#Mother's Day fic
ivystoryweaver · 5 months
What a Mother Can Be
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Pairing: Moon Dads! Steven Grant x mother!reader, Marc Spector x mother!reader. (Jake is mentioned). The story does not state that this reader has given birth to these children, nor the reader's gender, so anyone who could ever feel like a mother would be included here.
Word Count: 1.7k
Content: MOON DADS!! fluff, domestic fluff, kids, married life, it's Mother's Day, kissing, mentions of food and eating, there is a tinge of angst-ish, as Wendy Spector is mentioned, but this is not an angsty fic. This story is what I wish for the Moon Boys IF this is what they would want. They deserve to heal and they deserve a family if they want one - whatever that may look like. not beta'd
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He finds you in the kitchen early Sunday morning, standing over a hot griddle, pancakes sizzling.
Your babbling toddler wiggles in the high chair, pinching one Cheerio at a time in her chubby fingers and stuffing it into her mouth, making a kind of weird mush as she entertains herself.
You back is turned to him so you don’t realize he’s there until his arms wind around you from behind.
“You can’t cook today,” he breathes on your ear, stealthily removing the spatula from your hand.
You giggle and pretend to shrug him off. “Why not?”
“It’s Mother’s Day,” he declares, with an adoring kiss to your cheek.
“So? We have two boys about to come barreling in here,” you remind him matter-of- factly. “My present to myself is not listening to them demanding to know what’s for breakfast.”
A sliver of shame shoots through Steven's heart. He intended to wake up before you and take care of all this: breakfast and the kids. But Jake was out late last night and he accidentally overslept.
“Dada!” Lockley calls from her high chair, playfully slapping her hands down on the tray.
“Hey, sweet girl,” Steven greets his daughter, bending over to kiss her forehead. “Did you know it’s Mummy’s day?
“Ma-ma, Ma-ma, Ma-ma,” Lockley wiggles back and forth, chanting proudly.
As predicted, two energetic boys burst into the kitchen, their tousled curls an adorable mess.
“Happy Mother’s Day!” the twins shout in unison, holding up a handmade banner, constructed from about 60 post-it notes stuck together.
“Wowww,” you whistle in admiration. “Somebody’s been ransacking my office for supplies.” You wink, kneeling down to inspect their handiwork, and assuming they were unable to locate the construction paper to make this unique banner.
Then you take a closer look as Steven tends to the pancakes, finishing them up and removing them from the heat.
“Oh…” Your eyes mist over instantly when you realize the reasoning behind using such small paper to build a banner.
"There's messages on each one," Grant, the oldest twin by two minutes, shyly murmurs.
"Read 'em, read 'em, Mom!" Your energetic Jakob almost tears the feeble construct apart with his bouncing up and down.
Several of the notes boast simple messages such as, "Happy Mother's Day!" or "We love you!"
A few of them have small handprints - Mother's Day classics. There's even a tiny handprint, with LOCKLEY printed messily underneath.
"We had to write hers because she can't write," Jakob states the obvious. "But she tried to eat the Post-its."
"I'm sure she did," you chuckle, glancing over a few "coupons" where the boys have offered to load the dishwasher, fold laundry, give you a back rub and the like.
Then you notice a rather good drawing of your family under a banner reading, "The Spectors": You, holding baby Lockley. Grant and Jakob are flanking either side of you. And there are three dads pictured and labeled, Marc, Steven, Jake, underneath, "DAD" written in all caps. "MOM" is above your head.
"Grant, did you draw this, bud?" You ask your little artist, ruffling his curls.
"Yeah. It was hard to fit everyone on a Post-it, so I made it on two. So you have to keep them together...okay?" His dark eyebrows shoot up hopefully.
You nod, continuing to inspect each one.
Jake has written a few notes in Spanish and Steven left you a riddle...which led to a second riddle underneath the first one. And a third.
Jakob is giddy, dying to tell you what the riddle's answers are, but Grant silences him.
The bottom post it says, "Turn around."
Curious, you stand back up and turn to find Steven holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers in one hand and a wrapped present in the other.
"One-two-three," you hear Grant coach. Then Jakob joins in. "Surprise!" Your husband and twin sons chorus.
"Happy Mother's Day, darling," Steven smiles at you, handing you your gifts. "These are from Marc and me."
"Thank you, I love them," you accept the flowers and kiss him sweetly on the lips.
"And Jake says he's going to get Frenchie to babysit next weekend so he can take you out in the city and 'show you off.' His words."
You snort, clearly amused. "Frenchie wants to babysit these three?"
"Yay!" Jakob cheers. "Uncle Frenchie! Uncle Frenchie!"
"Fen-he!" Lockley attempts, bouncing in her chair.
"See, everyone loves the idea," Steven grins, nodding for you to open the wrapped gift. "You can wear this."
A moment later, as he places your flowers in some fresh water, you unwrap your gift.
"It's beautiful," you gasp, touching the golden necklace, bearing hieroglyphs.
"It represents motherhood," Steven gushes. "Here, I made sure to get the paper that explains it all."
"Thank you." Wrapping your arms around his neck you hug him tightly. "Will you put it on me?"
Steven obliges, and you turn back to your boys. "What do you guys think?"
"It's pretty, Mom," Grant sweetly replies.
But Jakob has already dropped his half of the banner and is reaching for a pancake when Steven clears his throat pointedly.
The five of you gather around the table for an all too sugary breakfast before heading out to the park to get some fresh air, let the kids play and spend some quality time together.
Lockley can't walk quite yet, so she's rolling and scooting on a blanket on the grass while Grant and Jakob play close by.
