#Minako Katsuki
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Eight Hours of Terror (Seijun Suzuki, 1957)
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moonlightseve · 2 months
A competitive athlete must walk the line between mental and physical discipline, maintaining both in a way that allows them full control over themselves and the ability to use their own body as a tool. The body is not just a vessel for the person within, but a partner the athlete must work with and against to achieve what they need to. And Yuuri Katsuki feels this dissonance strongly, I am sure of it.
Anxiety alone impedes his ability to have full control over himself. It is irrational and sometimes impossible to predict. It eats up your life in the worst ways, forcing you to doubt yourself and your abilities in a way that is especially damning for someone that needs to have faith in themself to perform well. When you should be focused on conditioning, throwing everything you have at your body and ensuring it comes out the other side stronger and more capable, you are instead locked in your own brain.
Yuuri gains weight easily. He has to be constantly vigilant with his diet, careful about what he ingests and aware of its impact on his body. When I tell you that athletes, especially top athletes like Yuuri, are eating near-constantly, I mean it. To be in a never-ending war with your weight and muscle tone is not only mentally exhausting, but incredibly difficult to manage when you are training. Most people I know (myself included) developed very fast metabolisms, but those who did not (Yuuri) struggled terribly to keep up with their bodies demands.
Yuuri must fully master the physical side of skating to accomplish what he wants to. And in some ways, I think that makes Eros an even more compelling program. I often view it as a dance between Yuuri and Viktor, the sort of back-and-forth Viktor won’t stop pushing for and Yuuri hesitates to engage in, but it is just as important that it represents a battle Yuuri fights internally. Katsudon is his initial muse; the thing that makes him lose control. Food has been a consistent issue for him throughout his athletic career, something he must conquer if he wants to move forward. Eros is about temptation and seduction, his chance to fully understand his body and its demands. The lack of harmony between Yuuri’s body and mind has plagued him, and this routine is his opportunity to face it head on and emerge with the knowledge he needs to persevere.
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neon-garbage-angel · 4 months
DOG SHOW AU where Viktor is a borzoi and has been Best In Show for the last 5 years, and is polite to other dogs but lacks any true friends, while Yuuri is a dark-coated shiba inu who looks up to Viktor (both metaphorically and literally lol) but gets stressed easily and struggles with shows
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yoi-incorrect-quotes · 9 months
Yuuko: Okay so everyone has written down a new years resolution, and we're gonna read each others out... Keep it anonymous.
Takeshi, *picking a slip of paper up and reading from it*: My new years resolution is to continue being the casanova of the ice- Yuuri?!
Yuuri, *blushing furiously*: Why do you think I wrote that!?
Phichit: Because everyone has been or IS in love with you.
Minako: Your whole Eros program from last season...
Viktor: I saw Chris write that actually.
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gohashisenju · 16 days
Was able to finally get this out without getting copyright claims. After watching this fantastic anime, here is an AMV to honor it! If you like the video and my content, subscribe to the channel!
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alexseanchai · 10 months
I suspect toddler Yuuri only got ballet instruction in the first place because he was a tiny terror and his parents couldn't handle him and the onsen at the same time, Minako's ballet career had recently come to a painful end and Hiroko was worried about her friend's mental health, and Minako wanted meals to appear in front of her without her spending any money or effort
so whether it's Hiroko paying for babysitting ballet lessons coaching Yuuri through juniors Minako's time and expertise with sake and sashimi or Minako paying for sake and sashimi with her time and expertise? probably a subject of ongoing (if only occasional) debate
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I love Seung-gil and Otabek and the rest of the cast of Yuri on Ice.
Except Mickey. Fuck Mickey.
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whateverithinkof · 5 months
Daily Fanfic Rec (Day 15)
Yuri On Ice
Title: Turn Back the Clock
Author: IronScript
Words: 58,702
Chapters: 52
Completed?: No
"When Yuuri and Viktor wake up over thirty years in the past, they don't know what to do. Does the other remember?
Luckily that particular question is quickly answered and they can relax slightly, but what about afterwards? Viktor was brought back to right before his first Olympics, and Yuuri isn’t even old enough to compete in Seniors’!
