#Minds eye
tumbler-polls · 11 months
When you picture yourself in your mind, do you imagine yourself precisely how you look in real life, or do you see something else (an alter ego, a person who looks differently, another being, etc.)? When you're visualizing from the first person's pov, whose hands are you seeing? If you have aphantasia, consider "seeing" as a metaphor for the way you think of the concept of yourself.
The main options (we put them here due to the character limit):
🪞: I only imagine myself the way I look like irl.
🪆: I imagine someone/something that represents me.
✨️: I imagine myself in multiple ways: the way I am, as another being, as an abstract concept, you name it.
Please reblog for a bigger sample size and feel free to expand on your answer in the comments / tags!
Credit to @anon (we added a few options).
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weirdlookindog · 5 days
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Prelude (1927)
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nyxcreate · 10 months
Imagination is the only reality
Yalls problem is not accepting that imagination is the only reality.
if imagination is the only reality, why are you looking for the 3d to validate you?
If imagination is the only reality, why are you doing things in hopes that something inside you “hears” it and gives you your desires in the 3d?
There is no outside god. You are the creator of all things. YOU give these neutral scenes your power and make them into something really big when they are not. You are the one who put your desire on this pedestal higher than the Eiffel tower.
You make yourself feel small when you turn things into greater than you. But who’s the one desiring? Who’s the one in bondage? Who wants to be free?
And here’s another problem of yours: Not realizing that even though you gave these things your power, it’s all still in YOUR hands.
This is your experience. This not Nyx’s experience, this is not Neville’s experience, this is not your subconscious’s experience. YOU MEANS YOU. CONSCIOUSNESS MEANS YOU.
What part of the word “YOU” you don’t understand?
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sentient-trash · 3 months
Especially artists with aphantasia, but also any artist.
How do you draw without references?? How do you practice anatomy?? Can you draw from you “imagination” ???
Cause I’m struggling a lot with anatomy and form. I’m heavily relying on and using references as a crutch, and I want to try and draw from reference , and not copying it 1 for 1 (that really makes my art feel stiff imo)
Yes I know gesture drawings help (which I’m going to do after steddie week) but what else helps you??? (Especially artists with aphantasia, but I’m asking artists as a whole 🫶)
Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated 🫶
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alienorchids · 5 months
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charlie-boyfriend · 9 months
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siremasterlawrence · 8 months
The Detoxification Of Bros
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Friendship is boundless even though you are sharing a building, a company and the wind fall of finances because they are CO-CEOS of Bro Codes.Thomas Alex is the one who hired me when the company Bro Codes was established is about to fire me for not meeting his goals and that is simply never going to happen.
He closes the door, taking my hand in him as I smirk an and shake his hand tightly with a smile to his annoyance and curiosity but before he could react.I turn to two side I press the side of both of my cheeks causing my eyes to spiral out of control and activating my contacts as they glow red.
Tom catches my eyes he gets scared start to back up as I follow him carefully to his ass and then his back hit the desk behind him. His fear is heightened at the sight of my red eyes meeting his, our eyes connecting on an instant interface I begin to maneuver setting up a new code and login process.
He stops cold his mouth drops to its edge, his lips drip of spit down trickling down his neck and soon enough his eye look wide and in awe. As if he is a deer in headlights I begin my little journey with a massive amount of solo time with him and press my hands on to his chest.
They slide down leaving utterly in disbelief at how perfect his body is, I cannot hold my life back and starts to strip him naked for my many purposes. I reach for a chair quickly picking it up place it in front of him, happily I continue to smirk in love and my lust overflowing my cup of pure ecstasy.
Closing my eyes I begin to pulse a bit with little effort his senses go through the roof as he pumps up and I can sense his blood flow rise. In my sense both our energies are at an all time highs sending shills down my spine in to the air and all of it is ripping through my veins.
I feel the chair dropping from under me as k free fall in to his mind empty pit of darkness encircling meet and my feet hit the ground of his subconscious. My mind takes root burying so deep in to him any self defenses are easily override due to my power and I begin to formulate a plan.
I decide to go for a stroll walking down a long overdrawn corridor catching up with his reflection stuck inside a old fashion television set in black and white. “What? Why am I here? Who are you? Let me out at once.” He shouts banging on the hard glass and getting more intense by the second it to is really embarrassing.
“Submit to me completely! I have infected you boss with a simple mental connection way beyond your understanding so don’t even bother to comprehend.” I say kneeling to face the screen to push fiercely intent to him because I am in control of his life for all of eternity and simply put his nerves purely go red.
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Charlie is never happy at the sound of his cell ringing in the morning while going over his to do for the day and he angrily picks up the phone. “What the hell do you want?” He howls. “Shut The Fuck Up!” A voice barrels back at him then the television flips on with a huge screen as I appear on it and he my eyes see in to his as we connect deeply in to his the nerves go on fire.