Steven has already apologized for oversleeping, but you confess that you heard Jake come home extremely late. Lockley had a fussy night, so you turned off the baby monitor not ten minutes after he fell asleep and spent most of the early morning rocking your sweet, fussy girl.
"The perfect mom, as always," Steven compliments, with a sparkle in his eye. "And the day's not over yet. There's more to come."
You tangle your fingers with his, laying your head on his shoulder. After a brief silence, you ask, "How's Marc?"
You normally don't ask one alter to deliver messages for another. Half the time, they don't know anyway. But this is Marc. On Mother's Day.
"Quiet," Steven answers. "I think he's okay."
You hum a response, handing Lockley the pacifier she spit out.
"And you, my love? How are you today?"
Because Steven lost his mom too. And not simply because she passed away, but because the mother he thought was his was not real. Parts of her were real, to Steven anyway. The parts from childhood when she wasn't drunk, wasn't violent.
Those were Steven's memories to hold.
But he lost who he thought she was, as well.
"I'm better this year. Better every year," he nods, eyes focused on his twins playing together. "Get to spend this day with the best mum there is."
He gazes over at you adoringly.
"Thank you," you whisper, sealing your mouth to his.
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Later that evening, after you and Steven have wrangled three kids into bed, you decide to take a quick shower.
When you emerge, Marc is waiting for you with a glass of wine.
"Happy Mother's Day," his dark eyes flicker down the curves of your body and he wets his lips.
"Marc," you breathe, taking the wine glass from his hand and setting it aside so you can throw your arms around him. "I didn't think I would see you today."
His strong forearms flex against your back, pulling you closer. "I'm here. Did you get the flowers?"
"Yeah they're on the dining room table. Thank you, they're beautiful."
"Good." Easing back, he kisses your mouth, before taking your hand and retrieving your wine glass. "Come on."
The sound of the record player drifts faintly down the hall, welcoming you into the den, where Marc has built a fire.
"I know it's May, but I turned the air down low," he explains, answering your quizzical look. "I know how much you love a fire."
You beam at him as he leads you to sit down on the plush rug in front of the fireplace. There's a tray with some adult-worthy snacks, like - the nice brand of cheese and fancy chocolates.
"No kids allowed," he winks, knowing you're always the one to give up the last pancake or slice of pizza for your children, or for him.
"Oooh, okay, this almost feels like an anniversary." You reach for a chocolate as the two of you get comfortable.
"Too much?" He questions, dark eyes focused intently on the way your lips wrap around the candy.
"Owh naw - its puwfect," you mumble, mouth stuffed full of a truffle.
Marc laughs, nodding mockingly, but playfully. "Sexy."
"I know," you humph, finishing your treat. "But today's my day. I don't have to be sexy."
"You couldn't help that if you tried," he smoothly counters, reaching up with his thumb to swipe chocolate from the corner of your mouth.
"You're really racking up the points here, babe, like, this is..." You glance all around you before taking a swig of your wine. "This is good. Really good."
"I thought you could use some kid-free time," he explains, "With your favorite things - without Jakob eating them all first."
You share a laugh, knowing it's true. Jakob is barely a middle child, but he certainly acts like one.
"If you want some alone time, just say the word," Marc adds, a bit reluctantly. "I just want you to be able to relax."
Setting down your wine glass, you pull him close by his t-shirt. "Don't you dare. You're mine."
You surge forward to meet his lips in a hungry kiss, the wine and the pampering treatment truly reminding you of more of a romantic anniversary setting than anything else.
Marc hums against your lips, cupping your face in his hand as you deepen the kiss, licking open the seam of his mouth to taste him. The wine and the chocolate and the essence of your husband soothes and thrills you equally as you melt into his arms.
"Thank you," you whisper, rubbing your nose against his as you part for air. "Thank you for making me a mother."
He touches his forehead to yours and earnestly returns, "Thank you for showing me what a mother can be."
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
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welldonebeca · 5 months
The Mother's Day Anthology - (1) Alysanne
Summary: Months after their banishment from Westeros, Alysanne and Jahaerys spend their first Mother’s Day in New Valyria. Set in 1941 WC: 1.3k words Warnings: Modern-ish AU. 1940S. Angst. Hurt/Comfort. Family fluff.
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Alysanne closed her eyes, fanning herself with her paper fan lazily in the Solar, watching the sun rising on the horizon with the electric fan aimed at her face.
Hot. It was too hot, everything was too hot.
How much hotter was that damn country going to get?!
It was May! What place would be this hot at fucking May? So far, Alysanne had only stepped there in December, to escape Winter in King’s Landing.
And it wasn’t even Summer, gods…
She was cooking alive, that’s what she was.
As if being pregnant wasn’t uncomfortable enough.
She reached for the bowl by her side for more frozen treats, but it was just a puddle of juice now, so she just wavered her fingers to dry them, frustrated.
Not even her frozen treats survived the heat in that damn place.
“My love?” she heard.
Alysanne turned her neck and relaxed a little when Jahaerys walked to her, holding a bowl in his hand.
“You weren’t in your bed,” he pulled himself a chair.
She exhaled, tired.
“My room was too warm,” she groaned. “The fans were just blowing hot air on my face.”
Jahaerys sat by her side, taking her hand and kissing it.
“The sunset is beautiful here,” he hummed against her knuckles.
Her mouth soured.
“It was more beautiful from the window of our room,” she corrected him. “We could see it rising from under the ocean.”
A thousand years.
A thousand years of legacy, gone just like that.
