asm5129 · 3 months
Holy shit. I genuinely did not think this would happen.
It’s worth noting that this does not mean the end of everything RT was making, WBD had been hoping to sell all of RT it seems but they’ve decided to just sell the shows themselves. RWBY can still continue, for example.
BUT. That doesn’t change the reality that so many people just lost their jobs, and that this is a seismic development. RT was a pioneer of online creation, much of the creator economy likely wouldn’t exist as it does without them. Rooster Teeth, for all its many many faults in recent years, was important. Mismanagement sadly robbed it of this but it had weight for creators, especially as a space that still made original and bold things in this over-saturated, brand obsessed, risk-averse media landscape.
The jobs lost, the creators hurt and the value RT had—and maybe could have had again— being scrapped are all causes for significant mourning.
I’ll talk about RWBY as news comes out, or if I see a bunch of RWBYdoomers telling everyone to give up again, but for now let’s just hold space for these losses.
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naamahdarling · 4 days
How can I get a doctor to answer a straight question over a portal message? Because I'm dealing with three who can't answer these questions (the answer they gave is in parenthesis):
1) Tell me if telehealth is acceptable for a followup on a weird thing. (I need to make an appointment to discuss the weird thing but they won't say if telehealth is okay.)
2) Tell me the size of a thing they have. (They keep saying they only have the one size but won't tell me what it is.)
3) Tell me whether or not they can refer me for testing before my appointment or if I need a separate appointment for that. (They can't review test results without an appointment, but can't tell me if I can have the testing done first or if I need two appointments.)
4) Tell me if I can get a one month extension to my scrip until I have my appointment. (I need an appointment on the books to get meds, which I already have set up.)
I have asked each of them at least twice in as direct a way as possible, and every time they answer a very similar question I did not ask.
I get they are busy, I do, but I am just going to have to keep asking. They are wasting time they could use to help someone else. They are making their own problem worse.
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lilithsaga · 4 months
Selen Tatsuki and the Dangers of Corporate Mismanagement
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Before the announcement, the community was divided into two groups.
One side consisted of Dragoons (Selen's fanbase) and other pro-Selen fans who just wanted to have any update on Selen's status regardless of what the outcome may be, campaigning #WhereIsSelen across Twitter/X.
The other side consisted of anti-NijiEN fans who would holler about Nijisanji EN and ANYCOLOR being a black company that treats their talents like shit and only cares about their own greed and reputation.
These two sides would argue about the speculation behind Selen's weeks of disappearance following the removal of the "Last Cup of Coffee" cover song by NijiEN management.
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Then, on February 5th 2024, the dreaded white document was posted... and the internet exploded in rage.
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Link to the full document here.
We could go through all the different warning signs and the timeline of events that led to this announcement, but I guarantee other people on the internet have that covered. If you decided to read this rant, I'm 90% sure it's because you've heard about Selen Tatsuki's controversial termination from other sources.
Instead, I want to reflect on Selen's situation in a corporate company and how that affected her mental health... citing some of my own personal experiences as well.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional or a professional of anything. I'm a random succubus on the internet with an opinion and experience, so take it however you wish. This is just reflection and personal speculation.
TW: mentions of harassment, depression, and thoughts of suicide. Reader discretion is advised.
My Background
I am a vtuber (or rather, PNGtuber), but not a corporate vtuber. However, I work for a corporate company in my IRL job in a 9-to-5 office setting. I started as an intern, came back to work with them after graduating university, got laid off after 6 months because of interest rates and over-hiring, and was brought back 2 months later in a different role to help them with demand.
Despite not working for a corporate vtuber company, I think it can be agreed upon that corporate is corporate no matter the industry, at least at the very core of their operations. Corporations are just large companies at the end of the day.
The reason I wanted to make this post is that, from one corporate worker to another, I 100% understand why Selen did what she did and feel that I am still facing a similar situation.
I may not have been a Dragoon, but I have always admired how she interacted with her community and created so many fun events for everyone to enjoy. Even though she wasn't my Oshi, I was deeply concerned about Selen's well-being.
And while I believed you couldn't trust Nijisanji EN any further than you could throw them, I was waiting to see how it would turn out. Because there was no way Selen, one of the Vtuber community's most beloved gamers and content creators, would stay missing in action forever. It wouldn't be long before Nijisanji EN would make their move.
Selen's Termination
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Again, here's the link to the white document that set the internet ablaze.
I want to make one slightly controversial take here before we break it down... what Selen did is within grounds for termination.
Listen! Before the pitchforks are brought out, I'm not saying that Nijisanji EN should have fired Selen the way they did. There was sooo much they could have done to avoid this outcome that they clearly neglected to consider. But knowing how corporate jobs operate, or honestly, how any job or role operates, Selen clearly failed to follow Nijisanji protocol. She essentially went rogue.
