#Mod Note: Edited for formatting
mxtxfoodzine · 11 months
Introducing the 2023 MXTX Food Zine!
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The second edition of the MXTX Food Zine is out now in PDF and ready-to-print format! Inside, you'll find 23 delicious recipes and 30 new fanworks across all three MXTX fandoms, including art, fanfiction, and themed recipe cards.
Special thanks to @czeriah for the print tests and design work, to @moonlvster for the cover art, and to all the creators: this project would never have been possible without you.
To the fandom: reblog this post, download the zine, and enjoy! If you can't access the documents, email [email protected] for help or message the mods here on tumblr.
The mods would like to note that this zine has always been free, in order to make the production period a stress-free experience for creators and allow readers to enjoy the finished product without having to budget for it. However, if you would like to donate something or support us via platforms like Ko-Fi, we ask instead that you donate to organizations providing humanitarian aid in Palestine, linked in this post. (Post link updated March 2, 2024.)
For more fun recipes, check out the 2022 edition of the zine here.
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technobladecookbook · 1 month
Current Schedule
Mod applications open: September 1st
Mod applications close: September 11th
Discord opens: September 12th (https://discord.gg/Me7PSGUGHs)
Recipe submissions open: September 14th
Recipe submissions close: October 14th
Artist and writer applications open: October 20th
Artist and writer applications close: October 31st
Creation period begins: November 9th
Second round of artist claims (IF NEEDED): TBA
Plan check-in: November 16th (Expected: a rough plan of what the artist plans to make, a collective plan from writers)
Check-in #1: December 1st (Expected: at least a sketch for artists, at least an individual outline/plan for writers)
Check-in #2: January 1st (Expected: at least halfway complete for both artists and writers)
Check-in #3: February 1st (Expected: mostly complete, only a bit left until done)
Formatting mod applications open: February 5th
Creation period ends: February 22nd
Formatting mod applications close: February 24th
Final editing begins: TBA
Editing ends: TBA
Cookbook is released: TBA
NOTE: This schedule may change slightly depending on how everything goes
Tags for finding things
#asks (this is where all asks are, and most questions we answer are also here)
#information (this is where all important information about the zine/running of the zine is)
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discord-lurking · 9 months
Dungeons and Daddies Wiki Drama: A Greek Tragedy Told through the Medium of Forum Posts (Part 1)
Greek tragedies are typically formatted in three or more acts interspersed with choral interludes, beginning with a prologue, and ending with an exodus. In these, protagonists often meet their downfall due to their fatal flaw, or hamartia: the ways in which the protagonists are their own undoing. Our own human failings are the things that bring us the most pain.
When considering a three-act Greek tragedy structure for this, my first thought was to use the Oresteia as a framing device, a trilogy of plays written by Aeschylus about Agamemnon's family in the aftermath of the Trojan War. Upon reflection, though, the themes of the Oresteia (revenge vs. justice, perpetuating a cycle of violence, honor and punishment) didn't quite fit the story I was trying to tell.
No, this is a classic tale of hubris: excessive pride and its ultimate downfall.
After all, what position could come with more power than that of wiki moderator for a Dungeons and Dragons podcast series?
Act One: The Beginning of the End
The D&Dads wiki has historically been... unhelpful, at best. (Source: Myself.) Trouble had been brewing for a long time.
Forum posts from spring 2022 began noting issues cropping up around the wiki. First, it was a complaint about anonymous users "disrupting" the wiki (specifically on Jodie-related pages) while also fixing mistakes in articles.
I'm unsure what specific "disruptions" were meant, but the proposal to ban anonymous users didn't garner much traction.
March 21st, 2022:
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After little activity for months (only one forum post, related to infoboxes), wiki user TwoRatner had a radical proposition: wiki migration.
December 17th, 2022:
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TwoRatner suggested an alternate platform that would have different editing options, then made a potentially-prophetic statement: the wiki might be cursed.
This warning went unheeded.
December 27th, 2022:
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Ten days after the migration suggestion, TwoRatner came back to ask if there were any recent changes. This went unanswered for months until new user Penguinwithafancytophat reported adding art to character pages (including Glenn, a main season 1 character since the start of the podcast in 2019, who incredibly might not have had any official art on his wiki page before March of 2023).
Spring of 2023 seemed to bring along a revival of the wiki, with new editors coming in, engaging with the forum, and attempting to make suggestions on how to improve wiki organization.
March 31st, 2023:
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May 27th, 2023:
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July 17th, 2023:
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October 2nd, 2023:
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Interestingly, the only administrator seen to be interacting with these enthusiastic new editors? Gaycowboyrats. Let's put a pin in that.
Enter: the drama.
It started out simple enough- a forum posts for administrators to discuss changes that needed to be made.
November 3rd, 2023:
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76 replies.
Seventy. Six. Replies. Each deeply interesting in its own way.
However, this is a Tumblr post, not an Hbomberguy video essay, so I'll keep it brief.
The discussion started out as one might expect a wiki admin discussion to start:
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Mods discussed blocks, deleting stub pages, spam, etc. Standard wiki business.
The first reply to ping my interest:
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Removing cast pages from a wiki about their work seemed like an odd decision, in my non-wiki-editor opinion, but the last line is what really stuck out: "Besides, I hate the idea of someone vandalizing the pages to defame them."
Several questions arose for me:
Was this a known problem? Were people constantly vandalizing cast pages?
Would a vandalized fandom wiki page really defame somebody?
Isn't the point of wiki editing to remove vandalization on articles?
The administrators began to stand out to me as deeply invested in a very specific sense of wiki justice.
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Users TwoRatner, Brazil86, and TheOneTrueGod41 agreed with Honic's take.
Another thing to ping my interest: these users seemed to share a similar odd, slightly stilted, writing style. Almost Tommy Wiseau-esque.
Brazil86 expressed optimism about users engaging with wiki pages, something that would begin to set them apart from other administrators.
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As I read, themes began to emerge: wiki justice, and incongruous one-liners.
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Quoth Honic Washington: "I just found a wave of nonsense fish. My backyard is full of them. Hey, TOTG41, do you like jazz? I like jazz."
Truly, modern poetry.
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Administrator Marth8204 suggested giving people more time. More time for what? Unclear. It seems a plan was afoot.
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TwoRatner came in with a hot take: "I feel like we need a community more right now, than adding links that people can search for in the search bar."
Brazil86 agreed: Changing the navigation was less important than getting people editing and making friends.
Another theme began to emerge: wiki community as more important than wiki functionality.
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Gaycowboyrats had some (incredibly reasonable) objections to this, pointing out that the wiki was a resource for many visitors who might not participate- something that is generally true of wikis as a form of content.
