#Mr. Mousey
bloodrock-lobster · 2 months
HUMANELY TRAPPED A MOUSE IN MY KITCHEN LAST NIGHTTTT, it'd been eating the bagels and enough was enough
I took it and then drove it 2 miles to a church and let it out. so they should be thanking me, i think. for the new convert.
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musedriven · 5 months
@tsuuhime said // All I can picture is Dark & Toma having a sing off doing the song “smooth criminal” LOL
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" so Risa are you ok, are you ok Risa, Risa are you ok --
you've been hit by, a smooth criminal-- "
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I'm slowly doing physical therapy after hurting my hands in an accident, and have taken up art. Enjoy some bad drawings of my cat.
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joojdraws · 1 year
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A few random Rarold for today 🌽✨
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my-fandom-hell · 2 years
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Meet Tumblr High’s UVC Team! Beef Taco, Mousey, and Vickie! UVC stands for Underground Villian’s Club, and as long as you keep it secret and listen to directions, any student can join it if they somehow... get wind of it.
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ichaserabbits · 2 years
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Look at my beautiful cat, boy
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kinda-super-hot · 26 days
I Want More. (2)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Pairing: Harvey Specter x F!Lawyer!Reader - friends to enemies to lovers <3
Part 2 Summary: Well, (Y/n)'s first day doesn't go as she had planned. She learns that she is office neighbors with Harvey Douchebag Specter. Luckily, she makes quite a few gal pals + Louis. Harvey brings her what might be a peace offering, and she learns they will be working closer together than she thought.
Warnings: overthinking - I think that's it but if you noticed something I missed, please let me know.
Word Count: 4038
I wake up from my first night in my new apartment to the sound of busy traffic and honking horns outside. “Blegh...” I mutter and force myself out of bed. Today’s the day- My first day on the job! “Ok, time to get hype.”
I hop to the bathroom and poke at my eyebags for a moment before doing light, office appropriate makeup. I’d picked my outfit out the night before and I had to squeal just at the sight of it laying on the bed. A hot pink dress shirt that I planned to leave more than a few buttons undone towards the top- just enough to not get written up! And a black pencil skirt for the shirt to get tucked into with some pointy, black pumps.
The way I see it, this is my first impression, and I need them to know not only do I mean business but I’m bold.
I take my time curling my hair and even make myself an egg to really soak up my morning. And finally, just as my toast pops up, I snatch it and walk out the door with my thin suitcase.
It’s a short walk towards the firm and I can’t keep the smile off my face. I beam at people walking in the opposite direction and occasionally get a smile back! Nothing could ruin this perfect morning. My optimism was not prepared for me to glance towards the building and catch sight of a familiar face, however.
 Time slowed, but my heart sure didn’t. Across the street and right in front of my new place of work was Harvey Douchebag Specter getting out of a limousine. I stopped in my tracks and let out an audible gasp.
I watch him walk until he disappears into Pearson Hardman. What. The. Fuck.
Ok, ok, don’t panic. He’s probably from another firm and just has a meeting with another lawyer. All I have to do is keep my head held high. Obviously, also actively avoid him if I see him, but otherwise, pretend I never saw him.
I take a deep breath and keep walking. My heart is RACING, but I won’t let him ruin this for me.
I walk through the glass doors and don’t see him. Good, he must have gone up already. I waste no time introducing myself to the lobby ladies, taking my employee picture, and getting my newly printed employee ID.
Ok, everything is going fine. We’re alright. I scan my keycard and make my way to the elevator. “(Y/N) (L/N)!” Shit.
I turn around, but thankfully, it’s a new face. “I thought that was you.” A beautiful, confident black woman glides over to me. She reaches her hand out, and I shake it with a smile, despite not knowing this lady. “Jessica Pearson.”
“Oh!” A real smile takes over my face and I shake her hand more enthusiastically. “It is so good to finally meet you. I must say, my first impression of the firm: very impressive.” I’m saying the absolute truth, but I also want to smooth talk her. “I’m thrilled to be working here, Ms. Pearson.”
She releases my hand and smiles at me, but her eyes say something different. I can tell that she’s a great lawyer just by this first encounter. Her face is warm and inviting but her piercing gaze says mischief in big, bold letters. “I’m glad to hear it. I have a very busy morning ahead of me, so one of our Junior Associates will be giving you the tour.” She looks over my shoulder and I turn to see a mousey, stout looking man. “This is Louis Litt. You will be working closely together on the same floor with both myself and one of our Senior Partners.”
I smile at Louis and reach my hand out, he beams at me, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Litt. I can’t wait to be working with you.” Once again, I try to flatter the person in front of me.
His smile grows wider, and he looks to Jessica behind me before his eyes dart back to mine. “The pleasure’s all mine.” He hesitates to release my hand, and I inwardly laugh at his awkwardness. “We can start the tour right away.”
We all get into the elevator and instead of getting off at each floor and showing me around, Louis pulls out some papers from his pocket. “This is a list telling you exactly what you need to know about each and every floor. What they work on, who manages it, and the phone number for the head receptionist if you ever have any questions.” I take the stack of papers from his hands, and find they are heavier than they look.
“Oof, thank you.” I have to re-straighten my knees from the new weight just placed on them. Jessica raises her brow in Louis’s direction. I flip through some of the pages. Everything he said was on here plus more. Something tells me he wants to show me the type of guy he is by giving me this surplus of paper.
“You’re welcome. Though, you won’t really need to travel to other floors,” He comments, “that’s what the lacky associates are for.” He nudges me with his elbow and lets out a laugh. I do as well, more to keep the cramped space from being uncomfortable than actually finding it funny. Jessica rolls her eyes, and I am obsessed with her refusal to put on an act for him. “No,” he clears his throat, “most of your work will be done…here.”
The elevator doors open, and I’m met with familiar sounds of clicking away at computer keys and phones ringing. I smile and step out onto the floor instantly. It’s everything my old firm was, but better. More advanced, more colleagues, more in general. I let out a pumped-up, “Yes!” and punch the air as discreetly as I can.
Jessica takes over swiftly by saying, “There’s more.” We follow her down a long hallway and pass an office with Louis’s name on it as well as one with Jessica’s name until I see one with my name. There’s a corner office directly to the left of it but I don’t bother looking at the name, I found what I was looking for.
“Oh, wow.” I breathe out to the furnished office that still felt empty. “I can’t wait to put my own flare in here. I can see it now,” I throw my hands out from my sides and walk through the office, I think out loud, “A vintage end table would be so cute here, maybe a fancy vase on top with some fresh carnations...” I ponder.
Jessica hums from the doorway and I turn to see a new person has joined my entourage. “Sounds cute, I can tell we’re gonna be friends.” The new woman is much more relaxed than Jessica and Louis. She has voluptuous, orange hair and a charming smile. “I’m Donna. I work for your grumpy colleague on the other side of this wall.” She knocks on the conjoining wall.
“Nice to meet you, Donna! I’m (Y/N) (L/N).” I look over her outfit. “And by the look of those shoes, we’re going to be the best of friends.” I give her shoes a pointed look and we laugh together.
“Oh, we needed a girly like you in the office.” She squeezes my shoulder. “You let me know if you need anything, and I will get it done. I’ll be your temporary secretary up until you get too many clients and we have to hire someone new. Though, I’m sure it won’t be long with a personality like yours.” She flips her hair and walks out.
“I love her.” I breathe out and turn to Jessica. She smiles before her eyes glance just above my head.
“What great timing!” I turn around, ready to greet whoever else I’ll be working with. “(Y/N), this is our Senior Partner, Harvey Specter.” My smile drops as I look at his face. He’s changed. There are lines on his forehead that weren’t there before. He wasn’t scrawny anymore, either, he’d beefed up. His shoulder width was probably double the size of mine. But when my eyes met his, I knew it was most definitely the same Harvey. “Harvey, this is our new Junior Partner, Ms. (L/N).” We both freeze in shock, looking each other over, analyzing what might have changed.
Tension. Unbelievable tension fills the hall, and I’m sure everyone has stopped what they’re doing to watch our interaction. Harvey’s face, that is usually so great at hiding how he feels, is failing him. His mouth is slightly agape, and his brows are raised the smallest bit. His big, brown eyes widen the more he looks at me. Stunned is the only way to describe him, and that doesn’t even begin to cover it. Though, I’m sure I don’t look much better.
The silence becomes awkward. I clear my throat, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Specter.” I reach my hand out sharply and remove my gaze from him, preferring the wall. What am I doing?!  “I’m sure we’ll work great together.” My tone is curt, and I have the best smile I can muster on my face. I look him in the eyes once more, silently urging him to shake my hand.
He recovers and clears his throat as well before shaking my hand. “I can’t agree more.” Oh god. I roll my eyes and remove my hand from his grasp. “If you’ll excuse me.” His face is back to being unreadable as he turns and walks into the office right next to mine.
No- I read the name on the glass: Harvey Specter. I clench my jaw; I have to get through this. I turn my head back to Jessica. “Well, what’s next?”
I received the grand tour of the floor and was then told by Louis to make myself comfortable. The company’s top paralegal would come to speak with me as soon as she was available. I gave him a tight smile before sitting in my office very distressed. “Fuck.”
I want to close my blinds so I can peacefully bang my head into the wall without anyone seeing, but I don’t want to seem closed off. I wonder if I should sit here any longer and wallow in self-pity. “Fuck it.”
I get up from my very comfortable, very expensive chair and leave my office. I can’t help looking over my shoulder as I walk away from it to see if he is still in his office, but all I see is an empty chair. Ok, that means I need to be aware. He’s probably prowling around here somewhere…
“Are… you alright?” I stop surveying my surroundings when a younger man with blonde hair and a skinny necktie talks to me from his cubicle. “You’re, like, scowling at the entire bullpen.”
“Oh, I-I’m sorry.” I fix my face before walking to the man’s cubicle. “I swear I’m not an a-hole, I’m just…” I stop myself as I continue surveying. I need a confidante. I stare right into his soul and bend down so we’re on the same level. “Can I tell you something you will never ever tell anyone else in your entire life?”
He retreats back in his seat a little flabbergasted. “You know, confessing to murder in a law firm probably isn’t the best idea.” I smile at his joke, cool kid.
“Oh, it’s much, much worse.” I stand straight again and lean onto my right leg with my hip jutted out. I smirk as he raises a brow, “So, there’s this guy-”
“You just got here and you’re already talking about guys you’re into?” A tall, tan brunette asks me with sass. Her eyebrows are raised, and her smirk tells me she’s my type of people. “I’m Rachel, top paralegal.” She reaches her hand out.
