#tiny fic :>
agerebatman · 5 months
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Happy Mothers Day, Alfred ♡
Ficlet • Regressor Bruce Wayne, Caregiver Alfred
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"Alfred?" Bruce's voice was small and gentle, and Alfred knew exactly what that meant.
"Yes, dear boy?" Alfred responded with a pet name, knowing his son was regressed.
Bruce shuffled into the room shyly. He was always quite bashful when small. Bruce held a few pieces of paper in one hand and a small bin in the other.
"What do you have there?"
Bruce didn't respond, just looking down with a timid smile.
"Oh, is it a secret?"
He nodded.
"Well, you're welcome to stay here in my office while I work, if you'd like. I'll even put the telly on. "
Bruce took his usual spot on the floor behind the coffee table, laying out his supplies. Every time Alfred looked in his direction, Bruce would use his large frame to block his view. There was snipping and coloring and gluing, but Alfred couldn't parse what he was making. In good time, Bruce appeared behind him.
"Baba," he whispered, having slipped even smaller with his craft, "for you."
He placed a card in Alfred's hands. Paper flowers were glued to the front, and when he opened it, there was a picture in colored pencil. Alfred and Bruce's late mother, Martha. Written neatly across the top: Happy Mother's Day.
Alfred tried to quell the tears in his eyes. He wrapped Bruce in a hug.
"I love you very much, my darling."
"Love you too, baba."
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cursingtoji · 7 months
gojo was talking about his day while you chopped stuff for dinner and smacking his hand whenever he tried to taste something, he said he would help you cook but as a good gold retriever he just stand by you watching and babbling.
megumi entered the kitchen, right after he left the shower, hair wet and sticking to his forehead.
the sight made your heart give one strong beat and stop.
that was man that almost took your life and satoru’s all those years ago. the man who shot a little girl. the man who made your best friend abandon everything you knew.
“gross” megumi murmurs and leaves the kitchen.
you didn’t realize what happened until he spoke. satoru was behind you, arms strongly tightened around your figure.
from megumi’s point of view it seemed he was hugging you.
what he couldn’t see was satoru’s tight grip on your hand that held the knife you were using for food with a new, darker, intention.
“easy” he whispered, helping you put the weapon down. when you came back to your senses you gasped and dropped the knife that fell loudly on the sink.
“fuck— satoru, i don’t know what came over me” you hugged yourself, feeling the scar on your chest throb.
your husband softened his grip, now properly hugging you, “do you think he noticed?” you could feel him slightly shaking.
“no, i covered you” you turned to hug him back, kissing the small scar on his forehead, “someday we’re gonna have to—“
“i know” you cut before he could say the inevitable, the scene that haunts you in your dreams, “just not now. we are happy now” his eyes were dark, unlike the crystal blue you always saw.
you kissed his cheek and hugged him tightly. you knew the truth weighted on satoru’s shoulder even more than yours.
“yeah… we’re happy… now” he mumbled on your neck, repeating what you said like a mantra.
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hagelwolke · 11 months
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Seeing little Xie Lian in the last episode just furthered my “i need Hua Cheng to meet the little prince” thoughts 😭😭 i just think it’d be cute if XL got hit by a curse or smth and the little prince is running through paradise manor 🥹
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canisalbus · 11 months
Giordano please! I want to see him and young Machete.
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Giordano di Calabria, the future Archbishop of Naples, and his good-for-nothing apprentice.
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seancefemme · 2 months
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would you tell me if you want me, cause I can’t move until you show me
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bats-and-the-birds · 6 months
I like to think about young Dick Grayson a lot, and right now I'm specifically thinking about him from the Justice League's perspective.
Like, imagine you're in the Justice League, maybe you've been there for a few months, maybe for a few years, but either way, you know how it works. Superman's terrifyingly powerful, but you get over the fear factor as soon as you see him cry over a sad cat video, and Wonder Woman's still a bit intimidating, but as long as you're good and truthful, you can trust that she won't crush your head like a grape.
And Batman... well, you've made your peace with the fact that you'll never figure him out. You know literally nothing about him, other than the fact that he claims to be fully human, but you're not even really sure about that, because you're pretty sure he just materializes in the shadows sometimes. The only things that you're 100% sure of is that you're terrified of him, and you're so glad that he's not on someone else's side.
And then, suddenly, he has acquired a child. Just like everything else, you don't find out immediately, because god forbid that man tell his team anything. But you start to hear vague reports of another shadow trailing behind Batman in the night. Superman asks him about it one day, but of course, he doesn't respond, and they all wonder, but it never gets brought up again.