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Honic Washington responded to this, the signs of wiki-related stress beginning to show.
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Honic posts a long rant about the thankless task of moderating a wiki, which goes largely unacknowledged.
Notable TwoRatner quotes:
"You can't crack open a few omelets without punching a few egg-rolls."
"Now Freddie will get more money. What do you all say? I think I helped quite a bit."
Another theme emerges: discontent in the wiki moderator ranks.
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Honic reaches full Joker mode. Again, this goes largely unacknowledged.
Honic: "I am leader. I am a painter! Keep your rules. Keep your status. Keep your friends."
"Keep your status"- words that will reverberate throughout the rest of this tale.
The final theme? Wiki moderator status, and the maintenance of it.
After Honic's bomb drop, conversation about regular wiki moderation continued, with mods considering the addition of a bot to make edits.
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Admin Discussion Zone, first started by Honic Washington, ends not with a bang but with a whimper.
Over nearly a year of forum posts, patterns emerged.
Firstly- users attempting to engage in the wiki, wiki administrators not engaging with these new users, then wiki administrators bemoaning the lack of user engagement.
The notable exception was Gaycowboyrats, the only wiki administrator to engage with new users in the forums. Gaycowboyrats, the administrator whose (incredibly reasonable) suggestions ended with Honic Washington's villain-esque monologues and denouement as a moderator.
Secondly- administrators putting forth large-scale, drastic solutions to real or perceived wiki problems. This includes Cheesoid4 wanting to ban anonymous users, TwoRatner suggesting site migration, Honic deleting cast pages to prevent vandalism, and more to come.
Thirdly- wiki administrators seeming to share similar styles of speech and occasional non-sequiturs. Interestingly, this mainly seems to include the wiki administrators who agree with each other.
Funny how that happens.
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Stay tuned for Part 2, where the forum drama really starts to heat up.
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lazyduchess · 1 year
Progress on figuring out TS2 effects. Ammar, who is working on OpenTS2 with me, did some amazing work figuring out the effects format, and we found some hidden functionality in TS2 that allows us to edit effects more easily:
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Effects in TS2 control a ton of things, most obviously particle effects like the musical notes in hood deco, clouds, fire, smoke, but also decals (like the farm fields in hood view), hood flybys, the skybox, even camera movements like the zoom animation in CAS.
We weren't able to mod these before! Still tons of research to be done.
Here are the effects in action in OpenTS2 (implementation is still early)
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r3dcam3llias · 1 month
How to Download Our Life: Beginnings and Always Mods
(a step-by-step guide!)
If you've ever wanted to download extra content for OLBA but were unsure how or where to even start, this post will hopefully explain everything you need to know!
What you will need:
Our Life: Beginnings and Always
RPA extractor
Latest version of Python
RPA repack tool
1. Finding mods.
As far as I'm aware, there are very few people who make OLBA mods, but if you do happen to come across someone who makes mods/script edits and would like to download them, you'll likely end up with files with the end extension ".rpy" or ".rpyc" Because the software used to make OLBA is Ren'py, these are ren'py script files that basically contain the script that runs the mod and official script files. (Note: Some mods that don't just simply add onto/edit/add more scenes may also include other important resource files (images, sounds etc...) and might be formatted in a ".zip" file. I'll cover how to unzip and use those as well.)
2. Find your game files.
First of all, before you do anything with your .zip or .rpy/.rpyc file(s) you're going to need to find your copy of your OLBA game's files. For Steam, you should be able to open the Steam app on your computer, navigate to your library, right-click your copy of OLBA, select "properties", navigate to the "Installed Files" tab, and click the "Browse" button.
For a direct download of the game such as from Itch.io, you should just be able to navigate to wherever you downloaded your game and find the same results. You should see your game files now like the picture below.
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3. Finding/extracting the RPA file.
Now, you are going to want to navigate to the "game" folder inside the OLBA folder. Here you should find these files:
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(Note: depending on whether you have the DLC or not, you may or may not have the DLC files. I do not have the Baxter or Derek DLC so I don't have those files here.) These files are basically all the .rpy/rpyc files, along with images, sounds and all other resources for the game, compressed into single files. So, in order to add our modded files, we will need to extract whichever RPA file pertains to the mod. For example, archive.rpa contains all the scripts, etc from the main game. The rest should just be DLC, so if you have a mod that only affects the main game, you will only need to extract that file. The same works if it is a mod that only affects a DLC; you will only need to extract that respective DLC file.
To do this, you can either download this RPA extractor or find your own and follow its steps. For this tutorial, we will be following the steps of the RPA extractor provided. Once you have downloaded the RPA extractor, drag the .RPA file you want to extract out of the OLBA folder, into a new folder, then drag and drop it onto the RPA extractor icon (shown below)
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This should open a new Command window where the .rpa file will be extracted. You should end with something like this:
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(for this example I extracted the step 3 DLC RPA file)
Now you should have a new folder containing all the .rpy and resource files you need.
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4. What to do with modded .rpy/.rpyc and/or .zip files?
If the mod you downloaded just came with the files not zipped, you can skip this first part. Otherwise, you will need to unzip this zipped folder. To do this, you can either just right-click the zipped file and click "Extract All" and "Extract" when a new window pops up.
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Alternatively, you can use a program such as 7-zip, which may help extract speeds for large files. Now, you should have, or already have your modded .rpa files on hand (finally!) Normally, if these files are editing preexisting material from the game or adding new scenes, at least one file, if not all of them will have the SAME EXACT file name as an already existing file. In this case, BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING go into the folder(s) you got earlier by extracting the .rpa file(s) and look for the file(s) with the same name(s) as your modded .rpy/.rpyc file(s) and either make a copy or move them somewhere safe in case something is wrong with your modded files/you no longer want the modded files, you can put the original files back in. Once you have done this, you are going to drag the modded files directly into the folder(s) you got earlier by extracting the .rpa file(s). MAKE SURE YOU PUT THEM IN THE CORRECT FOLDERS AND EITHER OVERWRITE THE ORIGINAL FILES OR MAKE SURE THEY HAVE BEEN REMOVED.
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If there are any other files, such as sounds or images or .rpy/rpyc files, feel free to just make another folder to put these in.
5. Repacking the RPA file.
Now these next steps can get really complicated, so I'll break them down into smaller steps. 1.) Download the RPA repack tool (make sure to unzip it) and the latest version of Python if you haven't already.
2.) Inside the unzipped "rpa-master" folder you'll find another folder of the same name. Inside this folder all you need is the "rpatool" file. Take this file and move it into a new folder completely outside of the "rpa-master" folder, name this folder whatever you want, it doesn't matter. (EXAMPLE BELOW)
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3.) Now take the folder(s) you got from extracting the .rpa file earlier or created and put them in this new folder. (EXAMPLE BELOW)
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4.) Type "cmd" into the path while in the folder with both of these.