We won't be analyzing the document word for word. Please read the full termination announcement by Nijisanji EN if you haven't already.
Instead, we're going to be analyzing key parts of the termination announcement by Nijisanji EN that I feel need further discussion.
Selen's Permissions
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One thing I've noticed many people confused about is why Nijisanji EN removed the Last Cup of Coffee cover when there is evidence of Selen having permission long before posting it.
Selen "Last Cup of Coffee" After Party Stream clip, from FalseEyeD's video
LilyPichu's tweet confirming Selen had permission since August 2022
Artist who worked with Selen, Madi/@weeniedesu, shares how Selen paid her back personally when Nijisanji EN never got around to it
Selen got permissions from the creator and producer of the song. She got permissions from the artists that she commissioned. She took care of anything that could have been copyrighted, so why is Nijisanji saying she didn't check all the boxes for approval?
There's only one possibility. She never got approval from management.
Because if you work for a corporate company, you need to get approval from supervisors before ANYTHING goes out. Large companies have a reputation to keep, and if something goes out without supervisors getting a chance to review it... it could be bad shit. Maybe it's information that isn't supposed to be leaked; maybe it's an offensive joke; maybe it's as simple as a typo. The list goes on.
However, if their management is as awful as we think it is, I doubt Nijisanji EN even follows their own protocol.
The process of getting checks and approvals from other parties is always going to be longer than doing everything yourself. With good management, this is usually not a problem. But with bad management... this is a nightmare.
Personal Story Time!
When I came back from being laid off, I had new job requirements, a new role, and a new supervisor. As a person, I actually like my supervisor. She is very creative, knows what steps need to be taken for the company, and we have similar attitudes and humor. Unfortunately, this does not translate to how she manages a team.
My main issue with my manager is that she does not take the time or show interest in my work. She runs around like she's a chicken with her head cut off, will bury herself in her office and demand team members not interrupt her physically or virtually unless it's urgent, and will only speak to you if she needs something from you without really checking in on you.
Forgive me, for I am still young, but growing up, I was always under the impression that it was a supervisor's job to check in on their team and set them up for success. With this environment that I still find myself in, I'll be honest... I don't really feel supported at all.
I feel like I have to walk on eggshells around my supervisor and can only contact her whenever a 5-minute happy hour presents itself. I have work that needs to be done within a day, sometimes a week for bigger projects, but I struggle to get my supervisor's attention because my work is less crucial than that of some of my teammates. I often feel like the only way to get attention for the work I need to do is if I kick down the door and shove a printed copy in her face. Even so, that very rarely guarantees anything gets done in time that clients expect it to.
I understand that supervisors in high leadership positions don't always have a lot of time. Because of that, I was told that it was my responsibility to go to them when I have problems or stuff that needs done.
And yes, I should be more assertive about my work. Everyone should go to supervisors for situations that they need help with.
But if supervisors don't make that easy for you to do, what is the point?
Story time is over! Back to Selen!
Given my experience, I can understand how Selen feels. For a cover song of this scale, it must have taken months... maybe even a year—for it to be created in the first place. So the fact that Nijisanji EN management claims they first saw the video on December 24th is very concerning.
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If this statement is true, then that means that they didn't do their job of checking in with Selen on the progress of this cover project. Or worse, Selen didn't trust them to work with her on releasing the cover song on time, so she took matters into her own hands.
Either way, it shows little to no support from Nijisanji EN management on an important project and reveals a damaged relationship between the two parties.
Honestly, I don't blame Selen. Yes, she did break company protocol, and it is a fire-able offense. But if her management was anything like mine, I would have done the same thing. Hell, I shouldn't be saying this, but I have done the same thing to a lesser degree. (It is rule-breaking, but not illegal. Best if I don't go into detail.)
But if Selen's management is as hard to get in contact with as my supervisor, how the hell does ANYTHING get done? Companies need to conduct business. But how can business be done if employees cannot progress due to management delays?
If they're not going to take the time to work with their employees to get proper permissions on time for upcoming projects ON TIME, I don't think they should be surprised at how things turned out.
Selen's Harassment
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The worst part of this announcement is the blatant disregard for Selen's side and point of view on behalf of Nijisanji EN management.
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"She claimed that she was no longer able to engage in her activities as a Liver due to the decisions made by ANYCOLOR, was being harassed by other affiliated Livers due to mismanagement, etc., while refusing to acknowledge her responsibility for violating the Activity Rules."
This sentence sticks out to so many people, especially the second part of it. But both parts are important because of Nijisanji EN's response.
We will get to that in a moment.
But let's focus on the claims Selen makes here:
"She claimed that she was no longer able to engage in her activities as a Liver due to the decisions made by ANYCOLOR."
