savinggod · 6 months
Los casa the mi famosos
So I found that people are using codes to kill
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sm-baby · 3 months
Oh muusshy~
can little old me have some Jillz art plz? (and/or some miss ticky art?)
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Kofi👁️ || Seven Evil Clones Masterpost🕰️
I imagine they have Thanksgiving dinner and Mrs. Time sits like L and eats with her hands
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marsconer · 9 months
mr.d claiming percy for the funsies and the wine and now he has to actually parent the little shit
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agneskyandoru · 8 months
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Mr.s&s MULTI VERSE!?!!!?!😱
I made this meme because it crossed my mind when I was going to sleepand.
I also wanted to post something (and I love their art style.)
Português: Mr.s&s MULTI VERSO!?!!!?!😱
fiz esse meme por que isso passou pela minha cabeça quando eu ia dormir.
e também estava querendo postar algo ( e amo o estilo de arte deles Dos artistas.)
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betasquadampfanclub · 4 months
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bettyweir · 1 month
its so crazy 2 me that three cheers for evil and Mrs. Doubtfire were just things i Causually saw as a kid. like yep yep crossdressing solves all problems, i get it now.
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mintygreenaqua · 5 months
You’ve already gotten you Hello Neighbor AMV, now it’s time for the YTP!
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faebriel · 1 year
normal people things would be so fkn fun to hear live
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noblehcart · 2 years
also honestly ya'll are forgetting that an.gela lansbury was the *dowager empress* in the animated anastasia.
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Mr. S.
When people ask me about memorable patients, I think what they intend with that question is for me to tell a story about patients that have left a positive impact on me. The ones that have driven me a certain way—changed me to be better. I think they are thinking of successful, happy, positive stories. 
 If I am being honest, when I think of memorable patients, I think difficult. They have changed me to be better,  but the memorable patients are the ones that were difficult to diagnosis, the ones that were a challenge to convince, the ones that never trust anyone, the ones that will refuse to follow your instructions or advice and were the ones that I usually didn’t have an easy time with.  Most of the time, when I was in the midst of treating them, I was dreading it. One such patient, a memorable patient, fell in the category of difficult to diagnosis. I was on the wards. He was a 65-year-old gentleman. He had presented overnight to the ED for flank pain that radiated to the groin. He had a past medical history of colon resection and now was experiencing ascites, or fluid in the belly. He was lying in bed when I first saw him, Mr. S. 
Mr. S was blunt. He didn’t mind telling you about all his issues and that included issues he had with the doctors who were treating him. We started his work-up with many of the standard tests, including a complete blood count with differential. That allowed us to look at his blood cells, and it would distinguish for us the number of each cell in his blood. His results showed severe low red blood cells—so severe that he was at the level that required a blood transfusion. His platelets were also extremely low. These are the cells that allow the healing of damaged tissue and are important when there is active bleeding because they form clots that stop the bleed. He also had a remarkably high white blood cell count. These cells are important for infection fighting. At this point in his work-up we needed to find the source of his dangerously low red blood cells and platelets, and reason for abnormally high white blood cells. 
There were no sites of active bleeding when we did a CT—no source for losing so much blood.  There was no real signs of infection, and his testing for common viruses that may be the source of a high white blood cell count, came back negative. The only remarkable aspect was enlarged lymph nodes that were seen throughout his body: neck, chest, vertebral column.  It is what we call “diffuse lymphadenopathy.” And it is common in lymphoma or cancer. 
We consulted surgery for an excisional biopsy—a procedure Mr. S was not too excited about. At this point we were draining fluid from his belly every two days because the fluid was reaccumulating that quickly and causing so much pressure that he was having difficulty breathing. He had been sore at those various sites that we had drained him from, and he would make sure I knew it every time I saw him. He would loudly grumble and grunt whenever I examined his belly, even in spots that were far from the drainage site. He would roll his eyes, when I would mention that we would need to drain his belly again. It was hard for me to see him every day and tell him that we still didn’t have a diagnosis despite the fact that we were picking and prodding him like an experimental animal. We were collecting his blood, sending his belly fluid for analysis and coming back with zero answers. Now I was suggesting another invasive procedure--the biopsy. When I thought that it was probably not going to get any worse of a situation in terms of excessive testing, we got word from surgery that they didn’t want to do an excisional biopsy due to the patient’s unstable platelets, and that we would need to consult interventional radiology to do a core biopsy instead. Core biopsies are not the most helpful in a situation like possible lymphoma. But surgery was refusing to touch Mr. S, and we needed answers, so we went ahead with the core biopsy. The frustration with Mr. S was only building. Each day that we had no diagnosis and only more procedures and tests to gain consent for, the amount of distress I felt was building too. 
It was difficult—difficult to face him. But there is one thing that I realized as I visited him. He was building his trust and confidence in me despite the fact that I had not given him one solid answer to why he was sick. I was building a relationship when I would see him and ask him how he was doing, and what I could do to make him more comfortable. One day it was to plug in his cellphone to charge because he could not reach the wall socket across the room being hooked up to several IVs. Another time, it was providing ice chips because he was NPO or “nothing by mouth” for his CT scan and was so thirsty waiting to go down for his scan (one of my least favorite things to do is place that NPO order).  