I shake it, “I’m (Y/N) (L/N), the new Junior Partner.” I smile at her before turning back to the associate I was talking to. “Gosh, sorry! I never asked your name?”
“You were going to confess murder to me, and you didn’t even know my name?” His brows furrow and I roll my eyes jokingly.
“I needed a confidante!” I joke though it’s not really a joke. “Trust me, I’ve had a really odd first day.” I turn to Rachel, “Though, I think I’ve found your replacement.” I return my gaze to the kid. “Sorry it didn’t work out; I’ve just met my match.” I shrug and nod towards my office, Rachel follows behind me as I walk in.
She giggles behind me. “His name is Mike by the way.” I sit in my new, cool chair and let out an exasperated sigh. I motion her to sit across from me. “I’m not a counselor, by the way, but I totally support a girl who needs a quick rant sesh.” She jokingly grabs a writing pad from atop my desk and clicks a pen that was formerly behind her ear. “And, trust me, you are way better off with me than Mike.”
I smile at her thankfully. She says nothing but nods her head, waiting for me to start talking. I groan dramatically and slouch in my chair. “Rachel- you wouldn’t believe what I’ve had to go through today!” She’s already writing on her pad. “My ex who I haven’t seen since law school is my office neighbor-”
Her pen drops from her hand, and she looks deep into my eyes as if making sure what I’m about to say is nothing but the absolute truth. “Harvey?” I nod and hide behind my hands. “Oh. My. God.” She breathes out in shock.
“Well, technically, we were never boyfriend-girlfriend,” she gives me a questioning look, “but we did kiss and go on dates.”
“So, boyfriend girlfriend?” She questioned and I could tell she got it.
“Exactly! But someone doesn’t like labels or commitment or head apparently.” I huff and sink deeper into my chair. When we were together, Harvey and I had the occasional heated make out, but had only just started having sex before we broke it off.
I look back to Rachel and her mouth is still wide open. “W-Well…” Her eyes are everywhere but me. She fidgets with her fingers in her lap, and I feel like I’ve traumatized the poor girl.
“Rachel, I know you’re not a counselor, but I expected more than this.” I can’t help but laugh as she gawks. “Don’t tell me I need to go back to Mike!” I joke and put my hands on my desk to lift myself out of my seat.
“No!” She yells and throws her hands out in front of her, urging me to be seated once again. I freeze before plopping back in my seat. “Mike is Harvey’s personal associate, he’s like his right-hand man.”
My lips create an O. If I told Mike, there’s a good chance he would have told Harvey. “Well, it’s a good thing you saved me when you did.” I smile at her and let out a sad sigh. “I’m really glad you’re here. You and Donna are gonna be my girls, I can tell.”
“Oh, Donna is the best.” She stops and winces before she continues, “She is also Harvey’s right-hand woman.” I let out an exasperated groan. “But! She’s all girl code! You can absolutely trust her so long as you’re not conspiring against Harvey… probably even then too.” I stand from my desk and move to her seat while giving her arm an appreciative squeeze.
“Thank you, Rachel. I’m super happy I get to work with you.” I pull her into a hug that she’s not prepared for which is evident when she lets out a squeak. She pats my arm awkwardly.
I get through the rest of the day, just getting adjusted to the system the company uses and setting up passwords for mandatory accounts. Only when it’s pitch back outside am I interrupted.
I sense someone at my office door, someone I’ve been expecting. “Ms. Pearson.” I smile but don’t look up from my computer. I’m not surprised by her dropping in.
“Ms. (L/N).” She greets back. I wait for her to continue but there is silence. My quick fingers slow their typing, and I look up at her, but she’s already looking at me expectantly. “Spill.”
I’m about to act like I have no idea what she’s talking about, but it’s like she reads my mind. She raises her hand to stop the lies I’m about to spew and squints her eyes. Scary. “I know him.”
“Well that much is obvious.” She glides to my desk before perching on the edge and crossing her arms. “But why were your reactions to each other so… hostile?” Her expression evolves from confusion to intrigue.
“I don’t know if I’d call it hostile…” Her expression doesn’t waver, and I cave. I can’t help but spill every secret I have when she looks at me like that. “…but I swear, when I applied for this job, I had no idea he worked here.” I finished my story out of breath and worried about what she would think of me and my character.
“Hm.” She thinks for a minute before standing. “Hm.” Again, she hums in thought before briskly walking out of the room. My mind is racing but there’s also not a rational thought.
I walk into the firm the next day wearing another pink top, this one more pastel. I refuse to cower down, especially to Harvey.
“Good morning!” I say to just about every associate in the bullpen. When I finally reach Mike, my smile grows tenfold. “’ Morning, you.”
He pulls out one of his earbuds. “Still don’t know my name?” He asks playfully but doesn’t look up from his computer.
“Mike,” I speak. He nods but still won’t look at me. If this is Harvey’s right-hand man, I need to be on good terms with him, and maybe get some info, too. “So, you work for Mr. Specter?” I try to be nonchalant while getting information. He stops clicking at his computer and gives me a weird look. “What?”
“Mr. Specter?” He pulls his only earbud from his ear and leans back in his chair. “That’s awfully formal.” I don’t like this. He gives me a quizzical look before he comes to some sort of realization. “That’s why you guys were so weird yesterday…”
“What?” I can feel myself start sweating and my voice is at least two, maybe three pitches higher than before. “We weren’t weird-that’s a weird thing to say- you’re weird.” I huff and can tell he’s not buying it. “Ugh, how obvious was it?”
He ignores my question. “How do you know him? One night stand?” I can’t help but grimace at the thought, “No? Oh, you must be the girl from France.” A pang of unexplainable hurt goes through my chest. He’s not mine, never was actually, it’s pointless for me to feel- “Jealous.” His eyes widen, “You loved him.”
My throat tightens and my mouth runs dry. “You have some nerve.” I fight to keep my voice level. “When you’re done making assumptions about me, and being an overall smartass, see me in my office.” I walk away from him.
I pull out my phone, contacting Louis to tell him I’m in the office so he can come talk to me about what duties would be passed on to me. As I do so, I see a figure out of the corner of my eye right outside my office door. One that’s awfully Harvey shaped.
I stop texting to make sure my eyes aren’t failing me. Sure enough, Harvey is leaned against the glass wall that separates me from the bullpen. In his hand is a drink carrier with what looks to be two hot coffees. He’s wearing a navy-blue suit and a… pastel pink tie that matches my shirt to a T.
He looks at me and pulls his body from the wall. His face is unsure, not very Harvey-like. “’ Morning.” He extends his arm with the coffee in it towards me. I can smell the delectable caramel macchiato that he knows I love. I eye the cup suspiciously, and then I eye him suspiciously.
“’ Morning.” I take the coffee and look at the familiar label. It was no Starbucks, that’s for sure. No, this coffee was from Samson’s Brewery. The same mom-and-pop coffee shop that we would go to during late night study sessions. This coffee place is on the literal whole other side of town, he didn’t go out of his way for this… did he? No, he definitely either door-dashed it or sent a driver.
His eyes don’t leave my face as I inspect the beverage. Once I deduce it’s not poisoned, I look up at him. For the first time since seeing him, I’m not a panicked mess. I just look at him, his gelled hair and puppy dog eyes.  I’m staring. I avert my gaze and mutter a, “Thanks,” before pushing past him into my office.
I stop myself from closing the door behind me. He won’t. He won’t walk in. I sit in my chair and put the coffee on my desk. I stare at it intently, trying not to remember the late nights we spent together. But I also stare at it, so I don’t look at the door, so I don’t look to see if he’s still there.
There are three quick knocks at my door. I look up with hope I can’t mask, only to be disappointed. “Hey, girly.” It’s Louis. I look over his shoulder, but there’s no one.
“G’morning, Louis.” I smile through the pain. “How are you doing?” I side-eye the coffee on my desk like it’ll disappear if I leave it alone too long.
“Same old, same old, I just convinced a major pharmacy company that they needed to break a deal with…” He drones on for a little bit, bragging to me about accomplishments I could do in my sleep. “But, anyway! I came to tell you about the workload you’ll be taking on. Seeing as Harvey is the closest Senior Partner on the floor, you’ll be shadowing him for the next few days. Just until you think you’re ready to fly solo.” He says that like it’s nothing, and I guess it would be for anyone else.
“So, like an associate?” My face scrunches up. “Why can’t I just shadow you, then? Aren’t you in charge of the associates?” I cross my arms.
He chuckles. “I wish, but we’re both Junior Partners, for the time being-” He winks at me. Poor guy, I’m sure he’s been waiting to be Senior Partner for a while. “So, you technically need trained by a Senior Partner.”
“Great.” I have a tight-lipped smile and unconsciously reach for the coffee on my desk. I bring it up to my lips and hum at the nostalgic taste before I even realize I’ve done it. I stop mid-sip and lick my lips guiltily.
“What coffee place is that from?” Louis gets closer and squints at my cup. When he doesn’t recognize it, he pulls away. “The best coffee around is Roaster-Roos right down the way,” He uses his thumb to point over his shoulder. A coy look flashes across his face, “I could go get you one if you want.”
“No. No, this is fine, thank you.” I say a little too quickly. I hold the cup closer to my chest and grip it a little tighter. He shrugs and I clear my throat, “When does this shadowing begin?”
“ASAP.” He snaps and turns his back to me to walk out the door. “Harvey’s in the office right next to yours,” He pivots outside the door to face me again. “He’s kind of cocky, so let me know if you need anything.” He smiles with raised eyebrows. I nod hesitantly in discomfort before he goes to the left and disappears from sight. A long exhale leaves my body. “Why me?”
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theyamjam · 2 months
Selfie 🤳: Draw you and your f/o taking a selfie from the camera's perspective!
for kinito annddd
Strawberry 🍓: Draw you and your f/o sharing something sweet!
for mr donald duckkkk!!!! :D
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HEEHEEE!!! THANKKYOU MOUSEY!!! this was alot f fun 2 draw :0]] i'll post the donald drawing separately later
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seriesxwriting · 7 months
Enemies to lovers with rafe Cameron and y/n
Thank you so much for this request, I love this trope and I have never written it for Rafe so it really excited me!! I hope you enjoy the read.
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Maybe I liked you this whole time.
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paring: Rafe Cameron X y/n
Series: outer banks
Warnings: use of guns, swearing, fighting, kissing, sexual talk.
Summary: you and Rafe despise each other. But one little night at a beach party could change all that. That doesn’t come without, flirting, crying and having a gun put to your head, you know- all the normal stuff. Protective Rafe <3.