This ties in to what we talked about earlier with the lack of support from management. Selen's claim expressed that she could not move forward with what she wanted to do because of the barriers to ANYCOLOR's decisions. Her feelings here make sense, given how it isn't the first time that her plans have been prevented by management.
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More importantly, though, Selen also claims she
"was being harassed by other affiliated Livers due to mismanagement."
While many people want to know who these livers are—believe me, I'm curious as well—I want to know something else. If one of your talents is claiming there is harassment within your company, why aren't you investigating this?
Harassment is not something to be taken lightly or brushed off as an inconvenience. If your employee feels unsafe working at your company, I think it's worth taking a step back to try and understand where that employee is coming from, regardless of whether you think it's true or not.
So how do Nijisanji EN management and ANYCOLOR respond?
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"ANYCOLOR believes that the claims raised by Selen Tatsuki are in fact referring to situations that arose when she was warned about her breaches of the Activity Rules and attempts to shift the responsibility for these violations, damaging ANYCOLOR and NIJISANJI EN's image. This led to the deterioration of the relationship between her, ANYCOLOR, and other Livers affiliated with ANYCOLOR. ANYCOLOR firmly believes that we and other Livers under our affiliation have not engaged in unjust practices towards Selen Tatsuki."
So instead of listening to her concerns, they brush off her claims as Selen crying wolf and blame her for making Nijisanji EN look bad.
I'm honestly not sure why I'm surprised by this blatant disregard for human emotion by a greedy corporate company. They clearly decided they didn't want to take the time to understand how badly Selen was hurting from their decisions.
And why would they? Especially when they clearly see her as bad trouble ruining their precious image.
However, they were aware that all of the stress from their company landed their employee in the hospital. So now, let's talk about the heaviest part of this story.
Selen's Attempt
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TW: mentions of depression, and thoughts of su1cide. Please skip this portion (by finding the next smiling Selen screenshot) if you are not in a good mind to be reading about this!
Let's go back to Christmas... or rather, a few days after.
After the removal of "Last Cup of Coffee" from her channel, Selen stayed eerily silent. It was unusual for her to skip streams, especially collab streams, without notifying her followers. But given what just happened, it was very likely she was upset.
From her official Twitter/X account, only two tweets were created after Christmas. Whether she tweeted it or Nijisanji EN tweeted it, it only slightly matters to me. The fact of the matter is this: the events described in those tweets are true.
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"I apologize for the silence. I've been in the hospital after an accident and will be staying there for a few days to be under supervision. I just got back access to my phone yesterday."
As soon as I read this tweet, my heart sank. Selen just had a negative incident at her company, where she had lost so much both financially and mentally. What part of "I've been in the hospital after an accident" makes anyone feel calm?
And the worst part... "an accident." Not a car accident, not a fist fight, just... an accident.
(In hindsight, the quasi-vague wording fits Nijisanji's modus operandi perfectly. It's specific enough to indicate something had happened, but not specific enough to indicate what that event was.)
But saying something is an accident... that's an easy cop-out for saying that someone attempted and survived... I think.
At least, it made the most sense to me at the time. Selen just lost $15,000 on a passion project that had a single unmovable barrier in it's way. Regardless of whether she is financially well-off or not, that's an enormous amount for anyone to lose in a day. If she had decided to attempt after something like that, I honestly wouldn't blame her in the slightest.
But the part of it that really had me suspicious that this was an attempt was that she was under supervision and "I just got back access to my phone yesterday."
This part is going to get a little personal here...
As someone with major depressive disorder, crippling anxiety, and suicidal ideations, I've found myself in inpatient care before. For those unaware, an inpatient is someone who stays in a hospital while under medical treatment. They receive lodging, food, and medicine to help them through whatever they are going through. It's the easiest way for someone to receive medication while also being watched closely to see if any changes to their health occur.
My reason for being inpatient is a bit personal. But at the very least, I was in an unstoppable depressive fit of constant crying where I couldn't even answer the simplest questions and didn't know what to do to stop crying.
As I was taken to the inpatient facility, saying goodbye to my mother, stripped of all my belongings (including clothes), and told I needed to sleep in a thin bed with nothing but a hospital gown on... the impact of my new reality away from the rest of the outside world terrified me and made me more depressed.
So, when Selen said she was under supervision and had her phone taken away... it instantly reminded me of what I experienced in the inpatient unit. I had my phone taken away, I had others think I was going to harm myself, I was allowed 1 hour of visitation at a specific hour every day where my emergency contact came to sit and talk with me, and the supervision was still very strict, with night guards poking a flashlight through your door to make sure you didn't do anything at night.
That's all I'm going to say about my experience.
Naturally, given what I had experienced, it didn't seem unreasonable to me that Selen's accident could have been a serious attempt on taking her life.