They had worked so hard, tried so hard to establish themselves, and at least stayed home when they started asking for a democracy. Even if they weren’t in the throne – even if there wasn’t even a throne anymore! - but they were banished anyway; isolated, expelled from their home.
Dragonstone was still theirs! They couldn’t take it from them.
They could have lived in it happily, safely.
But no. They had to leave, even though they were the ones who’d unified that damn place, who’d made the Kingdoms into a country!
But they took everything they could take from them.
Their throne, their land, their freedom… her baby, still just a tiny thing in her when she lost him.
Her hand moved to her belly, to rub the swell of her womb. Jahaerys was certain it would be a girl this time, before he was due.
Saera. She would be Daenerys’ best friend.
Jahaerys thought that if they showed the gods their children belonged to them, then they would bless them.
Alysanne highly doubted it.
“It’s temporary,” he affirmed, reaching for her belly, and caressing it softly. “She won’t even have memories of anything but Westeros.”
Keep reading it on Archive of Our Own.
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neptoons1998 · 1 year
Hey mama
A/N: I finished this before work let’s goooo! On the real, happy mothers day for those who celebrate, and happy sunday for people who don't.
Tag gang: @mal-urameshi @pantherheart @somethingcleaverandwhitty @xblackreader
Summary: It's a Mother's Day special.
Riri could recall a distant memory of crying. She was always a big crybaby no matter what her mother would say. Riri would hiccup as Okoye just finished packing up to go on away missions. Riri knew that her mother’s job was important, but that doesn’t mean she had to like it. 
Okoye kneeled in front of her, “Why the crocodile’s tears my love?”
Riri would continue to sob as she tried to use words to express herself, “B-because you’re leaving again. You were only here for t-three days, mama.”
Okoye hated when her turnaround was so quick, she knew it misses Riri. Even though the small girl had a stable life with Okoye’s close friends and family. She knew how attached her daughter was to her, Okoye was the same with Riri. 
Okoye wiped some of the tears that stain Riri’s cheeks, “aw my love, I know it’s not fair to you. Mama promised she won’t go on any more away missions for a little while.”
Okoye already knew she would have to bribe Ayo and Aneka to make it happen. The pair would quickly agree just make Riri stop crying. 
“My love for you spans the stars and galaxies,” Okoye said as she cradled her daughter, “You are my everything, so that means I will always come back never forget that okay?”
Riri squeezed her blanket, “Okay.”
"What's wrong, Riri?" MJ asked causing Riri to wake up from her daydreaming. 
The roommates were slowly packing up their dorm. MJ generously invited Riri to stay with her. Riri sighed as she finished another box. "It's Mother's Day," she said. "And I miss my mom."
MJ gave a kind smile as she wrapped her arms around Riri’s shoulders, “Maybe you should give her a call?” Mj knew little about why Riri had a strained relationship with her mother. MJ being a good friend was there to support her. “ It could at least give you the closure that you need.”
 Riri nodded, but she didn't feel any better. Riri didn't like it when her mom was gone. She missed her terribly, and she was always worried about her safety. But she knew that her mom was doing important work, and she was proud of her.
"Do you want to talk about it?" MJ asked she had rarely seen Riri’s serious face before. She wanted to help her friend as much as possible but she could only do some much. 
Riri shook her head as she wiped her face, "Not really, but thanks." 
MJ nodded accepting her friend’s decision as she sighed. "Okay, but I'm here if you need me."
Riri  wrapped her arms around MJ, “Careful I will think you have feelings for me.”
MJ rolled her eyes, “ You might have everyone wrapped around your fingers, but not me. “ With that, the pair laughed and for a quick second Riri forgot why she was sad. 
Riri decided to go for a walk to clear her head. As she walked, she thought about her mama. She remembered all the good times they had together, and she smiled. Riri looked up at the sky. The moon was shining brightly with the stars twinking beside it. 
“My love for you spans the stars and galaxies.”
“Then my love for you spans past that and then some,” Riri smiled. She was going to be okay. Riri might be homesick, but what she’s doing here learning will help Wakanda. She couldn’t wait for her mother to see it. 
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snarkivistfic · 1 year
New fic: The Visits
Rated: General
Relationship: XiYao
Lan Xichen and Meng Yao take each other to where their mother's are buried to introduce the other to their mom
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cassandracain52 · 4 months
Reverse trope
where instead of the Bats forgetting that they’re adopted (something actual adoptees do on occasion and is hilarious) they forget that some of them *cough Damian cough* aren’t
Jason in the heat of a probably ridiculous argument: Yeah well YOU’RE adopted!
Tim just as invested in said argument: So are YOU! We all are!
Damian who had previously been quietly watching this unfold while he drank his tea: Actually I’m not
Tim and Jason who didn’t realize he was there but are already DoneTM: …… Damian continuing to sip his tea entirely unbothered: :)
Damian: Because I’m not an orphan-
Jason: ok, yoU KNOW WHAT-
or like in their group texts (that we know they have thanks to Nightwing (2016) #79)
*Steph changed the group chat name to “Bruce Wayne’s Personal Orpanage”*
Jason: Really?
Steph: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Steph: It’s the truth Damian: Both my parents are very much alive
Steph: Shhh you don’t count
Cass: Mine too Duke: Technically so are mine
Barbara: I still have a dad so there’s that
Tim: Stephanie aren’t BOTH of your parents alive???
*Steph changed the group chat name to “The Technicality Police”*
Tim: well that’s more accurate at least
Steph: :)
Damian in his 10th argument with Tim of the day: That’s- this is-
Tim in full Antagonizing Big Brother mode: I’m listening
Damian -a Gen Z and best friend to Jon Kent- extremely frustrated: This is such Motherless behavior!
