#Morgana Sofia the first
twisted-in-underland · 5 months
Shhh 🤫 he’s eepy 😴
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Okay I think this is the last piece I have inspired by @oya-oya-okay’s Kuro x twst au 🫣
I just needed to indulge in the “big sibling Morrigan, little brother Ciel” dynamic that my brain won’t let me move past 🤧
And of course, please go check out Oya’s blog!
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captainfairygodmother · 2 months
Not gonna lie, this was all I could think of every time Sofia showed up
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 6 months
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sorry but cedric immediately shielding the children is my everything
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scottpetersen · 2 months
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Honestly, I think that Haley Long from the American Dragon Jake Long TV series, Janna from the Star VS The Forces Of Evil TV series, Luz Noceda and Amity Blight from The Owl House TV series and Cedric The Sensational from the Sofia The First TV series would interact quite well with one of @boingodigitalart’s dream teams which consists of Webby Vanderquack, Lena Sabrewing and Violet Sabrewing from the DuckTales (2017) TV series and Morgana Macawber from the Darkwing Duck (1991) TV series who all are enthusiastic about magic.
After all, as shown in the episode ‘Switcheroo’, Haley is a shapeshifting dragon who is quite the rule follower and does quite well in school and, as shown in the episode ‘Family Business’, she did pretty good in her dragon training. So, I think that Haley would help Webby, Lena, Violet and Morgana study every written record they could about how magic works and would also get along quite well with Webby in particular considering that Webby also loved learning and also did pretty good in her own training as a fighter as shown in the episode ‘From The Confidential Casefiles Of Agent 22!’, where Webby learned quite well from records about Scrooge McDuck’s adventures and was quite a big help to Scrooge when it came to helping him fight his way through all the obstacles in their path and fending off Black Heron. So, I think that Haley and Webby would like to spar with each other and help improve each other’s fighting skills. And, given that, as shown in the episode ‘The Doppelganger Gang’, the dragons from the American Dragon Jake Long universe have the ability to make copies of themselves as well as, as shown throughout the American Dragon Jake Long TV series, the ability to fly and breath fire, I also think that Webby would like to help Haley use those dragon abilities to the utmost efficiency in a fight. Also, given that, as shown in the episode ‘Escape From The ImpossiBin!’, Webby was able to use German paper cutting to trick Huey and Dewey by making a paper cut out of her silhouette look like her shadow and that, as I pointed out earlier, Haley did pretty well in school, I think that Webby can teach Haley to use skills like German paper cutting to confuse her opponents. And given that, as I pointed out earlier, Haley was quite a rule follower who prefers following school rules and that, as shown in the episode ‘Escape To/From Atlantas!’ Webby was also, at least usually, quite a rule follower who wasn’t quite used to going against her grandma Beakley’s wishes, I think that’s another reason Haley and Webby would get along quite well since they both usually prefer following the rules.