And who knows how long she had to fight to keep her sanity working as a corporate vtuber for Nijisanji EN? The job is stressful enough whether management is good or bad. But if the management is bad and stays bad for a long time with no improvements, patience can run out very quickly. One bad day can snowball into an avalanche.
For Selen, I imagined the pressure was becoming too much to handle. This heartfelt cover song could have been the breaking point that pushed her over the edge.
But, at that time, there was no proof.
So I stayed quiet, because people suggesting this narrative were getting flamed online for saying it. And honestly, with no confirmation at that point, it would probably inspire fear in a lot of Dragoons. It would cause them to assume the worst.
However, I said this at the beginning. The events described in her final tweets as Selen Tatsuki are true.
Confirmed by a little birdie.
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"I will not be silenced anymore. On Dec, I was hospitalized for an attempt that was caused by a built up of bullying from within & being in a toxic & poor environment for numerous months that lead to my breaking point. I requested to leave first but on more neutral terms on 26th Jan."
This tweet is courtesy of Selen's previous life before joining Nijisanji EN, and is where she is now. Dokibird tweeted this not long after the announcement dropped, fully prepared with her statement.
It broke my heart knowing that what I had suspected was indeed true. For someone so talented to be going through so much turmoil, it would have been the biggest tragedy in vtubing history if we were to lose her in the worst way possible.
But, at the end of it all, I'm so glad to know she is alive, well, and will continue to move forward with more support than she ever expected.
It is the end of Selen Tatsuki's journey, but the beginning of Dokibird's next chapter.
Selen's Legacy
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With the scarier stuff out of the way, I want to mention one last thing that irritated me about Selen's termination.
Nijisanji EN did not value Selen as much as they should have.
Yes, terminations are looked at a lot less positively than graduations. But to only do the bare minimum of acknowledging Selen's achievements with the company??
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"Since becoming a part of NIJISANJI EN in July 2021, Selen Tatsuki has undeniably played a significant part in the growth of NIJISANJI EN. We fully understand that our decision to terminate the contract will have a significant impact on Selen Tatsuki's fans and supporters of NIJISANJI EN."
That's it. That's the only positive thing they had to say about her in the whole 3 page document.
She has hosted multiple tournaments, introduced the company to VR chat entertainment with AR Live events, commissioned lofi covers of all the Nijisanji EN Debut songs, connected bridges from other top vtuber agencies that seemed impossible, and is overall a fun entertainer with an infectious laugh and smile.
The fact that all she has done for the company is just summed up in 1-2 sentences is unforgivable.
And again, I understand that this is a termination, not a graduation. Terminations are for firing "problematic" people, not honoring their accomplishments. But only two sentences that vaguely acknowledge she made an impact as Nijisanji EN grew?
She deserves so much better than that.
While this does not cover everything that she has done for her community, especially as of recent, I recommend watching The Selen Tatsuki Experience, made for her 2021 birthday by devoted fans and clippers.
And here is a fan project for her birthday in 2022 showcasing the Top 15 Selen Tatsuki Streams.
While these are the videos that first come to my mind, there's so much Selen content out in the wild, even if her channel has been wiped by Nijisanji EN. So many memories, clips, fun experiences, and moments that will never be forgotten by her community and beyond.
If you have any you want to add to this, feel free to do so. I know the Dragoons can say so much more about her than I ever can, and I'm ashamed that I don't have more moments to add.
No matter where she goes or what she does, Selen will always have the support from every person she touched and inspired.
But it's time we thank Selen for all that she brought us and say goodbye.
Because now that this part of her life is over, it's time to move on to newer pastures and new beginnings. Because that is what Selen would want.
Or rather, it is what Dokibird wants.
Dokibird - YouTube Channel
dokibird - Twitch Channel
@dokibird - Twitter account
dokidoggu - Etsy
Final Thoughts
As I read back through everything I wrote, (which holy shit, it is a lot more than I expected; I think I really just needed to get this out of my system more than anything else), the more it makes me realize that Selen is not alone.
She never will be alone again. But I mean it a bit differently.
Selen is not the only one who has lived through corporate mismanagement. Far from it. Following her situation had made me realize just how similar my situation is to hers.
Following management that does not care about the employees enough to set them up for success. The depression that follows where you feel like you're gasping for air trying to make it through every day. Staying in bed late because waking up and going to a toxic work environment is too much.
This isn't a blanket statement of "all corporate companies are bad." That was never the point of this post. And, there are plenty of good corporations who will work with their employees and look out for their well-being. Even other corporate vtuber agencies do this!
However, I think it goes to show that corporate mismanagement can easily torture someone who feels trapped by decisions out of their control.
You can blame the employee all you want by saying "It's a corporate company! You should know that you have to follow the rules even if you disagree with them." But it isn't always that easy.