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“And that’s how my mum crashed her car” Rebecca cackled shaking her head full of mousey blonde hair. She was in stitches over her own story. Me and Chloe looked at each other as if to say what is going on. “Rebecca your mum is going to have to pay out a lot of money for that car, let alone the medical bill for her broken finger” I raised my eyebrow stopping at my locker to put my books away. “And her broken collarbone don’t forget that” she warned me with a bright smile on her face. I pulled a face of horror at her.
“Y/n my mum is fine, she’d laugh about it too, plus who cares- we’re kooks the moneys there isn’t it” she rolled her eyes at my reaction before ignoring me and unlocking her phone to take pictures of herself. I focused my attention back on my locker twisting the right password in to open the door. As I did, unbelievably, golden coloured sand started poring out all over the floor. It buried my feet beneath as I widely stared at the rest tumbling out. There was nothing more I could do.
Once it has stopped falling I blinked at it to double check I wasn’t dreaming. But laughing pulled me out of my fake delusion. I threw my glare around until it landed on the person laughing. Rafe Cameron. And his gang of ass-lickers. “Did you do this?!” I gritted my teeth together, the hallway was silent seems everyone was watching the scene. “Did you steal my test paper out of mr Larry’s office and replace it with one full of nonsense?” Rafe questioned me with his thick eyebrow raised.
I felt my blood boil inside of me, under my skin. The sand was everywhere. And I’d never get it all out of my locker and shoes. “Because you syphoned all the petrol out my car!” I yelled back unable to control my anger. Which was not the right move seems rafes eyes were still full of glee and his dumb smirk was still stuck to his face. He was enjoying this, he thrived off this. “Yeah I only did that because you filled my school bag with jam when sat behind me in maths” he giggled walking slightly closer to me.
“You know why I did that!” I put my finger up at him warning him to stay back. “Well you know why I don’t like you, so you know why there’s sand in your locker” Rafe bounced his shoulders as another annoying laugh tumbled out of his mouth. “You’re such a dick Rafe!” I bent down and picked up the sand in both my hands and launched it at him but he was long gone. Running away down the hall way pissing himself with laughter.
“I hate him! I hate! Him!” I scrunched my fists together “I think he hates you more” Rebecca shrugged her shoulders looking down the hall for him. “No! He doesn’t, I hate him more- more than England hates their government” I put my index finger up making it very clear how serious I was. “Forget him y/n, look- let’s go grab our lunch and talk about what we’re going to wear to the beach party later” Chloe wrapped her arm around my shoulders.
“Ugh- I don’t know Chloe- I’d rather grab lunch and think about how to get Rafe back” I shook my head as she started dragging me towards the doors to get out. “Why do you hate him so much- I mean everyone knows that you’ve played pranks on each other since before we can remember, but what actually started it?” Rebecca questioned following us out the building. I blinked staring at my feet. “I- don’t remember” I admitted in a shaky voice, I’d never sat back and thought about it before. “But it’s irrelevant why it started, I hate him now”.
And that’s what I did, while Chloe and Rebecca spoke the whole of lunch, I sat and planned. There were two options I’d narrowed it down to. Either I could remove all the tires off his car or I could cover his car in slime and dirt, then throw feathers on the top of it. I voiced the ideas to the girls, Chloe didn’t even seem half interested but they made Rebecca laugh. “Why don’t you just pretend to be into him, get him to think it’s going somewhere and then drop him- leave him flabbergasted my love” she shrugged going back to her phone.
My mind raced with the idea “no one would believe y/n was into Rafe” Chloe shook her head negatively. “Negative Nancy much, look at her she could pull it off, he’d be drooling” she flirtatiously winked at me. “Yeah- his ego would be so bruised- that’s a great idea, why’d you hide it from me for so long” I scoffed throwing my note pad on one of the seats. “Really y/n? Or rise above it?” She raised a threaded eyebrow at me. But I just shook my head. “Nope, I’m not a loser, I will win this stupid game” I answered rubbing my hands together.
“Now we can talk about what we’re wearing to the beach party, I need to look sexy, Rafe will be there” I winked at them.
Later that night-
Chloe picked me up, Rebecca was already in the front so I got into the back again. But before I did Rebecca made me do a spin. I’d chosen a white dress because I’d once seen Rafe post something about ‘tanned brunettes dressed in white’. I’d also done my nails and toes in white too, to match. I’d left my hair down but washed it to get the shine back. Incase I did get in the water, I didn’t want my hair to be ruined. I was actually quite confident about the plan, Rafe was easy so I thought it would be easier than it sounded. “My girl looks hot, come on jump in, I’m so excited”
Chloe got us safely to the beach, there was quite a lot of people there already. The music was blearing and the beer appeared to be flowing. “Can anyone see him?” I whispered as we all got out the car. “I’m staying out of this one, don’t ask for my help” Chloe put her hands up shaking her long brunette hair. “There y/n, by the keg” Rebecca whispered to me. “Here- pose next to the car- look hot” she hissed pushing me backwards while whipping out her phone.
I did as she said, as I positioned myself she put her fingers in her mouth and wolf whistled at me. “Hotter, hotter my girl” she shouted as I moved around. “Fuck me it’s working- rafes looking right at you” Chloe whispered gobsmacked that the plan was somewhat working. “What facial expression is he making?” I asked in a low tone, while bending down for a photo. “It’s sorta- neutral- oh he’s biting his lip” Chloe freaked. I stopped posing and went straight to see the photos with Rebecca. “Play it cool guys, keep it normal” she whispered scrolling through them.
“That was quick thinking babe” I nudged her “all because I watched a YouTube video on how to wolf whistle” she winked at me. Eventually we all walked down the stairs to the beach. “I’ll get the drinks” I wiggled my eyebrows at my girls before walking off backwards. I thought if I completely ignored him, he’d start something with some sarcastic, snarky comment. “Do you think you’re hot posing like that in front of all the guys on the beach?”. I was right. He came up behind me making me turn around. Our bodies only inches apart.
“You tell me, were you turned on?” I whispered tilting my head. He looked my body up at down before laughing. “You couldn’t turn me on even if you tried y/n” “not even a little bit?” I whispered smirking. “You uh, ever heard of hate fucking Rafe?” I leant in to his ear, I had to stand on my tippy toes because of his hight. I caught his eye, he looked shell shocked. “Because you turn me on- just a little bit” I showed him with my fingers. “You’re playing games y/n” rafe’s face shifted, his eyebrows knitted together as if he was confused. “Okay- if you’re not interested that’s fine” I shrugged pulling away and attempting to walk off.
He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back towards him. “I didn’t say that” he whispered back, staring into my eyes. In that moment I really took Rafe in, he was gorgeous. His blue eyes pierced mine and mesmerised me. “Rafe! Rafe look who’s showed up!” Topper came over slapping him on the back. He didn’t let go of me though, he clung to my waist as he turned round to see. The pogues.
Not just any pogues. The pogues. Kelce was already starting on them, they were at the water now causing hassle. I heard him say “this is a kook party only”. Which wasn’t true because there were a bunch of tourons here and a few other pogues dotted around. “You should probably get out of here- I’ll come find you later” “don’t start shit Rafe” I rolled my eyes pulling away from him. He caught me yet again spinning me around to look at him.
“Will you get out of here, before you see something you don’t like?” He raised an eyebrow. “It’s all gonna be over after this huh?”. He nodded at me rubbing an hand on my waist. “I’m leaving” I sighed putting my hands up and walking away from him for good this time. I heard him go over to the pogues but I didn’t watch. In the next moment I heard gun fire. My body froze. What if it was rafe. I turned round to see what was happening but a large group of people came running my way, knocking me to the ground.
I saw topper fighting John B in the water and I now could see JJ was the one holding the gun. “What the fuck are you doing! Why the fuck would you bring that here!” Rafe yelled storming towards him. The crowd had just gotten past me and I sat up looking for Rebecca and Chloe to make sure they were safe. In the next second I was dragged up by my neck and I felt the gun touching my temple. I was face to face with Rafe now. “How’d you like it if it’s your girl huh?” JJ snarled at him. My chest panted up and down heavily as I saw rafes face drop and go red with anger within a few seconds of each other.
“Huh!” JJ yelled out. “Get the fuck off of her, or I swear to god you won’t recognise yourself when you look in the mirror tomorrow” Rafe spat out in a low tone. “JJ stop it! Y/ns done nothing wrong” kiara called out desperately, in tears. JJ looked down at me, I was trembling and my eyes were watering. “Fuck sake” he put the gun back in his trouser band and let go of me. I turned around and slapped him right across the face. “Coward” I hissed but that clearly wasn’t good enough for Rafe.
He came up behind me and punched JJ across the face. “STOP IT! It’s over!” Pope yelled out. But Rafe punched him again in the face. And again. Before grabbing his face and pulling it up to his. “Put your hands on her again, I fucking dare you- you won’t be able to see the sun ever again” he snarled very close to him, but JJ looked like he was about to pass out. “Rafe” I called out putting my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me seeing my tear stained face, my messed up frizzy hair. He rose and embraced me, my face falling flat on his chest.
“You’re okay, I’ve got you” he whispered stroking my hair. “He had a fucking- strap to my head Rafe” I winced trying to keep it all in. “Let me take you home” he whispered making me look up at him holding my chin. I nodded in agreement, that’s all I wanted right now. We made our way towards the stairs, he didn’t even say a word to his friends. As if by magic Chloe and Rebecca appear from behind the wall. “Y/n! I’m so glad you’re okay- I- we looked for you but hoped you had gone back to the car” Chloe ran over embracing me.
“I’m okay- I’m glad you two are as well” I said in a very timid voice. “Um- im going home can I catch up with you two later” “with- rafe?” Rebecca wondered looking him up and down. “Yeah it’s fine guys, I’ll speak to you later get home safe” I rubbed Chloe’s back and waved to Rebecca before Rafe put his arm around my waist guiding me to his car. Though he’d been drinking I’m sure he’d sobered up after that. He was careful driving me home, even though one hand was always on my thigh. We didn’t talk nothing needed to be said.
When he pulled into my driveway we stopped and looked at each other. “I’m sorry y/n- I’m so fucking sorry” he whispered dragging a thumb down my cheek. “I’m okay” I shook my head taking his hand in my hand. “I have- something I feel guilty about..” I stuttered feeling embarrassed to bring it up. “What are you talking about?” “Me flirting with you- I was just trying to get you back for the sand thing…” I trailed off feeling stupid. Rafe cracked a small smile and adjusted himself in the seat. “Well that’s a shame” he told me before rolling his head towards me. “Because I think I like you y/n”.