Tim taken aback: [voice cracking] W-what-?
Damian who didn’t mean to say that but doubling down anyway because his bloodline doesn’t believe in admitting mistakes: THIS! This is such Motherless behavior!
The rest of the family who is also motherless: :O
Cass whose been spending way too much time with Meme Queen Stephanie Brown and not involved in the argument but finding it entertaining regardless: [nodding along seriously] Facts
Tim: [visibly betrayed] CASS WHAT-
A video copy of the interaction gets sent out anonymously to the entire family. Barbara is the prime suspect but there is no proof as of yet (and they will never find any)
Steph, Cass, and Duke continue to respond “Motherless behavior” everytime one of the bats does something they deem questionable/insane. It is said often
It only stops when one night in the middle of patrol. Batman is in full Dark Knight mode (possibly in the middle of threatening someone) and descends from the ceiling into the middle of a warehouse drug deal, dark cape billowing out behind him-
and Steph just automatically whispers “Motherless behavior” forgetting her com was still very much on
She immediately realizes what she said and frantically apologizes but it’s too late.
Bruce just- Blue Screens. Completely stunned into silence
Dick -who was unfortunate enough to be the one teamed up with Batman tonight- is fighting for his life to choke back his laughter
Jason doesn’t even try to stop his and has collapsed to his knees from lack of air from how hard he’s laughing. Cass try’s half heartedly patting his back to help to no avail
The criminals are terrified into surrender from The Red Hood just laughing hysterically at seemingly nothing while Batman just Stands There
Damian ends up being the only one still functioning enough to continue arresting everyone, though he is privately amused and strangely proud
Tim and Barbara have saved both the com recordings and cowl footage to at least three different servers and sent it to absolutely everyone before Batman even recovers
Duke finds out second hand the next morning and is furious he missed the chance to see it in person. He declares he is moving to the nightshift so it doesn’t happen again. (He is all talk and goes to bed by 9 pm)
Bruce bans the phrase for life and promises swift and server punishment to anyone who dares to use it again
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queenie-ofthe-void · 3 months
Father's Day
Was going to post this for the steddie microfic June prompt, but decided it's probably not Steddie-centric. Still sticking to the reqs though, just for fun!
prompt: "stuff" || wc: 483 || rated: G || cw: none
Everyone knows Steve’s house is free reign for hangouts, yet the Party’s collectively designated Sundays as alone time for the new couple. So it’s a bit of a surprise that someone’s knocking. 
The fact someone’s knocking at all is weird.
“Hey sweetheart,” Eddie shouts from the living room, “can you grab that? I think someone’s here.”
Steve opens the door to find Dustin and Max looking slightly shy, if he had to put his finger on it. Odd, especially for them. They’re holding gift bags filled with colorful tissue paper, Max’s blue and Dustin’s red.
Before Steve can invite them in, they surge past him towards the living room. So not too far off from normal, he thinks.
He trails after them and finds Eddie right where he left him– sitting on the floor, surrounded by DnD books and a notebook perched in his lap.
“Babe, what are the sheepies doing here? It’s Sunday,” Eddie asks. He’s smiling up at them, despite the interruption.
Of course they’re happy to see the kids– always are, always will be– but only these two could get away with showing up on Eddie and Steve day.
“We brought you something,” Max says, thrusting the gift into Steve’s arms. Dustin drops his onto Eddie’s lap, scattering his loose notes.
Curious, Steve looks to catch Eddie’s expression to find him already tearing into the gift. Steve sets his on the coffee table and digs out the colorful paper.
Inside he finds a plain, white coffee mug, except it’s been hand-painted with colorful paint pens. On it he finds a basketball, baseball, and a crudely drawn version of his beloved beemer. But on the front, the word “Dingus” is written in Max’s bubble font underneath a bloody version of his nail bat. 
His eyes sting with warmth, and he looks up at Max, whose cheeks are flushed red. Steve finds Eddie holding a similar mug covered in what he assumes are DnD monsters, along with some dice, and his precious Warlock on the front with “Metalhead” underneath.
“What is this,” Steve asks, choking on the lump lodged in his throat.
“It’s all stuff you like,” Max replies, pointing at the mug, choosing the easy answer instead of the real one.
”No– why?” Steve feels like he can’t breathe, his eyes almost full, and his heart racing.
“It’s Father’s Day,” Dustin says, sniffling and wringing his hat in his hands “and me and Max, you know, we don’t–”
“You guys taught us how to play basketball, so we could practice with Lucas,” Max interrupts. “And how to play guitar. And all of the Upside-Down stuff. You’re always here.”
Steve wraps Max up in his arms, dragging her to the ground next to Dustin similarly draped over Eddie. It’s not the six little nuggets Steve asked for.
But these kids– their kids– are so much more than he ever could’ve hoped for.
To everyone out there who doesn't have a father, your father is absolute shit, or you mom was both parents -- I hope you have as good a Sunday as possible.