Sometimes, rules change. And once you are a part of a company, it isn't always easy to just quit and move on. Some people can't afford to do that.
I wish I had some kind of lesson I could leave behind related to all of this. Something like "Watch Out For These Warning Signs Of Mismanagement!"
But, I'm still working for a corporate company as my day job. I can't really leave until I find a new job or get fired.
So what can I tell you?
Selen's situation has motivated me to work harder to find a better work environment.
I've worked for this corporate company for a while now. It started as something I enjoyed because I was given more creativity and feedback on projects than previous positions. But it's not like that anymore.
No job is worth giving your life over.
And if Nijisanji EN management doesn't realize how messed up it can be working for them, and aren't willing to change for the good of their talents... they aren't worth a single cent.
Your happiness > Your job
If you managed to make it through all +3,000 words of ranting, I hope you find your own happiness. Thank you for taking the time to read all the way through.
I wish Dokibird nothing but the best as she kicks off this new chapter in her story.
As for Nijisanji EN, I hope they learned their lesson. If they keep their management the way it is, there will be more instances like this to the point where eventually no one will want to work with them anymore.
I have stayed up till 2am writing so I could say all I wanted to say. I should get at least 5 hours of rest before I have to wake up and go to my corporate IRL job. Hopefully, this year I'll be able to move on to a more promising environment in the not too distant future.
Thank you once again for reading, and I hope you have a lovely rest of your day! 💜
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ivygorgon · 2 months
Hold Bank Execs Financially Accountable for Mismanagement! Pass the DEPOSIT Act.
274 so far! Help us get to 500 signers!
I am writing to urge you to pass the Deliver Executive Profits on Seized Institutions to Taxpayers (DEPOSIT) Act that was recently introduced by Sen. Richard Blumenthal and U.S. Reps Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Mike Levin (D-CA).
This important legislation would hold executives at failed banks financially responsible for their mismanagement and prevent them from selling off shares of stock, potentially profiting from their bank failure -- like Silicon Valley Bank CEO Greg Becker might have done when he sold $3.6 million of stock shortly before the collapse of SVB.
American taxpayers shouldn’t be left holding the bag and bailing out banks while their executives are walking away with multi-million dollar compensation and bonus packages. Please respond in writing and let me know you co-sponsored this bill. Thanks!
▶ Created on March 24, 2023 by Jess Craven
📱 Text SIGN PNFKGB to 50409
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thecpdiary · 4 days
Life Struggles and Coping with Loss
Life is challenging right now and I’m struggling to find my footing. I know its autism; tinnitus, societal unrest, the political corruption and mismanagement that's chipping away at my sense of peace. It feels like every news headline throws another curveball, making it even harder to navigate through the daily noise. It's important to talk about these things.
Brexit, the cost of living crisis and Covid-19 Brexit, the cost of living crisis and the financial worries are also a heavy weight. Covid-19 is still a threat. I already deal with anxiety, and these things makes it worse. Politics never seems to quiet down. The constant noise of politics, the stress of every day living, adds more to the stress. These added layers only exacerbate it.
Losing my twin Losing my twin has also been a heavy blow, compounding the burden. Her passing has left a void that weighs heavily. For six months before her untimely death, the anticipation of losing her, combined with all the other challenges, made everything worse. I'm sure I'm not alone in these external struggles, that others are going through similar things, that we're all just trying to find our way through this mess. I guess what I am trying to say, is I’m just trying to make sense of a world that feels more overwhelming each day, grappling with loss and the myriad of stressors that often seem relentless.
For more relatable, lifestyle blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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dougielombax · 4 months
What’s that?
We’re in a recession?
Oh no!
Did you know, I honestly couldn’t tell?
No if only because it feels like this country has been perpetually BROKE since 2006 all because of shitheaded middle aged mediocrities in grey suits with no principles whatsoever beyond making as much money for themselves as possible! They and their perpetual mismanagement and self-sabotage.
Most people wouldn’t notice! Myself included!
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
A number of international observers (including the World Bank) have noted a culture of mismanagement within the PWA. This mismanagement includes a lack of infrastructure maintenance, which causes a 33% loss of water due to leaks and theft (three times the amount of water that the Israeli water system loses), as well as wasteful water usage.
Palestinian agriculture uses 100% potable water (60% of the water used by Israeli agriculture in the West Bank uses non-potable water sources), and utilizes outdated farming techniques that lead to over-watered crops. In addition, the PWA was unable to wrest control over the water resources in certain Palestinian municipalities from the local authorities, which led to the decentralization of the Palestinian water system and rampant water theft.
Alongside its mismanagement of the Palestinian water system, the PA has also politicized it, by intermittently boycotting the JWC (in order to avoid advancing any water projects that would benefit Israeli communities in the West Bank), as well as rejecting an Israeli proposal to build a desalination plant along the Mediterranean coast for the benefit of Palestinians in the northern West Bank.