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5.) Now, a command prompt window should pop up, type in this:
 py rpatool -c
followed by the name of the .rpa file you want to make and the name of the folder(s) you are repacking separated by a space for each. (EXAMPLE BELOW)
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6.) Depending on the size of your file it might take some time, but once you see the .rpa file appear in the folder, you're all done! It should look something like this:
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Now, all that's left to do is put that .rpa file into the game folder with the rest of the .rpa files !! After that you can test it out and your mods should now work!
As always if you have any questions or need help doing this yourself, feel free to contact me or submit an ask!
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lady-bonajade · 2 months
There's no backing out now, for me... or for you.
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Wealth is the recipe to happiness. Giving it to those who desire happiness is making the best use of it. In this way, my job also brings people happiness. Anyone can receive this blessing... They only have to pay an equivalent price.
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Welcome to the Bonajade Exchange, dearest customer. In a place where one can have anything they dream of in a most simple exchange of goods, the possibilities are endless.
Simply state your desire, and I'll name my price. All sales are not final, in fact-- if it is more that you wish for, it's completely possible to negotiate a more taxing contract with a small price.
As for any kind of refund? I'm afraid that isn't possible. What you are ready to offer me, hence what I will take, is mine for as long as this enterprise stands.
I assure you, however, that you'll find the risk is worthwhile once you discover the rewards you may reap from this deal.
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Notes from the moderator:
~ Mod also runs the @aventurine-official rp account, so the format is her own and is not plagiarized :)
~ This Jade does not use a whip-- I have an edited kit if anybody is curious about it!
~ Keep the asks sfw if you please. Lightly suggestive asks are welcome, but nothing nsfw will be tolerated.
~ No random links in asks unless they are links to other Tumblr posts (if they are there, please specify what they are)
~ Be kind, please. Any hateful comments related but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, ageism and transphobia will not be tolerated here and you may be blocked.
~ I will not tolerate any extreme hate directed through asks. Be nice, and remember that Jade is a fictional character and that a real person is seeing your asks.
~ All ships (age-appropriate) are welcome, although I do headcanon Jade as a lesbian :3
~ Try to avoid sending DMs to the mod unless you are another mod
~ Anons are more than welcome here! You may have a personalized tag and everything :)
List of current anon signoffs here
Key (if applicable):
" " : for dialogue
* * : for movements
( ) : ooc
#bonajade exchange 🥂 : Art reblogs
#reaped rewards 🍾 : Random thoughts and calm moments
#a fruitful exchange 🪙 : Asks from anons and others
#a new face a different place 🍷: Interactions with Honkai Star Rail blogs
#the city that always sleeps 🏙️ : Interactions with characters from Penacony
#money money money 💵 : Interactions with other members of the IPC
#all that glitters 💎 : Interactions with / mentions of the other Stonehearts
#curious collector ❤️ : Interactions with / mentions of Topaz
#impertinant peacock 🦚 : Interactions with/mentions of Aventurine
#a lost soul 🗿 : Interactions with / mentions of Dr. Ratio
#doomed songbird 🕊️: Interactions with / mentions of Robin
#tenacious troublemaker 👠 : Interactions with / mentions of Garnet (a lovely mod's OC!)
Masterlist post of Honkai Star Rail-official blogs linked here
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gatheredfates · 4 months
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Hi all, happy Friday! The Compendium update is happening a little earlier this week; mostly because I'm working on it in between Rabanastre queues (c'mere tomes) and because I can. 🦀 If there's a belated addition, I'll update at the end of this weekend as per normal.
However, as of today (05/24) the following resources have been added to Sea's Community Compendium for XIV Creatives.
Nyanya.studio — Hosted by Nya Nya, this website/community services the gpose and modding community, offering posing, lighting, editing guides, and reshade presets for XIV.
(Thanks to @zylphiacrowley for the suggestion!)
WOL Prompt a Day — #WOLpromptAday is maintained by members of the “Waltz for the Moon” coalition. @ffxivwaltzforthemoon and offers a daily prompt you can answer for your character(s) in any creative format you like!
XIV Daily Question — has been removed due to inactivity.
Want to submit? You can either fill out the google form here, send me an ask with the relevant information contained on the Compendium, or join my Discord at SEAFLOOR (21+ only)!
Is my space suitable for the Compendium? Most of the time, yes! Below the read more is some more information/stipulations. Again, all the below information is accessible on the document! 🐡
Below are the following things I do not accept on the Compendium:
Personal/Single-Character LFC ads.
Content intended for or can be used for bullying, harassment and OOC gossip. E.g. ‘Secrets�� blogs, receipts, callout posts, etc. This does not include in-character tabloid blogs used to generate RP.
Communities that do not have an RP/writing element (large-scale exempt).
Anything I find personally distasteful or goes against the spirit of this project.
Common-sense rule applies.
I want to put my community on the compendium but we have an application process. Is this okay?
Yes! Just note somewhere in your application that's a requirement. The only thing that is mandatory for the Compendium is that you must be open to new members or have a public-facing/accessible facet. There's no point advertising a community if no one can join it in some way!
I want to put my community on the compendium but I only have x number of members —
Also totally okay! People don't start with large communities. Activity is a must but, whether your server has two or two thousand members, if you're looking for new people to join, I'd love to help you find people.
I want to put my community on the compendium but I worry its too niche?
Okay, and? If your Eorzean Fishing Alliance has four members but you roleplay every second weekend, I still want to know about it.
What resources/communities can I add if I'm not the owner of them?
Mutual consent is extremely important to me, so anything that isn't a large-scale community OR a publicly accessible resource must be endorsed by the owner/admin/moderators in order to be added to the compendium. I operate under the assumption that a resource posted to a public space (tumblr, googledocs, youtube, etc) is open to all. A large-scale community is one with a significant member count or openly advertises itself as being accessible to everyone for whatever purpose it serves. If in doubt, please get in touch with me. I'm happy to contact your community owners for you!
How active does a community need to be?
If you find a community has not been active in about two/three months, send me a message and I'll take a look at it. Communities have ebbs and flows, especially event spaces that may take hiatuses depending on member interest/life events. I'm not strict in my implementation provided a space isn't dead. If a link or anything is broken, absolutely contact me about that.
I have [insert a question not stated here]?
No drama! Send me an ask or use the #Compendium channel in my Discord!