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seiwas · 3 months
cw: happy tears and tickle fights, birthday celebrations and other things. unedited sawry. ‼️ FIC SPOILERS PAST THIS PORTION OF THE CONTENT WARNING ‼️ pregnancy.
hajime’s birthday this year is different.
you don’t celebrate on the day of, contrary to your tradition of keeping it free no matter what. instead, you decide on the weekend, taking time to prepare his gift while he’s out of town.
the sunday morning starts out slow, a late wake to his usual 5:00 a.m. runs. you shift beside him, turning to snuggle deeper into his hold.
you weren’t able to wait for him last night, any hour past midnight simply impossible for you to keep up with these days.
your breath puffs out in a long exhale, tickling his collarbone.
he pulls you closer when you move, tucking his nose into the crown of your head. it’s something you both do, you’ve noticed—breathing each other in the moment you return to one another.
the celebration today is not lost on you, but you take in these few silent moments with him for just a bit longer.
when he stirs, squeezing you tighter as he mumbles a low ‘morning’, you peer up to kiss his chin. he’s ticklish there, you know, especially when your lips catch on the bits of stubble grown a few days after he shaves.
it takes longer for you both to get out of bed because of that, a tickle fight ensuing as hajime sneakily crawls his fingers up your armpits, blowing raspberries at the spot right below your ears.
you slip into the bathroom that way—a little clumsy and a lot giggly. then you crouch low, opening the cabinet under the sink; hidden in it is your gift for him, a flat rectangle wrapped in kraft paper and a green bow.
it’s the first thing in your agenda today, you’ve decided, unable to wait until he receives it at the end of the day, like you’d originally planned.
hajime’s propped up against the headboard when you step back into your bedroom, blanket scrunched at his hip. you’re no fan of the season’s heat, but you thank god it’s summer, because at least, you’re met with the view of his exposed chest every morning.
he holds an arm out to welcome you back in, letting you rest your legs across his lap as he cradles your back.
“your gift,” you whisper, holding out the wrapped rectangle, “open it first. that’s the first thing on our agenda today.”
he chuckles, taking the soft rectangle from your hands while kissing your temple, “thanks, babe. you didn’t have to.”
you watch eagerly, tucking yourself into his side as you wrap an arm around his waist. he tears through the wrapper but sets aside the bow, knowing you like to recycle them when you have the chance.
hajime is a simple man, and at the sight of his favorite brand of socks, he lights up at the addition of one more to his already-full drawer of them.
he turns to you, about to pepper your face with a bunch of kisses but—
“check the hem, i got something done to it.” you giggle.
he looks confused for a moment before he turns them over, plain white save for the dark green letters running around its ankle garters.
there’s another reason you decided to celebrate his birthday this weekend, on the third sunday of june.
he deciphers the word, reading each letter: p-a-p-a, and you can see the cogs turning in his brain before he immediately whips his head to face you.
you nod.
there’s something indescribable in his eyes, emotion welling up as they gloss over dark olive green—it makes you want to cry, too.
damn all these hormones.
“happy birthday, papa.” you sniffle, smiling wide, “and happy father’s day.”
(after a whole lot of tears, and even more kissing, you show hajime the tests you took while he was away. he tells you you should have told him, that he would have come home, but you shake your head.
it’s well worth it, seeing his reaction to two things he can celebrate today.)
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eywaseclipse · 5 months
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Happy Mother’s Day Neytiri. I don’t think she loves anything more than motherhood and family. 🩵🦋
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babygirl-diaz · 5 months
Happy Mother's Day, Eddie
Every year on Mother's Day, Eddie took Christopher to Shannon's grave with flowers, teddy bears, balloons, and a handmade card made by Christopher. It became a tradition after her death. There was a year when things went to hell and Christopher refused to go there with Eddie, but after they mended their relationship, they restarted their tradition. Now Christopher was 16 years old, and this was one of the only times he voluntarily spent time with Eddie so Eddie made the most of it.
After they put everything on the grave, Eddie and Christopher silently sat down on the bench.
"Dad?" Christopher called out after a few minutes.
Christopher pulled something out of his jacket pocket and gave it to Eddie.
Eddie looked at it confused and realized it was a handmade card that read 'World's Best Mom.'
"Is this for your mom?" Eddie asked. "I thought you already gave her a card?" He said, looking at the grave.
"No," Christopher replied awkwardly and wrung his hands together. "It's for you."
That confused Eddie even more. "For me?"
Christopher nodded. "You've tried your best to fill both roles since Mom's death, so I don't think it's too far-fetched to want to celebrate you too today."
Eddie was stunned and welled up a little at that. He opened the card to see a picture of himself and Christopher from when Christopher was only 7. Christopher had drawn it himself. Under the picture, the message read, "Sometimes the world's best mom is actually a dad." Eddie couldn't help but laugh a little through his tears. "Can I- can I hug you?" He asked. He knew Christopher didn't like hugs anymore that's why he asked first.
"Yeah, yeah you can," Christopher replied with tears in his own eyes.
Eddie pulled his son close and hugged him tight. "I love you so much, kiddo," he said, kissing the top of Christopher's head.
"Love you too, Dad," Christopher said, hugging him back.
After Eddie pulled away, they stayed there for a few minutes, just talking to each other and Shannon.
"Can we go to Buck's place?" Christopher asked once they started walking towards the pickup truck.
"Buck's place?" Eddie asked. "Why? Isn't he supposed to be hanging out with Maddie and her family today?"
"No!" Christopher replied quickly. "I need some help with my math homework, so I asked Buck, and he said we can come over."
"Okay?" Eddie replied unsurely. He was almost certain Christopher was up to something, but he didn't press.
Instead, he drove them over to Buck's place and let Christopher go ahead of him. "Where's your backpack?"
Christopher didn't answer and instead knocked on Buck's door.
Buck soon opened and grinned when he saw them. "Hey, fellas!"
"Something smells good," Eddie commented as he entered the house after Christopher.
"I made chicken enchiladas!" Buck replied excitedly.
"Oh, nice! My favorite!" Eddie chuckled at Buck's enthusiasm.
"I know, that's why I made it!"
Eddie looked at him, confused. "You cooked for me? Why? It isn't my birthday."