Not only does the PA mismanage and politicize the water system, but it also squanders its resources. Even though many Palestinian water projects were okayed by the JWC in the West Bank, most have never been actualized, even in Areas A and B of the West Bank, where the PA has full control over the infrastructure.
In 2017, in order to facilitate the development of the PA’s water system, it was decided that the JWC would no longer have authority in Areas A and B of the West Bank, where the majority of Palestinians live. However, this has had limited benefit for the local Palestinians.
Thus, when Palestinians in established West Bank communities suffer from water shortages, it is not due to Israeli stinginess or cruelty, but the ineptness of the Palestinian Water Administration, the politicization of the water system, and the PA’s inertia in developing the West Bank’s natural resources.
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mudwerks · 2 years
“Musk didn’t create an environment where the team wanted to stay,” sources told Bloomberg.
Musk faces fines if Twitter’s gutted child safety team becomes overwhelmed | Ars Technica
I think this is the key aspect of the drama. And this quote flatly states the obvious and overwhelming problem. 
People like mr. munk seem to truly believe that they are doing exciting and uplifting things, and that everyone will be clamoring for a plum position in this wonderful fantasy scenario. 
Meanwhile mr. munk is creating an extremely unpleasant workplace through his inability to manage humans. Good employees leave, they can get a good job at a well-managed operation. The people you end up retaining over time are the people who don’t have easy opportunities elsewhere. 
A GOOD leader who has poor communication skills will eventually realize they need someone ELSE to fulfill this human to human management role. Unfortunately mr. munk feels NO ONE but himself can possibly make this work. (maga? anyone?)
Engineers are humans, they have human needs. I’ve managed computer engineers. This is the opposite of the workplace you need to create to get people ready to voluntarily work long and hard, because they love what they are doing AND are being treated with the respect and remuneration they deserve.
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kitsune-kaos · 1 year
Work Rant Time:
I’ve been at my job for over 220 days and am still waiting to get my 90-day review. With our review we’re supposed to get a raise. In my interview, the COO also told me I’d get a raise after 60 days. I have not been compensated and I’m worried they won’t provide back pay. I contacter the COO, who is the one who hasn’t processed the review, and all she had to say was “Thank you Michael!!!”
I also asked for a development plan (even if it’s just a list of skills they want me to develop) and she has yet to respond.
I also got turned down for a position because I haven’t been trained on cats—something I have no control over. The COO makes the schedules, and I told her two months ago that I was interested in learning the other routines.
She also scheduled me to work Thanksgiving and Xmas, but refused to compensate me for Thanksgiving because they wrote it into their handbook that those in their 90-day "trial period" that they can't accrue holiday pay. And yet she still scheduled me, knowing that they wouldn't compensate me for it.
Also, my gma died right before i starter. I had the decency to let them know to schedule me off on the day of the funeral. She later told me that I didn't qualify for bereavement because I wasn't scheduled that day.
Mind you she makes $120,000 salary despite being barely present because she works at two other unrelated shelters, which is why I’ve seen her in person less that 10 times over 7.5 months. She’s a leach and a burden to the organization. I blame her for the death of many animals who’s behavior could’ve improved if she’d just approve a goddamn enrichment plan for them. She also approved euthanasias for animals she’s never seen/engaged with in person.
Just vile. She’s such a disappointment.
And it doesn’t help that she’s close with the CEO.
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mbrainspaz · 10 months
If I seem manic it's because this week I went from working 8-10 hours a day outside to working 6 to 5 to 4 hours because I had to work through the weekend to cover for my coworker but my boss is still refusing to give me overtime hours. So I'm super stressed about all the stuff that just isn't getting done and it doesn't feel like I'm expending as much energy. My sleep schedule has been out of whack because that first night I wasn't as tired as usual and woke up at 4am. Last night I accidentally stayed up past 1am. A crucial piece of equipment has been broken down for days. We are in a severe drought and nobody is running the sprinklers today. I won't get paid for setting them up these last two days anyway. They most likely won't run tomorrow either since the 60 year old man who's been covering the morning shift (who doesn't even officially work here) never sets those up. Thank gods they at least gave me ONE fiercely competent temp worker so together we've been able to blaze through what would otherwise take me 8 hours in 4-ish hours at the end of every day. I still went out these last two mornings and gave two horses their feed that I knew the older guy would forget about. I am trying my darndest to be chill and not care but that's just not how I exist in this world. I broke down yesterday and begged the boss for a little more work time and she said 'I'll just do it,' and then didn't. It wasn't her fault that the old guy brought all the horses in too early but it's not like she knows about the sprinklers or the noon snacks. My soul is now screaming at an internal decibel that makes communicating that to her in a calm way impossible.