Then there's the fact that they're still very much in love, but a physical relationship would be illegal (and would gross them both out considering Yuuri's age), and they can't count on anyone to just trust them not to do anything age inappropriate. So maybe being long-distance (with as many in-person meetings as possible) would be better until Yuuri becomes a legal adult physically, never mind his actual age.
But it's hard to behave and act naturally when you're forced to be apart from your husband of twenty years, especially during one of the most stressful parts of anyone's life, so Yuuri and Viktor have to distract themselves somehow, right?
And if everyone around them ends up completely confused and blindsided at their sudden changes (though admittedly they seem to have changed for the better), then so be it!"
-- -- -- -- --
This fic explores Yuuri and Viktor's relationship in an amazing, in-depth, way. It's so sad this fic hasn't been updated in so long! But there is still plenty of content to read, and I would recommend you read it!
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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ao3screenshotss · 2 months
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quotablefanfiction · 5 months
“The local chamber of commerce built a creepy image gallery of you online,” Minako-sensei says, shameless. “You attract a lot of weird fans, Katsuki.” Mari-nee-chan smirks. “She means perverts.”
Yuuri’s family takes joy in mortifying him (chp. 1)
No Less Unthinkable by rageprufrock (AO3) Yuri!!! on Ice – Explicit – Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov #Some Canon Divergence #Pre-Series #Drunk Sex #Unsafe Sex #Lots of Sex #Multiple Partners #Bad Decision making #Relationships #Anxiety
In which Katsuki Yuuri fights a losing battle with chronic anxiety, the quadruple Salchow, and his own judgment four drinks in — but wins the war.
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kaleidodreams · 2 years
Heavenly Pearl's Fic Review 2022 - The Morning After
"The Morning After" is the last fic I wrote for this year's Yuri!!! On Ice Rare Pair Week.
Summary: The morning after winning his first senior National title, Yuuri discovers that his coach and former ballet instructor had a one-night stand.
Thoughts: A couple of years ago, I wrote a fic called "Lonely Hearts", which was about a Christmas Eve hook-up between Yuuri's old ballet instructor, Minako, and his new coach in America, Celestino, after Yuuri wins his first senior national title. I never really planned to write any more in that universe, but when somebody on Discord suggested I write a fic about Yuuri finding out about their one night stand… Well, I couldn't resist! I do really enjoy the part where Yuuri realizes what had happened between Minako and Celestino, especially when he calls Minako a "mistress", all scandalized. (She is one, technically, but Celestino is in the middle of getting a divorce, so it's not quite so bad.) His freakout about what them dating could mean for him is also pretty amusing. The rest of the story is…okay. That's really the theme of most of my fics this year. Most of them are just okay.
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neutronice · 1 year
Mother's Intuition: the Importance of Vic-chan
I have watched YOI now more times than I can count, and even though I can recite so much of it from memory, I am still noticing new things. This time, it was something massively small…
Namely, the understated but incredible Katsuki Hiroko.
When Yuuri arrives home for the first time in five years, and people ask why he’s not at the World Championships, Hiroko immediately comments on how great that is because it means Yuuri has finally been able to visit. She doesn’t just blunt the blow, saying “I get to see my son!” Full-on body-blocks Yuuri’s shame. It reminds Yuuri that he is adored and welcomed by his family, and even when he professionally fails, mom is going to be there to give him a ray of light.
But that’s not what I noticed. No. It was something from just after Victor arrived in Hasetsu. When Minako comes barging into Yu-Topia needing to see Yuuri because of the rumor about Victor.
What does Hiroko say? She says, “oh Vic-chan Is already here! And he’s sleeping soundly.”
Hiroko’s son is a professional skater. She knows the highs and lows and ups and downs that come with that, and she can read Yuuri probably better than nearly anyone else. And to me, the fact that she’s already using such familiar diminutives when Victor has waltzed in has meaning. It’s that when she looked at Victor Nikiforov, she saw beyond his mask and his bluster, down to the exhausted person who had escaped to her little corner of the world to coach her son.
She could see Vic-chan was not there on some rescue mission just for Yuuri. That he looked as lost as (if not more lost than) her own son, and by calling him Vic-chan, she’d already made up her mind what that meant.