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pudding-parade · 2 years
Piece of Paradise by Visty6
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Do you like elaborate Victorian architecture? Then this might be a world for you. Alternatively, are you OK with utterly destroying elaborate Victorian architecture and creating a beautiful natural environment for fairies or merpeople instead? Then this also might be a world for you. :)
In general, I really like this creator's worlds. They're usually small, (mostly) empty, often roadless, and they're always beautifully decorated with a riot of dense, colorful flora and pretty waterfalls and such. If you like such worlds, I highly recommend that you take a look at the other worlds on this creator's blog, too, as well as the lots they have up for download. I use this creator's worlds often to make naturalistic fairies-only worlds, which is something I like to play sometimes. They're perfect for that.
This one, however, is suitable for humans because it has houses and rabbitholes and such. However, as you might have guessed, I have also used it as a dedicated world for merpeople, after bulldozing all the existing lots, creating a more natural living environment, and adding some diving lots. The mers swim between the islands to get where they're going, and because the islands are close together, it doesn't take too long to swim between them, so it works beautifully.
The world's download page also has a lot of pics of the world, so you can look at them there, too. (As usual, the title of this post is a link to the world's download page.) I'm not sure if/how those pics are edited and/or what sort of lighting mods and such the creator used for their pics, if any, so I'm posting pics taken in my own game with my lighting mod and my minimalist Reshade and such. Between the two sets of pics, hopefully you'll get an idea of how the place might look in your own game. :)
Note: This world does use some CC, all made by the world's creator. I'm not going to say it's required, because it's outdoor plants, but if you don't have them, you will lose some of the "look" of the lots. The CC isn't included in the world but is rather linked to on the world's download page. However, when you go to those pages, you'll likely get a security warning from your browser/antivirus. It may or may not be false positives. Either way, my computer is like Fort Knox, so I just barge right through. :)
I don't generally reupload non-Exchange worlds with these overviews, especially not for creators who are still active (though Visty has moved on to TS4), but I'm making an exception here because of the possible security issues. So, I'm reuploading a folder with the CC in .package format along with a .world file for the world. The file is here. The .world file goes in your install files under GameData - Shared - NonPackaged - Worlds, while the CC .package files go in with all your other CC. I made it so that the CC is separate from the .world file, so that you can decide whether or not you want to install the CC. I recommend that you do if you're going to keep the world as-is -- if you're going to tear it all down, obviously you won't need the CC :) -- and I installed the CC to take the pics on this post, but it's up to you. It's only 10 files, total, nine plants and an arbor. The plants are mostly climbing roses for walls/columns/porches and roses that drape over the arbor. So, if you like Victorian/cottage-y kind of feels, the CC would probably be useful to you in general.
More info and pics behind the cut!
Here are Edit Town images of the islands with lots on them, pre-built and otherwise:
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And here is a map view image that includes the two community rabbithole lots:
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According to its download page and Google Translate (because the download page is in Czech, and I don't speak Czech), the world requires World Adventures, Pets, Supernatural, Seasons, and University Life. I don't think it has any Store content. The most important EP to have is Supernatural because each island in the world has a LLAMA box or two on it. So unless you want your sims constantly using water taxis to get anywhere, you'll want Supernatural installed for this world. Plus, many of the rabbitholes and much of the build/buy stuff is from Supernatural.
The world is roadless. There are footpaths on some of the larger islands, but mostly you're meant to travel to the different lots via the LLAMA boxes. Because of the nature of the world, I would recommend using NRaas Register to disable strays and wildlife in the world. They will just get stuck if you don't.
I'm not sure how big the world is overall. I think it might be 1024x1024, but whatever the case, the playable area is a collection of small islands clustered together, as you can see in the pics. Thanks to combo rabbitholes, the world does manage to squeeze in most of the base game rabbitholes. It doesn't have a diner, a stadium, or a mausoleum. It doesn't have an equestrian center, but horses wouldn't be practical in this world, anyway. And it doesn't have the Supernatural rabbitholes, but those and a mausoleum are easy enough to plop down somewhere, if you want them.
The world has no spawners except for fish. Even minor pets do not spawn. This is typical of Visty's worlds, for whatever reason. So, if you want collectibles and minor pets and such, you'll need to add spawners yourself.
There are 15 pre-placed lots, total. Other than the two rabbithole lots, they are residential or empty. There are six pre-built residential lots (If Google translated the Czech on the download page correctly, the residential lots were made by a different creator) and seven empty lots to do with as you please. Most of the pre-built lots are fully furnished/decorated, but one is completely empty and one is semi-empty inside.
You might want to use some of the empty lots to build/place other kinds of community lots -- Like a graveyard, for instance -- because the world has none of them. It is also possible to add more lots, especially on the islands that have none and especially if you want to add some lots that extend into the water and then build some ports/houseboats or over-the-water lots on stilts. But, there are also some spots on some of the islands where you could squeeze in small lots completely on land, too, if you need more lots. Such added lots will likely not be flat, however. The islands that only have pre-placed empty lots on them already have LLAMA boxes placed off-lot, in the world, like so:
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So, you don't have to worry about adding them to the lots you build/place buildings on the pre-placed empty lots.
Here are exterior pics of the pre-built residential lots:
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Personally, while the lots are creatively built, lavishly landscaped, and very pretty to look at, I'm not in love with them. Partly, this is because I detest Victorian-style architecture but it's mostly because the houses just don't seem practical for playing purposes. Those that are fully furnished and decorated are cluttered and pretty cramped inside, with sunken spaces and small rooms that I can see sims getting stuck in. Or, it's likely that a pair of sims will have to walk a bit to find a spot that's large enough that they can do the routing necessary to have a conversation. Plus, about half of them only have one bedroom, despite being large. So, it would maybe be great if you're playing the world as a retirement island for wealthy elders or if you're just using it as a set/backdrop for period storytelling, but for regular playing with families? I'm thinking not. This is why I was happy to bulldoze the lots and reimagine the entire world, but maybe it will be your cup of tea just as it is.
Here are some random pics of some of the interiors of the fully-furnished/decorated houses, so you can see something of what I mean:
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Here is a view of the lot with most of the rabbitholes:
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And I think that's about all I have to say. We'll finish off with more random scenery.
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single-malt-scotch · 8 months
Given we are two episodes in to bdubs this HC seasons I will ramble a tad about his format this season and the timeline/comparisons to past ones!
Let's talk in parts for a second. For thumbnails. I didn't really know what to expect tbh. He's been going more minimalist in thumbnails for a while now- HC S9 and Create have very simple thumbnails very focus on the builds (if they occur in the HC video). Go from season 7 HC to now and they've changed a Lot. S8 was simple too if you take away the color overlay. But S10 is mega simple. There isn't even a title on the thumbnails!