I blinked. I blinked a few times not knowing what words to use back. “Don’t look at me like that- I can hardly believe it myself” he chuckled rubbing a thumb over my thigh. “It’s okay- maybe that’s why I enjoyed pranking you so much” “rafe- you didn’t let me finish” I shook my head grasping his hand again. “I know I like you- me pretending to flirt with you made me want it to be true- they way you protected me- I know I like you- I don’t understand it but… that’s how it is”.
He tilted his head to the side. “You’re not just trying to get me back?” “No rafe- I finally realised why I pretend to hate you so much- it was easier believing that then going through the pain of not having a chance”. Rafe moved his hand to my cheek rubbing it gently. He looked me in the eyes as he lent in before we both closed them. Our lips met in a kiss I had never imagined myself wanting until tonight. Our pace matched, my hand slid into his hair holding him closer to me.
“That’s what I call passion, I dunno about you” he whispered after he pulled away, hardly moving his face though. “I can’t believe it- us- who would have thought?” I whispered laughing slightly. He pressed another kiss on my lips. “I love your laugh- you’re so gorgeous” he whispered taking me in.
“Do you want to come in?” I questioned, not letting go of him. Rafe smiled, giving me a little nod.
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Rafe masterlist-
Outerbanks master list-
All series masterlist-
Masterlist of masterlists-
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dearmouse · 9 months
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Wee Forest Folk 1990s Vintage “Mrs. Mousey’s Studio”
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Mousey, I'm sure you've done the reaction of the vanilla and expanded spouses to the farmer's curse from Mr. Qi, but how about the rsv spouses? I'd be curious to see what they'd do about it ~~especially you know who *wink wink nudge nudge*~~ Also ngl I've been trying to come up with more silly ships with the vanilla and mod characters and having a blast in my mind. I've been throwing in Isaac, Jadu, Camilla, and Alesia there too for good measure because I think Isaac especially would suffer with certain characters 😂 istg it's like I'm a dog and he's my chewing toy
Hehee, I wouldn't mind hearing what other funny ships you have in mind 👀👀👀
Sorry for a long reply, it turned out WAY more than I had planned. Anyway, enjoy some headcanon, Lotus! And have a great day! 💕
RSV spouses react to the Qi fruit:
Ian had been standing still for about two minutes now, keeping his eyes on the strange blue fruit that was ripening in the Farmer's seedbed. Because he could have sworn that the fruit winked at him.... with 'glasses'! And the handyman thought he'd seen it again. But at the third minute, Ian gave up and reckoned he was just wasting time. "I really don't understand anything about farming," Ian told Farmer, kissed them, and went to work.
Daia isn't the type to be surprised by strange magical fruits, flowers and berries. The Ridge Forest alone is filled with interesting plants with unusual properties. But this 'Qi' fruit... Hmph, even she hadn't seen anything like it. Being around this smirking blue fruit makes the ninja feel a tingling sensation on her skin - a sure sign that magic is involved. Oh, she can't wait to ask her dear Farmer to give her the fruit to examine, because she's so curious about it! She wondered if it would interest her Lady too...
"Wow... I knew you are a true professional at farming, hon, but to do something like this..." Honestly, Jeric was delighted at what his partner had grown and horrified at what his partner had grown. Because on the one hand - fruit with a face and sunglasses, that's awesome! And on the other hand.... why? He certainly wouldn't have imagined something like this on his own little farm in Ridgeside Village. And it's unlikely he had the knowledge to grow something like this. "....So, what does it taste like?"
Bryle was ashamed to admit it, but the first thing he did when he stepped onto the farmhouse porch was reflexively draw his service weapon and prepare to defend himself. Because the Governor's slightly sleepy bodyguard mistook the blue-faced crops in sunglasses for invaders or even dark spirits. Having already recovered from his shock and seeing the calm Farmer watering this very crop, Bryle felt that by asking what it was, he would get more questions than answers. So he was like: "Nope, not today" and went back to the farmhouse.
When some time ago Irene had only seen the sprouts with the not yet formed blue fruit, she was even intrigued to see what kind of 'unusual fruit' Farmer had planted and what the crop would taste like. Sweet, or maybe with sour notes? Only when she got the ripe fruit on the kitchen table, the Amethyne's personal chef was no longer so enthusiastic. This... fruits looks like a head and was looking at her. Irene's afraid to even touch the 'Qi' fruit, much less taste it. Her Madame would definitely not want such an.... exotic crop for dinner.
Sean decided it would be a hilarious to wreak havoc in the local social media groups with this fruit. So, with Farmer's permission, he took a picture of the ripened 'Qi fruit', posted the picture to social media without any description, and waited. An hour and a half in and Sean and Farmer were dying of laughter reading people's reactions, all sorts of conspiracy about the harvest and even memes (lol). He was also hoping someone would leave a comment about what the fruit was, because Farmer's explanation of "blue fruit from blue seeds from a blue man" wasn't a very clear answer.
"Alissa, my dear. What is this?" Alissa can't give a clear answer to her mother when she shows her the unusual fruit. It seems to Alissa that her dear spouse Farmer themself does not know the answer to this question. The girl was utterly perplexed, and neither her own knowledge of farming, nor a single book from the library about crops, helped her to find the answer. She hoped that Farmer had not used something harmful to grow this fruit...
"What's this abomination growing in your garden? Why is there foreign magic coming from that thing?" Jio is in full earnest preparing for a defensive pose with his katana, because that 'Qi' fruit looks like it's about to pounce on him and Farmer. Elf doesn't trust this crop, whatever it is in the first place. And when asked how Farmer grew this stuff in the first place, the answer struck Jio like lightning. "You... took strange seeds from a suspicious man and thought it would be a great idea to plant them?" Yeah, It's going to be a long conversation...
Not even strength and persuasion from Farmer will be enough to keep their spouse Maddie from her determination to get into the Water Research Facility & Laboratory with this strange fruit. Because the ginger girl has to find out what it is in the first place! After all, the lab assistant was also watching the process of the Qi fruit's growth, for she was curious about what Farmer was growing. And when the already ripe fruit showed its face with sunglasses, Maddie wants to show it to Aguar to see how to even classify it. Sigh, not Aguar, if he found out there was magic involved...
"Whoa... So creepy... It's like some kind of comic book villain." Phillip kept twisting and twisting the "Qi" fruit in his hands, looking at the "face" of the crop, and even tried to take off the "glasses". It didn't work, however, because it was like they were super glued on. Oh, well. And although the physical therapist is eager to find out what this miracle fruit tastes like, he still wants to take precautions and find some information about the Qi fruit, because maybe it's poisonous???
Blair nearly died laughing when she saw the face of the ripe blue fruit. "Yoba, what a bogeyman!" And how on earth did her partner Farmer manage to grow a fruit with a face like that? Oh, she wants to take a few if Farmer agrees. To taste it? No, the young fisherwoman had thought of a more fun use for this crop.... Such an ugly fruit would definitely be a good way to prank Keahi for the last prank, hee hee hee... Just a harmless joke, Blair promises!
...Anton thought at first that he hadn't fully woken up in the morning, and that he had just imagined a blue face on the kitchen table. Except that when the architect came back from the bathroom already fresh and invigorated from a cold shower, the face had not disappeared from the kitchen table. ...Ok, and then what? How should he even react? And should he even be reacting to this? Because Farmer is not perplexed by the strange fruit in any way, they treat it like a normal apple or banana. ...Alright, then. Anton silently hopes he doesn't get "sunglasses" from this fruit in his portion of salad.
Well done, Farmer, just great! Making Flor nearly faint because they decided to put some ripe Qi fruit on the dinner table before going to bed, without warning the red-haired spouse for doing so. The poor, sleepy girl wanted to drink a glass of water at midnight, but she ended up throwing it all on the floor and screaming, mistaking the fruit for human heads. Now Farmer is ashamed now... And rightly so - they shouldn't scare Flor like that!
Kiarra's face twisted at what she saw. "Honey, you didn't use any fertiliser or seeds from Joja, right? You didn't take anything from them?" Her first guess as to the origin of this strange fruit was immediately the much disliked greedy company with the blue logo. Joja always like to spoil pump vegetables and fruits with all sorts of harmful substances of unknown origin to make them bigger, and as a consequence - to sell them for more money. Even when Farmer explained to her that it wasn't Joja, the girl still remained sceptical. Because it's... not natural. Something is wrong.
Zayne thought that it would be at least tactless and rude of him to voice his first thought out loud when Farmer presented them with the 'fruit of their labours'. Especially since he loved his spouse and knew what a wonderful farmer they are, unrivalled in the entire Republic. But... What is it? The Amethyne family heir has seen some rather unusual and sometimes even strange delicacies on his own dinner table and on the tables of other noble families. But a fruit with a face... Someone, who apparently ordered Farmer to grow the fruit just so, has... a very specific flavour.
"Ew," was Ysabelle's only reaction, and to be honest - many would have agreed with her conclusion about the blue fruit with the snickering face and sunglasses. Even Farmer didn't argue with their partner's opinion about it. Really, ew (no offence, Mr. Qi). The girl simultaneously wants to ask what this fruit is and doesn't want to know anything about it, figuring it will be further questions than answers. People in the hotel have demanded stranger foods and delicacies, so the blue face fruit isn't too much of a shock to her. But still - ew.
"Hmm, why the face?" How does Farmer know, Paula? When they took the assignment from a, ahem, familiar person, they had no idea that the 'Qi fruit' would turn out to be exactly like this - a bit creepy, with a human face (but cool glasses!). The military medic wasn't too surprised by this weird crop (she'd seen much stranger food), and if the fruit wasn't poisonous and wasn't an allergy sufferer's worst nightmare, why not give it a try. "Heh, I wonder if anyone would dare to try this food on a dare"
"No, thank you, my soul. I'm good with an apple," June politely declined as Farmer, having harvested a ripe crop from the greenhouse, brought June a whole basket of different fruits and berries from all seasons to the farmhouse. His favourite apples, strawberries, oranges, pomegranate, a blue fruit with a face- Wait, what? Did he see that right? Yeah, the pianist's eyesight was not deceiving him. Later, he'll be asking Farmer questions about the blue weird fruit. In the meantime, he just wants to enjoy the apple.
When Faye thought of fresh fruit salad, she imagined cutting up a juicy and sweet mango, a ripe, with the sour notes pineapple, a delicious banana, and fill it up it with fresh orange juice. And at the sight of the Qi fruit, the waitress honestly lost her appetite. Is it... really a fruit? Why does it look so scary? It's also smiling... Oh, yuck! Farmer, that fruit winked at her! Brrr! No weird blue fruits on the dinning table, they're scary!