"No, but it's Mother's Day and you're the world's best dad slash mom, remember?" Christopher giggled.
"And the world's best dad slash mom deserves only the best!" Buck added and took Eddie's hand, leading him to the dining room. "Ta-da!"
Eddie's eyes widened when he saw all the food on the table. "Oh wow." He looked between Christopher and Buck. "You two planned this?"
"Happy Mother's Day, dad!" Christopher said instead and gave him a side hug.
"Happy Mother's Day, Eddie," Buck added and gave Eddie a side hug as well, squishing him in between his two favorite guys.
There was no place Eddie would rather be.
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little-annie · 29 days
Just another @strangerthingswritersguild drabble.
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G | WC 635 | Steve, Eddie & Robin
It was a typical Thursday evening in Buckingson home -as previously named by a very inebriated Robin and Eddie. Some random record playing on low, the small space lit by nothing but the orange glow of lamp light and candle flame.
To anyone it would sound like a peaceful night at home.
But not just anyone had Eddie for a live-in boyfriend and Robin for a best friend who also happened to be a roommate. And surely no one had the pair of chaos twins constantly bringing in stray animals to their home.
The first time it'd been a bird, some small feathery thing with a damaged wing that Robin carried into their home with her bare hands and made a nest for out of grass clippings Eddie had gathered in the park. They named the chirpy little thing Squeaker, and by the time it's wing had healed the small animal had been on several road trips and one memorable trip to the grocery store. He'd (?) joined the next migration and now every year since when his flock comes through the city, he'll perch himself on their balcony and chitter until Robin or Eddie come out to say hello.
Then there had been Bambi. A small abandoned fawn Eddie somehow managed to sneak past Steve and into Robin's room where the pair cared for the thing until a wildlife rehabilitation centre could pick it up. Steve didn't find out about that one until he answered the call from the rehab centre offering their update on the creature several weeks later.
There was also Bob the baby Racoon, Dorothy the dumpster cat, Roco the abandoned puppy and now, there was Pumpkin, apparently.
Steve had been in the kitchen slaving away over dinner when he heard the soft click of the front door and the insanely uncharacteristic whispers between Eddie and Robin.
And then there was a meow.
A wretched, croaky thing that sounded as if the newest addition to their home had the same nicotine problem as Eddie.
“Shhhh,” Steve could hear Eddie whisper as he continued to stir the pot of pasta sauce he was making, “Don't want Stevie finding out about you just yet.”
“We gotta bath you first baby,” Robin added.
Steve could only imagine the condition of this animal, let alone the event it would be for Robin and Eddie to bathe it.
But as he had a handful of times before, he pretended he hadn't heard a thing and let the chaotic two carry on.
Just the sound of them attempting to wash the cat was rather comical. Of course there was lots of swearing and one quite loud yelp from Eddie, accompanied by Robin's hushed placating. Funny enough they were still trying to be quiet, but Steve could still hear the murmurs of…
“Are you bleeding?”
“Of course I'm bleeding, Buckley. Did you see the claws on this thing.”
“Did you see the nuts on ‘em?”
“Unfortunately, yes. What the fuck?”
“Should they be that big?”
“I don't know. We'll ask Steve.”
“What do you think happened to his tail?”
“Probably froze off like his ears.”
Jesus Christ.
Twenty minutes, several yowls from the cat, one loud painful sounding yelp from Eddie later, Steve is introduced to Pumpkin.
He's a scraggly looking thing.
One eyed, half tailed and missing the majority of his two ears. The definition of a dumpster cat. Steve's sure the cat stunk before the bath the apparently three before him endured.
Robin and Eddie are soaked head to toe. Bloodied and bandaged. Hair in utter disarray. They look exhausted. But they also look to be just beaming with excitement.
The cat on the other hand, held tightly in Robin's arms looks less than thrilled.
“Steve,” Robin starts, joined by Eddie a moment later, “Sweetheart,”
“Meet Pumpkin.”
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buckys-metal-arm · 2 months
I had a rough day and needed to word vomit this out to cope, which is why it doesn't have my usual formatting. GN!Reader, warning for some brief mentions of crying, but other than that it's just Bucky taking care of his partner 💙
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Bucky holding you after a bad day at work, keeping you close to his chest and gently wiping your tears with his thumb as you recount the events of the day, listening intently to you vent. He presses little kisses to your forehead as you cry it out, and gets you water once you've calmed down. He refuses to leave your side until you've downed the entire glass because "you cried a lot, Doll. I just don't want you to get dehydrated."
Bucky carries you into the bathroom once you're done, cradling you against his body as he runs you a bath. He was just going to let you lay back and relax while he cooked your favorite meal and turned down your bed so it was nice and ready for you to fall into when you got out, but how could he say no to those pleading eyes you gave him when you asked him to join you? He opts to put in an order at your favorite takeout place and strips down before settling in behind you. You're in his arms as soon as his body hits the water, flesh and metal enveloping you in a cocoon of love and warmth. He takes his time washing your hair, peppering your back and shoulders with with kisses.
Bucky helps you out of the tub after he excuses himself so that he can throw on some clothes and grab you something warm to wear: your favorite pair of jogging shorts, the Henley that keeps disappearing from his top drawer, and a hoodie that he's been wearing a lot lately, knowing that you love how it smells like him. He turns down the bed as you get dressed, and somehow timed the food delivery out perfectly, so he gets you settled in bed before running to meet the delivery driver.
You and Bucky eat in bed, and once you two are done he lays in your lap and lets you play with his hair, knowing that it helps you calm down.