“Charlie you are such a burden”
“I am a burden”
“You need to release”
“Let go of the stress and worry “
“You are not a man”
“Your bitch a pussy”
“I am pussy “
“Mwahahahahaha “
“I am your boss “
“Like Tom your serve me”
“Take a dive “
“Relinquish control”
“Be a pussy”
“Yes a pussy”
“Some men are made to kneel”
“Nothing about you is of importance “
“Strong guys like you can be improved “
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Ben always works from home since about ten years ago with no interaction with us he runs his day to day and expect us to have no issues with him or the job in a seamless fashion because he demands us to be it.I commanded all two guys to drive me to the blue yeah Ben and Ian share with each other and they do so sneaking me in to the gigantic mansion by way of the back door for me.
Unfortunately! Of course neither is home at the moment leaving me time to set up all my plans. It is exactly one o’clock precisely the specials Ben strolls in to his home and race up the staircase to his bathroom and he has no idea.He pops the cabinet to find a strange pair of contacts in his eyes, in him he questions it all why because they must be his and he just forgot about it picking them up in a half hearted attempt.
The jackass slips the box to reveal to small contact lenses, turning them over he begins to undo the packages and placing them in his eyes and he goes blank unaware of the door shutting after him. “Sorry buddy I am assuming absolute control of this body as of this second. You have no way of even beginning to accept or understand a word am saying not that it really matters at this point.
“You are entrapped be me Ben”
“You love my scent “
“Obsessed with my body “
“My mind”
“My life is all you care about “
“Your life is mine”
“No escape”
“No worry”
“No desire”
“Serving me is everything “
“To you I am god “
“To you I am life “
“I breath life in to you “
“You exist for me”
“You love me”
“I love you “
“Admit it”
“Yes! Master Lawrence !”
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Ian is the last of the four CEO titans about to meet his new maker, I slip behind him as he walks in to the bathroom closing the door and then steps up and in unzips his pants prepped to urinate. I dig in to my bag as I am in step with him a wet rag in my hand, placing it on his mouth holding him tight as he struggles to fight me and yank him back as his eyes flutter close and submit to me.
I back up letting him fall backwards on to the ground, sitting next to him i place ear pods in to his ears and then rip his eyes open wide and put the contacts in to his eyes. My finger swings back to the side then they connect snapping in time the sound rings resonating deep in him. His eyes pop awake sitting he stares ahead blankly awaiting all the orders I shall command of her.
He rose to his feet standing tall across from me his eyes are darted grossly crossing a bit sometimes and he freaks out punching him with a gut and I kiss his cheeks telling him to move forward. I shove him forward letting my hand slips in to his pants, let’s begin by undoing his belt and bending him over, his underpants fall while my hand swaps his butt cheeks swap aside and my hand starts to fist.
“Ian you are the last of these toxicity”
“Shut eyes”
“Contacts upload”
“Perfect we are sinking “
“Yes Master”
“You thought you were a god”
“A man among men”
“You are just a pussy”
“A simple bitch”
“A nobody “
“Kneel “
“Mwahahahahaha “
“Too easy”
the end
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madsmadart · 7 months
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Dump of all the gijinkas ive made of my littlebigplanet ocs so far yay!! I plan to sketch more cause theyre alot of fun to make!
the 5 at the top are a part of a lil sci-fi ship team, all with their own talents and skills, and the purple masked guy there is the leader
I like to give each costume a nickname of sorts before I think of what their actual name would be. Some don't have names just yet but i'll come up with em eventually. in order, from left to right, we have:
Minds Eye (Clement), Bandana Merc, Antler Armor, Masked Captain, Experimental Self (Thatcher),
DJ DVL, DIY Hipster (Tanya), DJ BUNI (Natalie),
Melting Guardian (Esmaé) Clumsy Housedroid (Barbara), and Summertime Dandy-lion (Leo)
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comic-chick · 2 years
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thevoidstaredback · 5 months
Did you know that only 30%-50% of the world's population has an inner monologue?
Did you know that only 1%-3% of the world's population cannot see pictures in there head?
I fall into both of those categories. I do have an inner monologue, and I can't actually see pictures in my head.
So when I say anything along the lines of "I can see that" or "I can imagine that" I'm partly lying. I have to see a picture of what you want me to see before I can actually imagine it, y'know?
For example, you can describe to me, in great detail, your OC or a scene from a book. Unless you have a picture I can reference, I can't actually put those details together in my head to form a picture.
Does that make sense?
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arconinternet · 11 months
The Mind's Eye Series (Videos, 1990/1992/1994/1996)
The iconic 90’s CGI showcase series. You can watch it all here.
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the-world-of-nai · 10 months
you are divine.
take a deep breath and calm down. who do you want to be? now affirm/visualize for it. it is already yours, it is already done. you are God. the power is in you.
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you are divine, created in His image and likeness. never forget that. every desire you dream of is yours. trust the God in you.
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nyxcreate · 9 months
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euphorictruths · 1 year
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Rituals Of Love And Loss- Adam Yates
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ablogofcourage · 6 months
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dannylatinskin · 6 months
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