Shiro jumped up sharply, almost scalding hot, when he saw a field of a hundred blue smiling heads from the porch. Everywhere he turned his head, there they were: smiling, the light bouncing off their... Glasses? What the hell is that, anyway? "People want to buy fruit like that? With a scary face?" No, he's not going to try it, and the Farmer isn't advised to either. It doesn't look good, and it probably doesn't taste good anyway- No, Farmer, making this 'Qi' fruit into a smoothie isn't a good idea either... Just don't, please.
Corine never thought people could come up with something like this with crop. Well, she'd seen square watermelons, heart-shaped pears, and even star-shaped peaches on TV. But a melon-sized blue fruit that also had a human face..... Even she didn't expect that. Really, she doesn't understand why the Farmer glued it on. "Oh, I didn't glue the glasses on, dear, they grew with the fruit!" Sorry, the glasses did what?
"No offence, dear, but I'll probably pass." Oh, Farmer didn't grow this fruit for food, but for someone personally? Whew, what a relief... Um, Kenneth didn't mean to be rude or offend Farmer in any way, but the mere thought of that Qi fruit that very much resembled a head being cut with a knife made him cringe and disgusted. The inventor doesn't understand who needs fruit grown in this way, but he's not good at farming, so Kenneth will leave the matter to his spouse.
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ellesthots · 3 months
Fateful Beginnings
IX. “goodbye, Gotham”
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parts: previous / next
plot: when the flooding recedes, Mr. Wayne helps you leave the city—but not before a sufficient olive branch.
pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x fem!reader
cw: 18+, mention of chemo, playful banter/teasing
words: 2.9k
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Bruce looked over with a heavy scoff, and you bristled. Before he could react you continued. "Alfred is kind, and thoughtful, and obviously helps you because you were calling out to him again and again." This elicited an immediate response.
"Don't tell me about Alfred." He spoke through gritted teeth, the color coming back to his face with red heat. You wanted to step away but swallowed the lump in your throat. Alfred says he's so compassionate, huh? Doesn't seem like it. "You don't have to keep up this tough guy facade, you know."
His sarcastic laugh boomed in the hallways and you could've sworn you heard Alfred wake up. "Facade. Big words."
"Dick!" You turned on your heel and stomped up the stairs, then heard a low sigh. "I'm sorry." He spoke. You didn't turn to look at him; it was triggering hearing a man mock you so openly, especially in his own home. Being a vigilante billionaire didn't absolve him from being a human being. "That's not fair fighting, and I didn't mean to imply—"
"That I'm some mousey, stupid woman?" You whipped back around, all but hissing at him. He met your eyes carefully from the bottom of the stairwell. He gave a small nod, looking smaller now. "Nothing like that. I apologize." His swift recognition of wrongdoing did make it sting a bit less, and you had to remind yourself you were essentially camping out at his place. You leaned against the top railing, staring down at the masses of brown marble flooring. The moment felt just tender enough for honesty. "You can be scary, Bruce.... Wayne." You hovered on his last name, hoping it might act as an olive branch.
Bruce didn't want to be scary. Sure, to criminals he wanted to be, but hearing you say he brought it home hurt. It sank into his chest a bit like a branding iron. He didn't like hearing you say his last name; it already felt foreign in your voice. He looked over at the puddles of water he dragged in and shifted the convo. "The flooding seems to be letting up. You'll be able to get back to your apartment soon."
You took that more personally than was necessary. A thought glued to you. "Wait, will I be able to see Alfred again?" You felt ridiculous as soon as you said it, knowing you were about to graduate and move across the country permanently. You wanted out of this city more than anything in the entire world. Now you were concerned about missing a random old guy? You walked over to the top of the stairwell and sat crosslegged, putting your head in your hands. Bruce shifted uncomfortably, not knowing quite what to say to you, and wondering why the hell you'd decided to sit with him on the stairs. You assumed he wasn't going to respond to the Alfred comment, and you didn't really want him to. You thought about how Alfred had said Bruce was worried during your reaction and decided to pay it forward. It took a lot more effort to verbalize than you thought. "Do you want any pain meds or anything?"
It felt like a breeze shot through Bruce's stomach. A weird rippling sensation. His leg was burning in pain and he wanted to say no, he needed to say no, he wouldn't accept help from you... except seeing you with your guard down was... pleasant? If he forgot you were about to expose him, which he immediately remembered. His momentary lapse in annoyance ended with his next comment. "Are you still going to expose me?" You didn't say anything, and after about thirty seconds of silence he looked up at you. You slowly and discreetly shook your head. "No."
Bruce cleared his throat, trying to hide his relief. "I'm good on meds, yeah." He slowly rose from the stair and limped his way up. It was more bearable now that his body was lit up and electric—you weren't going to tell anyone? He wanted to trust you, it sounded genuine, this felt genuine, and usually he could trust his read of a situation... but it was you. You were different than everyone else. You'd noticed him immediately. It didn't even take a full second for years of practiced concealment and tracking two separate identities to fall apart. You scared him, too.
You stepped aside as he rose to the top of the stairwell. He looked at you from his periphery and gave a small nod. "Night." His voice was raspy and quiet, and then the only other sounds were of boots against ground and your own heels as you padded back to Alfred's office. The next half hour you whizzed through the formatting, scheduling an email for a few hours later to Dr. Vry. You got ahead of her disappointment by writing:
Good morning Dr. Vry, I hope this email finds you well. Unfortunately Mr. Wayne rescinded his offer mid-interview, so I interviewed someone else. The paper is attached below. My sincerest apologies, and thank you again for getting me the journalism materials. They will be returned swiftly in the AM. If you would like confirmation that I did meet with Mr. Wayne I can put you in contact with his manager. Best, Y/N Y/L/N.
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Sleep was hardly restful. You tossed and turned the next few hours, wired from finally turning in the last paper for your degree. You'd received an email back at 8:49am, where Dr. Vry expressed deep regret at your lack of follow-through on what would have been Bruce Wayne's first ever interview:
Ms. Y/L/N, thank you for turning in your paper. However, it would be remiss to not acknowledge my disappointment at what would have been such a spectacular frontier in journalism. I look forward to hearing from Wayne management to confirm your meeting. Regards, Dr. Janay Vry.
Fuck. Now you had to elicit Alfred to send a 'sorry' email. You sat up in bed, promptly hearing a strong knock. "Can I come in?" It was Bruce. You hurried your greasy hair back into a ponytail with a rubber band you'd found and sat expectantly on the edge of the bed. "Yes?" In walked Bruce, presumably fresh from a shower. He had your phone in-hand. Your brow furrowed. He nodded in anticipation. "You left it in Alfred's study. He's making breakfast now. No peaches." Bruce paused, avoiding eye contact. "Uh, and he wanted to tell you the flooding has died down enough to drive you back to your apartment." He tossed your phone to you and nodded before shutting the door. You sat, feeling the rage of hunger in your stomach. The first thing you did was look for flights back home: there was one from Gotham to Seattle at 11:45am, a five hour direct. With the time difference you might be able to make your mother's chemo appointment. Tentatively, you booked one of the last seats and bolted out to breakfast. It was 9:03. You needed to get home and shove all your belongings back into your luggage.
"Someone had a restful night!" Alfred was cheery, and placed an omelet in front of where you sat yesterday at the table. Bruce was already dished up and sidling into his chair across from you. "The ingredients are only egg, green and red bell pepper, spinach, olive oil, salt, and pepper. All good?" You gave him two thumbs up and thanked him, walking over to your side. You felt bad hurrying them. You waited for Alfred to dish himself up and sit down, tucking into a few bites before you broached the question. "I actually booked a flight today, back home. My mom has a uh, thing happening and I needed to be back. Bruce—Mr. Wayne said the flooding had gone down, and I was wondering if I could get a ride back to my apartment."
Bruce side-eyed you when you corrected his name. It still felt weird hearing you say his last name. It was weird hearing you say his first. It was weird that you knew he was Batman. It was just... weird. He finished chewing and gestured to you. "What time's your flight?"
It was unnerving to have such normal conversations with Bruce Wayne. After both your walls had begun to settle the night before, you felt the weight of his reputation. You blushed, and could tell he noticed. "Um, around eleven. Like two hours." Bruce's eyes nearly bulged out of his head "Couldn't have told us sooner?"
Alfred spoke, his face fallen, ignoring the man's antics. "I actually can't this morning, some men from accounting at Wayne Enterprises scheduled an emergency meeting. I'm so sorry. I'm sure Master Wayne can manage, however." He shot a glare at Bruce and Bruce rolled his eyes, starting to tear into his omelet with urgency. "Yeah fine, whatever."
You squeezed your eyes shut tight at feeling like such a burden. The next fifteen minutes you scarfed down as much food as you could, then went back upstairs to gather your shoes and phone. You noticed Bruce standing expectantly at the front door, wearing sunglasses as he peered at what you assumed to be a newly-delivered paper. He looked up when he heard your footsteps, making you hustle down the stairs.
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Without a word he slid through the open door, but you reached your head around to see Alfred cleaning up the kitchen. You ran over to him and gave him a hug, quickly telling him about the email thing. He agreed to send the email shortly, and even offered to return your journalism supplies. Looking at the time—9:45—you had no choice but to take him up on it. He told you not to be a stranger and sent you off on your way. Your heels ached the arches of your feet, but you weren't taking a chance with the sewage water still taking up an inch of real estate on the concrete. Bruce was already pulling out of a matte black Lamborghini, the passenger door opening automatically as you walked to it. You slid into the leather seat and tucked your feet in as he sped off.
You watched out the window as trees and grass turned to buildings whizzing by. The car was quick and steady; the tinting on the windows seemed a bit excessive, but you understood the need. After a few minutes of silence he startled you with a question. "Why didn't you write the exposé?" He tried to make his voice strong, his tone nonconfrontational. You shrugged. You were still a bit bitter about the night before and his comments about your smarts, but if this was going to be your last time seeing him you figured there was no shame in being honest. "I didn't want to jeopardize the city. As much as I hate to admit it, you make it better." You let out a heavy sigh trying to rid of the tension. His hands stiffened on the wheel. It was the first kind thing you'd ever said to him; it was the first time someone other than Alfred had mentioned Batman to him... because you were the only one outside of him who knew. A small smile curled up his lips. Music to his insecure ears. Did he really make it better? Really? He wanted to. He really, really wanted to. Did you really mean it? Actually?