But one day, unexpectedly, that shadow is at a league meeting, and he's not as shadowy as you would have thought. In fact, he's wearing the most vibrant costume you've seen, and you spend all of your time with other heroes in spandex. He's also young. Terrifyingly young. It's his twelfth birthday, actually, he explains to the league, and he pestered 'B' until he agreed to take him to a meeting. You all agree later that he looks younger than twelve. And you worry about him, because why is this child in Batman's care? Can he really be trusted to look after someone so small, so young, so seemingly fragile?
Besides, Robin (Robin, his name is Robin, he's a songbird for christ's sake), is everything that you'd think Batman would hate. He talks everyone's ear off with a giant grin stretched across his entire face. He begs Superman to fly him around and cackles and claps as Wonder Woman demonstrates basic sword maneuvers for him. Before long, the whole team is in a better mood. Meanwhile, Batman stands in the shadows, his face impassive, with no explanation about the little masked boy that walked into the room hiding under his cape.
He leaves just as he came, disappearing under Batman's cape as the two exit the watchtower together, and the whole league is left to wonder how the fuck that child ended up in Batman's care, and whether or not they should intervene, because spending prolonged time in Batman's company cannot be healthy for a child.
But then he starts showing up more and more, popping up in some places that you know from Batman's glare he's not supposed to be. He's teamed up with that speedster boy and the two of them cause havoc, but Robin takes the lecture he gets with a grin and gives a half hearted promise to behave.
You steadily start to realize that he might not be as out of place in Batman's company as you originally thought. You realize that the boy is a performer through and through, and that extends to that grin of his that dazzled the team when they first met him. You get the impression that sometimes its genuine, yes, but you'd never know if it wasn't. His exuberance is a persona held in place as meticulously as Batman's grim seriousness.
And though you'd assumed that Batman's sidekick (partner, the boy insisted, rather intensely, though his smile never faltered) would be well trained, this kid could take down league members, you're sure. You quickly realize that he enjoys fighting, and he fights viciously, giggling and putting on a show, but leaving broken bones in his wake. Your first impression is that Robin was more human than the demon they called the Batman, but you quickly start to question that too. If Batman can materialize in shadows, then Robin can fly. He twists through the air like gravity doesn't affect him and lands with so much grace that you'd think he had hollow bones like his namesake. You're not fully convinced he doesn't, considering he climbs up the bat with no warning, clinging onto his back like he belongs there (you quickly start to think he does), or he'll throw himself through the air with no more warning than a quick 'catch' yelled to his partner. And Batman catches him. Batman always catches him. Everyone keeps an eye on him when he's up high, but there's a part of you that feels like it's impossible that he'd ever fall. Or at least, impossible that Batman would ever let him hit the ground.
And you start to think that Robin's exactly where he's supposed to be; perched on Batman's shoulder, hiding in his cape, or fighting by his side. You still hope there's a normal boy behind the mask, going to school and making friends with someone to tuck him in at night, but you also can't imagine anything normal about Robin, and maybe that's why he needs to be by Batman's side, and maybe that's why Batman needs him too.
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idyllcy · 3 months
cherry red pies, pretty pink skies
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word count: 1.5k || pt2 of sparkling green eyes, dazzling green lines
summary: Damian's sweet baby has her first ballet recital
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"Dami, can you—"
"Don't worry." He hums, showing you the pamphlet he had picked up earlier. 
You never thought you'd be worried over ballet lessons. His sweet daughter was having her first recital, and he had cancelled a whole day's worth of plans in order to make sure that everything would go smoothly. You found it cute, though you were no less worried than he was. You could just never quite know what would go wrong in Gotham. The possibilities were endless... even with private security around the vicinity of the theatre.
You wonder if it's possible to be even more anxious than Damian.
"We'll be safe." He hums, hand reaching for yours as he runs his thumb over your knuckles, and you exhale.
"We'll be fine." You mumble. "We'll be fine."
"And if not then I get to shoot at Drake once."
Damian doesn't elaborate more on it, but when you catch a blur of orange in the dark, you get the general idea.
Well, at the very least, you feel a little more at peace knowing that someone is taking care of security. You wonder if Tim's out on the roof only to hack the cameras, though.
"Is he?" 
"No." Damian shakes his head, showing security the ticket. "Not this time."
You wonder just how worried Damian is over this entire situation, then.
"Are you worried that she'll mess up on stage at all?" You follow him to the center seats in the middle row, sitting down as he helps you down first.
"She's our blood. She's perfect even if she somehow does mess up. In that case, it would be improv, which we both know is something only the most talented can dream of doing."
You hold back at laugh at Damian's words. 
"Besides. We've both seen her practicing. She'll be alright." His hand covers yours, tapping gently at your fingers.
"I think she'll be fine." Cass hums as she slides next to the two of you, small bouquet in her arms, Bruce following shortly after.
"She's going to do the best out of all her peers." Damian rolls his eyes. 
You can only laugh.
