head.
“It’s a long story, Mike. We were dating throughout high school and part of college. I broke it off when I realized that I wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment.” You said as you looked at your boyfriend. He shook his head and turned to look away from you.
“You never told me you were engaged! You seemed like you two didn’t miss a beat while you were in there!” Mike began to shout. You walked over to his side of the car and watched him.
“Mikey, look at me.” You went to grab his face to turn it towards you but he smacked your hand away.
“No. I bet you have so much catching up to do with Brad.” Mike said, his gaze looking everywhere but you.
“Michael. There is absolutely no feelings resurfacing between the two of us. I’m happy with you. I’m in love with you.” You told him. You went to kiss his cheek but Mike gently pushed you away.
“You two seemed pretty friendly while I went to use the restroom. Laughing and standing close to him.”
“Oh my God, are you serious? We are just friends! We were trying to reconnect after all these years, Mike. Are you really that jealous?” Mike finally looked at you and rolled his eyes.
“I’m going home. Maybe Brad can give you a ride home after you two are done fucking behind my back.” With that said, Mike got in the car and drove off. You stood there, tears in your eyes as you just returned to the party in hopes someone couch give you a ride home.
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