Then intros. S7 and S8 would randomly have an intro of "welcome to hermitcraft!" And sometimes none at all. S9 started "welcome to hoymicraf" (how do we spell this) consistently. Additionally all those seasons had some intros beginning with some third person camera to start a scene (more consistent as time went), or without that intro in season 7, 8 and 10 we'd also just start in first pov while bdubs is already in action. Additionally intro music was always very energetic, and so far what we heard in his first s10 intro (and based off the time lapses) we are getting something way more chill. Ep2's intro is one of those exceptions for the specific scenarios that happen sometimes. The choice of situational music.
General editing? Kinda crossed over with intros here because intros have very blatant editing with music and camera etc. Tbh the biggest thing to any season is music choice, which changes how things feel entirely. Past seasons had faster paced songs in intros and many building segments had orchestral, so on. The way those building segments play out has slowly turned into bdubs cutting it up to fit the beat of music, which is most apparent now in S10 and bwb S3. For S10 I feel like this enunciates the calm music even more as it puts emphasis on what is the louder/more striking note of the song. Through S10 episodes right now we have seen more use of replay mod in more than just the intro. Usually wide shots with music. Thought out compositions and wide shots often showing scale of things around him. Even purposefully taking moments to stop and pause and linger on the shot. Definitely more cinematic, and completely different with his it slows down.
It is interesting to see what some people might feel is a total 180! Considering I have seen the flow of his format for so long "slow" is not unfamiliar but because he has grown so much as a commentator he handles this very well. It's not "old inexperienced commentator" slow. Because you can tell if you pay attention he isn't different from who he has been in recent years. He's always the same and going this direction is done w the same level of development and experience. Hes still silly, he's still got energy. It's just presentation! It feels different a lot by how he's editing.
Even so it makes me wonder Why. Was his previous loud style and high energy more aimed at when his kids were just born and very little, and he had an obvious shift to making his videos possibly more appealing to children and be child appropriate? Has he 'mellowed out' for any particular reason? If you watch him a lot, especially his Livestreams (the member ones rly) bdubs thinks hard about his building skills. He is genuinely an artist aiming to improve every day and I think he's gotten a lot back into really expressing his thoughts and feelings regarding the art. It's been a gradual focus returning I have seen. Perhaps he has decided to lean into this more on purpose, and in doing so that shifts his focus away from what people felt was "childish" acting. But it's important to remember, as a bdubs lover, the analysis here isn't actually one to say he's "changed" because he hasn't. As a content creator he knows what he's going for and to some level has consciously made these changes. We still got bdubs, he's just doing it different. And honestly if you were turned off by the energy of S9, I highly recommend giving this season a watch if you want something more artistic, and good discussion about building process.
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deathbypufferfish · 2 years
How I Manage my Mods for Big Patch Updates!
Big updates can be overwhelming when you have a lot of mods, so I thought I would make a guide about how I keep track of things with google sheets!
As always, remember to back up your saves and take your mods folder out before you update! (taking the folder out is not necessary, but a good safeguard). Playing with unconfirmed and not updated mods after an update is at your own risk! If you want to wait until your mods are updated, turn off automatic updates and play in offline mode.
Even if you don't want to do a google sheet, it's still good to know where you can find your mod updates!
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Resource List:
Deaderpool Discord Server (public server)
Google Sheets (you can use any excel-based program but this is what I use and it's free) I'll be giving some tips but this is not a google sheets tutorial.
Scarlet/Sims VIP Broken/Updated Mod List (edit: Scarlet changed it so the list is not on google sheets but displayed on her site. It's the same link and you can still search with ctrl + f so nothing has changed in this tutorial. I use the filtered views list).
First off: I will always recommend sorting your mods into folders. At the very least, a separate folder for your mods away from your cc. Remember that script mods should only be at most, one folder deep. This is how I personally organize my mods. Note that they all start with "mods" so they all appear together alphabetically. I group big mods on their own and smaller mods into these categories.
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2. The first thing to do is to create a template sheet. This will be a list of your mods formatted in sheets that you can duplicate when an update happens. If you have any new mods, add them here and not to your update sheets. I do not include every single mod. The mods I include are my script mods and large tuning mods that are updated by their creators. Some mods, like for example the no blu by luumia, are small enough to not worry about and do not receive compatibility confirmations so I leave them out.
3. This is how my template is formatted:
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When an update happens, I will cross reference my sheet to the Scarlet's List and input whether it is broken, compatible or updated. Once a broken mod is updated, I will change the status accordingly.
The creator's name comes first so that way if you decide to sort the sheet A to Z they will be grouped by creator. (You'll see why later). Do this by left clicking on column A. If you sort by A to Z the column titles will be sorted too, so freeze that row.
Edit: I also recently added a column for the links to the mod pages! I suggest wrapping the text in that column to keep it neat.
4. The Scarlet/Sims VIP Broken/Updated Mod list is updated in real time by tons of contributors and modders. Additionally, you can look for updates regularly with Scarlet's weekly update and changes list (found through the same link above) or with the mod news channel in Deaderpool's Server, which also gives updates. For now we'll only be looking at the main patch list.
There's tons of mods on here, but don't be alarmed! You can simply search the mod list with Ctrl + F. I recommend searching by creator so there is no confusion on the mods' names.
When an update happens, I will go down the list on my new, duplicated sheet and search for the creators on the Scarlet's List. I then label it on my sheet whether it is listed as broken, compatible or updated. Once a broken mod is updated, I will change its status to "updated".
Mods are listed as "unknown" if their status hasn't been confirmed any which way. After some time, I'd say a small "unknown" mod is safe to go ahead with, but do that at your own risk. I mainly am looking out for the big script mods, many small tuning mods I am willing to give the go ahead if it is still unknown after my major mods are confirmed.
I recommend sitting down and reviewing your mods after a day or so has past after the patch, or you can keep up and regularly update it with Deaderpool's server. You can also use google sheets on your phone for convenience.
I do some conditional formatting as well to keep things more clear on my mods sheet. This is optional, but I do recommend it! Do this all on your template sheet so you do not have to redo it later on.
First, I go to Format>Alternating colors to make the rows clear from one another.
Go to Format>Conditional Formatting and select "add another rule".
Click on the top left square as shown here to select the entire sheet. The data range popup will appear. The data range should be something like 1:1000 (or whatever number of rows you have). Click ok.
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Choose "is equal to" for your format rules. Type in the one of the status names into "Value or Formula", I'm using "compatible". Select the color you wish the cell to highlight with. You can choose additional formatting styles as well.
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Repeat for "updated" and "broken" using different colors for all. I use red for broken, green for compatible, and yellow for updated. I leave mods that are "unknown" blank. Now when you type one of the status names into its column, the cell will highlight the respective color!
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h-emera · 1 year
A guide for making a horse stencil (but it also works for cats and dogs, technically).
Edited 16/10/2023: Updated to add more info on hash ID generation and better practice.