In a way, Damian isn't wrong. Out of all those in her age group on stage, only your daughter somehow manages to remember the routine from start to finish, and when it's the end, you can barely contain your excitement to greet her. Damian follows after you with the flowers he had put in the trunk, small bouquet of congratulatory flowers in his arms as you pick up your precious baby girl and spin her around.
"You were great, baby." You grin, bouncing her in your arms.
"Thank you, mama." She mumbles. "Hi daddy."
"Hi, princess." Damian imitates a light curtsey, offering her the flowers. "Well done on your performance."
"Thank you, baba." She mumbles, cheeks flushed as she takes the flowers from her dad. "I didn't mess up."
"I know." He hums, holding her hand. "We're proud of you."
Your moment is interrupted when she spots Cass, eyes lighting up as she reaches from your arms for her. You hand her over with a gentle roll of your eyes, and Damian watches as she babbles nonsensical things that Cass entertains, flowers handed to her as she continues, thanking her in the same breath, going back to speaking.
"She takes after me for all that talking." You grin, patting Damian's hand as he rests it on your elbow.
"She's much more formal than her peers." Damian scrunches his nose. "Perhaps due to my influence."
"It isn't a bad thing." You wave as you watch Tim and Jason walk in. "You guys missed the whole thing."
"Oh, no we didn't" Tim shakes the camera in his hand, popping out the SD card and tossing it to Damian. "All on video with photos."
"Much appreciated." Damian nods. 
You wonder if Damian's family adores your little girl a little too much. She greets the rest of her uncles with a grin, excitement that only a child can experience making her little body shake with excitement. At one point, Dick calls to let you all know that dinner was ready at the mansion, and you offer to take your little girl from Cass.
"I wanna stay with aunt Cass." She pouts.
"What if she's tired?"
"Baba will carry you." Damian opens his arms for her, and she leaves Cass' embrace reluctantly. "Good girl." 
"Sorry about that." You laugh. "She was excited that you watched her perform."
"Thank you for inviting me." Cass hums. "She'll be great."
"I'm sure it's because she saw that photo of you doing ballet that one time while visiting Bruce. She's been enamored with the idea ever since." 
Cass only hums, glancing to the side as she waves at your daughter — who's still looking at her.
"I'll take her off your hands tonight after dinner." Cass laughs. "I'll bring her back tomorrow."
"Well, it is her summer vacation." You sigh. "Baby, you wanna stay with Aunt Cass for the night?"
"Can I?" She blinks up at you expectantly, and you look up to Damian.
"Do you want to?"
"It would be nice..."
"Then yes." He hums. "Don't trouble her too much, alright?"
She nods, grinning at Cass as she smiles back.
You have dinner with the rest of the family, their soulmates all present, handing your daughter small gifts of celebration as she thanks everyone with a polite nod. She reminds you very much of Damian, and from what Talia had told you when he was a baby, your daughter seems to be the exact image. At the very least, you hope that she'll grow up without the trauma that Damian had to experience because of his blood. He does a great job at keeping her separate from his life in the streets of Gotham. 
You wave goodbye to the family as your daughter gives you both a small kiss goodbye, promising she'll be good for Cass for the night. You have a feeling that means she's going to stay up past her bedtime practicing ballet with Cass again, but as long as she doesn't stay up too late, she'll be fine.
"How late do you think she'll be up until?" You mumble to Damian as he holds your door open for you.
"I'd argue anywhere around 11 to midnight." He nods as he closes the door for you.
"I hope she has fun, then." You chuckle, watching as the manor's doors close once more.
"We'll have our fair share of fun."
"Ugh, I can't wait to get a glass at home."
"Would you like to look through what just arrived? Drake dropped it off before patrol to me."
"You know, for someone who claims to just tolerate him, you sure do rely on him for a lot." You turn your head to glance at him, and he sighs. 
You found that Damian was highly sentimental after marriage. From the wedding invites to the clothes he wore first when he met you, he knows every moment and minor detail of you. In your room, other than the shelves of mangas he collected as a teen, he also keeps photobooks of the two of you through each year, and all six failed engagement ring attempts are framed on the wall in the living room. You are lucky, you think. Your hopelessness had paid off... or rubbed off. You hadn't known it was possible to be so enamored with someone. Maybe his brothers rubbed off on him.
"Do you want a snack with the wine?" Damian hands you a glass, lips curled upwards gently as you grin at the package.
"I'll be fine. You kept it in the delivery box?"
"You like opening boxes." He hums, settling next to you on the couch as you open the box to find a booklet.
"Oh, from our wedding?"
"These were the behind-the-scenes that Drake got." He hums. "I did not enjoy that he got to see you first on the day of the wedding, but he did give this to us... even if it is years late."