"STOP!" Your shout caused an immediate braking, and a worried mother clutched her kids as they rushed across the crosswalk. Bruce tensed, eyes wide. He'd never come close to hitting a pedestrian. His heart pounded as he glanced at you beside him. You stared with a tight-set jaw, your hands clenched together in your lap and eyes as wide as his own. He moved his attention back to the road and kept on, refusing to entertain any more potentially lethal thoughts.
It was 10am on the dot when you pulled up in front of your apartment complex. It had been such an awkward ride you hadn't questioned how he knew your address, but you didn't have time to pester him. Bruce got out just as you were jogging to the lobby doors, and your eyes nearly bulged out of your head as you hissed at him. "What are you doing?! Someone could see you!"
"Traffic is always bad around this time at the airport. We need all the time we can get, I'm helping." His tone was flat and he adjusted his sunglasses... as if they could distract from the Lambo in front of the complex screaming BRUCE WAYNE IS HERE! You pushed through the lobby and rushed to the elevator, Bruce calmly in tow. The doors opened and you both stepped inside. He sidled in next to you now, and you looked over at his outfit. Unlike the last elevator ride together, he was just wearing a black tee and trousers. He glanced at you from his periphery and you quickly moved your line of sight to the floor with a subtle blink. A subtle aroma of pink pepper and musk lingered in the air, mixed with a little bit of sweat. Your sweat. You hadn't showered in days, and did a little shift of your weight away from him. Embarrassment washed over you.
"What?" He turned his head, noticing your movement away. "Looking for more lint?"
No, I just smell bad. You thought. I probably smell like ass and I don't want that to be your last memory of me. It became apparent to you how terrible of an impression you would leave on the man—forcing your way into his home with blackmail, being forced to more than overstay your welcome, now he was helping you pack while you smelled like sweat and spit. It was embarrassing. Very embarrassing.
The DING of the elevator doors opening to your floor was like a call from heaven, and you rushed past him so he couldn't get a good sniff.  You fumbled with the lock and thanked god how poor you'd been as a student; your apartment was small and minimalist, making it easy to throw everything into one or two luggage bags and move yourself back home in a jiffy. Trying your best to forget that a billionaire was standing in the middle of your studio, you went to your small closet and pulled out the large checked-luggage bag your dad had bought you two years prior. You hadn't been able to fill it then, but were grateful now for the extra real estate.
"What do you want me to do?"
You looked around the room, running through a short list of everything you'd have to do in the next half hour. The bedding needed to be removed, bathroom ransacked, kitchen food trashed, and clothes packed. Oh. And you needed to go down to the lobby and break the lease.
"Uh, can you clean out the fridge? I need to get to the lobby." You bit your lip hard, anxious as you grabbed your keys and rushed downstairs, ignoring the elevator in order to try and metabolize some of the stress. You only had about ten dollars left in your checking, and you'd forgotten that breaking a lease would mean an extra fee. When you made it to the receptionist, it was a new person you'd never seen before. She looked sour, and rolled her eyes when you walked up. "Hey uh, I need to break the lease."
"Name and unit number?" She smacked on gum as she sat up and started typing. You obliged, and after agonizing silence she shook her head. "Your lease ends this month anyway and you already paid the rent. We'll be sending a check to your permanent address after you have returned the keys with your deposit if everything is good."
Oh thank GOD. You thanked her profusely, somehow still out of breath, and went back up the stairs. Jesus. Thank god. If you had to ask Bruce Wayne for MONEY? You would've rather jumped off the Gotham bridge to your untimely demise. You put the key in your lock and opened the door to him standing with the bedding removed, fridge open and cleaned out, and half your clothes packed into the bag. Half of you wanted to be angry at him touching things without your consent, while the other was begrudgingly impressed. Almost like he read your mind, he spoke. "I didn't look at individual items, I just picked up armfuls and shoved them in."
Looking at your apartment now, the only thing left was the few toiletries in the closet (which could be recycled) and whatever was in your bathroom. You checked your watch: 10:20. "Thanks uh, can you wait in the car? I think I want to shower real quick."
He chuckled, plopping the last of your clothes into the bag. "I'm sure your seatmate will appreciate it.”
You gasped under your breath. "Really?" It hurt. You didn't want it to, but it did. You wanted to shoot something back at him, like you were only trying to smell like him or some shit. But it stung. For some reason. He chuckled again, shaking his head with a sly grin turning up his cheeks. "Nah. But you believed it."
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eminsunnytoons123 · 5 months
Disclaimer: this will always get updated And when I reblog it, it Means that it Got updated again.
The muppets Show: Life in the boarding home
Characters list:
The muppets:
The muppets (they appear in almost EVERY EPISODE, but not every episode is about them, they just help the Main supporting muppets that have most attention in each episodes) - Kermit, fozzie, miss piggy gonzo, Rizzo, Pepe, rowlf, yolanda, scooter
Main supporting muppets (they appear a Lot just like the Main ones And they are VERY important to the series And episodes, And im adding more) - sam eagle, Skeeter, dr teeth, Janice, Lips, Floyd, animal, Zoot, Vicki, Clifford, digit, Waldo C Graphic, bean Bunny, Lindbergh, Leon lizard, Flash, solid foam drummer (aka Kimberly), beard, zondra, Ubu, chip, Constantine, swedish chef, Wayne And Wanda, Mildred huxetetter, miss mousey, afghan hound, baskerville hound, Camilla chicken, Walter, Crazy Harry, Lew Zealand, uncle deadly, Bobo bear, dr Phil van neuter, waldorf And statler, beauregard, link hogthrob, dr Julius strangepork, Marvin suggs, the newsman, Robin the frog, sweetums, thog, timmy Monster, the mutations, Annie sue, Denise pig, 80s robot, behemoth, big mean Carl, doglion, Fletcher Bird, Betsy Bird, George the janitor, foo-foo, gaffer the pirate Cat, Johnny fiama, Sal minella, mahna mahna, the snowths, Mr poodlepants, Seymour, spamela Hamderson, mulch, Bubba the rat, gorgon heap,
Reccuring/minor/additional characters (they sometimes or rarely appear in some episodes, but they even dont live with The muppets in the boarding home) - Hilda, Gladys, trumpet girl (Dolores), cliffy hatzis, cliffster Hatzis, Nigel, Mary Louise, selena the brunette haired whatnot, Tammy the red haired whatnot, Isabella the dirty-blonde haired whatnot, violette the brunette haired whatnot, merice the blue whatnot, Lauren the light Purple whatnot, flower eating Monster, Katherine Seahorsse Atlantic, Clara Hatzis, green muck Monster, angelco And devilzo, Angelica And demonica, kermgel And devmit, Jeremy the light blue whatnot, Mikey the orange whatnot,
Guest characters (these are the characters that appear in each episodes And sometimes have attention on them, or theyre from other muppets media And appear only a little bit) - wocka agent bear, Cosmo bopper, ghost of Christmas past, ghost of Christmas present, And ghost of Christmas future, green muck Monster,
Main supporting whatnot Show gang characters (and they appear in each episode to help the muppets with some problems, And yes theyre important to the story too, And im still editing this) - dermot the dog, miss tiggy, Ozzy woodchuck, Gustavo the King ladybug, Pierce the chinchilla, paisley the persian Cat, bonzo the amazing Monkey, Sid the British bulldog, dr tounge, ibeeria, Sgt Easton Oliver, yakim, vegetable, Mateo, auncle heavenly, ceco the andean bear, Leo the axolotl, raiden the semi radio person, Max Gerbils, una, Frederick the toucan, Jagger the Fox, Iggy D digital, dr quill Owens, zuri the chinchilla, snooper, Victor, kameron Gibson, Tristan Nelson Koala, crazed Gael, Maxwell Armstrong, Sammy the dog, Aleksandr the dog, tiana the fairy, dr Aristotle un wonders, kiyoshi, Napoleon Thibault, tarrasque, weather man, bi-bi, Sneeker, Remington the hippo, miss Batty, carina flamingo, italian culinarian, Mr. Parrotyno, Willa, Maverick the yeti, Clark the computer designer, Bartha the Ragdoll Cat, christoper the Ragdoll Cat, sea ocean witch man, O' Theodore Purple, the telephaty Brothers, 60's telephone, Miroslav Agovich, the trolls (bluan, huang And pinkery), yuna flowerwoman, chirping lovebird, ignorant Alfred, rude Oscar, naive lester, Cody the chihuahua, Garrett the pug, micah the Pitbull, Kathy And Kevin, Fred the janitor, adolpha the jungle parrot,
Main supporting teppums characters (the same like whatnot Show gang, they always help the muppets in any problems or trouble, And im still editing this) - timrek the sheep, madame camela, Evan the Elephant, Hector the brilliant, quade the fennec Fox, litvik the King cobra, arlo, dr linnaeus un shingems, Shane the american bison, Travis, Zane, lavi the King lion, stephany, dr Lips, Sgt Gideon Quinn, wilds Benner, Nicolas, Werner, Elias the Alligator, Abram the semi laptop Guy, Cassie, George E flyer, Liam the miniature horse, berengar the gecko, ben the otter, belladonna, Gunner the kapre, Arthur the game designer, tiana, madame gerbilsy, insane Axel, Asher the lamb, madame Li-Li, journalist man, gem the genie, tough Draco, glemsom Sebastian, monsieur gerbilso, Lionel the King lion II, Alfred And Chester, Diana the mermaid, Victoria the fennec Fox, sindy the verdin Bird, Raphael abadie, Federico agosti, rodan the Diamond Giant, Master Vincent, french has slinger, Daniil the dall sheep, Henrietta sunflowera
Main supporting parodies show characters - coming soon.... (Theyre not created yet, but soon will)
Main villains/antagonists - kermoot the frog, foozie bear, miss poogy, roowlf the dog, Bonzor the fantastic, paloma the flying shrimp, cici the mouse, dr dentist, janooce, flora, zotts, Lipst, animool, Camillo the rooster, soom the hawk, aunt goatella (she is a Nice Lady :3), Boryslav the frog, Tanya the red-brown haired whatnot, dr Vanessa van michigen, beba the Polar bear (she is a Nice Lady too), Jennifer Ferguson, schi-schi the red panda, Scarlett the black-haired whatnot, boombox catfish "Benjamin", Ruby the semi computery girl, Darren, Petunia parrot, Martha the Chameleon, Beeny the digital bee, pinks the news reporter Bird, dr Barbara, geekera, Mad Blake, Andrea zingler, Xavier, Ray the bigfoot, ash the Graphic designer, booper, British cooker, Wendy, Edward the antarctic fox, Thomas and Tristan, arabella And Frances, stormer, busher, solid cotton guitarist "sarah", yacoub the mouse, maria Santana, Beepera, Sebastian the Rhino, elids the garden witch troll, Rosalie the frog, miss persian Lady, reporter man, Hannah And Anna pig, miss mi-mi, Henry the mouse, maddison pig, Gabrielle Pig, golem rose witch, hadria MacAfee, fantastic Day green witch, Crystal snowe the snowy owl, galatea the janitor, the telekinesis Sisters, miss Theodora Huang, forgetfull Mirabella, mean penny, arrogant Mahira, 70s computer, Gavin frog, caleb frog, glothcher the frog, Giant rude Alexandro And Miranda gonzales
Muppets Monsters quintet (theyre the antagonists too, but they dont appear a lot) - ker-monster, ghoulfriend, wocka wocka bear, noseferatu and muck monster
And this is for all my besties/Sisters And brothers/pen pals who really love my Work, And that love me just the way I am And that always make me feel loved, And i would never let any of the besties And auntie that i lost make me feel more anxious And stressed out for what I fucking did to my blue haired auntie. And i will always care And love my besties/Sisters And brothers/pen pals no matter what. 💗
@splashy900 @kxllboii @cheezekennith @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @sharkyy599 @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sophia-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @xxkurosakutisaxx @xxkurosakutisaxxaltofshitaccount @ducktoonz903707 @muppet-fan-real @artismeyou-12 @blackstar044 @acen402 @walt-diego-rodriguez @goatsarecool1 @nia1sworld @rumplestiltsbear @s4gefr0g @beeware-of-lulu @leafith
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jakelandryshorts · 2 years
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“Oh shit…” Mr. Pritchett muttered.