Bucky watches you start to sway, the way you fight to keep your eyes open, and asks if you're ready for bed. You beg him for some skin-on-skin, though you really don't need to. He would give you the universe if you asked him to. He helps you out of his your shirt before stripping off his own and hugging you to his chest. You nuzzle into him, stroking your fingers up and down his happy trail as you happily fall asleep on his chest, your bad day long forgotten as you doze off in his arms.
Had an absolute nightmare of a day at work and when I told my family about it my mom made it all about her like she ALWAYS does and my dad was at least sympathetic but just gave me like a sympathetic shoulder pat and all I want is a hug but no one in my family really does that so now all I want is a Bucky to hold me and tell me it's all gonna be okay and take care of me so... This happened
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anna-scribbles · 10 months
thirteen update 🍂 🎹 🏠 👻
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chapter 2: November
chapter summary:
She was in a good mood. If she was ever going to take it well, it would be now.
“Maman, what if I went to school this year?”
“Heh.” Adrien flicked a finger beneath his chin and strutted the length of his bathroom floor, glancing at himself in the mirror. He twirled a rose—a red one, one he’d grabbed from the vase downstairs—between his fingers and then presented it to the mirror with a flourish.
“Haruhi!” he declared, “the spring of my heart surges upon the sight of your fresh smile, my love. My heart beats at the command of your drum! Your face is the fierce longing of my soul, and I present to you now this token of my lavish, undying—”
A sharp knock clicked against the bedroom door and Adrien froze, his hand still passionately hovering over his heart.
“Adrien?” Nathalie’s voice called, and Adrien—true to character, if he did say so himself—startled so hard that he slipped and fell onto his butt on the tile.
“Yeah?” he called, hastily pulling himself up and trying to find a place to set down the rose.
Nathalie peeked her head through the bathroom door and took him in, his rumpled hair and the too-small blue blazer he’d saved in the back of his closet for occasions such as…this.
“You have a guest,” she said flatly, and Adrien could not for the life of him figure out whether she was making fun of him.
She left before he could decide, and then it was only a matter of seconds before his bathroom door was thrown all the way open and a blonde ponytail bobbed into view.
“Adrikins!” Chloé crashed into him, wrapping him up in a hug that nearly knocked him over again. “It’s been way too long. You’ve been neglecting me. Aw, did you get me a rose?” She plucked it from his hands and then scrunched up her nose. “Ew, is this real?”
“As real as the current that springs from the well of my heart,” Adrien invented, and Chloé frowned at him like he’d just spoken Greek. “Nevermind.”
She looked him up and down and scrunched her nose up even more. “What did you do to your hair?”
Adrien frowned at his reflection in the mirror and pushed his hair further over to the side.
“I was trying to make it look cool.” He’d been trying to make it look like Tamaki from Ouran High School Host Club.
“It looks like you just rolled out of bed.”
read on ao3
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mothandpidgeon · 6 months
Moth & Birdie's Mother's Day Fic Challenge! 💐
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In honor of my very first official Mother’s Day, @ezrasbirdie and I are hosting a Mother’s Day fic challenge! 
Give mom what she really wants this Mother’s Day— her very own Pedro character! Write a fic about moms, motherhood, mommy featuring one or more Pedro boys and post it with #MothandBirdMothersDayChallenge
You don’t have to be a mom to participate! The fic should just include motherhood in some form. 
The rules:
Challenge begins April 12 and ends May 12 (Mother’s Day in America) but time is a construct so feel free to post whenever
Use hashtag #MothandBirdMothersDayChallenge to submit your fic and we’ll add it to a master list 
No restrictions on content but tag accordingly!!
No word count requirements
If you’re not a writer or would like to participate in another way (moodboards, art, etc) all creativity is welcome! 
Feel free to contribute as much as you’d like!
Let’s be respectful and leave Pedro’s actual mom out of this please. 
We understand that Mother’s Day can be a difficult time for people. No hard feelings if you need to filter the challenge tag. If you are participating, please keep this in mind and be sure to use the tag!
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yourteght · 4 months
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» AISHITE (あいして) — capa teste
⟅12.05.2024 — eu vi um dia desses um vídeo das melhores mamães do universo dos desenhos e assim, só apareceu peça boa, gente supimpa que da até vontade de, nossa, nem sei explicar. Lembrei desse vídeo depois que acabei ficando em casa sozinho e fui pensar em um projeto de gente pra zoar como nesse vídeo que vi, não teria alguém melhor que essa grande querida aqui. Pra quem assistiu soul eater vai saber pq esse projeto de mãe está nessa capa, pra quem não viu, eu peço que considere um ser desprezível (única qualidade dessa criatura é que a bixa é bonita, que ódio).
P. S.: essa capa ta tão delicada, tão fofa, tão meiga 🩷 o que torna minha zoação com essa capa ainda melhor! Medusa, te odeio!
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elliesmainhoe · 1 year
Happy Mothers Day!!
HBO!Ellie Williams X MotherFigure!Reader
Summary: The first mothers day Ellie has ever celebrated and she's going to make sure that it's amazing.
Contents: tooth rotting fluff, happiness, extreme cuteness
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Pancakes were supposed to be simple. Key word supposed.
Ellie woke up at the ass crack of dawn that morning, she had set her alarm clock for 6m and had switched yours off- discreetly forcing you into sleeping over time. She'd gathered all the ingredients the recipe had told her. Said recipe having been ripped out of the book they were originally in and found laying near a library a little outside of Jackson.
Ellie had squeezed fresh apple juice as she waited for the first pancake to cook through. A bad habit of Ellie's was losing track of time, she got carried away, squeezing the apple juice lead to her finding cutlery which lead to her cleaning said cutlery which lead to finding the right tray to put the silverware on. Ending up with the smell of burning flooding the kitchen.