You smile, patting Damian's shoulder gently as you flip through it with him, humming as you point at certain photos, watching as Damian texts Tim to send him the digitals later. You raise brows at certain people, and he tells you each one's name, lips quirking up in amusement when you roll your eyes at some of your friends. You wonder if the development would have happened had you not taken the risk and asked him to be your plus one to the wedding so long ago.
You yawn at one point, and Damian's hand rubs circles on your back.
"Bedtime, habibti?"
You yawn more in response, nodding slowly as you cover your mouth. "Bedtime. Are you going to frame any photos from it?"
"Most likely the one in the back. We should get a family portrait sometime as well."
"Yeah?" You start getting up, pausing mid-way to yawn. Instead, Damian picks you up with ease, waiting for you to wrap your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Thank you, Dami."
"Anytime. Rest well, habibti."
"Mm... you too, beloved."
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non-un-topo · 3 months
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To the next adventure...
Image description and details under cut
[A drawing of Nicky, Joe, Quynh, and Andy from The Old Guard. They are all in profile, walking in a straight line facing the sun. They are dressed in medieval clothing and armour, and each carry their own weapons and bags. Nicky has his sword, a crossbow, a quiver of bolts, a dagger at his belt and another strapped to his ankle. Joe is holding his sword, a bag, and a coin purse. Quynh's bow is over her back, and her quiver is at her hip. Two daggers are strapped to her belt, one of them matching Nicky's. Andy is holding her axe, two bags, and a dagger. They each have serene expressions and closed eyes, as if they're not in a hurry. In the background, the seasons change from winter to spring, summer, fall. There is an old tree behind them, and its branches change with the seasons.]
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ky-landfill · 11 months
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speak not a whispered word of them
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loveinhawkins · 4 months
Underneath the hum of the RV, Steve asks Eddie for directions to The War Zone.
Steve does not need directions. Eddie knows this, because when he’d shown it on the map, drumming his fingers restlessly, Steve had leant over his shoulder and muttered, “Got it,” with such confidence, like he’d committed it to memory within seconds.
Eddie slides into the passenger seat anyway.
“Isn’t this kinda… stupid?” he says hesitantly, gesturing to himself and the front window. Sure, the roads are quiet now, but…
“Don’t worry, I’ll push you off if anyone gets too close,” Steve says with mock gravity.
It makes Eddie laugh. “Thanks, very gallant of you.”
He still hasn’t given a single direction.
“You’re not, by the way,” Steve says casually, as he makes another turn.
“Uh, not what?”
“Living up to a name.”
Eddie looks away. “That was a joke.”
“It was.”
“I know,” Steve says quietly. “Just…” He shrugs with one shoulder. “Just so you know.”
“I do,” Eddie says, clipped. Bites his tongue—hates that he gets like this whenever…
“Okay,” Steve says, still so patient; Eddie can’t understand it. “You’re not really living up to the whole freak thing either.”
Something in Eddie’s stomach relaxes: this, at least, is slightly safer territory.
“Sorry to disappoint, Steve.”
“Yeah.” Steve heaves a huge sigh like it’s an actual problem. He’s smiling through it. “Hate to break it to you, but you’re painfully normal.”
Eddie scoffs. “S’not what others would say.”
“Fuck them,” Steve says cheerfully.
Eddie doesn’t know what to say to that. Just sits in silence as they get closer and closer to The War Zone. Feels inadequate.
He wants to say something, at least—wants to speak through the nerves that keep surging back, wants to stumble through an apology, look, I’m sorry I’m such a mess when you’re so—
“Hey,” Steve says like it’s an ordinary day, like he’s asking to borrow a pencil in class. “Wanna talk when we’re not, like, terrified out of our minds?”
But you’re, Eddie starts to think.
Then he sees Steve’s hands on the wheel, gripping tight. Recalls the sharpness in his eyes as he read the map. How he said, “Got it,” like a vow.
“Please?” Eddie says. Can’t stop the word from going up in question, you can take it back, I won’t—
Steve nods.
They’re swinging into the parking lot, and instead of him pushing Eddie off the seat, it’s more of a gentle nudge.
Eddie hides round the back of the driver’s seat, one knee to his chest.
Steve catches his eye halfway out the door. He winks. “Great navigating.”
And as Eddie waits for his return, he thinks about it. All of it. Middle school and everything that came before; dropping his plate in the cafeteria and feeling all those eyes on him, the anxiety suffocating, that they could read it on his face somehow, yeah his dad’s in jail, kid’s a mess…
Maybe Eddie will tell Steve Harrington everything.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 4 months
@jegulus-microfic june 5th — more — 1108words — cw: reg has some pretty explicit dirty fantasies for a moment or two for @honeybcj and all the other james dad bod enjoyers out there<3
Regulus is sitting in his lifeguard chair, eyes trained on the long pool where people are swimming their laps. Nevermind he isn’t even on shift. Over the last few weeks Regulus has signed himself up for more shifts than ever, much to the surprise of their staff manager. Pandora too. They’ve stocked up on sunscreen and went shopping for new cute swimwear and then devoted their last college summer to spending every minute in the presence of piss covered ground, soggy fries and chlorine smelling air.