One day I tracked down the nutrition delivery to get him lime Jell-o instead of vanilla pudding. I think those circumstances allowed me to get past his frustration, and even though when I finished my time on the wards he was still in the hospital—still without a diagnosis, and status post two core biopsies that were negative—he was willing to not grumble when I examined him on our last day together. Mr. S was a difficult patient, but I didn’t want him to change. He changed me for the better being exactly who he was: memorable.
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sm-baby · 3 months
Big Sister and Big Mama seem very connected, from their name to the mushroom thing. Is there a reason for that?
BUNNSY and POPURRI are sisters :3
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MR.S TICKI and THE SURGEON are sisters :3
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BIG SISTER and BIG MAMA are sisters :3
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They are TWINS, but Big mama has a shorter life span and ages quicker!
Big Sister gets hella salty cuz people confuse her as her mom, and Big Sister has a massive ego
Big Mama again emits a lot of pheromones which makes people gravitate towards her easily, so when the clones were released to society she was quickly taken in by rich people to be house and spoiled.
Those rich people where probably like constantly high cuz shes a hellucinagenic mushroom 😭
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agneskyandoru · 8 months
sonic being humiliated :
Português : Sonic sendo humilhado :
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sembers · 10 months
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I'm sick and no one is here to rub my back, but the bar vest I got from and older leather daddy on ebay came in. He has a mr.s one up on ebay too and he cleaned it too before he sent it all wrapped, a gem. I'll make a diff post for my leather jacket I got from an older motorcycle wife. But I think the grief I'm not expressing is coming for my immune system.
- a sick vampire butch, sapphosembers
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chaosprincess404 · 1 year
Thank you for the birthday gift MR.S 💗💗💗
It fits perfectly and looks so adorable!
I feel spoilt, check you messages for the secret little video 💜 🥰🥰🥰
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cup1dt3a · 2 years
You never noticed?
Summary: the students of NRC finally notice that the perfect of ramshackle is not ok. But it too late for their health worsens. So welcome to your funeral if you dare~?
⚠️Warning: angst, body horror?, self hatred, mentally unstable mindset, death You have been warned
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Your quivering jaw tightened as you scrunched your eye’s trying not to cry. Even as your airway felt as if closing you still questioned why. Why did it have to be you? Why did you have to end up here? Why didn’t anyone ever care to ask if you’re alright? Why isn’t anyone else except you concerned with getting home? You just wanted to go home. Even after everything that happened you wanted to go home badly. Pondering what your friends and family are doing. They probably think you’re dead by now for how long you’ve been gone. It’s been a year now. Since you’ve been mysteriously transported here. A year. A year of picking up after everyone. A year of helping others with their trauma and family problems. A year of getting constantly hurt with the hope of going home. But that wasn’t an option from the start. So now as you silently pour the salty oceans of your tears you soon decent to your blank dreams of emptiness. Hoping this is all just a dream for the hundredth time this year. It’s not like any of your silent cries mattered anyway.
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“ And so then Riddle told me….______? Hello? Hey!” Ace clapped snapping you out of your dazed thoughts.
“ What? Sorry I’ve just been thinking about…this homework I’ve been having trouble with.” You smiled through your white lie as you brought up the homework questions you had.
“ I would help, but I’m also clueless on the answers too.” Deuce sighed.
You were currently in the Heartslabyl lounge with the two first years just chatting and doing homework. Your eyes burned from crying then out in the morning but you paid no mind to it not wanting to worry anyone else about you. So you and the bluenett went over the questions you got right to see who was understanding what. While the troublesome red head was copying both of your answers. You paid no mind to him not wanting to deal with scolding him. Eventually seeing the time you had panicked. Due to your shift at the Monstrolounge you had rushed out the door practically forgetting your school work. The only reason you took shifts there was due to your lack of money. You needed to eat something whether it was force feeding yourself to just not eating anything.
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You panted as you burst through the door of the luxurious lounge. Looking up to see the infamous Jade Leech. His wide grin peering down onto your anxiously fidgeting form. “I am so sorry I just lost track of time! And and I.” You stuttered over your words as his eyes peered into your reddish eyes. ” You’ve been losing track of time at least 3 times ______.” He said. ” Come by the VIP room after hours Azul had been wanting to have a word with you.” He told you before walking off. Great just great you’re most definitely going to get fired.
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Just as you suspected when told to go after hours you were fired. There wasn’t really any excuse you could possibly have at all. But your alarm on your phone for some reason would always change right before it went off. Still not an excuse but you just hated that due to your misplacement of time you had gotten fired from the only job you could get. You had no ID nothing to even prove you’re a citizen anywhere. Or even an application. Not an up to date phone. But that’s what you get for not thinking ahead and setting multiple alarms. Your carelessness is the reason you got fired. Your stupid stupid selfishness of not listening to your gut cost you. Your only other option was to work for Mr.S but he’s already been giving you plenty of discounts off certain items. While you appreciated it you hated the fact that you owed him. And having him pay you made you feel even worse. Everything is just so overwhelming. And your sore throat isn’t helping either. Just as you slammed the door to the old house. Your sore throat had became worse from the dust atmosphere. So you covered your nose with the collar of your shirt. But that didn’t help either as it just suffocated you more. Gasping as you finally reached your room almost hyperventilating. Something wasn’t right. Something isn’t right at all. You’re starting to feel week, your throat is filling up with what felt like venom, and everything hurts. It hurts all to bad what’s wrong with you!?