Jay looked up at his professor with a bit of confusion. Even if he was an adult, he’d never heard the mousey teacher say something with so much confidence. “What?” he quickly asked.
Mr. Pritchett’s eyes were glued to the soon to be night sky. He drew his attention away, just enough to grab his stuff. “I need to go. Sorry.”
“GO!?” Jay jumped out of his chair and ran to the door, blocking Mr. Pritchett’s exit. “What do you mean go? I have a test tomorrow. You said you’d help me tonight.”
“Sorry. Not tonight,” Mr. Pritchett said. He adjusted his glasses and tried to move Jay out of the way. It wasn’t going to happen as the football stud weighed a good 70 or 80 pounds more than the scrawny teacher. And most of that was firm muscle he’d been working on for years.
Jay pushed back. “No. Tonight. I’ve been spending all semester trying to pass. You can’t just ditch me the night before the fucking test.”
“Now boy—” the depth in Mr. Pritchett’s voice shook Jay for a second. He quickly cleared his throat and it returned to normal. “Jay, I’m sorry. Not tonight.”
“Wh-why?” Jay felt himself stammer. The feeling that his teacher’s voice gave him suddenly sent him for a loop. His whole body shook, but there was a different feeling that was accompanying it. His desire to study turned to curiosity with a sprinkle of something he didn’t quite understand. “Is it because you forgot deodorant? Cause I don’t give a fuck. I’m in the locker room all the time. This is nothing.”
“Boy…” Mr. Pritchett growled. The timbre of his voice returned. A striking and powerful sound that made the jock instantly stand up straight. He fought off the urge, to smile but one was still cracking through the side of his face. Mr. Pritchett could feel a bead of sweat drip down the side of his face. “Damn it boy…”
“Sir?” Jay squeaked out.
The crack of a smile turned into a full on one as Mr. Pritchett sat down on the table. He spread legs wide, with a foot resting on a chair. “Sir… I like that. Didn’t think a punk like you’d use it though. Heh,” he laughed. “Not that I’m complaining.” Mr. Pritchett’s soft facial features started to shift. Hair started to fill out around his face while his facial features started to widen.
He started to undo the buttons of his navy dress shirt and then took off his pants. “Holy shit…” Jay stared blankly. “When’d you get so buff!” A glare from Mr. Pritchett made him quickly add. “Sir.”
Mr. Pritchett snorted a laugh. “Always have been,” he answered flexing his arm. His bicep was rapidly growing. It had been almost none existent even minutes ago, but now it looked like it was about the size of a baseball. Every second even more and more muscle pumped into it. It was growing past the size of a soft ball and then some. Bulk started to appear on the lean mass only making it look larger.
Jay’s mouth continued to hang open as the rest Mr. Pritchett’s scrawny body was rapidly filling out. Muscle and size just kept packing onto his lean body. Two hefty pecs pushed out in front of him. He had a nice solid belly that strong men had. His legs bulked up significantly, making his khakis near impossible to wear. Thick meaty legs ran down to the floor.
Hair erupted from every part of his body. It ran up and down his large hefty frame covering near every inch of him. A thin layer of sweat coated the hair, making it cling more to his body but also drawing out a natural musky smell. He smiled as he ran his thick hand up his hairy belly and let out a big yawn.
“Damn…” Mr. Pritchett reached for the sky. “Always feels damn good.” Every part of his body began to stretch to new heights. As he stood back up, he was now looking down at Jay instead of up. “Eh?” he looked at Jay as though he’d seen him for the first time. A devious smile crossed his face.
“Mr-Mr. Pritchett?” the jock asked.
“Heh-heh,” the man laughed. “Coach Pritchett. When a werejock becomes a teacher, they become a werecoach. But you can call me sir.”
“Yes sir,” Jay quickly nodded.
“Good man,” Coach’s hand gripped Jay’s shoulder and gave it a light shake. “That damned teacher always locks me up. For some reason he’s all embarrassed of me and the only guy I ever get ta see are those scrawny nerdy ones. But damn… You’re a pretty good specimen. Drop and give me fifty.”
Jay felt a compulsion to drop to the floor and pump out the fifty pushups. “S-sir?”
“You heard me,” Coach growled. Instantly Jay fell to the floor and started pumping them out. “Count them out.” Jay did as he was told. Coach watched as the jock continued through the exercise without much difficulty at all. “You’re a good strong jock, aintcha?”
“Yes sir,” Jay chanted.
“Let me see.”
Jay stripped off his shirt and dropped his shorts around his ankles. Coach put a thumb to his beard, observing the other man. “Hmmm…” A sudden feeling of self-consciousness overtook Jay as Coach started to observe him. He’d been taking it a bit lighter in the gym lately because of all the studying. Would Coach be mad?
“You’ve been slacking…” Coach grumbled.
“No excuses,” Coach instantly shut the jock up. His back straightened as he did so. “Heh-heh,” Coach chuckled. “You like doing what I tell you?”
“Sir?” Jay felt his head tilt a bit. Never in his life had any one considered him to be submissive. But no matter what the coach said, he felt like he should do it. Almost like his body was naturally reacting to the other man’s authority.
“C’mon boy. No need to lie,” one of Coach’s big hands reached down Jay’s shorts and gripped his hard cock. The light squeeze and stroke. His firm hand slid gently over Jay’s shaft, drawing a soft moan out of the jock. Jay’s body jerked slightly at the feeling. He couldn’t help it as pleasure shot through his body.
So much so that his mouth hung open. Coach took it as an invitation and locked their mouths together. Jay found the other man’s tongue in his mouth but relaxed. Feeling the bigger man’s hands drape over his back and slide down his muscles was overly relaxing and stimulating. Almost like a tickle that he didn’t want to end.
Jay didn’t even notice as his shirt was removed from his body or his shorts dropped to his ankles. But he did notice as Coach stopped the kiss. The soft prickles of Coach’s beard drew him back in but Coach was quick to stop him. “Sir?” he whined.
It only drew a cocky smirk out of the older man. “First things first. We have to talk about your training. I ain’t going to be treatin some slouch. You got that?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good. Now we have to talk about you getting bigger. You really need to be pushing yourself in the gym. Making sure each workout really hones in on each group. So you can get bigger here,” his hands rested on the jocks shoulders, then slid down over his arms. “Here.” Those big hands grabbed Jay by the waist and landed firmly on his ass. “Here. And most importantly,” One of his fingers slid against Jay’s hole, “here.”
It pushed inside drawing out the most pathetic whimper out of the jock. Jay’s body instinctively leaned into Coach and his hands clasped at the bigger man’s body. His head nuzzled into Coach’s burly pecs. Jay gripped Coach’s sides squeezing as more of Coach’s finger pushed inside. He gasped at the feeling of his body being invaded. He couldn’t believe how good it felt. A sudden tickle worming around on his insides as he buried himself into the wall of a man in front of him.
Not to mention that rustic manly smell that was invading his nose. He’d known it all his life, yet from coach he couldn’t get enough of it. He took a deep breath whenever he got a chance, moving closer to Coach’s smelly pits. His tongue lolled out as he gave the sweaty pit a lick. All the while Jay’s cock throbbed with excitement.
There were too many pleasing senses bombarding him at once. He couldn’t focus on just one of them. The salty sweat. The strong man to hold onto. The feeling of his ass being opened up. His body jerked and he didn’t even realize that he’d finished. A sudden euphoria overtook Jay as fell limp in the other man’s arms.
“Sorry sir…” Jay apologized.
“No need to be sorry,” Coach smirked. “You’re just beginning your training. And we still have a long night ahead of us.” He sat back on the table and grabbed at his package. The stained tightie whities were true to their name as the bulge seemed to push the stretchy fabric pretty far. However, all Jay could think was how much he wanted to please his Coach.
Mr. Pritchett woke up the next morning to find Jay in his arms. As soon as the grogginess of the night wore off, he was quick to realize what had happened. “Oh shit! Oh shit!” he repeated.
Jay slowly drifted out of his slumber to see the scrawny teacher grabbing his clothes and trying to put them back on. “What’s wrong sir?” Jay felt the word slip out. He didn’t like how it sounded. “What’s wrong sir?” he repeated. It was supposed to be ‘what the fuck?!’ but nothing else would come out. And his anger kept returning to the submissive version of him the night before.
Slowly, Mr. Pritchett turned back to the college student. “Sir? Since when do you call me sir?”
“Uhh…” Jay felt a bit embarrassed. Memories of last night were starting to come back to him. More embarrassing was the lack of pants and his dick growing hard again. Every time he looked at his teacher he had the urge to please him.
“You met Coach. Huh?” Mr. Pritchett asked. Jay gave a soft nod but couldn’t help but smile. “Well… Damn it.”
“No. Not damn it,” Jay quickly stood up. His dick pointed at his teacher. “Sorry…” he didn’t do anything to cover up though. “It was fun. And well… Maybe we can do it again sometime?”