It meant Katsudon, extra large. And happily cleaning out their banquet room to give Victor a place to stay. And probably many more things behind the scenes that didn't make it to the show, giving the two lost boys in her house a safe place to regroup and recover. (Three lost boys once Yurio arrived).
Yes, of course she knows that this is the skater Yuuri has been obsessed with for over half his life. But that’s not why she calls Victor Vic-chan. She calls him Vic-chan because he needs someone who will call him Vic-chan right now, someone who will cook him piping hot katsudon after a long day, someone who sees beyond the mask to the kid who probably hasn’t been mothered since he showed promise in skating, and stepping in to give him some of what he’d lost.
Hiroko could see Vic-chan within the first few minutes of meeting Victor, so it’s not much of a stretch to believe that Hiroko understood that Victor was a permanent part of their family within a week of that first meeting.
Mothers always know, after all.
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triptychgrip · 2 months
Yuri!!! on Ice post-canon headcanons - Part 1
-Yuuri becomes the first skater to ratify the quad flip in-combination, with a triple toe-loop. When he lands the combo at the 2018 Winter Olympics, it predictably breaks the internet and becomes known as the Katsuki Combo. Phichit becomes the second person to cleanly land it
-Minako bartends at the Viktuuri wedding reception in Hasetsu, and is single-handedly responsible for getting everyone trashed on their 'Stammi Vicino' signature cocktail. Things get pretty risque towards the end of the night when the new grooms begin to make exceedingly over-the-top declarations of love for one another. Neither Hiroko nor Toshiya bat an eye at any of this
-The first 'Viktor and Friends' ice show -- even with the Chihoko drama -- was such an incredible success that the Katsuki-Nikiforovs make it an annual excuse for all of their friends to get together in the off-season. The Hasetsu City Council becomes so fearful over liability issues when they notice how many tourists try to scale Hasetsu Castle to get pics in 'Shining Chihoko' pose, that they permanently install guardrails on the top of the Castle
-Viktor begins learning how to pole-dance under Yuuri's instruction. It's a 50-50 in terms of whether their lessons are actually productive versus them just ending up having sex, lol. B/c they are the most extra ppl imaginable, they work with Christophe to come up with a routine to perform at the 2022 Beijing Games banquet. This is their "last hurrah" in terms of banquet shenanigans, as the 2022 Olympics marks Yuuri's last competition before retiring
-Mila and Sara begin dating during the 2019 off-season, and Sara eventually moves to St. Petersburg so they can live together. Mila has Viktor choreograph a gala skate proposal routine, and when she performs it for Sara, everyone thinks it's amazing/adorable that she caps it off with her new fiance's damnably difficult signature jump combo (the triple lutz-triple loop)
-After a few years in St. Petersburg, Viktor and Yuuri move permanently to Fukuoka, Japan, where they coach/train at the same rink as Kenjirou (who never quite gets over his Yuuri hero worship, but does learn to tone it down...somehow). The move to Japan allows the Katsuki-Nikiforovs to begin working with the Nishigoris on long-term plans to expand Ice Castle Hasetsu into a top-tier training center
-Once Yakov retires, Yurio "follows" Viktor/Yuuri to Fukuoka and becomes Viktor's second student. This "works" in some respects, and is a disaster in others. With his ample free time upon retirement, Yakov attempts to repair things with Lilia
If any of the above headcanons sound interesting to you, you might be interested in my 2018/2022 Olympic Games fic series, which is currently comprised of 7 different parts! When I first began posting part 1 (currently at 212K words and counting) last November, I didn't do a great job of promoting it. So, as it (and the overall series) gets closer to completion, I'm striving to do better around that!
I originally set out to write an in-depth, post-canon series for two main reasons:
1) I find the politics of competitive sport really interesting and, obviously, canon Yuri!!! on Ice doesn't really touch on this in just 12 episodes. But politics/bureaucracy truly do weave into just about every aspect of an athlete's career, and particularly with such a talented/prominent Japanese skater moving to St. Petersburg to live and train alongside the sport's "Living Legend", I found myself ideating around what the implications of that would mean in-universe, particularly for the Winter Olympics
and 2) I wanted to see more of the "give and take" that we know to be true of Viktor and Yuuri's relationship. Naturally, as Viktor grows into his role as Yuuri's coach in canon, the narrative is largely about how he supports Yuuri, and I wanted to be able to explore more of the opposite (Yuuri learning to support Viktor in a more overt way than is implied).