As shown in the episode ‘Bon Bon The Birthday Clown’, Janna is quite an enthusiast when it comes to the concept of magic. So, I think that Janna would really like to learn a thing or 2 from Morgana since, as shown in the episode ‘Fungus Amongus’, Morgana is a skilled sorceress. Also, given that, as shown in the episode ‘Rest In Pudding’, Janna also seems to have a collection of magic-related trinkets, I think that she would really want to see any real magical artifacts that Webby, Lena, Violet and Morgana find. As a side note, I think that Webby, Lena, Violet and Morgana would be quite fascinated if they were to see that when the version of Janna from the Janna VS The Forces Of Darkness fanfic had Marco Diaz use a book scanner on the Butterfly family’s Magic Book Of Spells to get its contents on phone, its contents were somehow transferred to her phone instead of copied to it. And given that Violet, as shown in the episode ‘Friendship Hates Magic!’, is quite book smart and is also smart when it comes to magic, I think that she might be able to figure out why that happened. And I think that Violet would take into account the fact that, as shown in the @therussohousehold’s Janna VS The Forces Of Darkness fanfic which was inspired by @skleero’s Janna Vs. The Forces Of Evil AU, the Magic Book Of Spells apparently counted being scanned by an overhead book scanner as being read thus temporarily bringing its spells to life and that would probably make sense to Violet since, given how book smart she is, she would probably know that an overhead book scanner’s camera (and cameras in general too for that matter) operates similarly to a person’s eyesight since both involve taking light that bounces off of the objects they’re viewing and converting it into something electrical. And I think that Violet would theorize and take into account that the Magic Book Of Spells probably creates some sort of magical link between itself and its owner given that, as shown in the episode ‘Book Be Gone’, the Magic Book Of Spells seems to recognize the person who reads it as its owner and prevents anyone who doesn’t own it from writing in it. And Violet would also realize that a book scanner would technically fit neither category since it’s just a device and thus doesn’t count as a person at all and that the book scanner would be taking light that’s bouncing off the Magic Book Of Spells. So, based on all this, I think that one theory Violet might come up with is that, if some of the book’s magic had piggybacked on the light bouncing off the book, then that probably created a magical link between the book and the light bouncing off it. And, based on that, Violet might conclude that when the book scanner’s camera took that light and converted it into electrical data, it converted the Magic Book Of Spells’ contents along with it and that it didn’t also happen with a person’s eyesight because it adapted to their consciousness since the book recognizes its owner but a book scanner has no consciousness to adapt to. Violet might also come up with another theory by picturing the Magic Book Of Spells as a dot labeled Point A and anyone (or anything) who reads it as a dot labeled Point B with the magical link that the Magic Book Of Spells makes with its owner being the line between the 2 dots. In the case of the Magic Book Of Spells and the person who owns it, Point A and Point B are indeed connected together by the line. In the case of the Magic Book Of Spells and the person who doesn’t own it, there’s no line between Point A and Point B to connect them. And in the case of the Magic Book Of Spells and a book scanner that doesn’t count as a person at all, the book’s magic got confused and thus did something in between by making a line that was connected to Point A but, instead of also being connected to Point B, the line pointed at it and led Point A towards it like an arrow just like how the Magic Book Of Spells’ contents were led into the book scanner and then into Janna’s phone.
As for Luz Noceda and Amity Blight, I think that Luz and Amity would get along quite well with Webby and Lena respectively in particular. In the case of Luz and Webby, I think that they would get along quite well because, as I pointed out in my Compare/Contrast of Webby Vanderquack and Lena Sabrewing And Luz Noceda and Amity Blight post, both of them are quite optimistic as shown in the episode ‘Witches Before Wizards’ where she was quite optimistic when it came to being a witch’s apprentice and learning magic and, as shown in the episode ‘Daytrip Of Doom!’ where Webby was quite about going on an outing with Huey, Dewey and Louie. And, in the case of Lena and Amity, I think that they would get along quite along quite well because, as I also pointed out in my Compare/Contrast of Webby Vanderquack and Lena Sabrewing And Luz Noceda and Amity Blight post, they’re practically kindred spirits since they both had abusive parental figures who tried to kill their loved ones as shown in the episode ‘The Shadow War Part 2: The Day Of The Ducks!’ where Lena’s aunt Magica used Lena and tried to kill Webby who Lena formed a very close bond with and as shown in the episode ‘Escaping Expulsion’ where Amity’s mother tried to stop Amity from forming attachments with Luz, Willow and Gus and also almost got Luz killed in an Abomination demonstration. And I think that Luz and Amity would be very enthusiastic about helping Webby, Lena, Violet and Morgana learn more about magic. And speaking of learning more about magic, I think that Webby, Lena, Violet and Morgana would be quite fascinated by Luz’s Glyph magic which, as shown in the episode ‘The Intruder’, is about drawing magical symbols that symbolize certain elements and bringing those elements to life when the symbol is tapped and also quite fascinated by Amity’s witch magic which, as stated in the episode ‘The Intruder’ works because of the witches’ somewhat unique anatomy. And I think that Lena might get creative and see if there’s a way to combine Glyph magic with witch magic since, as shown in the episode ‘The Beagle Boy Breakout!’, Lena tends to think outside the box. And they would probably also be fascinated by how the Glyphs, as shown in the episode ‘Escaping Expulsion’, can be combined to create certain spells.