“Again?” Mr. Pritchett looked at the man and smiled. “We’ll you do need a lot of help studying. Why not?”
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tacky-optic · 2 months
Had a question about who our favorite Zenigata partner is in a server I'm in and now I can't stop thinking about them. Tis the zaza sickness.
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anyway here's literally all of the characters Zenigata's been partnered with that i could find (within reason). if anyone wants to elaborate on any of these guys (cough yata cough) please feel free to go absolutely ham. *(obligatory spoiler warning for a whole lotta lupin specials, waow-- notably zenigata keibu since that's probably the most unwatched of everything i cover. but if youre here im guessing youre as unfortunately well-versed as i am so LETS FRIGGIN GET INTO IT)
Starting off nice n' mellow. I'm pretty neutral on Yata, tbh. I just think he's neat and it's easy enough to write him and not much else. I've rambled about him being a stand-in for the viewer before, but overall i just don't have all that many thoughts on the guy (seriously someone please do yata). ironic considering he's hands-down the most prevalent sidekick to date, but alas. head remains empty.
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MARIYA. Mariya my girlie oh how i love thee. finally, someone with a Gimmick on par with Mr. my-sword-can-cut-anything. Plus she's super sweet and smart and sharp and just an all-around endearing character. AND SHE'S DIFFERENT!! she's tagging along with Zenigata of her OWN FREE WILL like gurl what are you THINKING. there isn't a shred of coherent interview material to draw from this man, especially about Lupin. The dynamic they end up developing is on point, though!! Zenigata's initial total miscall of it aside, It's just plain ol' wholesome. If Yata's his surrogate son than Mariya's obviously his daughter. No shot in hell they don't at least keep in contact after the special's done. plus her snapping a pic of him every time he eats shit is peak comedy journalism
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MOTHAFUCKIN' MELON COP!! an absolutely magical reefer-smokin' shitbag, especially in the edgy Tokyopop translation. He's a great foil to our otherwise serious(ly neurotic) manga Zenigata. Not to mention the combative potential with a down the line Melon.... ough. A more toned-down "newer part"-esque Zeni getting slapped with an extremely smug and insistent reminder of his angstlord past is such a delicious concept to me. i will be using this guy extensively in that exact way one of these days-- he's too fun not to.
a bit of a sidenote but i've gotta point fingers at gray jacket again (can't recommend it enough) for having my favorite melon depiction in fic; walther recently had him show up in their fic secondhand vanity as well (which i also can't recommend enough), so needless to say i think he has some fun potential.
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Sakuraba and Kunikida from the live-action show get honorable mentions, obviously. They're both so different yet learn so much from Zenigata all the same. As far as reacting to the inspector goes, they're the ideal Yatas (again i am so so sorry yata-- surely someone will do you justice). Even though they aren't technically "new" to the force they're new to the Zenigata Shenanigans, and that is where the entertainment factor is. Sakuraba's the traditionalist keibu method-doubter whereas Kunikida's this mousey blue around the gills fella, and over their respective case file appearances, they both gain faith in/learn confidence from Zenigata, respectively. It really is a great bit of development to watch play out.
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I'm gonna count The Guys™️ as a collective group/formless mass with maybe one of the Guyest of Guys as Zenigata's right hand Guy, like that one dude in Cagliostro. Apparently the name he's given in one of the dubs is Sam?? That's neat. Sam's neat. for anyone interested in some homework, here's the link to the highly informative lupin forum thread i found that out from: [x]
But yeah the Guys! Right from the start, Zenigata having this army of inexplicably and absurdly loyal cops was always a fun trope and i love to see 'em whenever they show up. I had this idea ages ago for this fake documentary-style miniseries based around them-- all the usual Lupin nonsense goes on in the background while we get a peek at the typically unseen shenanigans happening on the law-bearing side. Getting assigned to the lupin taskforce is probably seen as some kind of punishment, but that just makes the camaraderie all the more tight-knit. There'd be some behind-the-scenes Zenigata/how he interacts with them, what they get up to on their own whack case assignments when they're in a Lupin sighting lull.... hell maybe we even learn why they're all so damn loyal to this one supposedly hyper-independent guy. I think it'd be fun but maybe that's just the Zenigata hopeful in me. Surely he's capable of building some semblance of rapport with the fine group of folks he drags around the world with him....
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Let's just rip the band-aid off-- I dislike Oscar with a burning passion. which is weird, right? because i like Melon Cop, the dude who's totally cool with straight-up cold-blooded judge/jury/executioner-style murder. I dunno dude the obsessive daddy kink simping's just too feckin' weird for me. i checked the hell out so fast. If the goal was to make Oscar extremely disquieting, they friggin' did it. Granted he was written to be a bit whack from the start, and getting raised(?)/mentored by THAT Zenigata would irreversibly mess anyone up. I get that the fucked up-ness is part of the appeal, but man. How anyone can gravitate towards Oscar without heavily modifying his whole deal escapes me.
I've seen him written tolerably in fic maybe... twice? He's in gray jacket (there it is again!) and SMRO (needs no introduction nor explanation), so obligatory kudos to anyone who can wrangle [gestures vaguely at all of that].
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Vicky though. Vicky Flannigan from Island of Assassins is so goddamn funny. Still can't believe they took one of the most badass Zenigata character designs and actively went out of their way to make him bedridden. I've seen folks call him "Proto-Yata" and. Yeah. Can't argue. He's a glorified babysitter, if anything, and the only reason he's even remotely effective is because he (accidentally) broke both of Zenigata's legs. Funniest shit istg
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ICPO LADIES!!! They're cute. Designs could be better but it's Babylon yknow. Despite being an admittedly fun romp, the special has its obvious.... uh. issues. product of its time and all that. iykyk. anyway LADIES. They're competent. They take No Shit from Zenigata. The random little crush that comes out of nowhere between Chinjao and Goemon is cute as hell. Plus, I've seen some pretty rockin' fandom redesigns floating around.... wouldn't mind in the slightest if they made a comeback.
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I'm gonna lump all of the Betrayers into one category: Emily O'Brien from Angel Tactics, Kazami from Fuma Conspiracy, and Terry Crown from Alcatraz Connection. Never expected the "Zenigata's partner is the bad guy!!1" trope would be so prevalent, but it tracks in retrospect. It's a neat enough idea-- bummer they never seemed to nail it down, though.
The only reason O'Brien is so predictable is because she's so goddamn unlikable. There's hardly any screentime of them working together and in every single scene, the incompetency just feels so blatantly intentional its almost offensive lmao. Zero surprise in the slightest when she showed her true colors-- just mild annoyance, which tracks for the whole special tbh. Only worthwhile parts are the beginning and the end, and absolutely none of that has anything to to with O'Brien.
Kazami just has that chump secondary villain face y'know. Again, a bit on the nose how obnoxiously dorkish he is-- but them playing up him putting on his glasses so Fujiko can recognize him got a little laugh outta me, ngl. He served his purpose, plain and simple.
I'll never know whether Crown was predictable or not because I stumbled across ""Evil Columbo"" before I watched Alcatraz, but despite the spoiler I can at least say he isn't lame as shit. Pre-reveal, he's probably the closest we'll get to a taste of what Melon might be like in modern Lupin media. He's your run-of-the-mill corrupt sleazebag detective-- steals evidence, generally doesn't give a fuck, takes cheap jabs at Zenigata-- but their final standoff is what puts him above Kazami for me. Just a real melodramatic overdramatic moment of Zenigata Zenigata-ing his heart out.
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Welcome to the ELDERLY MEN CATEGORY, OORAH. The old guy from Twilight Gemini, Kogoro Akechi from the pilot, and George McFly from First Contact. I could track down Gemini old guy's name, but I hand-to-god couldn't care less. The only worth a damn thing Gemini's given me is that one jigzeni screenshot, so we're just gonna move on to the next two.
Not much of Akechi, huh. He only shows up in the pilot and doesn't do anything of note besides be someone for Lupin to disguise himself as. Dare i say Goemon was a more effective ally to Zenigata than Akechi...? yeah sure, why not. Goemon's a zeni sidekick. i'll die on that hill. anyway I believe he's also a reference to a pre-existing character...? like Lupin, Goemon, and Zenigata are. All in all its probably for the best that he didn't make it to part 1.
Finally, the only old guy that actually has aspects to talk about. I actually really like McFly and the role he plays in First Contact; it isn't Zenigata learning from whoever his partner may be, but McFly learning from Zenigata. He's a jaded, on-the-verge-of-retirement type that thinks he's seen all the force has to offer, but here comes this young (is he considered "young" in this?? early, maybe) freak-ass foreigner cop with a vendetta he's practically frothing at the mouth to rectify. Neither of them are exactly enthused to be working together, but McFly sticks around anyway and learns to see past a lot of Zenigata's first impression baggage; the tenacity, the passion, the genuineness of it all. Not only does he want to make real change, but the crazy bastard can actually friggin' do it. ...Or at the very least make a sizable dent.
Zenigata sincerely adheres to the idea of what a cop's supposed to be, fundamentally, and not what a "cop" actually is, as a vague collective occupational concept. Zenigata has a genuine effect on McFly-- enough to make him just the slightest bit less soured by the end of it all. It's a nice sentiment; that no matter where you are in life, ideas can still change. It's a small arc that flies beneath the radar of everything else, but i noticed it. I FRIGGIN' NOTICED IT, MAN
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tl;dr Zenigata's a lonely guy, sure, but he doesn't have to be.
That should cover all of the significant parts/specials/movies, but if i missed anyone (any notable episodes? manga?) lemme know. Either way, it's nice finally having 'em all in one place.
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disneyfemslash · 5 months
That last post you reblogged was *absolutely adorable*, but now it also has me wondering who would pair well with the sexy mouse lady that does burlesque in The Great Mouse Detective (I can't remember her name)
Miss Kitty!
We have a Miss Kitty tag with exactly one post. So the current trend is 100% Miss Bianca. Mrs. Brisby from NIMH or Gadget Hackwrench from Rescue Rangers could be options.
Pinky and the Brain has a selection of lady rodents in that there are several, but I don't think any have had more than 2 episodes of screentime. Julie Brain, and Billie each have two. I'd probably go Mousey Galore, a one off Russian parody of a Bond Girl.
I know of Biker Mice from Mars and of Charley and Carbine, no idea of their vibe besides the vibe if the series is really there in the name.
Rescue Rangers also has a one off called Foxglove, a bat. And the old Chip and Dale shots had a one off called Clarice, a chipmunk, who is also a lounge singer.
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