If you've read my previous guide on making custom brushes, you'll find that it's relatively similar.
If you're brand spanking new to making any mods, this will probably take you through every single step, because I have an issue with being over-detailed.
Things you'll need:
Sims 4 Studio
Tools in S4S we'll be using:
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Begin by making a new, empty package file, after that, open up the game file cruiser.
Find the "Pet Pelt Layer" and tick the box, after that, in the search box below the file types, write in "EP14", as this will hide cat and dog stencils that will show up.
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From here, it's important that we find the right one to work with, it has to be tagged as "Stencil", in this case, it'll be the 3rd from the top of the list or - 00000000000554B4
You can definitely work with just the first one which is a pattern if you want to, but if you're completely new to modding, it will be much easier with the one I've linked. If you do choose the pattern route, remember to change it from pattern to stencil and ThumbnailKey is responsible for the thumbnail you'll see in game.
Now, grab your trusty notepad and make note of these ID's:
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In our case it's:
Once you've made note of these ID's, make sure you add the file to your current package. You can also skip writing down the ID's and just view them from your package editor screen, but I find it helps keep the workflow more compact, however it is up to you.
Now, go back to your filetype list and select "DST Image" and "RLE 2 Image":
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Additionally, make sure you still have "EP14" in the search bar, for the next part we'll be using the instance search bar, as marked on top right.
Enter your first ID -
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Add to package and do the same with the second ID.
Now, your new package file should look like this:
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Once you're at this point, it's relatively easy sailing.
Start by going to Tools > Hash Generator and generate 3 ID's:
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Edited 16/10/2023: When generating your hash ID's, please use your creator name ie.: "[YourCreatorName/Blogname]TutorialCustomFurCoat1", this will give you a more unique hash code than hoping to be as descriptive as possible when generating the hashes (in this case instance ID's). PS. You should still be descriptive.
Thanks to Mizore Yukii for this advice, from Creator's Musings.
I do it this way, descriptor + numbers, but you can do it whatever way you want to.
After that, we'll assign your newly generated ID's.
These are the ID's I generated:
Respectively, my first ID will be used on the Pet Pelt Layer, Second ID will be used on the RLE 2 Image and 3rd ID will be used for the DDS image:
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The package you're working on should now look something like this:
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After this, you should save your package (so you don't lose your progress, I had a bluescreen happen and I'm still mad, so don't make my mistakes, it's easy to fix, just takes too much time).
Once you've saved your package, we can begin exporting/importing images.
For editing, I recommend actually grabbing the horse skin file. I've uploaded it to SimFileShare, it comes in two flavours .dds and .png, .png will be easier to work with, since it won't have the same layers are .dds.
Anyway, back on track we go:
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Export the RLE2 image, it'll be saved as a .png, keep that in mind for later.
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Once you're happy with your results, get to exporting your image.
IMPORTANT: remember to export the file in L8 format.
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Once you're done with that, go ahead and import your picture into the package:
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Repeat the same steps for the DST image, and you're done. Now, save your file and load it into the game:
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And you're all set and done.
If you have any questions, let me know.
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technobladecookbook · 1 month
What We’re Looking For (Mod Edition)
Since mod applications are opening in just over ten days, I wanted to give a quick explanation of the types of mods we’ll be looking for and what each of them will do.
General mod: we will be looking for 1-2 of these mods. General mods will not focus on a specific part of the zine, and instead will work with me @hallsoffandom on keeping the zine running smoothly. General mods will also help with assisting the other mods when they need help. Tasks you may be asked to do are: help with some the tasks given to the other mods, send out messages to contributors, spreadsheet making and formatting, and helping sort through responses from the application/submission forms. (NOTE: if you sign up for general mod and the position is filled, we may reach out to you and ask if you are interested in any of the other mod roles if we need to fill spots)
Recipe mod: we are looking for 1 of these mods. Recipe mods will help with the recipe spreadsheeting, help make sure that the recipes meet our requirements, and make sure that the recipes make sense. Tasks you may be asked to do are: spreadsheet formatting (for the recipes), reading through the recipes for issues, and re-writing recipes with formatting issues (ex: using two different measuring systems)
Art mod: we are looking for 1-2 of these mods. Art mods will communicate with the artists and make sure that the art creation process goes smoothly. Tasks you may be asked to do are: messaging artists about check-ins, finding new artists in the case of pinch hits being needed, and collecting all art at the end of the creation period.
Writing/Beta mod: we are looking for 1 of these mods. Writing/beta mods will communicate with our writers, help them if they need beta readers, and make sure the stories make sense in context with each other. Tasks you may be asked to do are: message the writers about check-ins, beta read the stories, and collect the art at the end of the creation period.
Formatting mod: we are looking for 1-2 of these mods. Formatting mods will assemble the zine before it is published for everyone. Tasks you may be asked to do are: assembling the final zine, making sure all the artwork, recipes, and writing flow well together, and doing any final edits that are needed. (NOTE: Applications for formatting mods will be separate and open shortly before the end of the creation period)
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daitranscripts · 8 months
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Frequently Asked Questions
Update: 8/29/2024
I would like to remind everyone that I am just another fan, and this is a fan project. I have no control over character dialogue.
Remember to be kind in my ask box and notes. I cannot explain why some character lines were chosen to be cut from the game, nor is this the place to start character discourse. I am also not a machine - I am a person with feelings and other hobbies. I love to take dialogue requests, but asks that demand certain quests or are rude will be swiftly deleted. Repeat offenders, or especially rude anons, will be blocked.
Please be courteous! This is something I enjoy doing, and I ask that you keep the experience enjoyable for myself and your fellow fans.
What is this project?
DAI Transcripts is my endeavor to document and format all of the dialogue in Dragon Age: Inquisition (I hope that's obvious, otherwise I might be doing a pretty bad job). I started this project in 2019 as a spiritual successor to the discontinued @dragonagetranscripts. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
Why are you doing this?
Because god has punished me for my hubris and my work is never done. 
jk it’s actually because I was sick of watching bad let’s plays while trying to work on my longfic so I took matters into my own hands.  ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
How do you know you're using accurate dialogue? Where are you finding the deleted lines?
I type the transcripts by hand side-by-side with the game files, a plot flag editor, numerous youtube playthroughs, and my own game open. I also keep a number of handwritten notes on plot flag strings. I have played DA:I over 30 times, and crowd-source from the communities I'm in.
I do occasionally miss things or can't figure out exactly how a piece of dialogue fits, but I always note this within the transcripts. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Where did you learn to read the files?
I used to create my own mods for DA:I - There are a tutorials online that cover dialogue file editing you can find on the nexus. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Can you share the audio files?