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It was again after school hours but this time you were hanging out with Jack and Epel. Ace and Deuce had to deal with a punishment for not properly cleaning the hedgehog pens. Because they had started a fight between each other. So now you hung out with the two active first years of your group. Happy that they weren’t too rowdy. But Jack had been acting a bit strange. He had been checking up on you throughout the day it was nice but strange. Very very strange since no one really ever asked you that and it was more of you checking up on everyone. It was nice but strange. “ ______ you’ll never believe what I have to do now!” Epel ranted on about the ridiculous things Vil puts him through. It always makes you chuckle from how much he hates what his dorm leader makes him do. Along with the vice who he often comments on that the two are dating. “ But noooooo! I have to use the left fork! Why the fuck are there so many forks that have different purposes!?” He complains as you quietly chuckle. “ Quit yer laughing! After I find the person who invented all those forks I’m gonna punch you next!” He growled at you as you laughed louder at him trying to calm down. As you calmed yourself down you had noticed that Jack was gone. You asked the shorter male where he was. ” Oh yeah he’s been say’n something about this thing bothering him over there I don’t know what it is.” He shrugs pointing over to an area in the lounge. “ Well that’s weird…” you commented as he was now coming over you thought to question what he was looking at but dismissed it as nothing. Soon your hang out with the two came to an end as it was getting late. But you had finally taken Mr.S’s offer on working for him. Things were starting to look up for you after what you called a little freak out. For the night you had your freak out you just thought of it was a little panic attack from the loss of your job and building anxiety caused it. But boy you were wrong. As you once again walked into the dirty dorm you were fine. But as soon as you got to your room everything wasn’t fine. For after a few minutes of trying to clean up a bit your throat started to full with what felt like venomous poison again. You tried to hold it down but it failed for the next thing you knew you were in a coughing fit. Hazardously choking on whatever was spilled from your throat. You didn’t even have a chance to look at it due to your tearful eyes blurring everything. It was painful as you coughed the more of the venom endlessly came out of your mouth. Eventually after what felt like hours it stopped. As you stood up trying to catch your breath you finally saw what you were choking up. It was dark cold and sticky like ink. What the hell is going on with you?
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You didn’t want to even go out you could bearly even move your body the next day. But you pushed through it either way knowing that if you missed anything it would cost you. None of your friends except anyone else other than the Adeuce duo could take notes. And you just got a new job and missing the first day just because you’re sick is just repeating your old mistakes. So push forward until you collapse. Nothing could go wrong with this right. You’ve done nothing but constantly try to help others it would be selfish to stop. You didn’t want to be selfish right. No! No if no one likes you then what’s the point of even living? What’s even the point of doing things if no one would care? So throughout the day as you pushed through the sickening feeling of your insides eating you alive. But that didn’t matter no. But it was odd how everything was getting dizzy and more dazed. You were feeling less and less oxygen going into your gasping lungs. You couldn’t even stand up straight at all. Eventually it got to a point where you could do anything at all as it all went dark. The last thing you heard was the concerned voices of your friends.
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“ So they’re really gone?” Ace croaked out.
“ Sadly yes, Rosehearts and the nurses reported no pulse from _______.”
It was an agonizing day at NRC. For the Ramshackle perfect better known as _______ _______ had died. The nurses said it was from blot poisoning because of the foaming black tar that was spewed out their mouth moments before their heart finally gave up. It was oddly quiet all except for the raging thunder and lightning outside of NRC.
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Hello tysm for reading this hope your day is going well/hope it gets better if it’s not going to well!<3
This is my first angst post! I hope it lives up to your expectations. And I will gladly take any criticism on my writing so go ahead.
Sincerely-Cup1dT3a 💖💕
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Stan comes home from a successful assassination, he makes his way upstairs using the railing as the insides of his big wobbling gut slosh around as the soft tummy is filled with the slurry inside the man. Poor Stan just wants to relax in his shower and shave! That is until his pudgy son inlaw notices Stan's belly from the hallway and sneaks into the shower to talk privately with his father in law.
"So Mr.S?? Who'd you eat to get a belly like that!? I'm actually kind of like jealous of you!?"
"well if I tell you who it is I have to snap your neck and eat you too... But if you must know just a really bad man who had it coming, was hired to deal with them..."
"Woah can you teach me Mr.S how to eat people like you do!?"
"Jeff with the amount of pot you smoke you'd accidentally end up with my daughter or even someone else in the family inside your belly without fully knowing, so the answer is no"
"if I rub your belly can I learn??"
"great offer kid but no, I got Franny for that task and you'd still abuse it, now can I finish here or you gonna gawk at me a little longer??"
"oh if gawking is an option, then I choose that one!"
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