Part 1 of the series is centered around the 2022 Olympic Games, but jumps back and forth in time so that you are able to get glimpses of how their relationship has evolved from their earlier days, as well as to see the ripple effect of a big event that took place at the PyeongChang Games.
Last but not least, if you like reading post-canon Yuri!!! on Ice but don't have energy/interest in reading a very long WIP, I have lot of other stories up on ao3, which you can find here
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yoi-incorrect-quotes · 9 months
Viktor: Yuuri! How are you today? You look good. Do you want to sit together at lunch? Or I could sleep in your room tonight, or -
Yuuri, earbuds in: *keeps walking and ignores him*
Minako, patting Viktor sympathetically: What did I tell you? You have to play hard to get.
Viktor, watching Yuuri leave: But I’m so easy to get.
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And now, from a total of 519 submissions...
Our Competitors!
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The Ballerina Battle will begin on Tuesday, October 10. Polls will go live at 12:00 PM.
Part One (Tuesday, October 9)
Angelina Mouseling (Angelina Ballerina) vs. Natasha Romanoff (Marvel Comics)
Gwen Stacy (Spider-Verse) vs. Fakir (Princess Tutu)
Ballora (Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location) vs. Strawberry Shortcake (Strawberry Shortcake)
Barbie (Barbie) vs. Clara (Barbie in the Nutcracker)
Ahiru Arima (Princess Tutu) vs. Haruno Haruka (Go! Princess Pretty Cure)
Cassandra Cain (DC Comics) vs. Amélie Lacroix/Widowmaker (Overwatch)
Pearl (Steven Universe) vs. Victoria Page (The Red Shoes) 
Billy Elliot (Billy Elliot) vs. Medic (Kamen Rider Drive)
Bon Clay (One Piece) vs. William Longtail (Angelina Ballerina)
Nikolina Pavlova (The Great Ace Attorney) vs. Minako Okukawa (Yuri! On Ice)
Rue Kuroha (Princess Tutu) vs. Margo, Edith, and Agnes Gru (Despicable Me)
Duchess Swan (Ever After High) vs. Hilary Van Doren (Fame 1980)
Nina Sayers (Black Swan)vs. Rapunzel (Tangled)
Anteaterina (Princess Tutu) vs. Genevive (Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses)
Roza Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) vs. Christine Daaé (The Phantom of The Opera)
Yuri Katsuki (Yuri! On Ice) vs. Yuri Plisetsky (Yuri! On Ice)
Part Two (Thursday, October 11)
Minto Aizawa (Tokyo Mew Mew) vs. Suzy Bannion (Suspiria 1977) 
Izumi Sena (Ensemble Stars) vs. Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) 
Eli Ayase (Love! Live!) vs. Mytho (Princess Tutu) 
Odette (Barbie in Swan Lake) vs. Kristyn (Barbie and the Pink Shoes)
Dee Dee (Dexter’s Laboratory) vs. June (Little Einsteins)
Meg Giry (The Phantom of the Opera)  vs. Center Stage cast (Center Stage)
Alice Nimbletoes (Angelina Ballerina) vs. Shirayuki Hime (Happiness Charge Precure)
Jessi Ramsey (The Babysitter’s Club) vs. Debbie Jellinsky (The Addams Family)
Sara Johnson (Save the Last Dance) vs. Mr Mistoffelees (Cats)
Grace Monroe (Infinity Train) vs. Find Me in Paris Cast (Find Me in Paris)
Félicie (Ballerina/Leap) vs. Shim Deok-chul (Navillera)
Victoria (Cats) vs. Tandy Bowen (Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger)
Minami Kaido (Go! Princess Pretty Cure) vs. Téa Gardner (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Catherine Dollanganger (Flowers in the Attic) vs. Adelaide Wilson (Us 2019)
Annie Edison (Community) vs. Ruou Mori (Dance Dance Danseur) 
Rachel Berry (Glee) vs. Balletusa and Primausa (Sanrio)
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