Unfortunately, this isn't something I'm willing to take on right now. Each line must be extracted one at a time and renamed as you go, or every line within a dialogue file will try to export with the same name (some files have hundreds of lines). They are not logically named and it is a lot of trial and error. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Why do you use "PC" instead of "Inquisitor" or "Herald"?
The game files use "Hero," and to save myself the trouble of trying to differentiate between conversations that can happen before or after reaching Skyhold I decided to use the neutral "Player Character," or "PC". ㅤㅤ ㅤ
You typo'd/did a thing wrong/you’re missing race/class specific dialogue!
Please let me know in an ask - I hope to have a very accurate account of all the dialogue, so don’t be afraid to let me know if I’m missing something or have any egregious typos.
Please note: since this project has been ongoing for nearly 5 years, I bridged over the change in text editors. Additionally, I only started referring to the text files around 2022.
Posts made before April 2022 (around the middle of In Your Heart Shall Burn) may be missing dialogue.
Posts made before March 2023 (around the beginning of Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts) may have formatting errors due to the change from old to new text editor. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Will you do -insert quest-?
Short answer: Hopefully, yes!
Long Answer: I intend on working through the game from start to finish, first main quests, then secondary/companion quests, and then romances. DLC, location, and side-quest dialogue are on the list as well.
If you want to see something specific, just drop me an ask! I don't mind it at all, and sometimes it's a refreshing little break. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Who are you anyway?
I'm Plisuu in disguise :) I am a high school teacher, artist, and writer. You can find me on all social media under the same name, though I'm only really active on tumblr these days. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Please take my money! How can I support you?
I have a Ko-fi, but honestly, the kind messages and tags I get on my posts are more than enough! The best way to support me is by sharing this resource :)
Feel free to share your fics with me as well, I love seeing how different folks use the dialogue given to us and spin such unique and varied stories.
Remember, my ask box and messages are always open!
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asketho · 3 months
OOC Post: Official AskEtho Timeline
Created: Jun 14
Last Updated: Jul 16
Includes some of the more important pieces of lore/history of the blog & c!Etho so that newcomers can follow along without having to read all the way back.
All Hermitcraft seasons, Life series, Etho's LP, etc* * As of writing, I haven't seen all of these. Be nice to me?
The beginning of the blog's Current Season, Season X This blog is set in a fictional season so that I can have creative freedom. The X is a placeholder for a number, not the Roman numeral for 10.
The first in-character post (Jun 9, 24)
The beginning of #ethubs confession arc , in which anons try to convince Etho to tell Bdubs [@/askbdubsblog] about his romantic feelings
Two anons, Bomb & Qpid, arguing in my inbox (other anons also involved, notably Crystal Ball/Magic, Halo, and Basketball)
Anons convince Bdubs to ask Etho if he's okay. Etho lies.
The ethubs confession, after which Etho locks himself in his base for 12 days.
After being harassed by Them for days, Etho finally snaps and breaks his communicator. It takes 1 1/2-2 days for him to finally repair it. (#the communicator conundrum)
Zedaph, having just joined, asks Etho to join an experiment of his. Things do not go right and Etho is baby-ified (#the great babytho incident)
Sometime after the Babytho incident, Etho's estranged brother Logo joins. Family reunion? No longer canon due to blog inactivity.
Ethubs accidentally got married at the permit office, I guess? (#ethubsbands)
Zedaph has another fantastic experiment idea... it doesn't go so well. (#zed's great skulksperiment & #ethoxperiments)
My Etho Lore tag: #etho lore
Some Notes
I tried to keep this mostly in order, but I have a really bad memory and can't edit this post on mobile without it destroying the formatting. Sorry.
They don't keep track of years on Hermitcraft (no need to, he won't be able to tell you in years how long something is, etc)
Terms used:
Day - 1 Minecraft day, 24,000 ticks or 20 hours
Hour - 1,200 ticks (1/20th of a day)
Week - 7 Minecraft days (above)
Tenday - 10 Minecraft days
Think something should be added to this list? Saw something I forgot? Send me an ask addressed to the mod! Preferably with a link.
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I still plan to my biannual HKtober prompts and like I mentioned last year, I'll make the prompts weekly this year instead of daily!
I don't know much I'll be able to do these personally BUT have the discord copy pasted message where I explain what these prompts could look like. I'll make an official post with more clarification maybe so if something feels unclear, odd or you if you have suggestions to improve prompts like this let me know!
Notice that the prompts can be applied for any art format so it's not just drawing! You can type about them like answering questions or even write a short story or make a video of the experience etc. YOU get to choose what moment within (or broadly around) the prompts you want to work with and how! I want these to be as open as possible (which I understand can be detrimental but it relies on your experience you remember within the game so it's still prompting something?)
Since they will be weekly prompts, I can choose something broad and the general idea is for prompts to cover the span of the gameplay sort of. I think I need five prompts if it's gonna be one per week? So they could be something like
1. (Avg 30th- Oct 6th) The Beginning: First impression? A moment that made you feel like this will be a fun game? Something you saw or heard that made you start the game? A moment at the start that really drew you in? Dirtmouth.
2. (Oct 7th- Oct 13th) Finding your way: Moment you got lost? An area or a place of an area that you favor? Some place you like you revisit? Backtracking? Maps and Conifer
3. (Oct 14th- Oct 20th) The struggles/hurdles: Hardest moment in the game? What part made you feel super victorious for overcoming it or made you feel clever or cool or lucky? Parts that felt like you'll never get through or haven't enjoyed as much or didn't have fun with at all? Bosses or platforming
4. (Oct 21st- Oct 27th)The favorite bit: Kind of self explanatory lol. Any moment or a character that left a huge impression? Favorite music or art of the game? A concept or thought that stayed on your mind the longest or still thinking about today? Something you didn't expect but surprised you in a good way? Overall impression of the game?
5. (Oct 28th- Nov 3rd) Free space/Something small you put love into: Any dialogue or items or designs that you adore? A theory that is either canon or not that you enjoy a lot? Something you like the fans added to the experience (characters, ideas, worldbuilding, mods etc.)? A special thank you to someone for getting you into hollow knight or is keep having fun with you even years later? Mr Mushroom theories lol
NOTE: these might be edited by the time I post an official prompt post!