All for the sole purpose of making eyes at a beautiful couple and their toddler half the day. Or, not-couple, as Pandora has found out in passing, much to both their delight. The parents of little Harry are divorced, or not together anymore, but they still seem to get along well enough, regularly meeting up to come here and spend their days in the water. Lily, a gorgeous redhead with bright eyes and a sweet smile that occasionally makes Pandora squirm in her place and redden in the cheeks more fiercely than any sunburn. 
And then there’s James. Tall, dark haired, in his mid to end twenties, always grinning, tanned, insanely sexy and funny James. 
The sun is already low now and Lily and Harry have already gone home. On the days James doesn’t take the toddler home with him, he often stays a little longer to get some swimming in. Or just to take a nap on one of the chairs, molten popsicle dripping down and into the hairs on his stomach. His belly rising and falling in regular intervals, full lips parted, dark mob of hair a downright mess and the legs of his bathing shorts hiked so far up it should be forbidden.
The white fabric of it is drenched when James heaves himself out of the pool and shakes out his sopping hair.
Regulus’ eyes follow greedily as the older man picks up his towel and dries himself off. James rummages for his water bottle and then tips his head back and gulps. His throat is bobbing and he’s so overly enthusiastic with it that something dribbles out at the sides and along his neck. Regulus feels himself stir in his own swim shorts and he absently gnaws on his lower lip.
He has already perfectly well resigned himself to the fact that he will be an admirer from afar because how do you even walk up to a young dad and tell him you’d very much like to find out just how much of a daddy he is without overstepping multiple boundaries.
That is before Regulus gets pulled from his perverse thoughts of getting fucked deep into the mattress and stubble burn on his jaw and licking over a nipple circled by chest hair when suddenly said object of his fantasies is walking up to him, eyes squinting against the sun.
He comes to a stop in front of Regulus’ high stool and wraps his hand around the ladder railing next to Regulus’ leg, his shoulder muscle bunching deliciously. 
Regulus’ brain is currently projecting an Error404.
“Hi, sorry for disturbing you,” James says with a warm smile. To Regulus. The hot dad is talking to Regulus. “You can totally say No I was just thinking I should reapply,” he waves the bottle of sunscreen in his big hand, “and I need someone to get my back.”
Regulus just gawks, unable to form a coherent thought. There’s a dark mole right over James’ thick left eyebrow and Regulus wants to kiss it. His nose is a little crooked and his stubble looks so obscene from up close Regulus can’t help but imagine what it would feel like against the inside of his thigh, the crease of his ass.
James’ eyebrows raise and he frowns mildly, “You don’t have to, of course. I can ask someone else, it’s no iss—”
“No,” Regulus blurts, probably too quickly. He licks his lips. “I’ll do it,” he offers, his voice cracking embarrassingly, before clambering down his chair. Heat crawls up into Regulus’ cheeks and down his collarbones and he clears his throat.
A gust of realization flits over James’ face and then he grins, shamelessly. Regulus swallows. “Oh, so you’re the cute College kid Lily told me was ogling me.”
Regulus makes a panicked noise in the back of his throat, sputtering slightly.
“You really are pretty,” James murmurs, ducking closer. “I wear glasses usually, ’m sorta blind without them, really. It’s lovely getting to see you up close finally.”
“Oh,” Regulus nods, dumbly.
“What’s your name, love?”
James hums, repeating his name, slowly letting it roll over his tongue and Regulus shivers.
“I’m James by the way.”
Regulus nods again but he knew that already.
“So,” James cocks his head, “I was promised a slathering of sunscreen?”
And Regulus does just that. He lets James squirt the cool, milky white fluid on his hands and then begins rubbing it into tan skin. James is warm and sturdy under his fingers and when Regulus gets to his neck, adorned by a thin, golden chain, James lets his head loll to the side with a groan. Regulus has to work hard not to let his cock react to it.
When James turns around he has his lower lip trapped between his teeth and is watching Regulus with lidded eyes. There’s still some residue on Regulus’ palms and when James sees that, he takes his wrists slowly and brings his hands down over his bicep as well. 
Regulus is pretty sure he just sighed a little too loudly but he’s too transfixed to care. 
James hums once Regulus is done. “Thank you,” he says, tucking one of Regulus’ curls back. “I’ll let you get back to your shift then,” James mumbles, voice low and playful, “Wouldn’t want to distract you from saving lifes.”
“I’m not on shift,” Regulus replies, stupidly, basically exposing himself. He needs to get a grip.