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bearpillowmonster · 10 months
Got a new post for you guys that's a continuation of the last few but it's gone off long enough so just know I'm referring to these for context. Honestly, it's gotten worse-
My boss was sent an email to which he had to print out and hand to people, I blurred out any names or indications to locations.
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I marked it up before taking a picture because I had so many questions, so that's the red pen but let's go through it. Also, it's obviously got a ton of typos and errors in it but that's this guy's signature.
He refers to two branches that don't close on Saturdays but are too shorthanded to fulfill it (because why, I don't really know but we'll get there.) And they expect the other branches to go over there in rotation to help. (you do one week, another guy does the next, so on and so forth) He says he asked to eliminate Saturdays but this guy is a penny pincher, I wouldn't believe that especially since that's all he elaborates on it.
He goes into detail about how it would work and then continues with the first underlined sentence, something I reread and reread and just couldn't wrap my head around. My manager made it plain though. Basically, this guy is threatening to punish those that don't comply...by opening their own branches on Saturday? And then the rotation would be weekly which is as stupid as it sounds, I know, I couldn't wrap my head around it because it's so beneath me that I couldn't process the reasoning behind it but yes, it's used as a threat. To make Saturdays a thing again and then make EVERY branch short handed and the problem grows and the cycle continues. This isn't our problem, you're just making a bigger mess than initially stated. And this wasn't backed by anybody else but himself, there is no CEO involvement, there is no higher up telling him this stuff, this is all him making bluffs and casting invisible chips that aren't there yet because there's no way that the CEO is going to approve that. An empty threat made on impulse and sent out before given any thought as to the repercussions. HR doesn't like it and if someone higher up hears about it, they probably won't either.
The next sentence just allocates which branch will fill in where but then goes on to explain that "If staff cannot work a Saturday, it is their responsibility to find a replacement and notify whatever manager available." This is also nobody's responsibility, this is a load of BS but this is his way of pushing off the problem. He sent out this memo for a reason and it's already almost over, can you guess why? Because he half bakes ideas, pushes them on other people and forces them to try and make the obvious blunder work, he then wipes his hands of it and blames you for the blunder you've now become "responsible" for. My coworker brought up that his son-in-law works at a prison and should the state mandate him to work on a Saturday then he would be in line to babysit his kids but he wouldn't know that until Friday night so there was no way that he could notify anybody of it or find a replacement.
Now the growing part. "One Manager and One Associate" this was originally going to be between four associates (including myself) but then one of the people already in this rotation brought up "But I'm technically a manager, why am I being singled out?" So this DSM's solution was to include all the managers and inside sales people, growing that measly 4 people that never gave an answer one way or the other into a threat to ALL employees. Well, I say all, I'll also get to that in a moment.
But the manager is needed to run overrides because the credit department doesn't have to work on Saturdays (whoop) and provide whatever's needed, that's the whole "denied or approved" part he could've worded that better. And that's about it with his sloppy name written at the bottom.
Now let's backtrack. ALL employees. This branch will NEED people who belong to this branch, STILL, because you need 1. A keyholder to lock and unlock the place. 2. Warehouse associates to pull and even find the product in the first place. Now wait- If you have all these people already needed, then why are we pulling from other places? My manager brought this up in a call about the warehouse guys and the response was something along the lines of "The warehouse workers there, you don't want to work on Saturdays." THEN WHY ARE THEY THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE? WHY ARE THEY EMPLOYEES? BECAUSE YOU'RE SHORTHANDED? WHY IS THIS ANY DIFFERENT? "Those are exactly the type of people I want there on Saturday because if they're being bad employees then I'm going to report them and-" My next point:
Saturdays are a good day to learn how to run stuff because THEY'RE NOT BUSY. Looking at the Saturday sales for each branch, they don't run it like their supposed to. Putting in orders for Saturday's business and having them pick it up on Monday is both a no-no and a useless effort because that person could've just called and said "I'll pick it up on Monday". That makes up more than half of Saturday sales for all the branches and the rest is kind of pitiful, you're spending more than you're pulling in. Branch...whatever, made -$16 last week. NEGATIVE. That means someone returned more stuff than they bought.
Then there are the people that are left. You see, this grew up to managers and inside sales but this company likes putting more labels on people than one can bear so technically that includes outside sales people and you can't single out them so you have to include them all and who's to stop there? Because there are teams of people in different departments that also fall into this category. If it's all about equal treatment then EVERYONE should be on board, regardless of their position. As long as they know how to operate the system, they qualify. But you know who won't be there? The DSM and the branch manager. Because both of them are complete imbeciles that think they have better to do and place all the work and blame on everyone beneath. Neither of them could last with just one of our customers, despite knowing the system, they'll never help out at the counter.