As for Cedric The Sensational, I think that he would get along surprisingly well with Morgana since, as shown in the episode ‘Cedric’s Apprentice’, Cedric formed a bond with Princess Sofia despite wanting to steal her magic amulet at first and, as shown in the episode ‘Fungus Amongus’, Morgana formed a romantic attachment to Darkwing Duck. So, both Cedric and Morgana grew attached to their enemy in some way. And I think that Cedric might also help boost Lena’s morale with her magic when she’s having trouble with it since, as shown in the episode ‘Substitute Cedric’, Cedric was able to boost an entire class’s morale with their magic training during his Never Forget The Sorcerer’s Secret musical number by telling them to never give up. Lena would probably take Cedric’s advice since, as shown in the episode ‘Nightmare On Killmotor Hill!’, she was able to stand up against Magica De Spell by persevering through her nightmares with the help of her loved ones and not giving up. But Lena would probably also find it strange that Cedric would use a musical number to convey the lesson. Also, I think that Webby, Lena, Violet and Morgana would like to theorize about the Amulet Of Avalor given what Cedric found out about it in the episode ‘Hexley Hall’ which was that the Amulet Of Avalor’s powers change depending on who is trapped inside it.
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princess-ibri · 11 months
I noticed Morgana from Sofia the First is part of your Sword in the Stone family tree. Do you have any personal headcanons for her?
Just that she's supposed to be Morgana le Fay from Arthurian legend, and was at one point Merlin's pupil as seen in Sofia the First. I see her as being an antagonist to Arthur and his goals throughout her life. (Might bring in her daughter Morvydd to balance out a sort of Team Rocket double trouble duo with Mordred but we'll see x)
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crazyintheeast · 2 days
Why you should watch Renegade Nell
Welcome back to the newest addition of shows you should watch. Today we have Renegade Nell. So who is Nell?
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Nell Jackson (and yes this is Orla from Derry Girls and she is just as brilliant here)is a woman who comes back from war to her village after discovering that for some unknown reason she has superpowers. She has the same personality as our beloved Korra and Ava Silva. She fiercly protects her loved ones, she hates injustice, she questions authority and she tends to solve most of her problem with punching people. After protecting her sister from the creepy Lord's son their father gets killed she and her sisters are forced to go on the run
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The only person to help them is the Lord's "servant" aka slave Rassalas. One of the few good men who truly stand for justice
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They also joined forces with Charles a first class Himbo who is there for the vibes and to get beaten up by everybody and become Outlaws who rob the rich
As time progresses Nell accidentally becomes the most wanted person in Britain and intereferes with the schemes of an evil Jacobist Mage who wants to take down the Queen but the real interesting villain is Sofia
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No this is not Katie McGrath altouh the charcter has been based so blatantly on her portrayal of Morgana both in look and in story that I am pretty sure she can sue. So if you are having Katie McGrath withdrawl issues or you want to see what is essentially a Morgana AU fanfic filmed by Disney you will enjoy her
But is there gay you ask?
Nell shows zero romantic or sexual interest in anybody but we have our lovely Poly who has a bisexual awakening when she sees Nell and spends most of her time having fantasties and writing poems about her. She is living her best life and is here for it
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shychick-52 · 2 months
In the s4 StF episode 'Through the Looking-Back Glass', Sofia suggested to Calista that they tell Cordelia all the great things Cedric did, so she can finally see what a great sorcerer he truly is.
This undoubtedly includes when Cedric nobly let himself be captured by Morgana in the s3 episode 'Gone With the Wand' (the first episode Calista appeared in) so that Sofia and Calista could safety get away, and helped Merlin defeat Morgana in the same episode.