A happy smile spreads over James’ face, “Well, then why don’t you come join me so I can keep looking at you without my glasses from up close?”
Regulus hesitates for a moment, dumbfounded by the amount of active flirting and compliments.
“I’ll share my fruit and you can tell me all about your courses and that blonde friend of yours that seems to have a thing for Harry’s mum,” James winks.
A small laugh tumbles out of Regulus, “Yeah, she’s ridiculously down bad for Lily.” 
“Oh, people who live in glass houses, love…” James smirks, starting for his spot next to the pool.
Regulus blushes a deep pink as he follows behind him.
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lupins-hehim-pussy · 4 months
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[ ID in ALT ]
what's wrong with him (based on That Scene in the hit wriolette fanfic Love Will Find A Way, So Will Naked Mole Rats by noxetic)
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entomolog-t · 3 days
Thinkin' bout pets and G/t.
Tinys with springtails in tiny little enclosures like how human's keep spiders.
Tinys with spiders having the equivalent of cat people vs dog people discourse with web trapping spiders vs active hunting spiders like
A: "Web spiders are boring! All they do is sit in their web all day! You can't even teach them tricks!!"
B: "THATS THE POINT!! Why would I want a spider that jumps up on me when I get home?? Constantly begging for my food??? They're just so in your face!!"
Tinys taking care of a small mammal like a rat or mouse when its little and then it growing up to be bigger than them??? Seeing their giant friend interact with their rat it a way that just seems absolutely baffling? Like the equivalent of a hand held farm animal.
TINYS WHO BEFRIEND THE HUMAN HOUSEHOLD PET WHEN THEY'RE JUST A PUPPY/KITTEN??? Like doing it to be safe when the animal gets older but accidentally end up being the pets favorite person?? The human just confused why their pet keeps crying at the wall. Maybe they think their house is haunted.
Cats who treat tiny's like kittens??? GROOMING THEM??? Constantly trying to take them back to their bed because they're too little to be wandering around just yet.
Hunting dogs with 'soft mouths' carefully picking up a tiny instead of their ball, much to the horror of the tiny as well as the giant who just got handed something alive and squirming.
Dogs who hear the tinys getting food at night at sit there and beg until the tiny throws them something.
A borrower who realizes the dog listens to hand signals and is floored by this massive creature just being obedient to them
A parrot who keeps repeating stuff it can hear from borrowers in the walls, freaking out both the human and the tinys.
OR OR OR The human's pet guarding the tiny from another person (or them???) afraid someone's going to hurt the little person that gives them snacks??
Even more angsty?? A pet refusing to leave in a house fire, frantically scratching at the wall trying to get to the tiny ??? An absolutely insane first meeting idea...
Anyways. Sizey interactions with pets are super fun and I want more.
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keferon · 2 months
*clasps your shoulders gently and looks you straight in the eye*
Keferon. Please read Ninth by Kyn on AO3. I think you would love it very much. It has a large chapter count, but don't be intimidated, it's very easy to get into. It is currently unfinished, but is being updated regularly.
You are the seventh person that recommended this fic to me so ahahahaha yeah
I’m doing great Help I hate some parts of it but I love the other parts I’m spinning in the blender
…..I made the moodboard….
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#chapter 37#of 120 or something#I must be like 90k words in haha#large word count is not an intimidation. It’s an invitation haha#I love the fics that I can’t read in just one hour:)#I gotta say I don’t enjoy the concept of making robots into organic life#it’s just my preference#seeing them as humans or animals or whatever feels so fucking wrong#the concept itself drives me off#like. Strongly#But at the same time. This fic isn’t about them being ‘haha cute organics’#it’s ‘oh god. I was turned into something I’m not’#instead of teeheee they’re fluffy#it’s please free me from this fucking nightmare. please let me be myself again.#idk how to explain. I resonate I guess#it often feels very disturbing but the characters are also disturbed#So now I’m kind of stuck reading this fic because I just can’t stop lol#just politely skipping the parts that make me too uncomfortable#also#the body horror is….damn. Impressive. I didn’t expect to read about grotesque fleshy creature turning itself inside out#it’s not even aesthetic or symbolic#it literally looks like a fucking nightmare. Which is impressive also.#the flesh is g r o s s#the beginning got me struggling and skipping#but the intermission is currently ruining my sleep schedule#oh fuck….I usually send my posts to the authors of the fics I read…..but I feel like I might offend the author of Ninth if do this……..#there’s a tiny chance they’re following me….if it’s true then I wanna tell I’m sorry pls don’t take this seriously#your fic got me waay out of my comfort zone#huge points for writing Ratchet. Drift in this fic is…the grossest fucking thing I could probably imagine but Ratchet doesn’t even hesitate#he helps him and he cares for him. Which is…..imma be real my first instinct would be to set Drift on fire to end his misery
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sugarcandydoll · 4 months
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rafey in this shirt was so handsome wish there was more screentime of him in it ♡🤭💕
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Could I request reader x Yandere Giant? I feel like you'd write this concept so well!!