But this is where something interesting could happen. An uprising, if you will. I want us all to band together. I want us to beat this. But there's also an anniversary of the company coming up and it's before September 1st when this supposed thing starts. The CEO will be there. The DSM will be there. Need I say more? They're visiting all these branches and we can tell them exactly what we all think. That's what this calls for. I'm scared, terrified really because I'm not a confrontational kind of person, especially if I'm the starter, but enough is enough. We all have to do something.
If it doesn't become something then then it will later on down the line when everyone submits their overtime and mileage bill.
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zee-man-chatter · 1 year
A military that couldn’t fight it’s way out of a paper bag, and only IF they could make it to the battle. Now we have the Canada Revenue agency on strike, and no one to call if you need help with tax questions. We also had a million immigrants come into Canada this year, overwhelming housing and health services.
Is anyone realizing yet that Justin Trudeau can’t manage anything, let alone a country? We won’t even mention the Trudeau Foundation scandal and the Chinese election scandal. How much longer can Canada tolerate this nonsense? Even Nato now knows Trudeau’s promises are meaningless. It’s really past time to throw him out and get a competent government again.
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naamahdarling · 2 months
It took us a while to get to it, what with the broken foot and unmedicated ADHDx2 thing, but we did finally send an email to the operations manager at the clinic that's been fucking up the PA for my boyfriend's ADHD meds for weeks if not months. (See here for a partial rundown.)
We did it! We sent the thing! It was really fucking hard to write! We chose to just send a single letter together, instead of a letter from each of us, which meant I had to hold back a lot more than I was intending. I also had to find polite ways to phrase some very unflattering truths about the service and the employees.
We sent it yesterday morning. No idea when we'll hear back. I'm pretty hopeful that we will, though, since I have proof they had the paperwork they needed to send back to the insurance company at LEAST 20 days before they actually filled it out...which they only did because we called them out. It wasn't lost. They found it in less than one minute. They just didn't give a fuck.
Hopefully this won't trigger retaliation, but if it does...well...it'll be pretty obvious why, and that might give us some leverage in proving it. I really don't want him to have to jump to yet another clinic. I just want this one to do its job.
Anyway, round of applause for us!
Disabled people shouldn't have to troubleshoot their own medical care and do their providers' jobs for them!
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indizombie · 2 years
Around 600 employees from 122 government-run dialysis units across Karnataka are now on strike, affecting nearly 4,000 patients. The employees gathered at the Freedom Park in Bengaluru — the second time in three months — on Thursday, 20 October, protesting against the mismanagement of the centres by the state government and Sanjeevani. The protesters said they had not been paid for the past three months. The authorities have now promised to meet their demands at the earliest. The protesters, however, refused to budge. “We don’t want fake promises and those that would remain only on paper. Last time, health minister Sudhakar met us and promised to fulfill the demands, but nothing happened. So this time, we will not call off the strike until our demands are met,” he said.
Chetana Belagere, ‘Undergo dialysis at your own risk in state-run units in Karnataka. Here is why’, South First
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nerdykeith · 2 years
We all laugh at the sheer incompetence of Elon Musk's leadership of Twitter. But the really sad thing is his arrogance has real world effects. It's more than just having to put up with bigots posting inflammatory comments on the platform. Twitter losing massive amounts of money is resulting to massive layoffs. My heart goes out to all of the former Twitter employees now out of work. I really hope you can all bounce back from this. Many other tech companies would be lucky to have you.
Personally I was a huge fan of Twitter when it was first launched back in 2006. Back then it was mainly YouTubers and other content creators who used it. It's unfortunate what it has become.
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eaglesnick · 2 years
Same old personnel
Jeremy Hunt was in the Conservative-Liberal Democratic government that was formed in 2010.  Hunt has been quoted as saying that David Cameron and George Osborne showed political “genius” by persuading the country to accept public spending cuts without sparking violent protests.
Same old policies
After 12 years of Conservative rule, where Tory Austerity saw our public services cut to the bone, ruining millions of lives, nothing has changed. We are now, thanks to Jeremy Hunt, facing Austerity ll, and it threatens to be even more damaging to our public services than ever before.
Same old excuses
George Osborne 2014 Budget Speech:
 “I have never shied away from telling the British people about the difficult decisions we face.”
Jeremy Hunt 17.10.22 :
“…I want to be honest with people: we have some very difficult decisions ahead.”
Same old results
All this means is that ordinary working people can expect to see their living conditions continue to worsen over the foreseeable future. The rich will become richer: the poor will become poorer.
Office of National Statistics. 21.01.21.  
The Poor
“In the 10-year period leading up to FYE 2020, median income for the poorest fifth fell overall by 4.8% (£690) to £13,800.”
The Rich
“…income of the richest fifth continued to grow steadily between FYE 2017 and FYE 2020, meaning that some measures of income inequality have increased over this period.”
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