stuckasmain · 4 months
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Hal as an “Evil AI” is a prevalent misinterpretation that we all heavily dislike but I don’t see anyone addressing the other prevalent misinterpretation of “Hal did no wrong” and not in a joking or genuine exploration of technology and morality way but a flat out “owo” way.
The infantilization of Hal is absolutely rampant and I think part of it may be a overlap with how the mentally ill (in this case serious disorders like schizophrenia, that Hal displays symptoms similar to) are either overly demonized or overly infanalized. In this case people using his glitch as an excuse rather than an explanation IF AT ALL because “he was just scared they’re so mean owo” is another common thing I see which… no. People heard the self defense argument and then run to demonize every other possible character.
The thing about Hal is that he knows what he did was wrong, he understands why even. In the cases of computers like him one can even have a interesting discussion onto wether our sense of morality should apply at all— how much free will does he exactly have as one could argue all actions still come back to the limitations of his programing etc. and a lot of his more “sinister” or “innocent” traits are outright our human projection but that’s rarely the conversation.
It’s all “sweet little thing could never even think of violence it’s too scary” (he’s killed four people…) or they were going to/killed him for no reason because they’re bad.
Idk it’s really tiresome seeing him babied… that’s a grown man… computer… he likely knows more than most of us even. Self preservation was a factor but not in the “he was scared they were so mean and wanted to kill him for no reason🥺” I discussed it before but really I think he would’ve went with it had he been healthy but that’s neither here nor there. I think a lot of the infanalization comes from hearing of this and well… he’s simply a very pleasant fellow and you can’t help but feel for him.
But you can feel for a charecter without mischaracterizing, you know? That’s the thing about Hal he has both more and less emotion than you think.
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bjfinn · 5 months
[LYDIA is lying on her bed listening to "Every Breath You Take", when BARBARA enters.]
Oh, I love that song! It's so romantic!
What? You do know what it's about, don't you?
Yeah, of course! (faltering a bit) Uh ... what's it about?
It's about a stalker.
BARBARA (laughing uncertainly)
What? No, it's not!
Listen to the lyrics -- (sings) "Every breath you take/Every move you make/Every bond you break/Every step you take/I'll be watching you/Oh, can't you see/You belong to me" -- and so on.
BARBARA (shuddering in horror)
Oh, God!
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I had reached a point that I no longer had anything left to say, not only because I knew the best course of action was to be still but also because I had no desire to put myself in the crosshairs of anyone else's ulterior motives. I was done, drained, and deeply depressed. I couldn't trust people with my pain because I knew that if my vulnerability was manipulated one more time, I wouldn't be able to handle it. In response, I said nothing while people assumed and said everything. I allowed my silence and absence to be misinterpreted, not because I feared facing others, but because I feared further losing my mind, my faith, and myself.
Morgan Richard Olivier - the tears that taught me
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justanechoflower · 8 months
smash or pass?
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random-xpressions · 1 year
You could be an open book yet if someone intends to read you wrongly, then would you blame the book or the reader? Even the most biblical and most sacred of books have been distorted to serve the interests of those reading wrongly into it, what makes a pale human an exception? So beat not yourself if someone is unable to grasp you, or your purpose, or understand your journey. Malicious intentions, self serving interests, or their own negativities - there are a hundred other causes why someone will never get you right. So be not much concerned or even bother to please everyone. Give them the freedom to keep their opinions and have the liberty to live your realities...
Random Xpressions
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kaizenin21stcentury · 10 months
A commonly misquoted phrase says: “Jack of all trades, master of none.” The full quote actually reads: “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but often times better than a master of one.” This is a quote by William Shakespeare. Engage your curiosity about everything. Possessing skills in multiple areas is valuable.
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im remembering something in art class like in first grade where we had to draw our friend so i drew my best friend but I said that it looked so ugly because i was and still am shit at drawing and everyone on the group table we had said "thats extremely rude y'know!" and i was saying my art was ugly not my friend and i think she forgot about it hopefully
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seddiiinnton · 2 years
Me: I want to live a baby girl lifestyle next year,
My sister: so you are looking for a sugar daddy.
Me: no, I just want a soft and easy life for next year.
My sister: 🤦🏽‍♀️ then say that,
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oceanmoonlune · 2 years
Sometimes I’ll say something like “It’s like every teenagers dream to get their license. It’s even in all the teen movies.” (this as an example)
& then someone will say something like “Ik right?? Maybe we shouldn’t all want a license. We should drive less & use more green energy!”