It would seem that Calista and Sofia hadn't told Cordelia about Cedric's heroic deeds from that time, indicated by Sofia's suggestion to Calista in 'Through the Looking-Back Glass' about telling Cordelia all the times he proved he was a great sorcerer. And, of course, indicated by the way Cordelia absolutely trash-talked and belittled him in 'Through the Looking-Back Glass'.
I used to wonder why the girls wouldn't have told her. They were undoubtedly proud of Cedric!
But then I realized Cedric likely swore the girls to secrecy about their entire involvement with Morgana because he might have been worried Cordelia would only blame him for her young daughter getting mixed up in the scheme of the infamous evil sorceress on his watch, like she blamed him for everything else!
(And honestly, it was VERY irresponsible of Cedric to bring Calista- and even Sofia- with him to Morgana's tower to get back the wand of Merlin's that Morgana stole; he's the adult, so he should have made the girls stay behind where it was safe, despite it being Sofia's idea they do it together. And YES, I know the episode wouldn't have happened if he'd gone alone or just recruited the aid of Merlin like he should have done- I'm talking from a realistic view because I'm a geek).
@fantadym @bettathanyou @sweetmariihs2 @cedric-my-beloved @omgselinabeckendorf @moonypears-blog
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caswensworld · 2 months
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One thing about me is I will always respect a good villain gang when I see one and THIS gang! The gang of Merlin Academy running the shots! No exception. Rent. Was. Due! Disney, from here on out, if your teen villains do not look like these baddies who are serving seductive, poisonous cunt, Respectfully, Ion want it.
So let’s run down the line. Let’s take attendance.
Dara Renee said she looks cute as Ulyana, NOT HOT! OKAY GREEN! Look at her smile! First her daughter, now her sister, Ursula’s family has me in a chokehold and they are never letting me go (and I don’t want them to hehe). This look gives very much Ursula from Once Upon a Time vibes and I love it! So much! I wanna be part of her gang! Like, Ulyana, baby girl, what are you insecure of? I don’t care about Ursula anymore. I got Uma and I got Ulyana, I don’t want Ursula. I’m trying to keep it pg-rated, but…I would let her top me. I want her tentacles all over me, I’m so sorry…I’m not.
Hades has left the Underworld and he is looking sharp! I love leather. I love spikes. I love the whole punk persona! I have a punk persona! So I love the fact that me and Hades, one of my favorite villains…Are the same. Exactly the same. I am going to find a studded leather jacket and choker so we can match. We also got similar taste in music, like Hades, let’s be friends. Let’s start a band. We can call ourselves “Fire!”
Queen Maleficent, Mistress of Darkness may be lurking in the back, but I’m seeing her. Now her horns look a little weird right now but I’m gonna wait for the official posters and pictures with better quality before I start to give my full judgement. But like…y’all, she’s Maleficent, when have we ever had a Maleficent who doesn’t serve with looks, darkness, and attitude? Like, girl, come for Ulyana! Pull Hades! I expect you to use magic! I demand at least ONE Dragon transformation! DEMAND it!
Ulyana is the Captain here, jot that down, but Hook is still serving so let’s have a conversation. Looks are clearly a strength in the Hooks family, so what do the girls look like? The men are handsome, so let’s have the girls do some Justice please. His fit almost exactly replicated the cartoon and I love that. The only problem I have is…where’s the hat? The iconic red hat with the big feather? Disney, he better have that hat. Don’t be playing with me.
Morgie…he’s giving kinda Carlos and Gil vibes. That is indeed a compliment. Now is his outfit as extravagant as the others? No. Is it still good and is he still killing the game? Absolutely. These VKs stay with the drip. Who else is looking good in a scarf? I don’t see anyone else wearing one! Now his mother is said to be the Morgana Le Fay in Sofia the First so…Is our dear Princess in the Descendants Universe lol? Is my girl enrolled in Auradon Prep? Is she with Hugo? I’m sorry, I just find this so funny, where is Enchancia on the Auradon map? Watch Morgie reference this in the movie, I just, I can’t!