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juette · 1 year
a comprehensive guide to custom villagers
when making my custom villager it was very difficult to find good tutorials as many of them would point to deleted pages or only cover things i already knew, so i have decided to make my own complete tutorial. please let me know if you need any aditional help! i will try my best to keep this tutorial up to date and clarify it if needed.
it's important to note that these villagers will NOT show up in online play and dream towns. since only your game is edited, other players will see whichever villager you've replaced instead of the one you've made unless they also mod their game.
first things first, you will need a hacked 3ds with luma3ds and an SD card for this. you can probably play in citra, but i dont really know how using mods in citra works so i will focus on luma3ds for this tutorial.
if you haven't hacked your 3ds yet, do not follow a video tutorial: they can become outdated very easily with no indication of it and following outdated guides makes it a lot more likely that you'll brick your console. follow the guide on 3ds.hacks.guide instead.
other software you will need:
hackingtoolkit9ds to decrypt and unpack the rom
kukkii to extract the textures and put them back in
a drawing software (can be anything, even mspaint) to edit the textures
blender or another 3d editing software to preview what you're doing
010 editor to edit the bin and .umsbt files
step 1: getting a rom
if you're simply downloading the rom online, you may skip this step.
for those who wish to dump the rom from their console, you must first turn it on while pressing the START button to enter godmode9's menu. click the HOME button to see more options, then select "Title manager", then select where you've installed the title (SD card or the console itself). a list of all your installed games will appear. scroll down to Animal Crossing New Leaf or Happy Home Designer depending on which game you want your villager to be injected into.
once you've chosen the game, select "Manage title..." and choose either "Build CIA (standard)" or "Dump CXI/NDS file". you may then shut down the console and insert the SD card into your computer. the rom will be in the folder \gm9\out on the root of your SD card
step 2: decrypting/unpacking the rom
drag and drop your rom to the "PackHack" folder that hackingtoolkit9ds is in. rename it so that it doesn't contain any spaces or special characters.
open up hackingtoolkit9ds and type either CE (for .cia roms) or CXI (for .cxi files) in the window that appears depending on the format of your rom. it will ask you to write the name of your file without the extension. type it and press enter and wait for it to do its thing.
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step 3: making your textures!
you'll find your extracted villager models in the folder \ExtractedRomFS\Npc\Normal\Model
the first three letters in each .bcres file name represent the species. open up one of the files of the species you want to make yoir villager be. it doesn't have to be the file of the specific villager you want to replace as we can rename it later, but do be careful that certain villagers have slightly different models than the rest of their species (tucker having tusks or étoile having hairpins, for example)
since i wanted to make an elephant with tusks, i've picked tucker as my base. he uses model elp09.bcres
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click the "Batch export PNG" button and choose the folder you want the textures to go in. you may then edit them as you wish. your textures do not need to be semi-transparent like the extracted textures are.
i like seeing the way things look as i work, so i get a copy of the model as a .dae file to open it in blender. you may get those from models-resource.com or you may extract them yourself using ohana 3ds rebirth, though ohana can be a bit unreliable at times. blender's "texture paint" tab also allows you to draw directly on the model, though i don't find it precise enough to my taste so i mostly use it to lay guidelines for me to draw over.
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once you're satisfied with your model, make sure to draw the different expressions as well.
eyes 0: neutral
eyes 1: half-blink
eyes 2: blink
eyes 3: angry
eyes 4: sad
eyes 5: happy closed (think ^_^)
eyes 6: surprised
eyes 7: >_< face
mouth 0: neutral/smile
mouth 1: half-open
mouth 2: fully open
mouth 3: frown
mouth 4: half-open frown
mouth 5: fully open frown
you do not have to follow those expressions exactly: for example, being a plush elephant, tusker's mouth moves up and down as he speaks instead of opening and closing.
once everything is done, open the .bcres file in kukkii again and import all of your textures in the right slot (i've found the mass import button does not work for me), then save the file.
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step 4: editing names and catchphrases
note: if the villager you are replacing is already in your town, editing the catchphrase in the game's files will NOT change it in-game. similarly, if you are putting the villager in your town with marc robledo's save editor, they will have the catchphrase of the villager you've replaced unless you change it in the save editor yourself.
editing a villager's name or default catchphrase is quite simple, but the new name/catchphrase cannot be longer than the old one. if it is, it will mess up the names and default catchphrases of all the following villagers in the game files.
since you can edit the villager's personality in the game files, simply pick a villager with a long enough name and the right gender. you may also look at the villagers' favourite colors and styles on nookipedia to find one that most closely resembles the villager you wish to make.
since i want tusker to have the sisterly personality, i looked at all the sisterly villagers and i found that pashmina's tastes were close enough, so this is who tusker will be replacing. since her id is goa08, tusker's model needs to be renamed to goa08.bcres
you will find villager names in \ExtractedRomFS\Script\Str\STR_NNpc_name.umsbt and \ExtractedRomFS\Script\Str\STR_NNpc_name_ASR.umsbt
scroll down until you find the name of the villager you wish to replace and change it. the dots between each letter are NOT periods! make sure not to delete them. if you do delete one, or if the villager you're replacing has too many letters in its name, you can copy a dot from another name and paste it between the letters or in place of the extra letters.
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catchphrases are found in \ExtractedRomFS\Script\Str\STR_NNpc_habit.umsbt
step 5: editing birthdays, species and personalities
you may skip this step if you only wanted to edit the villager's name. as far as i know, this does not work in happy home designer.
first, download this template.
then, open up \ExtractedRomFS\Npc\Normal\ConstPack.bin in 010 editor and click View -> Line Width -> Custom Width... and enter a value of 34 to make all the villager IDs align.
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next, click Templates -> Run Template and select the template we've downloaded. a list will appear at the bottom of the window. scroll through it until you reach the villager you wish to edit, (it will be highlighted in the top half of the window) mine being goa08.
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clicking the arrow to the left of struct VillagerConst will reveal a list of all the data this line contains. i will show you how to change birthday, species and personality.
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the page we downloaded the template on shows a list of "cases" for each field . for example, for the species field, we want tusker to be an elephant, which is case 0x01 on the page. we will thus type 0x01 in the u8 Species field of 010 editor. the same thing goes for the u8 Personality field. sisterly is 7.
the birth month and day simply require the date. tusker's birthday is may 1st, so i typed 1 in the u8 BirthDay field and 5 in the u8 BirthMonth field. leave everything else alone.
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step 6: putting them in the game
luma3ds makes it really easy to put your villagers into the game as long as you pay attention to the folder structure of the original rom.
on the root of your sd card, there should be a folder named luma, and within it a folder named titles (if there isn't, you can create it.)
within that folder, create a folder named with the title ID of your animal crossing game. that title ID will depend on the region of your game.
you can then create a folder named romfs in which you will place your mod files while respecting the path of theoriginal files. for example, the path for the models will be \luma\titles\<game title ID>\romfs\Npc\Normal\Model
when all the files are in place, pop your sd card back into your 3ds and open the game. if the villager isn't in your town, use wisp and an amiibo card (or wumiibo) to see if they show up properly.
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and that's it! enjoy your new villagers <3 feel free to tag me in your custom villagers, i'd love to see what you make!
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