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CW: ridiculous size difference kink, living fleshlight, non-con, oral, cummflation, anal
Fear gripped (Reader) as they helplessly swung from the tree they had landed in. Just the day before (Reader) was boarding a plane, excited to travel with the opportunity to continue their learning, studying to become a professor of anthropology. Tragically, five hours into the seventeen hour flight something went wrong with the plane, sending it careening through the air and falling in a nose dive back down towards the earth. (Reader) wasn't sure how it all happened, but suddenly there was a painful amount of wind pressure inside the plane, and their seat was sucked out.
They had been lucky enough to not die, their seat getting caught in a tree during the fall, however they were now trapped with no way down. The drop was still too high to land safely without breaking anything, and the branch the seat had lodged itself into was too far away from the trunk for an attempt to shimmy down. So they were stuck, too afraid to move and cause themselves to fall further. Helplessly, (Reader) began crying and screaming for help.
"Goddamnit! I'm not an outdoors person, I can't get down!" (Reader) bemoaned their predicament, screaming more to vent than to actually attract help, not knowing if anyone else survived the crash. "Help! Me!"
The anthropology student cried themselves weak.
(Reader) had just began nodding off, unable to hold their eyes open, when a loud earthquake rumbled the forest, shaking (Reader's) seat dangerously. The booming shakes repeated rhythmically, becoming louder and shaking (Reader) more violently.
"Stop! Stop! I'm going to fall!" (Reader) wasn't sure who they were crying out to, possibly God, pleading only because the fear of dying overrode their rational thinking.
It continued closer, frightening (Reader) into gripping their seat belt for dear life. As the sound became louder, the more it resembled footsteps, walking up to the tree (Reader) hung from. The thundering echoed from behind (Reader).
A hand large enough to wrap around (Reader's) ribcage grabbed the chair and yanked it out of the branch, lifting (Reader) up to meet their "savior" face to face. A large man taller than (Reader's) family home stood almost fully naked. Even from their position strapped to a chair, (Reader) could tell that the monster's face was more than half their height in length.
"What an odd little bird." The giant's deep voice rumbled out, reverberating in (Reader's) rib cage like the bass of a suped up car.
Refusing to believe that what (Reader) was seeing was real, they pointed a finger at the being, shaking harder than a chihuahua while they (not-so) confidently exclaimed "I'm not a bird!"
Bright green eyes the color of the trees surrounding (Reader) twinkled with amusement. The huge man brought (Reader) closer, his skin pleasantly smelled like dirt after rainfall in spring. "Oh, is that so?" He teased, overjoyed by the mixture of fear and embarrassment painted visibly on (Reader's) face. "But you are perched in a tree like a bird, and you squawk like a bird.."
Salty tears dribbled down their dirty cheeks. "Please don't kill me." (Reader) begged, quickly giving up their (unconvincing) facade of bravery.
"Kill you? I would never.." the giant chuckled, carrying the still strapped in (Reader) in his hand as he began back the way he came. "If you were able to survive a fall like that, perhaps it was fate that we should meet."
Their nerves tingled at his words. "How.. did you know I fell?"
A roaring laughter shook the trees and nearly burst (Reader's) ear drums. "You are quite adorable in your stupidity, little bird!"
(Reader's) questions were outright ignored for the rest of the trip, only occasionally hearing a chuckle or a 'hmph' in response to their frightened inquiries. The giant brought (Reader) deeper into the mountain, revealing a large cave tunneling into it's side, obviously the giant's home, decorated with ornate wooden carvings and drapes meticulously sewn out of leaves, similar to his loin cloth.
He only spoke after setting (Reader) down on a handmade table. "Are you going to tell me your name, or shall I continue calling you bird?"
Unbuckling as fast as (Reader) could, their leg muscles were weak from the plane crash, so what they had intended to be a show of bravery, standing tall in the face of uncertainty, was more like the wobbling of a newborn deer, knees bonking together pitifully. "Not until you tell me your name first!"
"Hah! You couldn't pronounce my name, bird. My name is the sound of the rapid river rushing down this mountain." A hissing growl hummed in the back of his throat.
"Okay, Growley, my name is (Reader)."
The giant smiled, pulling a stool up to sit beside the table (Reader) stood on. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
Because he sounded sincere (Reader) struggled to remain angry, reminding themselves that this was a possibly dangerous stranger was difficult when he was acting so charismatic. "Thank you.. for getting me out of that tree, I guess.. But I should be looking for an open area without trees, or better, the crash site, so when rescue comes they'll find me."