She slammed the kitchens door, attempting to stop the smoke from wafting through the house alerting you of her antics and waking you up. She opened the window, the chilly air ventilating out the smell of smoke before she turned off the stove.
To say the pancake was a little crisp would be a bit of an understatement.
Shit. She only had enough for two, one for you, one for her. Oh well... She'll have the burnt one, today's about you anyways.
Take two was a little more successful a bit crisp on the edges but it'll do. She flopped them onto the two blue and white china plates- covering yours in fruit and hers in chocolate, balancing them on a wooden tray with the two glasses of juice before she took to the stairs.
She nudged open the door with her foot as she walked into the dark room, curtains closed and blocking out the ever insistent sunrise from seeping into your bedroom.
Cautiously, she placed the tray on your bedside table quietly before tiptoeing over to you window and drawing the curtains apart- the warm glow of the morning lightening the space.
Ellie watched as your eyes fluttered open. "Fuck kiddo. What time is it?" You grunted rolling over to look at your alarm clock 7:45am. 1 hour and 30 minutes late for patrol. Before you opened your mouth the soft voice of your daughter interrupted you.
"Don't worry Mom... I talked to Maria and she cancelled your patrol today" her hand gestured towards the tray of overlooked pancakes, before she whispered a shy "Happy mothers day mama..."
"Oh sweet girl come here" you opened your eyes as a blur of brown hair launched itself at you, her arms wrapping around you and giggling when you pecked her forehead lovingly.
"I tried to make you breakfast. It's not the best but-"
"It looks amazing kiddo. Thank you so much_ you smiled into her hair, before scooching up the bed- your back meeting the headboard as you move the tray onto your lap.
You took a bite of the fruit covered pancake, and honestly you couldn't tell whether or not Ellie was a culinary genius or you were just a smitten mother. Because fuck it tasted good.
Ellie's doe eyes looked up at you expectantly and with worry and anticipation. "Well done Ellie. This tastes so so so so good. You gotta cook for me more often now kid." You hummed, she seemed content with your answer.
"oh wait I got you something else" the girl said darting off your bed and out of the room before swiftly returning with what looked like... A sketch book? "I uh didn't really know what to get you and I thought you would enjoy something personal... So..." She shoved the sketch book into your hands "here."
You set your food aside, opting to open up the leather bound pad of paper instead. The first page read.
To Mom.
I know how much you like my drawings so I decided to put something together for you. Happy Mothers day.
Love Ellie.
You flipped to the next page and there was a beautiful sketch of you, sitting a the barstool of your kitchen island, glasses resting on the bridge of your nose as you read a new recipe
The next one was of you and Ellie. She had sketched out and traced the photo you both took in the malls arcade.
The next one was of a cartoon giraffe wearing a space suit on the moon.
It went on and on and on for 80 pages, sketches of you, her favourite things, her favourite hobbies, her favourite people it was so so so beautiful.
A single tear dripped down your cheek, "come over here baby" you sniffles hugging your girl tightly "my baby's so talented..." You hummed hands playing with her hair as she smiled joyfully.
"Thank you so much kiddo.."
I actually celebrated mothers day 2 months ago! But I have baby fever rn so here I am again, healing Ellie Williams mommy issues.
Taglist:@aunslie @lonelyfooryouonly @eywaskisses @daryldixonh0e @kittynnie @lovelyyevelyn @randomhoex @moonlightdivine @haerinwho @mufflaa @mial1l @sarahsmileslikesarahd0esntcare @moonlighting87 @escaping-reality8 @magicalfreakcowboylawyer @hejdevkdbdjsd @dergy @half-of-a-gay @ellieismami @cyberlainn @gollumsmygel @sseorii @kyleeservopoulos @taloulalila @ellieluhme @kiiyoooo @delusionalvioleht @joelscharm @hi2647 @gumdropkoo @coffeeandbookskeepmealive @womaniza @namgification @kimiisims-blog @tayyyystan @abigaillovestoread @whoreshores @kylieeluvstlou @knowitsforthebetterr @endureher @erikaar @lanasluverr @sayah13 @ilovebufflesbians @srryhoneyy @222fine444u
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agerebatman · 5 months
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Happy Mothers Day, Alfred ♡
Ficlet • Regressor Bruce Wayne, Caregiver Alfred
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"Alfred?" Bruce's voice was small and gentle, and Alfred knew exactly what that meant.
"Yes, dear boy?" Alfred responded with a pet name, knowing his son was regressed.
Bruce shuffled into the room shyly. He was always quite bashful when small. Bruce held a few pieces of paper in one hand and a small bin in the other.
"What do you have there?"
Bruce didn't respond, just looking down with a timid smile.
"Oh, is it a secret?"
He nodded.
"Well, you're welcome to stay here in my office while I work, if you'd like. I'll even put the telly on. "
Bruce took his usual spot on the floor behind the coffee table, laying out his supplies. Every time Alfred looked in his direction, Bruce would use his large frame to block his view. There was snipping and coloring and gluing, but Alfred couldn't parse what he was making. In good time, Bruce appeared behind him.
"Baba," he whispered, having slipped even smaller with his craft, "for you."
He placed a card in Alfred's hands. Paper flowers were glued to the front, and when he opened it, there was a picture in colored pencil. Alfred and Bruce's late mother, Martha. Written neatly across the top: Happy Mother's Day.
Alfred tried to quell the tears in his eyes. He wrapped Bruce in a hug.
"I love you very much, my darling."
"Love you too, baba."
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