One thing about villains is they will always be looking good and I will always be wanting to find a way to thrift their clothing. I can’t wait to see these looks with better qualities
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pen-your-dragons · 2 years
Okay hear me out, Goncharov AU of BBC Merlin
Arthur is obviously Goncharov himself — The Protagonist, struggling to define who he is a person, always running out of time, constantly betrayed by the ones close to him. Marries Katya but has that whole homoerotic tension with Andrey. The whole “was doomed from the start”/tragic hero narrative
Merlin is Andrey — Is always by Goncharov’s side. His inevitable betrayal towards Goncharov (revealing his magic to Arthur)
Guinevere is Katya — Marries Goncharov. Even her devotion to him isn’t enough to save him from the narrative. Had something going on with Sofia before deciding to marry Goncharov, strangling their bonds afterwards even though the bittersweet memories will always be there
Morgana is a perfect Sofia — Protective over Katya from the very first scene where Goncharov asks about her. Had something going on with Katya before she decided to marry Goncharov. Still feels for Katya
Gwaine is (hear me out, you know it’s true) Ice Pick Joe — Always looking for a fight/someone to stab. Stuck in the cycle of violence. Playful attitude to hide the traumas from his past
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twisted-in-underland · 6 months
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I was making Morrigan more sprites for the other in game outfits available for the characters and thought “what if Morrigan attended RSA instead of NRC?”
Ngl nothing much would change as to how they wear their uniform. They still wear their blazer over their shoulders, have the decorative pants, etc. There seems to be more leeway in uniform if we go off Che’nya and Neige. For the most part I imagine Morrigan wearing dark academia style clothes but in purple monochrome. Morgana from Sofia the First wears a primarily purple dress so Morrigan gets purple in their normal clothes and in their magical stone. I also threw in Morgana’s long red scarf just for an extra call back to the inspiration character.
The background is from @unfinished-projects-galore RSA info template. I just cropped out the text box side since we don’t know much about RSA.
Other Morrigan outfits: School uniform | Village of Miracles event | other school outfits
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princess-polls · 6 months
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Anya/Anastasia - Yellow (Anastasia) VS Donkeyskin - The Sun Dress (Donkey Skin)
Stella - Orange (Winx Club) VS Belle - Yellow (Beauty and the Beast)
Morgana Pendragon - Purple (BBC Merlin) VS Rapunzel - Purple (Barbie as Rapunzel)
Rapunzel - Purple (Tangled) VS Elyon Escanor - Purple (W.I.T.C.H.)
Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard - Purple (Once Upon a Time) VS Jasmine - Purple (Aladdin)
Kaguya Houraisan - Pink + Red (Touhou Project) VS Lymsleia Falenas - Green + Yellow (Suikoden V)
Tiana - White (The Princess and the Frog) VS Neo Queen Serenity - White (Sailor Moon)
Cinderella - Blue (Cinderella 2015) VS Rosella - Blue (Barbie as the Island Princess)
Ariel - Blue (The Little Mermaid) VS Star Butterfly - Blue (Star vs the Forces of Evil)
Zelda - Blue (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) VS Korra - Blue (The Legend of Korra)
Aurora - Beige (Sleeping Beauty) VS Gwendolyn - Blue (Odin Sphere)
Iris - Pink + White (Lolirock) VS Xena - Black (Xena: Warrior Princess)
Elsa - Dark Blue (Olaf’s Frozen Adventure) VS Anya/Anastasia - Dark Blue (Anastasia)
Scorpia - Black (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) VS Ororo Munroe/Storm - Beige (X-Men)
Snow White - Blue + Yellow (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) VS Melia - Pink + Blue (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Cinderella - Silver (Cinderella) VS Sofia - Purple (Sofia the First)
Athanasia de Alger Obelia - Pink (Who Made Me a Princess) VS Ahiru/Princess Tutu - White (Princess Tutu)
Apple White - Thronecoming (Ever After High) VS Estellise Sidos Heurassein - Pink + White (Tales of Vesperia)