Except I didn’t even mean to say it like that. It was literally just a random observation with no opinion attached
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aromantic-diaries · 2 months
Sigh. The response to "asexuals are actually just childish and scared of sex" isn't "well actually you're wrong because we write the filthiest smut in existence" or "what about asexuals who know all about kink" or "I'm asexual and I love making sex jokes", NO, that's not the fucking point. I don't care. The point is that regardless of how an individual feels about sex they deserve to be respected and treated as an adult, even if the thought of sex grosses them out. I am asexual, reading smut makes me cringe (feel cringe as in the original sense of the word) and looking at anything nsfw makes me mildly uncomfortable at best, and I only like sex jokes to a certain extent. This doesn't make me a fucking child because sex is not what makes someone an adult in the first place.
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cosmicpines · 1 month
I think a lot of people haven't actually read Flatland so you may not realize A. What Bill's eye mutation means and B. What precisely Bill did to destroy his homeworld.
Bill's home isn't completely the same as Edwin Abbott's Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions (notably, women and men can be both polygons #feminism) but we can assume most of the mechanics are the same. The basic premise is that the world is 2D. Everyone perceives the world in a 1D way, along the plane. There's a part of Journal 3 that describes this pretty well.
Bill can see up to the stars because his eye is on the flat surface instead of on the side like everyone else, like this:
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(He's also slightly 3D, as we can see in the show.)
But there's one more important Flatland detail. The denizens of Flatland (and therefore likely Euclydia) do still have organs "inside" their bodies. Since there is no depth, they're just on the inner radius of their bodies. The 2007 Ehlinger movie adaptation shows that:
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If Bill wanted to "give his world a new perspective" and "show everyone what they were missing," he wanted to get everyone to look upward.
Meaning he probably tilted the entire world.
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Meaning everyone not only slid off of the plane, but all of their organs spilled out and everyone died.
...Hence "so much blood."
(The only issue with this is that it doesn't account for the number of times Euclydia is referred to have been burned ("saw his own dimension burn / misses home and can't return", he only has ashes leftover), but I'm sure the act of turning an entire dimension upwards expends a lot of energy.)
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shesnake · 7 months
full offence but I do NOT watch movies so I can "turn my brain off" I take this shit so seriously
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genderkoolaid · 4 months
part of the reason i love how bell hooks talks about masculinity is that she shows real compassion towards men suffering from the effects of toxic masculinity. she was conscious of how we need to unlearn the ways we talk about men + masculinity just as much as we need to unlearn the same for women + femininity. so many times ill see someone talking about toxic masculinity like (hyperbolizing here but only slightly) "these FUCKING STUPID BABY BITCHES won't MAN UP and go to a therapist!!!" and like. i get the anger. but you see feminists recreating patriarchal manhood by only promoting good behaviors through patriarchal frameworks. any use of the term "real men" is bad because it reifies the idea that manhood is a special title you must earn, and it is something possible to fail and fake. & as important as it is to promote sexual equality + the pleasure of non-cis-men, lots of people are essentially still working with the idea that men need sexual prowess to have worth but just shifting it slightly so there is more emphasis on women's pleasure. but I want cis men to think about their partners' pleasure because they care about their partners, not because they need to check a box in order to keep their man card. and don't get me started on small dick jokes�� and the absolutely pitiful excuse people will use that "well, I don't believe it, but misogynistic men get upset when I say it, so it's okay!"
basically bell hooks is so fucking right. in order to create loving men we need to love men, simply for being alive, whether or not they are performing. as much as we need to actively unlearn misogyny (and we do), it's equally vital we unlearn patriarchal ways of seeing manhood. we can't just assume that taking a feminist perspective automatically means there is no work to be done there.
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kurgy · 6 months
miku expo 2024 is the dashcon of vocaloid concerts. the projectors were replaced with LEDs and organizers told no one, still charged ppl for the projectors. someone stole the Miku canada cut out. vocaloid producers are really mad that attendees are mad that they got scammed because nothing comes before Product. the event banned glowsticks and upcharged the sale of their own, under the excuse that average glowsticks would interfere with the projectors, that the organizers knew they did not have. someone pissed on the floor. car crash outside the venue in san jose
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implalazz · 9 months
White person moment abound. I didn’t wanna derail that post I just reblogged cuz idk, would be cunty & not in the good way. I think the realization of “Huh I don’t really have a culture, it’s been tossed away in favour of whiteness & being as ethnically nothing as possible” has been the driving force of me identifying more with my ethnicity/s. I’m still a white milk bag I’m sane enough to not think that’s a null point now that I want to connect more with the culture I don’t have, but idk. Sometimes I get like cultural imposter syndrome, if I say I’m ukranian or austrian or whatever else I have a little voice in the back of my head saying “But are you really though?”. It’s strange, I wanna read those books in the post I was talking about cuz this like phenomenon I guess is very interesting to me. Also please don’t take this post as “Oh how sad white people have suffered so much we don’t even have a culture :((((((“ FUCK OFF. That’s not the point get reading comprehension. Sorry if this is fucking stupid I just think it’s interesting. This problem matters very little in the grand scheme of things but it’s interesting to me at least
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egophiliac · 3 months
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tsum events continue to be just the best
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