The smile drooped on "Growley's" lips, a conflicted grimace taking it's place. "I'm sorry to break it to you (Reader), but no one is coming for you."
"What?! Why??" (Reader) loudly cried out, heart shattering painfully in their chest.
"My island is protected by magic. It is concealed from all eyes."
(Reader) sat down, trying not to have a panic attack. "Would they be able to see me from the water?"
"You would have to be quite far from my island before it's protection waned. You would drown before rescue arrived."
They slumped down further, laying flat against the wood, focusing on their breathing. "Oh."
"Do not be perturbed, little bird. Our meeting was fate, as I have said, so I am confident that you will learn to think of this as your home as well."
"Fuck your fate." (Reader) wearily whined.
A sigh shook the furniture. "I have been alone for a very long time. For hundreds of years I have prayed to the spirits of the universe that they would resurrect another giant so I may have someone to speak to. I was desperate. So when I saw the giant creature flying high above me, having difficulties in it's flight, close enough to the ground to interfere with the magic bubble.." (Reader) sat up, face twisted in rage. "I trusted the spirits, and helped bring the monster down faster."
The bottom lip on (Reader) quivered. "What did you do?"
There was no remorse on his face as Growley responded. "I acted on impulse, and knocked you out of the sky with a boulder."
(Reader) shuffled away, hysterical. "You-you-you!"
"Don't curse me, little bird, please. You have no idea the torment I've suffered, alone with the corpses of my family."
They shakily stood, and began running towards the edge of the table. Growley's gnarled hand effortlessly scooped (Reader) up, unfazed by their fists weakly slamming into his fingers.
"I know how frightened you must be, but this was fate! You were sent to me from the spirits. And with the spirits mercy, you will be blessed to live with me for the rest of my life.."
Using his nails, Growley pulled (Reader's) pants off, exposing their bare lower half. They clamped their thighs shut while crying out in protest, but it was too late for bargaining; he had been alone for long enough, and was desperate for companionship.
(Reader) was incapable of fighting back as they were lifted with one hand, pressing their bare ass to the giant's face. With his free hand he stretched one leg to the side so he could look at (Reader's) everything. They couldn't see what was happening over his hand clamped on their chest. They squeezed their eyes shut in anticipation, but popped them right back open when something hot and wet ran across their naked groin.
"EW!" (Reader) screamed, feeling a tongue larger than their face taste their body. It roughly pressed against their anus and ran upward over their sensitive organ.
He continued doing so over and over as (Reader's) body began reacting against their wishes.
They could only hope that he couldn't taste their fluids as they became aroused, the tongue still prodding at their ass and folds.
The hands holding (Reader) up changed positions, cradling the body with both hands, but now holding up their legs with his thumbs, pressing them back till (Reader's) knees brushed against their face. The stretching was discomforting, but the aching was forgotten as Growley stuck their entire pelvis in his lips, sucking hard as his tongue tried to force its way into their ass. (Reader) couldn't take their mind off of the assault, the suction on their sensitive glans sending convulsions up their trembling thighs. A knot inside (Reader) formed, building like a wave, threatening to come crashing down.
"Stop, I'm going to cum!"
(Reader) dug their nails into his fingers as they released inside their kidnapper's mouth, moaning loudly as they did so despite their attempt to conceal their pleasure.
The giant removed (Reader) from his lips, swapping them back to being held by one hand, and dropped his only piece of clothing. "I cannot wait any further, little bird." His eyes were almost apologetic as he lowered (Reader), giving them a full view of his erection. The length of his enlarged dick was almost as large as his face, making (Reader) weep in anticipation.
"Please don't!"
Their entrance was already wet from the tongue poking at it, wasting no time in slowly pressing the tip into (Reader's) clenched ass. The pain was like getting ripped open, having something so large pushed into them. The giant groaned with pleasure, and rammed (Reader) further onto his cock.
Like masturbating with a flesh light, he used (Reader's) tight bloody hole selfishly, fucking them as deeply as he could physically fit. The sounds of his grunts drowned out (Reader's) heaving sobs, moving faster and faster, almost cracking their ribs under the force of his grip.
A loud growl escaped as reached his climax, cumming inside (Reader's) gut, extending out their midsection as he bloated them up. Yanking (Reader) off his dick, jizz leaked out of their swollen bottom as he pressed his slit against (Reader's) lips before they could clench their jaw shut. Releasing the rest of his load into their mouth, shooting so much into their throat that they believed they could feel the smelly cum hit the bottom of their stomach.
When he finally finished, (Reader) was a mess, covered in his sperm and spilling his seed out of both ends. Growley kissed the top of (Reader's) sweaty head lovingly, overwhelmed by just how sexy they looked ballooned out by his love.
"I told you it was fate, little bird. Rest now, for we have three hundred and twenty-eight years of loneliness to make up for~"
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