Cinderella - Pink (Cinderella) VS Princess Peach - Pink (Super Smash Bros)
Anneliese - Pink (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper) VS Lachesis - Ballroom Bloom (Fire Emblem)
Belle - Pink (Beauty and the Beast) VS Guinevere - Red (BBC Merlin)
Elena Castillo Flores - Red (Elena of Avalor) VS Princess Cookie - Red Rose Gown (Cookie Run)
Mia Thermopolis - Pink (The Princess Diaries 2) VS Princess Una - Blue (Stardust)
Princess White Rose - Blue (SaGa Frontier) VS Beatrice - Blue + White (Rune Factory 5)
Fiona - Green (Shrek) VS Eowyn - Green (Lord of the Rings)
Hisui Fiore - Green (Fairy Tail) VS Riesz - Green (Trials of Mana)
Tiana - Green (The Princess and the Frog) VS Odette - Pink + Blue (Barbie of Swan Lake)
Anna - Green (Frozen) VS Céline - Green + White (Fire Emblem)
Princess Nautilus - Blue (Cucumber Quest) VS Princess Iron Fan - Red + White (Lego Monkie Kid)
Rayfa Padma Khura’in - Pink (Ace Attorney) VS Snow White - Red + White (Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs)
Odette - Blue + White (The Swan Princess) VS Belle French - Blue (Once Upon a Time)
Leia Organa - White (Star Wars) VS Nefertari Vivi - White (One Piece)
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tenapricots · 1 year
Leave in comments if you have someone else in mind
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gameonoverdogcom · 6 months
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Positive of P5X
Owl guy is 10 times better than Morgana
Merope is pretty cute
Aquarium velvet room
Iwai looks HOT
Uhhhhhh Iwai... good
Negative of P5X
Oh my god why is this a reskin of P5. We already knew the story!!!! First palace is Kamoshida without grooming because it's too much for a 12+ game.
Character design outside of the owl is meh... It feels like sims that i created. I really am struggling to remember each design. Soejima put his Soejussy on P6 I assume :/
What are these code names!!!!!! They're so bad!!!!!
Gacha mechanics. Nope nope when I play Persona I want the full 15 hours without eating experience, not only doing 5 things each real life day. I don't want to pay to eat ramen. Gacha for characters is fine but weapons???????
Why couldn't this be an original story... Bruh just take some inspiration from Sofia the First!!!! Sofia's story is completely original but the princesses helped her alongway. It's not, say, Sofia in Beauty and the Beast world as Belle and no one noticed that Belle is Sofia now.
It would be incredibly dumb of them to not put P4 and P3 casts in gacha. People WILL whale for Aigis and Rise, trust me Atlus. FEMC is also VERY VALUABLE, ATLUS DO NOT FORGET THIS. Personally I would do anything for SSR Shinjiro
It should've been a rhythm game like SIFAS. Predatory? Yes. Fun and camp? Also yes. Shinjiro SSR? Hell yeah.
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krickethot · 5 years
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“The fliegel has landed” 
Grotta vs Cedric was very funny, also I’m glad Cedric met the trolls (especially Teeny)
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“Gone with the wand” 
everything about this episode was wonderful starting from Cordelia and Calista, Cedric and Calista’s bonding , and then Merlin and Morgana
 their fight was quite epic
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“Hexley hall” 
was a nice episode too especially the part  when Cedric spilled the Talking potion on Wormy and from that moment they were able to understand each other  and finally he realized what a great master/friend he had ( still very angry that Wormy and Cedric aren’t friends anymore)
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“Cedric be good”
very funny and cute episode especially when Cedric switched their amulets in the end and when Wormy was friendly to Clover  Mia and Robin
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“The Tale of Miss Nettle” one word about this episode: OLAF
Olaf and Miss Nettle together in the same episode was AWESOME and funny!!! 
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better if  I stop now or this post will be too long.... there are so many epidoe of this season that I have really enjoyed!!!
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